Ashrae 15 & 34 Erta PDF

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Designation and Safety Classification of Refrigerants

December 17, 2012

The corrections listed in this errata sheet apply to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 34-2010. The first
printing is identified on the outside back cover as “Product Code: 86019 9/10”. Shaded items
have been added since the previous errata sheet dated January 31, 2011 was distributed.

Page Erratum

13 Section 9.4.2, Data Certification. In the indented paragraph, change “ANSI/ASHRAE

Standard 34-2007” to “ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 34-2010”.

15 Section 9.9.8, Substantiation. Change the last sentence from “The quantity shall be as
indicated in Section 9.8.5” to “The quantity shall be as indicated in Section 9.9.5.”

19 Table 2, Data and Safety Classification for Refrigerant Blends. Change the OEL
value for R-432A from 710 ppm to 700 ppm.

21 Table 3, Flammability Classifications. In the third column, WCFF of a Refrigerant

Blend, Class 3, change “Flame propagation when tested at 60.0°C (212°F) and 101.3 kPa
(14.7 psia)” to “Flame propagation when tested at 60.0°C (140°F) and 101.3 kPa (14.7

28 Informative Appendix D – Refrigerant Data. In the introductory paragraph, second

sentence, change the word “azeotropic” to “zeotropic”.

29 Table D1. Add the missing entry and data for R-227ea to Table D1 (previously published
as Addendum s to 34-2004) as shown:

Refrigerant Number: 227ea

Chemical Name: 1,1,1,2,3,3,3-heptafluoropropane
Chemical Formula: CF3CHFCF3
Molecular Mass: 170.0
Normal Boiling Point: -15.6 °C / 3.9°F

35 Informative Appendix G – Calculation of RCL and ATEL for Blends. The Example
is corrected as shown on the following page:
(Note: Additions are shown in underline and deletions are shown in strikethrough.)

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Copyright ASHRAE
Provided by IHS under license with ASHRAE Licensee=CH2M Hill Worldwide/5960458046, User=El-Hossari, Elias
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 10/18/2013 14:06:34 MDT
Errata Sheet for Standard 34-2010

ATEL Calculation for R-410A (50/50 wt% R-32/R-125)
R-410A composition expressed in mole fraction is (0.698 mole fraction R-32/0.302 mole fraction R-125).
Mortality Indicator (a) of R-410A
0.698 + 0.302
215, 000 ppm 218, 000 ppm
where (a)R-32 = the LC50 of R-32 or 760,000 ppm · 0.283 = 215,000 ppm and (a)R-125 = the LC50 of R-125 or 769,000 ppm · 0.283 =
218,000 ppm.
(a)R-410A = 216,000 ppm as the R-410A mortality indicator.
Cardiac Sensitization Indicator (b) of R-410A

0.698 + 0.302
200, 000 ppm 350, 000 ppm 75, 000 ppm
where (b)R-32 = Cardiac Sensitization Indicator NOEL for R-32 or 200,000 ppm 350, 000 ppm and (b)R-125 = Cardiac Sensitization
Indicator NOEL for R-125 or 75,000 ppm (NOEL).
(b)R-410A = 133, 000 ppm 166, 000 ppm as the R-410A cardiac sensitization indicator.
Anesthetic Effect Indicator (c) or R-410A

0.698 + 0.302
200, 000 ppm 567, 000 ppm
where (c)R-32 = Anesthetic Effect Indicator NOEL for R-32 or 250,000 ppm · 0.8 = 200,000 ppm and (c)R-125 = Anesthetic Effect
Indicator NOEL for R-125 or 709,000 ppm · 0.8 = 567,000 ppm.
(c)R-410A = 249,000 ppm as the R-410A anesthetic indicator.
Note: EC50 was not used because there was no value for R-32 or R-125, and LOEL was not used because the values for R-32
and R-125 affected more than half (10/10 and >5/10) of the animals. Had legitimate EC50, LOEL, or NOEL values been available, it
would have been possible to use a EC50 for one blend component, a LOEL for a second, and a NOEL for a third, etc.
There are no pertinent escape-impairing or permanent injury effect indicators (d) known for R-410A. Therefore, the ATEL
for R-410A is set on the Cardiac Sensitization Effect (b), 133,000 ppm, which is the The lowest toxicity endpoint of acute TCF's in
Section 7.1.1 (a) through (c) for the blend is set on the Cardiac Sensitization Effect (b), 166,000 ppm. Rounding to two significant
figures gives 130, 000 ppm 170,000 ppm as the ATEL of R-410A.
RCL for R-410A
Since the blend is nonflammable and the ATEL is less than the oxygen deprivation level of 140,000 ppm, the RCL is also
130,000 ppm.
The RCL shall be the lowest of the quantities calculated in accordance with 7.1.1, Acute-Toxicity Exposure Limit (ATEL),
7.1.2 Oxygen Depletion Limit (ODL) or 7.1.3 Flammability Concentration Limit (FCL). Since the R-410A blend is nonflammable
and the ATEL is 170,000 ppm, which is greater than the ODL of 140,000 ppm, the RCL is 140,000 ppm.

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Copyright ASHRAE
Provided by IHS under license with ASHRAE Licensee=CH2M Hill Worldwide/5960458046, User=El-Hossari, Elias
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 10/18/2013 14:06:34 MDT

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