Communication Issues: Assignment/ Quiz Subject: Business Ethics

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Assignment/ Quiz Subject: Business Ethics

Name: ________________ Roll No: _____ BBA Term__7th__

1. The three major types of ethical issues include except?
A) Communication issues
B) Systematic issues
C) Corporate issues
D) Individual issues
2. Which of the following refers to the reasoning process by which human behaviors, institutions, or policies are judged to be in
accordance or notwith
moral standards?
A) Moral reasoning
B) Moral duty
C) Moral justice
D) None of the above
3. Which kind of theory Utilitarianism has?
A) Ethical
B) Conceptual
C) Behavioral
D) None of the above

4. The main purpose of business ethics is to?

A) understanding ethical uncertainities
B) principles and concepts
C) Application of practices
D) All of the above
5. An acquired disposition that is a valuable part of a morally good person, exhibited in the person's habitual behavior is known
A) Moral responsibility
B) Moral ethics
C) Moral virtue
D) None of the above
6. Utilitarianism suggests that it is ethical to make decisions based on:
A) Moral virtues
B) Common decency
C) What is best for most people.
D) None of the given
7. Right action comes to be defined in terms of moral principles chosen because of their logical comprehensiveness,
universality, and consistency is known as?
A) Interpersonal Concordance Orientation
B) Universal Ethical Principles Orientation
C) Social Contract Orientation
D) Law and Order Orientation
8. Which one of the following is not a basic type of moral standards?
A) Utilitarianism
B) Rights
C) Justice
D) Relevant
9. Which one of the following is a type of moral standards?
A) Utilitarianism
B) Rights
C) Justice
D) All of the above
10. The three major types of ethical issues include except?
A) Communication issues
B) Systematic issues
C) Corporate issues
D) Individual issues
11. Justice Based on needs and abilities is known as?
A) Communism
B) Capitalism
C) Socialism
D) None of the above
12. An acquired disposition that is a valuable part of a morally good person,exhibited in the person's habitual behavior is known
A) Moral responsibility
B) Moral ethics
C) Moral virtue
D) None of the above
13. Which one of the following justices refers to the just imposition of penalties and punishments?
A) Distributive
B) Retributive
C) Compensatory
D) Kantian
14. In which of the following someone looks at individual acts to see whether they produce more pleasure,one looks only at
moral rules at actions of a particular type?
A) Rule utilitarianism
B) Conventional utilitarianism
C) Weighting cost and benefit
D) None of the above
15. Circumstances that leave a person uncertain but not altogether unsure about what he or she is doing is a feature of
A) Excusing conditions
B) Moral reasoning
C) Mitigating factors
D) Ignorance
16. Which one of the following is not a feature of moral standard?
A) Prohibit
B) Value
C) Condemn
D) All of the given options
17. Which of the following is TRUE regarding moral reasoning and its evaluation?
A) Moral reasoning does not involve factual or descriptive judgments
B) Ordinary logical standards of validity do not apply to moral reasoning
C) Special logical standards of validity do not apply to moral reasoning
D) Moral reasoning involves normative or value judgments
18. ______is the philosophical study of moral values and rules.
A) Morality
B) Ethics
C) Business Ethics
D) Philosophy
19. _________is a code of conduct that an individual or a group has about right and wrong.
A) Morality
B) Ethics
C) Business Ethics
D) Personal Ethics
20. Which one of the following is an alternative to moral principles?
A)Virtue Ethics
B) Logic Ethics
C) Real Ethics
D) None of the above

Assignment/ Quiz Subject: Financial Management

Name: ________________ Roll No: _____ BBA Term__7th__

1. Investment can be defined.

A) Person’s dedication to purchasing a house or flat
B) Use of capital on assets to receive returns
C) Usage of money on a production process of products and services
D) Net additions made to the nation’s capital stocks
Answer: B
2. The concept of Financial management is.
A) Profit maximization
B) All features of obtaining and using financial resources for company operations
C) Organization of funds
D) Effective Management of every company
Answer: B
3. What is the primary goal of financial management?
A) To minimize the risk
B) To maximize the return
C) To maximize the owner’s wealth
D) To raise profit
Answer: B
4. The finance manager is accountable for.
A) Earning capital assets of the company
B) Effective management of a fund
C) Arrangement of financial resources
D) Proper utilization of funds
Answer: C
5. The market value of a share is responsible for.
A) The investment market
B) The government
C) Shareholders
D) The respective companies
Answer: A
6. The capital budget is associated with.
A) Long terms and short terms assets
B) Fixed assets
C) Long terms assets
D) Short term assets
Answer: C
7. CAPM stands for.
A) Capital asset pricing model.
B) Capital amount printing model.
C) Capital amount pricing model.
D) Capital asset printing model.
Answer: A
8. What does financial leverage measure?
A) No change with EBIT and EPS
B) The sensibility of EBIT with % change with respect to output
C) The sensibility of EPS with % change in the EBIT level
D) % variation in the level of production
Answer: C
9. From the below-mentioned items which are financial assets?
A) Machines
B) Bonds
C) Stocks
D) B and C
Answer: B
10. The only feasible purpose of financial management is
a) Wealth Maximization
b) Sales Maximization
c) Profit Maximization
d) Assets maximization

11. Financial management process deals with

a) Investments
b) Financing decisions
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above

12. Agency cost consists of

a) Binding
b) Monitoring
c) Opportunity and structure cost
d) All of the above

13. Finance Function comprises

a) Safe custody of funds only
b) Expenditure of funds only
c) Procurement of finance only
d) Procurement & effective use of funds

14. The objective of wealth maximization takes into account

a) Amount of returns expected
b) Timing of anticipated returns
c) Risk associated with uncertainty of returns
d) All of the above

15. Financial management mainly focuses on

a) Efficient management of every business
b) Brand dimension
c) Arrangement of funds
d) All elements of acquiring and using means of financial resources for financial activities

16. "Shareholder wealth" in a firm is represented by:

a) the number of people employed in the firm.
b) the book value of the firm's assets less the book value of its liabilities
c) the amount of salary paid to its employees.
d) the market price per share of the firm's common stock.
17. The long-run objective of financial management is to:
a) maximize earnings per share.
b) maximize the value of the firm's common stock.
c) maximize return on investment.
d) maximize market share.

18. The market price of a share of common stock is determined by:

a) the board of directors of the firm.
b) the stock exchange on which the stock is listed.
c) the president of the company.
d) individuals buying and selling the stock.

19. The focal point of financial management in a firm is:

a) the number and types of products or services provided by the firm.
b) the minimization of the amount of taxes paid by the firm.
c) the creation of value for shareholders.
d) the dollars profits earned by the firm.

20. of a firm refers to the composition of its long-term funds and its capital structure.

a) Capitalisation
b) Over-capitalisation
c) Under-capitalisation
d) Market capitalization

Assignment/ Quiz Subject: Corporate Finance

Name: ________________ Roll No: _____ BBA Term__7th__

1. Which of the following is not one of the three fundamental methods of firm valuation?
a) Discounted Cash flow
b) Income or earnings - where the firm is valued on some multiple of accounting income or earnings.
c) Balance sheet - where the firm is valued in terms of its assets.
d) Market Share

2. What is the value of the firm usually based on?

a) The value of debt and equity.

b) The value of equity.
c) The value of debt.
d) The value of assets plus liabilities.

3. Which of the following defines the market to book value?

a) The ratio of stock market valuation divided by the value of its NAV.
b) The ratio of NAV value divided by stock market valuation.
c) The market value of tangible assets divided by the book value of tangible assets.
d) The market value of intangible assets divided by the book value of intangible assets.

4. Shareholders wealth increases with the increase in

a) EPS
b) Market value of the firm
c) Dividend & market value of the firm
d) Market price of the equity share

5. Promotion of welfare of human by corporate is called as

a) Social service
b) Philosophy
c) NGO work
d) Corporate philanthropy

6. Leasing of machinery can be categorized as _

a) Fixed asset
b) Investment decision
c) Financing decision
d) Capital budgeting decision

7. Which of the following has Net profit as basis for calculation

a) Net present value
b) Average rate of return
c) Internal rate of return
d) Payback period

8. Internal rate of return is …

a) Rate at which discounted cash inflow is more than discounted cash outflow
b) Rate at which discounted cash inflow is less than discounted cash outflow
c) Rate at which discounted cash inflow is equal to the discounted cash outflow
d) Either a or b

9. Corporate wealth maximization is the value maximization for

a) Equity shareholders
b) Stakeholders
c) Employees
d) Debt capital owners

10. Book value of assets includes

a) Fixed assets, current asset
b) Fixed assets, current asset, intangible asset
c) Fixed assets, current asset, fictitious asset
d) Fixed assets, current asset, intangible asset, fictitious asset

11. Listed companies can be valued at

a) Book Value
b) Market value
c) Salvage value
d) Liquidation value

12. Unlisted company can be valued at

a) Net asset Method
b) Market value method
c) Both a & b
d) None of the above

13. Which of the following valuation methods is based on “Going concern concept”
a) Market value method
b) Book value method
c) Liquidation method
d) Salvage value method

14. Making gifts of money, goods, or time to help non-profit organizations, groups or individuals is:
a) Corporate social marketing
b) Cause marketing
c) Cause-related marketing
d)Corporate philanthropy

15. The term can be used in a broad sense to describe all the policies, procedures, relationships, and systems
in place to oversee the successful and legal operation of the enterprise.

a) corporate governance

b) corporate policy

c) corporate oversight

d) corporate strategy

16. High P/E ratios tend to indicate that a company will

a) grow quickly
b) grow at the same speed as the average company
c) grow slowly
d) not grow

17. is equal to (common shareholders' equity/common shares outstanding).

a) Book value per share

b) Liquidation value per share
c) Market value per share
d) Tobin's Q

18. The is defined as the present value of all cash proceeds to the investor in the stock.

a) dividend payout ratio

b) intrinsic value
c) market capitalization rate
d) plowback ratio

19. Historically, P/E ratios have tended to be .

a) higher when inflation has been high

b) lower when inflation has been high
c) uncorrelated with inflation rates but correlated with other macroeconomic variables
d) uncorrelated with any macroeconomic variables including inflation rates

20. A capital investment is one that

a) Has the prospect of long term benefit
b) Has the prospect of short term benefit
c) Is only undertaken by large corporations
d) Applies only to investment in fixed assets

Assignment/ Quiz Subject: Corporate Finance

Name: _______________ Roll No: _____ BBA Term__7th__
1. Which of the following is not one of the three fundamental methods of firm valuation?
a) Discounted Cash flow
b) Income or earnings - where the firm is valued on some multiple of accounting income or earnings.
c) Balance sheet - where the firm is valued in terms of its assets.
d) Market Share

2. What is the value of the firm usually based on?

a) The value of debt and equity.

b) The value of equity.
c) The value of debt.
d) The value of assets plus liabilities.

3. Which of the following defines the market to book value?

a) The ratio of stock market valuation divided by the value of its NAV.
b) The ratio of NAV value divided by stock market valuation.
c) The market value of tangible assets divided by the book value of tangible assets.
d) The market value of intangible assets divided by the book value of intangible assets.

4. Shareholders wealth increases with the increase in

a) EPS
b) Market value of the firm
c) Dividend & market value of the firm
d) Market price of the equity share

5. Promotion of welfare of human by corporate is called as

a) Social service
b) Philosophy
c) NGO work
d) Corporate philanthropy

6. Leasing of machinery can be categorized as _

a) Fixed asset
b) Investment decision
c) Financing decision
d) Capital budgeting decision

7. Which of the following has Net profit as basis for calculation

a) Net present value
b) Average rate of return
c) Internal rate of return
d) Payback period

8. Internal rate of return is …

a) Rate at which discounted cash inflow is more than discounted cash outflow
b) Rate at which discounted cash inflow is less than discounted cash outflow
c) Rate at which discounted cash inflow is equal to the discounted cash outflow
d) Either a or b

9. Corporate wealth maximization is the value maximization for

a) Equity shareholders
b) Stakeholders
c) Employees
d) Debt capital owners

10. Book value of assets includes

a) Fixed assets, current asset
b) Fixed assets, current asset, intangible asset
c) Fixed assets, current asset, fictitious asset
d) Fixed assets, current asset, intangible asset, fictitious asset

11. Listed companies can be valued at

a) Book Value
b) Market value
c) Salvage value
d) Liquidation value
12. Unlisted company can be valued at
a) Net asset Method
b) Market value method
c) Both a & b
d) None of the above
13. Which of the following valuation methods is based on “Going concern concept”
a) Market value method
b) Book value method
c) Liquidation method
d) Salvage value method

14. Making gifts of money, goods, or time to help non-profit organizations, groups or individuals is:
a) Corporate social marketing
b) Cause marketing
c) Cause-related marketing
d) Corporate philanthropy

15. The term can be used in a broad sense to describe all the policies, procedures, relationships, and systems in place to
oversee the successful and legal operation of the enterprise.

a) corporate governance

b) corporate policy

c) corporate oversight
d) corporate strategy

16. High P/E ratios tend to indicate that a company will

a) grow quickly
b) grow at the same speed as the average company
c) grow slowly
d) not grow

17. is equal to (common shareholders' equity/common shares outstanding).

a) Book value per share
b) Liquidation value per share
c) Market value per share
d) Tobin's Q

18. The is defined as the present value of all cash proceeds to the investor in the stock.
a) dividend payout ratio
b) intrinsic value
c) market capitalization rate
d) plowback ratio

19. Historically, P/E ratios have tended to be .

a) higher when inflation has been high
b) lower when inflation has been high
c) uncorrelated with inflation rates but correlated with other macroeconomic variables
d) uncorrelated with any macroeconomic variables including inflation rates

20. A capital investment is one that

a) Has the prospect of long term benefit
b) Has the prospect of short term benefit
c) Is only undertaken by large corporations
d) Applies only to investment in fixed asset

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