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BASIC CONCEPTS • For constant temperature, the current

flowing through a circuit is

• Charge, Q = ne proportional to the voltage applied
• e = 1.6 * 10-19 across it.
• by columbs law the force experience $
between two charges q1 and q2 at ‘d’ = %
distance apart is R = Resistance, unit: ohm
= • It is applicable only for linear circuits.

Methods of charging a body

1. conduction: complete transfer of

electron from one body to another.
The body will have net charge. The
body will loose or gain weight.
2. Induction: shifting of charge take
place within body. Net charge on the
body will always be zero. No loss or
gain of mass. • It is the opposition to the flow of
• Mass of e- = 9.11 * 10-31 Kg current.
• Mass of P+ = 1.67 * 10-27 kg
• 1culomb = 6.28 * 10-18 e- %=
Current & = resistivity or specific resistance

• It is the rate of flow of charge unit: ohmmeter

l = length of the conductor (meter)

a = area of cross section (square meter)

• Unit is ampere(A)
9:;<;=<><=? @9 ;A:B<C<B 9:;<;=DEB:
• Conventional direction of flow of
current is from +ve terminal to –ve • its value depends on the nature of the
terminal. material.

Potential Conductance

• It is the work done in moving unit • It is the measure of ease to the flow
charge from one point to another. of current through a substance. It is
denoted by G.
V= 1
1 • Unit is Siemens (S) or mho
1 = G'
1! "#
Ohms law 1
Unit is mho/meter or Siemens/meter.
= +
^ ^ ^
Effect of temperature on Resistance
^ ^
• For a conductor, if resistance at t1 = ^ =
^ +^
R0 and resistance at t2 = Rt then
• If ‘n’ number of same resistance (R)
%P = %Q (1 + $∆ ) are connected in parallel, then the
equivalent resistance
∆ = V − X

Q ^
$H ℎ "N. I OOHIH J ' X! ^ =

• For metals as temperature increases, Power:

resistance increases. $ H N H HK
• For semiconductors and insulators as • It is the rate of doing work.
temperature increases, resistance • P=VI
decreases. $ H J [' HK • Unit : Watt
• $ ' 0Q ! = $Q , ℎ J $ ' Q !
$Q Energy:
$P =
1 + $Q
%V 1 + $Q V • Energy, E = Pxt
= • Unit: kWhr
%X 1 + $Q X
• 1kWhr = 3.6 x 106 Joules
Combination of resistance
Current density:
1. Series connection : same current and
different voltage • It is defined as current per unit area.
• =
• Unit: A/m2

Drift Velocity:
^ =^ +^
• If ‘n’ number of same resistance(R) • I = nAeVd
are connected in series, the
equivalent resistance, Vd = drift velocity of e-

^ = ^ n = density of charge carriers

2. Parallel connection: same voltage and A = area

different current
e = charge of each conductor

Electrical Network:

• A combination of various electric

elements (Resistor, Inductor,
Capacitor, Voltage source, Current
source) connected in any manner
what so ever is called an electrical Non-Linear Circuit:
• A non-linear system is that whose
Passive Element: parameters change with voltage or
• The element which receives energy
• Non-linear circuit does not obey the
(or absorbs energy) and then either
homogeneity and additive properties.
converts it into heat (R) or stored it in
an electric (C) or magnetic (L ) field is
called passive element.

Active Element:

• The elements that supply energy to

the circuit is called active element.
Examples of active elements include
voltage and current sources,
generators, and electronic devices
that require power supplies.
• A node in an electric circuit is a point
Bilateral Element:
where two or more components are
• Conduction of current in both connected together.
directions in an element (example:
Resistance; Inductance; Capacitance)
with same magnitude is termed as • A branch is a conducting path
bilateral element. between two nodes in a circuit
containing the electric elements.
Unilateral Element:
• Conduction of current in one direction
is termed as unilateral (example: • A loop is any closed path in an electric
Diode, Transistor) element. circuit i.e., a closed path or loop in a
circuit is a contiguous sequence of
Linear Circuit:
branches which starting and end
• A linear circuit is one whose points for tracing the path are, in
parameters do not change with effect, the same node and touches no
voltage or current. other node more than once.
• Linear circuit obey the homogeneity Mesh-
and additive properties.
• A mesh is a special case of loop that
does not have any other loops within
it or in its interior.

Kirchhoffs First Law – The Current Law, (KCL)

• Kirchhoffs Current Law or KCL, states

that the “total current or charge
entering a junction or node is exactly Magnetic Flux (∅)
equal to the charge leaving the node”.
In other words the algebraic sum of • The total number of magnetic lines
ALL the currents entering and leaving emitted or entered from a unit area.
a node must be equal to zero, • Unit: weber
I(exiting) + I(entering) = 0. • The properties of magnetic flux are
• This idea by Kirchhoff is commonly 1. The magnetic flux lines are
known as the Conservation of Charge. imaginary lines.
2. Each line of magnetic flux forms a
closed loop.
3. Magnetic flux lines do not
intersect each other.
4. They behave like stretched elastic
threads and always try to shorten
5. The flux lines which are parallel
and in same direction repel each
Or ΣI = 0 Magnetic Circuit
Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL): • The path followed by magnetic flux.
• It states that in a closed circuit, the Flux density
algebraic sum of all source voltages
must be equal to the algebraic sum of • The total number of magnetic lines
all the voltage drops. emitted or entered per unit area.


• Unit: wb/m2 or Tesla or Gauss

Magneto motive Force (mmf)

• The force which drives magnetic flux

through a magnetic circuit.
• Similar to emf in electric circuit.

mmf = NI

N= No. of turns

I = current through coil

• Unit: Ampere turns (AT)

Magnetic field strength or magnetic field Relation between magnetising force (H) and
intensity (H) magnetic flux density (B)

• Force experienced by unit length or b$d

unit pole.
b = od
""O e
d= = b = oQ op d

• Unit: AT/m Curie point

Reluctance • As magnetic material get heated,

molecules vibrate and gets out of
• Property of a magnetic circuit, which alignment. The magnetic strength will
opposes the flow of magnetic flux in it get reduced.
or it is the resistance offered by the • Temperature at which the vibrations
magnetic circuit to the flow of becomes random and reduce
magnetic flux through it. magnetic strength to zero is known as
ffg k_ mh
Reluctance, S = = = Curie point.
ghij l l
• It is the temperature above which
• It is directly proportional to length (l)
ferromagnetic material becomes
and inversely proportional to area of
cross-section (a).


oQ op '


• Permeability is the ability of a

material to conduct magnetic flux
through it. •
• It is represented by the letter o. B-H curve
• Unit: Henry/meter
• Permeability of free space, • Lagging of magnetic flux density (B)
tu behind magnetising force (H) is known
oQ = 4r × 10 d/"
as magnetic hysteresis.
Relative Permeability • The magnetic flux that retains in the
conductor despite the magnetic force
• It is the ratio of flux density produced
is removed called retentivity of the
in a material to the flux density
produced in vacuum by the same
• The force required to remove the
magnetizing force.
o residual magnetism from the material
op = is called the coercive force or
• Relative permeability of air, op = 1 coercivity of the material.
Paramagnetic material

• Identical to ferromagnetic field, but

slightly attracted to magnetic field.
• Doesn’t retain magnetism after the
removal of magnetic field.
• wf is small and +ve
• op > 1
• Eg: Mn, Pt, Al, O2, Sb

• Permanent magnets have high Diamagnetic material

retentivity and coersivity. Eg: Alnico
• Characterised by slightly repelled by
• Armature, transformer core material
magnetic field.
should have very small loop area. i.e
• Doesn’t retain magnetic properties
higher permeability and low loss.
after removal of field.
• The area under the B-H curve
• wf is –ve
represents hysteresis loss.
• op < 1
• For a non magnetic material it is a
straight line passing through the • Eg: Zn, Pb, P, Cu, Bismuth
origin. Comparison between electric and magnetic
• For a magnetic material it is circuits
Electric circuits Magnetic Circuits
Magnetic material Current flows from Flux flows from N to
+ve to –ve. S.
• Permeability describes the ability of a The cause of current The cause of
material to support the formation of flow is emf. generation of flux is
magnetic field inside it. It is denoted mmf.
by o. Opposition to the Opposition to the
• Susceptibility describes whether a flow of current is flow of Flux is called
called resistance reluctance.
material is attracted to a magnetic
"O ""O
field or repelled from it. It is denoted x
by wf
• wf = op W 1 Current density, Magnetic flux
j = /c density,
unit: A/ m2 B = x/c
Ferromagnetic material Unit: wb/m2
Resistance h
Reluctance, S =|z
• Characterised by strong attraction to yh
% z {z

magnetic field.
• Able to retain magnetic properties ! J I 'JI } M" 'JI
after the removal of field. 1 1
• wf is large and +ve % H 'JI % I 'JI
Conductivity(GU Permeability (oU
• op >> 1
• Eg: Fe, Co, Ni, steel.
Electro Magnetism 1. Dynamically induced emf: emf
induced when a conductor is
• Force on a current currying moved across a stationary field.
conductor, F = Bilsin~ Newton Eg: generator, motor
Right hand Thumb Rule 2. Statically induced emf: emf
induced when the conductor is
• It is used to find out the direction of stationary and the magnetic field
flux. is moving or charging.
• It states that when a current carrying Eg: transformer
conductor holds in right hand with • Statically induced emf can be divided
extended thumb pointing in the into two:
direction of current then the finger 1. Self induced emf: the emf induced
encircling the conductor will point in a coil due to the change of its
along the direction of magnetic flux. own flux linked with it.
• Self inductance: it is the property of a
Voltage induced in a conductor placed in a
conductor due to which it opposes
magnetic field, V = Blvsin~ volts
any change of current or flux through
Faradays Laws of Electromagnetic induction it .
• It is denoted by ‘L”
First Law • Unit is Henry.
k∅ k€ k € |‚ |ƒ `
• Whenever the magnetic flux linked L= _ •
= h
with a conductor changes, an emf is
induced in the conductor and current 2. Mutually induced emf: the emf
starts flowing if the circuit is closed. induced in a coil due to changing
current in neighbouring coil.
Second Law: • Mutual inductance: the property of
neighbouring coil to induce a voltage
• The magnitude of induced emf is
in one coil due to the change of
directly proportional to the rate of
current in the other coil.
change of flux linkage.
•∅ • It is denoted by ‘M’.
e= N •P
• Unit: Henry
k€ ∅„ k… ∅„ k… k€
Lenz’s law M= _…
= _€
= •

• It states that electromagnetically Coefficient of coupling(K):

induced current flows in such a
direction so as to oppose the cause • Two coils are said to be magnetically
producing it. coupled, if full or part of the flux
•∅ produced by one coil links with the
e=- N •P
other coil.
induced emf ‡
ˆ‰X ‰V
• They are of two types. ‡−" ' HJ I 'JI
L1, L2 – self inductance
• If the entire flux of one coil links with Cycle:
the other, then the mutual inductance
It is the One complete set of positive and
between the two coil is maximum.
negative values of alternating quantity .
• It is defined as the ratio of actual Time period (T)
inductance present between the two
coils to the maximum possible mutual • It is the time taken by an alternating
inductance. quantity to complete one cycle.
• it is denoted by T
Inductance in series • Unit: Seconds
L = L1 + L2 +2M if fluxes are aiding Frequency
L = L1 + L2 -2M if fluxes are opposing • It is the number of cycles per second.
Energy stored in a magnetic field • Unit: Hertz

X V Amplitude:
E = V‰
• It is the maximum value of positive
AC Fundamentals
and negative value of an alternating
• Voltage or current is in the form of quantity.
sine function. Hence it is represented
RMS value:
• RMS value of an alternating current is
V = Š‹ ;<E Œ
given by the steady (DC) current
I = •‹ ;<E Œ which when flowing through a given
circuit for a given time produces the
Œ = Ž ••‘Ž’ “’ • ”• = “= –
f same heat as produced by the
alternating current when flowing
f= frequency in HertZ through the same circuit for same
T = Time period in Seconds
pf— = = 0.707 f

Average value:

• It is the steady state current which

transfer same charge across the
circuit, as transferred by the
alternating quantity during the same

z› = = 0.637 f
Form Factor: • Powerfactor, cos ∅ 0
• ∅ = 900
• It is the ratio of rms value average
• Inductive reactance, XL = ‰
value of sinusoidal current.
• Unit: ohm
M" • V = Š‹ ;<E Œ
žž 1.11
'K[ • I = •‹ ;<E ¡Œ W ¢
Peak factor or crest factor
Ac through Pure capacitance:
• It is the ratio of maximum value to
• current leads voltage by 900.
rms value of alternating quantity.
• Average power, P = 0
"'Ÿ. K' • Powerfactor, cos ∅ 0
}. ž 1.414
M" K' • ∅ = 900
• capacitive reactance, Xc = !
• Unit: ohm
Average and rms value of different • V = Š‹ ;<E Œ
waveform • I = •‹ ;<ERŒ S U

Waveform Rms value Average Impedance:

Sine wave f 2f • It is denoted Z, is an expression of the
√2 r opposition that an electronic
Full rectified f 2f
component, circuit, or system offers
wave √2 r
to alternating and/or direct electric
Half rectified f f
wave 2 r current.
Square wave Vm Vm
Impedance triangle:
Sawtooth f f
√3 2
triangular f f
√3 2

Ac through Pure Resistor:

• Voltage and current waveform are in

• Average power, P = VrmsIrms
• Powerfactor, cos ∅ 1
• ∅ 00
• V = Š‹ ;<E Œ
• I = •‹ ;<E Œ
Resonance in RLC series circuit

Ac through Pure Inductance: • Circuit will resonate at a frequency

called resonance frequency (fr).
• Current lags voltage by 900.
• At resonance , XL = XC
• Average power, P = 0
• Resonant frequency, Op V£√¤¥
Phase sequence:
• At resonance, • The order in which phases attain their
1. current is maximum maximum value is called phase
• If coil ‘a’ reaches its max. value, then
2. Net reactance is zero.
after 1200 coil ‘b’ reaches its max. and
3. Z = R
after 2400 coil C reaches its maximum
4. Power is maximum
value. Then phase sequence is abc.
P = I2R
¦ ¦
5. Power factor, cos ∅ 1 Interconnection of three coils
§ ¦
6. Tan ∅ = 0
• They are of Two types
• Below resonant frequency, the circuit
1. Star connection
is capacitive and power factor is
2. Delta connection
• At resonant frequency the circuit is Star connection
resistive power factor is unity.
• Above resonant frequency the circuit
is inductive power factor is lagging.

Power Triangle

Delta connection

Three phase systems

• Three coils are displaced 1200 each

other. Hence the voltage induced in
that coil will be displaced by 1200.
z f sin Vph = VL and IL = √3 ª«
¨ f sinR S 120Q U
P = √3 ¤ ¤ cos ∅ 3 ª« ª« cos ∅
© f sinR S 240Q U

• Netvoltage= z S ¨ S © 0
Power Measurement in Three phase circuits Generation of power

Three wattmeter method • Conventional sources of energy are

the natural energy resources which
• P = P1 + P2 + P3 are present in a limited quantity and
Two wattmeter method are being used for a long time.
• Non-conventional sources of
• P = P1 + P2 energy are the energy sources
…t which are continuously
• tan ∅ √3( €
…¬ € replenished by natural processes.
• If both wattmeter reads same, then pf These cannot be exhausted
= unity. easily, can be generated
• One wattmeter reads zero and other constantly so can be used again
one +ve, then pf = 0.5 lagging and again, e.g. solar energy,
• One reads +ve and other –ve, then pf wind energy, tidal energy,
biomass energy and geothermal
between 0 & 0.5.
energy etc.

Conventional Non-
sources of conventional
energy sources of
These These
sources of sources of
energy are energy are
not abundant in
abundant, nature, e.g.
present in solar energy,
limited wind energy,
quantity, tidal energy,
e.g. coal, biogas from
petroleum, biomass etc.
natural gas.
They have They are yet
been in use in
for a long development
time. phase over
the past few
They are not They are
replenished replenished
continuously continuously
. They are by natural
formed over processes.
a million They are They are not
years. used used as
They are They are extensively, extensively
called non- called at a higher as
renewable renewable rate than conventional
sources of sources of the non- sources.
energy. energy. conventional
They can be They cannot sources.
exhausted be
completely exhausted Hydro Power Plant
due to over- completely.
• Tunnel and penstock: They form
water conduit system which carries
except for
water from the reservoir to the
turbine of power house.
• Surge tank: it functions as a pressure
They pollute They are regulator in the water line.
the environment
Thermal Power Plant
environment -friendly, do
by emitting not pollute • Boiler: it is used for producing steam
harmful the at high pressure.
gases and environment • Economizer: it is used to extract heat
also . from the flue gases for heating feed
contribute to water. It also improves efficiency.
global Nuclear Power Plant
They are They are
• Elements used are uranium (U 235) or
commonly used
• Nuclear fission: it is a process
used for commonly
in nuclear physics in which the
industrial used for
nucleus of an atom splits into two or
and household more smaller nuclei
commercial purposes. as fission products, and usually some
purposes. by-product particles.
Heavy Using these • Moderator: it is used to slow down
expenditure sources is the neutrons produced during nuclear
is involved less
reaction. Eg: graphite
• Control Rod: it increases the reaction
in using and expensive.
and more energy is produced.
• Coolant: heat transfer is done by the
coolant. Commonly used coolants are
sources of molten sodium, heavy water, etc.
• The shield of nuclear reactor is made WORKING PRINCIPLE
of a thick layer of concrete or lead to
stop the radioactive rays generated by • Transformer works on the principle of
the reaction. mutual induction.
• • When an alternating voltage V1 is
applied to the primary winding of a
transformer, an alternating current I1
flows through it, which produces an
alternating flux ǿ in the core. This flux
links both the windings. According to
Faradays Laws of Electromagnetic
Induction, the flux induces emf in the
primary(E1) and secondary winding
(E2). According to Lenzs law, the
induced emf act in opposite direction
to the applied voltage. If the circuit is
closed, an ouput current starts
flowing in the secondary.
• E1 is equal to V1 and 180˚ out of

• A transformer is a static device. EMF EQUATION

• It transfers AC electrical power from
• RMS value of induced emf in the
one circuit to another circuit
primary side
- . “ ∅‹
• It is a constant power device.
• RMS value of induced emf in the
• It is a constant frequency device.
secondary side
• It is a phase shifting device. - = . “ ∅‹
N1 = No of turns in the primary
N2 = No of turns in the secondary
f = supply frequency (Hertz)
∅f = Maximum value of flux
• Emf / turn in the primary side is
• It consists of two windings wound on equal to emf / turn in the
a common laminated core. secondary side.
• The winding connected to the Ac
source is called primary winding. - -
• The winding to which load is =
connected is called secondary

- •
= = =®
- •
STEP-UP TRANSFORMER • Silicon is used for reducing
hysteresis loss.
• A transformer in which the output
(secondary) voltage is greater
than its input (primary) voltage is
called a step-up transformer. The
step-up transformer decreases
the output current for keeping
the input and output power of the
system equal.
• N2 > N1, E2 > E1, K>1


• Based on the construction of
• A transformer in which the output
transformer core, transformers
(secondary) voltage is less than its
are classified into two
input (primary) voltage is called a
1. Core type
step-down transformer.
2. Shell type
• N2 < N1 , E2 < E1 , K < 1
Core Type Shell Type
It has two limbs and It has three limbs and
two yoke. two yoke.
• High voltage side => High voltage
Series magnetic Parallel magnetic
and low current.
circuit. circuit.
• Low voltage side => low voltage Winding surrounds Core surrounds the
and high current. the core windings.


• Major elements of transformer

core are two windings (primary
and secondary), a laminated core,
Tank, Conservator Tank,
Transformer oil, Breather,
Buchholz Relay, bushings. • The horizontal part of core is called
• Transformer windings can be yoke.
arranged in two ways. • The vertical part of core is called limb.
1. Concentric • LV winding is placed near the core.
2. Sandwitched • If HV winding is placed near the core,
• Transformer Core is made up of the insulation level required is more.
laminated silicon steel. • The transformer core should be made
• Lamination is used for reducing of highly permeable material.
eddy current loss.
• Materials used for transformer core • The oil level of a transformer changes
and their applications with the changes in temperature of
Materials used Applications oil, which in turn depends upon the
Amorphous Steel For high load on the transformer.
temperature • The oil expands with increase in load.
• The oil contracts with decrease in
Silicon steel For low frequency
operation. load.
Amorphous For High
metals efficiency and
high • The function of breather in
transformer is to filter out the
Ferrite ceramics For high
frequency moisture from air.
operation. • When the transformer becomes
• Transformer oil: it has three main warm, the gas at the top of the oil is
functions. expelled out through breather.
1. Insulation • When the transformer cools, air is
2. Cooling drawn into the transformer through
3. Protect the insulation from dirt breather.
and moisture. • Breather consists of silica gel which
• Transformer oil is obtained by absorbs the moisture from air.
fractional distillation of crude • The colour of Silica gel in the breather
petroleum. will be blue when installed and they
• Properties of Transformer oil turn to pink colour when they absorb
1. High dielectric strength. moisture from air.
2. Low viscosity
3. High flash point.
4. Free from sludging under normal • It is a gas and oil actuated relay.
operating condition. • It protects the transformer from
5. Good resistance to emulsion. severe internal fault.

• it is made of cast iron. BUSHINGS

• It accommodates core, winding and
internal connection. • Winding are connected to the
transformer core through bushings.
• It is a small auxiliary oil tank mounted
above the transformer and connected
• There are three primary coils and
to the main tank by a pipe.
three secondary coils.
• Its function is to keep the main tank
• A three phase transformer is cheaper
of the transformer completely filled
than a bank of three single phase
with oil in all circumstances.
• The three phase transformers are • It can be paralleled with Y – Y
mainly categorized into 4 groups or delta – delta.
according to phase displacement. 4. Delta- star connection
• Group I: zero displacement group: Yy0: • Used at the beginning of high
∆∆ 0 tension transmission line.
• Group II: 1800 displacement group: • Delta connection allows path
Yy6, Dd6, Yd6, DY6 for third harmonics and hence
• Group III: 300 lag group: Dy1,Yd1 give sinusoidal flux.
• Group IV: 300 lead group: Dy11,Yd11 • 300 phase shift between
primary and secondary
The main transformer connections are winding.
1. Star- star connection • It can be paralleled with Y-Y
• Most economical for small, or delta-delta.
high voltages. 5. Open delta or V-V connection
• Phase shift between phase • Capacity of V-V bank = 57.7%
voltage and line voltage is 300. of delta-delta bank.
• Unbalanced load causes • Reduction in capacity = 15.5%
neutral shift. of delta – delta bank
2. Delta – delta connection • V-v bank capacity = 0.866 x
• Require large number of turns total rating of two
per phase and large amount transformers.
of insulation. LOSSES
• No phase shift between phase
and line voltages. • There are mainly two types of power
• Unbalanced load will not loss in transformer.
cause neutral shift. 1. Copper loss = X V %X + V V %V
• If one transformer fails, then 2. Iron loss = eddy current loss +
it work in open delta or V-V hysteresis loss
with reduced available
capacity = 58%.
• Third harmonic component • ±• ± ’
-““¯”¯ ”•, °
will merely circulate in delta ¯ ±• ± ’
without flowing in linewires. • ±• ± ’
Hence flux and voltage are • ±• ± ’+²
Š • ” ³
3. Star – delta connection =
Š • ” ³ + ´¯ + ´”•
• Mainly used at the substation
end of transmission line. All Day Efficiency
• 300 phase shift between
primary and secondary • It is mainly for distribution
winding. transformers.
• Third harmonic current flows µ‘‘ Ž• ““¯”¯ ”•
in delta to provide sinusoidal - ’•• • ±• “ ’ ¶’
flux. =
- ’•• ¯ ±• “ ’ ¶’
• The efficiency of transformer is • Based on the construction of rotor,
between 90 to 100% induction motor is classified into two.
1. Squirrel cage induction Motor(SCIM)
TRANSFORMER RATING 2. Slip Ring Induction Motor (SRIM)
• Transformer rating is in kVA. SCIM SRIM
Low starting High starting
• Rating mainly depends on
Torque. torque.
temperature rise and insulation level. Less cu. Loss More cu. loss
• Temperature rise is due to losses. More efficiency Less efficiency
• Iron loss depends on supply voltage Low cost High cost
and copper loss depends on current. High starting Starting current is
• Hence transformer is rated in kVA and current. high , but can be
not in KW. reduced by
adding external
Slip rings are not Slip rings are
- −Š used. used.
% Š ‘ Ž• ^ ••‘Ž ¯ = ∗ %
- Requires low Requires high
maintenance maintenance
E0 = secondary no load voltage. External External
resistance cannot resistance can be
V = Secondary full load voltage. be added. added.
Rotor contains no Rotor contains
THREE PHASE INDUCTION MOTOR winding. It three phase
contains Al or Cu. winding similar to
• Rotor receives electric power by bar stator.
induction. Hence the name induction Application: Application: lift,
motor. pump, conveyors, cranes, pumps
• It is also known as asynchronous elevators etc
motor since it runs at a speed less
than synchronous speed.
• It is considered as a rotating
transformer with short circuited
• It is self starting.
• It has two main parts
1. Stator
• it is the stationary part.
• It is made up of silicon
• It carries three phase
2. Rotor
• it is the rotating part.
• It is made up of cylindrical
laminated iron core.
PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION • Rotor will never run at synchronous
• When the stator of a three phase
• If the rotor runs at synchronous
Induction motor is energized with
speed, then there will be no relative
three phase supply, a rotating
motion, no rotor emf, no rotor
magnetic field is produced.
current and hence no torque.
• The speed of rotating magnetic field is
• The field passes through the air gap
Slip Speed
and cuts the stationary rotor
conductors. • It is the difference between
• According to Faradays laws of synchronous speed Ns and rotor
Electromagnetic induction, the speed Nr.
relative speed between the stator Slip speed = Ns – Nr
rotating magnetic field (SRMF) and
stationary rotor conductors, an emf is SLIP
induced in the rotor conductors.
• It is the difference between Ns and Nr
• Since the rotor conductors in short
expressed as a percentage of Ns.
circuited, current starts flowing
through the conductors. t ’
% slip, S = ∗
• The direction of current is given by
Lenzs Law. • Rotor speed, Nr = Ns(1 – s)
• The current flows in such a direction, • Frequency of rotor current, f’ = Sf
so as to oppose the very cause S = slip, f= supply frequency
producing it. • At standstill, S= 1
• Here the cause of production of rotor • Range of slip, 0 < S < 1
current is the relative speed between
• It operates on single phase supply.
• To reduce this relative speed, rotor
• It is not self-starting.
starts rotating in the same direction
• It has low power factor and low
as that of rotating field and tries to
attain the speed of rotating field.
• To make the single phase induction
• The speed of rotor is Nr, which is
motor self-starting, a starting winding
always less than the synchronous
is added in addition to the main
XVQg winding.
Synchronous speed, Ns = ¹
f= supply frequency Types of single phase induction motor
P = No of poles
Type Application
• The torque for the rotor rotation is
Split phase IM Fan, saw, small lathe,
produced by the interaction between centrifugal pump,
the magnetic flux produced by the blower.
rotor current and rotating magnetic Capacitor start motor It has high starting
field. torque and is used for
heavy duty
applications • For high-speed machines, the prime
Capacitor start and It has high efficiency movers are usually steam turbines
capacitor run motor and high power employing fossil or nuclear energy
factor. Used in Fan,
blower, oil burners.
• Low-speed machines are often driven
Shaded pole motor It has low starting
torque. Used in toys, by hydro-turbines that employ water
instruments, hair power for generation.
dryer, ventilations, • Smaller synchronous machines are
small fans, electric sometimes used for private
clock. generation and as standby units, with
diesel engines or gas turbines as

• An induction generator or Types of Synchronous Machine

asynchronous generator is a type of
1. Rotating-Armature Type: The
alternating current (AC)
armature winding is on the rotor and
electrical generator that uses the
the field system is on the stator.
principles of induction motors to
2. Rotating-Field Type: The armature
produce electric power.
winding is on the stator and the field
• It runs at a speed greater than Ns. system is on the rotor
• It has negative slip.
Advantages of Rotating Field System
• Power can be easily supplied to the
• Synchronous machines are principally field.
used as alternating current (AC) • Easier to provide the necessary
generators. They supply the electric insulation for the armature
power used by all sectors of modern • No mechanical stresses in the
societies: industrial, commercial, armature
agricultural, and domestic. • Improved ventilation arrangement
• Synchronous generators usually • Stationary connection between the
operate together (or in parallel), system of conductors and the external
forming a large power system load (500 MVA)
supplying electrical energy to the • Only 2 slip rings are needed
loads or consumers. • Reduced rotor weight and rotor
• Synchronous generators are built in inertia
large units, their rating ranging from CONSTRUCTION
tens to hundreds of megawatts.
• Synchronous generator converts • The main parts are stator and rotor.
mechanical power to ac electric • For large machines armature is the
power. stator and field is the rotor.
• The source of mechanical power, the • For small machines field is stator and
prime mover, may be a diesel engine, armature is rotor.
a steam turbine, a water turbine, or
any similar device.
Stator • It is used to prevent hunting
(momentary speed fluctuation).
• Stator frame is used for holding the
• In synchronous motor it is used to
provide starting torque.
• Stator frame is made up of special
• Under normal running condition,
magnetic iron or steel alloy.
damper winding does not carry any
• The core is laminated to reduce eddy current.
current loss.
• Damper winding is placed in the pole
• Armature conductors are housed in
• There are three types of slots Working Principle
1. Wide open
2. Semi closed • When the rotor is rotated by a prime
3. Closed mover, the stator conductors cut the
magnetic flux and an emf is induced in
• Semi closed type slots are used.
Rotor • Since the magnetic poles are
alternately N and S, they induce an
• Based on the construction rotor is e.m.f and current in armature
classified in to two. conductors, which is alternating in
1. Salient( or Projecting) Pole Type nature.
2. Smooth cylindrical (Non salient)
• The frequency of the alternating e.m.f
Type depends on the number of N and S
poles moving past a conductor in one
f = XVQ

f= frequency of generated e.m.f in Hz

P = total no. of magnetic poles
N = speed of rotor in r.p.m
• The direction of the induced e.m.f is
Salient Pole Non salient Pole given by Flemings Right Hand Rule.
Used in low and Used for steam
medium speed turbine alternators
engine driven i.e. turbo alternators
alternators which run at very
high speeds.
It has a large number It uses non salient
of projecting poles. poles and is designed
for 2-pole or 4 pole
It has large diameter It has small diameter
and short axial and very long axial
length. length.

• The armature winding of alternator

Damper winding can be arranged in two ways
1. Concentrated winding
2. Distributed winding • An over excited synchronous motor is
known as synchronous condenser.
Concentric winding
• Synchronous condenser is used for
• Concentrated winding is employed power factor correction.
where number of slots on the • It is a double excited machine. The
armature is equal to number of poles stator is given three phase supply and
in the machine. the field is given dc supply.
• This armature winding of alternator • Its construction is same as that of
gives maximum output voltage but alternator.
not exactly sinusoidal.
Principle of operation
Distributed winding
• When a three phase winding is fed by
• For obtaining smooth sinusoidal emf three phase supply, a magnetic flux of
wave from, conductors are placed is constant magnitude but rotating at
several slots under single pole. This synchronous speed is produced.
armature winding is known as
distribute winding.
• Although distributed armature
winding of alternator, reduces emf
but still it very much usable due to
following reason.

1. It also reduces harmonic emf and so

wave form is improved.

2. It also diminishes armature reaction.

3. Even distribution of conductors, helps

for better cooling.

4. The core is fully utilized as the

conductors are distributed over the
slots on the armature periphery.


• It runs at synchronous speed. • Due to continuous rotation of stator

• It is not self-starting. poles, the rotor is subjected to a
• It has to be run up to Ns by some torque which is rapidly reversing.
means before it can be synchronized • Due to large inertia, the rotor cannot
to the supply. instantaneously respond to such
• It is capable of operating in leading, quickly reversing torque and hence it
lagging and unity power factor. remains stationary.
• It can be used for power correction • If the rotor poles are also made
purposes, in addition to supplying rotating at synchronous speed then it
torque to drive loads.
will lock with the stator poles and will Yoke:
experience a unidirectional torque.
• The plot between armature current? • it is the outer covering of the
Phase and field current is known as V machine.
curve. • It provides mechanical support.
• The plot between power factor and • It also provides return path for the
field current is known as inverted V flow of magnetic flux.
curve. Pole core & pole shoe
• It is an electro mechanical energy • It is made of steel laminations and is
conversion device. insulated from each other.
• There are two types of dc machines. • Each pole core has a pole shoe having
1. Dc generator: The dc machine a curved surface.
which converts mechanical • The function of the pole shoe is to
energy to electrical energy. 1. Support the field coil.
2. Dc motor: the machine which 2. To increase the cross
converts electrical energy to sectional area of the magnetic
mechanical energy. circuit.
3. Reduce its reluctance.
Construction of Dc machine
Field winding
• A dc machine has two main parts.
1. Magnetic field system • Each pole core has one or more field
2. Armature windings provided on it to produce
• The field system is the stationary part magnetic field.
of the machine and is called stator.
Interpoles or commutating coil
• The armature is the rotating part of
the machine and is called rotor. • They are fixed to the frame in
• The dc machine contains between main poles.
1. Yoke • They are used for sparkles
2. Field system: pole cores, pole commutation, i.e to improve
shoes and field coils commutation.
3. Armature: armature core and
armature windings Armature core and armature winding
4. Commutator, brushes etc
• It is the rotating part of the machine.
• It is cylindrical in shape.
• It has slots on its outer periphery.
• It is made up of steel laminations to
reduce eddy current losses.
• The airgap between the armature and
field poles is kept very small to
minimize the reluctance of magnetic
• Armature windings are placed in the conductor. This emf causes a current
slots. flow if the circuit is closed.
• There are two types of armature • The essential requirement of a dc
winding. generator are
1. Lap winding- no.of parallel 1. A magnetic field
path(A) is equal to no. of poles (P) 2. Conductors or coils
2. Wave winding - no.of parallel 3. Relative motion between the
path (A) is equal to two. It is magnetic field and the
independent of no. of poles. conductors.
• The direction of induced emf is given
by Flemings Right hand rule.
• Its function is to convert alternating EMF Equation of dc generator
current induced in the armature
conductors into unidirectional current ∅º ¼
Generated emf, Eg = »
in the external circuit.
• It is also known as mechanical P = No. of poles
∅ Flux per pole in Weber
• It is of cylindrical shape.
• It is made up of wedge shaped hard Z = total no. of armature conductors
drawn copper.
• The commutator segments are N = speed in RPM
insulated from each other with thin
A = No. of parallel path in armature winding
layer of mica sheet.
• The number of segments is equal to A= 2, for wave winding
the number of armature coils.
Brushes A = P, for lap winding

Equivalent circuit
• The function of brushes is to collect
current from the commutator.
• They are made of carbon.
• The brushes rest on the commutator
• The commutator and brush
arrangement is the connecting link
between the armature winding and
external circuit.

Working principle of dc generator

• It works on the principle of

electromagnetic induction. E = V + IaRa + Vb
• According to Faradays Laws of
electromagnetic induction, whenever E = generated voltage
a conductor cuts magnetic lines of IaRa = armature voltage drop
flux, a dynamic emf is induced in the Vb = Brush voltage drop
Types of dc generator armature current flows through the
field winding as well as the load.
• Generators are generally classified • Since the field winding carries the
according to their methods of field whole of load current, it has a few
excitation. On this basis, d.c.
turns of thick wire having low
generators are divided into the resistance.
following two classes:
• Series generators are rarely used
1. Separately excited d.c.
except for special purposes e.g., as
2. Self-excited d.c.

Separately Excited D.C. Generators

• A d.c. generator whose field magnet
winding is supplied from an
independent external d.c. source
(e.g., a battery etc.) is called a
separately excited generator.

Shunt generator
Self-Excited D.C. Generators
• In a shunt generator, the field winding is
• A d.c. generator whose field magnet connected in parallel with the armature
winding is supplied current from the winding so that terminal voltage of the
output of the generator itself is called generator is applied across it.
a self-excited generator. • The shunt field winding has many turns of
• There are three types of self-excited fine wire having high resistance.
generators depending upon the Therefore, only a part of armature current
manner in which the field winding is flows through shunt field winding and the
connected to the armature, namely; rest flows through the load.
1. Series generator
2. Shunt generator
3. Compound generator

Series generator

• In a series wound generator, the field

winding is connected in series with
armature winding so that whole
Compound generator Losses in a D.C. Machine
• In a compound-wound generator, there
are two sets of field windings on each • The losses in a d.c. machine
pole—one is in series and the other in (generator or motor) may be divided
parallel with the armature. into three classes.
• A compound wound generator may
(a) Short Shunt in which only shunt
field winding is in parallel with the
armature winding .
(b) Long Shunt in which shunt field
winding is in parallel with both series
field and armature winding .

Constant and Variable Losses

• The losses in a d.c. generator (or d.c.

motor) may be sub-divided into (i)
constant losses (ii) variable losses.

(i) Constant losses

Those losses in a d.c. generator which
remain constant at all loads are
known as constant losses. The
constant losses in a d.c. generator
(a) iron losses
(b) mechanical losses
(c) shunt field losses
(ii) Variable losses
Those losses in a d.c. generator which
vary with load are called variable
losses. The variable losses in a d.c. Back emf or counter emf
generator are:
• When the armature of a d.c. motor
rotates under the influence of the
driving torque, the armature
conductors move through the
Note. Field Cu loss is constant for
magnetic field and hence e.m.f. is
shunt and compound generators.
induced in them as in a generator
• The induced e.m.f. acts in opposite
direction to the applied voltage
V(Lenz’s law) and in known as back or
• An electric mator is a machine which
counter e.m.f. Eb.
converts electrical energy into
• The back e.m.f. Eb(= P f ZN/60 A) is
mechanical energy.
always less than the applied voltage
• There is no difference in the
construction of a dc generator and a
• The presence of back e.m.f. makes the
dc motor.
d.c. motor a self-regulating machine
• Dc motor works on the principle that
i.e., it makes the motor to draw as
when a current carrying conductor is
much armature current as is just
placed in a magnetic field, the
sufficient to develop the torque
conductor experience a mechanical
required by the load.
force. ÂtÃÄ
• The direction of the force is given by • Armature current, Ia = ¦Å
Flemings Left hand Rule.
Voltage Equation of D.C. Motor
• The magnitude of the force is given by

F = Bil Newtons

B = magnetic flux density (wb/m2)

I = current through the conductor

L = length of the conductor

V = applied voltage
Eb = back e.m.f.
Ra = armature resistance
Ia = armature current

V = Eb + IaRa
Types of D.C. Motors

• Like generators, there are three types

of d.c. motors characterized by the
connections of field winding in
relation to the armature

Shunt-wound motor in which the field

winding is connected in parallel with the

• Shunt field windings are designed to

produce the necessary m.m.f. by
means of a relatively large number of
turns of wire having high resistance.
• Therefore, shunt field current is Compound-wound motor which has two
relatively small compared with the field windings; one connected in parallel
armature current. with the armature and the other in series
with it.

• There are two types of compound

motor connections (like
• When the shunt field winding is
directly connected across the
armature terminals, it is called
short-shunt connection.

Series-wound motor in which the field

winding is connected in series with the

• The series field winding carries the

armature current.
• Since the current passing through a
series field winding is the same as the
armature current, series field • When the shunt winding is so
connected that it shunts the
windings must be designed with much
fewer turns than shunt field windings series combination of armature
for the same m.m.f. and series field, it is called long-
shunt connection.
• Therefore, a series field winding has a
relatively small number of turns of
thick wire and, therefore, will possess
a low resistance.
ii) the load is subjected to heavy fluctuations
and the speed is automatically required to
reduce at high torques and vice-versa

Industrial use: Electric traction, cranes,

elevators, air compressors, vacuum
cleaners, hair drier, sewing machines etc.

3. Compound motors
• Differential-compound motors are
rarely used because of their poor
torque characteristics.

• However, cumulative-compound
motors are used where a fairly
Applications of D.C. Motors constant speed is required with
irregular loads or suddenly applied
1. Shunt motors heavy loads.
• Industrial use: Presses, shears,
The characteristics of a shunt motor
reciprocating machines etc.
reveal that it is an approximately constant
speed motor. It is, therefore, used

(i) where the speed is required to remain

almost constant from no-load to full-load

(ii) where the load has to be driven at a

number of speeds and any one of which is
required to remain nearly constant

Industrial use: Lathes, drills, boring mills,

shapers, spinning and weaving machines

2. Series motors

• It is a variable speed motor i.e.,

speed is low at high torque and
• However, at light or no-load, the
motor tends to attain dangerously
high speed.
• The motor has a high starting
torque. It is, therefore, used

i) large starting torque is required e.g., in

elevators and electric traction

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