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ISS User’s Guide-Release 2.

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Table of Contents
Table of Contents ..........................................................................................................................................2
List of Figures ................................................................................................................................................3
List of Tables .................................................................................................................................................3
1. Introduction .....................................................................................................................................5
1.1 Document Purpose and Structure...................................................................................................6
1.2 ISS History and Overview ...............................................................................................................6
1.3 NASA Research Coordination and Advisory Committees ..............................................................7
2. ISS Development ............................................................................................................................7
2.1 Assembly Sequence .......................................................................................................................7
2.2 Build-up of Resources and Early Utilization....................................................................................8
3. ISS Research Elements..................................................................................................................8
3.1 A Module Named “Destiny”: The U.S. Laboratory Module .............................................................9
3.2 U.S. Centrifuge Accommodation Module (CAM) ..........................................................................10
3.3 U.S. Integrated Truss Attachments ...............................................................................................10
3.4 Japanese Experiment Module (JEM)............................................................................................11
3.5 Columbus Module .........................................................................................................................12
3.6 Russian Segment..........................................................................................................................12
4. The ISS Environment....................................................................................................................12
4.1 Orbital Parameters and Modes of Operation ................................................................................12
4.2 Microgravity ...................................................................................................................................14
4.2.1 Quasi-steady Requirements .........................................................................................................14
4.2.2 Vibratory Requirements ................................................................................................................15
4.2.3 Microgravity Acceleration Measurement.......................................................................................16
4.3 Internal Environment Control and Monitoring ...............................................................................16
4.4 External Environment Control and Monitoring ..............................................................................16
5. Accommodations for Research on ISS.........................................................................................16
5.1 Resource Allocation ......................................................................................................................16
5.2 Station-wide Resources ................................................................................................................17
5.2.1 Power ............................................................................................................................................17
5.2.2 Payload Data Handling and Communication ................................................................................17
5.2.3 Thermal Management...................................................................................................................18
5.2.4 Payload Stowage ..........................................................................................................................18
5.2.5 Crew Resources ...........................................................................................................................18
5.2.6 Crew Health Care System ............................................................................................................19
5.3 Generic NASA Accommodations for Research Payloads ............................................................19
5.3.1 International Standard Payload Rack ...........................................................................................19
5.3.2 Active Rack Isolation System........................................................................................................21
5.3.3 Sub-Rack Accommodations and EXPRESS Rack .......................................................................21
5.3.4 Nadir Research Window ...............................................................................................................22
5.3.5 Laboratory and Station Support Equipment..................................................................................23
5.3.6 U.S. Truss Site Payload Accommodations and EXPRESS Pallet................................................24
5.3.7 JEM and Columbus Exposed Facility Payload Accommodations ................................................25
5.4 Multi-User Facilities: The Facility-Class Payload Concept ...........................................................26
5.4.1 Human Research Facility..............................................................................................................28
5.4.2 Gravitational Biology Facility.........................................................................................................28
5.4.3 Biotechnology Research Facility...................................................................................................29
5.4.4 Fluids And Combustion Facility.....................................................................................................30
5.4.5 Microgravity Sciences Glovebox...................................................................................................30
5.4.6 Materials Science Research Facility.............................................................................................31
5.4.7 Window Observational Research Facility .....................................................................................31
5.4.8 X-Ray Crystallography Facility......................................................................................................32
5.4.9 Advanced Human Support Technology Facility............................................................................32
ISS User’s Guide-Release 2.0 3

5.4.10 Low-Temperature Microgravity Physics Facility ...........................................................................32

5.5 International Partner Research Accommodations ........................................................................33
5.5.1 ESA Accommodations ..................................................................................................................33
5.5.2 NASDA Accommodations .............................................................................................................34
6. Payload Operations ......................................................................................................................35
6.1 User Autonomy..............................................................................................................................35
6.2 Payload Ground Command and Control.......................................................................................36
6.3 Operational Flexibility....................................................................................................................36
7. Getting On Board: NASA Research and ISS................................................................................36
7.1 Life Sciences .................................................................................................................................37
7.2 Microgravity Sciences ...................................................................................................................37
7.2.1 Microgravity Science Experiment Selection..................................................................................37
7.2.2 Microgravity Sciences Experiment Definition and Development ..................................................38
7.3 Space Sciences ............................................................................................................................38
7.4 Earth Sciences ..............................................................................................................................38
7.5 Engineering Research and Technology........................................................................................39
7.6 Commercial Payloads ...................................................................................................................39
Appendix A. Related Documents.................................................................................................................40
Appendix B. Related Websites ....................................................................................................................41
Appendix C. Station Assembly Flights.........................................................................................................44
Appendix D. Commercial Space Centers ....................................................................................................46
Appendix E. Acronym List ...........................................................................................................................48

List of Figures
3.-1. ISS Assembly Complete configuration ...........................................................................................8
3.-2. ISS Module and ISPR geometry .....................................................................................................9
3.1-1. U.S. Laboratory module (“Destiny”) views ....................................................................................10
3.2-1. Centrifuge Accommodation Module..............................................................................................10
3.3-1. U.S Exposed-Payload Attachment Sites on Starboard Truss ......................................................11
3.4-1. Japanese Experiment Module (Kibo)............................................................................................11
3.5-1. Columbus Orbital Facility ..............................................................................................................12
4.1-1. ISS orbital inclination and groundtrack .........................................................................................13
4.1-2. Space Station Reference Coordinate System ..............................................................................13
4.2.1-1. ISS quasi-steady microgravity environment .................................................................................15
4.2.2-1. ISS vibratory microgravity requirements.......................................................................................15
5.3-1. (a) ARIS components attached to an ISPR; (b) EXPRESS rack with 8 Mid-Deck Lockers .........21
5.3.4-1. Nadir Window Cross-Sectional View ............................................................................................22
5.3.6-1. EXPRESS Pallet ...........................................................................................................................24
5.3.6-2. EXPRESS Pallet Adapter (ExPA) Payload Envelope...................................................................25
5.3.7-1. JEM-EF Configuration and JEM-EF Experiment Payload-Attached Locations ............................25
5.4-1. HRF Rack 1...................................................................................................................................28
5.4.2-1. GBF centrifuge ..............................................................................................................................29

List of Tables
3.-1. ISS Research Module Data ............................................................................................................9
4.1-1. ISS Modes of Operation................................................................................................................14
5.1-1. ISS Partner Allocation...................................................................................................................17
5.3.5-1 Laboratory and Station Support Equipment..................................................................................23
5.3.6-1. U.S. Attached Payload Resource Accommodations ....................................................................24
ISS User’s Guide-Release 2.0 4

5.3.7-1. Non-U.S. International Partner Attached Payload Resource Accommodations...........................26

5.4-1. ISS Facility-Class Payloads ..........................................................................................................27
ISS User’s Guide-Release 2.0 5

International Space Station User’s Guide

11.. IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn concepts about the universe. The utilization of the

ISS for creating knowledge and technology is an en-
terprise that not only requires the construction of a

ssembly of the International Space Station
safe and viable orbiting laboratory, but also requires
(ISS) began in late 1998 and will continue
that ISS Users provide the best complement of re-
until completion sometime around the year
search and technology payloads possible for flight on
2004. During its assembly and over its nomi-
the ISS. The ISS Users, as defined in this document,
nal 10-year lifetime, the ISS will serve as an orbital
comprise any and all members of the diverse com-
platform for the United States and its International
munity of scientific, engineering , technical and
Partners to make advances in microgravity, space,
commercial organizations and individuals whose
life, and earth sciences, as well as in engineering re-
objectives may benefit from use of the ISS. The ISS
search and technology and commercial product de-
Program realizes that ISS Users already associated
velopment. All of these activities will aid in under-
with the program and, more importantly, Users who
standing the basic biological, chemical, and physical
may potentially be interested in using ISS in the fu-
processes that affect our daily lives, our home planet,
ture, need an information source that is directed spe-
our exploration of space, and our most fundamental
cifically at the working research community. The
ISS User’s Guide-Release 2.0 6

International Space Station User’s Guide was de- 1.2 ISS History and Overview
signed and developed to be this source.
In his State of the
Union Message to
1.1 Document Purpose and Structure
Congress in January
The International Space Station User’s Guide is an 1984, President
introductory guide to the research capabilities of the Ronald Reagan
ISS. It is designed to provide a top-level overview of officially established
the ISS research program, the available research the goal of developing
hardware on ISS, and the necessary steps for getting a permanently
experiments on board the Station. By reading the inhabited station in
User’s Guide, the external researcher should be able orbit. Invitations were issued to Canada, Europe and
to determine whether the ISS might be a viable plat- Japan to join in the effort and agreements with the
form for their research, where in the NASA research Canadian Space Agency (CSA) and the European
organization they might fit, and how to go about get- Space Agency (ESA) were reached in September
ting into the ISS research program. 1988, and with the Government of Japan in March
1989. A rapidly expanding cooperative relationship
By outlining the Station operational parameters and in human spaceflight between the U.S. and Russia
hardware that working researchers may use to ac-
resulted in several agreements that ultimately led to
complish their objectives, the Guide is the practical
the incorporation of Russia into the International
accompaniment to the NASA Research Plan Over-
Space Station program in December of 1993. The
view and Executive Summary. The Overview and Ex-
Russian addition resulted in several design modifica-
ecutive Summary describe, in layperson terms, the tions that are now part of the present ISS configura-
rationale, likely content, and anticipated benefits of a tion.
variety of research fields for the ISS. An additional
document, the Science and Technology Research Today, the structure of the ISS Program as a coop-
Directions for the International Space Station, out- erative international effort is based on a multi-lateral
lines the major research topics and thematic research Intergovernmental Agreement between all of the in-
questions that ISS will address in the area of Life and volved governments, and on bilateral Memoranda of
Microgravity sciences. Further descriptions of ISS Understanding between NASA and the International
systems and procedures appear in the ISS Familiari- Partner (IP) space agencies that represent these gov-
zation Manual, a NASA training document at a tech- ernments. The management structure spelled out in
nical level suitable for potential ISS researchers. The these agreements specifies that each of the IPs will
latter two documents are available to the public via make certain hardware contributions and have certain
the Internet, see Appendix A-Related Documents. responsibilities inside a framework in which the U.S.
Other documents that relate to the Guide are also has leading management and integration roles. Com-
compiled in Appendix A. plicating the picture is the possibility for bilateral
“barter” agreements, in which two partners make
In Appendix B-Related Websites, an outline of the
trades based on their respective capabilities.
Guide’s subject headings are mapped against the pre-
sent structure of ISS-related websites associated with Although the ISS Program has some similar aspects
NASA and its International Partners. This map is to large engineering testbed or “big science” projects
intended to largely supplant citation of websites with which a working researcher may be familiar
within the body of the Guide, although the Guide text from their own particular fields, it has other aspects
does contain some references to sites with particu- that make it unique. Unlike a particle accelerator or
larly relevant supplemental information. multi-user astronomical telescope facility, the ISS is
designed to meet a number of human goals in the
areas of exploration and international relations that
augment its goals for research per se. This multi-
faceted aspect of ISS results in a complex program
structure that is outlined as follows.
Whereas the overall management responsibility for
NASA resides with the NASA Administrator and
Associate Administrators at NASA Headquarters
(HQ) in Washington, D.C., day-to-day management
ISS User’s Guide-Release 2.0 7

of a major NASA project such as the ISS is usually Twice each year, in the winter and summer, the full
handled at one of the many NASA field centers dis- SSUAS meets with ISS Program representatives for
tributed across the U.S. These so-called Lead Centers briefings on a variety of topics. A smaller group of
then distribute tasks to contractors or other NASA SSUAS members also meet with ISS Program repre-
centers as needed. For ISS the lead Center is NASA sentatives each month. The SSUAS evaluates infor-
Johnson Space Center (JSC) in Houston, TX. At JSC mation it receives in these briefings, makes findings
the ISS Program is managed by the Space Station and issues recommendations to ACISS and the ISS
Program Office (SSPO, NASA Johnson Space Cen- Program. These findings and recommendations have
ter, Mail Code OA, Houston, TX, 77058). a great influence on ISS development, especially in
regard to the optimization of research capability.
To handle its broad range of responsibilities, the
SSPO is in turn sub-divided into several offices that The internal NASA team that supports ISS research
include the Vehicle office (Mail Code OB), which utilization is comprised of various organizations,
oversees vehicle construction and assembly, and Pay- each of which contributes in a coordinated way to
loads (Mail Code OZ), which is in charge of devel- meeting the needs of the research community. The
opment and integration of payloads. research capabilities of the ISS are formally managed
by incorporating the needs of the research community
For the ISS User who wants to pursue research on the
into the ISS technical requirements that the SSPO has
Station, the SSPO can play an informational role ini-
direct responsibility for and the prime contractor,
tially. It does not, however, come into direct in-
Boeing, is obligated to meet. To this end the SSPO
volvement until a User’s project is funded, authorized
maintains civil service and contractor staff whose
for flight, and under development. Actual selection
sole purpose is to manage the science requirements
and funding of ISS research is the responsibility of
and interact with NASA science and research organi-
science, engineering and commercialization program
zations, as well as external advisory committees, to
offices at NASA Headquarters. These program of-
achieve research utilization of the Space Station that
fices are organizationally separate within NASA
is as broad as possible.
from the SSPO. They are responsible for all of
NASA research, not just investigations to be done on
the ISS. It is these Headquarters programs that will in SS
22.. IIS SD meenntt
most cases be the first point of contact between a
potential ISS User and the ISS program. Further in-
formation on these programs is covered below in 2.1 Assembly Sequence
Section 7 - Getting on Board.
ISS development is progressing through three desig-
nated phases. ISS Phase I took place before assembly
1.3 NASA Research Coordination and Advi- and consisted of a series of cooperative research
sory Committees flights between the United States and the ISS part-
ners. Most notably, this involved a series of rendez-
ISS research is coordinated through NASA internal
vous flights between the Space Shuttle and the Rus-
organizations as well as through external advisory
sian space station Mir, cosmonaut flights on the
councils and committees whose purpose is to aid
Space Shuttle, and U.S. astronaut stays and research
NASA’s decision-making in a variety of long term
on Mir. In ISS Phase II, the knowledge gained from
and short term areas. The councils and committees
Phase I operations is applied to the on-orbit assembly
are generally drawn from academia, government and
of the ISS. ISS Phase II concludes with the successful
industry. The highest NASA advisory group is the
assembly of the U.S. and Russian components of the
NASA Advisory Council (NAC). The NAC, its
ISS that are necessary to begin Station research. ISS
committees and subcommittees provide their advice
Phase III development consists of the final research
and counsel directly to the NASA Administrator.
outfitting of the ISS, as the European, Japanese, and
Among its seven standing committees the NAC in-
Canadian elements are transported to orbit and the
cludes the Advisory Committee on the Interna-
Station becomes fully operational.
tional Space Station (ACISS), which answers to the
NASA Office of Space Flight. There is a particularly Contained within Development Phases II and III are
important subcommittee called the Space Station steps in the overall ISS Assembly Sequence. The
Utilization Advisory Subcommittee (SSUAS). The Sequence lists events in the assembly of ISS, based
membership of SSUAS consists of 10 to 15 individu- on the flights bringing elements, personnel and
als drawn from academia, industry, and government. equipment to the Station. The flights may be on the
ISS User’s Guide-Release 2.0 8

Truss Attached Payload Sites z

U.S. Lab “Destiny”


Columbus Module
JEM “Kibo”

Figure 3.-1 ISS Assembly Complete configuration

U.S. Shuttle (STS), or Russian crewed (Soyuz) and are in turn constructed from one or more functional
un-crewed (Service Module, Progress) vehicles. The elements that include modules, nodes, truss struc-
Assembly Sequence is considered a working sched- tures, solar arrays, and thermal radiators. Modules are
ule and subject to adjustment as programmatic needs pressurized cylinders that will provide most of the
arise. For this reason the Guide provides only a se- habitable space on board the Station. They may con-
quential list of Assembly flights, minus flight dates, tain research facilities, living quarters, and any vehi-
as a conceptual guide to the reader in Appendix C. cle operational systems and equipment to which the
For the full ISS Assembly Sequence the reader is astronauts may need access. Nodes connect modules
referred to the ISS Assembly website (Appendix B). to each other and offer external Station access for
purposes such as docking, ExtraVehicular Activity
(EVA) access, and unpressurized payload access.
2.2 Build-up of Resources and Early Utiliza- Trusses are erector-set-like girders that link the mod-
tion ules with the main solar power arrays and thermal
On-orbit assembly of ISS will take about five years. radiators. Together, the truss elements form the Inte-
Because this is a lengthy time to wait to begin re- grated Truss Structure. Solar arrays collect solar en-
search activities, so-called Early Utilization of the ergy and convert it into electricity for the operation of
ISS will begin at flight 5A.1, during the Assembly the Station and its payloads. Thermal radiators radi-
phase. The sequence of availability of resources for ate excess thermal energy into space.
the conduct of research prior to Assembly Complete
The configuration of ISS at Assembly Complete is
is complex and fluid making it impractical to specify
shown in Figure 3.-1. ISS research requiring pressur-
the resource availability sequence as part of the
ized conditions will be conducted primarily in the
Guide. For this reason, the Guide is organized around U.S. Laboratory Destiny, the European Columbus
a depiction of ISS capabilities and resources as they module, the Japanese Experiment Module (JEM)
will exist at Assembly Complete. Information on pre-
Kibo, and the U.S.-contributed Centrifuge Accom-
Assembly Complete resources is, however, available
modation Module, or CAM. Designs and plans for
through the SSPO for individuals that need it.
additional research modules contributed by the Rus-
sian Space Agency (RSA) are not yet finalized.
33.. IIS
Reesseeaarrcchh E
meennttss Basic data such as length, diameter and mass for the
ISS research modules are summarized in Table 3.-1.

T he ISS is divided into segments that are de- The interior of all of the research modules, like the
fined in most cases along the lines of respon- ISS interior as a whole, will be a “shirt-sleeve” envi-
sibility of the International Partners. Segments ronment, with an oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere and
ISS User’s Guide-Release 2.0 9

national Standard Payload Racks (ISPRs). These

Table 3.-1. ISS Research Module Data racks, which are approximately the size of a large
refrigerator, are designed to be extremely versatile
with respect to the type and configuration of equip-

Columbus Module
U.S. Lab, Destiny
ment they can accommodate. A diagram of the basic


ISPR geometry and its relation to a module is shown
in Figure 3.-2. Table 3.-1 lists the total number of
ISPR locations for each module.
The backs of the ISPRs have a radius of curvature
just slightly less than the modules to efficiently fill all
Length, exterior, 8.8 8.3 6.5 11.2
available space. The resulting module cross-sectional
m [ft] [28.8] [27.1] [21.5] [36.8]
geometry has the racks arranged in quadrants around
Length, minus
7.7 7.75 5.0 8.9 an interior workspace with a square cross-section
end cones,
[25.2] [25.3] [16.4] [29.1] (Figure 3.-2). The workspace is in turn lined with
m [ft]
racks along all four “walls” with the number of racks
Diameter, exte- 4.4 4.4 4.5 5.0 depending on the length of the module (Fig. 3.-2,
rior, m [ft] [14.6] [14.6] [14.8] [16.2] Table 3.-1). Additional details on ISPR design are
covered in Section 5.3.1. The rack system used in the
Mass, on orbit 26,771 14,352 16,568 43,566 Russian segment modules is presently under design.
AC2, kg [lbm] [58,896] [31,574] [36,449] [95,845]

Rack locations
6 4 4 6
along length
Total rack loca-
24 15 16 23
Research racks,
13 4 10 10
total number
Research racks,
13 4 5 5
U.S. share
1Dimension and mass data from International Space Station On-

Orbit Assembly, Modeling, and Mass Properties Data Book, Rev.

J, August 1999
2Assembly complete (AC), includes full systems complement

(including robotic arms, attached payload sites etc.)

temperature and humidity conditions similar to Earth- Figure 3.-2. ISS module
bound laboratories. Experiments within the research and ISPR geometry
modules will have access to power, cooling, commu-
nication, vacuum, exhaust, gaseous nitrogen and mi-
crogravity measurement resources. Details on all of
these are described below in Section 5 - 3.1 A Module Named “Destiny”: The U.S.
Accommodations for Research. Laboratory Module
For investigations wishing to have experiments ex- The U.S. Lab, named Destiny, is the module where a
posed to space, various attachment sites are provided significant portion of the pressurized U.S. research
at ISS exterior locations, including the starboard side will take place. Several exterior views are shown in
of the ISS truss (Fig. 3.-1), the JEM Exposed Facility Figure 3.1-1. Destiny will have internal interfaces to
(JEM-EF), and the end-cone of the Columbus mod- accommodate the resource requirements of 24
ule. Section 5 also provides details on the payload equipment racks. Thirteen of these are ISPR research
accommodations at these locations. racks and the rest are for other uses, such as control-
ling ISS systems. Destiny will be the first research
Within the U.S., European and Japanese laboratory module installed on the Station (see Appendix C-
modules, the internal space allocated for payloads is Station Assembly Flights) and as such will be the site
configured around a system of uniformly-sized (with of the earliest research projects. The side of Destiny
some slight variations) equipment racks called Inter- that faces Earth for the majority of possible ISS flight
ISS User’s Guide-Release 2.0 10

Figure 3.1-1. U.S. Laboratory module (“Destiny”) views

As shown in Figure 3.2-1, it houses a 2.5 m (8.2 ft)
diameter centrifuge, which is the essential component
of a larger complement of research equipment dedi-
cated to gravitational biology. The complement will
include a Life Sciences Glovebox, two Habitat Hold-
ing Racks and a Cryo-Freezer. In addition, 9 loca-
tions are provided for passive stowage racks; one for
a passive service system rack for gravitational biol-
ogy research, and the other 8 to be allocated for all
Users’ passive stowage as required on a mission-to-
mission basis.

3.3 U.S. Integrated Truss Attachments

There are four dedicated sites on the starboard side of
the ISS truss where external payloads can be at-
tached. The general location of these attach points is
indicated in Figure 3.-1 and a more detailed view,
Figure 3.2-1. Centrifuge Accommoda- with the actual attach points indicated by arrows, is
tions Module (CAM) provided in Figure 3.3-1. There are two attach points
on the nadir, or Earth-facing, side of the truss, and
attitudes contains a circular window of very high two on the opposite, or zenith, side of the truss.
optical quality design. In the module interior this Physically the attach points consist of a system of
window will be located beneath a single rack location three guide vanes and a capture latch used to secure
where the Window Observational Research Facility the payload, as well as an umbilical assembly to mate
(WORF, see Section 5.4.7) will reside. utilities and connections. For illustration purposes on
the two zenith attach points Figure 3.3-1 depicts a
single truss-site payload of larger size next to a
3.2 U.S. Centrifuge Accommodation Module smaller standardized EXPRESS (EXpedite the PRoc-
(CAM) essing of Experiments to the Space Station) pallet
The CAM is a laboratory dedicated to U.S. and coop- carrying multiple payloads. The details on size, mass,
erative international gravitational biology research. power, data and other resources for both of these
ISS User’s Guide-Release 2.0 11



Figure 3.3-1. U.S. exposed-payload attachment sites on starboard truss.

types of attached payload accommodations are dis- equipment to and from the vacuum of space through
cussed below in Section 5.3.6. an airlock chamber without having to depressurize
the entire laboratory. The JEM-PM supports a total
of 10 ISPRs for research payloads, of which 5 are
3.4 Japanese Experiment Module (JEM) allocated to NASA under NASA-NASDA resource-
The Japanese Experiment Module (JEM), also known sharing agreements. (See Section 5.1 below for de-
by the name Kibo, is the segment of ISS developed tails on ISS resource sharing).
by the National Space Development Agency
The JEM Exposed Facility (JEM-EF, Fig. 3.4-1) is an
(NASDA) of Japan for the purpose of supporting un-pressurized pallet structure exposed to the envi-
research and development experiments in Earth orbit. ronments of space to support user payloads for the
As shown in Figure 3.4-1, the JEM consists of sev-
purpose of experimental research in areas such as
eral major systems that are assembled on orbit:
communications, space science, engineering, materi-
The JEM Pressurized Module (JEM-PM) is a labora- als processing, and earth observation. A total of 10
tory for experimental research in areas such as space payload sites are provided, and under resource-
medicine, life sciences, materials processing, and sharing provisions a total of 5 of these sites are allo-
biotechnologies. The JEM-PM can also transfer cated to NASA. Additional details on the structural





Figure 3.4-1 Japanese Experiment Module (Kibo)

ISS User’s Guide-Release 2.0 12

Exposed Facility

Figure 3.5-1 Columbus Module

support, thermal conditioning, power, video, data These facilities are nominally slated to occupy ESA’s
services and other accommodations provided for space in Columbus, but location swaps with facilities
JEM-EF payloads are covered below in Section 5.3.7. in the modules belonging to the other International
Partners, particularly the U.S., may occur in response
In addition to the PM and EF, the JEM has an Ex-
to operational considerations.
periment Logistics Module-Pressurized Section
(ELM-PS) to serve as a pressurized passive storage An Exposed Payload Facility is planned for Colum-
and carrier module for stowage of research supplies, bus. It will consist of two separate support structures
spare hardware and internal user payloads. There is attached to the Columbus Pressurized Module end
also the un-pressurized Experiment Logistics Mod- cone in the zenith and nadir positions (Fig. 3.5-1).
ule-Exposed Section (ELM-ES) which is a storage NASA-ESA resource sharing agreements allocate
and carrier module for spare external hardware and 50% of the resources at these locations to NASA, and
user payloads. additional details on the payload accommodations at
these sites are given in Section 5.3.7.
3.5 Columbus Module
3.6 Russian Segment
The Columbus module will be contributed to ISS by
ESA (Figure 3.5-1). Its internal configuration pro- The Russian segment is slated to have two research
vides for a total of 10 ISPRs for research payloads modules to support research payloads generated by
with 5 ISPRs allocated to NASA under NASA-ESA Russian researchers. The segment will have power,
resource sharing agreements. To achieve cost benefits data, and other systems separate from the rest of the
the basic Columbus design is based on the Multi- ISS.
Purpose Logistics Module (MPLM), a transport
module provided to the ISS program by Agenzia
Spaziale Italiana (ASI), the Italian Space Agency. 44.. TThhee IIS
Columbus is designed as a general-purpose labora-
tory to support ESA-defined scientific disciplines in 4.1 Orbital Parameters and Modes of Opera-
the areas of materials and fluid sciences, life sciences tion
and technology development. As part of its Micro-
The ISS has a nearly circular orbit with an altitude
gravity Facilities for Columbus Program, ESA is de-
range of 350-460 km (189-248 n mi) and an inclina-
veloping five multi-user laboratories in the fields of
tion of 51.6° to the equator. As shown in Figure 4.1-
Biology, Human Physiology, Materials, and Fluid
1, the Station’s orbit causes it to reach a maximum of
Science that will be provided to European scientists.
ISS User’s Guide-Release 2.0 13

51.6° Inclination
tudes for ISS: normal XVV (station x-axis toward the
51.6° velocity vector) and XPOP (station x-axis perpen-
dicular to the orbit plane). The XVV mode is air-
~ Lat. 52° N
plane-like, x forward, z down, and y (“right wing”)
level. For integrated systems design reasons (thermal,
power, communications, etc.) XVV is required to be
±15° roll/yaw, and +10 to -20° pitch with respect to
~ Lat. 52° S

Population Coverage ~ 95% Until flight 12A, when additional solar arrays are
installed, there is insufficient power generation in
Figure 4.1-1. ISS orbital inclination and
XVV when the sun β angle (angle between the sun-
line and the orbit normal) exceeds either 37° or 52°
52° in north and south latitude, such that it flies over (depending on the stage of assembly), making it nec-
85% of the globe and 95% of the Earth’s population. essary to fly in the XPOP orientation. The ISS orbit
plane regresses about the earth’s rotational pole at
The description of the Station’s flight attitude (orien- about 6 °/day relative to the sun, so the station al-
tation relative to the plane of its orbit) is referenced ternates between a couple weeks in XVV and a cou-
to local-vertical/local-horizontal (LVLH) axes that ple of weeks in XPOP for almost two years, until
are fixed with respect to the Station’s near-circular flight 12A finally makes that unnecessary.
orbit (i.e., not to the physical Station). The LVLH
origin is at the Station’s center-of-mass; the z-axis The ISS will be operated according to a number of
points radially toward the Earth’s center (or toward specific modes, each of which has a specified set of
the nadir direction), the x-axis points along the or- conditions and capabilities (Table 4.1-1). Some fa-
bital velocity vector (the ram direction, with wake miliarity of the ISS User with these modes is impor-
being opposite), and the y-axis completes the right- tant because, although most modes support research
handed triad. The flight attitude of the Station is then payload operations at some level, there are others for
described using a second, Station-fixed, coordinate which payload operations may be sharply curtailed or
system whose orientation relative to LVLH is speci- discontinued. Among the modes summarized in Ta-
fied using the Eulerian angles of yaw, pitch and roll. ble 4.1-1 are Microgravity and Standard modes,
Several Station-fixed coordination systems are de- which are the primary modes of operation for re-
fined. The most widely used is the Space Station search. During Microgravity mode the Station must
Reference Coordinate System, shown in Figure 4.1-2, be operated so as to meet a stringent set of require-
in which the positive x-axis points along the axis of ments for its microgravity environment. This partly
the U.S. Lab away from the Zarya and Service Mod- involves maintaining an XVV attitude by non-
ules; the positive y-axis points starboard along the propulsive means, along with other operational con-
main truss, and positive z completes a right-handed straints. More details on ISS microgravity require-
coordinate system. ments are provided in the next section. Standard
mode has many identical capabilities to Microgravity
Between flight 5A, when payloads will first be car- mode, and provides full support for research pay-
ried, and flight 12A, there are two main flight atti- loads. However, Standard mode allows a number of
activities that could result in the microgravity envi-
ronment specifications being exceeded, such as con-
Location of
navigation base trol of the Station attitude by propulsive means.
In addition to Microgravity and Standard modes, Re-
boost mode is necessary because the Station’s large
cross-section and low altitude causes its orbit to de-
cay due to atmospheric drag at an average rate of 0.2
Roll km/day (0.1 n mi/day). Thus, a periodic reboost using
Yaw on-board thrusters must be carried out approximately
every 10 to 45 days. The Reboost period itself re-
quires 1-2 orbits (1.5 - 3 hours) and represents an
Figure 4.1-2. Space Station Reference assured, but temporary, interruption in the mainte-
Coordinate System nance of the Station’s microgravity specification.
ISS User’s Guide-Release 2.0 14

Table 4.1-1. ISS Modes of Operation to the level of micro g’s (9.8 x 10-6 m s-2). The accel-
• Represents core operations when tended or eration environment is “microgravity” and not “zero

preparing to support human presence gravity” due to two principal classes of residual ac-
• Provides “shirt sleeve” environment celerations. The first of these is quasi-steady accel-
eration, whose magnitude and direction varies rela-
• Internal and external operations supported, moni-
tored and controlled
tively slowly, on the timescale of greater than 100
seconds, and whose cause lies largely in the very
• Used to obtain additional altitude while maintaining small aerodynamic drag experienced by the space-

a habitable environment and supporting internal craft as well in gravity gradient effects. On top of
and external user payload operations quasi-steady accelerations, the structural and acoustic
• Altitude controlled propulsively vibrations due to the mechanical systems in the
• Consists of capabilities required for microgravity
spacecraft produce vibratory accelerations, whose

research by user payloads in a habitable environ- magnitudes and directions are oscillatory over a spec-
ment trum of frequencies from 0.01 to 300 Hz.
• Does not include effects of crew activity, but does The levels of both quasi-steady and vibratory accel-
include effects of crew equipment (e.g., exercise erations on ISS are of interest to microgravity re-
searchers whose investigations cover the effects of
• Initiated upon command or when a warning of reduced gravity on a large range of physical, chemi-
imminent threat (e.g., loss of attitude control, loss of cal and biological phenomena. For this reason, the
thermal conditioning, available power out-of-range) ISS has been designed, is being built, and will be
is not acknowledged by the on-orbit crew, the Or- operated to meet a set of requirements for both its

biter crew, or the ground quasi-steady and vibratory microgravity environment.

• Autonomously attempts to correct the threatening The requirements specify not only allowable levels of
condition and provides keep-alive utilities to Sta- acceleration, but also where on the Station and for
tion’s crew/core systems how long such acceleration limits must be obeyed.
• Precludes support or commanding of external or
internal operations
4.2.1 Quasi-steady Requirements
• Provides capabilities related to supporting safe
Proximity Op-

operations with other vehicles while maintaining a Accelerations are considered quasi-steady if at least

habitable environment and supporting internal and 95% of their power lies below 0.01 Hz as measured
external user payload operations over a 5400-second period (the approximate time of
• Vehicle is actively determining and controlling atti- one orbit). Quasi-steady acceleration is present
tude nonpropulsively largely for two reasons. The first is aerodynamic drag
• Provides mitigation capability for life threatening that the Station experiences due to the residual at-
Assured Safe Crew Re-

illness, unrecoverable loss of Station habitability, or mosphere at low earth orbit. This drag causes the
extended problem requiring resupply/servicing, Station to lose altitude, and somewhat paradoxically,
which is prevented from occurring due to launch causes it to accelerate along its orbital velocity vec-

problems tor. The second contribution comes from gravity gra-

• Consists of actions, operations and functions nec- dient: the fact that any point not exactly at the Sta-
essary to safely populate the Crew Return Vehicle tion’s center mass wants to follow its own orbit. Such
(CRV), separate the CRV, return the CRV to earth, points, however, because they are physically part of
and egress the CRV upon recovery on the ground the Station are subject to accelerations from the struc-
• Utilizes functionality related to supporting Station- tural forces that keep them attached to the Station as
External Opera-

based external operations while maintaining a hab- it orbits.

itable environment and supporting internal and ex-

The drag, gravity gradient and other secondary ef-

ternal payload operations
fects can be incorporated into calculations that reveal
• Vehicle actively determining and controlling its the quasi-steady acceleration magnitude as a function
attitude non-propulsively
of coordinate position relative to the Station’s center
of mass. The results take the form of coaxial elliptical
4.2 Microgravity cylinders of equal acceleration that are aligned along
the Station’s orbital velocity vector. Figure 4.2.1-1 is
Inside an orbiting spacecraft a “microgravity” envi- a view along the y axis in the Space Station Refer-
ronment exists in which the acceleration of objects ence Coordinate System, showing where the various
and persons relative to their surroundings is reduced
ISS User’s Guide-Release 2.0 15

Figure 4.2.2-1 would plot just slightly above the ve-

hicle curve.
Similar to the quasi-steady microgravity regime, the
3 µg
vibratory acceleration levels given by Figure 4.2.2-1
2 µg
must apply at 50 percent of the ISPR locations within
1 µg
the U.S. Lab, Columbus and the JEM, for at least 30
1 µg continuous days, 6 times per year (i.e., during Micro-
2 µg
gravity Mode).
3 µg

During ISS development the contribution of the ISS

vehicle systems, without payloads, to the total system
vibration is assessed analytically using a computa-
tionally intensive set of finite-element and statistical
Figure 4.2.1-1. ISS quasi-steady micrograv- energy models. A fundamental aspect of the results
ity environment of these models has been to show that, without some
type of mechanically active vibration-damping sys-
Station elements lie relative to a planar section tem, the vibration levels at all ISPR locations would
through the cylinders for flight in XVV attitude. Note exceed the Figure 4.2.2-1 requirements. As a result
that the U.S. Lab lies principally within the 1 µg con- an Active Rack Isolation System (ARIS) was de-
tours, with some racks between the 1 and 2 µg con- signed to isolate selected ISPRs from Station vibra-
tours. tions while at the same time holding them in place in
The calculations for the ISS quasi-steady acceleration their rack bays. Additional details on the ARIS are
environment can be compared to a set of formal de- provided in Section 5.3.2 below.
sign requirements which state that 50 percent of the Calculation and modeling of the contribution of pay-
ISPR locations within the U.S. Lab, Columbus and load systems to the total system vibratory environ-
the JEM must be have quasi-steady accelerations ment is also being implemented, but is at a techni-
below 1 ug for periods of 30 continuous days a total cally less-advanced stage. Nevertheless, the fact that
of 6 times per year. The operation of the Station in a payload complement vibratory requirement exists at
Microgravity Mode is designed to produce these 30- all should be noted by any investigator considering
day intervals. The quasi-steady acceleration vector developing a payload for ISS, because the require-
has an additional directional stability requirement ment has implications for placing constraints on how
stating that the component perpendicular to the vec- much vibration an individual payload can produce. A
tor’s orbital average must be less than or equal to 0.2 scheme to manage the vibration contributions of in-
µg. To meet this requirement the Station’s attitude dividual payloads so that the total payload comple-
must be controlled during orbit so that it maintains a ment does not exceed the requirement is presently
constant position relative to the LVLH axes. under development

4.2.2 Vibratory Requirements Vehicle subsystems
Payload complement
The requirements for the vibratory microgravity envi-
RMS Acceleration ( g)

ronment on ISS are defined in terms of a “spectrum”
of allowed root-mean-square (RMS) acceleration as a 100
function of vibrational frequency from 0.01 Hz to
300 Hz. The total vibrational level experienced by the 10
station arises from the combined effects of the pay-
load and vehicle systems. The vibratory microgravity
requirements are therefore defined using an RMS
acceleration vs. frequency curve for the allowed con-
tribution to the total system vibration by the vehicle
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
alone, with a separate curve for the allowed contribu-
tion by the entire complement of payload systems. Frequency (Hz)
These two curves are shown in Figure 4.2.2-1. The
total allowed system vibration is the root-sum-square Figure 4.2.2-1 ISS Vibratory
of the payload and vehicle values and at the scale of Microgravity Requirements
ISS User’s Guide-Release 2.0 16

4.2.3 Microgravity Acceleration Measurement tamination and change the environment for imaging
and sensing space and the earth. Controls on these
The Space Acceleration Measurement System-II
effects for the ISS Program include the specification
(SAMS-II) and the Microgravity Acceleration Meas-
that ISS contamination sources will contribute no
urement System (MAMS) will measure the quasi-
more than 1x1014 molecular-cm-2 to the molecular
steady (MAMS) and vibratory (MAMS and SAMS-
column density along any unobstructed line of sight,
II) microgravity environment on board ISS. The data
and produce no more than 1x10-6 g-cm-2-yr –1 total
will assist ISS Users with correlating microgravity-
sensitive experimental results with the ISS micro- deposition on sampling surfaces at 300°K. Contami-
gravity environment. The Principal Investigator Mi- nation requirements directed specifically at effects on
crogravity Services (PIMS) project at NASA’s Glenn attached payloads and the ISS vehicle by other at-
Research Center will analyze the SAMS and MAMS tached payloads specify that an attached payload
data and provide the results to principal investigators, shall not deposit material at a rate greater than 5x10-
the ISS program and other investigators. Further in- gm/cm2/sec on other attached payloads and 1x10-15
formation on PIMS and ISS microgravity measure- gm/cm2/sec on ISS vehicle elements. There will be
ment can be found on the PIMS website (Appendix instruments attached at or near external payload sites
B). to monitor these contamination rates.

4.3 Internal Environment Control and Moni- 55.. AAccccoom mm Ree--

mooddaattiioonnss ffoorr R
toring SS
sseeaarrcchh oonn IIS S
The nominal atmosphere onboard the ISS is an Earth-
normal 101.4 kPa (14.7 psia) with 21% oxygen and
78% nitrogen. Pressure is maintained between 97.9 –
102.7 kPa (14.2 - 14.9 psia), with a minimum pres-
sure of 95.8 kPa (13.9 psia). Oxygen partial pressure
T his section provides a detailed overview of the
general and specific resources for research
payloads on ISS. This includes station-wide
resources such as power and data that affect all users,
is maintained in the range of 19.3 - 23.4 kPa (2.8 - whether associated with the U.S. or non-U.S. IP
3.4 psia). The relative humidity is maintained be- communities. For specific research facilities, how-
tween 25% and 70%. The medical operations re- ever, the discussion covers in detail only those areas
quirement, and the ISS specification, for CO2 level is of ISS to which U.S. investigators will have direct
a 24-hour average of 0.7% or less, although a 24-hour access. Indirect access to facilities controlled by the
average exposure as high as 1% is allowable during IP research communities is possible if U.S. research-
crew exchanges. The ISS program has agreed to ers are part of co-investigator teams with IP research-
maintain the cabin CO2 level to 0.37% (with the goal ers. For this reason a brief outline of the IP facilities
of reaching 0.3%) for two 90-day periods each year. is also provided.
Modeling has shown that with two U.S.- and one
Russian-segment CO2 scrubbers a level closer to
0.2% can be expected. 5.1 Resource Allocation
Each of the ISS International Partners is allocated a
share of Station resources in proportion to their con-
4.4 External Environment Control and Moni-
tribution to the program. The resulting allocation
scheme is detailed in Table 5.1-1. Within this overall
The ISS external environment is the space natural allocation framework additional shifting of resources
environment as modified by the presence of the ISS can occur based on bilateral agreements that allow
and its related operations. The natural environment is IPs and countries to trade resources and responsibili-
defined as that which would exist if the ISS were not ties. Internally, IPs use their own mechanisms to ap-
in orbit. The natural environment includes neutral portion space and research capability to their scien-
atmosphere, plasma, charged particle radiation, elec- tific, technological, and commercial interests. To
tromagnetic radiation, meteoroids, space debris, coordinate their research and resources trades, the IPs
magnetic field, and gravitational field. have established bi- and multilateral working groups.
The ISS itself produces a variety of modifications to In exchange for providing the bulk of the Station
its external environment. Among these are changes to infra-structure and lift capability, the United States is
the gaseous and particulate environment, which are allocated 97.7% of the space in its own U.S. Lab
of concern because they can result in surface con- module plus 46.7% of the European Columbus and
ISS User’s Guide-Release 2.0 17

Japanese JEM pressurized laboratory space. This is

equivalent to 13 ISPRs in the U.S. Lab, and 5 ISPRs

TTaabbllee 55..11--11..


each in both the JEM and Columbus. The CAM holds
4 ISPRs also allocated to the U.S., yielding a Station- IISSSS PPaarrttnneerr A Alllooccaattiioonn
wide number of 27 ISPRs for U.S. research, 5 for the Percent (%)
Europeans and 5 for Japan. In addition to its four
attached payload sites on the ISS truss, the U.S. pro- Utilization Capabilities / User Accommoda-
gram will have use of 50% of the external attached tions
payload space being provided on the JEM-EF and NASA Lab Module Destiny
Columbus. No allocation of resources for the Russian - Annual Avg Rack Locations 97.7 2.3
Space Agency is included in Table 5.1-1 because (DRE)
with the exception of crew time, RSA retains 100% NASA CAM
of the resources and accommodations it provides. - Annual Avg Rack Locations 97.7 2.3
In addition to outright trading of resources and re-
sponsibilities, cooperative development agreements NASA Truss Payload Accom-
are also possible, whereby a facility or piece of modations
97.7 2.3
equipment is developed jointly by two (or more) IPs - Annual Avg Truss Attach
with the understanding that both will share access to Points (AP)
the final product. A significant fraction of the re- ESA Columbus Module
search-specific facilities and equipment described - Annual Avg Rack Locations
below, which are under nominal access to U.S. re- (DRE) 46.7 2.3 51.0
searchers, are being developed in this way. - Annual Avg COF Attach
Points (AP)

5.2 Station-wide Resources Japanese Experiment Module

- Annual Avg Rack Locations 46.7 2.3 51.0
5.2.1 Power (DRE)
- Annual Avg JEM-EF Attach
Station power at assembly complete will be generated Points (AP)
from four sets of solar arrays on the Integrated Truss
Structure. The arrays rotate on two axes to track the Utilization Resources
sun. The lack of a third axis does reduce power gen- Resources:
eration during high solar β angles as discussed above, - Annual Avg Power
but this does not cause operational limitations to pay- (kW) 76.6 2.3 8.3 12.8
- Annual Total Crew
loads after flight 12A. At assembly complete 26 kW Time (hours) (non-
minimum continuous and 30 kW average power and Russian)
thermal conditioning will be provided to payloads
during Standard and Microgravity modes. An addi- Rights to Purchase Supporting Services
tional 2.5 kW of power is provided to operate ISS Space Station Launch & Return
systems that support payload operations. During Services
various other operating modes, payloads receive a - Press/Unpress Upmass (kg)
minimum of 6.5 kW of continuous power. - Press/Unpress 76.6 2.3 8.3 12.8
Downmass (kg)
- Press Volume/ Press
5.2.2 Payload Data Handling and Communica- Down Volume (DRE)
tion Communications Data Transmis-
sion Capacity
To transfer research data and video to the ISS User, 76.6 2.3 8.3 12.8
- Annual Avg Downlink
the Station provides an onboard command and data (Mbps)
distribution network associated with a forward and
return antenna communication. A 72 kbps S-band DRE = Double Rack Equivalent
forward link is used to send commands for payloads,
while a 150 Mbps Ku-band system is used for the
payload downlink. Data onboard are distributed from
the payloads to an automated payload switch (APS).
ISS User’s Guide-Release 2.0 18

Three types of connections are available for this dis- veloped are the Resupply Stowage Rack (RSR), the
tribution, either directly or indirectly: 1) a MIL-STD- Zero-G Stowage Rack (ZSR), and the Resupply
1553B Payload Bus (through a Payload Multi- Stowage Platform (RSP). The RSR has a capacity of
plexer/Demultiplexer), 2) an 802.3 Ethernet, or 3) a 1.1 m3 (37.5 ft3) and stows miscellaneous small items
fiber-optic High-Rate Data Link (HRDL). The APS or loose cargo by means of a group of lockers of
distributes the data to a high rate modem for distribu- various sizes. These locker assemblies, made with
tion to the Ku-band system. The Assembly Complete doors and latches, are configured to accept individual
orbital coverage for the Ku-band system is approxi- stowage trays, and are bolted into the rack structure.
mately 45%. However, several initiatives are in place Stowage trays are the basic containers for transporta-
to increase this orbital coverage to continuous avail- tion to orbit and for on-orbit stowage of internal
ability. Included in the data rate at Assembly Com- cargo for the ISS. If a given RSR is used only in the
plete are four compressed channels of video down- transportation phase, contents of the trays may be
link, and three channels of video uplink. The Payload removed and stowed in the appropriate modules. The
Multiplexer/Demultiplexer provides 300 megabytes stowage trays are modular and interchangeable to
of nonvolatile mass storage for payloads. A 216- support a variety of cargo types.
gigabit communications outage recorder is provided
The ZSR is a lightweight, on-orbit stowage restraint
to record research data during loss of signal with the
system. The ZSR comprises two elements: a col-
communication system. Video onboard is distributed
lapsible shell and a fabric insert. The shell is an alu-
from the payload to one of several switches. Each
minum frame that provides a standardized interface
switch routes the signal to a recorder or monitor, or
to the insert. The fabric inserts can be configured to
distributes it to the downlink. Three video compres-
carry sub-containers that include the stowage trays
sion units will be on board (one each in the U.S. Lab,
mentioned above, as well as various types and sizes
JEM, and Columbus) to allow video to be
of soft-sided cargo bags. The 1.2 m3 (42.8 ft3) ZSR is
downlinked simultaneously with the research data.
not designed to transport cargo during launch and
landing phases.
The RSP is a re-supply/stowage carrier system for
5.2.3 Thermal Management
transporting ambient pressurized cargo to and from
Thermal radiators are positioned on the Integrated the ISS. It can transport the same types of soft-sided
Truss Structure. These radiators are oriented using cargo bags and other sub-containers as the ZSR.
rotary joints to keep them parallel to the sun’s rays so
as to keep them from receiving external heat inputs,
5.2.5 Crew Resources
and to keep them oriented toward space to allow ra-
diation of heat. Using H2O internally, the radiators When assembly is complete, the crew will work an 8-
pick up heat from the ISS through the environmental hour day Monday through Friday, and a 4-hour day
control system, which then transfers that heat to the on Saturday. Sundays are planned as crew rest days,
radiators using NH4 as the active heat transfer fluid. although required essential payload maintenance ac-
tivities, such as care and feeding of biological speci-
mens, will take place. A total of 160 crew-hours per
5.2.4 Payload Stowage
week will be available for research purposes at As-
Whereas the major items of hardware planned for sembly Complete. This number assumes the nominal
orbital flight on the ISS can be specifically “slotted” crew size of seven. These hours must be apportioned
at uniquely suitable locations on the vehicle, generic among all science, technology, and commercial in-
stowage space is required for the small, loose pieces vestigations on board the Station. The remaining
of hardware and consumables that must support a crew hours will be devoted to Station maintenance,
crewed space vehicle. Stowage considerations en- EVA, command and control, and other Station vehi-
compass not just time on orbit, but transport to and cle housekeeping functions as necessary. Additional
from orbit as well. Because stowage is optimized for hours for payload operations may be available, based
the entire Station system, instances may result in on the burden of ISS vehicle requirements.
which research stowage is not immediately adjacent
to a User’s experiment.
The majority of stowage on ISS is accommodated by
ISPR-size racks that provide compartmentalized stor-
age. The types of stowage racks currently being de-
ISS User’s Guide-Release 2.0 19

5.2.6 Crew Health Care System facility — the ISS program has adopted the Interna-
tional Standard Payload Rack (ISPR). The 37 ISPR
To support the medical needs of crewmembers during
slots for science payloads on ISS provide a common
ISS assembly and operations, NASA has developed
set of interfaces regardless of location. Nonstandard
the Crew Health Care System (CHeCS). CHeCS
services are also provided at selected locations to
consists of three primary elements: 1) the Health
support specific payload requirements.
Maintenance System for providing medical care, 2)
the Environmental Health System for monitoring the Each NASA ISPR provides 1.6 m3 (55.5 ft3) of inter-
internal environment of the ISS, and 3) the Counter- nal volume. The rack weighs 104 kg (230 lbm) and
measures System, which provides hardware and pro- can accommodate an additional 700 kg (1543 lbm) of
cedures for crew member exercise to minimize the payload equipment. The rack has internal mounting
effects of spaceflight on the body. provisions to allow attachment of secondary struc-
ture. The ISPRs will be outfitted with a thin center
The Health Maintenance System includes a
post to accommodate sub-rack-sized payloads, such
defibrillator, an ambulatory medical pack, a
as the 48.3 cm (19 in) Spacelab Standard Interface
respiratory support pack, an advanced life support
Rack (SIR) Drawer or the Space Shuttle Middeck
pack, a crew medical restraint system, and a crew
Locker. Utility pass-through ports are located on each
containment protection kit.
side to allow cables to be run between Racks. Module
The Environmental Health System will assess toxi- attachment points are provided at the top of the rack
cology, water quality, microbiology, and the radiation and via pivot points at the bottom of the Rack. The
environments. To accomplish this, the toxicology pivot points support installation and maintenance.
system includes a volatile organic analyzer, a com- Tracks on the exterior front posts allow mounting of
pound-specific analyzer for combustion products, and payload equipment and laptop computers. Additional
a compound-specific analyzer for hydrazine. A water adapters on the ISPRs are provided for ground han-
sampler and archiver and total organic carbon ana- dling. Japan has developed an ISPR with interfaces
lyzer will enable crewmembers to assess water qual- and capabilities that are nearly identical to NASA’s.
ity. A surface sampler kit, a water microbiology kit,
Power. The standard power interfaces for the 37
and a microbial air sampler will enable microbiology
ISPRs consist of a 3 kW power feed and a 1.2 kW
assessments. Finally, the radiation environment will
auxiliary feed. The power interface voltage will range
be monitored with an extravehicular/intravehicular
from 114.5 to 126 Vdc. Prime power is fed to the
charged particle directional spectrometer, a tissue
ISPRs via 8-gauge wiring. The modules provide the
equivalent proportional counter, and a variety of do-
switching and circuit protection using 25-A remote
simeters placed throughout the Station.
power controllers. The auxiliary power feed is dis-
The Countermeasures System will consist initially of tributed on 12-gauge lines. At selected ISPR loca-
a treadmill equipped with a vibration isolation and tions (5 in Destiny, 5 in Columbus, and 4 in the
stabilization system and a medical computer. JEM), a 6 kW power capability is distributed on 4
gauge wiring along with 1.2 kW auxiliary feed. At
The primary purpose of CHeCS is to provide for and
three locations within the U.S. Lab, prime and redun-
monitor the well being of the astronauts while in orbit
dant 6 kW power feeds are provided to support
but components of CHeCS occasionally may be used operation of 12 kW payloads
to support life sciences research on ISS if that use
does not interfere with CHeCS’ primary purpose. Thermal Management. A moderate-temperature
Similarly, CHeCS may require occasional use of re- water loop is provided via a 1.3 cm (0.5 in) line with
search equipment for periodic assessment of crew a quick-disconnect to each ISPR at an inlet tempera-
health. ture range of 16-24 °C (61-75 °F). The water is circu-
lated through heat exchangers and stainless steel cold
plates to allow thermal conditioning of the internal
5.3 Generic NASA Accommodations for Re- payload hardware. The water flow is controlled
search Payloads within the U.S. Lab and the JEM to optimize the heat
rejection efficiencies of the system. The maximum
5.3.1 International Standard Payload Rack return water temperature is 49 °C (120 °F). Inside a
payload rack, an avionics air/heat exchanger assem-
To support efficient integration and interchangeabil- bly can be connected to the loop to remove up to
ity of payload hardware — and to maximize joint 1200 W by circulating air. At selected locations in
research among investigators using this multinational the U.S. Lab (9 ISPRs) and the JEM (5 ISPRs), a
ISS User’s Guide-Release 2.0 20

low-temperature water loop (0.6-10 °C or 33-50 °F) seven video tape recorders, or to the video baseband
is provided via a 1.3 cm (0.5 in) line with a quick- signal processor to allow distribution to the ground
disconnect. The maximum return temperature on this via the Ku-band.
loop is 21 °C (70 °F). A pressure drop of 40 kPa (5.8
Vacuum Exhaust System (Waste Gas). All of the
psid) is allowed across the inlet and outlet of both
laboratory modules contain the plumbing to support a
water loop interfaces. Payloads can also dissipate
waste gas exhaust system that is vented to space. A
small amounts of heat into the cabin air. Depending
2.5 cm (1 in) diameter gas line connected to this ex-
on the temperature conditions set by the crew, a
haust system is provided at each of the ISPR loca-
minimum of 500 W can be dissipated into both the
tions. The pressure allowed into the waste gas line is
U.S. Lab and Columbus (complement of all payloads
275.8 kPa (40 psia). The temperature of the exhaust
within the module). Negotiations are underway with
waste gas is allowed to be between 15.6-45 °C (60-
Japan on the allowable heat dissipation into the JEM.
113 °F). The waste gas system can reach pressures of
Command and Data Handling. The standard inter- 1 x 10-3 torr (1.9 x 10-5 psia) in less than two hours
faces to the ISPRs include a MIL-STD-1553B Pay- for a single payload volume of 100 liters (3.5 ft3) at
load Bus that uses twisted shielded wire pairs and a an initial pressure of 101.4 kPa (14.7 psia). The waste
high rate data link via optical fibers. Commands to gas system is a shared and scheduled resource that
the payloads from the ground, crew, and onboard can only be operated at one ISPR location within
automated procedures are delivered via this 1553B each module at a time. This requirement is to prevent
connection as are health, status, safety, and ancillary cross contamination of payloads and incompatible
data types. Each payload location is allowed one re- mixtures of waste gas constituents. The types of
mote terminal on the bus. Payload display and con- waste gas constituents allowed must be compatible
trols via 12 laptop ports are supported in the three with the wetted materials of the module waste gas
modules (4 in the U.S. Lab, 4 in the Columbus, and 4 system.
in the JEM). A timing signal is available to the pay-
Vacuum Resource. At selected locations within the
loads at 1 Hz with an accuracy of ± 5.0 ms with re-
U.S. Lab (9 ISPRs), JEM-PM (4 ISPRs), and Colum-
spect to the onboard time source over the 1553 bus.
bus (8 ISPRs), a 2.5 cm (1 in) vacuum resource line
Each ISPR is provided 2 fibers that connect to an is provide via a quick-disconnect for those payloads
input and output port on the APS for distribution of requiring a vacuum environment. Each module con-
up to 100 Mbps of data between racks or for down- tains the plumbing to produce this vacuum resource
linking via the Ku-band system. Within the JEM, two by connection to space. The vacuum is provided at a
additional fibers support downlinking research data pressure of 10-3 torr (1.9 x 10-5 psia). Multiple pay-
through the JEM Interorbit Communication System load locations may be connected to the vacuum re-
(ICS). An 802.3 Ethernet local area network is dis- source at a time.
tributed to the ISPR locations within the U.S. Lab,
Nitrogen. A 0.95 cm (0.375 in) nitrogen line via a
JEM, and Columbus for telemetry, file transfer, and
quick disconnect is provided as a standard service to
laptop communications. The Ethernet’s 10Base-T
all 37 ISPRs. The nitrogen is provided between 15.6-
architecture allows up to 10 Mbps of data transfer to
45 °C (60-113 °F) at a pressure of 517-827 kPa (75-
multiple ISPR locations. The Ethernet commonality
120 psia). The flow rates to payloads will be up to 0.9
of this interface across the 37 ISPRs is presently un-
kg (0.2 lbm) per minute. Each payload will incorpo-
der definition.
rate a valve to control the flow of nitrogen.
Video. The standard video interface to the ISPRs
Carbon Dioxide, Argon, and Helium. As a non-
within the U.S. Lab and Columbus is comprised of
standard interface, carbon dioxide, argon, and helium
fiber optic lines using an EIA-RS-170A optical pulse
are provided to selected ISPR locations in the JEM.
frequency modulated video signal. Fibers are used to
These gases are provided via a 0.95 cm (0.375 in)
support video to and from the ISPR payload. A syn-
line with a quick-disconnect. The nominal pressure
chronization and control signal is also provided to the
range of these gases is 517-786 kPa (75-114 psia)
ISPR in accordance with EIA-RS-170A. The video
when a single ISPR is being operated. The maximum
distribution to the JEM is via twisted shielded wire
design pressure of the line is 1379 kPa (200 psia).
pairs. A video card can be used inside the payload
racks to convert the optical video/sync signals to
electrical baseband NTSC EIA-RS-170A video/sync.
The video signals from the ISPRs are sent to switches
that allow distribution to onboard monitors, one of
ISS User’s Guide-Release 2.0 21

a. b.

Figure 5.3-1. (a) ARIS components attached to an ISPR, (b) EXPRESS rack with 8 Mid-Deck Lockers
of space called a Mid-deck Locker Equivalent
5.3.2 Active Rack Isolation System (MLE). This unit has dimensions roughly based on
the Space Shuttle’s Mid-deck Storage Locker (MDL),
The Active Rack Isolation System (ARIS) is de-
which has an internal 0.06 m3 (2.0 ft3) volume and
signed to isolate payload racks from vibration such
approximate dimensions of 43.2 cm (17 in) width ×
that the on-rack environment will meet the system
vibratory specifications shown in Figure 4.2.2-1. The 50.8 cm (20 in) depth × 25.4 cm (10 in) height.
ARIS is an active electromechanical damping system Equipment that is built around the MLE size-concept
is typically referred to as a sub-rack payload.
attached to an ISPR that senses the vibratory envi-
ronment with accelerometers, then damps it by intro- In designing ISS to accommodate sub-rack payloads
ducing a compensating force. The ARIS components it became apparent that several advantages would be
reside both inside and outside the ISPR (Fig. 5.3-1a). obtained if investigators building MLE-based equip-
Currently, eleven ARIS-equipped racks are planned ment were provided with host racks with a standard-
for investigator use and several locations in Destiny ized set of interfaces. Based on this the EXPRESS
rack concept was born. EXPRESS stands for EXpe-
and Columbus accommodate ARIS-equipped racks.
dite the PRocessing of Experiments to the Space Sta-
The ARIS is currently under development and its
tion. The purpose of the EXPRESS Rack is to allow
system capabilities will be determined as part of an
on-orbit ISS microgravity characterization experi- quick (i.e., less than one year) and simple integration
ment during the 6A-7A.1 time interval. of payloads into the ISS. The EXPRESS Rack con-
tains standard interfaces within an ISPR configura-
tion to allow payloads quick and standard access to
5.3.3 Sub-Rack Accommodations and EX- ISS resources. The EXPRESS Rack offers structural
PRESS Rack support hardware, power conversion and distribution
equipment, data and video equipment, nitrogen and
The accommodations for research on ISS are de-
vacuum exhaust distribution hardware, and thermal
signed to give a User the option of using what
support equipment.
amount to “central facilities” for conducting their
research, or developing their own experimental Whereas an EXPRESS Rack can be accommodated
equipment from scratch. The central facilities option at any ISPR location on the ISS, it typically will be
is discussed below in Section 5.4, which covers installed in a 3-kW ISPR location. The EXPRESS
Facility-Class Payloads. If no central facility meets a Rack configuration shown in Figure 5.3-1b accom-
given investigator’s requirements, they can consider modates eight MLE-payloads in two areas of four
building “investigation-specific” equipment that is lockers each, and two 4-Panel Unit (PU) drawers.
unique to their needs. Such equipment will typically This layout can accommodate single or multiple
be allocated a sub-portion of an ISPR based on a unit MLE-style lockers.
ISS User’s Guide-Release 2.0 22

MLE payloads are bolted to the EXPRESS Rack 5.3.4 Nadir Research Window
backplate, which is attached to the rear posts of the
The Nadir Research Window is positioned in the U.S.
ISPR. MLE payloads interface to resources (power,
Lab module such that in normal XVV attitude it will
commands/telemetry, water cooling, waste gas vent-
point toward nadir. The window design has a three-
ing, and GN2) via connection on the front face of the
pane configuration, with an outer 1 cm (0.38 in) thick
payload. Cooling is provided via passive radiation
debris pane, a 3.2 cm (1.25 in) redundant pressure
and heat exchange to the cabin environment, forced
pane, and a 3.2 cm (1.25 in) primary pressure pane
avionics air cooling via rear interfaces with the Rack
(see Figure 5.3.4-1). In addition, in the U.S. Lab
avionics air loop, or water cooling. Drawer payloads
interior a removable scratch pane will be mounted
interface at the rear for power, data, and avionics air.
over the primary pressure pane to protect the pane
The payload complement within an EXPRESS Rack from debris within the window volume prior to the
receives a combined total of 2 kW at 28 Vdc for installation of the Window Observational Research
power and 2 kW heat rejection (air and water cooling Facility (WORF). The debris and pressure panes are
combined). The EXPRESS Rack includes an Avion- made out of fused silica, with a 50.8 cm clear aper-
ics Air Assembly (AAA) to provide forced air cool- ture, and will have an optical wavefront error of 1/10
ing. This assembly has a limited capability that must of a wave over 12.7 cm, with a reference wavelength
be shared by all payloads within the rack. Adequate of 632.8 nm. Using this window, it will be possible to
air flow rate should be provided by the payload de- use up to 20-cm optics without image degradation
veloper with an internal fan or equivalent. Use of from window-induced wavefront error. Although
cabin air cooling is restricted for EXPRESS Rack ground resolution is difficult to estimate because of
payloads due to Fire Detection and Suppression con- differing conditions of target contrast, atmospheric
cerns and restricted heat dissipation allocation for haze and shimmering, and spacecraft motion, the 20-
racks in the ISS. The EXPRESS Rack interface to the cm optics used in the WORF may, under optimum
moderate temperature water loop and the forced air conditions, be able to distinguish ground objects as
cooling are common/shared resources and must be small as 1-3 m (3.3-9.8 ft). The window panes will
evaluated as an integrated subsystem to ensure that have an anti-reflection coating designed to minimize
the heat loads are equally accommodated by the par- signal loss due to reflections between adjacent panes.
ticular system. Each EXPRESS Rack includes one This coating provides a wavelength transmittance
payload connection for vacuum exhaust and one con- through the window that favors the visible wave-
nection for nitrogen distribution. lengths, although it has reasonable transmittance in
the near UV and infrared.
Some EXPRESS Racks will use ARIS to reduce ac-
celeration disturbance. The EXPRESS Rack with
ARIS has two connectors on the lower connector
panel where second generation Space Acceleration
Measurement System (SAMS-II) Remote Triaxial Debris Pane OUTBOARD
Surface Assembly

Sensors can be connected for the purpose of measur- Protection

0.38" Debris Pane
ing the acceleration environment within the EX-
1.25" Redundant
A sub-rack payload destined for an EXPRESS Rack Pressure Pane

(an EXPRESS payload) can be transported to the ISS

in the orbiter middeck, in an inactive EXPRESS Rack
in the Multi-Purpose Logistics Module (MPLM), or
in an EXPRESS transportation rack in the MPLM. Primary

Passive EXPRESS payloads are transported to the Frame 1.25" Pressure


ISS in the MPLM, either in an inactive EXPRESS

Rack or in an inactive EXPRESS transportation rack. Pressure
Pane Kick/Scratch
An EXPRESS payload that must be active during Assembly Pane

ascent/descent or must have late or early access may INBOARD

be integrated into the space shuttle orbiter mid-deck. Figure 5.3.4-1. Nadir window cross-sectional
An EXPRESS rack payload can be transported from view
the ISS to the ground with the same options for
ISS User’s Guide-Release 2.0 23

would be found in a typical ground-based research

Table 5.3.5-1. Laboratory and Station Support
lab. The availability of specific pieces of LSE and
SSE is linked to the assembly sequence such that
Laboratory Support Equipment pieces will become available to researchers at differ-
Description Flight ent stages of Station assembly. A list of the LSE and
Available SEE items and the flight after which they will be
Refrigerated Centrifuge Post AC available is provided in Table 5.3.5-1. The laboratory
freezer systems provided as part of the LSE comple-
Digital Thermometer UF-1
ment are of particular interest to the Life Sciences
Incubator UF-3
researchers and are described separately below.
Micro Mass Measurement Device UF-5
Small Mass Measurement Device UF-5 Cryofreezer System. The Cryogenic Freezer System
will consist of two complementary units, the Cryo-
Compound Microscope UF-3
genic Storage Freezer and the Quick/Snap Freezer.
Dissecting Microscope UF-3 The Cryogenic Storage Freezer will maintain samples
Passive Dosimeter 5A.1 at or below -183 °C (-297.4 °F) throughout a mission
Quick/Snap Freezer UF-7 life cycle. It will be used to preserve plant and animal
Cryo Storage Freezer UF-7 cell fine anatomy, ultrastructure and genetic material.
Minus Eighty-degree Laboratory UF-1 It will provide a cryogenic storage environment both
Freezer (MELFI) on orbit and during transport to and from the ground.
Station Support Equipment
When used with appropriate ground-support equip-
ment, it will allow samples to be maintained at cryo-
Bar Code Reader UF-1 genic temperatures during transport from the home
Battery Charger UF-1 laboratory on the ground to the Space Station and
ISS General Purpose Video Camera TBD from the Space Station back to the ground lab. The
Film Still Cameras 7A.1 35-liter (1.2 ft3) internal volume of the storage freezer
Digital Still Camera 7A.1 will accommodate 1000 or more 2- to 5- ml (0.1- to
0.3- in3) sample vials.
Cleaning Equipment 6A
DC Power Supply UF-1 The Quick/Snap Freezer is a portable unit to be op-
Digital Recording Oscilloscope, Digital 7A.1 erated in conjunction with the Cryogenic Storage
Multimeter, pH Meter, and Digital Ther- Freezer. The Quick/Snap Freezer will be used to cool
mometer (Combined) all samples before they are inserted into the storage
Function/Sweep Generator UF-1 freezer and will also provide a means to transport
General Purpose IVA Tools 2A cooled samples between the Life Sciences Glovebox,
the X-ray Crystallography Facility, and the Cryo-
Maintenance Work Area 7A.1
genic Storage Freezer. It will “quick freeze” 2 ml (0.1
Portable Utility Light TBD
in3) and 5 ml (0.3 in3) contained samples and ultra-
Crew Refrigerator/Freezer UF-1 rapidly freeze (“snap freeze”) small (1 × 2 × 1 mm or
Restraints and Mobility Aids UF-1 0.04 × 0.08 × 0.04 in) tissue samples. The unit will
Utility Outlet Panel TBD be accessible from within the work volume of the
Fluid System Servicer TBD Life Science Glovebox.
Minus Eighty-degree Laboratory Freezer
5.3.5 Laboratory and Station Support Equip- (MELFI). The Minus Eighty-degree Laboratory
ment Freezer for ISS (MELFI) is a low temperature sample
cooling and storage unit that will maintain samples
Lab Support Equipment (LSE) and Station Support
below -68 °C (-90.4 °F) throughout a mission life
Equipment (SSE) comprise the general-purpose
cycle. The MELFI will provide a temperature-
equipment and tool items developed to support ISS
controlled volume of not less than 300 liters (10.6 ft3)
maintenance and payload operations. (The distinction
in four Dewar-type modules (vacuum-insulated con-
between LSE and SSE relates mainly to where the
tainers). Each Dewar will have a capacity of not less
equipment originates from within the ISS Program.)
than 75 liters (2.6 ft3) of internal storage volume. The
A significant fraction of this equipment exists to sup-
MELFI is designed to operate optimally at -80 °C (-
port research, and consists of the sorts of basic
112 °F), but will have independent activa-
equipment such as pH meters and microscopes that
tion/deactivation and temperature control for each
ISS User’s Guide-Release 2.0 24

Table 5.3.6-1. U.S Attached Payload Re-

source Accommodations

U.S. Truss Site (allocation per site)

Operational Envelope ref. SSP 57003-Attached
Payload Interface Require-
ments Document
Maximum Payload Height 3.1 m (10 ft)1 Express
Pallet (EP)

Mass 4990 kg (11,000 lbm)1 Longeron

Power 3 kW at 113-126 Vdc Trunnion
EP Adapetor

(shared)2 Grapple Fixture

Payload Attach
Thermal passive only Keel Trunnion
System (PAS)
Passive Half

Low Rate Data by 1553B, <100 kbps Figure 5.3.6-1. EXPRESS Pallet
High-Rate Data by fiber optic High-Rate Data cupying an entire truss-site, which is one option for
Link, 95 Mbps (shared)2 an ISS User, and also for payload accommodated on
an EXPRESS pallet, which is the other option. An
U.S. EXPRESS Pallet (allocation per pallet)
EXPRESS pallet occupies an entire truss site using
Mounting platform dimen- 394 x 229 cm (155 x 90 in) the truss payload attach system. It provides an
sions equally sub-divided attachment surface that will ac-
Total payload mass 1361 kg (3000 lbm) commodate up to 6 individual payloads (Figure 5.3.6-
1). Similar to the EXPRESS rack for internal pay-
U.S. EXPRESS Pallet Adapter (per adapter)
loads, the accommodations at each of the 6 payload
Adapter dimensions and (see Fig. 5.3.6-2) locations are standardized to provide quick and
operational envelope straightforward payload integration. This is accom-
Payload mass 227 kg (500 lbm) plished using a standard EXPRESS Pallet Adapter
Power 2.5 kW at 113 Vdc/500 W at (ExPA) plate to which the payload is permanently
28 Vdc (shared)2 mated prior to launch and which is subsequently
Thermal passive only locked into place on the pallet by the Special Purpose
Low Rate Experiment by 1553B, < 100 kbps Dexterous Manipulator on the Station’s robotic arm.
Data, Command, Control (shared)2 Power and data distribution to each of the six ExPAs
and Telemetry is then provided via blind-mate connectors to the
High Rate Experiment by fiber optic High-Rate Data integrated pallet.
Data Link, 6 Mbps (shared)2 The enveloping parameters for the allowed dimen-
1Subject to enveloping formulas
sions for payload hardware occupying one entire
2Maximum value, represents allocation shared among
truss site are somewhat complex and are diagrammed
several payloads. in NASA document SSP 57003-Attached Payloads
Interface Requirements Document. The allowed pay-
Dewar, allowing one Dewar to be set at +4 °C (39 °F) load mass and center of gravity are also enveloped in
and one at –26 °C (-14.8 °F). It will preserve sam- SSP 57003 and the values in Table 5.3.6-1 are pro-
ples that require all biochemical action to be stopped vided as one example of an inter-related set of pa-
but do not require cryogenic temperatures. Cell cul- rameters. For individual EXPRESS pallet adapter
ture media, bulk plant material, and blood, urine and payloads the dimensionsal envelope is diagrammed
fecal samples are examples of the types of items that in Figure 5.3.6-2.
will be stored in the MELFI. The four Dewars will
accommodate a wide variety of sample container The power and data resources supplied to individual
sizes and shapes. attached payloads are subject to sharing with other
payloads. Table 5.3.6-1 therefore specifies the maxi-
mum power and data resources that an individual
5.3.6 U.S. Truss Site Payload Accommodations payload could receive assuming there were no de-
and EXPRESS Pallet mands from other attached payloads. Because this is
The available resources and accommodations for an ideal situation the actual resource is subject to
U.S. truss-site payloads are summarized in Table availability and likely to be less than the values
5.3.6-1. Resources are given for a single payload oc- listed.
ISS User’s Guide-Release 2.0 25

Lab to allow research data to be downlinked via the

Ku-band system or switched to another payload.
For individual ExPA payloads a pallet controller will
provide a MIL-STD-1553B bus, RS 422/485 and
analog interfaces. It will transmit and receive high
rate data on fiber optic interfaces.
For attached payloads whose missions are based on
astronomical imaging or Earth remote sensing a
knowledge of ISS orbital position, flight attitude and
view fields is a consideration. Data on orbital posi-
tion and flight attitude will be provided to payloads
as Broadcast Auxiliary Data on the 1553B bus. Posi-
tion will be known to within 3000 ft (RMS of x, y and
z axes.). Attitude knowledge will be within 3° per
axis of roll, pitch and yaw. The fields of view for
Figure 5.3.6-2. EXPRESS Pallet Adapter attached payloads are dependent on payload type and
(ExPA) payload envelope (dimensions in location, with full truss-site payloads having greater
inches). lattitude in viewing than ExPA payloads. Viewing in
Power to individual truss sites is provided by prime the zenith direction for payloads on nadir-pointing
and redundant power feeds and is switched and cir- truss sites is not generally possible and vice versa.
cuit-protected by a 25 A remote power controller. Viewfields for ExPA payloads depend on the pay-
An individual EXPRESS pallet receives all of the load’s position on the pallet and the relative height of
power and data resource allocated for its truss-site. adjacent payloads. Positions provide various combi-
nations of viewing in the nadir, zenith, ram, wake,
Each truss site is provided one remote terminal on the and Earth-limb directions.
payload MIL-STD-1553B bus from the payload Mul-
tiplexer/De-Multiplexer (MDM) in the U.S. Lab. The
bus is used for command, control, system health, and 5.3.7 JEM and Columbus Exposed Facility Pay-
status data. Data downlinks or on-board display can load Accommodations
be achieved through connections to the payload Payload dimension envelopes, masses, fields of view
MDM. Two high-rate fiber optic data links are pro- and other resource data for the JEM-EF and the Co-
vided at each site. The fibers are connected directly lumbus Exposed Payload Facility are listed in Table
into the automated payload switch within the U.S. 5.3.7-1. As shown in Figure 5.3.7-1, the JEM-EF


EFU#2 Wake side

EFU#11 EFU#6

Ram side EFU#3 ELM-ES

EFU#5 EFU#12

ICS: Inter-orbit Commun-
ications System

Figure 5.3.7-1 JEM-EF Configuration and JEM-EF Experiment

Payload-attached Locations
ISS User’s Guide-Release 2.0 26

provides a total of 12 attachment ports called Ex-

posed Facility Units (EFUs) to which space-exposed Table 5.3.7-1. Non-U.S. International Part-
hardware may be mated using a standard Payload ner Attached Payload Resource Accom-
Interface Unit (PIU). It is through the PIU that pay- modations
loads receive all utilities. A total of 10 EFUs are JEM Exposed Facility (per EFU)
available for User payloads, the other two being allo-
Dimension envelope 1.8 x 0.8 x 1.0 m (6 x 2.6 x
cated to the ELM-ES, which transports payloads to
3.3 ft)
orbit and stores them when they are not active, and
Mass 500 kg (1,100 lbm)/2500 kg
the Interorbit Communication System (ICS). Five of
(5500 lbm)
the 10 available EFUs are available for NASA pay-
loads. Power (main) 3 kW at 113-126 Vdc
In addition to a PIU, each JEM-EF payload must Power (keep alive) 100 W feed
have a Space Shuttle-compatible Grapple Fixture to Thermal (active) by circulating fluid (fluorinert)
allow handling of the payload by the JEM Remote loop, 3 kW
Manipulator System (JEM-RMS), a robotic arm sys- Thermal (passive) by conduction through PIU, 7
tem used for the transport and positioning of external kW
user payloads. The JEM-RMS has both a main arm Low Rate Experiment by 1553B bus, < 100 kpbs
and a fine arm for robotics manipulation and is oper- Data, Command, Con- (shared)1
ated by the crew from within the JEM-PM with the trol and Telemetry
aid of a viewing port. A central capability of the High Rate Experiment by FDDI optical fibers, 43
JEM system is the ability to use the airlock in the Data Mbps
JEM-PM to robotically transfer payload hardware
Ethernet by 802.3 protocol, 10 Mbps
between the JEM-PM, the EF and the ELM-ES. Due
to airlock size constraints this capability is limited to
Experiment Video by twin-axial cable, using
research samples or hardware sub-parts of payloads
EIA-RS-170A protocol.
but does not include entire payloads.
Fields of view zenith-ram-wake-port (2
The availability of these resources is not equal at all sites); zenith-nadir-ram (3);
EFUs. For example, higher masses of 2500 kg can be zenith-nadir-ram-port (1);
accommodated at two EFU locations, one on the zenith-nadir-wake (4)
wake and the other on the port side of the EF. The
Columbus EXPRESS Pallet Adapters (per adapter)
listed mass values are maximums per site. Power is
switched and circuit protected. Each site is provided a Payload dimension (see Fig. 5.3.6-2)
moderate temperature non-water fluid (fluorinert) envelope
loop for heat rejection. The data and video services Payload mass 227 kg (500 lbm)
are connected back to the U.S. Lab for downlinking Power 2.5 kW at 120 Vdc (shared)1
and distribution to the Ku-band system or to the ICS. Thermal passive only
Columbus Exposed Facility payloads are accommo- Low rate experiment by 1553B bus, <100 kpbs
dated on two support structures attached to the out- data, command, control (shared)1
board end-cone of the module (see Fig. 3.5-1). Pay- and telemetry
loads will be interfaced to these support structures High-rate data by extension of Columbus
using ExPAs. Each support structure accommodates video/data link, 32 Mbps
one starboard-pointing and either one nadir-pointing Ethernet by 802.3 protocol, 10 Mbps
or one zenith-pointing ExPA, for a total of four on (shared)1
the module (Fig. 3.5-1). The payload accommoda- Fields of view all except nadir (1); all ex-
tions and resources provided to the Columbus Ex- cept zenith (1); all except
posed Facility ExPAs are summarized in Table 5.3.7- port with partial nadir/zenith
1. (2)
1Maximum value, represents allocation shared among

other payloads.
5.4 Multi-User Facilities: The Facility-Class
Payload Concept
The ISS central research facilities are being devel-
oped and managed as a special category of payloads
ISS User’s Guide-Release 2.0 27

Table 5.4-1. ISS Facility-Class Payloads

Facility Facility Type, (Rack Number) Research Organization Developing Organization Location Integration
Name Research Function (Location) on ISS Flight(s)

HRF Rack-level, (2), +stowed equipment OLMSA, NASA Columbus 5A.1, 12A.1
Effects of microgravity on humans Life Sciences Division Life Sciences RPO (JSC)
GBF Rack-level, (3), +centrifuge rotor OLMSA, NASA CAM UF-7
Effects of gravity on biological sys- Life Sciences Division Space Station Biological
tems Research Project (NASA
BRF Rack-level, (1) OLMSA, NASA JEM-PM AC
Protein crystallization, cell culture Microgravity Research MRPO Biotechnology Sci-
and biochemical studies Division ence Discipline
MSRF Rack-level, (3) OLMSA, NASA/ESA U.S. Lab UF-3, AC
Materials science and materials Microgravity Research MRPO Materials Science
processing investigations Division Dicicipline
FCF Rack-level, (3) OLMSA, NASA U.S. Lab UF-3, UF-
Combustion science and fluid phys- Microgravity Research MRPO Fluids/Combustion 5, AC
ics investigations Division Science Disciplines
LTMPF Exposed facility OLMSA, NASA JEM-EF HTV2
Low-temperature physics investiga- Microgravity Research MRPO Fundamental Phys-
tions under microgravity Division ics Discipline (NASA JPL)
MSG Rack-level, (1) OLMSA, NASA/ESA Columbus UF-1
Enclosed volume for chemical and Microgravity Research MRPO Glovebox Program
biological studies under microgravity Division
XCF Rack-level, (1) OLMSA, NASA U.S. Lab UF-5
Single crystal growth and structure Space Utilization & Prod- MRPO Space Product De-
determination uct Development velopment
AHSTF Rack-level, (1) OLMSA/Office of Space- NASA JEM 16A
Test-bed for supporting technolo- flight (joint) Microgravity/ Spaceflight
gies for long duration human space- (Code U/M)
WORF Rack-level, (1), uses nadir window OLMSA,Offices of ISS Payloads Office (JSC- U.S. Lab UF-2
Earth observation by various imag- Spaceflight, Earth Sci- OZ)
ing systems ences, and other gov-
ernment agencies
APCF Sub-rack, single MLE ESA/NASA Columbus 7A.1
Protein screening under tempera-
ture-controlled conditions
Plant growth and development Microgravity Research
studies under variable gravity Division

known as facility-class payloads, which are intended In keeping with promoting experimental flexibility
to form a key part of the Station’s research infrastruc- for the ISS, a number of facility-class payloads have
ture. Facility-class payloads are fundamentally multi- modular designs that allow investigators to design
user in nature. Rather than originating with an indi- investigation-specific components uniquely suited to
vidual investigator, facility-class payloads are being a particular experimental need. Access to the ISS
designed and developed by several NASA organiza- facility-class research infrastructure is open to the
tions, in some cases under cooperative development U.S. and International Partner scientific community
and barter agreements with IP organizations. Funding through competition.
and oversight of the ISS facility-class payload pro-
Table 5.4-1 summarizes the array of facility-class
gram is managed through the ISS Payloads Office at
payloads currently under development for ISS. The
Table designates a facility type as “rack-level” if it
ISS User’s Guide-Release 2.0 28

portant feature of both racks is that they are outfitted

with Standard Interface Rack (SIR) interfaces for
individual subrack components of research equip-
ment. The SIR interface provides standardized slides
and slide guides for the mechanical interface between
a subrack unit and the HRF rack. It provides blind
mating of power and data connectors when a subrack
unit is slid into the HRF rack. The SIR interface
permits simple installation of a SIR-equipped drawer
in any position in the HRF rack, exchange of one
drawer for another and movement from one rack to
The major pieces of research equipment in HRF Rack
1 are an Ultrasound/Doppler system, a metabolic gas
analyzer system, a portable computer and a computer
Figure 5.4-1 HRF Rack 1 workstation for data processing and data communica-
consists of one or more fully integrated racks. Basic tions. A suite of experiment-unique radiation do-
information is included on the NASA or IP research simetry equipment will also be stowed in the HRF
and support organizations to which the facilities are rack. An extensive list of additional HRF research
linked. The Integration Flight column lists the flights equipment can be found at:
that will bring major components of the facility to the ü
Station. (In this column the AC designation denotes
Investigators using HRF will also have access to the
a facility that will be available at Assembly Com-
complement of equipment in CHeCS, even though
plete, but whose actual integration flight is too late in
the latter is technically part of the vehicle systems
the Assembly Sequence to define at this time.)
and not a research payload. As an example, the er-
Many facility-class payload projects have associated gometer and treadmill, developed by CheCS for
websites and these are listed in Appendix B. countermeasures, may be utilized in HRF exercise
5.4.1 Human Research Facility Investigations that will use the HRF are selected
through an established process that includes interna-
The Human Research Facility (HRF) supports life tional solicitation, review and selection via an annual
sciences investigations on ISS that seek to understand NASA Research Announcement (NRA). The first
the physiological and psychological changes in hu- NRA which included ISS research opportunities was
mans due to space flight. Investigations will be of distributed in February 1996 with the result that ini-
two broad types: basic research that uses micrograv- tial investigators were under contract in 1997. The
ity and other unique aspects of the ISS environment human research program on ISS uses an experiment
to address fundamental scientific questions regarding definition and development process similar to that
human physiology, and strategic research defined by used on the Shuttle program and subsequently modi-
NASA to solve problems associated with human ad- fied on the NASA/Mir program. In addition to HRF
aptation to spaceflight. The latter may involve, for capabilities, the investigators in the program use their
example, developing countermeasures to mitigate the own unique hardware, other flight facilities, ancillary
detrimental effects of long-term exposure to micro- flight information and ground systems to accomplish
gravity. their research objectives.
HRF will consist of items mounted on two racks
based on the EXPRESS design (HRF Racks 1 and 2),
5.4.2 Gravitational Biology Facility
as well as separate equipment kept in stowage and
brought out as needed. A photographic diagram of The ISS will house a suite of biological research
HRF Rack 1, highlighting the type and location of its specimen support equipment that collectively will
major components, is shown in Figure 5.4-1. HRF constitute the Gravitational Biology Facility (GBF).
Rack 1 will be the first of the facility-class payloads Housed within the CAM, the GBF supports research
launched to ISS, on flight 5A.1. HRF Rack 2 will be on how the space environment affects a broad range
added later, sometime around flight 12A.1. An im- of biological systems. The centerpiece of the GBF is
ISS User’s Guide-Release 2.0 29

be able to use the Glovebox work volume at the same

time by means of gloves that extend into the work
volume. The enclosed volume of the Glovebox will
be about one half cubic meter (approximately 16 cu-
bic feet). As air circulates through the work space,
activated charcoal filters will clean it continuously by
adsorbing chemicals that may be present. In addition,
a high efficiency air filter will remove particles and
Two HHRs provide the structural, mechanical, envi-
ronmental, and communications support for the bio-
specimen habitats. The HHRs will provide life sup-
port resources and electrical power to the habitats and
other scientific equipment, as well as data links to
ISS systems and to the ground. Each HHR, as well
Figure 5.4.2-1. GBF centrifuge as the Life Sciences Glovebox and the centrifuge
a 2.5 m (8.2 ft) diameter centrifuge, shown in Fig. rotor, is outfitted to accommodate SIR drawer pay-
5.4.2-1, that accommodates eight biological habitats loads. Each habitat, in turn, is outfitted as a SIR
for maintaining a variety of biospecimen types, from drawer, permitting simple one-step installation and
cells to rodents to large plants. To monitor and pro- removal of habitats and other science equipment.
vide utilities for the habitats when they are outside of Thus, a habitat may quickly and simply be exchanged
the centrifuge, the GBF provides Habitat Holding from one HHR to another or transferred to and from
Racks (HHRs), as well as a Life Sciences Glovebox the Life Sciences Glovebox or the centrifuge rotor.
for transferring specimens without exposing them to Experiment data can be transferred from the Station
the cabin environment. to NASA’s Ames Research Center and then relayed
to scientists at their institutions and laboratories. The
As the Centrifuge rotates, artificial gravitational data links also make it possible for operators on the
forces are produced upon the attached habitats that ground or astronauts on the Space Station to send
house various biological specimens. To create a 1.0 g commands to the laboratory equipment. This will
acceleration the centrifuge rotates at 28.4 revolutions allow researchers on the ground to monitor and con-
per minute. Slower rotations produce lower levels of trol the environmental and experimental parameters
artificial gravity; faster rotations produce higher lev- inside the habitats.
els of gravity. Accelerations ranging from 0.01 g to
2.0 g will permit scientists to compare how differing Habitats which will be available to researchers in-
gravity levels affect the biology of organisms housed clude: a Cell Culture Unit for cell and tissue cultures;
in habitats under otherwise identical conditions, thus a Plant Research Unit for small plants; an Egg Incu-
separating the effects of gravity from other factors in bator for studies in development; an Insect Habitat;
the space environment. an Aquatic Habitat; and an Advanced Animal Habitat
for rats and mice. The habitats provide food, water,
The centrifuge will provide life support resources and light, air, humidity and temperature control, and
electrical power to the habitats as well as data trans- waste management for their inhabitants. In addition
fer links to ISS systems and to the ground. The hub, to environmental capabilities, the habitats collect,
or center, around which the Centrifuge rotates pro- transmit, and receive operational, engineering, and
vides structural support for the rotating part of the scientific data through their host systems: the Centri-
centrifuge, and it provides life support to the speci- fuge, the Life Sciences Glovebox, and the HHRs. In
men habitats. addition to the Habitats the GBF will have an Incuba-
tor to provide the capability to grow cells and tissue
The Life Science Glovebox will provide a sealed
work area in which crew members can perform ex- cultures.
perimental procedures. Habitats and other science
equipment will be attached to the Life Sciences 5.4.3 Biotechnology Research Facility
Glovebox in a manner that prevents any exchange of
biological material between the cabin and Glovebox The Biotechnology Research Facility (BRF) will be
or habitat when biospecimens are being transferred the primary scientific facility for conducting mam-
into or out of the glovebox. Two crew members will malian cell culture, tissue engineering, biochemical
ISS User’s Guide-Release 2.0 30

separations and protein crystal growth on ISS. The concurrently operational. Owing to the modular de-
BRF consists of one rack that provides support ser- sign, users can develop their own unique camera and
vices for a variety of sub-rack payload experiments lens systems relatively cheaply, if necessary, and
developed by investigators. Facility services include connect them to the FCF data storage and communi-
power, thermal management, video signal switching cation sub-system.
and processing, distribution of research quality gases
The FIR features a large user-configurable volume
and bulk 37° C incubation. The BRF will provide a
for experiments. The volume resembles a laboratory
centralized command and data handling interface to
optics bench. An experiment can be built up on the
the Space Station, as well as some data and video
bench from components, or it can be attached as a
self-contained package, or a combination. The FIR
provides data acquisition and control, sensor inter-
5.4.4 Fluids And Combustion Facility faces, laser and white light sources, advanced imag-
ing capabilities, power, cooling, and other resources.
The ISS Fluids and Combustion Facility (FCF) is one
Equipment can be quickly mounted by astronauts
modular, multi-user, facility designed to accommo-
with final positioning by remote control from the
date the research needs of the fluid physics and com- FCF Telescience Support Center (TSC, see Section
bustion science research communities. The FCF will 6.) or from the Principal Investigator (PI) home insti-
occupy three powered racks and one stowage rack.
tution. FIR is designed to be adaptable to nearly any
The powered racks are called the Fluids Integrated
kind of fluids experiment.
Rack (FIR), Combustion Integrated Rack (CIR), and
Shared Accommodations Rack (SAR). The combus- The CIR features a 100-liter combustion chamber
tion and fluids disciplines share racks and mutually surrounded by optical and other diagnostic packages
necessary hardware within FCF to dramatically re- including a gas chromatograph. Experiments are con-
duce cost and effectively use ISS resources. ducted in the chamber by remote control from the
TSC or PI home institution. The CIR is the only rack
The FCF Level 1 performance requirement stipulates
on ISS dedicated to combustion experimentation.
that 10 high-quality, complex, fluids and combustion
experiments be performed annually within nominal The SAR contains shared data storage and computa-
NASA budgetary and ISS resource constraints. It tional capabilities. Among other things these allow
further stipulates that FCF be able to support 80 per- the PI to analyze large volumes of image data be-
cent of the fluids and combustion experiments likely tween data point runs to optimize science return. The
to be proposed. FCF can also accommodate up to 20 SAR provides powered storage for scientific samples
additional high-quality experiments sponsored by needing that capability. It provides a sample prepara-
commercial entities and IPs; however, those sponsors tion and FCF maintenance area, as well as active
must provide the additional funding and ISS resource storage of fluids and gases needed for certain types of
allocations. Owing to the flexibility of FCF, experi- fluids and combustion experiments. When not being
ments from disciplines outside of fluids and combus- used for the forgoing, it provides a significant volume
tion can also be supported. and optics bench that is configurable for experiments
– including mid-deck locker type experiments. These
FCF incorporates several very advanced imaging
experiments will have the full FCF capability for data
systems capable of microscopic to macroscopic acquisition, control, and imaging available to them;
imaging at low to very high frame rates and over hence, they can be less expensive to produce. Ex-
ultraviolet to infrared wavelengths. Some of these are
periments are conducted by remote control from the
intensified systems for low light imaging. Some are
TSC or PI home institution.
capable of intelligent, automatic target acquisition,
tracking, focusing, and zoom. Payloads located in the
FIR, CIR, and SAR can use them. By design, after 5.4.5 Microgravity Sciences Glovebox
SAR is on-orbit, other US Lab facilities and payloads
The Microgravity Science Glovebox (MSG) is a joint
can also use them. Other facilities and payloads can
development project between NASA and the Euro-
share the FCF image storage, analysis, and transmis-
pean Space Agency (ESA). The double rack unit is a
sion capabilities (located in the FCF racks) via a
versatile research facility designed to permit the
small-diameter, temporary, fiber-optic interface cable
flexibility of crew-manipulated investigations. Its
from the FCF rack to an FCF-provided camera
configuration has been planned around the concept of
mounted in their rack (their rack must provide 28Volt
an experimental workstation where a variety of ex-
power to the camera). Up to six FCF cameras can be
periments can be installed and operated in a fashion
ISS User’s Guide-Release 2.0 31

very similar to their operation in a ground-based operate the furnaces. Each MSRR is a stand-alone
laboratory. This approach has provided a work area rack that will use ARIS. Each will be comprised of
with a comprehensive set of readily accessible labo- either on-orbit replaceable Experiment Modules
ratory resources to support an investigator-supplied (EMs), Module Inserts (MIs), Investigation-unique
experimental apparatus. Specifically, the facility Apparatus, and/or Multi-user generic processing ap-
provides a large enclosed work volume, power, paratus, and will support a wide variety of scientific
video, photography, vacuum connections, heat rejec- investigations.
tion, stowage, filtered air, gaseous nitrogen, lighting,
The European Space Agency, the international part-
airlock access, physical positioning and hold-down
ner for MSRR-1, will provide the Materials Science
attachments, and computer data acquisition and con-
Laboratory and associated infrastructure for mount-
trol capabilities.
ing it inside the ISPR. Materials science capabilities
In consideration of the ambient microgravity opera- will be accommodated with Module Inserts (MI) to
tional environment, the work area is enclosed and be installed in the MSL. Single sample processing is
sealed by a large window, designed to contain poten- accomplished using manual sample exchange by a
tial liquid spillage, loose hardware, or gaseous by- crewmember. A number of Module Inserts, which are
products generated as a result of the experiment’s on-orbit replaceable, are currently being developed
performance. Crew access to the volume and opera- both by NASA and ESA. These MIs will accommo-
tional manipulation of the experiments is through date near-term scientific investigations for the Mate-
sealed glove ports. To enhance the value of the crew rials Science Research Program.
operation, the communication utilities to the facility
MSRR-2/3 configurations will have enhanced capa-
have been designed to enable real-time visual and
bilities to provide a variety of additional hardware
data monitoring of the experimentation by a ground
features to meet the current and future anticipated
based scientist, along with limited computer control
science processing requirements. These capabilities
by this scientist. As ISS utilization evolves, the MSG
include, but are not limited to, high temperature
is scheduled to become a major pathfinder for devel-
processing, in-situ optical imaging, real time video,
oping and exploiting the scientific advantages of truly
magnetic damping, sample resistance measurement,
enabling the coupling of experimentation in space
X-Ray imaging, and Seebeck measurements. The
with an evaluative response from the crew and inves-
design of the EMs for MSRR-2/3 will be consistent
with the developing rack architecture and will incor-
porate optimum flexibility to support on-orbit main-
5.4.6 Materials Science Research Facility tenance and change-out of key components. The
EMs for each of these rack will be designed to be
The Materials Science Research Facility (MSRF) is a "smart" furnaces and will be comprised of the Fur-
facility to accommodate the current and evolving nace Module, Avionics, Control, Support Subsys-
cadre of peer-reviewed Materials Science investiga-
tems, and Automated Multiple Sample Exchange
tions which include solidification of metals and al-
loys, thermophysical properties, polymers, crystal
growth studies of semiconductor materials, and re-
search in ceramics and glasses. The facility will pro- 5.4.7 Window Observational Research Facility
vide the apparatus for satisfying near-term and long-
Installed over the Nadir Research Window, the Win-
range Materials Science Discipline goals and objec-
dow Observational Research Facility (WORF) pro-
tives to be accomplished in the microgravity envi-
vides a means of deploying a variety of payloads for
ronment of the U.S. Laboratory on the ISS. The types
conducting geologic, climatologic, atmospheric, and
of materials processing that will be accommodated
geographic research. As shown in Figure 4.1-1, the
include Bridgman-type directional solidification,
solidification and quench, physical vapor transport, ISS flies over ∼85% of the Earth’s surface (up to
solution undercooling, solution crystal growth, and 95% of the Earth’s human population), and flies over
containerless processing. a given location approximately every three days, with
an identical lighting condition every three months.
The MSRF consists of three modular autonomous This pattern will provide a tremendous opportunity to
Materials Science Research Racks (MSRR-1, MSRR- observe changes in Earth’s surface, oceans and at-
2, and MSRR-3) which will be deployed in phases mosphere on a regular basis.
and will accommodate materials processing furnaces
and common subsystems and interfaces required to The WORF design will use existing EXPRESS Rack
hardware to minimize both development time and
ISS User’s Guide-Release 2.0 32

schedule risk. Common EXPRESS hardware will associated EXPRESS Rack, enabling commercial
include a Rack Interface Controller box for power researchers to grow crystals as well as determine
and data connection, Avionics Air Assembly fan for their structures. The integrated capabilities of the
air circulation within the rack, rack fire detection, and XCF enable commercial researchers and scientists to
appropriate avionics to communicate with the ISS grow samples and obtain structural data on those
data network. The WORF rack will provide mount- samples prior to subjecting the crystals to re-entry
ing for payloads, with access to power at 120 or 28 stress and time-related degradation. Without crew
Vdc , uplink and downlink commands at low and intervention for nominal operations, the proposed
medium data rates, and moderate temperature cooling system robotically downlinks video of crystal forma-
capability for payloads. The WORF will also include tion to the awaiting scientist. The researcher com-
a means of removing condensation from the interior mands which crystals are to be harvested and pre-
surface of the window and a variety of shields to pro- pared for freezing and the X-ray diffraction analysis.
tect the interior window surface from the impacts The information is stored on board as well as trans-
from loose tools and hardware being used in the pay- mitted to the researcher on Earth. The downlinking
load area. These shields will still have sufficient op- allows the scientist to review the results and uplink
tical performance to allow the crew member to see any modifications to the data collection process. An
out the window during their use. The interior of the astronaut crew member can provide assistance on a
WORF will provide for a non-reflective, light-tight scheduled or ‘as available’ basis. Data privacy for
environment both to minimize glare off the window, principal investigators can be provided.
and to allow use of payloads that will be sensitive to
extremely low energy phenomena such as auroras. A
shroud attached to the hatch at the front of the rack 5.4.9 Advanced Human Support Technology
will allow crew members to work in the WORF Facility
without the problems of glare from the U.S. Lab inte- The Advanced Human Support Technology Facility
rior. (AHSTF) will serve as a research and development
testbed for enabling technologies required by NASA
The payload volume of the WORF is sized to allow
to sustain human life during long duration and deep
the mounting of payloads up to 53.3 cm x 50.8 cm x
space missions. Technologies to be developed will
76.2 cm (21 in x 20 in x 30 in) with a mass of up to
support the following fields: Advanced Life Support;
136.1 kg (300 lbm). This allows the crew to operate
Advanced Environmental Monitoring and Control;
up to three instruments in the window at once. The
and Space Human Factors Engineering.
payload volume will provide a standard set of mount-
ing points for payloads to mount instruments and The AHSTF is anticipated to feature the first ISS
supporting avionics. At present, the WORF will not suite of hardware in support of advanced life support
provide specialized tracking mounts for individual and environmental monitoring. The AHSTF will pro-
payloads. Investigators requiring special instrument vide an on-orbit test bed for supporting technologies
mounts will need to provide them. The WORF will that enable development of a closed environment life
provide mounts for small, hand-held payloads such as support system applicable to long-duration explora-
film cameras, electronic still cameras and camcor- tion flights. Nanominiaturization technologies will
ders. This mount will provide for stable mouting for probably be extensively utilized during this early
the purposes of crew Earth observations photography. period of ISS human support technology research,
Lastly, the WORF will provide secure stowage for particularly to enhance environmental sensor sys-
the scratch pane, as well as limited payload stowage. tems. Detailed hardware parameters for the AHSTF
are under development.
5.4.8 X-Ray Crystallography Facility
The X-ray Crystallography Facility (XCF) is a com- 5.4.10 Low-Temperature Microgravity Physics
prehensive protein crystal analysis facility that incor- Facility
porates necessary elements for analyzing complex The Low Temperature Microgravity Physics Facility
macromolecular crystals in the microgravity envi- is the first laboratory developed by NASA from the
ronment. The XCF supports the preparation of crys- Fundamental Physics in Space Roadmap (JPL 400-
tals for visual evaluation and mounting, sample freez- 808, 4/99). The LTMPF Facility Class Payload is a
ing, and collection of X-ray diffraction data on se- complete low temperature laboratory to be attached
lected crystals. As part of its resource allocation the to the JEM-EF. There will be two identical facilities,
XCF will have crystal growth facilities housed in an each weighing 500 Kg or less and each supporting
ISS User’s Guide-Release 2.0 33

two experiments in parallel operations. An advanced responsible for the final integration of experiment
superfluid helium Dewar maintains a base tempera- hardware to the facility and the engineering activities
ture pre-selected at between 1.6K to 2.0K for a period thereafter. Once on ISS, the experiments simultane-
of approximately five months. ously take data for approximately five months. After
cryogen depletion, LTMPF may continue to monitor
The Dewar insert is configured to best accommodate
environments on board the ISS while it awaits return
two experiments. Typically it consists of two sets of
by the Shuttle. Upon return to Earth, the experiments
thermal-mechanical platforms called the probes. At-
undergo de-integration and inspection at JPL. The
tached to each probe are the cells and sensors for
facility and some of the experiment hardware are
each experiment. Each probe can have several stages
then refurbished for the next set of experiments. Each
of isolation platforms with separate temperature regu-
facility is designed to survive five cycles of testing,
lations on each stage to provide the maximum tem-
launch and landing. Taking turns to launch one facil-
perature stability. The total volume for both probes
ity ever 16 months will provide for up to twenty
and experiment hardware occupy a cylindrical vol-
years of service to experiments that demand an envi-
ume of 19 cm (7.5 in) in diameter and 70 cm (27.6
ronment of long duration microgravity at low tem-
in) long. The total allocated weight for both sets of
experiment hardware attached to the probes (but ex-
cluding the probe mass) is 12 Kg or less. Electronics
are built on the modular VME chassis with up to 42 5.5 International Partner Research Accom-
slots for standard or custom-built electronic boards modations
that can be reconfigured for each flight. Ultra high-
All of the previously described research accommoda-
resolution temperature and pressure sensors have
been developed based on SQUID (Super-conducting tions, whether developed solely by the U.S. or under
Quantum Interference Devices) magnetometers. cooperative/barter agreements between the U.S. and
the other IPs, are directly accessible to U.S.-based
There are up to 12 SQUIDs shared between the two
researchers. The following sections provide a sum-
experiments. The high-resolution thermometers have
mary of multi-user research facilities whose pro-
demonstrated sub-nano-Kelvin temperature resolu-
tion in past space experiments. Other existing meas- grammatic origin gives priority access to researchers
urement techniques include resistance thermometers, based in non-U.S. IP countries.
precision heaters, capacitance bridges, precision
clocks and frequency counters, modular gas handling 5.5.1 ESA Accommodations
systems, and optical access capability. An onboard
flight computer controls all facility and instrument A complete description of the research accommoda-
electronics, all ISS interfaces, command, telemetry, tions being contributed to ISS by ESA are to be
and data storage during on-orbit operations. found in the ESA document The International Space
Station: A Guide for European Users (ESA Publica-
Most LTMPF experiments are sensitive to random tion BR-137). The resources allocated to European
vibrations, charged particles, and stray magnetic users are based on 5 ISPRs in the Columbus module
fields. The level of random vibrations at low fre- and 2 Express Pallet Adapters on the Columbus ex-
quency (< 0.1 Hz) is several micro g rms. A passive ternal payload facility. Beyond this allocation, Euro-
vibration isolation system attenuates higher fre- pean researchers can gain access to whatever addi-
quency ( > 1Hz) vibration inputs from the ISS to be- tional resources are being developed under barter or
low 500 micro g rms. Several layers of magnetic cooperative development agreements between ESA
shielding are built into the instrument probe to pro- and other IPs.
tect the experiments from on-orbit variations in the
magnetic field environment. Vibration and radiation European multi-user external research facilities for
monitors will provide experimenters near real-time the Columbus Exposed Facility remain to be defined.
data. The 5 ISPR locations allocated to ESA inside Co-
lumbus will be used to support the following facili-
The responsibility for developing and testing the ex- ties:
periment hardware and software rests on the principal
investigator, who may also choose to delegate the Biolab. Biolab is a single-rack multi-user facility that
responsibility to a more experienced party including will support biological research on small plants,
the LTMPF project staff located at NASA’s Jet Pro- small invertebrates, microorganisms, animal cells,
pulsion Laboratory (JPL). In addition to general and tissue cultures. It will include an incubator
management and science support, JPL will also be equipped with centrifuges in which the preceeding
ISS User’s Guide-Release 2.0 34

experimental subjects can be subjected to controlled automatically exchanged by the Sample Cartridge
levels of accelerations. Automatic Exchange Mechanism.
Fluid Science Laboratory. This is a single-rack Advanced Furnace for microgravity Experiment
multi-user facility in which it will be possible to with X-ray radiography (AFEX). A multi-user
study dynamic phenomena of fluid media in micro- image furnace with the capability for in-situ observa-
gravity. tion using X-ray radiography. A sample placed in the
focus of a gold-plated ellipsoidal mirror is heated and
European Physiology Modules. The European
melted by radiation from a 1500 W halogen lamp.
Physiology Module is a single-rack multi-user facility
Alternatively, isothermal heating of samples can be
that will support investigations of respiratory and
carried out using ceramic heaters placed around the
cardiovascular conditions, hormonal and body fluid
sample. AFEX is allocated the entire resources of
shift, bone demineralization and neuroscience. The
Materials Science Rack 2.
facility is based on a modular design concept to sup-
port diverse experiments. Electrostatic Levitation Furnace (ELF). The ELF
is a materials research facility that uses electrostatic
European Drawer Rack. The European Drawer
levitation for containerless sample processing. Laser
Rack is an ISPR-based holding rack designed to ac-
heating provides for sample heating to temperatures
commodate up to 8 independently-operating sub-rack
payloads. The payloads have the option of being ac- of up to 2000°C (3632 °F) in a gas atmosphere or
commodated in Middeck Lockers or slightly larger under vacuum. Observation is provided by a pyrome-
Standard Experiment Drawers. ter, a thermal imaging system and a video camera.
The ELF will occupy a sub-rack portion of an ISPR.
European Stowage Rack. This is a modular stow-
age rack designed to accommodate payload equip- Isothermal Furnace (ITF). The ITF is a multipur-
ment and samples in Standard Experiment Drawers pose furnace for forming materials and conducting
and Middeck Lockers. Power, data and thermal con- research on solidification and diffusion of melting
trol resources are not provided to the stowed items. samples with a uniform temperature profile. Two
locations are provided in this facility for addition of
user-unique equipment. The ITF will occupy a sub-
5.5.2 NASDA Accommodations rack portion of an ISPR.
The NASDA research accommodations are summa- Cell Biology Experiment Facility (CBEF). The
rized in the NASDA publication Space Station Japa- CBEF provides a controlled temperature, humidity
nese Experiment Module Multiuser Experiment Fa- and CO2-level environment for fundamental life sci-
cilities Catalog. The accommodations for Japanese ences research on small plants, animals, cells, tissues
users are based on 5 ISPRs in the JEM pressurized and microorganisms. A rotating table can provide g-
module, and 5 ports on the JEM-EF. Multi-user fa- levels from 0.1 to 2 g for specimens. The CBEF is a
cilities for Japanese users on the EF remain to be sub-rack payload currently slated to share rack space
defined, however. The 5 ISPR spaces will consist of with the Clean Bench.
three Materials Science Racks and two Life Sciences
Racks. Some of the individual multi-user research Clean Bench (CB). Provides a closed workspace for
facilities being developed for these racks are of sub- aseptic (glovebox) operations with life sciences and
rack size, so that an individual ISPR may contain biotechnology materials. All materials entering and
more than one facility. leaving the work volume pass through a pretreatment
chamber for sterilization if required. The CB is cur-
The multi-user research facilities currently under rently pared in an ISPR with the CBEF.
development for Japanese users are as follows:
Fluid Physics Experiment Facility (FPEF). In-
Gradient Heating Furnace (GHF). The GHF is tended to support fluid physics experiments involving
allocated the entire resources of Materials Science phenomena such as Marangoni convection, bubble
Rack 1 and consists of the Material Processing Unit generation, heat transfer, liquid wettability, combus-
and Sample Cartridge Automatic Exchange Mecha- tion and bubble behavior in a moderate temperature
nism. The Material Processing Unit is a zone-type environment. The FPEF is currently scheduled to
1600°C (2912 °F) furnace with vacuum capabilities share rack space with the Solution/Protein Crystal
that accepts cartridge-type samples. In order to con- Growth Facility and the Image Processing Unit.
serve crew resources on orbit, the sample cartridge is
ISS User’s Guide-Release 2.0 35

Solution/Protein Crystal Growth Facility (SPCF). 6.1 User Autonomy

The SPCF has two major components, the protein
Unlike previous U.S. space vehicles, the ISS will
Crystal Research Facility, for growing large, high-
operate continuously over several years, and will
quality protein crystals for analysis on the ground,
allow change-out and upgrade of payloads during that
and the Solution Crystallization Observation Facility,
time. Planning for payload operations will allow new
for microscopic examination of the crystals on orbit.
payloads to be added or permit the return of on-orbit
The two units can be operated independently. The
payloads as part of the normal change process. Plan-
SPCF will share rack space with the FPEF and the
ning expertise will be geographically distributed at
Image Processing Unit.
control centers and user sites around the world. ISS
Image Processing Unit (IPU). The IPU receives payload operations will be multidisciplinary and will
experiment imagery from the experiment facilities include a broad range of crew-attended, unattended,
and encodes the data either for downlink or storage automated, and telescience operations. NASA will
on removable media. It has the capability to receive provide Payload Operation Integration (POI) for ISS
and compress four video signals simultaneously and Payloads. POI is the assessment and management of
to record the signals on four VCRs. interactions between multiple payloads, payload fa-
cilities, and Station systems, including interactions
Minus Eighty-degree Laboratory Freezer for ISS
between hardware, software and operations. The
(MELFI). This is a second unit of the MELFI de-
NASA POI process involves developing integrated
scribed in Section 5.3.5 above.
payload operations requirements, plans, and proc-
Aquatic Animal Experiment Facility (AAEF). The esses and ensures their compatibility with the flight
AAEF is a sub-rack facility that will accommodate system. This effort includes Station-wide payload
freshwater and saltwater organisms (such as Medaka operations management and integration, integrated
fish) inside the JEM environment. The facility will payload planning and operations, and payload crew
be designed to accommodate experiments for up to and ground personnel training and safety. Safety,
90 days, making it possible to conduct research rang- operational effectiveness, and system-to-payload per-
ing from early development and differentiation to formance are the primary goals. The NASA POI pro-
individual responses in the microgravity environ- cess will integrate all U.S. users, regardless of the
ment. payload’s location on orbit.
Researchers will have the choice of where their
Paayyllooaadd O
66.. P ground operations will be based. Whether located in a
Telescience Support Center (TSC) at one of NASA’s
Field Centers, in the mission control center of an In-

I SS Payload Operations include both the advanced

planning for on-orbit research and the actual real-
time operations for using on-board ISS laborato-
ries. The advanced payload operations planning in-
ternational Partner, or in a remote site such as a uni-
versity research laboratory, researchers will be able
to manage and operate their research. A TSC is a
NASA facility equipped to conduct telescience op-
cludes all the preparation activities in which the in-
erations on board ISS. A remote site is a non-NASA
vestigator’s research objectives are defined and coor-
facility such as a Commercial Space Center, univer-
dinated with other research payloads and the ISS sys-
sity, private industry, or non-NASA government
tem operations. Real-time operations are those activi-
agency. “Telescience” is defined as the acquisition of
ties that occur during the actual on-orbit conduct of
information through remote experimentation and ob-
the scientists’ research protocols. These activities
servation. From laboratory desktop computers,
include conducting the experiment procedures, oper-
Telescience will maximize the ability of researchers
ating the experiment hardware, and gathering the
to communicate with the crew, to direct the “com-
experiment’s data and samples.
manding” of their research hardware and software,
The three goals of ISS Payload Operations are: 1) to and to manage the receipt, processing, and analysis of
give researchers some autonomy to manage and op- their research data. To support researchers in remote
erate their research payloads; 2) to distribute opera- locations, NASA has developed the Telescience Re-
tions capabilities; and 3) to provide researchers with source Kit (TReK). TReK is a PC-based telemetry
operational flexibility. and command system which will give researchers
access to their payload on board the ISS in addition
to ground-based planning and information manage-
ment systems (see TReK website, Appendix B).
ISS User’s Guide-Release 2.0 36

Researchers will define their science planning re- gators will be able to discuss problem areas with mis-
quirements and provide their science expertise on sion planners and will be better able to devise new
payload and experiment operations. Investigators will procedures. For example, a procedure that resulted in
develop the detailed operations plans for their ex- a limited sample yield could be modified to improve
periments, will participate in training the crew, and future test results. ISS operations are designed to give
will help develop the procedures the crew will use scientists the flexibility to modify or enhance their
while in space. Researchers’ planning inputs will also experiment operations as long as they remain within
be used to develop an operational schedule for on- their resource constraints. Detailed payload opera-
board activities. tions plans will be developed one week in advance,
thus allowing researchers time to review previous
data and revise their research approach, thereby im-
6.2 Payload Ground Command and Control proving the quality of data collection on later ex-
ISS payload command and control is designed to give periment runs.
an ISS User maximum flexibility in choosing the
location and method for controlling a given payload.
The most simple option available is to control the 77.. GGeettttiinngg O
Onn B
Booaarrdd:: N
payload by a payload operator who maintains per- SS
sseeaarrcchh aanndd IIS S
sonnel at the Huntsville Operations Support Center
(HOSC) at the Marshall Space Flight Center. Within
the HOSC is the Payload Operations and Integration
Center (POIC) that that will provide 24 hour, real-
time monitoring of payloads. The POIC manages the
execution of on-orbit ISS payloads and payload sup-
F or potential ISS investigators located within the
U.S., and for certain cases potential investiga-
tors outside the U.S., the selection, funding,
and logistic support of research to be performed on
board ISS is managed through the interaction be-
port systems in coordination/unison with distributed tween the ISS Program, and science, commercial and
IP payload control centers, TSCs and payload engineering Offices based at NASA Headquarters.
unique-remote facilities. Through the POIC Users The Offices manage a large range of research pro-
have several operational options for controlling their grams, of which research to be performed on ISS is
payloads, including the use of TrEK through a TSC only a subset. The Offices are as follows:
or directly into the POIC as well as several others.
Details on these options can be found on the POIC The Office of Life and Microgravity Sciences and
Webpage (Appendix B). Applications (OLMSA or Code U). OLMSA is di-
vided into three Divisions: Life Sciences, Micrograv-
At each optional level, payload command and control ity Research, and Space Utilization and Product De-
data will be routed through the POIC to the Space velopment. Life Sciences deals with the majority of
Station Control Center at JSC, and then onto the life sciences and human research supported by
White Sands Complex in New Mexico for uplink to NASA. The Microgravity Research Division (MRD)
ISS. Each command is uplinked through the Track- manages microgravity research involving the life and
ing and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS) to ISS physical science. Space Utilization and Product De-
with an expected round-trip latency of <4 seconds. velopment is concerned with commercial projects
ISS Users that are operating at or through a TSC will related to either life sciences or microgravity sci-
have that additional link in the payload command ences.
chain, but the latency will still be <4 seconds. Down-
linked payload data will come from ISS through In addition to being responsible for solicitation, se-
TDRSS to the White Sands Complex, and then lection and funding of research within their respec-
directly to the HOSC for distribution to the payload tive disciplines, the Divisions also in certain cases set
operations sites, either a TSC or the payload program requirement for development of the facility-
developer’s home institution. class payloads that fall within their areas.
The Office of Space Science (OSS or Code S). OSS
6.3 Operational Flexibility manages NASA research in the astronomical, plane-
tary, and space sciences.
Because the ISS vehicle is designed for extensive
communications, including voice, video, telemetry, The Office of Earth Science (OES or Code Y).
and downloads of real-time and stored data, research- OES manages NASA’s program in Earth observation
ers will easily be able to assess the success or short- and remote sensing.
comings of their on-orbit research protocols. Investi-
ISS User’s Guide-Release 2.0 37

The Office of Space Flight (OSF or Code M). OSF periments which successfully complete this phase
manages NASA’s human space flight program and is then enter a development and operations cycle and
responsible for the development of engineering inno- are manifested to be performed on the ISS.
vations for next-generation spacecraft. Code M is
Details on the review and selection process may be
involved in engineering research on the Station.
found by downloading the most recent Life Sciences
A concept of central importance to the potential ISS NRA from the following internet site:
User is that each of these Offices has their own pro- ü
cedures for soliciting, selecting, and funding research
to be done on ISS. To provide logistical and devel- 7.2 Microgravity Sciences
opment support for research projects once they are
funded, the Offices have implemented Research Pro- NASA supports research in microgravity sciences
ject Offices (RPOs) at NASA Field Centers. The through the Microgravity Research Program managed
RPOs serve as the interface between research projects by the Microgravity Research Division (MRD) of
and the ISS Program, and perform other oversight OLMSA. The mission of MRD is to “Obtain new
and development tasks related to their disciplines. knowledge and increase the understanding of gravity
dependent phenomena obscured by the effects of
At the present time, research funding for ISS is under gravity in biological, chemical and physical systems,
distributed management between the Headquarters and where feasible, to facilitate the application of that
Offices and the ISS Payloads Office at Johnson knowledge to academic and commercially viable
Space Center (JSC Code OZ). The funding for inves- products and processes.” The support of MRD for
tigator support and associated research costs is pro- microgravity research is allocated across five specific
vided by the Headquarters Offices. The ISS Payloads disciplines: Biotechnology, Combustion Science,
Office manages the budget allocated for building the Fluid Physics, Fundamental Physics, and Materials
array of multi-user, facility-class and EXPRESS pay- Science. NRAs describing funding opportunities for
loads that form the principal Space Station research each of these disciplines are released by MRD on a
infrastructure. While under this arrangement the ma- projected cycle of 2 years.
jority of an ISS research investigator’s budget re-
source will probably originate from the Headquarters The latest NRAs for microgravity science are avail-
Offices, a sub-set of additional resources may also able at:
flow from ISS Payloads. The degree of this sub- ü
division depends on the type of project and the Head- Proposals for microgravity science flight investiga-
quarters Office program with which it is associated. tions first undergo a selection process, during which
they are evaluated for initial funding based on scien-
7.1 Life Sciences tific and technical merits. If an experiment is se-
lected, it then enters into a multi-phase flight defini-
The Life Sciences Division of OLMSA supports ISS tion and development cycle.
flight experiments which are implemented through
three programs: Biomedical Research and Counter-
measures (BR&C), Fundamental Biology (FB), and 7.2.1 Microgravity Science Experiment Selec-
Advanced Human Support Technology. Investiga- tion
tions for these programs are solicited primarily Microgravity Science flight experiment proposals
through an annual NASA Research Announcement will undergo a series of three reviews.
1) Scientific peer review for selection recommenda-
In the areas of BR&C and FB, the NRA is coordi- tion,
nated with research announcements of the member
agencies of the International Space Life Sciences 2) Science peer review for scientific feasibility,
Working Group (ISLSWG). Proposers responding to 3) Science and Engineering review for definition of
these announcements can utilize the capabilities for requirements .
Life Sciences Research provided on ISS by all of the
ISLSWG agencies. Review and selection of the pro- Criteria related to the scientific relevance, signifi-
posals is coordinated by the ISLSWG agencies. cance, quality, and necessity of using the space flight
environment are included in the scientific peer re-
Selected proposals first enter a definition phase dur- view. The relevance of the experiment to program-
ing which the technical feasibility is verified. Ex- matic priorities, scientific merit as evaluated by the
ISS User’s Guide-Release 2.0 38

scientific peer review, technical risk as determined addition to opportunities for EXPRESS Pallet
by the technical evaluation, funding availability and Adapter, JEM-EF, and Columbus Exposed Payload
projection of future flight opportunities are also con- Facility payloads, OSS is investigating full truss site
sidered in the reviews. The PI must pass all 3 re- payloads with their greater capacity for mass and
views before proceeding to flight. NASA HQ will volume. This type of payload is ideal for investiga-
make final selections. tions such as cosmic ray research, which require a
large viewing area and large mass with tolerant point-
ing requirements. Astrobiology research will be con-
7.2.2 Microgravity Sciences Experiment Defini- ducted in conjunction with Code U using their selec-
tion and Development tion and funding processes.
Once a project is funded, its overall requirements for The OSS uses NASA Announcements of Opportunity
hardware development and access to NASA ground-
(AOs) to fund flight missions. At this time, the OSS
based or flight facilities are coordinated by the Mi-
does not have a specific AO for ISS payloads. In-
crogravity Research Program Office (MRPO) at
stead, the Missions of Opportunity (MoO) class un-
NASA’s lead center for microgravity research, Mar-
der the Explorer Program AOs will provide the op-
shall Space Flight Center (MSFC). MRPO also con- portunity to propose ISS payloads. The MoOs are
ducts oversight of management and support tasks available in all Explorer AOs, including Medium-
performed at other NASA centers for the specific
class Explorers (MIDEX), Small Explorers (SMEX),
microgravity science disciplines described above. A
and University-class Explorers (UNEX).
funded project that advances to flight status on ISS
will generally have some aspects of its support, Space science ISS payloads selected under the Ex-
hardware development for example, assigned to the plorers AOs will be funded and managed through the
NASA center best suited to the project’s microgravity Explorers Program. The Program will be provide a
discipline area. It is also the responsibility of the mission manager for each selected payload. The pri-
MRPO to be the bridge between an investigator and mary interface between all potential and selected pay-
their first point of contact with the ISS program, loads and the SSPO is the OSS RPO located at God-
which is the International Space Station Payloads dard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, MD.
Office at JSC.
In addition to the MRPO support role for specific 7.4 Earth Sciences
microgravity research projects whether they ulti-
NASA supports research and development activities
mately fly on ISS or not, the MPRO monitors the
in the Earth Sciences through the Office of Earth Sci-
development and implementation of the microgravity
ence (OES) at NASA Headquarters. The mission of
performance accommodations on the ISS, keeping
OES is "to develop understanding of the total Earth
the interests of the microgravity research community
system and the effects of natural and human-induced
and potential microgravity investigators in mind.
changes on the global environment". OES research is
expected to encompass the areas of science and ap-
7.3 Space Sciences plications. Opportunities will exist for attached pay-
loads, as well as pressurized payloads in the WORF.
Research activities in the Space Sciences are funded
Due to the global coverage of the ISS orbit, ISS pay-
through the Office of Space Science (OSS or Code S)
loads are appropriate for most of the Earth science
at NASA Headquarters. The mission statement of the disciplines.
OSS is, “From origins to destiny, chart the evolution
of the Universe and understand its galaxies, stars, The OES uses both AOs and NASA Research
planets, and life.” The OSS supports four fundamen- Anouncements to fund research. At this time, the
tal areas of research: OES does not have a specific AO for ISS payloads.
Opportunities for both attached payloads and WORF
• the Search for Origins, payloads will be offered under the Earth System Sci-
• the Structure and Evolution of the Universe, ence Pathfinder (ESSP) and University Earth System
Science (UnESS) AOs. WORF payloads may also be
• the Exploration of the Solar System, and selected by NRAs.
• the Sun-Earth Connection. Earth science ISS payloads selected under the ESSP
Space science research will be conducted on ISS Project and UnESS Project AOs will be funded and
primarily through the use of attached payloads. In managed through these associated Projects. ESSP and
ISS User’s Guide-Release 2.0 39

UnESS will provide mission managers for each se- both in space and on the ground, is expected to con-
lected payload. The primary interface between all tinue in the tradition of the government-sponsored
potential and selected payloads and the SSPO is the space program.
OES RPO located at Goddard Space Flight Center in
Several parties inside and outside NASA are cooper-
Greenbelt, MD.
ating in the planning and execution of CPD. OLMSA
(Code U) and the Office of Space Flight (Code M),
7.5 Engineering Research and Technology both at NASA Headquarters, jointly hold broad pro-
gram definition, initiation, facilitation, and monitor-
The Space Station Payloads Office funds Engineering
ing responsibilities for the overall CPD Program.
Research and Technology (ERT) payloads that use
the Station as a testbed and which develop, test and A joint Headquarters-ISS commercial offer process is
demonstrate technologies that can improve the ISS evaluating pathfinder projects, working to remove
systems or payloads capabilities, lower the costs of barriers to feasible projects, and referring feasible
maintenance or operations, and reduce power or crew offers to the appropriate NASA field centers for fur-
time requirements. ISS also funds the Commercial ther evaluation. As promising pathfinder projects are
Space Center (CSC) for Engineering that facilitates implemented, the lessons learned will be applied to
industry’s use of the ISS for engineering research and complete NASA's overall ISS commercialization
technology development. policy, leading to eventual establishment of routine
commercial research operations on the ISS.
New technologies are flown as demonstration pay-
loads so that the capabilities and reliability of a new OLMSA, through its Space Utilization and Product
technology can be verified before committing that Development Division (Code UM) at NASA Head-
technology for use on the ISS. The ERT payloads are quarters, facilitates participation and investment in
also used to demonstrate technologies that are impor- space-linked commercial goods and services in order
tant to exploration programs and commercial inter- to benefit U.S. industry and the economy as a whole.
ests. Both pressurized and un-pressurized payloads Funding for payload hardware to support the com-
are funded through this program. mercial and technology experiments planned for the
ISS is included under the ISS Research Program
The Space Station Payloads Office has designated the managed bv the ISS Pavloads Office (Code OZ) at
Johnson Space Center’s Technology Planning Office JSC. Program management for Space Utilization and
(JSC/EX2) as the manager of the ERT Program Of-
Product Development is carried out by the Space
fice. The ERT payload resource allocation on the
Utilization and Product Development Office at Mar-
ISS is part of the payload allocation for the NASA
shall Space Flioht Center in Huntsville, Alabama, and
Office of Spaceflight (Code M).
the Space Technology and Engineering Applications
Program at JSC.
7.6 Commercial Payloads To accomplish orbital commercial research and to
The commercial payload development (CPD) effort, develop industry partnerships, the Space Utilization
precipitated by passing of the Federal Commercial and Product Development program uses Commercial
Space Act of 1998, seeks to establish a marketplace Space Centers (CSCs) which are non-profit organiza-
and stimulate a national economy for space products tions based at universities, or other non-profit centers.
and services in low Earth orbit, where both demand The CSCs provide support and expertise to encourage
and supply are dominated by the private sector. In the industry to conduct space research in areas such as
short term, the program will begin the transition to biotechnology, agribusiness, and materials. A com-
private investment and offset a share of the public pany that wants to become involved in space research
cost for operating the Space Shuttle fleet and the ISS can begin by establishing a partnership with a CSC
through commercial enterprise in open markets. Ba- that emphasizes the appropriate technical research
sic and applied research in science and technology, area. A list of CSCs is provided in Appendix D.
ISS User’s Guide-Release 2.0 40

Appppeennddiixx A
A.. R
Reellaatteedd D
The following documents contain supplemental information to guide the user in the application of this document.
These reference documents may or may not be specifically cited within the text of the Guide.

Document No. Title Type, source

SSP 52000-PAH-PRP, Rev. ISS Payload Accommodations Handbook for Pressurized Payloads Multilateral-ISS Internal
SSP 52000-PAH-ERP, Draft ISS Payload Accommodations Handbook, EXpedite the PRocessing Multilateral-ISS Internal
of Experiments to Space Station (EXPRESS) Rack Payloads
SSP 57003 Attached Payload Interface Requirements Document NASA-ISS Internal
SSP 57021 Attached Payloads Accommodation Handbook NASA-ISS Internal
NP-1998-02-232-HQ, Rev 1 Improving Life on Earth and in Space: The NASA Research Plan, an NASA Internal
No Number Science and Technology Research Directions for the International NASA Internal, available at:
Space Station
JPL 400-808, 4/99 Fundamental Physics in Space Roadmap NASA Internal
No Number Space Station Japanese Experiment Module Multiuser Experiment NASDA Internal
Facilities Catalog
No Number Centrifuge NASDA Internal
No Number Space Station Integration & Promotion Center: The Base for Ja- NASDA Internal
pan’s International Space Station Program
JBX-98079 Introductory Guidbook for JEM Exposed Facility Potential Users NASDA Internal
BR-137, February 1999 The International Space Station: A Guide for European Users ESA Internal, available at:
No Number International Space Station NASDA Internal
No Number International Space Station Fact Book, July 1999 NASA Internal
TD9702A ISS Familiarization Manual NASA Internal, available at:
LS71001 Functional Requirements Document for the Human Research Facil- NASA Internal
AIAA 99-0312 Low Temperature Microgravity Physics Facility AIAA Publication
AIAA 99-0314 X-ray Crystallography Facility for the International Space Station AIAA Publication
AIAA 99-0313 EXPRESS Rack Overview AIAA Publication
ISS User’s Guide-Release 2.0 41

Appppeennddiixx B
B.. R
Reellaatteedd W
Official NASA external websites are organized below according to the sections and sub-sections of the Guide for
which they are relevant. An official NASA-site search engine is available at:

11.. IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn
ü NASA Human Space-ISS Home
1.1 Document Purpose and Structure
1.2 ISS History and Overview
ü NASA Homepage
ü NASA Headquarters Homepage
ü NASA Field Centers
ü NASA Human Space-ISS Home
ü Spaceflight History
ü JSC Homepage
ü ISS IPs, IP Homepages
ü ISS Partners Sign Agreements refer-
ü RSA Homepage
ü ESA Homepage
ü NASDA Homepage
ü ISS Multilateral Agreement
1.3 NASA Research Coordination and Advisory Committees
22.. IISSSS D meenntt
2.1 Assembly Sequence
ü Phase I Shuttle-Mir
ü ISS Assembly Website
2.2 Build-up of Resources and Early Utilization
ü Evolution of Resources elements/uslab/evolut.htm
33.. IISSSS R meennttss
Reesseeaarrcchh EElleem
ü ISS Graphical Overview-PLAID Lab
ü ISS Virtual Tour
3.1 A Module Named “Destiny”: The U.S. Laboratory Module
ü U.S. Lab PLAID view
ü U.S. Laboratory Module
3.2 U.S. Centrifuge Accommodations Module (CAM)
ü CAM PLAID view
ü ISS Biological Research Project SSBRP/index.html
3.3 U.S. Integrated Truss Attachments
3.4 Japanese Experiment Module (JEM)
ü NASDA ISS Home Page
ü NASDA JEM Website
3.5 Columbus Module
ü ESA Columbus Website
3.6 Russian Segment
ü Russian Space Agency Website
44.. TThhee IISSSS EEnnvviirroonnm
4.1 Orbital Parameters and Models of Operation
ü ISS Orbit and Tracking
4.2 Microgravity
ü OLMSA-MG Research Div.
ü OLMSA-Understanding Microgravity
ü MSFC-What is Microgravity?
4.2.1 Quasi-steady Requirements
4.2.2 Vibratory Requirements
4.2.3 Microgravity Acceleration Measurement
ü Microgravity measurement MSD_htmls/mmap.html
ü PI Microgravity Services
ISS User’s Guide-Release 2.0 42

4.4 Internal Environment Control and Monitoring

4.5 External Environment Control and Monitoring
55.. A
mmmooddaattiioonnss ffoorr R
Reesseeaarrcchh oonn IISSSS
5.1 Resource Allocation
ü ISS Multilateral Agreement
5.2 Station-wide Resource
5.2.1 Power
5.2.2 Payload Data Handling and Communication
5.2.3 Thermal Management
5.2.4 Payload Stowage
5.2.5 Fluids and Gasses Available
5.2.6 Crew Resources
ü ISS Crew Information
5.2.7 Crew Health Care System
5.3 Generic NASA Accommodations for Research Payloads
5.3.1 International Standard Payload Rack
5.3.2 Active Rack Isolation System
5.3.3 Sub-Rack Accommodations and EXPRESS Rack
5.3.4 Nadir Research Window
5.3.5 Laboratory and Station Support Equipment
ü Laboratory Support Equipment develop/lse/lse.html
5.3.6 U.S. Truss Site Payload Accommodations and EXPRESS Pallet
5.3.7 JEM and Columbus Exposed Facility Payload Accommodations
ü ESA ISS Multi-User Facilities
ü NASDA ISS Multi-User Facilities
5.4 Multi-User Facilities: The Facility-Class Payload Concept
5.4.1 Human Research Facility
ü HRF Homepage
5.4.2 Gravitational Biology Facility
ü Space Station Bio Research Fac SSBRP/index.html
ü Fundamental Biology (Grav Bio) disciplines/life/index.html
ü Grav. Bio RPO-Ames
5.4.3 Biotechnology Research Facility
ü MRPO Biotech Program
ü Biotechnology Facility Catalog
5.4.4 Fluids and Combustion Facility
ü FCF Homepage
ü MRPO Combustion Program
ü MRPO Fluids Program
5.4.5 Microgravity Sciences Glovebox
ü MSG Homepage
ü MRPO Glovebox Program
5.4.6 Materials Science Research Facility
ü MSRF “on the rack” fea-
ü MSRF Catalog (preliminary)
5.4.7 Window Observational Research Facility
5.4.8 X-ray Crystallography Facility
5.4.9 Advanced Human Support Technology Facility
ü OLMSA AHST Program
5.4.10 Low-Temperature Microgravity Physics Facility
ü LTMPF Homepage
ü MRPO Fmtl. Physics Program
5.5 International Partner Research Accommodations
5.5.1 ESA Accommodations
ü ESA ISS Multi-User Facilities
5.5.2 NASDA Accommodations
ü NASDA ISS Multi-User Facilities
66.. PPaayyllooaadd O
6.1 User Autonomy
6.2 Payload Ground Command and Control
ü Huntsville Operations Sup. Center facts/hosc.htm
ü TReK Homepage
ü POIC Homepage
6.3 Operational Flexibility
ISS User’s Guide-Release 2.0 43

77.. G
Geettttiinngg O
Onn B
Booaarrdd:: N
ARReesseeaarrcchh aanndd IISSSS
ü OLMSA-Code U Homepage
ü Office of Space Science-Code S
ü Office of Earth Science-Code Y
ü Office Space Flight-Code M
7.1 Life Sciences
ü OLMSA Life Sci. Division
ü Life Science Res. Opportunities
ü Grav. Biology RPO at Ames
7.2 Microgravity Sciences
ü OLMSA MG Research Division
ü MG Science Res. Opportunities
ü MRPO at Marshal SFC
7.2.1 Microgravity Science Experiment Selection
7.2.2 Microgravity Sciences Experiment Definition and Development
7.3 Space Sciences
ü Office of Space Science-Code S
7.4 Earth Sciences
ü Office of Earth Science-Code Y
7.5 Engineering Research and Technology
ü ERT Program disciplines/ert/index.html
7.6 Commercial Payloads
ü ISS Commercial Development
ü MRPO Space Product Develmt.
ü OLMSA Related Sites
A Reellaatteedd D
A.. R
Appppeennddiixx A meennttss
ü ESA Documents
ü NASA Scientific and Tech. Info.
B.. R
Appppeennddiixx B
A Reellaatteedd WWeebbssiitteess
C.. SSttaattiioonn A
Appppeennddiixx C
A mbbllyy FFlliigghhttss
ü ISS Assembly Website
A D.. C
Appppeennddiixx D mm
Coom Ceenntteerrss
meerrcciiaall SSppaaccee C
Appppeennddiixx EE.. A
A m LLiisstt
ü NASA ISS Acronyms
ISS User’s Guide-Release 2.0 44

Appppeennddiixx C
C.. S
Sttaattiioonn A
mbbllyy FFlliigghhttss
A list of ISS Assembly Flights is shown below. This is provided as a conceptual guide to the reader based on the
sequence of flights in Revision E of the ISS Assembly Sequence, which was current as of December, 1999. For an
up-datable more complete reference the reader should visit NASA’s ISS Assembly webpage at:
ü ISS Assembly Website

Flights that use the U.S. Space Shuttle have a corresponding STS number in the second column. Non-STS flights
utilize Russian crewed Soyuz vehicles (“S” in flight name), or un-crewed Progress vehicles (“P” in flight name).
Utilization of un-crewed European and Japanese vehicles will be added to the Sequence as these programs evolve.

Flight Name STS No. Delivered Elements

1A/R FGB “Zarya”
2A 88 Node 1 (1 Stowage rack), PMA1, PMA2, 2 APFRs (on Side-
2A.1 96 Spacehab Double Cargo Module; OTD, Strela Components(on
1R Service Module (Launched on PROTON launcher)
1P Progress-M1
2A.2 101 Spacehab Double Cargo Module; Strela Components (on ICC)
2P Progress-M1
3A 92 Z1 truss, CMGs, Ku-band, S-band Equip; PMA3, EVAS (SLP);
2 Z1 DDCUs (Sidewall)
2R Soyuz TM [3 person crew capability]
4A 97 P6, PV Array (6 battery sets) / EEATCS radiators, S-band
3P Progress-M1
5A 98 P6, PV Array (6 battery sets) / EEATCS radiators, S-band
4P Progress-M1
4R Docking Compartment 1 (DC1), Strela
5A.1 102 Lab Outfitting (6 Sys racks, RSRs, RSPs, ISPR) (on MPLM);
EAS, PFCS, LCA, and RU (on ICC)
5P Progress-M
6A 100 Lab Outfitting (6 Sys racks, RSRs, RSPs, ISPR) (on MPLM);
EAS, PFCS, LCA, and RU (on ICC) [microgravity capability]
2S Soyuz – TM1
6P Progress-M1
7A 104 Airlock, HP gas (2 O2, 2 N2) (on SLDP) [Phase 2 complete]
7A.1 105 RSRs, RSPs, ISPRs (on MPLM); OTD, APFR (on Sidewall)
UF-1 106 ISPRs, RSRs, RSPs, MELFI (on MPLM)
3S Soyuz TMA
8A 109 S0, MT, GPS, Umbilicals, A/L Spur
UF2 110 ISPRs, 3 RSRs, RSPs (MPLM); MBS; PDGF (Sidewalls)
9A 112 S1 (3 rads), TCS, CETA (1), S-band
4S Soyuz -TMA
11A 113 P1 (3 rads), TCS, CETA (1), UHF
9A.1 115 Science Power Platform w/4 solar arrays and ERA
5S Soyuz TMA
12A 116 P3/4, PV Array (4 battery sets), 2 ULCAS
12A.1 118 ISPR, RSRs, RSPs (MPLM); P5 w/Radiator OSE
13A 119 S3/4, PV Array (4 battery sets), 4 PAS
ISS User’s Guide-Release 2.0 45

Flight Name STS No. Delivered Elements

3R Universal Docking Module (UDM)
5R Docking Compartment 2 (DC2)
10A 121 Node 2 (4 DDCU racks); NTA (on Sidewall)
10A.1 122 Propulsion Module
1J/A 124 ELM PS (4 Sys, 3 ISPRs, 1 Stow); 2 SPP SA w/ truss, Conform.
Shields (ULC)
1J 125 JEM PM (4 JEM Sys racks), JEM RMS
UF3 127 ISPRs, 1 JEM rack, RSPs, (on MPLM); Express Pallet w/ Pay-
UF4 128 Truss Attach Site P/L; Express Pallet w/ Payloads; ATA, SPDM
2J/A 129 JEM EF, ELM-ES w/ Payloads and SFA; 4 PV battery sets (on
9R Docking & Stowage Module (DSM) (FGB module type)
14A 131 2 SPP SA w/ truss, 4 SM MMOD Wings (ULC); Cupola (SLP);
MT/CETA Port Rails (SLP)
UF5 132 ISPRs, RSPs (on MPLM); Express Pallet w/ Payloads
20A 134 Node 3 (2 Avionics, 2 ECLSS racks)
1E 135 Columbus Module (5 ISPRs)
8R Research Module #1 (RM-1)
17A 136 1 Lab Sys, 4 Node 3 Sys, 2 CHeCS, RSPs, ISPRs (MPLM) - ©
18A 137 CRV #1, CRV adapter - (d)
19A 138 RSPs, 1 RSR, ISPRs, 4 Crew Qtrs. (on MPLM); S5 - (e)
15A 139 S6, PV Array (4 battery sets), Stbd MT/CETA rails
10R Research Module #2 (RM-2)
UF7 140 Centrifuge Accommodations Module (CAM), ISPRs (TBD 3-1)
UF6 141 RSPs, ISPRs (on MPLM); 2 PV battery sets (SLP))
16A 142 Hab (6 Hab sys racks, 2 RSRs, ISPRs) - (f)
ISS User’s Guide-Release 2.0 46

Appppeennddiixx D
D.. C
mmmeerrcciiaall S
Sppaaccee C
The following is a list of Commercial Space Centers (CSCs). Additional information is available on the OLMSA
Space Product Development webpage at:

1. Center for BioServe Space Technologies, University of Colorado-Boulder, Department of Aerospace Engi-
neering Sciences, Campus Box 429, Boulder, CO 80309. Established October 1, 1987. Director: Dr. Louis Sto-
diek, Tel: 303-492-4010, Fax: 303-492-88883, stodieck,
2. Center for Commercial Applications of Combustion in Space, 1500 Illinois Street, Colorado School of
MinesGolden, CO 80401. Established May 1, 1996. Director: Dr. Franklin D. Showengerdt. Tel: 303-384-209,
Fax: 303-384-2327, [email protected],
3. Center for Biophysical Sciences and Engineering (Formerly Center for Macromolecular Crystallogra-
phy), University of Alabama-Birmingham, MCLM 262, 1530 3rd Avenue South , Birmingham, AL 35294-
0005. Established October 1, 1985. Director: Dr. Lawrence DeLucas, Tel: 205-934-5329, Fax: 205-934-0480,
[email protected],
4. Solidification Design Center, Auburn University, 201 Ross Hall, Auburn, AL 36849. Established: January 28,
1997, Director: Dr. Tony Overfelt, Tel: 334-844-5940, Fax: [email protected]
5. Commercial Space Center for Engineering , 223 Weisenbaker Engineering Research Center, Texas A&M
University, College Station, TX 77843-3118. Established May 8, 1998, Director: Dr. David Boyle, Tel: 409-
845-8768, Fax: 409-847-8857, [email protected]
6. Consortium for Materials Development in Space, University of Alabama – Huntsville, Research Institute
Building/M-6517, 301 Sparkman Drive, Huntsville, AL 35899. Established October 1, 1985, Director: Dr. Wil-
liam Gathings , Tel: 256-890-6620, Fax: 256-890-6791, [email protected],
7. Center for Advanced Microgravity Materials Processing, Northeastern University, 342 Snell Engineering
Center, 260 Huntington Ave., Boston, MA 02155. Established June 16, 1997, Director: Dr. Albert Sacco, Jr.,
Tel: 617-373-2989, Fax: 617-373-2209, [email protected]
8. Space Vacuum Epitaxy Center, University of Houston, Science and Research Building 1, 4800 Calhoun
RoadHouston, TX 77204 –5507, Established October 1, 1986, Director: Dr. Alex Ignatiev, Tel: 713-743-3621,
Fax: 713-747-7724, [email protected],
9. Wisconsin Center for Space Automation and Robotics, 2348 Engineering Hall, 1415 Engineering Drive,
College of Engineering, University of Wisconsin – Madison, Madison, WI 53706-1687, Established October 1,
1986, Director: Dr. Weijia Zhou, Tel: 608-262-5526, Fax: 608-262-9458, [email protected],
10. Medical Informatics & Technology Application Center, Department of Surgery, VCV Hospital - West Hos-
pital, 1200 E. Broad Street - 16th Floor, Richmond, VA 23289, Established June 1, 1997, Director: Ronald C.
Merrell, M.D., Phone: 804-828-1141, Fax: 804-827-1016, [email protected]
11. ITD ProVisions Technology Commercial Space Center, Bldg. 1103, Suite 118, Stennis Space Center, MS
39529, Established: October 1, 1997Director: Dr. George May, Tel: 228-688-2509, Fax: 228-688-
[email protected]
12. Life Sciences Division Food Technology Commercial Technology Space Center, 194 Meat Lab, Iowa State
University, Ames, Iowa 50011-3150, Established: August 4, 1999, Director: Dr. Dennis Olson, Tel: 515-294-
1055, Fax: 515-294-6328, [email protected]
ISS User’s Guide-Release 2.0 47

13. Center for Space Power, 223 Weisenbaker Engineering Research Center, Texas A & m University, College
Station, TX 77843-3118, Established October 1, 1987, Director: Dr. Frederick Best, Tel: 409-845-8768, Fax:
409-847-8857, [email protected]
14. Center for Space Power and Advanced Electronics, Auburn University, Space Power Institute, 231 Leach
Center, Auburn, AL 36849-5320, Director: Dr. Henry W. Brandhorst, Jr., Tel: 334-844-5894 , Fax: 334-844-
[email protected],
15. Satellite & Hybrid Communications Networks, University of Maryland, Systems & Research Center, V. Wil-
liams Building, Room 3117, College Park, MD 20742, Established November 1, 199, Director: Dr. John S. Ba-
ras, Tel: 205-934-5329, Fax: 205-934-0480, [email protected]
16. Space Communications Technology Center, Florida Atlantic University, 777 Glades Road, Boca Raton, FL
33431, Established November 1, 1991, Director: Dr. William Glenn, Tel: 561-297-2343, Fax: [email protected]
ISS User’s Guide-Release 2.0 48

Appppeennddiixx E
E.. A
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Acronyms used in the Guide are listed below. Further Information on NASA ISS-related acronyms is available
through the Internet at:
ü NASA ISS Acronyms

Acronym Definition
AAA Avionics Air Assembly
AAEF Aquatic Animal Experiment Facility
AC Assembly Complete
ACISS Advisory Committee on the International Space Station
AFEX Advanced Furnace for microgravity Experiment with X-ray radiography
AHSTF Advanced Human Support Technology Facility
AIAA American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
AO Announcement of Opportunity
APCF Advanced Protein Crystallization Facility
APS Automated Payload Switch
ARIS Active Rack Isolation System
ASI Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (Italian Space Agency)
BR&C Biomedical Research and Countermeasures
BRF Biotechnology Research Facility
CAM Centrifuge Accommodation Module
CB Clean Bench
CBEF Cell Biology Experiment Facility
CHeCS Crew Health Care System
CIR Combustion Integrated Rack
CPD Commercial Payload Development
CSA Canadian Space Agency
CSC Commercial Space Center
EFU Exposed Facility Unit
ELF Electrostatic Levitation Furnace
ELM-ES Experiment Logistics Module – Exposed Section
ELM-PS Experiment Logistics Module – Pressurized Section
EM Experiment Module
EMCS Experimental Modular Cultivation System
ERT Engineering Research and Technology
ESA European Space Agency
ESSP Earth System Science Pathfinder
EVA Extravehicular Activity
ExPA EXPRESS Pallet Adapter
EXPRESS EXpedite the PRocessing of Experiments to the Space Station
FB Fundamental Biology
FCF Fluids and Combustion Facility
FIR Fluids Integrated Rack
FPEF Fluid Physics Experiment Facility
GBF Gravitational Biology Facility
GHF Gradient Heating Furnace
HHR Habitat Holding Rack
HOSC Huntsville Operations Support Center
HQ Headquarters (NASA Headquarters)
ISS User’s Guide-Release 2.0 49

Acronym Definition
HRDL High-Rate Data Link
HRF Human Research Facility
HRFM High Rate Frame Multiplexer
ICS Interobit Communication System
IP International Partner
IPU Image Processing Unit
ISLSWG International Space Life Sciences Working Group
ISPR International Standard Payload Rack
ISS International Space Station
ITF Isothermal Furnace
JEM Japanese Experiment Module
JEM-EF Japanese Experiment Module - Exposed Facility
JEM-PM Japanese Experiment Module – Pressurized Module
JEM-RMS Japanese Experiment Module – Remote Manipulator System
JPL Jet Propulsion Laboratory
JSC Johnson Space Center
LSE Laboratory Support Equipment
LTMPF Low-Temperature Microgravity Physics Facility
LVLH Local Vertical-Local Horizontal
MAMS Microgravity Acceleration Measurement System
MDM Multiplexer De-Multiplexer
MELFI Minus Eighty-degree Laboratory Freezer for the ISS
MI Module Insert
MIDEX Medium-class Explorer
MIL-STD Military Standard
MLE Middeck Locker Equivalent
MoO Mission of Opportunity
MPLM Multi-Purpose Logistics Module
MRD Microgravity Research Division
MRPO Microgravity Research Program Office
MSFC Marshall Space Flight Center
MSG Microgravity Sciences Glovebox
MSRF Materials Science Research Facility
MSRR Materials Science Research Rack
NAC NASA Advisory Council
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASDA National Space Development Agency of Japan
NRA NASA Research Announcement
OES Office of Earth Science
OLMSA Office of Life and Microgravity Sciences and Applications
OSF Office of Space Flight
OSS Office of Space Science
PI Principal Investigator
PIMS Principal Investigator Microgravity Services
PIU Payload Interface Unit
PM Pressurized Module
POI Payload Operation Integration
POIC Payload Operations Integration Center
RMS Root-mean-square
RPO Research Program Office
ISS User’s Guide-Release 2.0 50

Acronym Definition
RSA Russian Space Agency
RSP Resupply Stowage Platform
RSR Resupply Stowage Rack
SAMS II Space Acceleration Measurement System
SAR Shared Accommodations Rack
SIR Standard Interface Rack
SMEX Small Explorer
SPCF Solution/Protein Crystal Growth Facility
SQUID Superconducting Quantum Interference Device
SSE Station Support Equipment
SSPO Space Station Program Office
SSUAS Space Station Utilization Advisory Subcommittee
STS Space Transportation System (Space Shuttle)
TDRSS Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System
TReK Telescience Resource Kit
TSC Telescience Support Center
UNESS UNiversity Earth System Science
UNEX University-class Explorer
UV Ultraviolet
WORF Window Observational Research Facility
XCF X-ray Crystallography Facility
XPOP X-axis Perpendicular to Orbital Plane
XVV X-axis toward Velocity Vector
ZSR Zero-G Stowage Rack

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