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CIVIL APPEAL NOs. 1782--1783 OF 2009

[Arising out of SLP (Civil) Nos. 5595-5596 of 2008]

Vishwanath Bapurao Sabale …Appellant


Shalinibai Nagappa Sabale & Ors. …Respondents



1. Leave granted.

2. These appeals are directed against a judgment and order dated 22-

01-2008 passed by a learned Single Judge of the High Court of Judicature

at Bombay in Second Appeal No. 105 of 2007 and Civil Application No.

280 of 2007 with Second Appeal No. 107 of 2007 and Civil Application

No. 284 of 2007.

3. Bapurao and Shivappa were step brothers. Laxmibai was wife of

Bapurao. Shivappa married one Parvatibai.

Bapurao died in the year 1958. Laxmibai died on 12-12-1978.


Appellant Vishwanath is the adopted son of Laxmibai having been

adopted on 5-06-1967. Nagubai is the daughter of Shivappa and

Parvatibai. Shivappa died in the year 1977. Respondent Nagappa, son of

Nagubai is said to have been adopted by Shivappa on 24-01-1969. The

parties are governed by Bombay School of Hindu Law. Nagappa was

aged about 19 years when he was allegedly adopted.

4. Bapurao and Shivappa were living separately. They had separate


They however had some joint family properties which were

acquired prior to 1934. Bapurao had also self acquired properties.

Allegedly Bapurao, having suffered substantial loss in his business had

incurred loan in the year 1955. He owed a sum of about Rs. 35,000/- to

his creditors.

5. Purportedly with a view to save the property from the creditors, on

or about 2-07-1955, four registered deeds were executed. The first being

a deed of partition, in terms whereof, the joint family properties were

divided in equal shares (which was marked as exhibit 36) and Bapurao

sold his share of joint family property for a sum of Rs. 5000/- to Shivappa

. He also allegedly sold his self acquired property to Shivappa for the said

sum. Two deeds of settlement on the same day were executed by


Shivappa, in terms whereof, the lands transferred in his favour were

settled to Bapurao for enjoyment during his lifetime.

However, it was stipulated that Bapurao would not have any

absolute right over the properties and were not entitled to alienate the


6. Plaintiff after the death of Shivappa which as noticed hereinbefore

took place on 20th November, 1977 filed three suits before the Joint Civil

Judge, J.D. Mohol, District Judge, Solapur and Principal District Judge,


The first one marked as Regular Civil Suit No. 81 of 1978 was

filed for declaration that 22 tin sheets in the possession of the appellants

were owned by him and for mandatory injunction directing him to

handover the same. Regular Civil Suit No. 85 of 1978 was instituted in

the court of Joint Civil Judge J.D. Mohol for declaration of his title over

the suit properties and possession claiming the same as the heir and legal

representatives of Shivappa.

Regular Civil Suit No. 20 of 1979 was instituted with a prayer for

grant of a decree for permanent injunction pertaining to the suit property.

7. Before the Trial Court, Plaintiff-Respondent No. 1 raised another

contention that Shivappa executed an agreement in favour of Laxmibai


allowing her to take the income from the property. According to him, the

said agreement which was an unregistered one was executed out of love

and affection toward Laxmibai (original defendant No. 1). On the

allegation that she did not take care of the property and a wall collapsed;

and, thus, breach of terms of the agreement had taken place, a mandatory

decree for injunction was sought for directing handing over the

possession of the property to the plaintiff. It was furthermore contended

that as upon death of Laxmibai during pendency of suit, the said

agreement came to an end, the plaintiff even otherwise became entitled to


8. Appellant however in his written statement inter alia contended


(1) the suit property was the self acquired property of Bapurao


(2) the documents executed on 2-07-1955 were sham and nominal

ones which were not meant to be acted upon, having been

executed for the purpose of saving the property from the


(3) The fact that as despite death of Bapurao Sabale in the year

1958, Shivappa or his wife did not exercise any acts of


ownership, right or possession or claim for a period of 22 years,

would go to show that the transactions were sham ones.

(4) the suit was barred by limitation as the cause of action to

recover the property arose on the death of Bapurao.

(5) First respondent having not been validly adopted by Shivappa

being aged 19 years at the time of adoption, he had no locus

standi to maintain the suit.

Alternatively it was pleaded that the appellant, being in possession of

the suit property for a period of more than twelve years, acquired

indefeasible title by adverse possession.

9. The learned Trial Judge framed the following issues:

Does plaintiff prove that his father by an
agreement allowed the defendant No. 1 to entry
(sic) the suit land till her demise on certain

xxx xxx xxx

Does plaintiff prove that both agreements were

without consideration and never confirmed any
right, title and interest in Bapurao or in

xxx xxx xxx

Do defendants prove that the partition between

Shivappa and Bapurrao was a colourable one

and under that partition neither Bapurao

received the amount of Rs. 5,000/- nor did he
transfer title of his share to Shivappa?

Do defendants prove that as the partition deed

dated 02.07.1955 was colourable one brought
into existence to save the property from the
creditors of Bapurao the settlement deed was
executed so that the lands should be saved also
remains with Bapurao?

xxx xxx xxx

Do defendants prove that sale deed dated
02.07.1955 was not acted upon and it was
executed nominally to save the properties from

10. The learned Trial Judge held:

(a) Shivappa and Bapurao owned joint family properties and it

had not been shown how the deed of partition was


(b) Evidence of DW-3 Panchappa Nirvallayappa Shilwant

examined on behalf of the appellant does not inspire


(c) Admission of PW-3, Bapurao is reliable and only because he

had stated in his cross-examination that Bapurao was not

ready and willing to execute the document unless possession


was permitted to be retained by him, was not sufficient to

disbelieve him totally.

(d) Adoption of first respondent by Shivappa was valid as there

exists a custom in the Virshiva Lingayat community, to

which the parties belong for adoption of a child of more than

14 years of age and in terms of Bombay School of Hindu

Law, although plaintiff could not prove the agreement

allegedly executed in favour of Laxmibai.

(e) Her possession after the death of Bapurao was also being

permissive, the Suit was not barred by limitation.

11. The learned Trial Judge on the said findings, decreed the said suits.

Appeals preferred theragainst, as noticed hereinbefore, were dismissed.

12. Mr. U.U. Lalit, learned Senior Counsel appearing on behalf of the

appellant fairly did not press the question as regards the validity of

adoption of first respondent stating that even if the same was invalid, first

respondent being the daughter’s son of Shivappa would inherit his

properties in terms of the provisions of Hindu Succession Act, 1956.

13. The learned Counsel, however would contend that all the

transactions evidenced by four instruments executed on 2-07-1955 were


sham transactions in support whereof reliance was placed on the

following circumstances.

(i) Since 1934 the step brothers were living separated having

separate businesses and houses and admittedly Bapurao was

heavily indebted, expecting some actions from his creditors.

(ii) All four documents having been executed on the same day

and as PW-3 the attesting witness of the said document

categorically stated that possession of the properties in

question was to remain with Bapurao.

(iii) There was absolutely no reason as to why all the four

documents were executed on the same day.

(iv) Even after execution of the said deeds Shivappa or his wife

did not exercise any right of possession.

(v) If the deeds of settlement were genuine and were meant to be

acted upon, an attempt to take over possession from

Laxmibai was expected from Shivappa and the same having

not been done for a period of 20 years.

(vi) The purported unregistered agreement in favour of Laxmibai

had neither been produced nor proved. It was furthermore


contended that the suit having been filed during the life time

of Laxmibai, the same should have been dismissed.

14. Mr. K. V. Viswanathan, learned counsel appearing on behalf of the

respondents, on the other hand, would contend :

(a) All the three courts having arrived at concurrent findings of

fact, the impugned judgments warrant no interference.

(b) The plea of the appellant in his written statement that the

said document had not been acted upon, being vague, no

reliance could have been placed thereupon.

(c) Appellant having not filed any suit in terms of Section 31of

the Specific Relief Act, 1963 could not raise the plea that the

transactions were illegal and void.

(d) The sale deeds as also the deeds of settlement having been

found to be valid, this court should not exercise its

jurisdiction under Article 136 of the Constitution of India.

(e) Appellant has misrably failed to prove that his possession

was adverse to the interest of Shivappa or Parvatibai.


15. All the four deeds executed on 2-07-1955 are registered

documents. They carry a presumption of valid execution. There is no

proof to show that the said documents were sham or nominal.

The learned courts below have clearly held that the appellant failed

to discharge the heavy onus on him.

We would however consider the contentions raised before us


Exhibit 36 is a deed of sale in terms whereof Bapurao sold his half

share to Shivappa. If the contention of Bapurao that there existed no joint

family property was correct, it was for him to show that the same was his

self acquired property.

16. No evidence has been brought on record to show that he was in

exclusive possession of the properties in suit. A presumption as regards

jointness of the family property could be raised as Bapurao and Shivappa

despite being step brothers and despite having separate business and

separate houses, were having some joint properties which were acquired

prior to 1944. There does not seem to have any apparent reason to hold

that the deed of sale was sham or nominal in character.

17. It may be true that the other sale deed (Exhibit 49) consisting of 8

items of properties were self acquired properties of Bapurao.


Indisputably Bapurao was heavily indebted. He was required to

repay loan incurred by him. PW-3, we may notice, in his deposition,

stated that Shivappa in fact had paid the entire amount of loan to the

creditors of Bapurao.

18. Indisputably Bapurao continued to remain in possession of the

properties in suit. The character of his possession however must be held

to have changed having regard to the deeds of settlement executed in his

favour by Shivappa. His possession in terms thereof over the land in

question was permissive in nature.

19. Submission of Mr. Lalit that the fact that consideration in each of

the sale deed was shown as Rs.5000/- but in the deeds of settlement the

consideration was shown to be Rs.15,000/- clearly go to show that the

transactions were not meant to be acted upon is difficult to accept. There

appears to be some understandings between the two brothers. If PW-3 is

to be believed and we do not see any reason why we should differ with

the concurrent findings of the courts below, all the documents must be

held to have been executed bonafide. We would assume that Bapurao

wanted to continue to remain in possession of the said properties but it

must be held that that was precisely the reason why the deeds of

settlement were executed. If the said deeds were sham or nominal in


character, creditors of Bapurao would have taken some actions against


There is nothing to show that any suit or any other proceeding was

instituted/initiated against him.

20. Although he continued to be in physical possession of the

properties in suit, on execution of the deed of sale as also the deeds of

settlement on the same day, he must in law be held to have been

dispossessed and was put back to possession in a different capacity.

In other words, upon execution of the deed of sale as also the deeds

of settlement, the nature and character of his possession changed.

It is true that despite death of Bapurao in 1958, Shivappa did not

initiate the proceedings for eviction of Laxmibai. It may or may not be an

act of generosity on his behalf but the same by itself would not mean that

the appellant started to possess the lands adverse to the interest of the


21. We would proceed on the basis that respondent No. 1 has not been

able to prove his contention that Shivappa executed an unregistered

document in favour of Laxmibai.


The suit filed by Nagappa however was based on title. Once he

proved his title the onus was on Laxmibai and consequently upon the

appellant to prove that they started possessing adversely to the interest of


For the purpose of arriving at a finding as to whether appellant and

Laxmibai perfected their title by adverse possession, the relationship of

the parties may have to be taken into consideration. It must also be borne

in mind that factum of execution of the documents being not in question,

it was also expected that Bapurao and after his death Laxmibai would file

a suit for cancellation of those documents in terms of Section 31 of the

Specific Relief Act, 1963.

22. In Prem Singh and Ors. v. Birbal and Ors. [2006 (5) SCC 353], this

court held :

“20. If the plaintiff is in possession of a property,

he may file a suit for declaration that the deed is
not binding upon him but if he is not in possession
thereof, even under a void transaction, the right by
way of adverse possession may be claimed. Thus, it
is not correct to contend that the provisions of the
Limitation Act would have no application at all in
the event the transaction is held to be void.
21. Respondent 1 has not alleged that fraudulent
misrepresentation was made to him as regards the
character of the document. According to him, there
had been a fraudulent misrepresentation as regards
its contents.

22. In Ningawwa v. Byrappa this Court held

that the fraudulent misrepresentation as regards
character of a document is void but fraudulent
misrepresentation as regards contents of a
document is voidable stating: (SCR p. 801 C-
“The legal position will be different if
there is a fraudulent misrepresentation not
merely as to the contents of the document
but as to its character. The authorities
make a clear distinction between
fraudulent misrepresentation as to the
character of the document and fraudulent
misrepresentation as to the contents
thereof. With reference to the former, it
has been held that the transaction is void,
while in the case of the latter, it is merely
In that case, a fraud was found to have been played
and it was held that as the suit was instituted within
a few days after the appellant therein came to know
of the fraud practised on her, the same was void. It
was, however, held: (SCR p. 803 B-E)
“Article 91 of the Limitation Act provides
that a suit to set aside an instrument not
otherwise provided for (and no other
provision of the Act applies to the
circumstances of the case) shall be
subject to a three years’ limitation which
begins to run when the facts entitling the
plaintiff to have the instrument cancelled
or set aside are known to him. In the
present case, the trial court has found,
upon examination of the evidence, that at
the very time of the execution of the gift
deed, Ext. 45 the appellant knew that her
husband prevailed upon her to convey
Surveys Plots Nos. 407/1 and 409/1 of
Tadavalga village to him by undue
influence. The finding of the trial court is
based upon the admission of the appellant
herself in the course of her evidence. In
view of this finding of the trial court it is
manifest that the suit of the appellant is
barred under Article 91 of the Limitation
Act so far as Plots Nos. 407/1 and 409/1
of Tadavalga village are concerned.”

27. There is a presumption that a registered

document is validly executed. A registered
document, therefore, prima facie would be valid in
law. The onus of proof, thus, would be on a person
who leads evidence to rebut the presumption. In the
instant case, Respondent 1 has not been able to
rebut the said presumption.
28. If a deed was executed by the plaintiff when
he was a minor and it was void, he had two options
to file a suit to get the property purportedly
conveyed thereunder. He could either file the suit
within 12 years of the deed or within 3 years of
attaining majority. Here, the plaintiff did not either
sue within 12 years of the deed or within 3 years of
attaining majority. Therefore, the suit was rightly
held to be barred by limitation by the trial court.”

23. Furthermore for claiming title by adverse possession, it was

necessary for the plaintiff to plead and prove animus possidendi.

A peaceful, open and continuous possession being the ingredients

of the principle of adverse possession as contained in the maxim nec vi,

nec clam, nec precario, long possession by itself would not be sufficient

to prove adverse possession.

24. In P.T. Munichikkanna Reddy and Ors. v. Revamma and Ors.,

[2007 (6) SCC 59], this court held:

“It is important to appreciate the question of

intention as it would have appeared to the
paper-owner. The issue is that intention of the
adverse user gets communicated to the paper-
owner of the property. This is where the law

gives importance to hostility and openness as

pertinent qualities of manner of possession. It
follows that the possession of the adverse
possessor must be hostile enough to give rise to
a reasonable notice and opportunity to the

25. We must in fairness to Mr. Lalit notice a decision of this court in

Kalwa Devadattam and Ors. v. Union of India and Ors. [AIR 1964 SC

880]. In that case income tax was due from one Nagappa. The

immovable property belonging to the joint family of Nagappa and his

sons were attached. Nagappa raised a plea of previous partition. Inter

alia, on a finding that despite the said purported partition, Nagappa

continued management of the property, showed interest in prosecuting the

suits and representing the entire family from other evidences brought on

record, it was found as of fact that the transaction was a nominal one.

The said decision is, therefore, not applicable to the fact of the present


26. For the reasons above mentioned, there is no merit in the appeals.

The appeals are dismissed accordingly with costs. Counsel’s fee assessed

at Rs.10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand only).

[S.B. Sinha]

[Dr. Mukundakam Sharma]

New Delhi;
MARCH 23, 2009

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