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EN 15082 – part 5

Railway applications – welding of

railway vehicles and - vehicle parts –
Part 5: Inspection,
Inspection, Te
and Documentation
 Defines the welds to !e carried out in e"ams#
 $hall carry out the destructive and non destructive tests
to determine#
 Defines the necessary documentation for the release of
the product conformity
En 15085 contents
 1 Scope
 2 Normative references
 3 Terms and denitions
 4 Inspection and testing of welded joints
 4.1 General
 4.2 Inspection and testing before welding
 4.3 Inspection and testing dring welding
 4.4 Inspection and testing after welding

 ! Test planning and test criteria

 !.1 Test planning
 !.2 Test criteria
En 15085 contents
 " #ocmentation

 $ Non%conformance and corrective
  $.1General
 $.2 &anagement of non%
 $.3 'dditional tests
 ( Sb%contractors
 ) #eclaration of conformit*
 1+Traceabilit*
En 15085 contents
 'nne, ' (normative) Inspection and testing of
welded joints

 Tables

 Table 1 - Tests wic ave to be performed

dring prodction

 Table '.1 - /elationsip between essential

welding related tas0s and te manfactring
 to be performed
 4.1 General
 The relationship !etween the welding-related tas%s of
the responsi!le welding supervisor or his authori&ed
representative in the production phase is given in Ta!le
 4.2 Checks before welding
 In addition to Ta!le '() the welding supervisor is
responsi!le for :
  ⎯  planning the preparation of the root and the support#
  ⎯  additional welding detail in the drawings(
 The implementation of the design review in Ta!le '()
and the a!ove tests must !e documented
 The welder * operator has any type of welding the
following points to consider !efore !eginning:
  ⎯  that the welding e+uipment in wor%ing order#
  ⎯  availa!ility of wor% instructions#
  ⎯  the state of the weld preparation and the correct
specification of the welded seams wor%s
 pieces purity and state of assem!ly of wor% pieces,
according to the drawing and * or P$.#
  ⎯  Identification of the welded wor% pieces#
  ⎯  that the welding consuma!les comply with the P$(
 4.3 Test during welding
 The welder or welding operator has the following items
for review during and
 ensure:
  ⎯  the proper cleaning and the form of the compounds
during the /wischenlagenschwei0ung#
  ⎯  compliance with the prescri!ed pre-heating and * or
intermediate layer temperatures#
  ⎯  compliance with the P$ and * or operating
  ⎯  compliance with the order of operations, if in the
specific wor% instruction is re+uired such as welding
se+uence diagram.(
 4.4 Testing after welding

 4.4.1 Tests by the welder or operator 

 the welding, the welder or operator after chec% whether:

  ⎯  the weld is complete#
  ⎯  the weld is cleaned#
  ⎯  the shape and dimensions of the drawing correspond to the weld(

 4.4.2 worker self-exaination by the welder or operator 

 If a self-inspection system is employed, the self e"amination shall !e done in an

appropriate manner with regard to the implementation of the visual inspection and the


 12 )5345-:6337, clause 5, !y the responsi!le welding supervisor or a representative

Representative of the welding supervisor or 8T 6-e"aminer in accordance with 12

 The tests, the welder or operator of the need to !e carried out in accordance with

Ta!le ) shall !e clearly defined acceptance criteria, dimensions, etc(. and are


 These records and calculations are of the welder or operator who has performed the

audit under review, and the test documents attached to another(

  ' copy of the personal signatures of names in pu!lication is for the staff, the audit

documents to sign store, too( 'lternatively, electronic systems are used (

 4.4.3 erication of te conformit* of te welding
 After we!in"# t$e non%!estr&ctive tests carrie! o&t ' &ai*e! e+perts
weld Test class Volumetric test Surface examination
RT or UT MT or PT
CT1 100%a 100%

CT2 10%a b 10%b

CT3 Not required Not required

CT$ Not required Not required

 The percentages shown are !ased on the total length of all welds( This applies:
  ⎯  )33 means: e"amination of all welds of all components#
  ⎯  )3 means test for )3 of the welds of all components, or )33 testing
of a component of )3 components(
 The test methods are shown in Ta!le ) ;indestpr<fanforderungen of welded
  -$e percenta"es e+presse! refer to t$e tota en"t$ to 'e e+amine! for one "iven we!,

  100 / means. re&est for testin" of t$e entire en"t$ of t$e we! an! on a t$e pieces

  10 / means. testin" of 10 / of t$e entire en"t$ of t$e we! on a t$e pieces '&it or
100 / testin" on 1 of ever 10 items '&it

  -$e test met$o!s in!icate! in -a'e 1 s$a 'e t$e minim&m capa'e of ens&rin" compiance
of t$e we!e! oints, A!!itiona tests !epen!in" on t$e materia# t$e !esi"n or c&stomer
re&irements ma 'e necessar,

 A N- (3-# 4-# - or P-) s$a 'e performe! ' personne certi*e! accor!in" to EN 67 an!
s$a 'e !oc&mente!,

 9or inspection casses C- 1 an! C- 2# t$e vis&a e+amination s$a 'e performe! ' personne
certi*e! accor!in" to EN 67 an! s$a 'e !oc&mente!,

 9or inspection cass C- # t$e vis&a e+amination s$a 'e performe! as a minim&m '
personne &ai*e! ' t$e man&fact&rer an! s$o&! 'e !oc&mente!,

 9or inspection C- 6# t$e vis&a e+amination s$a 'e performe! as a minim&m ' we!ers
w$o are traine! in vis&a e+amination an! !oc&mentation is not re&ire!,
 :o&metric tests appica'e on for '&tt we!s an! -%
we!s wit$ f& penetration,
 ' ;$ere vo&metric testin" is not feasi'e for we!s
of t$e we! performance cass CP < in me!i&m
safet cate"or or CP C1# 100 / s&rface testin" is
re&ire!, ;$en *ve consec&tive items are
accepta'e# s&rface testin" ma 'e re!&ce! to 25
/, A pro!&ction we! test accor!in" to EN 15085%6
for ever we!er or operator of a ro'ot w$o carries
o&t t$is we! 'efore t$e start of t$e pro!&ction is
necessar, -$e pro!&ction we! test is vai! for si+
mont$s an! ma 'e proon"e! ' t$e responsi'e
we!in" coor!inator if t$e we!er or operator is sti
in t$e pro!&ction (for information on we!
performance casses# see EN 15085%.2007# -a'e 2),
 =n t$e case of f& mec$anise! or
a&tomatic we!in" proce!&res wit$
process monitorin" for we!
performance cass CP < an! CP C1 t$e
e+tent of testin" can 'e re!&ce! in
a"reement wit$ t$e responsi'e we!in"
coor!inator, =f re&ire!# t$e a"reement
of t$e c&stomer s$a 'e o'taine!,

 ! test plan and test criteria
 5() Inspection Planning
 Pro!&ction pannin" are t$e veri*cation proce!&re# t$e veri*cation time an! t$e
necessar amo&nt of tests in a test pan# !epen!in" on t$e we! test cass # t$e
we! s$ape an! t$e materia set,
 9or simpe we!in" components in t$e veri*cation pan to wor> pan 'e
inte"rate!, Partic&ar compe+ or important case of we!e! components is
recommen!e! t$at a -est pan is create!# t$e vario&s p$ases of t$e tests cear
 !.2.1 weld grades
 =n accor!ance wit$ t$e tec$nica !oc&mentation (e"# !rawin") speci*e! we!
casses are accor!in" to EN 15085%# Section 5 of t$e speci*e! eva&ation for
of stan!ar!s EN =SO 5817 or EN =SO 10062 for stee a&min&m an! a&min&m
aos s$o&! 'e met wit$,
 9or t$e resistance we!in" met$o! is EN 15085%.2007# Anne+ 9,
 !.2.2 inspection stages and acceptance levels
 EN 120?2 is in t$e test sta"es an! accepta'e imits to t$e &ait eves in terms of
appie! non%!estr&ctive test met$o!s reference!,
  A CP is not compete containe! in EN 120?2 (see EN 15085%.2007# ca&se 5),
 =n speci*c cases w$ere a more acc&rate assessment of t$e e+tent an! tpe of
is nee!e! to verif its compati'iit mo!e# it ma 'e necessar# t$at ot$er as
containe! in t$e EN tests are performe!,
 4.4.3 onformit* control of welds
 After we!in"# t$e N- (Non%estr&ctive -estin") is carrie! o&t ' certi*e!
personne (e+cept :- see -a'e 1), -a'e 1 !e*nes t$e tpe an! fre&enc of
t$e testin" to 'e carrie! o&t !&rin" series pro!&ction, -$is is 'ase!
 on t$e reations$ip 'etween t$e we! performance cass of t$e we!e! oint
assi"ne! ' t$e !esi"n en"ineer an! t$e res&tin" inspection cass (see EN

  -estin" at t$e 'e"innin" of pro!&ction. s$a 'e accor!in" to t$e inspection
cass# 100 / testin" of a we!s on eac$ initia item of t$e series if testin" is
re&ire! in -a'e 1,

  -estin" !&rin" series pro!&ction. t$e tests !escri'e! in -a'e 1 s$a 'e carrie!
o&t on pro!&cts man&fact&re! !&rin" series pro!&ction in accor!ance wit$
t$e fre&encies in!icate! t$erein an! as per t$e we! performance cass
in!icate! on t$e !rawin" ' t$e !esi"n en"ineer,

 =n t$e case of !etectin" &naccepta'e !efects !&rin" t$e tests in!icate!
in -a'e 1# t$e proce!&re for mana"ement of non%conformance s$a 'e
appie!# wit$ t$e e+tension of t$e testin" as in!icate! in Ca&se 7,

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