English Land 4 Diary

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Unit 1

My city

Answer the questions:

Where do you live?

What can you see in your city?

What can you do in your city?
Why do you like your city?

My words:
skyscrapers: river:
bridge: restaurant:
streets: department store:
mountains: market:
buildings: shop:
Write your own sentences about your city:
I live in _________________________.
In my city, I can see
In my city, I can
I like my city, because

Rewrite the sentences:


The park

Answer the questions:

Do you like going to the park? Yes / No.
How often do you go to the park? ________________________

What can you see at the park? Check the boxes.

Yes No
1. trees
2. wigwams
3. river
4. mountain
5. grass
6. flowers
7. skyscrapers
8. birds
9. department store
10. bridge

Make sentences:
Example: I can see trees at the park.
I can’t see any wigwams at the park.
1. _____________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________________
6. _____________________________________________________
7. _____________________________________________________
8. _____________________________________________________
9. _____________________________________________________
10. ________________________________________________

Write your own sentences about the park (4 sentences):

Rewrite the sentences:

Unit 2

My birthday
Match the words:

 play  presents
 sing  games
 read  birthday cake
 open  songs
 eat  birthday cards

What do you want for your birthday? Draw it.

My words:
birthday cake:

birthday cards:

Answer the questions:
When is your birthday? ____________________________
Do you like your birthday? ___________________
Why? ___________________________________________________
Write your own sentences:
My birthday is ____________________________.
I like / don’t like my birthday because
_______________ .
_________________________ on my birthday.
I want to get ______________________________________ for my
Rewrite the sentences:

Answer the questions:
When is Halloween? ____________________________
Do you like Halloween? Why?
What do you do on Halloween? Check the boxes.
Yes No
1. Wear a costume
2. Go skiing
3. Sing “Happy Birthday”
4. Eat candy
5. Go to a haunted house
6. Wait for Santa Claus
7. Say “Trick or Treat”

Make sentences:
Example: I wear a costume.
I don’t go skiing.
1. _____________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________________
6. _____________________________________________________
7. _____________________________________________________

Write your own sentences about Halloween:
Halloween is _________________. (when?)
I like / don’t like Halloween, because
On Halloween, I wear a costume. I don’t go skiing. I
Rewrite the sentences:

Unit 3

My favorite season

Answer the questions:

How many seasons are there? ____________________________
What are they? 1. ____________________
2. ____________________
3. ____________________
4. ____________________
Circle the correct answer:
What’s the weather like in summer? It’s hot / cold.
What’s the weather like in spring? It’s snowy / warm.
What’s the weather like in winter? It’s cold / humid.
What’s the weather like in fall? It’s hot / cool.
Answer the questions:
What can you do in summer?
1. ___________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________

What can you do in winter?

1. ___________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________
My words:
season: warm:
hot: cold:
cold: humid:
snowy: cool:
Write your own sentence:
My favorite season is _______________.
I like this season because I can
I also like ______________________ because I can
Rewrite the sentences:

Answer the questions:

Do you like summer? Yes / No
Give 3 reasons why you like it / don’t like it:
1. ______________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________
What clothes do you wear in summer?
What’s the weather like in summer? Draw it:

My words:
reasons: shorts:
clothes: a skirt:
a swim suit: a T-Shirt:
a hat: a cap:

Write your own sentences:

I like / don’t like summer, because
In summer, I wear
In summer, it’s ___________________________________________.

Rewrite the sentences:


Unit 4

I was brave
(creative writing)
On your way to the supermarket this afternoon, you saw this…

What is it? _______________________________________________

What does it look like?
Were you scared? _______________________________________
What did you do when he ran towards you?

Were you brave? _________________________________________

My words:
creative writing : towards:
supermarket: dinosaur:

Write your own sentences:

On my way to school this morning, I saw a

Rewrite the sentences:


My best friend

Answer the questions:

Who is your best friend?
How long have you been friends?
Why is he / she your best friend?
1. ______________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________
What makes him / her special?
1. ______________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________
What is he / she scared of?
Your friend gets bitten by a snake. What do you do? Choose one.
a. Help him / her.
b. Run away.
c. Call for help.
d. Kill the snake.
My words:
best friend: special:
bitten: run away:
choose: call for help:

Write your own sentences:

My friend’s name is __________________________________.
We have been friends for _______________________________.
He / She is my best friend because
He / She is special because

Rewrite the sentences:


Unit 5

Dinner time
Check the boxes:
My mom My dad
I don’t I can
I like it can make can make
like it make it
it it

What is your favorite food?

My words:
dinner: soup:
hamburgers: chicken:
pizza: rice:
sandwiches: kimbab:
spaghetti: salad:
My sentences:
I eat dinner at _______pm.
I always eat dinner with
My favorite food is
My least favorite food is
I like eating dinner because

Rewrite the sentences:


My restaurant
(research and creative writing)
If you had your own restaurant, what would it look like? Draw it.

Write 3 sentences about your picture


What food would you serve at your restaurant? Make a list.

__________________________ ___________________________
__________________________ ___________________________
__________________________ ___________________________
__________________________ ___________________________

My words:
research: restaurant:
creative: serve:

Write your own sentences (4 sentences):


Rewrite the sentences:


Unit 6

My favorite bug
Draw your favorite bug:

Write 3 sentences about your picture:


Do some research and write 5 facts about your favorite bug:

1. ______________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________

My words:
research: dangerous:
sentences: poisonous:
facts: harmless:

Write your own sentences:

My favorite bug is ____________________________________.
It has ____________________________________________________.
It also has _______________________________________________.
My favorite bug __________________________________________
Rewrite the sentences:

I saw a big spider!
(creative writing)
You woke up this morning and saw this sitting next to your bed…

What is it? ______________________________________________

How did you feel when you saw it?
Check the boxes:
1. called for help
2. jumped on it
3. gave it food
4. gave it a name
5. threw it out the window
6. picked it up

Make sentences:

Example: I called for help.
I didn’t jump on it.
1. _____________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________________
6. _____________________________________________________
Write your own sentences (4 sentences):

Rewrite the sentences:


Unit 7

My weekdays
What do you do on weekdays? Fill in the calendar:
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday




My words:
weekdays: Thursday:
calendar: Friday:
morning: every:
afternoon: sometimes:
evening: never:

Answer the questions:
Where do you go every weekday morning?
What do you do every afternoon?
What do you do every evening?
What do you sometimes do on weekdays?
What do you never do on weekdays?
My sentences
Rewrite the sentences:

My weekends
What do you do on weekends? Check the boxes.
play go to my
do clean my go to the
computer friend’s have a party
homework room park
games house



Make sentences:
I always _________________________________________________.
I usually _________________________________________________.
I often ___________________________________________________.
I sometimes ______________________________________________.
I never __________________________________________________.

What else do you like to do on weekends?


My words:
always: usually:

often: never:

Write your own sentences (4 sentences):


Rewrite the sentences:


Unit 8

When I was young

Answer the questions:

How old were you 4 years ago? ________________________________
What did you like to do?
Check the boxes:
When I was young…
I was brave.
I was scared.
I was strong.
I was weak.
I was hard working.
I was lazy.
I was playful.
I was curious.

My words:
brave: weak:
scared: hard working:
strong: lazy:

never: playful:
curious: always:

Write your own sentences:

When I was young, I liked to
I was
I never __________________________________________________,
but I always _____________________________________________.

Rewrite the sentences:


When my parents were young


Answer the questions:
How old was your dad 25 years ago? ________________
What was his favorite toy? ________________________________
Who was his best friend and what did they do together?
How old was your mom 25 years ago? ________________
What was her favorite toy? _______________________________
Who was his best friend and what did they do together?
Check the boxes:
When my parents were young…
My dad My mom
was brave
was scared
was strong
was weak
was hard working
was lazy
was playful
was curious

When my mom was young, she___________________________, but

she wasn’t___________________________________________.
When my dad was young, he_____________________________,
but he wasn’t ____________________________________________.

My words:
25 years ago:

Write your own sentences:


Rewrite the sentences:



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