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269, MARCH 3, 1997 95

People vs. Andan

G.R. No. 116437. March 3, 1997.

THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee,


Criminal Law; Constitutional Law; Custodial Investigation;

Exclusionary Rule; Evidence; The exclusionary rule is premised on
the presumption that the defendant is thrust into an unfamiliar
atmosphere and runs through menacing police interrogation
procedures where the potentiality for compulsion, physical and
psychological, is forcefully apparent.—Plainly, any person under
investigation for the commission of an offense shall have the
right: (1) to remain silent; (2) to have competent and independent
counsel preferably of his own choice; and (3) to be informed of
such rights. These rights cannot be waived except in writing and
in the presence of counsel. Any confession or admission obtained
in violation of this provision is inadmissible in evidence against
him. The exclusionary rule is premised on the presumption that
the defendant is thrust into an unfamiliar atmosphere and runs
through menacing police interrogation procedures where the
potentiality for compulsion, physical and psychological, is
forcefully apparent. The incommunicado character of custodial
interrogation or investigation also obscures a later judicial
determination of what really transpired.
Same; Same; Same; An investigation begins when it is no
longer a general inquiry into an unsolved crime but starts to focus





People vs. Andan

a particular person as a suspect, i.e, when the police investigator

starts interrogating or exacting a confession from the suspect in
connection with an alleged offense.—It should be stressed that the
rights under Section 12 are accorded to “[a]ny person under
investigation for the commission of an offense.” An investigation
begins when it is no longer a general inquiry into an unsolved
crime but starts to focus on a particular person as a suspect, i.e.,
when the police investigator starts interrogating or exacting a
confession from the suspect in connection with an alleged offense.
As intended by the 1971 Constitutional Convention, this covers
“investigation conducted by police authorities which will include
investigations conducted by the municipal police, the PC and the
NBI and such other police agencies in our government.”
Same; Same; Same; Fruits of the Poisonous Tree Doctrine;
Where the police failed to inform the accused of his constitutional
rights when he was investigated and interrogated, his confession
secured thereby, as well as the fruits of his uncounselled
confession, is inadmissible in evidence.—Appellant was already
under custodial investigation when he confessed to the police. It is
admitted that the police failed to inform appellant of his
constitutional rights when he was investigated and interrogated.
His confession is therefore inadmissible in evidence. So too were
the two bags recovered from appellant’s house. x x x The victim’s
bags were the fruits of appellant’s uncounselled confession to the
police. They are tainted evidence, hence also inadmissible.
Same; Same; Same; When the accused talked with the mayor
as a confidant and not as a law enforcement officer, his
uncounselled confession did not violate his constitutional rights.—
The police detained appellant after his initial confession. The
following day, Mayor Trinidad visited the appellant. Appellant
approached the mayor and requested for a private talk. They went
inside a room and appellant confessed that he alone committed
the crime. He pleaded for forgiveness. x x x Under these
circumstances, it cannot be successfully claimed that appellant’s
confession before the mayor is inadmissible. It is true that a
municipal mayor has “operational supervision and control” over
the local police and may arguably be deemed a law enforcement
officer for purposes of applying Section 12 (1) and (3) of Article III
of the Constitution. However, appellant’s confession to the mayor
was not made in response to any interrogation by the latter. In
fact, the mayor did not question appellant at all. No police
authority ordered appellant to talk to the mayor. It


VOL. 269, MARCH 3, 1997 97

People vs. Andan

was appellant himself who spontaneously, freely and voluntarily

sought the mayor for a private meeting. The mayor did not know
that appellant was going to confess his guilt to him. When
appellant talked with the mayor as a confidant and not as a law
enforcement officer, his uncounselled confession to him did not
violate his constitutional rights.
Same; Same; Same; The constitutional procedures on
custodial investigation do not apply to a spontaneous statement,
not elicited through questioning by the authorities but given in an
ordinary manner whereby the suspect orally admits having
committed the crime.— Thus, it has been held that the
constitutional procedures on custodial investigation do not apply
to a spontaneous statement, not elicited through questioning by
the authorities, but given in an ordinary manner whereby
appellant orally admitted having committed the crime. What the
Constitution bars is the compulsory disclosure of incriminating
facts or confessions. The rights under Section 12 are guaranteed
to preclude the slightest use of coercion by the state as would lead
the accused to admit something false, not to prevent him from
freely and voluntarily telling the truth. Hence, we hold that
appellant’s confession to the mayor was correctly admitted by the
trial court.
Same; Same; Same; Confessions to the media in response to
questions by news reporters, not by the police or any other
investigating officer, are admissible.—Appellant’s confessions to
the media were likewise properly admitted. The confessions were
made in response to questions by news reporters, not by the police
or any other investigating officer. We have held that statements
spontaneously made by a suspect to news reporters on a televised
interview are deemed voluntary and are admissible in evidence.
Same; Same; Same; The Bill of Rights does not concern itself
with the relation between a private individual and another
individual—it governs the relationship between the individual and
the State.—We rule that appellant’s verbal confessions to the
newsmen are not covered by Section 12 (1) and (3) of Article III of
the Constitution. The Bill of Rights does not concern itself with
the relation between a private individual and another individual.
It governs the relationship between the individual and the State.
The prohibitions therein are primarily addressed to the State and
its agents. They confirm that certain rights of the individual exist
without need of any governmental grant, rights that may not be
taken away by



People vs. Andan

government, rights that government has the duty to protect.

Governmental power is not unlimited and the Bill of Rights lays
down these limitations to protect the individual against
aggression and unwarranted interference by any department of
government and its agencies.
Same; Rape; Absence of spermatozoa in the vagina does not
negate the commission of rape nor does the lack of complete
penetration or rupture of the hymen.—We have also ruled in the
past that the absence of spermatozoa in the vagina does not
negate the commission of rape nor does the lack of complete
penetration or rupture of the hymen. What is essential is that
there be penetration of the female organ no matter how slight. Dr.
Aguda testified that the fact of penetration is proved by the
lacerations found in the victim’s vagina. The lacerations were
fresh and could not have been caused by any injury in the first

AUTOMATIC REVIEW of a decision of the Regional Trial

Court of Malolos, Bulacan, Br. 15.

The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.

     The Solicitor General for plaintiff-appellee.
     Miguel P. Pineda for accused-appellant.


Accused-appellant Pablito Andan y Hernandez alias

“Bobby” was accused of the crime of rape with homicide
committed as follows:

“That on or about the 19th day of February 1994, in the

municipality of Baliuag, province of Bulacan, Philippines, and
within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-named
accused, with lewd design, by means of violence and intimidation,
did then and there wilfully, unlawfully and feloniously have
carnal knowledge of one Marianne Guevarra y Reyes against her
will and without her consent; and the above-named accused in
order to suppress evidence against him and delay (sic) the identity
of the victim, did then and there wilfully, unlawfully and
feloniously, with intent to kill the said Marianne Guevarra y
Reyes, attack, assault and hit said victim with concrete hollow
blocks in her face and in different


VOL. 269, MARCH 3, 1997 99

People vs. Andan

parts of her body, thereby inflicting upon her mortal wounds

which directly caused1 her death.
Contrary to Law.”

The prosecution established that on February 19, 1994 at

about 4:00 P.M., in Concepcion Subdivision, Baliuag,
Bulacan, Marianne Guevarra, twenty years of age and a
second-year student at the Fatima School of Nursing, left
her home for her school dormitory in Valenzuela, Metro
Manila. She was to prepare for her final examinations on
February 21, 1994.
Marianne wore a striped blouse and faded denim pants
and brought with her two bags containing her school
uniforms, some personal effects and more than P2,000.00
in cash. Marianne was walking along the subdivision when
appellant invited her inside his house. He used the pretext
that the blood pressure of his wife’s grandmother should be
taken. Marianne agreed to take her blood pressure as the
old woman was her distant relative. She did not know that
nobody was inside the house. Appellant then punched her
in the abdomen, brought her to the kitchen and raped her.
His lust sated, appellant dragged the unconscious girl to an
old toilet at the back of the house and left her there until
dark. Night came and appellant pulled Marianne, who was
still unconscious, to their backyard. The yard had a pigpen
bordered on one side by a six-foot high concrete fence. On
the other side was a vacant lot. Appellant stood on a bench
beside the pigpen and then lifted and draped the girl’s body
over the fence to transfer it to the vacant lot. When the girl
moved, he hit her head with a piece of concrete block. He
heard her moan and hit her again on the face. After silence
reigned, he pulled her body to the other side of the fence,
dragged it towards
a shallow portion of the lot and
abandoned it.
At 11:00 A.M. of the following day, February 20, 1994,
the body of Marianne was discovered. She was naked from


1 Information dated March 11, 1994, Records, p. 1.

2 TSN of May 11, 1994, pp. 34-38; Exhibit “P,” Folder of Prosecution
Exhibits, pp. 13-14.



People vs. Andan

chest down with her brassiere and T-shirt pulled toward

her neck. Nearby was found a panty with a sanitary
The autopsy conducted by Dr. Alberto Bondoc revealed
that Marianne died of “traumatic injuries” sustained as

“1. Abrasions:

1.1 chest and abdomen, multiple, superficial, linear,

generally oblique from right to left.

2. Abrasions/contusions:

2.1 temple, right.

2.2 cheek, right.
2.3 upper and lower jaws, right.
2.4 breast, upper inner quadrant, right.
2.5 breast, upper outer quadrant, left.
2.6 abdomen, just above the umbilicus, rectangular,
approximate 3 inches in width, from right MCL to
left AAL.
2.7 elbow joint, posterior, bilateral.

3. Hematoma:

3.1 upper and lower eyelids, bilateral.

3.2 temple, lateral to the outer edge of eyebrow, right.
3.3 upper and lower jaws, right.

4. Lacerated wounds:

4.1 eyebrow, lateral border, right, 1/2 inch.

4.2 face, from right cheek below the zygoma to midline
lower jaw, 4 inches.

5. Fractures:

5.1 maxillary bone, right.

5.2 mandible, multiple, complete, right, with avulsion
of 1st and 2nd incisors.

6. Cerebral contusions, inferior surface, temporal and

frontal lobes, right.
7. External genitalia

7.1 minimal blood present.

7.2 no signs of recent physical injuries noted on both
labia, introitus and exposed vaginal wall.

8. Laboratory examination of smear samples from the

vaginal cavity showed negative for spermatozoa
(Bulacan Provincial Hospital, February 22, 1994, by
Dr. Wilfredo S. de Vera).


VOL. 269, MARCH 3, 1997 101

People vs. Andan

CAUSE OF DEATH: Cardiorespiratory Arrest 3

due to Cerebral
Contusions due to Traumatic Injuries, Face.”

Marianne’s gruesome death drew public attention and

prompted Mayor Cornelio Trinidad of Baliuag to form a
crack team of police officers to look for the criminal.
Searching the place where Marianne’s body was found, the
policemen recovered a broken piece of concrete block
stained with what appeared to be blood. They also found a
pair of denim pants and 4
a pair of shoes which were
identified as Marianne’s.
Appellant’s nearby house was also searched by the police
who found bloodstains on the wall of the pigpen in the
backyard. They interviewed the occupants of the house and
learned from Romano Calma, the stepbrother of appellant’s
wife, that accused-appellant also lived there but that he,
his wife and son left without a word. Calma surrendered to
the police several articles consisting of pornographic
pictures, a pair of wet short pants with some reddish brown
stain, a towel also with the stain, and a wet T-shirt. The
clothes were found in the laundry hamper
inside the house
and allegedly belonged to appellant.
The police tried to locate appellant and learned that his
parents live in Barangay Tangos, Baliuag, Bulacan. On
February 24 at 11:00 P.M., a police team led by Mayor
Trinidad traced appellant in his parents’ house. They took
him aboard the patrol jeep and brought him to the police
headquarters where he was interrogated. Initially,
appellant denied any knowledge of Marianne’s death.
However, when the police confronted him with the concrete
block, the victim’s clothes and the bloodstains found in the
pigpen, appellant relented and said that his neighbors,
Gilbert Larin and Reynaldo Dizon, killed Marianne and
that he was merely a lookout. He also said that he knew
where Larin and Dizon hid the two


3 Exhibit “U,” Folder of Prosecution Exhibits, pp. 18-19.

4 TSN of April 19, 1994, pp. 47-51; TSN of April 20, 1994, pp. 45, 55-56;
Exhibits “A,” “C” and “I.”
5 Exhibits “J,” “K,” “L,” and “N.”



People vs. Andan

bags of Marianne. Immediately, the police took appellant
to his house. Larin and Dizon, who were rounded up
earlier, were likewise brought there by the police.
Appellant went to an old toilet at the back of the house,
leaned over a flower pot and retrieved from a canal under
the pot, two bags which were later identified as belonging
to Marianne. Thereafter, photographs were taken 7
appellant and the two other suspects holding the bags.
Appellant and the two suspects were brought back to the
police headquarters. The following day, February 25, a
physical examination was conducted on the suspects by the

Municipal Health Officer, Dr. Orpha Patawaran.
Appellant was found to sustain:

“HEENT: with multiple scratches on the neck Rt side. Chest and

back: with abrasions (scratches at the back). Extremities:
healed wound along index finger 1.5 cm. in size Lt.”

By this time, people and media representatives were

already gathered at the police headquarters awaiting the
results of the investigation. Mayor Trinidad arrived and
proceeded to the investigation room. Upon seeing the
mayor, appellant approached him and whispered a request
that they talk privately. The mayor led appellant to the
office of the Chief of Police and there, appellant broke down
and said “Mayor, patawarin mo ako! I will tell you the
truth. I am the one who killed Marianne.” The mayor
opened the door of the room to let the public and media
representatives witness the confession. The mayor first
asked for a lawyer to assist appellant but since no lawyer
was available he 10
ordered the proceedings photographed
and videotaped. In the presence of the mayor, the police,
representatives of the media and ap-


6 TSN of May 2, 1994, pp. 71-72.

7 Exhibits “O,” “O-2,” and “O-5;” Folder of Prosecution Exhibits; pp. 11-
12; TSN of May 2, 1994, pp. 72-73.
8 TSN of May 13, 1994, pp. 18-19.
9 Exhibit “Q,” Folder of Prosecution Exhibits, p. 15.
10 TSN of May 13, 1994, pp. 21-22.


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People vs. Andan

pellant’s own wife and son, appellant confessed his guilt.

He disclosed how he killed Marianne and volunteered to
show them the place where he hid her bags. He asked for
forgiveness from Larin and Dizon whom he falsely
saying he did it because of ill-feelings against
them. He also said that the devil entered his mind
because of the pornographic
magazines and tabloid he read
almost everyday. After his confession, appellant hugged13
his wife and son and asked the mayor to help him. His
confession was captured
on videotape and covered by the
media nationwide.
Appellant was detained at the police headquarters. The
next two days, February 26 and 27, more newspaper, radio
and television reporters came. Appellant was again
interviewed and he affirmed
his confession to the mayor
and reenacted the crime.
On arraignment, however, appellant entered a plea of
“not guilty.” He testified that in the afternoon of February
19, 1994 he was at his parent’s house in Barangay Tangos
attending the birthday party of his nephew. He, his wife
and son went home after 5:00 P.M. His wife cooked dinner
while he watched their one-year old son. They all slept at
8:00 P.M. and woke up the next day at 6:00 in the morning.
His wife went to Manila to collect some debts while he and
his son went to his parents’ house where he helped his
father cement the floor of the house. His wife joined them
in the afternoon and they stayed there until
February 24,
1994 when he was picked up by the police.
Appellant was brought by the police to a hotel at Bagong
Nayon, Baliuag. In one of the rooms, the policemen covered


11 TSN of May 2, 1994, p. 88; TSN of May 20, 1994, pp. 13, 50.
12 TSN of May 13, 1994, pp. 78-82.
13 Id., pp. 20-24, 53, 59-64.
14 Exhibits “AA” and “CC.”
15 TSN of April 27, 1994, pp. 14-18; TSN of May 13, 1994, pp. 74-87;
TSN of May 27, 1994, pp. 8-32; Exhibits “S,” “KK-1” to “KK-4,” Folder of
Prosecution Exhibits, p. 41.
16 TSN of July 22, 1994, pp. 12-20, 75-80.



People vs. Andan

his face with a bedsheet and kicked him repeatedly. They

coerced him to confess that he raped and killed Marianne.
When he refused, they pushed his head into a toilet bowl
and injected something into his buttocks. Weakened,
appellant confessed to the crime. Thereafter, appellant was
taken to his house where he saw two of his neighbors,
Larin and Dizon. He was ordered by the police to go to the
old toilet at the back of the house and get two bags from
under the flower
pot. Fearing for his life, appellant did as
he was told.
In a decision dated August 4, 1994, the trial court
convicted appellant and sentenced him to death pursuant
to Republic Act No. 7659. The trial court also ordered
appellant to pay the victim’s heirs P50,000.00 as death
indemnity, P71,000.00 as actual burial expenses and
P100,000.00 as moral damages, thus:

“WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, Pablito Andan y

Hernandez alias “Bobby” is found guilty of proof beyond a scintilla
of doubt of the crime charged in the Information (Rape with
Homicide) and penalized in accordance with R.A. No. 7659 (Death
Penalty Law) Sec. 11, Par. 8, classifying this offense as one of the
heinous crimes and hereby sentences him to suffer the penalty of
DEATH; to indemnify the family of Marianne Guevarra the
amount of P50,000.00 for the death of Marianne Guevarra and
P71,000.00 as actual burial and incidental expenses and
P100,000.00 as moral damages. After automatic review of this
case and the decision becomes final and executory, the sentence
be carried out. 18

This case is before us on automatic review in accordance

with Section 22 of Republic Act No. 7659 amending Article
47 of the Revised Penal Code.
Appellant contends that:



17 Id., pp. 82-88; TSN of July 25, 1994, pp. 10-11.
18 Decision of the trial court, p. 23, Rollo, p. 52.


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The trial court based its decision convicting appellant on

the testimonies of the three policemen of the investigating
team, the mayor of Baliuag and four news reporters to
whom appellant gave his extrajudicial oral confessions. It
was also based on photographs and video footages of
appellant’s confessions and reenactments of the
commission of the crime.
Accused-appellant assails the admission of the
testimonies of the policemen, the mayor and the news
reporters because they were made during custodial
investigation without the assistance of counsel. Section 12,
paragraphs (1) and (3) of Article III of the Constitution

“Sec. 12 (1) Any person under investigation for the commission of

an offense shall have the right to be informed of his right to
remain silent and to have competent and independent counsel
preferably of his own choice. If the person cannot afford the
services of counsel, he must be provided with one. These rights
cannot be waived except in writing and in the presence of counsel.

(2) x x x
(3) Any confession or admission obtained in violation of this
or Section 17 hereof shall be inadmissible in evidence
against him.
(4) x x x”


19 Appellant’s Brief, p. 3, Rollo, p. 69.



People vs. Andan
Plainly, any person under investigation for the commission
of an offense shall have the right (1) to remain silent; (2) to
have competent and independent counsel preferably of his
own choice; and (3) to be informed of such rights. These
rights cannot be waived20
except in writing and in the
presence of counsel. Any confession or admission obtained
in violation of
this provision is inadmissible in evidence
against him. The exclusionary rule is premised on the
presumption that the defendant is thrust into an
unfamiliar atmosphere and runs through menacing police
interrogation procedures where the potentiality for
physical and psychological, is forcefully
apparent. The incommunicado character of custodial
interrogation or investigation also obscures
a later judicial
determination of what really transpired.
It should be stressed that the rights under Section 12
are accorded to “[a]ny person under investigation for the
commission of an offense.” An investigation begins when it
is no longer a general inquiry into an unsolved crime but
starts to focus on a particular person as a suspect, i.e.,
when the police investigator starts interrogating or
exacting a confession
from the suspect in connection with
an alleged offense. As intended by the 1971 Constitutional
Convention, this covers “investigation conducted by police
authorities which will include investigations conducted by
the municipal police, the


20 This provision was taken from Section 20, Article IV of the 1973
Constitution which adopted the ruling in Miranda v. Arizona, 384 U.S.
436, 16 L. Ed. 2d 694 [1966] and Escobedo v. Illinois, 378 U.S. 478, 12 L.
Ed. 2d 977 [1964].
21 People v. Enrile, 222 SCRA 586 [1993]; Sampaga v. People, 215
SCRA 839 [1992]; People v. Penero, 213 SCRA 536 [1992].
22 Bernas, The 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines: A
Commentary, p. 410 [1996]; Miranda v. Arizona, supra, at 457.
23 Miranda v. Arizona, supra, at 445; Cummings v. State, 341 A. 2d
294, 298 [1975].
24 People v. Macam, 238 SCRA 306 [1994]; People v. Bandula, 232
SCRA 566, 575 [1994]; People v. de Guzman, 224 SCRA 93 [1993]; People
v. Olvis, 154 SCRA 513 [1987].


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People vs. Andan

PC and the 25NBI and such other police agencies in our

When the police arrested appellant, they were no longer
engaged in a general inquiry about the death of Marianne.
Indeed, appellant was already a prime suspect even before
the police found him at his parents’ house. This is clear
from the testimony of SPO4 Danilo S. Bugay, the police
chief investigator of the crime, viz:

“COURT: How did you come about in concluding that it

was accused who did this act?
WITNESS: First, the place where Marianne was last
found is at the backyard of the house of the
accused. Second, there were blood stains at the
pigpen, and third, when we asked Romano
Calma who were his other companions in the
house, he said that, it was Pablito Andan who
cannot be found at that time and whose
whereabouts were unk nown, sir.
Q: So you had a possible suspect:
A: Yes, sir.
Q: You went looking for Pablito Andan?
A: Yes, sir.
Q: And then, what else did you do?
A: We tried to find out where we can find him
and from information we learned that his
parents live in Barangay Tangos in Baliuag.
We went there, found him there and
investigated him and in fact during the
he admitted that he was the

Appellant was already under custodial investigation when

he confessed to the police. It is admitted that the police
failed to inform appellant of his constitutional
rights when
he was investigated and interrogated. His confession is
therefore inadmissible in evidence. So too were the two
bags recovered


25 Bernas, supra, at 411.

26 TSN of April 19, 1994, pp. 62-63.
27 TSN of April 22, 1994, pp. 7-15; TSN of May 4, 1994, pp. 89-90; TSN
of May 11, 1994, pp. 30-31.



People vs. Andan

from appellant’s house. SPO2 Cesar Canoza, a member of

the investigating team testified:

“Atty. You told the court that you were able to recover
Valmores: these bags marked as Exhs. B and B-1 because
accused pointed to them, where did he point
these bags?
A: At the police station, sir, he told us that he hid
the two (2) bags beneath the canal of the toilet.
Q: In other words, you were given the information
where these two (2) bags were located?
A: Yes, sir.
Q: And upon being informed where the two (2)
bags could be located what did you do?
A: We proceeded to the place together with the
accused so that we would know where the two
(2) bags were hidden, sir.
Q: And did you see actually those two (2) bags
before the accused pointed to the place where
the bags were located?
A: After he removed the broken pots with which
he covered the canal, he really showed where
the bags
were hidden underneath the canal,

The victim’s bags were the fruits of appellant’s

uncounselled confession to the police.
They are tainted
evidence, hence also inadmissible.
The police detained appellant after his initial confession.
The following day, Mayor Trinidad visited the appellant.
Appellant approached the mayor and requested for a
private talk. They went inside a room and appellant
confessed that he alone committed the crime. He pleaded
for forgiveness. Mayor Trinidad testified, viz:

“Mayor Trinidad: x x x. During the investigation when there were

already many people from the media, Andan whispered something
to me and requested that he be able to talk to me alone, so what I
did was that, I brought him inside the office of the chief of police.


28 TSN of May 2, 1994, pp. 71-72.

29 People v. Alicando, 251 SCRA 293 [1995]; People v. Burgos, 144
SCRA 1, 17-19 [1986].


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Private Prosecutor Principe: And so what happened inside

the office of the
     Chief of Police, mayor?
A: While inside the office of the headquarters he told
me “Mayor patawarin mo ako,! I will tell you the
truth. I am the one who killed Marianne.” So when
he was telling this to me, I told him to wait a while,
then I opened the door to allow the media to hear
what he was going to say and I asked him again
whether he was the one who did it, he admitted it, 30
sir. This was even covered by a television camera.”
Q: During that time that Pablito Andan whispered to
you that he will tell you something and then you
responded by bringing him inside the office of the
Chief of Police and you stated that he admitted
that he killed Mari- anne . . .
Court: He said to you the following words . . .
Atty. Principe: He said to you the following words “Mayor,
patawarin mo ako! Ako ang pumatay kay Marianne,” was
that the only admission that he told you?
A: The admission was made twice. The first one was,
when we were alone and the second one was before
the media people, sir.
Q: What else did he tell you when you were inside the
room of the Chief of Police?
A: These were the only things that he told me, sir. I
stopped him from making further admissions
because I wanted the 31 media people to hear what he
was going to say, sir.”
Under these circumstances, it cannot be successfully
claimed that appellant’s confession before the mayor is
inadmissible. It is true that a municipal mayor has32
“operational supervision and control” over the local police
and may arguably be deemed a law enforcement officer for
purposes of applying Section 12 (1 ) and (3) of Article III of
the Constitution. However, appellant’s confession to the
mayor was not


30 TSN of May 13, 1994, pp. 20-21.

31 Id., pp. 26-27.
32 R.A. 6975, Department of Interior and Local Government Act of
1990, Chapter III (D), sec. 51 (b).



People vs. Andan

made in response to any interrogation by the latter. In
fact, the mayor did not question appellant at all. No police
authority ordered appellant to talk to the mayor. It was
appellant himself who spontaneously, freely and
voluntarily sought the mayor for a private meeting. The
mayor did not know that appellant was going to confess his
guilt to him. When appellant talked with the mayor as a
confidant and not as a law enforcement officer, his
uncounselled confession
to him did not violate his
constitutional rights. Thus, it has been held that the
constitutional procedures on custodial investigation do not
apply to a spontaneous statement, not elicited through
questioning by the authorities, but given in an ordinary
manner whereby appellant
orally admitted having
committed the crime. What the Constitution bars is the
compulsory disclosure of incriminating facts or confessions.
The rights under Section 12 are guaranteed to preclude the
slightest use of coercion by the state as would lead the
accused to admit something false, not to 36prevent him from
freely and voluntarily telling the truth. Hence, we hold
that appellant’s confession to the mayor was correctly
admitted by the trial court.


33 Deuschner v. State, 397 A. 2d 622 [1979]; Vines v. State, 394 A. 2d

809 [1978]; Cummings v. State, 341 A. 2d 294 [1975]; Howell v. State, 247
A. 2d 291 [1968]; Statements made by defendant while in custody of police
officers but not pursuant to any questioning by officers were properly
admitted as spontaneously volunteered statements—State v. Matlock, 289
N.W. 2d 625 [1980]; State v. Red Feather, 289 N.W. 2d 768 [1980].
34 Baysinger v. State, 550 S.W. 2d 445, 447 [1977], where a defendant,
not in custody, in talking with the sheriff wanted the sheriff for a
confidant instead of a law enforcement officer, his admissions on an
incriminating taped conversation did not violate the 4th, 5th and 6th
Amendments of the U.S. Constitution and are thus admissible.
35 Aballe v. People, 183 SCRA 196, 205 [1990; People v. Dy, 158 SCRA
111, 123-124 [1988]; People v. Taylaran, 108 SCRA 373, 378-379 [1981];
see also People v. Rogers, 422 N.Y.S. 18, 48 N.Y. 2d 167, 397 N.E. 2d 709,
714 [1979].
36 People v. Barlis, 231 SCRA 426, 441 [1994]; People v. Layuso, 175
SCRA 47, 53 [1989].


VOL. 269, MARCH 3, 1997 111

People vs. Andan

Appellant’s confessions to the media were likewise properly

admitted. The confessions were made in response to
questions by news reporters, not by the police or any other
investigating officer. We have held that statements
spontaneously made by a suspect to news reporters on a
televised interview are 37
deemed voluntary and are
admissible in evidence.
The records show that Alex Marcelino, a television
reporter for “Eye to Eye” on Channel 7, interviewed
appellant on February 27, 1994. The interview was
recorded on video and showed that appellant made his
confession willingly, openly and publicly
in the presence of
his wife, child and other relatives. Orlan Mauricio, a
reporter for “Tell the People” on Channel 9 also interviewed
appellant on February 25, 1994. He testified that:

“Atty. You mentioned awhile ago that you were able to

Principe: reach the place where the body of Marianne was
found, where did you start your interview, in
what particular place?
Mr. Actually, I started my newsgathering and
Mauricio: interview inside the police station of Baliuag and
I identified myself to the accused as I have
mentioned earlier, sir. At first, I asked him
whether he was the one who raped and killed the
victim and I also learned from him that the
victim was his cousin.
Q: And what was the response of Pablito Andan?
A: His response was he is a cousin of the victim and
that he was responsible for raping and killing
the victim, sir. And then I asked him whether his
admission was voluntary or that there was a
threat, intimidation or violence that was
committed on his person because I knew that
there were five other suspects in this case and he
said that he was admitting it voluntarily to the
policemen. I asked him whether he was under
the influence of drugs but he said no, and
“nakainom lang,” sir.


37 People v. Vizcarra, 115 SCRA 743, 752 [1982], the accused, under
custody, gave spontaneous answers to a televised interview by several
press reporters in the office of the chief of the CIS.
38 TSN of April 27, 1994, pp. 11, 13-14; Exhibit “S.”



People vs. Andan

Q: You mentioned earlier that the uncle of the accused

was present, was the uncle beside him at the time that
you asked the question?
A: The uncle was there including the barangay captain
whose name I cannot recall anymore. A barangay
captain of the place, I don’t know if it is the place of the
crime scene or in the place where Marianne Guevarra
resides but . . . All throughout the scene inside the office
of the Station Commander, there was no air of any force
or any threatening nature of investigation that was
being done on the suspect, that is why, I was able to talk
to him freely and in a voluntary manner he admitted to
me that he was the one who raped and killed, so we
went to the next stage of accompanying me to the scene
of the crime where the ree nactment and everything that
transpired during the killing of Marianne Guevarra.
Q: Before you started that interview, did you inform or ask
permission from the accused Pablito Andan that you
were going to interview him?
A: Yes, sir.
Q: You mentioned that after interviewing the accused at
the office of the Baliuag PNP, you also went to the
scene of the crime?
A: Yes, sir.
Q: Who accompanied you?
A: I was accompanied by some Baliuag policemen
including Mayor Trinidad and some of the relatives of
the accused.
Q: At this time, did you see the wife of the accused, Pablito
A: Yes, sir, I saw her at the place where the body of
Guevarra was recovered.
Q: How many relatives of accused Pablito Andan were
present, more or less?
A: There were many, sir, because there were many
wailing, weeping and crying at that time when he was
already taken in the patrol jeep of the Baliuag police,
Q: Now, Mr. Mauricio, upon reaching the scene of the
crime in Concepcion, Baliuag, Bulacan, what
A: I started my work as a reporter by trying to dig deeper
on how the crime was committed by the accused, so we
started inside the pigpen of that old house where I tried


VOL. 269, MARCH 3, 1997 113

People vs. Andan

  accompany the accused and asked him to narrate to me

and show me how he carried out the rape and killing of
Marianne Guevarra, sir.
Q: Did he voluntarily comply?
A: Yes, sir, in fact, I have it on my videotape.
Q: It is clear, Mr. Mauricio, that from the start of your
interview at the PNP Baliuag up to the scene of the
crime, all the stages were videotaped by you?
A: Yes, sir.

Journalist Berteni Causing of “People’s Journal Tonite” 40

likewise covered the proceedings for three successive days.
His testimony is as follows:

“Atty. You mentioned that you had your own inquiries?

A: We asked first permission from the mayor to
interrupt their own investigation so that we can
have a direct interview with the suspect.
Q: Were there people?
A: The people present before the crowd that
included the mayor, the deputy chief of police,
several of the policemen, the group of Inday
Badiday and several other persons. I asked the
suspect after the mayor presented the suspect to
us and after the suspect admitted that he was the
one who killed Marianne. I reiterated the
question to the suspect. Are you aware that this
offense which is murder with . . . rape with
murder is a capital offense? And you could be
sentenced to death of this? And he said, Yes. So
do you really admit that you were the one who
did itand he repeated it, I mean, say the
affirmative answer.
Q: And that was in the presence of the crowd that
you mentioned a while ago?
A: Yes, yes, sir. And if I remember it right, as I took
my camera to take some pictures of the suspect,
the mayor, the policemen and several others, I
heard the group of Inday Badiday asking the
same questions from the suspect and the suspect
answered the same.


39 TSN of May 4, 1994, pp. 11-14; 15-16; Exhibit “AA.”

40 TSN of May 13, 1994, pp. 76-77.



People vs. Andan

Q: Also in the presence of so many people that you

A: The same group of people who were there, sir.
Q: You mentioned that the answer was just the
same as the accused answered you affirmatively,
what was the answer, please be definite?
Court: Use the vernacular.
A: I asked him the question, after asking him the
question,” Ikaw ba talaga ang gumawa ng
papatay at pag-rape sa kay Marianne? Ang sagot
nya, “Oo.” Alam mo ba itong kasalanang ito,
kamatayan ang hatol, inaamin mo pa ba na
ikaw ang gumawa sa pagpatay at pag-rape kay
Mari- anne?” Sagot pa rin siya ng “Oo.”
Q: Did you ask him, why did you kill Marianne?
A: I asked him, your Honor and the reason he told
me was because a devil gripped his mind and
because of that according to him, your Honor,
were the pornographic magazines, pornographic
tabloids which he, according to him, reads
almost everyday before the crime.
Atty. At the time of your interview, Mr. Reporter, will
Principe: you tell the court and the public what was the
physical condition of accused Pablito Andan?
A: As I observed him that time, there was no sign
on his body that he was really down physically
and I think he was in good condition.
Court : So he was not happy about the incident?
A: He even admitted it, your Honor.
Court: He was happy?
A: He admitted it. He was not happy after doing it.
Court: Was he crying?
A: As I observed, your Honor, the tears were only
apparent but there was no tear that fell on his
Court: Was he feeling remorseful?
A: As I observed it, it was only slightly, your Honor.
x x x.”  

Another journalist, Rey Domingo,

of “Bandera” interviewed
appellant on February 26, 1994. He also testified that:


41 TSN of May 13, 1994, pp. 78-84.

42 TSN of May 27, 1994, p. 9.


VOL. 269, MARCH 3, 1997 115

People vs. Andan

“Atty. Now, Mr. Witness, did the accused Pablito

Principe: Andan give you the permission that you asked
from him?
A: Yes, sir.
Q: And when he allowed you to interview him, who
were present?
A: The first person that I saw there was Mayor
Trinidad, policemen from Baliuag, the chief
investigator, SPO4 Bugay, and since Katipunan,
the chief of police was suspended, it was the
deputy who was there, sir.
Q: Were they the only persons who were present
when you interviewed the accused?
A: There were many people there, sir. The place
was crowded with people. There were people
from the PNP and people from Baliuag, sir.
Q: How about the other representatives from the
A: Roy Reyes, Orlan Mauricio arrived but he
arrived late and there were people from the
radio and from TV Channel 9.
Q: How about Channel 7?
A: They came late. I was the one who got the scoop
first, sir.
Q: You stated that the accused allowed you to
interview him, was his wife also present?
A: Yes, sir, and even the son was there but I am not
very sure if she was really the wife but they were
hugging each other and she was crying and from
the questions that I asked from the people there
they told me that she is the wife, sir.
Q: How about the other members of the family of
the accused, were they around?
A: I do not know the others, sir, but there were
many people there, sir.
Q: Now, according to you, you made a news item
about the interview. May we know what
question did you ask and the answer.
A: My first question was, is he Pablito Andan and
his answer was “Yes.”
Q: What was the next question?
A: I asked him how he did the crime and he said
that, he saw the victim aboard a tricycle. He
called her up. She entered the house and he boxed
her on the stomach.



People vs. Andan

Q: What was the next question that you asked him?

A: He also said that he raped her and he said that the
reason why he killed the victim was because he was
afraid that the incident might be discovered, sir.
Q: Now, after the interview, are we correct to say that you
made a news item on that?
A: Yes, sir, based on what he told me. That’s why I did.
Q: Were there other questions propounded by you?
A: Yes, sir.
Q: “Ano iyon?”
A: He said that he threw the cadaver to the other side of
the fence, sir.
Q: Did he mention how he threw the cadaver of Marianne
to the other side of the fence?
A: I cannot remember the others, sir.
Q: But can you produce the news item based on that
A: I have a xerox copy here, sir.
  x x x.”
Clearly, appellant’s confessions to the news reporters were
given free from any undue influence from the police
authorities. The news reporters acted
as news reporters
when they interviewed appellant. They were not acting
under the direction and control of the police. They were
there to check appellant’s confession to the mayor. They did
not force appellant to grant them
an interview and reenact
the commission of the crime. In fact, they asked his
permission before interviewing him. They interviewed him
on separate days not once did appellant protest his
innocence. Instead, he repeatedly confessed his guilt to
them. He even supplied all the details in the commission of
the crime, and consented to its reenact-


43 Id., pp. 10-14.

44 Navallo v. Sandiganbayan, 234 SCRA 175, 183-184 [1994]—We ruled
that an audit examiner is not a law enforcement officer nor did he, in this
case, act as one.
45 Cf. People v. Olvis, 154 SCRA 513, 525-526 [1987] where several
accused were forced by the police to reenact the commission of the crime.


VOL. 269, MARCH 3, 1997 117

People vs. Andan

ment. All his confessions to the news reporters were

witnessed by his family and other relatives. There was no
coercive atmosphere in the interview of appellant by the
news reporters.
We rule that appellant’s verbal confessions to the
newsmen are not covered by Section 12 (1) and (3) of
Article III of the Constitution. The Bill of Rights does not
concern itself with the relation between46
a private
individual and another individual. It governs the
relationship between the individual and the State. The
prohibitions therein are primarily addressed to the State
and its agents. They confirm that certain rights of the
individual exist without need of any governmental grant,
rights that may not be taken away by government,
that government has the duty to protect. Governmental
power is not unlimited and the Bill of Rights lays down
these limitations to protect the individual against
aggression and unwarranted interference 48
by any
department of government and its agencies.
In his second assigned error, appellant questions the
sufficiency of the medical evidence against him. Dr. Alberto
Bondoc, a Medical Specialist with the Provincial Health
Office, conducted the first autopsy and found no 49
spermatozoa and no recent physical injuries in the hymen.
Allegedly, the mini-


46 People v. Marti, 193 SCRA 57, 67 [1991].

47 People v. Maqueda, 242 SCRA 565, 590 [1995]; Quinn v. Buchanan,
298 S.W. 2d 413, 417 [1957], citing Cooley, A Treatise on the
Constitutional Limitations 93, 358.
48 16 C.J.S., Constitutional Law, Sec. 199, pp. 975-976; see also People
v. Marti, supra, at 67-68 where we ruled that the constitutional
proscription against unlawful searches and seizures cannot be extended to
searches and seizures done by private individuals without the
intervention of police authorities; People v. Maqueda, supra, at 59 where
we held that extrajudicial admissions of an accused to a private person
and to a prosecutor in connection with the accused’s plea to be utilized as
a state witness were deemed outside the scope of the provision on
custodial investigation.
49 TSN of May 2, 1994, pp. 22, 24-26.



People vs. Andan

mal blood found in 50

her vagina could have been caused by
her menstruation.
We are unpersuaded. A second autopsy was conducted
on March 1, 1994 by Dr. Dominic L. Aguda, a medico-legal
officer of the National Bureau of Investigation. His findings
affirmed the absence of spermatozoa but revealed that the
victim’s hymen had lacerations, thus:

“Hymen—contracted, tall, thin with fresh lacerations with clotted

blood at
6 and 3 o’clock positions corresponding to the walls of the

Dr. Aguda testified that the lacerations were fresh and that
they may have been caused by an object forcibly inserted
into the vagina when the victim52
was still alive, indicating
the possibility of penetration. His testimony is as follows:

“Witness: When I exposed the hymen, I found lacerations

in this 3 o’clock and 6 o’clock position
corresponding to the walls of the clock. x x x
Court: Include the descriptive word, fresh.
Witness: I put it in writing that this is fresh because
within the edges of the lacerations, I found
blood clot, that is why I put it into writing as
Atty. Now, Doctor, you told the Court that what you
Valmonte: did on the cadaver was merely a re-autopsy,
that means, doctor the body was autopsied first
before you did your re-autopsy?
A: Yes, sir.
Q: Could it not be, doctor, that these injuries you
found in the vagina could have been sustained
on account of the dilation of the previous
A: Well, we presumed that if the first doctor
conducted the autopsy on the victim which was
already dead, no amount of injury or no amount
of lacerated wounds could produce blood
because there is no more circulation, the
circulation had already stopped. So, I presumed


50 Id., pp. 43-44.

51 Exhibit “Y,” Folder of Prosecution Exhibits, p. 27.
52 TSN of May 4, 1994, pp. 63, 75.

VOL. 269, MARCH 3, 1997 119

People vs. Andan

  when the doctor examined the victim with the use of for-
ceps or retractor, vaginal retractor, then I assumed that
the victim was already dead. So it is impossible that the
lacerated wounds on the hymen were caused by those
instruments because the victim was already dead and
usually in a dead person we do not produce any
Q: What you would like to tell the Court is this: that the
lacerations with clotted blood at 6 and 3 o’clock
positions corresponding to the walls of the clock could
have been inflicted or could have been sustained while
the victim was alive?
A: Yes, sir.
Q: This clotted blood, according to you, found at the edges
of the lacerated wounds, now will you kindly go over
the sketch you have just drawn and indicate the edges
of thelacerated wounds where you found the clotted
A: This is the lacerated wound at 3 o’clock and this is the
lacerated wound at 6 o’clock. I found the blood clot at
this stage. The clotted blood are found on the edges of
the lacerated wounds, sir.
Q: What could have caused those lacerations?
A: Well, it could have been caused by an object that is
forcibly inserted into that small opening of the hymen
causing lacerations on the edges of the hymen, sir.
Q: If the victim had sexual intercourse, could she sustain
those lacerations?
A: It is possible, sir.

We have also ruled in the past that the absence of

in the vagina does not negate the commission
of rape nor does the 55
lack of complete penetration or
rupture of the hymen. What is essential is that there56
penetration of the female organ no matter how slight. Dr.
Aguda testified


53 Id., pp. 59-63.

54 People v. Salomon, 229 SCRA 403 [1994]; People v. Empleo, 226
SCRA 454 [1993]; People v. Magallanes, 218 SCRA 109 [1993].
55 People v. Rejano, 237 SCRA 627 [1994]; People v. Palicte, 229 SCRA
543 [1994].
56 People v. Fabro, 239 SCRA 146 [1994]; People v. Fortez, 223 SCRA
619 [1993]; People v. Abiera, 222 SCRA 378 [1993].



People vs. Andan

that the fact of penetration is proved by the lacerations

found in the victim’s vagina. The lacerations were fresh
and could not have been caused by any injury in the first
Dr. Aguda’s finding and the allegation that the victim
was raped by appellant are supported by other evidence,
real and testimonial, obtained from an investigation of the
witnesses and the crime scene, viz:

(1) The victim, Marianne, was last seen walking 57

the subdivision road near appellant’s house;
(2) At that time, appellant’s wife and her step
and grandmother were not in their house;
(3) A bloodstained concrete block was found over the
fence of appellant’s house, a meter away from the
wall. Bloodstains were also found on the grass
nearby59 and at the pigpen at the back of appellant’s
(4) The victim sustained bruises and scars indicating
that her60 body had been dragged over a flat rough
surface. This supports the thesis that she was
thrown over the fence and dragged to where her
body was found;
(5) Appellant’s bloodstained clothes and towel were
found in the laundry hamper in his house;
(6) The reddish brown stains in the towel and T-shirt
of appellant were found positive for the presence of
blood type
“B,” the probable blood type of the
victim. Marianne’s exact blood type was not
determined but her parents had type “A”


57 TSN of May 2, 1994, pp. 78, 95.

58 TSN of May 2, 1994, p. 83; April 25, 1994, p. 38.
59 TSN of April 19, 1994, p. 51; TSN of May 2, 1994, p. 66; Exhibit “I.”
60 TSN of May 2, 1994, pp. 53-54.
61 Exhibit “JJ,” Folder of Prosecution Exhibits, p. 40.


VOL. 269, MARCH 3, 1997 121

People vs. Andan

and type “AB.” The victim’s pants had bloodstains
which63 were found to be type “O,” appellant’s blood
(7) Appellant had scratch marks 64and bruises in his
body which he failed to explain;
(8) For no reason, appellant and his wife left their
residence after the incident and were later found at
his parents’
house in Barangay Tangos, Baliuag,

In fine, appellant’s extrajudicial confessions together with

the other circumstantial evidence justify the conviction of
Appellant’s defense of alibi cannot overcome the
prosecution evidence. His alibi cannot even stand the test
of physical improbability at the time of the commission of
the crime. Barangay Tangos is only a few kilometers away
from Concepcion Subdivision
and can be traversed in less
than half an hour.
IN VIEW WHEREOF, the decision of the Regional Trial
Court, Branch 15, Malolos, Bulacan in Criminal Case No.
1109-M-94 is affirmed and accused-appellant Pablito
Andan y Hernandez is found guilty of the special complex
crime of rape with homicide under Section 11 of Republic
Act No. 7659 amending Article 335 of the Revised Penal
Code and is sentenced to the penalty of death, with two (2)
members of the Court, however, voting to impose reclusion
perpetua. Accused-appellant is also ordered to indemnify
the heirs of the victim, Marianne Guevarra, the sum of
P50,000.00 as civil indemnity for her death and P71,000.00
as actual damages.
In accordance with Section 25 of Republic Act No. 7659
amending Article 83 of the Revised Penal Code, upon


62 Exhibits “MM” and “NN,” Folder of Prosecution Exhibits, pp. 43, 44.
63 Exhibits “LL” and “OO,” Folder of Prosecution Exhibits, pp. 42, 45.
64 Exhibit “Q,” Folder of Prosecution Exhibits, p. 15.
65 TSN of May 2, 1994, pp. 82-84.
66 TSN of July 1, 1994, pp. 13-14.



Ingles vs. Court of Appeals

of this decision, let the records of this case be forthwith

forwarded to the Office of the President for possible
exercise of the pardoning power.

          Narvasa (C.J.), Padilla, Regalado, Davide, Jr.,

Romero, Bellosillo, Melo, Puno, Vitug, Kapunan, Mendoza,
Francisco, Hermosisima, Jr., Panganiban and Torres, Jr.,
JJ., concur.

Imposition of death penalty affirmed.

Note.—To be an effective counsel, a lawyer need not

challenge all the questions being propounded to his client.
The presence of a lawyer is not intended to stop an accused
from saying anything which might incriminate him but,
rather, it was adopted in our Constitution to preclude the
slightest coercion as would lead the accused to admit
something else. The counsel, however, should never
prevent an accused from freely and voluntarily telling the
truth. (People vs. Suarez, 267 SCRA 119 [1997])


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