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Workout Duration: 60-75 minutes


• Lateral Band Walk x 25 (each side)

• Lunge w/ Psoas Reach x 10 (each side)
• Pike Fold to Squat Hold x 10
• Double Band Glute Bridge w/ 2 second hold x 15
• Jumping Spider Lunge T Frame x 10 (each side)


Perform all reps and sets of each movement before moving on to the next. 2-5
minutes REST in between the strength sets. 90-120 seconds REST in between
the other movements. Go as heavy as possible while maintaining perfect form!

• Barbell Box Squat 3-4 x 5

• Barbell Deadlift 3-4 x 10
• KB Front Rack Step Up 3-4 x 8 (each leg)
• KB or DB RDL w/ 2 second pause 3-4 x 10

REST 2-3 minutes then start your finisher

FINISHER: Perform 10 goblet squats then 10 burpees. 9 goblet squats then 9

burpees. 8 goblet squats then 8 burpees. Continue to subtract 1 rep every set
until you have completed 1 rep of each movement. Do this as fast as possible
while maintaining perfect technique!

• Goblet Squats
• Burpees

REST 2-3 minutes then start your core work

CORE: AB Rollouts w/ 2 sec. pause 3-4 x 8-12

REST 60-90 seconds in between sets


• Spider Lunge Stretch x 60-90 seconds (each side)

• Banded Hamstring Stretch 60-90 seconds (each side)
• Pigeon Stretch w/ reaches x 60-90 seconds (each side)
TUESDAY: Full Body
Workout Duration: 60-75 minutes


• Inch Worm Push Up x 10

• Lunge w/ Psoas Reach x 10 (each side)
• Band In Front / Behind the Neck Press x 10
• Lateral Bear Crawl x 60 seconds
• High Knees x 60 seconds


Perform all reps and sets of each movement before moving on to the next. Go as
heavy as possible on the weighted movements while maintaining perfect form!

• KB or DB Farmer’s Carry 3-4 x 40 yards or 45 seconds

• KB Clean + Cossack Squat 3-4 x 8 (each side)
• Horizontal Bodyweight Row w/ 2 second hold 3-4 x 8-12
• Jump Through to L- Sit 3-4 x 8-12
• DB or KB Bridge Press 3-4 x 12
• KB S. Arm Squat Clean Thruster 3-4 x 8 (each side)

REST 2-3 minutes then start the core finisher

CORE FINISHER: 6 SETS / 20 seconds of work / 10 seconds rest

Perform twisting mountain climbers for 20 seconds followed by 10 seconds of
rest. Perform V Ups for 20 seconds followed by 10 seconds of rest. Repeat for 6
sets. Rest as little as possible!

• Twisting Mountain Climbers

• Bridge Sit Ups


• Band Hip Flexor / Lat Stretch x 60-90 seconds (each side)

• Child's Pose to Arch x 60-90 seconds
• Pigeon Stretch w/ T Frame x 60-90 seconds (each side)
WEDNESDAY: Cardio / Core / Mobility
Workout Duration: 30-45 minutes


This workout is to be done in a circuit. No rest in between movements.

Rest 60 seconds once you finish the entire circuit. 3 sets

3 SETS / 60 seconds rest in between sets

*You choose what form of cardio you want to do each set. Just choose
one per set. I've listed a few options below.

• 3-5 Minutes of rowing, assault bike, jump rope, ski erg or running
• Pike Fold to Squat Hold x 60 seconds
• Prone Floor Angels x 60 seconds
• Down Dog Toe Touch x 60 seconds
• Foam Roller Thoracic Extensions x 60 seconds
• Side Kick Throughs x 60 seconds
• Hollow Body Hold x 60 seconds
THURSDAY: Upper Body Push / Pull
Workout Duration: 60-75 minutes


• Walkouts x 10
• Band Pass Throughs x 15
• Superman Hold to Push Up x 10
• Band Pull Aparts x 15
• Band In Front / Behind the Neck Press x 10


Perform all reps and sets of each movement before moving on to the next. 2-5
minutes REST in between the strength sets. 90-120 seconds REST in between
the other movements. Go as heavy as possible while maintaining perfect form!

• Weighted Pull Ups 3-5 x 5

• Barbell Tempo Bench Press 3-4 x 8 (4:2:1 tempo)
• DB Bench Supported Alternating Arm Row 3-4 x 10 (each arm)
• DB Close Grip Bench Press 3-4 x 12

REST 2-3 minutes then start your finisher

FINISHER: Perform 10 pull ups then 10 weighted push ups. 9 pull ups then 9
weighted push ups. 8 pull ups then 8 weighted push ups. Continue to subtract 1
rep every set until you have completed 1 rep of each movement. Do this as fast
as possible while maintaining perfect technique!

• Pull Ups
• Weighted Push Ups


• Box / Bench Lat Stretch x 60-90 seconds (each side)

• Pigeon Stretch w/ T Frame x 60-90 seconds (each side)
• Scorpions 60-90 seconds
FRIDAY: Full Body
Workout Duration: 60 minutes


• Inch Worm Push Ups x 10

• Band Pass Through x 15
• Foam Roller Lying Scap Openers x 10 (each side)
• Double Band Glute Bridge w/ 2 second hold x 15
• World's Greatest Stretch x 5 (each side)


Strength: KB Turkish Get Up 5 x 1 (1 on each side)

Rest 2-3 minutes in between sets

REST 2-3 minutes then start the kettlebell complex

Kettlebell Complex: 6-8 Sets / 1-2 minutes rest in between sets

*Perform 1 deadlift, 1 row, 1 clean, 1 thruster. That’s 1 rep. Complete 5 reps with
out resting

• Deadlift
• Row
• Clean
• Thruster

REST 2-3 minutes then start your core finisher


Set a timer for 6 minutes. Perform as many rounds or reps of the movements
below in 6 minutes. Rest as little as possible!

• Skier Hops x 10 (5 each side)

• Tuck Ups x 10
• Toe Touchers x 10


• Spider Lunge Stretch x 60-90 seconds (each side)

• Down Dog to Arch x 60-90 seconds
• Pigeon Stretch w/ reaches x 60-90 seconds (each side)
SATURDAY: Cardio / Core / Mobility
Workout Duration: 30-45 minutes


This workout is to be done in a circuit. No rest in between movements.

Rest 60 seconds once you finish the entire circuit. 3 sets

3 SETS / 60 seconds rest in between sets

*You choose what form of cardio you want to do each set. Just choose
one per set. I've listed a few options below.

• 3-5 Minutes of rowing, assault bike, jump rope, ski erg or running
• Pike Fold to Squat Hold x 60 seconds
• Pike Fold to Squat Hold x 60 seconds
• Prone Floor Angels x 60 seconds
• Down Dog Toe Touch x 60 seconds
• Foam Roller Thoracic Extensions x 60 seconds
• Side Kick Throughs x 60 seconds
• Superman Lifts x 60 seconds
Workout Duration: 60-75 minutes


• Lateral Band Walk x 25 (each side)

• Lunge w/ Psoas Reach x 10 (each side)
• Pike Fold to Squat Hold x 10
• Double Band Glute Bridge w/ 2 second hold x 15
• Jumping Spider Lunge T Frame x 10 (each side)


Perform all reps and sets of each movement before moving on to the next. 2-5
minutes REST in between the strength sets. 90-120 seconds REST in between
the other movements. Go as heavy as possible while maintaining perfect form!

• Barbell Deadlift 3-4 x 5

• KB or Barbell Front Squat w/ 4 second negative 3-4 x 8
• Barbell or DB RDL 2 Position Deadlift 3-4 x 8
• Barbell Deficit Back Lunge (4 inch deficit) 3-4 x 10 (each leg)

REST 2-3 minutes then start your finisher

FINISHER: 5 SETS / 60 seconds REST in between sets

Perform deadlifts for 30 seconds immediately followed by 30 seconds of jump

• KB or DB Deadlift x 30 seconds
• Bodyweight Jump Squats x 30 seconds

REST 2-3 minutes then start your core work

CORE: Bench Leg Lift to Pulse 3-5 x 12-15 (slow tempo)

REST 60-90 seconds in between sets


• Spider Lunge Stretch x 60-90 seconds (each side)

• Banded Hamstring Stretch 60-90 seconds (each side)
• Pigeon Stretch w/ reaches x 60-90 seconds (each side)
TUESDAY: Full Body
Workout Duration: 60-75 minutes


• Inch Worm Push Up x 10

• Lunge w/ Psoas Reach x 10 (each side)
• Band In Front / Behind the Neck Press x 10
• Lateral Bear Crawl x 60 seconds
• High Knees x 60 seconds


Perform all reps and sets of each movement before moving on to the next. Go as
heavy as possible on the weighted movements while maintaining perfect form!

• KB or DB Farmers Carry 3-4 x 40 yards or 45 seconds

• KB Snatch Lunge 3-4 x 8 (each side)
• Single Arm Bodyweight Rows 3-4 x 8 (each side)
• L- Sit Hold 3-4 x Max Seconds
• DB or KB Push Up Renegade Row w/ 2 second hold 3-4 x 12 (6 each side)
• KB or DB Goblet Box Pistols 3-4 x 8 (each side)

REST 2-3 minutes then start your core finisher

CORE FINISHER: 6 SETS / 20 seconds of work / 10 seconds rest

Perform plank walks for 20 seconds followed by 10 seconds of rest. Perform
hollow body knee tucks for 20 seconds followed by 10 seconds of rest. Repeat for
6 sets. Rest as little as possible!

• Plank Walks
• Hollow Body Knee Tucks


• Band Hip Flexor / Lat Stretch x 60-90 seconds (each side)

• Child's Pose to Arch x 60-90 seconds
• Pigeon Stretch w/ T Frame x 60-90 seconds (each side)
WEDNESDAY: Cardio / Core / Mobility
Workout Duration: 30-45 minutes


This workout is to be done in a circuit. No rest in between movements.

Rest 60 seconds once you finish the entire circuit. 3 sets

3 SETS / 60 seconds rest in between sets

*You choose what form of cardio you want to do each set. Just choose
one per set. I've listed a few options below.

• 3-5 Minutes of rowing, assault bike, jump rope, ski erg or running
• Pike Fold to Squat Hold x 60 seconds
• Single Arm Plank Hold x 60 seconds (30 seconds each side)
• Squat Hold x 60 seconds
• Foam Roller Lying Scap Openers x 10 (each side)
• Candle Stick to Reach Through x 60 seconds
• Child’s Pose to Arch x 60 seconds
• Hollow Rocks x 60 seconds
THURSDAY: Upper Body Push / Pull
Workout Duration: 60-75 minutes


• Walkouts x 10
• Band Pass Throughs x 15
• Superman Hold to Push Up x 10
• Band Pull Aparts x 15
• Band In Front / Behind the Neck Press x 10


Perform all reps and sets of each movement before moving on to the next. 2-5
minutes REST in between the strength sets. 90-120 seconds REST in between
the other movements. Go as heavy as possible while maintaining perfect form!

• Barbell Bench Press 3-5 x 5

• DB Bench Supported Row w/ 2 second hold 3-4 x 10
• DB Single Arm Incline Bench Press 3-4 x 8 (each side)
• KB Gorilla Row 3-4 x 10 (each side)

REST 2-3 minutes then start your finisher


Set a timer for 10 minutes. Perform as many rounds or reps of the movements
below in 10 minutes. Rest as little as possible while maintaining perfect form!

• Chin Up x 5
• Dip to Knee Raise x 10


• Box / Bench Lat Stretch x 60-90 seconds (each side)

• Pigeon Stretch w/ T Frame x 60-90 seconds (each side)
• Scorpions 60-90 seconds
FRIDAY: Full Body
Workout Duration: 60 minutes


• Inch Worm Push Ups x 10

• Band Pass Through x 15
• Foam Roller Lying Scap Openers x 10 (each side)
• Double Band Glute Bridge w/ 2 second hold x 15
• World's Greatest Stretch x 5 (each side)


Strength: Barbell Step Up 5 x 5

Rest 2-5 minutes in between sets

REST 2-3 minutes then start the KB complex

Kettlebell Complex: 6-8 sets / 1-2 minutes rest in between sets

Body Clean to Snatch x 2 (each side)

Clean to Back Lunge x 4 (each side)
Burpee Squat Clean Thruster x 6

REST 2-3 minutes then get into your core work


Set a timer for 6 minutes. Perform as many rounds or reps of the movements
below in 6 minutes. Rest as little as possible!

• Plank Breakdowns x 10
• V Up x 10
• Hollow Body Hold x 10 seconds


• Spider Lunge Stretch x 60-90 seconds (each side)

• Child's Pose to Arch x 60-90 seconds
• Pigeon Stretch w/ reaches x 60-90 seconds (each side)
SATURDAY: Cardio / Core / Mobility
Workout Duration: 30-45 minutes


This workout is to be done in a circuit. No rest in between movements.

Rest 60 seconds once you finish the entire circuit. 3 sets

3 SETS / 60 seconds rest in between sets

*You choose what form of cardio you want to do each set. Just choose
one per set. I've listed a few options below.

• 3-5 Minutes of rowing, assault bike, jump rope, ski erg or running
• Pike Fold to Squat Hold x 60 seconds • Single Arm Plank
Hold x 60 seconds (30 seconds each side)
• Squat Hold x 60 seconds
• Foam Roller Lying Scap Openers x 10 (each side)
• Candle Stick to Reach Through x 60 seconds
• Child’s Pose to Arch x 60 seconds
• Superman Lift Complex x 60 seconds
Workout Duration: 60-75 minutes


• Lateral Band Walk x 25 (each side)

• Lunge w/ Psoas Reach x 10 (each side)
• Pike Fold to Squat Hold x 10
• Double Band Glute Bridge w/ 2 second hold x 15
• Jumping Spider Lunge T Frame x 10 (each side)


Perform all reps and sets of each movement before moving on to the next. 2-5
minutes REST in between the strength sets. 90-120 seconds REST in between
the other movements. Go as heavy as possible while maintaining perfect form!

• Barbell Box Squat 3-4 x 5

• Barbell Sumo Deadlift 3-4 x 8
• KB or DB Goblet Bench Pistol 3-4 x 10 (each leg)
• Barbell Kickstand Deadlift 3-4 x 8 (each leg)

REST 2-3 minutes then start the finisher

FINISHER: 3-4 SETS / 60-90 seconds REST in between sets

Perform kettlebell swings for 20 seconds followed by squat cleans for 20 seconds
followed by jumping deadlifts fro 20 seconds

• KB Swings x 20 seconds
• KB Squat Cleans x 20 seconds
• KB Jumping Deadlifts x 20 seconds

REST 2-3 minutes then start your core work

CORE: Band Pallof Press w/ Rotation 3-4 x 10 (each side)

REST 60-90 seconds in between sets


• Spider Lunge Stretch x 60-90 seconds (each side)

• Banded Hamstring Stretch 60-90 seconds (each side)
• Pigeon Stretch w/ reaches x 60-90 seconds (each side)
TUESDAY: Full Body
Workout Duration: 60-75 minutes


• Inch Worm Push Up x 10

• Lunge w/ Psoas Reach x 10 (each side)
• Band In Front / Behind the Neck Press x 10
• Lateral Bear Crawl x 60 seconds
• High Knees x 60 seconds


Perform all reps and sets of each movement before moving on to the next. Go as
heavy as possible on the weighted movements while maintaining perfect form!

• KB or DB S. Arm Farmers Carry 3-4 x 40 yards or 45 seconds (each arm)

• KB or DB Overhead Single Arm Step Up 3-4 x 10 (each side)
• Chin Up w/ 4 second negative 3-4 x Max Reps
• DB or KB Supported Hollow Body Flutter Kicks 3-4 x 60 seconds
• Explosive Push Up w/ 4 second negative 3-4 x Max Reps
• ISO Lunge Hammer Curls 3-4 x 10 (each side)

REST 2-3 minutes then start the core finisher

CORE FINISHER: 6 SETS / 20 seconds of work / 10 seconds rest

Perform plank reach to spider knees for 20 seconds followed by 10 seconds of
rest. Perform the V up complex for 20 seconds followed by 10 seconds of rest.
Repeat for 6 sets. Rest as little as possible!

• Plank Reach to Spider Knee

• V Up Complex


• Band Hip Flexor / Lat Stretch x 60-90 seconds (each side)

• Child's Pose to Arch x 60-90 seconds
• Pigeon Stretch w/ T Frame x 60-90 seconds (each side)
WEDNESDAY: Cardio / Core / Mobility
Workout Duration: 30-45 minutes


This workout is to be done in a circuit. No rest in between movements.

Rest 60 seconds once you finish the entire circuit. 3 sets

3 SETS / 60 seconds rest in between sets

*You choose what form of cardio you want to do each set. Just choose
one per set. I've listed a few options below.

• 3-5 Minutes of rowing, assault bike, jump rope, ski erg or running
• Pike Fold to Squat Hold x 60 seconds
• Pike Fold to Squat Hold x 60 seconds
• Prone Floor Angels x 60 seconds
• Down Dog Toe Touch x 60 seconds
• Foam Roller Thoracic Extensions x 60 seconds
• Side Kick Throughs x 60 seconds
• Hollow Body Hold x 60 seconds
THURSDAY: Upper Body Push / Pull
Workout Duration: 60-75 minutes


• Walkouts x 10
• Band Pass Throughs x 15
• Superman Hold to Push Up x 10
• Band Pull Aparts x 15
• Band In Front / Behind the Neck Press x 10


Perform all reps and sets of each movement before moving on to the next. 2-5
minutes REST in between the strength sets. 90-120 seconds REST in between
the other movements. Go as heavy as possible while maintaining perfect form!

• Weighted Chin Ups 3-5 x 5

• Barbell Incline Bench Press 3-4 x 12
• DB Plank Row 3-4 x 12 (each side)
• DB Close Grip Bench Press w/ 4 sec negative 3-4 x 12

REST 2-3 minutes then start your finisher

FINISHER: Perform 10 pull ups then 10 superman push ups. 9 pull ups then 9
superman push ups. 8 pull ups then 8 superman push ups. Continue to subtract 1
rep every set until you have completed 1 rep of each movement. Do this as fast
as possible while maintaining perfect technique!


• Pull Ups
• Superman Push Ups


• Box / Bench Lat Stretch x 60-90 seconds (each side)

• Pigeon Stretch w/ T Frame x 60-90 seconds (each side)
• Scorpions 60-90 seconds
FRIDAY: Full Body
Workout Duration: 60 minutes


• Inch Worm Push Ups x 10

• Band Pass Through x 15
• Foam Roller Lying Scap Openers x 10 (each side)
• Double Band Glute Bridge w/ 2 second hold x 15
• World's Greatest Stretch x 5 (each side)


Strength: Barbell Glute Bridge 5 x 5

Rest 2-5 minutes in between sets

REST 2-3 minutes then start the Kettlbell workout

KettleBell Complex: 6-8 sets with 1-2 minutes rest in between sets

*Perform 1 snatch, 1 row, 1 clean lunge, 1 kneeling press on the left arm. Then on the
right arm. Perform 3 full reps on each side, alternating sides, without resting.

• 1 Snatch
• 1 Row
• 1 Clean Lunge
• 1 Kneeling Press

REST 2-3 minutes then get into your core work


Set a timer for 6 minutes. Perform as many rounds or reps of the movements below in 6
minutes. Rest as little as possible!

• Plank Reaches x 10 (each side)

• Bridge Sit Up x 10
• Hollow Rock x 10


• Spider Lunge Stretch x 60-90 seconds (each side)

• Child's Pose to Arch x 60-90 seconds
• Pigeon Stretch w/ reaches x 60-90 seconds (each side)
SATURDAY: Cardio / Core / Mobility
Workout Duration: 30-45 minutes


This workout is to be done in a circuit. No rest in between movements.

Rest 60 seconds once you finish the entire circuit. 3 sets

3 SETS / 60 seconds rest in between sets

*You choose what form of cardio you want to do each set. Just choose
one per set. I've listed a few options below.

• 3-5 Minutes of rowing, assault bike, jump rope, ski erg or running
• Pike Fold to Squat Hold x 60 seconds
• Pike Fold to Squat Hold x 60 seconds
• Prone Floor Angels x 60 seconds
• Down Dog Toe Touch x 60 seconds
• Foam Roller Thoracic Extensions x 60 seconds
• Side Kick Throughs x 60 seconds
• Superman Lifts x 60 seconds
Workout Duration: 60-75 minutes


• Lateral Band Walk x 25 (each side)

• Lunge w/ Psoas Reach x 10 (each side)
• Pike Fold to Squat Hold x 10
• Double Band Glute Bridge w/ 2 second hold x 15
• Jumping Spider Lunge T Frame x 10 (each side)


Perform all reps and sets of each movement before moving on to the next. 2-5
minutes REST in between the strength sets. 90-120 seconds REST in between
the other movements. Go as heavy as possible while maintaining perfect form!

• Barbell Deadlift 3-4 x 5

• Barbell Back Squat w/ 4 second negative 3-4 x 8
• KB or DB Kickstand RDL Walk 3-4 x 10 (each side)
• Barbell Cossack Squat 3-4 x 8 (each side)

REST 2-3 minutes then start the finisher

FINISHER: 3-5 SETS / 45 seconds rest in between sets

Perform 10 jumping lunges on each leg followed by 10 jump squats then a 10
second isometric squat hold

• Jumping Lunge x 10 (each leg)

• Jump Squat x 10
• ISO Squat Hold x 10 seconds

REST 2-3 minutes then start your core work

CORE: Weighted Side Plank Lifts 3-5 x 15-20

REST 60-90 seconds in between sets


• Spider Lunge Stretch x 60-90 seconds (each side)

• Banded Hamstring Stretch 60-90 seconds (each side)
• Pigeon Stretch w/ reaches x 60-90 seconds (each side)
TUESDAY: Full Body
Workout Duration: 60-75


• Inch Worm Push Up x 10

• Lunge w/ Psoas Reach x 10 (each side)
• Band In Front / Behind the Neck Press x 10
• Lateral Bear Crawl x 60 seconds
• High Knees x 60 seconds


Perform all reps and sets of each movement before moving on to the next. Go as
heavy as possible on the weighted movements while maintaining perfect form!

• KB or DB S. Arm Farmers Carry 3-4 x 40 yards or 45 seconds (each arm)

• Barbell Clean + Press 3-4 x 8
• Single Arm Bodyweight Row 3-4 x 8 (each arm)
• Plank Skull Crushers 3-4 x 10-15
• KB or DB Single Arm Bridge Press 3-4 x 10 (each side)
• KB Front Rack Squat Get Ups 3-4 x 5 (each side)

REST 2-3 minutes then start the core finisher

CORE FINISHER: 6 SETS / 20 seconds of work / 10 seconds rest

Perform double mountain climbers for 20 seconds followed by 10 seconds of rest.
Perform hollow body scissor kicks for 20 seconds followed by 10 seconds of rest.
Repeat for 6 sets. Rest as little as possible!

• Double Mountain Climber

• Hollow Body Scissor Kicks


• Band Hip Flexor / Lat Stretch x 60-90 seconds (each side)

• Child's Pose to Arch x 60-90 seconds
• Pigeon Stretch w/ T Frame x 60-90 seconds (each side)
WEDNESDAY: Cardio / Core / Mobility
Workout Duration: 30-45 minutes


This workout is to be done in a circuit. No rest in between movements.

Rest 60 seconds once you finish the entire circuit. 3 sets

3 SETS / 60 seconds rest in between sets

*You choose what form of cardio you want to do each set. Just choose
one per set. I've listed a few options below.

• 3-5 Minutes of rowing, assault bike, jump rope, ski erg or running
• Pike Fold to Squat Hold x 60 seconds
• Single Arm Plank Hold x 60 seconds (30 seconds each side)
• Squat Hold x 60 seconds
• Foam Roller Lying Scap Openers x 10 (each side)
• Candle Stick to Reach Through x 60 seconds
• Child’s Pose to Arch x 60 seconds
• Hollow Rocks x 60 seconds
THURSDAY: Upper Body Push / Pull
Workout Duration: 60-75 minutes


• Walkouts x 10
• Band Pass Throughs x 15
• Superman Hold to Push Up x 10
• Band Pull Aparts x 15
• Band In Front / Behind the Neck Press x 10


Perform all reps and sets of each movement before moving on to the next. 2-5
minutes REST in between the strength sets. 90-120 seconds REST in between
the other movements. Go as heavy as possible while maintaining perfect form!

• Barbell Bench Press 3-5 x 5

• Barbell Supinated Close Grip Row 3-4 x 10
• Barbell Incline Bench Press w/ 4 second negative 3-4 x 8
• DB or KB Quadruped Row 3-4 x 10 (each side)

REST 2-3 minutes then start the finisher

FINISHER: 3-5 SETS / 60-90 seconds REST in between sets

• Chin Ups x 20 seconds

• KB Explosive Push Ups x 20 seconds
• Skier Hops x 20 seconds


• Box / Bench Lat Stretch x 60-90 seconds (each side)

• Pigeon Stretch w/ T Frame x 60-90 seconds (each side)
• Scorpions 60-90 seconds
FRIDAY: Full Body
Workout Duration: 60 minutes


• Inch Worm Push Ups x 10

• Band Pass Through x 15
• Foam Roller Lying Scap Openers x 10 (each side)
• Double Band Glute Bridge w/ 2 second hold x 15
• World's Greatest Stretch x 5 (each side)


Strength: Barbell Back Lunge 5 x 5

Rest 2-5 minutes in between sets

REST 2-3 minutes then start the Kettlebell workout

KB COMPLEX: 6-8 sets with 1-2 minutes rest in between sets

• Burpee Clean x 5
• Gorilla Row x 7
• Front Squat x 9

REST 2-3 minutes then start the core finisher


Set a timer for 6 minutes. Perform as many rounds or reps of the movements
below in 6 minutes. Rest as little as possible!

• Plank Walkouts x 10
• Side Plank Hip Lift x 10 (each side)
• Leg lifts x 10


• Spider Lunge Stretch x 60-90 seconds (each side)

• Child's Pose to Arch x 60-90 seconds
• Pigeon Stretch w/ reaches x 60-90 seconds (each side)
SATURDAY: Cardio / Core / Mobility
Workout Duration: 30-45 minutes


This workout is to be done in a circuit. No rest in between movements.

Rest 60 seconds once you finish the entire circuit. 3 sets

3 SETS / 60 seconds rest in between sets

*You choose what form of cardio you want to do each set. Just choose
one per set. I've listed a few options below.

• 3-5 Minutes of rowing, assault bike, jump rope, ski erg or running
• Pike Fold to Squat Hold x 60 seconds
• Single Arm Plank Hold x 60 seconds (30 seconds each side)
• Squat Hold x 60 seconds
• Foam Roller Lying Scap Openers x 10 (each side)
• Candle Stick to Reach Through x 60 seconds
• Child’s Pose to Arch x 60 seconds
• Superman Lift Complex x 60 seconds
Workout Duration: 60-75 minutes


• Monster Walks x 15 (15 froward then 15 backward)

• Spider Lunge T Frame Crawl x 10 (each side)
• Cossack Stretch x 10 (each side)
• Single Leg Bridge x 15 (each side)
• Body Clean x 5-8


Perform all reps and sets of each movement before moving on to the next. 2-5
minutes REST in between the strength sets. 90-120 seconds REST in between
the other movements. Go as heavy as possible while maintaining perfect form!

• Barbell Front Squat 3-4 x 5

• Barbell Sumo Deadlift 3-4 x 10
• DB or KB Heels Elevated Goblet Squat w/ pause 3-4 x 10
• DB or KB Single Leg RDL w/ 4 sec negative to kickstand 3-4 x 6 (each side)

REST 2-3 minutes then start the finisher

FINISHER: Perform 10 goblet squats then 10 burpees. 9 goblet squats then 9

burpees. 8 goblet squats then 8 burpees. Continue to subtract 1 rep every set
until you have completed 1 rep of each movement. Do this as fast as possible
while maintaining perfect technique!

• Goblet Squats
• Burpees

REST 2-3 minutes then start your core work

CORE: Ab Rollouts w/ 2 sec pause 3-4 x 8-12

REST 60-90 seconds in between sets


• Band Hip / Lat Stretch x 60-90 seconds (each side)

• Band V Stretch 60-90 seconds
• Adductor Stretch x 60-90 seconds (each side)
TUESDAY: Full Body
Workout Duration: 60-75 minutes


• Monster Walks x 15 (15 forward then 15 backward)

• Superman Hold to Push Up x 12
• Stretch Kick to Lunge x 10 (each leg)
• Scap Pull Ups x 15
• Body Clean to Tuck Jump x 5-8


Perform all reps and sets of each movement before moving on to the next. Go as
heavy as possible on the weighted movements while maintaining perfect form!

• KB or DB Front Rack Carry 3-4 x 40 yards or 45 seconds

• KB Clean + Cossack Squat + Rotational Press 3-4 x 8 (each side)
• Pull Ups w/ 4 second negative 3-4 x Max Reps
• Weighted Side Plank Lifts 3-4 x 15-20 (each side)
• DB Push Up Renegade Row to Reverse Fly 3-4 x 12 (6 each side)
• KB Burpee Clean + Front Squat 3-4 x 10

REST 2-3 minutes then start the finisher

CORE FINISHER: 6 SETS / 20 seconds of work / 10 seconds rest

Perform twisting mountain climbers for 20 seconds followed by 10 seconds of
rest. Perform V Ups for 20 seconds followed by 10 seconds of rest. Repeat for 6
sets. Rest as little as possible!

• Twisting Mountain Climbers

• Bridge Sit Ups


• Child's Pose Reach Through x 45-60 seconds (each side)

• Band Tricep Stretch x 60-90 seconds (each side)
• QL Stretch 45-60 seconds (each side)
WEDNESDAY: Cardio / Core / Mobility
Workout Duration: 30-45 minutes


This workout is to be done in a circuit. No rest in between movements.

Rest 60 seconds once you finish the entire circuit. 3 sets

3 SETS / 60 seconds rest in between sets

*You choose what form of cardio you want to do each set. Just choose
one per set. I've listed a few options below.

• 3-5 Minutes of rowing, assault bike, jump rope, ski erg or running
• Pike Fold to Squat Hold x 60 seconds
• Pike Fold to Squat Hold x 60 seconds
• Prone Floor Angels x 60 seconds
• Down Dog Toe Touch x 60 seconds
• Foam Roller Thoracic Extensions x 60 seconds
• Side Kick Throughs x 60 seconds
• Hollow Body Hold x 60 seconds
THURSDAY: Upper Body Push / Pull
Workout Duration: 60-75 minutes


• Band Pass Throughs x 15

• Scap Pull Ups x 15
• Swimmer Push Ups x 15
• Bent Row to External Rotation x 10
• Plank Reaches x 60 seconds


Perform all reps and sets of each movement before moving on to the next. 2-5
minutes REST in between the strength sets. 90-120 seconds REST in between
the other movements. Go as heavy as possible while maintaining perfect form!

• Weighted Pull Up 3-5 x 5

• DB or KB Single Arm Incline Bench Press 3-4 x 8
• DB Bench Supported Single Arm Row 3-4 x 10 (each side)
• Barbell Bench Press w/ 4 second negative 3-4 x 8

REST 2-3 minutes then start the finisher

FINISHER: Perform 10 pull ups then 10 weighted push ups. 9 pull ups then 9
weighted push ups. 8 pull ups then 8 weighted push ups. Continue to subtract 1
rep every set until you have completed 1 rep of each movement. Do this as fast
as possible while maintaining perfect technique!

• Pull Ups
• Weighted Push Ups


• Box / Bench Lat Stretch x 60-90 seconds

• Pec Stretch x 60-90 seconds
• Pigeon Stretch w/ T Frame x 60-90 seconds (each side)
FRIDAY: Full Body
Workout Duration: 60 minutes


• Push Up Spider Lunge T Frame x 8

• Monster Walks x 15 (15 forward then 15 backwards)
• Scap Pull Ups x 15
• Body Clean to Vertical Jump x 5-8
• Kettle Bell Swings x 25


Strength: KB Turkish Get Up 5 x 1 (1 on each side)

Rest 2-3 minutes in between sets

REST 2-3 minutes then start the Kettlebell workout

KB COMPLEX: 6-8 sets with 1-2 minutes rest in between sets

• Overhead Lunge x 5 (each side)

• Double Clean + Front Squat x 5
• Sea Saw Press x 5 (each side)
• Renegade Row x 5 (each side)

REST 2-3 minutes then start the core finisher


Set a timer for 6 minutes. Perform as many rounds or reps of the movements
below in 6 minutes. Rest as little as possible!

• Skier Hops x 10 (5 each side)

• Tuck Ups x 10
• Toe Touchers x 10


• Child's Pose to Arch x 60-90 seconds

• Foam Roller Thoracic Extensions x 60-90 seconds
• Adductor Stretch x 60-90 seconds (each side)
SATURDAY: Cardio / Core / Mobility
Workout Duration: 30-45 minutes


This workout is to be done in a circuit. No rest in between movements.

Rest 60 seconds once you finish the entire circuit. 3 sets

3 SETS / 60 seconds rest in between sets

*You choose what form of cardio you want to do each set. Just choose
one per set. I've listed a few options below.

• 3-5 Minutes of rowing, assault bike, jump rope, ski erg or running
• Pike Fold to Squat Hold x 60 seconds
• Pike Fold to Squat Hold x 60 seconds
• Prone Floor Angels x 60 seconds
• Down Dog Toe Touch x 60 seconds
• Foam Roller Thoracic Extensions x 60 seconds
• Side Kick Throughs x 60 seconds
• Superman Lifts x 60 seconds
Workout Duration: 60-75 minutes


• Monster Walks x 15 (15 froward then 15 backward)

• Spider Lunge T Frame Crawl x 10 (each side)
• Cossack Stretch x 10 (each side)
• Single Leg Bridge x 15 (each side)
• Body Clean x 5-8


Perform all reps and sets of each movement before moving on to the next. 2-5
minutes REST in between the strength sets. 90-120 seconds REST in between
the other movements. Go as heavy as possible while maintaining perfect form!

• Barbell Sumo Deadlift 3-4 x 5

• Barbell Step Up 3-4 x 8 (each leg)
• KB or DB Kickstand RDL Walk 3-4 x 10 (each leg)
• DB or KB Heels Elevated Goblet Squat w/ pause 3-4 x 12

REST 2-3 minutes then start the finisher

FINISHER: 5 SETS / 60 seconds REST in between sets

Perform deadlifts for 30 seconds immediately followed by 30 seconds of jump

• KB or DB Deadlift x 30 seconds
• Bodyweight Jump Squats x 30 seconds

REST 2-3 minutes then start your core work

CORE: Band Pallof Press to Rotation 3-4 x 10 (each side)

REST 60-90 seconds in between sets


• Band Hip / Lat Stretch x 60-90 seconds (each side)

• Band V Stretch 60-90 seconds
• Adductor Stretch x 60-90 seconds (each side)
TUESDAY: Full Body
Workout Duration: 60-75 minutes


• Monster Walks x 15 (15 forward then 15 backward)

• Superman Hold to Push Up x 12
• Stretch Kick to Lunge x 10 (each leg)
• Scap Pull Ups x 15
• Body Clean to Tuck Jump x 5-8


Perform all reps and sets of each movement before moving on to the next. Go as
heavy as possible on the weighted movements while maintaining perfect form!

• KB or DB Front Rack Carry 3-4 x 40 yards or 45 seconds

• DB Burpee Snatch 3-4 x 6 (each side)
• Single Arm Bodyweight Rows 3-4 x 10
• KB or DB Supported Hollow Body Scissor Kicks 3-4 x 60 seconds
• KB or DB Single Leg Bridge Press 3-4 x 8 (each side)
• KB Squat Clean to Step Up 3-4 x 8 (4 step ups total on each leg)

REST 2-3 minutes then start the core finisher

CORE FINISHER: 6 SETS / 20 seconds of work / 10 seconds rest

Perform plank walks for 20 seconds followed by 10 seconds of rest. Perform
hollow body knee tucks for 20 seconds followed by 10 seconds of rest. Repeat for
6 sets. Rest as little as possible!

• Plank Walks
• Hollow Body Knee Tucks


• Child's Pose Reach Through x 45-60 seconds (each side)

• Band Tricep Stretch x 60-90 seconds (each side)
• QL Stretch 45-60 seconds (each side)
WEDNESDAY: Cardio / Core / Mobility
Workout Duration: 30-45 minutes


This workout is to be done in a circuit. No rest in between movements.

Rest 60 seconds once you finish the entire circuit. 3 sets

3 SETS / 60 seconds rest in between sets

*You choose what form of cardio you want to do each set. Just choose
one per set. I've listed a few options below.

• 3-5 Minutes of rowing, assault bike, jump rope, ski erg or running
• Pike Fold to Squat Hold x 60 seconds
• Single Arm Plank Hold x 60 seconds (30 seconds each side)
• Squat Hold x 60 seconds
• Foam Roller Lying Scap Openers x 10 (each side)
• Candle Stick to Reach Through x 60 seconds
• Child’s Pose to Arch x 60 seconds
• Hollow Rocks x 60 seconds
THURSDAY: Upper Body Push / Pull
Workout Duration: 60-75 minutes


• Band Pass Throughs x 15

• Scap Pull Ups x 15
• Swimmer Push Ups x 15
• Bent Row to External Rotation x 10
• Plank Reaches x 60 seconds


Perform all reps and sets of each movement before moving on to the next. 2-5
minutes REST in between the strength sets. 90-120 seconds REST in between
the other movements. Go as heavy as possible while maintaining perfect form!

• Barbell Bench Press w/ 2 second pause 3-5 x 5

• DB Bench 2 for 1 Row 3-4 x 6
• DB Close Grip Bench Press w/ 4 sec negative 3-4 x 12
• DB or KB Quadruped Row 3-4 x 12 (each side)


Set a timer for 10 minutes. Perform as many rounds or reps of the movements
below in 10 minutes. Rest as little as possible while maintaining perfect form!

• Chin Up x 5
• Dip to Knee Raise x 10


• Box / Bench Lat Stretch x 60-90 seconds

• Pec Stretch x 60-90 seconds
• Pigeon Stretch w/ T Frame x 60-90 seconds (each side)
FRIDAY: Full Body
Workout Duration: 60 minutes


• Push Up Spider Lunge T Frame x 8

• Monster Walks x 15 (15 forward then 15 backwards)
• Scap Pull Ups x 15
• Body Clean to Vertical Jump x 5-8
• Kettle Bell Swings x 25


Strength: Barbell Deficit Back Lunge 5 x 5 (4 inch deficit)

Rest 2-5 minutes in between sets

REST 2-3 minutes then start the Kettlebell workout

KB COMPLEX: 6-8 SETS / 1-2 minutes REST in between sets

Perform all reps on one arm then all reps on the other arm. Rest as little as

• Burpee Snatch x 3
• Single Leg RDL x 5
• Thruster x 7

REST 2-3 minutes then get into your core work


Set a timer for 6 minutes. Perform as many rounds or reps of the movements below in 6
minutes. Rest as little as possible!

• Plank Breakdowns x 10
• V Up x 10
• Hollow Body Hold x 10 seconds


• Child's Pose to Arch x 60-90 seconds

• Foam Roller Thoracic Extensions x 60-90 seconds
• Adductor Stretch x 60-90 seconds (each side)
SATURDAY: Cardio / Core / Mobility
Workout Duration: 30-45 minutes


This workout is to be done in a circuit. No rest in between movements.

Rest 60 seconds once you finish the entire circuit. 3 sets

3 SETS / 60 seconds rest in between sets

*You choose what form of cardio you want to do each set. Just choose
one per set. I've listed a few options below.

• 3-5 Minutes of rowing, assault bike, jump rope, ski erg or running
• Pike Fold to Squat Hold x 60 seconds
• Single Arm Plank Hold x 60 seconds (30 seconds each side)
• Squat Hold x 60 seconds
• Foam Roller Lying Scap Openers x 10 (each side)
• Candle Stick to Reach Through x 60 seconds
• Child’s Pose to Arch x 60 seconds
• Superman Lift Complex x 60 seconds
Workout Duration: 60-75 minutes


• Monster Walks x 15 (15 froward then 15 backward)

• Spider Lunge T Frame Crawl x 10 (each side)
• Cossack Stretch x 10 (each side)
• Single Leg Bridge x 15 (each side)
• Body Clean x 5-8


Perform all reps and sets of each movement before moving on to the next. 2-5
minutes REST in between the strength sets. 90-120 seconds REST in between
the other movements. Go as heavy as possible while maintaining perfect form!

• Barbell Front Squat 3-4 x 5

• Barbell Sumo Deadlift 3-4 x 8
• Barbell Deficit Back Lunge (4 inch deficit) 3-4 x 8 (each leg)
• KB or Barbell 2 Position Deadlift 3-4 x 8

REST 2-3 minutes then start the finisher

FINISHER: 3-4 SETS / 60-90 seconds REST in between sets

Perform kettlebell swings for 20 seconds followed by squat cleans for 20 seconds
followed by jumping deadlifts fro 20 seconds

• KB Swings x 20 seconds
• KB Squat Cleans x 20 seconds
• KB Jumping Deadlifts x 20 seconds

REST 2-3 minutes the start your core work

CORE: Band Pallof Press to Rotation 3-4 x 10 (each side)

REST 60-90 seconds in between sets


• Band Hip / Lat Stretch x 60-90 seconds (each side)

• Band V Stretch 60-90 seconds
• Adductor Stretch x 60-90 seconds (each side)
TUESDAY: Full Body
Workout Duration: 60-75 minutes


• Monster Walks x 15 (15 forward then 15 backward)

• Superman Hold to Push Up x 12
• Stretch Kick to Lunge x 10 (each leg)
• Scap Pull Ups x 15
• Body Clean to Tuck Jump x 5-8


Perform all reps and sets of each movement before moving on to the next. Go as
heavy as possible on the weighted movements while maintaining perfect form!

• KB or DB S. Arm Overhead Farmers Carry 3-4 x 40 yards or 45 seconds

• KB Burpee Clean to Push Press 3-4 x 10
• Chin Up w/ 4 second negative 3-4 x Max Reps
• Dip Bar Leg Lifts 3-4 x 10-15
• Weighted Push Ups w/ 4 second negative 3-4 x max reps
• DB Hammer Curl Lunge Switch 3-4 x 8 (each side)

REST 2-3 minutes then start the core finisher

CORE FINISHER: 6 SETS / 20 seconds of work / 10 seconds rest

Perform plank reach to spider knees for 20 seconds followed by 10 seconds of
rest. Perform the V up complex for 20 seconds followed by 10 seconds of rest.
Repeat for 6 sets. Rest as little as possible!

• Plank Reach to Spider Knee

• V Up Complex


• Child's Pose Reach Through x 45-60 seconds (each side)

• Band Tricep Stretch x 60-90 seconds (each side)
• QL Stretch 45-60 seconds (each side)
WEDNESDAY: Cardio / Core / Mobility
Workout Duration: 30-45 minutes


This workout is to be done in a circuit. No rest in between movements.

Rest 60 seconds once you finish the entire circuit. 3 sets

3 SETS / 60 seconds rest in between sets

*You choose what form of cardio you want to do each set. Just choose
one per set. I've listed a few options below.

• 3-5 Minutes of rowing, assault bike, jump rope, ski erg or running
• Pike Fold to Squat Hold x 60 seconds
• Pike Fold to Squat Hold x 60 seconds
• Prone Floor Angels x 60 seconds
• Down Dog Toe Touch x 60 seconds
• Foam Roller Thoracic Extensions x 60 seconds
• Side Kick Throughs x 60 seconds
• Hollow Body Hold x 60 seconds
THURSDAY: Upper Body Push / Pull
Workout Duration: 60-75 minutes


• Band Pass Throughs x 15

• Scap Pull Ups x 15
• Swimmer Push Ups x 15
• Bent Row to External Rotation x 10
• Plank Reaches x 60 seconds


Perform all reps and sets of each movement before moving on to the next. 2-5
minutes REST in between the strength sets. 90-120 seconds REST in between
the other movements. Go as heavy as possible while maintaining perfect form!

• Weighted Chin Ups 3-5 x 5

• Barbell Tempo Bench Press 3-4 x 8 (4:2:1 tempo)
• DB Plank Row 3-4 x 12 (each side)
• DB Single Arm Bench Press 3-4 x 10

REST 2-3 minutes then start the finisher

FINISHER: Perform 10 pull ups then 10 superman push ups. 9 pull ups then 9
superman push ups. 8 pull ups then 8 superman push ups. Continue to subtract 1
rep every set until you have completed 1 rep of each movement. Do this as fast
as possible while maintaining perfect technique!


• Pull Ups
• Superman Push Ups


• Box / Bench Lat Stretch x 60-90 seconds

• Pec Stretch x 60-90 seconds
• Pigeon Stretch w/ T Frame x 60-90 seconds (each side)
FRIDAY: Full Body
Workout Duration: 60 minutes


• Push Up Spider Lunge T Frame x 8

• Monster Walks x 15 (15 forward then 15 backwards)
• Scap Pull Ups x 15
• Body Clean to Vertical Jump x 5-8
• Kettle Bell Swings x 25


Strength: Barbell Glute Bridge w/ 2 second pause 5 x 5

Rest 2-5 minutes in between sets

REST 2-3 minutes then start the Kettlebell workout

KettleBell Workout: Perform 6-8 sets with 1-2 minutes rest in between sets

Lunge Switch Clean + Press x 3 (each side)

Explosive Push Ups x 6 (each side)
Jumping Deadlift x 9

REST 2-3 minutes then get into your core work


Set a timer for 6 minutes. Perform as many rounds or reps of the movements
below in 6 minutes. Rest as little as possible!

• Plank Reaches x 10 (each side)

• Bridge Sit Up x 10
• Hollow Rock x 10


• Child's Pose to Arch x 60-90 seconds

• Foam Roller Thoracic Extensions x 60-90 seconds
• Adductor Stretch x 60-90 seconds (each side)
SATURDAY: Cardio / Core / Mobility
Workout Duration: 30-45 minutes


This workout is to be done in a circuit. No rest in between movements.

Rest 60 seconds once you finish the entire circuit. 3 sets

3 SETS / 60 seconds rest in between sets

*You choose what form of cardio you want to do each set. Just choose
one per set. I've listed a few options below.

• 3-5 Minutes of rowing, assault bike, jump rope, ski erg or running
• Pike Fold to Squat Hold x 60 seconds
• Pike Fold to Squat Hold x 60 seconds
• Prone Floor Angels x 60 seconds
• Down Dog Toe Touch x 60 seconds
• Foam Roller Thoracic Extensions x 60 seconds
• Side Kick Throughs x 60 seconds
• Superman Lifts x 60 seconds
Workout Duration: 60-75 minutes


• Monster Walks x 15 (15 froward then 15 backward)

• Spider Lunge T Frame Crawl x 10 (each side)
• Cossack Stretch x 10 (each side)
• Single Leg Bridge x 15 (each side)
• Body Clean x 5-8


Perform all reps and sets of each movement before moving on to the next. 2-5
minutes REST in between the strength sets. 90-120 seconds REST in between
the other movements. Go as heavy as possible while maintaining perfect form!

• Barbell Sumo Deadlift 3-4 x 5

• Barbell or KB Front Squat w/ 4 second negative 3-4 x 8
• Barbell or KB Single Leg RDL w/ 4 sec negative 3-4 x 8 (each side)
• KB or DB Goblet Bench Pistols 3-4 x 8 (each side)

FINISHER: 3-5 SETS / 45 seconds rest in between sets

Perform 10 jumping lunges on each leg followed by 10 jump squats then a 10
seconds isometric squat hold

• Jumping Lunge x 10 (each leg)

• Jump Squat x 10
• ISO Squat Hold x 10 seconds

CORE: Weighted Side Plank Lifts 3-5 x 15-20

REST 60-90 seconds in between sets


• Band Hip / Lat Stretch x 60-90 seconds (each side)

• Band V Stretch 60-90 seconds
• Adductor Stretch x 60-90 seconds (each side)
TUESDAY: Full Body
Workout Duration: 60-75 minutes


• Monster Walks x 15 (15 forward then 15 backward)

• Superman Hold to Push Up x 12
• Stretch Kick to Lunge x 10 (each leg)
• Scap Pull Ups x 15
• Body Clean to Tuck Jump x 5-8


Perform all reps and sets of each movement before moving on to the next. Go as
heavy as possible on the weighted movements while maintaining perfect form!

• KB or DB S. Arm Overhead Farmers Carry 3-4 x 40 yards or 45 seconds

• KB Lunge Switch Clean + Press 3-4 x 8 (each side)
• Horizontal Bodyweight Row w/ 2 second hold 3-4 x 10-12
• Side Plank Star Lifts 3-4 x 10-20 (each side)
• KB or DB Feet Elevated Push Up Renegade Row 3-4 x 5-8
• KB Jumping Deadlift to Squat Clean 3-4 x 10

REST 2-3 minutes then start the core finisher

CORE FINISHER: 6 SETS / 20 seconds of work / 10 seconds rest

Perform double mountain climbers for 20 seconds followed by 10 seconds of rest.
Perform hollow body scissor kicks for 20 seconds followed by 10 seconds of rest.
Repeat for 6 sets. Rest as little as possible!

• Double Mountain Climber

• Hollow Body Scissor Kicks


• Child's Pose Reach Through x 45-60 seconds (each side)

• Band Tricep Stretch x 60-90 seconds (each side)
• QL Stretch 45-60 seconds (each side)
WEDNESDAY: Cardio / Core / Mobility
Workout Duration: 30-45 minutes


This workout is to be done in a circuit. No rest in between movements.

Rest 60 seconds once you finish the entire circuit. 3 sets

3 SETS / 60 seconds rest in between sets

*You choose what form of cardio you want to do each set. Just choose
one per set. I've listed a few options below.

• 3-5 Minutes of rowing, assault bike, jump rope, ski erg or running
• Pike Fold to Squat Hold x 60 seconds
• Single Arm Plank Hold x 60 seconds (30 seconds each side)
• Squat Hold x 60 seconds
• Foam Roller Lying Scap Openers x 10 (each side)
• Candle Stick to Reach Through x 60 seconds
• Child’s Pose to Arch x 60 seconds
• Hollow Rocks x 60 seconds
THURSDAY: Upper Body Push / Pull
Workout Duration: 60-75 minutes


• Band Pass Throughs x 15

• Scap Pull Ups x 15
• Swimmer Push Ups x 15
• Bent Row to External Rotation x 10
• Plank Reaches x 60 seconds


Perform all reps and sets of each movement before moving on to the next. 2-5
minutes REST in between the strength sets. 90-120 seconds REST in between
the other movements. Go as heavy as possible while maintaining perfect form!

• Barbell Bench Press w/ 2 second pause 3-5 x 5

• Barbell Supinated Close Grip Bent Row 3-4 x 10
• DB Single Arm Incline Bench Press 3-4 x 10
• KB Gorilla Row 3-4 x 10 (each side)

REST 2-3 minutes then start the finisher

FINISHER: 3-5 SETS / 60 seconds REST in between sets

• Chin Ups x 20 seconds

• KB Explosive Push Ups x 20 seconds
• Skier Hops x 20 seconds


• Box / Bench Lat Stretch x 60-90 seconds

• Pec Stretch x 60-90 seconds
• Pigeon Stretch w/ T Frame x 60-90 seconds (each side)
FRIDAY: Full Body
Workout Duration: 60 minutes


• Push Up Spider Lunge T Frame x 8

• Monster Walks x 15 (15 forward then 15 backwards)
• Scap Pull Ups x 15
• Body Clean to Vertical Jump x 5-8
• Kettle Bell Swings x 25


Strength: Barbell Step Up 5 x 5

Rest 2-5 minutes in between sets

REST 2-3 minutes then start the Kettlebell workout

KB COMPLEX: 6-8 SETS / 1-2 Minutes REST

• Thruster x 5
• Gorilla Row to Deadlift x 5
• Sea Saw Press x 5 (each side)
• Burpee Double Swing x 5

REST 2-3 minutes then get into your core work


Set a timer for 6 minutes. Perform as many rounds or reps of the movements
below in 6 minutes. Rest as little as possible!

• Plank Walkouts x 10
• Side Plank Hip Lift x 10 (each side)
• Leg Lifts x 10


• Child's Pose to Arch x 60-90 seconds

• Foam Roller Thoracic Extensions x 60-90 seconds
• Adductor Stretch x 60-90 seconds (each side)
SATURDAY: Cardio / Core / Mobility
Workout Duration: 30-45 minutes


This workout is to be done in a circuit. No rest in between movements.

Rest 60 seconds once you finish the entire circuit. 3 sets

3 SETS / 60 seconds rest in between sets

*You choose what form of cardio you want to do each set. Just choose
one per set. I've listed a few options below.

• 3-5 Minutes of rowing, assault bike, jump rope, ski erg or running
• Pike Fold to Squat Hold x 60 seconds
• Single Arm Plank Hold x 60 seconds (30 seconds each side)
• Squat Hold x 60 seconds
• Foam Roller Lying Scap Openers x 10 (each side)
• Candle Stick to Reach Through x 60 seconds
• Child’s Pose to Arch x 60 seconds
• Superman Lift Complex x 60 seconds
Congrats on completing
The Functional Method 2.0!

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