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Period 2016 2019 2020 2026

Country Indicators

Name of Country Product Current GDP in 2019 Increase %

India Ingot 11043.18 6%

United States Ingot 21427.675 4%

China Ingot 27306.979 8%

Japan Ingot 5711.929 2%

Russia Ingot 4389.96 3%

France Ingot 3061.815 3%

Germany Ingot 4443.569 2%

United Kingdom Ingot 3162.408 3%

Italy Ingot 2454.809 2%

Spain Ingot 1923.646 4%

Brazil Ingot 3480.546 3%

Mexico Ingot 2616.289 2%

Bangladesh Ingot 838.554 10%

Saudi Arabia Ingot 1900.894 2%
United Arab Emirates Ingot 744.092 3%

Iraq Ingot 708.265 6%

South Africa Ingot 804.688 2%

Indonesia Ingot 3735.644 7%

Philippines Ingot 1027.186 8%

Vietnam Ingot 1001.478 9%

Sri Lanka Ingot 304.166 4%
Cambodia Ingot 76.959 9%

Myanmar Ingot 357.339 8%

Australia Ingot 1362.073 4%

Turkey Ingot 2361.778 3%
Qatar Ingot 358.869 2%

Kuwait Ingot 308.672 2%

Oman Ingot 204.762 2%

Bahrain Ingot 76.94 4%

Jordan Ingot 96.263 4%

Lebanon Ingot 84.288 -5%

Nigeria Ingot 1215.389 4%

Kenya Ingot 191.243 7%

Algeria Ingot 668.827 2%

Egypt Ingot 1391.271 7%

Morocco Ingot 327.251 4%

Tunisia Ingot 148.688 3%

Tanzania Ingot 193.504 8%

Ghana Ingot 204.813 8%

Product Types Material Type

Single Crystals Aluminium

Copper Alloys Steel
2021 CAGR Increase Comment on
Estimated 2021 Growth

12399.001 6.0% Increase

21665.897 0.6% Increase

30956.728 6.5% Increase

5725.128 0.1% Increase

4406.625 0.2% Increase

3046.127 -0.3% Decrease

4460.546 0.2% Increase

3155.972 -0.1% Decrease

2399.06 -1.1% Decrease

1893.362 -0.8% Decrease

3479.335 0.0% Decrease

2582.069 -0.7% Decrease

961.356 7.1% Increase

1961.523 1.6% Increase
760.874 1.1% Increase

742.149 2.4% Increase

808.806 0.3% Increase

4167.802 5.6% Increase

1141.476 5.4% Increase

1129.098 6.2% Increase

323.394 3.1% Increase
82.41 3.5% Increase

401.34 6.0% Increase

1384.018 0.8% Increase

2417.191 1.2% Increase
369.93 1.5% Increase

323.945 2.4% Increase

210.173 1.3% Increase

78.377 0.9% Increase

98.55 1.2% Increase

n/a #VALUE! Increase

1232.913 0.7% Increase

210.345 4.9% Increase

691.364 1.7% Increase

1496.433 3.7% Increase

338.62 1.7% Increase

151.994 1.1% Increase

211.757 4.6% Increase

225.771 5.0% Increase

Oil & Gas
Key Major Developments/Investments in the country

India to impose more tariff and non-tariff barriers on imports from China

USA reimposed a 10 percent tariff on Canadian Metal Imports

JA Solar announcing expansion worth $948 million

Govt. Initiative to invest $29 billion in mining sector

Tight supplies of ingots has been seen in the 1st quarter of 2020

Increasing demand for by-products in industries

Improved demands for industrial and automotive components

Growing technological development in the country

Hike in demand in the first quarter of 2020

Govt. plans to invest in hight value industry segments

Increased production of raw materials

Extensive Govt. expenditure to facilitate industries

Increase in imports from leading Asian countries

Increase in Govt. Subsidies
Govt. focus on sustainable starup facilities
Increased production of Ingots recorded in May 2020 which is a 12% since

Huge exports to Asian countries

Growing Mining activities nationwide

Govt. programs to increase industrial activities

Increasing focus on productionn of metals & minerals

Target to achieve 20% more renewable energy by the end of 2020
Govt. initiatives to promote sustainable development
Progrems like Mayanmar Sustainablity Development program to develop
the economy of the country
Huge investments from private and public companies
Govt. initiatives to invest in manufacturing & contruction sectors
Considered as one of the fastest growing markets

Incorporation of automation in the country

Sultanate's Economic Diversification Plan 2030 with 1st investment of

US$ 519.3 million
Govt. focus to diversify the economy from oil and focuing on various other
Ease of doing business

Economic slowdown in the country due to worldwide pandemic situation

Huge actiivities in metals and mineral extraction industry

Govt. investment to develop the public infrastructure

Govt. investment to develop the public infrastructure

Investment in Power Plans like Dabaa Power Plant which is a investment of

US$ 25 Billion

Huge investments in energy and manufacturing sectors

EU and Arabian Funding agencies plan to invest to grow the economy of the

Govt. 2025 plan to develop economy. Human involvement and environment

Govt. invested US$120 billion to improve the infrastructure in the country


Govt. investment of $80 billion till 2022 and $250 billion during 2023-30 in MSME

US$144,000 funding through Mineral Initiative Program by Fortune Mineral ltd.

Governent investment in Mining activities

NTT to invest US$ 9.3 billion to improve semiconducter capacity

Govt. policies supporting small industries and manufacturers

Improved focus on development of metal based industries

Improved support to metal based industries

Govt. expenditure of £150,000 to boost jobs and industry projects

Govt. policies for ease of business and technological developments

Govt. schemes of investing £3.7 billion in industry improvement

Govt. schemes on exemptions on import taxes

Improved Policies and Trade agreements with US, Canada

Govt. policy changes effecting VAT and tax rates across the sectors
Increased Govt. Investments of 6 billion Saudi Riyals in high value sectors such as Energy
Huge investment financing support from Govt. entities

Increasing exports showing a growth of 24% than last year

Increase in Govt. Expennditure to improve technnological advancements

Mining Expo Setup in the Country

Govt. initiative to increase job opportunities by 2030 in the industrial sector

Entry of new compainies like Blackstone

Increasing contribution of local manufacturing units during Worldwide pandemic
Govt. schemes to develop roads,infrastructure, railways, etc.

Recorded investments from various MNC's as well as the govt. in manufacturing sector

Scehemes like Barangaroo Development from Govt. to create zero wate emmissions
The country has more than 500 companies in manufacturing sectors and is growing
Govt. initiatives and regulationns to improve infrastructure and economy

Govt. programs like VISION 2030 of US$ 4 billion to develop the infrastructure of the country

3,000 Indian companies currently running in Oman, having invested about $7.5 billion (about OMR
3 billion) in their operations in the country

Govt. attracting investors from worldwide with healthy regulations

Incorporation of smart cities and machinaries throughout the country

Minimal labour cost

Govt. expenditure to improve the skills and infrastructure in the country

Major investment in agriculture and mining segments from large African Countries
Incorporation of smart cities and machinaries throughout the country

Govt. planning to establish new and smart cities by 2052

Govt. have invested heavily in irrigation and mining projects across the country

Growing financial hugs in the country and ease of getting loan

EU and Arabian Funding agencies plan to invest to grow the economy of the country

China-Africa Cooperation leads for private investments in infrastructure and other mega projects

Trade decisions on mineral imports from SACU countries

Organisations leaning towards digital selling for its products

TCL acquired TZS with $285.8 million investment in semiconducter business

Govt. schemes to export products throughout the globe

Govt. to promote local production and exports

Growing demand for energy and power

Improved and focused development of energy related products

Govt. plans to update planning systems of cities

Tertiary commerical segment development leading to new developments in infrastructure

and asssociated needs like interior and utility infrastructure needs)

Repsol to invest $90 million innovation driven projects

Increase in sale of recycled ingots in Metal Recycling Plants

Huge Technological Advancements

Emerging construction and manufacturing businesses

Improved employment opportunities to the indigenious citizens
Emerging technological ecosystem

Proven Huge reserve of minerals

Govt. schemes and investments to develop renewable energy

Increasing Govt. innitiative to establish renewabble energy

Govt. investment of US$ 500 million to revive the trade and industrialization process

Govt. Investment in developing infrastructure country-wide

Rapid development of infrastructure & urbanisation
Focus on decreasing the cost of mining and manpower in the sector

It is known as the global lesader in mining equipment technology manufacturing

Introduction of new tools and automation in the country
Govt. incorporating smart and innovative technologies countrywide

Energy Strategy 2025 plan to promote use of renewbale energy

new Foreign Capital Investment Law, which will come into effect in 2020, will help expats
to own 100 per cent of a company ownership in the country

One of the countries with most ease of doing business

Capital Investment Program (The CIP includes 250 infrastructure projects worth $17

Govt. plans for establishing renewable energy in recent years

Slowing economic growth due to global pandemic

Rapid development of infrastructure & urbanisation
NUCLEAR POWER PLAN (First contracts awarded for Egypt’s $25bn Dabaa nuclear power
station, Atomstroyexport, the subsidiary of Russia’s Rosatom nuclear engineer overseeing
the construction of Egypt’s Dabaa nuclear power plant)
government’s new Public Private Partnership (PPP) policy aims to invest in construction
industry to drive growth in the sector and attract investors

 World Bank Group approved two new investment projects totalling US $ 175 million for


Development Bank (AfDB) support Tanzania in achieving its infrastructure development
goals by providing grants and credits for projects)
A rebate is granted to manufacturing companies located outside Accra and Tema. In
regional capitals (other than Accra and Tema), the rebate is 75% of the standard
corporate tax rate of 25%, and in all other places it is 50% of the standard tax rate

Counntry wide investment into solar manufacturing industry and promote

indigenious products
Developments and R&Dof new production facilities and methods
Longi Solar to invest US$ 483 million in ingot & solar cell capacity production

Growing economic outlook and Renewable Energy Plan 2030

Leading companies are experiencing increase in sales of metals

The establishment of a tax credit program of 20 billion EUR (competitiveness tax

credit), the abolition of the solidarity tax and the creation of the research tax
credit and incentives for young innovative companies. 

Total financing under the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) in
Germany amounts to €9 billion and is set to trigger €38 billion in additional

New and improved import and export schemes

Urban redevelopment 2020

High Growth seen in the industry for the last few years

Ibitu Energia plans $830 million investment in renewable energy

Govt. working on policies and schemes to attract investments

INFRASTRUCTURE PLAN 2030 (in the phase 1 implementation by 2021

government aims to invest towards sustainable infrastructure )
Private Innvestments in Infrastructural developments

Increasing demand for metls and minerals

Emerging technological ecosystem

Exports manufacturing goods to more than 150 countries
Smart cities project (US$4 billion project that aims at transforming Kuwait to a
financial and commercial center that attracts investments)

Incorporation of smart cities and machinaries throughout the country

Vision 2030 (with its 17 Goals and 169 targets aims to make a sustainable
development and inflow of private investments )
Planning of infrastructure development in collaboratin with the China Civil
Engineering Construction Company

INFRASTRUCTURE PLAN (the European Bank aims to invest for Reconstruction,

and Development and the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development
announced plans to provide loans
Product Market

Amend Technology Up-gradation Fund Scheme with investment worth Siginficant

Rs 95,000 crore by 2022
1366 Technologies raised $18M Investmets in cheaper by products Siginficant
Rise in Technological Developments Siginficant
Government's investment in developing expressways leading to develop
toll booths and increasing the need for associated infrastructure interior Nominal

The 2018 Finance Act provides for several tax cuts (financial income
can’t be taxed at more than 30%, substitution of wealth tax by a real
estate tax, elimination of employee contributions, etc.). Foreign Decent
companies have access to the same subsidies as French companies
(support for productive investment, R & D, vocational training, job
creation, etc.).

Plan to construct around 1.5 million housing units by 2021 Siginficant

Government investments in public sector for social infrastructure Decent



Public private sector investments in construction sector leading to new Decent

infrastructure developments
Increased financing and investment schemes of Govt. Decent


Incorporation of new technologies like AI & ML in the industry Decent










investments in transport infrastructure, energy, commercial and Siginficant

industrial projects in the forecast period of 2019-2024
Export hub act as a offshore for the companies while delivering in the Negative
Middle east







Market Drivers (Overall (in Present Continuous

High growing need for the products

Implementation of Automation in manufacturing processes

Increasing construction and manufacturing sites

Increasing demand for downstream industries

Demand for export

Increase in demand in the energy & power sectors

Increasing construction and manufacturing sites

Increasing construction and manufacturing sites

Increasing technological development

Increase in demand for by-products

Decreasing cost of labour

Demand for increasing metal by products

Demand for export

Increasing demand for metals
Significant demand due to high quality materials

High growing need for the products

Rapid industrialization & urbanisation

Efforts to move to renewable energy sources

Implementation of Automation in manufacturing processes

Increasing demand for metals

High growing need for the products
Government support and schemes

Imncrease in private and public investments

Supporting government policies to promote industries

Huge opportunity across various industries

Efforts to move to renewable energy sources

Increasing construction and manufacturing sites

Increasing focus on industrialisation

Increasing public private investment percentage in the country

Supporting government policies to promote industries

Supporting government policies to promote industries

Huge opportunity across various industries

Market Drivers (Overall (in Present Continuous Tense)

2 3

Increasing technological development Increaseing need for energy and power

Increasing import needs Multi purpose usage

Huge opportunity across various industries

Increasing usages in Electroncs manufacturing

Multi industry applications Supporting government policies to promote industries

Huge variablity in prices of the minerals

Increasing technological development

Increasing technological development

Govt. efforts to increase investments Price fluctuations for metals & minerals

Efforts to move to renewable energy sources Increasing export demands

Increasing public private investment percentage in the Growth in the developing infrastructure in the country
Increasing need for energy and power
Increasing automation in the industry Decreasing labour outsourcing
Govt. policies to ease business efforts Increaseing need for energy and power

Huge variablity in prices of the minerals

Surge in investments & market conditions Increasing demand for metals & its by products

Govt. policies to ease business efforts

Increasing urbanisation and infrastructure
Efforts to move to renewable energy sources
Huge opportunity across various industries

Decreasing labour cost

Efforts to move to renewable energy sources

Increasing construction and manufacturing sites

Huge opportunity across various industries Efforts to move to renewable energy sources

Increasing focus on industrialisation Efforts to move to renewable energy sources

High growing need for the products

Increasing focus on industrialisation

Increasing focus on industrialisation

Increasing focus on industrialisation

Supporting government policies to promote industries Increasing demand for metals & its by products
Segment 1 (Most Dominant) Drivers (Technology or Product Type)

Select Below the Select (column AJ to AP) Below the Type (Most
4 5
Segment Dominant Currently) in the segment

Increasing focus on Single Crystals Extensive use in Energy generation

Single Crystals Extensive use in Energy generation
Single Crystals Extensive use in Energy generation

Single Crystals Used in manufacturing electronic goods

Single Crystals Used in manufacturing electronic goods

Single Crystals Used in manufacturing electronic goods

Single Crystals Extensive use in Energy generation

Single Crystals Extensive use in Energy generation

Single Crystals Used in manufacturing electronic goods

Single Crystals Extensive use in Energy generation

Single Crystals Extensive use in Energy generation

Single Crystals Extensive use in Energy generation

Single Crystals Extensive use in Energy generation

Single Crystals Extensive use in Energy generation
Single Crystals Extensive use in Energy generation

Single Crystals Extensive use in Energy generation

Single Crystals Extensive use in Energy generation

Single Crystals Extensive use in Energy generation

Single Crystals Extensive use in Energy generation

Single Crystals Extensive use in Energy generation

Single Crystals Used in manufacturing electronic goods
Single Crystals Extensive use in Energy generation

Single Crystals Extensive use in Energy generation

Single Crystals Extensive use in Energy generation

Single Crystals Used in manufacturing electronic goods
Single Crystals Used in manufacturing electronic goods

Single Crystals Used in manufacturing electronic goods

Single Crystals Used in manufacturing electronic goods

Single Crystals Used in manufacturing electronic goods

Single Crystals Used in manufacturing electronic goods

Single Crystals Extensive use in Energy generation

Single Crystals Extensive use in Energy generation

Single Crystals Extensive use in Energy generation

Single Crystals Used in manufacturing electronic goods

Single Crystals Extensive use in Energy generation

Single Crystals Extensive use in Energy generation

Single Crystals Extensive use in Energy generation

Single Crystals Extensive use in Energy generation

Single Crystals Extensive use in Energy generation

Reasons for Dominating

Huge applications in developing jewellary products

Used in manufacturing electronic goods

Used in manufacturing electronic goods

Huge applications in developing jewellary products

Huge applications in developing jewellary products

Usage in developing manufacturing goods

Huge government initiative for increasing usage of indigenious products

Used in manufacturing electronic goods

Heavy usage in Solar energy projects

Heavy usage in Solar energy projects

Huge applications in developing jewellary products

Huge applications in developing jewellary products

Huge applications in developing jewellary products

Huge applications in developing jewellary products

Huge applications in developing jewellary products

Heavy usage in Solar energy projects

Huge applications in developing jewellary products

Huge applications in developing jewellary products

Usage in developing manufacturing goods

Huge applications in developing jewellary products
Huge applications in developing jewellary products

Usage in developing manufacturing goods

Extensive Industrial Application

Extensive Industrial Application
Extensive Industrial Application

Extensive Industrial Application

Used in developing roads, infrastructure etc

Used in developing roads, infrastructure etc

Heavy usage in Solar energy projects

Used in developing roads, infrastructure etc

Used in developing roads, infrastructure etc

Used in developing roads, infrastructure etc

Extensive Industrial Application

Extensive Industrial Application

Extensive Industrial Application

Used in developing roads, infrastructure etc

Used in developing roads, infrastructure etc

Extensive Industrial Application

2 3 4

Huge government initiative for increasing usage of indigenious products Used in manufacturing electronic goods

Huge government initiative for increasing usage of indigenious products

Huge government initiative for increasing usage of indigenious products

Used in manufacturing electronic goods

Used in manufacturing electronic goods

Huge government initiative for increasing usage of indigenious products

Huge government initiative for increasing usage of indigenious products

Used in manufacturing electronic goods

Used in manufacturing electronic goods

Used in manufacturing electronic goods

Used in manufacturing electronic goods

Heavy usage in Solar energy projects

Heavy usage in Solar energy projects

Heavy usage in Solar energy projects

Heavy usage in Solar energy projects

Segment 2 Drivers (Material Type)
Select (column AO to AT) Below
Select Below the Segment the Type (Most Dominant
Currently) in the segment

Select (AT to AZ) the Select (AT and AZ)

Type (Furture the Type (Furture Select (column At to AZ) Below
Select Below the Segment the Type (Most Dominant
Dominating) in the Growth) in the Currently) in the segment
Same segment Same segment

sed in manufacturing electronic goods Aluminium






























Reasons for

Select (AT to AZ) the Select (AT to AZ) the

Type (Furture Type (Furture
1 2 3 4
Dominating) in the Growth) in the Same
Same segment segment
Segment 3 Drivers (Applications Type)
Select (column AO to AT) Below Reasons for
Select Below the Segment the Type (Most Dominant Dominating
Currently) in the segment

Select (column At to AZ) Below

Select Below the Segment the Type (Most Dominant 1 2 3
Currently) in the segment































Country 2018 2019

Select (AT to AZ) the Select (AT to AZ) the

Type (Furture Type (Furture
4 Afghanistan 73.091 76.624
Dominating) in the Growth) in the Same
Same segment segment

Albania 38.301 39.832

Algeria 652.795 668.827

Angola 200.4 200.83

Antigua and Barbuda 2.583 2.767

Argentina 915.749 911.562

Armenia 30.534 33.426

Aruba 4.377 4.472

Australia 1314.459 1362.073

Austria 461.331 476.812

Azerbaijan 180.084 187.346

The Bahamas 12.357 12.798

Bahrain 74.271 76.94

Bangladesh 763.99 838.554

Barbados 5.344 5.432
Belarus 189.46 195.119

Belgium 555.502 572.902

Belize 3.291 3.358

Benin 37.545 40.643

Bhutan 7.406 7.937

Bolivia 89.258 93.357

Bosnia and Herzegovina 47.59 49.727
Brazil 3382.591 3480.546

Brunei Darussalam 34.662 36.631

Bulgaria 162.516 170.925

Burkina Faso 43.99 47.303
Cambodia 70.662 76.959

Cameroon 95.309 100.604

Canada 1841.626 1904.393

Central African Republic 4.008 4.199

Chile 481.282 495.176

China 25293.584 27306.979

Comoros 2.441 2.53

Democratic Republic of the Congo 78.297 83.151

Republic of Congo 30.964 31.219

Costa Rica 88.637 92.062

Cô te d'Ivoire 145.533 158.288

Croatia 107.554 112.623

Cyprus 35.147 36.915

Czech Republic 395.747 412.978

Ecuador 200.015 203.611

Egypt 1295.434 1391.271
El Salvador 53.353 55.578
Equatorial Guinea 29.525 28.208
Eritrea 6.238 6.591
Estonia 45.036 47.807
Eswatini 12.069 12.407
Ethiopia 219.739 243.618
Fiji 10.397 10.631
Finland 258.786 265.879
France 2970.43 3061.815
Gabon 37.84 39.81
The Gambia 5.947 6.412
Georgia 44.784 47.91
Germany 4342.909 4443.569
Ghana 189.707 204.813
Greece 312.267 323.653
Grenada 1.731 1.816
Guatemala 144.985 152.779
Guinea 31.066 33.392
Guinea-Bissau 3.473 3.696
Guyana 6.712 7.148
Haiti 20.733 20.842
Honduras 49.2 51.385
Hong Kong SAR 479.662 482.226
Hungary 314.5 335.752
Iceland 19.332 20.046
India 10413.608 11043.18
Indonesia 3495.968 3735.644
Islamic Republic of Iran 1586.222 1491.445
Iraq 669.906 708.265
Ireland 389.143 417.875
Israel 336.992 354.878
Italy 2405.497 2454.809
Jamaica 27.171 27.913
Japan 5577.565 5711.929
Jordan 92.74 96.263
Kazakhstan 508.817 540.984
Kenya 177.954 191.243
Kiribati 0.242 0.251
Korea 2235.287 2320.498
Kosovo 20.912 22.128
Kuwait 301.172 308.672
Kyrgyz Republic 24.539 26.082
Lao P.D.R. 53.623 57.133
Latvia 57.199 59.475
Lebanon 88.615 84.288
Lesotho 6.713 6.911
Liberia 6.33 6.278
Libya 74.719 83.54
Lithuania 97.436 103.014
Luxembourg 66.125 68.824
Macao SAR 78.143 75.76
Madagascar 49.6 52.865
Malawi 23.661 25.157
Malaysia 1014.018 1076.373
Maldives 7.883 8.474
Mali 44.337 47.411
Malta 21.658 23.001
Marshall Islands 0.202 0.21
Mauritania 23.635 25.456
Mauritius 30.006 31.592
Mexico 2575.206 2616.289
Micronesia 0.352 0.362
Moldova 25.897 27.292
Mongolia 43.695 46.723
Montenegro 11.96 12.608
Morocco 314.709 327.251
Mozambique 42.994 44.716
Myanmar 329.78 357.339
Namibia 26.673 26.76
Nauru 0.122 0.125
Nepal 86.655 94.383
Netherlands 970.536 1005.337
New Zealand 200.79 208.744
Nicaragua 35.661 34.875
Niger 32.189 34.659
Nigeria 1168.751 1215.389
North Macedonia 32.93 34.694
Norway 395.872 407.412

Oman 200.314 204.762

Pakistan 1143.372 1201.629
Palau 0.283 0.289
Panama 106.866 111.998
Papua New Guinea 32.396 34.617
Paraguay 94.467 96.306
Peru 457.956 476.014
Philippines 953.288 1027.186
Poland 1215.446 1287.275
Portugal 333.783 346.926
Puerto Rico 126.158 130.925
Qatar 352.487 358.869
Romania 518.633 549.195
Russia 4257.839 4389.96
Rwanda 27.657 30.971
Samoa 1.11 1.168
San Marino 2.026 2.084
Sã o Tomé and Príncipe 0.723 0.745
Saudi Arabia 1862.149 1900.894
Senegal 59.839 64.101
Serbia 122.846 130.222
Seychelles 2.895 3.06
Sierra Leone 12.238 13.089
Singapore 579.378 593.802
Slovak Republic 190.643 198.382
Slovenia 75.967 79.179
Solomon Islands 1.412 1.455
Somalia 12.088 12.655
South Africa 789.694 804.688
South Sudan 19.512 22.092
Spain 1854.031 1923.646
Sri Lanka 292.279 304.166
St. Kitts and Nevis 1.582 1.656
St. Lucia 2.835 2.934
St. Vincent and the Grenadines 1.352 1.381
Sudan 176.68 175.228
Suriname 8.991 9.358
Sweden 548.338 564.771
Switzerland 551.473 566.231
Syria n/a n/a
Taiwan Province of China 1282.058 1339.812
Tajikistan 31.206 34.131
Tanzania 178.968 193.504
Thailand 1322.561 1377.535
Timor-Leste 1.923 2.017
Togo 13.974 14.972
Tonga 0.614 0.624
Trinidad and Tobago 44.177 44.946
Tunisia 144.631 148.688
Turkey 2299.753 2361.778
Turkmenistan 112.613 121.848
Tuvalu 0.046 0.049
Uganda 111.189 118.694
Ukraine 390.415 409.825
United Arab Emirates 722.015 744.092
United Kingdom 3065.042 3162.408
United States 20580.25 21427.675
Uruguay 81.191 82.791
Uzbekistan 282.31 303.317
Vanuatu 0.813 0.851
Venezuela 305.457 202.009
Vietnam 919.772 1001.478
Yemen 69.439 72.133
Zambia 73.441 75.857
Zimbabwe 42.582 39.739
GDP Data (in Billion Dollars) Segment 1

Percentage Growth
2021 Increase in 2019 CAGR 2021 Type Product Types

79.678 4.8% 2.0% Negative Single Crystals

41.926 4.0% 2.6% Nominal Copper Alloys

691.364 2.5% 1.7% Decent
208.589 0.2% 1.9% Siginficant

2.758 7.1% -0.2%

920.972 -0.5% 0.5%

35.399 9.5% 2.9%

4.438 2.2% -0.4%

1384.018 3.6% 0.8%

475.484 3.4% -0.1%

189.343 4.0% 0.5%

12.843 3.6% 0.2%

78.377 3.6% 0.9%

961.356 9.8% 7.1%

5.515 1.6% 0.8%
194.755 3.0% -0.1%

572.053 3.1% -0.1%

3.263 2.0% -1.4%

46.186 8.3% 6.6%

8.6 7.2% 4.1%

95.701 4.6% 1.2%

50.164 4.5% 0.4%
3479.335 2.9% 0.0%

39.418 5.7% 3.7%

178.518 5.2% 2.2%

52.373 7.5% 5.2%
82.41 8.9% 3.5%

106.093 5.6% 2.7%

1910 3.4% 0.1%

4.527 4.8% 3.8%

510.835 2.9% 1.6%

30956.728 8.0% 6.5%

2.645 3.6% 2.2%

86.355 6.2% 1.9%

32.375 0.8% 1.8%

94.058 3.9% 1.1%

181.294 8.8% 7.0%

110.323 4.7% -1.0%

37.404 5.0% 0.7%

425.879 4.4% 1.5%

203.363 1.8% -0.1%

1496.433 7.4% 3.7%
56.324 4.2% 0.7%
27.968 -4.5% -0.4%
7.165 5.7% 4.3%
48.943 6.2% 1.2%
12.837 2.8% 1.7%
269.22 10.9% 5.1%
10.994 2.3% 1.7%
264.27 2.7% -0.3%
3046.127 3.1% -0.3%
41.795 5.2% 2.5%
7.18 7.8% 5.8%
48.605 7.0% 0.7%
4460.546 2.3% 0.2%
225.771 8.0% 5.0%
313.849 3.6% -1.5%
1.819 4.9% 0.1%
162.054 5.4% 3.0%
37.943 7.5% 6.6%
3.847 6.4% 2.0%
11.903 6.5% 29.0%
20.774 0.5% -0.2%
53.566 4.4% 2.1%
489.306 0.5% 0.7%
347.813 6.8% 1.8%
20.239 3.7% 0.5%
12399.001 6.0% 6.0%
4167.802 6.9% 5.6%
1483.454 -6.0% -0.3%
742.149 5.7% 2.4%
424.732 7.4% 0.8%
358.186 5.3% 0.5%
2399.06 2.0% -1.1%
27.98 2.7% 0.1%
5725.128 2.4% 0.1%
98.55 3.8% 1.2%
563.356 6.3% 2.0%
210.345 7.5% 4.9%
0.264 3.7% 2.6%
2432.782 3.8% 2.4%
23.185 5.8% 2.4%
323.945 2.5% 2.4%
27.728 6.3% 3.1%
62.348 6.5% 4.5%
60.387 4.0% 0.8%
n/a -4.9% #VALUE!
7.066 2.9% 1.1%
6.533 -0.8% 2.0%
64.007 11.8% -12.5%
105.066 5.7% 1.0%
70.407 4.1% 1.1%
72.224 -3.0% -2.4%
57.18 6.6% 4.0%
26.72 6.3% 3.1%
1183.256 6.1% 4.8%
9.047 7.5% 3.3%
51.428 6.9% 4.2%
24.544 6.2% 3.3%
0.222 4.0% 2.8%
26.669 7.7% 2.4%
31.991 5.3% 0.6%
2582.069 1.6% -0.7%
0.376 2.8% 1.9%
28.275 5.4% 1.8%
51.254 6.9% 4.7%
12.537 5.4% -0.3%
338.62 4.0% 1.7%
49.091 4.0% 4.8%
401.34 8.4% 6.0%
27.629 0.3% 1.6%
0.128 2.5% 1.2%
104.202 8.9% 5.1%
982.624 3.6% -1.1%
210.525 4.0% 0.4%
33.634 -2.2% -1.8%
38.81 7.7% 5.8%
1232.913 4.0% 0.7%
36.563 5.4% 2.7%
403.344 2.9% -0.5%

210.173 2.2% 1.3%

1237.69 5.1% 1.5%
0.299 2.1% 1.7%
117.084 4.8% 2.2%
36.202 6.9% 2.3%
101.732 1.9% 2.8%
490.701 3.9% 1.5%
1141.476 7.8% 5.4%
1313.572 5.9% 1.0%
343.835 3.9% -0.4%
128.16 3.8% -1.1%
369.93 1.8% 1.5%
556.164 5.9% 0.6%
4406.625 3.1% 0.2%
35.074 12.0% 6.4%
1.16 5.2% -0.3%
1.98 2.9% -2.5%
0.758 3.0% 0.9%
1961.523 2.1% 1.6%
71.451 7.1% 5.6%
139.258 6.0% 3.4%
3.025 5.7% -0.6%
13.642 7.0% 2.1%
605.504 2.5% 1.0%
200.39 4.1% 0.5%
78.775 4.2% -0.3%
1.516 3.0% 2.1%
13.026 4.7% 1.5%
808.806 1.9% 0.3%
24.541 13.2% 5.4%
1893.362 3.8% -0.8%
323.394 4.1% 3.1%
1.695 4.7% 1.2%
2.944 3.5% 0.2%
1.425 2.1% 1.6%
161.732 -0.8% -3.9%
9.578 4.1% 1.2%
568.017 3.0% 0.3%
566.911 2.7% 0.1%
1365.999 4.5% 1.0%
37.313 9.4% 4.6%
211.757 8.1% 4.6%
1399.177 4.2% 0.8%
2.238 4.9% 5.3%
16.135 7.1% 3.8%
0.639 1.6% 1.2%
45.165 1.7% 0.2%
151.994 2.8% 1.1%
2417.191 2.7% 1.2%
135.437 8.2% 5.4%
0.052 6.5% 3.0%
131.426 6.7% 5.2%
401.794 5.0% -1.0%
760.874 3.1% 1.1%
3155.972 3.2% -0.1%
21665.897 4.1% 0.6%
86.512 2.0% 2.2%
338.973 7.4% 5.7%
0.886 4.7% 2.0%
n/a -33.9% #VALUE!
1129.098 8.9% 6.2%
76.167 3.9% 2.8%
76.862 3.3% 0.7%
38.711 -6.7% -1.3%
Segment 2 Segment 3

Type Applications

Aluminium Petroleum

Steel Oil & Gas

Gold Chemical
Tin Marine

Others Others

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