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At Death’s Door
A dangerous delve into the depths of the dwelling of the deity of death.

Episode 10 of Convergence Manifesto

An Across Eberron Adventure

Writer: Patrick Dunning

Editors: Will Brolley, Wayne Chang, Laura Hirsbrunner

Executive Producer: Keith Baker

Cover Art & Design: Kristóf Köteles, Laura Hirsbrunner

Interior Art: Kristóf Köteles
Maps: Patrick Dunning
Layout: Laura Hirsbrunner, Wayne Chang

Playtesters: Will Brolley, Laura Hirsbrunner, Jessie LeTarte, Colin Marriott, Jarrod Taylor

Special thanks to Keith for creating this world, Laura for convincing me to join this
journey Across Eberron, and Joseph Meehan for lending me The Broker.

Published by Across Eberron, an Eberron community project.

Disclaimer: The Across Eberron editors are not responsible for lethargy, loss of appetite, ennui, loss of self, apathy, existential crises, depression, loss of soul, or death that might occur
during or due to this adventure. At Death's Door is not for everyone, so consult your preferred higher power to see if At Death's Door is right for you.

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers
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The Lair of the Keeper. The bulk of the adventure takes place
INTRODUCTION in the upper chambers of a dracolich’s lair in a manifest zone
Welcome to At Death’s Door, episode 10 of Convergence tied to Dolurrh, the Realm of the Dead. Surviving the horrors of
Manifesto, an Across Eberron adventure path. This adventure is this place is the main challenge of the adventure.
the sequel to AE01-09: Weathering the Storm, available on the The Ghaash’kala. There is one last challenge standing
Dungeon Masters Guild, using characters and story elements between the players and their escape to the airship. The orc
introduced in the previous adventure. This adventure plays best tribes called the Ghaash’kala consider it their holy duty to
when used in conjunction with the Wayfinder’s Guide to protect the rest of the world from the horrors of the Demon
Eberron (WGtE) by Keith Baker. If your players are unfamiliar Wastes. They will attempt to stop anything from escaping the
with either the Eberron setting or the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Wastes, unfortunately including our heroes.
game, you may wish to use this set of 1st-level pregenerated
characters, tailor-made for Eberron.
At Death’s Door is an adventure designed for five 6th level
characters to explore the diversity and themes of the Eberron
Campaign Setting. Players will have a chance to explore the At Death’s Door is an action-packed dungeon crawl intended for
Lair of the Keeper, a location out of legend, said to be the five 6th-level characters and designed to take approximately 3-4
location of that dark god’s well of souls. The heroes are charged hours of game time. As the adventure is a dungeon crawl, there
with finding an item said to grow only there. are branching paths within the dungeon, so the adventure can
either be shortened or extended by the DM if you wish to close
off paths within the dungeon to channel the party toward or
SUMMARY away from the goal.
At Death’s Door is a dungeon crawl that takes place almost All monster stat blocks needed for encounters in this
entirely in the upper chambers of the Lair of the Keeper. This adventure are contained in Appendix A: Bestiary. A map of the
lair belongs to an ancient dracolich that perhaps styles dungeon can be found in Appendix B: Maps.
themselves after the legends of the Keeper, or perhaps even
inspired them. This adventure is split into several sections. While running the adventure, look out for the following
Stormhome. The player characters are called to the home formatting:
city of House Lyrandar to meet with Guild Handler Lhara
regarding their quest for an artifact tethered to Dolurrh, the Text like this is intended to be read aloud or paraphrased for your
Realm of the Dead.
The Descent. Traveling by airship over the horrors of the
Demon Wastes, the party descends into a vast canyon to find
the Lair of the Keeper. After agreeing on a pickup point, the Sidebars like this contain rules reminders, reveal background
party skydives into the hellish landscape and hides to avoid the Eberron lore, or point you to sources to learn more.
notice of a would-be god, then explores the surrounding area.

Anuul (ah-NEWL). A demon of decay who acts as a physical
CAST OF CHARACTERS servant of the dracolich. Anuul believes that the dracolich is
In At Death's Door, the player characters travel to one of the an avatar of the Keeper and literally worships the dracolich.
most desolate places on Khorvaire. These are among the deadly Personality: What I lack in smarts I make up for in
creatures that they may meet. enthusiasm. Mostly for dead rotten things.
Ideal: There is beauty in rot.
MAJOR CHARACTERS Bond: I am decay, the Keeper is the god of decay, so the
Keeper is god of me.
Rabanu (RA-ban-oo). A rakshasa who has plotted for many ages
Flaw: I am not a smart demon.
to free the demon Overlord Katashka, the Gatekeeper. He
Sorma (SOR-mah). A twisted, undead abomination that the
believes that the souls contained in the Lair of the Keeper can
dracolich created when a foolish mortal found his way to the
be put to better use under his command, bringing him one step
Lair to swear his undying loyalty to the dracolich. His mind has
closer to ushering in a new Age of Demons.
been twisted, but he has been commanded to do no harm to
Personality: I don’t let little things like imprisonment and
those who worship the Keeper.
torture get me down, all things are temporary.
Personality: I do as I am told. I am only a tool.
Ideal: I am pragmatic, mortals dealt with fairly make better
Ideal: I was a man once, a man!
catspaws than those dealt with cruelty.
Bond: Literally bound into servitude.
Bond: Fiends are the natural masters of this world, and the
Flaw: The only emotion I can feel is hate.
natural order must be restored.
Flaw: Having all of eternity to enact my plans has made me
Devent (DEV-ehnt). An orc paladin of the Ghaash’kala. He has
spent decades protecting the world from the horrors of the
Demon Wastes. Recently, he has had visions of evil flying from
Bhrax (BRAX). An imp and familiar to the rakshasa
the Wastes in a ship in the sky. He will stop that from
Rabanu. Since Rabanu’s capture, he has been acting as his
happening—or die trying.
master’s eyes on the outside. Too weak to free him, Bhrax
Personality: I am weary, and the decades of hunting evil have
keeps in telepathic contact, watching and waiting. When the
taken their toll. My resolve is firm, but I’m slipping.
party appears he reports to his master about it.
Ideal: I don’t like killing ignorant fools who made it past us into
Personality: This one is a coward, would rather run or beg
the Wastes. It is sad, but necessary.
than fight.
Bond: Kalok Shash and the Ghaash'kala are the only thing
Ideal: This one lives to serve.
standing between the world and destruction.
Bond: The master’s will is stronger than this one, it must obey.
Flaw: I am never swayed by extenuating circumstances. I
Flaw: This one has no pride and will not hesitate to humiliate
cannot be, for the world would suffer if I were.
itself to survive.

Nora Bawn (NOR-uh BAWN). The ghost of a middle-aged

human woman, her residual image appears well dressed in
modern Aundarian style. Trapped within the Lair of the Keeper,
she has somehow managed to keep her mind against the
entrapping effect of Dolurrh. In life, she was a priestess of the
Keeper, and will try to lie to the party to get them to rescue her
Personality: I do not let little things like honor, the truth, or
basic human decency get in the way of what I want.
Ideal: There are two kinds of people, those who exist to be
manipulated, and me.
Bond: I am the only one who matters.
Flaw: I might have chronic backstabbing disorder.

ACROSS EBERRON CHARACTERS Provost Nigel Faurious (NIGH-jel FAR-ee-us). The Provost is
The following characters are recurring characters in the Across very focused on his work and is often lost in thought. He seeks
Eberron series, though Faurious does not appear directly in this to prove his theories on planar bodies and is willing to spend the
adventure. money required to build his strange device.
Personality: I am horribly, horribly awkward in social
Guild Handler Lhara (LAHR-ah). Lhara is a shifter with white situations and have little patience for any conversation that
hair streaked with black. Her skin is pale, she has blue eyes, and doesn’t have to do with my work.
wears an eyepatch over the left. She holds a middling position Ideal: No Limits. Nothing should fetter the infinite possibility
of authority within the Clifftop Guild. Lhara is the characters’ inherent in all existence.
handler inside Clifftop and is trying to increase the guild’s Bond: My life’s work is the study of planar bodies and their
coffers and reputation. effects on Eberron. I must complete my work and be given the
Personality: I am always calm, no matter what the situation. I recognition I deserve.
never raise my voice or let my emotions control me. Flaw: Unlocking an ancient mystery is worth every coin of my
Ideal: Clifftop Adventurers’ Guild. The Guild is my home and family fortune.
its members are my family.
Bond: I will prove that Clifftop is the best group of skilled CLIFFTOP ADVENTURERS' GUILD
troubleshooters and that we can get any job done. Eberron, of course, has its share of organizations dedicated to the
Flaw: I am very sarcastic, and it can be difficult for people to support and employment of exceptional individuals. Professional
tell when I am being serious. adventurers in good standing might be invited to join the Clifftop
Adventurers’ Guild (WGtE 150, Sharn: City of Towers 52), based in
the Clifftop district of Upper Dura, Sharn. It was founded 150 years
ago by a dwarf named Shekkal Korranor. The current leader is Sumara
Korranor, better known among her charges as Summer.
The reputation of the CAG is well earned, and members are
expected to uphold the Guild’s virtuous principles. Their long-
standing rivals, the Deathsgate Guild, have no such inclinations.

"It is an established arcane fact that the soul can be drawn on
for power. Given this truth, the power contained within Dolurrh
must be immeasurable—if only it can be tapped."
-fragment of Provost Nigel Faurious’s Convergence Manifesto

At Death’s Door begins with the assumption that player

characters are members of the Clifftop Adventurers' Guild of
Sharn, and have previously completed at least one adventure in
the Convergence Manifesto series. Lhara, the party’s contact
and handler for the guild, requests that they meet her in the city
of Stormhome in the nation of Aundair, the hometown of House

After a short respite and recuperation from your last adventure, a

letter finds its way to you, bearing the familiar wax seal of the Clifftop
“Yet another job calls for your winter cloaks. If you would be so
kind as to meet me in Stormhome, I’ll be staying at the Fair Weather
Arms. Our benefactor requests our services once again to retrieve an
artifact from a place of myth and legend. We’re sending you into the
Wastes, though I should be able to make arrangements that will let
us pass over the worst of it... Enjoy your cruise to Stormhome,
because after that it is going to get interesting.
— Guild Handler Lhara, Clifftop Adventurers’ Guild.”

The letter is packaged with several all-expenses paid tickets for

first class cabins, first on the lightning rail to Aruldusk in
Thrane, then on board a joint House Ghallanda/House Lyrandar
riverboat casino that will take the characters the rest of the way
up Scion’s Sound toward the island city of Stormhome.


Several hundred years ago, the dragonmarked house of Lyrandar
leased a northern barren, cold, rocky island from the Kingdom of
Galifar. With the magic inherent in the mystical Mark of the Storm,
they manipulated the weather around the island to turn it into a
paradise. The weather is kept perfect, with rain only falling when it is
scheduled and given permission to. The oceanic winds are tempered
to suit the needs of the residents, so that there is always a fair wind
at hand for the massive harbor.
Today, the lease agreement continues with the Kingdom of
Aundair. Stormhome is the headquarters of the house, the port of
call for the northern Lyrandar shipping fleets, and the home port for
their entire airship fleet.
The city consists of mostly sailors, longshoremen, and half-elves
connected to the house. With its ideal climate opposed to the rest of
the northern shores along the Bitter Sea, it has also become a leisure
destination for those who can afford the travel, with House Ghallanda
operating several resorts within the island city.

The party arrives in Stormhome to see the grand sight of House What does the Voice of the Keeper do? “According to
Lyrandar’s fleet in the sky above. The party will have no legend, if you ring it like a tuning fork, you can use it to ask
difficulty finding the hotel Lhara has booked for her stay while questions of the dead. I know some holy men who can do that,
waiting for the party to catch up. When the party arrives, she but this will let anyone do it, and often.”
takes them aside to a private room. Read or paraphrase the What is the airship like? “Whisper of the Storm, one of the
following: first-generation airships. Which means she’s smaller than the
ones they’re putting in the air these days. Has an air elemental
“I’m glad you were able to make it. I have something special for you, powering her, so she doesn’t light up the night like the fire rings
that are so popular these days. Since she isn’t much of a cargo
the stuff of legends,” Lhara smiles and seems genuinely excited
hauler, Captain Alvis d’Lyrandar has taken to using her to fly in
about the prospect she has for you. “I don’t know if you know the
and out of places all quiet-like. Perfect for our needs. Gets us
stories. In the frozen north of the Demon Wastes there is a scar upon over the real nasty stuff of the Demon Wastes.”
the land, ninety miles long, thirty wide, and no one knows how deep. What are the Demon Wastes? “Worst place on
The Lair of the Keeper. Legend tells us the Sovereign Lord of Death Khorvaire. Still looks like the world did in the Age of Demons,
and Decay himself lives there. His faithful also believe that he does, when fiends ruled the world, if you believe in that sort of
or at least that his avatar does. Something does. The Keeper’s thing. The land is sick and twisted, full of monsters, savages,
and demon-hunting orc zealots.”
strongest and most fanatic followers go there once every thirteen
How can we be sure the Keeper won’t be home? “The
years to make offerings to it and seek its blessings.
Provost has wanted one of these things for a long time. The
“That’s the only time we know it leaves its lair unguarded, traveling research is his. I didn’t ask how he found out about this secret
to the rim of the massive canyon to hold court over its worshipers. holiday of the Dark Six, but he is absolutely certain it’s true.”
That’s our way in. There’s an airship here in Stormhome. Light, fast, What are the Carrion Tribes? “Savages. They say anyone
uses an air elemental. At night, with no lanterns lit, it’s practically who has tried to settle that land has died, if they’re lucky. And if
invisible. We fly in. Its captain is crazy enough to take the they’re unlucky… well, they go mad. Turn feral, turn into
charter. We get to avoid all the twisted horrors of the Demon cannibals.”
What are the Ghaash'kala? “Orc border tribes. Live in the
Wastes, the Carrion Tribes, the Ghaash'kala, monsters, and the titular
mountains outside the Wastes. Try to discourage anyone from
demons. We fly in, you dive into the Lair of the Keeper while it’s
going in. They kill anything trying to make it out. Which is why
out. we’re going to avoid them altogether.”
“There is supposed to be untold wealth down there, but don’t get What exactly is the plan? “We fly in. We find a place
greedy, I need you focused. In the first century, the hero Jorna Nuran suitable to pick you up. You jump off with some feather
was said to have gone in to retrieve the soul of her love who was tokens. Hide, wait for the thing to leave, then explore its cave
taken by the Keeper. One of the things she came back with was a
looking for one of these crystal forks. Simple.”
Lhara offers the characters 700 gp each for successful
Dolurrh-infused Khyber shard shaped like a tuning fork. Said to be
completion of the mission. She can give the party time enough
within was the voice of the Keeper itself. According to legend, all
in Stormhome to gather any supplies they believe they will
she had to do was strike the fork and she could speak to the dead need. As the main port of call for House Lyrandar, many tools
any time she wanted. It was a myth, a legend. are available. Once the party is prepared for their journey, they
“We know the artifact existed, the Provost found copies of a may gather at the high House Lyrandar docking tower housing
contemporary report from the Arcane Congress about it. The Voice the Whisper of the Storm and her cocky half-elf captain. Lhara
of the Keeper was destroyed centuries ago during Tira Miron’s
will be joining the party on the ship and will meet them at the
docking tower. Once safely on board, the ship will take off
crusade. But the firsthand account the Arcane Congress took from
toward the forsaken land of the Demon Wastes.
Jorna Nuran herself tells us that it was but one of many in those
caves. She said these fork-shaped shards grew from the walls. You
go in, find one, and get out.
The gods of Eberron are not known to walk the face of the
“So, do you feel up to stealing from a god?” world. There are stories, of course, tales, legends, and faith, but there
is no evidence that they ever have. Some in the world do not believe
that the Sovereign Host or the Dark Six even exist at all.
WHAT LHARA KNOWS For those who believe, the Sovereign Host are the pantheon of
What is the Keeper? “God of Death, Decay, and Greed, of
gods whose divine power can be channeled by mortals. But not all
course, but I assume you mean the thing that claims to be the
the Sovereigns are benevolent. Six were cast out of the Pantheon.
Keeper. I’m assuming you aren’t the superstitious sort that
These Six stand apart, the Dark Six. Gods of destructive wild forces.
think that one of the Dark Six lives in a hole in the Gods of evil. Gods of change. This adventure is primarily concerned
ground. Some say the thing down there is a dragon, others that with one of them, the Keeper. He is the Sovereign of Death and
it is a demon, legends vary. Point is, we know that it won't be Decay, Greed and Gluttony, Time and Entropy.
home when we get there.”

The airship makes its way northwest from
Stormhome, across the Eldeen Bay, toward the
Demon Wastes and the Lair of the Keeper. Read or
paraphrase the following:

The altitude makes the bite of the cold northern air even
worse as the airship, Whisper of the Storm, dares the
skies of the Demon Wastes. Now that the sun has set,
with all the lights on deck extinguished, it is nearly
invisible and silent in the sky. However, the Ring of
Siberys and the moons of Eberron offer enough light for
you to see the blasted wasteland blow. It is a chill,
inhospitable expanse of badlands said to be home to
nothing but cannibals, monsters, and demons.
About an hour after sunset, the land ahead darkens,
looking as though the world comes to an end. Ahead,
the twisted badlands drop off into nothingness, a vast
open hole yawning wide ahead of you. “That canyon is
said to be the widest and deepest in all of Khorvaire,”
Guild Handler Lhara says beside you on the deck. “Within
its depths lies the Lair of the Keeper. Look,” she points
to lights and fires near the rim of the massive
canyon. “The Keeper’s faithful gather to make deals with
their god. The ceremony is supposed to happen at
midnight. Could last days, but don’t count on it. That will
be your window to enter, just make sure you wait until
this would-be god leaves his Lair.”

Lhara passes out charms that should be very familiar to

the party by now, feather tokens. The plan is for the
airship to circle well away from the camp of the
Keeper’s followers, go down into the canyon below the
rim and have the party skydive down near the Lair. The
party will hide, wait for the Keeper to leave, then enter.
When they are done, Lhara reminds them that they are
to make their way to a nearby promontory of rock for
When the party asks about signaling for retrieval,
Lhara gives the party a tiny mallet, and explains, “We’re
working off old legends here, we don’t exactly have a
map. The Song of Sir Jorna states that the entrance to
the Lair can be found ‘where the River of Bone and
Blood ends, falling below to Khyber’s depths.’ Let’s hope
that isn’t a bard’s metaphor. If this waterfall exists, it
will be our landmark, and we’ll try to spot somewhere
suitable for pickup nearby. Strike that mallet against any
hard surface and it’ll cause a bell I have here to
ring. That will be our signal to come pick you up.”

Once the characters have asked Lhara any remaining questions As you leap over the side of the Whisper of the Storm and begin to
they have about the mission, read or paraphrase the following:
freefall, you realize that you are higher up than you thought. The
ground is not rushing up at you nearly as fast as you expected. That
The Whisper of the Storm dives down below the rim of the canyon,
is when the true size of the place hits you. The pit, the river, the
well away from the camp of the Keeper’s faithful. The canyon is
bones of those titanic beasts are all so much bigger than you
deep and very dark, in the low light of the moons you can barely
make out the bottom far blow. Your ears pop as you descend ever
further down, as they do you begin to hear agonized, wordless
Once the party makes landfall, the airship disappears into the
whispers on the wind.
darkness above, and the characters are left to find the Lair. The
As the River of Bone and Blood comes into view below you, Lhara area is devoid of most plant life, despite (or perhaps because of)
sighs sarcastically, “I’m not sure what I was expecting.” the rapidly flowing River of Bone and Blood. Ahead of the party,
The metallic stink of blood rises from the dark liquid, its true color they can see the river flows into an enormous pit, falling down
unknowable in the dim moonlight. The river crashes and froths into Khyber below. If any characters investigate the river, they
against what massive skulls and ribs of immense creatures of days find that the water is red, but is not actually as thick as blood.
The water here is poisonous and anyone who drinks the water
gone by.
must succeed on a DC 20 Constitution save or be poisoned for
Following the path of the grizzly river, you begin to hear the rush of
ten minutes.
a waterfall, then the river ends abruptly at a deep black pit. Across
As the party moves closer to the pit, they can see the entrance
the hole the canyon continues, though that side is full of needle-like to the Lair of the Keeper (see area K1: Main Entrance) is a
spires. massive cave opening on the far side of this pit, about fifty feet
down. The climb down will not be difficult; however, at the
As the party gathers their equipment and prepares to leap into entrance of the Lair, the character with the highest passive
this dark land, Lhara reminds them to first find the entrance, Perception can see a shadowed humanoid figure, though they
then hide themselves well and wait until after the Keeper leaves do not seem to have noticed the party yet.
before entering the Lair. The characters may attempt a DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) or
The character with the highest passive Perception can see a Intelligence (Investigation) check to find another way into the
wide flat area suitable for a jump, to the right of the river bank Lair. Upon a success, they discover a crack in the cliff wall far to
just before the pit. Nearby, there also appears to be a ledge that the right of the entrance that might offer another means of entry
should be suitable for pickup. Read or paraphrase the following: (see area K2: Side Entrance).

As Lhara warned before dropping off the party, they should SO YOU WERE CAUGHT BY THE KEEPER?
hide and wait for the dracolich to leave before entering While this adventure is designed to make hiding from the dracolich
safely. There are many hollows and crags, and outcropping of easy, there is always a chance of the party failing spectacularly,
bone they can hide below, behind, and within. Assuming that refusing to hide at all, or even attempting to attack or make contact
the characters choose to do so, the party may attempt a DC 10 with the dracolich as it emerges from his Lair.
group stealth check, made with advantage, since they will have The dracolich is entirely beyond the party’s ability to fight, and if
plenty of time to hide before the Keeper emerges from his Lair. the players give any indication they plan to confront it, this should be
If more than half the characters fail this check (or if they refuse made explicitly clear. However, if it does become aware of their
to hide before the Keeper comes out or attempt to make presence, it need not immediately come to a combat (which the
themselves known to him), see the sidebar, “So You Were party has no hope of winning and will lead to their rapid demise).
Caught by the Keeper?” The Keeper is a deity who, according to legend, makes bargains.
If at least half of the characters succeed on this check, read or Whatever the true nature of the dracolich is, whether it believes itself
paraphrase the following: to be a god or not, the perpetuation of the common belief that it is
an avatar of a god suits it. If the party is discovered, the dracolich
will ask them what they are after. If they tell it that they are after the
Time moves slowly, but at last it nears the midnight hour. From your Voice of the Keeper, it will ask what they are offering in exchange for
hidden vantage point you see something stir within the mouth of the it. It might ask in trade for the soul of one of the characters to be
cave leading to the Lair of the Keeper, until finally it emerges. Once it collected upon their natural death, or it may ask the party to
assassinate a specific individual with one of its fangs, which it will
was a dragon, and it must have been very old when it died, for the
provide. The fang is a dagger-sized Khyber dragonshard; anyone slain
skeletal frame that remains is truly massive, easily 90 feet long. The
with such a weapon has their soul taken by to the Lair of the Keeper
single crested skull is enormous and could crush a lightning rail cart and cannot be resurrected through normal means. If the party agrees
in its maw. The light of its glowing red eyes causes its long, pointed to one of these stipulations, the dracolich will tell them they are free
teeth to glisten strangely in the light, as though the teeth are made to have the Voice of the Keeper they seek, if they can find one. It
confirms that they grow within the cave, and the party will have to
from dragonshards.
retrieve it themselves—“but take nothing else.” Then, it goes on its
As it steps out onto the shelf that extends in front of the cave
way, as it has an appointment to keep. The consequences of such a
mouth, the air temperature, already cold, drops another twenty deal are outside the bounds of this adventure, but can be explored
degrees. Stretching up to its full height, the undead dragon, the while the party is between missions with the Clifftop Guild.
creature some believe to be the avatar of the Sovereign of Death and
Decay himself, spreads it skeletal wings. The skin of its wings has
long since rotted away, but as the wing bones open wide to a
wingspan of over seventy feet, they wrap themselves in
a pale white ghostly mist. Something about
the way it moves seems unnatural,
animated by necromancy rather than
sinew and muscle. Launching itself into the air
and beating its spectral wings, you can feel
the force of the air from your hiding
place. The wind chills you to the
bone as coarse dust swirls up
in the wake of the self-
proclaimed god’s passing.

As the dracolich flies away, any character with passive NATURE OF THE KEEPER
Perception 16 or higher notices that the dust it whips up briefly
The gods do not walk the face of Eberron, but this doesn’t stop some
outlines an invisible creature that is beside the characters in
beings from claiming that they are those gods. The dracolich within
their hiding place. This is an imp by the name of Bhrax,
the Lair of the Keeper is one such being, and followers of the Keeper
tasked with keeping an eye on the Lair for the Lords of Dust, consider it an avatar of their dark deity.
specifically Rabanu (see area K10: Imprisoned Fiend). Bhrax The true nature of the dracolich in the Lair of the Keeper is
saw the party come down in the airship and followed them to unknown. Some believe that it is Mazyralyx, the first dracolich who
learn what they might be after. He fears the Lair and will not was transformed in the age of demons. Others believe that it is a
follow them into it. He is not much of a challenge to the party mad follower of the Thir religion of Argonessen, and that it actually
and will attempt to flee if detected. If wounded and not believes he has ascended to godhood. Others whisper that perhaps
immediately killed, he will put on a display of craven cowardice it is a follower of the Demon Overlord Katashka, the Gatekeeper.
and beg for his life, speaking about himself in third person as Some say that it is all three, that Mazyralx made a deal with Katashka
“this one.” to gain the power to fight and help seal the other overlords from the
world before turning on his master and becoming the basis for the
WHAT DOES BHRAX KNOWS? myth of the Keeper. The choice is ultimately up to you as DM or can
If he is captured, Bhrax will freely divulge information the be left ambiguous. The only thing that the dracolich definitely isn’t
information below, though he will constantly ask for his would be the Keeper himself.
freedom between answers. This dracolich is the remains of a gargantuan ancient white
Who are you? “This one is Bhrax. This one is eyes for the dragon. It has divine spellcasting powers one would expect from
watching of the Lair.” something claiming to be a god and can cast 9th level cleric spells. A
What do you watch for? Who is your master? “This one stat block is not provided for purposes of this adventure, as the party
has no chance of survival against such a creature.
watches the Lair of the dead wyrm by the will of his masters, the
Lords of Dust in Ashtakala.”
Why do you watch? “The dead wyrm is powerful enemy,
enemies must be watched. This one watches.”
What can you tell us of the Lair? “This one does not
enter. The dead fill that place. The wyrm leaves rarely. The
entrances are guarded.”
What guards the entrance? “A champion slain stands guard
at the cave mouth. The sisters protect the crack that goes
through, so that none may slip in unknown. But no soul
watches the back way.”
Entrances? The back way? “Through the needle spires, there
is a fissure that extends down. It is where the dead worm
disposes of the bodies of any who dare enter. This one knows
that if bodies come out, there must be a way in.” After finishing
their conversation with Bhrax, the party can choose to proceed
through the needle spires to Area K3: Back Entrance.
Why dispose of the bodies? “Flesh does not interest the
dead wyrm. Souls he desires.”

Entrapment Field. A version of the apathy field that pervades
SCENE 3: LAIR OF THE KEEPER Dolurrh bleeds over into this manifest zone. Upon first
The Lair of the Keeper is formed out of a massive geode of entering any of the entrances to the Lair of the Keeper (K1, K2,
Khyber dragonshards that has grown around a manifest zone to or K3), all players must succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom save, or
Dolurrh, the Realm of the Dead. Souls are drawn from Dolurrh suffer one level of exhaustion as a result of being overcome with
and trapped within the Khyber shards. These souls may have a malaise of apathy. In addition, failing the save by 5 or more
been drawn here after being traded away as a deal made with results in a temporary state, lasting one hour, where the
one of the faithful of the Keeper, or perhaps the soul was stolen character stares off into space blankly until prompted to action
by one of those same faithful when slain with a Keeper’s Fang by another character. Once prompted, the character can once
weapon. Souls trapped within the Lair of the Keeper cannot be again act normally.
resurrected or reincarnated under normal circumstances, If the characters take a short rest within the Lair, the save
unless their soul is retrieved from the Lair. Throughout the must be repeated. If they take a long rest, the save must be
ages, various cultures of Khorvaire have told tales of heroes made with disadvantage. While in the manifest zone, levels of
managing such a feat, but they are few and far between. exhaustion cannot be reduced with a long rest.
The area that the party will be able to explore as part of this If a character reaches six levels of exhaustion while within the
adventure is only a small part of the true lair. The dracolich has Lair of the Keeper, instead of dying, they become a greater
encouraged the growth of the crystals to enclose his true lair in skulk (see area K7).
the heart of the geode. Accessing it is near-impossible, requiring Visions of Lives Gone. The lost souls collected by the Keeper
methods such as casting passwall or mining through 20 feet of attack as normal. However, when they hit with their attacks,
solid dragonshards in area K8: Lonely Soul. their target receives brief flashes of moments of that soul’s life.
These visions are of important moments in these lost souls’
LAIR FEATURES lives, often visions of how they died. This has no mechanical
effect in combat, but fleshes out the stories of these specters,
The entire lair can be assumed to have the following features, ghosts, and wraiths to make them more than disposable
unless otherwise noted in a particular area. monsters.
Ceilings. Cavern ceilings are 30 feet high, while tunnels are In each area, a brief description is provided of any significant
15 feet high. spectral antagonists. This information should be shared in
Light. The souls bound within the Khyber dragonshards glow flashes of visions as they attack the party, making each
with a ghostly light tinged blue, providing dim illumination. encounter more memorable.
Dragonshards. Players familiar with the setting may know Forbiddance. The Lair is under a persistent warding similar
that dragonshards are incredibly valuable, and the contents of to the forbiddance spell, which prevents any creatures from
this massive geode are likely worth millions of teleporting into or out of the bounds of the Lair, or from using
galifars. However, trying to actually mine any of the shards portals, such as those created by the gate spell, to enter or exit
would be a lethal task. The act of breaking off a shard worth 50 the Lair. The spell proofs the Lair against planar travel, and
gp from the walls, ceiling, or floor would free 1d4+2 specters, therefore prevents creatures from accessing the Lair by way of
hungry for the life they no longer have. These undead, each of any other planes or the plane shift spell. Teleportation abilities,
which can reduce a character’s maximum hit points, should such as misty step, if used while in the Lair, still function when
discourage the party from destroying Khorvaire’s economy. moving to other locations within the Lair itself.
However, if they wish to give it a try, breaking off a Khyber
shard worth 50 gp requires dealing 20 HP of damage to a
surface with a dragonshard with a bludgeoning weapon or
mining tool.
Effects of the Manifest Zone. The influence of Dolurrh hangs
heavy in this place. Characters in the Lair will begin to feel a
sense of existential dread and ennui. All senses seem slightly
numbed. Though it gives no mechanical penalties to perception,
characters will find that colors and sounds, including the sound
of each other’s voices, seem dull,
listless, and uninteresting. This apathy is the result
of Dolurrh’s field of entrapment bleeding over
into this world.

K1: MAIN ENTRANCE back his hood. The light reveals a ghostly spectral creature that
seems to be wearing very real armor and has a very real sword.
If the party chooses to approach the main entrance, read or But the most shocking thing is that the creature’s face looks just
paraphrase the following: like that of one of the player characters.
In life, this sword wraith commander was called the Broker,
a changeling paladin of the Keeper and serial killer in Sharn. He
Directly across from the roaring falls of crimson water, there is a
would murder people, seal their souls within coins consecrated
shelf-like cliff about fifty feet down from the pit’s edge. It slopes
to the Keeper, then have the victims replaced by criminal
back into a yawning cave.
changelings. He killed dozens of men, women, and children
before he was killed in an attempt to murder a Brelish member
This is the most obvious entrance to the Lair of the Keeper, and of Parliament at the Celestial Vista restaurant situated in on the
the party can climb down to it without difficulty. Upon entering Skyway in Sharn.
this area, characters must succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving A servant to the Keeper in death as he was in life, he has no
throw or suffer the effects of the manifest zone’s entrapment interest in speaking to the characters. Instead he will
field (see Lair Features for effects). The initial cave entrance is immediately use his Call to Honor action to draw the souls of
dark, not dimly lit as further in the Lair, as the Khyber shards his murder victims to fight on his behalf. When these poor souls
that provide light do not extend this close to the entrance. strike out, the Visions of Lives Gone will be of their murders at
As the characters approach, they will see a dark hooded figure the hands of the Broker. As the Broker fights, he changes his
standing just within the dark shadows of the cave face to match that of whichever target he intends to attack that
mouth. Should they try to attack him from range, he will step round.
back behind cover until they try to enter. Should the party This entryway leads to K5: Pit of Flesh.
approach, the figure will step out into the moonlight and pull

K2: SIDE ENTRANCE The two will engage any character who is able to speak Elvish,
quizzing them on which of the two is the most brilliant and
If the party succeeds in finding the side entrance and chooses to charming and lovely. To pass without combat, the characters
use that approach, read or paraphrase the following: can attempt to flatter each sister in turn, while assuring them
that any compliment paid to the other is out of pity. If the party
Just shy of two hundred feet to the right of the entrance, there is a takes this approach, a successful DC 12 Charisma (Deception)
deep fissure in the rock wall that juts in toward the Lair of the check prompts the narcissism of the banshees to believe the
Keeper. The jagged cliff offers plenty of handholds to make your way party is telling the truth only to them, and lying to their sister,
down, dangling above the gaping black pit that seems impossibly despite hearing the same being told to the other. If the party
attempts another approach to talking their way past the sisters,
it will require a successful DC 20 Charisma (Persuasion)
A successful DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check is required to These restless shades are in denial about being dead, and any
climb down to the fissure. Upon a failure, the character loses acknowledgment of that causes them to turn hostile. If unable to
their grip and falls toward the abyss; luckily, rather than falling placate the sisters, they will attack. If the party chooses one
into Khyber, they abruptly land on a rocky outcrop 30 feet down sister over the other, only the spurned sister will attack. In
and take 3d6 bludgeoning damage from the fall. death, they are slaves of the dracolich and do not know anything
Once they reach the fissure, whether by climbing or falling, of the interior of the Lair as they have been assigned to this
the characters can see a dark passage that leads deeper into the entrance since almost the day their souls arrived.
rock, a pale light shining from far within. Once the party climbs This entryway leads to K4: Camp of the Lost.
into the fissure and begins down the tunnel, characters must
succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or suffer the effects
of the manifest zone’s entrapment field (see Lair Features for
effects). As the wave of ennui passes over the party, read or
paraphrase the following:

Your steps falter briefly as you the air grows thick around you. A wave
of apathy seems to float across you. As it does so, two figures slowly
materialize in the air in front of you, translucent white forms of two
elven women. Their features are gaunt and the ghostly image of their
skin is drawn tight over their cheek bones. They begin speaking to
each other in the elven tongue.

Any characters that know Elvish can understand the two elves
talking excitedly to each other about their unexpected guests.
“Look sister, unexpected guests, isn’t that delightful?”
“Of course, it is dear, it is just such a shame you were not able
to make yourself look presentable to them.”
“I wake up presentable, I do not require the hours or work it
takes to make you presentable.”
And so on, back and forth, sniping at each other.
These two banshees, Xanaphia and Antinua Liadon, were
sisters in life, each growing up envious of the other. By their
parent’s design, they were set against one another and made to
compete for attention and approval. A suitor from the continent,
Aust Aukiir, took advantage of this environment. An elf who
grew up in Khorvaire then traveled to Aerenal to ‘reconnect with
his roots,’ Aust was devilishly handsome and wealthy. The
sisters’ parents encouraged both of their daughters to try to woo
him. Secretly a priest of the Keeper, he manipulated the pair
into secretly converting to the dark faith in an effort to use the
power the Keeper provided to one-up the other. This escalated
until Aust was able to get each to swear away their souls before
providing them the means to kill the other. They did so, only to
find their souls trapped in the Lair.

If the party learns about the back entrance from Bhrax and
chooses to use that approach, read or paraphrase the following:

Beyond the pit, you weave your way through the needle-like spires
that range anywhere from a handspan to as tall as an oak. You walk
carefully and watch your step to avoid a new and unwanted foot
piercing. After some time you approach a gully, and inside, you find
the first plant life you’ve seen in this blasted canyon. A stunted tree
with bone white wood, stiff prickly gray leaves, tiny white flowers,
and gray berries. Down among its gnarled roots you see a number of
bodies, and beyond it, you see a cave entrance.

As the party approaches the tree, characters must succeed on a

DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or suffer the effects of the manifest
zone’s entrapment field (see Lair Features for effects).
The tree is a stunted and gnarled holly tree that, due to the
effects of the manifest zone to Dolurrh, has become a corpse
flower. When the party encounters the tree, it contains 6
corpses, remains of twisted creatures of the Demon Waste and
humanoids from the Carrion Tribes. If the party uses some
means of detecting undead in the vicinity, they will be aware of
the souls that lie beneath them deeper in the Lair, but none in
the immediate vicinity. The corpse flower is a plant that feeds
on corpses and necromantic energy, but it is not itself TREASURE
undead. If the party tries to pass the plant to enter the tunnel, After the corpse flower is defeated, any proficient character may
they will easily smell the stench of death and decay coming from attempt a DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana or Nature) check. Upon a
the rotting pile of corpses tangled in its roots, and the corpse success, they recognize that this holly tree has been infused
flower will animate and attempt to add the party to its collection with the power of the manifest zone to Dolurrh. This fine-
of corpses. grained wood of imbued holly is white, appearing almost like
ivory or bone. The trunk of this tree, if properly fashioned, can
With a groan the tree lurches forward, uprooting itself, and as it be made into an imbued wood arcane focus for channeling
lumbers forward its roots writhe like tentacles passing corpses to its necrotic energy. This tree can yield either 1 staff, two rods,
bows. The stench is horrible. three wands, or one rod plus one wand.


Wondrous Item, common (requires attunement)

Powerful manifest zones can infuse local trees with planar energies.
A gifted artificer can tapinto this to create a wand, staff, or rod that is
especially effective at channeling a particular type of energy.
An dolurrhan-imbued wood arcane focus provides a +1 bonus
when you roll damage for a spell that inflicts necrotic damage.

The back entrance leads to K6: Servitors.

K4: CAMP OF THE LOST The party are not the first adventurers that have walked these
passageways. A group of Valenar elves attempted to retrieve
If the party is coming from K2: Side Entrance, making this the the soul of a fallen brother from these halls. This was their
first interior room of the geode that the party explores, read or camp, but the group eventually fell victim to the entrapping
paraphrase the following: effect of the manifest zone and became skulks (see area K7:
Fallen Adventurers). There is no threat in this area save one
the party may creature for themselves: dragonshards are
The narrow passage opens up into a breathtaking crystalline room.
valuable, so entrepreneurial players might try to find a shard to
Surrounding you are walls, ceiling, floor, all formed of interlaced
break off and take for themselves. Refer to Lair Features for the
pillars of crystal. The crystals are deep dark blue, pulsing with inky-
effects of breaking shards within the manifest zone.
black veins, and a pale blue light, flickering, emanates from within the This room is otherwise safe and can be used f or rests without
crystal. Dragonshards—you realize this entire room is made from fear of being interrupted. However, resting within the manifest
Khyber dragonshards, worth a king’s ransom. Looking closer, you see zone results in another save versus the entrapment field.
the flickers are coming from ghostly faces approaching near, then The Camp of the Lost exits into area K7: Fallen Adventurers.
receding from the crystal surface, seemingly trapped within the
binding crystals.
The gear of the Valenar has been laying here for at least a
decade, so the packs and soft materials have rotted away to an
Whether or not this is the first room of the geode they enter, the unusable state. While their weapons and other mundane gear
party will also notice: remain, none of it is magical. Feel free to select any items from
the weapon or adventuring gear tables in the Player’s Handbook
In the center of the room on the uneven floor, there is a circle of for the characters to find in the camp.
In addition, a successful DC 14 Intelligence (Investigation)
bedrolls and the remains of some old packs. They are in the style of
check reveals 130 gp scattered through the remains of the
the elves of Valenar, and seem old, as if they have been here for quite
some time.

other side. If any characters fall into the pit, they take 1d6
K5: PIT OF FLESH bludgeoning damage and fall among the swarm of lemures.
If the party is coming from K1: Main Entrance, making this the Climbing out of it requires a DC 15 Strength (Acrobatics) check,
first interior room of the geode that the party explores, read or rolled with advantage if another party member assists; if the
paraphrase the following: swarm is still alive, they will take an opportunity attack as the
character attempts to climb out.
Dragonshards are valuable, so entrepreneurial characters
The narrow passage opens up into a breathtaking crystalline room.
might try to find a shard to break off and take for themselves.
Surrounding you are walls, ceiling, floor, all formed of interlaced
Refer to Lair Features for the effects of breaking shards within
pillars of crystal. The crystals are deep dark blue, pulsing with inky-
the manifest zone.
black veins, and a pale blue light, flickering, emanates from within the The Pit of Flesh has exits into both K7: Fallen Adventurers
crystal. Dragonshards—you realize this entire room is made from and K8: False Hoard.
Khyber dragonshards, worth a king’s ransom. Looking closer, you see
the flickers are coming from ghostly faces approaching near, then
receding from the crystal surface, seemingly trapped within the
binding crystals.

Whether or not this is the first room of the geode they enter, the
party will also notice:

The crystal floor of this room drops into a pit about halfway across,
creating a sheer plunge and a gap of 25 feet to where the tunnel
continues beyond. As you near the ledge, you become aware of a
moaning sound below and a terrible squelching noise.

When the party looks down into this pit, read or paraphrase the

Peering over the lip of the pit, a terrible sight awaits. Flabby, fleshy
bodies of malformed creatures moan and drag themselves across the
floor of this pit, over and around each other. Their wax-like flesh
gives them no distinct form beyond deformed heads and malformed
arms. Writhing, they pile on top of and intertwine with each other.

The creatures in the pit are fiends known as lemures, who have
formed themselves into a swarm of lemures. These fiends are
native to Dolurrh, though their exact nature is unknown. Some
believe that they are souls of mortals that, instead of fading in
that realm, unnaturally remain and become one with the plane,
achieving immortality of a hellish twisted form. On occasion,
these pitiful creatures of Dolurrh drag themselves through the
walls of reality into the manifest zone here in the Lair of the
Keeper. Seen as little more than vermin, the dracolich has
instructed its servitors to toss any they find into this pit as an
additional barrier to any w ho would intrude upon his sanctum.
Crossing the pit will be difficult. There is no ridge along the
sides which the characters can use to walk along the edge, and
the crystal walls offer few grips. Crossing the pit requires a
successful DC 15 Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics)
check to shimmy along the walls over this pit, which is 25 feet
wide and 10 feet deep. Climbing requires one extra foot of
movement for every foot moved, so most characters will need
two successful checks to climb along the walls to reach the

graced with his presence. If they detect the party, they will not
K6: SERVITORS initially be hostile, as they will assume that the player characters
If the party is coming from K3: Back Entrance, making this the are lost devouts of the Keeper and try to instruct the characters
first interior room of the geode that the party explores, read or that the ceremony is not here, but up on the canyon. So long as
paraphrase the following. they believe that the player characters are followers of the
Keeper, they will not turn hostile. If the party plays along with
the ruse, they will be able to ask questions of the pair.
You see a pale blue light coming from ahead in the cramped tunnel.
What Annul and Sorma know.
Abruptly the tunnel turns, and instead of jagged rough-hewn walls,
Where is the dragon’s hoard? Annul: “Within every rotten
you see a breathtaking crystalline chamber. Surrounding you are
wound of the world.” Sorma: “Look around you. A god needs
walls, ceiling, floor, all formed of pillars of crystal. The crystals are no gold. There is no greater treasure than souls.”
deep dark blue, pulsing with inky-black veins, and the flickering light Where is the Voice of the Keeper? Annul: “Within his
seems to be coming from within the crystal. Dragonshards—you throat… no, he had no throat, rotten away to bone. In his mouth
realize this entire room is made from Khyber dragonshards, worth a then. Yes, the master speaks from his mouth.” Sorma: “The
king’s ransom. Looking closer, you see the flickers are coming from
Voice, yes, I remember. A relic, a fork of crystal. There are
more, deeper, the chamber of spikes, some are fork-like. Is that
ghostly faces approaching near, then receding from the crystal
why you are not at the ceremony?”
surface, seemingly trapped within the binding crystals.
Where is the Chamber of Spikes? Annul: “The sinister path
leads to the spikes.” Sorma: “He means take lefts.”
Whether or not this is the first room of the geode they enter, the When will the Keeper be back? Annul: “Is he not always
party will also notice: with us? For death is never far, nor is the delicious rot that
comes after.” Sorma: “The ceremony… takes time. Deals are
made, bargains struck. Depends if the faithful have the nerve to
Not all in this room is of crystal, however. A rasping whisper draws
drive hard their bargains in the face of their god’s maw.”
your attention to the far end of the room, toward some rudimentary
Are there any loose dragonshards we might have? Annul:
furniture: a table, a pile of rags, and what seems to be trash and “No, the loose and the lost belong to the master. We collect so
debris. As you move closer, however, you see two forms among the that none may be taken.” Sorma: “No, any broken shards are
rags and debris. taken by the master below.”
Below? Annul: “The true heart of the Lair, not meant for our
eyes.” Sorma: “Far below, only accessible by the mightiest
This chamber contains the two physical servitors that the
magics of the master, lies his true lair. None may enter; not even
dracolich keeps on hand for menial tasks. The first creature is a
the mightiest of the Lords of Dust have ever breached it.”
bodak, hidden under what appears to be a pile of rags, as he
Annul and Sorma will not lead the party to the Chamber of
tries to cover his malformed undead body as best he can. In life,
Spikes because they have not been instructed to by their
this creature was known as Sorma. 200 years ago, Sorma was
master. If the party is openly carrying symbols of another faith,
a faithful, if prideful, priest of the Keeper who offered himself to
the party must succeed on a DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion)
the dracolich in the Lair of the Keeper. He expected to be
check to convince the pair that they are of the Keeper and just
rewarded with incredible power, perhaps even lichdom
have the symbols for some other reason. If that check fails or if
himself. Instead, he was rewarded by being ravaged into this
the party chooses not to go with the ruse that they are followers
sick, twisted, undead creature. Sorma retains very little of his
of the Keeper, the pair will attack.
original personality or knowledge, and exists only to serve the
The chamber of the servitors leads into area K8: Lonely Soul
dracolich. As part of his condition, Sorma can only speak in
and out toward K3: Back Entrance.
rasping, barely audible whispers. Annul, his companion, may
have to translate for him.
The second creature, Annul, is a bulezau, a demon of decay
that believes the dracolich to be the true incarnation of the
Keeper, the Sovereign of Death and Decay, and serves him
reverently. When the characters enter the room, Anuul can be
found sitting comfortably within his fetid pile of trash. Truly a
disgusting creature, this fiend is covered with boils and rashes
that look infected and rotten. A simple creature in mind, he
derives pleasure from serving what he believes to be his god.
These creatures are both utterly evil, loyal to the dracolich,
cruel, and dangerous. They are, however, both incredibly
stupid. When the party enters, they will be discussing between
themselves the ceremony the dracolich left to attend at the lip of
the canyon, and how glorious it is for his devout followers to be

As the characters continue their exploration of the Lair,
they come upon an intersection in the tunnels. Read or
paraphrase the following:

You come to another chamber where the crystal lattice has

expanded out, forming a natural chamber. It is an
intersection of sorts, with three large passages large enough
for the dracolich to squeeze through in those directions, and
one narrow crack that seems to lead off in another.

The room appears to be empty, but it is not. Seventeen

years ago a party of Valenar elves came to the Lair of
the Keeper in an attempt to retrieve the soul of a fallen
brother who had been slain with a Keeper’s Fang. They
made it to the Lair, but while exploring, half the party
was killed and their own souls siphoned into the
Khyber-shard walls. The survivors retreated back to the
Camp of the Lost (area K4) where they attempted to
recover before retrieving their fallen friends’
souls. Sadly, they never got that chance. Falling victim
to the entrapment effect of the manifest zone, they sat in
a daze until they faded away to near-nothing, becoming
skulks. Lost in limbo between life and death, they are
not truly either.
These fallen Valenar have become three greater
skulks and wander listlessly through this chamber. The
skulks will attack the party if they try to pass through
this room. They are invisible, but their reflections can be
seen faintly on the crystal surface, allowing any
character with a passive Perception 17 or higher to
make their attacks without disadvantage. As skulks are
not undead, they are not subject to the Visions of Lives
Gone effect of the Lair.
This chamber leads deeper to area K8: Lonely Soul
and K9: False Hoard. It leads out toward K5: Pit of
Flesh and K7: Camp of the Lost.

In this chamber, the dracolich opens a passage to his inner This room, one of the two possible entrances to area K11:
chambers of the geode using a power similar to the passwall Chamber of Spikes (which contains the tuning-fork-like
spell, which he always dispels after passing. There is no natural growths the party seeks), appears filled with unimaginable
way to pass through the twenty feet of solid Khyber shards, no treasure. Read or paraphrase the following:
line of sight to the chambers below, and teleporting blindly
through a giant dragonshard is suicidal. The true lair of the Wealth, vast and piled high, sits in this room. Platinum bars
dracolich is beyond the scope of this adventure, and characters
intermingle with gold coins, their various shapes and sizes speaking
are not intended to explore beyond these shards. Read or
to the age and diversity of this pile, the accumulated wealth of untold
paraphrase the following:
centuries of sacrifice to the Keeper. All the treasure rests on a bed of
loose Khyber shards—a stunning dragon’s hoard.
One again, you come to a room where, either by design or
happenstance, the shard crystals open into a wide chamber. This one
is wider than most, with the floor smooth rather than irregular. This is, of course, not the dragon’s hoard. There is no pile of
treasure in the Lair of the Keeper, as the dracolich values only
Looking around, there appears to be nothing in this room, though
souls. This is merely an illusion.
through the crystal’s surface on the far side, there seems to be the
A character searching the area for traps or illusions detects
ghostly image of a woman, clearer than most of the ghostly images
the illusion with a successful DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation)
you’ve seen passing behind the surface of the crystals. check. Likewise, the detect magic spell reveals an aura of
illusion magic surrounding the hoard. Otherwise, any checks
Most souls that pass to Dolurrh, and even those entrapped by (such as Perception or Arcana) suggest the treasure is entirely
the dracolich within the Lair of the Keeper, rapidly lose their real. Feel free to add specific pieces of loot to the pile that might
sense of self and drive. Sometimes, however, a soul can hang make it more enticing to a particular player character, such as
onto to their mind. Nora Bawn is one. Nora’s ghost is entrapped glowing swords or staves of arcane might.
within a Khyber shard in the wall of this chamber. When the If the party tries to take anything from the treasure pile, prods
party passes through, she will call out to them, begging them to it with a stick, or otherwise physically interacts with it, the
break the shard and free her, so that she can escape the grasp action will activate a glyph, which acts as an explosive glyph of
of this dark god. She will tell the party any stories, whether lies warding, except that it deals necrotic damage.
or truth, that she believes might convince them to help her. Trap: Necrotic Glyph of Warding. When triggered, the glyph
In truth, Nora was in life a priestess of the erupts with magical energy in
Keeper who sold her soul to the Keeper. a 20-foot-radius sphere
She caused many failing businesspeople to centered on the glyph. The
sign away their souls to the Keeper for Sphere spreads around
success and wealth. Now she seeks to corners. Each creature in the
escape her bargain at any cost. If the party aura must make a DC 20
frees her, she will make every effort to seem Dexterity saving throw. A
helpful. However, Nora will try to identify creature takes 5d8 necrotic
which of the party have the weakest force of damage on a failed saving
personality (represented by their Charisma throw, or half as much damage
score), and during the party’s next combat on a successful one.
encounter, she will attempt to possess them The False Hoard leads
and escape with their body. deeper to area K11: Chamber
If the party agrees to free Nora, they must of Spikes and K10:
shatter the Khyber shard she is entrapped Imprisoned Fiend, and
in. While doing so will free her soul, it also outwards toward area K7:
frees 1d4 specters who will immediately Fallen Adventurers.
attack the party. Nora is unable to assist
the party against the other undead. The
broken-off Khyber shard that contained
Nora is worth 100 gp. This chamber exits
into area K7: Fallen Adventurers and K10:
Imprisoned Fiend.

Who are you? “I am known by many names and titles, I will
This room, one of the two possible entrances to area K11: not bore you with them all. I am called Rabanu.”
Chamber of Spikes (which contains the tuning-fork-like Why are you here? “Because of the creature, the dragon lich
growths the party seeks), contains an unusual feline figure. who has gone to see those who believe him a god. He and I are
old enemies. He got the better of me while I was trying to find
Another large chamber awaits ahead, but this one has a red glow at the means to finally destroy him. He’s kept me here and shown
the center. Looking inside, you can see a dome of red energy over an me his displeasure since.”
Why not kill you? “Unlike the undead creatures, my kind are
emaciated and gaunt figure with the head of a great cat, covered in
truly immortal. He could bind me, he has an ample supply of
matted patchy fur. Wounds cover the creature and its left eye seems
shards that could be put to such an end, but he fears too
to be missing. Then, you see the being move, and it says in a voice as much...fears what a spirit such as mine could do if he locked me
smooth as silk, “I know you’re there. Don’t worry. I am not your in with his collection of souls. He is right to fear it.”
enemy. In fact, I think we can help each other.” What is the Keeper, the nature of the dracolich? “That old
dead dragon? A very old foe. I’m not sure if he actually believes
to be what he claims, but if you think he is a god and
This creature is a rakshasa sorcerer named Rabanu, who the
have yet come to steal from him, then you are even
dracolich tortured, then trapped inside a persistent magic circle
bigger fools than his followers. He’s strong, but I
when Rabanu attempted to reach the inner sanctum of the Lair
have something he doesn’t: true immortality. It is
of the Keeper. He had hoped to find the dracolich’s phylactery,
only a matter of time, perhaps decades, or
which has long eluded the Lords of Dust. Rabanu
centuries, or millennia, before I finally send
was looking through the eyes of his familiar,
him to his ultimate death. He has beaten
Bhrax the imp, when the party landed, and he
me, killed me more than once, and he can
has been expecting their arrival ever since.
do so as many times as he likes. I need
Rabanu is a follower of an ancient demon
only destroy his phylactery and then
Overlord, Katashka the Gatekeeper, and believes that
kill him once. Time is on my side.”
control of the Lair is essential to freeing his Overlord.
How did you know we were here?
Rabanu has clashed many times with the dracolich over
“I may be bound here physically, but I
millennia, the last time losing quite sorely. For now, he
have eyes on the outside with which I
merely wishes to be free, and will offer something in
can see. Once I saw you land outside, I
exchange: If the party breaks the magic circle
used a bit of magic to expand my sight, to
entrapping Rabanu in the Lair, he will tell them the
see if I had anything I could offer you.”
location of a soul within the Lair, one that has been
How did X’s soul end up here? “I
snatched from Dolurrh by the dracolich. Rabanu
don’t know for certain. Were they
will make every pledge and promise that he
murdered? Often that is a sacrifice
will not harm the player characters should he
to the Keeper, and those
be freed, and he will abide by his word. He is
sacrifices end up here. Or the
glad to direct them how to disturb the runes
dracolich plucked it from
around his prison to disrupt the magic circle. He has
Dolurrh for some reason. He goes there to replenish
no reason to fight them, and if they free him, he will then tell
sometimes. The walls between here and there are very thin.
them the location of the soul and leave.
Regardless, if you want them back, I can tell you where to go.”
Whose soul does Rabanu offer that is trapped within the
How are we supposed to trust you? “I can make promises, I
Lair of the Keeper? This is for the DM to choose. It could be
can swear oaths, I can give you my word. But does any of that
that of lost loved one, a PC or NPC who died during previous
matter? I offer you a great treasure and it is up to you whether
adventures, or an important community member. Once you
you take me up on it. I have time.”
have decided whose soul is trapped here in the Lair of the
How are we supposed to break the circle? “Easier than you
Keeper, select a yet-unexplored room or a random location
may think, it only repulses fiends. If you are mortals, you can
within the dungeon, which Rabanu directs the party how to find.
break it by merely disturbing those runes surrounding me. You
Once the party knows which chamber the soul is trapped in,
can free me, and in return I will tell you the location of the soul.”
they need only travel to that location, call out the name of the
Do you know where the Voice of the Keeper is? “Isn’t that
lost loved one, and their soul will come into view in one of the
still in the vaults of Thronehold? No? Well, if you’re looking for
crystal walls. Breaking the crystal to free the soul will result in
another you are very near the chamber where they grow.”
the freeing of specters, per the usual Lair Features, but the
The chamber of the Imprisoned Fiend leads across to area
party will be rewarded with a Khyber shard containing the soul
K9: False Hoard, deeper to K11: Chamber of Spikes, or back
of the one they sought. This shard can be used as the material
outward toward K8: Lonely Soul.
component in a resurrection spell targeting that soul.

K11: CHAMBER OF SPIKES In combat, the invisible poltergeists will attempt to use
Telekinetic Thrust to push characters into the spiked walls of
The characters finally arrive in the chamber where the crystals the chamber. If a character is pushed into the walls in this
grow into the Voice of the Keeper that they seek. Read or manner, they take an additional 2d4 piercing damage.
paraphrase the following: Once combat is over, if anyone gives the Voice of the Keeper a
sharp tap, it will begin to vibrate. When rung outside the Lair, it
The tunnels converge and narrow into a smaller passageway. The merely allows one to cast the speak with dead spell. However,
crystals on the wall start to become jagged and narrower than those here in this manifest zone of Dolurrh, surrounded by the souls
you’ve encountered up until this point. You must take care not to of the dead, it can be used to communicate with the collective
brush against the walls and risk snapping any of the fine protrusions consciousness of all souls within Dolurrh (see Voice of the
off. Soon the walls and ceilings seem covered with the tiny spikes,
Keeper sidebar below). Read or paraphrase the following:

which split to multiple points or kink and and twist into odd The Voice of the Keeper chimes like a bell, vibrating in your hand.
angles. None, however look like the shape of a tuning fork you are The sonorous tone seems to be backed with the whispering of
looking for. Ahead, the passage widens again into a low gallery. The thousands of indistinct voices. As you wait for the ringing to stop, it
light is dimmer here, as this room is made of both crystal and rock, does not. The tone continues and you hear the whispering grow
the spikes forming out of each. louder and more distinct, with the voices all whispering the same
word in many different languages, “Ask.”
This room exists on the very edge of the geode that forms the
Lair of the Keeper, brushing up against whatever caused the
What these legions of dead know is up to the DM, but they are
needle pillars above and causing these strange growths of rock
not omniscient. They have no useful knowledge of Provost Nigel
and crystal together. The party’s goal is to locate a Khyber shard
Faurious or his plans for the artifacts. Once the five questions
shaped like a tuning fork. To locate it, the party will need to
are asked, the Voice of the Keeper will stop ringing.
succeed upon either a DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) check
The party is now free to make their way out of the Lair of the
or a DC 17 Wisdom (Perception) check. If the party fails these
Keeper, either by returning the way they came without incident,
checks, they will eventually find one, but the amount of time
or by exploring additional chambers.
spent searching requires another Wisdom save against the
entrapment effect of the manifest zone (see Lair Effects). VOICE OF THE KEEPER
This is the only Voice of the Keeper that the party can find Wondrous Item, artifact
fully formed in the Chamber of Spikes at this time. Once the This Khyber dragonshard has formed in the shape of a crystalline tuning
party breaks off the Voice, read or paraphrase the following: fork. While you possess this dragonshard, you can use an action to ring
the tuning fork, casting speak with dead from it at will.
As you break off the Khyber shards that form this new Voice of the While in a manifest zone of Dolurrh, this dragonshard can be used to
ask any five questions, as with the speak with dead spell, to the collective
Keeper, a dark plume of spectral energy begins to leak from the
thousands of souls contained in Dolurrh. The souls are not omniscient.
crystal it sprang from. The spectral mist rolls across the floor to the They know a great deal about happenings within the last month, but
center of the chamber, then swirls up to take on a rough shape. memories beyond that, if any, are few and vague. The DM answers each
Glowing green eyes appear in the mist as it forms the shape of a question with one word, such as "yes," "no," "maybe," "never,"
"irrelevant," or "unclear" (if the souls do not know the answer to the
thick square dwarven skull and the loosest outline of a body. It lifts
question). If a one-word answer would be misleading, the DM might
arm and hand bones toward you, dragging the mist behind like a instead offer a short phrase as an answer. Once used in this manner, the
cloak. As it extends a skeletal finger, the skull opens its jaw and a Voice of the Keeper can’t be used to communicate with the dead in
voice declares, “This was not the reward that was promised! You Dolurrh until the next dawn.

think you can cheat me out of what is rightfully mine!” As it shouts,

two additional shapes seem to fall out of its form, briefly taking the
outline of forlorn souls before disappearing from view..

The black shape is a wraith, the bitter and insane spirit of Tarn
Mroranon. In life, Tarn followed the Keeper’s religion, killing
his business rivals and binding their souls to his personal
servitude. He believed that upon his death, he would be able to
exchange these souls, escape Dolurrh, and be ushered into the
realm of the Sovereigns beyond death. Tarn was wrong. After
his death the dracolich captured his soul and those bound to
him, adding all to his collection. Breaking off the Voice has
released Tarn and two poltergeists he had bound to his
service. In death, they serve him still.

SCENE 4: THE GHAASH'KALA The leader of this group is an orc paladin, Devent,
Once the party finishes any remaining business in the Lair and accompanied by three Ghaas’kala warriors. Every thirteen
makes their successful exit, read or paraphrase the following: years when the followers of the Keeper come here to meet with
the dracolich, warriors of the Ghaash'kala clan Jaasakah, “The
Emerging into the canyon, dim light reflects down from the Ring of Deadly,” follow behind. Once the dracolich returns to rest in the
Lair of the Keeper, they start their hunt to kill every follower
Siberys and the few moons visible from the bottom of the canyon.
before they can return to the world at large. Devent is on his
Yet the world seems sharper, the light brighter and more vibrant now
third hunt, which he believes his last. On their journey here, he
that you are free of the influence of Dolurrh. Everything is as you left dreamed of evil escaping through the sky through the actions of
it, the roaring River of Bone and Blood, the field of needle spires heroes ignorant of what they do. He is here to make sure that
beyond, and the rock outcropping you spied from the air to use as a his dream does not come to pass, and he will not allow the party
point for pickup. Only one problem—that rock outcropping is not to leave without a fight to the death. He does not believe they
empty now. Standing upon it are several figures. are evil and does not welcome his duty, but they walked into one
of the evilest places in this cursed land. He cannot believe that
they are without taint from such a journey, and the taint of this
When the characters move close enough to make out details, land cannot be allowed to escape.
read or paraphrase the following: There is only one other option, though it is one the characters
are unlikely to agree to. Though prepared to fight, he wants to
Four people stand on the rock outcropping, one watching in each speak to the party first and offer them a choice. The
direction. The largest figure, the one looking forward toward the Ghaash'kala are sympathetic to fools who make it into the
black pit that contains the Lair of the Keeper, is a hulking orc. Thick Demon Wastes without knowing the danger, and while they
cannot ever be allowed to leave, Devent will offer them the
with muscle, he stands with his hands folded in front of him. His
chance to join the Ghaash'kala, giving themselves over to the
forehead is marred by a burn scar, a brand in the shape of an
Binding Flam and renouncing their lives in the outside
arrowhead pointed down. His dark hair is streaked with gray, his world. The party must agree to never again leave the Demon
hairline is receding, highlighting the brand. He holds his head high, Wastes or see their loved ones, for the taint they now carry will
exposing his neck which seems to be wreathed in tattoos of only ever lead to ruin. There is no other option and no room for
flames. His expression is a troubled one, filled with deep sadness. negotiation. Persuasion checks cannot change his lifelong
beliefs and duties in a handful of moments, and he will merely
promise, sadly, that their death will be quick.
Characters who succeed on a DC 15 Intelligence (Religion)
If the party attempts to find another location and contact the
check recognize this group as being of the Ghaash'kala, a tribe
airship in an effort to avoid this encounter, the Ghaash'kala will
of orcs and demon-killers that patrol the borders of the Demon
quickly be on their tail, hunting them before the party is able to
Wastes, preventing others from entering or leaving. A successful
climb aboard the airship.
DC 20 check recalls that some scholars argue the Ghaash'kala
faith is another expression of the Church of the Silver Flame. A
successful DC 25 check recalls that the Ghaash'kala kill all who
try to leave, and that they swear themselves to never leave
because they believe they carry the taint of the Wastes.

This confederation of tribes, comprised mostly of orcs, has dedicated
their entire lives to the goal of protecting the rest of the world from
the evils of the Demon Wastes, guarding the borders so that the
demonic taint of that cursed land is never allowed to escape. They
consider anything that enters these lands to be touched by the evil of
the Demon Wastes. None who enter are ever allowed to leave, not
even themselves.
The Ghaash'kala follow Kalok Shash, the “Binding Flame.” It is of
the same ancient force that empowers the Church of the Silver Flame,
though the church is loathe to admit it. Members of the Ghaash'kala
use ritualistic scarification, branding, and tattoos to bind Kalok Shash
into their skin so that they, for a time, may resist the taint of this dark
land. The Binding Flame calls them to the sacred duty of containing
the Demon Wastes.

Once the Ghaash’kala are defeated, a successful DC 10 “That was the stuff of legends.” Her tone is one of sarcasm, but
Intelligence (Investigation) check allows the party to discover she’s obviously pleased. “You went into the Lair of the Keeper and
Devent’s simple but finely crafted +1 silvered battleaxe. He
lived. Nine hundred years from now it’ll be your names the legends
carried this magical weapon for decades. In honor of his deeds,
speak of.” She examines the Voice before tucking it away in an
it was silvered to represent the Binding Flame, then blessed by
enchanted bag by her side. “One more for the collection. Soon
the high priests of each of the four tribes of the Ghaash’kala. It
is functional, not decorative, though the squared blade does everyone will know that the Guild has the best explorers on all
shine brilliantly with a silvered edge. The oaken handle has Khorvaire, thanks to you. When we get back to Stormhome, first
leather straps wrapped around it for a grip but is otherwise round is on me.”
similarly unadorned. As the airship crests the lip of the canyon, you can still see the place
on the rim where the Keeper’s death cultists trade away their souls
CONCLUDING THE ADVENTURE for power to that cursed dracolich, but rapidly it fades in the distance

Once the party defeats the Ghaash'kala, the airship sweeps as you head back to a world free from these horrors.
down from above and the deckhands throw lines over the side
for the party to climb back up. As the airship begins to pull away MISSION REWARDS
from the canyon, she asks the party about whether they Once back in Sharn, Lhara will gladly reward the party for their
completed their mission. Read or paraphrase the following: efforts and deeds on behalf of the Clifftop Guild, giving each
character 700 gp in payment for services rendered. She is also
Lhara helps pull the last of you over the rail and then waves an arm happy to help recommend interested buyers for any Khyber
signaling the pilot of the airship to quickly pull away down the shards the party acquired along the way.
canyon. With a smile and evident relief, she exclaims, “You made it! I
mean, of course you made it. Did you get it?” THE CONVERGENCE MANIFESTO
With the Voice in hand, Provost Faurious has nearly all the
After the party presents Lhara with the Voice of the Keeper, she planar artifacts he needs to complete his Convergence
congratulates them with genuine enthusiasm and a clear note of Manifesto. If the players wish to complete further missions for
relief at their safe return. the Guild, they can do so in AE01-11: A Heart in Mourning.




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