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September 14, 2020


Joseph V. Cuffari
Inspector General
Office of the Inspector General
Department of Homeland Security
Washington, DC 20528

Cameron Quinn
Officer for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties
Department of Homeland Security
245 Murray Lane, SW
Washington, DC 20528

Thomas P. Giles
Acting Director of Atlanta ICE Field Office
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Atlanta Field Office
180 Ted Turner Dr. SW Suite 522
Atlanta, GA, 30303

David Paulk
Warden of the Irwin County Detention Center
132 Cotton Drive
Ocilla, GA, 31774

Re: Lack of Medical Care, Unsafe Work Practices, and Absence of Adequate
Protection Against COVID-19 for Detained Immigrants and Employees Alike at the
Irwin County Detention Center

Dear Mr. Cuffari, Ms. Quinn, Mr. Giles and Mr. Paulk:

Project South, Georgia Detention Watch, Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights, and South
Georgia Immigrant Support Network file this complaint on behalf of detained immigrants at the Irwin
County Detention Center (ICDC) operated by the private prison company, LaSalle Corrections; and Ms.
Dawn Wooten, a licensed practical nurse employed by ICDC, who is a protected whistleblower and is

9 GAMMON AVENUE • ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30315 • (404) 622-0602 OFFICE • (404) 622-4137 FAX
represented by the Government Accountability Project and Project South. This complaint and Ms.
Wooten’s accompanying Declaration (which is incorporated by reference) document recent accounts of
jarring medical neglect at ICDC including refusal to test detained immigrants for COVID-19 who have
been exposed to the virus and are symptomatic, shredding of medical requests submitted by detained
immigrants, and fabricating medical records. In addition, this complaint raises red flags regarding the
rate at which hysterectomies are performed on immigrant women under ICE custody at ICDC. This
complaint also documents hazardous and reckless actions taken by ICDC management such as allowing
employees to work while they are symptomatic awaiting COVID-19 test results and hiding information
from employees and detained immigrants about who has tested positive for COVID-19. In addition, this
complaint documents ICDC’s disregard for public health guidelines set by the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention by maintaining unsanitary conditions and continuously allowing transfers of
detained immigrants, even those who have tested positive for COVID-19, and punishing immigrants
with solitary confinement when they speak out against these injustices.

These life-threatening concerns require immediate attention and correction before more
employees and detained immigrants at ICDC become sick with COVID-19 or other illnesses due to lack
of medical care and proper COVID-19 policies. This complaint comes about a few months after another
ICE Immigration Detention Center, Richwood Correctional Center, also operated by LaSalle
Corrections, was reported to be using similar tactics including requiring employees who may be
COVID-19 positive to work, concealing who has tested positive for COVID-19, mixing COVID-19
exposed individuals with those who are not, and more.1 We therefore urge you to conduct a prompt and
thorough investigation into these practices at ICDC as well as all other LaSalle operated facilities as
these complaints suggest a more systemic problem.

I) Background and Legal Standards

For years, detained immigrants at ICDC have reported human rights abuses including lack of
medical and mental health care, due process violations, unsanitary living conditions and more as
reported in Project South’s 2017 report titled “Imprisoned Justice.”2

In particular, detained immigrants have reported not being able to see a medical professional for
several weeks despite submitting multiple sick call requests, not receiving life dependent medication
consistently, and not receiving proper medical care once they are able to see a medical professional.


9 GAMMON AVENUE • ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30315 • (404) 622-0602 OFFICE • (404) 622-4137 FAX
During an interview with Project South, one detained immigrant said she was not given her breast
cancer medication for six weeks.3 In addition, she requested medical care four times and waited more
than two weeks and still did not see a single medical professional. 4 She went on to say: “The medical
unit is not helpful at all, even if you are dying.”5 She explained: “For everything, including serious
illnesses, they just hand out ibuprofen.”6 Another immigrant reiterated the same problems, saying that he
did not receive his HIV medication for three weeks. 7 He made five requests to see a doctor, but still had
not seen one in over four weeks. He noted many individuals at Irwin have the same problem. He stated:
“That’s the major problem here … the medication.”8

Another detained immigrant explained how he was sick and in pain and submitted multiple sick
call requests but did not receive timely or proper medical care. He said: “I am very sick. I have been
complaining. I don’t know if they are really waiting to see me dead because sometimes they already see
me on the floor laying crying, and not once, not twice, several times. All those things, sometimes make
you hopeless and you know sometimes I feel like dying than to continue…”9

Detained immigrants have in fact raised red flags regarding the unsanitary conditions at ICDC as
a whole. “This place is not equipped for humans,” said one detained immigrant at Irwin. 10 Another
immigrant stated: “This is the dirtiest facility I have ever been in: everything is dirty; one shower for
more than fifty people; one bathroom for all of us; I don’t even know how to give more details because
it is all nasty, really nasty; only God is taking care of us here.” 11 Another immigrant told Project South:
“It’s been hell. It’s dirty, its nasty, and there is mold.”12 She went onto say: “The food is so bad that
people can’t keep it down.”13 She explained that the food is often spoiled and often times cockroaches
and ants from the unit come into the food.14 Another immigrant stated: “The meals are disgusting. There

3 Project South Interview at Irwin Detention Center, October 2019.

4 Id.
5 Id.
6 Id.
7 Id.
8 Id.
9 Call with Immigrant Detained at the Irwin County Detention Center, April 2020.
10 Project South Interview at the Irwin County Detention Center, October 2019.
11 Letter from Immigrant Detained at the Irwin County Detention Center, April 2020.
12 Project South Interview at the Irwin County Detention Center, October 2019.
13 Id.
14 Id.

9 GAMMON AVENUE • ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30315 • (404) 622-0602 OFFICE • (404) 622-4137 FAX
are ants in the food.”15 A 2017 Department of Homeland Security Office of Professional Responsibility
investigation also found that the medical exam rooms did not meet ICE detention standards. The report
found: “In the medical examination rooms, floors and patient examination tables were dirty and dust was
observed on horizontal surfaces. Waste containers were overfilled and in need of cleaning.” 16

These and the following accounts indicate that ICDC has violated ICE’s Performance-Based
National Detention Standards (PBNDS) and CDC COVID-19 guidelines for correctional facility
operations, hygiene protocol, and prevention practices. The CDC Interim Guidance on Management of
Coronavirus Disease in Correctional and Detention Facilities provides guiding principles for healthcare
and non-healthcare administrators of detention facilities to reduce the transmission of COVID-19.17
CDC hygiene guidelines direct detention centers to provide staff and detained persons with access to
cloth face coverings, soap, running water and disposable paper towels, as well as alcohol-based hand-
sanitizer.18 The CDC also has very specific standards regarding Personal Protective Equipment (“PPE”),
including “ensur[ing] that sufficient stocks of hygiene supplies, cleaning supplies, PPE, and medical
supplies (consistent with the healthcare capabilities of the facility) are on hand and available, and have a
plan in place to restock as needed if COVID-19 transmission occurs.”19 Staff and detained immigrants
should also be trained to correctly wear and dispose of PPE.20

CDC guidance also urges detention centers to “suspend all transfers of incarcerated/detained
persons to and from other jurisdictions and facilities…unless necessary for medical evaluation, medical
isolation/quarantine, health care, extenuating security concerns, release, or to prevent overcrowding.” 21
If a transfer is absolutely necessary, transferees should clear COVID-19 screening before the transfer
and facilities should ensure that the receiving facility has the capacity to isolate transferred detained
immigrants. Temperature checks should be performed immediately after detained immigrants arrive and
before they join the general population in a facility. 22 The CDC also recommends that temperature
checks be performed once a day for staff when they arrive, twice a day for quarantined detained
immigrants, and once a day in housing units where COVID-19 has been identified.23 If an individual

15 Project South Interview at the Irwin County Detention Center, October 2019.
18 Id.
19 Id.
20 Id.
21 Id.
22 Id.

9 GAMMON AVENUE • ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30315 • (404) 622-0602 OFFICE • (404) 622-4137 FAX
with COVID-19 has been identified in a facility, CDC instructions urge the implementation of regular
screenings and temperature checks for fourteen days in housing units that have not yet identified

CDC management and quarantine guidelines recommend that individuals with confirmed or
supposed cases of COVID-19 be immediately placed under medical isolation and individually
quarantined. Facilities should keep the movement of these individuals outside the medical unit at an
absolute minimum by serving meals in isolation, keeping them isolated from all group activities, and
assigning isolated individuals a dedicated bathroom if possible. Where such individuals must leave
medical isolation, facilities should ensure that clean masks are provided and changed at least daily.
However, the CDC recommends that detention centers “coordinate closely with their state, local, tribal,
and/or territorial health department…to ensure effective medical isolation and quarantine, necessary
medical evaluation and care, and medical transfer if needed.” 25

The guidelines also state that individuals with confirmed COVID-19 should be individually
quarantined and advocate against the “cohorting” method unless “there are no other available options.” 26
If cohorting is absolutely necessary, the CDC instructs that all individuals be monitored closely, with
special mindfulness of detained immigrants who are at increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19.
New individuals may not be added to an existing quarantine cohort after the fourteen-day clock has
started, and the fourteen-day clock should restart if an individual in the cohort tests positive for COVID-
19.27 Regarding management strategies for staff, the CDC clarifies that staff identified as “close
contacts” of someone diagnosed with COVID-19 should be tested and self-quarantined for fourteen

The CDC also provides recommended hygiene and sanitation practices to limit the introduction
and spread of COVID-19 in detainment centers. Regardless of whether COVID-19 cases have been
identified, the CDC instructs detainment facilities to implement intensified cleaning and disinfecting
procedures to prevent the spread of COVID-19.29 Recommended procedures include cleaning and
disinfecting frequently touched objects, surfaces, and equipment several times per day. Guidelines also

24 Id.
25 Id.
26 Id.
27 Id.
28 Id.
29 Id.

9 GAMMON AVENUE • ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30315 • (404) 622-0602 OFFICE • (404) 622-4137 FAX
direct facilities to keep adequate supplies and to have plans for rapid restock to support intensified
cleaning practices.30

ICDC has also violated multiple Performance-Based National Detention Standards (PBNDS)
created by ICE outlining basic standards for treatment in ICE custody. PBNDS standard 4.3, which
establishes detention standards for medical care, requires facilities to comply with plans implemented by
federal, state, or local authorities addressing specific public health issues including communicable
disease reporting requirements. 31 This includes CDC COVID-19 management guidelines. Designated
medical staff must report all detained immigrants diagnosed with a communicable disease of public
health significance to the IHSC Public Health, Safety, and Preparedness Unit.32 Standard 4.3 also
mandates that each facility have a medical procedure ensuring that all sick call requests are received and
triaged within twenty-four hours after a detained immigrants submits the request.33 It adds that housing
unit officers should notify medical personnel immediately for urgent healthcare situations. Additionally,
CDC COVID-19 guidelines direct facilities to ensure that detained individuals receive medical treatment
at the first sign of COVID-19 symptoms and to implement the CDC’s Prevention and Control
Recommendations for Patients with Suspected or Confirmed Coronavirus Disease in Healthcare Settings
as fully as possible within the correctional or detention context. 34

To prevent the introduction and spread of communicable diseases, ICE PBNDS standards—even
before the COVID-19 pandemic—require that all horizontal surfaces be disinfected and damp-dusted
daily with an approved germicidal solution. 35 Furnitures, fixtures, and floors should also be cleaned on a
daily basis, and windows and window curtains should be cleaned and laundered regularly. Floors should
be mopped using a clean mop head and a hospital disinfectant-detergent solution.36 Cubicle curtains
should also be cleaned following treatment of an infectious patient.

Regarding food service, ICE’s national detention standards institute cleaning, extermination, and
storage requirements to prevent food contamination and pests. PBNDS standard 4.1 requires that food
preparation areas be free of pest infestations, that all incoming food shipments be inspected for
contamination and pest infestation, and that food be stored so that it is protected from insects, unclean

312011 Operations Manual ICE Performance-Based National Detention Standards at 261–62,
32 Id. at 263.
33 Id. at 271.
35 2011 Operations Manual ICE Performance-Based National Detention Standards at 30.
36 Id. at 30–31.

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surfaces, leakage, and other sources of contamination.37 Sanitary guidelines must be observed during
preparation and service, with hot foods maintained at a temperature of at least 140 degrees, and
refrigerated foods maintained at a temperature of forty-one degrees or below.38

II) Accounts from Detained Immigrants at ICDC and Ms. Wooten

1) Lack of Protection Against COVID-19 for Detained Immigrants

Unfortunately, the pattern of lack of medical care and unsanitary conditions at ICDC has only
worsened in light of COVID-19. Detained immigrants have reported not being able to be socially
distant, not having proper PPE, and being afraid of dying in the facility. 39 In April, after the pandemic
hit, detained immigrants created a powerful video40 where they plead to ICE and the public to release
them in light of the horrid conditions. One woman said: “We’re very afraid of being incarcerated here
and dying here. We are daughters, we are mothers, we are wives, we need freedom. Please help us.”
Another woman stated: “We are exposed to the virus. They don’t give us anything to cover ourselves so
that we can protect ourselves.” The women went on to talk about the lack of medical care and COVID-
19 prevention procedures in place, including how “officers come and go without protective measures.”
As a result of this video going public, Irwin punished the immigrants by putting them on lockdown,
limiting access to phones, taking away their ability to video chat with loved ones for several days, and
subjecting them to solitary confinement. While weeks later, detained immigrants received a cloth or
paper mask, they have yet to receive a new one to this day.

Immigrants detained at ICDC told Project South that they are afraid for their lives inside the
facility. One immigrant told Project South: “I don’t want to die here. Please release me, let me be with
my family… A lot of people are afraid.”41 While the facility has signs about social distancing,
immigrants reported that it is impossible to actually practice that inside the facility. One immigrant said:
“There is no social distancing. We’re in an open dorm room. Our beds are nothing but three feet apart.
We don’t understand how we’re supposed to do that…our living space is so small; there’s no way we
could do that. Our toilets are about four feet apart with a little wall separating them…we breathe the

372011 Operations Manual ICE Performance-Based National Detention Standards at 236, 244, 248,
38 Id. at 233.
41 Project South Interview with Detained Immigrant, Summer 2020.

9 GAMMON AVENUE • ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30315 • (404) 622-0602 OFFICE • (404) 622-4137 FAX
same air, we sneeze, we cough next to each other.” 42 Another immigrant said: “There is no way to
protect [against COVID-19] at all here in the facility…There is no way to keep social distancing. There
is no way at all because we are all together. We share everything together. There is no way at all we can
feel protected here in the facility.”43 Immigrants also reported not being able to receive a new mask and
having to wait several days in order to receive cleaning supplies to sanitize their pods. Some detained
immigrants reported that they did not have soap to clean their cells, so instead had to use the soap they
bought from commissary to sanitize their cells.44 Other detained immigrants stated when they do receive
cleaning materials and ask for a refill, every officer has the same answer: “We’re short on staff, we can’t
get anybody to fill it up.”

Multiple immigrants have reported on the issues of short-staffing at ICDC. One immigrant stated
that some officers are afraid to go into certain pods due to the risk of being infected with of COVID-
19.45 Another immigrant reported that officers have had to pick up extra shifts and also work in the
kitchen, which is done usually by detained immigrants, because many units are quarantining due to
COVID-19.46 Because of this, individuals reported that meals have been increasingly worse and have
often been delayed.47

Immigrants also reported short-staffing in the medical unit, which has caused extra delays in
receiving medical care. One immigrant recalled a weekend when a nurse did not show up for the daily
pill call to give medication to the immigrants in her pod.48 As a result of the skipped pill call, a diabetic
immigrant who was insulin dependent became very ill and had to be taken for medical evaluation. 49

42 Project South Interview with Detained Immigrant, Summer 2020.

43 Id.
44 GLAHR Interview with Detained Immigrant, Summer 2020.
45 Project South Interview with Detained Immigrant, Summer 2020.
46 Id.
47 Id.
48 Id.
49 Id.

9 GAMMON AVENUE • ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30315 • (404) 622-0602 OFFICE • (404) 622-4137 FAX
2) ICDC Allows Transfers of Individuals in and out of the Facility

A) ICDC continues to transfer immigrants in and out of the facility against CDC guidelines and the
advice of ICDC’s medical director.

In addition to the lack of social distancing and proper protection against COVID-19, the facility
has continued to allow transfers of individuals in and out of the facility against CDC guidelines for
correctional and detention facilities.50 Dawn Wooten, who used to be a full-time employee at Irwin until
July 2020, explained that Dr. Howard McMahan, the Medical Director of ICDC, pleaded with ICDC
Warden David Paulk in March when the facility had its first COVID-19 case to stop all transfers of
individuals in and out the facility, but the Warden did not listen. Ms. Wooten explained that Warden
Paulk is allowing transfers of individuals into the facility who already have COVID-19. She also stated
that ICDC is transferring immigrants out of the facility who either are COVID-19 positive or who have
been tested but not yet received their results. On one occasion, Ms. Wooten stated that ICDC knowingly
allowed the deportation of one immigrant who tested positive for COVID-19 to Mexico, and transferred
another COVID-19 positive immigrant from ICDC to the Stewart Detention Center in Lumpkin,
Georgia. Ms. Wooten explained: “If I say no, this person doesn’t need to be transferred, they’re positive,
he [Warden Paulk] transfers them anyway.”

An ICDC correctional officer also shared concerns regarding the transfers of individuals. One
detained immigrant told Project South that an officer warned immigrants back when the pandemic first
started by saying: “If we have lawyers, we need to complain to our lawyers because there are people
who are coming from outside and they are bringing them straight to the facility…the officer told us in
secret that we need to call our lawyers because this is our health, this is our lives.” 51

B) ICDC does not properly quarantine new individuals arriving at the facility.

Ms. Wooten also raised red flags regarding the procedures in place when new individuals arrive
at the facility. She explained that when new individuals come into the facility, they should be housed in
the medical unit where there are negative pressure rooms in order to contain the virus. However, ICDC
houses new individuals in the general population units. In addition, she explained that ICDC does not
properly implement the cohorting quarantine method as recommended by the CDC. The CDC defines
cohorting as “the practice of isolating multiple individuals with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19
together or quarantining close contacts of an infected person together as a group due to a limited number

51 Project South Interview with Detained Immigrant, Summer 2020.

9 GAMMON AVENUE • ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30315 • (404) 622-0602 OFFICE • (404) 622-4137 FAX
of individual cells.”52 However, the CDC warns that “cohorting individuals with suspected COVID-19 is
not recommended due to high risk of transmission from infected to uninfected individuals.” 53

At ICDC, Ms. Wooten and detained immigrants reported that entire dorm units of individuals go
into cohorting for fourteen days after one individual is suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19. Ms.
Wooten explained that the cohorting system is further problematic because ICDC mixes new transfers
with individuals who have been quarantining already. For example, she said if an entire unit is cohorting
for fourteen days, ICDC will put a new individual in a room with an individual who had already been
quarantining for a number of days. Ms. Wooten explained that because ICDC put a new individual in the
room, the fourteen-day clock should have restarted, but ICDC does not restart the clock. Instead, it
allows the newly transferred individual to continue on the same quarantine timeline as the rest of the
unit. That means that if the new individual does have COVID-19, and only had to quarantine for the
remaining days the unit was quarantining, the new individual could expose the rest of the unit to
COVID-19 since the individual never completed fourteen days of quarantining.

Detained immigrants have long decried this policy of allowing new transfers into their pods.
When immigrants advocate for themselves and refuse to share a room with a new transfer due to
concerns about COVID-19, they are punished. One immigrant told Project South that men had been
complaining and advocating to not let new transfers come into their pod, but when they do so, they are
thrown in solitary confinement.54 He explained that after weeks of complaining, the captain at ICDC
promised the men that they would not transfer new men into their pod. However, that promise was
immediately broken when an officer brought a new man into their pod. When the man was told he had to
share his cell with the newly transferred immigrant who just arrived at ICDC, he told the officer that he
didn’t feel comfortable due to COVID-19 and that the captain promised them they would not have to
anymore.55 However, the officer responded: “I don’t care what the captain said; I do what I want to do,”
and proceeded to force the immigrant to share his cell with the new transfer. 56 One detained immigrant
reported that when men continue to advocate against having to share a cell with a newly transferred
individual, the officers will often put the men in solitary confinement for up to two weeks for refusing
their orders.57

53 Id.
54 Project South Interview with Detained Immigrant, Summer 2020.
55 Id.
56 Id.
57 Id.

9 GAMMON AVENUE • ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30315 • (404) 622-0602 OFFICE • (404) 622-4137 FAX
Similarly, in the women’s unit, one immigrant noted that ICDC was “trying to put them [new
transfers] in quarantine away from us but yet you’re putting us all together.” 58 She explained that there is
often internal confusion and miscommunication in intake forms and between the guards at ICDC so that
officers don’t know where to put new transfers. Another woman reiterated this sentiment, saying that
officers “don’t even know what they’re doing” in regard to where they put new transfers.59 She also
noted: “This has been happening. New girls get here and they’re put in a cell with a girl that’s been here
for about 24 or 48 hours.” In one instance, she saw an officer put a new transfer with a person who had
been there for a week. The officer told the woman that “this isn’t her house, she’s not paying bills, she
doesn’t have a say of who goes in the cell with her or not.” The woman noted “It sounds like a horror
story, but it’s true.”60

In other cases, new transfers who arrive in the women’s unit are given rooms by themselves in
the general unit. However, detained immigrants still share the same concerns because they are forced to
share the same phones, tables, microwaves, etc. as everyone else and therefore could unknowingly
spread the virus.61

3) Lack of COVID-19 Testing and Reporting

In August, ICE reported that a total of forty-one detained immigrants at ICDC tested positive for
COVID-19.62 However, Ms. Wooten stated that the actual number of those infected is much higher. She
explained that this is because ICDC has not been actively testing detained immigrants and has not been
“reporting all these cases that are positive” to ICE or the State Department.

A) Detained women who were exposed to the virus and also had pre-existing conditions were
refused COVID-19 testing for over a month.

Men and women detained at ICDC also overwhelmingly reported not being tested for COVID-19
from March until August 18, where only those in ICE custody in the facility were given the option to be
tested, but the same did not apply to those incarcerated at ICDC outside of ICE custody.63 One woman
in Unit C reported that 100 women slept in the unit where women “coughed, had fever and other
discomforts, but officers did not listen to them when they reported their health problems,” and that they

58 Project South Interview with Detained Immigrant, Summer 2020.

59 Id.
60 Id.
61 Id.
63 Project South Interview with Detained Immigrant, Summer 2020.

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were never tested for COVID-19.64 After demanding that the sick women be taken to the medical unit,
she reported that the women were finally taken but were brought back within an hour and just given pain

Similarly, women in Unit G-2 complained to the medical unit and ICE for over a month between
July and August to get tested for COVID-19 after three women in their unit tested positive, but were not
given any response and were not tested until August 18.66

The women in Unit G-2 explained that two women were not feeling well and had typical
symptoms of COVID-19 including: fatigue, headaches, body pain, loss of smell and taste.67 The women
in the unit asked the pill call nurse to get their temperature checked, but the nurse refused saying that
they had to put in a sick call request. 68 One of the sick women put in sick call requests three times over
the span of a week and half before being taken to medical. The other sick woman waited over two weeks
while putting in four or five requests to see medical. After the fifth request, the women in the unit gave
up on any prospect of getting tested for COVID-19 or receiving proper medical attention. One woman
explained: “We lost hope after they weren’t being looked at, so we all knew it was up to us to take of

When the two women eventually did go to medical, they had their temperatures checked and
were simply brought back to the general unit without being tested for COVID-19. One detained
immigrant noted that when she visited the medical unit for a different reason, the nurse complained to
her saying she didn’t understand “why the detainees need to get tested for COVID-19.”70

When the two women were brought back to the unit, they continued to interact with the rest of
the women in the unit, even though they very likely were COVID-19 positive but had not been tested by
ICDC.71 One of the two women became so sick that she could not move out of bed.72 When the
immigrants in her unit asked the officer if they could give the food tray to the sick woman in bed, the

64 GLAHR Interview with Detained Immigrant, Summer 2020.

65 Project South Interview with Detained Immigrant, Summer 2020.
66 Id.
67 Id.
68 Id.
69 Id.
70 Id.
71 Id.
72 Id.

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officer refused and told them in a demeaning way that the woman still had to get up and get the tray
herself.73 It wasn’t until both of these women became even more ill that they were transferred to Unit E-
4, the quarantine unit, and were subsequently tested for COVID-19. Shortly after, a third woman in the
same unit also had a similar experience where she had typical COVID-19 symptoms such as headaches
and loss of taste and smell, but she was told by a nurse that she just had allergies and was not tested for

Despite this exposure to COVID-19 and the fact that several women had pre-existing conditions
like diabetes and hypertension, ICDC refused to test the women for COVID-19 even when the women
submitted multiple requests to get tested. 75 The women explained that they put in multiple requests to
medical as well as requests to ICE for about a month.76 At the request of the women in unit G-2, on
August 4, Project South submitted a complaint to ICE and the Office of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties
requesting that they test the women in G-2 due to this exposure.77 On August 5, ICE Assistant Field
Office Director Patrick Musante responded claiming that:

ICDC is currently following the Interim Considerations for SARS-CoV-2

Testing in Correctional and Detention Facilities, which can be found at
detention/testing.html. Any person housed in ICDC that is presenting
symptoms, and feels sick, can fill out a sick-call request and then be seen
by the ICDC medical staff for evaluation and treatment as appropriate.

When Project South followed up with immigrants in Unit G-2, they responded that they still had
not been seen by medical or tested for COVID-19 despite ICE’s response.78 Project South followed up
with ICE asking “what the protocol is for the medical unit to administer a COVID-19 test to a detained
immigrant at ICDC (i.e. are there symptoms or temperature they must have)? Can your office provide
details about how many individuals have been tested in Unit G-2 in the last month…” ICE declined to
answer those questions.

After Project South’s follow up advocacy with an officer at the Office of Civil Rights and Civil
Liberties, ICDC tested immigrants inside the facility on August 18. However, ICDC did not test the

73 Project South Interview with Detained Immigrant, Summer 2020.

74 Id.
75 Id.
76 Id.
78 Project South Interview with Detained Immigrant, Summer 2020.

9 GAMMON AVENUE • ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30315 • (404) 622-0602 OFFICE • (404) 622-4137 FAX
other incarcerated population. ICDC also continued to bring new transfers into the pods where
individuals had already been tested for COVID-19 and were awaiting their results—thereby mixing
individuals who were tested with individuals who were not tested in one pod.

B) Detained men with COVID-19 symptoms were also refused COVID-19 testing despite multiple
requests to be tested.

Similar to the women, detained men had been advocating for months to get tested for COVID-
19. One immigrant told Project South:

Many of us have been sick in the unit or have some type of symptom…
for a very long time we started complaining…We were complaining to the
captain and fighting for a long time because we needed at least to be
tested…There is no way at all for us to be safe here…the guidelines say
social distancing, here we cannot keep the social distancing…we share
everything together.79

He shared that the men in the unit had been advocating verbally to the nurses at ICDC and the
captain to get tested for COVID-19 since the pandemic started. He explained they didn’t do a written
request since the facility often does not respond to written requests.

Certain men even went on hunger strikes in protest in order to be released or at the very least
receive better protections against COVID-19 and be tested. One immigrant said: “People went on
serious hunger strikes for it.”80 He shared that an immigrant from Burkina Faso went on hunger strike
about a month ago for three weeks and reportedly lost a lot of weight. 81 Often times when individuals go
on hunger strike, ICDC shuts off their water source. Ms. Wooten confirmed that it was common practice
for ICDC to shut off the water for those on hunger strike. Ms. Wooten stated that because of this policy,
one detained immigrant was “drinking out of the toilet. It’s what he had left.”

In this case, after the men went on hunger strike, nothing had changed; ICE and ICDC did not
implement any further protections against COVID-19 or test the immigrants for COVID-19 as they
requested. The immigrant told Project South: “After they went on hunger strike, there was no change.
There was nothing at all—so people gave up.”82

79 Project South Interview with Detained Immigrant, Summer 2020.

80 Id.
81 Id.
82 Id.

9 GAMMON AVENUE • ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30315 • (404) 622-0602 OFFICE • (404) 622-4137 FAX
C) Medical Staff at ICDC downplay the need for COVID-19 testing and actively don’t use COVID-
19 testing machines at the facility.

Ms. Wooten’s account confirms the accounts of detained immigrants regarding their experiences
with the medical unit at ICDC. Ms. Wooten shared that detained women in Unit C complained about
having a fever and sore throat during the pandemic. However, the HSA did not test them for COVID-19,
downplaying the immigrants’ symptoms and stating that “all they want is attention…Everybody wants
to be tested for COVID-19.” Ms. Wooten stated that even if a detained immigrant had COVID-19
symptoms like a fever, the nurse would do nothing but put them on an over-the-counter cold medication
for seven days without testing them for COVID-19.

In addition, Ms. Wooten explained that the medical unit not only downplayed the need to test
immigrants for COVID-19, it also declined to utilize two rapid-testing COVID-19 machines that ICE
had purchased for $14,000 each. Ms. Wooten reported that no medical staff had been trained to use them
even in August and that she saw the machine being used only once since it arrived at the facility in June.
Instead, the machines were locked away in the supervisor’s office. The ICDC’s Director of Nursing
(DON) refused to put the machines out into use claiming that she did not want the employees testing
each other.

4) General Lack of Medical Care

A) ICDC nurse shreds medical request forms from detained immigrants.

Ms. Wooten also expressed significant concern regarding the lack of medical care for detained
immigrants at Irwin. According to Ms. Wooten, it was common practice for the sick call nurse to shred
medical request forms from detained immigrants who were requesting to go to the medical unit. She also
stated that the sick call nurse sometimes fabricated records such as vital signs without ever seeing the
individual requesting medical help.

At ICDC, in order to make a sick call request, detained immigrants can fill out a blue form and
put it in a box on the wall in their unit that is picked up by a nurse at night. Detained immigrants can
also fill out an electronic request on the Telmate tablet in their unit. Ms. Wooten stated that Irwin staff
have encouraged detained immigrants to fill out the handwritten request claiming that ICDC will get to
the complaint quicker. However, when detained immigrants do fill out the blue handwritten request, the
nurse in charge of reviewing these documents shreds the forms without even looking at them or will
complete an easy request and shred a difficult request. Ms. Wooten stated that she has seen the sick call
nurse shred an entire box worth of forms without looking at them.

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Ms. Wooten recalls one time when a woman had put in twelve sick call requests in the span of
two weeks because she had an infection from a laparoscopy procedure and was “oozing out of her belly
button.” Oftentimes detained immigrants fill out multiple requests to show the severity of the issue.
When Ms. Wooten confronted the nurse who should have attended to this woman, the nurse claimed that
she saw the woman the prior week. Ms. Wooten stated that she knew the requests must have been
shredded because it was not possible for the nurse to have seen the woman the prior week. Ms. Wooten
explained that if the nurse truly had seen the woman the prior week, the nurse would have seen that the
woman was oozing green pus out of her belly button and required antibiotics immediately.

Ms. Wooten also explained that if someone puts in a request for shampoo and another request
about having COVID-19 symptoms, the nurse would shred the request regarding COVID-19 symptoms
and would only attend to the easier request by giving the detained immigrant shampoo. When the
detained immigrant asks about the request regarding COVID-19, the nurse would lie and say that she
never received it. Then, when the immigrant put in another complaint about COVID-19, the nurse would
decline to see that person stating that she had seen them the other day. When Ms. Wooten would tell the
nurse that the immigrant may still not be feeling well, the nurse would just say: “Oh I already saw him
yesterday…they just want some attention.”

Due to these type of practices by the ICDC medical staff, many detained immigrants have
reported long wait times before being seen by a medical professional at ICDC, if they are seen at all.
One detained immigrant reported that it takes anywhere from a few days to several weeks for medical to
respond and “sometimes they don’t call at all.” 83 Another detained immigrant noted that women in her
unit gave up after submitting several requests to see medical because no one responded to their
requests.84 One detained immigrant stated that he resorted to making verbal complaints to nurses and
ICDC staff instead of written requests because “sometimes it goes in the request and they don’t respond
at all, so sometimes it’s better to talk personally face to face.” 85

B) ICDC nurse fabricates medical records when detained immigrants submit an electronic medical
request form.

When detained immigrants submit a medical request on the electronic/computer tablet, Ms.
Wooten stated that the sick call nurse will not see the individual, but will fabricate vital signs indicating
that the nurse saw the patient and will prescribe medicine. Ms. Wooten explained that if a detained
immigrant submitted a request because he had a fever and runny nose, and wanted to be tested for

83 Project South Interview with Detained Immigrant, Summer 2020.

84 Id.
85 Project South Interview with Detained Immigrant, Summer 2020.

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COVID-19, the nurse will put in vital signs for the individual and prescribe cold medication on the tablet
for the individual without ever talking to them or seeing them. One detained immigrant told Project
South that he put in a request to see medical through the tablet because he was in pain. However, instead
of coming to see him or taking him to the medical unit, the nurse responded through the tablet
disregarding his statement about pain, and instead stating that he needs to take his medication and that
he had been refusing his medication. 86 However, the detained immigrant explained to Project South that
when he asked the pill call nurse if he had any medication prescribed to him, the nurse said he did not.87
Then, when he made a another request to see the medical unit on the tablet, the nurse continued to refuse
to see him claiming he refused his medication. The detained immigrant stated that he waited all week for
a response back or a call, but no one ever responded or saw him. “When I put in a request [on tablet]
they don’t call me, they just respond on it [the tablet]. They say no, you have to take your medication.
Why they don’t want to see me, I’m in pain. They don’t even call, we put in a request, it takes two to
three weeks, they just respond on the tablet,” he explained. 88

Ms. Wooten further explained that detained immigrants are being told different things constantly
regarding whether they should submit a written or electronic request. When detained immigrants submit
a written request, they are told the nurses did not receive them and to submit an electronic one instead.
“They’re wishy washy with them and they play that game with them until they’re literally going to kill
somebody out there...If they send it in paper, the girl shreds them….If they put them in the computer
system, she answers them, falsifies the vital signs and never sees them,” said Ms. Wooten. When Ms.
Wooten tried to tell the Health Services Administrator (HSA) about these issues, the HSA refused to
hold the nurse accountable, saying that one day, she’ll get caught.

C) Detained immigrants receive poor treatment by certain medical staff at ICDC.

In addition to not responding to sick call requests, Ms. Wooten raises red flags regarding the way
in which Latino detained immigrants are treated by the medical staff. “Hispanics are treated the worst in
the facility. I mean literally. They can’t speak English. Even though they [ICDC] have the language line
there, if they’re trying to get understanding of their health it’s like take these pills and get the hell
on…[Hispanics] hurt and suffer through it.” Ms. Wooten says that when medical staff actually take the
time to use the language line like she did, they’ll find that these immigrants often have underlying
conditions such as tumors, histories of cancer, diabetes, mental health issues, and more. Detained
immigrants have also reported that several ICDC staff have disrespected them for not speaking English.
In a letter, detained immigrants stated: “[W]e also wish to report the harsh treatment that we receive by

86 Id.
87 Id.
88 Id.

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some guards, some yell at us, or have a bad work attitude…We also ask for respect for those that do not
speak English because they make fun of them and there is no respect.”

Multiple other immigrants have also noted that the medical staff don’t believe them or yell at
them when they report pain. One detained immigrant stated: “The last two days I didn’t sleep, but I
don’t fill any medical requests anymore because if I go there, they’re going to isolate me, they are
maybe going to give me nothing, or they are going to blame me, to yell at me saying I’m trying to
exaggerate; so whenever I’m in pain, I’m in my room, I sleep, I pray to God, and cry…that’s the only
way I’m trying to survive.”89 The immigrant also stated that when he goes to the medical unit,
“sometimes they don’t even let you talk. You are complaining with pain, but they saw you are OK.”90
Another detained immigrant noted that when a detained immigrant tells the nurse what they are feeling,
she will argue about “what you have and what you feel.” 91 This detained immigrant went on to say:
“Nurse X needs some help in terms of how to treat us. She’s very rude. She probably thinks she’s better
than us.”92

D) Detained immigrants and ICDC nurses report high rates of hysterectomies done to immigrant

Several immigrant women have reported to Project South their concerns about how many
women have received a hysterectomy while detained at ICDC. One woman told Project South in 2019
that Irwin sends many women to see a particular gynecologist outside the facility but that some women
did not trust him.93 She also stated that “a lot of women here go through a hysterectomy” at ICDC.94
More recently, a detained immigrant told Project South that she talked to five different women detained
at ICDC between October and December 2019 who had a hysterectomy done. 95 When she talked to
them about the surgery, the women “reacted confused when explaining why they had one done.”96 The
woman told Project South that it was as though the women were “trying to tell themselves it’s going to

89 Project South Interview with Detained Immigrant, Summer 2020.

90 Id.
91 Id.
92 Id.
93 Project South Interview at the Irwin County Detention Center, October 2019.
94 Id.
95 Project South Interview with Detained Immigrant, Summer 2020.
96 Id.

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be OK.” She further said: “When I met all these women who had had surgeries, I thought this was like
an experimental concentration camp. It was like they’re experimenting with our bodies.” 97

Ms. Wooten also expressed concern regarding the high numbers of detained immigrant women at
ICDC receiving hysterectomies. She stated that while some women have heavy menstruation or other
severe issues that would require hysterectomy, “everybody’s uterus cannot be that bad.” Ms. Wooten

Everybody he sees has a hysterectomy—just about everybody. He’s even

taken out the wrong ovary on a young lady [detained immigrant woman].
She was supposed to get her left ovary removed because it had a cyst on
the left ovary; he took out the right one. She was upset. She had to go back
to take out the left and she wound up with a total hysterectomy. She still
wanted children—so she has to go back home now and tell her husband
that she can’t bear kids… she said she was not all the way out under
anesthesia and heard him [doctor] tell the nurse that he took the wrong

Ms. Wooten also stated that detained women expressed to her that they didn’t fully understand
why they had to get a hysterectomy. She said: “I’ve had several inmates tell me that they’ve been to
see the doctor and they’ve had hysterectomies and they don’t know why they went or why they’re
going.” And if the immigrants do understand what they’re getting done, “some of them a lot of times
won’t even go, they say they’ll wait to get back to their country to go to the doctor.”

The rate at which the hysterectomies have occurred have been a red flag for Ms. Wooten and
other nurses at ICDC. Ms. Wooten explained:

We’ve questioned among ourselves like goodness he’s taking everybody’s

stuff out…That’s his specialty, he’s the uterus collector. I know that’s
ugly…is he collecting these things or something...Everybody he sees, he’s
taking all their uteruses out or he’s taken their tubes out. What in the

Intertwined with the issue of the reported high rates of hysterectomies is the issue of proper
informed consent. Regarding the hysterectomies, Ms. Wooten explained: “These immigrant women, I
don’t think they really, totally, all the way understand this is what’s going to happen depending on
who explains it to them.” Ms. Wooten stated that the sick call nurse tries to communicate with the

97 Id.

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detained immigrants and speak Spanish to detained immigrants by simply googling Spanish or by
asking another detained immigrant to help interpret rather than using the language line as medical staff
are supposed to.

One detained immigrant reported to Project South that staff at ICDC and the doctor’s office did
not properly explain to her what procedure she was going to have done. 98 She reported feeling scared
and frustrated, saying it “felt like they were trying to mess with my body.” When she asked what was
being done to her body, she was given three different responses by three different individuals. She was
originally told by the doctor that she had an ovarian cyst and was going to have a small twenty-minute
procedure done drilling three small holes in her stomach to drain the cyst. The officer who was
transporting her to the hospital told her that she was receiving a hysterectomy to have her womb
removed. When the hospital refused to operate on her because her COVID-19 test came back positive
for antibodies, she was transferred back to ICDC where the ICDC nurse said that the procedure she
was going to have done entailed dilating her vagina and scraping tissue off. The nurse first told the
detained immigrant she was going to get this procedure done because she had heavy bleeding, but then
told her it was because she had a thick womb. The woman quickly responded that she never had heavy
bleeding in her life and was never told by the doctor that she had a thick womb. Instead she stated that
the doctor had described an entirely different procedure that did not involve scraping her vagina. She
stated: “I tried to explain to her that something isn’t right; that procedure isn’t for me.” The nurse
responded by getting angry and agitated and began yelling at her. She told Project South that seeing
the nurse’s nervous and angry response confirmed “that something was not right.”

E) Detained immigrants are subjected to unsanitary conditions in the medical and quarantine units.

Detained immigrants and Ms. Wooten commented on the unsanitary conditions of the medical
unit and quarantine unit in Unit E-4. Ms. Wooten reported that the patient exam tables could be dirty
depending on the nurse. While nurses are supposed to wipe down the patient exam table and pull paper
between patients as well as clean the floors, that does not always happen. Ms. Wooten reports that the
medical area can be cluttered and unorganized. In addition, Ms. Wooten expressed concern over the
quarantine units, stating that “the dorms down there are very nasty.” She explained that while an
employee sprays bleach in the showers, “nobody is getting in there scrubbing the showers.” Ms. Wooten
also stated that she knew that the Lysol being used to disinfect units was “watered down” and was not
“fully concentrated.”

Detained immigrants echoed this sentiment. One detained immigrant stated that ICDC’s medical
unit is “the worst one…it’s really, really dirty.” He also stated the medical unit sometimes smells and

98 Project South Interview with Detained Immigrant, Summer 2020.

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that “they don’t clean.” In a letter, another immigrant described the medical unit as being “dirty and with
animals like ants and insects with only one bed, toilet and sink[.T]o be able to do her daily personal
cleaning she had to wait for a guard to take her to the showers when they wanted and at whatever time
they wanted.”

In addition to the medical unit, others reported that the quarantine unit in Unit E-4 is also dirty.
In a letter, detained women described the conditions at Unit E-4 as conveyed by a fellow detained

She was locked up in lockdown cells in E4 where the treatment was

absolutely terrible. She was locked up with no right to commissary, no
right to communicate with her family for many days, she had no right to
use the microwave to prepare her food for two days. The rest of the time
she was there, she was only allowed to go out for 15 minutes in the
morning and 15 minutes in the afternoon, depending on the guard who
was there because there were days where she was not permitted to leave at
all. During the day, she asked the guards for water and was denied many
times, during her isolation in the cell she never had cleaning products to
keep the space clean, the shower water was extremely hot and this
prevented her from correctly completing her personal cleaning. She only
received personal hygiene products once (four small bar soaps, four tubes
of toothpastes, four bottles of body wash, and two toothbrushes) that were
not enough for the whole period of time that she was isolated. The
treatment by the guards is humiliating and since she doesn’t speak English
they make fun of her. She came out after 22 days of psychological,
physical, and emotional torture.

Another detained immigrant noted that while the quarantine unit looked clean from the outside,
she realized that it was dirty. “The day room was disgustingly dirty. There were breadcrumbs on top of
breadcrumbs…The tables were dirty, the walls…the handle for the microwave was dirty…everything
was dirty,” she reported. In addition, her individual cell was also not clean. She told Project South: “I
had to clean the mat with shampoo because they didn’t give me any chemicals. I had to clean the bunk
metal with my shampoo as well.” In one instance, she recalls that one woman in Unit E-4 asked for
cleaning products in order to clean the unit herself but didn’t get any all weekend. Instead, this woman
used her socks as a mop and cleaned the floors for several days. The detained immigrant stated: “I
couldn’t believe what I was seeing…if it wasn’t for my faith in God, I think I would have gone insane
and just break down and probably gone as far as hurting myself. There are a lot of people here who end
up in medical trying to kill themselves because of how crazy it is. If it wasn’t for God, I probably would

9 GAMMON AVENUE • ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30315 • (404) 622-0602 OFFICE • (404) 622-4137 FAX
have ended up in the infirmary for suicide. It was just crazy. I can’t believe this is the quarantine unit,
the cohort unit; the floors are disgusting and nobody cares.”

5) Unsafe Working and Living Conditions

A) ICDC employees are instructed to work if they exhibit COVID-19 symptoms, are awaiting a
COVID-19 test result, or have had a positive COVID-19 test result.

Employees and detained immigrants have both raised serious concerns regarding ICDC’s
COVID-19 policies. According to Ms. Wooten, ICDC employees are expected to come into work even
if they have COVID-19 symptoms and are awaiting test results. The HSA instructed medical staff to
come into work while they were waiting to be tested, waiting for their test results, and even if they tested
positive, stating that “we can work symptomatic and work positive as long as we had a mask on.” Ms.
Wooten explained that when employees arrive to work, they must fill out a screening document that asks
them if they have any COVID-19 symptoms. The document expressly states:

If there are any ‘yes’ answers to any questions above and/or if the
temperature is equal to or greater than 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit, medical
staff will be notified and the individual will not be allowed access to the
facility and will be advised to seek medical attention.

However, Ms. Wooten stated that even when employees document that they do have symptoms,
they are still made to work. For example, Ms. Wooten filled out the form on June 22, 2020 where she
answered “yes” to having symptoms of COVID-19. On the screening document, Ms. Wooten checked
off that she has muscle or body aches, headaches, and diarrhea; all three are symptomatic of COVID-19.
Despite answering “yes,” Ms. Wooten was still cleared to work that day. Ms. Wooten explained that
several officers know of other officers who came into work symptomatic while waiting for their
COVID-19 test results and later found out that they tested positive for COVID-19. Ms. Wooten recalls at
least thirteen officers who tested positive for COVID-19.

In addition, the form asked for documentation of the employee’s temperature. However, the
thermometer at the front desk is “defective.” Ms. Wooten stated that when she took her temperature on
the thermometer, it sometimes read 89.6; other times it would read 90.4, so she knew it wasn’t accurate.
While she recorded the faulty temperatures on the form, Ms. Wooten noted that not all of the forms were
placed in her medical file as they should have been. “They’re not consistently in there — every day I
work, it’s supposed to be filed in my medical file,” she explained.

B) ICDC employees and detained immigrants report lack of proper PPE.

9 GAMMON AVENUE • ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30315 • (404) 622-0602 OFFICE • (404) 622-4137 FAX
Employees and detained immigrants alike have only received one mask since the beginning of
the pandemic. Detained immigrants have stated that they have not received a new mask since they first
received one many months ago.99 Similarly, Ms. Wooten recalls requesting an N-95 mask several times
since her mask broke, but she never received a new one. When she requested it, the supervisor told her
the records show she already had one and therefore did not give her a new one. Instead, Ms. Wooten had
to purchase her own mask in order to protect herself. In addition, Ms. Wooten stated that only upper
level supervisors have N-95 masks. When she gave a mask to a correctional officer, her supervisor
became angry and told Ms. Wooten that “it was not our responsibility to give officers [a mask.]”

Ms. Wooten recalls one time when upper level nurses brought a detained immigrant who
presumably had COVID-19 into the shared office and removed his mask without informing Ms.
Wooten. While the upper level nurses had N-95 masks on, Ms. Wooten did not have one and therefore
had to walk out of the room to protect herself as an individual who is immunocompromised with
diagnosed sickle cell anemia. Though Ms. Wooten has told her supervisors several times that she is
immunocompromised, they have not provided her with any extra protections or a new N-95 mask even
after she requested to get one multiple times. Ms. Wooten explained: “If I get sick with what I have, I
won’t make it. I don’t have anybody else to raise my children.” Instead, Ms. Wooten stated that there
was no sympathy at all for her situation. The HSA stated: “life goes on,” implying that that if she were
to get sick or die, she would simply be replaced.

Similar to detained immigrants, ICDC staff report not being able to follow social distancing
protocol within the office. Ms. Wooten explained: “It was on the wall, social distancing, but it was not
actually carried out…It’s hard to social distance; there’s eight of us in the room…there’s four
computers…there’s no way that as small as it [the office] was, we could be six feet apart.”

Ms. Wooten also reported not having proper sanitization material in the medical unit. She
reported that when medical staff requested and finally received sprays and sanitizers in May or June, the
HSA took all of them and locked them in her office while leaving out only one bottle of the spray and
sanitizer because she did not want the medical staff just “pass[ing] them out.” Ms. Wooten explained
that this resulted in employees not being able to properly sanitize their workspace. She stated: “You find
yourself limited to what you spray and what you don’t spray…we didn’t have the resources to properly

C) ICDC refuses to tell employees and detained immigrants who has COVID-19.

Detained immigrants and employees have also complained about ICDC’s secrecy and lies
regarding COVID-19. Neither the employees nor the detained immigrants know who has tested positive

99 Project South Interview with Detained Immigrant, Summer 2020.

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for COVID-19. For example, Ms. Wooten explained that management at ICDC does not tell officers
which detained immigrant or employee has COVID-19. She stated that when she tried to warn officers
who are about to be in contact with a detained individual with COVID-19 so that they use proper
precautions, she was reprimanded by management and told that warning other staff about cases was not
her job. However, Ms. Wooten explained that it is their moral responsibility to tell the officers since the
officers are the ones who are interacting with detained immigrants, transporting them and providing
food to them, and therefore they are most at risk of contracting the virus.

Similarly, detained immigrants are anxious because they are not being told the truth about who
has COVID-19 in the facility.100 One immigrant stated: “We like to be informed. Just being informed
helps things out…If we have someone to inform us about something, tell us about something that is
going on, everything will be smooth…but getting people to give you information is impossible.”101
Another detained immigrant stated that since the pandemic started, “we’ve never been told…the facility
never even confirm any positive cases; but from the people outside [I know] twenty cases at Irwin. The
truth that we hear from them [ICDC] is different than the reality we see…we see other units in
quarantine which means something is wrong, but nobody ever come and tell us what is going on…we
are powerless, we can’t do anything.”102

One immigrant also noted that it seemed as though officers also did not know which immigrant
had COVID-19. She explained that she was transferred to Unit E-4, the quarantine unit, for having
COVID-19 antibodies and was awaiting her results for the most recent COVID-19 test. While she was in
Unit E, an officer tried to put a new individual in the cell with her. When she refused and told the officer
she shouldn’t put the new person in her cell because she tested positive for COVID-19 antibodies and
was awaiting her results for COVID-19, the officer reacted in shock exclaiming “you’re positive for
COVID-19?” The immigrant noted that the officers did not even know that she and others had tested
positive for COVID-19 or had COVID-19 antibodies.

Not only does ICDC not share information about who has COVID-19; detained immigrants and
employees reported instances where ICDC purposefully failed to disclose the truth about individuals
who tested positive for COVID-19. Ms. Wooten has stated that the HSA and other upper lever nurses
have withheld information about detained individuals testing positive for COVID-19. Ms. Wooten
explained that the sentiment at ICDC is that “what you don’t know you don’t have to know.” Ms.
Wooten recalls a time when she had interacted with several detained individuals and asked the HSA if
they had tested positive for COVID-19. The HSA responded that they had tested negative for COVID-

100 Project South Interview with Detained Immigrant, Summer 2020.

101 Id.
102 Id.

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19, but in reality, they were suspected of having COVID-19 and were awaiting their test results. Ms.
Wooten later discovered that those individuals had in fact tested positive for COVID-19 even though she
was assured by the HSA that they were negative.

Similarly, one detained immigrant noted that the men in his unit explicitly asked the captain in
June or July how many COVID-19 cases there were in the facility and the captain responded that there
were no positive cases in the facility. 103 To the contrary, in May, ICE reported that six detained
immigrants had already tested positive for COVID-19.104

In May 2020, the previous HSA, Ms. Cole, died from COVID-19. Many detained immigrants
and employees believe she was exposed to the virus at the facility. Ms. Wooten stated that Ms. Cole
explicitly told her and another colleague that she contracted COVID-19 from ICDC explaining that she
only went to work and home without going anywhere else. However, when Ms. Cole died, the new
HSA, told staff that Ms. Cole contracted COVID-19 from a family barbeque and attributed Ms. Cole
getting COVID-19 and dying to Ms. Cole’s old age and other underlying conditions.

Ms. Wooten explained that she believes ICDC is hiding information about COVID-19 in order to
keep things quiet. She stated that everyone in the facility is scared at this point, so management does not
want to tell officers and detained immigrants the truth because they are afraid of an uproar. Instead, the
secrecy has created a “silent pandemic” where even if officers get COVID-19 from the facility, the
officers won’t be able to blame ICDC because no one knows how prevalent COVID-19 is inside ICDC
due to not testing detained immigrants and not sharing who has the virus. Therefore, ICDC can put the
blame on officers who test positive for COVID-19 by saying they contracted it from the grocery store or
other places. Ms. Wooten explained that she believes that this strategy keeps “the publicity from coming
to the facility.”

D) ICDC retaliates against employees for adhering to protocol and public health guidelines.

When employees do speak out against violations occurring at ICDC, they are reprimanded. Ms.
Wooten has witnessed other employees be reprimanded for doing “what’s right,” and she has been
reprimanded and retaliated against, herself. She witnessed one captain be fired for refusing to let things
slide and for following the CDC and PBNDS rules strictly. She gave the example of how this captain
always placed detained immigrants strictly according to their ICE classification 105; however, this was

103 Project South Interview with Detained Immigrant, Summer 2020.

105ICE categorizes detained immigrants as “being low, medium or high custody” and “house[s] them accordingly.” 2011
Operations Manual ICE Performance-Based National Detention Standards at 62-66,

9 GAMMON AVENUE • ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30315 • (404) 622-0602 OFFICE • (404) 622-4137 FAX
not common practice at the facility. Ms. Wooten believes that the captain was fired because he
challenged the norm and because Warden Paulk “didn’t like anybody to tell him no. You are not to tell
him no.”

Ms. Wooten herself faced retaliatory reprimand and demotion in July when she was suddenly
demoted from being a “full-time” nurse (with regularly scheduled shifts) to an “as-needed” nurse
(without regularly scheduled shifts), all without a proper explanation or adequate justification. In June,
Ms. Wooten displayed symptoms of COVID-19 including muscle ache, fatigue, and shortness of breath
and took a COVID-19 test. Ms. Wooten’s doctor instructed Ms. Wooten not to return to work while she
was symptomatic. Ms. Wooten submitted her doctor’s notes to her supervisor. Despite this, she was
required to work June 23 and June 25. However, she let her supervisor know that she would be
quarantining until her COVID-19 results came back on June 29. While Ms. Wooten was quarantining at
her home, she received a call from ICDC’s HR staff telling her she had to call in sick each day she
quarantined. Ms. Wooten then spoke with her supervisor who assured her that ICDC was aware she was
quarantining and that she would not have to call out sick for following the doctor’s orders, so she did not
call out sick. When Ms. Wooten returned to work after her COVID-19 test result came back negative,
she was summoned to see Deputy Warden Albright. He formally reprimanded Ms. Wooten for not
calling out sick on the days she quarantined. The formal reprimand included testimony from her
supervisor who falsely stated that she instructed Ms. Wooten to call in sick every day she planned to be
absent while awaiting test results. A formal memo from Warden Paulk stated that if employees get
tested for COVID-19: “[E]mployees are required to call out each day of their absence unless they have
submitted a physician’s note with specific dates of absence.” (Emphasis added).

As discussed above, Ms. Wooten had, in fact, submitted two doctor’s notes on June 22 nd that
explicitly stated she was excused from working until she was asymptomatic and until her COVID-19
test results came back. Despite these doctor’s notes, she was still reprimanded, in violation of ICDC’s
own memo. Ms. Wooten later noted that the doctor’s notes she submitted to her supervisor were never
formally added to her medical records.

When Ms. Wooten talked to Warden Paulk about the reprimand, he expressed anger at her and
demoted her effective immediately to “PRN” indicating an as needed basis which significantly reduced
the number of hours she worked at the facility. Ms. Wooten believes that she was disciplined not
because she missed work, but because she has been asking hard questions about testing detained
immigrants for COVID-19 and warning officers when detained immigrants they are in contact with have
tested positive for COVID-19. Ms. Wooten explained that she was aware of another employee who also
did not call out sick while out, but that employee was never reprimanded. Ms. Wooten explained:

9 GAMMON AVENUE • ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30315 • (404) 622-0602 OFFICE • (404) 622-4137 FAX
You put two and two together. I’m asking for these things and I’m
speaking for these detainees. I’m a problem. I’m being seen and I’m not
supposed to be seen or heard. It makes it look like you’re not doing your
job… It [ICDC] has driven away so many people who work there
whenever they go to speak out and they go to do what’s right.

III) Conclusion

Due to the gravity of these violations and the continued negative impact on the health and safety
of both detained immigrants and ICDC employees, we ask that you review this complaint in an
expedited manner. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration. If you have any questions or
require additional information, please contact Azadeh Shahshahani, Legal and Advocacy Director at
Project South at [email protected] or Priyanka Bhatt, Staff Attorney at Project South, at
[email protected].


Project South
Georgia Detention Watch
Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights
South Georgia Immigrant Support Network

9 GAMMON AVENUE • ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30315 • (404) 622-0602 OFFICE • (404) 622-4137 FAX

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