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Joint Commission International Accreditation Hospital Survey Process Guide

Accreditation Preparedness Checklist: Governance, Leadership, and Direction (GLD)

If No, Action(s)
Compliant If Yes, Needed to
with Evidence of Achieve Due Person
Standard and Measureable Element(s) standard? Y/N Compliance Compliance Date Responsible
Standard GLD.1 Governance responsibilities and accountabilities are described in bylaws, policies and
procedures, or similar documents that guide how they are to be carried out.
1. Is the organization’s governance
structure described in written
Are those responsible for governance
and managing identified by title or
2. Are governance responsibilities and
accountabilities described in the
3. Do the documents describe how the
performance of the governing entity
and managers will be evaluated and
any related criteria?
4. Is there an annual documented
performance evaluation of
Standard GLD.1.1 Those responsible for governance approve and make public the organization’s mission
1. Do those responsible for governance
approve the organization’s mission?
2. Do those responsible for governance
ensure the periodic review of the
organization’s mission?

©2010 Joint Commission International 1

Joint Commission International Accreditation Hospital Survey Process Guide
Accreditation Preparedness Checklist: Governance, Leadership, and Direction (GLD)
If No, Action(s)
Compliant If Yes, Needed to
with Evidence of Achieve Due Person
Standard and Measureable Element(s) standard? Y/N Compliance Compliance Date Responsible
3. Do those responsible for governance
make public the organization’s
Standard GLD.1.2 Those responsible for governance approve the policies and plans to operate the
1. Do those responsible for governance
approve the organization’s strategic
and management plans and operating
policies and procedures?
2. When approval authority is delegated,
is it is defined in governance policies
and procedures?
3. Do those responsible for governance
approve organization strategies and
programs related to health care
professional education and research?
Do they provide oversight of the quality
of such programs?
Standard GLD.1.3 Those responsible for governance approve the budget and allocate the resources required
to meet the organization’s mission.
1. Do those responsible for governance
approve the organization’s capital and
operating budget(s)?
2. Do those responsible for governance
allocate the resources required to meet
the organization’s mission?

©2010 Joint Commission International 2

Joint Commission International Accreditation Hospital Survey Process Guide
Accreditation Preparedness Checklist: Governance, Leadership, and Direction (GLD)
If No, Action(s)
Compliant If Yes, Needed to
with Evidence of Achieve Due Person
Standard and Measureable Element(s) standard? Y/N Compliance Compliance Date Responsible
Standard GLD.1.4 Those responsible for governance appoint the organization’s senior manager(s) or
1. Do those responsible for governance
appoint the organization’s senior
2. Do those responsible for governance
evaluate the performance of the
organization’s senior manager?
3. Is the evaluation of the senior
management is performed at least
Standard GLD.1.5 Those responsible for governance approve the organization’s plan for quality and patient
safety and regularly receive and act on reports of the quality and patient safety program.
1. Those responsible for governance
approve the organization’s plan for
quality and patient safety. (Also see
QPS.1 Intent)
2. Do those responsible for
governance regularly receive and
act on reports of the quality and
patient safety program?
Standard GLD.2 A senior manager or director is responsible for operating the organization and complying
with applicable laws and regulations.
1. Does the education and experience of
the senior manager match the
requirements in the position
©2010 Joint Commission International 3
Joint Commission International Accreditation Hospital Survey Process Guide
Accreditation Preparedness Checklist: Governance, Leadership, and Direction (GLD)
If No, Action(s)
Compliant If Yes, Needed to
with Evidence of Achieve Due Person
Standard and Measureable Element(s) standard? Y/N Compliance Compliance Date Responsible
2. Does the senior manager or director
manage the organization’s day-to-day
operations, including those
responsibilities described in the
position description?
3. Does the senior manager or director
recommend policies to the governing
4. Does the senior manager or director
ensures compliance with approved
5. Does the senior manager or director
ensure compliance with applicable
laws and regulations?
6. Does the senior manager or director
respond to any reports from inspecting
and regulatory agencies?
Standard GLD.3 The organization’s leaders are identified and are collectively responsible for defining the
organization’s mission and creating the plans and policies needed to fulfill the mission.
1. Are the leaders of the organization
formally or informally identified?
2. Are the leaders collectively responsible
for defining the organization’s mission?
3. Are the leaders collectively responsible
for creating the policies and
©2010 Joint Commission International 4
Joint Commission International Accreditation Hospital Survey Process Guide
Accreditation Preparedness Checklist: Governance, Leadership, and Direction (GLD)
If No, Action(s)
Compliant If Yes, Needed to
with Evidence of Achieve Due Person
Standard and Measureable Element(s) standard? Y/N Compliance Compliance Date Responsible
procedures necessary to carry out the
4. Do the leaders work collaboratively to
carry out the organization’s mission
and ensure that policies and
procedures are followed?
Standard GLD.3.1 Organization leaders plan with community leaders and leaders of other organizations to
meet the community’s health care needs.
1. Do the organization’s leaders meet
with recognized community leaders to
develop and revise strategic and
operational plans to address
community needs?
2. Do the organization’s leaders plan
with the leaders of other health
care organizations in its
3. Do the organization’s leaders seek
the input of individual and group
stakeholders in its community as
part of its strategic and operational
4. Does the organization participate in
community education on health
promotion and disease prevention?

©2010 Joint Commission International 5

Joint Commission International Accreditation Hospital Survey Process Guide
Accreditation Preparedness Checklist: Governance, Leadership, and Direction (GLD)
If No, Action(s)
Compliant If Yes, Needed to
with Evidence of Achieve Due Person
Standard and Measureable Element(s) standard? Y/N Compliance Compliance Date Responsible
Standard GLD.3.2 The leaders identify and plan for the type of clinical services required to meet the needs
of the patients served by the organization.
1. Do organization plans describe the
care and services to be provided?
2. Are the care and services to be offered
consistent with the organization’s
3. Do leaders determine the type of care
and services to be provided by the
4. Do leaders have a process for
reviewing and approving, before use in
patient care, those procedures,
technologies, and pharmaceutical
agents identified as experimental?
Standard GLD.3.2.1 Equipment, supplies, and medications recommended by professional organizations or by
alternative authoritative sources are used.
1. Does the organization use the
recommendations of professional
organizations and other authoritative
sources to identify the equipment and
supplies it will need to provide the
planned services?
2. Are recommended equipment,
supplies and medications obtained as

©2010 Joint Commission International 6

Joint Commission International Accreditation Hospital Survey Process Guide
Accreditation Preparedness Checklist: Governance, Leadership, and Direction (GLD)
If No, Action(s)
Compliant If Yes, Needed to
with Evidence of Achieve Due Person
Standard and Measureable Element(s) standard? Y/N Compliance Compliance Date Responsible
3. Are recommended equipment,
supplies and medications used?
Standard GLD.3.3 The leaders are accountable for contracts for clinical or management services.
1. Is there a process for leadership
accountability of contracts?
2. Does the organization have a written
description of the nature and scope of
services provided through contractual
3. Do services provided under contracts
and other arrangements meet patient
4. Do clinical leaders participate in the
selection of clinical contracts and
provide accountability for clinical
5. Do management leaders participate in
the selection of management contracts
and provide accountability for
management contracts?
6. When contracts are renegotiated or
terminated, does the organization
maintain the continuity of patient

©2010 Joint Commission International 7

Joint Commission International Accreditation Hospital Survey Process Guide
Accreditation Preparedness Checklist: Governance, Leadership, and Direction (GLD)
If No, Action(s)
Compliant If Yes, Needed to
with Evidence of Achieve Due Person
Standard and Measureable Element(s) standard? Y/N Compliance Compliance Date Responsible
Standard GLD.3.3.1 Contracts and other arrangements are included as part of the organization’s quality
improvement and patient safety program.
1. Are contracts and other arrangements
are evaluated, related to the nature of
the contract, as part of the organization’s
quality improvement and patient safety
2. Do the relevant clinical and
managerial leaders participate with
the quality improvement program in
the analysis of quality and safety
information from outside contracts?
3. When contracted services do not
meet quality and safety expectations,
is action taken?
Standard GLD.3.3.2 Independent practitioners not employed by the organization have the right credentials for
the services provided to the organization’s patients.
1. Do the leaders of the
organization determine those
services that will be provided by
independent practitioners outside
of the organization?
2. Are all diagnostic, consultative,
and treatment services provided
by independent practitioners
outside of the organization, such
as telemedicine, teleradiology,
©2010 Joint Commission International 8
Joint Commission International Accreditation Hospital Survey Process Guide
Accreditation Preparedness Checklist: Governance, Leadership, and Direction (GLD)
If No, Action(s)
Compliant If Yes, Needed to
with Evidence of Achieve Due Person
Standard and Measureable Element(s) standard? Y/N Compliance Compliance Date Responsible
and interpretations of other
diagnostics such as
electrocardiogram (ECG),
electroencephalogram (EEG),
and electromyogram (EMG), and
the like privileged by the
organization to provide such
3. Are independent practitioners
who provide patient care services
on the premises of the
organization but are not
employees or members of the
clinical staff are credentialed and
privileged as required in SQE.9
through SQE.10?
4. Is the quality of services by
independent practitioners outside
the organization monitored as a
component of the organization’s
quality improvement program?
Standard GLD.3.4 The medical, nursing, and other leaders are educated in the concepts of quality
1. Are medical, nursing, and other
leaders educated in or familiar
with the concepts and methods of
quality improvement?

©2010 Joint Commission International 9

Joint Commission International Accreditation Hospital Survey Process Guide
Accreditation Preparedness Checklist: Governance, Leadership, and Direction (GLD)
If No, Action(s)
Compliant If Yes, Needed to
with Evidence of Achieve Due Person
Standard and Measureable Element(s) standard? Y/N Compliance Compliance Date Responsible
2. Do medical, nursing, and other
leaders participate in relevant
quality improvement and
patient safety processes?
3. Is professional performance
measured as part of clinical
performance improvement?
Standard GLD.3.5 Organization leaders ensure that there are uniform programs for the recruitment, retention,
development, and continuing education of all staff.
1. Is there a planned process for staff
2. Is there is a planned process for staff
3. Is there a planned process for staff
personal development and continuing
4. Is the planning collaborative and
does it include all departments and
services in the organization?
Standard GLD.4 Medical, nursing, and other leaders of clinical services plan and implement an effective
organizational structure to support their responsibilities and authority.
1. Is there an effective organizational
structure(s) used by medical, nursing,
and other leaders to carry out their
responsibilities and authority?

©2010 Joint Commission International 10

Joint Commission International Accreditation Hospital Survey Process Guide
Accreditation Preparedness Checklist: Governance, Leadership, and Direction (GLD)
If No, Action(s)
Compliant If Yes, Needed to
with Evidence of Achieve Due Person
Standard and Measureable Element(s) standard? Y/N Compliance Compliance Date Responsible
2. Is the structure(s) appropriate to the
organization’s size and complexity?
3. Do the organizational structure(s) and
processes support professional
4. Do the organizational structure(s) and
processes support clinical planning and
policy development?
5. Do the organizational structure(s) and
processes support oversight of
professional ethical issues?
6. Do the organizational structure(s)
and processes support oversight of
the quality of clinical services?
Standard GLD.5 One or more qualified individuals provide direction for each department or service in the
1. Is each department or service in the
organization directed by an individual
with the training, education, and
experience comparable to the services
2. When more than one individual
provides direction, are the
responsibilities of each are defined in

©2010 Joint Commission International 11

Joint Commission International Accreditation Hospital Survey Process Guide
Accreditation Preparedness Checklist: Governance, Leadership, and Direction (GLD)
If No, Action(s)
Compliant If Yes, Needed to
with Evidence of Achieve Due Person
Standard and Measureable Element(s) standard? Y/N Compliance Compliance Date Responsible
Standard GLD.5.1 The directors of each clinical department identify, in writing, the services to be provided by
the department.
1. Have department or service directors
selected and do they use a uniform
format and content for planning
2. Do the departmental or service
documents describe the current and
planned services provided by each
department or service?
3. Do each department’s or service’s
policies and procedures guide the
provision of identified services?
4. Do each department’s or service’s
policies and procedures address the
staff knowledge and skills needed to
assess and meet patient needs?
Standard GLD.5.1.1 Services are coordinated and integrated within the department or service and with other
departments and services.
1. Is there coordination and integration of
services within each department or
2. Is there coordination and integration
of services with other departments
and services?

©2010 Joint Commission International 12

Joint Commission International Accreditation Hospital Survey Process Guide
Accreditation Preparedness Checklist: Governance, Leadership, and Direction (GLD)
If No, Action(s)
Compliant If Yes, Needed to
with Evidence of Achieve Due Person
Standard and Measureable Element(s) standard? Y/N Compliance Compliance Date Responsible
Standard GLD.5.2 Directors recommend space, equipment, staffing, and other resources needed by the
department or service.
1. Do directors recommend space
needed to provide services?
2. Do directors recommend equipment
needed to provide services?
3. Do directors recommend the number
and qualifications of staff needed to
provide services?
4. Do directors recommend other special
resources needed to provide services?
5. Do directors have a process to respond
to resource shortages?
Standard GLD.5.3 Directors recommend criteria for selecting the department or service’s professional staff
and choose or recommend individuals who meet those criteria.
1. Does the director develop criteria
related to the needed education, skills,
knowledge, and experience of the
department’s professional staff?
2. Does the director use such criteria in
selecting or recommending
professional staff?
Standard GLD.5.4 Directors provide orientation and training for all staff of the duties and responsibilities for
the department or service to which they are assigned.
1. Has the director established a
documented orientation program for
©2010 Joint Commission International 13
Joint Commission International Accreditation Hospital Survey Process Guide
Accreditation Preparedness Checklist: Governance, Leadership, and Direction (GLD)
If No, Action(s)
Compliant If Yes, Needed to
with Evidence of Achieve Due Person
Standard and Measureable Element(s) standard? Y/N Compliance Compliance Date Responsible
department staff?
2. Have all department staff completed
the program?
Standard GLD.5.5 Directors evaluate the department’s or service’s performance as well as staff performance.
1. Do directors implement quality
measures that address the
services provided in their
department or service as
appropriate to the department of
2. Do directors implement quality
measures related to staff
performance in carrying out their
responsibilities in the department
or service?
3. Do directors implement quality control
programs when indicated?
4. Are department or service directors
provided the data and information
needed to manage and improve
care and services?
5. Are department and service quality
measurement and improvement
activities reported periodically to
the quality oversight mechanism of
the organization?

©2010 Joint Commission International 14

Joint Commission International Accreditation Hospital Survey Process Guide
Accreditation Preparedness Checklist: Governance, Leadership, and Direction (GLD)
If No, Action(s)
Compliant If Yes, Needed to
with Evidence of Achieve Due Person
Standard and Measureable Element(s) standard? Y/N Compliance Compliance Date Responsible
Standard GLD.6 The organization establishes a framework for ethical management that ensures that
patient care is provided within business, financial, ethical, and legal norms and that
protects patients and their rights.
1. Do organization leaders establish
ethical and legal norms that protect
patients and their rights?
2. Do the leaders establish a framework
for the organization’s ethical
3. Do the leaders consider national and
international ethical norms when
developing the organization’s
framework for ethical conduct?
Standard GLD.6.1 The organization’s framework for ethical management includes marketing, admissions,
transfer, and discharge, and disclosure of ownership and any business and professional
conflicts that may not be in patients’ best interests.
1. Does the organization disclose its
2. Does the organization honestly portray
its services to patients?
3. Does the organization provide clear
admission, transfer, and discharge
4. Does the organization accurately bill
for services?

©2010 Joint Commission International 15

Joint Commission International Accreditation Hospital Survey Process Guide
Accreditation Preparedness Checklist: Governance, Leadership, and Direction (GLD)
If No, Action(s)
Compliant If Yes, Needed to
with Evidence of Achieve Due Person
Standard and Measureable Element(s) standard? Y/N Compliance Compliance Date Responsible
5. Does the organization disclose,
evaluate, and resolve conflicts when
financial incentives and payment
arrangements compromise patient
Standard GLD.6.2 The organization’s framework for ethical management supports ethical decision making in
clinical care and nonclinical services.
1. Does the organization’s framework for
ethical management support those
confronted by ethical dilemmas in
patient care?
2. Does the organization’s framework for
ethical management support those
confronted by ethical dilemmas for
nonclinical services?
3. Is support readily available?
4. Does the organization’s framework
provide for safe reporting of ethical and
legal concerns?

©2010 Joint Commission International 16

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