Jardine Davies v. CA

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G.R. No. 128066. June 19, 2000.



G.R. No. 128069. June 19, 2000.



Contracts; Requisites; Words and Phrases; A contract is defined as “a

juridical convention manifested in legal form, by virtue of which one or
more persons bind themselves in favor of another or others, or reciprocally,
to the fulfillment of a prestation to give, to do, or not to do.”—A contract is
defined as “a juridical convention manifested in legal form, by virtue of
which one or more persons bind themselves in favor of another or others, or
reciprocally, to the fulfillment of a



VOL. 333, JUNE 19, 2000 685

Jardine Davies, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals

prestation to give, to do, or not to do.” There can be no contract unless the
following requisites concur: (a) consent of the contracting parties; (b) object
certain which is the subject matter of the contract; and, (c) cause of the
obligation which is established. A contract binds both contracting parties
and has the force of law between them.
Same; To produce a contract, there must be acceptance, which may be
express or implied but must not qualify the terms of the offer.—Contracts are
perfected by mere consent, upon the acceptance by the offeree of the offer
made by the offeror. From that moment, the parties are bound not only to
the fulfillment of what has been expressly stipulated but also to all the
consequences which, according to their nature, may be in keeping with good
faith, usage and law. To produce a contract, the acceptance must not qualify
the terms of the offer. However, the acceptance may be express or implied.
For a contract to arise, the acceptance must be made known to the offeror.
Accordingly, the acceptance can be withdrawn or revoked before it is made
known to the offeror.
Same; Bids and Bidding; Where a party starts the process of entering
into the contract by conducting a bidding, Article 1326 of the Civil Code,
which provides that “[a]dvertisements for bidders are simply invitations to
make proposals,” applies.—To resolve the dispute, there is a need to
determine what constituted the offer and the acceptance. Since petitioner
PUREFOODS started the process of entering into the contract by
conducting a bidding, Art. 1326 of the Civil Code, which provides that
“[advertisements for bidders are simply invitations to make proposals,”
applies. Accordingly, the Terms and Conditions of the Bidding disseminated
by petitioner PUREFOODS constitutes the “advertisement” to bid on the
project. The bid proposals or quotations submitted by the prospective
suppliers including respondent FEMSCO, are the offers. And, the reply of
petitioner PUREFOODS, the acceptance or rejection of the respective
Same; Same; Even if a letter accepting an offer enumerates certain
“basic terms and conditions,” if these conditions are prescriptions on how
the obligation is to be performed and implemented, they are not to be
considered as conditions for the perfection of the contract.—Quite
obviously, the 12 December 1992 letter of petitioner PUREFOODS to
FEMSCO constituted acceptance of respondent FEMSCO’s offer as
contemplated by law. The tenor of the letter, i.e.,



Jardine Davies, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals

“This will confirm that Pure Foods has awarded to your firm (FEMSCO) the
project,” could not be more categorical. While the same letter enumerated
certain “basic terms and conditions,” these conditions were imposed on the
performance of the obligation rather than on the perfection of the contract.
Thus, the first “condition” was merely a reiteration of the contract price and
billing scheme based on the Terms and Conditions of Bidding and the bid or
previous offer of respondent FEMSCO. The second and third “conditions”
were nothing more than general statements that all items and materials
including those excluded in the list but necessary to complete the project
shall be deemed included and should be brand new. The fourth “condition”
concerned the completion of the work to be done, i.e., within twenty (20)
days from the delivery of the generator set, the purchase of which was part
of the contract. The fifth “condition” had to do with the putting up of a
performance bond and an all-risk insurance, both of which should be given
upon commencement of the project. The sixth “condition” related to the
standard warranty of one (1) year. In fine, the enumerated “basic terms and
conditions” were prescriptions on how the obligation was to be performed
and implemented. They were far from being conditions imposed on the
perfection of the contract.
Same; While failure to comply with a condition imposed on the
perfection of a contract results in the failure of a contract, failure to comply
with a condition imposed merely on the performance of an obligation only
gives the other party options and/or remedies to protect his interests.—In
Babasa v. Court of Appeals we distinguished between a condition imposed
on the perfection of a contract and a condition imposed merely on the
performance of an obligation. While failure to comply with the first
condition results in the failure of a contract, failure to comply with the
second merely gives the other party options and/or remedies to protect his
Same; Purchase orders (POs) do not make or break a contract.—For
all intents and purposes, the contract at that point has been perfected, and
respondent FEMSCO’s conforme would only be a mere surplusage. The
discussion of the price of the project two (2) months after the 12 December
1992 letter can be deemed as nothing more than a pressure being exerted by
petitioner PUREFOODS on respondent FEMSCO to lower the price even
after the contract had been perfected. Indeed from the facts, it can easily be
surmised that petitioner PUREFOODS was haggling for a lower price even


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Jardine Davies, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals

agreeing to the earlier quotation, and was threatening to unilaterally cancel

the contract, which it eventually did. Petitioner PUREFOODS also makes
an issue out of the absence of a purchase order (PO). Suffice it to say that
purchase orders or POs do not make or break a contract. Thus, even the
tenor of the subsequent letter of petitioner PUREFOODS, i.e., “Pure Foods
Corporation is hereby canceling the award to your company of the project,”
presupposes that the contract has been perfected. For, there can be no
cancellation if the contract was not perfected in the first place.
Damages; Moral damages may be awarded to a corporation whose
reputation has been besmirched.—This Court has awarded in the past moral
damages to a corporation whose reputation has been besmirched. In the
instant case, respondent FEMSCO has sufficiently shown that its reputation
was tarnished after it immediately ordered equipment from its suppliers on
account of the urgency of the project, only to be canceled later. We thus
sustain respondent appellate court’s award of moral damages. We however
reduce the award from P2,000,000.00 to P1,000,000.00, as moral damages
are never intended to enrich the recipient. Likewise, the award of exemplary
damages by way of example for the public good is excessive and should be
reduced to P100,000.00.
Same; Contracts; Interference with Contracts; The similarity in the
design submitted by two persons and the tender of a lower quotation by one
are insufficient to show that such party indeed induced the principal to
violate its contract with the other party.—Petitioner JARDINE maintains on
the other hand that respondent appellate court erred in ordering it to pay
moral damages to respondent FEMSCO as it supposedly induced
PUREFOODS to violate the contract with FEMSCO. We agree. While it
may seem that petitioners PUREFOODS and JARDINE connived to deceive
respondent FEMSCO, we find no specific evidence on record to support
such perception. Likewise, there is no showing whatsoever that petitioner
JARDINE induced petitioner PUREFOODS. The similarity in the design
submitted to petitioner PUREFOODS by both petitioner JARDINE and
respondent FEMSCO, and the tender of a lower quotation by petitioner
JARDINE are insufficient to show that petitioner JARDINE indeed induced
petitioner PUREFOODS to violate its contract with respondent FEMSCO.



Jardine Davies, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals
PETITIONS for review on certiorari of a decision of the Court of

The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.

     Abello, Concepcion, Regala & Cruz for Jardine Davies, Inc.
     Hilario, Go & Sasing for Pure Foods Corp.
     Farcon, Gabriel, Farcon & Associates for FEMSCO.


This is rather a simple case for specific performance with damages

which could have been resolved through mediation and conciliation
during its infancy stage had the parties been earnest in expediting
the disposal of this case. They opted however to resort to full court
proceedings and denied themselves the benefits of alternative
dispute resolution, thus making the process more arduous and long-
The controversy started in 1992 at the height of the power crisis
which the country was then experiencing. To remedy and curtail
further losses due to the series of power failures, petitioner PURE
FOODS CORPORATION (hereafter PUREFOODS) decided to
install two (2) 1500 KW generators in its food processing plant in
San Roque, Marikina City.
Sometime in November 1992 a bidding for the supply and
installation of the generators was held. Several suppliers and dealers
were invited to attend a pre-bidding conference to discuss the
conditions, propose scheme and specifications that would best suit
the needs of PUREFOODS. Out of the eight (8) prospective bidders
who attended the pre-bidding conference, only three (3) bidders,
submitted bid proposals and gave bid bonds equivalent to 5% of
their respective bids, as required.

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Jardine Davies, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals

Thereafter, in a letter dated 12 December 1992 addressed to

FEMSCO President Alfonso Po, PUREFOODS confirmed the award
of the contract to FEMSCO—


This will confirm that Pure Foods Corporation has awarded to your
firm the project: Supply and Installation of two (2) units of 1500
KW/unit Generator Sets at the Processed Meats Plant, Bo. San
Roque, Marikina, based on your proposal number PC 28-92 dated
November 20, 1992, subject to the following basic terms and

1. Lump sum contract of P6,137,293.00 (VAT included), for

the supply of materials and labor for the local portion and
the labor for the imported materials, payable by progress
billing twice a month, with ten percent (10%) retention. The
retained amount shall be released thirty (30) days after
acceptance of the completed project and upon posting of
Guarantee Bond in an amount equivalent to twenty percent
(20%) of the contract price. The Guarantee Bond shall be
valid for one (1) year from completion and acceptance of
project. The contract price includes future increase/s in
costs of materials and labor;
2. The project shall be undertaken pursuant to the attached
specifications. It is understood that any item required to
complete the project, and those not included in the list of
items shall be deemed included and covered and shall be
3. All materials shall be brand new;
4. The project shall commence immediately and must be
completed within twenty (20) working days after the
delivery of Generator Set to Marikina Plant, penalty
equivalent to 1/10 of 1% of the purchase price for every day
of delay;
5. The Contractor shall put up Performance Bond equivalent
to thirty (30%) of the contract price, and shall procure All
Risk Insurance equivalent to the contract price upon
commencement of the project. The All Risk Insurance
Policy shall be endorsed in favor of and shall be delivered
to Pure Foods Corporation;
6. Warranty of one (1) year against defective material and/or

Once finalized, we shall ask you to sign the formal contract

embodying the foregoing terms and conditions.



Jardine Davies, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals

Immediately, FEMSCO submitted the required performance bond in

the amount of P1,841,187.90 and contractor’s all-risk insurance
policy in the amount of P6,137,293,00 which PUREFOODS through
its Vice President Benedicto G. Tope acknowledged in a letter dated
18 December 1992. FEMSCO also made arrangements with its
principal and started the PUREFOODS project by purchasing the
necessary materials. PUREFOODS on the other hand returned
FEMSCO’s Bidder’s Bond in the amount of P1,000,000.00, as
Later, however, in a letter dated 22 December 1992,
PUREFOODS through its Senior Vice President Teodoro L.
Dimayuga unilaterally canceled the award as “significant factors
were uncovered and brought to (their) attention which dictate (the)
cancellation and warrant a total review and rebid of (the) project.“
Consequently, FEMSCO protested the cancellation of the award and
sought a meeting with PUREFOODS. However, on 26 March 1993,
before the matter could be resolved, PUREFOODS already awarded
the project and entered into a contract with JARDINE NELL, a
division of Jardine Davies, Inc. (hereafter JARDINE), which
incidentally was not one of the bidders.
FEMSCO thus wrote PUREFOODS to honor its contract with the
former, and to JARDINE to cease and desist from delivering and
installing the two (2) generators at PUREFOODS. Its demand letters
unheeded, FEMSCO sued both PUREFOODS and JARDINE:
PUREFOODS for reneging on its contract, and JARDINE for its
unwarranted interference and inducement. Trial ensued. After
FEMSCO presented its evidence, JARDINE filed a Demurrer to
On 27 June 1994 the Regional Trial Court of Pasig, Br. 68,
granted JARDINE’s Demurrer to Evidence. The trial court
concluded that “[w]hile it may seem to the plaintiff that by the
actions of the two defendants there is something underhanded going
on, this is all a matter of perception, and unsupported by hard
evidence, mere suspicions and suppositions would not


1 Judge Santiago G. Estrella, presiding.


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Jardine Davies, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals

stand up very well in a court of law.” Meanwhile trial proceeded as
regards the case against PUREFOODS.
On 28 July 1994 the trial court rendered a decision ordering
PUREFOODS: (a) to indemnify FEMSCO the sum of
P2,300,000.00 representing the value of engineering services it
rendered; (b) to pay FEMSCO the sum of US$14,000.00 or its peso
equivalent, and P900,000.00 representing contractor’s mark-up on
installation work, considering that it would be impossible to compel
PUREFOODS to honor, perform and fulfill its contractual
obligations in view of PUREFOOD’s contract with JARDINE and
noting that construction had already started thereon; (c) to pay
attorney’s fees in an amount equivalent to 20% of the total amount
due; and, (d) to pay the costs. The trial court dismissed the
counterclaim filed by PUREFOODS for lack of factual and legal
Both FEMSCO and PUREFOODS appealed to the Court of
Appeals. FEMSCO appealed the 27 June 1994 Resolution of the
trial court which granted the Demurrer to Evidence filed by
JARDINE resulting in the dismissal of the complaint against it,
while PUREFOODS appealed the 28 July 1994 Decision of the
same court which ordered it to pay FEMSCO.
On 14 August 1996 the Court of Appeals
affirmed in toto the 28
July 1994 Decision of the trial court. It also reversed the 27 June
1994 Resolution of the lower court and ordered JARDINE to pay
FEMSCO damages for inducing PUREFOODS to violate the latter’s
contract with FEMSCO. As such, JARDINE was ordered to pay
FEMSCO P2,000,000.00 for moral damages. In addition,
PUREFOODS was also directed to pay FEMSCO P2,000,000.00 as
moral damages and P1,000,000.00 as exemplary damages as well as
20% of the total amount due as attorney’s fees.


2 Resolution of the trial court dated 27 June 1994; Rollo of G.R. No. 128066, p.
3 Special Fifteenth Division; Decision penned by Associate Justice Maximiano C.
Asuncion, concurred in by Associate Justices Godardo A. Jacinto, Chairman, and
Celia Lipana-Reyes.

Jardine Davies, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals

On 31 January 1997 the Court of Appeals denied for lack of merit

the separate motions for reconsideration filed by PUREFOODS and
JARDINE. Hence, these two (2) petitions for review filed by
PUREFOODS and JARDINE which were subsequently
PUREFOODS maintains that the conclusions of both the trial
court and the appellate court are premised on a misapprehension of
facts. It argues that its 12 December 1992 letter to FEMSCO was not
an acceptance of the latter’s bid proposal and award of the project
but more of a qualified acceptance constituting a counter-offer which
required FEMSCO’s express conforme. Since PUREFOODS never
received FEMSCO’s conforme, PUREFOODS was very well within
reason to revoke its qualified acceptance or counter-offer. Hence, no
contract was perfected between PUREFOODS and FEMSCO.
PUREFOODS also contends that it was never in bad faith when it
dealt with FEMSCO. Hence moral and exemplary damages should
not have been awarded.
Corollarily, JARDINE asserts that the records are bereft of any
showing that it had prior knowledge of the supposed contract
between PUREFOODS and FEMSCO, and that it induced
PUREFOODS to violate the latter’s alleged contract with FEMSCO.
Moreover, JARDINE reasons that FEMSCO, an artificial person, is
not entitled to moral damages. But granting arguendo that the award
of moral damages is proper, P2,000,000.00 is extremely excessive.
In the main, these consolidated cases present two (2) issues: first,
whether there existed a perfected contract between PUREFOODS
and FEMSCO; and second, granting there existed a perfected
contract, whether there is any showing that JARDINE induced or
connived with PUREFOODS to violate the latter’s contract with
A contract is defined as “a. juridical convention manifested in
legal form, by virtue of which one or more persons bind themselves
in favor of another or others, or reciprocally, to the


VOL. 333, JUNE 19, 2000 693

Jardine Davies, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals

fulfillment of a prestation to give, to do, or not to do.” There can be
no contract unless the following requisites concur: (a) consent of the
contracting parties; (b) object certain which is the subject matter5 of
the contract; and, (c) cause of the obligation which is established. A
contract binds both contracting parties and has the force of law
between them.
Contracts are perfected by mere consent, upon the acceptance by
the offeree of the offer made by the offeror. From that moment, the
parties are bound not only to the fulfillment of what has been
expressly stipulated but also to all the consequences which,
according 6
to their nature, may be in keeping with good faith, usage
and law. To produce a contract, the acceptance must not qualify the
terms of7 the offer. However, the acceptance may be express or
implied. For a contract to arise, the acceptance must be made
known to the offeror. Accordingly, the acceptance can be withdrawn
or revoked before it is made known to the offeror.
In the instant case, there is no issue as regards the subject matter
of the contract and the cause of the obligation. The controversy lies
in the consent—whether there was an acceptance of the offer, and if
so, if it was communicated, thereby perfecting the contract.
To resolve the dispute, there is a need to determine what
constituted the offer and the acceptance. Since petitioner
PUREFOODS started the process of entering into the contract by
conducting a bidding, Art. 1326 of the Civil Code, which provides
that “[advertisements for bidders are simply invitations to make
proposals,” applies. Accordingly, the Terms and Conditions of the
Bidding disseminated by petitioner PUREFOODS constitutes the
“advertisement” to bid on the project. The bid proposals or
quotations submitted by the prospective suppliers including
respondent FEMSCO, are the offers. And,


4 Sanchez Roman 148-149.

5 Art. 1318, Civil Code.
6 See Art. 1315, id.
7 Art. 1320, id.



Jardine Davies, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals

the reply of petitioner PUREFOODS, the acceptance or rejection of

the respective offers.
Quite obviously, the 12 December 1992 letter of petitioner
PUREFOODS to FEMSCO constituted acceptance of respondent
FEMSCO’s offer as contemplated by law. The tenor of the letter, i.e.,
“This will confirm that Pure Foods has awarded to your firm
(FEMSCO) the project,” could not be more categorical. While the
same letter enumerated certain “basic terms and conditions,” these
conditions were imposed on the performance of the obligation rather
than on the perfection of the contract. Thus, the first “condition” was
merely a reiteration of the contract price and billing scheme based
on the Terms and Conditions of Bidding and the bid or previous offer
of respondent FEMSCO. The second and third “conditions” were
nothing more than general statements that all items and materials
including those excluded in the list but necessary to complete the
project shall be deemed included and should be brand new. The
fourth “condition” concerned the completion of the work to be done,
i.e., within twenty (20) days from the delivery of the generator set,
the purchase of which was part of the contract. The fifth “condition“
had to do with the putting up of a performance bond and an all-risk
insurance, both of which should be given upon commencement of
the project. The sixth “condition” related to the standard warranty of
one (1) year. In fine, the enumerated “basic terms and conditions”
were prescriptions on how the obligation was to be performed and
implemented. They were far from being conditions imposed on the
perfection of the contract.
In Babasa v. Court of Appeals we distinguished between a
condition imposed on the perfection of a contract and a condition
imposed merely on the performance of an obligation. While failure
to comply with the first condition results in the


8 G.R. No. 124045, 21 May 1998, 290 SCRA 532, citing Romero v. Court of
Appeals, G.R. No. 107207, 23 November 1995, 250 SCRA 223, and Lim v. Court of
Appeals, G.R. No. 118347, 24 October 1996, 263 SCRA 569.


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Jardine Davies, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals

failure of a contract, failure to comply with the second merely gives

the other party options and/or remedies to protect his interests.
We thus agree with the conclusion of respondent appellate court
which affirmed the trial court—

As can be inferred from the actual phrase used in the first portion of the
letter, the decision to award the contract has already been made. The letter
only serves as a confirmation of such decision. Hence, to the Court’s mind,
there is already an acceptance made of the offer received by Purefoods.
Notwithstanding the terms and conditions enumerated therein, the offer has
been accepted and/or amplified the details of the terms and conditions
contained in the Terms and Conditions of Bidding given out by Purefoods to
prospective bidders.

But even granting arguendo that the 12 December 1992 letter of

petitioner PUREFOODS constituted a “conditional counter-offer,”
respondent FEMCO’s submission of the performance bond and
contractor’s all-risk insurance was an implied acceptance, if not a
clear indication of its acquiescence to, the “conditional counter-
offer,” which expressly stated that the performance bond and the
contractor’s all-risk insurance should be given upon the
commencement of the contract. Corollarily, the acknowledgment
thereof by petitioner PUREFOODS, not to mention its return of
FEMSCO’s bidder’s bond, was a concrete manifestation of its
knowledge that respondent FEMSCO indeed consented to the
“conditional counter-offer.” After all, as earlier
adverted to, an
acceptance may either be express or implied, and this can be
inferred from the contemporaneous and subsequent acts of the
contracting parties.
Accordingly, for all intents and purposes, the contract at that
point has been perfected, and respondent FEMSCO’s conforme
would only be a mere surplusage. The discussion of


9 Decision of the appellate court, pp. 7-8; Decision of the trial court, p. 5.
10 Art. 1320, Civil Code.



Jardine Davies, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals

the price of the project two (2) months alter the 12 December 1992
letter can be deemed as nothing more than a pressure being exerted
by petitioner PUREFOODS on respondent FEMSCO to lower the
price even after the contract had been perfected. Indeed from the
facts, it can easily be surmised that petitioner PUREFOODS was
haggling for a lower price even after agreeing to the earlier
quotation, and was threatening to unilaterally cancel the contract,
which it eventually did. Petitioner PUREFOODS also makes an
issue out of the absence of a purchase order (PO). Suffice it to say
that purchase orders or POs do not make or break a contract. Thus,
even the tenor of the subsequent letter of petitioner PUREFOODS,
i.e., “Pure Foods Corporation is hereby canceling the award to your
company of the project,” presupposes that the contract has been
perfected. For, there can be no cancellation if the contract was not
perfected in the first place.
Petitioner PUREFOODS also argues that it was never in bad
faith. On the contrary, it believed in good faith that no such contract
was perfected. We are not convinced. We subscribe to the factual
findings and conclusions of the trial court which were affirmed by
the appellate court—

Hence, by the unilateral cancellation of the contract, the defendant

(petitioner PURE FOODS) has acted with bad faith and this was further
aggravated by the subsequent inking of a contract between defendant
Purefoods and erstwhile co-defendant Jardine. It is very evident that
Purefoods thought that by the expedient means of merely writing a letter
would automatically cancel or nullify the existing contract entered into by
both parties after a process of bidding. This, to the Court’s mind, is a
flagrant violation of the express provisions of the law and is contrary to fair
and just dealings to which every man is due.


11 Decision of the appellate court, pp. 9-10; Decision of the trial court, pp. 5-6.


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Jardine Davies, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals

This Court has awarded in the past moral damages

to a corporation
whose reputation has been besmirched. In the instant case,
respondent FEMSCO has sufficiently shown that its reputation was
tarnished after it immediately ordered equipment from its suppliers
on account of the urgency of the project, only to be canceled later.
We thus sustain respondent appellate court’s award of moral
damages. We however reduce the award from P2,000,000.00 to
P1,000,000.00, as moral damages are never intended to enrich the
recipient. Likewise, the award of exemplary damages by way of
example for the public good is excessive and should be reduced to
Petitioner JARDINE maintains on the other hand that respondent
appellate court erred in ordering it to pay moral damages to
respondent FEMSCO as it supposedly induced PUREFOODS to
violate the contract with FEMSCO. We agree. While it may seem
that petitioners PUREFOODS and JARDINE connived to deceive
respondent FEMSCO, we find no specific evidence on record to
support such perception. Likewise, there is no showing whatsoever
that petitioner JARDINE induced petitioner PUREFOODS. The
similarity in the design submitted to petitioner PUREFOODS by
both petitioner JARDINE and respondent FEMSCO, and the tender
of a lower quotation by petitioner JARDINE are insufficient to show
that petitioner JARDINE indeed induced petitioner PUREFOODS to
violate its contract with respondent FEMSCO.
WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered as follows:

(a) The petition in G.R. No. 128066 is GRANTED. The

assailed Decision of the Court of Appeals reversing the 27
June 1994 resolution of the trial court and ordering
petitioner JARDINE DAVIES, INC., to pay private
P2,000,000.00 as

12 Asset Privatization Trust v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 121171, 29 December

1998, 300 SCRA 579; See also Mambulao Lumber Co. v. Philippine National Bank,
No. L-22973, 30 January 1968, 22 SCRA 359.



Jardine Davies, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals

moral damages is REVERSED and SET ASIDE for

insufficiency of evidence; and
(b) The petition in G.R. No. 128069 is DENIED. The assailed
Decision of the Court of Appeals ordering petitioner PURE
FOODS CORPORATION to pay private respondent FAR
P2,300,000.00 representing the value of engineering
services it rendered, US$14,000.00 or its peso equivalent,
and P900,000.00 representing the contractor’s mark-up on
installation work, as well as attorney’s fees equivalent to
twenty percent (20%) of the total amount due, is
AFFIRMED. In addition, petitioner PURE FOODS
CORPORATION is ordered to pay private respondent FAR
in the amount of P1,000,000.00 and exemplary damages in
the amount of P1,000,000.00. Costs against petitioner.


     Mendoza, Quisumbing, Buena and De Leon, Jr., JJ., concur.

Petition in G.R. No. 128066 granted, judgment reversed and set

aside; while in G.R. No. 128069 petition denied, judgment affirmed.
Notes.—An accepted unilateral promise which specifies the thing
to be sold and the price to be paid, when coupled with a valuable
consideration distinct and separate from the price, may be termed a
perfected contract of option. (Asuncion vs. Court of Appeals, 238
SCRA 602 [1994])
Where the figures referred to as prices are mere estimates, the
transaction lacks the requisites essential for the perfection of
contracts. (Raet vs. Court of Appeals, 295 SCRA 677 [1998])



VOL. 333, JUNE 19, 2000 699

People vs. Estrada

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