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The Test audio can

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C tive Tessts A – Answe
er 1 beard
2 cousin
K 3 mountain
4 pyjamas
5 headphonees
U 1–
–5 6 vegetables

Grammar Use
e of English
1 6
1 misses 1 different fro
2 Does he like 2 good at
3 ’m sitting 3 in hospital until
4 do you vissit 4 on New Year’s Day
5 are you ddoing 5 be honest
6 take 6 (but) I’m buusy
7 is she talkking 7 have the bill
8 doesn’t go 8 followed byy the
9 ’m not enjjoying 9 straight on
1 ’re wearinng 10
0 go on foot

1 b Listtening
2 b 7
3 a 1 c
4 c 2 a
5 a 3 c
6 b 4 b
7 c 5 c
8 b
nscript  10
9 a
1 c I’m a dinner lad dy at our villag
ge primary sch hool. That is, I
cook the schoo ol dinners. We e call it dinner, but you can
also call it luncch. I know the school really well
w because
ocabularyy m son went th
my here when he was little. He’s fourteen now w,
3 so he goes to a different sch hool, but my sister’s little boyy,
1 patient m nephew, is seven, so he goes to the scchool. It’s a
2 embarrasssed v
village school anda the childre en are aged b between four
3 tight a eleven.
4 dangerouus I have to wear an awful, bagggy, blue dresss for work and
5 unusual a white paper hat!
h I also wea ar my black tra
ainers, becausse
6 female th
hey’re more coomfortable tha
an shoes, and I have to
stand up for a long time.
7 ugly
I usually get to work at eleveen fifteen. I live
e next to the
4 oesn’t take me
school, so it do e long to get here! First, I
1 for h
have e tables in the school hall. A
to set the After that, we
2 about p
prepare the foood in the large
e kitchen. I’m always
a very
3 in b
busy. There arre 420 childrenn at the schoo ol and four
4 at h
hundred of them have schoo ol dinners! A fe ew of the
5 to c
children bring in packed lunc ches, but most of them eat
6 of o food. We have
our h to use the
e freshest veg getables and
7 on w don’t use much
we m sugar in our desserts. Because we’rre

Sollutions Third Edition

E Upperr-Intermediatee Tests 1 Cumulative Tests A – Answer Keys
The Test audio can
c be played from the Teaccher’s Resourrce Disk or yoou can use the downloaded MP3s.
in the middle of the countryyside, we have our own field
behind the scchool. We grow carrots, onions, potatoes
and lettuces, and we’re gooing to start gro
owing tomatoees
he food is mucch healthier than when my son
next year. Th s
was here.
Lunch is fromm twelve thirty to one thirty. The youngestt
children come in first. Then n, the older ch
hildren come inn,
at about quarrter to one. Affter lunch, we never throw
away the chilldren’s leftove er fruit and veggetables. We
keep it to reu
use for the fieldd. The waste isi called
‘compost’ and d it helps the vegetables
v to grow better. The
children are llearning not too waste food to oo – another
advantage off going to scho ool in the counntryside! Finally,
at twenty to ttwo we load th he dishwasherrs and I clean the
tables. I’m alwways very tireed when I get home
h at about
half past two. It’s not a longg day but we have
h to work
really hard!

1 B
2 C
3 A
4 E
5 D

Sollutions Third Edition

E Elemeentary Tests 2 Cumulative Tests A – Answer Keys
The Test audio can
c be played from the Teaccher’s Resourrce Disk or yoou can use the downloaded MP3s.
U 6–
–9 6
on the coasst
in the backgground
8 shut down the
t computerss
Grammar 9 just looking
1 10
0 like anythin
ng else
1 saw 11 camping wo ould be betterr
2 Are you ccoming / Are you
y going to co
ome 12
2 fancy climbbing / going climbing
3 ’ve just brroken 13
3 can see the e jungle
4 couldn’t 14
4 there’s a fo
orest, but
5 will have 15
5 looks as if / like
6 has alreaady given
7 hasn’t repplied
8 won’t tell
9 was 7
1 Has she m made 1 F
2 F
2 3 T
1 owed It snowe
It has sno ed
4 F
2 won’t will
5 T
3 
4 gin yet hasn’t begun
didn’t beg b yet nscript  11
5  Conv
versation 1
6 wrote writtten Speaker 1
S I don’t know how
h to get thiss student
7 ago ten yyears ten yearss ago accommodation app on my
m smartphon ne.
8 
Speaker 2
S First of all, you have to go tot the app storre
9 t go cycling / going cycling
going to ccycling going to and look for a button with h a picture of a small, yellow
1 not can go couldn’t go house on itt. Then, press a button that has ‘install’ on n
en the app and you’ll have to
it. Next, ope t enter your
ocabularyy email addre ess and a passsword. Now you y can search h
for the kind of accommod dation you’re looking for.
1 kayak Speaker 1
Thanks. nt to find a flat near the
I wan
university and
a Mikey said d this was the best way to
2 pole vaultt
get something.
3 a helmet
4 rug S
Speaker 2 Good luck!
5 bathroom
m Conv
versation 2
6 fishermenn Speaker 1
S I’ve just been to look at a ro
oom in a share
4 house.
1 check S
Speaker 2 K?
Oh, was it OK
2 social Speaker 1
S It was the worrst I’ve seen! And
A the most
3 play expensive! The living rooom was really untidy and the e
4 go kitchen wass dirty. The on
nly shelves weere in the hall.
5 plug And there wasn’t
w even a wardrobe in the bedroom!
6 daily S
Speaker 2 W
What are you going to do?
7 make Speaker 1
S I think I’ll look at the first ho
ouse again. It
8 do was the cle
eanest and the e people were the friendliestt.
9 across S
Speaker 2 How much wa
as the rent?
5 S
Speaker 1 £ per perso
£80 on per week.
1 kangaroo o
versation 3
2 snakes
3 tails Speaker 1
S I had an accid
dent in the halls of residence
4 tropical
5 sunrise S
Speaker 2 Oh no! What happened?
Speaker 1
S T lift was brroken so I had
The d to take the
stairs. I wass in a rush, so
o I started to ru
un down when n
se of Eng
glish …

Sollutions Third Edition

E Elemeentary Tests 3 Cumulative Tests A – Answer Keys
The Test audio can
c be played from the Teaccher’s Resourrce Disk or yoou can use the downloaded MP3s.
Speaker 2 Did you fall?
Speaker 1 I sure did! I fell down arou
und fifteen steps.
Look wha
at happened to o me!
Speaker 2 y break your arm? Oh no!
What? Did you
You’ve brroken your foo
Speaker 1 Yes, I have!! That’s not veery good newss for
a sports sscience studen nt, is it? I have
e to miss the next
sixteen trraining session
ns this term … I’m really upsset.

1 C
2 D
3 E
4 A
5 B

Sollutions Third Edition

E Elemeentary Tests 4 Cumulative Tests A – Answer Keys
The Test audio can
c be played from the Teaccher’s Resourrce Disk or yoou can use the downloaded MP3s.
U 1–
–9 1
with for
on at
3 will would / ’d
Grammar 4 in on
9 5 at to
1 ’ve just giiven 6 that’s soundding that soun
2 does 1 want like
3 will be / iss 2 after until
4 couldn’t 3 waving wavvy
5 has alrea ady tidied 4 by on
6 are going g to eat / ’re ea
7 ’s having
8 spoke
9 hate 15
1 Have you u seen 1 F
2 F
10 3 T
1 c
4 F
2 c
5 T
3 a
4 b
5 b
6 a
7 c
8 b
9 b
1 b

1 charger
2 sunset
3 mushroom m
4 helmet
5 pole vaultt
6 jumper
7 niece
8 valley
9 hall
1 fitness
2 suggestioon
3 descriptio
4 donation
5 informatio
1 straight
2 embarrasssed
3 long-sleevved
4 false
5 crowded
6 tropical

se of Eng

Sollutions Third Edition

E Elemeentary Tests 5 Cumulative Tests A – Answer Keys
The Test audio can
c be played from the Teaccher’s Resourrce Disk or yoou can use the downloaded MP3s.

anscript  12
Tra 2
1 Laura Hi Martin! What’s
W the mattter?
Martin I’m really dissappointed with my new
computerr. I keep gettin ng these error messages. I’vve
followed aall of the on-sccreen instructiions, but I don
know wha at I’m suppose ed to do now! I’ve turned it off
and I’ve restarted
r it, bu
ut I haven’t baccked up my work,
and I’m scared that I’m m going to losee it all!
2 Sally How’s the house-hunting Katy?
Katy I went to loo
ok at a place laast Wednesda ay
and I’ve found
f somewh here! It’s a love
ely house in a
small villaage about 7 km m from here, so s it’s very quiiet
and I’ll be
e able to see fields
f from my bedroom
window! TheT only disad dvantage is that it’s quite far
from the u university. Butt it’s cheaper than
t living in the
city, so I’m
m going to tak ke it!
3 Alexande er is a Russian n student who has a dangerrous
hobby. He e’s a ‘free clim
mber’, but you won’t find him
climbing tthe rock face ofo a mountain! Alexander an nd
his friends climb the talllest buildings in Moscow –
some of tthem are nearrly 300 metress tall. And theyy
don’t use ropes or safe ety equipment!!
4 Hi Mum! I went online last night and I discovered that
your granndfather, so that’s my great--grandfather, was
born in 19921 in North America,
A and they
t moved too
this contin
nent when he was five! And d your great-unncle
was an engineer who designed
d bridg
5 Hey Dad!! Don’t throw those
t carrots and
a onions aw way!
Or that beeef! I’m going to make a sou up with them
tomorroww. I’ve got a few
w red pepperss here, and we e
can use that old bread to make crouttons – you kno ow,
to put on top of the souup … It’ll be de
elicious! We
really havve to stop wassting so much food!

1 B
2 D
3 A
4 E
5 C

Sollutions Third Edition

E Elemeentary Tests 6 Cumulative Tests A – Answer Keys

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