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Aggregate planning -

San Aziz
Example 1
Example 1

A large distribution center must develop a staffing plan that minimizes the
total cost using part-time workers. Use chase and level strategy and
compute the total cost. Inputs
Period 1 2 3 4 5 6

Forecasted demand (Number of part-time workers 6 12 18 15 13 14

• Each period is 20 hours.

• From the beginning manager has 10 part-time workers.

• The distribution center can hire new part-time workers in any period, but no more
than 10.

• Overtime can not exceed 20 percent of the regular time (that is 4 hour) in any period.

• The following costs can be assigned:

• Regular time: 2000 dollars per period (period = 20 hour).

• Overtime: 150 percent of the regular time.
• Hires: 1000 dollar per person.
• Layoffs: 500 dollars per person.
Example 1: Chase strategy

Level strategy Chase strategy

Work undertime and Hiring and laying off
overtime to keep workers, depending
workers. on the demand.
Example 1: Chase strategy

Period 1 2 3 4 5 6

Forecasted demand (Number of part-time workers 6 12 18 15 13 14

Actual data
The manager needs to Number of workers 6 12 18 15 13 14
layoff 4 workers, because Hires 6 6 1 The manager
she has 10 workers from Layoffs 4 3 2 needs to hire 6
start. workers,
because she
Salary 12000 24000 36000 30000 26000 28000
has 6 from the
Hiring cost 6000 6000 1000 previous
Layoff cost 2000 1500 1000 period.

Regular time: 2000 dollars per

Total cost 14000 30000 42000 31500 27000 29000 $ 173 500,00
period(period = 20 hour).

Overtime: 150 percent of the regular


Hires: 1000 dollar per person.

Layoffs: 500 dollars per person.

Example 1: Level strategy

Level strategy Chase strategy

Work undertime and Hiring and laying off
overtime to keep workers, depending
workers. on the demand.
Type of costs:
Layoff cost and
hiring cost
Example 1: Level strategy

Period 1 2 3 4 5 6

Forecasted demand (Number of part-time workers 6 12 18 15 13 14

• Each period is 20 hours.

• From the beginning manager has 10 part-time workers.

• She wants to minimize undertime in this level strategy.

• Maximize overtime in order to minimize undertime.

• Overtime can not exceed 20 percent of the regular time (that is 4 hour) in any

• The maximum use of overtime possible must occur in the peak period.

18/1,20 = 15 15 workers in all periods will maximize overtime

and minimize undertime for this level strategy.
Example 1: Level strategy
Overtime is 3, because Undertime is 2, because
the manager has 15 the manager has 15
Undertime is 3, because workers and the demand workers and the demand
the manager has 15 is 18. is 13.
workers and the demand Peak.
is 12. Inputs
Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 Undertime is
1, because the
Forecasted demand (Number of part-time workers 6 12 18 15 13 14 manager has
15 workers
Actual data and the
15 workers for all periods. Number of workers 6 12 15 15 13 14 demand is 14.
The manager starts with Hires 5
10 workers, therefore she Layoffs
needs to hire 5. She has Undertime 9 3 2 1
Overtime 3
now 15 workers.
Undertime is 9. Because the Salary 12000 24000 30000 30000 26000 28000
number of workers is now Undertime
Overtime 9000
15 and the demand is 6.
Hiring cost 5000
Regular time: 2000 dollars per Layoff cost
period(period = 20 hour).

Overtime: 150 percent of the regular time. Total cost 17000 24000 39000 30000 26000 28000 $ 164 000,00

Hires: 1000 dollar per person.

Layoffs: 500 dollars per person.

Example 2
Example 2
A General Motors Buick plant manufactures several Quarter 1 2 3 4
Buick models.
Demand, number of cars 10000 12000 9000 11000

● The plant can produce 25 cars per quarter for each


● Workers receive $15,000 per quarter.

● It costs $7,000 to hire and train a new worker and

$10,000 to layoff a worker.

● GM has 480 workers on staff and 2000 cars in

inventory from start.

● Any cars in inventory at the end of a quarter has a

holding cost of $1,000.

Construct an aggregate plan for the next four quarters

using the chase and level strategies and compute their
total costs.
Example 2: Chase strategy

Level strategy Chase strategy

Work undertime and Hiring and laying off
overtime to keep workers, depending
workers. on the demand.
Example 2: Chase strategy
Quarter 0 1 2 3 4

Demand, number of cars 10000 12000 9000 11000

Planned number of workers 400 480 360 440

Actual data
Production 8000 12000 9000 11000
Number of workers 480 320 480 360 440
25 cars per worker.
Hires 160 80
10000/25 = 400 workers. Layoffs 160 120
Inventory 2000

480 workers and 2000 Costs

cars in inventory from Salary 7200000 4800000 7200000 5400000 6600000
start. Hiring cost 1120000 560000
Layoff cost 1600000 1200000
Inventory cost 2000000

Total cost (Q1-Q4) 2000000 6400000 8320000 6600000 7160000 $ 28 480 000,00
Example 2: Level strategy

Level strategy Chase strategy

Work undertime and Hiring and laying off
overtime to keep employees, depending
employees. on the demand.
Types of costs: Type of costs:
Overtime cost and Layoff cost and
undertime cost hiring cost
Example 2: Level strategy

Quarter 1 2 3 4

Demand, number of cars 10000 12000 9000 11000

● Because GM has 2000 cars in inventory from start, we

need to produce 8000 cars in period 1.

Quarter 0 1 2 3 4

Demand, number of cars 2000 8000 12000 9000 11000

● The company needs to manufacture

8000+12000+9000+11000 = 40 000 cars in quarter
1-4. 10 000 cars every quarter.

● We need 10000/25 = 400 workers to produce 10000

cars every quarter.
Example 2: Level strategy
Quarter 0 1 2 3 4

Demand, number of cars 10000 12000 9000 11000

Planned number of workers 400 480 360 440

Actual data
Production 10000 10000 10000 10000
Number of workers 480 400 400 400 400
Hires 0 0
Layoffs 80 0
Inventory 2000 2000 0 1000 0

Salary 6000000 6000000 6000000 6000000
Hiring cost 0 0
480 workers from start. Layoff cost 800000 0
Inventory cost 2000000 2000000 0 1000000 0

Total cost (Q1-Q4) 2000000 8800000 6000000 7000000 6000000 $ 27 800 000,00

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