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Version 1.07

EPE-11, 03/29/98 1 M600-A24 / COVER.DOC

1 Table of Contents

1 Table of Contents .................................................................................................. 2

2 Configuration ......................................................................................................... 5
3 Racks ...................................................................................................................... 6
4 Input / Output List .................................................................................................. 7
4.1 Console (EAK1_01) .................................................................................................................. 7
4.2 Cabinet Part 1 (EAK1_02)......................................................................................................... 8
4.3 Cabinet Part 2 (EAK1_03)......................................................................................................... 9
4.4 Infeed 1 / Splicer 1 (EAK1_04).................................................................................................10
4.5 Infeed 2 / Splicer 2 (EAK1_05).................................................................................................11
4.6 Chill rolls 1 / 2 (EAK1_06)........................................................................................................12
4.7 JF44 Cylinder Part (EAK1_07).................................................................................................13
4.8 JF44 Superstructure 1 (EAK1_08) ...........................................................................................14
4.9 JF44 Superstructure 2 (EAK1_09) ...........................................................................................15
4.10 4Page Module / Sheeter (EAK1_10) ......................................................................................16
4.11 Parallel Interface (EAK1_12)..................................................................................................17
4.12 Print Units General (EAK2_xx)...............................................................................................18
4.13 Print Units Print-Functions (EAK2_xx) ...................................................................................19
5 Safety Inputs SEK1 .............................................................................................. 20
5.1 Console ...................................................................................................................................20
5.2 Reserved (Duplex)...................................................................................................................20
5.3 Webcatcher-1 / Webcatcher-2 .................................................................................................20
5.4 Splicer-1 / Infeed-1 ..................................................................................................................20
5.5 Splicer-2 / Infeed-2 ..................................................................................................................21
5.6 Chill roll-1 / -2 ..........................................................................................................................21
5.7 JF44 ........................................................................................................................................21
5.8 Superstructure-1 ......................................................................................................................21
5.9 Superstructure-2 ......................................................................................................................22
5.10 JF4Page / Sheeter.................................................................................................................22
5.11 Reserved (2 JF44)...............................................................................................................22
5.12 Parallel Interface (PIO) ..........................................................................................................22
6 Safety Inputs SEK2 .............................................................................................. 23
6.1 Print Units................................................................................................................................23
7 Analog Inputs SAK............................................................................................... 24
8 Servo Drives ......................................................................................................... 24
8.1 SSK1 .......................................................................................................................................24
8.2 SSK2 .......................................................................................................................................25
8.3 SSK3 .......................................................................................................................................25
9 Variant key............................................................................................................ 26
10 Error messages.................................................................................................. 32
11 Limit switches .................................................................................................... 42
12 Press data........................................................................................................... 46
13 Parallel input output interface .......................................................................... 52
13.1 General inputs on PIO for standard interface-1 / -2 ................................................................52
13.2 General outputs on PIO for standard interface-1 / -2 ..............................................................52
13.3 Additional inputs for external device ......................................................................................53
13.4 Additional outputs to external device......................................................................................53
13.5 Inputs for additional WEB-BREAK-DETECTORS ..................................................................53
14 Automatic Production........................................................................................ 54
14.1 Presetting for the automatic start-, stop-sequence..................................................................55
14.2 Run press with automatic start sequence ...............................................................................55
14.3 Stop with automatic sequence ...............................................................................................55
14.4 Wash Modes for Automatic Start-, Stop-Sequence ................................................................56
15 Baldwin blanket wash control .......................................................................... 57

EPE-11, 03/01/98 2 M600-A24 / CONTENTS.DOC

15.1 Commands for blanket wash..................................................................................................57
15.2 Selection of the kinds of production wash up programs ..........................................................57
15.3 Fault symbols ........................................................................................................................58
15.4 Limit switches for Baldwin blanket washing device.................................................................58
15.5 Service screen.......................................................................................................................59
15.6 Blanket wash screen when using the service code .................................................................60
15.7 Blanket washing conditions for Baldwin device ......................................................................61
16 Web break detectors ......................................................................................... 65
16.1 Sensors .................................................................................................................................65
16.2 Web Severer .........................................................................................................................66
16.3 Web Catcher .........................................................................................................................66
16.4 Web break display .................................................................................................................66
17 Folder command for the JF44........................................................................... 67
17.1 Job store................................................................................................................................67
17.2 Job recall ...............................................................................................................................68
18 Remote web tension control............................................................................. 69
18.1 Hardware requirements..........................................................................................................69
18.2 Software functions .................................................................................................................69
18.3 Function description...............................................................................................................69
18.4 Display information ................................................................................................................70
19 Line shaft control............................................................................................... 71
19.1 Mechanic ...............................................................................................................................71
19.2 Measuring of the folder position .............................................................................................71
19.3 Line shaft monitoring .............................................................................................................71
19.4 Service display ......................................................................................................................72
20 Infeed unit........................................................................................................... 73
20.1 Control of the double dancer..................................................................................................73
20.2 Adjustment of the dancer potentiometer.................................................................................74
20.3 Harmonic Drive speed for variable autoplate inch speed and cut off length............................74
20.4 Harmonic Drive direction for autoplate...................................................................................74
20.5 Service display ......................................................................................................................75
20.6 Harmonic drive test for 2 web press .......................................................................................75
21 Print Units........................................................................................................... 76
21.1 Roller definition......................................................................................................................76
21.2 Oil Temperature.....................................................................................................................77
22 Status of the main drive .................................................................................... 78
22.1 Picture 47 (date/time) ............................................................................................................78
22.2 States of the drive control program ........................................................................................79
22.3 Reasons for state changes.....................................................................................................80
22.4 Level of release .....................................................................................................................81
22.5 Errors.....................................................................................................................................81
22.6 Commands and actuation’s....................................................................................................82
22.7 Emergency stop.....................................................................................................................82
23 Modem for remote diagnostic........................................................................... 83
23.1 Modem ..................................................................................................................................83
23.2 Wiring....................................................................................................................................83
23.3 Settings (AT-commands) .......................................................................................................83
24 JF44 positioning ................................................................................................ 84
25 Central dampening water supply...................................................................... 85
25.1 Display...................................................................................................................................85
25.2 Fault messages with technotrans water supply.......................................................................85
25.3 Commands ............................................................................................................................85
25.4 MZG Description (Service Command) ...................................................................................86
26 Configuration 1-web / 2-web ............................................................................. 87
26.1 Display "preset clutch“ ...........................................................................................................87
26.2 Example for a 2 web configuration.........................................................................................87
27 Handling 2-web configuration .......................................................................... 88

EPE-11, 03/01/98 3 M600-A24 / CONTENTS.DOC

28 Autoplate ............................................................................................................ 91
28.1 AP main picture .....................................................................................................................91
28.2 AP service picture..................................................................................................................92
28.3 Valve list................................................................................................................................93
28.4 Variant key ............................................................................................................................93
28.5 Adjustment of angles .............................................................................................................93
28.6 Starting the sequence ............................................................................................................94
28.7 Moving of cylinders from main panel .....................................................................................94
28.8 Register to zero .....................................................................................................................94
29 Harmonic Drive Chill Rolls .............................................................................. 102
30 Roller 4Page Module........................................................................................ 104
30.1 Test HD 4Page Module........................................................................................................106
31 Index of Titles................................................................................................... 107

EPE-11, 03/01/98 4 M600-A24 / CONTENTS.DOC

2 Configuration
MC-Y............................... Customer:.......................

Software versions: CPU1: ........................... SEK: ...........................

CPU2: ........................... SSK: ...........................
DIS: ........................... HAK: ...........................
CPC: ........................... FDK: ...........................

Variant key
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150

151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160

161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170

171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180

Consoles: 1q
Splicer: 1q 2q
Infeed: 1q 2q
Printing units: 2q 3q 4q 5q 6q
Chill rolls: 1q 2q
Superstructure: 1q 2q
JF-44: yesq noq with 4-page module: yesq noq
Sheeter: yesq noq
Parallel interface: yesq noq
Main drive: 90kWq 120kWq 150kWq 180kWq

Boards Frame1
+5 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01
+24 +5 3 2 2 1 1
+5 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01
+24 +24 03 02 01

Boards Frame2
500 500 500 500 500 500
+24 +5 +24 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01
50 500 500 500 500 500
+24 +5 +24 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01

EPE-11, 03/23/98 5 M600-A24 / CONFIG.DOC

3 Racks

EAK Rack-1 General EAK RACK-2 Print Units

EAK1_01 Console EAK2_01 General Unit1
EAK1_02 Cabinet part-1 EAK2_02 Print function Unit1
EAK1_03 Cabinet part-2 EAK2_03 General Unit2
EAK1_04 Infeed-1 EAK2_04 Print function Unit2
EAK1_05 Infeed-2 EAK2_05 General Unit3
EAK1_06 Chill rolls-1 / -2 EAK2_06 Print function Unit3
EAK1_07 JF44-Cylinder part EAK2_07 General Unit4
EAK1_08 JF44-Superstructure-1 EAK2_08 Print function Unit4
EAK1_09 JF44-Superstructure-2 EAK2_09 General Unit5
EAK1_10 4-Page-Modul / Sheeter EAK2_10 Print function Unit5
EAK1_11 EAK2_11 General Unit6
EAK1_12 Parallel Input / Output EAK2_12 Print function Unit6
! Unit = electrical counting !

Auxiliary Drives Rack-1 Auxiliary Drives Rack-2

HAK1_01_A Unit1 upper dampening ductor LTK1_01_A HAK2_01_A Infeed1 Harmonic Drive LTK2_01_A
HAK1_01_B Unit1 lower dampening ductor LTK1_01_B HAK2_01_B Chill roll1 Harmonic Drive LTK2_01_B
HAK1_01_C Unit2 upper dampening ductor LTK1_02_A HAK2_01_C Superstr.1 Harmonic Drive LTK2_02_A
HAK1_02_A Unit2 lower dampening ductor LTK1_02_B HAK2_02_A Silicon1 LTK2_03_A
HAK1_02_B Unit3 upper dampening ductor LTK1_03_A HAK2_02_B Silicon2 LTK2_03_B
HAK1_02_C Unit3 lower dampening ductor LTK1_03_B HAK2_02_C 4Page module LTK2_06_A
HAK1_03_A Unit4 upper dampening ductor LTK1_04_A HAK2_03_A Infeed2 Harmonic Drive LTK2_05_A
HAK1_03_B Unit4 lower dampening ductor LTK1_04_B HAK2_03_B Chill roll2 Harmonic Drive LTK2_05_B
HAK1_03_C Unit5 upper dampening ductor LTK1_05_A HAK2_03_C Superst.2 Harmonic Drive LTK2_02_B
HAK1_04_A Unit5 lower dampening ductor LTK1_05_B HAK2_04_A Silicon3 LTK2_04_A
HAK1_04_B Unit6 upper dampening ductor LTK1_06_A HAK2_04_B Silicon4 LTK2_04_B
HAK1_04_C Unit6 lower dampening ductor LTK1_06_B HAK2_04_C -
HAK1_05_A Unit1 upper ink ductor LTM1000-1 HAK2_05_A
HAK1_05_B Unit1 lower ink ductor LTM1000-2 HAK2_05_B
HAK1_05_C Unit2 upper ink ductor LTM1000-3 HAK2_05_C
HAK1_06_A Unit2 lower ink ductor LTM1000-4 HAK2_06_A
HAK1_06_B Unit3 upper ink ductor LTM1000-5 HAK2_06_B
HAK1_06_C Unit3 lower ink ductor LTM1000-6 HAK2_06_C
HAK1_07_A Unit4 upper ink ductor LTM1000-7 HAK2_07_A
HAK1_07_B Unit4 lower ink ductor LTM1000-8 HAK2_07_B
HAK1_07_C Unit5 upper ink ductor LTM1000-9 HAK2_07_C
HAK1_08_A Unit5 lower ink ductor LTM1000-10 HAK2_08_A
HAK1_08_B Unit6 upper ink ductor LTM1000-11 HAK2_08_B
HAK1_08_C Unit6 lower ink ductor LTM1000-12 HAK2_08_C
HAK1_09_A HAK2_09_A
HAK1_09_B HAK2_09_B
HAK1_09_C HAK2_09_C
! Unit = electrical counting !

EPE-11, 01/31/98 6 M600-A24 / RACKS.DOC

4 Input / Output List

4.1 Console (EAK1_01)

In_001 input (for command) Out_001 input (for command)
In_002 Out_002
In_003 clear (for command) Out_003
In_004 command ink allocation Out_004 command ink allocation
In_005 command auto plate Out_005 command auto plate
In_006 command blanket washing Out_006 command blanket washing prepare
In_007 command folder Out_007 command folder
In_008 Out_008
In_009 folder Out_009 folder
In_010 Out_010
In_011 sheeter Out_011 sheeter
In_012 imprinter Out_012 imprinter
In_013 Out_013
In_014 Out_014
In_015 Out_015
In_016 Out_016
In_017 black Out_017 black
In_018 cyan Out_018 cyan
In_019 magenta Out_019 magenta
In_020 yellow Out_020 yellow
In_021 x Out_021 x
In_022 z Out_022 z
In_023 l Out_023 l
In_024 v Out_024 v
In_025 unit 1 Out_025 unit 1
In_026 unit 2 Out_026 unit 2
In_027 unit 3 Out_027 unit 3
In_028 unit 4 Out_028 unit 4
In_029 unit 5 Out_029 unit 5
In_030 unit 6 Out_030 unit 6
In_031 unit 7 Out_031 unit 7
In_032 unit 8 Out_032 unit 8
In_033 display preset Out_033 display preset
In_034 display actual Out_034 display actual
In_035 Out_035
In_036 web selection Out_036 web selection
In_037 display fault Out_037 display fault
In_038 display service Out_038 display service
In_039 service (key code) Out_039
In_040 display fine Out_040 display fine
In_041 function 1 Out_041 function 1
In_042 function 2 Out_042 function 2
In_043 function 3 Out_043 function 3
In_044 function 4 Out_044 function 4
In_045 function 5 Out_045 function 5
In_046 function 6 Out_046 function 6
In_047 function 7 Out_047 function 7
In_048 function 8 Out_048 function 8
In_D3+ Out_049 fault press (red light)
In_D3- Out_050
In_D4+ Out_051
In_D4- Out_052
In_053 setting + 1 Out_053 setting + 1
In_054 setting - 1 Out_054 setting - 1
In_055 setting + 2 Out_055 setting + 2
In_056 setting - 2 Out_056 setting - 2
In_057 stop Out_057 fault production (yellow light)
In_058 input numerical keypad Out_058 input numerical input
In_059 press global Out_059 press
In_060 splicer / infeed Out_060 splicer / infeed
In_061 printing unit Out_061 printing unit
In_062 dryer/chill rolls Out_062 dryer/chill rolls
In_063 emergency stop inverse Out_063 fault console (blue light)
In_064 Out_064
In the I/O-Lists may be some optional in-/outputs for customizing purposes.

EPE-11, 03/23/98 7 M600-A24 / IO_LIST.DOC

4.2 Cabinet Part 1 (EAK1_02)
In_001 fault ink distributor temperature control Out_001 horn 1
In_002 Out_002 horn 2 (folder)
In_003 fault cooling water supply unit Out_003 oil pump lubrication folder 1
In_004 circuit breaker motor fan main drive Out_004 oil pump lubrication folder 2
In_005 brush main drive Out_005 imprinter upper denture clutch
In_006 circuit breaker oil pump lubrication folder 1 Out_006 imprinter upper multiple disk clutch
In_007 circuit breaker oil pump lubrication folder 2 Out_007 imprinter lower denture clutch
In_008 earth leakage monitor Out_008 imprinter lower multiple disk clutch
In_009 e-stop from slave-press1|e-stop from master-press Out_009
In_010 inch from slave-press1|e-stop GLK from master press Out_010 main drive break 1 2
In_011 release from slave-press1|unit sync. from master press Out_011 clutch line shaft
In_012 line shaft position 1 Out_012 clutch line shaft n (inverse)
In_013 line shaft position 2 Out_013 ink supply on
In_014 circuit breaker central lubrication Out_014 oil pump central lubrication
In_015 Out_015
In_016 circuit breaker machine illumination Out_016 cooling water supply unit main power on
In_017 circuit breaker transformer 4 page module / 6 units Out_017
In_018 circuit breaker oil pump chill rolls Out_018 oil pump chill rolls
In_019 circuit breaker oil temperature chill rolls Out_019 oil temperature
In_020 circuit breaker silicon applicator Out_020 silicon applicator
In_021 circuit breaker color supply & water supply Out_021 chill water for chill rolls
In_022 circuit breaker silicon conditioner Out_022 chill water for oil cooling system
In_023 Out_023 chill water for ink distribution temperature control
In_024 dew point compressed air dryer Out_024 chill water for damping water supply
In_025 circuit breaker transformer display Out_025 e-stop to slave-press1 |e-stop to master-press
In_026 circuit breaker auxiliary power parts Out_026 e-stop to slave-press1 GLK |inch to master-press
In_027 Out_027 unit synchrony. to slave-press1|release to ma-press
In_028 air pressure OK Out_028
In_029 circuit breaker fan transformer cabinet Out_029
In_030 circuit breaker fan swing frames Out_030
In_031 circuit breaker fan main drive power converter Out_031
In_032 circuit breaker fan for LTM Out_032
In_033 circuit breaker oil pump unit 01 Out_033 oil pump unit 01
In_034 circuit breaker oil pump unit 02 Out_034 oil pump unit 02
In_035 circuit breaker oil pump unit 03 Out_035 oil pump unit 03
In_036 circuit breaker oil pump unit 04 Out_036 oil pump unit 04
In_037 circuit breaker oil pump unit 05 / oil pump imprinter Out_037 oil pump unit 05
In_038 circuit breaker oil pump unit 06 / oil pump imprinter Out_038 oil pump unit 06
In_039 circuit breaker web catcher 1 Out_039
In_040 circuit breaker web catcher 2 Out_040
In_041 circuit breaker jf44 suction air 1 Out_041 JF suction air 1
In_042 circuit breaker squeegee motor chill roll 1 Out_042 squeegee motor chill roll 1
In_043 circuit breaker squeegee motor chill roll 2 Out_043 squeegee motor chill roll 2
In_044 circuit breaker blower former-turner bars Out_044 blower former, turner bars (main relay)
In_045 circuit breaker gluing Out_045 blower relay star
In_046 fuse 24V sensors Out_046 blower relay triangle
In_047 chill demand from ink distributor temperature control Out_047
In_048 fault compressor Out_048 drive field
In_049 circuit breaker sheeter Out_049 main drive break 1 1
In_050 circuit breaker splicer 1 Out_050
In_051 circuit breaker splicer 2 Out_051 clutch superstructure 2
In_052 circuit breaker central damping water supply Out_052 clutch chopper 2
In_053 circuit breaker JF44 suction air 2 Out_053 JF suction air 2
In_054 circuit breaker ink distributor temperature control 1 Out_054 clutch 4 Page module
In_055 Out_055 clutch superstructure 1
In_056 circuit breaker blanket washing device Out_056 clutch chopper 1
In_057 circuit breaker transformer 0T1 In_121 circuit breaker 0Q121
In_058 circuit breaker transformer 0T2 In_122 circuit breaker 0Q122
In_059 circuit breaker transformer 0T3 In_123 circuit breaker 0Q123
In_060 circuit breaker transformer clutch ln_124 circuit breaker CPC voltage supply , illumination
In_061 circuit breaker transformer glk (duplex) In_125 circuit breaker 0Q125
In_062 In_126
In_063 In_127 main power switch 0Q2
In_064 circuit breaker 220V supply for external installations In_128 main power switch 0Q1
In the I/O-Lists may be some optional in-/outputs for customizing purposes.

EPE-11, 03/23/98 8 M600-A24 / IO_LIST.DOC

4.3 Cabinet Part 2 (EAK1_03)
In_001 dryer 1 fault Out_001 dryer 1 emergency stop n
In_002 Out_002 dryer 1 run
In_003 Out_003 dryer 1 speed 5000
In_004 dryer 1 release blanket washing device Out_004 dryer 1 speed 10000
In_005 emergency stop from BAM Out_005 dryer 1 color on paper
In_006 Out_006 dryer 1 demand from blanket washing device
In_007 Out_007 dryer 1 speed 25000
In_008 Out_008 dryer 1 demand from blanket washing device n
In_009 additional web break detector 3 Out_009 blanket washing device crawl speed
In_010 additional web break detector 4 Out_010 blanket washing device emergency stop n
In_011 additional web break detector 5 Out_011
In_012 additional web break detector 6 Out_012
In_013 additional web break detector for severer (web 1) Out_013
In_014 additional web break detector for severer (web 2) Out_014 demand for blanket washing from imprinter top
In_015 Out_015 demand for blanket washing from imprinter bottom
In_016 Out_016 release for blanket washing from imprinter
In_017 web break web catcher 1 / dryer 1 Out_017 web catcher 1 web break detected
In_018 web catcher 1 guard open Out_018 web catcher 1 50% from speed point
In_019 web catcher 1 ready Out_019 web catcher 1 speed point
In_020 Out_020
In_021 Out_021
In_022 web catcher 1 emergency stop n Out_022 web catcher 1 fault
In_023 web catcher 1 stop Out_023 web severer 1 (standard)
In_024 web catcher 1 crawl speed Out_024 web severer 2 (second web)
In_025 imprinter fault TPK Out_025 imprinter inch forward
In_026 Out_026 imprinter inch backwards
In_027 Out_027 imprinter drive release
In_028 circuit breaker imprinter power converter Out_028 imprinter break
In_029 circuit breaker imprinter clutches (24V) Out_029 imprinter e-stop for power converter
In_030 circuit breaker imprinter transformer Out_030 imprinter CPC change over
In_031 circuit breaker imprinter motor fan Out_031 blanket washing device release dryer 2
In_032 circuit breaker imprinter power converter fan Out_032 blanket washing device wash without paper
In_033 blanket washing device demand Out_033 blanket washing device release dryer 1
In_034 blanket washing device wash Out_034 blanket washing device minimal 1 unit with impression
In_035 imprinter wash Out_035 blanket washing device pre warning from splicer 1
In_036 blanket washing reduced speed (Japan) Out_036 blanket washing device splice splicer 1
In_037 chill demand from central dampening water supply Out_037 blanket washing device speed 20000
In_038 ext. blanket washing device dampening rollers off Out_038 blanket washing device demand
In_039 ext. blanket washing device inking rollers off Out_039 blanket washing device pre warning from splicer 2
In_040 ext. blanket washing device impression off Out_040 blanket washing device splice splicer 2
In_041 dryer 2 fault Out_041 dryer 2 emergency stop n
In_042 Out_042 dryer 2 run
In_043 Out_043 dryer 2 speed 5000
In_044 dryer 2 release blanket washing device Out_044 dryer 2 speed 10000
In_045 Out_045 dryer 2 color on paper
In_046 Out_046 dryer 2 demand from blanket washing device
In_047 Out_047 dryer 2 speed 25000
In_048 Out_48 dryer 2 demand from blanket washing device n
In_049 web break 1 add. severer 1 (-> A_049) Out_049 add. web severer 1
In_050 web break 2 add. severer 1 (-> A_049) Out_050
In_051 web break 1 add. severer 2 (-> A_051) Out_051 add. web severer 2
In_052 web break 2 add. severer 2 (-> A_051) Out_052
In_053 web break 1 add. severer 3 (-> A_053) Out_053 add. web severer 3
In_054 web break 2 add. severer 3 (-> A_053) Out_054 ap_cpc_filter
In_055 web break 1 add. severer 4 (-> A_055) Out_055 add. web severer 4
In_056 web break 2 add. severer 4 (-> A_055) Out_056
In_057 web break web catcher 2 / dryer 2 Out_057 web catcher 2 web break detected
In_058 web catcher 2 guard open Out_058 web catcher 2 50% from speed point
In_059 web catcher 2 ready Out_059 web catcher 2 speed point
In_060 Out_060
In_061 Out_061
In_062 web catcher 2 emergency stop n Out_062 web catcher 2 fault
In_063 web catcher 2 stop Out_063
In_064 web catcher 2 crawl speed Out_064
In the I/O-Lists may be some optional in-/outputs for customizing purposes.

EPE-11, 03/23/98 9 M600-A24 / IO_LIST.DOC

4.4 Infeed 1 / Splicer 1 (EAK1_04)
In_001 infeed 1 emergency stop outlet bottom n Out_001
In_002 infeed 1 stop outlet bottom Out_002 infeed 1 fault outlet bottom h
In_003 infeed 1 crawl speed outlet bottom Out_003
In_004 Out_004
In_005 infeed 1 start web-up device outlet bottom Out_005 infeed 1 web-up device is active outlet bottom h
In_006 Out_006 infeed 1 release remote pressure
In_007 infeed 1 trolley is on Out_007 infeed 1 trolley
In_008 infeed 1 trolley outlet bottom Out_008 infeed 1 trolley outlet bottom h
In_009 infeed 1 web tension plus Out_009 infeed 1 bit1 remote pressure
In_010 infeed 1 web tension minus Out_010 infeed 1 bit2 remote pressure
In_011 Out_011 infeed 1 bit3 remote pressure
In_012 infeed 1 fuse 24V / sensors Out_012 infeed 1 bit4 remote pressure
In_D1+ infeed 1 web break 1 + Out_013 infeed 1 bit5 remote pressure
In_D1- infeed 1 web break 1 - Out_014 infeed 1 bit6 remote pressure
In_D2+ Out_015 infeed 1 bit7 remote pressure
In_D2- Out_016 infeed 1 bit8 remote pressure
In_017 infeed 1 web guide center outlet bottom Out_017 infeed 1 web guide center outlet bottom h
In_018 infeed 1 web guide centered Out_018 infeed 1 web guide center
In_019 infeed 1 web guide limit drive side Out_019 infeed 1 web guide drive side control
In_020 infeed 1 web guide limit operator side Out_020 infeed 1 web guide operator side control
In_021 infeed 1 web guide edge drive side Out_021 infeed 1 web guide drive side move
In_022 infeed 1 web guide edge operator side Out_022 infeed 1 web guide operator side move
In_023 infeed 1 web guide mech. Limit drive side Out_023 infeed 1 web guide read set point
In_024 infeed 1 web guide mech. Limit operator side Out_024 infeed 1 web guide control on
In_025 Out_025
In_026 Out_026
In_027 Out_027
In_028 Out_028
In_029 Out_029 infeed 1 web guide half control speed
In_030 Out_030
In_031 infeed 1 position web-up device Out_031
In_032 infeed 1 cycle web-up device Out_032
In_033 infeed 1 emergency stop outlet top n (not 2web) Out_033
In_034 Out_034
In_035 Out_035
In_036 Out_036
In_037 infeed 1 catwalk is up Out_037 infeed 1 catwalk up y
In_038 infeed 1 catwalk is down Out_038 infeed 1 catwalk down y
In_039 infeed 1 catwalk up outlet bottom Out_039 infeed 1 catwalk up h
In_040 infeed 1 catwalk down outlet bottom Out_040 infeed 1 catwalk down h
In_041 infeed 1 emergency stop infeed bottom n Out_041
In_042 infeed 1 stop infeed bottom Out_042 infeed 1 fault infeed bottom h
In_043 infeed 1 crawl speed infeed bottom Out_043 infeed 1 web severer y
In_044 Out_044
In_045 Out_045
In_046 Out_046
In_047 Out_047
In_048 Out_048
In_D3+ Out_049
In_D3- Out_050
In_D4+ Out_051
In_D4- Out_052
In_053 Out_053
In_054 Out_054
In_055 Out_055
In_056 Out_056
In_057 splicer 1 emergency stop n Out_057 splicer 1 emergency stop
In_058 splicer 1 emergency stop n external Out_058 splicer 1 web tension existing
In_059 splicer 1 horn for reel change Out_059 splicer 1 web break
In_060 splicer 1 fault Out_060 splicer 1 good copies
In_061 splicer 1 speed lock Out_061 splicer 1 web tension n
In_062 splicer 1 splice Out_062
In_063 splicer 1 splice pre warning Out_063
In_064 splicer 1 web break Out_064 splicer 1 fault h
In the I/O-Lists may be some optional in-/outputs for customizing purposes.

EPE-11, 03/23/98 10 M600-A24 / IO_LIST.DOC

4.5 Infeed 2 / Splicer 2 (EAK1_05)
In_001 Out_001
In_002 Out_002
In_003 Out_003
In_004 infeed 2 start web-up device Out_004
In_005 Out_005
In_006 Out_006 infeed 2 release remote pressure
In_007 infeed 2 trolley is on Out_007 infeed 2 trolley
In_008 infeed 2 trolley outlet bottom Out_008 infeed 2 trolley outlet bottom h
In_009 infeed 2 web tension plus Out_009 infeed 2 bit1 remote pressure
In_010 infeed 2 web tension minus Out_010 infeed 2 bit2 remote pressure
In_011 Out_011 infeed 2 bit3 remote pressure
In_012 infeed 2 fuse 24V / sensors Out_012 infeed 2 bit4 remote pressure
In_D1+ infeed 2 web break 1 + Out_013 infeed 2 bit5 remote pressure
In_D1- infeed 2 web break 1 - Out_014 infeed 2 bit6 remote pressure
In_D2+ Out_015 infeed 2 bit7 remote pressure
In_D2- Out_016 infeed 2 bit8 remote pressure
In_017 infeed 2 web guide center outlet bottom Out_017 infeed 2 web guide center outlet bottom h
In_018 infeed 2 web guide centered Out_018 infeed 2 web guide center
In_019 infeed 2 web guide limit drive side Out_019 infeed 2 web guide drive side control
In_020 infeed 2 web guide limit operator side Out_020 infeed 2 web guide operator side control
In_021 infeed 2 web guide edge drive side Out_021 infeed 2 web guide drive side move
In_022 infeed 2 web guide edge operator side Out_022 infeed 2 web guide operator side move
In_023 infeed 2 web guide mech. limit drive side Out_023 infeed 2 web guide read set point
In_024 infeed 2 web guide mech. limit operator side Out_024 infeed 2 web guide control on
In_025 Out_025
In_026 Out_026
In_027 Out_027
In_028 Out_028
In_029 Out_029 infeed 2 web guide half control speed
In_030 Out_030
In_031 Out_031
In_032 Out_032
In_033 infeed 2 emergency stop outlet bottom Out_033
In_034 Out_034
In_035 Out_035
In_036 Out_036
In_037 Out_037
In_038 Out_038
In_039 Out_039
In_040 Out_040
In_041 infeed 2 emergency stop infeed bottom n Out_041
In_042 infeed 2 stop infeed bottom Out_042 infeed 2 fault infeed bottom h
In_043 infeed 2 crawl speed infeed bottom Out_043 infeed 2 web severer y
In_044 Out_044
In_045 Out_045
In_046 infeed 2 emergency stop outlet top n Out_046 infeed 2 fault outlet top h
In_047 infeed 2 stop outlet top Out_047
In_048 infeed 2 crawl speed outlet top Out_048
In_D3+ Out_049
In_D3- Out_050
In_D4+ Out_051
In_D4- Out_052
In_053 Out_053
In_054 Out_054
In_055 Out_055
In_056 Out_056
In_057 splicer 2 emergency stop n Out_057 splicer 2 emergency stop
In_058 splicer 2 emergency stop n external Out_058 splicer 2 web tension existing
In_059 splicer 2 horn for reel change Out_059 splicer 2 web break
In_060 splicer 2 fault Out_060 splicer 2 good copies
In_061 splicer 2 speed lock Out_061 splicer 2 web tension n
In_062 splicer 2 splice Out_062
In_063 splicer 2 splice pre warning Out_063
In_064 splicer 2 web break Out_064 splicer 2 fault h
In the I/O-Lists may be some optional in-/outputs for customizing purposes.

EPE-11, 03/23/98 11 M600-A24 / IO_LIST.DOC

4.6 Chill rolls 1 / 2 (EAK1_06)
In_001 chill rolls emergency stop n 1 Out_001 chill rolls fault h 1
In_002 chill rolls stop 1 Out_002
In_003 chill rolls crawl speed 1 Out_003
In_004 chill rolls squeegee on off Out_004 chill rolls squeegee on h
In_005 chill rolls pressure roller Out_005 chill rolls pressure roller h
In_006 chill rolls flow control 1 n Out_006 chill rolls cooling water 1
In_007 chill rolls flow control 2 n (res.) Out_007 chill rolls cooling water 2 (res.)
In_008 Out_008
In_009 Out_009 chill rolls squeegee y
In_010 Out_010
In_011 Out_011 chill rolls silicon roller upper y
In_012 chill rolls fuse 24V / sensors Out_012 chill rolls silicone roller lower y
In_D1+ chill rolls web break 1 + Out_013 chill rolls pressure roller y
In_D1- chill rolls web break 1 - Out_014
In_D2+ Out_015
In_D2- Out_016
In_017 chill rolls web guide center Out_017 chill rolls web guide center h
In_018 chill rolls web guide centered Out_018 chill rolls web guide center
In_019 chill rolls web guide limit drive side Out_019 chill rolls web guide drive side control
In_020 chill rolls web guide limit operator side Out_020 chill rolls web guide operator side control
In_021 chill rolls web guide edge drive side Out_021 chill rolls web guide drive side move
In_022 chill rolls web guide edge operator side Out_022 chill rolls web guide operator side move
In_023 chill rolls web guide mech. limit drive side Out_023 chill rolls web guide regulation on
In_024 chill rolls web guide mech. limit operator side Out_024 chill rolls web guide control
In_025 chill rolls emergency stop n 2 Out_025 chill rolls fault 2 h
In_026 chill rolls stop 2 Out_026
In_027 chill rolls crawl speed 2 Out_027
In_028 Out_028
In_029 chill rolls oil pressure Out_029 chill rolls web guide half register motor speed
In_030 chill rolls oil level Out_030
In_031 chill rolls oil filter Out_031
In_032 Out_032
In_033 chill rolls 2 emergency stop n 1 Out_033 chill rolls 2 fault h 1
In_034 chill rolls 2 stop 1 Out_034
In_035 chill rolls 2 crawl speed 1 Out_035
In_036 chill rolls 2 squeegee on off Out_036 chill rolls 2 squeegee on h
In_037 chill rolls 2 pressure roller Out_037 chill rolls 2 pressure roller h
In_038 chill rolls 2 flow control 1 n Out_038 chill rolls 2 flow control 1
In_039 chill rolls 2 flow control 2 n (res.) Out_039 chill rolls 2 flow control 2 (res.)
In_040 Out_040
In_041 chill rolls 2 web guide center Out_041 chill rolls 2 web guide center h
In_042 chill rolls 2 web guide centered Out_042 chill rolls 2 web guide center
In_043 chill rolls 2 web guide limit drive side Out_043 chill rolls 2 web guide drive side control
In_044 chill rolls 2 web guide limit operator side Out_044 chill rolls 2 web guide operator side control
In_045 chill rolls 2 web guide edge drive side Out_045 chill rolls 2 web guide drive side move
In_046 chill rolls 2 web guide edge operator side Out_046 chill rolls 2 web guide operator side move
In_047 chill rolls 2 web guide mech. limit drive side Out_047 chill rolls 2 web guide regulation on
In_048 chill rolls 2 web guide mech. limit operator side Out_048 chill rolls 2 web guide control
In_D3+ chill rolls 2 web break 1 + Out_049 chill rolls 2 squeegee y
In_D3- chill rolls 2 web break 1 - Out_050
In_D4+ Out_051 chill rolls 2 silicone roller upper y
In_D4- Out_052 chill rolls 2 silicone roller lower y
In_053 chill rolls 2 fuse 24V / sensors Out_053 chill rolls 2 pressure roller y
In_054 Out_054
In_055 Out_055
In_056 Out_056
In_057 chill rolls 2 emergency stop n 2 Out_057 chill rolls 2 fault 2 h
In_058 chill rolls 2 stop 2 Out_058
In_059 chill rolls 2 crawl speed 2 Out_059
In_060 Out_060
In_061 Out_061 chill rolls 2 web guide half register motor speed
In_062 Out_062
In_063 Out_063 chill rolls 2 clutch y s (dvcrs)
In_064 Out_064 chill rolls 2 clutch y r (dvcrr)
In the I/O-Lists may be some optional in-/outputs for customizing purposes.

EPE-11, 03/23/98 12 M600-A24 / IO_LIST.DOC

4.7 JF44 Cylinder Part (EAK1_07)
In_001 jf44 emergency stop 1 n Out_001 jf44 fault 1 h (h1)
In_002 jf44 stop 1 Out_002
In_003 jf44 crawl speed 1 Out_003
In_004 jf44 inch forward 1 Out_004
In_005 jf44 safe/run 1 Out_005
In_006 jf44 flow control oil s Out_006
In_007 jf44 greasing min s Out_007 jf44 greasing y
In_008 jf44 greasing signal s Out_008
In_009 jf44 emergency stop 2 n Out_009 jf44 fault 2 h (h2)
In_010 jf44 stop 2 Out_010
In_011 jf44 crawl speed 2 Out_011
In_012 jf44 inch forward 2 Out_012
In_013 jf44 safe/run 2 Out_013
In_014 jf44 electronic jam detection 1 Out_014
In_015 jf44 electronic jam detection 2 Out_015
In_016 jf44 electronic jam detection 3 Out_016
In_017 jf44 emergency stop 3 n Out_017 jf44 fault 3 h (h3)
In_018 jf44 stop 3 Out_018
In_019 jf44 crawl speed 3 Out_019
In_020 jf44 inch forward 3 Out_020
In_021 jf44 safe/run 3 Out_021
In_022 jf44 speed increase 3 Out_022
In_023 jf44 speed decrease 3 Out_023
In_024 jf44 reset 3 Out_024 jf44 reset 3 h (h5)
In_025 jf44 cylinder clutch 3 Out_025 jf44 cylinder clutch 3 h (h6)
In_026 jf44 chopper clutch 3 Out_026 jf44 chopper clutch 3 h (h7)
In_027 jf44 paper lead clutch 3 Out_027 jf44 paper lead clutch 3 h (h8)
In_028 Out_028
In_029 jf44 chill rolls2 clutch 3 Out_029 jf44 chill rolls 2 clutch 3 h (h10)
In_030 jf44 main crank s (cr1) Out_030
In_031 jf44 change over crank s (cr2) Out_031
In_032 jf44 folder change over safe s (cr3) Out_032
In_033 jf44 emergency stop 4 n Out_033 jf44 fault 4 h (h4)
In_034 jf44 stop 4 Out_034
In_035 jf44 crawl speed 4 Out_035
In_036 jf44 inch forward 4 Out_036
In_037 jf44 safe/run 4 Out_037
In_038 jf44 emergency stop 16 n Out_038
In_039 jf44 stop 16 Out_039
In_040 jf44 crawl speed 16 Out_040
In_041 jf44 cylinder clutch s s (dv17s) Out_041 jf44 cylinder clutch y s (dv17s)
In_042 jf44 cylinder clutch s r (dv17r) Out_042 jf44 cylinder clutch y r (dv17r)
In_043 jf44 chopper clutch s (e2) Out_043
In_044 jf44 chopper clutch phasing s (dv8) Out_044
In_045 jf44 cover cam 1qf s s (dv2s) Out_045
In_046 jf44 cover cam 1qf s r (dv2r) Out_046
In_047 jf44 chopper knife immobilization s s (dv9s) Out_047
In_048 jf44 chopper knife immobilization s r (dv9r) Out_048 jf44 web severer y (dv13)
In_049 jf44 guard sg1 s Out_049
In_050 jf44 guard sg2 s Out_050
In_051 jf44 guard sg3 s Out_051
In_052 jf44 guard sg4 s Out_052
In_053 jf44 guard sg5 s Out_053
In_054 jf44 guard sg6 s Out_054
In_055 jf44 guard sg7 s Out_055
In_056 jf44 web break 1 (inverse) Out_056
In_057 jf44 mech. jam detection 1 s Out_057
In_058 jf44 fuse 24V / sensors Out_058
In_059 jf44 mech. jam detection 3 s Out_059
In_060 jf44 mech. jam detection 4 s Out_060
In_061 jf44 mech. jam detection 5 s Out_061
In_062 jf44 web break 1 Out_062
In_063 jf44 clutch first cross fold s (v5) Out_063
In_064 jf44 clutch second cross fold s (v6) Out_064
In the I/O-Lists may be some optional in-/outputs for customizing purposes.

EPE-11, 03/23/98 13 M600-A24 / IO_LIST.DOC

4.8 JF44 Superstructure 1 (EAK1_08)
In_001 jf44 emergency stop 111 n Out_001
In_002 jf44 stop 111 Out_002
In_003 jf44 crawl speed 111 Out_003
In_004 Out_004
In_005 Out_005
In_006 Out_006
In_007 Out_007
In_008 Out_008
In_009 jf44 emergency stop 112 n Out_009 jf44 fault 112 h (h22)
In_010 jf44 stop 112 Out_010
In_011 jf44 crawl speed 112 Out_011
In_012 jf44 fuse 24V / sensors Out_012
In_D1+ jf44 web break 3 + Out_013
In_D1- jf44 web break 3 - Out_014
In_D2+ jf44 web break 4 + Out_015
In_D2- jf44 web break 4 - Out_016
In_017 jf44 emergency stop 113 n Out_017
In_018 jf44 stop 113 Out_018
In_019 jf44 crawl speed 113 Out_019
In_020 Out_020
In_021 Out_021
In_022 Out_022
In_023 Out_023
In_024 Out_024 jf44 duplex h (h46)
In_025 jf44 emergency stop 114 n Out_025
In_026 jf44 stop 114 Out_026
In_027 jf44 crawl speed 114 Out_027
In_028 Out_028
In_029 jf44 emergency stop 115 n Out_029
In_030 jf44 stop 115 Out_030
In_031 jf44 crawl speed 115 Out_031
In_032 Out_032
In_033 Out_033
In_034 Out_034
In_035 Out_035
In_036 Out_036
In_037 Out_037
In_038 Out_038
In_039 Out_039
In_040 Out_040
In_041 Out_041 jf44 switching box1
In_042 Out_042
In_043 Out_043
In_044 Out_044
In_045 Out_045
In_046 Out_046
In_047 Out_047
In_048 Out_048
In_D3+ Out_049 jf44 cut plus 1/1
In_D3- Out_050 jf44 cut minus 1/1
In_D4+ Out_051 jf44 cut active 1/1
In_D4- Out_052
In_053 Out_053
In_054 Out_054
In_055 Out_055
In_056 Out_056
In_057 jf44 emergency stop 117 n Out_057 jf44 fault 117 h (h31)
In_058 jf44 stop 117 Out_058
In_059 jf44 crawl speed 117 Out_059
In_060 Out_060
In_061 Out_061
In_062 Out_062 jf44 cut plus 1/2
In_063 Out_063 jf44 cut minus 1/2
In_064 Out_064 jf44 cut active 1/2
In the I/O-Lists may be some optional in-/outputs for customizing purposes.

EPE-11, 03/23/98 14 M600-A24 / IO_LIST.DOC

4.9 JF44 Superstructure 2 (EAK1_09)
In_001 jf44 emergency stop 211 n Out_001
In_002 jf44 stop 211 Out_002
In_003 jf44 crawl speed 211 Out_003
In_004 Out_004
In_005 Out_005
In_006 Out_006
In_007 Out_007
In_008 Out_008
In_009 Out_009
In_010 Out_010
In_011 Out_011
In_012 jf44 fuse 24V / sensors Out_012
In_D1+ jf44 web break 5 + Out_013
In_D1- jf44 web break 5 - Out_014
In_D2+ jf44 web break 6 + Out_015
In_D2- jf44 web break 6 - Out_016
In_017 Out_017
In_018 Out_018
In_019 Out_019
In_020 Out_020
In_021 Out_021
In_022 Out_022
In_023 Out_023
In_024 Out_024
In_025 jf44 emergency stop 214 n Out_025
In_026 jf44 stop 214 Out_026
In_027 jf44 crawl speed 214 Out_027
In_028 Out_028
In_029 jf44 emergency stop 215 n Out_029
In_030 jf44 stop 215 Out_030
In_031 jf44 crawl speed 215 Out_031
In_032 Out_032
In_033 Out_033
In_034 Out_034
In_035 Out_035
In_036 Out_036
In_037 Out_037
In_038 Out_038
In_039 Out_039
In_040 Out_040
In_041 Out_041 jf44 signal switching box2
In_042 Out_042
In_043 Out_043
In_044 Out_044
In_045 Out_045
In_046 Out_046
In_047 Out_047
In_048 Out_048
In_D3+ Out_049 jf44 cut plus 1/1
In_D3- Out_050 jf44 cut minus 1/1
In_D4+ Out_051 jf44 cut active 1/1
In_D4- Out_052
In_053 jf44 emergency stop 220 n (duplex) Out_053 jf44 fault 220 h (h44)
In_054 jf44 stop 220 Out_054
In_055 jf44 crawl speed 220 Out_055
In_056 jf44 duplex 220 Out_056 jf44 duplex h (h45)
In_057 Out_057
In_058 Out_058
In_059 Out_059
In_060 Out_060
In_061 Out_061
In_062 Out_062 jf44 cut plus 1/2
In_063 Out_063 jf44 cut minus 1/2
In_064 Out_064 jf44 cut active 1/2
In the I/O-Lists may be some optional in-/outputs for customizing purposes.

EPE-11, 03/23/98 15 M600-A24 / IO_LIST.DOC

4.10 4Page Module / Sheeter (EAK1_10)
In_001 jf4p emergency stop 41 n Out_001 jf4p fault 41 h
In_002 jf4p stop 41 Out_002
In_003 jf4p crawl speed 41 Out_003
In_004 jf4p inch forward 41 Out_004
In_005 jf4p safe/run 41 Out_005
In_006 jf4p reset 41 Out_006 jf4p reset 41 h
In_007 jf4p nip roll upper 41 Out_007 jf4p nip roll upper 41 h
In_008 jf4p nip roll lower 41 Out_008 jf4p nip roll lower 41 h
In_009 jf4p folder roller 41 Out_009 jf4p folder roller 41 h
In_010 jf4p clutch module 41 Out_010 jf4p clutch module 41 h
In_011 jf4p fuse 24V / sensors Out_011
In_012 jf4p module engaged Out_012
In_013 jf4p web break 1 cylinder part Out_013 jf4p nip roll upper y s
In_014 jf4p web break 2 superstructure (1-web) Out_014 jf4p nip roll upper y r
In_015 jf4p web break 3 superstructure (2-web) Out_015 jf4p nip roll lower y s
In_016 jf4p web break 1 (inverse) cylinder part (for Baumer) Out_016 jf4p nip roll lower y r
In_017 jf4p emergency stop 42 Out_017 jf4p folder roller y s
In_018 jf4p stop 42 Out_018 jf4p folder roller y r
In_019 jf4p crawl speed 42 Out_019 jf4p web severer y
In_020 jf4p emergency stop 43 Out_020 jf4p trolleys5 y
In_021 jf4p stop 43 Out_021 jf4p center slitting5 y
In_022 jf4p crawl speed 43 Out_022
In_023 jf4p trolleys5 43 Out_023 jf4p trolleys5 43 h
In_024 jf4p center slitting5 43 Out_024 jf4p center slitting5 43 h
In_025 jf4p guard sg41 s Out_025 jf4p cut plus
In_026 jf4p guard sg42 s Out_026 jf4p cut minus
In_027 jf4p guard sg43 s Out_027 jf4p cut active
In_028 Out_028
In_029 jf4p mech. jam detection 41 s Out_029
In_030 jf4p mech. jam detection 42 s Out_030
In_031 Out_031
In_032 jf4p oil flow control s Out_032 jf4p switching box
In_033 sheeter emergency stop 1 Out_033 sheeter fault
In_034 sheeter inch forward Out_034 sheeter good copies h
In_035 sheeter save/run Out_035
In_036 Out_036
In_037 sheeter crawl speed 1 Out_037
In_038 sheeter stop Out_038
In_039 sheeter speed decrease Out_039
In_040 sheeter speed increase Out_040
In_041 sheeter de clutched Out_041
In_042 sheeter net counter Out_042
In_043 Out_043
In_044 Out_044
In_045 web break 1 Out_045
In_046 web break 2 Out_046
In_047 Out_047
In_048 Out_048 sheeter motor turn
In_049 sheeter emergency stop 2 Out_049
In_050 sheeter crawl speed 2 Out_050
In_051 Out_051
In_052 Out_052
In_053 sheeter guard sum n Out_053
In_054 sheeter guard hand wheel n Out_054
In_055 sheeter guard hood n Out_055
In_056 sheeter paper jam n Out_056
In_057 sheeter web guide infeed to drive side Out_057
In_058 sheeter web guide infeed to operator side Out_058
In_059 sheeter web guide chills 1 to drive side Out_059
In_060 sheeter web guide chills 1 to operator side Out_060
In_061 sheeter cut off forward Out_061 sheeter switching box
In_062 sheeter cut off backward Out_062
In_063 sheeter web guide chills 2 to drive side Out_063
In_064 sheeter web guide chills 2 to operator side Out_064
In the I/O-Lists may be some optional in-/outputs for customizing purposes.

EPE-11, 03/23/98 16 M600-A24 / IO_LIST.DOC

4.11 Parallel Interface (EAK1_12)
In_001 pio emergency stop 1 n Out_001 pio emergency stop 1 n
In_002 pio stop 1 Out_002 pio run 1
In_003 pio crawl speed 1 Out_003 pio production 1
ln_004 pio inch forward 1 Out_004 pio fault 1
In_005 pio safe/run 1 Out_005 pio speed more than 5000 1
In_006 Out_006 pio speed more than 10000 1
In_007 pio speed increase 1 Out_007 pio speed more than 20000 1
In_008 pio speed decrease 1 Out_008 pio crawl speed 1
In_009 pio de clutched 1 Out_009 pio demand from blanket washing device 1
In_010 Out_010
In_011 pio fault 1 Out_011
In_012 Out_012
In_013 Out_013
In_014 Out_014
In_015 Out_015 pio production through chill rolls1 1
In_016 pio circuit breaker 1 Out_016 pio production through chill rolls2 1
In_017 pio emergency stop 2 n Out_017 pio emergency stop 2 n
In_018 pio stop 2 Out_018 pio run 2
In_019 pio crawl speed 2 Out_019 pio production 2
In_020 pio inch forward 2 Out_020 pio fault 2
In_021 pio safe/run 2 Out_021 pio speed more than 5000 2
In_022 Out_022 pio speed more than 10000 2
In_023 pio speed increase 2 Out_023 pio speed more than 20000 2
In_024 pio speed decrease 2 Out_024 pio crawl speed 2
In_025 pio de clutched 2 Out_025 pio demand from blanket washing device 2
In_026 Out_026
In_027 pio fault 2 Out_027
In_028 Out_028
In_029 Out_029
In_030 Out_030
In_031 Out_031 pio production through chill rolls2 1
In_032 pio circuit breaker 2 Out_032 pio production through chill rolls2 2
In_033 pio good copy switch Out_033 pio splicer1 splicing
In_034 pio good copy break Out_034 pio splicer1 pre warning for splicing
In_035 Out_035 pio splicer2 splicing
In_036 Out_036 pio splicer2 pre warning for splicing
In_037 Out_037 pio ink overflow
In_038 Out_038 pio job counter zero
In_039 Out_039 pio counting to waste-sheet counter
In_040 Out_040 pio waste-sheet switch on
In_041 pio web break 1 Out_041 pio fault red light
In_042 pio web break 2 Out_042 pio fault yellow light
In_043 pio web break 3 Out_043 pio ink deficiency
In_044 pio web break 4 Out_044 pio web break detected
In_045 pio web break 5 Out_045 pio speed point 1
In_046 pio web break 6 Out_046 pio speed point 2
In_047 Out_047
In_048 Out_048
In_049 pio silicon conditioner fault Out_049 autoplate color register off group1
In_050 pio silicon conditioner empty Out_050 autoplate color register off group2
In_051 pio gluing fault Out_051
In_052 Out_052
In_053 Out_053
In_054 Out_054
In_055 Out_055
In_056 Out_056
In_057 Out_057
In_058 Out_058
In_059 Out_059
In_060 Out_060
In_061 Out_061
In_062 Out_062
In_063 Out_063
In_064 Out_064
In the I/O-Lists may be some optional in-/outputs for customizing purposes.

EPE-11, 03/23/98 17 M600-A24 / IO_LIST.DOC

4.12 Print Units General (EAK2_xx)
In_001 emergency stop operation side top n Out_001 fault operation side top
In_002 stop operation side top Out_002
In_003 crawl speed operation side top Out_003
In_004 inch forward operation side top Out_004
In_005 safe/run operation side top Out_005 position 1
In_006 inch backwards operation side top Out_006 position 2
In_007 position run operation side top Out_007
In_008 Out_008
In_009 catwalk is up Out_009 catwalk up y
In_010 catwalk is down Out_010 catwalk down y
In_011 catwalk up Out_011 catwalk up h
In_012 catwalk down Out_012 catwalk down h
In_D1+ Out_013
In_D1- Out_014
In_D2+ Out_015
In_D2- Out_016 web severer
In_017 emergency stop operation side bottom n Out_017
In_018 inch forward operation side bottom Out_018
In_019 safe/run operation side bottom Out_019
In_020 inch backwards operation side bottom Out_020
In_021 position run operation side bottom Out_021
In_022 Out_022
In_023 ap upper finger guard is open (13s2) Out_023
In_024 ap lower finger guard is open (23s2) Out_024
In_025 emergency stop drive side top n Out_025
In_026 inch forward drive side top Out_026
In_027 safe/run drive side top Out_027
In_028 inch backwards drive side top Out_028
In_029 emergency stop drive side bottom n Out_029
In_030 inch forward drive side bottom Out_030
In_031 safe/run drive side bottom Out_031
In_032 inch backwards drive side bottom Out_032
In_033 guard upper inlet open edw s in_o fawa Out_033 bearer guard down y
In_034 guard lower inlet edw s in_o Out_034
In_035 guard lower inlet ink roller edw s in_m Out_035
In_036 guard upper outlet /apc edw s in_u Out_036
In_037 guard upper outlet blanket (r) edw s in_u feuwa Out_037
In_038 guard lower outlet /apc edw s in_u fawe Out_038
In_039 guard lower outlet blanket (r) edw s out_o fawa Out_039
In_040 guard upper outlet ink roller edw s out_o feuwe Out_040
In_041 guard bottom outlet edw s out_u Out_041
In_042 bearer guard 1 edw s out_gu Out_042
In_043 bearer guard 2 (r) Out_043
In_044 ap ground platform (31s1) Out_044
In_045 Out_045
In_046 Out_046
In_047 Out_047
In_048 Out_048
In_D3+ web break detector 1 1 Out_049 oil cooling y
In_D3- web break detector 1 2 Out_050
In_D4+ Out_051
In_D4- Out_052
In_053 clutched Out_053 clutch y
In_054 de clutched Out_054 de clutch y
In_055 Out_055
In_056 Out_056
In_057 In_121 central lubrication system pressure switch 12 bar
In_058 oil flow control drive side In_122 central lubrication system oil return flow level min.
In_059 In_123 central lubrication system oil return flow level max.
In_060 In_124 central lubrication system water sensor
In_061 In_125 central lubrication system oil filter
In_062 In_126
In_063 oil reservoir float switch (min.) In_127
In_064 oil filter In_128
In the I/O-Lists may be some optional in-/outputs for customizing purposes.

EPE-11, 03/23/98 18 M600-A24 / IO_LIST.DOC

4.13 Print Units Print-Functions (EAK2_xx)
In_001 upper dampening ductor turns / edw ink ductor Out_001 upper dampening ductor turns h / edw ink fountain
In_002 upper dampening rollers on / edw ink rollers ... Out_002 upper dampening rollers on h / edw ink fountain
In_003 ap upper cassette off (11s1) Out_003 ap upper cassette off (11a1)
In_004 ap upper cassette on (11s2) Out_004 ap lower cassette out (21a1)
In_005 lower dampening ductor turns Out_005 lower dampening ductor turns h
In_006 lower dampening rollers on Out_006 lower dampening rollers on h
In_007 Out_007 ap close upper finger guard (13a1)
In_008 ap upper lift is down (12s2) Out_008 ap open upper finger guard (13a2)
In_009 dampening water ok upper Out_009
In_010 dampening water ok lower Out_010 ap open upper plate lock y (16a)
In_011 ap open upper plate lock Out_011 ap upper plate lock is open h
In_012 impression on / edw impression on Out_012 impression on h / edw upper impression on h
In_D1+ Out_013 edw lower impression on h
In_D1- Out_014 ap suction heads upper new plate (17a)
In_D2+ Out_015 ap upper cassette on(11a2)
In_D2- Out_016 ap suction heads lower new plate (27a)
In_017 ap upper movable support is off (14s2) Out_017 ap upper movable support off (14a1)
In_018 upper dampening plus Out_018 ap upper movable support on (14a2)
In_019 upper dampening minus Out_019 ap lower cassette in (21a2)
In_020 upper dampening rollers on Out_020 upper dampening rollers on h
In_021 upper inking rollers on / edw damping rollers ... Out_021 upper inking rollers on h / edw damping rollers...
In_022 upper ink ductor on Out_022 upper ink ductor on h
In_023 upper ink fountain roller turns / edw damping Out_023 upper ink fountain roller turns h / edw damping
In_024 upper squeegee on Out_024 upper wash-up squeegee on h
In_025 ap upper lift is up (12s1) Out_025 ap upper lift up (12a1)
In_026 lower dampening plus Out_026 ap upper lift down (12a2)
In_027 lower dampening minus Out_027
In_028 lower dampening rollers on Out_028 lower dampening rollers on h
In_029 lower inking rollers on Out_029 lower inking rollers on h
In_030 lower ink ductor on Out_030 lower ink ductor on h
In_031 lower ink fountain roller turns Out_031 lower ink fountain roller turns h
In_032 lower squeegee on Out_032 lower wash-up squeegee h
In_033 Out_033 upper metering roller y
In_034 Out_034 upper water fountain roller y
In_035 Out_035 upper dampening rollers y
In_036 Out_036 upper inking rollers y
In_037 Out_037 upper ink ductor y
In_038 Out_038 lower dampening form roller to ink distributor y
In_039 Out_039 upper wash-up squeegee y
In_040 fuse 24V / sensors Out_040 upper inking rollers y2
In_041 upper inking/dampening rollers de clutched (s1) Out_041 lower metering roller y
In_042 upper inking/dampening rollers de clutched (s2) Out_042 lower water fountain roller y
In_043 Out_043 lower dampening rollers y
In_044 lower inking/dampening rollers de clutched (s1) Out_044 lower inking rollers y
In_045 lower inking/dampening rollers de clutched (s2) Out_045 lower ink ductor y
In_046 ap lower lift is up (22s2) Out_046 lower dampening form roller to ink distributor y
In_047 ap lower lift is down(22s1) Out_047 lower wash-up squeegee y
In_048 ap lower movable support is off (24s1) Out_048 lower inking rollers y2
In_D3+ Out_049 impression y / edw lower impression y
In_D3- Out_050 edw upper impression y
In_D4+ Out_051 ap lower lift down (22a1)
In_D4- Out_052 ap lower lift up(22a2)
In_053 ap lower movable support is on (24s2) Out_053 ap lower movable support on (24a2)
In_054 ap lower unit guard is open (28s2) Out_054 ap lower movable support off (24a1)
In_055 ap lower cassette is in (21s2) Out_055 ap open lower finger guard (23a2)
In_056 ap lower cassette is out (21s1) Out_056 ap close lower finger guard (23a1)
In_057 upper ink level low Out_057 upper ink valve y
In_058 upper ink ok (fill) Out_058 lower ink valve y
In_059 upper ink level high Out_059 upper wash-up fluid
In_060 lower ink level low Out_060 lower wash-up fluid
In_061 lower ink ok (fill) Out_061 ap lower plate lock y (26a)
In_062 lower ink level high Out_062 ap close lower unit guard (28a1)
In_063 ap open lower plate lock Out_063 ap lower plate lock is open h
In_064 ap lower unit guard is closed (18s2) Out_064 ap open lower unit guard (28a2)
In the I/O-Lists may be some optional in-/outputs for customizing purposes.

EPE-11, 03/23/98 19 M600-A24 / IO_LIST.DOC

5 Safety Inputs SEK1

5.1 Console
SEK1_01 emergency stop console emergency stop
SEK1_02 not used reduced drive level (no inch)
SEK1_03 not used reduced drive level (no crawl)
SEK1_04 not used reduced drive level (no run)
SEK1_05 not used clutch feedback
SEK1_06 not used (jumper 24V) emergency stop
SEK1_07 not used reduced drive level (no inch)
SEK1_08 not used reduced drive level (no crawl)
SEK1_09 not used reduced drive level (no run)
SEK1_10 not used clutch feedback

5.2 Reserved (Duplex)

SEK1_11 EUM signal press 2 emergency stop
SEK1_12 not used reduced drive level (no inch)
SEK1_13 not used reduced drive level (no crawl)
SEK1_14 not used reduced drive level (no run)
SEK1_15 not used clutch feedback
SEK1_16 not used emergency stop
SEK1_17 not used reduced drive level (no inch)
SEK1_18 not used reduced drive level (no crawl)
SEK1_19 not used reduced drive level (no run)
SEK1_20 not used clutch feedback

5.3 Webcatcher-1 / Webcatcher-2

SEK1_21 catcher-1 emergency stop operator panel emergency stop
SEK1_22 not used reduced drive level (no inch)
SEK1_23 not used reduced drive level (no crawl)
SEK1_24 not used reduced drive level (no run)
SEK1_25 not used clutch feedback
SEK1_26 catcher-2 emergency stop operator panel emergency stop
SEK1_27 not used reduced drive level (no inch)
SEK1_28 not used reduced drive level (no crawl)
SEK1_29 not used reduced drive level (no run)
SEK1_30 not used clutch feedback

5.4 Splicer-1 / Infeed-1

SEK1_31 infeed-1 emergency stop 1+2 emergency stop
SEK1_32 not used reduced drive level (no inch)
SEK1_33 not used reduced drive level (no crawl)
SEK1_34 not used reduced drive level (no run)
SEK1_35 not used clutch feedback
SEK1_36 splicer-1 emergency stop 1+2 emergency stop
SEK1_37 not used reduced drive level (no inch)
SEK1_38 not used reduced drive level (no crawl)
SEK1_39 not used reduced drive level (no run)
SEK1_40 not used clutch feedback

EPE-11, 01/31/98 20 M600-A24 / SEK.DOC

5.5 Splicer-2 / Infeed-2
SEK1_41 infeed-1 emergency stop 1+2 emergency stop
SEK1_42 not used reduced drive level (no inch)
SEK1_43 not used reduced drive level (no crawl)
SEK1_44 not used reduced drive level (no run)
SEK1_45 not used clutch feedback
SEK1_46 splicer-1 emergency stop 1+2 emergency stop
SEK1_47 not used reduced drive level (no inch)
SEK1_48 not used reduced drive level (no crawl)
SEK1_49 not used reduced drive level (no run)
SEK1_50 not used clutch feedback

5.6 Chill roll-1 / -2

SEK1_51 chill roll-1 emergency stop 1+2 emergency stop
SEK1_52 not used reduced drive level (no inch)
SEK1_53 not used reduced drive level (no crawl)
SEK1_54 not used reduced drive level (no run)
SEK1_55 not used clutch feedback
SEK1_56 chill roll-2 emergency stop 1+2 emergency stop
SEK1_57 not used reduced drive level (no inch)
SEK1_58 not used reduced drive level (no crawl)
SEK1_59 not used reduced drive level (no run)
SEK1_60 not used clutch feedback

5.7 JF44
SEK1_61 jf44 emergency stop emergency stop
SEK1_62 guard SG3, SG7 reduced drive level (no inch)
SEK1_63 guard SG1, SG2 reduced drive level (no crawl)
SEK1_64 not used reduced drive level (no run)
SEK1_65 jf44 de clutched clutch feedback
SEK1_66 jf44 emergency stop emergency stop
SEK1_67 crank and guard CR1, CR2, CR3 reduced drive level (no inch)
SEK1_68 guard SG4, SG5, SG6 reduced drive level (no crawl)
SEK1_69 not used reduced drive level (no run)
SEK1_70 not used clutch feedback

5.8 Superstructure-1
SEK1_71 emergency stop: DS111, DS112, DS113 emergency stop
SEK1_72 not used reduced drive level (no inch)
SEK1_73 not used reduced drive level (no crawl)
SEK1_74 not used reduced drive level (no run)
SEK1_75 not used clutch feedback
SEK1_76 emergency stop: DS114, DS115, DS117 emergency stop
SEK1_77 not used reduced drive level (no inch)
SEK1_78 not used reduced drive level (no crawl)
SEK1_79 not used reduced drive level (no run)
SEK1_80 not used clutch feedback

EPE-11, 01/31/98 21 M600-A24 / SEK.DOC

5.9 Superstructure-2
SEK1_81 emergency stop: DS211, DS214, DS215 emergency stop
SEK1_82 not used reduced drive level (no inch)
SEK1_83 not used reduced drive level (no crawl)
SEK1_84 not used reduced drive level (no run)
SEK1_85 not used clutch feedback
SEK1_86 emergency stop: DS112, DS113 emergency stop
SEK1_87 not used reduced drive level (no inch)
SEK1_88 not used reduced drive level (no crawl)
SEK1_89 not used reduced drive level (no run)
SEK1_90 not used clutch feedback

5.10 JF4Page / Sheeter

SEK1_91 JF4p-emergency stop: DS41, DS42, emergency stop
SEK1_92 JF4p-guard: SG41, SG43 reduced drive level (no inch)
SEK1_93 JF4p-guard: SG42 reduced drive level (no crawl)
SEK1_94 not used reduced drive level (no run)
SEK1_95 JF4p de clutched clutch feedback
SEK1_96 sheeter-emergency stop: DS1 emergency stop
SEK1_97 sheeter-guard: SG1 reduced drive level (no inch)
SEK1_98 not used reduced drive level (no crawl)
SEK1_99 not used reduced drive level (no run)
SEK1_100 sheeter de clutched clutch feedback

5.11 Reserved (2nd JF44)

SEK1_101 emergency stop emergency stop
SEK1_102 not used reduced drive level (no inch)
SEK1_103 not used reduced drive level (no crawl)
SEK1_104 not used reduced drive level (no run)
SEK1_105 not used clutch feedback
SEK1_106 not used (jumper 24V) emergency stop
SEK1_107 not used reduced drive level (no inch)
SEK1_108 not used reduced drive level (no crawl)
SEK1_109 not used reduced drive level (no run)
SEK1_110 not used clutch feedback

5.12 Parallel Interface (PIO)

SEK1_111 emergency stop: DS1, DS2 emergency stop
SEK1_112 not used reduced drive level (no inch)
SEK1_113 not used reduced drive level (no crawl)
SEK1_114 not used reduced drive level (no run)
SEK1_115 de clutched clutch feedback
SEK1_116 emergency stop: DS3, DS4 emergency stop
SEK1_117 not used reduced drive level (no inch)
SEK1_118 not used reduced drive level (no crawl)
SEK1_119 not used reduced drive level (no run)
SEK1_120 de clutched clutch feedback

EPE-11, 01/31/98 22 M600-A24 / SEK.DOC

6 Safety Inputs SEK2

6.1 Print Units

SEK2_x1 emergency stop: 1,2,3,4 emergency stop
SEK2_x2 guards: upper inlets reduced drive level
SEK2_x3 guards: lower inlets reduced drive level
SEK2_x4 guards: upper outlets reduced drive level
SEK2_x5 guards: lower outlets reduced drive level
SEK2_x6 imprinter denture upper clutch clutch feedback
SEK2_x7 imprinter denture lower clutch clutch feedback
SEK2_x8 AP ground platform AP sequence stops
SEK2_x9 guard: bearer , AP finger guard reduced drive level
SEK2_x10 unit de clutched clutch feedback

EPE-11, 01/31/98 23 M600-A24 / SEK.DOC

7 Analog Inputs SAK
U_01 code resistor 1 main drive I_01
U_02 code resistor 2 main drive I_02
U_03 infeed-1 web tension I_03
U_04 infeed-2 web tension I_04
U_05 infeed-1 position dancer I_05
U_06 infeed-2 position dancer I_06
U_07 chill rolls-1 web tension I_07
U_08 chill rolls-2 web tension I_08

8 Servo Drives

8.1 SSK1
SSK1_01 web edge control infeed-1 drive side motor / potentiometer
SSK1_02 web edge control infeed-1 drive side sensor
SSK1_03 web edge control infeed-1 operator side motor / potentiometer
SSK1_04 web edge control infeed-1 operator side sensor
SSK1_05 web edge control infeed-2 drive side motor / potentiometer
SSK1_06 web edge control infeed-2 drive side sensor
SSK1_07 web edge control infeed-2 operator side motor / potentiometer
SSK1_08 web edge control infeed-2 operator side sensor
SSK1_09 web edge control chill roll-1 drive side motor / potentiometer
SSK1_10 web edge control chill roll-1 drive side sensor
SSK1_11 web edge control chill roll-1 operator side motor / potentiometer
SSK1_12 web edge control chill roll-1 operator side sensor
SSK1_13 web edge control chill roll-2 drive side motor / potentiometer
SSK1_14 web edge control chill roll-2 drive side sensor
SSK1_15 web edge control chill roll-2 operator side motor / potentiometer
SSK1_16 web edge control chill roll-2 operator side sensor

EPE-11, 01/31/98 24 M600-A24 / SAK_SSK.DOC

8.2 SSK2
SSK2_01 PU1 diagonal register top motor / potentiometer
SSK2_02 PU1 diagonal register bottom motor / potentiometer
SSK2_03 PU1 oil temperature PT100 sensor
SSK2_04 PU2 oil temperature PT100 sensor
SSK2_05 PU2 diagonal register top motor / potentiometer
SSK2_06 PU2 diagonal register bottom motor / potentiometer
SSK2_07 PU3 diagonal register top motor / potentiometer
SSK2_08 PU3 diagonal register bottom motor / potentiometer
SSK2_09 PU3 oil temperature PT100 sensor
SSK2_10 PU4 oil temperature PT100 sensor
SSK2_11 PU4 diagonal register top motor / potentiometer
SSK2_12 PU4 diagonal register bottom motor / potentiometer
SSK2_13 PU5 diagonal register top motor / potentiometer
SSK2_14 PU5 diagonal register bottom motor / potentiometer
SSK2_15 PU5 oil temperature PT100 sensor
SSK2_16 PU6 oil temperature PT100 sensor
! PU = electrical counting !

8.3 SSK3
SSK3_01 PU5 diagonal register top motor / potentiometer
SSK3_02 PU5 diagonal register bottom motor / potentiometer
SSK3_03 JF-former motor / potentiometer
SSK3_04 JF-former position potentiometer
SSK3_05 JF-turner bar top 1 motor / potentiometer
SSK3_06 JF-turner bar bottom 1 motor / potentiometer
SSK3_07 JF-cut off 1/1_1 motor / potentiometer
SSK3_08 JF-cut off 1/2_1 motor / potentiometer
SSK3_09 JF-turner bar top 2 motor / potentiometer
SSK3_10 JF-turner bar bottom 2 motor / potentiometer
SSK3_11 JF-cut off 1/1_2 motor / potentiometer
SSK3_12 JF-cut off 1/2_2 motor / potentiometer
SSK3_13 JF4p-cut off 1.web (extern) potentiometer
SSK3_14 JF4p-cut off 2.web (extern) potentiometer
SSK3_15 Web infeed device motor
SSK3_16 not used -

EPE-11, 01/31/98 25 M600-A24 / SAK_SSK.DOC

9 Variant key
Variant value comment
1 1 M-600-1M
1 2 M-600-2M
1 3 M-600-3M
1 4 M-600-4M
1 5 WEB-8
1 6 WEB-16
1 7 JF50 special
1 8 M6-1 SIMULAT
1 9 M6-1 SIMULAT

2 1 508mm width
2 2 673mm width
2 3 880mm width
2 4 965mm width
2 5 980mm width

3 0 546mm cut off

3 1 578mm cut off
3 2 584mm cut off
3 3 588mm cut off
3 4 598mm cut off
3 5 610mm cut off
3 6 630mm cut off

4 1 one web
4 2 two web

5 0 standard motor for printing unit group 1

5 1 90kW motor
5 2 120kW motor
5 3 150kW motor
5 4 180kW motor
5 5 180kW motor
5 6 180kW motor

6 0 standard motor for printing unit group 2

6 1-6 (not used at A24)

7 0 standard motor for post unit

7 1-4 (not used at A24)
maximum speed of the press
141 0 max. speed = 40.000 imp/h
141 1 max. speed = 44.000 imp/h
141 2-3 (not used at A24)
code for CPtronic type
142 0 no automatic detection
142 1 automatic detection = master

EPE-11, 03/23/98 26 M600-A24 / VARIANT.DOC

Variant value comment
142 2 automatic detection = print unit
142 3 automatic detection = post unit1
142 4 automatic detection = post unit2
142 5 automatic detection = imprinter
142 6 automatic detection = master slave1
142 7 automatic detection = print unit slave1
142 8 automatic detection = post unit1 slave1
142 9 automatic detection = master slave2
142 A automatic detection = print unit slave2
142 B automatic detection = post unit1 slave2
142 C automatic detection = a24
142 D automatic detection = a24 slave1
142 E automatic detection = a24 slave2
transmission belt disc main drive
143 0 A24-standard
143 1 A24-45000
configuration consoles
144 0 no console
144 1 one console
144 2 two consoles
144 3 console with PB
144 4 console with EAM
144 5 console PIPO
type of splicer 1
145 0 no splicer
145 1 splicer
145 2 splicer with tension delay (Butler)
type of splicer 2
146 0 no 2nd splicer
146 1 2nd splicer
146 2 2nd splicer with tension delay (Butler)
type of infeed 1
147 0 no infeed
147 1 infeed
147 2 infeed + RTC (Remote Tension Control)
type of infeed 2
148 0 no 2nd infeed
148 1 2nd infeed
148 2 infeed + RTC (Remote Tension Control)
flying imprinter
149 0 no flying imprinter (1-3 not used at A24)
149 1-3 (not used at A24)
print unit group 1
150 0 no printing unit
150 1 1 printing unit
150 2 2 printing units
150 3 3 printing units
150 4 4 printing units
150 5 5 printing units
150 6 6 printing units
150 7-C 7 - 12 printing units (not used at A24)
flying imprinter 2
151 0 no 2nd flying imprinter (1 not used at A24)
151 1 (not used at A24)
print unit group 2

EPE-11, 03/23/98 27 M600-A24 / VARIANT.DOC

Variant value comment
152 0 no 2nd printing unit group
152 1-6 (not used at A24)
type of dryer 1
153 0 no dryer
153 1 parallel interface to the dryer
153 2 MEG-dryer with serial interface
153 3 VITS-dryer with serial interface
153 4 STORK-dryer with serial interface
153 5 TEC-dryer with serial interface
type of dryer 2
154 0 no 2nd dryer
154 1 parallel interface to the 2nd dryer
154 2 MEG-dryer with serial interface
154 3 VITS-dryer with serial interface
154 4 STORK-dryer with serial interface
154 5 TEC-dryer with serial interface
type of chill roll group 1
155 0 no chill rolls
155 1 chill rolls without Harmonic drive
155 2 standard chill rolls
155 3 chill rolls with 2 integrated web guide
155 4 chill rolls without Harmonic drive /silicon motor reverse
155 5 standard chill rolls /silicon motor reverse
155 6 chill rolls with 2 integrated web guide silicon motor reverse
155 7 compact chill rolls without Harmonic drive /silicon motor reverse
155 8 compact chill rolls /silicon motor reverse
155 9 compact chill rolls with 2 integrated web guide silicon motor reverse
type of chill roll group 2
156 0 no 2nd chill rolls
156 1 chill rolls without Harmonic drive
156 2 standard chill rolls
156 3 chill rolls with 2 integrated web guide
156 4 2nd chill rolls without silicon applicator
type of superstructure 1
157 0 no superstructure
157 1 one superstructure
157 2 two superstructures
157 3 one superstructure with former
157 4 two superstructure with former
157 5 one superstructure with former reverse
157 6 two superstructure with former reverse
157 7 only former
157 8 only former reverse
157 9 HDM superstructure
type of superstructure 2
158 0 no 2nd superstructure
158 1-9 (not used at A24)
type of folder 1
159 0 no folder
159 1 HDM FA-1
159 2 JF-50
159 3 JF-50 without 2nd cross fold
159 4 JF-44
159 5 JF-50s
159 6 JF-50 without delta

EPE-11, 03/23/98 28 M600-A24 / VARIANT.DOC

Variant value comment
159 7 JF-44 with high speed
159 8 JF-44 with jam detectors
159 9 JF-44 with high speed and jam detectors
type of folder 2
160 0 no 2nd folder
160 1 HDM FA-1
160 2 JF-50
160 3 JF-50 without 2nd cross fold
160 4 JF-44
160 5 JF-50s
160 6 JF-50 without delta
160 7 JF-44 with high speed
160 8 JF-44 with jam detectors
160 9 JF-44 with high speed and jam detectors
type of sheeter
161 0 no sheeter
161 1 sheeter
161 2 sheeter with integr. cut off control
type of cutting register 1
162 0 no cut off control
162 1 old WEKO version
162 2 new WEKO version
162 3 other cut off control
type of cutting register 2
163 0 no cut off control
163 1 old WEKO version
163 2 new WEKO version
163 3 other cut off control
additional web guides
164 0 no additional web guide
164 1 no use
164 2 additional web guide for duplex use
ink distribution
165 0 no ink distribution
165 1 control of ink distribution
additional external units
166 0 no additional devices
166 1 additional devices without clutch
166 2 additional devices with clutch
parallel input output interface
167 0 no parallel interface
167 1 parallel interface at the master
167 2-7 (not used at A24)
encoder position
168 0 encoder turn unit group 1 right / group 2 right
168 1 encoder turn unit group 1 right / group 2 left
168 2 encoder turn unit group 1 left / group 2 right
168 3 encoder turn unit group 1 left / group 2 left
168 4 enc. unit group 1 right / group 2 right located at the unit
168 5 enc. unit group 1 right / group 2 left located at the unit
168 6 enc. unit group 1 left / group 2 right located at the unit
168 7 enc. unit group 1 left / group 2 left located at the unit
web tension sensor type
169 0 web tension sensor infeed 1000N/chill rolls 1000N
169 1 web tension sensor infeed 2000N/chill rolls 1000N

EPE-11, 03/23/98 29 M600-A24 / VARIANT.DOC

Variant value comment
169 2 web tension sensor infeed 1000N/chill rolls 2000N
169 3 web tension sensor infeed 2000N/chill rolls 2000N
type of air supply
170 0 internal air supply
170 1 external air supply
water / ink fountain motor
171 0 ink ductor off/ water ductor off
171 1 ink ductor off/ water ductor on
171 2 ink ductor on/ water ductor off
171 3 ink ductor on/ water ductor on
language for text messages
172 0 german information
172 1 english information
172 2 french information
172 3 spanish information
172 4 portugis information
clutch for the superstructure
173 0 folder 1 superstructure with clutch / folder 2 superstructure with clutch
173 1 folder 1 superstructure without clutch / folder 2 superstructure with clutch
173 2 folder 1 superstructure with clutch / folder 2 superstructure without clutch
173 3 folder 1 superstructure without clutch / folder 2 superstructure without clutch
173 4 folder 1 superstructure with clutch / folder 2 superstructure with clutch / upper
turner bar long range
173 5 folder 1 superstructure without clutch / folder 2 superstructure with clutch /
upper turner bar long range
173 6 folder 1 superstructure with clutch / folder 2 superstructure without clutch /
upper turner bar long range
173 7 folder 1 superstructure without clutch / folder 2 superstructure without clutch
/upper turner bar long range
metric / non metric
174 0 mm/Celsius
174 1 inch/Fahrenheit
unit feature
175 0 no autoplate
175 1 semi-ap (semi automatic plate change)
175 2 semi-ap angle (service semi automatic plate change)
175 3 ap (autoplate)
175 4 ap-angle (service autoplate)
175 5 1. unit only (autoplate only at 1st unit)
175 6 1. unit angle (service 1. unit only)

176 0 integrated web guide

176 1 not integrated web guide
water fountain solution unit
177 0 extern fountain solution device
177 1 Technotrans fountain solution device
4 Page Module
178 0 no 4-page module
178 1 1st folder with 4-page module
178 2 2nd folder with 4-page module
178 3 1st and 2nd folder with 4-page module
type of add. web break sensors
179 0 All additional web break sensor 0V is paper
179 1 50% between "0" and "2"
179 2 All additional web break sensor 24V is paper

EPE-11, 03/23/98 30 M600-A24 / VARIANT.DOC

Variant value comment
cpc configuration
180 0 one serial interface to CPC
180 1 two serial interface to CPC
180 2 Telecolor II

EPE-11, 03/23/98 31 M600-A24 / VARIANT.DOC

10 Error messages
mc = main cabinet
ylf = yellow lamp is flashing
msrl = machine stopped and red lamp is on
add. info = additional display information's
res = failure has to be reset
nr = no run possible and red light on

no. message input reaction add. info

#001 0_Q_64 EAK1_02 / E_064 ylf
#002 0_Q_25 EAK1_02 / E_025 ylf
#003 039_Q_54 EAK1_02 / E_054 ylf
#004 not used
#005 035_Q_21 EAK1_02 / E_021 ylf
#006 not used
#007 041_Q_52 EAK1_02 / E_052 ylf
#008 not used
#009 068_Q_56 EAK1_02 / E_056 ylf
#010 096_Q_16 EAK1_12 / E_016 ylf
#011 096_Q_32 EAK1_12 / E_032 ylf
#012 0_Q_26/1 : 0_Q_26/2 EAK1_02 / E_026 ylf
#013 0_Q_121 EAK1_02 / E_121
#014 0_Q_122 EAK1_02 / E_122
#015 not used
#016 029_Q_4 EAK1_04 / E_004 msrl #107
#017 not used
#018 029_Q_31 EAK1_02 / E_031 msrl #107
#019 not used
#020 not used
#021 0_Q_32 EAK1_02 / E_032 only red
#022 0_Q_30/1 : 0_Q_30/2 EAK1_02 / E_030 msrl #107
#023 0_Q_16/1 : 0_Q_16/2 EAK1_02 / E_016 ylf
#024 01_Q_33 EAK1_02 / E_033 msrl #108, res
#025 02_Q_34 EAK1_02 / E_034 msrl #108, res
#026 03_Q_35 EAK1_02 / E_035 msrl #108, res
#027 04_Q_36 EAK1_02 / E_036 msrl #108, res
#028 05_Q_37 EAK1_02 / E_037 msrl #108, res
#029 06_Q_38 EAK1_02 / E_038 msrl #108, res
#030 not used
#031 not used
#032 not used
#033 not used
#034 not used
#035 not used
#036 01_Q_19 EAK1_02 / E_013 nr, ylf #121,res
#037 not used
#038 013_Q_50 EAK1_02 / E_050 ylf
#039 014_Q_51 EAK1_02 / E_051 ylf
#040 not used
#041 Stoerung Trockner 1 EAK1_03 / E_001 ylf
fault dryer 1
#042 Stoerung Trockner 2 EAK1_03 / E_041 ylf
fault dryer 2
#043 not used
#044 0_Q_58 EAK1_02 / E_058 ylf
#045 0_Q_57 EAK1_02 / E_057 ylf
#046 not used
#047 0_Q_59 EAK1_02 / E_059 ylf
#048 01_Q_14 EAK1_02 / E_014 ylf
#049 not used
#050 059_Q_39: 060_Q_40 EAK1_02 / E_039, E_040 ylf
#051 not used
#052 not used
#053 not used

EPE-11, 03/23/98 32 M600-A24 / VARIANT.DOC

no. message input reaction add. info
#054 not used
#055 SS_Isolationswaechter EAK1_02 / E_008 ylf yellow lamp
earth leakage monitor will be autom.
defaut isolement reset in fault
vigilancia aislamiento pic.
defeito ar isolamento
#056 SS_Taupunkt_Kaeltetrockner EAK1_02 / E_024 ylf
dew point refrigerator dryer
defaut point de rosee compresseur
punto escarcha del secador de aire
defeito temperatura baixa estufa
#057 Sicherheits Signale (1)
Safety input signals (1)
Safety input signals (1)
Safety input signals (1)
Safety input signals (1)
#058 Sicherheits Signale (2)
Safety input signals (2)
Safety input signals (2)
Safety input signals (2)
Safety input signals (2)
#059 sek_stoerungen+3
internal error (SEK+3)
defaut intern (SEK+3)
fallo interno (SEK3)
defeito detectato pelacarta (SEK3)
#060 SS_FRT_Stoerung EAK1_02 / E_001 ylf
ink distribution temperature error
defaut rechauffeur de tables encrage
defecto temp. en la refrig. de la mesas
temperatura da agua no rolo tinta
#061 Feuchtmittelaufbereitung
central damp. water supply
defaut centrale de mouillage
defecto circulacion agua del mojado
alimentaiar da agua molha
#062 kein Luftdruck EAK1_02 / E_028 first ylf, after after 1min
compressed air supply 1min msrl #107
defaut air comprime
fallo aire comprimido
ar comprimido
#063 045_Q_45 EAK1_02 / E_045 ylf
#064 019_Q_42 EAK1_02 / E_042 ylf
#065 020_Q_43 EAK1_02 / E_043 ylf
#066 021_Q_44 EAK1_02 / E_044 ylf
#067 not used
#068 not used
#069 023_Q_41 EAK1_02 / E_041 ylf
#070 not used
#071 0_Q_61
#072 not used
#073 019_Q_22 EAK1_02 / E_022 ylf
#074 025_Q_49 EAK1_02 / E_049 ylf
#075 019_Q_18 EAK1_02 / E_018 msrl #106, res
#076 not used
#077 Notaus Pult EAK1_01 / E_063 msrl, blue
e_stop main operator panel lamp is
arret urgence pupitre prinicipal flashing
paro emerg. pupitre
stop na mesa de controle
#078 Notaus Rollenwechsler
e_stop splicer
arret urgence de rouleur
paro emerg. desbobinador
stop no desenrolador
#079 Notaus Einzugswerk
e_stop infeed
arret urgence debiteur
paro emerg. tensor entrada
stop no debitor

EPE-11, 02/09/98 33 M600-A24 / ERRORS.DOC

no. message input reaction add. info
#080 Notaus Trockner
e_stop dryer
arret urgence secheur
paro emerg. horno de secado
stop na estufa
#081 Notaus Kuehlwalzen
e_stop chill rolls
arret urgence refroidisseur
paro emerg. calandra
stop no refrigerador
#082 Notaus Perforierwerk
e_stop perforator
arret urgence groupe perforation
paro emerg. unidad perforacion
stop no perfurador
#083 Notaus Plano
e_stop sheeter
arret urgence sortie a plat
paro emerg. resmadora
stop no folha a folha
#084 Notaus FA1
e_stop FA-1
arret urgence FA-1
paro emerg. FA-1
stop na dobradeira no1
#085 Notaus JF50/JF44
e_stop JF50/JF44
arret urgence JF50/JF44
paro emerg. JF50/JF44
stop na dobradeira JF50/JF44
#086 Notaus PIO (Zusatzgeraete)
e_stop PIO (additional equipment)
arret urgence PIO (materiel additionnel)
paro emerg. PIO (equipo adiconal)
stop por defeito entradas/saidas
#087 Notaus DDW
e_stop printing unit
arret urgence groupe imprimant
paro emerg. grupo impresion
stop no grupo de impressao
#088 Notaus Webcatcher EAK1_03 / E_022, E_062 msrl
e_stop web catcher
arret urgence web catcher
paro emerg. web catcher
stop no travador de banda
#089 Notaus Stauschalter FA1
e_stop paper jam FA-1
arret urgence bourrage FA-1
paro emerg. interrutor atasco FA-1
stop por embrulhamento na dobradeira no1
#090 Notaus Ueberlast FA1
e_stop overload FA-1
arret urgence surcharge FA-1
paro emerg. sobrecarga en FA-1
stop na passagem super dobradeira no1
#091 Notaus Kupplungfehler FA1
e_stop clutch error FA-1
arret urgence defaut embrayage FA-1
paro emerg. error embrague FA-1
defeito de embraiagem na dobradreira no1
#092 Notaus Produktkontrolle
e_stop product control folder
arret urgence bourrage electronique
paro emerg.atasco electronico plegadora
embrulhamento electronics
#093 Notaus Bahnbruch
e_stop web break
arret urgence casse de bande
paro emerg. por rotura banda
papel partido (stop)

EPE-11, 02/09/98 34 M600-A24 / ERRORS.DOC

no. message input reaction add. info
#094 Notaus Kommunikation
e_stop communication
arret urgence communication
paro emerg. en comunicacion
erro de comunicacao
#095 Notaus von Befehl
e_stop caused by command
arret urgence cause par command
paro emerg. por mando
parag. urg. devida comando
#096 Notaus HW1_Not
e_stop internal (HW1)
arret urgence cause par SEK(HW1)
paro emerg. interno (HW1)
defeito de encoder (HW1)
#097 Notaus HW3_Not
e_stop internal (HW3)
arret urgence cause par SEK(HW3)
paro emerg. interno (HW3)
defeito de encoder (HW3)
#098 Notaus Dyn_Aus_Haant
e_stop dynamic test
arret urgence defaut test dynamique
paro emerg. test dinamico
stop pelo teste dinamico
#099 Notaus RWand_Not_aus_N
e_stop internal (RW_N)
arret urgence cause par SEK(RWN)
paro emerg. interno (RWN)
stop no desenrolador (segur.)
#100 Stoerung undefiniert
undefined error
erreur indefinie
fallo indefinido
erro indefinido
#101 keine Beweg. Notaus
no run (e_stop)
arret (stop)
parada (paro emergencia)
paragem (stop)
#102 keine Beweg. Schutze/Stau RQ
no run (sheeter guard or jam)
arret grille ou bourrage sortie a plat
parada (resmadora proteccion o atasco)
paragem (grelha aberta - folha a folha)
#103 keine Beweg. Schutze FA1
no run (FA-1 guard)
arret grille FA-1
parada (proteccion FA-1)
paragem (grelha aberta - dobradeira no1)
#104 keine Beweg. Schutze JF50/JF44
no run (JF50/JF44 guard)
arret grille JF50/JF44
parada (proteccion JF50/JF44)
paragem (grelha aberta - dob. JF50/JF44)
#105 keine Beweg. Kurbel JF50/JF44
no run (JF50/JF44 crank)
arret manivelle JF50/JF44
parada (manivela JF50/JF44)
paragem (manivela da dob. JF50/JF44)
#106 keine Beweg. Oelstoerung JF50/JF44
no run (JF50/JF44 lubrication)
arret defaut lubrication JF50/JF44
parada (lubricacion JF50/JF44)
paragem (lubriific. da dob. JF50/JF44)
#107 keine Beweg. Luefter Antrieb/Schaltschr.
no run (blower drive/cabinet)
arret defaut ventilateur moteur
parada (ventilacion motor)
paragem (ventilador do motor)

EPE-11, 02/09/98 35 M600-A24 / ERRORS.DOC

no. message input reaction add. info
#108 keine Beweg. Oelstoerung DDW
no run (unit lubrication)
arret lubrification groupe imprimant
parada (lubrication grupo)
paragem (lubrific. corpo impressao)
#109 keine Beweg. Schutze DDW
no run (unit guard)
arret grille groupe imprimant
parada (proteccion grupo)
parag. (grelha corpo impressao)
#110 kein Rueckt. Schmitzr.schutze
no revers inching(blanket/blanket guard)
pas marche arriere (grille blanchet/bl.)
sin marcha inversa (prot.entre.cil.mant)
marcha interdita (grelha lavagem)
#111 begr. Beweg. Schutze FA1
limited movement (FA-1 guard)
mouvement limite grille plieuse
movimiento limitado (proteccion FA-1)
mov. limitado (grelha dobrad.FA-1)
#112 kein Schlei. Schutz/Stau JF50/JF44
no crawl speed (JF50/JF44 guard/jam)
pas marche lente (JF50/44 grille/bourrage)
sin marcha lenta (proteccion/atasco JF-50)
evita o movimento da dobrad. JF50/JF44
#113 kein Schlei. Schutze FA1
no crawl speed (FA-1 guard)
pas marche lente (FA-1 grille)
sin marcha lenta (proteccion FA-1)
evita o movimento da dobrad. no1
#114 kein Schlei. Schutze DDW
no crawl speed (unit guard)
pas marche lente (grille groupe)
sin marcha lenta (proteccion grupo)
evita o movimento do corpo impressao
#115 kein Betrieb JF50/JF44 Betr. gesp.
no run (JF50/JF44 run not permited)
arret defaut de JF50/JF44
parada (JF50/JF44 bloqueada)
paragem por defeito da dobrad. JF50/JF44
#116 kein Betrieb Bahnbruch erk.
no run (web break)
arret casse bande
parada (rotura de banda)
paragem por papel partido
#117 kein Betrieb REK1_Freigabe_B
no run (internal message REK1_B)
arret defaut interne REK1_B
parada (mensaje interno REK1_B)
defeito detectado nacarta REK1_B
#118 keine Beweg. REK1_Halt
no run (internal message REK1_H)
arret defaut interne REK1_H
parada (mensaje interno REK1_H)
defeito detectado nacarta REK1_H
#119 keine Beweg. Schutz Webcatch. EAK1_03 / E_018, E_058
no run (web catcher guard)
arret grille avaleur de bande
parada (proteccion web catcher)
grelha do travador de banda
#120 kein Betrieb Feu/Farb-Kupplung
no run (damp./ink clutch)
arret mouillage/encrage embrayage
parada (embrague agua de mojado/tinta)
defeito embraiagem rolos mochagtinta
#121 kein Betrieb ZS_Oel_Stoerung
no run (central lubrication)
arret lubrification centrale
parada (central de lubrication)
paragem pela lubrificacao central

EPE-11, 02/09/98 36 M600-A24 / ERRORS.DOC

no. message input reaction add. info
#122 kein Position. SRS-Klappen
no positioning (unit bearer guard)
mauvaise position protege cordons groupe
sin posicionar (proteccion aros de Carga)
mau posicionaminto das grelhas
#123 kein Schlei. REK1_Freigabe_T
no crawl speed (internal message REK1_T)
pas de marche lente REK1_T
sin marcha lenta (mensaje interno REK1_T)
nao funciona a marcha lenta REK1_T
#124 kein Beweg. Schutz JS50/JS44
no run (2nd JF50/JF44 guard)
arret grille 2. JF50/JF44
parada (proteccion 2da JF50/JF44)
nao funciona manivela dobrad. JF50/JF44
#125 kein Beweg. Kurbel JS50/JS44
no run (2nd JF50/JF44 crank)
arret manivelle 2. JF50/JF44
parada (manivela 2da JF50/JF44)
nao funciona manivela dobrad. JF50/JF44
#126 kein Beweg. Oelstoerung JS50/JS44
no run (2nd JF50/JF44 lubrication)
arret lubrification 2. JF50/JF44
parada (lubricacion 2da JF50/JF44)
falha de lubrificacao dobrad. JF50/JF44
#127 kein Schlei. Schutze/Stau JS50/JS44
no crawl speed (2nd JF50/JF44 guard/jam)
pas marche lente (2.JF50/44 grille/bour.)s
in marcha lenta protec./atasco 2daJF50/44
nao funciona a marcha lenta dob. 2da JF50
#128 kein Betrieb JS50/JS44 Betr. gesp.
no run (2nd JF50/JF44 run not permited)
arret defaut 2. JF50/JF44
parada (fuera servicio 2da JF50/JF44)
paragem por defeito na dobrad. 2da JF50/44
#129 keine Beweg. Rek1_Halt_2
no run (internal message REK1_H2)
arret defaut REK1_H_2
parada (mensaje interno REK1_H2)
defeito detectado pela carta REK1_H2
#130 keine Beweg. Rek1_Freigabe_T_2
no run (internal message REK1_T2)
arret defaut REK1_T_2
parada (mensaje interno REK1_T2)
defeito detectado pela carta REK1_T2
#131 kein Betrieb Rek1_Freigabe_B_2
no run (internal message REK2_B2)
arret defaut REK1_B_2
parada (mensaje interno REK1_B2)
defeito detectado pela carta REK1_B2
#132 keine Beweg. Oelstoerung
no run (lubrication)
arret lubrification
parada (lubricacion)
falha de lubrificacao dobrad.
#133 Stoerung undefiniert
undefined error
erreur indefinie
fallo indefinido
falha indefinida
#134 Notaus parallel
e_stop parallel
arret urgence defaut parallel
paro emerg. error parallel
parag. urg. falha parallel
#135 Halt Konfigurationsfehler Falzapparat
stop configuration folder
arret configuration plieuse
stop configuration plegadora
stop configuration dobradeira

EPE-11, 02/09/98 37 M600-A24 / ERRORS.DOC

no. message input reaction add. info
#136 Notaus JS50/JS44
e_stop JS50/JS44
arret urgence JS50/JS44
paro emerg. JS50/JS44
parag. urg. JS50/JS44
#137 019_Q_20 EAK1_02 / E_020 ylf
#138 not used
#139 nur Schleichgang DDW-Welle-Kupplung
only crawl speed (inter unit clutch)
seulement marche lente (embrayage section)
solamente marca lenta (embrague entre grupo)
#140 nur Schleichgang SEK
only crawl speed SEK
seulement marche lente (SEK)
solamente marca lenta (SEK)
#141 keine Bewegung SEK
no run SEK
arret defaut (SEK)
parada (SEK)
#142 begrenzte Bewegung SEK
only inching SEK
seulement impulsion (SEK)
solamente impulso (SEK)
#143 Stoerung Eindruckwerk
error flying imprinter
defaut groupe de repiquage
fallo flying imprinter
defeito flying imprinter
#144 not used
#145 not used
#146 Notaus Kommunikation / Duplex
e_stop communication / duplex
arret urgence (defaut communication/duplex)
paro emerg. error en comunicacion/duplex
parag. urg. falha comunicacao/duplex
#147 Notaus andere Maschine
e_stop other press
arret urgence autre machine
paro emerg. error Duplex
parag. urg. falha Duplex
#148 0_Q_60 EAK1_02 / E_060
#149 keine Bewegung Luftdruck
no run (air pressure)
arret (air comprime)
parada (aire comprimido)
#150 keine Beweg. Duplex-Betrieb, Laengswelle
no run (duplex mode, main shaft)
arret (mode duplex, embrayage general)
parada (modo duplex, embrague general)
#151 ungueltige Betaetigung Sichern
inadmissible command (safe operation)
pas de commande (prise de priorite)
mando imposible (por prioridad)
#152 ungueltige Betaetigung Tippen rueckw.
inadmissible command (backward inching)
pas de commande (impulsion arriere)
mando imposible (impulso reves)
#153 ungueltige Betaetigung Tippen vorw.
inadmissible command (forward inching)
pas de commande (impulsion avant)
mando imposible (impulso)
#154 ungueltige Betaetigung Positionieren
inadmissible command (positioning)
pas de commande (positionnement)
mando imposible (posicionamiento)
#155 ungueltige Betaetigung Schleichgang
inadmissible command (crawl speed)
mando imposible (marca lenta)
pas de commande (marche lente)

EPE-11, 02/09/98 38 M600-A24 / ERRORS.DOC

no. message input reaction add. info
#156 ungueltige Betaetigung Halt
inadmissible command (stop)
pas de commande (arret)
mando imposible (parada)
#157 ungueltige Betaetigung Schneller
inadmissible command (fast)
pas de commande (+ vite)
mando imposible (mas rapido)
#158 ungueltige Betaetigung Langsamer
inadmissible command (slow)
pas de commande (- vite)
mando imposible (menos rapido)
#159 ungueltige Betaetigung Halt Pult
inadmissible command (stop main console)
pas de commande (arret pupitre principal)
mando imposible (paro consola principal)
#160 ungueltige Betaetigung Halt Oelstoerung
inadmissible command (stop lubrication)
pas de commande (arret cause lubrification)
mando imposible (paro por lubricacion)
#161 ungueltige Betaetigung Halt Auto-Prod.
inadmissible command (stop auto-prod.)
pas de commande (arret production auto)
mando imposible (paro produccion auto)
#162 ungueltige Betaetigung Halt von Befehl
inadmissible command (stop command)
pas de commande (arret interne)
mando (paro interno)
#163 ungueltige Betaetigung Halt Oeltemp.
inadmissible command (stop oil temp.)
pas de commande (arret temperature huile)
mando imposible (paro temperatura aceite)
#164 ungueltige Betaetigung Halt Luftdruck
inadmissible command (stop air pressure)
pas de commande (arret air comprime)
mando imposible (paro aire comprimido)
#165 ungueltige Betaetigung Halt Feuchtwasser
inadmissible command (stop damp. water)
pas de commande (arret eau de mouillage)
mando imposible (paro agua de mojado)
#166 ungueltige Betaetigung Schleichgang Pult
inadmissible command (crawl speed main console)
pas de commande (marche lente pupitre)
mando imposible (marca lenta consola)
#167 ungueltige Betaetigung Schleichgang Befehl
inadmissible command (crawl speed command)
pas de commande (commande marche lente)
mando imposible (mando marca lenta)
#168 ungueltige Betaetigung Betrieb Befehl
inadmissible command (run command)
pas de commande (commande marche)
mando imposible (mando marca)
#169 ungueltige Betaetigung Betrieb Pult
inadmissible command (run main console)
pas de commande (marche pupitre principal)
mando imposible (marca consola principal)
#170 ungueltige Betaetigung DW-Drehen Pult
inadmissible command (run unit main console)
pas de commande (marche pupitre groupe)
mando imposible (marca consola grupo)
#171 ungueltige Betaetigung Druckzahlvorgabe Pult
inadmissible command (speed preset main console)
pas de commande (programmation vitesse pupitre)
mando imposible (programacion velocidad consola)
#172 ungueltige Betaetigung Druckzahlvorgabe Waschen
inadmissible command (speed preset wash-up)
pas de commande (programmation vitesse lavage)
mando imposible (programation velocidad lavado)
#173 ungueltige Betaetigung Druckzahlvorgabe Auto
inadmissible command (speed preset auto)
pas de commande (programmation vitesse auto)
mando imposible (programacion velocidad auto)

EPE-11, 02/09/98 39 M600-A24 / ERRORS.DOC

no. message input reaction add. info
#174 ungueltige Betaetigung Halt Duplex
inadmissible command (stop duplex)
pas de commande (arret duplex)
mando imposible (paro duplex)
#175 ungueltige Betaetigung Schleichgang Duplex
inadmissible command (crawl speed duplex)
pas de commande (marche lente duplex)
mando imposible (marca lenta duplex)
#176 ungueltige Betaetigung undefiniert
inadmissible command (undefined)
pas de commande (indefinie)
mando imposible (indefinido)
#177 0_Q_29 EAK1_02 / E_029 ylf
#178 063_Q_28 EAK1_03 / E_028 msrl
#179 063_Q_29 EAK1_03 / E_029 msrl
#180 063_Q_30 EAK1_03 / E_030 msrl
#181 063_Q_31 EAK1_03 / E_031 msrl
#182 063_Q_32 EAK1_03 / E_032 msrl
#183 keine Druckzahlerh. (Laengswelle)
no incr. of speed (main shaft)
pas + vite (ligne arbre principal)
mas rapido imposible (transmision principal)
#184 keine Druckzahlerh. (Kupplung DDW)
no incr. of speed (clutch printing unit)
pas + vite (embrayage groupe imprimant)
mas rapido imposible (embrague grupo)
#185 keine Druckzahlerh. (Bahnbruchsicherung)
no incr. of speed (web break control)
pas + vite (controle detecteur casse)
mas rapido imposible (detector rotura)
#186 keine Druckzahlvorg.(Bahnbruchsicherung)
no preset of speed (web break control)
pas progr. vitesse (contr. detecteur casse)
progr. velocidad imposible (detector rotura)
#187 keine Druckzahlerh. (Laengswelle/Duplex)
no incr. of speed (main shaft / duplex)
pas + vite (embrayage ligne arbre/duplex)
mas rapido imposible(embrague transmision/duplex)
#188 keine Druckzahlerh. (Folge-Maschine)
no incr. of speed (following press)
pas + vite (machine esclave)
mas rapido impossible (rotativa principal)
#189 keine Druckzahlerh. (Leit-Maschine)
no incr. of speed (leading press)
pas + vite (machine maitre)
mas rapido imposible (rotativa principal)
#190 keine Beweg. DDW mit Tacho ausgekuppelt
no run (unit with encoder declutched)
arret (groupe avec encodeur debrayed)
parada(grupo con encoder debrague)
#191 Stoerung Kompressor EAK1_02 / E_048 ylf
error compressor
defaut compresseur
fallo compresor
defeito compresor
#192 keine Beweg. Oelstoerung Kuehlwalzen
no run (lubrication chill rolls)
arret (lubrification refroidisseur)
parada (lubricacion calandra)
falha de lubrificacao dobrad. refrigerador
#193 kein Position. Schutze DDW
no positioning (unit guard)
mauvaise position (grille groupe imprimant)
sin posicionar (proteccion grupo)
mau posicionaminto (grelha corpo impressao)
#194 kein Betrieb APC angeschwenkt
no run (APC on)
no run (APC on)
no run (APC on)
no run (APC on)

EPE-11, 02/09/98 40 M600-A24 / ERRORS.DOC

no. message input reaction add. info
#195 keine Druckzahlerh. (Rollenwechsler)
no incr. of speed (splicer)
pas + vite (derouleur)
mas rapido imposible (desbobinador)
#196 Stoerung Kühlwasserzentrale EAK1_02 / E_003
fault central cooling device
fault central cooling device
fault central cooling device
fault central cooling device
#197 Stoerung Silikonmischanlage ylf
fault silicon mixing unit
defaut melangeur de silicone
defaut melangeur de silicone
defaut melangeur de silicone
#198 Silikonmischanlage leer ylf
silicon mixing unit empty
melangeur de silicone vide
melangeur de silicone vide
melangeur de silicone vide
#199 Stoerung Leimeinrichtung ylf
fault glue device
defaut dispositif de encollage
defaut dispositif de encollage
defaut dispositif de encollage
#200 keine Beweg. (interne Meldung REK2_H)
no run (internal message REK2_H)
arret defaut interne
parada (mensaje interno REK2_H)
defeito detectado nacarta REK2_H
#201 keine Druckzahlerh. (Kupplung Einzugswerk)
no incr. of speed (clutch infeed)
pas + vite (embrayage debiteur)
no incr. of speed (clutch infeed)
no incr. of speed (clutch infeed)
#202 nur Tippen Fingerschutz
only inching (fingerguard)
seulement impulsion (protection PL/BL)
only inching (fingerguard)
only inching (fingerguard)
#203 keine Beweg. Schutze PIO msrl
no run (PIO gurad)
arret grille PIO
parada (proteccion PIO)
paragem (grelha aberta - PIO)

EPE-11, 02/09/98 41 M600-A24 / ERRORS.DOC

11 Limit switches

title description dim. min. max. def.


1.2 inf. web guide auto The speed point on which the infeed web guide change the [imp/h] 1000 10000 3600
status from manual to automatic control.
1.3 inf. web guide max. If there is a option to run the web guide with 100% and 50% [imp/h] 1000 20000 10000
control speed, the press speed on which the higher control
speed is used could be selected
1.4 inf. tens. warn. The web tension in Newton on which the display shows a [N] 500 2000 800
warning (invert flashing value).
1.5 inf. pres. roll. on The infeed pressure roller could be activated later then with [imp/h] 800 5000 800
the standard conditions
1.6 serv. activ Speed point where the severer is fired. [imp/h] 10000 30000 20000

1.7 inf. tens. mode Minimum web tension before the infeed starts the tension [N] 30 300 50
1.8 print water roll. Time in 1/10 sec between the water roller is wet and [.1sec] 5 30 10
delay switched to the blanket roller.

2.1 inf. webup step Value for the end position of the servo drive to web up [] 300 3000 1600
presses with more then 4 printing units.
2.2 catch activ Speed point on which the web catcher is activated. The web [imp/h] 10000 30000 12000
catcher starts to run on 50% of this value.
2.3 inf. tens. delay Minimum time, in which all necessary conditions for web [.1sec] 0 120 0
tension have to be fulfill before the tension control mode is
2.4 horn feat. if > 0 then in case of run mode for the press the horn can be [] 0 3 0
activated by pushing inch forward button
2.5 auto stop wait speed point for the automatic stop sequence to wait until all [imp/h] 10000 20000 15000
speed functions are finished.
2.6 blank wash reduc reduced blanket wash speed for baldwin japan.blanket [imp/h] 800 10000 3000
speed washing possible at selected speed.
2.7 web guide airtu on For a two web press the web guide of the 2nd chill rolls could [.1sec] 0 100 0
have a connection to the web turn system before the dryer.
As long as the web guide go to a limit the web turn get a high
signal for this selected time and a low signal for the time
selected in (2.8).
2.8 web guide airtu off See above information [.1sec] 1 100 10

3.1 blank wash reser With a Baldwin blanket washing system it is possible to [] 0 6 0
numbe adjust the cloth end sensor in a position that it is like a pre-
warning signal. In this case the selected number of washing
cycles could be done before this part of the washing system
is blocked.
3.2 blank wash stop If this is selected to "1" the press stops with the end of the [] 0 1 0
production end washing" of the blanket washings system.
3.3 ink track The general gradient for the ink tracking could be changed. [] 90 100 97
100 = more ink proportional to the press speed. 90 = less ink.
3.4 water track Same as (3.3) for the water [] 70 100 78

EPE-11, 02/09/98 42 M600-A24 / LIMITSWI.DOC

title description dim. min. max. def.

3.5 blank wash 0 -> production wash up with water rollers on normal [] 0 1 0
program numbers.1 -> production wash up with water rollers
off special program numbers.
3.6 blank wash optio This point select the type of reaction in case of an input in the [] 0 5 0
signal ink roller washing
0 = standard function.
1 = metering roller no change, ink-water roller no connection
2 = metering roller no change, ink-water roller to ink roller
3 = metering roller off ink water roller no change
4 = metering roller off ink water roller no connection to ink
5 = metering roller off ink water roller connection to ink
3.7 over damp time time during the water dampening motor run with high speed if [.1sec] 0 50 0
the roller stand still and the press go into run mode.
3.8 blanket washing time-out for Baldwin wash up before dryer error is displayed [.1sec] 110 600 350
dryer time after dryer request.

4.1 chill web guide auto The speed point on which the chill rolls web guide change [imp/h] 1000 10000 3600
the status from manual to automatic control.
4.2 chill web guide max. If there is a option to run the web guide with 100% and 50% [imp/h] 1000 20000 10000
control speed, the press speed on which the higher control
speed is used could be selected
4.3 chill valve water on The speed above the chill rolls water valve are open. [imp/h] 1000 15000 6000

4.4 chill silli. appl. on The speed on which the silicon applicator roller starts to turn [imp/h] 1000 10000 4000
and put to the web
4.5 chill tens. warn. The web tension in Newton on which the display shows a [N] 500 2000 800
warning (invert flashing value).
4.6 chill plate on The speed above the chill plate is activated (only if [imp/h] 1000 30000 25000
4.7 chill press roll. on The speed above the pressure roller at the chill rolls is [imp/h] 800 5000 800
activated if all other necessary conditions are fulfilled
4.8 chill break sev aktiv If "1" selected a web break at the chill rolls activates the web yes/no 0 1 0
severer before the dryer

5.1 1.JF 1.LF blow. Speed point for the blower for the 1st longitudinal fold. [imp/h] 600 10000 1000

5.2 1.JF web lead blow Speed point to switch on the blower for the web lead. [imp/h] 600 10000 1100

5.3 1.JF suct. air Speed point for the suction pump at the chopper is activated. [imp/h] 20000 50000 30000

5.4 1.JF cut off auto Speed point for the switch from manual to automatic mode [imp/h] 1000 10000 4000
for the cut off control
5.5 2.JF 1.LF blow Same as (5.1) for the 2nd folder [imp/h] 600 10000 1000

5.6 2.JF web lead blow Same as (5.2) for the 2nd folder [imp/h] 600 10000 1100

5.7 2.JF suct. air Same as (5.3) for the 2nd folder [imp/h] 20000 50000 30000

5.8 SRR ext speed If a external cut off control is used and the preselction for the [mm/ 1 200 20
position of all roller in the web lead is used, this value 10sec]
represent the "speed" of this system.

EPE-11, 02/09/98 43 M600-A24 / LIMITSWI.DOC

title description dim. min. max. def.

6.1 tens. max. limit For the function of "automatic tension monitoring" the tension [N] 500 850 700
level the first action have to be started could be selected.
6.2 tens. korr value The correction level for the "automatic tension monitoring" [] 50 200 80
could be vary. Higher level get a stronger reaction in the first
6.3 speed point 1 PIO-Output for external device."On" if press speed >= speed [imp/h] 600 50000 800
6.4 speed point 2 PIO-Output for external device."On" if press speed >= speed [imp/h] 600 50000 8000
6.5 1.JF grea. cycle Greasing cycles for the first folder [] 3 20 3

6.6 2.JF grea. cycle Greasing cycles for the second folder [] 3 20 3

6.7 1.JF stack suct. air Speed point for the suction pump at the 2nd chopper of a JF- [imp/h] 20000 50000 29000
50s is activated.
6.8 2.JF stack suct. air Speed point for the suction pump at the 2nd chopper of a [imp/h] 20000 50000 30000
2nd JF-50s is activated.

7.1 jf4p speed up mid middle speed of the motor for the speed up roller at the [] 600 850 757
4Page module
7.2 jf4p speed up turn direction of the motor for the speed up roller at the 4page [] 0 1 0
7.3 if4p speed up fix fixed speed of the motor for the speed up roller at the 4Page [] 640 770 757
7.4 ap inch speed press speed for the automatic plate change sequence [imp/h] 150 300 300

7.5 ink fount damp minimum speed of the ink fountain motor [1/m] 100 400 200
7.6 over damp speed over dampening speed of the dampening motor [1/m] 1000 4000 3500

7.7 water fount ap speed of the water fountain motor during the automatic plate [1/m] 30 800 90
speed change sequence
7.8 water fount basic minimum speed of the water fountain motor [1/m] 80 1000 500

8.1 waste spli1 start number of copies after the signal of splicer 1 is active until [rev] 20 255 80
delay waste is at the waste divider
8.2 waste spli 1 end number of copies the signal of splicer 1 is lengthen [rev] 0 255 0
8.3 waste spli2 start number of copies after the signal of splicer 2 is active until [rev] 20 255 80
delay waste is at the waste divider
8.4 waste spli2 end number of copies the signal of splicer 2 is lengthen [rev] 0 255 0
8.5 waste FI start delay number of copies after the signal of flying imprinter is active [rev] 20 255 80
until waste is at the waste divider
8.6 waste FI end delay number of copies the signal of flying imprinter is lengthen [rev] 0 255 0

8.7 waste blawa1 start number of copies after the signal of blanket washing device 1 [rev] 20 255 80
delay is active until waste is at the waste divider
8.8 waste balwa1 end number of copies the signal of blanket washing device 1 is [rev] 0 255 0
delay lengthen

9.1 waste blawa2 start number of copies after the signal of blanket washing device 2 [rev] 20 255 80
delay is active until waste is at the waste divider

EPE-11, 02/09/98 44 M600-A24 / LIMITSWI.DOC

title description dim. min. max. def.

9.2 waste blawa2 end number of copies the signal of blanket washing device 2 is [rev] 0 255 0
delay lengthen
9.3 ap reg back autoplate CPC register to previous value after plating [] 0 255

9.4 not used

9.5 not used

9.6 not used

9.7 waste gener. delay number off copies added to all other waste counter in general [rev] 0 255 0

9.8 not used

10. low tens. inf. remote web tension minimum value [N] 1 100 5
10. high tens. inf. remote web tension actual value [N] 4 80 60
10. start speed inf. tens. remote web tension low speed point [imp/h] 600 6000 700
10. final speed inf. tens. remote web tension upper speed point [imp/h] 700 10000 4000

EPE-11, 02/09/98 45 M600-A24 / LIMITSWI.DOC

12 Press data
# 0= keine Stoerung erkannt # 1= keine Beweg. Notaus
no error detected no run (e_stop)
pas d’ erreur detectee arret (arret urgence)
no fallo parada (paro emergencia)
no defeito paragem (stop)
# 2= keine Beweg. (Schutze RQ) # 3= keine Beweg. Schutze FA1
no run (sheeter guard) no run (FA1 guard)
arret (grille sortie a pla) arret (grille FA1)
parada(resmadora proteccio) parada (proteccion FA-1)
paragem (folha a folha) paragem (grelha aberta-no1)
# 4= keine Beweg.JF50/44 Schutz # 5= keine Beweg.Kurbel JF50/44
no run (JF50/JF44 guard) no run (JF50/JF44 crank)
arret (grille JF50/JF44) arret (manivelle JF50/JF44)
parada (proteccion JF50/44) parada (manivela JF50/JF44)
grelha aberta - dob.JF50/4 manivela da dob.JF50/JF44
# 6= keine Beweg. Oelst. JF50/44 # 7= Luefter Antrieb Schaltschr.
no run(JF50/44 lubrication) blower drive/cabinet
arret defaut lubrif.JF50/44 defaut ventilateur moteur
parada (lubricacion JF50/44) ventilacion motor
lubrific. da dob. JF50/44 ventilador do motor
# 8= keine Beweg.Oelstoerung DDW # 9= keine Beweg. Schutze DDW
no run (unit lubrication) no run (unit guard)
arret (lubrific. groupe) arret (grille groupe imprim)
parada (lubrication grupo) parada (proteccion grupo)
paragem (lubrific.impressao) parag.(grelha impressao)
# 10= Schmitzringschutz # 11= begr. Beweg. Schutze FA1
blanket/blanket guard limited movement(FA1 guard)
grille blanchet/blanchet mouvem. limite (FA1 grille)
prot.entre.cil.mant movim.limit.(proteccion FA1)
grelha lavagem mov.limitado(grelha dob.FA1)
# 12= Schutz/Stau JF50/JF44 # 13= kein Schlei. Schutze FA1
guard/jam JF50/JF44 no crawl speed (FA1 guard)
grille/bourrage JF50/JF44 pas marche lente(FA1 grille)
proteccion/atasco JF50/44 sin marcha lenta(protec.FA1)
evita o movimento JF50/44 evita o movim. da dob. no1
# 14= kein Schlei. Schutze DDW # 15= Betrieb gesperrt JF50/JF44
no crwal speed (unit guard) run not permited JF50/JF44
pas m.lente (grille groupe) arret defaut de JF50/JF44
sin marcha lenta(prot.grupo) parada(JF50/JF44 bloqueada)
evita o corpo impr. paragem por def.da JF50/44
# 16= kein Betrieb Bahnbruch erk. # 17= kein Betr. REK1_Freigabe_B
no run (web break) no run (int. mess. REK1_B)
arret (casse bande) arret (defaut int. REK1_B)
parada (rotura de banda) parada (mensaje int.REK1_B)
paragem por papel partido paragem(defeito REK1_B)
# 18= keine Bewegung REK1_halt # 19= keine Beweg.Schutz Webcatch
no run (int.message REK1_H) no run (web catcher guard)
arret (defaut int. REK1_H) arret (gr.avaleur de bande)
parada (mensaje int.REK1_H) parada (protec.web catcher)
paragem(defeito REK1_H) grelha do travador de banda
# 20= kein Betr. Feu/Farb-Kuppl. # 21= kein Betr. ZS_Oel_Stoerung
no run (damp./ink clutch) no run (centr. lubrication)
mouillage/encrage embrayage arret (lubrificat.centrale)
embrag.agua de mojado/tinta parada( lubrication)
def.embraiagem rolos mochag. paragem pela lubrific.centr.
# 22= Klappen Schmitzringschutz # 23= kein Tippen REK1_freig_T
flaps bearer guards no crawl speed (REK1_T)
protege cordons groupe pas de marche lente(REK1_T)
proteccion aros de Carga sin marcha lenta (REK1_T)
mau posicionam.das grelhas nao func.a mar.len(REK1_T)
# 24= keine Beweg.JS50/44 Schutze # 25= keine Beweg.Kurbel JS50/44
no run (JS50/JS44 guard) no run (JS50/JS44 crank)
arret (grille JS50/JS44) arret (manivelle JS50/JS44)
parada (proteccion JS50/44) parada (manivela JS50/JS44)
grelha aberta-dob.JS50/44 manivela da dob.JS50/JS44
# 26= keine Beweg. Oelst.JS50/44 # 27= Schutz/Stau JS50/JS44
no run(JS50/44 lubrication) guard/jam JS50/JS44
arret (defaut JS50/44 lubr) grille/bourrage JS50/JS44
parada (lubric. JS50/44) proteccion/atasco JS50/44
lubriific. da dob. JS50/44 evita o movimento JS50/44

EPE-11, 02/09/98 46 M600-A24 / PRESSDAT.DOC

# 28= Betrieb gesperrt JS50/JS44 # 29= keine Beweg.REK1_Halt_2
run not permited JS50/JS44 no run (int. mess.REK1_H2)
arret (defaut de JS50/JS44) arret (defaut REK1_H_2)
parada(JS50/JS44 bloqueada) parada(mensaje int.REK1_H2)
paragem por def.da JS50/44 paragem(defeito REK1_H2)
# 30= keine Beweg.REK1_Freig_T_2 # 31= kein Betr. REK1_Freig_B_2
no run (int.mess.REK1_T2) no run (int. mess. REK1_B2)
arret (defaut REK1_T_2) arret (defaut REK1_B_2)
parada(mensaje int.REK1_T2) parada(mensaje int.REK1_B2)
paragem(defeito REK1_T2) paragem (defeito REK1_B2)
# 32= keine Beweg. Oelstoer. FA1 # 33= Konfiguration Falzapparat
no run (FA1 lubrication) Configuration folder
arret (lubrification FA1) Configuration plieuse
parada (lubricacion FA1) Configuration plegadora
falha de lubrificacao FA1 Configuration dobradeira
# 34= DDW-Welle Kupplung # 35= Stoerung Eindruckwerk
clutch main shaft units error flying imprinter
embrayage arbre cde section defaut groupe de repiquage
embrague entre grupo fallo flying imprinter
embraiagem shaft units defeito flying imprinter
# 36= kein Betrieb SEK # 37= keine Bewegung SEK
SEK no run SEK no movement
SEK(impulsion,marche lente) SEK (arret)
SEK (impulso,marca lenta) SEK (paro)
SEK no run SEK no movement
# 38= begrenzte Bewegung SEK # 39= kein Luftdruck
SEK limited movement compressed air supply
SEK (seulement impulsion) defaut air comprime
SEK solamente impulso fallo aire comprimido
SEK limited movement defeito ar comprimido
# 40= Laengswelle ausgekuppelt # 41= Tacho ausgekuppelt
line shaft off Encoder-unit declutched
arbre cde principal debraye Encoder-unit declutched
embrague principal off Encoder-unit declutched
embraiegem principal off Encoder-unit declutched
# 42= Oelstoerung KW # 43= kein Position. Schutze DDW
lubrication fault chills no positioning (unit guard)
lubrication fault chills arret (grille groupe imprim)
lubrication fault chills parada (proteccion grupo)
lubrication fault chills parag.(grelha impressao)
# 44= kein Betieb APC an # 45= Platte ausspannen
no run APC on deplating
arret APC deplating
no run APC on deplating
no run APC on deplating
# 46= Platte einspannen # 99= Nichtdefinierter Fehler
plating undefined error
plating erreur indefinie
plating fallo indefinido
plating erro indefinido
#100= kein Notaus #101= Notaus Pult
no emergency stop e_stop main operator panel
pas arret urgence arret urgence pupitre
no paro emergencia paro emerg. pupitre
nao stop urg. stop na mesa de controle
#102= Notaus Rollenwechsler #103= Notaus Einzugswerk
e_stop splicer e_stop infeed
arret urgence derouleur arret urgence debiteur
paro emerg. desbobinador paro emerg.tensor entrada
stop no desenrolador stop no debitor
#104= Notaus Trockner #105= Notaus Kuehlwalzen
e_stop dryer e_stop chill rolls
arret urgence secheur arret urgence refroidisseur
paro emerg.horno de secado paro emerg. calandra
stop na estufa stop no refrigerador
#106= Notaus Perforierwerk #107= Notaus Plano
e_stop perforator e_stop sheeter
arret urgence groupe perfo. arret urgence sortie a plat
paro emerg. unidad perfora. paro emerg. resmadora
stop no perfurador stop no folha a folha

EPE-11, 02/09/98 47 M600-A24 / PRESSDAT.DOC

#108= Notaus FA1-Falzapparat #109= Notaus JF50/JF44
e_stop folder FA1 e_stop JF50/JF44
arret urgence FA1 arret urgence JF50/JF44
paro emerg. FA1 paro emerg. JF50/JF44
stop na dobradeira no1 stop na dobrad. JF50/JF44
#110= Notaus JS50/JS44 #111= Notaus PIO
e_stop JS50/JS44 e_stop pio
arret urgence S50/JS44 arret urgence PIO
paro emerg. S50/JS44 paro emerg. PIO
parag. urg. JS50/JS44 stop por defeito entradas
#112= Notaus Druckwerke #113= Notaus Webcatcher
e_stop printing units e_stop web catcher
arret urg.groupe imprimant arret urgence web catcher
paro emerg. stop units paro emerg. web catcher
stop no grupo de impressao stop no travador de banda
#114= Notaus parallel #115= Notaus Stau (mech) Falz.
e_stop parallel e stop jam folder
arret urgence parallel arret urg.(bourrage meca)
paro emerg.error parallel paro emerg (atasco)
parag. urg.falha parallel parag.urg.(embrulhamento)
#116= Notaus Ueberlastkuppl.FA1 #117= Notaus Kupplung Falzapp.
e_stop overload FA1 e stop clutch err. folder
arret urg.(surcharge FA1) arret urg.(embr.plieuse)
paro FA1 emerg.sobrec. en paro emerg.(embrague pleg)
paragem (super dobrad.FA1) parag.urg.(embraiegem dob)
#118= Notaus Stau (elektr) Falz #119= Notaus Bahnbruch
stop el. Jam detector e_stop web break
arret urg.(bourrage elect) arret urg.(casse de bande)
paro emerg.(atasco elect) paro emerg.(rotura banda)
parag.urg.(embrulh.elect) parag.urg.(papel partido)
#120= Notaus Kommunikation #121= Notaus von Befehl
e_stop communication e_stop caused by command
arret urg.(communication) arret urg.cause par command
paro emerg.en comunicacion paro emerg. por mando
erro de comunicacao parag.urg. devida comando
#122= Notaus HW1-Not #123= Notaus HW3-Not
e_stop internal (HW1) e_stop internal (HW3)
arret urg.(cause par HW1) arret urg.(cause par HW3)
paro emerg. interno (HW1) paro emerg. interno (HW3)
parag.urg. (HW1) parag.urg. (HW3)
#124= Notaus DYN_Hauptantrieb #125= Notaus rwand_not_aus_n
e_stop dynamic test e_stop internal (RW_N)
arret urg. ( test DYN ) arret urg.(cause par RWN)
paro emerg. test dinamico paro emerg. interno (RWN)
parag.urg. teste dinamico parag.urg. interno (RWN)
#126= Notaus Parallel-Bus #127= Notaus andere Maschine
e_stop PaBu e_stop other press
arret urg. (duplex comm.) arret urg. autre M600
paro emerg.(duplex comm.) paro emerg. error Duplex
parag.urg.(duplex com.) parag. urg. falha Duplex
#199= Notaus Parallel #200= Kein Halt betaetigt
e stop parallel no stop
arret urgence (parallel) pas d arret demande
paro emerg. parallel no paro
parag.urg. parallel nao paragem
#201= Halt Bedienstelle #202= Halt kein Luftdruck
stop operation panel stop air-pressure
arret demande boite bouton arret (pas air comprime)
paro operation panel paro (aire comprimido)
parag.operation panel parag.(ar comprimido)
#203= Halt Feuchtwasserstoerung #204= Halt Zentralschmierung
stop dampening-waterlevel stop(lubrication 12bars)
arret (niv. eau mouillage) arret (lubrificat. 12bars)
paro (agua mojado grupo) paro (lubricacion 12 bar)
parag.(agua molha grupo) parag.(lubrific. 12 bar)
#205= Halt Oeltemperatur 1.Bahn #206= Halt Oeltemperatur 2.Bahn
stop oiltemp 1st web stop oiltemp 2nd web
arret (temp.huile bande 1) arret (temp.huile bande 2)
paro (temp.aceite banda 1) paro (temp.aceite banda 2)
parag.(temp.aceite banda1) parag.(temp.aceite banda2)

EPE-11, 02/09/98 48 M600-A24 / PRESSDAT.DOC

#207= Halt Bedienpult #208= Halt Abschaltautomatik
stop control console stop auto production
arret pupitre arret production auto
paro consola paro auto producion mesa de controle producion
#209= Halt von Befehl #300= Einzugswerk OK
stop by command infeed ok
arret (cause par commande) debiteur ok
paro by command infeed ok command infeed ok
#301= Halt 1.Einzugswerk #302= Halt 2.Einzugswerk
stop infeed 1 stop infeed 2
arret debiteur 1 arret debiteur 2
paro infeed 1 paro infeed 2
parag.infeed 1 parag.infeed 2
#303= keine Bewegung 1.EZW #304= keine Bewegung 2.EZW
no movement infeed 1 no movement infeed 2
arret debiteur 1 arret debiteur 2
no movement infeed 1 no movenment infeed 2
no movement infeed 1 no movenment infeed 2
#305= Gummi-Tuch Waschen #306= keine Beweg. Schutz PIO
blanket-wash no run (PIO guard)
blanket-wash arret (grille PIO)
blanket-wash parada (proteccion PIO)
blanket-wash grelha aberta - PIO
#400= Divisionsfehler #401= single step
division error single step
erreur de division single step
division error single step
division error single step
#402= Hauptschalter aus #403= breakpoint
power off breakpoint
mise hors tension breakpoint
power off breakpoint
power off breakpoint
#404= INT0 #405= array bound
INT0 array bound
INT0 array bound
INT0 array bound
INT0 array bound
#406= unused opcode #407= esc code
unused opcode esc code
unused opcode esc code
unused opcode esc code
unused opcode esc code
#408= Fehler fail-safe-timer #409= cpu_on
fail-safe cpu_on
fail-safe cpu_on
fail-safe cpu_on
fail-safe cpu_on
#410= Interrupt nicht verwendet #411= Stoerung undefiniert
interrupt not used undefined erro
interrupt not used rerreur indefinie
interrupt not used fallo indefinido
interrupt not used falha indefinida
#413= SAK-init #414= vari=default
SAK-init vari=default
SAK-init vari=default
SAK-init vari=default
SAK-init vari=default
#415= CODE - eingegeben #416= NORMALE - Bedienung
all picture selected picture
all picture selected picture
all picture selected picture
all picture selected picture
#900= Neue Produktion #901= Warten auf Platten
new production wait for plates
new production wait for plates
new production wait for plates
new production wait for plates

EPE-11, 02/09/98 49 M600-A24 / PRESSDAT.DOC

#902= Wartung #903= Service
maintenance service
maintenance service
maintenance service
maintenance service
#904= Schichtbeginn #905= Schichtende
shift start shift end
shift start shift end
shift start shift end
shift start shift end
#906= Schichtwechsel #907= report
shift change report
shift change report
shift change report
shift change report
#950= keine Produktion #951= Druckzahl >= 800 I/h
press no production press run >= 800 I/h
pas de production machine vitesse machine >= 800 I/h
no producion velocidad rotativa>= 800 I/h
nao producion press run >= 800 I/h
#952= Druckzahl >10.000 I/h #953= Druckzahl >20.000 I/h
press run >10.000 I/h press run>20.000 I/h
vitesse machine >10.000 I/h vitesse machine >20.000 I/h
velocidad rotativa>10.000 I/h velocidad rotativa>20.000 I/h
press run >10.000 I/h press run >20.000 I/h
#954= Druckzahl >30.000 I/h #955= Druckzahl >40.000 I/h
press run >30.000 I/h press run >40.000 I/h
vitesse machine >30.000 I/h vitesse machine >40.000 I/h
velocidad rotativa>30.000 I/h velocidad rotativa>40.000 I/h
press run >30.000 I/h press run >40.000 I/h
#956= Druckzahl 50.000 I/h #957= keine Produktion
press run 50.000 I/h press no production
vitesse machine 50.000 I/h pas de production machine
velocidad rotativa 50.000 I/h no producion
press run 50.000 I/h nao producion
#958= Produktion >= 800 I/h #959= Produktion > 10.000 I/h
production >= 800 I/h production > 10.000 I/h
production >= 800 I/h production > 10.000 I/h
producion >= 800 I/h producion > 10.000 I/h
producion >= 800 I/h producion > 10.000 I/h
#960= Produktion > 20.000 I/h #961= Produktion > 30.000 I/h
production > 20.000 I/h production > 30.000 I/h
production > 20.000 I/h production > 30.000 I/h
producion > 20.000 I/h producion > 30.000 I/h
producion > 20.000 I/h producion > 30.000 I/h
#962= Produktion > 40.000 I/h #963= Produktion 50.000 I/h
production > 40.000 I/h production 50.000 I/h
production > 40.000 I/h production 50.000 I/h
producion > 40.000 I/h prodution 50.000 I/h
producion > 40.000 I/h prodution 50.000 I/h
#964= keine Produktion duplex #965= Duplex-Druckzahl >= 800 I/h
press no production duplex duplex run >= 800 I/h
pas de production machine duplex vitesse en duplex >= 800 I/h
no production duplex velocidad duplex >= 800 I/h
nao production duplex duplex run >= 800 I/h
#966= duplex-Druckzahl >10.000 I/h #967= duplex-Druckzahl >20.000 I/h
duplex run >10.000 I/h duplex run >20.000 I/h
vitesse en duplex >10.000 I/h vitesse en duplex >20.000 I/h
velocidad duplex >10.000 I/h velocidad duplex >20.000 I/h
duplex run >10.000 I/h duplex run >20.000 I/h
#968= duplex-Druckzahl >30.000 I/h #969= duplex-Druckzahl >40.000 I/h
duplex run >30.000 I/h duplex run >40.000 I/h
vitesse en duplex >30.000 I/h vitesse en duplex >40.000 I/h
velocidad duplex >30.000 I/h velocidad duplex >40.000 I/h
duplex run >30.000 I/h duplex run >40.000 I/h
#970= duplex-Druckzahl 50.000 I/h #971= keine Produktion duplex
duplex run 50.000 I/h press no production duplex
vitesse en duplex 50.000 I/h pas de production machine duplex
velocidad duplex 50.000 I/h no production duplex
duplex run 50.000 I/h nao production duplex

EPE-11, 02/09/98 50 M600-A24 / PRESSDAT.DOC

#972= duplex Produktion >= 800 I/h #973= duplex Produktion >10.000 I/h
duplex production >= 800 I/h duplex production >10.000 I/h
duplex production >= 800 I/h duplex production >10.000 I/h
duplex producion >= 800 I/h duplex producion >10.000 I/h
duplex producion >= 800 I/h duplex producion >10.000 I/h
#974= duplex Produktion >20.000 I/h #975= duplex Produktion >30.000 I/h
duplex production >20.000 I/h duplex production >30.000 I/h
duplex production >20.000 I/h duplex production >30.000 I/h
duplex producion >20.000 I/h duplex producion >30.000 I/h
duplex producion >20.000 I/h duplex producion >30.000 I/h
#976= duplex Produktion >40.000 I/h #977= duplex Produktion 50.000 I/h
duplex production >40.000 I/h duplex production 50.000 I/h
duplex production >40.000 I/h duplex production 50.000 I/h
duplex producion >40.000 I/h duplex producion 50.000 I/h
duplex producion >40.000 I/h duplex producion 50.000 I/h
#978= triplex-Druckzahl >= 800I/h #979= triplex-Druckzahl >10.000I/h
triplex run >= 800I/h triplex run >10.000I/h
vitesse en triplex >= 800I/h vitesse en triplex >10.000I/h
velocidad triplex >= 800I/h velocidad triplex >10.000I/h
triplex run >= 800I/h triplex run >10.000I/h
#980= triplex-Druckzahl >20.000I/h #981= triplex-Druckzahl >30.000I/h
triplex run >20.000I/h triplex run >30.000I/h
vitesse en triplex >20.000I/h vitesse en triplex >30.000I/h
velocidad triplex >20.000I/h velocidad triplex >30.000I/h
triplex run >20.000I/h triplex run >30.000I/h
#982= triplex-Druckzahl >40.000I/h #983= triplex-Druckzahl 50.000I/h
triplex run >40.000I/h triplex run 50.000I/h
vitesse en triplex >40.000I/h vitesse en triplex 50.000I/h
velocidad triplex >40.000I/h velocidad triplex 50.000I/h
triplex run >40.000I/h triplex run 50.000I/h
#984= triplex Produktion >= 800I/h #985= triplex Produktion >10.000I/h
triplex production >= 800I/h triplex production >10.000I/h
triplex production >= 800I/h triplex production >10.000I/h
triplex producion >= 800I/h triplex producion >10.000I/h
triplex producion >= 800I/h triplex producion >10.000I/h
#986= triplex Produktion >20.000I/h #987= triplex Produktion >30.000I/h
triplex production >20.000I/h triplex production >30.000I/h
triplex production >20.000I/h triplex production >30.000I/h
triplex producion >20.000I/h triplex producion >30.000I/h
triplex producion >20.000I/h triplex producion >30.000I/h
#988= triplex Produktion >40.000I/h #989= triplex Produktion 50.000I/h
triplex production >40.000I/h triplex production 50.000I/h
triplex production >40.000I/h triplex production 50.000I/h
triplex producion >40.000I/h triplex producion 50.000I/h
triplex producion >40.000I/h triplex producion 50.000I/h
#990= Hauptschalter ein
Power on
mise sous tension
Power on
Power on

EPE-11, 02/09/98 51 M600-A24 / PRESSDAT.DOC

13 Parallel input output interface
The PIO includes 2 standard interfaces and some additional inputs/outputs for parallel signals.

Standard interface 1: E_001 - E_016 inputs to external device.

A_001 - A_016 outputs to external device.

Standard interface 2: E_017 - E_032 inputs to external device.

A_017 - A_032 outputs to external device.

Additional I/O: E_033 - E_064 additional inputs.

A_033 - A_064 additional outputs.

13.1 General inputs on PIO for standard interface-1 / -2

E_001 / E_017 : emergency stop (bridge to 24V if not used).

E_002 / E_018 : press stop.
E_003 / E_019 : crawl speed.
E_004 / E_020 : inching forward.
E_005 / E_021 : safe - operation.
E_007 / E_023 : press speed increase.
E_008 / E_024 : press speed decrease.
E_009 / E_025 : PIO disengaged.
E_011 / E_027 : PIO fault
E_016 / E_032 : Circuit breaker

13.2 General outputs on PIO for standard interface-1 / -2

The PIO outlets are set on following conditions.

A_001 / A_017 : Emergency stop button is pushed.

A_002 / A_018 : Drive shaft and chill rolls are engaged and press runs.
A_003 / A_019 : Drive shaft clutched, press run, impression on, ink ductor on, inking
rollers on and no blanket wash.
A_004 / A_020 : Malfunction.
A_005 / A_021 : Drive shaft and chill rolls clutched, press speed above 5000 i.p.h.
A_006 / A_022 : Drive shaft and chill rolls clutched, press speed above 10000 i.p.h.
A_007 / A_023 : Drive shaft and chill rolls clutched, press speed above 20000 i.p.h.
A_008 / A_024 : Drive shaft clutched and crawl speed.
A_009 / A_025 : Drive shaft clutched and blanket wash.
A_015 / A_031 : Drive shaft and chill roll-1 are clutched and press runs above
6000 i.p.h. (Outlet for ext. color register control WEB1)
A_016 / A_032 : Drive shaft and chill roll-2 are clutched and press runs above
6000 i.p.h. (Outlet for ext. color register control WEB2)

EPE-11, 03/23/98 52 M600-A24 / PIO.DOC

13.3 Additional inputs for external device

E_033 : net counter switch

E_034 : net counter pause.
E_049 : fault silicon.
E_050 : silicon empty.
E_051 : fault gluing.

13.4 Additional outputs to external device

The outlets are set on following conditions.

A_033 : splicer gluing path from input splicer-1.

A_034 : splice prewarning path from splicer-1.
A_035 : splicer gluing path from input splicer-2.
A_036 : splice prewarning path from splicer-2.
A_037 : ink fountain overflow if ink level control is on (1min. after power on).
A_038 : job counter zero (job is done).
A_039 : good copy counter not active.
A_040 : reserved but not used.
A_041 : malfunction (parallel signal of the red light at the console).
A_042 : error: production (parallel signal of the yellow light at the console).
A_043 : ink fountain low level if ink level control is on (1min. after power on).
A_044 : If web break is detected until the press starts again.
A_045 : speed above or equal to the selected speed point (Limit switch)
A_046 : speed above or equal to the selected speed point (Limit switch)
A_049 : autoplate color register off group 1
A_050 : autoplate color register off group 2

13.5 Inputs for additional WEB-BREAK-DETECTORS

These inputs can be programmed to normal-open/-closed by the variant key No. 179.

Var 179 = 0 1 2
E_041: L L H
E_042: L L H
E_043: L L H
E_044: L H H
E_045: L H H
E_046: L H H

L = PIO-Input must be 0V when paper.


EPE-11, 03/23/98 53 M600-A24 / PIO.DOC

14 Automatic Production

Push buttons for automatic production:

Button "automatic start sequence"

Button "automatic stop sequence"

Button "default start/stop sequence"

Button "start automatic production (main display)

Changeable function and revolutions

EPE-11, 02/11/98 54 M600-A24 / AUTOPROD.DOC

14.1 Presetting for the automatic start-, stop-sequence

Select the sequence with automatic start / stop button (preset display press).
With the +/- buttons on the left side the position of the function can be selected.
Preset the function at the selected position by pushing the function buttons.
1. push: function presetting is off (function is shown)
2. push: function presetting is on (function is shown inverse)
3. push: deselect the function (no function is shown)
Select the delay (number of copies) when the function should start with the +/- buttons on the right
side or the numerical keypad.

Example for standard start sequence

• dampening rollers on: when speed passing 10.000 i.p.h.
• inking rollers on: 50 revolutions after dampening rollers on.
• ink ductor on: 20 revolutions after inking rollers on.
• impression on: 5 revolutions after ink ductor on.

Example for standard stop sequence

• ink ductor off: immediately
• inking rollers off: 20 revolutions after ink ductor off.
• impression off: 50 revolutions after inking rollers off.
• dampening rollers off: 5 revolutions after impression off.

14.2 Run press with automatic start sequence

• main shaft engaged
• print units engaged
• preset of the print functions
• press run

• preset press speed to equal or above 10.000 i.p.h.

• push button "automatic production" in the main picture at the console.
• Press speeds up to the preset speed value and start at 10.000 i.p.h. to set the rollers in the
programmed order for the sequence on.

14.3 Stop with automatic sequence

• main shaft engaged
• press run above 20.000 i.p.h.

• Push the "stop" button at the console.

• The press decrease the speed and lift the rollers in the programmed order of the sequence.
• If the press speed is at the selected speed (limit switch „press wait speed with auto stop“)
and the rollers are not all off, the press stays at this speed and counts the programmed
revolutions to switch all rollers off. If you want to stop the press without counting, push the
stop button again, the press will stop normal.
• When the selected functions are finished the press will stop automatically.
• Dampening rollers off is possible if as soon as the delay (revolutions) is reached and if the
press speed is below 32.000 i.p.h.
• The blanket wash can start if the delay (revolutions) is reached and the press speed is
below 30.000 i.p.h.

EPE-11, 02/11/98 55 M600-A24 / AUTOPROD.DOC

14.4 Wash Modes for Automatic Start-, Stop-Sequence

Pre-selections for wash modes with Baldwin system

1 0 pre wetting X
2 (S/M) 1/2 production impression on automatic X
3 (S/M) 6/7 production impression off automatic X
4 (S/M) 6/7 production impression off manual X X
5 (S/M) 1/2 production impression on automatic water rollers on X
6 (S/M) 1/2 production impression on automatic X
7 (M/L) 4/5 production impression off/on automatic X

EPE-11, 02/11/98 56 M600-A24 / AUTOPROD.DOC

15 Baldwin blanket wash control

15.1 Commands for blanket wash

select unit for blanket impression on

wash automatic, washing with
dampening rollers
impression off pre
wetting wash length short (s)

dampening roller to ink

distributor wash length middle (m)

impression off manual wash length long (l)

impression off +
automatic select wash length

15.2 Selection of the kinds of production wash up programs

The different kinds of production wash up programs are toggled by pressing the 2nd function button.
The options available are:
• production wash up with impression off, rollers stay off after wash up (appendix C)
• production wash up with impression off, roller automatic (appendix D)
• production wash up impression on, roller automatic, water rollers off during wash up
• only spraying
• production wash up impression on, roller automatic, water rollers on during wash up
(not available with older software versions).

The intermediate rollers of all printing units can now be switched either to the ink or dampening tray
within all wash-up displays. This is done by pressing the third command button (dampening roller to
ink distributor) within the wash up screens.

EPE-11, 03/23/98 57 M600-A24 / BWASH.DOC

15.3 Fault symbols

general fault, no run solvent low level

press speed not reached water low level

communication fault air pressure

cloth end top/bottom safety time

no dryer release

15.4 Limit switches for Baldwin blanket washing device

blanket cleaner cloth end: it is possible to adjust the cloth end sensor in a position that it is like a
pre-warning signal. In this case the selected number of washing cycles could be done before this part
of the washing system is blocked.

wait dryer release blanket wash: the maximum dryer time-out can be selected. This value can be
set by service personnel to select a proper time-out for the installed dryer type. The value represents
the maximum time from sending the wash request signal from the CPTronic to the dryer until the OK
signal comes back from the dryer.

Stop after production end wash: If this is selected to "1" the press stops after the end of the
„production end washing“ automatically.

Option for blanket wash: In the recent version it should always be set to 0. If it is set to 1 alternative
wash program numbers will be sent from the CPTronic to the Baldwin device. This will cause an error
because this option is not supported by BALDWIN yet.

EPE-11, 03/23/98 58 M600-A24 / BWASH.DOC

15.5 Service screen

pump water dryer blanket wash

(test version only) release

main valve impression on

pump solvent inside impression off

pump solvent outside add. Valve impression


spay inside cloth end top

spray outside cloth end bottom

Selection of the printing unit

With the left unit buttons the appropriate printing unit must be selected first. Two rows of valve
symbols will be displayed for every printing units.

Row selection
The row of valves is selected by pressing the left plus/minus buttons. For every printing unit there are
two rows of six valves each. The valves can be energized by pressing the appropriate function key.

Dryer Signals
The output signals from the CPTronic to dryer1 and dryer 2 are displayed in the lower right corner.
The request lines from the CPTronic to dryer 1/2 can be energized by pressing function button(s) 7/8.
An 'OK' above these dryer signals indicates that the signal from the dryer(s) to the CPTronic is set to
wash up OK.

EPE-11, 03/23/98 59 M600-A24 / BWASH.DOC

Access to Service Display
The service display can be accessed any time. This allows to check the parallel signals between dryer
and CPTronic during press run or wash up. It is however not possible to energize valves or dryer
output signals during press run. This is only possible if the press is not running.
Only with a special BALDWIN test software version it is possible to energize the complete set of
valves. Otherwise some valves can not be energized. for safety reasons (e.g.: wash fluid pump).

15.6 Blanket wash screen when using the service code

This picture shows the communication signals between CPtronic and Baldwin device.

The MZG signals are send from Baldwin to CPtronic.

The STEU signal are send from CPtronic to Baldwin.
A detailed description of this signal is in preparation.

EPE-11, 03/23/98 60 M600-A24 / BWASH.DOC

15.7 Blanket washing conditions for Baldwin device

Wash post prod


HDM Program No 0
Wash length short / long
Baldwin Program No 9 / 10
Main shaft disengaged
Dryer no
Automatic sequence no
Reduced speed (limit) no
Blanket wash stop (limit) 0/1
Start speed command 0 < 4.000 > 4.000
Wash starts at 4.000 4.000 4.500
Final speed stay / stop
Ink vibrator off off off
Ink roller off off off
Metering roller off off off
Dampening roller off off off
Impression off off off

Wash pre wetting (spray)


HDM Program No 1
Wash length no selection
Baldwin Program No 0
Main shaft engaged
Dryer ready
Automatic sequence no
Reduced speed (limit) no
Blanket wash stop (limit) no
Start speed command < 10.000 10.000-25.000 > 25.000
Wash starts at 10.000 immediately immediately
Final speed stay stay 15.000
Ink vibrator no change no change no change
Ink roller no change no change no change
Metering roller no change / * no change / * no change /*
Dampening roller no change no change no change
Impression no change no change no change
* limit switch blanket wash preset > 3: metering roller switch off-on.

EPE-11, 03/23/98 61 M600-A24 / BWASH.DOC

Wash prod imp on auto
mode (no start if impression off at a selected unit)

HDM Program No 2
Wash length shot/med/long
Baldwin Program No 1/2/3
Main shaft engaged
Dryer ready
Automatic sequence no
Reduced speed (limit) no
Blanket wash stop (limit) no
Start speed command < 10.000 > 10.000
Wash starts at 10.000 immediately
Final speed restore stay
Ink vibrator off / restore off / restore
Ink roller off / restore off / restore
Metering roller off / restore / * off / restore / *
Dampening roller off / restore off / restore
Impression on on
* limit switch blanket wash preset > 3: metering roller switch off with command start.
* limit switch blanket wash preset < 3: metering roller switch off with dampening roller.

Wash prod imp off auto


HDM Program No 3
Wash length short/med/long
Baldwin Program No 6/7/8
Main shaft engaged
Dryer ready
Automatic sequence no
Reduced speed (limit) 800-10.000
Blanket wash stop (limit) no
Start speed command < 10.000 10.000-25.000 > 25.000
Wash starts at 10.000 immediately immediately
Final speed restore stay 20.000/restore
Ink vibrator off / restore off / restore off / restore
Ink roller off / restore off / restore off / restore
Metering roller off / restore off / restore off / restore
Dampening roller off / restore off / restore off / restore
Impression off / restore off / restore off / restore
* limit switch blanket wash preset > 3: metering roller switch off with command start.
* limit switch blanket wash preset < 3: metering roller switch off with dampening roller.

EPE-11, 03/23/98 62 M600-A24 / BWASH.DOC

Wash prod imp off man

HDM Program No 4
Wash length short/med/long
Baldwin Program No 6/7/8
Main shaft engaged
Dryer ready
Automatic sequence no
Reduced speed (limit) 800-10.000
Blanket wash stop (limit) 0/1
Start speed command < 10.000 > 10.000 > 25.000
Wash starts at 10.000 immediately immediately
Final speed stay / stop stay / stop 15.000 / stop
Ink vibrator off off off
Ink roller off off off
Metering roller off off off
Dampening roller off off off
Impression off off off
* limit switch blanket wash preset > 3: metering roller switch off with command start.
* limit switch blanket wash preset < 3: metering roller switch off with dampening roller.

Wash prod imp on auto water rollers on

mode (no start if impression off at a selected unit)

HDM Program No 5
Wash length shot/med/long
Baldwin Program No 1/2/3
Main shaft engaged
Dryer ready
Automatic sequence no
Reduced speed (limit) no
Blanket wash stop (limit) no
Start speed command < 10.000 > 10.000
Wash starts at 10.000 immediately
Final speed restore stay
Ink vibrator off / restore off / restore
Ink roller off / restore off / restore
Metering roller off / restore off / restore
Dampening roller off / restore off / restore
Impression on on
* limit switch blanket wash preset > 3: metering roller switch off with command start.
* limit switch blanket wash preset < 3: metering roller switch off with dampening roller.

EPE-11, 03/23/98 63 M600-A24 / BWASH.DOC

Wash prod imp on (automatic sequence)
HDM Program No 6
Wash length short / med
Baldwin Program No 1/2
Main shaft engaged
Dryer ready
Automatic sequence yes
Reduced speed (limit) no
Blanket wash stop (limit) no
Start speed command > 10.000
Wash starts at immediately
Final speed selected speed
Ink vibrator restore
Ink roller restore
Metering roller restore
Dampening roller restore
Impression on
Impression must be on to start this mode during the automatic stop sequence.

Wash end prod imp off - on (automatic sequence)

HDM Program No 7
Wash length med / long
Baldwin Program No 4/5
Main shaft engaged
Dryer ready
Automatic sequence yes
Reduced speed (limit) no
Blanket wash stop (limit) no
Start speed command > 20.000
Wash starts at < 30.000
Final speed limit switch: press wait speed with auto stop
Ink vibrator off
Ink roller off
Metering roller off à on à off
Dampening roller off à on
Impression off à on
Impression must be on to start this mode during the automatic stop sequence.

EPE-11, 03/23/98 64 M600-A24 / BWASH.DOC

16 Web break detectors

16.1 Sensors
1 splicer-1 EAK01_04 E_64 1 no
2 splicer-2 EAK01_05 E_64 2 no
3 infeed-1 EAK01_04 E_13/14 1 no
4 infeed-2 EAK01_05 E_13/14 2 no
5 print-unit-1 EAK02_XX E_49/50 X infeed_x
6 print-unit-2 EAK02_XX E_49/50 X infeed_x, print_unit_x
7 print-unit-3 EAK02_XX E_49/50 X infeed_x, print_unit_x
8 print-unit-4 EAK02_XX E_49/50 X infeed_x, print_unit_x
9 print-unit-5 EAK02_XX E_49/50 X infeed_x, print_unit_x
10 print-unit-6 EAK02_XX E_49/50 X infeed_x, print_unit_x
11 web catcher-1/severer-1 EAK01_03 E_17 1 infeed_x, p_u_x, dryer_x
12 web catcher-2/severer-2 EAK01_03 E_57 2 infeed_x, p_u_x, dryer_x
13 ma-additional-1/dryer-1 EAK01_03 E_13 1 infeed_x, p_u_x, dryer_x L-L-H
14 ma-additional-2/dryer-2 EAK01_03 E_14 2 infeed_x, p_u_x, dryer_x L-L-H
15 ma-additional-3 EAK01_03 E_09 1 infeed_x, p_u_x, dryer_x L-H-H
16 ma-additional-4 EAK01_03 E_10 2 infeed_x, p_u_x, dryer_x L-H-H
17 ma-additional-5 EAK01_03 E_11 1 infeed_x, p_u_x, dryer_x L-H-H
18 ma-additional-6 EAK01_03 E_12 2 infeed_x, p_u_x, dryer_x L-H-H
19 chillroll-1 EAK01_06 E_13/14 1 infeed_x, p_u_x, dryer_x
20 chillroll-2 EAK01_06 E_49/50 2 infeed_x, p_u_x, dryer_x
21 pu-add-sev-1_1 EAK01_03 E_49 1 pu_severer-1 L-L-H
22 pu-add-sev-1_2 EAK01_03 E_50 1 pu_severer-1 L-H-H
23 pu-add-sev-2_1 EAK01_03 E_51 2 pu_severer-2 L-L-H
24 pu-add-sev-2_2 EAK01_03 E_52 2 pu_severer-2 L-H-H
25 paper leed-1 EAK01_08 E_13/14 1+2 no
26 paper leed-1 EAK01_08 E_15/16 1+2 no
27 paper leed-2 EAK01_09 E_13/14 1+2 no
28 paper leed-2 EAK01_09 E_15/16 1+2 no
29 jf-cylinder (Weko) EAK01_07 E_62 1+2 no
jf-cylinder (Baumer) EAK01_07 E_56 1+2 no
30 jf-reserve EAK01_07 1+2 no
31 jf-4page-1 (Weko) EAK01_10 E_13 1+2 no
jf-4page-1 (Baumer) EAK01_10 E_16 1+2 no
32 jf-4page-2 EAK01_10 E_14 1+2 no
33 jf-4page-3 EAK01_10 E_15 1+2 no
34 sheeter-1 EAK01_10 E_45 1+2 no
35 sheeter-2 EAK01_10 E_46 1+2 no
36 add-pio-1 EAK01_12 E_41 1+2 no L-L-H
37 add-pio-2 EAK01_12 E_42 1+2 no L-L-H
38 add-pio-3 EAK01_12 E_43 1+2 no L-L-H
39 add-pio-4 EAK01_12 E_44 1+2 no L-H-H
40 add-pio-5 EAK01_12 E_45 1+2 no L-H-H
41 add-pio-6 EAK01_12 E_46 1+2 no L-H-H
42 pu-add-sev-3_1 EAK01_03 E_53 1+2 pu_severer-3 L-L-H
43 pu-add-sev-3_2 EAK01_03 E_54 1+2 pu_severer-3 L-H-H
44 pu-add-sev-4_1 EAK01_03 E_55 1+2 pu_severer-4 L-L-H
45 pu-add-sev-4_2 EAK01_03 E_56 1+2 pu_severer-4 L-H-H

Variantkey (179): L = Input must be 0V when paper (Jumper if inputs are not used)
H = Input must be 24V when paper.

EPE-11, 03/23/98 65 M600-A24 / WEBBREAK.DOC

16.2 Web Severer

Infeed-1 EAK01_04 A_43

Infeed-2 EAK01_05 A_43
Print unit-x EAK02_XX A_16
Dryer-1 EAK01_03 A_23
Dryer-2 EAK01_03 A_24
PU-severer-1 EAK01_03 A_49
PU-severer-2 EAK01_03 A_51
PU-severer-3 EAK01_03 A_53
PU-severer-4 EAK01_03 A_55

16.3 Web Catcher

Webcatcher-1 EAK01_03 A_17
Webcatcher-2 EAK01_03 A_57

Signals for the web severer and the web catcher will come if the main shaft is engaged and the press
speed is above the limit switch setting and a web break is detected.
A web break at the chill rolls activates the web severer before the dryer only if the limit switch 4.8
(web break serv on) is set to 1!

16.4 Web break display

EPE-11, 03/23/98 66 M600-A24 / WEBBREAK.DOC

17 Folder command for the JF44

17.1 Job store

• Select the job store push button.
• Select the job number with the plus/minus push button.
• If the green button will be pushed, all actual servo drive positions will be memorized.

EPE-11, 02/11/98 67 M600-A24 / JOBSTORE.DOC

17.2 Job recall

• Select job recall push button.

• If the folder has a configuration fault or if the configuration is unknown it will be displayed.
• Select the job with the plus/minus push button.
• Select the push button for the servo drive setting.
• Start the sequence with the green push button.
• The emergency push button stops the sequence and will be displayed.

EPE-11, 02/11/98 68 M600-A24 / JOBSTORE.DOC

18 Remote web tension control
The web tension at the infeed could be remote controlled.

18.1 Hardware requirements

At the infeed a electronic pressure control device is installed.
This device is used instead of the manual pressure adjustment.
For the presetting a electronic adapter module is needed.

18.2 Software functions

To activate the remote tension control, the variant key for the infeed unit (VAR147/VAR148) must be
set on 2 (infeed + RTC)
4 additional limit switches are used:
10.1 minimal pressure for the double dancer
10.2 preset pressure
10.3 speed where the tension starts to go to the preset value
10.4 speed where the tension must reach the preset value




lower speed point upper speed point press speed

18.3 Function description

If the control system get the input "air pressure available" the following function sequence starts.

• The pressure is set to the minimum value.

• When the line shaft is engaged and the press is running with the speed selected by the lower
speed point, the pressure is adjusted proportional to the speed until it reaches the preset value at
the upper speed point.
• From this moment on the pressure stays on the selected value until the line shaft is disengage.

With the help of the limit switches it is possible to go back to the "old" function by setting the lower
and upper speed point to 600 imp/hour.

The maximum value for the upper speed point is 5.000 imp/h, which gives enough distance to the
speed where the impression normally is switched on.

EPE-11, 02/11/98 69 M600-A24 / TENSION.DOC

18.4 Display information

At the infeed display the actual web tension is displayed. If the preset value changes, the display
shows the value for the pressure and alternating the web tension value which is assumed to be set.
This assumption for the value is learned by the real value. The assumption is needed if no real
tension occurs (line shaft disengaged, no paper...).

In the display of the console the following information is shown:

selected pressure expected web


measured web


The pressure could be change by the "+"/"-" buttons below the function pressure roller on.

EPE-11, 02/11/98 70 M600-A24 / TENSION.DOC

19 Line shaft control

19.1 Mechanic
The revolutions of the line shaft are twice as much as the print units an the folder revolutions.
This way it is possible to engage the line shaft into two different tachometer positions and the phasing
between folder and print units can be wrong.

19.2 Measuring of the folder position

With a half moon disk and two sensors (90° difference) it is possible to record the folders position.

Sensor 2
Sensor 1
Sensor 1

Sensor 2 0° 45° 135° 225° 315°

The Sensors signals measure the range of the main drive where the clutch can be engaged.

Sensor 1 Sensor 2 operate clutch in the range

1 1 315° - 180°
0 1 45° - 270°
0 0 135° - 360°
1 0 225° - 90°

With the sensors it is also possible to check if the clutch is engaged or not.
If there is no change of the sensors signal after two revolutions the press stops and the message
"main shaft error" is shown in the press data display.

19.3 Line shaft monitoring

The pulses of sensor 1 are counted and compared with the zero pulses of the tachometer.
If there is a difference of more than 2 pulses the press stops and the "main shaft error message" is
shown in the press data. The monitoring is active up to 4000 i.p.h.
If the shaft monitoring is switched off (in the control display using the special service code an push
button) the sensors signals are not used and the clutch will engage as soon as the button for the main
shaft is pushed.
Note: if the monitoring is "off" the clutch can engage in the wrong position (phasing) !

EPE-11, 03/23/98 71 M600-A24 / MSHAFT.DOC

19.4 Service display

This display is only shown by using the service code to adjust or check the sensors of the line shaft

laengswelle_eingekuppelt = line shaft engaged

laengswelle_eingerastet = line shaft linked

The actual value of the sensors position is only displayed if the line shaft is engaged.
Switch the shaft monitoring off to engage the line shaft for the adjustment of the half-moon disk and
the sensors. If the monitoring is off the clutch can engage in the wrong position !

EPE-11, 03/23/98 72 M600-A24 / MSHAFT.DOC

20 Infeed unit

1: dancer 2 4
2: draw roller 3
3: pressure roller
4: web tension

20.1 Control of the double dancer

The double dancer is pneumatic powered to tension the web.

The dancers position is measured with a potentiometer to control the position of the dancer with an
harmonic drive motor.

M Auxiliary drive motor

M Harmonic
Draw roller
Main drive

The harmonic drive motor can run into 3 different modes.

1. proportional mode
If the pressure roller is off and the line shaft engaged and the press run.
If the line shaft is engaged and the press will be crawled or forward inched.

2. tension control mode

If the pressure roller is on and the line shaft engaged and the press run.

3. fixed speed
The harmonic drive run with a fixed speed if the press inch backwards (or AP) to
hold the web in position.

EPE-11, 02/13/98 73 M600-A24 / INFEED.DOC

20.2 Adjustment of the dancer potentiometer

Adjust the potentiometer to 5V in center position of the double dancer.

ca. 7,4 V ca. 2,6 V

Measured values for the dancer control at the first A24 (RUAN, Madrid):

• Potentiometer left position: 7,42 V (without tension)

• Potentiometer right position: never reached
• Press speed: 40.000 i.p.h
• Tension infeed: 510 N
• Tension chill rolls: 220 N
• Dancer position: 4,90 V +/- 0,03 V
• HD speed: 3051 rpm
• Fixed speed: 2700 rpm

20.3 Harmonic Drive speed for variable autoplate inch speed and cut off length

CUT OFF INCHSPEED 300 i.p.h. INCHSPEED 150 i.p.h.

Variantkey 03 Length [mm] HD speed [rpm] HD speed [rpm]
0 546 2354 1177
1 578 2492 1246
2 584 2518 1259
3 588 2535 1268
4 598 2578 1289
5 610 2630 1315
6 630 2716 1358

20.4 Harmonic Drive direction for autoplate

AP sequence HD direction
deplating left
plating right

EPE-11, 02/13/98 74 M600-A24 / INFEED.DOC

20.5 Service display

20.6 Harmonic drive test for 2 web press

CPT-Version: 1.06
HAK-Version: 029
Press speed: 10.000 i.p.h.

Infeed 1 Infeed 2
Pressure Roller
on on on on on on
Harmonic Drive release
on on on on on on
Dancer Position (Potentiometer)
0 2052 4095 0 2052 4095
Gain Value Harmonic Drive
1200 748 300 1200 749 300
Harmonic Drive Speed [Rpm]
1200 748 299-300 1200 750 300
(Drehzahl HD [U/min])

EPE-11, 02/13/98 75 M600-A24 / INFEED.DOC

21 Print Units

21.1 Roller definition

oben unten Walzenbezeichnung

1 31 Farbauftragswalze
2 32 Farbauftragswalze
3 33 Farbauftragswalze
21 4 34 Farbwalzen
13 5 35 Farbwalzen
6 36 Farbwalzen
7 11 7 37 Farbwalzen
8 38 Farbreiber
10 9 39 Farbreiber
6 10 40 Farbreiber
5 12
4 9 11 41 Farbreiber
14 12 42 Zwischenwalzen
8 1
3 13 43 Farbübertragswalzen
14 44 Reiterwalzen
17 15 45 Feuchtauftragwalze an Feuchtreiber
15 19 oder Farbreiber
18 16 46 Feuchtreiber
17 47 Dosierwalze (Feuchtduktor)
20 18 48 Trogwalze
19 49 Plattenzylinder
20 50 Gummituchzylinder
21 51 Farbduktor

47 45 upper lower rollers
33 1 31 plate inking roller
48 31 32 44
2 32 plate inking roller
38 39 3 33 plate inking roller
35 4 34 ink roller
34 36
5 35 ink roller
6 36 ink roller
40 7 37 ink roller
43 8 38 ink distributer
51 41 9 39 ink distributer
10 40 ink distributer
11 41 ink distributer
12 42 intermediate roller
13 43 ink feed roller (ink vibrator)
14 44 rider roller
15 45 damping transfer roller to ink distributor
or damping distributor
16 46 damping distibutor
17 47 metering roller (damping ductor)
18 48 water fountain roller
19 49 plate cylinder
20 50 blanket cylinder
21 51 ink ductor

EPE-11, 02/13/98 76 M600-A24 / UNITDEF.DOC

21.2 Oil Temperature

Print Unit Oil Temperature Yellow Light Red Light E-Stop Fault Message Display
disengaged > 55 °C off off no yes
disengaged > 60 °C off on yes yes
disengaged =< 56 °C off off no yes
disengaged =< 51 °C off off no no
engaged > 55 °C on off no yes
engaged > 60 °C on on yes yes
engaged =< 56 °C on off no yes
engaged =< 51 °C off off no no

EPE-11, 02/13/98 77 M600-A24 / UNITDEF.DOC

22 Status of the main drive

22.1 Picture 47 (date/time)

The following information is shown for each CPtronic :

ma prin pu1 pu2 inf1 inf2 impr sl1 sl2

emergency stop 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000
web1 007 255 007 255 255 255 255 007 000
error 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000
command 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000
active X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

reason for staying in actual state reason for changing the state

51 65 8 37 51 61 37
14 1 0 18 17 30 15

actual state state in the past

allowed state of the drive (release)

Errors, which decrease the allowed state (error)

Commands and pressed buttons at drive panels (command)

The letter X that shows which CPtronic has an influence on the drive (active)
emergency stop; always active, independent of clutches

ma = master inf1 = infeed 1 sl1 = slave machine 1

prin = print inf2 = infeed 2 sl2 = slave machine 2
pu1 = post unit 1 impr = imprinter
pu2 = post unit 2

states of the drive control program :

the actual state and the last few states
the reason for changing the state
the reason for staying in the actual state

EPE-11, 02/13/98 78 M600-A24 / STATUS.DOC

22.2 States of the drive control program

0 emergency stop; basic state

1 standstill of the drive, wait for release
2 --- not used ---
3 standstill of the drive, safe operation
4 horn signal, safe operation
5 end of horn signal, safe operation
6 wait for second command, safe operation
7 --- not used ---
8 backward inching
9 --- not used ---
10 positioning finished
11 forward inching
12 --- not used ---
13 starting sequence terminated, wait till horn signal off
14 still stand of the drive, ready to move
15 horn signal before run
16 wait till run-button is released
17 wait for second run command
18 drive starts running
19 run
20 run after request of speed
21 run after stop command
22 positioning
23 run, speed is increasing
24 run, speed is decreasing
25 run, second input of speed
26 --- not used ---
27 run , automatic stop sequence is working
28 wait till automatic stop sequence finished
29 wait for 1 sec
30 wait for 1 sec
31 wait for 0.5 sec
32 wait for 0.5 sec
33 inching button no longer pressed
34 safe operation, movement stopped, wait for standstill
35 stop executed, wait for standstill
36 --- not used ---
37 horn signal, crawl speed
38 wait till crawl speed-button is released
39 wait for second command for crawl speed
40 crawl speed
41 horn signal, run units
42 wait till run units-button is released
43 wait for second order run units
44 drive starts, run units
45 run units
46 run units, input of speed
47 run units, second input of speed
48 run units, speed is increasing
49 run units, speed is decreasing
50 emergency stop; safe operation
51 --- not used ---
52 --- not used ---
53 starting sequence terminated, wait till horn signal off
54 inching finished, wait till no command
55 clutching sequence inter-unit-clutch all clutches of units off
56 clutching sequence inter-unit-clutch: crawl speed till HWI-position is known
57 clutching sequence inter-unit-clutch: inching speed till clutch engaged
58 clutching sequence inter-unit-clutch: clutch is engaged
59 clutching sequence inter-unit-clutch: clutch is engaged, wait for standstill of drives
60 clutching sequence inter-unit-clutch: clutch is engaged, wait for standstill of drives
61 clutching sequence inter-unit-clutch: error, wait for standstill of drives

EPE-11, 02/13/98 79 M600-A24 / STATUS.DOC

22.3 Reasons for state changes
0 no message
1 movement allowed
2 no movement allowed
3 forward inching not allowed
4 unlimited movement not allowed
5 backward inching not allowed
6 positioning not allowed
7 crawl speed not allowed
8 run not allowed
20 stop command
21 safe operation command
22 no safe operation command
23 forward inching command
24 no forward inching command
25 backward inching command
26 no backward inching command
27 positioning command
28 no positioning command
29 decrease speed command
30 no decrease speed command
31 increase speed command
32 no increase speed command
33 crawl speed command
34 no crawl speed command
35 run units command
36 no run units command
37 run command
38 no run command
39 input of speed command
40 no input of speed command
41 stop at main console, automatic stop sequence started
50 at least 1 command is pending
51 no command
52 inadmissible command
53 safe operation, no additional command
54 safe operation, additional command
55 safe operation and allowed command
56 safe operation and not allowed command
57 no input of speed allowed
58 increasing of speed not allowed
60 wait till horn signal off
61 horn signal off
62 drive ready, wait for second command
63 drive not ready
64 delay time is active
65 end of delay time
66 standstill
67 no standstill
68 main shaft is in
69 programmed speed not reached
70 programmed speed reached
71 positioning finished
72 positioning is active
73 smallest operator speed is reached
74 operator speed not reached
75 automatic stop sequence finished
76 clutching sequence inter-unit-clutch wait till drive has reached the position
77 clutching sequence inter-unit-clutch drive has reached position
78 clutching sequence inter-unit-clutch
79 inter-unit-clutch is engaged
80 HWI-position of drive is known
81 HWI-position of drive is unknown
82 inching, REK1 detected an error
83 delay time for operation speed: wait till all clutches are engaged
84 end of delay time for operation speed
85 main shaft is off

EPE-11, 02/13/98 80 M600-A24 / STATUS.DOC

22.4 Level of release

0 no movement
1 --- not used ---
2 --- not used ---
3 forward inching allowed
4 backward inching allowed
5 positioning allowed
6 crawl speed allowed
7 press run allowed

255 no message, press run allowed

22.5 Errors
Code level of
1 0 emergency stop
2 0 guard or jam sheeter
3 0 guard FA1
4 0 guard at folder 1
5 0 crank at folder 1
6 0 lubrication at folder 1
7 0 blower drive / cabinet
8 0 unit lubrication
9 0 unit guard
10 3 blanket / blanket guard
11 1 guard at FA1
12 5 guard or jam at folder 1
13 5 guard at FA1
14 5 unit guard
15 6 error at folder 1
16 6 web break detected
17 6 REK1 detected error
18 0 REK1 detected error
19 0 guard at web catcher
20 6 dampening / ink clutch
21 6 central lubrication
22 5 unit bearer guard
23 5 REK1 detected error
24 0 guard at folder 2
25 0 crank at folder 2
26 0 lubrication at folder 2
27 5 guard or jam at folder 2
28 6 error at folder 2
29 0 REK1 detected error (drive 2)
30 0 REK1 detected error (drive 2)
31 6 REK1 detected error (drive 2)
32 0 lubrication at FA1
33 0 configuration folder
34 6 inter-unit-clutch
35 0 error at imprinter
36 6 SEK detected error
37 0 SEK detected error
38 2 SEK detected error
39 0 air pressure
40 0 main shaft off in duplex-mode
41 0 unit with HWI de clutched
42 0 lubrication at chill rolls
43 4 unit guard
44 6 auto plate on
45 0 REK2 detected error
46 0 circuit breaker for clutch transformer
47 4 finger protection

EPE-11, 02/13/98 81 M600-A24 / STATUS.DOC

22.6 Commands and actuation’s

0 no command
1 safe operation at operator panel
2 backward inching at operator panel
3 forward inching at operator panel
4 positioning at operator panel
5 crawl speed at operator panel
6 stop at operator panel
7 increase speed at operator panel
8 decrease speed at operator panel
9 stop main console
10 stop by command (central lubrication)
11 stop by command (automatic stop sequence)
12 stop by internal command
13 stop, oil temperature units
14 stop, air pressure
15 stop, dampening water units
16 crawl speed main console
17 crawl speed internal command
18 run, internal command
19 run, main console
20 run units, main console
21 input of speed at main console
22 input of speed by washing device
23 input of speed by automatic production
24 stop at duplex-panel
25 crawl speed at duplex-panel
26 crawl speed by automatic clutch sequence
27 stop by automatic clutch sequence

22.7 Emergency stop

0 no emergency stop
1 push button main console
2 push button splicer
3 push button infeed
4 push button dryer
5 push button chill rolls
6 push button perforator
7 push button sheeter
8 push button FA1
9 push button folder 1
10 push button folder 2
11 push button PIO
12 push button unit
13 push button web catcher
14 other CPtronic
15 jam at FA1
16 overload FA1
17 clutch error at FA1
18 product control at folder
19 web break detected
20 communication
21 internal command
22 hardware 1
23 hardware 3
24 dynamic test
25 hardware (back plane)
26 communication duplex
27 other machine

EPE-11, 02/13/98 82 M600-A24 / STATUS.DOC

23 Modem for remote diagnostic
Requirements for the modem used at the M-600 CPtronic

23.1 Modem

• Software compatible with Hayes AT command set. The handshake procedures of the
modem has to be according to the CCITT V.25 recommendations. CCITT V24/RS-232C
• Serial, asynchronous, 10 bits (8/7 data bits, odd, even or no parity, 1 or 2 stop bits) protocol
with auto adjustment.
• Dialing and line ring detection according to the requirements of the local telephone
• Auto-adjust speed selection (modem-modem)
• MNP4 and CCITT V.42 error correction
• MNP5 and CCITT V.42bis data compression
• Auto answer storable
• Transmission speed 9600 bps or higher, full duplex, according to CCITT V.22/V.22bis/
• The modem has to have a non volatile memory in which the settings can be stored.
• Power supply with 220VAC

23.2 Wiring

• Modem connection to the controller boards with a 9 pin SUB-D female connector . Standard
IBM-PC pin assignment.

23.3 Settings (AT-commands)

• E1 local echo on
• Q0 result codes enabled
• V1 verbal result codes
• &C1 DCD line active while the modem detects a carrier signal from the remote modem.
• &D2 No execute commands or auto-answer unless the DTR line is active.
• &M0 Asynchronous commands and asynchronous communication
• &S0 DSR line active all the time
• S0=0 No auto answer
• &W Write configuration to NVRAM

The complete command written with a terminal program to the modem is:

AT E1 Q0 V1 &C1 &D2 &M0 &S0 S0=0


EPE-11, 02/13/98 83 M600-A24 / MODEM.DOC

24 JF44 positioning

For the manual folder change over push the folder positioning button to move
the folder in 0° position.

EPE-11, 02/13/98 84 M600-A24 / MODEM.DOC

25 Central dampening water supply

25.1 Display

25.2 Fault messages with technotrans water supply

- additive fault (container empty) - water pressure alarm

- alcohol empty - circuit breaker

- container low level / high level - water flow

- dirt filter - communication fault

- temperature alarm

25.3 Commands

Adjustments for alcohol with the +/- buttons on the left .

Adjustments for temperature with +/- buttons on the right.

EPE-11, 02/13/98 85 M600-A24 / CDWSUPP.DOC

25.4 MZG Description (Service Command)

Status:Dat 0 MZG - 2
X X X X X X X X switch on phase

cooling water error

Status:Dat 1 MZG - 3
X X X X X X X X damp. Solution circulation
overflow tank
tank empty
filter dirty

additional tank empty

alcohol tank empty
overflow intermediate tank

Test:Dat 0 MZG - 4
X X X X X X X X high pressure error
low pressure error

circuit breaker compressor

error EEPROM

Test:Dat 1 MZG - 5
X X X X X X X X circuit breaker damp.solution pump
circuit breaker circulation pump
circuit breaker intermediate tank pump

MZG - 6
X X X X X X X X Alarm lower alcohol limit
Alarm upper alcohol limit
Alarm lower limit additives
Alarm upper limit additives

MZG - 7
X X X X X X X Alarm lower limit temperature
Alarm upper limit temperature
Alarm lower limit pH-value
Alarm upper limit pH-value

EPE-11, 02/13/98 86 M600-A24 / CDWSUPP.DOC

26 Configuration 1-web / 2-web

26.1 Display "preset clutch“

Configuration splicer and infeed:

- select infeed to change the configuration for the splicer or infeed.
- push +/- buttons (left) to configure the web.
Configuration print units and chill rolls:
- select print unit, chill rolls.
- push +/- buttons (left) to configure the numbers of print units and to select the chill roll.
Configuration 1web - 2web:
- select folder to change from 1 web to 2 web configuration with the +/- buttons (right).
Push the button input for command (flashing green button) to run the press in the selected
The setting of the configuration is necessary for the correct work of the harmonic drives, web break,
interfaces for splicer, dryer and ...

26.2 Example for a 2 web configuration

EPE-11, 02/13/98 87 M600-A24 / 2WEBCONF.DOC

27 Handling 2-web configuration
For the web selection of a 2 web press a additional button at the console is necessary.
This button has to be connect to input In_036 at the console.

The web selection is shown with the following symbol:

- web selection on lower unit => functions for lower units selected.

- web selection on upper unit => functions for upper units selected.

In the following pictures it is possible to switch from the 1. web (unit) to the 2. web.

EPE-11, 02/13/98 88 M600-A24 / 2WEBHAND.DOC

EPE-11, 02/13/98 89 M600-A24 / 2WEBHAND.DOC
EPE-11, 02/13/98 90 M600-A24 / 2WEBHAND.DOC
28 Autoplate

28.1 AP main picture

1 select unloading upper unit
2 select loading upper unit
3 select unloading lower unit
4 select loading lower unit
5 upper cassette in/out (only possible when nobody is on ground platform and movable platform
is up)
6 lower cassette in/out (only possible when nobody is on ground platform)
7 movable support on/off (only possible when nobody is on ground platform; when the movable
support is on and someone is on the ground platform only crawl-speed is allowed)
8 symbol that shows if the unloading sequence is active
9 symbol that shows if the loading sequence is active
10 press fault (no AP possible)
11 general fault (see other symbols in main or service picture)
12 move upper cassette out to start the sequence (no start possible when cassette is in)
13 move lower cassette in to start (no start possible when cassette is out)
14 someone on ground platform or movable platform is down (the movable platform will move up
when starting AP. If movable platform doesn’t move up or someone is on ground platform AP is
not available.)
15 dampening unit declutched (clutch dampening unit to start AP)
16 state of sequences (service mode only)
17 state of main program (service mode only)

EPE-11, 03/23/98 91 M600-A24 / AUTOPLAT.DOC

28.2 AP service picture

1 general fault (see other symbols in service and main display)
2 valves (select valve with + / - buttons on the left)
3 state of valve (fault when high lighted)
4 angles for upper unit (select angles with + / - buttons on the right)
5 angles for lower unit (select angles with + / - buttons on the right)
6 angle difference between unit and encoder
7 numeric input for angle-difference
8 symbol that shows which valve stopped the sequence
9 button to switch the valves (only in service code)
10 preset of angles
11 reset all valves (back to start position)
12 increase angle
13 decrease angle

EPE-11, 03/23/98 92 M600-A24 / AUTOPLAT.DOC

28.3 Valve list
11 A upper cassette 22 A lower lift

12 A upper lift 23 A lower fingerguard

13 A upper fingerguard 24 A lower support

14 A upper support 25 A lower dampening roller

15 A upper dampening roller 26 A lower plate lock

16 A upper plate lock 27 A lower suction heads

17 A upper suction heads 28 A lower unit guard

21 A lower cassette 31 S switch ground platform

28.4 Variant key

0 no AP

1 only semiautomatic sequence

2 only semiautomatic sequence but changing of angles possible

3 Autoplate

4 Autoplate and changing of angles possible

5 only 1st unit with AP

6 only 1st unit with AP and changing of angles possible

28.5 Adjustment of angles

The adjustment or changing of angles is done in the service picture. It is only possible in servicecode
and if the correct variantkey is selected. After adjustment the variantkey has to be set to a value
where no changing of angles is possible (see variant key)

• Select 1. Unit in service picture

• Set unit to mechanic zero

• The encoder value is shown in the display

• Input this angle with the numeric keypad in AP-Service Picture

• Repeat step 5.1 to 5.4 for each unit

• Press button No. 10 in service picture to set the angles of all units

• For fine adjustment select the angle with the + / - buttons on the right and adjust the angle with
buttons 12 and 13

! Don’t use button 10 after fine adjustment. You would set all angles back to standard value !

EPE-11, 03/23/98 93 M600-A24 / AUTOPLAT.DOC

28.6 Starting the sequence
• Select the unit with the buttons on the left side

• Select the function with the buttons 1 to 4

• Start the sequence with the green button (input button for command)

• The sequence can be stopped with the red button (clear button for command)

• In case of an error before the main program is in state 14 for deplating or 34 for plating the whole
sequence will be stopped

• If the main program is in state 14 or 34 (see main picture, symbol 8 and 9) and an error occurs,
the unit with the error will be declutched and the rest continues. The error will be shown in service
display (symbol 8). It is reseted when you select this unit again.

• In case of e-stop or someone stepping on the platform the sequence will stop. The sequence can
be started again with the green button.

28.7 Moving of cylinders from main panel

• Input service code

• Select unit

• Select cylinder (+ / - buttons on the left)

• Press button 9 (on/off) to move cylinder

This service function is also active when someone is on the platform.

28.8 Register to zero

When starting unloading the register (circumferential, lateral and cocking) moves to zero.

After loading the registers move back to the previous value (circumferential and lateral). This function
is optional and can be selected with a limit switch “AP register to previous value“.

The values will be stored when you enter AP picture and select unloading or unloading is already
selected when you enter AP picture.

This means if the press is switched off between unloading and loading or unloading is selected again
after unloading, the values are lost.

EPE-11, 03/23/98 94 M600-A24 / AUTOPLAT.DOC


green button
AP-MAIN green button

state10 state0 state30

inch backward SW INIT inch forward

/green button /green button

timer 9s state1 timer 9s state31

/inch backward AP INIT /inch forward

/horn /horn
green button green button

state25 error state26 error

platform up state 16 platform up state 36
AP Preset
inch backward inch forward

platform is up platform is up
press running red button press running

state12 state32
error state4 error
reg->0 reg->0
state16 SERVICE state36
depl start plat start

starting conditions ok starting conditions ok

state14 error state5 state34 error

sequence start state 19 AP END sequence start state 39

sequence finished sequence finished

state15 register to previous
/inch backward value

no plating no plating

state17 state35
register to previous
/inch forward

state 5 state 5

state019 state39
sequence stop sequence stop

no error no error
green button green button

state20 state40
inch backward inch forward

timer 3s timer 3s

state21 state41
/inch backward /inch forward

green button green button

state14 state34
sequence start sequence start
inch backward inch forward

state16 state16
set error code set error code

state 4 state 4

EPE-11, 03/23/98 95 M600-A24 / AUTOPLAT.DOC


Deplating lower unit

no selection
state0 Init

deplating lower unit selected

state1 deplating end

/25A dampener off

deplating start /27A suction heads off
24A2 support off
state21 timer end 23A1 close fingerguard
set error code /26A close plate lock
24S1 support is off 23A1 close unit guard
23S fingerguard closed start timer
28S2 unit guard closed
22S1 lift down state3
set error_code starting conditions ok
check casette

sequence start

state4 24A2support on
start timer
24s2 support on
21s1 casette in

timer end 23A2 open fingerguard

22A2 lift up
start timer
22S2 lift up
S113 fingerguard open
timer end 25A dampener on


26A open plate lock



state10 /26A close plate lock


state11 /25A dampener off


26A open plate lock


timer end
lift down
start timer

29s old plate out

state14 %


state15 26A close plate lock

23A1 close fingerguard
/26A close plate lock

state1 deplating end

EPE-11, 03/23/98 96 M600-A24 / AUTOPLAT.DOC


Plating lower unit

no selection
state0 Init

plating lower unit selected

state1 plating end

/25A dampener off

plating start /27A suction heads off
24A2 support off
state21 timer end 23A1 close fingerguard
set error code /26A close plate lock
24S1 support is off 23A1 close unit guard
23S fingerguard closed 22A1 lift down
28S2 unit guard closed start timer
22S1 lift down state3
set error_code starting conditions ok
check casette

sequence start

timer end 23A2 open fingerguard

26A open plate lock
start timer
/S113 fingerguard opened

timer end 24A1 support off

start timer
24S1 support is off

27A suction heads on

state6 start timer

timer end

timer end 28A2 open unit guard

start timer

28S2 unit guard is open

state8 %


timer end
state9 24A2 support on
start timer
24S2 support is on


timer end
/26A close plate lock


state14 25A dampener on


state15 /27A suction heads off


state16 26A open plate lock


state17 /26A close plate lock

state18 start timer

timer end
/25A dampener off
23A1 close fingerguard
state19 28A1 close unitguard
start timer
timer end

state20 24A2 suport off


EPE-11, 03/23/98 97 M600-A24 / AUTOPLAT.DOC


Deplating upper unit

no selection
state0 Init

deplating upper unit selected

state1 deplating end

deplating start /15a dampener off

/17A suction heads off
state21 timer end 14A2 support on
set error code 12A1lift up
/16A close plate lock
11S1 lift is up start timer
timer end state3 13A1 close fingerguard
set error_code
check casette start timer

/13S fingerguard closed

starting conditions ok

sequence start

timer end 13A2 open fingerguard

start timer

13S fingerguard opened

timer end 11A2 casette on

state6 12A2 lift down
start timer
11S1 casette on
11S2 lift is down
14A1 support off


state8 15A dampening on


state9 16A open plate lock


/16A close plate lock



state13 /15A dampener off


state14 14A2 support on


state15 16A open plate lock


timer end
state16 14A1 support off
12A1 lift up
start timer
19S plate is out

state17 %

14A1 support on
state18 11A1 casette off
/16A close plate lock
timer end
start timer
11s1 casette up
13A1 close fingerguard


EPE-11, 03/23/98 98 M600-A24 / AUTOPLAT.DOC


Plating upper unit

no selection
state0 Init

plating upper unit selected

state1 plating end

plating start /15a dampener off

/17A suction heads off
state21 timer end 14A2 support on
set error code 12A1lift up
/16A close plate lock
11S1 lift is up start timer
timer end state3 13A1 close fingerguard
set error_code
check casette start timer

/13S fingerguard closed

starting conditions ok

sequence start

timer end 13A2 open fingerguard

start timer

13S fingerguard opened

timer end 11A2 casette on

state6 start timer

11S1 casette on

14A1 support off

16A open plate lock
start timer
timer end

state8 17A suction heads on


state9 14A2 support on

start timer

timer end



state11 /16A close plate lock


state14 15A dampener on


state15 /17A suction heads off


timer end
state17 16A open plate lock


state18 /16A close plate lock

start timer

timer end

state19 11A1 casette off

/15A dampening roller off
start timer
11s1 casette up
timer end
13A1 close fingerguard


EPE-11, 03/23/98 99 M600-A24 / AUTOPLAT.DOC



state 0

unit with AP

dampener off
state 1

start position and plate lock opened

state 2


state 3 close plate lock


sequence stop
(e-stop or no priority) dampener on
state 4


open plate lock

state 5


close plate lock

state 6

state 1

EPE-11, 03/23/98 100 M600-A24 / AUTOPLAT.DOC



state 0

unit with AP

dampener off
state 1

start position and plate lock opened

state 2


close plate lock

state 3


sequence stop
(e-stop or no priority) dampener on
state 4


open plate lock

state 5


close plate lock

state 6

state 1

EPE-11, 03/23/98 101 M600-A24 / AUTOPLAT.DOC

29 Harmonic Drive Chill Rolls

nHD = nw * gw / 10.000

nHD = revolution harmonic drive motor [1/min] (0-> 6000) accuracy = + - 1

nw = impressions web [imp/hour] (0->60.000) accuracy <= + - 0,1%
gw = gain factor (300->1200) accuracy = + - 1
preset value

6307 546,1

3159 nominal
3000 2728
preset value

0 0
0 20000 40000 60000

diameter chill roll [mm] 377,22 HD_Ueb = 3,7

Z (KW) = 126 HD_Weg = 0,800724
Z (KWHD) = 63 HD_Max = 7200
HD Z1 = 200 HD_Min = 1800
HD Z2 = 201 Weg_ZW = 1190,9969

cut off z1 z2 Nettoweg Nullabgleich pro 1/1000 Minimalwert

630 60 114 626,8405 3,948133 0,7867879 -0,00502
HD%= 10,6 25,17 39,74 54,31 68,88 83,45 94,15
i.p.h. -0,002 -0,001 0 0,001 0,002 0,003 0,004
600 23,72 31,59 39,46 47,33 55,19 63,06 68,84
6000 237,22 315,90 394,58 473,26 551,94 630,62 688,40
30000 1186,12 1579,51 1972,91 2366,30 2759,69 3153,09 3442,00
40000 1581,49 2106,02 2630,54 3155,07 3679,59 4204,12 4589,33
50000 1976,86 2632,52 3288,18 3943,83 4599,49 5255,15 5736,66
60000 2372,24 3159,02 3945,81 4732,60 5519,39 6306,18 6884,00

cut off z1 z2 Nettoweg Nullabgleich pro 1/1000 Minimalwert

609,6 55 108 606,5262 3,8387523 0,761311 -0,00504
HD% 9,56 23,66 37,75 51,85 65,95 80,05 94,15
i.p.h. -0,002 -0,001 0 0,001 0,002 0,003 0,004
600 23,16 30,77 38,39 46,00 53,61 61,23 68,84
6000 231,60 307,74 383,87 460,01 536,14 612,27 688,40
30000 1158,00 1538,72 1919,37 2300,03 2680,69 3061,34 3442,00
40000 1544,00 2051,63 2559,17 3066,71 3574,25 4081,79 4589,33
50000 1930,00 2564,53 3198,96 3833,39 4467,81 5102,24 5736,66
60000 2316,00 3077,44 3838,75 4600,06 5361,37 6122,69 6884,00

EPE-11, 02/25/98 102 M600-A24 / HDCHILL.DOC

cut off z1 z2 Nettoweg Nullabgleich pro 1/1000 Minimalwert
598,49 61 122 595,4985 3,736032 0,747436 -0,005
HD% 8,17 22,01 35,85 49,69 63,54 77,38 91,22
i.p.h. -0,002 -0,001 0 0,001 0,002 0,003 0,004
600 22,41 29,89 37,36 44,83 52,31 59,78 67,26
6000 224,12 298,86 373,60 448,35 523,09 597,83 672,58
30000 1120,58 1494,30 1868,01 2241,73 2615,45 2989,17 3362,89
40000 1494,11 1992,40 2490,69 2988,98 3487,27 3985,56 4483,85
50000 1867,63 2490,50 3113,36 3736,22 4359,09 4981,95 5604,81
60000 2241,16 2988,60 3736,03 4483,47 5230,90 5978,34 6725,78

cut off z1 z2 Nettoweg Nullabgleich pro 1/1000 Minimalwert

584,2 62 127 581,4316 3,4574004 0,7295897 -0,00474
HD% 3,67 17,18 30,69 44,2 57,71 71,23 84,74
i.p.h. -0,002 -0,001 0 0,001 0,002 0,003 0,004
600 19,98 27,28 34,57 41,87 49,17 56,46 63,76
6000 199,82 272,78 345,74 418,70 491,66 564,62 637,58
30000 999,11 1363,91 1728,70 2093,49 2458,29 2823,08 3187,88
40000 1332,15 1818,54 2304,93 2791,33 3277,72 3764,11 4250,51
50000 1665,18 2273,18 2881,17 3489,16 4097,15 4705,14 5313,13
60000 1998,22 2727,81 3457,40 4186,99 4916,58 5646,17 6375,76

cut off z1 z2 Nettoweg Nullabgleich pro 1/1000 Minimalwert

577,85 56 116 574,964 3,6041888 0,7216594 -0,00499
HD% 6,68 20,05 33,41 46,77 60,14 73,5 86,87
i.p.h. -0,002 -0,001 0 0,001 0,002 0,003 0,004
600 21,61 28,83 36,04 43,26 50,48 57,69 64,91
6000 216,09 288,25 360,42 432,58 504,75 576,92 649,08
30000 1080,44 1441,26 1802,09 2162,92 2523,75 2884,58 3245,41
40000 1440,58 1921,69 2402,79 2883,90 3365,00 3846,11 4327,22
50000 1800,73 2402,11 3003,49 3604,87 4206,26 4807,64 5409,02
60000 2160,87 2882,53 3604,19 4325,85 5047,51 5769,17 6490,83

cut off z1 z2 Nettoweg Nullabgleich pro 1/1000 Minimalwert

546,1 52 114 543,2618 3,5445901 0,6820077 -0,0052
HD% 7,05 19,68 32,31 44,94 57,57 70,2 82,83
i.p.h. -0,002 -0,001 0 0,001 0,002 0,003 0,004
600 21,81 28,63 35,45 42,27 49,09 55,91 62,73
6000 218,06 286,26 354,46 422,66 490,86 559,06 627,26
30000 1090,29 1431,29 1772,30 2113,30 2454,30 2795,31 3136,31
40000 1453,72 1908,39 2363,06 2817,73 3272,40 3727,08 4181,75
50000 1817,15 2385,49 2953,83 3522,17 4090,50 4658,84 5227,18
60000 2180,58 2862,58 3544,59 4226,60 4908,61 5590,61 6272,62

Abschnitt -0,002 -0,001 0 0,001 0,002 0,003
630 10,6 25,2 39,7 54,3 68,9 83,4
609,6 9,6 23,7 37,8 51,9 66,0 80,0
598,49 8,4 22,2 36,1 49,9 63,8 77,6
584,2 3,7 17,2 30,7 44,2 57,7 71,2
577,85 6,7 20,0 33,4 46,8 60,1 73,5
546,1 7,0 19,7 32,3 44,9 57,6 70,2

EPE-11, 02/25/98 103 M600-A24 / HDCHILL.DOC

30 Roller 4Page Module
Cut off 630 mm
press min. standard max. variation
speed 707 757 807 50
0 70 70 70
2500 176,75 189,25 201,75 0.132%
5000 353,50 378,50 403,50 0.132%
7500 530,25 567,75 605,25 0.132%
10000 707,00 757,00 807,00 0.132%
12500 883,75 946,25 1008,75 0.132%
15000 1060,50 1135,50 1210,50 0.132%
17500 1237,25 1324,75 1412,25 0.132%
20000 1414,00 1514,00 1614,00 0.132%
22500 1590,75 1703,25 1815,75 0.132%
25000 1767,50 1892,50 2017,50 0.132%
27500 1944,25 2081,75 2219,25 0.132%
30000 2121,00 2271,00 2421,00 0.132%
32500 2297,75 2460,25 2622,75 0.132%
35000 2474,50 2649,50 2824,50 0.132%
37500 2651,25 2838,75 3026,25 0.132%
40000 2828,00 3028,00 3228,00 0.132%
42500 3004,75 3217,25 3429,75 0.132%
45000 3181,50 3406,50 3631,50 0.132%
47500 3358,25 3595,75 3833,25 0.132%
50000 3535,00 3785,00 4035,00 0.132%
52500 3711,75 3974,25 4236,75 0.132%
55000 3888,50 4163,50 4438,50 0.132%
57500 4065,25 4352,75 4640,25 0.132%
60000 4242,00 4542,00 4842,00 0.132%

4500 4542,00


motor 4P

2500 50%















press speed

EPE-11, 02/25/98 104 M600-A24 / HDCHILL.DOC

Cut off 598,5 mm Cut off 584,2 mm
press min. standard max. variation press min. standard max. variation
speed 669 719 769 50 speed 652 702 757 50
0 70 70 70 0 70 70 70
2500 167,25 179,75 192,25 0.139% 2500 163,00 175,50 188,00 0.142%
5000 334,50 359,50 384,50 0.139% 5000 326,00 351,00 376,00 0.142%
7500 501,75 539,25 576,75 0.139% 7500 489,00 526,50 564,00 0.142%
10000 669,00 719,00 769,00 0.139% 10000 652,00 702,00 752,00 0.142%
12500 836,25 898,75 961,25 0.139% 12500 815,00 877,50 940,00 0.142%
15000 1003,50 1078,50 1153,50 0.139% 15000 978,00 1053,00 1128,00 0.142%
17500 1170,75 1258,25 1345,75 0.139% 17500 1141,00 1228,50 1316,00 0.142%
20000 1338,00 1438,00 1538,00 0.139% 20000 1304,00 1404,00 1504,00 0.142%
22500 1505,25 1617,75 1730,25 0.139% 22500 1467,00 1579,50 1692,00 0.142%
25000 1672,50 1797,50 1922,50 0.139% 25000 1630,00 1755,00 1880,00 0.142%
27500 1839,75 1977,25 2114,75 0.139% 27500 1793,00 1930,50 2068,00 0.142%
30000 2007,00 2157,00 2307,00 0.139% 30000 1956,00 2106,00 2256,00 0.142%
32500 2174,25 2336,75 2499,25 0.139% 32500 2119,00 2281,50 2444,00 0.142%
35000 2341,50 2516,50 2691,50 0.139% 35000 2282,00 2457,00 2632,00 0.142%
37500 2508,75 2696,25 2883,75 0.139% 37500 2445,00 2632,50 2820,00 0.142%
40000 2676,00 2876,00 3076,00 0.139% 40000 2608,00 2808,00 3008,00 0.142%
42500 2843,25 3055,75 3268,25 0.139% 42500 2771,00 2983,50 3196,00 0.142%
45000 3010,50 3235,50 3460,50 0.139% 45000 2934,00 3159,00 3384,00 0.142%
47500 3177,75 3415,25 3652,75 0.139% 47500 3097,00 3334,50 3572,00 0.142%
50000 3345,00 3595,00 3845,00 0.139% 50000 3260,00 3510,00 3760,00 0.142%
52500 3512,25 3774,75 4037,25 0.139% 52500 3423,00 3685,50 3948,00 0.142%
55000 3679,50 3954,50 4229,50 0.139% 55000 3586,00 3861,00 4136,00 0.142%
57500 3846,75 4134,25 4421,75 0.139% 57500 3749,00 4036,50 4324,00 0.142%
60000 4014,00 4314,00 4614,00 0.139% 60000 3912,00 4212,00 4512,00 0.142%

Cut off 598,5 mm Cut off 584,2 mm

press min. standard max. variation press min. standard max. variation
speed 645 695 745 50 speed 607 657 707 50
0 70 70 70 0 70 70 70
2500 161,25 173,75 186,25 0.144% 2500 151,75 164,25 176,75 0.152%
5000 322,50 347,50 372,50 0.144% 5000 303,50 328,50 353,50 0.152%
7500 483,75 521,25 558,75 0.144% 7500 455,25 492,75 530,25 0.152%
10000 645,00 695,00 745,00 0.144% 10000 607,00 657,00 707,00 0.152%
12500 806,25 868,75 931,25 0.144% 12500 758,75 821,25 883,75 0.152%
15000 967,50 1042,50 1117,50 0.144% 15000 910,50 985,50 1060,50 0.152%
17500 1128,75 1216,25 1303,75 0.144% 17500 1062,25 1149,75 1237,25 0.152%
20000 1290,00 1390,00 1490,00 0.144% 20000 1214,00 1314,00 1414,00 0.152%
22500 1451,25 1563,75 1676,25 0.144% 22500 1365,75 1478,25 1590,75 0.152%
25000 1612,50 1737,50 1862,50 0.144% 25000 1517,50 1642,50 1767,50 0.152%
27500 1773,75 1911,25 2048,75 0.144% 27500 1669,25 1806,75 1944,25 0.152%
30000 1935,00 2085,00 2235,00 0.144% 30000 1821,00 1971,00 2121,00 0.152%
32500 2096,25 2258,75 2421,25 0.144% 32500 1972,75 2135,25 2297,75 0.152%
35000 2257,50 2432,50 2607,50 0.144% 35000 2124,50 2299,50 2474,50 0.152%
37500 2418,75 2606,25 2793,75 0.144% 37500 2276,25 2463,75 2651,25 0.152%
40000 2580,00 2780,00 2980,00 0.144% 40000 2428,00 2628,00 2828,00 0.152%
42500 2741,25 2953,75 3166,25 0.144% 42500 2579,75 2792,25 3004,75 0.152%
45000 2902,50 3127,50 3352,50 0.144% 45000 2731,50 2956,50 3181,50 0.152%
47500 3063,75 3301,25 3538,75 0.144% 47500 2883,25 3120,75 3358,25 0.152%
50000 3225,00 3475,00 3725,00 0.144% 50000 3035,00 3285,00 3535,00 0.152%
52500 3386,25 3648,75 3911,25 0.144% 52500 3186,75 3449,25 3711,75 0.152%
55000 3547,50 3822,50 4097,50 0.144% 55000 3338,50 3613,50 3888,50 0.152%
57500 3708,75 3996,25 4283,75 0.144% 57500 3490,25 3777,75 4065,25 0.152%
60000 3870,00 4170,00 4470,00 0.144% 60000 3642,00 3942,00 4242,00 0.152%

EPE-11, 02/25/98 105 M600-A24 / HDCHILL.DOC

30.1 Test HD 4Page Module

Limit switch gain setting press speed 4Page HD

jf4p speed up mid 4Page module [i.p.h.] [rpm]
600 0% 10.000 550
600 50% 10.000 600
600 100% 10.000 650
850 0% 10.000 800
850 50% 10.000 850
850 100% 10.000 900
757 0% 10.000 707
757 50% 10.000 757
757 100% 10.000 807
757 0% 20.000 1414
757 50% 20.000 1514
757 100% 20.000 1614
757 0% 30.000 2121
757 50% 30.000 2271
757 100% 30.000 2421
757 0% 40.000 2828
757 50% 40.000 3028
757 100% 40.000 3228

Conditions: cut off length 630mm; main shaft engaged; 4Page module engaged.
! As soon as the folder is engaged the speed up fix (limit) is used for the HD speed.

Setting for the 4Page roller to pull only (cut off 630mm)

Limit switch gain setting press speed 4Page HD

jf4p speed up mid 4Page module [i.p.h.] [rpm]
807 0% 10.000 757
807 50% 10.000 807
807 100% 10.000 857

EPE-11, 02/25/98 106 M600-A24 / HDCHILL.DOC

31 Index of Titles

4Page Module / Sheeter (EAK1_10) 16 H
Handling 2-web configuration 88
Hardware requirements 69
A Harmonic Drive Chill Rolls 102
Additional inputs for external device 53 Harmonic Drive direction for autoplate 74
Additional outputs to external device 53 Harmonic Drive speed for variable autoplate inch speed
Adjustment of angles 93 and cut off length 74
Adjustment of the dancer potentiometer 74 Harmonic drive test for 2 web press 75
Analog Inputs SAK 24
AP main picture 91
AP service picture 92 I
Automatic Production 54 Infeed 1 / Splicer 1 (EAK1_04) 10
Autoplate 91 Infeed 2 / Splicer 2 (EAK1_05) 11
Infeed unit 73
Input / Output List 7
B Inputs for additional WEB-BREAK-DETECTORS 53
Baldwin blanket wash control 57
Blanket wash screen when using the service code 60
Blanket washing conditions for Baldwin device 61 J
JF44 21
JF44 Cylinder Part (EAK1_07) 13
C JF44 positioning 84
Cabinet Part 1 (EAK1_02) 8 JF44 Superstructure 1 (EAK1_08) 14
Cabinet Part 2 (EAK1_03) 9 JF44 Superstructure 2 (EAK1_09) 15
Central dampening water supply 85 JF4Page / Sheeter 22
Chill roll-1 / -2 21 Job recal 68
Chill rolls 1 / 2 (EAK1_06) 12 Job store 67
Commands 85
Commands and actuation’s 82
Commands for blanket wash 57 L
Configuration 5 Level of release 81
Configuration 1-web / 2-web 87 Limit switches 42
Console 20 Limit switches for Baldwin blanket washing device 58
Console (EAK1_01) 7 Line shaft control 71
Control of the double dancer 73 Line shaft monitoring 71

Display 85 Measuring of the folder position 71
Display "preset clutch“ 87 Mechanic 71
Display information 70 Modem 83
Modem for remote diagnostic 83
Moving of cylinders from main panel 94
E MZG Description (Service Command) 86
Emergency stop 82
Error messages 32
Errors 81 O
Example for a 2 web configuration 87 Oil Temperature 77

Fault messages with technotrans water supply 85 Parallel input output interface 52
Fault symbols 58 Parallel Interface (EAK1_12) 17
Folder command for the JF44 67 Parallel Interface (PIO) 22
Function description 69 Picture 47 (date/time) 78
Presetting for the automatic start-, stop-sequence 55
Press data 46
G Print Units 23; 76
General inputs on PIO for standard interface-1/-2 52 Print Units General (EAK2_xx) 18
General outputs on PIO for standard interface-1/-2 52 Print Units Print-Functions (EAK2_xx) 19

EPE-11, 02/25/98 107 M600-A24 / HDCHILL.DOC

Racks 6
Reasons for state changes 80
Register to zero 94
Remote web tension control 69
Reserved (2nd JF44) 22
Reserved (Duplex) 20
Roller 4Page Module 104
Roller definition 76
Run press with automatic start sequence 55

Safety Inputs SEK1 20
Safety Inputs SEK2 23
Selection of the kinds of production wash up progr 57
Sensors 65
Service display 72; 75
Service screen 59
Servo Drives 24
Settings (AT-commands) 83
Software functions 69
Splicer-1 / Infeed-1 20
Splicer-2 / Infeed-2 21
SSK1 24
SSK2 25
SSK3 25
Starting the sequence 94
States of the drive control program 79
Status of the main drive 78
Stop with automatic sequence 55
Superstructure-1 21
Superstructure-2 22

Test HD 4Page Module 106

Valve list 93
Variant key 26; 93

Wash Modes for Automatic Start-, Stop-Sequence 56
Web break detectors 65
Web break display 66
Web Catcher 66
Web Severer 66
Webcatcher-1 / Webcatcher-2 20
Wiring 83

EPE-11, 03/23/98 108 M600-A24 / INDEX.DOC

EPE-11, 03/23/98 109 M600-A24 / INDEX.DOC

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