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Assessment Templates

BSBADM409 Coordinate business resources

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of a group as required
I have acknowledged all sources where appropriate in accordance with Greystone
 College’s Academic Integrity Policy, and I believe other group members have done
the same

Submitting your assessment:

Complete all assessment tasks, upload the Templates document and submit in Moodle for
grading. Videos and information on how to submit work through Moodle are in the FAQ section
of your VET Orientation course. Once your assessment is graded, you will receive an email
notification. Check your grades and submission feedback on Moodle.
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Please verify each of the following principles of assessment by placing a tick in each box. Refer
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Authentic: I am assured that the evidence presented for assessment is the learner’s
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Current: I am assured that the assessment evidence demonstrates current
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Task 2 – Knowledge Questions Template
Please provide answers to the following four (4) questions:

1. Explain how each of the following factors affect the consideration of required resources
when setting up a business, in between 30 and 50 words each.
 Employer responsibilities
This person is responsible to hire the employees by knowing the
capabilities, strengths and weaknesses everyone has. Also has to select the
suppliers and put in place the procedures that the company must follow in
order to run smoothly

 Safety legislation and quality standards

Knowing and applying legislations the procedures will be done it in a safety

way ensuring lower risks. Having high quality standards, the products and
services will be sold without further preoccupations or thinking in future
customers complains

 Style and size of premises

Having the necessary space to place the stock in a comfortable and secure
way, giving to the employees enough space in their workstations,
comfortable common areas and well-organized meeting rooms, will give
the impression to customers and suppliers that the company is organized
and well managed.

2. Organisations usually require a wide range of items for staff to work effectively. Items
depend on the nature of the organisation. Give at least five (5) examples of required
resources for a hotel reception area.
 -phone
 -computer
 -desk
 -person in charge

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 -complain book
 -register book
 -printer
 -chair

3. Explain and provide an example of how WHS requirements can have a large impact on
resources needed by an organization, in between 30 and 50 words.

A person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) is the main duty holder under the
Work Health
and Safety (WHS) Act
It is nedeed to have a reasonable care, the standard of care that workers, including
volunteers must meet. It means doing what a reasonable person would do in the
circumstance having regard to things like:
the person’s knowledge
the person’s role
the person’s skills and the resources available to them
the person’s qualifications
the information the person has, and
the consequences to health and safety of a failure for them to act in the circumstances.

All the employees have to be aware about the WHS policies to avoid injuries for example at
storage area.

4. Explain how individuals and workgroups may contribute to the identification of resource
requirements within an organisation, in between 30 and 50 words.
In simple cases individuals can mention the resources that are needed to their
respective supervisors. In case several individuals need same resources, a
meeting could be the best way to let know to their superiors their needs. In
case the resources needed have a major complexity and the costs are higher, a
presentation explaining why are needed with some return of investment or
figures that supports the purchase will be necessary

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04 Questions Total

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Task 3 - Project Template
Please complete and provide answers to the following procedures and create additional
documents, where required.

Procedure 1.
As a team leader in the BizOps Enterprises marketing department, you are responsible for
maintaining a photocopier/printer, five telephones, five computers, five workstations and
stationery supplies.
a. Describe the most likely resource requirements to maintain these items for one month,
three months and six months.
1 month: Paper, stationary supplies and tonner.

3 months: Paper, stationary supplies, tonner, computer backs ups, photocopier/printer

maintenance, workstations state.

6 months: Paper, tonner, software updates, stationary supplies, computer maintenance,

printer/photocopier maintenance.

b. What faults could you encounter with the resources used by your team?

 Misuse of resources

 Wastage of resources

 Challenges in stock levels

 Purchasing unnecessary and expensive and components

 Misuse of computers i.e. for intended purposes

c. How would you ensure that the resource used within your team complied with the
policies, procedures and organisation operational plan requirements of BizOps

Duty of care should be observed by ensuring that employees full understand the procedures and
policies on the usage of company equipment. Employees should also be appraised at all times.

Procedure 2.
When coordinating your team resource purchases:

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a. How will you ensure that you abide by the purchasing policies and procedures used at
The starting point is to read and understand the purchasing resource acquisition procedures and
policies. Thereafter, abide by the laid down procedures as provided in the policy. The most
important factor is also to follow instructions of the management, particularly concerning on
making new purchases, documentation, and presentation of items to be bought.

b. What legislation will you need to consider?

 Work Health and Safety Act is among the consideration to be accounted. Products should
also comply with state and national regulations.

Procedure 3.
Use the report template below to prepare a purchase recommendation report for your
manager, as follows:
 Use the resource requirement information contained in the team meeting minutes, the
memo from your team member and the email from your manager to prepare an
expenditure recommendation for your team.
 Calculate costs and expenditures so that you can effectively compare required resources
for the next four months. Ensure your recommendations are realistic and make efficient
use of your available budget.
 Explain and justify your prioritisation of the proposed purchases according to legislative,
organisational and workplace efficiency requirements.

Report template
Staff requires basic necessities to carry out their responsibilities in an effective and efficient manner.
Other necessities that affect the performance of employees directly is unrefrigerated food due to
faulty refrigerator.

Background - resources required and budget:

The basic necessities are:

1. Fridge: one refrigerator is required due to the malfunctioning of the existing one. The door
of the existing one does not close properly which require some reinforcement to close
properly. It is an issue under the WHS since food is not under the required temperature.

2. Desks: three workstations are needed. There were complaints from the affected staff
concerning lack of proper workstations.

3. Graphic tablet: Staff by the name Stephanie requires one graphic tablet. The staff was
complaining that her work performance have reduced for some months due to the current
graphic tablet which is no longer accept updates.

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The budget required on monthly basis is AUD 100,000, but AUD 50 was used for routine expenses
and consumables, leaving AUD 950 as the monthly budget.

Recommended prioritisation:

Checking the required elements, the elements will be bought under prioritization. In this case an
under a revision the fridge it has to be bought first, followed by the graphic tablet and as last but not
least the desks will be bought.

Recommendation rationale, costs and budget:

The malfunctioning of the refrigerator is a WHS issue as it does not store food properly posing health
hazard to employees.

In conclusion, a decision has been reached to for an ecofriendly refrigerator since it saves power
and is going by the recommendation of the usage of environmentally friendly policies.

Item 1st Month ($) 2nd Month ($) 3rd Month ($)
Total Budget 1000 1000 1000
Consumable expenses (50) (50) (50)
Remaining 200
Available budget 1150 950 950

Requirements of employees
a. Refrigerator
Items Icebox101 ($) Coldie101 ($)
Refrigerator 1,235 995
GST 0 0
Delivery 0 100
Deposit (100) 0
Total 1,235 1,095

b. Desks

Items Option 1 Option 2

Desk $345 $445
GST 0 0
Delivery 0 0
Total $345 $445

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c. Stephanie’s tablet

Items Option 1 Option 2

Desk $1000 $1250
GST 0 0
Delivery 0 0
Discount 15% (150)
Total $850 $1250

Items Option 1
Software $80
GST $8
Total $88

Expenses plan

Items 1st month ($) 2nd Month ($) 3rd Month ($)
Tablets 850
Refrigerator 100 1,135
Software 88
Escritorios 1035
Expenses 1035 0 1035
Budget 1150 1062 950
Remaining $112 (73) (85)

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Procedure 4.

Use the email template below to draft an email to your manager explaining the expected
costs, shortfalls and surpluses for your team expense budget. If you have identified a shortfall,
request that your team be given additional funding and justify why you think this is a valid

E-mail template:
New message





Subject: Shortage of Budget

Hello Sir/Madam,
After making an analysis of the budget and the basic necessities to be purchase, I have established that
additional funding is required. A new refrigerator is required ASAP as per the requirement of WHS Act.
In the first month we are going to purchase 100 pieces of ICEBOX 101 refrigerator through high
purchase order where we have to make a deposit of $100 and the balance to be cleared within the first
6 weeks. This option allows us to buy a tablet for Stephanie to assist her in carrying out her work
effectively and efficiently.
By the second month the entire installment for the refrigerator shall be settled and in the third month,
we would be purchasing new desks to improve on the staff workstations. Going by our estimates, we
would be short of $158, and hence we would request for an additional $200 to complete the tasks
successfully. Thanks in advance as we wait for your feedback. Thanks, Kind regards!
Yours truly,

Procedure 5.
Imagine that you receive a large order of perishable and non-perishable supplies for a special
team function.
a. Using word processing or spreadsheet software, create a checklist that you could use to
ensure that the order is correct and the quality of the items are appropriate and
maintained. Upload this checklist as an attachment to your submission in Moodle.

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Purchase Order

Item Quantity Unit Price (AUD) Total


Sparkling wine, 3 35.00 105.00

Morgan bay box

Table clothes 5 15.00 75.00

Cocktail napkins box 3 21.00 63.00

Red wine, Morgan bay 3 40.00 120.00


Ice cream trio 3 25.00 75.00

Smoked Salmon slices 10 20.00 200.00

Rock Oyster dozens 10 25.00 250.00

Sub total 1008.00

GST 100.80

Total 1108.80


Item Quantity Check Price Physical

received quantit check inspection

Cocktail napkins box 3 ok ok ok

Table clothes 5 ok ok ok

Sparkling wine, Morgan bay 2 X ok ok


Red wine, Morgan bay box 3 ok ok ok

Smoked Salmon slices 10 ok ok ok

White wine, Morgan bay box 3 ok ok X

Ice cream trio 3 ok ok X

Rock oyster 8 X ok X

Item Comments Action

Cocktail napkins box Product received correctly Stock

Table clothes Product received correctly Stock

Sparkling wine, Morgan bay box Less quantity were received Contact supplier, place a date of reception

White wine, Morgan bay box Product received correctly Stock

Red wine, Morgan bay box Product received correctly Stock

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Smoked Salmon slices Not refrigerated Return to supplier/fast shipping for new

Ice cream trio Not refrigerated Return to supplier/fast shipping for new

Rock Oyster dozens Less quantity were received/not Return to supplier/ fast shipping for new
refrigerated product

b. Part of a perishable food delivery for your team function has been left unrefrigerated
during transit and is no longer suitable for consumption. How would you manage this
problem? Use the space below for your response.
It is recommended that when transporting perishable goods, refrigerated truck should be
used to preserve its quality and state. Before packing the items in the truck, caution should
also be observed in the cooling system to ensure that the right quantity and the product is
maintain to avoid unnecessary wastage and spoilage during transportation.

Procedure 6.
Using word processing or spreadsheet software, develop a monitoring and reordering plan for
the use of stationery items for your team. Explain the trigger points for resource use and
reordering as part of the plan. Upload this plan as an attachment to your submission in
Item Initial stock Actual stock Trigger point %
Pen 25 20 5 20
Reams of paper 100 30 25 25
Stapler 15 8 4 27
Note pad 30 4 8 27
Tonner 80 40 20 25
Scotch tape 50 30 10 20
Calculators 20 15 6 30
Business card 500 250 300 60
Pencils 100 5 40 40

Procedure 7.
Using presentation software (Microsoft PowerPoint or similar), prepare presentation slides
addressing/explaining the topics below. Save your slides in pdf format and upload them as an
attachment to your submission in Moodle.
 Your purchase recommendations and reasoning for your prioritisation and decisions, in
accordance with your answers for procedures 3 and 4.
 The budget planning based on your recommendations, in accordance with your answers
for procedures 3 and 4.
 The monitoring and reordering plan that you created in procedure 6.

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07 Procedures Total
You need to submit in Moodle:
1. The Assessment Templates document (this document) with your answers
2. The checklist that you developed for Procedure 5(a), using word processing or spreadsheet
3. The monitoring and reordering plan that you developed for Procedure 6, using word
processing or spreadsheet software
4. The presentation slides that you created for Procedure 7, using presentation software and
saved in pdf format.

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