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Digital-e company

Leading the digital
Converfgence Revoluction growing to
be the best.

 The Samsung Group is a south Korean Multinational
conglomerate corporation which was founded in the year 1938
by MR.lee byung-chull.Its headquarters is located in Samsung
town.seoul, south korea
 The Samsung group comprises of numerous international
affiliated businesses, most of them are united under the
Samsung brand including Samsung electronics, the worlds
Largest technology company by sales.
 Samsung is the largest producer of memory chips in the world,
and is the world’s second-largest chipmaker after Intel.
 Samsung is known globally for its electronic products and it is
one of the successful brands in the electronic industry. It is an
established company all most all around the world.
 Many businesses today use Samsung’s international success as a
role model.

 Swot analysis is a strategic planning method use to evaluate the
THREATS Involved in a project or in a business venture.
 It involves Specifying the objective of the business venture or
project and identifying the internal and external factor that are
favorable and unfavorable to achieve the objective.

 Samsung is a technologically very advanced it has heavy assets
of technology. It is know for its technologically advance
 Samsung crushed new product concepts in five months. It is
strong corporate brand and know for its quality products and
 It attracts customer by offering new and innovative design
through understanding the customers that which type of design
are suitable to customers and what they want or asked about.
 Focus of innovative products.

 Although Samsung focuses on innovation but it is not proactive
to introducing new product, it wait to attack the competitors. It
also lacks in products differentiation.
 Samsung caters mass market instead of niche market so for this
purpose its set low price product seem as low quality products,
so Samsung products perceive as low quality as compared to
competitors product.
 Most of the Samsung products are not users friendly which is a
hurdle for a Samsung to make it market leader.
 Not proactively coming out with newer products.
 Lack of product differentiation.
 Different models as different price point.

 Through make itself distinctive from competitors, it can gain
more market providing distinguish service it can
increase its customer base.
 Another opportunity is product variation, by introducing unique
products and existing priducts with variety, it can attract its
target market and can get more market share.
 As the demand for the cell phone is increasing as compared to
the other electronic market, Samsung has the great chnce to
introduce user friendly mobile phones at affordable price. It
would help to beat customers and also to lead market share.
 Distinguish its service from competitors.
 Offer product variations.
 Demand for cell phone driven by service providers or carriers.
 Tie up wide service provider.
 Samsung Competitors in electronic market are more dominant.
E.g Sony, Panasonic, L.G etc home appliances and Nokia, RIM 3G
etc in mobile phones market so it has struggle a lot.
 Telecommunication industry is growing day by day so the no. of
competitors also increasing so it is difficult for Samsung to
establish in that industry, it is more behind in this industry as
compared to other electronics item.
 Samsung advertisement is not excessive while the competitors
advertise their product excessively which can take away the
existing customers for Samsung.
 Motorola’s dominance in the US and nokia’s in the uropean

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