Communication: Student A Student B

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Unit 5: What a story! Unit 5: What a story!

Student A Student B
1 Make a definition for each type of story in the 1 Make a definition for each type of story in the
list. Don’t use any words in the item itself. Your list. Don’t use any words in the item itself. Your
partner will guess what it is. partner will guess what it is.
Example: It’s a kind of film that makes you laugh. Example: It’s a kind of film that makes you laugh.
Answer: a comedy Answer: a comedy
1 a horror story 1 a historical novel
2 a science fiction novel 2 a short story
3 a romantic novel 3 a crime novel
4 a biography 4 poetry

2 Read the first half of the sentences about famous 2 Your partner will read sentences about famous
fairy tales. Your partner has the second half and fairy tales. Listen and choose the best way to
will help you complete them. complete each sentence.
1 Cinderella is a story about a poor young girl … leaves her glass slipper at a dance.
who … … grow into a giant bean plant.
2 Sleeping Beauty is a story about a beautiful … pricks her finger.
princess who … … grandmother lives in the forest.
3 Little Red Riding Hood is a story about a young girl … everything is made of ice.
whose …
4 The Snow Queen is a story about a place where … 3 Take turns to describe a famous film or book
5 Jack and the Giant Beanstalk is a story about some that you think your partner will know. Describe
beans which … the setting, the characters, the hero and the
ending (but don’t say the names or the title). Your
3 Take turns to describe a famous film or book partner will guess the story. Student A goes first
that you think your partner will know. Describe
the setting, the characters, the hero and the 4 Discuss the following questions with your partner:
ending (but don’t say the names or the title). Your • What was the last story you read?
partner will guess the story. Student A goes first. • What was your favourite story when you were
4 Discuss the following questions with your partner:
• What type of films do you like watching?
• What was the last story you read?
• What was your favourite story when you were
• What type of films do you like watching?

Think Level 3 Unit 5 Communication PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2018

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