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City of Balanga

A Project Study on the


In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in

Mechanical Engineering for the subject Mechanical Engineering Project Study


Reyes, Sheena Mae A.

Castro, Carmella Mae B.
Magat, Renz Michael S.
Nisay, Justin Arvin J.
Banzon, Gel Michael I.
Vallester, Nhel Raynard O.
Castillo, Cleford Ryan C.
Dela Rosa, Evanderf S.
Inocencio, Thomas Dello O.
Baluyut, Christian S.

April 30, 2018


This is to certify that we have supervised the preparation of and read the project
study prepared by Sheena Mae A. Reyes, Carmella Mae B. Castro, Renz
Michael S. Magat, Justin Arvin J. Nisay, Nhel Raynard O. Vallester, Gel
Michael I. Banzon, Cleford Ryan C. Castillo, Evanderf S. Dela Rosa, Thomas
Dello O. Inocencio, Christian S. Baluyut entitled Development of a
Dried/Smoked Fish Processor, and that the said project study has been
submitted for final examination by the Oral Examination Committee.

___________________________ ________________________
Engr. Dan William C. Martinez John Ryan C. Dizon, Ph.D.
Technical Adviser Project Study Adviser

As members of the Oral Examination Committee, we certify that we have

examined this project study, presented before the committee on April 30, 2018,
and hereby recommend that it be accepted as fulfillment for the project study
requirement for the degree in BS in Mechanical Engineering.

___________________________ ________________________
Engr. Jordan Teodoro D. Pascual Engr. Brian J. Tuazon
Panel Member Committee Chairman

This project study is hereby approved and accepted by the BS Mechanical

Engineering Department as fulfillment for the project study requirement for the
degree in BS Mechanical Engineering.

__________________________ ________________________
Engr. Arman Ray N. Nisay Engr. Nelson S. Andres
Department Chair Dean


April 30, 2018

Dr. John Ryan C. Dizon

Project Study Adviser
BS Mechanical Engineering Department
College of Engineering and Architecture
Bataan Peninsula State University
Balanga City, 2100 Philippines

Dear Sir:

In accordance with your guidance and instruction and in partial fulfillment of the
subject MEPS 523 (Project Study), we are submitting to you this project study, the study
contains the necessary elements in fabricating and designing an economical device
entitled as “Combined Fish Drying and Smoking Processor Development”.

The fabricated device is expected to function on a more efficient way of

drying and smoking of certain types of fish. This project has its objective to help
business to increase their product output and income, to develop a device that
reduce the use of fuel but maximize the consumption.

The proponents hope that this project study will meet the standards and
preferential consideration that will gain your approval.


Reyes, Sheena Mae A. Castro, Carmella Mae B.

Magat, Renz Michael S. Nisay, Justin Arvin J.

Vallester, NhelRaynard O. Banzon, Gel Michael I.

Castillo, Cleford Ryan C. Inocencio, Thomas Dello O.

Dela Rosa, Evanderf S. Baluyut, Christian S.


Title Page i

Approval Sheet ii

Letter of Transmittal iii

Table of Contents iv

List of Tables v

List of Figures vi

Nomenclature viii

Abstract ix

Chapter I: Introduction 1

1.1 Background of the Study 2

1.1.2 Drying and Smoking Process 4

1.2 Statement of the Problem 5

1.3 Significance of the Study 5

1.4 Objectives of the Study 6

1.5 Scope and Delimitations 6

Chapter II: Review of Related Literatures 8

2.1 Common Methods in Fish Drying 9

2.2 Recent Dryer Technology in the Philippines 10

2.2.1 Davao Firm Develops Cabinet Solar Dryer 10

2.2.2 Solar-Powered Fish Dryers to Help More 11

‘Daing’ Sellers In The Future

2.3 Related Studies and Patents 11

2.3.1 Low Cost Solar Dryer for Fish 11

2.3.2 Hybrid Food Drying System 11

2.3.3 Fabrication and Performance Assessment 12

of a Locally Developed Fish Smoking Kiln

2.3.4 Effective Fish Smoking Kiln for 13

Developing Country

Chapter III: Theoretical Framework 15

3.1 Thermodynamics 16

3.2. Heat Transfer & Heat Transfer Devices 17

3.2.1 Modes of Heat Transfer 17

3.2.2 Heat Transfer Devices 18

3.3 Combustion 20

3.3.1 Combustion Reaction 20

3.4. Material Science 20

3.4.1Thermal Properties 21

3.5 Machine Design/Strength of Materials 22

3.6 Ichthyology 23

Chapter IV: Methodology 25

4.1 Methodological Framework 26

4.2 Data Collection 27

4.3 Design Preparation 27
4.4 Prototype Fabrication 27
4.5 Testing and Evaluation 28
4.5.1 Test of smoking process 28
4.5.2 Test of drying process 29
4.6 Modification and Re-Evaluation 30
4.7 Finalization of Design and Documentation 30

Chapter V: Results and Discussion

5.1 Design Concepts Considered 32

5.1.1 First Conceptual Design Considered 33

5.1.2 Second Conceptual Design Considered 34

5.1.3 Third Conceptual Design Considered 35

5.2 Recommended Design Concept 37

5.2.1 Design Description 37

5.3 Analytical Investigations 40

5.3.1 Temperature Measurement at Different Parts 40 Temperature of Furnace 40 Temperature of Smoking Chamber 41 Temperature of Drying Chamber 42 Temperature of Exhaust 44

vi Temperature of Environment 45 Temperature Gradient of the Device 47

5.3.2 Heat Analysis of the device 47 Heat Loss from the excess exhaust Gases 47 Heat absorbed by the fish drying chamber 48 Heat Loss from the Dryer 50 Heat Loss from the smoking chamber 51 Heat Loss from the furnace 52

5.3.3 Weight Analysis 54 Weight Removed of Fish 54 Percentage of Weight Remained 55

After Treating

5.3.4 Comparison of Quality 56 Smoked Fish Comparison
56 Dried Fish Comparison 57

5.4 TESTING 59
5.4.1 Testing Procedures

5.4.2 Testing Results 60

5.5 Key Advantages over Current Technology 62

5.6 Material Costing 63

CHAPTER VI: Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation 64

6.1 Summary 65

6.2 Conclusions 66

6.3 Recommendation 67






Figure 1.1 Illustration of Herring 3

Figure 1.2 Graph of Global Capture of Herrings by PAO 4

Figure 2.1 Smoking Kiln 14

Figure 2.2 Fish Smoking Kiln for Developing Country 15

Figure 4.1 Methodology 28

Figure 5.1 First Design Concept 35

Figure 5.2 Second Design Concept 36

Figure 5.3 Final Design Concept 37

Figure 5.4 Recommended Design 39

Figure 5.5 Two Dimensional of Steel Drum 40

Figure 5.6 Two Dimensional of Fish Drying Chamber 41

Figure 5.7 Three Dimensional of the Recommended Design 41

Figure 5.8 Temperature Gradient of External Surface of the Prototype 47

Figure 5.9 Weight Percentage of Sun Drying and Dryer 54

Figure 5.10 Comparison of Mean Score of Smoke fish 56

Figure 5.11 Comparison of Mean Score of Dried Fish 57

Figure 5.12 Smoked Fish before Testing 58

Figure 5.13 Smoked Fish after Testing 59

Figure 5.14 Dried Fish before Testing 59

Figure 5.15 Dried Fish after Testing 60


Table 3.1 Different Thermal Conductivity of Insulate and Conductive 22


Table 3.2 Characteristics of Fresh and Spoiled Fish 25

Table 4.1 Experimental Design for Smoking 30

Table 4.2 Experimental Design for Drying 31

Table 4.3 Comparison of Experimental Design 31

Table 5.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Conceptual 38

Designs Considered

Table 5.2 Mean temperature of Furnace 42

Table 5.3 Mean Temperature of Smoking Chamber 43

Table 5.4 Mean Temperature of Drying Chamber 44

Table 5.5 Mean Temperature of Exhaust gas 45

Table 5.6 Mean Temperature of Environment 46

Table 5.7 Weight of fish per Time 53

Table 5.8 Mean Score of smoked fish 56

Table 5.9 Mean Score of Dried Fish 56

Table 5.10 Cost of Fabrication for Prototype (Individual Production) 61


tfurnace = mean temperature of furnace, ºC

tsc = mean temperature of smoking chamber, ºC
tdc = mean temperature of drying chamber, ºC
texhaust = mean temperature of smoking kiln, ºC
tat = mean temperature of ambient temperature, ºC
w = weight percentage

Heat Loss from the excess exhaust Gases

Q – Heat transferred, kw
m – Mass of flue gas, kg
T1 – Outside temperature, ºC
CT2 – Inside temperature, ºC
Cp – Specific heat of the material, ºC

Heat absorbed by the drying chamber

Q – Heat absorb, kw
A - Wall area of the drying chamber, m2
T1 – Environment temperature, C
T2 – Outside temperature, C
X – Thickness of the wall, m
k – Thermal Conductivity, W/ m.K

Heat Loss from the Dryer

Q – Heat transferred, kw
A – Total surface Area, m2
T1 – Outside surface temperature, C
T2 – Inside surface temperature, C
X – Thickness of the walls, m
k – Thermal Conductivity, W/ m.K
Heat Loss from the smoking chamber & furnace
Q – Heat transferred, kw
A - Wall area of the smoking chamber, m2
T1 – Outside surface temperature, C
T2 – Inside surface temperature, C
X – Thickness of the wall, m
k – Thermal Conductivity K/m.K


Preserved fish products namely “tuyo” and “tinapa” are the main products
in which Balanga City is known for. However, in the process of making the two
products, the utilization of fuel in smoking process and the time needed in the
drying process can be further improved.

This project entitled “Development of a Dried/Smoked Fish Processor”

aims to combine the two processes in a single device to utilize the supposed
heat loss in the fish smoking process by using the excess flue gas as heat
source in drying process which can also improve the fish drying time.

The device was tested for its utilization of heat losses from the fish
smoking process by heat analysis and calculations, the drying efficiency of the
drying chamber of the device by weight analysis of the products and the
capabilities of producing preserved fish products similar to products available in
the market by surveying and comparing to certain qualities of the products.

The fabricated device was able to utilize 7 % of the supposed heat loss
from the fish smoking process and able to use it for the fish drying process. In
terms of the drying process, the device was able to achieve the acceptable
weight of dried fish with only 25% of the time the normal sun drying method can.
And based from the surveyed people, the quality of products in terms of color,
odor, texture and taste are almost similar with not more than 5% difference in the
said categories.

With these, the fabricated device met the desired results set by the


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