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Overview of Common Spending Plan Systems

At Moneywise we understand that choosing a spending plan system is difficult. With so many
options available, how do you choose one that is right for you? The table leaders of Moneywise
have worked together to compile a list of common systems along with details of each to help
you learn more about available products and to (hopefully!) help make the process less
cumbersome. This is by no means a complete and exhaustive list of the options available and
we’re certainly not getting paid by these companies to review them. These are the systems that
we personally use and they have helped change the way we steward our money. You’ll
probably find that your table leader is passionate about whichever system they use-but that
doesn't necessarily mean it’s the right fit for you! Spend some time thinking about the features
you’re looking for and reviewing our overview chart. If you want more details on any particular
system refer to the detailed review in the pages below. Each review was written by a table
leader here at Watermark who personally uses that system. You’ll probably hear their passion
about having a spending plan coming through in their reviews. If sounding passionate about a
spending plan sounds weird to you, we hope that you’ll push through anyway. We’ve each
experienced the freedom that comes with consistently using a system. What peace there is in
knowing that the bills can all be paid and that unexpected expenses won’t crush us! It was a
long journey for many of us, but we hope that by finding a system that is right for you it will make
the process one step easier. If you have any questions please let your table leaders know.

Feature Overview Chart – Comparing Common Systems 2
EveryDollar 3
Mint 5
Paper 7
Quicken 9
Spreadsheet 11
You Need A Budget (YNAB) 13

Common Spending Plan Systems

You Need A Budget (YNAB)

EveryDollar Basic

Quicken Premier
EveryDollar Plus

Quicken Starter

Quicken Deluxe

Free ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
✔ ✔ ✔

One Time Fee

Subscription ✔ ✔
Free Trail Available ✔ ✔
Beginners ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Ideal Users:

Advanced ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Tech Savvy ✔ ✔ ✔
Prefer Paper and Pen ✔
Detail Oriented ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Can Grow into Advanced Features ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Debt Reduction Plan Included ✔ ✔ ✔
Suggested Set-Up Categories ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Mobile App Available ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Mobile App Syncs Data ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Sync with Bank Accounts ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Sync Transactions with Credit Cards ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
✔ ✔

Sync with Retirement/Mortgage Accounts

Not Dependent on Technology ✔
Not Internet Based - Increased Security ✔ ✔
Minimal Set-Up Time Required ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Split Transactions Possible ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Unlimited Budget Categories ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Credit Card Management Feature ✔
Balance and Spending Alerts ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Budgeting Classes or Book Support
Increased Set-Up Time Required ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Labor Intensive to Input Transactions ✔

Must Routinely Input Transactions ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

Initial Budget Must Be Done on Computer ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Automatic Categorization Isn't 100% Logical ✔
No Automated Categorization for Syncs ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Reporting Unavailable ✔
✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

Advanced Reports ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Graphical Reports Available ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Trending Reports Over Time ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Password Protect Options - PC ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

Password Protect Options - App ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

Encrypted Website and Transactions ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Not Internet Based - Increased Security ✔ ✔
Overview of System:
This is Dave Ramsey’s app. There are three basic modules:
1. Budget
2. Baby Steps- track your progress through Dave’s 7 baby steps to a healthy budget
1.) Save $1,000 for a basic emergency fund
2.) Pay off debt using the debt snowball
3.) Establish a 3-6 month emergency fund
4.) Save 15% for retirement
5.) Save for children’s college
6.) Pay off your home
7.) Build wealth and increase giving
3. ELP module- referral tool to people providing various financial services
Cost: There are two versions of EveryDollar, Basic and Plus. EveryDollar Basic is free.
EveryDollar Plus allows you to link your bank accounts to the program (where available) and
costs $99/year.
- Relatively easy to set up. The claim is that you can set up a budget in less than 10
minutes and for most people this is accurate
- It’s easy to edit and the user interface isn’t intimidating
- Robust help center that covers most every topic related to the application with step-by-
step instructions, screen shots, and videos
- Having the application on your phone makes it easy to assign expenses at home or out
of the house
- You can split expenses between as many categories as you want or even assign an
expense to a prior or future period if the need arises
- It’s easy to view planned, spent, and remaining amounts on the mobile app as well as on
the computer
- Unlimited categories and these can be changed from month to month if necessary
- You have to set up your initial budget on a computer, this cannot be done from your
mobile phone
- Linking your bank accounts is a useful tool but it comes with a price tag of $99 per year
- The reporting functions are very basic and can only be run for one month at a time (i.e.
no year-to-date, quarterly, or year-over-year reporting to track spending trends)
Website Links:
Training Videos:
Smart Phone App Available: Yes
Security Issues: There are no known security issues with the website and it is a secure site. As
with any internet application there is the inherent possibility of security risks with internet-based

Sync with Bank Accounts & Credit Cards: Available for EveryDollar Plus.
Report Options: Limited reporting options. Mainly pie charts breaking down where your money
is going by category. It does track progress along Dave Ramsey’s baby steps, assuming you’re
following his plan.
Ideal Users: Truly this is ideal for users of all levels. I have an accounting/finance background
and while I use Excel to ‘model’ and graphically represent the family spending plan we use
Every Dollar to implement our plans. It’s easy to use and therefore easy to stay on top of the
management of our resources. Anyone could use this app.

Overview of System:
Mint is a highly automated personal finance tracking system that integrates with all major banks
and financial institutions. It’s also quick and simple to set up and get started. Mint has helpful
tutorials and excellent controls as well as useful advertisements. In 2009, Mint was acquired by
Intuit, the makers of Quicken and TurboTax.
Cost: Free
- Easy to set up
- Day-to-day use is straightforward and makes it easy to maintain your accounts
- Visually appealing design, nice web 2.0 design with pleasing colors
- Simple yet effective tabs structure. They keep it simple, but the options they give you are
very useful.
- Graphs and Charts: visually appealing graphs and charts that give you eye opening
- Balance and spending alerts, keeps you up to date on what money is coming in or out
- Ways to Save alerts, while these aren’t always overly useful some of them can provide
savings and it keeps you thinking about ideas to manage your money more efficiently
- Automatic categorization of imported transactions doesn’t always assign the expense to a
logical category
- Some of the ways to save alerts are not worth the time (i.e. tells you to switch to an account
with the same bank for minimal savings).
Website Links:
Training Videos:
Smart Phone App Available: Yes
Security Issues:
As with any internet application there is the potential for security risks with internet based
transactions but Mint is a secure website and to date there has not been a security issue.
Sync with Bank Accounts & Credit Cards: Available
Report Options:
There are several report options available directly from the interface such as spending, income,
net income, assets, debt, and net worth.
Ideal Users:
Anyone who is comfortable with using web interfaces, smartphone apps, and anyone who wants
everything updated automatically rather than importing data. With solid reporting options and
minimal set-up effort (although every spending plan requires effort!) it’s a great option for many

Paper System
Overview of System: Fill out the blank spending plan form with your income and expenses.
Income minus expenses should equal zero.
Cost: Free
- Not dependent on technology. If your computer crashes - no problem!
- Free and simple
- You do all of the math
- Manual records may take longer
- You have to keep track of the paper
Website Link:
Training Videos: None Available
Smart Phone App Available: None Available
Security Issues: No links to bank accounts or credit cards - no risk of hackers stealing your data.
Sync with Bank Accounts & Credit Cards: No
Report Options:
Ideal Users: Anyone who wants to work with pen and paper instead of technology (computers,
phone apps, links to bank accounts) to create their spending plan.


Overview of System:
Quicken is a money management system to help you organize your accounts, track spending,
create a spending plan, manage debt, and pay bills. One of Quicken’s most unique features is
that there are three levels of complexity available:
Starter Edition 2016:
- See, track, and pay bills in one place
- Shows bank/credit card balances
- Imports bank transactions securely
- Puts spending into categories as well as projecting income and expenses
- Reminds you when bills are due
- Sends text/email alerts
- Syncs with free mobile app
- Snap and store receipts
- Free credit score
Deluxe 2016:
All features of starter kit plus:
- Shows all financial accounts
- Helps you save for house/college
- Helps you plan for retirement
Premier 2016: (for very advanced users)
All features of Deluxe plus:
- Portfolio X-Ray
- Shows performance vs. the market
- Helps with buy/sell decisions
- Tracks cost basis and capital gains
Starter Edition: $40 for Windows (box or download), $55 for Mac; Deluxe Edition: $75 for
Windows (box or download); Premier Edition: $105 for Windows
- Very flexible, good for beginners or advanced users
- Can grow into the different features and can use this for years to come
- Helps to create a budget and debt reduction plan
- If you’re not in debt, the tools and alerts of Quicken can help you determine where
spending occurs and where spending reduction may be possible
- Requires some time (approximately 30-60 minutes) to set up categories, bank information, and
credit card information.
Website Links:
Training Videos:
Support button with step-by-step instructions and pictures on how to get started and set up your
accounts. There is also a Quicken phone support option. Finally, there are YouTube videos

available that help show how to prepare your Quicken categories.
Smart Phone App Available: Yes
Security Issues:
Quicken has the option to password protect your Quicken program on your computer. As with
any internet application there are potential security risks with downloading information from
credit card accounts of bank accounts but you do not have to use this feature. You can
manually enter the information from your bank statement if you prefer.
There are no known security issues with the website and it is a secure site. As with any internet
application there are inherent security risks with internet-based transactions.
Sync with Bank Accounts & Credit Cards: Available
Report Options:
Quicken has a multitude of report options. You can prepare a monthly report, annual report,
customize date ranges, customize categories over date ranges, etc. Reports can be either
graphical or numerical.
Ideal Users:
Everyone who wants to track their money and spending! It is for the beginner or the advanced
investor. It is for those in debt or those who are not in debt but want to track their spending to
make smart financial choices. It is a flexible program with many options, but the information
won’t be helpful unless you routinely update your spending information (which is true for all
systems). This can be tedious and if you don’t do it frequently, it can be extra time consuming to
get it up to date (again, true for all systems). Quicken is best used by people who are motivated
to maintain accurate financial information and who are detail-oriented to categorize consistently.

Overview of System:
The spreadsheet is similar to other forms of spending plan systems except that it is usually done
in Excel or in Google Spreadsheets if you don’t have Microsoft Office. It’s highly customizable
and many internet resources are available including downloadable spreadsheets as well as
online tutorials. For people who have a working knowledge of spreadsheets the options for
customization are endless. It’s a great way to monitor and track expenditures without paying for
an additional service. Excel’s graphing features makes visualizing your spending plan in
graphical format a breeze.
Cost: Free! If you don’t have Microsoft Office, use Google Spreadsheets which is free.
- Free
- Secure, you can put this on the cloud for mobile access but it can also be put on your
desktop for ultimate security
- Forces you to mentally process each transaction. If you don’t stop reconciling,
transactions won’t slip by
- Customization, change the format and categories to exactly what you want. See the
sample images on the next page for an example of the variety you can create!
- Does not sync with your bank accounts or credit cards
- Does not have a mobile app unless you count Excel/spreadsheet apps, these can be
very difficult to use for inputting data
- Labor intensive, you must enter each transaction. The manual labor side can be reduced
by use of other programs and your spreadsheet can house your overall data
Website Links: There is not one web destination per say. Try Googling “Using a Spreadsheet to
Budget” and 20 + million results are available to you!
Training Videos: Search “Using Spreadsheets to Budget” in YouTube and many helpful
informational videos are available.
Smart Phone App Available: No
Security Issues: There are no security issues with a spreadsheet unless you store your
document on the cloud then the inherent risk of internet security is present.
Sync with Bank Accounts & Credit Cards: Not Available
Report Options:
There are incredible numbers of reporting options if you are familiar with Excel and Excel add-
ons. These can be customized and tailored to your specific needs because you create them.
Ideal Users:
Spreadsheet spending plans are best for people who like Excel and spreadsheets! This works
well with the cash envelope system. Spreadsheets are especially popular among “numbers
people” who like to have raw data to manipulate and represent as the need arises.

You Need A Budget (YNAB)

Overview of System:
You Need a Budget (called Y-NAB by users) is a money management system that offers a
spreadsheet like approach with the ease and convenience of automatic syncing with credit
cards and bank accounts. It retains the benefits of spreadsheets (highly customizable reporting
options) and combines it with an ease of use and an excellent mobile app that allows you to
input transactions as they happen so that there’s no receipts to input later!
Cost: $5 per month or $50 per year
- Modern user interface
- Excellent phone application syncs with other account holders instantly (i.e. spouse,
accountability partner, etc.)
- Detailed and highly customizable reporting
- Syncs with most major financial organizations
- Detailed online classes to help support knowledge of program and to keep you learning
financial principles

- While day-to-day use of YNAB is easy, the initial setup can be challenging and more time
consuming than other programs.
- Transactions from your credit card do not automatically get categorized. This can be a
negative (you have to actually enter the category) but it can also be good because it allows you
to know that every transaction is accurate (i.e. Did you really buy groceries at Kroger or were
you buying birthday cards and cat food?)
Website Links:
Training Videos:
Smart Phone App Available: Yes
Security Issues:
This is a secure website and we were unable to find any reported security issues. As with any
internet application there are inherent risks with internet-based transactions.
Sync with Bank Accounts & Credit Cards: Available
Report Options:
YNAB has several different report options, some are pre-created and you can just change the
date range you want to see. If you want more unique and customized reports based only on
specific categories or comparing categories over various date ranges you can make those as
well. Remember, it keeps the reporting functionality of a spreadsheet system!
Ideal Users:
You Need a Budget (YNAB) is a great option for anybody who is looking to create a spending
plan. If you want to set, monitor, and achieve financial goals or to stop living paycheck-to-
paycheck consider YNAB. You’ll have access to financial success tools in addition to real-time
budget and reporting capabilities. YNAB also has great tools to help you pay down your debt
with progress tracking charts.


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