Design of EV Charger With Cuk Converter To Improve Power Quality

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 07 Issue: 07 | July 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Design of EV Charger with Cuk Converter to Improve Power Quality

Peer Mohammad Kolakar1, Dr. Adinath Jain2
1PG student, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, RV college of Engineering, Bengaluru
2Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, RV college of Engineering, Bengaluru
Abstract - A Cuk converter based EV (Electric Vehicle) However, the DBR (Diode Bridge Rectifier) fed PFC
battery charger is designed and developed in this work. It converter affects the charger efficiency due to significant
provides low cost and high-power density-based charging conduction loss incurred by the four input diodes. In this
solution for EV. This charger incorporates less number of context, various single phase unidirectional and
devices operating over one switching cycle, which reduces the bidirectional improved power quality-based converters
additional conduction loss incurred by a diode bridge rectifier have been analyzed in [3]. The buck and boost [4]
of conventional charger and hence, improves the charger converters are not the appropriate choices for PFC in EV
efficiency. During constant current and constant voltage charger due to the poor current shaping feature and duty
regions, the commands for battery charging, are cycle limitations, respectively. However, the bridgeless
synchronized by a flyback converter. The proposed charger buck-boost converter [5] offers the most attractive solution
draws a sinusoidal current from AC mains along with the for PFC in EV chargers as they can both buck and boost the
total harmonic distortion (THD) in supply current is reduced input voltage so wide range of duty cycle variation is
to the limits as per the IEC 61000-3-2 standard. The proposed available to control the charger output voltage. The
charger is designed in discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) different buck-boost configurations-based converters such
with the desirable inherent zero current switching operation as Cuk and SEPIC converters are described and analyzed in
and low reverse recovery losses in circuit diodes. The [6]. Nevertheless both, Cuk and SEPIC converters have low
proposed charger is tested to demonstrate the improved input current ripple and wide duty cycle variation is
power quality. Test results confirm the improved available for both the converters, still the SEPIC converter
performance of the proposed charger. has the limitation of discontinuous output current, unlike
Cuk converter. Therefore, Cuk converter provides more
Key Words: Bridgeless Cuk converter, Battery charger, feasible charging characteristics to the battery due to low
Power factor correction, Flyback converter, DCM, Power ripple in battery current.
Fardoun et al [7] have shown three topologies of bridgeless
Cuk converter with advantages such as lower input
1. INTRODUCTION current, less EMI and easy implementation. However, all
these topologies use large number of devices such as 2
In recent times, for the sustainable development of the
output capacitors in topology-2, which is also having the
modern transportation sector, battery powered electric
drawback of floating neutral due to arrangement of
vehicles (BEVs) are dominating over the conventional
switches for independent half of supply voltage. Moreover,
gasoline powered vehicles. The transportation
topology- 2, has the disadvantage of floating terminal for
electrification is the most feasible way to establish a clean
load between the two capacitors at output. Topologies-1
energy-based vehicle market since the power source used
and 3 suffer from the problem of circulating losses in the
to charge these batteries, is obtained from the electricity.
two halves of supply voltage due to common intermediate
To facilitate the battery charging, an AC-DC converter
capacitor terminal. To provide the in-built current shaping
based on board or off board charger is the significant
feature to the bridgeless PFC converter, average current
supporting equipment of the electric vehicle (EV) [1].
mode control and voltage follower mode control, are used.
However, the conventional battery charger for EV, has the
The PWM switching depends upon the selection of
drawbacks of poor performance in terms of power quality
converter mode of operation,i.e continuous conduction
and efficiency due to nonlinear behavior of input diode
mode and discontinuous conduction mode.
bridge rectifier, used at input AC-DC conversion stage. The
battery rating and the specifications of EV under test, are
given in Table-I. It is obvious from these recorded
waveforms that the performance of the DBR fed charger
does not comply with the international regulations such as
the IEC 6100-3-2 standard [2]. Therefore, to improve the
input power quality indices to the recommended
standard, the power factor correction converters (PFC),
are replacing the AC-DC conversion stage of the
conventional charger.

© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2654
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 07 | July 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

voltage regions using cascaded proportional integral (PI)


The operating principle of the proposed EV charger is
given in this section. Due to symmetry in waveforms,
only positive half cycle of BL converter is taken into
consideration, as depicted in Fig 3(a)-(c)
A. Operation of BL Cuk Converter
As shown in Figs. 3(a)-(c), the first mode of positive half
cycle operation (P-I) begins at t1, when gate pulse to the
switch S1 is applied. The current through the input inductor
Li1 rises linearly with the slope shown in Fig 2. The
intermediate capacitor C1 starts discharging through the
switch S1 and output inductor, Lo1, as shown in Fig3 (a).

Fig. 1 Proposed BL Cuk Coverter based EV Charger


To obtain a cost-effective charging solution, the converter

is selected to operate in DCM mode and voltage feedback
based PWM control is used owing to the use of single
sensor at output. To avoid the pulse bursting phenomenon
in DCM operation, the constant on-time control based
PWM switching is seldom used. However, the variable
duty cycle control based PWM switching is used in
proposed converter, due to the excellent current shaping
feature [8] and retaining the benefits of DCM operation
such as, zero current switching and no reverse recovery
loss in diodes. The flyback converter is also designed to
operate in DCM mode [9] with cascaded dual loop
controller, which controls the battery charging commands
during CC (Constant Current) and CV (Constant Voltage)
charging regions.

The DC link voltage of Cuk converter is controlled at 300V. Fig. 2 Associated switching behaviour of the different
A prototype is developed and the improved performance of
components over one switching cycle
proposed EV charger is demonstrated for steady state and
for fluctuations in AC voltages to charge a 48V, 100Ah lead
acid battery of EV.


The configuration of proposed power quality improved EV
charger is shown in Fig.2 which is composed of a bridgeless
(BL) Cuk power factor correction (PFC) converter and a
flyback converter. The proposed PFC Cuk converter
operates for positive half cycle with switch S1, input
inductor Li1, output diode Do1 and output inductor Lo1. (a)
Similar switching pattern is followed for next half cycle
with the switch S2, input inductor Li2, output diode Do2 and
inductor Lo2. The DC link voltage of PFC Cuk converter is
maintained constant using single loop voltage feedback
control, which reduces the charger cost due to use of single
voltage sensor. The flyback converter controls the battery
current for charging in constant current and constant

© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2655
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 07 | July 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

symbols and constants used in the calculation denote

same quantities as shown in Fig.1. Using the output
voltage VCuk and peak input voltage, Vspk of PFC Cuk
converter, the voltage conversion ratio, is given as,


Where Ke denotes conduction parameter of PFC

n is 1 for non-isolated cuk converter

(c) Table 1 Design of Proposed BL PFC Converter Based

Fig. 3 Circuit Operation of BL PFC Cuk Converter fed
EV Charger (a) Mode P-I (b) Mode P-II (c) Mode P-III

Mode P-II starts when the polarity of the capacitor C1

reverses as the gate pulses to the switch are made OFF
at the instant t2. The input inductor Li1 starts releasing
the stored energy through the capacitor C1, and the
diode Do1 of the converter, as shown in Fig. 4 (b). The
output inductor discharges through the output diode
and DC link capacitor CCuk. Now, at the instant t3, Mode
P-III begins when the current through the output
inductor becomes zero the output inductor Lo1 is
discharged completely, as obvious in Fig. 4 (c). During
this period, the Cuk converter operates in DCM mode 5. CONTROL OF PROPOSED EV CHARGER
and the flyback converter at the output of PFC Cuk
converter, gets the required power from the DC-link The DC link voltage of PFC cuk converter is maintained
Capacitor Ccuk. constant using single loop voltage feedback control,
which reduces the charger cost due to use of single
B. Operation of Flyback Converter voltage sensor. The governing equations for error, and
The operation of flyback converter is analyzed based
control signal at nth sampling instant, are given as
on DCM of magnetizing inductance of the high
frequency transformer (HFT). The current through
the magnetizing inductance Lmf rises linearly and it
stores the energy when the flyback switch Sf is made
ON. The output diode Df is reverse biased due to the
dot convention of HFT, during this instant. The output
power is delivered to the battery when the polarity of The gate pulses to Cuk converter switches S1,2 are
the HFT is reversed during switch OFF instant as the obtained after comparing the control signal Ccuk to a
output diode Df becomes forward biased. However, sawtooth carrier waveform Sc with higher frequency
when the magnetizing inductance is discharged fully, such as
during each switching cycle, the output capacitor Cbatt
provides the required battery charging current in CC

The proposed EV charger is designed in DCM mode
using the design expressions given in this section. The

© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2656
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 07 | July 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

MATLAB Simulink is a data flow graphical

Mag (% of fundamental)
programming language tool for modeling, simulating,
and analyzing dynamic systems.

Harmonic order

4 (c) Source current harmonics spectrum

B. Performance of Charger at Sudden Increase (270V)

A prototype of proposed charger is developed to
validate the power quality performance of proposed
EV charger to charge an EV battery in constant current
and constant voltage mode. The performance of
proposed BL Cuk PFC converter fed charger is
evaluated under the following subparts.
A. Performance of Charger at Steady State(220V)
The proposed EV charger performance is
demonstrated under steady state operation, as
depicted in Figs. 4 (a)-(c). It is evident in Figs that the
proposed Cuk converter is controlled at constant 300V
to maintain the required charging voltage at the 5(a) Input and Output side wave forms
battery terminals.
Signal Mag.

Time (sec)

5(b) Source current waveform

Mag (% of fundamental)

4 (a) Input and Output side wave forms

Signal Mag.

Time (sec) Harmonic order

4 (b) Source current waveform 5(c) Source current harmonics spectrum

© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2657
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 07 | July 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

C. Performance of Charger at Sudden Decrease (170V) PFC characteristics in DCM mode using single voltage
feedback control. Therefore, the size of the charger is
reduced. The proposed charger shows satisfactory charging
characteristics for steady state and sudden fluctuations in
source voltage. The charger shapes the mains current to
follow the mains voltage as well as the THD in supply
current is reduced as low as 2.8%, unlike the mains current
THD of 55.3% in conventional charger. Therefore, the
proposed charger offers the feasible EV charging alternative
for improved power quality and efficiency.


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A new BL Cuk converter based EV charger with less number
of components conducting over single switching cycle is
proposed. The proposed PFC Cuk converter offers excellent

© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2658

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