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Term Paper- Mgt210

Section: 16

Submitted by-


Mir Yousuf Sadman Sakur 1813395630

Rifat Bin Taz 1811597630

Nayem Mahmud 1811589630

Shadman Ferdous Khan 1811425030

Soria Zoon Haider 1812017630

Submitted To-
Name: Esnania Quader
Department: Management
Email: [email protected]


Serial Content Page Number

1 Executive Summary 3

2 Mission Statement 4-6

Officers of the company and Organogram 7-8

4 Situation Analysis 9-14

5 SWOT Analysis 15-18

6 External Analysis 19-21

6 Objectives& Strategies 22-24

7 Management Issues 24-28

8 Conclusion 29


Nowadays everyone seeks comfort in their daily life. As progress relentlessly towards this it has

been realized that this is the time to pay increasing attention to the subject of human comfort and

entertainment. That’s why there is a huge growing demand of technologies in this world and lots

of companies are paying attention to it.Walton Group of Industries was founded by S.M Nurul

Alam Rezvi in 1977 as a trading company. Over the next three decades the group diversified into

steel, textiles, electronics and automobiles. Walton entered into the steel industry in late 1970s

and the electronics and automobiles in early 2000s; these areas would drive its subsequent

growth. Since the 2000s Walton has expanded towards electronics and automobiles and these

became its most important sources of income. Walton is one of the highest taxpayers in

Bangladesh and has a strong impact on the country's economy. It is the largest manufacturer of

household refrigerator having maximum market share in Bangladesh.This assignment is a

summary of the company Walton Group of Industries, a brief but extensive report reflecting the

entire timeline; from its inauguration in 1902 to the latest innovations it is developing this year.

Starting with a brief introduction and a list of the executives comprising the managing board, we

shall be discussing the strengths and weaknesses of Walton along with the potential opportunities

in growth and the threats obstructing them. A chart displaying all the factors shall be provided as

well. External and internal factors that are influencing the company’s growth and strategies shall

be covered as well. An analysis of all the information we have procured from the reports has

enabled us to contemplate possible growth strategies. Before concluding the report, we shall

peruse on the various management issues a company, one of the largest manufacturers in

Bangladesh, may well be suffering from and possible solutions to mitigating these problems.

Lastly, a list of books and websites we have taken support from, shall be provided and referred


Walton emerged as one of the leading pioneers in the electronics and automobile industry in

Bangladesh. Walton claims that it serves their customers through efficient management,

excellent workmanship, and after-sales services and continuously strive for innovation and

enhanced efficiency. Walton’s mission statement has always been to attain its position in

themarket by being the leader in the field of electronics, automobiles and various types of home

appliances in Bangladesh by providing the highest quality and recognized safety performance

products to provide customer satisfaction as well as having an awareness to corporate social

responsibility. Moreover, Walton maintains production in environment-friendly operations and

waste management system and takes pride in their slogan ‘Amader Ponnyo’ by manufacturing

and selling products locally.

Walton is the latest multinational electrical, electronics, automobiles and other appliances brand

with one of the largest well-equipped R & D facilities in the world and it carries out its

production through different subsidiaries under the banner of Walton group headquarters in

Bangladesh. Walton Group of Industries was founded by S.M Nurul Alam Rezvi in 1977 as a

trading company. Over the next three decades, the group diversified into steel, textiles,

electronics, and automobiles. Walton entered the steel industry in the late 1970s and the

electronics and automobiles in early 2000s; these areas would drive its subsequent growth. Since

the 2000s, Walton has expanded towards electronics and automobiles and these became its most

important sources of income. Walton has set up its own factory in a large area of land in

Chandra, Gazipur which is around 2 million square feet. Production in this factory started in

2008, now there are more than 7000 employees, technicians, officials, and workers working in

this factory. It is the only factory in Bangladesh manufacturing and assembling motorcycles, air

conditioners, refrigerators, and lifts. It is also one of the biggest and fully operational factories in

South Asia to manufacture freezers and refrigerators.

Over the decades, Walton has earned the belief and respect of people all over Bangladesh.

Walton is also known for exporting the highest number of electronic products from Bangladesh

to over 20 countries and planning to establish their presence in almost every country in the world

by 2020. Among other conglomerates, Walton is one of the top taxpayers in Bangladesh for at

least 7 times and believes in greater welfare of the home country. Along with paying high taxes,

Walton also earned highest vat payer awards multiple times, global brand excellence awards,

highest export order awards, best local brand award, national environmental award, best

refrigerator award, et cetera.

However, as people are seeking to find comfort in their lives, there is a growing demand for

electronic products and such, overlooking the manufacturing and usage of these products putting

environmental pressure is not something Walton is affiliated with. Walton gives the highest

priority to the environment while producing its goods. Walton’s factory is equipped with

electricity-saving environmental friendly types of machinery and system. Walton’s factory

contains at least 40% of ‘green zone’ which is basically 40% of lakes and playgrounds. Walton’s

provides a clean and healthy workplace for employees to work with. According to various

sources, Walton is producing environmentally friendly refrigerators fitted with intelligent

inverter technology compressor and saving power up to 60%.

Officers of the company and Organogram

Key Executives-

S.M. Nurul Alam

S.M. Nazrul

S.M. S.M.
Shamsul Mahbubul
Alam Alam

Name Title Annual salary(in BDT)

S.M. Nurul Alam Rezvi Chairman, R.B. Group 6,00,000

S.M. Nazrul Islam Vice-Chairman 5,00,000

S.M. Shamsul Alam Managing Director, R.B. 4,00,000


S.M. Ashraful Alam Managing Director, Walton 3,00,000

Hi-Tech Industries Limited

S.M. Mahbubul Alam Director, R.B. Group 2,00,000

Ilias Kanchan Executive Director of Walton 1,00,000


Key Executives’ Remuneration (Estimated): -


Internal Factors

Situation Analysis

External Factors

Situation Analysis is a tool to identify the microenvironment and macroenvironment of a

company. This tool is a compilation of tools like SWOT, PEST/PESTEL, Porter’s Five Forces,

5C Analysis and many more. Walton’s situation analysis includes its internal and external factors

which influences its strategies and productivity.

Internal Factors:

1. Management:The management sector is a key sector of Walton. At Walton, the managerial

authority plays a vital role in decision making and profit maximization.

2. Research and Developments: Walton is seen to introduce new range of electronic product as

per the technological changes in the environment. For this, they put much effort in the

researchand development sector. The R & D team constantly keep the authority up to date on

new technologies and how Walton can incorporate them for overall betterment.

3. Operations: Walton’s operations are well organized and dealt with dexterous

professionals.The retail organs of Walton run through more than 4000 plazas, exclusive

distributors and dealers.The company has numerous stores in Bangladesh which cater to the need

of Bangladeshi people. The inventory system operates through direct and indirect channels to

provide highest level of customer satisfaction. Walton has also established itself in over 20

countries including the markets of India, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Maldives, United Arab

Emirates, Qatar, Nigeria and West Africa (Walton, n.d.).

4. Corporate culture:Walton’s internal environment is adjustable to the Bangladeshi culture.

They focus on brand equity and thus, the authoritative body tries to provide its employees with

comfortable environment. Walton’s primary objective is to provide products within low cost and

that is how they attract customers with good culture in their stores.

5. Human resources:Walton has an employee base of around 21000 direct and indirect

employees.At Walton, the employees as well as administrative body are socially responsible and

their corporate social responsibility efforts are aligned to its key businesses. The employees are

fully committed to being responsible corporate citizenship through their products and practices.

6. Stakeholders: Walton is committed to its stakeholders both internally and externally and the

stakeholders also put forth their belief in Walton. The stakeholders look up to Walton for

technological advancement and environment adjustments.

7. Finance: It has over 40 years of sales and profit experience and it has an increasing sales

record. The financial report of Walton states that it’s still in its growth stage as the company

emerges to acquire customers through new inventions. The company follows market penetration

pricing strategy to acquire highest market share.

External Factors:

The external factors of Walton comprise of political, environmental, social, technological,

economic and legal factors. It is explained through the PESTEL Analysis.


Legal Environmental


Economic Social


1. Political Factors:

Walton has got a stable governmental support. But it has to pay high import duty to import some

of its major supplies in order to maintain stable production.

2. Environmental Factors:

Walton focuses to be socially responsible. That is, they focus on the overall well-being of the

environment and adjust their production as per the environmental needs. They try to manufacture

electronic item which produce less pollution.

3. Social Factors:

Walton caters to the need of Income group-A and Income Group-B by following market

penetration pricing strategy. They offer products with least cost so that the lower- and middle-

class target groups can buy their products and offer themselves with technological advancement.

They are adapting to the increases in spending power of their target groups.

4. Technological Factors:

Walton is actively catering to the technological changes. In this rapidly changing technological

environment, Walton tries to incorporate latest offerings within low-cost. The manufacturing

process of Walton’s electronic items focus on fast processing and extensive research on

technological changes. They also focus on developing their database, communication channels,

distribution channel as per the technological changes. Walton caters to the needs of customers by

communicating with them and knowing their problems and demands. For this purpose, they have

incorporated a chat box in their official website.

5. Economic Factors:

As the real GDP of Bangladesh is at its growth stage, the per capita spending is also increasing in

adjustment to that. Thus, Walton’s production is also changing as the per capita income and

spending changes (Rumi, 2016).

6. Legal Factors:

The vision 2021 of becoming ‘Digital Bangladesh’ encourages Walton to innovate more and

offer more to the society. The Bangladeshi government encourages local companies to increase

their operations so that Bangladesh becomes more export-oriented as opposed to import-oriented.

Organizational structure

Walton has over 7000 employees who are divided into several departments ranging from
technical, sales and market, human resources, finances, IT, customer relations and
administration. Recent changes in the management structure have brought changes in Walton. At
Walton, employees are selected on the basis of their duties and good skills (Khurshid, 2013).

Manager 13
Financial Factory Design
Department director center

Production HR Admin
center Technical department department


Strengths Weakness
1. Wider product range 1. Lack of skill men power
2. Strong local presence 2. Low profit
3. Quality Product at a low price 3. Some products are highly priced
4. Strong market position 4. Customer service

SWOT Threats
1. Entry of new competitors in the market
2. Political Unrest
Opportunities 3. Change of customer's demand
1. Introduction of new products 4. Foreign product domination
2. Increase sales ini major cities 5. Future possibilities
3. New strategy to reduce the amount of cost


 Wider product range: Walton distributes 4,500 types and models of electric, electronic,

and automotive goods that it imports, assembles, or manufactures. The demand of Walton

phone is increasing day by day in the country (Rahman, 2012).

 Strong local presence: Walton is a local brand. People of the country likes the product

because of the good quality and durability. The products of Walton are much flexible to

use. This is helping Walton to build good economic strength.

 Quality Product at a low price: Walton is providing quality product at a low price. And

this attracts the people of any level to buy their products because the consumer is getting

same product at a low price comparatively to others.

 Strong market position: Walton has a good market position in Bangladesh. They have

plazas in every district of the country. Walton has 4,986 outlets, sales centers and dealers

across the country (Rahman, 2012).


 Lack of skill men power: Walton is a big and repeated company in the country. But the

stuffs that work here are not that skilled and that’s why Walton might lose customers.

 Low profit: Walton is providing good quality product at a cheaper price but they are not

gaining that much profit. They are spending more but gaining less.

 Some products are highly priced: Some of their product are highly priced and for this

reason they are not getting that much of a customer attention for that specific product. For

example, the air conditioners, refrigerators of Walton are highly priced.

 Customer service: Customer service is very important for a company. Walton may have

their plazas in every district of the country but they do not have their customer service in

every district and because of bad customer service they are losing their customers.


 Introduction of new products: Walton can raise their sales growth by introducing new

products in the market.

 Increase sales in major cities: Bangladesh has a huge number of populations, most of

them live in major cities in the country and Walton is targeting those cities to increase

their sales and they succeed in this area.

 New strategy to reduce the amount of cost: As Walton is not getting that much of

profit out of their products, they should find a new strategy to reduce the amount of cost

and increase the profitability.


 Entry of new competitors in the market: The companies like Walton is growing in the

market day by day. They are producing the same products like Walton does and this is a

threat for Walton.

 Political Unrest:There is a huge possibility in Bangladesh to have a great market of the

smartphone but the government, unfortunately do not support the related companies to

broad the business area. The government also do not help the company to import the

accessories the company import the accessories of their own.

 Change of customer's demand: The technology is upgrading day by day in the world.

It’s nothing same like before and with that the customer’s demand is also changing.

 Foreign product domination: Foreign products are entering the market with same

specification like Walton and this is reducing the sales growth of Walton.

 Future Possibilities:As the public demand is changing day by day, if they do not respect

the public demand’s they must fail to maintain the public satisfaction if future. Public

satisfaction is the most valuable thing to run a profitable and organized business.

External Analysis

Porter’s Five Forces Model

The Five Force analysis of any organization helps to determine and analyze its competitive

environment. It is used to make decisions about the different aspects of competition the

organization is facing and how effectively it could try to cope up with the competition. These

five forces impact Walton’s success rate and this analysis will help us to examine its


1. Competitive rivalry or competition

2. Bargaining power of buyers

3. Bargaining power of suppliers

4. Threat of substitutes or substitution

5. Threat of new entrants



Threat of New Entrants: MODERATE

Local Entrants: As the GDP is rising and the spending power is increasing, new companies are

emerging towards innovation. And thus, the number of local entrants is entering the electronics

market and taking fare-share. Example: Linnex Electronics BD Ltd.

Foreign Entrants: Foreign companies are emerging in the Bangladeshi market and they have

already started manufacturing their products in Bangladesh. Example: Sony, LG etc.

Threat of Substitutes: HIGH

For mobile phones: The market is up to date with various similar offered mobile phones. Brands

such as Symphony, Linnex, Xiaomi, Oppo offer similar types of mobile phones categorized

under similar price range as Walton offers.

For motorcycles: Due to the socio-economic factors of Bangladesh, the Bangladeshi people

mostly opt for motorcycles for transportation purpose. And thus, the market offers a huge variety

of motorcycles similar to the offerings by Walton within the competitive price range. Example:

Honda, Yamaha, TVS, Akij, Mahindra, Suzuki etc.

For televisions: Local competitors such as My One and Singer offer similar type of televisions

offered by Walton.

For refrigerators: Competitors such as LG, Gree and General offer similar type of refrigerators

offered by Walton within the given price range.

For home appliances: The local market is saturated with Chinese home appliances offered by

several distributors. Example: - Miyako.

Bargaining Power of Suppliers: MODERATE

Walton uses a mixture of suppliers. Walton has manufacturing firms in the operational countries.

Thus, it has the ability to control its supplies. Walton provides quality products as the supplies

are generated at-house. Apart from that, Walton imports few parts of its products for ensuring

quality. Thus, the bargaining power of Walton’s suppliers is moderate.

Bargaining Power of Buyers: HIGH

Bargaining power of buyers is the degree to which buyers have the market strength to hold sway

over and influence competitors in an industry. In Bangladesh’s electronic market scenario,

buyers hold a high level of power to influence the market. Local businesspersons sell similar

offerings to consumers without considering tax. So, the prices become lower and customers opt

for similar Chinese electronic supplies rather than opting for Walton. Also, as the buyers have a

ton to choose from other companies’ offerings, they have the ability to manipulate Walton’s

affordable pricing strategy.

Industry Rivalry: Low

The intensity among rivals increases when the industry growth rate is slow, the demand for the

products fall and product prices descend- none of which is the case of Bangladeshi electronics

market. It’s a very competitive market and the industry is growing faster than ever. Thus, Walton

is facing a low industry rivalry.


Walton’s mission is to capture local market and to double its overall market share in the next 5

years. To do this, Walton must provide superlative quality products and services at an affordable

price. Walton continuously works hard to increase their quality of product and services every

day. Walton’s future plan is to increase local market share for motorcycles from 5% to 25%,

television from 8% to 30%, refrigerator from 13% to 25%, air conditioner from 2% to 10%, et

cetera. Walton’s products are available in the markets of India, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar,

Maldives, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Nigeria, and West Africa. Walton is in the process of

promoting and exporting their products in Australia, Europe, Singapore, Poland, Romania, Saudi

Arabia, Sri Lanka, and Russia.

Walton's projected local market share growth

Air conditioners




0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%

Walton’s products are up to international standards and are in the process of penetrating many

new foreign markets. Walton’s products are hitting Nigerian markets already and they are also

making deals with Bhutan to export their products as there is high market potential in Bhutan for

Walton. Walton is doing well in highly competitive market in Bangladesh because they kept the

prices affordable and targeted its market towards middle income level group and is constantly

developing their marketing system to cope up with changing marketing environment. Walton

also believes it will strengthen their core operations by better management initiatives in the

future. Walton’s strategy for creating a solid place in customer’s mind is its after-sales service.

Walton does this because it believes in customer satisfaction and increasing and retaining


Walton mainly produces home appliances which are usually lower priced than most of the

competitors in the market. Walton is working to cut down their prices more so that middle

income level people can have comfort in their lives. Walton also sponsored major sports events

in our country, specially cricket and are rushing to do more. Walton is set to launch new

technology products like computers, monitors, memory cards and various high speedy Wi-Fi

routers throughout Bangladesh, which will be assembled and manufactured locally. One of

Walton’s future plan is to release two versions of desktop pcs which will cost around 20000 to

30000 takas. Many Walton gaming laptops, keyboards and mouse are already available in the

local market and many similar products are expected to hit the market soon.

Walton is making their products proudly with ‘made in Bangladesh’ label on them which are

attracting many foreign buyers and are hoping to export more products overseas. Although

Walton is not fully established and grabs the ‘market leader’ title in Bangladesh, it is providing

the very best products at a reasonable price and is soon to dominate markets domestically and



Management issue is the process of identifying and resolving the issue. Considering the

management issue there are two types defined in Walton Company. Positive aspects and negative

aspects can be defined as management issues.

Positive aspects:The responsibility and maintaining quality of production. Instruct and guide

employee for making more benefit and reducing unnecessary stuffs.

There are many types of issues which are counted as positive aspects showed in this company.

Considering positive aspect Walton Company have been taken some following method which

gave them benefits on their production.

Identifying and Reducing Failed Increasing
Recording mistakes projects Productivity

Effective Training and

Communication Developing

 Identifying and recording mistakes: The people who works as employee in

organization make a team and the perspective of that team is to identify the problem

which affect the company in production, manufacture or selling products. After selecting

those issue, those are handled by the upper manager and deduct from the organization.

 Reducing failed project: Managers made plans for creating innovative something and

sometimes those plans faced some conflict among the managers. Taking those projects

some are not doing good in market and some other are just planned and structured but

not profitable for the company. They take step to reduce those projects.

 Increasing Productivity: Productivity is a termed used as to measure the capability and

ability of organization’s worker, manager, performance of machine etc. In here, the

upper level managers have taken responsibility to measure the organization’s production.

They are trying to make more profit in market and taking actions for increasing the

performance. Those action could be more worker, high technical machine, less

consuming time and more profit than previous production (Dolly, 2016.).

 Effective Communication: Walton is the largest Company in Bangladesh as we all

know. This company is organized by many types of people. Considering that, it showed

in the bottom to down, the top-level managers, middle level managers and low-level

managers and workers or employee. Those people are depended on each other to make a

product. They are trying make internal communication among them more effective. This

can be helpful for solving their own conflict. However most of the project fails due to

lack of effective communication. Effective communication also helps the worker

together to discuss about the project progress. It can also be helpful for reducing the

unnecessary stuffs (Poh, 2017.).

 Training and Developing: It’s defined as a major factor in positive aspects in

management. New equipment is been discovered for making more product in short time.

And also new strategy and ideas for creating more profitable relation with consumer in

less time. Implementing this method helps the company more success from previous

years. The employee and the workers in this company have been trained for maintain this

organization. Well training helps the employee and workers for developing new products

in less time.

Negative Aspects:Bad management is considered as negative aspects. Things goes worse and

decreasing the profit, wrong instruct and guide the employee and workers. Those defined as

negative aspect of management.

Considering Walton Company, negative aspects of management can be harmful for this


Lack of Effective Poor Knowledge for
Poor Communication
Decision-Making the Technology

Poor Knowledge of Lack of Time

Management Management

 Lack of Effective Decision making: Decision making is one of the important term in

management. Improper decision making can lead a company in a failure project. It causes

to get good outcome. It stands for the company’s unexpected loss. Moreover, lack of

effective decision making is responsible for stand the company in worse situation.

 Poor Knowledge for the Technology:Nowadays the technologies are being updated day

by day. The reason of discovering new technology is for making more product in less

time. If the employee and workers have less knowledge about technology, they will not

able to make more product. Not knowing about using technology can also reduce the

outcome of the company. Poor knowledge for the technology is defined as a negative

aspect of management.

 Poor Communication: The ineffective communication among the people in that

organization can lead to the project failure or unsuccessful. Ineffective communication in

planning and improper understand of project can be harmful for this company. Workers

and employee will not be able to help each other about the progress of project. Moreover,

poor communication among people (top managers, employee, shareholders, stakeholders,

workers) are definite reason for affect the organization.

 Poor Knowledge of Management: Poor knowledge of management can cause a serious

problem in this organization. Basically, it is responsible for low economic growth, extend

environmental problem, political problem, affect in organizing and controlling the

organization. It also makes the internal and external situation worse. Poor knowledge of

management and lack of consistency in management are defined as harmful in an


 Lack of Time Management:It’s one of the crucial part in management. Time

management is the ability to plan control and spends the hours in a day to effectively

accomplish their desired goal. It is important to establish clear goals and priorities. But

lack of time management can be responsible for not setting personal goals, not

prioritizing, falling to keep a to-do list, ineffectively scheduling the tasks etc. So, lack of

time management can be harmful for Walton Company (Olutunde, 2017.).


As we can say Walton Company is the largest organization in Bangladesh. This company has

been running its business with good reputation since 1977. This leading company focusing on

the area of electronics in Bangladesh. This company came up with new market segments,

innovative ideas and latest technology to capture the market position. This is company also listed

as one of the highest taxpayer in Bangladesh. This company has also achieved lots of award

which were (The Golden Globe award, highest tax payer award, highest vat payer, Global Brand

Excellence award). Walton has become a company to proud of in this export area. This company

captured a lot of consumers in Bangladesh. They are optimistic about their perpetual growth and

success. They also provide prompt service, show room service and also home service too. This

company distribute more than 4500 types of electric goods, automotive goods and it import,

assembles or manufactures. Considering manufacture, it covered goods like refrigerators,

television, motorcycles etc. Walton company management and marketing executive are being

more skilled and progressive to make their economic growth higher. No doubt in Bangladesh

Walton Company is one of the top four company. And it also endeavored to strengthen its sales

in all over the country (Wikipedia, n.d.).


 Walton, n.d. WALTON AT A GLANCE. Retrieved from


 Rumi, 2016. Report on Walton Bangladesh. Retrieved from

 Dolly, 2016. Report on “How to increase productivity on organization”. Retrieved from

 MichealPoh, 2017. Blog on Positive work in Environment. Retrieved from

 AdesijiOlutunde, 2017. Article on Positive and Negative aspects of a manager. Retrieved



 Wikipedia, n.d. Article on Walton Company. Retrieved from

 SaifurRahman, 2012. Bangladesh electronics giant Walton enters GCC market. Retrieved

 Khurshid, 2013. A study on various products of Walton Limited. Retrieved from


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