Syllabus For Reading in Philippine History

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Republic of the Philippines

Surigao Del Sur State University

Marihatag Campos
Marihatag, Surigao del Sur



IN GE – RPH (Readings in Philippine History
First Semester, A.Y. 2020 - 2021


SDSSU believes that higher education is an instrument for the improvement of life through democratized access to quality education in the development of a well-
rounded person.


A leading “glocal” University with widened academic perspectives that focus on attaining food security, supporting poverty alleviation, developing renewable
energy, and conserving natural environment.

SDSSU shall provide competency-based higher education training driven by relevant and responsive instruction, research, extension and sustainable resource
management, Particularly, SDSSU is committed to:

1. Produce competent and skilled graduates prepared for gainful employment;

2. Develop graduates who shall not only foster economic progress but also care for the environment, adhere to positive value system, and preserve cultural heritage;
3. Engage in high-impact research for instruction and develop technology for food security and renewable energy;
4. Collaborate with government and non-government agencies to help improve the lives of the marginalized groups; and
5. Promote cooperation/partnership among regional, national, and ASEAN institutions in Higher Education.

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A combination of observable and measurable knowledge, skills, abilities, and personal attributes that contribute to enhance SDSSU employee and student performance and ultimately result
in organizational success.

Responsibility for own actions, decisions and commitment to accomplish work in an ethical, efficient, cost-effective and transparent manner manifesting the value of sound stewardship in
the wise use of resources for common good.

A prompt action, consistent communication, quality information, and a focus on providing a superior experience to stakeholders.

The quality spectrum at exceptional levels demonstrated by learning outcomes and the development of shared culture of quality consistent with the vision, mission and goals of University.

Dedication for a continuous improvement of services, stakeholder’s relationships and partnership which stresses interdependence and collaboration for a sustainable success of clients and
their communities in helping build a just, peaceful, stable and progressive Filipino nation.


These core values are not descriptions of the work we do, nor the strategies we employ to accomplish our University vision. They are the core values that underlie our works and
interactions as we internalize responsibilities to fulfil our mission. They are the basic elements of how we go about our work and how we deal with stakeholders, molds students to become
competent, innovative, globally competitive and service-oriented

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Goals of the University

These are the specific goals in the four (4)-fold functions of the University:
KRA 1. Instruction

Develop highly competent, globally-competitive and morally upright graduates.

KRA 2. Research

Produce research for the advancement of knowledge, new technology and innovative approaches for competitive endeavors.

KRA 3. Extension

Empower the rural poor to improve their lives through transfer of technologies and knowledge.

KRA 4. Production

Sustain University operations through viable and profitable income generating projects.

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The SDSSU Flexible Learning Approach
Situation Learners with connectivity Learners without internet connectivity Assessment Tool
Classes will be conducted using the following: Offline Method shall be used: Bring Home Test or Examinations, Chapter
 Use of E-book, the link will be provided by the  Video teaching exercise in each module, Guided test using
Instructor/Professor  Guided learning using prepared learning module social media platforms.
 Internet materials, the link will be provided by  Employing procedure exercises or homework, and
the Instructor/Professor lesson guide
 By e-mail  Employing case studies and practice exercises as
 Subscribe online Program-on-line homework
subjects/courses, the link will be provided by the
Using blended learning Styles stated above w/ the
Modified General  Lecture Streaming Method by Facebook
observance of social distancing, class grouping w/ 20
Community Quarantine  Webinar via messenger or Zoom cloud
(MGCQ)  Using social media platform besides Facebook students shall be observed, class group will be scheduled (by
 Guided learning by faculty prepared learning group)
 Using blended learning w/ limit face to face
contact & with the integration of on-line
learning strategy

In face to face learning model, the following shall be Segregation of learners by year level for social distancing can Bring home test/homework/guided learning
observed: also be instituted approach
 Social distancing
 Class grouping w/ 20 students shall be observed
 Class grouping will be scheduled (by group)

The on-line learning for blended learning shall be used. Using The Professors/Instructors are mandated to submit their Oral examination using FB or Zoom Cloud
the following strategy: Learning Modules to their Chair/Program Coordinator for
 Using Facebook (FB) quality assurance.
 Use of e-book w/ link
 Internet Materials w/ link  Subscribe on-line
Further, the learning module shall be examined for purposes
learning lesson
of quality assurance by the Campus Instructional Materials
Employing Webinar
Using social media Platform besides FB Chapter Bring Home Test

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Program Learning Outcome of Readings in Philippine History (GE-RPH)

1. Evaluate primary sources for their credibility, authenticity, and provenance.
2. Analyze the context, content, and perspective of different kinds of primary sources.
3. Determine the contribution of different kinds of primary sources in understanding Philippine history.
4. Develop critical and analytical skills with exposure to primary sources.
5. Demonstrate the ability to use primary sources to argue in favor or against a particular issue.
6. Effectively communicate, using various techniques and genres, their historical analysis of a particular event or issue that could help others understand
the chosen topic.
7. Propose recommendations/solutions to present-day problems based on their understanding of root causes and their anticipation of future scenarios.
8. Display the ability to work in a team and contribute to a group project.
9. Manifest interest in local history and concern in promoting and preserving our country's national patrimony and cultural heritage.

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Course Code : GE-RPH

Course Title : Readings in Philippine History

Pre-requisite : None

Credit :3

Semester : First Semester

Academic Year : 2020 – 2021

Number of Hours : 42 - 54 hrs./14 to 18 sessions

Course Description:

The Readings in the Philippine History is a course that viewed from the lens of selected primary sources in different periods, analysis, and interpretations. It is
designed to give students an impression that past generations tells us a valuable lessons.

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GE RPH (Readings in Philippine History) Learning Plan

Teaching and Learning Activities References Assessment Tool

Flexible Learning Approaches Flexible Learning Online Not Online For Learners For Learners
Time Allotment Intended Learning Outcome Topic
to Learners with Connectivity Approaches to Learners with without
without Connectivity Connectivity Connectivity
Week 1  Discuss the scope of the  Role of this course in  Students’ interpretation  Students’ interpretation SDSSU Webpage Student’s Video
course. the attainment of through song - SDSSU through poster/slogan/ Handbook Presentation of
SDSSU Philosophy Hymn Surf from the essay output ww.sdssu. VMGO & SDSSU
 Establish the connection VMGO Core Values internet the Philosophy Syllabus Hymn
of this course to the PLO Course VMGO & CORE Values  Leaflets of SDSSU ademics/p
attainment of learning Objectives Grading Philosophy, VM GO, rograms/i Textbook in
program outcomes, system Core Values, PLO, ndex.php History
Philosophy, VMGO, Course Objectives and
CORE Values & SDSSU Grading System

 Discuss the course

requirements and grading

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Teaching and Learning Activities References Assessment Tool

Flexible Learning Approaches Flexible Learning Online Not Online For Learners For Learners
Time Allotment Intended Learning Outcome Topic
to Learners with Connectivity Approaches to Learners with Connectivity without
without Connectivity Connectivity
Week 2-3  Define history according  Introduction to  Literature Review through  Module/ course Scanned Text Scanned Text Documentary Output
to different academic History: Definition, E-Library Links Book Book Candelaria, PowerPoint presentation with
pack J.P., & Alporha, rubrics:
disciplines Issues, Sources, and Candelaria, J.P., Presentation about
Methodology  E-mail Messenger Internet V.C. (2018).
& Alporha, V.C. the concepts,
 Compare and contrast Links Video teaching  Video teaching Readings in Post output
(2018). Readings Philippine History. approaches, stages,
primary and secondary in Philippine and issues on through FB/GC
Quezon City: Rex Bring home test or
sources  Guided learning History. Quezon primary and
Book Store, Inc.
 Student Presentation via using prepared examination based
City: Rex Book secondary sources
 Compile articles that Video Application on the
learning Module/ Store, Inc. module/course
discuss the concepts of Venn diagram
primary and secondary course pack Agoncillo T.
sources for their (2012) History of
credibility, authenticity, Austronesian the Filipino presentation with
and origin. People. 8th
History. rubrics:
Edition. Quezon
City: C&E
Publishing, Inc.
-ang-mga- (send output thru
austronesyano/ email, messenger)
Other References
Carr, E (1991).
What is History.
London, United
Kingdom: Penguin

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Teaching and Learning Activities References Assessment Tool

Flexible Learning Approaches Flexible Learning Online Not Online For Learners For Learners
Time Allotment Intended Learning Outcome Topic
to Learners with Connectivity Approaches to Learners with without
without Connectivity Connectivity Connectivity

Antonio Pigafetta. Guided test using Bring home

Week 4-6  Analyze the context,  Content and  Diagram connecting the  Guided learning using Scanned Text First Voyage social media
Around the World, test or
content, and perspective Contextual Analysis concepts to the different prepared learning Book (pp. 23-48) platforms examination
of different kinds of of Selected Primary kinds of historical sources. Module/ course pack Candelaria, J.P., Chronicle]
primary sources Sources in Philippine & Alporha, V.C.
based on the
Juan de Plasencia module/course
History  Video presentation of  Video teaching (2018). Readings
Customs of the
 Determine the primary and secondary in Philippine Tagalogs, (Garcia PowerPoint pack
contribution of different sources  reflection paper History. Quezon 1979, pp. 221-234) Presentation via
kinds of primary sources City: Rex Book (Friar account] video application
in understanding  reflection paper Store, Inc.
Philippine history Emilio Jacinto,
(Guided learning by faculty "Kartilla ng Chapter exercises
Katipunan" based on the
 Develop critical and prepared learning module)
(Richardson, 2013,
analytical skills with module/course
pp. 131-137)
exposure to primary [Declaration of pack (send output
sources Principles) thru email,
messenger &
Emilio Aguinaldo, other electronic
Mga Gunita ng media platforms)
Himagsikan. (pp.
78-82; 95-100; 177-
188; 212-227)
[Memoirs] National
Historical Institute

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Teaching and Learning Activities References Assessment Tool

Flexible Learning Approaches Flexible Learning Online Not Online For Learners For Learners
Time Allotment Intended Learning Outcome Topic
to Learners with Connectivity Approaches to Learners with without
without Connectivity Connectivity Connectivity

1898 Declaration of
Independence, The
Malolos Constitution
and the First Philippine
Republic. Manila:
National Historical
Institute (pp. 19-23)

Alfred McCoy, Political

Caricatures of the
American Era (Editorial

Commission on
Independence, Filipino
Grievances Against
Governor Wood (Zaide
1990, vol. 11, pp.230-
234). [Petition letter]

Corazon Aquino,
President Corazon
Aquino's Speech before
the U.S. Congress Sept.
18, 1986 [Speech]

Raiders of the Sulu Sea

(film) Works of Luna
and Amorsolo

COURSE SYLLABUS in GE RPH – Readings in Philippine History SDSSU-Marihatag Campus Page 10 of 16

Teaching and Learning Activities References Assessment Tool

Flexible Learning Approaches Flexible Learning Online Not Online For Learners For Learners
time Allotment Intended Learning Outcome Topic
to Learners with Connectivity Approaches to Learners with without
without Connectivity Connectivity Connectivity

 Guided learning Scanned Text Scanned Text Guided Bring home

Week 7-10  Demonstrate the  Historical  On the spot Book Candelaria, Book test/question
using prepared J.P., & Alporha,
using social media
ability to use Interpretations in questioning Candelaria, J.P.,
learning Module/ V.C. (2018). platforms examination
primary sources to Philippine & Alporha, V.C.
course pack Readings in based on the
argue in favor or History: Spaces  Think aloud inquiry  Philippine Documentary module/course
History. Quezon Readings in PowerPoint
against a particular for Conflict and  Employing case
 Concept mapping City: Rex Book Philippine Presentation on pack
issue. Controversies. studies/researches Store, Inc. History. Quezon primary and
located in home/ City: Rex Book secondary sources
 Create a Venn  Timeline making Locality Store, Inc. via video
diagram to compare application (
and contrast the (employing Alvarez, S.
historical webinar/video Katipunan and (send output thru
the Revolution: email, messenger
controversies based conferencing) & other electronic
Memoirs of a
on the sources. media platforms)
(Guided learning by Quezon City:
 Outline the issues faculty prepared Ateneo de
and controversies learning module) Manila
based on the University
different sources Press.

COURSE SYLLABUS in GE RPH – Readings in Philippine History SDSSU-Marihatag Campus Page 11 of 16

Teaching and Learning Activities References Assessment Tool

Flexible Learning Flexible Learning Online Not Online For Learners For Learners
Time Intended Learning Topic
Approaches to Learners Approaches to Learners with without
Allotment Outcome
with Connectivity without Connectivity Connectivity Connectivity

Bernad, M.A. (1981).

“Butuan or
Limasawa? The Site
of First Mass in the
Philippines: A
Reexamination of
an: A Journal of
Southern Philippines,

Chua M.C. (2016)

“Retraction ni Jose
Rizal: Mga
Dokumento at
Pananaw.” In GMA
News Online.
Retrived 18 October

COURSE SYLLABUS in GE RPH – Readings in Philippine History SDSSU-Marihatag Campus Page 12 of 16

Teaching and Learning Activities References Assessment Tool

Flexible Learning Flexible Learning Online Not Online For Learners For Learners
Time Intended Learning Topic
Approaches to Learners Approaches to Learners with without
Allotment Outcome
with Connectivity without Connectivity Connectivity Connectivity

 To analyze social,  Social, Political,  On the spot  Guided learning Scanned Text Book Scanned Text Guided test Bring home
Week 11-14
political, economic Economi c, and questioning using prepared Candelaria, J.P., & Book using social test or
and cultural issues Cultural Issues learning Module/ Alporha, V.C. (2018). Candelaria, J.P., media examination
in the Philippines in Philippine  Think aloud inquiry course pack Readings in & Alporha, V.C. platforms based on the
using the lenz of History Philippine History. (2018). module/course
history.  Concept mapping  Employing case Quezon City: Rex Readings in pack
studies/researc hes Book Store, Inc. Philippine
 Propose  Timeline making located in home/ History. Quezon
recommendation Locality Comprehensive City: Rex Book
s/ solutions to (employing Agrarian Reform Store, Inc.
present-day webinar/video Law of 1988 - Chan
problems based on conferencing) Robles & Associates
their Law Firm
understanding of (Guided learning by
root causes and faculty prepared
their anticipation learning module) arianlaw.htm#.Xwf
of future scenarios _RPkzbIU

COURSE SYLLABUS in GE RPH – Readings in Philippine History SDSSU-Marihatag Campus Page 13 of 16

Teaching and Learning Activities References Assessment Tool

Flexible Learning Approaches Flexible Learning Online Not Online For Learners For Learners
Time Allotment Intended Learning Outcome Topic
to Learners with Connectivity Approaches to Learners with without
without Connectivity Connectivity Connectivity

 Manifest interest in  Doing History  photo exhibit on local  Local Research Output Output
Week 15-18
local history and history presentation (Agreed Timeline for presentation presentation
concern in via Video Self Presentation of with rubrics: with rubrics
promoting and Applications: e.g. local history )
preserving our Google Classroom, (present
country’s national Google Meet, Zoom output thru
patrimony and email,
cultural heritage electronic
 Demonstrates a platforms)
clear and deep
understanding of an
related to human
growth and
development 
Gain a thorough
analysis on the
chosen exhibit

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Readings in Philippine History Course Map

GE LEARNING OUTCOMES Readings in Phil. History

A. Intellectual Competencies (Knowledge)

1. Analyze texts (written, visual, oral , etc.) critically L
2. Demonstrate profiocient and effective communication (Writing, speaking and use of new techniques) P
3. Use basic concepts across the domains of knowledge L
4. Demonstrate critical, analytical and creative thinking P


1. Examine the contemporary world from both Phil. And Global perspective L
2. Takes responsibility for knowing and being Filipino L
3. Reflect critically on shared concerns P
4. Contribute personally and meaningfully to the country’s development O


1. Work effectively in group P
2. Use current technology to assist and facilitate learning and research P
3. Manage one’s knowledge, skills and values for responsible and productive living O
4. Organize one’s self for lifelong learning O
L = Learned
P = Practices
O = Opportunity to learn
Agoncillo T. (2012) History of the Filipino People. 8th Edition. Quezon City: C&E Publishing, Inc.
Candelaria, J.P., & Alporha, V.C. (2018). Readings in Philippine History. Quezon City: Rex Book Store, Inc.

Electronic Sources:
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law of 1988 (R.A. 6657). 1988/ra_6657_1988.html
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law of 1988 - Chan Robles & Associates Law Firm
Land Reform Act of 1955 (R.A. 1400).
Philippine Organic Act of 1902.
President Corazon Aguino's Speech before the U.S. Congress Sept. 18, 1986.
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Class standing 40%

Requirements 20%

Major Examination 40%____


Prepared by:

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