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Kenya Distribution Master Plan

The Kenya Power & Lighting

Company Limited

Final Report

Volume I

Distribution Master Plan


April 2013
Distribution Master Plan Study

Final Report

Volume I

Distribution Master Plan Report

April 2013

Prepared for
The Kenya Power & Lighting Company Limited

Prepared by
Parsons Brinckerhoff
Kenya Distribution Master Plan

Overall Study Contents

Volume I: Distribution Master Plan Report

Volume II: Design Manual

Volume III: Environmental Impact Assessment Scoping Report

Report Title : Distribution Master Plan Report

Report Status : Final

Job No : 3511648A

Date : April 2013

Prepared by : Authors listed below

Checked by : M. Fraser

Approved by : K. Jackson

Document History and Status

Date of Issue Prepared By: Checked By: Approved By:

M Fraser
O. Nanka-Bruce
A Topari
G Vukojevic
2 4 April 2013 M Safranek M. Fraser K. Jackson
L Veitch
J Kuchimanchi
B Brewin
E Tyldesley

1 6 February 2013

19 November


1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 1.1

1.1 Key Drivers ............................................................................................................ 1.1
1.2 Study Documents ................................................................................................... 1.1

2 BACKGROUND ..................................................................................................... 2.1

2.1 Electricity Sector .................................................................................................... 2.1
2.2 Distribution Network Configuration.......................................................................... 2.2
2.3 On-going Projects .................................................................................................. 2.5
2.4 Network Planning Issues ........................................................................................ 2.5

3 MASTER PLAN APPROACH ................................................................................ 3.1

3.1 Overview................................................................................................................ 3.1
3.2 Counterpart Team .................................................................................................. 3.2
3.3 Data Gathering....................................................................................................... 3.2
3.4 Software Selection ................................................................................................. 3.2
3.5 Network Modelling and Assessment of Existing Networks....................................... 3.2
3.6 County Visits .......................................................................................................... 3.3
3.7 Demand Forecasting .............................................................................................. 3.3
3.8 Short-medium term planning .................................................................................. 3.3
3.9 Long term planning ................................................................................................ 3.3

4 DEMAND FORECAST ........................................................................................... 4.1

4.1 Background ............................................................................................................ 4.1
4.2 LCPDP Demand Forecast ...................................................................................... 4.1
4.3 Deriving the LCPDP Demand Forecast................................................................... 4.4
4.4 County Statistics .................................................................................................... 4.7
4.5 County Demand Forecast ..................................................................................... 4.14
4.6 Disaggregation to Substation Level ...................................................................... 4.17

5 PLANNING CRITERIA AND GUIDELINES ............................................................ 5.1

5.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 5.1
5.2 Planning Criteria..................................................................................................... 5.1
5.3 Planning Guidelines ............................................................................................... 5.5
5.4 Planning Recommendations ................................................................................. 5.15

Distribution Master Plan Report Prepared for KPLC

Final Report
6 DESIGN STANDARDS .......................................................................................... 6.1
6.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 6.1
6.2 DSGM Review ....................................................................................................... 6.1
6.3 Draft Design Manual............................................................................................... 6.1
6.4 Implementation of Design Manual .......................................................................... 6.3
6.5 Prospective Additional Scope ................................................................................. 6.4

7 NETWORK DATA AND MODELLING ................................................................... 7.1

7.1 Network Data and Assumptions.............................................................................. 7.1
7.2 Network Models ..................................................................................................... 7.1

8 ASSESSMENT OF EXISTING NETWORKS .......................................................... 8.1

8.1 General .................................................................................................................. 8.1
8.2 Nairobi Region ....................................................................................................... 8.1
8.3 Mount Kenya Region .............................................................................................. 8.6
8.4 Coast Region ......................................................................................................... 8.9
8.5 Western Region ................................................................................................... 8.11

9 SHORT-MEDIUM TERM PLAN.............................................................................. 9.1

9.1 Basis for Expansion Plan........................................................................................ 9.1
9.2 Nairobi Region ....................................................................................................... 9.1
9.3 Mount Kenya Region ............................................................................................ 9.10
9.4 Coast Region ....................................................................................................... 9.19
9.5 Western Region ................................................................................................... 9.27


10.1 Background .......................................................................................................... 10.1
10.2 Purpose of this Scoping Report and Approach to the Scoping Study..................... 10.1
10.3 Distribution Master Plan Project Activities ............................................................. 10.2
10.4 Consultation ......................................................................................................... 10.2
10.5 Likely Environmental and Social Impacts of Distribution Master Plan Projects....... 10.3
10.6 Mitigation and Monitoring ..................................................................................... 10.4
10.7 Environmental and Social Capacity Building ......................................................... 10.4

11 INTERCONNECTION OF OFF-GRID AREAS ..................................................... 11.1

11.1 Off-Grid Power Plants .......................................................................................... 11.1
11.2 Relevant Transmission Network Developments .................................................... 11.3
11.3 Assessment of Grid Connection ........................................................................... 11.3
11.4 Summary of results .............................................................................................. 11.8

12 LONG TERM PLAN AND INVESTMENT PLAN .................................................. 12.1

Distribution Master Plan Report Prepared for KPLC

Final Report
12.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 12.1
12.2 Generic Models .................................................................................................... 12.1
12.3 Investment Plan ................................................................................................... 12.7

13 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................... 13.1

13.1 Conclusions ......................................................................................................... 13.1
13.2 Recommendations ............................................................................................... 13.3


Distribution Master Plan Report Prepared for KPLC

Final Report

ADMD After Diversity Maximum Demand

AVR Automatic Voltage Regulator
BBHs Branch Business Heads
BSP Bulk Supply Point
CAA Civil Aviation Authority
CT Current Transformer
DSGM Distribution Standards and Guidelines Manual
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
EMCA Environmental Management and Coordination Act 1999
EN European Standards
ERC Energy Regulatory Commission
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
ESMP Environmental & Social Management Plan
ESRP Energy Sector Recovery Project
FDB Facilities Database
GDC Geothermal Development Company
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GIS Geographic Information System
GWh Gigawatt-hour
HH Howard Humphreys
HV High Voltage
Hz Hertz
ICT Information and Communication Technology
IEC International Electro-technical Commission
IPP Independent Power Producer
KEEP Kenya Electricity Expansion Project
KenGen Kenya Generating Company
KeNHA Kenya National Highways Authority
KenInvest Kenya Investment Authority
KEPSA Kenya Private Sector Alliance
KeRRA Kenya Rural Roads Authority
KETRACO Kenya Electricity Transmission Co. Ltd
KFS Kenya Forestry Service

Distribution Master Plan Report Prepared for KPLC

Final Report
KPLC Kenya Power and Light Company (Kenya Power)
KNBS Kenya National Bureau of Statistics
KSh Kenyan Shillings
KURA Kenya Urban Roads Authority
kV Kilovolt
kW Kilo-Watt
kWh Kilo-Watt-hour
KWS Kenya Wildlife Service
LCPDP Least Cost Power Development Plan
LRMC Long Run Marginal Cost
LV Low Voltage
MoE Ministry of Energy
MoK Museums of Kenya
MV Medium Voltage
MVA Mega-Volt Ampere
MW Mega-Watt
NCC National Control Centre
NEMA National Environmental Management Authority
NOPs Normally Open Points
OFAF Oil Forced, Air Forced
O&M Operation and Maintenance
OHL Overhead Lines
PAP Project Affected Person
PB Parsons Brinckerhoff
Pf Power Factor
PPA Power Purchase Agreement
PU Per Unit
PV Photovoltaic
RCC Regional Control Centre
REA Rural Electrification Authority
REM Rural Electrification Masterplan
SAIDI System Average Interruption Duration Index
SAIFI System Average Interruption Frequency Index
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
SHE Safety, Health and Environment

Distribution Master Plan Report Prepared for KPLC

Final Report
SVC Static VAR Compensator
TANESCO Tanzania Electric Supply Company
ToR Terms of Reference
UETCL Uganda Electricity Transmission Company
USD United States Dollar
VA Volt-Ampere
VT Voltage Transformer

Distribution Master Plan Report Prepared for KPLC

Final Report



Parsons Brinckerhoff (PB) was appointed by The Kenya Power & Lighting Company Limited (KPLC) to conduct a
Distribution Master Plan Study to address the country’s distribution requirements up to 2030.

The main objectives of the study were to;

conduct a detailed assessment of KPLC’s distribution system requirements over the 2012-2030
planning period and develop a Distribution Master Plan and

undertake an environmental scoping study for the investments recommended in the short-medium term
(3-5 years).

Investment Requirements

The study indicates the need for the following investment in distribution infrastructure:

A. Short-medium term investment

1. Proposed 66 kV and 33 kV investment

The study identifies the need for approximately 300, 66 kV and 33 kV distribution projects beyond those that are
already committed or under construction, for completion over the 2013-2017 period. The estimated investment
required for the 66 kV and 33 kV projects over the 2013 – 207 period is $ 149 million as indicated in Table E-1-1.
Details of the proposed projects are provided in the report.

Table E-1-1: Proposed 66 kV and 33 kV investment in short-medium term (USD ‘000)

Substation/Feeder Project Status 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Grand Total

Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Proposed 3,110 9,698 20,269 17,714 7,107 57,899

Primary substations Proposed 5,454 15,983 21,211 28,004 20,640 91,291

Grand Total 8,564 25,681 41,480 45,718 27,746 149,189

2. Proposed Bulk Supply Point (BSP) investment

Table E-1-2 shows an estimated investment requirement in new BSPs and reinforcement of existing BSPs
(beyond the committed BSP projects) of $107 million over the 2013-2017 period. This is for the BSP substations
only and does not include the cost of transmission lines required to connect the new BSPs to the grid.

Table E-1-2: Proposed BSP investment in short-medium term (USD ‘000)

Substation/Feeder Project Status 2014 2015 2016 2017 Grand Total

Bulk Supply Points Proposed 16,728 35,717 39,980 15,002 107,428

Distribution Master Plan Study Prepared for KPLC

Final Report

3. Estimated 11 kV and LV investment

The above figures do not include investment at the 11 kV and LV levels. Due to the scale of these networks it
was not practical to model them in their entirety. The estimated investment costs at these voltage levels were
calculated based on representative 11 kV and LV networks. The estimated level of investment is shown in Table
E-1-3. and is considerably more than that required at 66 kV and 33 kV. This difference is primarily due to the
scale of the infrastructure at these voltage levels. The cost of all 33/0.433 kV and 11/0.433 kV distribution
transformers is included within these figures.

Table E-1-3: Estimated 11 kV and LV investment in short-medium term (USD million)

Equipment 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

11 kV and LV networks (including all 174 406 401 277 335

distribution transformers)

B. Long-term investment

The estimated long term annual investment in all distribution infrastructure from 66 kV to LV is indicated in Table

Table E-1-4: Estimated long term investment - 66 kV – LV (USD million)

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030

407 420 496 538 604 676 791 893 992 1,119 1,272 1,437 1,611

Key Drivers

Development of the power sector in Kenya is underpinned by Vision 2030, which is Kenya’s development
blueprint covering the period 2008 to 2030. The objective of Vision 2030 is to help transform Kenya into a
“middle-income country providing a high quality of life to all of its citizens by the year 2030”. It identifies energy
and electricity as a key element of Kenya’s sustained economic growth and transformation.

The power sector in Kenya requires high levels of investment to ensure that the rapidly growing demand is
adequately met. Major investments are being made in generation and transmission, however for benefits to be
realised, similar levels of investment are required in the distribution sub-sector. It is essential that this investment
is carefully planned to ensure efficient use of scarce resources.

Under the new constitution, power will be devolved to each of the forty seven counties. This is expected to result
in more equitable sharing of resources across the country, with increased levels of investment particularly in the
more remote counties that have historically been neglected. There exist wide ranging levels of household
electrification across the country, from around 75 % of households in Nairobi County to less than 2 % of

Distribution Master Plan Study Prepared for KPLC

Final Report

households in Tana River County1. Electrification levels are increasing across the country and following
devolution, it is expected that the rate of increase will be highest in those counties that are currently poorly served
with electricity infrastructure.

The Distribution Master Plan includes a forecast of electricity demand for each of the counties and identifies the
distribution infrastructure required to meet that demand, whilst achieving acceptable levels of power quality and
reliability, based on well established principles of least-cost planning.


Throughout the period of the Master Plan Study, there was close collaboration between the PB team and the
KPLC counterpart team. The process as shown in Figure E.1 began with a detailed data gathering exercise at
central, regional and sub-regional level.

Figure E.1: Distribution Master Plan Process

Planning and design Off-grid Generic

Data gathering guidelines assessment networks
at central and
regional level

Assess existing Short-medium term

Software selection Network modelling Long term plan
Network issues planning studies

Demand Investment plan


County level meetings (in each of the 47 counties Localised technical DISTRIBUTION
Hosted by KPLC BBHs) issues MASTER PLAN

ESIA scoping
3 week intensive training course in UK
Including visits to industry

Detailed interaction with counterparts

The scope of the study included provision of suitable software to conduct the detailed network analysis and to
provide an ongoing tool for KPLC to use in the future. Selection and procurement of the software was conducted
in parallel with data gathering.

This was followed by network modelling and assessment of existing network issues and constraints, leading to
short-medium term planning studies covering the period from 2012-2017. The network modelling and analysis
for the various KPLC regions was conducted in parallel in order to minimise the time required for these detailed,
data-intensive tasks.

Based on the 2009 Kenya Population and Housing Census Report

Distribution Master Plan Study Prepared for KPLC

Final Report

Apart from the network data and models, key inputs to the planning studies were; the demand forecast and the
planning and design guidelines.

Long term planning was based on the development of ‘generic networks’ to represent the different typical network
topologies, i.e. urban, rural, Nairobi and off-grid configurations. These were used along with the county level
demand forecast to determine the longer term investment requirements.

A key aspect of the Master Plan study was consultation at a county level. This was used to inform the
Environmental Impact Assessment scoping studies and also provided valuable insights into technical issues at a
local level.

The Master Plan study draws together the key aspects of the assignment which are briefly described below.

Counterpart Team
An important factor leading to the successful completion of the Master Plan Study was the appointment by KPLC
of a dedicated team of knowledgeable counterparts. The counterpart team was pivotal during the data gathering
stage and provided invaluable local knowledge during development of the short-medium term plans.

The assignment included an intensive three-week training course in the UK for the counterparts. This covered
most of the key aspects of the study and included hands-on training in the use of the network planning software.

Data Gathering
Data gathering was conducted at central, regional and sub-regional level. County level meetings were also held
as described below.

Initial data collection was conducted at KPLC’s central offices in Nairobi. This included centrally stored network
data and diagrams, relevant reports, branch sales data and relevant information from Kenya National Bureau of
Statistics (KNBS). The initial data gathering stage was followed in April with data gathering at the regional and
sub-regional level. This was conducted in three teams, each comprising members from the PB and KPLC
counterpart study teams. The teams covered the various KPLC regions as follows:

Nairobi Region

Coast and Mt. Kenya Regions

Western Region

The data obtained in the regions and sub-regions was used to try to complete the many gaps in the data obtained
initially from the central offices. Most of the remaining gaps were resolved through collaboration with the KPLC
counterpart team, thereby minimising the number of assumptions that needed to be made with respect to the
network models.

Software Selection
The scope of the study included the procurement of a suitable software package, both for conducting the network
analysis during the study and for handing over to KPLC at the end of the study. Two potential software packages
were assessed and following a presentation by PB, KPLC chose NEPLAN.

Distribution Master Plan Study Prepared for KPLC

Final Report

Network Modelling and Assessment of Existing Networks

The next stage was to develop detailed NEPLAN models of the 33 kV and 66 kV networks. These were initially
used to assess the performance of the existing networks in each of the four KPLC regions and to identify specific
network constraints. Representative 11 kV feeders were also modelled and assessed using NEPLAN.

County Visits
Stakeholder meetings were held within each of the 47 counties, in order to gather data for the EIA scoping study
and to understand key technical issues at a county level. County meetings were initially held in three ‘pilot’
counties. Following the pilot meetings, the agenda was refined and used as the basis for the remaining

Demand Forecasting
The demand forecast contained within the Least Cost Power Development Plan (LCPDP) dated March 2011 was
used for the study. This was disaggregated to county level using a process that is described in detail in this
report. County demand growth rates were applied to the respective substations to determine substation
demands for the network studies. County growth rates were also used to determine investment requirements at a
county level.

Network expansion planning

The NEPLAN models were used in conjunction with GIS mapping to produce detailed short-medium term
expansion plans for the 66 kV and 33 kV networks in each of the four KPLC regions.

Generic or typical network configurations were developed to derive average incremental investment costs ($/kW)
for the various network topologies; urban, rural, Nairobi and off-grid. The county demand growth rates were then
used to calculate long term investment requirements.

The investment required at 11 kV and LV was determined at a county level both in the short-medium term and
long term using the average incremental cost approach.


The main conclusions that may be drawn from the study are briefly described below.

Short-Medium Term Plan

A short-medium term (2013-2017) distribution network reinforcement and expansion plan was developed for each
of the regions. This plan is based on detailed network analysis and identifies proposed 66 kV and 33 kV projects
that are required beyond the ongoing and committed projects. The need for additional BSPs, beyond the
committed transmission projects, and reinforcement of existing BSPs in order to support the distribution network
has also been identified.

The need for the projects is driven by the demand forecast which has been disaggregated to county level and
then applied to the individual substations across the network. The proposed projects should be considered to be
the minimum requirement to meet the forecast demand whilst complying with the planning criteria.

Across the network a total of approximately 300 projects are proposed for completion by 2017. These include
66 kV and 33 kV feeders, new and reinforced substations and reactive compensation. The estimated total
investment cost of these projects is $ 149 million. A further $ 107 million is required for new BSPs and

Distribution Master Plan Study Prepared for KPLC

Final Report

reinforcement of existing BSPs over the same period. The corresponding investment in the 11 kV and LV
networks is included in the overall investment plan described below.

Interconnection of Off-grid Areas

The national grid does not currently extend to all parts of Kenya, and large parts of the country, particularly in the
north, remain off-grid. The total energy generated by the off-grid diesel power plants is relatively low, and for the
year 2010/11 represented just 0.8 % of the total electricity sales in the country.

Studies were conducted to assess the technical requirements and economic viability of extending the grid to each
of the off-grid areas. The studies include a comparison of the levelised cost of electricity for the grid connected
and off-grid options. The results indicate an economic case for extension of the grid to; Lodwar, Marsabit, Wajir,
Habaswein and Hola.2 These sites would be interconnected to the grid through extension of the transmission
network and therefore these projects are not included within the list of proposed distribution projects.

Environmental Impact Assessment

Environmental impact assessment scoping studies have been conducted for the projects proposed in the
Distribution Master Plan.

The scoping studies provide an initial assessment of the potential environmental and social impacts associated
with each of the projects currently proposed. The assessment has been based on desk study data used to
inform the county level baseline summaries as well as on feedback obtained from the in-county consultation
meetings. The impacts (and associated mitigation proposals) are necessarily high level since the exact project
locations and extents are as yet to be determined.

Based on the consultation feedback and high level assessments conducted to date, the negative impacts of
many of the proposed projects are expected to be minimal and the overall benefits of the projects are expected to
greatly outweigh the adverse impacts.

The EIA Scoping Report is intended to provide a basis for project-specific discussions with the relevant
authorities and stakeholders to help determine whether an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is required
for each of the projects which come forward as part of the Distribution Master Plan.

Long Term Plan and Investment Plan

Generic models were developed to represent typical rural, urban and off-grid areas. These models were used to
derive average incremental investment costs which were applied to the demand forecast to obtain estimated long
term investment requirements for each of the counties.

The specific projects identified through detailed network studies only cover 66 kV and 33 kV network
requirements. The generic models were therefore also used to derive corresponding investments requirements
for the 11 kV and LV networks.

The total distribution infrastructure investment requirements for each county are provided in the report. This
includes estimated investment requirements for;

Garissa and Lamu were excluded from this analysis as there are ongoing projects to connect these areas to the grid.

Distribution Master Plan Study Prepared for KPLC

Final Report

the specific proposed short-medium term (2013-2017) 66 kV and 33 kV projects. Note that this
excludes the costs associated with committed distribution projects,

the estimated 11 kV and LV investment required in the short-medium term based on the generic
models and

the total estimated distribution investment requirements in the long term (2018-2030), based on the
generic models.

The total annual investment in distribution infrastructure increases from $ 183 million in 2013 to $ 1.6 billion by
2030. The net present value of this investment at a discount rate of 12 % is $3.9 billion3.


Planning Data
During the data collection phase of this project it was observed that essential network planning data is not always
readily available. In order to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the network planning process, it is
essential that improvements are made in the quality and accessibility of network and metering information
available to the planning department.

KPLC’s network database was found to be only 60-70 % complete and in many cases conflicts were found
between the database and network schematics. For effective planning, it is important that the database and
schematics reflect as closely as possible the state of the network.

The lack of consistent primary substation and feeder load information is a significant issue and one that should
be addressed in order to improve the planning process and assist with prudent investment decisions.

Coordinated Approach
Distribution planning by necessity should be done at the local level within each region. Knowledge of the local
conditions, customers, and the existing network are all vital to distribution planning engineers. However there
should be a similar approach throughout the KPLC offices, applying national standards and planning criteria.

Currently, there is a wide variance in terms of training, tools, experience, and methodology of distribution
planning across the regions.

Standardised Planning
Procedures should be implemented and regular training provided to ensure that they are widely understood and
applied. Additionally, feedback from all regions should be used to update the standards and guidelines as

Planning and Analysis Software

Implementation of planning and analysis software such as NEPLAN needs to be part of the overall
implementation of a coordinated network planning process. These packages are tools for planners to evaluate
different present and future scenarios to arrive at an optimum solution. However, without a coordinated network
planning process, these tools are of little benefit.

In money of 2012.

Distribution Master Plan Study Prepared for KPLC

Final Report

It is recommended that KPLC invests further in training for distribution planning and that this training is rolled out
to each of the regions.

It is recommended that KPLC expands the use of NEPLAN to distribution planning engineers throughout Kenya
and continues the development of the network models. They need to be maintained in a controlled centralised
manner, ensuring that all network changes are captured.

Dedicated Distribution Planning Section

KPLC should establish a dedicated central distribution planning section. This section would be responsible for;

Ensuring that network planning data is as complete and accurate as possible.

Ensuring a coordinated approach to planning across the regions.

Controlling the use of network planning software models across the regions.

Design Manual
The new Design Manual is a draft document and should be reviewed by KPLC before using it for network design.
The existing DSGM is likely to have evolved over some considerable time and may in many respects provide
adequate guidance.

The new Design Manual covers a number of areas as described above, including aspects not covered in the
DSGM. It is recommended that the new Design Manual is adopted over time. Some aspects may be found by
KPLC to be more useful and applicable than others and therefore is suggested that the document is gradually
amended and increasingly adopted by KPLC.

The report includes recommendations for training workshops associated with the Design Manual and also
includes recommendations for the development of related documentation including; construction and
maintenance manuals and technical specifications.

Updating the Distribution Master Plan

The Master Plan is based on many assumptions, not least the demand forecast. It should be reviewed annually
and modified as necessary to reflect changes in the underlying assumptions. The network planning software
(NEPLAN) provides the flexibility to readily incorporate changes and assess new requirements.

Distribution Master Plan Study Prepared for KPLC

Final Report


Parsons Brinckerhoff (PB) was appointed by The Kenya Power & Lighting Company Limited (KPLC) to conduct a
Distribution Master Plan Study to address the country’s distribution requirements up to 2030.

The main objectives of the study were to;

conduct a detailed assessment of KPLC’s distribution system requirements over the 2012-2030
planning period and develop a Distribution Master Plan and

undertake an environmental scoping study for the investments recommended in the short-medium term
(3-5 years).

1.1 Key Drivers

Development of the power sector in Kenya is underpinned by Vision 2030, which is Kenya’s development
blueprint covering the period 2008 to 2030. The objective of Vision 2030 is to help transform Kenya into a,
“middle-income country providing a high quality of life to all of its citizens by the year 2030”. It identifies energy
and electricity as a key element of Kenya’s sustained economic growth and transformation.

The power sector in Kenya requires high levels of investment to ensure that the rapidly growing demand is
adequately met. Major investments are being made in generation and transmission, however for benefits to be
realised, similar levels of investment are required in the distribution sub-sector. It is essential that this investment
is carefully planned to ensure efficient use of scarce resources.

Under the new constitution, power will be devolved to each of the forty seven counties. This is expected to result
in more equitable sharing of resources across the country, with increased levels of investment particularly in the
more remote counties that have historically been neglected. There exist wide ranging levels of household
electrification across the country, from around 75 % of households in Nairobi County to less than 2 % of
households in Tana River County4. Electrification levels are increasing across the country and following
devolution, it is expected that the rate of increase will be highest in those counties that are currently poorly served
with electricity infrastructure.

The Distribution Master Plan includes a forecast of electricity demand for each of the counties and identifies the
distribution infrastructure required to meet that demand, whilst achieving acceptable levels of power quality and
reliability, based on well established principles of least-cost planning.

1.2 Study Documents

The study documents have been compiled in three volumes as follows:

Volume I: Distribution Master Plan Report

Volume II: Design Manual

Volume III: Scoping Studies for Environmental Impact Assessment

Based on the 2009 Kenya Population and Housing Census Report

Distribution Master Plan Study Prepared for KPLC

Final Report Page 1.1
This report (Volume I), documents the work undertaken to produce a distribution master plan for Kenya and
includes a section to cover each of the main aspects of the study.

The first sections include a brief description of the distribution system in Kenya and describe the approach taken
by PB to conduct the study. The following section describes the demand forecast on which the Master Plan
Study was based and the process by which the national forecast was disaggregated to county level. The next
two sections cover planning criteria and design standards respectively. These also make reference to a Design
Manual which has been produced as a separate volume. These are followed by sections covering network data,
modelling and technical assessment of the existing networks. Network development in the short-medium term is
then covered in detail, including network planning studies spanning the first five years of the planning period.
The next section of the report includes a summary of the scoping study for the Environmental Impact
Assessment. The full scoping study is included in a separate volume. This is followed by a section which
considers extension of the grid to areas that are presently off-grid and includes technical and economic
assessment of grid extension versus continuing with off-grid solutions. The report then covers the approach to
long-term planning. The results of the short-medium term and long-term distribution network development plans
are brought together in the form of an investment plan, which identifies the projected investment requirements for
each of the counties over the planning period.

Distribution Master Plan Study Prepared for KPLC

Final Report Page 1.2



2.1 Electricity Sector

Figure 2-1 provides an overview of the Electricity Sector in Kenya and shows the relationships between the key

Figure 2-1: Kenya Electricity Sector

Ministry of Energy Policy Direction

Energy Regulatory Commission

KenGen GDC IPPs Enforce License Requirements


PPA and Bulk Tariff Approval

UETCL KPLC Rural Electrification Projects Electrification
Imports/Exports Authority

Retail Tariff Approval

Retail Customers Customer Complaints

The Electricity Sector falls under the Ministry of Energy (MoE), which provides policy direction. The Energy
Regulatory Commission (ERC) is responsible for formulating and enforcing regulations, licensing power
companies, providing customer protection, approving power purchase agreements (PPAs) and conducting tariff

Kenya Electricity Generating Company (KenGen) is the largest generating company and is majority government
owned. The remaining grid-connected generation is provided by privately owned independent power producers
(IPPs). The Geothermal Development Company (GDC) develops geothermal steam fields for subsequent use by
generation companies.

KPLC, which is 51 % government owned, owns and operates both the transmission and distribution networks
throughout Kenya. KPLC is responsible for purchase of all bulk electricity and is the sole supplier to end use
customers throughout the country. KPLC also operates the majority of the off-grid diesel power plants on behalf
of the Rural Electrification Programme.

Distribution Master Plan Study Prepared for KPLC

Final Report Page 2.1

KPLC is the system operator and is responsible for generation scheduling and dispatch, frequency control,
voltage control, outage management and system security. Generation dispatch and control of the transmission
network is via the national control centre (NCC). The distribution networks are controlled regionally though each
of the four regional control centres (RCCs).

Kenya Electricity Transmission Company (KETRACO) is 100 % government owned, with responsibility for
constructing new transmission lines across the country and then handing them over to KPLC to operate and

The Rural Electricity Authority (REA) has responsibility for implementing the government’s Rural Electrification
Programme, which includes extension of the 33 kV and 11 kV distribution networks to facilitate the connection of
public facilities and private customers in rural areas.

Kenya is interconnected with Uganda at 132 kV, for import and export. Kenya supplies some border towns in
Tanzania at 33 kV and receives power from Ethiopia to supply a border town in the far north of the country.

2.2 Distribution Network Configuration

KPLC’s distribution network includes the main interconnected grid in addition to a number of small off-grid
networks. The grid is operated in four distinct regions; Nairobi, Coast, Western and Mt. Kenya as shown in
Figure 2-2 with a further split into sub-regions as shown in Table 2-1. The extent of the grid covers the main
population centres in the four geographical regions.

2.2.1 Nairobi

Within the Nairobi Region, the network configuration differs from that of the other KPLC regions. The region is
supplied from the transmission network via several 220/66 kV and 132/66 kV transmission substations or bulk
supply points (BSPs). A number of 66 kV feeders emanate from each BSP and each 66 kV feeder supplies one
or more primary (66/11 kV) substations. Each primary substation supplies a number of 11 kV feeders, which in
turn supply 11/0.433 kV distribution substations. Larger customers may be supplied at 11 kV or 66 kV.

The Nairobi network is interconnected both at 66 kV and 11 kV, with normally open points to allow transfer of
load across BSPs or primary substations respectively.

The 66 kV feeders are mostly overhead using single and double circuit wood-pole construction. The 11 kV
feeders are also mostly overhead using single circuit wood or concrete pole construction.

In Nairobi city centre, where there are space constraints or issues with clearances, underground cables are used
for 11 kV and a few for 66 kV.

There are a few 66/33 kV substations on the outskirts of Nairobi, which supply neighbouring areas via long 33 kV

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Figure 2-2: Extent and Regional Split of the Distribution Network

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Table 2-1: KPLC Regions

Region Sub-region

Nairobi South

Nairobi Nairobi North

Nairobi West


North Rift

Western Central Rift

West Kenya

Mt. Kenya North

Mt. Kenya
Mt. Kenya South

2.2.2 Other Regions

The distribution network in the regions outside Nairobi is less interconnected, with many radial 33 kV feeders and
generally with long distances between BSPs. Standard BSP design typically consists of 2 x 132/33 kV two
winding transformers, however some BSPs are equipped with only a single transformer.

A number of 33 kV feeders emanate from each BSP and each 33 kV feeder generally supplies one or more
primary (33/11 kV) substations and many distribution (33/0.433 kV) substations. The 11 kV feeders emanating
from the primary substations in turn supply distribution substations.

In general, the primary substations are supplied from a single BSP, although some 33/11 kV substations have an
alternative supply at 33 kV from a different 132 kV substation. There are normally open points to avoid parallel
supply from different BSPs.

The 33 kV and 11 kV feeders are generally overhead using single circuit wood-pole or concrete-pole
construction. Underground cables are used as necessary due to space constraints in urban centres, although
their present level of use outside Nairobi is minimal.

In the urban centres, the 11 kV networks are interconnected where possible to provide alternative supply,
however in the rural areas the 11 kV feeders are radial.

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2.2.3 Off-grid Areas

Most of Kenya is off-grid as indicated in Figure 2-2, however the eight off-grid counties5, whilst geographically
large, account for just 7 percent of the population. It is important to note however that most of the rural areas
within the grid connected counties do not currently enjoy electricity access due to the limited extent of the grid.
This issue is being addressed by the Rural Electrification Authority (REA), which is undertaking donor and
government funded projects to extend the 33 kV and 11 kV networks. These projects are primarily aimed at
providing supplies for public facilities such as schools, health centres, trading centres and bore-holes.

In the larger towns in the off-grid counties, small isolated 11 kV networks are supplied via diesel generators, with
in some cases backup from renewable power sources such as solar photo-voltaic (PV). The REA is in the
process of extending some of these networks to nearby towns or villages by means of 33 kV ‘transmission’.

2.3 On-going Projects

Many projects are currently underway including new substations and feeders and reinforcement of existing
substations and feeders. These are aimed at extending the distribution network to new areas to increase
coverage and reinforcement of the existing network to accommodate demand growth and improve power quality
and reliability. The projects are grouped under various initiatives including the Energy Sector Recovery Project
(ESRP) and Kenya Electricity Expansion Project (KEEP) and include a combination of donor, government and
self funding by KPLC.

2.4 Network Planning Issues

The distribution network suffers from poor reliability and quality of supply, which is generally due to under-
investment. Some of the key issues identified during the study are briefly described below.

2.4.1 Feeder Length

Many parts of the distribution network are supplied over extremely long, radial 33 kV and 11 kV feeders, with no
alternative source of supply. In some cases, 33 kV feeders may be hundreds of km long, with many spurs,
resulting in a total length (in extreme cases) in excess of 1000 km supplied from a single source. A fault on such
a long feeder will have wide-spread impact, be difficult to locate and therefore will result in a long restoration time.
These parts of the network are not surprisingly subjected to frequent and prolonged outages.

Due to excessive feeder lengths and use of undersized conductors, voltage levels on feeders, particularly
outside of the urban areas are typically poor and significantly under the required standard. Automatic
voltage regulators (AVRs) have been installed on feeders in the past, however many of these have failed and
have subsequently been bypassed.

Excessively long, undersized feeders also result in high losses. As a distribution operator, losses must be paid
for as they represent a proportion of the energy purchased. Furthermore, distribution infrastructure must be sized
for both the delivered power and power losses. For these two reasons, there is a financial incentive to reduce

Lamu, Tana River, Garissa, Mandera, Wajir, Marsabit, Samburu and Turkana
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Economically, losses represent part of the generated energy and generation and transmission infrastructure must
be sized for both the delivered power and losses. Losses therefore have both energy and capacity cost
components and loss reduction measures on distribution networks tend to be self financing.

Generally however, provided distribution plant and feeders are not overloaded and voltage levels are within
normal limits, the level of losses will be acceptable. The Distribution Master Plan includes studies to identify
excessive feeder loading and poor voltage regulation and includes measures to address these issues. The
Master Plan also includes planning guidelines for feeders, identifying maximum curves for the standard
and proposed conductor sizes.

2.4.2 Bulk Supply Points

A related issue concerns the number of BSPs across the system. In many parts of the country, the BSPs are
sparsely distributed; with no available alternative should that BSP fail. This issue of course has a direct bearing
on the 33 kV feeder lengths and the associated reliability and power quality issues.

KETRACO is currently investing in new transmission lines and associated substations, both in Nairobi and in
other parts of the country. These new BSPs will relieve loading on existing overloaded BSPs and will allow for
shorter feeder lengths and greater levels of interconnection. These measures will therefore improve voltage
levels and reliability.

In some cases the new BSPs will result in extension of the grid to currently off-grid areas, improving reliability of
supply to those areas and reducing the cost of supply by displacing expensive diesel generating plant.

The Master Plan includes studies to identify the need for and location of additional BSPs beyond those already
under construction or committed.

2.4.3 Security of Supply

Much of the distribution network does not have adequate capacity to effectively manage the present
demand, and many of the primary substations are loaded well beyond firm capacity. Adequate excess capacity
is unavailable, making it difficult to manage contingencies and meet future demand.

KPLC aims to achieve N-1 security of supply at least for major substations. However many primary substations
(and BSPs) are equipped with just a single transformer and even those with two or three transformers are often
loaded such that no spare capacity exists to cater for a transformer failure. This is a particular issue for parts of
the network with no alternative means of supply.6

In the event of such a failure, it is often necessary to source a spare transformer from another part of the network,
resulting in a prolonged outage before supply is restored.

The Master Plan identifies transformer loading across the network and makes recommendations for a graduated

In urban areas such as Nairobi, where a greater level of interconnection exists, there is often scope to switch a feeder onto an
alternative BSP or primary substation at 66 kV and 11 kV respectively. In the more rural, radially fed areas, there is no scope
for this type of switching and transformer redundancy is therefore particularly critical.
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3.1 Overview

The process by which the Distribution Master Plan was completed is shown in Figure 3-1.

Figure 3-1: Master Plan Process

Planning and design Off-grid Generic

Data gathering guidelines assessment networks
at central and
regional level

Assess existing Short-medium term

Software selection Network modelling Long term plan
Network issues planning studies

Demand Investment plan


County level meetings (in each of the 47 counties Localised technical DISTRIBUTION
Hosted by KPLC BBHs) issues MASTER PLAN

ESIA scoping
3 week intensive training course in UK
Including visits to industry

Detailed interaction with counterparts

Throughout the period of the Master Plan Study, there was close collaboration between the PB team and the
KPLC counterpart team. The process began with a detailed data gathering exercise at a central, regional and
sub-regional level.

The scope of the study included provision of suitable software to conduct the detailed network analysis and to
provide an ongoing tool for KPLC to use in the future. Selection and procurement of the software was conducted
in parallel with data gathering as indicated in Figure 3-1.

This was followed by network modelling and assessment of existing network issues and constraints, leading to
short-medium term planning studies covering the period from 2012-2017. The network modelling and analysis
for the various KPLC regions was conducted in parallel in order to minimise the time required for these detailed,
data-intensive tasks.

Apart from the network data and models, key inputs to the planning studies were; the demand forecast and the
planning and design guidelines.

Long term planning was based on the development of ‘generic networks’ to represent the different typical network
topologies, i.e. urban, rural, Nairobi and off-grid configurations. These were used along with the county level
demand forecast to determine the longer term investment requirements.

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A key aspect of the Master Plan study was consultation at a county level. This consultation was used to inform
the Environmental Impact Assessment scoping studies and also provided valuable insights into technical issues
at a local level.

The Master Plan study draws together the key aspects of the assignment which are briefly described below.

3.2 Counterpart Team

An important factor leading to the successful completion of the Master Plan Study was the appointment by KPLC
of a dedicated team of knowledgeable counterparts. The counterpart team was pivotal during the data gathering
stage and provided invaluable local knowledge during development of the short-medium term plans.

The assignment included an intensive three-week training course in the UK. This covered most of the key
aspects of the study and included hands-on training in the use of the network planning software.

3.3 Data Gathering

Data gathering was conducted at central, regional and sub-regional level. County level meetings were also held
as described below.

Initial data collection was conducted at KPLC’s central offices in Nairobi. This included centrally stored network
data and diagrams, relevant reports, branch sales data and relevant information from Kenya National Bureau of
Statistics (KNBS).

The initial data gathering stage was followed in April with data gathering at the regional and sub-regional level.
This was conducted in three teams, each comprising members from the PB and KPLC counterpart study teams.
The teams covered the various KPLC regions as follows:

Nairobi Region

Coast and Mt. Kenya Regions

Western Region

The data obtained in the regions and sub-regions was used to try to complete the many gaps in the data obtained
initially from the central offices. Most of the remaining gaps were resolved through collaboration with the KPLC
counterpart team, thereby minimising the number of assumptions that needed to be made with respect to the
network models.

3.4 Software Selection

The scope of the study included the procurement of a suitable software package, both for conducting the network
analysis during the study and for handing over to KPLC at the end of the study. Two potential software packages
were assessed and following a presentation by PB, KPLC chose NEPLAN.

3.5 Network Modelling and Assessment of Existing Networks

The next stage was to develop detailed NEPLAN models of the 33 kV and 66 kV networks. These were initially
used to assess the performance of the existing networks in each of the four KPLC regions and to identify specific
network constraints.

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Representative 11 kV feeders for each of the four regions were also modelled and assessed using NEPLAN.

3.6 County Visits

Stakeholder meetings were held within each of the 47 counties, in order to gather data for the EIA scoping study
and to understand key technical issues at a county level.

County meetings were initially held in three ‘pilot’ counties. Following the pilot meetings, the agenda was refined
and used as the basis for the remaining meetings.

3.7 Demand Forecasting

The demand forecast contained within the Least Cost Power Development Plan (LCPDP) dated March 2011 was
used for the study. This was disaggregated to county level using a process that is described in detail in this
report. County demand growth rates were applied to the respective substations to determine substation
demands for the network studies. County growth rates were also used to determine investment requirements at a
county level.

3.8 Short-medium term planning

The existing network models were used as the basis for the short-medium term planning studies. Ongoing and
committed projects were added to the models and studies were conducted for each of the years up to 2017. The
outcome of these studies was a list of projects that would be required beyond the ongoing and committed
projects, in order to meet the forecast demand whilst satisfying the planning criteria.

The short-medium term investment requirements at 33 kV and 66 kV were determined directly from these lists of
projects by applying estimated project costs.

3.9 Long term planning

Generic or typical network configurations were developed to derive average incremental investment costs ($/kW)
for the various network topologies; urban, rural, Nairobi and off-grid. The county demand growth rates were then
used to calculate long term investment requirements

The investment required at 11 kV and LV was determined at a county level both in the short-medium term and
long term using the average incremental cost approach.

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4.1 Background

Vision 2030 is Kenya’s development blueprint covering the period 2008 to 2030. The objective of Vision 2030 is
to help transform Kenya into a, “middle-income country providing a high quality of life to all of its citizens by the
year 2030”. The Vision outlines the Government of Kenya’s economic growth objectives. These objectives were
used to develop the official Kenyan demand forecast using an econometric model which links electricity sales to
economic growth and the price of electricity. This demand forecast is presented in the Least Cost Power
Development Plan (LCPDP) publications.

The LCPDP (and associated demand forecast) is updated annually by a committee comprising officers from the
Ministry of Energy (MoE), Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC), Kenya Electricity Generating Company
(KenGen), Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC), Kenya Electricity Transmission Company (KETRACO),
Geothermal Development Company (GDC), Rural Electrification Authority (REA), The Ministry of State for
Planning, National Development and 2030, Kenya Vision 2030 Board, Kenya Investment Authority (KenInvest),
Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA) and the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS). The LCPDP is the
key power generation and transmission system planning document in Kenya. The key message within the
LCPDP is that, “there is a need to plan for sufficient electricity capacity additions to meet the growth aspirations
of the Vision 2030”. Vision 2030 identifies energy and electricity as a key element of Kenya’s sustained
economic growth and transformation.

Under the new constitution, power will be devolved to each of the forty seven counties. This is expected to result
in more equitable sharing of resources across the country, with increased levels of investment particularly in the
more remote counties that have historically been neglected. There exist wide ranging levels of household
electrification across the country, from around 75 % of households in Nairobi County to less than 2 % of
households in Tana River County. Electrification levels are increasing across the country and following
devolution, it is expected that the rate of increase will be highest in those counties that are currently poorly served
with electricity infrastructure.

In accordance with the terms of reference, the LCPDP demand forecast is to be applied in the Master Plan study.
The terms of reference for the Master Plan Study include the need to identify the distribution infrastructure
requirements to meet the needs of each county. A key element of this process is to develop a demand forecast
for each county as this will be the main driver for investment. In this section of the report we describe the
process by which the LCPDP forecast has been disaggregated to county level.

4.2 LCPDP Demand Forecast

The demand forecast that will be applied in the Distribution Master Plan Study is described in detail in the LCPDP
for the period 2011-2031, dated March 2011.

The LCPDP forecast is based on a number of inputs including; GDP growth rate projections, population growth
rates, levels of urbanisation, levels of electrification and specific consumption.

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The results of the forecast are shown below. The energy (GWh) forecast refers to generated energy and
therefore includes transmission and distribution losses as described in the LCPDP and noted in Table 4-1. The
following levels of losses were taken from the LCPDP.

The peak (MW) demand forecast was calculated from the energy forecast using the load factors shown and
refers to generated power.

The forecast shown in Table 4-1 does not include the Vision 2030 Flagship Projects. Some of these are
particularly energy intensive and the estimated energy and capacity requirements along with the expected
completion dates for these projects are shown in Table 4-2.

Table 4-1: LCPDP Forecast – Excluding Flagship Projects7

Source: LCPDP, March 2011.

The resultant total forecast including the Flagship Projects and also allowing for an element of gradually
decreasing suppressed demand is shown in Table 4-3. According to the LCPDP report, the forecast includes
100 MW of suppressed demand in 2010, gradually reducing to zero by 2015. Again the figures shown are at the
generation level and therefore include transmission and distribution losses.

The LCPDP forecast is at generation level and therefore includes transmission and distribution losses.

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Table 4-2: Energy Intensive Vision 2030 Flagship Projects

Source: LCPDP, March 2011.

Table 4-3: LCPDP Forecast – including Flagship Projects

Source: LCPDP, March 2011.

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4.3 Deriving the LCPDP Demand Forecast

4.3.1 Introduction

In order to disaggregate the LCPDP demand forecast to county level, it was first necessary to understand how
the LCPDP forecast was derived. This was achieved by reconstructing the LCPDP forecast using the data and
assumptions provided in the LCPDP report. Once the LCPDP forecast had been derived on a national level, it
was possible to derive county level forecasts using the same methodology.

The objective in this sub-section is to re-create the LCPDP forecast. Using the methodology described in the
LCPDP report, a national level energy demand forecast was re-created for each consumer category including;
domestic urban, domestic rural, industrial & commercial and street lighting. The sum of the demand forecasts for
the various consumer categories derived in this way was then compared with the published LCPDP forecast to
confirm that a reasonable reconstruction had been achieved.

4.3.2 Methodology

The model presented in this section uses economic and technical assumptions set out in the LCPDP report and
aims to recreate the final Load Forecast set out in the LCPDP by applying appropriate logical linkages to specific
statistical inputs found in both 2009 Kenyan census statistics and Kenya Power Annual Report 2011 data. The
flow diagram below shows the steps followed by the model to calculate the energy and peak demand forecasts
for the Kenyan network.

4.3.3 Assumptions

Domestic Demand Assumptions

Many of the model’s assumptions are taken directly from the LCPDP. Population is assumed to grow from 38.6
million according to the 2009 Kenya Population and Housing Census Volume 1C (2009 Census) to 60.5 million
by 2030 according to the LCPDP.

Similarly, growth in urbanization levels of consumers is a key demographic input and driver of demand and sales.
This is assumed to rise from 32 % in 2009, to 63 % in 2031 as stated in the LCPDP.

The number of persons per household differs between urban and rural domestic settings. The number of persons
per urban household is expected to decrease from a present average of 5, to 4.3 by 2031. The number of
persons per rural household is expected to decrease from a present average of 6.5, to 5.9 by 2031.

The LCPDP differentiates between high, middle and low income groups in terms of future supply rates and
specific consumption. The LCPDP does not however specifically identify the proportions of the population falling
into each of these income groups in the urban and rural areas. These proportions were therefore estimated. The
weighted average specific consumption calculated from the estimated proportions was then compared with the
average specific consumption from the KPLC 2010/11 Annual Report. The proportions in the various income
groups were then adjusted until the calculated weighted average consumption approximated the actual average
specific consumption. The proportions derived in this way are as shown in Table 4-4.

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Table 4-4: Estimated Proportions of Income Groups

Income Group Weighting

Urban High Income 10 %

Urban Middle Income 20 %

Urban Low Income 20 %

Rural High Income 5%

Rural Middle Income 15 %

Rural Low Income 30 %

The calculated weighted average specific consumption for urban and rural areas was then as shown in Table 4-5.

Table 4-5: Estimated Specific Consumption

2009 2031

Urban (kWh/household/year) 1410 1338

Rural (kWh/household/year) 514 748

The electrification rates assumed for 2031 are given in the LCPDP and differ between the high, middle and low
income urban and rural consumers. Using the estimated proportions in each of the income groups and the 2031
supply rates in each of those groups as quoted in the LCPDP it was possible to derive a weighted average supply
rate for urban and rural households. This was assumed to reach 98 % for urban households and 58 % for rural
households by 2031.

Industrial and Commercial Demand Assumptions

The Industrial and commercial demand in the LCPDP forecast, is based on GDP growth. The level of economic
growth is a key driver for increased electricity consumption. The assumed coefficient factors are defined in the
LCPDP as consumption growth rate divided by the real GDP growth rate. The table below shows the assumed
coefficient factors that are used in the LCPDP model.

Year Electricity Intensity

2012 1.25
2013 1.32
2014 1.38
2015-2031 1.44

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Annual GDP growth rates were adjusted to obtain the required total demand in line with the LCPDP. The
resultant average annual GDP growth required to match the LCPDP forecast was 9.7 %.

Wider Assumptions

The LCPDP states that the number of lamps used for street lighting is assumed to grow at 80% of the growth rate
of the number of domestic consumers. There is also an assumed technical improvement increasing the efficiency
of the lamps and resulting in specific consumption decreasing by 1 % per year.

Levels of energy losses were assumed to be the level set out in the LCPDP at 14 %.

Load Factors were also assumed to be as stated in the LCPDP. The load factor for the domestic sector and
street lighting was assumed to be falling from 55 % to 45 % between 2012 and 2031. The commercial and
industrial load factors were assumed to be constant at 76 %.

4.3.4 Demand Forecast

The resultant demand forecast derived as described above is shown in Table 4-6.

The right-hand column, which is sales plus transmission and distribution losses, shows a close match with Table
4-3 (LCPDP Reference Scenario GWh).

Table 4-6: Derived LCPDP Forecast (GWh)

Domestic Domestic Ind & Street Flagship Generation

Urban Rural Commercial Lighting Total sales Projects (GWh)
2012 1434 103 5977 21 7535 282 9090
2013 1601 120 6805 23 8548 565 10597
2014 1786 138 7862 25 9812 847 12394
2015 1994 160 9662 28 11843 1130 15085
2016 2226 185 11088 30 13529 1412 17374
2017 2485 214 12685 33 15417 1695 19897
2018 2775 248 14511 36 17570 1977 22729
2019 3099 286 16287 39 19712 2259 25549
2020 3461 331 18515 43 22351 2542 28945
2021 3866 383 20915 47 25212 2824 32600
2022 4319 443 23626 51 28440 3107 36682
2023 4826 513 26517 56 31912 3389 41048
2024 5393 593 29954 60 36001 3672 46131
2025 6028 686 33836 66 40616 3954 51825
2026 6738 794 38124 71 45727 4236 58097
2027 7533 919 42955 77 51484 4519 65120
2028 8424 1063 48460 84 58030 4801 73060
2029 9421 1230 54671 91 65412 5084 81972
2030 10539 1423 61599 98 73658 5366 91888
2031 11623 1646 70025 105 83399 5648 103544

4.3.5 Summary

The load forecast model presented in this section of the report can be summarised as follows:

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The load forecast uses the assumptions stated in LCPDP and has attempted to replicate the results
produced in the Vision 2030 flagship load forecast presented in the LCPDP March 2011.

Where possible, all input data used was provided by the LCPDP. Where the LCPDP data was not
available, relevant input data was extracted from the Kenyan Census 2009 or from the Kenya Power
Annual Reports 2011.

The GDP growth rate assumptions take into account the growth created by the flagship projects due for
completion 2012-2021.

4.4 County Statistics

Figure 4-1 shows the forty seven counties formed under the new constitution.

4.4.1 County Electrification Levels

Key statistics from the 2009 Population and Housing Census (Table 4-7) were used as the basis for
disaggregation of the LCPDP demand forecast to the county level. The 2009 Census data was obtained from the
Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) and is the most up to date information available.

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Figure 4-1: Kenya County Map

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Table 4-7: Key Statistics from 2009 Census

Rural Urban Total Electrified Electrified

Region Sub-region Population Population Population Urban (%) (%) Urban (%) Rural
Western Central Rift Baringo 445,828 63,168 508,996 14% 38.5% 4.7%
Western West Kenya Bomet 694,881 108,268 803,149 15% 12.3% 2.9%
Western West Kenya Bungoma 1,222,743 280,568 1,503,311 21% 14.4% 1.8%
Western West Kenya Busia 592,092 112,992 705,084 18% 23.5% 2.1%
Western North Rift Elgeyo Marakwet 309,965 46,420 356,385 15% 21.8% 4.6%
Mt Kenya Mt Kenya North Embu 501,734 99,724 601,458 19% 47.4% 7.3%
Off grid Off grid Garissa 343,133 102,332 445,465 26% 43.2% 0.5%
Western West Kenya Homa Bay 817,725 129,084 946,809 16% 13.9% 1.4%
Mt Kenya Mt Kenya North Isiolo 79,059 58,020 137,079 46% 37.0% 2.6%
Nairobi Nairobi Kajiado 405,817 348,480 754,297 50% 66.8% 12.6%
Western West Kenya Kakamega 1,127,102 225,576 1,352,678 19% 21.7% 2.2%
Western West Kenya Kericho 361,012 203,080 564,092 40% 22.6% 4.6%
Mt Kenya Mt Kenya North Kerinyaga 595,326 110,220 705,546 18% 46.2% 10.0%
Nairobi Nairobi Kiambu 711,091 1,242,852 1,953,943 67% 67.2% 29.0%
Coast Coast Kilifi 599,368 288,956 888,324 36% 39.4% 3.9%
Western West Kenya Kisii 975,842 248,228 1,224,070 23% 23.3% 3.1%
Western West Kenya Kisumu 479,856 498,488 978,344 55% 30.8% 3.1%
Mt Kenya Mt Kenya South Kitui 806,633 135,468 942,101 16% 23.4% 1.1%
Coast Coast Kwale 436,907 116,352 553,259 24% 33.5% 3.4%
Mt Kenya Mt Kenya North Laikipia 347,090 117,060 464,150 28% 50.7% 4.6%
Off grid Off grid Lamu 81,738 19,172 100,910 22% 62.8% 4.4%
Nairobi Nairobi Machakos 536,853 601,104 1,137,957 57% 27.4% 3.4%
Nairobi Nairobi Makueni 751,074 106,700 857,774 14% 24.7% 2.7%
Off grid Off grid Mandera 480,255 93,260 573,515 19% 12.9% 0.2%
Off grid Off grid Marsabit 212,177 47,188 259,365 21% 33.7% 0.6%
Mt Kenya Mt Kenya North Meru 1,335,820 141,596 1,477,416 11% 60.1% 7.8%
Western West Kenya Migori 535,072 265,464 800,536 37% 12.5% 1.1%
Coast Coast Mombasa - 1,074,800 1,074,800 100% 59.0% 0.0%
Mt Kenya Mt Kenya South Muranga 1,034,160 171,588 1,205,748 16% 34.7% 9.9%
Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi - 3,940,064 3,940,064 100% 72.4% 0.0%
Western Central Rift Nakuru 922,248 854,452 1,776,700 52% 56.0% 10.1%
Western North Rift Nandi 612,542 94,980 707,522 15% 21.4% 3.6%
Western Central Rift Narok 717,775 66,008 783,783 10% 43.6% 1.8%
Western West Kenya Nyamira 427,573 61,648 489,221 14% 16.1% 4.4%
Mt Kenya Mt Kenya North Nyandarua 537,863 117,760 655,623 20% 27.2% 6.2%
Mt Kenya Mt Kenya North Nyeri 692,475 217,472 909,947 27% 55.3% 15.6%
Off grid Off grid Samburu 180,137 36,108 216,245 19% 26.6% 1.4%
Western West Kenya Siaya 830,358 89,448 919,806 11% 19.7% 2.4%
Coast Coast Taita Taveta 247,934 73,352 321,286 26% 35.6% 7.8%
Off grid Off grid Tana River 185,815 31,516 217,331 17% 10.1% 1.0%
Mt Kenya Mt Kenya North Tharaka Nithi 309,697 91,640 401,337 26% 21.4% 3.8%
Western North Rift Trans Nzoia 605,689 164,988 770,677 24% 27.5% 2.9%
Off grid Off grid Turkana 470,357 92,460 562,817 19% 10.4% 0.6%
Western North Rift Uasin Gishu 497,246 385,976 883,222 48% 51.3% 6.6%
Western West Kenya Vihiga 395,378 156,896 552,274 32% 10.8% 5.3%
Off grid Off grid Wajir 346,634 59,288 405,922 17% 20.2% 0.1%
Western North Rift West Pokot 398,198 36,216 434,414 10% 21.1% 0.6%
Kenya 25,198,270 13,626,480 38,824,750 35% 50.4% 5.1%

Figure 4-2 and Figure 4-3 show the 2009 electrification levels (electrified households as a percentage of the total
households) per county for urban and rural areas respectively. It may be seen that there is a wide range in
household electrification in both urban and rural areas. The total urban household electrification level for Kenya
was approximately 50 % in 2009, whilst the corresponding rural figure was 5 %.

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Figure 4-2: Urban Household Electrification Levels




















Tana River







West Pokot

Elgeyo Marakwet





Uasin Gishu


Taita Taveta


Tharaka Nithi
Homa Bay

Trans Nzoia

Figure 4-3: Rural Household Electrification Levels



















Tana River





West Pokot


Elgeyo Marakwet




Uasin Gishu


Taita Taveta

Tharaka Nithi
Homa Bay

Trans Nzoia

The electrification levels are shown geographically in Figure 4-4 which indicates that the large counties in the
north and east of the country have the lowest electrification levels. There are however wide ranges in
electrification levels within individual counties. In the large off grid counties to the north and east of the country,
only the larger towns are served by isolated diesel power plants, generally feeding a small 11 kV network within
the town. Table 4-7 indicates that eight of the counties are currently off-grid, although in some of them the grid
extends to part of the county. This is covered in more detail in a later section of the report.

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Figure 4-4: Electrification Levels across the Country

4.4.2 Existing Demand

Disaggregation of the existing demand was based on 2011 sales data provided by KPLC from 84 branches. The
branch sales data provided was limited to Domestic and Small Commercial Sales which account for around 40 %
of the total sales. The remaining 60 % of sales are in the Industrial and Large Commercial categories. For
these, only a regional split was provided as follows:

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KPLC Region Share of Industrial & Large Commercial sales


In the absence of more information, the Industrial & Large Commercial sales were shared across the counties
within each of the KPLC regions in the same proportion as the Domestic and Small Commercial Sales. The
resultant regional split of sales and sales by county are shown in Table 4-8 and Table 4-9 respectively.

Table 4-8: Regional Split of 2011 Sales

Region Total
Coast 17%
Mt Kenya 8%
Nairobi 57%
Off grid 1%
Western 17%
Grand Total 100%

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Table 4-9: 2011 Sales by County (GWh)

Sum of 2011 Domestic Sum of 2011 Industrial Sum of 2011 Total sales
Region Sub-region County Sales (GWh) & Commercial (GWh) (GWh)
Coast Coast Kilifi 25 140 166
Kwale 16 88 103
Mombasa 102 572 674
Taita Taveta 9 49 58
Coast Total 152 849 1001
Mt Kenya Mt Kenya North Embu 13 37 50
Isiolo 6 15 21
Kerinyaga 8 23 31
Laikipia 15 42 57
Meru 13 36 49
Nyandarua 10 27 37
Nyeri 27 74 102
Tharaka Nithi 6 16 22
Mt Kenya South Kitui 8 23 32
Muranga 10 28 38
Mt Kenya Total 117 321 438
Nairobi Nairobi Kajiado 33 99 132
Kiambu 171 516 688
Machakos 14 41 55
Makueni 2 5 7
Nairobi 610 1836 2446
Nairobi Total 830 2498 3328
Off grid Off grid Garissa 7 4 11
Lamu 4 2 6
Mandera 2 1 4
Marsabit 2 1 3
Samburu 2 4 6
Tana River 1 1 2
Turkana 2 1 4
Wajir 2 2 4
Off grid Total 22 17 39
Western Central Rift Baringo 2 6 8
Nakuru 79 211 290
Narok 5 13 18
North Rift Elgeyo Marakwet 1 2 3
Nandi 7 19 26
Trans Nzoia 12 32 44
Uasin Gishu 40 108 148
West Pokot 2 5 7
West Kenya Bomet 2 5 8
Bungoma 5 13 18
Busia 6 17 24
Homa Bay 5 12 16
Kakamega 16 44 60
Kericho 11 30 41
Kisii 16 43 59
Kisumu 40 107 147
Migori 8 22 30
Nyamira 2 6 9
Siaya 7 19 26
Vihiga 6 15 21
Western Total 274 729 1003
Grand Total 1394 4415 5809

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4.5 County Demand Forecast

The LCPDP demand forecast methodology was applied to obtain a county level forecast as described below. A
separate domestic urban, domestic rural and industrial & commercial forecast was produced as follows.

4.5.1 Domestic Urban

The starting point for the domestic urban forecast was the county urban population from the 2009 Census. The
total urban population in 2009 was 13.6 million, representing 32 % of the total population. According to the
LCPDP, the total Kenya population was expected to rise to 60.5 million by 2031, with 63 % living in urban areas.
This information was used to forecast urban population for each county.

The next step was to calculate the number of urban households per county. The LCPDP quotes a present
average level of 5 persons/urban household, decreasing steadily to an average of 4.3 persons by 2031. This
was used to calculate the number of urban households per county up to 2031.

The 2009 Census includes urban electrification levels per county which is the connected urban households as a
percentage of the total urban households. There is a wide variation across the counties and the level for the
whole country is 50 %. The LCPDP forecasts urban electrification levels increasing to 95-100 % by 2031. For
the county level forecast, a weighted average 98 % electrification level was assumed for all counties by 2031.
The number of electrified households per county up to 2031 was thus derived.

The specific consumption figures from the LCPDP for urban consumers were then applied to obtain annual urban
domestic sales per county up to 2031.

4.5.2 Domestic Rural

The starting point for the domestic rural forecast was the county rural population from the 2009 Census. The
total rural population in 2009 was 25.2 million, representing 68 % of the total population. According to the
LCPDP, the total Kenya population was expected to rise to 60.5 million by 2031, with 37 % living in rural areas.
This information was used to forecast rural population for each county.

The next step was to calculate the number of rural households per county. The LCPDP quotes a present
average level of 6.5 persons/rural household, decreasing steadily to an average of 5.9 persons by 2031. This
was used to calculate the number of rural households per county up to 2031.

The 2009 Census includes rural electrification levels per county which is the connected rural households as a
percentage of the total rural households. There is a wide variation across the counties and the level for the whole
country is 5 %. The LCPDP forecasts rural electrification levels increasing to 50 -100 % by 2031. For the county
level forecast, a weighted average 58 % rural electrification level was assumed for all counties by 2031. The
number of electrified households per county up to 2031 was thus derived.

The specific consumption figures from the LCPDP for rural consumers were then applied to obtain annual rural
domestic sales per county up to 2031.

4.5.3 Industrial and Commercial

The sum of the demand forecasts for the counties must equal the total LCPDP forecast. On this basis, the
industrial and commercial forecast for the country was calculated by subtracting the total domestic urban and

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rural forecasts from the total LCPDP forecast. The total industrial and commercial forecast was then
disaggregated to the counties in accordance with the present split of industrial and commercial demand across
the country.

4.5.4 Total Demand Forecast

The annual energy consumption (GWh) per county was calculated as the sum of the domestic urban, domestic
rural and industrial & commercial forecasts.

The peak demand forecast (MW) for each county was calculated from the energy consumption forecast by
applying separate load factors for domestic and industrial & commercial demand in accordance with the LCPDP.

4.5.5 Inclusion of Flagship Projects

The total system demand (at the generation level) by 2030 including the Flagship Projects is 91,946 GWh
(15,026 MW), compared with 54,761 GWh (9,458 MW) without the Flagship Projects, a difference of 37,185 GWh
(5,568 MW). The sum of the estimated energy and capacity requirements indicated in Table 4-10 of 6,394 GWh
(876 MW) accounts for only 17 % of the difference between the ‘with Flagship Projects’ and ‘without Flagship
Projects’ forecasts. The basis for the remaining difference in growth between the two forecasts is understood to
be due to increased economic activity across the country resulting from the Vision 2030 Flagship Projects.

Table 4-10: Energy intensive Flagship Projects8

Flagship Projects Ref Completion Energy (GWh) Capacity (MW)

ICT Park 1 2015 2930 440
2nd Container Terminal and Mombasa Free Port 2 2014 746 2
Juba-Lamu Railway 3 2014 19 9
Lamu Port including resort cities 4 2014 200 30
Special Economic Zones (Mombasa, Kisumu, Lamu) 5 2015 333 50
Iron & steel smelting industry in Meru area 6 2015 2097 315
Mombasa-Nairobi-Malaba-Kisumu Railway 7 2017 27 18
Light rail for Nairobi and suburbs 8 2017 16 8
Resort cities (Isiolo, Kilifi and Ukunda) 9 2017 200 30
Total 6568 902

The main energy intensive projects are expected to influence demand in certain counties as described below:

The planned ICT Park at Konza will have significant electricity requirements and will result in increased
demand in Kajiado and Machakos Counties.

Iron and steel melting is highly energy intensive and will therefore significantly impact demand in Meru

The planned resort cities at Isiolo, Kilifi and Ukunda will impact demand in Isiolo, Kilifi and Kwale

Note that the energy and power values for Lamu Port including resort cities were increased from those shown in the LCPDP as the values appeared too low for the type
of development.

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The new Lamu port will attract additional development in Lamu County and the proposed Lamu-South
Sudan-Ethiopia transport corridor will result in increased demand for electricity both due to the traction
power requirements of the rolling stock and more importantly, due to opening remote areas of the
country for development. The railway will pass through or near to Tana River, Garissa, Isiolo,
Samburu, Marsabit and Turkana Counties.

The planned Mombasa-Nairobi-Malaba-Kisumu railway will improve transport links in the already
relative well connected parts of the country.

Due to their level of demand, it was assumed that Konza ICT Park and Iron and Steel Smelting in Meru would
require direct connection to the transmission network. Demand associated with these two flagship projects was
therefore excluded from the distribution level demand forecast. The remaining flagship project demand was
added to the demand of the specific counties indicated above.

According to the KPLC 2010/11 Annual Report, approximately 5 % of the Industrial and Large Commercial sales
were to 132 kV customers. It is assumed that this percentage will steadily increase to 10 % by 2021 and then
remain at that level until the end of the planning period. This is to take account of increasing levels of
industrialisation over time.

Figure 4-5 shows the relative scale of peak demand across the country and also illustrates the forecast level of
growth over the planning period.

The 2011 figures were derived from the sales data, whilst the 2012-2030 figures were calculated based on the
LCPDP methodology described above.

The demand forecast for each county at MV distribution level (allowing for an estimated 7 percent losses in the
LV and 11 kV distribution systems) is shown in Table 4-11.

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Figure 4-5: County Peak Demand and Growth (MW)

Sum of 2011 (From sales) Sum of 2030




























Elgeyo Marakwet

West Pokot





Uasin Gishu

Taita Taveta


Tharaka Nithi


Tana River


Trans Nzoia

Homa Bay
Coast Mt Kenya North Mt Nairobi Off grid Central Rift North Rift West Kenya

Coast Mt Kenya Nairobi Off grid Western

4.6 Disaggregation to Substation Level

Annual growth rates derived from the above county level forecast were applied to the peak substation demands
for the purpose of conducting the network modelling over the short-medium term.

The demand forecast was also used to derive the long-term investment requirements for each of the counties as
described later in this report.

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Table 4-11: County Peak Demand Forecast (MW)9

Sum of 2011 Sum of Sum of Sum of Sum of Sum of Sum of Sum of Sum of
Region Sub-region County (From sales) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2017 2020 2025 2030
Coast Coast Kilifi 26.3 34.4 39.2 45.3 54.9 80.3 112.4 198.5 356.3
Kwale 16.5 18.9 21.6 25.1 30.9 49.5 68.2 119.0 213.0
Mombasa 107.3 149.0 168.5 289.5 342.1 407.9 533.0 865.4 1466.5
Taita Taveta 9.2 11.2 12.8 14.8 18.1 24.0 34.8 63.8 116.9
Coast Total 159.3 213.4 242.1 374.7 445.9 561.6 748.5 1246.7 2152.6
Mt Kenya Mt Kenya North Embu 8.4 11.2 12.6 14.4 17.2 22.2 31.7 56.9 102.3
Isiolo 3.4 4.5 5.1 6.2 7.4 9.4 21.8 32.4 51.9
Kerinyaga 5.1 9.5 10.7 12.1 14.1 17.9 25.2 44.3 77.9
Laikipia 9.4 12.4 14.0 16.0 19.1 24.6 35.0 62.7 112.7
Meru 8.1 15.5 17.4 19.6 22.8 28.8 40.3 70.2 123.1
Nyandarua 6.2 8.4 9.6 11.1 13.3 17.7 25.7 47.4 87.6
Nyeri 16.9 24.9 28.0 31.7 37.4 47.5 66.8 116.8 205.4
Tharaka Nithi 3.6 4.9 5.6 6.5 7.8 10.4 15.4 29.2 55.6
Mt Kenya South Kitui 5.2 7.1 8.2 9.5 11.5 15.2 22.6 43.7 85.7
Muranga 6.3 12.4 14.0 15.9 18.6 23.7 33.8 60.4 108.2
Mt Kenya Total 72.8 110.9 125.2 143.0 169.1 217.4 318.3 563.9 1010.5
Nairobi Nairobi Kajiado 21.8 36.6 40.8 45.9 53.6 67.7 93.8 160.9 279.1
Kiambu 113.5 158.6 177.8 201.3 238.1 302.7 424.3 740.2 1302.6
Machakos 9.1 22.2 25.2 28.8 33.7 43.5 63.1 116.6 215.9
Makueni 1.2 3.9 4.4 5.1 5.9 8.0 11.8 22.7 44.4
Nairobi 403.5 537.2 602.7 683.4 811.2 1035.1 1453.8 2543.7 4489.8
Nairobi Total 549.0 758.5 850.9 964.4 1142.5 1457.1 2046.8 3584.1 6331.7
Off grid Off grid Garissa 2.1 4.5 5.0 6.0 6.7 8.3 11.4 19.8 35.9
Lamu 1.1 1.5 1.6 28.1 42.5 42.5 42.6 44.4 48.4
Mandera 0.7 1.5 1.7 2.0 2.4 3.3 5.2 11.8 28.4
Marsabit 0.6 1.7 1.9 2.5 2.7 3.4 4.7 8.5 16.1
Samburu 1.0 1.6 1.9 2.5 2.9 3.7 5.3 9.8 18.7
Tana River 0.3 0.5 0.6 1.0 1.2 1.5 2.2 4.7 10.6
Turkana 0.7 1.3 1.6 2.2 2.6 3.4 5.4 12.1 28.4
Wajir 0.8 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.1 2.8 4.3 8.8 19.9
Off grid Total 7.2 14.0 15.8 46.1 63.2 68.9 81.1 119.7 206.3
Western Central Rift Baringo 1.3 3.6 4.1 4.6 5.4 6.9 9.8 17.6 32.0
Nakuru 48.3 77.0 86.3 97.4 114.3 145.0 202.7 352.4 616.7
Narok 2.9 5.0 5.6 6.4 7.6 9.8 14.2 26.4 50.1
North Rift Elgeyo Marakwet 0.6 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.5 5.2 10.0 19.3
Nandi 4.4 5.7 6.6 7.7 9.2 12.2 18.2 34.8 66.7
Trans Nzoia 7.4 10.1 11.5 13.3 15.9 20.9 30.6 57.3 107.5
Uasin Gishu 24.7 35.5 39.9 45.4 53.7 68.6 97.0 171.2 303.7
West Pokot 1.2 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.8 3.7 5.7 11.4 23.9
West Kenya Bomet 1.3 2.8 3.3 3.9 4.6 6.3 9.8 20.5 43.4
Bungoma 2.9 6.8 7.9 9.2 11.0 14.8 23.0 47.9 100.8
Busia 3.9 5.7 6.6 7.6 9.1 12.3 18.2 34.6 66.6
Homa Bay 2.7 4.1 4.8 5.6 6.8 9.2 14.2 29.4 61.8
Kakamega 10.0 12.7 14.6 16.9 20.5 27.1 40.4 77.6 149.8
All Western Kenya was Kericho 6.8 9.7 11.2 12.9 15.5 20.6 30.3 56.8 107.0
Kisii 9.8 13.5 15.4 17.9 21.5 28.3 41.9 79.5 151.3
around 285 MW in 2018 Kisumu 24.5 32.2 36.7 42.2 64.9 80.4 109.9 189.8 337.2
Migori 5.0 7.2 8.4 9.9 12.0 16.1 24.8 50.7 104.9
(source : KPLC annual report) Nyamira 1.5 2.6 3.0 3.4 4.1 5.5 8.2 16.2 32.0
Load in West Kenya only is Siaya 4.3 5.4 6.3 7.3 8.9 11.8 17.7 34.6 68.1
Vihiga 3.4 4.8 5.6 6.6 8.0 10.7 16.4 33.1 67.5
assumed to be around 120
Western Total 167.0 248.0 281.7 322.7 398.3 513.7 738.2 1352.0 2510.4
Grand Total 955.2 1344.7 1515.7 1850.9 2219.1 2818.7 3933.0 6866.4 12211.5
MW currently if we use the
master plan projection safely.
At MV distribution level, i.e. including LV losses, but excluding demand connected at 132 kV.

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5.1 Introduction

The KPLC system is operated in four geographical regions as described in Section 2. Planning and
implementation of distribution network expansion is carried out both centrally and at the regional level. In order to
ensure a consistent approach to planning, it is important to standardise on the planning criteria and guidelines
that are applied across KPLC. This section of the report includes a proposed set of criteria and guidelines that
could be adopted and applied for future network reinforcement and expansion planning.

5.2 Planning Criteria

5.2.1 Basis for Criteria

Planning criteria are intended to set the limits for key network parameters to ensure that network development is
conducted in a way that balances cost with quality and reliability of supply.

Following a review of the Grid Code, current KPLC practice and international best practice, PB has developed a
proposed set of planning criteria for future network development.

The planning criteria should be applied in conjunction with the planning guidelines described in Section 5.3 and
the design guidelines in Section 6.

5.2.2 Kenya Grid Code

The planning criteria have been developed with reference to the stipulations in the Kenyan Grid Code.

5.2.3 Voltage

KPLC should maintain the following IEC standard steady state r.m.s. value of voltage at a customer’s point of
supply, with tolerance limits as indicated:

66 kV +10 % /-10 %

33 kV +10 % /-10 %

11 kV +6 % / -6 %

230/400 V +6 % / -6 %

On particularly long 11 kV feeders, a tolerance level of +10% /-10% is allowable.

5.2.4 Frequency

Distribution planning engineers have little control over the frequency of the network. However for equipment
specification, automatic load-shedding, etc. there should be a defined frequency standard.

The distribution system in Kenya shall be designed to ensure that under normal and planned contingency
conditions, frequency will remain within a band between 47 to 52 Hz.

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5.2.5 Power Factor

Power factor correction can improve voltage, reduce losses and allow greater power transfer. However the
benefits of power factor improvement must we weighed against cost and correction beyond a certain point has
diminishing returns. Any new network should be planned using the demand power factors taken from the load
forecast from each Bulk Supply Point (BSP) area although economic analysis should determine whether a power
factor correction scheme is appropriate.

The target power factor for the majority of power factor correction schemes should be 0.95. It is also suggested
that steps be undertaken by KPLC to ensure that large new and existing customers are encouraged to maintain
this power factor at their point of connection. This may be through commercial arrangements that are metered
and enforced.

5.2.6 Security of Supply

A security of supply standard (Table 5-1) summarises the re-supply requirement in relation to the size of a load
block affected by a First or Second Outage. An outage can be the loss of either a circuit or a transformer and
First and Second Outages are defined as follows:

The First Outage is considered to be a fault or planned outage occurring at any time of the year including the
period of maximum demand.

The Second Outage is considered to be a fault outage occurring when an integral part of the network under
consideration is not available due to planned maintenance.

Table 5-1- Security of Supply Standard

Class Demand Group First Outage Second Outage

A Less than 1 MW Repair Time No Requirement

B 1 MW to 8 MW 3 Hours No Requirement

Restoration Time of
C 8 MW to 60 MW Within 15 minutes
Planned Outage*

*Planned outages are assumed to be restricted to non-summer periods when due to lower ambient temperatures
demand is reduced and equipment ratings enhanced.

Loads in Class A have a maximum demand up to 1 MW. Following a first outage, the load must be re-supplied
within the time required to repair the fault. This group typically applies to LV loads supplied from a distribution
transformer or an 11 kV tee from a rural overhead line.

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Loads in Class B have a maximum demand between 1 – 8 MW. Following a first outage, the load must be re-
supplied within 3 hours. This may be achieved for example, by manual switching of the 11 kV network feeders to
re-supply customers from an alternative 11 kV bus bar using an 11 kV open ring network design.

Loads in Class C (typically primary substations) have a maximum demand between 8 – 60 MW. Following the
first outage the load must be re-supplied within 15 minutes. This could be achieved by running the 11 kV bus
bars solid at 33/11 kV substations (i.e. with the 11 kV bus section circuit breaker normally closed) if the fault level
is within the design levels. Another option would be to fit remote SCADA control on this section breaker or
introduce procedures so that this could be reliably done by the substation operator.

Firm Capacity of Primary Substations

The firm capacity of a substation relates to the capacity under an N-1 outage condition. For example, a
substation consisting of 2 x 33/11 kV 23 MVA transformers which have a permissible overload capability of 110%
will have a firm capacity equal to 1.1 x 23 = 25.3 MVA.

To comply with the security standard, primary substations with a maximum demand greater than 8 MW should
not be loaded above their firm capacity. In the example above the maximum load on the substation would be
restricted to 25.3 MVA.

Therefore under system normal conditions the load on each transformer at a typical two transformer primary
substation will be around 50% of its nameplate rating assuming the load is shared evenly between the two

5.2.7 Fault Levels

The minimum design short circuit ratings for the distribution network in Kenya are given below:

25k A (2900 MVA) for 66 kV

31.5k A (1800 MVA) for 33kV

25k A (350 MVA) for 11 kV

In practice a higher rating may be specified for distribution network equipment and calculations should be done
for all installations. The rated rupturing capacity of the circuit breakers in any substation shall be no less than
120% of the maximum calculated short circuit levels.

5.2.8 Overhead Line and Cable Parameters

Table 5-2 and Table 5-3 provide the key electrical parameters for the distribution overhead line conductors and
cables in use in Kenya. Parameters for some alternative conductor types are also provided.

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Table 5-2- Overhead Line Parameters

spacing L
Code radius (mm) (mm) (mH/km) Thermal rating
Conductor name Votage (kV) R (ohm/km) X (ohm/km) radius distance (A) (MVA)
25mm2 ACSR Gopher 11 1.3794 0.3722 3.54 1050.0 0.0012 163 3.1
75mm2 ACSR Racoon 11 0.4573 0.3375 6.15 1050.0 0.0011 319 6.1
150mm2 ACSR Wolf 11 0.2259 0.3131 9.07 1050.0 0.0010 487 9.3
300mm2 ACSR Goat 11 0.1132 0.2904 13.00 1050.0 0.0009 750 14.3
35mm2 AAAC 35DIN 11 1.1933 0.3686 3.75 1050.0 0.0012 177 3.4
95mm2 AAAC 95DIN 11 0.442 0.3365 6.25 1050.0 0.0011 325 6.2
185mm2 AAAC 185DIN 11 0.2277 0.3153 8.75 1050.0 0.0010 487 9.3
300mm2 AAAC UPAS 11 0.1137 0.2937 12.35 1050.0 0.0009 740 14.1
25mm2 ACSR Gopher 33 1.3794 0.3806 3.54 1200.0 0.0012 163 9.3
75mm2 ACSR Racoon 33 0.4573 0.3459 6.15 1200.0 0.0011 319 18.2
150mm2 ACSR Wolf 33 0.2259 0.3215 9.07 1200.0 0.0010 487 27.8
300mm2 ACSR Goat 33 0.1132 0.2988 13.00 1200.0 0.0010 750 42.9
35mm2 AAAC 35DIN 33 1.1933 0.3770 3.75 1200.0 0.0012 177 10.1
95mm2 AAAC 95DIN 33 0.442 0.3449 6.25 1200.0 0.0011 325 18.6
185mm2 AAAC 185DIN 33 0.2277 0.3237 8.75 1200.0 0.0010 487 27.8
300mm2 AAAC UPAS 33 0.1137 0.3021 12.35 1200.0 0.0010 740 42.3
50mm2 AAC Ant 0.415 0.6688 0.2763 4.65 300.0 0.0009 248 0.178
100mm2 AAC Wasp 0.415 0.3337 0.2545 6.59 300.0 0.0008 378 0.272
150mm2 AAC Hornet 0.415 0.2256 0.2413 8.13 300.0 0.0008 481 0.346
150mm2 ACSR Wolf 66 0.2259 0.3355 9.07 1500.0 0.0011 487 55.7
300mm2 ACSR Goat 66 0.1132 0.3369 13.00 2200.0 0.0011 750 85.7
185mm2 AAAC 185DIN 66 0.2277 0.3377 8.75 1500.0 0.0011 487 55.7
300mm2 AAAC UPAS 66 0.1137 0.3401 12.35 2200 0.001083 740 84.6

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Table 5-3- Cable Parameters

Thermal rating
Conductor Core Votage (kV) R (ohm/km) X (ohm/km) (A) (MVA)
Al95mm2 3xAL 11 0.41 0.0990 240 4.6
Al185mm2 3xAL 11 0.211 0.0911 340 6.5
Al300mm2 AL 11 0.13 0.1050 455 8.7
Al500mm2 AL 11 0.0803 0.0969 575 11.0
Cu95mm2 3xCU 11 0.247 0.0987 300 5.7
Cu185mm2 3xCU 11 0.128 0.0903 420 8.0
Cu300mm2 CU 11 0.0791 0.1030 565 10.8
Cu500mm2 CU 11 0.0507 0.0974 715 13.6
Al95mm2 AL 33 0.41 0.1430 245 14.0
Al185mm2 AL 33 0.211 0.1300 350 20.0
Al300mm2 AL 33 0.13 0.1210 460 26.3
Al500mm2 AL 33 0.0803 0.1110 580 33.2
Cu95mm2 CU 33 0.247 0.1430 305 17.4
Cu185mm2 CU 33 0.128 0.1290 435 24.9
Cu300mm2 CU 33 0.0791 0.1200 570 32.6
Cu500mm2 CU 33 0.0507 0.1110 725 41.4
Al300mm2 AL 66 0.13 0.1162 470 53.7
Al500mm2 AL 66 0.0803 0.1068 610 69.7
Cu300mm2 CU 66 0.0791 0.1162 600 68.6
Cu500mm2 CU 66 0.0507 0.1068 760 86.9
LV25mm2 4xAL 0.415 1.2 0.0627 115 0.083
LV70mm2 4xAL 0.415 0.443 0.0517 195 0.140
LV120mm2 4xAL 0.415 0.253 0.0473 260 0.187
LV185mm2 4xAL 0.415 0.164 0.0444 330 0.237
LV300mm2 4xAL 0.415 0.1 0.0464 430 0.309
LVSC300mm2 AL 0.415 0.1 0.0545 475 0.341
LVSC630mm2 AL 0.415 0.0469 0.0539 675 0.485
ABC3x70+54.6 AL 0.415 0.443 0.0544 213 0.153
ABC3x150+70 AL 0.415 0.206 0.0485 344 0.247

5.3 Planning Guidelines

The planning guidelines described below and included in Appendix A are designed to assist distribution planning
engineers in achieving the standards outlined in the preceding section. The planning guidelines should be
applied in conjunction with the design guidelines described in Section 6.

5.3.1 Planning Management

The Planning Management guideline is concerned with the planning process and how it should be organised and

It covers areas such as planning timescales, forecasting methods, and economic analysis of development
projects. By following (and eventually expanding) this guideline, KPLC will be able to ensure that planning
methodology and approach is consistent across the country.

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Final Report Page 5.5

5.3.2 Economic Planning

The nature of distribution networks means that there are often a large number of solutions to any technical
problem. One of the most important skills for planning engineers is to be able to ascertain and develop the most
economic technically feasible solution. Engineers must balance the quality, reliability, capacity, and coverage of
their distribution network with the overall cost.

Generally it is important to consider all of the lifetime costs of a number of options which means that the cost of
losses must be considered. PB has developed the following spreadsheet based tools to aid this process:

CON-OPT (Conductor Optimisation)

TRANS-OPT (Transformer Optimisation)


CON-OPT is a spreadsheet based tool developed by PB, with the following functions:

Conductor optimisation - Performs a comparison of whole-life costs of distribution feeder options based on a
range of conductor sizes.

Maximum line length - Calculates the maximum line length versus feeder load for a range of conductor sizes.

CON-OPT is a spreadsheet based tool (Figure 5-1) which (among other functions) allows the user to calculate
the impact of losses on the whole life cost of a conductor and therefore enable the most economic conductor to
be selected.

The use of CON-OPT is best illustrated with an example. The following conditions are input in the spreadsheet:

Voltage = 11 kV

Initial Max Demand = up to 4000 kVA

Load Growth = 7 %

Load Factor = 55 %

Load Distribution Factor = 0.44 (assumes 5 load points along the feeder)

Discount Rate = 12 %

Cost of Losses = US$ 0.241 per kWh10

Time-scale = 7 years

The cost of losses is the long-run marginal cost (LRMC) of both capacity and energy combined. The capacity element
includes generation, transmission and distribution capacity as relevant, depending on the voltage level of the feeder. LRMC of
capacity is usually expressed in cost/kW, but in this case has been converted into a cost/kWh using the relevant load factor.
The energy element is the cost of operating the power plants, including fuel costs. The capacity and energy elements take
account of peak power losses and energy losses respectively.

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Final Report Page 5.6

Figure 5-1- CON-OPT Spreadsheet


Optimisation for New Lines, per km length.



LOAD FACTOR (%) 55.00% COST OF LOSSES (Units/KWH) 0.241 US$/kWh


Conductor Description Resistance Installed Unit Rating
Cost (pa)
(Select Conductor from List) Ohms/km US$/km US$/km/yr Amp. kVA
Gopher1 25mm2 ACSR (11kV)
Gopher 25mm2 ACSR (11kV) 1.379 19000 0 163 3106
3 75mm2 Racoon
ACSR (11kV)
75mm2 ACSR (11kV) 0.457 22000 0 319 6078
5 150mm2
ACSR 150mm2 (11kV) 0.226 26000 0 487 9279
19 0.000 0 0 0 0

In order to compare conductor sizes, estimated capital costs for each option are also required as follows:

Gopher 25mm2 ACSR conductor US$ 19,000 per km

Racoon 75mm2 ACSR conductor US$ 22,000 per km

Wolf 150mm2 ACSR conductor US$ 26,000 per km

The conductor optimisation is based on a calculation of the net present value (NPV) of the whole-life cost of the
options considered. The results are expressed graphically against initially loading level as shown in Figure 5-2

Figure 5-2: Conductor Optimisation

Optimisation for New Lines, per km length.

Gopher 25mm2 ACSR (11kV) Racoon 75mm2 ACSR (11kV) Wolf ACSR 150mm2 (11kV)


Lifetime Cost, NPV (Thousand)








0 150 300 450 600 750 900 1050 1200 1350 1500

Initial Peak Demand (KVA)

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Final Report Page 5.7

As the load increases, so does the cost of losses, until it becomes economic to choose a larger conductor with
lower resistance. In this particular example, the smallest conductor is the economic choice for an initial feeder
load of less than 400 kVA and the largest conductor becomes economic for an initial feeder load above 900 kVA.

Figure 5-3 and Figure 5-4 show the results of the second function of the CON-OPT programme. Figure 5-3
shows the maximum permissible length for a range of feeder loads in order not to exceed a volt drop of 6 % at
the remote end of the feeder. Figure 5-4 shows the volt drop at the remote end of the feeder, associated with a
feeder length of 10 km, for a range of feeder loads.

Figure 5-3: Maximum Feeder Length

Variation of Feeder Length with Load

Gopher 25mm2 ACSR (11kV) Racoon 75mm2 ACSR (11kV) Wolf ACSR 150mm2 (11kV)

Permitted Volt Drop = 6%


Length (km)













Load (kVA)

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Final Report Page 5.8

Figure 5-4: Voltage Drop vs. Load for 10 km Length

Volt Drop for Fixed Length

Gopher 25mm2 ACSR (11kV) Raco on 75mm2 ACSR (11kV) Wolf ACSR 150mm2 (11kV)
Permitted V drop

Length = 10 km

Voltage Drop







0.0 400.0 800.0 1200.0 1600.0 2000.0 2400.0 2800.0 3200.0 3600.0 4000.0


Conductor optimisation should be based on a limited number of standard conductors and guidance on conductor
sizes and types is provided in Section 6. Standardising on a limited number improves purchasing power and
availability of spares.

The CON-OPT tool can help with selection of conductor size as indicated above. Generally, the selection
process should be based on the following criteria:

Thermal rating

Voltage compliance

Cost of losses

In rural areas, where there are longer lines and relatively low load densities, the design limitation tends to be one
of voltage regulation; whereas in urban areas with shorter lines and higher load densities, thermal rating is
generally the overriding consideration.

The thermal rating of a conductor is the continuous current that the conductor can carry at specified ambient
conditions. Voltage regulation refers to the variation in voltage on a feeder between periods of minimum and
maximum demand.

When selecting a conductor the outage condition requirements should be taken into consideration as well as
estimated future load growth.

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Final Report Page 5.9


TRANS-OPT (Figure 5-5). is slightly more complicated than CON-OPT although it works on the same principle.
The difference is that it is designed for use on transformers where, unlike distribution conductors, there are two
components to losses – fixed and variable. The fixed losses are the iron losses which are independent of load.
The variable or copper losses result from the resistance of the windings and are load dependent.

The spreadsheet also contains the functionality to evaluate staged installation of transformers or substation
transformer replacements.

Figure 5-5: Transformer Optimisation

5.3.3 Network Reliability

This guideline document introduces designing for and the tracking of network reliability. Some of the important
reliability indices are defined, such as System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI) and System Average
Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI) and some benchmarks are provided for reference.

Design considerations for both overhead and underground networks are also listed.

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Final Report Page 5.10

5.3.4 Application of Shunt Capacitors

Suitably sized shunt capacitor banks can achieve the following benefits when installed on distribution networks
for power factor correction:

Increase in loading capacity of the primary feeders where the loading is restricted by either voltage drop
limits or conductor thermal rating

Increase in loading capacity of all system components upstream from the capacitor bank location

Reduction in load losses in all system components upstream from the capacitor bank location

Both the planning and design guideline documents provide details on the application of capacitors, how they may
be sized and methods of operating them.

5.3.5 Load Assessment and Consumer Modelling

Distribution planning requires a good understanding of the loads on the network and typical consumer usage.
Several of the standard metrics for consumer demand are defined in the guideline, including; load duration
curves, load factor, coincidence and diversity.

5.3.6 New Connections

Guidance is provided on typically recommended connection voltage and security of supply for new connections of
various MVA rating and various supply conditions.

5.3.7 Industrial Consumers and Motors

When designing a connection for a large motor load, such as a water pumping station, the voltage step change
during motor starting should be studied and all motors connected at 11 kV and above should be modelled
explicitly. The connection of a large group of LV motors that will have a combined effect on the network should
also be studied.

The guideline includes a typical motor starting calculation.

5.3.8 Distribution Transformer Loads

Loads on individual distribution transformers are generally not known and therefore, for the purpose of
distribution feeder planning and modelling, it is necessary to make suitable assumptions based on available

The peak feeder load and the rating of each of the distribution transformers is generally known or can be readily
obtained. The method generally adopted is therefore to assign the feeder load across the distribution
transformers in proportion to their rating.

For example, on a feeder with a peak load of 5 MVA and 10 MVA of total transformer capacity, 1 kVA of load
would be allocated per 2 kVA of transformer capacity. A 250 kVA transformer would be modelled with a load of
125 kVA and this is the methodology applied to feeder modelling in the Master Plan study.

There will be some errors in this method, as occasionally the rating of the transformer may not suit the load. It
should also be noted that due to the effect of coincidence, it is not the actual maximum demand on that particular
transformer that is modelled, but the contribution of each transformer’s load to the maximum feeder load.

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Final Report Page 5.11

5.3.9 Losses and Loss Reduction

The losses that occur in the process of supplying electricity to consumers, within transmission and distribution
systems can be classified into technical and non-technical losses. Many electricity networks suffer with high
technical and non-technical losses. For KPLC, energy losses are the difference between energy purchased
through power purchase agreements (PPAs) with the generating companies and energy sold to end use
customers across the country.11 Losses therefore represent a direct operational cost to KPLC that is passed on
to consumers through the tariff.

Reduction of technical losses will result in improvements in voltage quality to consumers, higher sales; and lower
generation; whilst reduction of non-technical losses will contribute directly to the revenue receivable12.

Technical losses are caused by energy dissipated in the conductors and equipment used for sub-transmission
and distribution of power. These are inherent in the system but can be reduced to an optimum level. Non-
technical losses are due to theft, defective meters and errors in meter readings.

Technical losses are categorised as copper (variable) or iron (fixed). Copper losses are caused by the heating
effect of electric current as it passes through circuit or transformer winding resistance, and can be calculated by
multiplying the square of the current by the circuit or transformer resistance. Iron losses are caused by the
induction of eddy currents in the cores of transformers and reactors. They are always present while the
equipment is energised and are not affected by loading.

The main factors that contribute to high technical losses are the use of small cross sectional area conductors,
unbalanced loads, sub standard connections / joints, poor power factors and voltages below the design criteria.
Overloaded transformers can result in high copper (variable) losses whilst under loaded transformers can result
in high iron (fixed) losses. The optimum loading of a transformer should take both the copper and iron losses into

Loss reduction programmes are generally self-financing even over a relatively short period of time. The reduction
in technical losses is particularly significant in economic terms because power losses must be generated and
transmitted and therefore impact system capacity, whilst energy losses result in increased fuel usage.

The long run marginal cost (LRMC) is the cost of generating, transmitting, and distributing one kilowatt of power
at system peak to a consumer supplied at a specific voltage level. Figure 5-6 shows the economic value of loss
reduction at various levels across the system. The LRMC of generation and transmission capacity respectively,
of 737 and 80 $/kW/year were derived from the LCPDP. The LRMC of distribution capacity at the 33 kV, 11 kV
and LV levels are typical values for distribution networks. The LRMC of energy and the percentage losses were
also derived from the LCPDP.

The capacity and energy cost components of losses are calculated and then annual savings derived based on an
assumed load factor (65% in the example). Finally, the whole-life cost saving is calculated based on an assumed
equipment life (40 years) and discount rate (12%).

KPLC is currently the sole public electricity supplier in Kenya.
Provided the non-technical losses are translated into increased sales.

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Final Report Page 5.12

Figure 5-6 Worked Example of Economics of Loss Reduction

kW Savings due to Cost of Losses

Capital Costs $/kW/Year

Generation Transmission 33 kV 11 kV 0.4 kV Total

Generation 737.0 737.0
Losses 3.97%
Transmission 766.3 80.0 846.3
Losses 2.65% 2.65%
33 kV 786.6 82.1 30.0 898.7
Losses 2.65% 2.65% 2.65%
11 kV 807.4 84.3 30.8 60.0 982.5
Losses 9.27% 9.27% 9.27% 9.27%
LV 882.3 92.1 33.6 65.6 90.0 1,163.6

Energy Costs $/kWh

Generation 0.011
Losses 3.0%
Transmission 0.011
Losses 2.0%
33 kV 0.012
Losses 2.0%
11 kV 0.012
Losses 7.0%
LV 0.013

Cap Savings/ Fuel Savings/

Save kW With Load Factor at Annual Savings
Year Year
1 65% LV $1,164 $72 $1,235

Time Period Discount Rate Can Spend

40 years 12% $10,185

5.3.10 Loss Reduction Programmes

The economic justification means that a loss reduction programme is usually cost effective and can be
implemented within relatively short timescales. A loss reduction programme normally follows these steps:

Understanding the problem

Correcting or optimising designs

Implementing network standards

Maintenance and construction procedures

Understanding the Problem

It is possible to estimate typical losses based on models (generally only technical losses) but to be able to
quantify the actual losses and where best to target loss reduction efforts, physical measurements will need to be

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Final Report Page 5.13

taken. Therefore the first steps in a loss reduction programme would be to initiate changes to allow for better
data collection, metering, and energy auditing.

This will include:

• Acquiring field data i.e. feeder routes and sizes

• Building network models

• Meter installation and meter reading programme

• Systems and procedures developed and implemented to allow future energy auditing

It should be noted that KPLC is already underway with data collection and network model building plans. Efforts
to improve the consistency, quantity and quality of this data across Kenya would have benefits for both the loss
reduction effort but also to the overall system planning and operations/maintenance of the network.

Correcting or Optimising Designs

Designs associated with construction or rehabilitation work should consider the economic impact of losses.

This economic consideration when sizing conductors and transformers should ensure that KPLC not only
minimises losses to an economic level, but also implements not the lowest construction cost solution, but the
lowest lifetime cost solution.

Implementing Network Standards

Generally, losses will be maintained at acceptable levels if planning guidelines are followed and network
parameters are maintained within the planning limits identified earlier in this section. This means keeping:

• Voltage within required range;

• Equipment loaded to standard levels; and

• Power factor at optimal levels.

Maintenance and Construction Procedures

Arguably the most cost effective way to reduce losses at the distribution level is to ensure that maintenance and
construction problems are corrected. As KPLC already employ the staff to undertake this work, the additional
costs should be minimal.

Poor jointing practice and materials add unnecessary losses to feeders, and can often lead to line failures. The
first part of a loss reduction programme should audit the maintenance procedures at the primary and secondary
voltage levels and ensure that staff are provided with the correct training and materials for jointing and condition

Another cost effective programme to implement is the rebalancing of the low voltage loads. A relatively small
team is required to survey, measure, and redistribute the LV loads equally over the three phases. This can
dramatically reduce the peak loading on certain phases, and hence reduce feeder losses.

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Final Report Page 5.14

5.4 Planning Recommendations

During the data collection phase of this project it was observed that essential network planning data is not always
readily available. In order to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the network planning process, it is
essential that improvements are made in the quality and accessibility of network and metering information
available to the planning department.

5.4.1 Coordinated Approach

Distribution planning by necessity should be done at the local level within each region. Knowledge of the local
conditions, customers, and the existing network are all vital to distribution planning engineers. However there
should be a similar approach throughout the KPLC offices, applying national standards and planning criteria.

Currently, there is a wide variance in terms of training, tools, experience, and methodology of distribution
planning across the regions.

5.4.2 Network Database and Schematics

KPLC’s network database was found to be only 60-70 % complete and in many cases conflicts were found
between the database and network schematics. For effective planning, it is important that the database and
schematics reflect as closely as possible the state of the network.

5.4.3 Accurate Load Information

At present KPLC generally collects feeder load data using a manual, paper based process. Hourly readings are
taken and the maximum daily feeder current is recorded based on the hourly values. These readings are taken
on the hour every hour – this is discrete instantaneous sampling of the feeder load and it only records the actual
load at the beginning of each period.

This method of recording loads may result in erratic values that may not represent the true load behaviour. This
methodology relies on the characteristic of interest (peak hourly demand) occurring during the window of time
that the substation operator is observing the meter readout. At this point in time, the reading could equally be the
minimum load rather than the peak or any value in-between. An example of this effect is shown in Figure 5-7.

By measuring the current for each feeder, the operator essentially records the thermal load on the feeder. This is
adequate for most operational requirements. However, by not recording the voltage and power factor alongside
the feeder current, assumptions must be made to determine the active and reactive power of the load.

Many substations have either un-calibrated or non-operational metering on some feeders. Additionally, the
measurements at the substation transformers (i.e. the total load of the substation) are seldom recorded and also
have the same sampling issues as described above.

The lack of consistent primary substation and feeder load information is a significant issue and one that should
be addressed in order to improve the planning process and assist with prudent investment decisions.

As part of a review of the overall data collection practices of KPLC, it is recommended that substation metering
be examined. This should look at the instrument transformers (CT’s and VT’s) as well as the type of meters and
method of data logging. This should be done at all voltages of 11 kV and above as this will enable a far more
accurate load assessment to be carried out including daily and annual load profiles and energy usage analysis.

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Final Report Page 5.15

It is also recommended that KPLC considers a programme of peak demand metering on individual distribution
transformers. Some of the new kiosk substation designs have maximum demand meters (although some do not)
but this information is not recorded or tracked. It is suggested that initially full three phase metering be done on a
sample basis on transformers that might be under or overloaded. However, it should eventually form part of a
regular programme of monitoring. This process would also allow KPLC to locate significant feeder load

Figure 5-7: Example Feeder Load

5.4.4 Economic Planning

Once the technical criteria of a network have been met (e.g. capacity, security of supply, voltage etc.) the next
step is to consider the most economical design based on the whole life cost of the project. This should be done
when evaluating all investments and should include costs of losses and maintenance.

5.4.5 Standardised Planning

Procedures should be implemented and regular training provided to ensure that they are widely understood and
applied. Additionally, feedback from all regions should be used to update the standards and guidelines as

5.4.6 Planning and Analysis Software

Implementation of planning and analysis software such as NEPLAN needs to be part of the overall
implementation of a coordinated network planning process. These packages are tools for planners to evaluate
different present and future scenarios to arrive at an optimum solution. However, without a coordinated network
planning process, these tools are of little benefit.

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Final Report Page 5.16

It is recommended that KPLC expands the use of NEPLAN to distribution planning engineers throughout Kenya
and continues the development of the network models. It should be remembered that these models are not static
and need to be maintained in a controlled centralised manner, ensuring that all network changes are captured.

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Final Report Page 5.17



6.1 Introduction

In this section of the report a new draft Design Manual is introduced. This section also includes some
recommendations for implementation of the new Design Manual and identifies the requirement for additional
related documentation including; construction manual, maintenance manual and technical specifications.

6.2 DSGM Review

KPLC’s Distribution Standards & Guidelines Manual (DSGM) – Design Module, dated July 2010, was provided to
PB during the initial data collection phase. This document contains useful data, methods and calculations for
designing the distribution system; however it is lacking in detail in some key areas, including the following:

Distribution system protection

Primary substation design

During the review it was found that some parts of the documentation are duplicated with some inconsistencies
within the duplicated sections. It was also found that many elements essential for good design practice were

6.3 Draft Design Manual

The new Draft Design Manual aims to cover all of the key areas associated with distribution system design, as
applicable to KPLC. The Design Manual forms a separate volume (Volume II) and is arranged in sections as
briefly described below.

6.3.1 Introduction

The first section describes the purpose of the Design Manual and how it should be applied. It includes examples
of key aspects to be applied in the case of primary substation design, but that could be adapted for other
elements such as distribution substations, overhead lines or cables.

6.3.2 Design and Construction Criteria

This section of the Design Manual begins with environmental parameters for Kenya and identifies key differences
between coastal, inland and highland areas. These differences in parameters drive decision making regarding
construction material recommended for use in certain items of equipment.

It provides details of minimum electrical clearances that should be applied at voltage levels from 66 kV to LV.

The remainder of this section deal primarily with standard conductor sizes and types for the various voltage levels
and identifies the thermal rating of each based on the applicable atmospheric conditions. It also includes curves for each, based on a stated voltage drop.

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Final Report Page 6.1

6.3.3 Short-Circuit Calculations

This section begins by explaining the importance of limiting short-circuits to within the rating of equipment such
as switchgear and cables and identifies recommended short-circuit current ratings for new equipment. The point
is made regarding existing equipment which in some cases may not be rated in accordance with the
recommendations and care is therefore needed particularly when proposing changes to the network that could
result in increased short-circuit levels.

Fault current contribution from the source (BSPs), motors and distributed generation is discussed, followed by
methods for conducting fault level calculations using symmetrical components.

6.3.4 Protection Design and Application

The role of protection systems on a distribution network is first described. Types of protection including; over-
current, distance and sensitive earth fault are then covered and their application described in relation to different
types of feeders and equipment at various voltage levels.

6.3.5 Voltage Drop and Losses

The first part of this section covers the hand-calculation method for conducting volt drop calculations. Various
options are then described for improving voltage regulation on part of a distribution system. These include;
upgrading to a higher voltage level, reduction in feeder current by providing additional feeders, reduction in
feeder length by providing additional primary substations or BSPs, increasing conductor size or transformer size
to reduce impedance, installation of shunt capacitors or voltage regulators.

The second part of this section covers technical losses in distribution network components. It includes
calculation methods for line and transformer losses, with worked examples, showing how to determine the cost of
losses and how to value these over the life-time of equipment. Economic loading of lines and transformers is
also discussed.

6.3.6 Application of Shunt Capacitors

This section includes a description of the various types of shunt capacitors typically used in various situations on
distribution networks. It includes methods for calculating power factors and relates this to the required capacitor
rating based on achieving a target power factor. It describes how power factor correction may be used to
achieve a number of benefits including; increased circuit loading capability, improved voltage regulation and
reduced losses. Capacitor bank location and automatic switching are also briefly covered.

6.3.7 Voltage Regulators

This section is concerned with voltage regulators installed on long feeders for the purpose improving voltage
regulation. The operating principles are first explained, followed by methods for calculating the required rating.
Regulator controls are then described and a calculation is included for determining the compensator settings of a
voltage regulator.

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6.3.8 Overhead Distribution System Design

The first part of this section covers the mechanical aspects of distribution line design. It includes design details
for poles, foundations, insulators and conductors. It also includes medium voltage sectionalising equipment and
surge arrestors.

Pole mounted and ground mounted distribution substations are then covered including typical MV and LV
protection arrangements and distribution boards.

This section also includes specific design considerations for 66 kV overhead lines.

6.3.9 Underground Cable System Design

This section begins with a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of underground cables vs. overhead
lines and describes some of the key considerations for underground cable system design. Performance
parameters of typical cable types used on the KPLC system are then presented.

The components of cables and the materials from which they are constructed are then described. The section
also includes design details for cable system installation.

6.3.10 Substation Design

This section begins with a discussion of typical substation configurations and describes the reasons for adopting
particular configurations in various applications.

Substation location is then covered, including a list of considerations, easements and right of way. This is
followed by substation layouts and safety clearances. Substation equipment including transformers and
switchgear are discussed. Site development aspects are then covered, including site surveying, earthworks,
roads, oil containment, fencing and security and cable trenches.

Typical substation layouts for BSPs and primary substations are provided.

6.3.11 Earthing System Design

This section describes the reason for providing an earthing system and includes design details and calculations
for confirming the adequacy of the earthing system.

6.4 Implementation of Design Manual

The new Design Manual is a draft document and should be reviewed by KPLC before using it for network design.
The existing DSGM is likely to have evolved over some considerable time and may in many respects provide
adequate guidance.

The new Design Manual covers a number of areas as described above, including aspects not covered in the
DSGM. It is recommended that the new Design Manual is adopted over time. Some aspects may be found by
KPLC to be more useful and applicable than others and therefore is suggested that the document is gradually
amended and increasingly adopted by KPLC.

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Final Report Page 6.3

6.5 Prospective Additional Scope

Following discussions with KPLC staff involved in this study the following prospective additional scope (not
included within the present study) is considered beneficial to KPLC:

6.5.1 Design Manual Workshop

PB considers that a workshop would be useful to present the Design Manual and explain and clarify the key
objectives and scope of the document.

This workshop should be attended by principal and senior design engineers of KPLC and will provide training and
capacity development for KPLC. PB are of the opinion that these workshops are an important step to ensure that
all KPLC primary requirements are incorporated and KPLC personnel fully understand how the manual was
developed, and how to apply it in everyday practice.

PB would propose three training sessions of 7 to 10 days in three different locations - Nairobi, Mombasa and
Lessos (Kisumu).

6.5.2 Distribution Construction Manuals

Documents forming this additional task would contain:

Distribution Substation Construction Manual

Distribution Overhead Line Construction Manual

Distribution Underground Cable Construction Manual

PB would propose updated construction standards, General Technical Requirements and Codes of Practice that
incorporate the new technologies and designs developed during the Design Guidelines preparation to bring
KPLC into line with current best practices.

The documents would include:

Basic climatic and soil data to be used

Safety clearances, fault levels and other system data

Survey, site setting and soil investigation guidelines

Civil works guidelines

Erection guidelines

Setting and basic adjustment guidelines

Construction tests requirements and elementary checks specification

Commissioning guidelines and requirements

Handing over check sheets and requirements

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Final Report Page 6.4

Workshops to introduce the new construction manuals and agree the key objectives and direction of the
document would be of benefit to KPLC.

PB would propose three workshop sessions each of 5 days and in three different locations- Nairobi, Mombasa
and Lessos (Kisumu).

6.5.3 Distribution Maintenance Manuals

In addition to technical aspects, there are also maintenance aspects to consider. Current maintenance practices
must also be understood including the resource constraints, levels of competency, training needs and
developmental aspirations. PB’s specialists would identify areas where the actual practice has fallen behind
current international best practices and where benefits would be achieved by the introduction of new
technologies. Therefore PB propose to develop the following new documents:

Distribution Substations Maintenance Manual

Distribution Overhead Line Maintenance Manual

Based on good current practice, a list of tools and test equipment suitable for a modern distribution network
would be developed. These would be incorporated into the construction procedures, and instruction in their
proper use would be arranged as necessary.

In conjunction with the preparation of the documents, we would carry out a review of manning levels in use for
current construction activities, and those required for modern practices and techniques. Appropriate
recommendations would be made.

Workshops to introduce the new maintenance manuals and agree the key objectives and direction of the
document would be of benefit to KPLC. PB would propose three workshop sessions each of 5 days and in three
different locations- Nairobi, Mombasa and Lessos (Kisumu).

6.5.4 Material and Equipment Technical Specifications

It is envisaged that the development of the new Design Manual together with new Construction and Maintenance
Manuals would drive the development of new Technical Specifications required for inclusion within KPLC’s
existing volumes. Further Technical Specifications would be developed in line with those technologies identified
during development of these documents.

Depot and site visits would be undertaken to understand the use, performance and modes of operation of the
various materials and equipment. PB would visit the sites with the counterpart KPLC engineers in attendance to
ensure access and the availability of local staff.

PB specialists would review and update the existing material and equipment specifications and develop new
specifications to produce a set of documents that balances the current needs of KPLC with future requirements.
This exercise would incorporate (where appropriate) new technologies, equipment and materials that have been
included in the new Design Manual and Construction and Maintenance Manuals. Comparison with modern utility
standards and practices would be made and changes to, or potential replacement of existing materials and
equipment would be identified and appropriate recommendations made.

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For the purpose of organising and simplifying these documents PB would propose to replace the original
structure of the specification documents in the following manner:

Separate specification covering the service conditions (climatic data), submittals specification and
requirements, commercial standard packing and shipping requirements. This would be a standalone
document but would form an indivisible part of any tender

Separate specification of electrical system conditions. This would be a standalone document but would
form part of any tender for electrical materials and equipment.

The technical specification of material would include:

Scope of delivery/material/equipment

Standards used

Tests required

Special packing requirements

Data schedule

Drawing or Sketch

PB would also propose a workshop of 7-10 days to present findings of the work, the proposed updated
documentation and agree key objectives and directions.

6.5.5 New set of Bidding Technical Specifications

PB believe that the following additional specification development would be beneficial to KPLC but is also not
included in the current master-plan scope:

New set of bidding technical specifications and schedules for primary 132/33 kV substations

New set of bidding technical specifications and schedules for132 kV sub-transmission OHL.

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7.1 Network Data and Assumptions

The key network data and assumptions were described in the Interim Report, issued in September 2012 and
these are not repeated here.

Initial network data collection was conducted at KPLC’s central offices in Nairobi and included collecting a copy of
KPLC’s Facilities Database (FDB), network schematics, loading data and relevant reports. This was followed in
April with data gathering at the regional and sub-regional level. The regional visits were conducted in three
teams, each comprising members from the PB and KPLC counterpart study teams. The teams covered the
various KPLC regions as follows:

Nairobi Region

Coast and Mt. Kenya Regions

Western Region

The data obtained in the regions and sub-regions, including; network topology, substation geographical locations,
feeder routes, circuit and equipment rating and load data, was used to complete the many gaps in the data
obtained initially from the central offices as detailed in the Interim Report. Reasonable assumptions were agreed
with KPLC in cases where specific data was unavailable.

7.2 Network Models

The network models were developed on a regional basis to maintain manageable sized models and to allow the
regional teams to develop the models simultaneously. The models were developed using NEPLAN power
systems analysis software. GIS mapping was also used to provide geographical representation of the networks.

The detailed network models were generally limited to the 66 kV networks in Nairobi and the 33 kV networks in
the other regions. The models were constructed from the BSPs to the 66/11 kV, 33/11 kV primary substations,
with the loads lumped at the relevant 11 kV substation busbars. Within the counties outside Nairobi, a significant
proportion of the demand is supplied via 33/0.433 kV distribution transformers which were individually modelled,
where the data was available.

The 11 kV and LV networks were handled in a different manner in the study. Representative 11 kV feeders were
agreed with KPLC and these were explicitly modelled as described in the next section. Expansion of the
remainder of the 11 kV system and the LV system was considered by means of generic network models,
representing the various types of network topologies typically found in rural, urban, Nairobi and off-grid areas

A two week training workshop was held for the KPLC counterpart team during October. The network models
were refined over this period through detailed discussions between PB and the counterpart team. Network
analysis was also conducted and the results discussed with the counterparts. This included analysis of the
existing networks and expansion plans for the short-medium term as described in the following two sections.

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All of the network data on which the study was based, is encapsulated within the network models in database
form. These models will be handed over to KPLC on completion of the study.

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8.1 General

The 2012 NEPLAN models developed as described in the previous section provided the basis for this analysis.
Diversity factors were applied to peak primary substation and distribution transformer loads to ensure the feeder
loads in the power system model matched the measured values.

8.2 Nairobi Region

8.2.1 66 kV and 33 kV Network

The Nairobi Region covers five counties; Nairobi, Kiambu, Kajiado, Machakos and Makueni. Kiambu and
Machakos counties extend into the neighbouring Mount Kenya region, and Kaijaido county extends into West
Kenya region.

A geographical view of the study region is presented in Figure 8-1. The GIS map displays the existing network
including BSPs, primary substations and feeders and shows transmission interconnections with other regions.

The BSPs in the Nairobi region are; Embakasi 220/66 kV, Nairobi North 220/66 kV, Ruaraka 132/66 kV and Juja
Road 132/66 kV. The sub-transmission voltage in the Nairobi Region is 66 kV with a number of large consumers
connected at this voltage. There are three main 33 kV feeders from Nairobi; to Kajiado and Machakos Counties
fed from EPZ primary substation and Nyaga fed from Ruiru primary substation.

Details of the network topology and interconnections are shown in Figure 8-2. Colour coding of substations
indicates normal supply areas of BSPs. Normally open points and embedded generation are also shown. (Note
that the network schematics may be viewed more clearly in Appendix B.)

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Figure 8-1: Nairobi Region: GIS Map - 2012

The substation load data for Nairobi Region is presented in Appendix B. The following 66/11 kV primary
substations have been commissioned recently; Kabete, Gigiri, Kiambu Road, Komo Rock and Ruai.

Based on discussions with KPLC, the estimated load transfers from existing to new primary substations used for
the study are indicated below

20% load each from Westlands, Kikuyu and Kileleshwa to Kabete

5% load from Karen to Kabete

60% load from Steel Billet to Komo Rock

10% load from Kitisuru to Gigiri

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Figure 8-2 Nairobi Region Schematic – 2012

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8.2.2 66 kV and 33 kV Network Assessment

The assessment indicates that there are a few areas in the existing Nairobi 66 kV and 33 kV networks with
voltages below the minimum planning limit of 0.9 pu during peak load conditions (Table 8-1). A full set of results
is provided in Appendix B.

Table 8-1: Nairobi Region 2012 – Voltage Violations

Rated LF results
Region County Name/Location
Voltage(kV) Voltage(kV) Voltage(pu)
Nairobi Nairobi Karen 66 55.2 0.84
Nairobi Nairobi Ngong Wind 66 55.5 0.84
Nairobi Kiambu Kikuyu 66 57.3 0.87
Nairobi Kajiado Kajiado 33 28.1 0.85

Karen and Kikuyu primary substations are fed from Nairobi North BSP via Limuru primary substation. The low
voltages are due to the distance of these primary substations from the BSP and the loading on the 66 kV feeder
(Table 8-2). The voltage along most of the 33 kV Kajiado feeder is below the planning limit, which is due to the
length of the 33 kV feeder and the loading. The studies have been conducted assuming that the voltage at the
BSP 66 kV busbars is 1 per unit. Actual voltages may be lower than indicated when the BSP 66 kV busbar
voltages are lower than 1 per unit during peak load conditions. KPLC is currently installing capacitive
compensation at a number of BSPs; Juja, Nairobi North, Embakasi and Ruaraka to improve network voltages.

Table 8-2 and Table 8-3 show loading on a few transformers and feeders respectively, at 88-100 % of thermal

Table 8-2: Nairobi Region 2012 – High Transformer Loading

Region County Name/Location Voltage Ratio % Loading
Rating (MVA)
Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi South S/S 66/11 3x23 88
Nairobi Nairobi Limuru S/S 66/11 1x5,1x23 91+
Nairobi Kiambu Nairobi North BSP 220/66 2x90 92
Nairobi Nairobi Industrial Area S/S 66/11 2x23 98

+ Limuru 1x5MVA transformer

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Table 8-3: Nairobi Region 2012 – High Feeder Loading

Name/Location Equipment
Region Voltage Length Rating % Loading
From To
(kV) (km) (A)
Nairobi Firestone tee-off Industrial Area S/S 66 4.5 421 94
Nairobi Nairobi North BSP Limuru S/S 66 16 650 95
Nairobi Limuru S/S Kikuyu S/S 66 14.5 421 96
Nairobi Embakasi BSP Firestone tee-off 66 6 421 100

Industrial Area primary substation provides supplies to several critical industrial loads. The 2x23 MVA
transformers at the substation are operating at almost 100% loading under normal operation, with the 66 kV
incoming feeders operating at 100% loading in some sections. Under outage conditions, it may be possible to
temporarily transfer some load to adjacent substations however load shedding would be required. In the short
term it is critical that the substation capacity is increased. This is considered further in the expansion plans for
2013, described in the next section.

Peak technical losses (at the time of maximum demand) on the 66 kV and 33 kV distribution network in the
Nairobi Region were calculated at 5.8 % of demand. Note that this does not include losses on the 11 kV and LV

8.2.3 11 kV Representative Feeders

Two of the 11 kV feeders in Nairobi; Peponi Road and Villa Franca, were modelled from single line diagrams
provided by KPLC. Peponi Road feeder predominantly serves commercial and domestic load, and Villa Franca
feeder serves industrial load. The peak load assumed for the Villa Franca feeder was split proportionally across
the distribution transformers connected to the feeder. The results of the feeder analysis are presented in Table

Table 8-4: Nairobi Region 2012 - Representative 11 kV Feeder Results

Villa Franca (ex

Feeder Name Peponi Rd
New Industrial)

Feeder Type Industrial Domestic &

Total number of 11/0.4kV transformers 22 22
Installed Capacity of 11/0.4kV transformers (MVA) 10.8 4.53
Average capacity of 11/0.4kV transformers (MVA) 0.49 0.21
Total Load (MVA) 6.2 3.62
Length of main line (km) 2.04 1.95
Total length of 11 kV feeder inc spurs (km)
Losses – feeder (inc spurs) (% of loading) 2 2
MW Losses - main line (% of loading) 1.1 1.2
Minimum voltage (%) 98 99
Maximum loading on 11 kV main line (%) 77 71

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Feeder loading and voltages are within planning limits. The feeders are relatively short and with adequate
conductor size, resulting in relatively low losses.

8.2.4 Short Circuit Analysis

Based on information provided by KPLC, all 11 kV and 66 kV switchgear was assumed to be rated at 25 kA and
31.5 kA respectively. With the exception of the 11 kV bus-section circuit breaker at Industrial Area which is
operated normally open, all 11 kV bus-sections were assumed to be operated normally closed.

The calculated 66 kV fault levels were found to be within the switchgear rating. However the studies indicate a
short circuit level at Nairobi South 11 kV of 105 % of rating and Nairobi West 11 kV of 103 % of rating. These
potential short-circuit level issues should be investigated further. A possible short-term solution would be to
operate these substations with the 11 kV bus-sections in the open position. However, as detailed in Section
4.1.2 of Volume II - Design Manual, we recommend installing series reactors in series with the substation bus
sections to reduce the fault current. It should be noted that in situations where the bus section cannot be run
open for security of supply reasons, series reactors would never be installed in series with feeders in a radial
system. Where the fault level cannot be reduced to within the switchgear rating, the switchgear should be
replaced with adequately rated equipment.

8.3 Mount Kenya Region

8.3.1 33 kV Network

The Mount Kenya region covers 12 counties, Embu, Isiolo, Kiambu, Kerinyaga, Kitui, Laikipia, Machakos, Meru,
Muranga, Nyeri, Samburu, and Tharaka Nithi. Kiambu and Machakos counties extend into the Nairobi region;
and Laikipia is shared with the West region.

A geographical view of the study region is presented in Figure 8-3. The GIS map displays network including
BSPs, primary substations and feeders.

The main BSPs in the Mount Kenya region are; Kiganjo 132/33 kV, Nanyuki 132/33 kV, Meru 132/33 kV and
there are smaller capacity supplies at hydro power plants at Gitaru, Masinga, Kamburu and Kiambere. There is a
double circuit 66 kV line between Juja Road 132/66 kV in Nairobi region and Tana 66/11 kV in Mount Kenya to
facilitate import and export between regions. These lines also feed Thika 66/33 kV which may also be
considered a BSP.

A schematic showing the connectivity of the BSPs and the primary substations is presented in Figure 8-4 and in
Appendix C. The 33 kV network comprises 25 feeders, 32 primary substations and approximately 500 33/0.4 kV
distribution transformers. Approximately 28% of the load in the Mount Kenya region is supplied via 33/0.4 kV
distribution transformers.

Mangu 132/66, Githambo 132/33 and Gatundu 132/33 kV substations have been or are due to be commissioned
within the year 2012, after the data collection was completed. For this reason, these substations and their
associated feeders are included in the model from 2013 onwards. The geographical coordinates of the
substations and the layout of the feeders were provided by KPLC. The loading on the new feeders was assumed
based on the reconfiguration of the network to optimise terminal voltages at normally open points.

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Figure 8-3: Mount Kenya Region: GIS Map – 2012

8.3.2 Network Assessment

Data for the peak primary substation and 33 kV feeder loads was obtained from the KPLC counterpart staff and
from the national control centre at Juja Road. Confirmation of feeder topology and position of normally open
points were obtained from live switching diagrams at the regional control centre at Kiganjo. Diversity factors were
applied to peak primary substation and distribution transformer loads to ensure the feeder loads in the power
system model matched the measured values.

Load flow analysis on the 2012 model indicates low voltages of less than 80 % on the Karatina-Sagana-Kutus-
Kerugoya-Embu feeder from Kiganjo. The minimum voltage on all other feeders was found to remain above the
minimum planning limit of 90%. Full details of the load flow analysis in 2012 may be found in Appendix C.

Peak technical losses (at the time of maximum demand) on the 33 kV distribution network in the Mt. Kenya
Region were calculated at 7.1 % of demand. Note that this does not include losses on the 11 kV and LV

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Figure 8-4: Mount Kenya Region: Schematic – 2012

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8.4 Coast Region

8.4.1 33 kV Network

The Coast region covers 7 counties; Kajiado, Kilifi, Lamu, Kwale, Mombasa, Taita Taveta and Tana River.

The main BSPs in the Coast region are; Kipevu 132/33 kV, Kilifi 132/33 kV, Rabai 220/132/33 kV, Galu
132/33 kV and New Bamburi 132/33 kV, and there are smaller capacity supplies at Voi 132/33/11 kV and
Maungu 132/11 kV. Several other transmission small substations are connected to the 132 kV line from Juja
Road to Rabai, however serve only industrial loads.

A geographical view of the study region is presented in Figure 8-5. The GIS map displays the network including;
BSPs, primary substations and feeders.

Figure 8-5: Coast Region: GIS Map – 2012

A schematic showing the connectivity of the BSPs and the primary substations is presented in Figure 8-6 and
Appendix D.

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Figure 8-6: Coast Region: Schematic – 2012

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The 33 kV network comprises over 34 feeders, 40 primary substations and approximately 320 33/0.4 kV
distribution transformers. Approximately 22% of the load in the Coast region is supplied via 33/0.4 kV distribution

The 220/33 kV substations at Malindi and Garsen and their associated feeders are included in the model from
2013 onwards. The geographical coordinates of the substation and the layout of the feeders were provided by
KPLC. The loading on the new feeders was assumed based on the reconfiguration of the network to optimise
terminal voltages at normally open points.

8.4.2 Network Assessment

Data for the peak primary substation and 33 kV feeder loads was obtained from the KPLC counterpart staff and
from the national control centre at Juja Road. Confirmation of feeder topology and position of normally open
points were obtained from switching diagrams at the regional drawing office in Mombasa. Diversity factors were
applied to peak primary substation and distribution transformer loads to ensure the feeder loads in the power
system model matched the measured values.

Load flow analysis on the 2012 model indicates that the minimum voltage on all feeders remains above the
minimum planning limit of 0.9 pu, although voltages are close to minimum values on the Loitokotok feeder from
Voi BSP and on the Mambrui feeder from Malindi. Voltage improvements may be possible through tapping the
132/33 kV transformer. The model indicates a thermal overload of 3 percent on the Voi 33/11 kV 2.5 MVA

Full details of the load flow analysis in 2012 may be found in Appendix D.

Peak technical losses (at the time of maximum demand) on the 33 kV distribution network in the Coast Region
were calculated at 2.9 % of demand. Note that this does not include losses on the 11 kV and LV networks.

8.5 Western Region

8.5.1 33 kV Network

The Western region covers the major urban areas of Kisumu, Nakuru and Eldoret. There are a number of tea
plantations which operate on a commercial basis in the Kericho area of the Rift Valley province. The majority of
the Western region comprises small market towns and sparsely populated rural areas where land is primarily
used for agriculture.

The 132 kV transmission system feeds 10 132/33 kV bulk supply points. The 33 kV network comprises 52 radial
feeders, 71 primary substations and approximately 2000 33/0.4kV distribution transformers. Approximately 40%
of the load in the Western region is supplied via 33/0.433 kV secondary distribution transformers.

There are small generating stations at Gogo Falls and Eburru, which generate electricity from hydro and steam
resources respectively.

A geographical view of the study region is presented in Figure 8-7. The GIS map displays the network including;
BSPs, primary substations and feeders.

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The schematics showing the connectivity of the BSPs and the primary substations in the three sub-regions is
presented in Figure 8-8, Figure 8-9 and Figure 8-10. (Note that these diagrams may be viewed more clearly in
Appendix E.)

There is significant expansion on-going in the Western region. This is evident from the number of upgrades to the
existing system including transformer replacements, new bulk supply points and new primary substations.

Rangala 2x23MVA 132/33 kV substation was commissioned after the data collection was completed. The
geographical coordinates of the substation and the layout of the feeders were provided by KPLC. The MVA
loading on the new feeders was calculated based on proposed reconfigurations of the network to optimise
terminal voltages at the normally open points.

Figure 8-7: Western Region: GIS Map - 2012

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Figure 8-8: Western Region Schematic – Central Rift

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Figure 8-9: Western Region Schematic – North Rift and West Kenya (Musaga and Rangala BSPs)

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Figure 8-10: Western Region Schematic – West Kenya (Nyanza)

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8.5.1 33 kV Network Assessment

Data for 33 kV feeder loading and primary substation peak loads was obtained from the control centres at Lessos
and Nakuru in the Western region. Where primary substation load data was unavailable a 50 % load factor was
assumed, based on transformer capacity. Assumed data has been highlighted in the 2012 load table presented
in Appendix E.

KPLC advised that normally open points are regularly relocated to respond to outages and on-going
maintenance, and are generally not fixed on a permanent basis. For modelling purposes, normally open points
were determined from feeder loading data for optimum terminal voltages along a feeder. It was confirmed by
KPLC that the bus couplers on the 33 kV and 11 kV busbars are operated open at Nakuru, Sibembe and Obote
Road primary substations. These conditions were agreed for the planning period, and should be assessed for
short circuit levels before they are operated closed.

A number of voltage issues were found on the existing 33 kV network as listed in Table 8-5. Low voltages are
apparent due to extreme feeder length in the majority of cases.

KPLC advised that a number of in-line voltage regulators and several capacitor banks providing reactive
compensation for voltage support exist on the system. These devices were found to be out of service during the
data collection period of this study (due to various malfunctions) with the exception of a 3 MVAr capacitor bank at
Kisii 33/11 kV primary substation. This single device has been included in the model.

Transformers at Kisumu, Kegati and Rivertex 132/33 kV substations are overloaded in the existing system under
peak load conditions. These are presented in Table 8-6. These have been identified by KPLC and several
committed projects exist for the reinforcement of these substations. Reinforcements have been reassessed with
respect to the modelling results and are included in the list of proposed projects presented in Appendix E.

The 7.5 MVA transformer at Obote Road 33/11 kV substation will exceed 100 % of rated capacity by the end of
2012 (loading 110 %). KPLC staff advised that this is due to be replaced with 1x23 MVA transformer towards the
end of 2012. The existing substation configuration is two 33/11 kV transformers rated 1x23 MVA & 1x7.5 MVA.
The new 33/11 kV substation configuration will be 2x23 MVA.

No Western Region 33 kV feeders were found to be overloaded based on the 2012 analysis.

Peak technical losses (at the time of maximum demand) on the 33 kV distribution network in the West Region
were calculated at 6.7 % of demand. Note that this does not include losses on the 11 kV and LV networks.

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Table 8-5: Western Region 2012: Voltage violations

Region BSP Feeder Voltage(pu)

Western Lanet Nyahururu Interconnector 1 76.84

Western Lanet Nyahururu Interconnector 2 77.76
Western Lanet Rongai 77.96
Western Rivertex Steel Mills/Kitale 78.2
Western Musaga Webuye/Kitale 80.36
Western Kegati Homabay 82.56
Western Suswa Dck - Narok 84.61
Western Rivertex Kitale/Moi Barracks 86.53
Western Chemosit Kisii 88.36
Western Kisumu Kakamega 88.67
Western Chemosit Kericho 89.09
Western Chemosit Bomet 89.41
Western Kisumu Chemelil 89.91

Table 8-6 Western Region 2012: Transformer loading

County BSP Name/Location Voltage Ratio % Loading
Kisumu BSP
Kisumu Kisumu 132/33 1x23 122%
(Transformer 1)

Kisumu BSP
Kisumu Kisumu 132/33 1x23 117%
(Transformer 2)

Uasin Gishu Rivertex Rivertex BSP 132/33 2x23 111%

Obote Road
Kisumu Kisumu 33/11 1x7.5 108%
(Transformer 1)

Kisii Kegati Kegati BSP 132/33 1x23 101%

8.5.2 Representative 11 kV Feeders

Three representative 11 kV feeders were modelled from single line diagrams provided by KPLC. The feeders are
supplied from Obote Road and Kisumu East 33/11 kV primary substations. Kisumu East is assumed to supply
the residential neighbourhoods of Kisumu. Obote Road is located close to the industrial area of Kisumu and is
assumed to feed the commercial areas close to the centre of the town. Load data was unavailable for the
feeders and a transformer load factor of 70% was assumed. The results of the feeder analysis are presented in
Table 8-7.

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The residential and industrial feeders present no loading or voltage issues. Conductors are generally rated for
higher current capacity close the primary substation. 11 kV feeders exit the primary substation via short cable
sections (185mm2 AL PILC) before connecting to OHL sections (75mm2 and 150mm2 ASCR conductors). Line
sections (25mm2 ASCR) are generally installed for short spurs to distribution transformers.

Voltage and loading issues are evident on the Kondele feeder supplied from Obote Road primary substation.
This is due to low thermal rating of conductors as a result of inadequate sizing. Several line sections feeding a
large proportion of the load are of conductor type 25mm2 ASCR causing an effective “bottleneck”. Evaluation
suggests that the planning guidelines provided by KPLC have not been applied during the extension of a spur
from the main feeder. It is recommended that the design guidelines are applied for all future applications of 11 kV

Table 8-7: Western Region 2012: 11 kV Feeder Results

Kano Ex Kondele Ex Ring Ex

Feeder Name
Kisumu East Obote Obote
Feeder Type Residential Commercial Industrial
Total number of 11/0.4kV transformers 37 57 17
Installed capacity of 11/0.4kV transformers (MVA) 3.31 9.85 5.88
Average capacity of 11/0.4kV transformers (MVA) 0.09 0.17 0.35
Load (MVA) 2.32 6.90 4.12
Maximum loading on 11 kV main feeder (%) 55 265 82
Length of main feeder (km, excluding spurs) 25.1 15.4 2.18
MW Losses – feeder (inc spurs) (% of loading) 8.5 % 22.1 % 2.7 %
MW Losses – main line (% of loading) 7.2 % 19.7 % 0.9 %
Minimum voltage (%) 88 68 98

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9.1 Basis for Expansion Plan

This section of the report describes the short-medium term distribution network expansion plans that have been
developed for each of the KPLC regions to cover the period up to 2017.

The plans take account of the many ongoing and committed distribution reinforcement and expansion projects
that have received funding and are due for completion over the next few years. Ongoing and committed
transmission projects are also considered to the extent that they will impact on the distribution network. These
are essentially extensions of the transmission network to create new BSPs, which provide more infeeds to the
distribution network.

Detailed network analysis has been conducted for each of the regions covering each year from 2013 – 2017 and
further distribution projects have been proposed over the short-medium term period, beyond the ongoing and
committed projects mentioned above. The need for additional BSP and reinforcement of existing BSPs has also
been identified across the network as detailed below.

The need for the projects is driven by the demand forecast which has been disaggregated to county level as
described in Section 4 and then applied to the individual substations across the network. The proposed projects
should be considered the minimum requirement to meet the forecast demand whilst complying with the planning
criteria identified in Section 5.

Reliability of supply is a key issue for KPLC. Many parts of the network suffer from poor reliability which the
Distribution Master Plan aims to address. This is achieved primarily through proposals for increased levels of
transformer redundancy at BSPs and primary substations, with the aim of achieving N-1 security of supply in
accordance with the planning criteria by 2017.

Excessively long feeders result in poor power quality which may be addressed in the short term by capacitor
banks to provide power factor correction and thereby improve voltage regulation. However, the main impact of
long feeders is poor reliability. The additional BSPs proposed will facilitate shorter feeder lengths which will
impact positively on reliability.

The projects proposed in this section are related to the four KPLC regions. The technical and economic case for
extension of the grid to off-grid areas to the north and east of the country is covered in Section 11.

9.2 Nairobi Region

For N-1 compliance:

For primary substations with only 1x23MVA transformer, an additional transformer should be added
when the load exceeds 50% of transformer rating.

A proportion of the load from the existing substation(s) is proposed to be transferred to the new
substation via switching on 11 kV.

Ensure that critical primary substations can be supplied from alternative sources.

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9.2.1 Expansion Plans

Committed Projects

A number of projects are due to be commissioned over years 2013-2016 in the Nairobi region. Projects have
generally been considered committed where land has been obtained for commencement of civil works and
funding allocated. Projects expected to be completed within the 2013-2016 timeframe were identified and
presented to KPLC in the Interim Report. All committed projects are included in the models.

The committed projects consist of three new 220/66 kV BSPs associated with the Nairobi transmission ring;
Ngong, Athi River and Komo Rock, and four new 132/33 kV substations, Sultan Hamud, Wote, Machakos and
Kajiado, which are all due to be commissioned between the years 2014-15

Eighteen new 66/11 kV primary substations are also committed and due to be commissioned between the years
2013-2016; Eastleigh, Kiambu Road, Muthurwa, Ngong, Langata, City Square, Lavington, Lower Kabete, Ruai,
Uplands, Villa Franca, Kirigiti, Lukneya, Ndenderu, Rironi, Tala, Githunguri and Kasarani. Locations were
determined by knowledge of KPLC counterpart engineers and with reference to names of local

The committed 2x85 MW MSD power plants in the Athi River region were considered in the study. These power
plants will support the 66 kV network in this area when they are operational. However, due to the nature of these
power plants and the relatively high cost of fuel, it is likely that they will not be operated continuously. Load flow
studies were conducted for the most onerous conditions which would be when these power plants are out of

Proposed Projects

Seven new 66/11 kV primary substations are proposed from 2013-2016 to meet the Nairobi region demand:
Dagoretti, Likoni Road (near Industrial Area s/s), Thika Drive In (near Eastleigh s/s), Umoja (near Tala s/s),
Kiserian (near Ngong BSP), Kagundo (near Komorock s/s) and Kitengela (near Athi s/s). A new 2x200 MVA
220/66 kV BSP is proposed in the Central Business District.

Proposed projects will require a detailed assessment into the local area to locate a suitable plot of land for
acquisition. Wayleaves for new feeders should be investigated and an environmental impact assessment should
be conducted. Approximate locations for new substations and routes of new feeders have been proposed using
GIS software, following roads and public rights of way where possible. Lengths of new feeders have been
calculated on this basis for use in the models and for cost analysis.

The schematics which show the development of the 66 kV and 33 kV distribution system in the Nairobi region on
a year by year basis, to meet the forecast demand, are included in Appendix B.

The developments and reinforcements for each year, with committed projects from KPLC and KETRACO, and
projects proposed by PB are presented in Appendix F.

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Final Report Page 9.2


Committed projects

KPLC is currently decommissioning the Aggreko generators connected at Embakasi 66 kV and hence by the end
of 2012 the generation at Embakasi would be reduced from 120 MW to 30 MW. This will have an impact on the
existing 220/66 kV 90 MVA transformers at Embakasi as they would experience a major increase in load. Athi
River and Ngong BSPs are expected in 2014, and this will ease the loading on Embakasi.

Ruai and Kiambu Road substations were commissioned in late 2012 and therefore included in 2013 NEPLAN
model. Eastleigh, Muthurwa, Ngong and Langata primary substations are due to be commissioned in 2013.

A new 12 km, 300 mm2 66 kV single circuit line will be constructed between Kabete –Karen to supply the Karen,
Ngong and Kikiyu load. This new circuit will relieve loading on the 66 kV Nairobi North-Limuru overhead line and
improve voltages at Karen and Kikiyu. It should be noted that during an outage of Kabete-Karen line, under
voltages and circuit overloading are expected at Kikiyu, Karen and Ngong.

The entire load at Jevanjee (2x23 MVA s/s), which is a very old substation, will be transferred to Muthurwa (2x45
MVA s/s). Cathedral is a critical substation in the Central Business District supplied by one 66 kV cable from
either Nairobi West or Parklands. KPLC advised that Muthurwa would also be used to relieve some of the load at
Cathedral, Parklands and Kimathi, a neighbouring substation. Since the load in this area continues to grow, we
recommend that Jevanjee substation be refurbished and brought back in service in 2014.

There is significant residential and commercial development taking place in Ongata Rongai, currently fed from
Matasia. Karen currently supplies Langata town, which has several institutions; universities (2no.), several
colleges and schools and is growing at a fast rate. A new road is being built to serve Langata town, also
considered an affluent area. KPLC advised that some of the load at Karen and Matasia would be transferred to
Langata and Ngong to ease loading at the existing substation and improve reliability.

Proposed projects and system configuration

Major residential and commercial developments, Tatu City and Migaa, are being planned between Kiambu and
Ruiru towns with construction taking place over the next four years. Tatu City may be supplied at transmission
level due to the size of demand. However it is likely that satellite towns will spring up to serve these major
developments, with resultant significant growth in Kiambu county close to Ruaraka BSP. The 2x23 MVA 66/11 kV
transformers at Ruaraka are 25 years old and operating at close to 100 % capacity, particularly in the evenings.
Kiambu Road primary substation would be used to relieve load at Ruaraka, with Eastleigh taking some of the
load from Baba Dogo. However the Ruaraka 66/11 kV transformers would need to be upgraded to 45 MVA next

Loading issues were identified at Industrial Area in the 2012 assessment. KPLC expect the load in the area to
continue to grow. Currently there are delays with acquiring land for a new substation to relieve demand on
Industrial Area. Due to the importance of the load it is recommended that the existing 2x23 MVA transformers at
substation be upgraded to 2x45 MVA to improve supply reliability. Transformer upgrades are also necessary at
Limuru and Kikuyu for security of supply.

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Final Report Page 9.3

33 kV capacitor banks are proposed at Kajiado and Machakos primary substations to provide voltage support on
the long 33 kV feeders.


Committed projects

Ngong13, Athi River2, Sultan Hamud14 and Wote3 BSPs are to be commissioned this year, and have been
included in the 2014 model.

A number of primary substations previously supplied from Embakasi and Nairobi North BSP have been
reassigned to Ngong and Athi River BSP (Appendix B) to reduce loading on the former BSPs.

There are currently six cement factories in the Athi River locality supplied at 66 kV on overhead lines from
Embakasi. In addition, significant development is expected in this area in all sectors; industrial, commercial and
residential. Growth areas include flower farms (horticulture), chicken farms, and steel plants and cement
factories. Reassigning the 66 kV supplies for this area and the 11 kV supplies from Athi and EPZ primary
substations to Athi River from Embakasi will improve supply reliability in Athi and downstream feeders fed from
the primary substations.

Sultan Hamud and Wote will supply part of the load in the Machakos county originally supplied from EPZ primary
substation. There would be 15% reduction in the demand on EPZ.

City Square, Lavington, Uplands, Lower Kabete and Villa Franca primary substations are due to be
commissioned in 2014. It is also expected that Jevanjee refurbishment would be complete this year. The primary
substations are required to meet the load growth expected in Nairobi region. We understand that most
commercial businesses, primarily banks, would like to move outside the city centre to the Upper Hill area due to
limited space in the city centre. Supplies to this area will be from City Square primary substation. We have
therefore assumed going forward that growth within the city centre would be limited, with the demand moving to
neighbouring areas.

Kileleshwa substation experiences low voltages just outside the planning criteria when supplied from Ngong BSP
via Karen hence it is recommended that Kileleshwa substation is supplied from Nairobi North BSP via Westlands.

Ngong Road load is supplied from Ngong BSP via Karen. City Square and Cathedral would primarily be fed from
Embakasi BSP via Nairobi West. An alternative supply arrangement could be from Ngong BSP via Karen and
Ngong Road. If City Square and Cathedral are to be supplied from Ngong BSP then the overhead line from
Karen s/s to Ngong Road s/s would need to be upgraded by 2014 to avoid overloading of the existing 150 mm 2
single circuit by 91%. In addition a new 300 mm2 single circuit between Karen and Ngong s/s would be required
to avoid overloading of existing line by 56% and also low voltages are experienced at Kikiyu (0.87 pu), Ngong
Road (0.81 pu), City Square (0.81 pu) Kileleshwa (0.81 pu) and Cathedral (0.81 pu) . However, if only Ngong
Road and City Square load (Kileleshwa supplied from Nairobi North BSP via Westlands and Cathedral supplied
from Juja BSP via Parklands) are supplied from Ngong BSP via Karen there are no loading issues. It should be

2x200 MVA 220/66 kV substation
2x5 MVA 132/33 kV substation

Distribution Master Plan Study Prepared for KPLC

Final Report Page 9.4

noted that when Cathedral load is supplied from Juja BSP via Parklands, Juja BSP transformers are 5%

If City Square and Cathedral load is supplied from Ngong BSP via Karen then the existing 150mm2 overhead line
between Karen and Ngong Road is 50% overloaded. 300mm2 single circuit between Karen and Ngong s/s is
overloaded by 33% and also under voltages are experienced at Kikiyu (0.88pu), Ngong Road (0.84 pu), City
Square (0.83 pu) and Cathedral (0.83 pu).

Proposed projects and system configuration

An additional transformer would be required at Ruaraka BSP and Nairobi North BSP for security of supply in
2014. Additional transformers are proposed at Cianda, NSSF, EPZ and Mombasa Road for supply security.

With continued load growth, a new substation is crucial to provide reliable supplies to existing and prospective
customers in the Industrial Area and Eastleigh. We have proposed a new 66/11 kV 2x45 MVA substation (Likoni
Road) to be fed from Juja Road BSP on the Morris Company feeder. A new 66/11 kV 2x45 MVA primary
substation is proposed at Thika Drive-In, supplied from Juja Road BSP. This will relieve loading on Eastleigh,
which will in turn allow load relief on Kimathi. The most appropriate location for the substation would need to be
determined by KPLC.


Committed projects

Komo Rock, Machakos15, and Kajiado BSPs are to be commissioned this year, and have been included in the
2015 model. Juja Road BSP is due to be upgraded in 2015, resulting in additional transformer capacity.

The commissioning of Kajiado and Machakos BSPs would significantly reduce the load on EPZ primary
substation. The capacitive compensation recommended in 2013 at Kajiado and Machakos primary substations
would no longer be required once their respective BSPs are commissioned this year. The capacitive
compensation could be used elsewhere in the network. The load demand from the technology park, Konza, has
not been considered in the expansion plans because Konza BSP is to be commissioned this year.

Rironi, Kirigiti, Ndenderu, Lukneya and Tala primary substations are due to be commissioned in 2015 and would
be required for security of supply.

Proposed projects and system configuration

The proposed Komo Rock BSP should relieve Juja Road BSP and also provide an alternative supply to
Syokimau, Jevanjee, Muthurwa and Kimathi. We propose a double circuit connection from Komo Rock BSP to
the existing double circuit from Juja Road BSP to Kimathi. An additional dedicated circuit is recommended from
Komo Rock BSP to Muthurwa substation to achieve N-1 compliance.

By 2015, additional BSPs are required in the Nairobi region to meet the forecast load growth in the Nairobi
region. Thika Road BSP was proposed in the Nairobi 220kV Ring Study conducted by PB in 2010. This study
confirms that the BSP is needed to primarily relieve loading at Juja Road BSP and Nairobi North BSP. An
additional BSP is required to primarily relieve the loading on Embakasi BSP. We propose that the BSP is located

2x90MVA 132/33 kV substation

Distribution Master Plan Study Prepared for KPLC

Final Report Page 9.5

in the CBD where KPLC has already acquired some land.

We propose City Square, Nairobi West, Cathedral, Ngong Road and Kileleshwa load should be supplied from the
CBD BSP. Ngong Road and Kileleshwa load is supplied via City Square. A double circuit cable is recommended
between CBD BSP and City Square, however it should be noted that with outage of one of the double circuit
cable the remaining cable will be 28% overloaded,


Committed projects

Githunguri and Kasarani primary substations are due to be commissioned in 2016 to improve security of supply.

Proposed projects and system configuration

Dagoretti and Kitengela substations are proposed to meet demand growth in Limuru and Athi area’s respectively.
With continued load growth around the Komo Rock area, a new substation 66/11 kV 2x23MVA in the Kangundo
area is proposed to provide reliable supplies to existing and prospective customers in that area. Similarly, due to
the load growth around the Ngong area a new 66/11 kV 2x23 MVA Kiserian substation is recommended. The
most appropriate location for the substations would need to be determined by KPLC. It is also recommended to
upgrade Cathedral substation to 2x45 MVA to meet demand growth in that area.

To meet N-1 compliance an additional 23 MVA 66/11 kV transformer is recommended at Uplands and Tala
primary substations. The existing Nyaga 1x7.5MVA 33/11 kV transformer was 97.5% loaded in 2015 and to meet
N-1 compliance an additional 7.5MVA 33/11 kV transformer is recommended. An additional line is also proposed
between Ruaraka substation and Ruiru substation and also between Ruiru 33 kV and Nyaga for N-1 compliance.

To provide alternative supply to Kangundo a new line is proposed between Tala and Kangundo substation.

We recommend that Kasarani s/s should be fed from Juja BSP. However, a new line is proposed between Thika
Road BSP and Kasarani s/s to provide an alternative supply to comply under N-1 conditions. A line is proposed
between Githunguri s/s and Cianda s/s for security of supply.


Committed projects

No committed projects.

Proposed projects and system configuration

With continued load growth, the existing Komo Rock substation transformers will not be compliant under N-1
conditions. Therefore we recommend a new primary substation 2x23MVA 66/11 kV at Umoja to provide reliable
supplies to both existing and prospective customers in that area.

Steel Billet s/s currently has only one source of supply from Juja BSP. Therefore a new circuit is proposed
between Steel Billet s/s and Komo Rock BSP to provide an alternative supply and meet N-1 compliance.
Similarly, an additional circuit is proposed between Embakasi BSP and Mombasa Road substation to comply
under N-1 conditions.

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Final Report Page 9.6

9.2.2 Assessment

If the committed and proposed projects defined over the medium term are implemented then the system voltages
will be within the planning criteria. Under normal operating conditions the loading on the 66 kV and 33 kV feeders
will also be within rating.

Table 9-1 and Table 9-2 show the transformer and lines loaded above 80 % of their rating in Nairobi Region
(2013-2017). It can be seen in the tables below that the overload issues are resolved in following years due to
developments under the expansion plan. Embakasi BSP transformers are 17.5 % overloaded in 2013 due to
reduction in generation at Embakasi from 120 MW (2012) to 30MW (2013). If there is further reduction in
generation at Embakasi BSP an additional 90 MVA transformer may be required.

No reinforcements are proposed for Embakasi BSP and Industrial Area sections as there is an alternative source
of supply available to feed Industrial Area from Nairobi West.

Table 9-1: Nairobi Region - Transformer Loading

Year Region County Name/Location Voltage
Rating(MVA) Loading

2013 Nairobi Nairobi Embakasi BSP 132/66 3x90 117.5%+

2013 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi South S/S 66/11 3x23 100%
2013 Nairobi Kiambu Nairobi North BSP 220/66 2x90 99%
2013 Nairobi Nairobi Juja BSP 132/66 1x30 93%
2013 Nairobi Nairobi Juja BSP 132/66 3x15 92%
2013 Nairobi Nairobi Juja BSP 132/66 3x60 92%
2014 Nairobi Kiambu Nyaga 33/11 1x7.5 82%
2014 Nairobi Nairobi Embakasi BSP 132/66 3x90 93%
2014 Nairobi Nairobi Juja BSP 132/66 1x30,3x15,3x60 91-90%
2015 Nairobi Kiambu Nyaga 33/11 1x7.5 98%

+ Embakasi BSP transformers are overloaded due to reduction in generation at Embakasi from 120 MW
(2012) to 30 MW (2013).

Table 9-2: Nairobi Region - Line Loading

County Name/Location Equipment

Year From To Voltage Length Rating(A) % Loading
(kV) (km)
2013 Nairobi Juja BSP Syokimau tee-off 66 7 421 82%
Kimathi tee-off (Double
2013 Nairobi Juja BSP circuit) 66 2x7 2x421 83%
Nairobi Nairobi North-Kitisuru t-
2013 Nairobi North BSP off 66 1.5 421 85%

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Final Report Page 9.7

County Name/Location Equipment

Year From To Voltage Length Rating(A) % Loading
(kV) (km)
Embakasi Industrial Area S/S
2014 Nairobi BSP sections 66 13 421 94-88%
2015 Kiambu Ruaraka Ruiru 66 11.3 421 80%
Embakasi Industrial Area S/S
2015 Nairobi BSP sections 66 13 421 93-88%
2015 Nairobi South S/S Morris Company 66 3 421 91-88%
2016 Nairobi Athi BSP Athi s/s(Double circuit) 66 2x5 2x750 86%
2016 Nairobi BSP Mombasa Road 66 0.04 421 83%
Embakasi Industrial Area S/S
2016 Nairobi BSP sections 66 13 421 96-90%
2016 Nairobi South S/S Morris Company 66 3 421 99-86%
Embakasi Industrial Area S/S
2017 Nairobi BSP sections 66 13 421 98-92%
Komo Rock
2017 Nairobi BSP Komo Rock S/S 66 0.05 750 82%
2017 Nairobi BSP Matasia S/S 66 28 421 90%


The calculated 66 kV and 33 kV losses are presented in Table 9-3 for 2013-2017. The development of the
network in the short term results in a reduction in system losses from 5.4% to 3.6% which will reduce the cost of
operating the system.

Table 9-3 Nairobi Region: System Losses

66 kV and 33 kV

2013 5.4%

2014 4.4%

2015 3.5%

2016 3.6%

2017 3.6%

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Final Report Page 9.8

Short-Circuit Analysis

Short circuit levels (exceeding 80 % of switchgear rating) are shown in Table 9-4. The studies suggest that short
circuit levels at Likoni Road, Villa Franca and Parklands will be greater than 80 % but within the 11 kV switchgear
rating of 25 kA for years 2013-2017. The short circuit level at Nairobi South (3x23 MVA) is above the 11 kV
switchgear rating throughout the study period and it may be necessary to operate this substation with the 11 kV
bus-section breaker in the open position.

Short circuit levels at Eastleigh and Thika Drive Inn are above the 11 kV switchgear rating when fed from Juja
BSP. However, the SC level is below the switchgear rating when supplied from Thika Road BSP. Muthurwa
SC level is above the 11 kV switchgear rating when fed from Juja BSP. However, the SC level is below the
switchgear rating when it is supplied from Komo Rock BSP.

Ruaraka and Industrial Area SC levels are above the 11 kV switch gear rating when existing 2x23MVA
transformers are upgraded to 2x45MVA transformers at their primary substation. Mombasa Road SC levels are
above the 11 kV switch gear rating when the existing 1x23MVA transformer is upgraded to 1x45MVA transformer
to achieve 2x45MVA configuration at Mombasa Road primary substation.

For existing 11 kV switchgear where the SC levels exceeds the rating, as a short term solution, it may be
necessary to operate the substation with the bus-section breaker in the open position. Table 9-4 shows that for
2017 with the 11 kV bus-section breakers run open the short circuit levels would be within the switch gear rating.

As detailed in Section 4.1.2 of Volume II Design Manual, we recommend installing series reactors in series with
the substation bus sections to reduce the fault current. It should be noted that in situations where the bus section
cannot be run open for security of supply reasons, series reactors would never be installed in series with feeders
in a radial system. Where the fault level cannot be reduced to within the switchgear rating, the switchgear should
be replaced with adequately rated equipment.

For some of the new substations, 31.5 kA 11 kV switchgear may be required. However the existing protection,
earthing and downstream switch gear should also be assessed.

Table 9-4: Nairobi Region - Short Circuit Results

Short circuit leve(kA)

2013 2017
Neplan reference Location Voltage(kV) 2012 Solid 11kV Breaker 2014 2015 2016 Solid 11kV Breaker
11kV Open 11kV Open
MOMBASARD_11 Mombasa Road S/S 11 25 18.2 busbar
17.5 - 18.3 18.3 18.3 busbar
31.4 18.3
RUARAKA_11 Ruaraka S/S 11 25 16.1 16.1 - 26.3 26.3 26.3 26.3 16.4
NST_11 Nairobi South S/S 11 25 26.2 26.2 - 26.2 26.2 26.2 26.2 19.3
LIKONI_ROAD11 Likoni Road S/S 11 25 - 23.4 - 24.5 24.5 24.5 24.5 15.8
VILLAFRANCA_11 Villa Franca S/S 11 25 - - - 22.6 24.3 24.3 24.3 15.7
IND_11 Industrial Area S/S 11 25 14.0 22.1 - 23.1 23.1 23.1 23.1 15.2
PRK_11 Parklands S/S 11 25 22.1 22.1 - 22.1 22.1 22.1 22.1 14.8
EASTLEIGH_11 Eastleigh S/S 11 25 - 28.6 - 29.4 22.0 22.0 22.0 14.7
NWT_11 Nairobi West S/S 11 25 25.8 24.4 - 25.9 22.0 22.0 22.0 14.7
CITYSQUARE_11 City Square S/S 11 25 - - - 25.2 21.5 21.5 21.0 14.2
THIKADRIVEIN_11 Thika Drive Inn S/S 11 25 - - - 29.7 20.2 20.2 20.2 13.9
BABADOGO_11 Baba Dogo S/S 11 25 19.1 19.1 - 19.1 19.1 19.1 20.2 13.9
MUTHURWA_11 Muthurwa S/S 11 25 - 24.3 15.7 - - - - -

Contingency Studies

Contingency studies were conducted on the 2017 model to assess the impact of N-1 outages:

Distribution Master Plan Study Prepared for KPLC

Final Report Page 9.9

With an outage of one circuit of the double circuit between Athi BSP and Athi substation, the remaining
circuit is 63 % overloaded.

A double circuit is recommended between Villa Franca and Embakasi NSSF tee-off. With an outage of
the existing single circuit, Villa Franca will be fed from Embakasi –Firestone tee-off which is 98%
loaded under normal operating condition and will be 88% overloaded if Villa Franca load is fed from
that feeder.

With an outage of one circuit of the recommended double circuit between Embakasi-NSSF tee-off
feeding NSSF and Villa Franca.

o Outage of old 150mm2 line: New 150mm2 line is 7% overloaded

o Outage of new 150mm2 line: Old 150mm2 line is 24% overloaded
If Gigiri s/s is supplied from Nairobi North due to an outage of the Gigiri S/S – Kiambu tee-off line, then
the Nairobi North-Kitisuru link is 6% overloaded.

In the existing system there is only one source of supply to feed Steel Billet s/s therefore a new link is
recommended between Steel Billet-Komo Rock Kimati tee-off to meet N-1 contingency.

With an outage of the Embakasi BSP-Firestone link and when all load along that circuit is fed from the
Nairobi West s/s- Industrial Area s/s line then the new cable between CBD BSP and Nairobi West is
39% overloaded..

With an outage of Komo Rock BSP-Ruai s/s line and all the Ruai s/s, Tala s/s load supplied from the
Komo Rock-Kangundo line then:

o Komo Rock BSP-Komo Rock s/s line is 23% overloaded

o Komo Rock s/s – Kangundo s/s line is 2% overloaded
With an outage of the Komo Rock s/s Kangundo s/s line and Kangundo s/s load supplied from Komo
Rock BSP- Ruai s/s line, then the line is 10% overloaded and voltages Tala s/s(0.86 pu) and
Kangundo(0.85 pu) which are below planning standard voltage limits.

With an outage of the Komo Rock BSP-Komo Rock s/s line and all Komo Rock s/s, with Kangundo s/s
load supplied from Komo Rock BSP- Ruai s/s line then there are voltage and loading issues hence
load shedding may be required.

9.3 Mount Kenya Region

The Mombasa – Kisumu railway will pass through Kiambu County, part of which lies within the Mount Kenya
region and is expected to draw some load from the 33 kV network over the next five years. Isiolo town has also
been designated a ‘Resort City’. Isiolo and Kiambu counties are expected to grow at a higher rate than other
counties in the Mount Kenya region. Load growth for these projects has been reflected in the annual county
growth rate evaluated from the load forecast.

The new Iron and steel smelting plant in Meru County is designated as a ‘Vision 2030’ flagship project, however
as the demand for this plant is expected to be in excess of 300 MW it is likely to be supplied from the
transmission system rather than from the distribution system in Meru.

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Final Report Page 9.10

For N-1 compliance:

For primary substations with only a 1x2.5MVA or 1x7.5 MVA transformer, a new 1x7.5 MVA substation
within the 11 kV planning vicinity is proposed where load at the existing substation is close to 100% of
transformer rating. Where load is increasing rapidly, 15 MVA transformers are proposed.

A proportion of the load from the existing substation(s) is proposed to be transferred to the new
substation via switching on 11 kV.

Where load at the existing substation is greater than 8 MVA or for remote substations, N-1 compliance
is achieved by the proposition of a second transformer of the same or higher rating.

Where load at the existing substation is less than 8 MVA, N-1 compliance is achieved on a sub-region
level. New transformers will not be proposed where there is sufficient spare capacity from nearby
primary substations.

Ensure critical primary substations can be supplied from alternative sources.

Transformers suitable for refurbishment should be included as an option for reinforcement.

9.3.1 Expansion Plans

Committed Projects
A number of planned projects are due to be commissioned over years 2013-2015 in the Mount Kenya region.
Projects have generally been considered committed where land has been obtained for commencement of civil
works and funding allocated. Projects expected to be completed within the 2013-2015 timeframe have been
identified and presented to KPLC in the interim report. All committed projects are included in the models.

The committed projects consisted of eight new 132/33 kV substations, which are due to be commissioned
between the years 2012-14 at Githambo, Kutus, Mwingi, Kyeni, Isiolo, Kitui and Wote16. Mangu 132/66 kV
substation was also considered.

Five new 33/11 kV primary substations are also committed and due to be commissioned between the years
2013-201, including Nyeri (Ruingu), Embu East, Gatundu, JKUAT (Juja), and Tala16. Two new 66/11 kV
substations at Thika Industrial and Thika North were also identified. Geographic locations for all substations and
feeder connections were assumed for all projects. Locations were determined by knowledge of KPLC counterpart
engineers and with reference to names of local towns/settlements.

Proposed Projects
Proposed projects will require a detailed assessment into the local area to locate a suitable plot of land for
acquisition. Wayleaves for new feeders should be investigated and an environmental impact assessment should
be conducted.

Approximate positions of new substations and routes of new feeders have determined using GIS software,
following roads and public rights of way where possible. Lengths of new feeders have been calculated on this
basis for use in the models and for cost analysis.

This substation is modelled in the Nairobi region.

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Final Report Page 9.11

Schematics showing the connectivity of the new projects and tables identifying the developments/reinforcements
for each year, with committed projects from KPLC and KETRACO; and proposed projects by PB are included in
Appendix C.

9.3.2 Assessment

Without reinforcement, transformer and line thermal capacity violations will occur and low voltages will affect
many of the feeders in the Mount Kenya region even in normal operation; and will be more evident in the event of
losing the main supply from a BSP, leading to severe load shedding.

Reinforcements have been proposed to maintain the voltages at substations and on feeders to within ±10 percent
of the nominal value, in accordance with the proposed planning criteria. In addition to the commissioning of
committed BSPs in the years 2013-2014, this has been achieved through additional reactive compensation and
reconfiguration of feeder normally open points.

To reduce losses; to meet the increasing demand and ensure security of supply, additional primary substations,
power transformers and new/upgraded lines have been proposed. New substations or transformers have been
included from the year 2015 onward, due to the lead time in procurement of equipment and land.

The findings of the network assessment are detailed in the sub sections below.


Committed Reinforcements
As mentioned above, Mangu 132/66 kV is due to be commissioned within 2012 (but included in the 2013 model),
feeding Thika 66/11 kV substation via a single 300 mm2 ACSR overhead line of approximately 5 km, eliminating
the need to import power from Juja Road.

Thika Industrial (East) 66/11 kV substation is also due to be connected in 2013 and fed from the Thika tee on the
66 kV Juja Road – Tana line via two 300mm2 ACSR overhead lines. 50% of the load upon the Industrial 1, 2, 3
and Bidco feeders originating from (existing) Thika will be expected to be transferred to this new substation.

KPLC has indicated that Githambo 132/33 kV substation will be established close to the existing Githambo
primary substation, at the end of Githambo feeder from Thika. Gatundu 132/33 kV will also be established
approximately 6 kilometres south of Ngethu.

Kutus 132/33 kV substation will be established in 2013, intersecting the feeder from Sagana towards Embu
primary substation.

Mwingi 132/33 kV substation intersects the spur to Waita on the Kitui feeder from Kindaruma.

Nyeri 33/11 kV primary substation is due to be commissioned by the end of 2013, fed from Kiganjo 132/33 kV
BSP. It is anticipated that approximately 20% of the Othaya Town feeder from Othaya substation and 35% of the
Nyeri Town feeder from Kiganjo will be transferred to the new Nyeri substation.

Embu East 33/11 kV primary is also likely to be commissioned during year 2013, supplied through an extension
of the 33 kV Sagana – Embu line near Embu. It is proposed the load on the new Embu East substation will
comprise of 20% of the Embu town and the whole Siakago feeder load from the existing Embu substation.

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A second 132/33 kV 23 MVA transformers is currently being installed at Nanyuki BSP.

A new primary substation is committed at Muranga. This will be connected to the 33 kV network at both Sagana
and Githambo.

Proposed Reinforcements and System Configuration

The exact scheme of the outgoing feeders from the new BSPs is presently unknown. For the purposes of this
study, it is assumed/proposed that Githambo will tie in close to the existing Githambo primary, and that two new
line sections from Gatundu will be constructed toward the existing 33 kV line from Thika, one 6.3 km directly to
Ngethu, and another 4.3 km line directly to the closest point on the existing line, which will be normally

A normally open point is proposed on either side of Ngethu, allowing it to be fed directly from Gatundu, thus
reducing the losses and improving the voltage profile on the existing feeder. Githambo and Thika will then supply
the line distribution transformer loads up to Ngethu.

A new normally open point is proposed on the Sagana side of Karatina primary substation, allowing the newly
established Kutus 132/33 kV substation to feed Kutus (primary), Kerugoya and Sagana and eliminating the
voltage issues upon this line which were indicated in the analysis for the 2012 model.

Compensation is proposed at Naro Moru substation, to improve the voltage profile on the line between Kiganjo
and Nanyuki. In addition to compensation, a dedicated 23 km line to Mweiga primary substation from Kiganjo is
desirable to reduce the loading on the existing feeder and improve voltages nearer to Naro Moru substation.

A similar scheme is proposed for the 33 kV ring from Thika substation towards Muka Mukuu and Ndula, by
reconductoring the line from Thika to Ndula via Muka Mukuu with 150mm2 ACSR; uprating the capacity to
exceed the demand and installing a capacitor bank at Muka Mukuu substation to support the voltage and prevent
issues arising from being a further 8 kilometres from the main line. This allows all substations to be fed from
either side of the ring in the event of losing supply.

KPLC could consider the option of supplying Muka Mukuu and Matuu from Kilimambogo BSP.

To allow substations on the longer feeders to be fed from alternate supplies, 33 kV capacitors are also
recommended at Marima (from Meru) and Kiganjo (from Nanyuki).

A second 66 kV circuit from Mangu to Thika has been proposed for increased capacity and/or security of supply.

Other Analysis
Capacity issues are experienced in the Meru region. The Meru 33/11 kV primary substation has 1x2.5, 1x7.5MVA
arrangement, operating with an open bus section on 11 kV. The 7.5 MVA transformer supplying the load for the
Nyambene and Imenti 11 kV feeders is overloaded and therefore this substation is proposed for a capacity
upgrade in 2015. Until then, it is recommended that a small proportion of load is transferred to another primary
during peak times.

The transformer at Meru 132/33 kV BSP is also overloaded in year 2013 and an additional transformer is
proposed in 2015.

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Region County Name/Location % Loading
Voltage Ratio (kV) Rating (MVA)
Mount Kenya Meru Meru 33/11 7.5 107
Mount Kenya Meru Meru 132/33 23 120


Committed Reinforcements
Four new 132/33 kV BSPs are due to be established in 2014. Kyeni and Isiolo will be installed with 1x23 MVA
132/33 kV transformers, while Kitui and Wote will be constructed with 1x5MVA 132/33 kV transformers.

Three additional primary substations are expected to be constructed in 2014, Thika North, JKUAT and Gatundu.

Thika North will be constructed with 1x23 MVA 66/11 kV transformer, fed by a single 12 km 66 kV 300mm 2 ACSR
OHL from Mangu. 50% of the load on the 11 kV Makuyu feeder from Thika and 50% of the load on the 11 kV
Thika feeder from Makuyu is intended for transfer to Thika North upon commissioning.

JKUAT North will be constructed with 2x7.5 MVA 66/11 kV transformers, fed by a single 5.5 km 66 kV 300mm2
ACSR OHL from Mangu. It is intended that 100% of the load on the 11 kV Ndarugu feeder from Thika is
transferred to JKUAT upon commissioning.

Gatundu will be established with 1x7.5 MVA 33/11 kV transformer, fed by a single 1.5 km 75mm2 ACSR OHL
from Gatundu BSP. The load on the 11 kV ‘transmitters’ feeder from the existing Ruiru substation will be
transferred to Gatundu upon commissioning.

Proposed Reinforcements and System Configuration

The exact scheme of the outgoing feeders from the new BSPs is presently unknown. For the purposes of this
study, it is assumed/proposed that Kyeni and Kitui will tie into the existing feeders close to their namesake
primary substations.

Isiolo BSP has been modelled teeing into Isiolo feeder close to the spur to MURERWA CRUSHER. Mwingi
132/33 kV substation is assumed to link with the spur towards Waita from Kitui/Kindaruma near Mwingi town.
Wote is assumed to connect close to the existing line passing Wote town from Athi 66/33/11 kV substation; as
such this BSP will be modelled in the Nairobi region.

A normally open point has been proposed on the Kitui side of Kithioko, allowing it to be fed directly from
Kindaruma. An additional NOP is assumed near Ndolos Corner Market Centre. The selection of these two NOPs
will reduce the losses and improve the voltage profile on the existing feeders in Kitui County.

Due to the construction of Kyeni BSP, it is proposed to move the NOP on the 33 kV Kamburu – Meru line which
currently resides at Marima, to Kanyakine where supply from Meru BSP is retained. This reduces the transformer
loading at Meru, and improves voltages and losses on the Kamburu – Meru line.

The peak load at Meru 33/11 kV substation is expected to be in excess of 10MVA, therefore a new 25 km
150mm2 ACSR OHL is proposed as an alternative supply to Meru primary in the event of losing supply at Meru

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BSP; which would be utilised in conjunction with a new 33 kV capacitor bank at Meru to maintain voltages above

Reconductoring of the Kiganjo – Nanyuki line with 52 km of 33 kV 150mm2 ACSR OHL is proposed to reduce
losses in normal operation and ensure that Nanyuki will be able to supply Naro Moru, Mweiga and Kiganjo
(primary) in the event of losing supply from Kiganjo BSP.

Other Analysis
Low voltages are exhibited on the 33 kV Maua feeder from Meru, which is 91 % in the worst case. By 2015, the
capacitor bank at Kianjai proposed for installation in 2013 will not be sufficient to maintain the voltage above
90 % in this region. No other low voltage conditions were found.

The same capacity issues as detailed in year 2013 are present in 2014 as indicated below:

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Region County Name/Location % Loading
Voltage Ratio (kV) Rating (MVA)
Mount Kenya Meru Meru 33/11 7.5 121
Mount Kenya Meru Meru 132/33 23 106


Committed Reinforcements
By 2015, the committed BSPs in the Mount Kenya region will be complete, leaving only three committed primary
substations to be established in 2015, Mwea, Tala and Kangema.

Mwea will be constructed with 1x33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer, supplied by an 8.1 km extension of the 75mm 2
ACSR OHL from Tana to Sagana towards Wangura town. Alternatively, Mwea primary could potentially be
supplied directly from Kutus BSP. The existing 11 kV ‘Mwea’ feeder from Sagana will be transferred to Mwea
primary substation upon commissioning.

Kangema will be erected with 2x33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformers and supplied by a single 8.9 km 150mm2 ACSR
OHL from the Githambo BSP. Kangema will take 100% of the load on the 11 kV ‘Kangema’ feeder from
Githambo and 30% of the load from the existing 11 kV ‘Chinga’ feeder from Othaya substation.

Tala will be created with 1x66/11 23 MVA transformer and supplied from the Nairobi region. 40 percent of the
11 kV load on the ‘Tala Kangundo’ feeder from Muka Mukuu is proposed for transfer to Tala. Further details of
this substation may be found in the Nairobi section of the report.

Proposed Reinforcements and System Configuration

To resolve the voltage issues on the 33 kV Maua feeder from Meru, indicated in the analysis on year 2014, a new
BSP is proposed near Maua town. This substation has been tentatively proposed by KETRACO but funding has
not been committed to the project at the time of writing. The proposed Maua BSP should be constructed with
1x23 MVA 132/33 kV transformer. Maua has been modelled at the centre of load i.e. between Kangeta and Maua
towns to minimise losses. A normally open point is practical and suggested to be on the Maua feeder from Meru
just after Kianjai substation, relieving Meru BSP.

Due to the lead time in procurement, 2015 is the first year that proposals are made for additional transformers at
existing substations to resolve capacity and security of supply issues; and for new substations.

At the Mount Kenya BSPs, new 132/33 kV transformers are proposed at Kiganjo - 1x45 MVA to replace one of
the existing 23 MVA units; and an additional 1x23 MVA unit at Meru and Githambo to introduce redundancy.
Additional transformers at 33/11 kV primary substations are required to meet growing demand at Kiirua (1x2.5
MVA) Sagana Falls (1x7.5 MVA), Marima (1x7.5 MVA), Kyeni (1x7.5 MVA) and Meru (1x15 MVA, replacing 1x2.5
MVA unit).

An alternative solution to replacing the transformers at Kiganjo BSP would be to build a new BSP at Othayo.

A new 33/11 kV primary substation with a single 7.5 MVA transformer is proposed near Nkuene town to offload
the Meru (primary) and Kanyakine substations which are forecast to be heavily loaded. Nkuene should be fed by

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a 7.6 km tee from the main 33 kV line from Kamburu to Meru, using 150mm2 ACSR OHL. A 33 kV capacitor is
also recommended at Nkuene substation to support the voltage on the Kamburu – Meru 33 kV line when being
fed from Kyeni BSP in the event of losing supply from Meru BSP. Nkuene should take approximately 60% of the
load from the 11 kV ‘Imenti’ feeder from Meru (primary) and 40% of the load on the ‘Town’ feeder from

A new 33/11 kV primary substation with a single 7.5 MVA transformer is proposed near Mukuweini trading centre
in Nyeri County to offload Karatina substation. Mukuweini substation will be fed by a single 8.7 km tee from
Othaya feeder from Kiganjo. Approximately 70% of the 11 kV ‘Mukuweini’ feeder load, currently being supplied
from Karatina is identified for transfer to the new substation.

Finally, it is intended for 100% of the load at the existing Ndarugu substation to be transferred to JKUAT, which is
due to be commissioned in 2014, because of persistent vandalism and frequent outages of Ndarugu substation.
This transfer will reduce losses on the medium voltage networks by switching from 33 kV to a 66 kV supply and
increase security of supply in the Thika region. Due to the magnitude of this load, a second 5.5 km 66 kV
300mm2 ACSR OHL from Mangu to JKUAT is recommended for redundancy.

Other Analysis
No voltage or thermal capacity issues on feeders or HV substation transformers.


Committed Reinforcements
There are no committed reinforcements for the Mount Kenya region in the year 2016.

Proposed Reinforcements and System Configuration

Two new 33/11 kV primary substations at Kagumo and Kahurura are proposed to completed by 2016.

Kagumo shall have 1x7.5 MVA transformer, and be fed primarily by an 9 km 75mm2 ACSR OHL extension of the
existing line to Kerugoya substation. A 33 kV capacitor should also be installed at Kagumo, which will support
voltage in normal operation. An alternate supply should be provided via an addition 28 km 150mm2 ACSR OHL
line directly to Kagumo from Kiganjo, so that in the event of losing supply from Kutus BSP, Kiganjo can supply
Kagumo, Karatina, Sagana, Kerugoya and Kutus on the existing feeder without voltage issues. The transferred
load at Kagumo should be approximately 50% of the 11 kV ‘Town’ feeders from Karatina and Kerugoya.

Kahurura primary is proposed close to Nanyuki BSP and supplied by a single 7 km 75mm 2 ACSR OHL. 50% of
the 11 kV ‘Safari’ and ‘Town’ feeders is proposed to be transferred to Kahurura from Nanyuki (primary).

To increase security of supply, the remaining 23 MVA transformer Kiganjo 132/33 kV BSP is proposed for
replacement by a 45 MVA unit, upgrading Kiganjo to 2x45 MVA. As mentioned above, an alternative solution to
replacing the transformers at Kiganjo BSP would be to build a new BSP at Othayo.

To meet increasing demand, additional power transformers are proposed at 33/11 kV primary substations: Isiolo
(1x2.5 MVA), Naro Moru (1x2.5 MVA), Kanyakine (1x7.5 MVA to replace 1x2.5 MVA unit), Sagana (1x7.5 MVA),
Kutus (1x7.5 MVA) Embori (1x7.5 MVA), and Meru (1 x 15 MVA to replace 1x7.5 MVA unit). A second 66/33 kV,
23 MVA transformer is also proposed for installation at Thika.

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A least cost solution would be to use 2.5 MVA transformers available in stores or those which are due to be
replaced and refurbished such as the transformer at Meru in 2015 or at Kanyakine in 2016.

To complete the work proposed in 2013, the Ndula via Makuyu side of the 33 kV ring from Thika in Muranga
County should be replaced with 150mm2 ACSR, replacing the 25mm2 and 50mm2 line sections on this feeder.

An 8 km 66 kV line is proposed from JKUAT to Ruiru to improve flexibility on the 66 kV network between Mt
Kenya and Nairobi regions.

Other Analysis
No voltage or thermal capacity issues on feeders or HV substation transformers.


Committed Reinforcements
There are no committed reinforcements for the Mount Kenya region in the year 2017.

Proposed Reinforcements and System Configuration

Three new 33/11 kV, primary substations with 1x7.5 MVA transformer are proposed in the year 2017 at Muirungi,
Gatakaine and Kiamtugu.

Muirungi will be supplied by a new 14 km 33 kV 75mm2 ACSR OHL feeder from Githambo 132/33 kV BSP.
Gatakaine will also be fed from Githambo via a 12 km extension of the existing line Ngethu – Githambo line.
Approximately 50% of the load at the existing Ngethu primary substation should be transferred and supplied from
Gatakaine and approximately 35% of the load at the existing Othaya primary substation should be transferred
and supplied from Muirungi, where it is practical to do so.

The proposed Kiamtugu substation shall be supplied by a new 16 km 33 kV 75mm2 ACSR OHL feeder from
Kutus 132/33 kV BSP. The 11 kV ‘Gigichu’ feeder from Embu and 50% of the ‘Anti-Ndhoma’ feeder from Kutus
shall be transferred to the new Kiamtugu substation upon commissioning.

To improve security of supply, additional 7.5 MVA, 33/11 kV transformers are proposed at Kerugoya, Embu East,
Kagumo, Ngethu, Nkuene, Nanyuki, Mweiga, Muka Mukuu and Makuyu. 7.5 MVA transformers are also
recommended to replace the remaining 2.5 MVA units at Kanyakine, Sagana and Embori substations. A second
66/11 kV 23 MVA transformer at Thika North is also proposed.

Additional 2.5 MVA transformers are proposed at Isiolo (3 in parallel), Kianjai, Kitui, and Matuu. An additional 2.5
MVA transformer is proposed at Naro Moru substation, replacing the remaining 1.5 MVA unit. This transformer
should be refurbished and installed at Marania to introduce redundancy.

Kenya Power counterpart engineers have objected to installation of additional 33/11 kV 2.5 MVA transformers,
due to issues with voltage regulation and lack of capacity for future developments. A least cost solution would be
to use 2.5 MVA transformers available in stores or those which are due to be replaced and refurbished.

A new 132/33 kV BSP is proposed at Mitunguu to support the 33 kV system in this area towards Marimanti.

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9.3.3 Losses

Region Year 33 kV Losses (%)

Mount Kenya 2013 3.5

Mount Kenya 2014 3.1
Mount Kenya 2015 2.6
Mount Kenya 2016 3.0
Mount Kenya 2017 3.0

9.4 Coast Region

The Coast region is the host of several ‘Vision 2030’ flagship projects. Juba – Lamu (2014) and Mombasa-
Nairobi-Malaba-Kisumu (2017) railways pass through the region, Mombasa and Lamu are designated as special
economic zones and Kilifi and Ukunda (Kwale County) are designated as resort cities (completion in 2017).

In addition, the Mombasa Free Port and Lamu port are forecast for completion in 2014; however their expected
demand would need to be met by the transmission system.

For N-1 compliance:

For primary substations with only a 1x2.5MVA or 1x7.5 MVA transformer, a new 1x7.5 MVA substation
within the 11 kV planning vicinity is proposed where load at the existing substation is close to 100 % of
transformer rating. Where load is increasing rapidly, 15 MVA transformers are proposed.

A proportion of the load from the existing substation(s) is proposed to be transferred to the new
substation via switching on 11 kV.

Where load at the existing substation is greater than 8 MVA or for remote substations, N-1 compliance
is achieved by the proposition of a second transformer of the same or higher rating.

Where load at the existing substation less than 8 MVA, N-1 compliance is achieved on a sub-region
level. New transformers will not be proposed where there is sufficient spare capacity from nearby
primary substations.

Ensure critical primary substations can be supplied from alternative sources.

Transformers suitable for refurbishment should be included as an option for reinforcement.

9.4.1 Expansion Plans

Committed Projects
A number of projects are due to be commissioned over years 2013-2015 in the Coast region. Projects have
generally been considered committed where land has been obtained for commencement of civil works and
funding allocated. Projects expected to be completed within the 2013-2015 timeframe have been identified and
presented to KPLC in the interim report. All committed projects are included in the models.

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The committed projects consisted of four new 220/33 kV substations at Garissa, Malindi, Garsen, Lamu which
are due to be commissioned between the years 2012-13 and two additional 132/33 kV BSPs at Taveta and
Jomvu are expected in years 2014 and 2015 respectively. A single new 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA primary substation at
Mishomoroni is committed and due to be commissioned by the end of 2014.

Geographic locations for all substations and feeder connections were assumed for all projects. Locations were
determined by knowledge of KPLC counterpart engineers and with reference to names of local

The location of Jomvu substation was not able to be determined; and the topology and details of the 33 kV off-
grid networks at Garissa and Lamu were not present in KPLC’s FDB during the data collection, and so are not
present in the NEPLAN model. For these reasons, the aforementioned BSPs have not been modelled.

Proposed Projects
Proposed projects will require a detailed assessment into the local area to locate a suitable plot of land for
acquisition. Wayleave agreements for new feeders should be investigated and an environmental impact
assessment should be conducted.

The approximate position of new substations and the route of new feeders have determined using GIS software,
following roads and public rights of way where possible. Lengths of new feeders have been calculated on this
basis for use in the models and for cost analysis.

Schematics showing the connectivity of the new projects on a year by year basis and tables identifying the
developments/reinforcements for each year, with committed projects from KPLC and KETRACO; and proposed
projects by PB are included in Appendix D.

9.4.2 Assessment

Without reinforcement, transformer and line thermal capacity violations will occur and low voltages will affect
many of the feeders in the Coast region even in normal operation; and will be more evident in the event of losing
the main supply from a BSP, leading to severe load shedding.

Reinforcements have been proposed to maintain the voltages at substations and on feeders to within ±10 percent
of the nominal value, in accordance with proposed planning criteria. In addition to the commissioning of
committed BSPs in the years 2013-2015, this has been achieved through additional reactive compensation and
reconfiguration of feeder normally open points.

To reduce losses; to meet the increasing demand and ensure security of supply, additional primary substations,
power transformers and new/upgraded lines have been proposed. New substations or transformers have been
included from the year 2015 onward, due to the lead time in procurement of equipment and land.

The findings of the network assessment are detailed in the sub sections below.

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Committed Reinforcements
There are three 220/33 kV, 1x23 MVA bulk supply point substations which are expected to be commissioned
before the end of 2013. The substations Malindi, Garsen and Lamu will be supplied by a single 220 kV line from
Rabai, which collectively constitute the ‘RMGL’ project.

Malindi 220/33 kV 1x23 MVA will be established near Kakuyuni village, which is approximately 16 kilometres from
Malindi town. Malindi BSP will have four outgoing feeders which Kakoeni (0.7 km extension), Mambrui, Malindi 1
and 2 (all 19 km) which will be created from the existing 33 kV network and developed under the RMGL project.

Garsen 220/33 kV 1x23 MVA will be constructed approximately 2 kilometres west of Minijila village. Garsen will
initially accommodate three feeders; HQ, Itsowe and Malindi, through small extensions of the existing 33 kV OHL

It is assumed that the OHL extensions and new feeders from Malindi and Garsen will be constructed with
150mm2 ACSR OHL.

As mentioned in Section 8 Lamu substation has not been modelled but it is expected to supply Lamu Island,
which is currently off-grid, and the ‘Vision 2030’ Lamu Port project.

Proposed Reinforcements and System Configuration

Major reconductoring works are proposed on Mombasa Island to meet the anticipated demand at Makande,
Mbaraki, Nyali and Tononoka; and provide capacity for load growth in future years.

It is suggest that the two existing direct lines to Makande from Kipevu station are replaced with two 1.4 km
sections of 300mm2 AAAC OHL, which would increase their rating to approximately 740 Amps (42 MVA) each.
The same is suggested for the two line sections which supplies Tononoka on ‘Bamburi 3’ (5.78 km section)
feeder and Nyali on ‘Bamburi 1’ (7.7 km section).

This will require replacement of some small (~20 metre) sections of cable within Kipevu station to facilitate this

Due to the distance from Kipevu and New Bamburi 132/33 kV substation, a 33 kV Capacitor is proposed at Nyali
primary substation. Combined with the previously mentioned conductor replacement, the losses on the ‘Bamburi
1’ feeder from Kipevu will fall by 50 percent from an expected 1.276 MW to 0.627 MW. As load increases, this
capacitor will also support the voltage at Nyali, preventing potential load shedding at peak times.

A second 7.69 km OHL from Galu to Diani is proposed to increase security of supply at the primary substation.
185mm2 AAAC conductor is recommended.

With the Garsen and Malindi BSPs coming online in year 2013, a normally open point upon the Mambrui feeder
is proposed to optimise the voltage profile and reduce losses.

Other Analysis
The Malindi and Garsen BSPs resolve the voltage issues in the Malindi area and on the Mambrui feeder in
particular. These issues were highlighted in the analysis of the existing system in Section 8.

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The overload on the 33/11 kV transformer at Voi, indicated from year 2012 has increased to nearly 20% over the
rated capacity. Additionally, both 33/11 kV transformers at KPR primary substation are slightly overloaded; with
both expected to operate at 102% of their rated capacity.

Equipment %
Region County Name/Location
Voltage Ratio (kV) Rating (MVA) Loading

Coast Taita Taveta Voi 33/11 2.5 119

Coast Mombasa KPR #1 33/11 7.5 102
Coast Mombasa KPR #2 33/11 7.5 102


Committed Reinforcements
Taveta 132/33 kV BSP is committed for completion in 2014, constructed with 1x23 MVA transformer. Taveta will
be supplied by a 100 km tee from the existing Rabai – Juja Road 132 kV line and situated half way along the
33 kV line from Voi to Loitoiktok, therefore it is assumed that two feeders will be established, one towards each
substation, via looping in and out at Taveta.

A single 33/11 kV, 1x7.5 MVA primary substation will be established in 2014, at Mishomoroni. It is assumed to be
supplied by 5.3km 75mm2 ACSR from New Bamburi. It is anticipated that load will be transferred from the
existing Utange and Nyali substations in the Kisauni area, consisting of approximately 30% of the load on the
‘Kiambene’ feeder from Utange and 50% of the load on the ‘Kisauni’ feeder from Nyali.

Proposed Reinforcements and System Configuration

A second 5.7 km OHL between KPR and Miritini is proposed to increase security of supply at the primary
substation. 185mm2 AAAC conductor is recommended. To complement the additional circuit proposed in 2013,
replacement of the existing 7.69 km OHL section from Galu to Diani is recommended using 185mm2 AAAC

Due to the installation of Taveta BSP in 2014, a NOP is recommended on the existing 33 kV feeder between Voi
and Taveta.

Other Analysis
The overload upon the 33/11 kV transformer at Voi, indicated from year 2012 has increased to nearly 40% over
the rated capacity. The overload upon both 33/11 kV transformers at KPR extends to over 18% above their rated
capacity. An additional overload appears at Galu 132/33 kV substation; however diversity of load on this
transformer is not taken into account within the distribution system model, meaning the actual (coincident) peak
load seen from the transmission system side will be less.

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Final Report Page 9.22

Region County Name/Location % Loading
Voltage Ratio (kV) Rating (MVA)
Coast Taita Taveta Voi 33/11 2.5 140
Coast Mombasa KPR #1 33/11 7.5 119
Coast Mombasa KPR #2 33/11 7.5 119
Coast Kwale Galu 132/33 23 103


Committed Reinforcements
A new Jomvu 132/33 kV 1x23 MVA BSP will connect to the 33 kV Miritini-KPR feeder. The BSP will be located
approximately 6km from this feeder and the T-junction will be 2 km from Miritini and 4 km from KPR.-

Proposed Reinforcements and System Configuration

Due to the lead time in procurement, 2015 is the first year that proposals are made for additional transformers at
existing substations to resolve capacity and security of supply issues; and for new substations.

To address the highlighted transformer overloads highlighted in the analysis for years 2012-2014, it is suggested
to replace one of the existing 7.5 MVA transformers at KPR with 1x23 MVA and replace the 2.5 MVA transformer
at Voi with 1x7.5 MVA. An additional 132/33 kV 45 MVA transformer is proposed at Galu 132/33 kV, uprating to
1x23+1x45 MVA, for increased capacity and security of supply to primary substations in Kwale County.

An additional 220/33 kV 23 MVA transformer is recommended at Malindi BSP. In the event of losing the first unit
at Malindi, neither Kilifi or Garsen would be able to supply the estimated 13 MVA load at Malindi due to the
distance from both BSPs (Kilifi is approximately 55 km and Garsen 100 km) leading to necessary load shedding
during peak times.

To increase the firm capacity and meet the future demand at Kipevu, the remaining 45 MVA unit (TX #2) at
Kipevu 132/33 kV should be replaced with a 60 MVA unit to match the other two.

2015 provides the first opportunity to propose a new bulk supply point. The proposed location is on the Likoni –
Ukunda road, installed with 2x132/33 kV, 60 MVA transformers. Although the rating of these transformers seems
considerably high, the recommendation is made to provide an alternative supply to all substations on Mombasa
Island, Diani, and Nyali and be the primary supply for Likoni substation. If space could be found then it may be
preferable to locate this BSP closer to the main load centres, either on Mombasa island or Nyali. A GIS solution
may be required in this case.

Two feeders to a new 33/11 kV substation, Kizingo, on Mombasa Island should be established, crossing the sea
near the current ferry crossing with 0.5 km of cable. Overhead sections will be approximately 4 km on the Likoni
side and 2 km on the Mombasa side, and should be constructed with 300mm2 AAAC conductors. Utilising the
existing undersea cables,

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Likoni should become the sole supplier of Mbaraki primary substation, by creating a NOP on the ‘Mbaraki 1 and
2’ 33 kV feeders which will slightly relieve Kipevu. Kipevu should continue to supply Makande using these
feeders. An additional 1.3 km 300mm 2 AAAC line between the proposed Kizingo and existing Tononoka
substation will complete a ring around Mombasa Island.

The establishment of Likoni BSP in addition to the existing BSPs at Kipevu and New Bamburi will result in a
reliable and flexible supply to Mombasa and Kwale Counties.

The aforementioned 33/11 kV Kizingo substation should be constructed with 2x23 MVA transformers, with
around one third of the load from Mbaraki being transferred to Kizingo.

To relieve Nyali, a new 33/11 kV, 1x23 MVA primary substation is recommended in the Bamburi area, ideally
supplied by the two existing lines from New Bamburi towards BPCC (Bamburi 2 and 3 feeders). A normally open
point should be maintained at the proposed Bamburi so that it and BPCC are each normally supplied from a
single line, but still retain the flexibility to be supplied by the other line in case of an outage. Load transfers to the
proposed Bamburi should consist of approximately 80% of the 11 kV ‘Bamburi’ and 35% of the ‘Kiembene’
feeders which are currently supplied from Nyali.

Port Reitz 33/11 kV substation is proposed in the Changamwe area to relieve KPR substation. It is recommended
that Port Reitz should be initially installed with a single transformer no less than 15 MVA. A load transfer of
approximately 70% of the 11 kV ‘Port Reitz’ feeder currently supplied from KPR should be economic.

To reduce the losses on the 11 kV system and improve reliability to customers, new 33/11 kV primary substations
are recommended at Mtongwe, Kwale and Wundanyi.

Mtwongwe should be constructed with 1x7.5 MVA transformer, supplied by a 5 km 95mm2 AAAC OHL from the
proposed Likoni BSP.

Due to lower estimates of load, Kwale should be constructed with 1x2.5 MVA transformer, supplied by a 26 km
95mm2 AAAC OHL from Galu. The full load on the 11 kV ‘Kwale’ feeder from Diani should be transferred to the
proposed substation.

Wundanyi should also be constructed with 1x2.5 MVA transformer, supplied by a 27 km 75mm2 ACSR OHL from
Voi. Wundanyi will ideally supply 20% of the 11 kV ‘Town’ feeder from Voi BSP and 100% of the Wundanyi
feeder load which is currently supplied by Mwatate substation.

To improve security of supply, additional 33/11 kV transformers are proposed at several existing substation.
1x23 MVA units are recommended at Tononoka, Makande, KPR (mentioned above) and Malindi (replacing 1x7.5
MVA unit, increasing capacity).

To increase capacity, the 2.5 MVA transformers at Voi (mentioned above), Ribe, Loitoktok and Mwatate should
be replaced with 1x7.5 MVA units.

A dedicated 14 km 33 kV circuit is proposed from Rabai to Athi River Mining Company. The mining company has
a peak demand of 12 MVA and has complained of frequent interruptions to supply.

Finally, an 11 kV Capacitor at Diani may be considered for power factor correction and improvements to the
voltage when being supplied from Galu, Rabai or the proposed Likoni BSP.

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Other Analysis
No voltage or thermal capacity issues on feeders or HV substation transformers.


Committed Reinforcements
There are no committed reinforcements for the Coast region in the year 2016.

Proposed Reinforcements and System Configuration

Three new 33/11 kV primary substations at Galu, Kaloleni and Sabaki are proposed to completed by 2016.

Galu 33/11 1x23 MVA shall be constructed at and fed from its namesake bulk supply point. Without a load
transfer to the new Galu 33/11, the transformers at Diani and Mwabungo will exceed their respective capacities
due to the load in the Diani beach region. As Galu is located at the centre of load for both Diani and Mwabungo
substations, it is an ideal location for a new primary. It is expected that Galu will take 50% of the load on the
11 kV ‘Diani-1’ feeder from Diani and 50% of the load on the ‘Galu’ feeder from Mwabungo. Additional
transformers are also proposed at both Diani and Mwabungo (see below).

Kaloleni 1x7.5 MVA substation has been proposed to minimise losses on the existing 11 kV feeder from Ribe
which currently extends to over 14 km. Kaloleni should be supplied by a 3 km extension to the existing 75mm2
OHL from Rabai towards Ribe.

Sabaki 1x7.5 MVA substation has been proposed to minimise the losses on the existing ‘Sabaki’ 11 kV feeder
and relieve the 33/11 kV transformers at Malindi. Sabaki should be teed from the 33 kV Mambrui feeder towards
Garsen around 7 km north of Malindi town. Approximately 60% of the ‘Sabaki’ feeder load should be transferred
to the new primary substation.

To increase the firm capacity at New Bamburi BSP, the remaining 132/33 kV 23 MVA transformer is
recommended for replacement with 1x45 MVA transformer, to uprate to 2x45 MVA.

To improve security of supply, additional 23 MVA 33/11 kV transformers are proposed at Makande (third unit),
KPR 1x23 MVA (replacing the remaining 7.5 MVA unit), Miritini and Diani. It is suggested that one of the 7.5 MVA
units at Likoni primary substation be replaced by a 15 MVA unit to increase capacity at Likoni. Additional 7.5 MVA
transformers are suggested at Kilifi, Mwabungo, (Proposed) Mishomoroni, and a second 2.5 MVA transformer is
installed at (Proposed) Wundanyi substation.

Other Analysis
No voltage or thermal capacity issues on feeders or HV substation transformers.


Committed Reinforcements
There are no committed reinforcements for the Coast region in the year 2017.

Proposed Reinforcements and System Configuration

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A final 132/33 kV BSP is recommended at Lunga-Lungu, this will supply Lunga-Lunga town and provide a route
for power interchange with Tanzania on 132 kV voltage level. Lunga Lunga should be constructed with a single
transformer, with no more than 23 MVA in rating.

Three additional 33/11 kV primary substations are proposed for the year 2017, at Kidimu, Mtondia, and Kokotoni.

Kidimu 1x7.5 MVA substation has been proposed to minimise losses on the existing 11 kV ‘Shimoni’ feeder from
Msambweni which currently extends to over 33 km The feeder splits in two with one branch towards Shimoni
town and one towards Mrima town, Kaloleni is the location of the split and the site of the proposed substation.
Kaloleni should be supplied by a 17 km extension to the existing line from Galu to Msambweni and by a new
25 km feeder from Lunga Lunga using 185mm2 AAAC OHL. This will allow Lunga Lunga to feed as far as
Mwabungo in the event of losing supply from Galu.

Mtondia 1x7.5 MVA substation is proposed for completion by the end of 2017. It will be supplied through a 1.3 km
95mm2 AAAC OHL from the 33 kV feeder from Kilifi to Malindi. This location has been proposed to minimise the
losses on the 11 kV ‘Kilifi Town’ feeder currently supplied by Kilifi BSP. It is anticipated that Mtondia will take
around 25% of the connected 11 kV load from Kilifi.

Kokotoni 1x2.5 MVA substation is also proposed for completion by the end of 2017. It will be supplied through a
short tee from the 33 kV line from Rabai to Mariakani. This location has been proposed to minimise the losses on
the 11 kV ‘Rabai feeder currently supplied by Mariakani. Kokotoni should be around 50% of the 11 kV load from
the ‘Rabai’ feeder. Alternatively a higher capacity transformer could be used, and part of the 11 kV ‘Mazeras’
feeder from Miritini could also be transferred to the new substation.

A second 132/33 kV, 45 MVA transformer at Galu is recommended, replacing the remaining 23 MVA unit and
increasing the firm capacity of Galu. A second 132/33 kV, 23 MVA transformer is proposed at Voi BSP for the
same reason.

Supplementary 33/11 kV transformers are proposed at several substations to increase security of supply. 1x23
MVA units are suggested at (Proposed) Bamburi, Malindi (replacing the remaining 7.5 MVA transformer) and
Mbaraki (uprating to 3x23 MVA).

Additional 15 MVA transformers are proposed at Likoni 1x15 (replacing the remaining 7.5 MVA transformer), and
at (Proposed) Port Reitz. Second 33/11 kV, 7.5 MVA transformers are proposed at Kanamai, Utange, Loitoktok,
Watamu Mariakani, Voi; and second 630 kVA transformers at Kilifi Plantation and Mtwapa.

Other Analysis
No voltage or thermal capacity issues on feeders or HV substation transformers.

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9.4.3 Losses

Year 33 kV Losses (%)

2013 2.2
2014 2.2
2015 2.1
2016 2.2
2017 2.5

9.5 Western Region

The Mombasa – Kisumu railway is forecast to be re-constructed and modernised over the next five years and is
likely to require electrical power. This railway will pass through the Counties of Busia, Kericho, Kisumu, Nakuru
and Nyandarua in the West region. The Juba – Lamu railway will pass through the county of Samburu. The
designated status of Kisumu is as a special economic zone, and is therefore expected to grow at a higher rate
than other counties in the West region. Load growth for these projects has been reflected in the annual county
growth rate developed from the load forecast.

For N-1 compliance:

For primary substations with only 1x2.5MVA or 1x7.5MVA transformer, a new 1x7.5MVA substation
within the 11 kV planning vicinity will be proposed when load is close to 100% of transformer rating. In
subsequent years additional transformers should be added to both the existing and new primary

For substations with 1x23MVA transformer, an additional transformer will be added when the load
exceeds 50% of transformer rating.

Ensure critical primary substations can be supplied from alternative sources.

Transformers suitable for refurbishment should be included as an option for reinforcement.

9.5.1 Expansion Plans

Committed Projects

A number of projects are due to be commissioned over the period 2013-2015 in the Western region. Projects
have generally been considered committed where land has been obtained for commencement of civil works and
funding allocated. Projects expected to be completed within the 2013-2015 timeframe have been identified and
presented to KPLC in the interim report. All committed projects are included in the models.

Geographic locations were obtained for new 132/33 kV BSPs at Awendo, Makutano, Ortum, Kitale, Sondu,
Bomet, Webuye and Kabarnet. Feeder layout and substation diagrams were obtained for Awendo, Sondu and
Webuye BSPs.

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Nine new 33/11 kV primary substations are due to be commissioned in 2013/14. These include; Elgon View,
Kabarak, Kipsarman, Ahero, Kibos, Maseno, Majengo, Chapseon and Magumu. Geographic locations and feeder
connections were obtained for projects at Ahero, Majengo and Maseno. Locations were determined by reference
to names of local towns/settlements where geographic information was unavailable.

Proposed Projects

Proposed projects will require a detailed assessment into the local area to locate a suitable plot of land for
acquisition which is outside of the scope of the Master Plan. Wayleaves for new feeders should be investigated
and a detailed environmental impact assessment should be conducted. For the purposes of the studies new
132/33 kV substations proposed in the expansion plans for the West region are represented as a new infeed into
the system. Open points are adjusted in each case to allow for feeders to be reassigned to the new BSPs.

A number of switches have been included in the model in order to represent the necessary additional normally
open points.

The routes of new feeders and additional primary substation connections are approximated in the GIS software to
follow roads and public rights of way where appropriate. Lengths of new feeders are calculated on this basis for
use in the models and the cost analysis.

Schematics representing the connectivity of the new projects on a year by year basis and tables identifying the
developments/reinforcements for each year, with committed projects from KPLC and KETRACO, and proposed
projects by PB are presented in Appendix E.

Reactive power compensation has been used extensively in the initial years of the study to support voltages
along feeders and reduce system losses. Capacitor banks have been introduced at primary substations, where
possible, to allow for ease of installation and maintenance. It is recommended that capacitor banks are installed
in fixed blocks with a controller to provide response to the requirements of the system. Some capacitor banks
may become redundant as new bulk supply points are commissioned. It is recommended that redundant
equipment is made available for relocation to problematic feeders across the network where necessary.

Details of all upgrades and additional equipment are included in the list of committed and proposed projects
presented in Appendix F.


Committed Reinforcements

Makutano 132/33 kV substation was commissioned in December 2012. It was assumed from discussions during
the data collection period that commissioning would take place early 2013. The substation will remain in the 2013
models onwards as data for the feeder loading is yet to be obtained. New feeders intersect the existing 33 kV
feeders between Lessos and Lanet BSPs and provide additional voltage support. An additional 33 kV feeder
extending to the town of Molo is expected to be commissioned in 2013, and will tee into the existing Elburgon
feeder from Lanet. The new locations of normally open points are determined in the model, and should be used
by KPLC to optimise the network configuration during normal operating conditions.

Webuye 132 kV substation will undergo expansion in 2013. This substation currently feeds Pan Paper (large
consumer) and will be upgraded with installation of one 132/33 kV, 23 MVA transformer, for connection to the 33

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kV distribution network. Six new 33 kV feeders are planned and are represented in the system diagrams in
Appendix E.

Elgon View primary substation is to be commissioned early 2013. This substation provides additional resource for
the expansion of the 11 kV network around Eldoret town. A proportion of the load has been transferred from
Eldoret Town primary substation to Elgon View to represent an adjustment to the 11 kV normally open points.
Discussions with KPLC counterpart staff concluded that Elgon View substation will tee into the existing feeder
(Lessos interconnector) from Rivertex 132/33 kV substation initially, and will be fed directly from Rivertex 132/33
kV substation via a new feeder late 2013.

There will be further expansion at Rivertex substation in 2013 to incorporate two new 33 kV feeder bays in
addition to the Elgon View feeder bay. One of the bays will provide capacity for a new feeder to loop into Iten
primary substation, with the purpose of feeding a new primary substation near to the town of Moiben in future.

Proposed Projects and System Configuration

Reactive power compensation is recommended for installation at eleven 33/11 kV primary substations for voltage
support. A lead time of one year has been assumed for procurement/installation of capacitor banks.

The 33 kV bus at Kisumu BSP will be operated closed to share the loading across the two 132/33 kV
transformers proportionally with respect to rating.


Committed Reinforcements

Several new BSPs are to be commissioned in 2014. These include committed 132/33 kV projects at Awendo and
Kitale. Awendo BSP is to be situated in an adjacent plot of land to the existing primary substation. Kitale BSP is
to be located several km from the existing primary substation. In addition to these projects there will be upgrades
to existing private sites at Nakuru West (originally feeding Kenya Pipeline Co.) and Sondu Miriu (hydro plant)
132kV substations. These will include the expansion of the existing site to incorporate additional 132/33 kV
transformers and 33 kV switchgear. Several new feeders are to be tee’d into the existing 33 kV network at each
BSP. Commissioning of the new bulk supply points will improve the terminal voltage along newly assigned

Eight primary substations proposed by KPLC are to be commissioned in the West region by the end of 2014.
These include substations with 1x7.5MVA 33/11 kV transformer at the following sites; Kabarak, Kipsarman,
Ahero, Kibos, Maseno, Majengo, Chapseon and Magumu.

Proposed Projects and System Configuration

Transformer reinforcements at the following BSPs are necessary to mitigate thermal loading issues and improve
security of supply; Rivertex, Muhoroni, Kegati, Musaga and Kisumu.

A new 33 kV line is proposed allow for load reduction on the existing Kakamega feeder from Musaga BSP. A new
feeder bay is required at Musaga BSP to connect a new line to an existing line section branching from the
Kakamega feeder. The NOPs are reconfigured to assign a new feeder from Musaga towards Malava town where
it will connect to the existing network.

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It is recommended that the existing 33 kV OHL linking Chavakali and Cheptulu primary substations is upgraded
from 25mm2 ACSR to 75mm2 ACSR. The upgrade will reduce the losses along the line and increase the current
carrying capacity for the forecast demand growth in future years. Similarly it is recommended that the existing 33
kV OHL which exits Kegati substation to feed Kisii primary substation is upgraded from 50mm2 ACSR to 150mm2

Transformer replacements at several existing primary substations are necessary to improve security of supply
and relieve high loading. These 33/11 kV substations include; Lanet Town, Eldoret Town, Eldoret Industrial, Kisii,
Mwariki and Kisumu East.


Committed Reinforcements

Information obtained from the KETRACO website indicated that 132/33 kV BSPs at Kabarnet, Bomet, Narok and
Nyahururu are due to be commissioned in 2015. The addition of these substations will reduce loading and
improve terminal voltages on existing feeders.

Proposed Projects and System Configuration

Several 33/11 kV primary substations are proposed to relieve loading on existing substations, increase security of
supply and improve 11 kV voltages. These include proposed sites near to, Sosiat, Sirisia Bahati, Endebess and
Moiben towns. Each substation is to have 1x7.5MVA transformer configuration.

Sosiat 33/11 kV primary substation is to be situated in the tea regions of Kericho county. The substation will be
located such that it will relieve some of the high loading on 11 kV feeders from Kericho primary substation. The
substation will feed sections of the 11 kV network towards Kitco and Sondu primary substations, splitting the
existing feeders to reduce loading and improve 11 kV voltages. The new substation is to be fed from Muhoroni
132/33 kV substation via a short spur from the existing Kericho feeder.

Sirisia 33/11 kV primary substation is to be situated in the vicinity of a cluster of small towns currently fed via an
11 kV network between Webuye and Sibembe primary substations. The commissioning of Sirisia primary
substation will reduce loading on the existing 2x2.5MVA transformers at Sibembe primary substation, allowing
necessary reinforcements to be offset by several years. Sirisia primary substation will be looped into the
Bungoma feeder from Webuye BSP (civil works ongoing), allowing an alternative source of supply from Musaga
BSP when necessary. It is anticipated that in 2018 a new BSP shall need to be considered for installation
between the Malakisi and Sirisia sites.

Bahati 33/11 kV primary substation is proposed in the county of Nakuru. The substation will split the 11 kV
network between Lanet town and Subukia primary substations improving voltage and relieving load on the
existing primary substations. The primary purpose of this project is to expand the 11 kV distribution network
towards the outskirts of Nakuru, increasing access to electricity in the Bahati settlement. The substation is to be
supplied from Lanet 132/33 kV substation via a tee in the existing feeder (Nyahururu interconnector 1) which
supplies Subukia primary substation.

Endebess 33/11 kV primary substation is proposed in the county of Trans Nzoia. This is to be supplied via a new
feeder from the planned Kitale 132/33 kV substation. Capacity has typically been restricted in his region due to

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the voltage issues on the lengthy feeders from neighbouring counties. This issue will be addressed with the
commissioning of Kitale BSP, allowing for expansion of the 33 kV network in the surrounding area. Endebess will
provide improved security of supply to consumers in Kitale.

Moiben 33/11 kV primary substation is proposed in the county of Uasin Gishu. This is to be supplied via a tee into
the feeder from Rivertex to Iten (civil works ongoing). This substation will increase access to electricity by
bringing additional transformer capacity to the area, allowing the development of the 11 kV network. This region
is currently supplied by lengthy 11 kV feeders between Eldoret and Iten.

It is proposed that Nakuru West 132/33 kV substation will be upgraded in 2015, with replacement of the existing
1x23MVA 132/33 kV transformer with 2x45MVA 132/33 kV transformers.

Reinforcements are proposed at Nakuru, Kiamokama, Changoi and Mogogosiek 33/11 kV primary substations.


Committed Reinforcements

Several projects proposed by KETRACO are expected to be commissioned in 2016. These include additional
132/33 kV BSPs which will be located within the vicinity of the existing Kapsabet, Maralal and Homa Bay 33/11
kV primary substations.

Proposed Projects and System Configuration

In addition to the committed projects, bulk supply points are proposed at the following locations in 2016: Bondo;
Chavakali; Eldoret North; Gilgil; Kapsowar; Keringet; Kisumu East; and Malaba. It is anticipated that years 2013-
2016 will provide a sufficient timeframe in which the proposed substations are able to progress through the
planning, construction and commissioning phases, and be operational by late 2016.

Information obtained from the regional visits suggested that the upper Gilgil area (Nakuru county) is experiencing
rapid growth. A 132/33 kV bulk supply point has been proposed on the basis of this expansion. Results of the
studies suggest that a bulk supply point would be required in 2018/19, however it is worth noting that the 11 kV
load forecast to be supplied from Gilgil primary substation in 2017 is approx. 3MVA. Voltages on the existing
70km 33 kV feeder between Lanet and Suswa BSPs will exceed limits if load on the 11 kV feeders from Giligl
substation exceeds 6MVA by 2017. It is recommended that the loading on the substation (and the adjacent 33 kV
feeders) is monitored over the next few years, and studies are performed with respect to growth in the region to
determine the feasibility of a new BSP at the Gilgil site.

KPLC provided a brief description of the plans which consider the feasibility of a new 33/11 kV primary substation
at Kapsowar. The recent OHL extension from Iten primary substation towards Kapsowar town (in the county of
Elgeyo Marakwet) is rated for 33 kV operation but currently operates at 11 kV. Iten primary substation is currently
supplied from Lessos BSP via the Fluorspar feeder. The proposed feeder distance from Lessos, including the
existing 33 kV network to Iten primary substation, is approx. 120km. A 33 kV feeder of this length is both
impractical due to voltage constraints and is economically unjustifiable due to extremely high operational losses.
Kabarnet BSP is an unviable source of supply due to the length of the proposed feeder. As a result of the studies,
a 132/33/11 kV substation is proposed at Kapsowar. The substation will comprise of 1x15MVA 132/33 kV

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transformer and 1x7.5MVA 33/11 kV transformer. Additional 33 kV feeder bays will be included for future 33 kV
expansion towards the towns further to the north of Kapsowar.

A new 132/33 kV substation is proposed near to Bondo town in the county of Siaya. This region is expected to
experience high growth rate due to the rural electrification along the shores of Lake Victoria to expand the
tourism industry and allow access to supply for fishing industries. It is proposed that the new substation
comprises of 2x23 MVA 132/33 kV transformers.

Expansion of the existing Chavakali 33/11 kV primary substation is proposed. This will comprise of a new BSP
with 2x45MVA 132/33 transformers. The expansion of the existing substation will reduce high loading on the
feeders from Kisumu and Musaga BSPs. The reconfiguration of the existing feeders from the aforementioned
BSPs will improve terminal voltages and lower reactive compensation required at the primary substations.

Rivertex 132/33 kV BSP supplies the town of Eldoret, located in the county of Uasin Gishu. A new BSP is
proposed to the North of Eldoret to supply existing load and introduce an alternative source to meet the criteria
for N-1 outage conditions. New feeders will supply Eldoret Town and Eldoret Industrial 33/11 kV primary
substations. A third feeder will provide security of supply to the HV connected load at Rivertex. A fourth feeder
will tee into the existing network near to the intersection of the Ngano feeder with the Moi Barracks feeder. It is
recommended that the construction of the OHL works progress in parallel with the BSP works, such that the OHL
can be commissioned in a temporary configuration at the proposed BSP site to create a ‘ring’ system around
Eldoret. KPLC staff confirmed that the improved flexibility provided by the ‘ring’ would be of great value to general
operations. The commissioning of the BSP will improve security of supply to the distributed load further north of
Eldoret town towards Kitale.

The Njoro/Elburgon feeder extends 100km from the Nakuru West BSP. This feeds the respective 33/11 kV
primary substations and a number of additional 33/0.433 kV secondary distribution transformers. The feeder
terminates at a tea factory supplying 1x630kVA 33/0.433 transformer. The loading on the transformer is such that
a significant voltage gradient is formed along the feeder resulting in terminal voltage violations. An additional bulk
supply point is proposed in 2016 to improve the voltage. The proposed 132/33 kV BSP is to be located at
Keringet town and will loop into the existing feeder. The proposed Keringet BSP will feed a new 33/11 kV primary
substation to be located within the vicinity of Molo town. This substation will relieve a proportion of the 11 kV
loading on the existing Elburgon primary substation.

The proposed expansion of Kisumu East will provide the necessary support to the network in Kisumu. At present
each of the primary substations in the district are supplied from Kisumu BSP. Any unplanned outage resulting in
loss of supply from the substation would affect the entire city. The proposed 132/33 kV BSP will provide an
alternative source of supply to each of the primary substations close to the city: Kisumu East; Kibos; Ahero;
Obote Road and Kisumu South (proposed 2017). The substation will have 2x45MVA transformers to ensure
redundancy is available to supply the city in the event of a loss of supply at Kisumu BSP.

A new bulk supply point is proposed within the vicinity of Malaba town. This 132/33 kV substation will supply
Malakisi and Busia primary substations via two new feeders. There is currently an 11 kV network which extends
between Malakisi and Busia substations. The proposed line route for the new 33 kV feeders follows the existing
11 kV wayleave. The feeders will provide increased capacity for connecting customers along the line route with
new 33/0.4 kV distribution transformers.

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A new 33/11 kV primary substation is proposed at Mosocho town. This substation will split the 11 kV feeds from
Kisii primary substation to improve voltage conditions and increase security of supply to the local area. The
proposed substation is to be tee’d into the existing Homa Bay 33 kV feeder from Kegati 132/33 kV BSP.

Primary substations are proposed in the vicinity of the towns of Kitaru and Nyamira. These substations will split
the existing 11 kV network to improve voltage conditions and increase the security of supply to local consumers.
The proposed substations will reduce high loading on Sotik, Ikonge and Litein primary substations, currently
supplying high loss, long 11 kV feeders in the region. The region is an intensive tea harvesting area, and the
proposed substations will supply small industrial loads and neighbouring towns. These new substations will be
supplied from Chemosit and Kegati BSPs.

A new feeder from Nakuru West is proposed to secure supply to Lanet Town under N-1 conditions. This will tee
into the prospective redundant feeder between Njoro primary substation and Lanet BSP. The reinforcement will
require reconductoring of the existing line sections between the sites to benefit from the improved current
carrying capacity of 150mm2 ACSR OHL.

Transformer reinforcements are proposed at Rivertex, Chemosit and Kitale BSPs to improve security of supply.
Transformer reinforcements are proposed at Kisumu East, Moi Barracks and Siaya 33/11 kV primary substations.
Reinforcements will provide additional redundant capacity to improve security of supply.


Committed Reinforcements

Plans for substation upgrades and a new 220kV OHL between the existing sites at Turkwel and Kitale have been
submitted by KETRACO. These plans include a new 220/33 kV substation approx 43km to the North of
Kapenguria, close to the town of Ortum. It is assumed that a 33 kV OHL will link the existing Kapenguria primary
substation with the new site, feeding several towns between the proposed and existing substations. The project is
assumed to be committed due to the recent release of the tender documents for substation equipment. It has
been included in the 2017 model as the expected commissioning date has not yet been determined by

Proposed Projects and System Configuration

A new 132/33 kV BSP is proposed near to the existing Moi Barracks primary substation. This will provide voltage
support on the 70km OHL between BSPs at Kitale and Rivertex. A new feeder will also tee into the existing OHL
which extends towards the town of Turbo. This existing feeder to this region distributed 8MVA of load in 2017
prior to suggested reinforcements. The connection of the new feeder at Turbo will improve voltages in the area by
removing a proportion of the load from the existing feeder.

A new 33/11 kV primary substation in the town of Kisumu is proposed to relieve high loading and introduce
contingency capacity to improve security of supply. Prior to 2017, the 11 kV network in Kisumu will be supplied
from existing 33/11 kV primary substations at Kisumu East and Obote Road. These substations are expected to
exceed N-1 capacity in 2018. The new 33/11 kV substation at Kisumu South is to be supplied from Kisumu East
BSP with an alternative feed from Kisumu BSP for security of supply during outage conditions.

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New 33/11 kV primary substations are proposed at Kibebetiet and Aldai towns. These will supply 11 kV networks
within two large clusters of towns in the county of Nandi. The substations will be supplied via two new feeders
from Kaspabet BSP. The commissioning of these substations will improve security of supply on the existing 11
kV network and improve the voltages.

Transformer upgrades are proposed at the existing Makutano 132/33 kV and Mwariki 33/11 kV substations to
improve security of supply.

9.5.2 Assessment

Low voltages currently affect many of the feeders in the West region. Nodes have been identified along each
feeder to represent the lowest simulated voltage. The development of the expansion plan aims to mitigate these
violations, however in the short term it is not always practical to improve the performance of the system to
achieve the desired tolerance outlined in the planning criteria. Feeders with simulated voltages of less than 0.9pu
(in accordance with the proposed planning criteria) have been extracted and are presented below. A complete list
of results is presented in Appendix E. Voltages exceeding 1pu exist where reactive compensation has been
added to the system to support the feeder voltages. Results indicate that system voltages do not exceed 1.1pu in
years 2013-2017.

Transformer taps on the primary windings at 33/11 kV substations also help to maintain voltage at 11 kV to within
planning tolerances. Voltage violations are present in years 2013 - 2015. These marginally exceed planning
tolerances (±10%) but are mitigated by the commissioning of new BSPs in 2016.

Voltage violations which exceed planning tolerances are presented in Table 9-5. Proposed projects mitigate all
voltage violations in the models after 2015.

Table 9-5: West Region 2013-2017 - Voltage Violations

LF results
Year BSP Feeder Rated Voltage(kV)
Voltage(kV) Voltage(pu)
2013 Webuye Kitale 33 29.18 0.88
2013 Kegati Homabay 33 29.29 0.89
2013 Kegati Ogembo / Migori 33 29.38 0.89
2014 Chemosit Bomet 33 29.36 0.89
2015 Kisumu Chemelil 33 29.18 0.88
2015 Kisumu Kakamega 33 29.45 0.89

The results of the modelling assume that reactive compensation presented in Table 9-6 and included in the list of
committed and proposed projects (Appendix E) is in operation by the end of 2013. The inclusion of reactive
compensation in the 2013 model mitigates the majority of voltage issues experienced on the 33 kV network in the
Western region.

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Table 9-6: West Region 2013-2017 – Reactive Compensation Requirements (Capacitor Banks)

Max of Capacity (MVAr)
Primary Substation 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Kisii 3 3 3 3 3
Mogogosiek 5 7.5 5 5 10
Malakisi 2.5 2.5 5 5 5
Moi Barracks 5 5 5 7.5
Bondo Region 2.5 2.5 5 5
Chavakali 5 5 5
Homabay 5 5 5
Narok 5 5
Maralal 2.5 2.5
Nyahururu 2.5 2.5
Kaplamai 2.5 2.5
Cheranganyi 5
Rumuruti 2.5 2.5
AHP James Finlay 5
Nyamninia 2.5
Sosiat 2.5
Western University College 2.5

Loading on feeders and primary substations has been assessed. A summary of the maximum loading on each
feeder is presented in Appendix E. Violations of thermal rating for lines are not expected to occur during the study
years 2013-2017.

Capacity issues are experienced on transformers at the substations listed in Table 9-7. It is recommended that
replacement/additional transformers are considered for installation at these locations in the immediate future. The
lead time for primary transformers is such that asset replacement solutions for high loading issues are not
proposed in the 2013 model. It is recommended that load is transferred to alternative supply to relieve the
transformer loading where possible.

Results of the studies indicate that no voltage or thermal rating issues are expected to occur after 2013 provided
upgrades and additional equipment included in the list of committed and proposed projects (presented in
Appendix F) are in service during the periods specified in the Master Plan.

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Table 9-7: Western Region 2013-2017 - Transformer Loading Violations

Year County BSP Name/Location Voltage Ratio % Loading

2013 Kisii Kegati Kegati BSP 132/33 1x23 131

2013 Kisii Kegati Kisii 33/11 1x7.5 110

2013 Bomet Chemosit Changoi 33/11 1x0.315 110

2013 Uasin Gishu Rivertex Rivertex BSP 132/33 2x23 105

2013 Nakuru Lanet Lanet Town 33/11 2x7.5 102

2013 Uasin Gishu Rivertex Eldoret Industrial 33/11 1x7.5 101

2013 Kericho Muhoroni Muhoroni BSP 132/33 1x23 101

9.5.3 Losses

The 33 kV losses are presented in Table 9-8 for the models 2013-2017. The development of the expansion plans
in the short term show a reduction in relative system losses from 5.7% to 4.5% as a percentage of demand. The
reduction in losses reduces the cost of operation of the system.

Table 9-8: Western Region 33 kV Losses

Year 33 kV Losses (%)

2013 5.7
2014 5.2
2015 4.9
2016 4.3
2017 4.5

9.5.4 Short Circuit Studies

Studies suggest that system short circuit levels for years 2013-2017 do not present an issue with respect to the
rating of new and existing circuit breakers. Peak short circuit currents are presented in Appendix E for all primary
substation 33 kV busbars and 33 kV connection points for HV connected load.

9.5.5 Contingency Analysis

Contingency has been included in the master plan for the major towns of Kisumu, Eldoret and Nakuru. These are
considered as important centres for economic growth. Each of these towns is to be supplied from two bulk supply
points with transformer redundancy should an outage occur at one of the BSPs. Additional feeders are

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incorporated into the master plan to ensure that major primary substations (above 8MW demand) in these cities
are supplied from alternative sources. New 33 kV feeders in these areas are proposed with 150mm 2 ASCR
conductors where necessary to mitigate issues with thermal loading under N-1 conditions.

Approximately 40% of the load in the West region is supplied via 33/0.433 kV secondary distribution
transformers. It is expected that the expansion of the 11 kV network in future years will lead to increased security
of supply and a reduced dependence on long 33 kV radial feeders to reduce the dependence on large numbers
of 33/0.433 kV distribution transformers.

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The scoping studies for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) form a separate volume. A summary of these
studies is provided below.

10.1 Background

KPLC is preparing a Distribution Master Plan to address the country’s power distribution requirements over the
planning period 2012-2030.

Parsons Brinckerhoff has been commissioned to undertake (i) a detailed assessment of the Kenya Power
System Distribution requirements over the planning period 2012-2030 and develop a Distribution Master Plan;
and (ii) Undertake an Environmental Scoping Report for the investments recommended in the short to medium
term (3 – 5 years). This report has been prepared to satisfy the Environmental Scoping Report requirement.

The proposed projects recommended by the Distribution Master Plan study comprise one or more of the following
five categories of project to be implemented across the 47 counties in the short-medium term:

A. Construction of 66kV and 33kV overhead distribution lines;

B. Installation of underground distribution cables (voltages as above);

C. Construction of 66kV/11kV, 33kV/11kV substations;

D. Reconductoring existing overhead distribution lines; and

E. Upgrading or refurbishing existing substations including replacement / addition of new transformers.

As this is a master plan study, the proposed projects are in the early stages of development. Given that the
above project categories could be implemented either individually or in combination across any of Kenya’s 47
counties, the scoping report firstly provides generic guidance on the likely impacts for each of the above as well
as initial mitigation and monitoring recommendations.

The scoping report also provides an initial assessment of the potential environmental and social impacts
associated with each of the projects currently proposed. The assessment has been based on desk study data
used to inform the county level baseline summaries as well as on feedback obtained from the in-county
consultation meetings. The impacts (and associated mitigation proposals) are necessarily high level since the
exact project locations and extents are as yet to be determined.

The EIA Scoping Report is intended to provide a basis for project-specific discussions with the relevant
authorities and stakeholders to help determine whether an EIA is required for each of the projects which come
forward as part of the Kenya Distribution Master Plan.

10.2 Purpose of this Scoping Report and Approach to the Scoping Study

The Environmental Management and Coordination Act 1999 (EMCA) requires that an EIA is undertaken for
proposed activities that are likely to have a significant adverse impact on the environment.

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This scoping report identifies the potential significant environmental and social issues and impacts of the
proposed distribution projects such that the Proponent is able to use this information in producing the Project
Report and Terms of Reference (ToR) as required by the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA).
If an EIA is required, then the report identifies how these impacts might be further assessed during the full EIA

This scoping study has comprised the following elements:

• Discussions and consultations with the Proponent (KPLC);

• Literature review and preparation of legislative framework and initial baseline environmental and social
summaries for each of the 47 counties;

• Initial consultation with stakeholders (including key environmental consultees) at a local level within
each of the 47 counties;

• Identification of the potential environmental and social-economic impacts of the proposed projects and
mitigation and monitoring proposals for these impacts. These impacts will need to be investigated in more detail
during subsequent EIA study as necessary;

• Identification of potential constraints to the successful implementation of master plan projects; and

• Environmental and social capacity building requirements within KPLC to aid the successful
implementation of the master plan projects.

10.3 Distribution Master Plan Project Activities

Development activities associated with the five project categories can be divided into four key stages, namely:
preconstruction project design; construction; operation; and eventual decommissioning of the projects.

The need for EIA will depend upon the sensitivity of the receiving environment, the project extent and the
resultant environmental and social impacts. It is unlikely that either reconductoring of existing overhead
distribution lines or upgrading/refurbishment within an existing substation site would require an EIA since no
significant environmental impacts are envisaged as the projects would be largely undertaken within the existing
development footprint . Impacts, in these cases, are likely to be limited to some localised noise during installation
and waste disposal issues associated with redundant equipment.

At the preconstruction design stage, the projects will be screened by KPLC in accordance with Kenya's
environmental legislation as well as any funding agency requirements and the appropriate level of environmental
and social assessment undertaken.

10.4 Consultation

Stakeholder consultation meetings have been held with NEMA, Ministry of Planning, Kenya Wildlife Service
(KWS), Kenya Forestry Service (KFS), Museums of Kenya (MoK), Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) as well as the
Kenya Urban Roads Authority (KURA), Kenya Rural Roads Authority (KeRRA), Kenya National Highways
Authority (KeNHA) at their regional office locations.

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For those projects taken forward, for which a full EIA study is required, further consultation will be required to be
undertaken at both the institutional and community level. Community consultation should be undertaken at all
locations where proposed projects are likely to cause disruption to local residents.

10.5 Likely Environmental and Social Impacts of Distribution Master Plan Projects

The county consultations have identified a number of likely beneficial effects from the proposed projects

Increased supply of electricity;

Improved power reliability;

Improvements in agricultural/horticultural output;

Economic development as a result of development of industries particularly in areas which are

currently off-grid (including light industries and tourism;

Improvements in delivery of education and healthcare;

Improvements in water supply systems;

Improved security/crime reduction;

Enhanced information flow and inclusivity via increased access to information technology (IT);

Reduced reliance on wood as fuel; and

Health benefits (as a result of use of a clean source of energy in the home).

A number of potential adverse impacts were identified during the county consultations including:

Displacement of people and their property;

Temporary disturbance to power supply;

Destruction of vegetation,

Risks of exposure to electricity including electrocution of people and danger to fauna

Air quality and noise impacts during construction; and

Risks to health and safety during construction.

Based on the consultation feedback and high level assessments conducted to date, the negative impacts of
many of the proposed projects are expected to be minimal and the overall benefits of the projects are expected to
greatly outweigh the adverse impacts.

The most significant adverse impacts are expected to arise as a result of land acquisition (from displacement of
property/loss of vegetation and crops) and during the construction stage (due to the potential for pollution to land,
air and water as well as disruption to local communities from noise and construction traffic).

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Adverse impacts can be largely designed out via the choice of line routing / substation siting following
consultation with host communities and project affected persons (PAPs). A fair and equitable compensation
framework for crop damage, tree loss and land acquisition together with the implementation of Environmental and
Social Management Plans (ESMP) and a programme of community sensitisation will assist in mitigating the
majority of adverse impacts in most instances.

10.6 Mitigation and Monitoring

The costs of the implementation of proposed mitigation measures have been estimated for each of the proposed
projects (within categories A – C) and are presented in the EIA Scoping Report within the tables in Appendix C
subject to certain caveats. These estimates have been amalgamated to produce an initial cost for mitigation for
each of the counties in which projects are proposed.

10.7 Environmental and Social Capacity Building

On the basis of the discussions and feedback from the consultation meetings to date, we make the following
recommendations regarding environmental and social capacity building within KPLC.

There is felt to be a lack of awareness of the environmental and social impacts of distribution projects
amongst some Branch Business Heads (BBHs) and their staff. In particular, it was identified that there
was a need for greater awareness of environmental assessment and public consultation requirements
associated with such projects. Awareness raising and training could be provided by KPLCs in-house
Safety, Health and Environmental (SHE) department.

Several consultees suggested that there was a need for better customer services training of BBHs and
their staff. Additionally it was felt that KPLC could provide more information on their products and
services; particularly those aimed at making electricity connection and supply more affordable. There
is for instance a low level of awareness of Stima Loan and misconceptions by potential customers
regarding this product. It is suggested that this training is provided by KPLC’s commercial department.

Several consultees identified that KPLC’s construction / maintenance contractors take short cuts to
save time and money compromising health, safety and quality. It was also felt by some local
communities that contractors had caused unnecessary damage to their property and that contractors
had not dealt with concerns raised by the local community or had provided misleading information. It is
suggested that KPLC’s site supervisory workforce receives training in site safety, environmental and
social issues associated with such projects as well as stakeholder liaison. It is suggested that this
training is provided to supervisory staff by KPLC’s SHE department.

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11.1 Off-Grid Power Plants

The National Grid does not currently extend to all parts of Kenya, and large parts of the country, particularly in the
north, are not connected to the grid. Figure 11-1 shows the extent of the grid and the areas not covered. In the
off-grid areas, which lie principally in the northern and eastern parts of Kenya, KPLC and KenGen provide power
by means of diesel power plants which each supply a small isolated distribution network. Typically, the power
plant is located near to a major town in the off-grid area and an 11 kV network is used to distribute electricity
throughout the town. In some cases, KPLC or REA has extended the network to nearby towns or villages by
means of 33 kV feeders. Fuel is transported to the power plants by road tanker.

The off-grid power plants are listed in Table 11-1 which indicates the county in which the power plant is located
and annual generated energy for 2010/2011. Capacity and peak demand figures are also shown where this
information is available. There are a number of off-grid power plants currently under construction as noted in the

The total energy generated by the off-grid power plants is relatively low, and for the year 2010/11 represented
just 0.8 % of the total electricity sales in the country. The combined peak demand on the off-grid power plants
was around 9 MW for 2010/1117.

The scope of work for the Master Plan Study includes the requirement to compare the cost of extending the grid
to each of the off-grid areas versus the cost of continuing with off-grid solutions. This section of the report
describes the methodology for this assessment and provides the costs and economic case for interconnection of
the off-grid stations.

Table 11-1: Off-Grid Power Plants

Annual generated Peak

Capacity energy - 2010/2011 demand Load
County Location Status (kW) (MWh) (kW) factor
Turkana Lodwar Existing 3,556 650 62%
Marsabit Marsabit Existing 2,489 2,799 600 53%
Marsabit Moyale Existing 1,341 1,969 540 42%
Marsabit North Horr Under construction
Marsabit Laisamis Under construction
Samburu Baragoi Existing 153 41 43%
Mandera Mandera Existing 1,600 4,167 858 55%
Mandera El Wak Existing 360 416 95 50%
Mandera Takaba Under construction 184
Mandera Rhamu Under construction 184
Wajir Wajir Existing 1,700 5,234 1,020 59%
Wajir Habaswein Existing 360 603 108 64%
Wajir El Das Under construction
Isiolo Merti Existing 138 170 44 44%
Garissa Garissa Existing 6,100 17,129 3,435 57%
Tana River Hola Existing 800 1,494 369 46%
Lamu Lamu Existing 2,378 4,871 942 59%
Lamu Mpeketoni Existing 1,109 312 41%
Homa Bay Mfangano Existing 90 26 40%
Total 17,634 43,760 9,040 55%

The peak demand for Lamu was estimated based on an assumed load factor of 0.59.

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Figure 11-1: Location of Off-Grid Power Plants in Relation to National Grid

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11.2 Relevant Transmission Network Developments

There are a number of transmission projects at various stages of development, which will result in some of the
off-grid stations being connected to the grid. The relevant projects are listed in Table 11-2. The analysis was not
conducted for Lamu and Garissa as these areas will certainly be connected to the grid within the next few years
by means of the ongoing projects.

Table 11-2: Ongoing and Planned Extensions to Off-Grid Areas.

Expected Affected off-grid

Transmission project Voltage (kV) Status completion power plant
Rabai-Malindi-Garsen-Lamu 220 Under construction 2013 Lamu
Kindaruma-Mwingi-Garissa 132 Tender stage 2014 Garissa
Garsen-Hola-Garissa 220 Feasibility stage 2015 Hola
Garissa-Wajir 132 Feasibility stage 2015 Wajir, Habaswein

11.3 Assessment of Grid Connection

11.3.1 Demand Forecast

Table 11-3 shows the projected demand for the off-grid areas up to 2030. These figures were derived from the
2011 peak demand, with an annual growth rate of 15 %.

Table 11-3: Demand Forecast for Off-Grid Areas.

Year Wajir Lodwar Marsabit Baragoi Mandera Hola Elwak Habaswein Merti Mfangano Total
2011 1,020 650 600 41 858 369 95 108 44 26 3,811
2012 1,173 748 690 47 987 424 109 124 51 30 4,383
2013 1,349 860 794 54 1,135 488 126 143 58 34 5,040
2014 1,551 989 913 62 1,305 561 144 164 67 40 5,796
2015 1,784 1,137 1,049 72 1,501 645 166 189 77 45 6,665
2016 2,052 1,307 1,207 82 1,726 742 191 217 88 52 7,665
2017 2,359 1,503 1,388 95 1,985 854 220 250 102 60 8,815
2018 2,713 1,729 1,596 109 2,282 982 253 287 117 69 10,137
2019 3,120 1,988 1,835 125 2,625 1,129 291 330 135 80 11,658
2020 3,588 2,287 2,111 144 3,018 1,298 334 380 155 91 13,407
2021 4,126 2,630 2,427 166 3,471 1,493 384 437 178 105 15,418
2022 4,745 3,024 2,791 191 3,992 1,717 442 502 205 121 17,730
2023 5,457 3,478 3,210 219 4,591 1,974 508 578 235 139 20,390
2024 6,276 3,999 3,692 252 5,279 2,270 585 665 271 160 23,448
2025 7,217 4,599 4,245 290 6,071 2,611 672 764 311 184 26,966
2026 8,300 5,289 4,882 334 6,982 3,003 773 879 358 212 31,010
2027 9,545 6,082 5,615 384 8,029 3,453 889 1,011 412 243 35,662
2028 10,976 6,995 6,457 441 9,233 3,971 1,022 1,162 473 280 41,011
2029 12,623 8,044 7,425 507 10,618 4,567 1,176 1,337 545 322 47,163
2030 14,516 9,251 8,539 584 12,211 5,252 1,352 1,537 626 370 54,237

11.3.2 Technical Assessment

An example case considers the viability of extending the grid from Garissa to Wajir town, which will be the county
headquarters for Wajir County. As noted above, although Garissa is itself currently off-grid there is an ongoing
project to interconnect it with Kindaruma in the Mt. Kenya region by means of a 132 kV transmission line and a
new 132/33/11 kV substation at Garissa.

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Interconnecting Wajir with the grid would involve the extension of Garissa 132 kV substation, a 267 km, single
circuit 132 kV line to Wajir and a new 132/33/11 kV substation at Wajir.

As indicated above, the peak demand for Wajir is expected to increase from its current level of around 1 MW, to
20 MW by 2030. Figure 11-2 shows a capability curve (voltage versus delivered power) for a 267 km, 132 kV
transmission line using single ‘Wolf’ conductor, which has a nominal aluminium area of 150 sq. mm. The curve
shows the receiving end voltage as load is increased for unity power factor (pf) of the combined load and any
reactive compensation. The sending end voltage level is 1.00 pu (132 kV). The curves show that 20 MW can be
transferred for 5 % voltage drop provided the reactive demand is fully compensated to give an effective power
factor of unity. Due to the long line length the maximum transfer capability is much less than the 80 MVA thermal
rating of the line.

The curve therefore indicates that the line would be capable of supporting the 20 MW, 2030 demand. It would
however be necessary, as the demand increased over time, to provide shunt capacitive compensation or possibly
dynamic compensation in the form of a static var compensator (SVC) in order to control the voltage at both
Garissa and Wajir. Line connected shunt reactors may also typically be required at Garissa and Wajir to prevent
over-voltages during no-load conditions, possibly with on-load tap changers.

Figure 11-2: Transmission Line Capability Curve for 267 km Single Circuit Wolf Conductor


Conductor Wolf, 132 kV, Single Circuit

Voltage (kV) 132
Winter Rating (MVA) 80
Summer Rating (MVA) 80
Line Length (km) 267
Sending End Volts (pu) 1
Load Power Factor 1
For a Single Condition

Power - Vr curve
0.8 1
Vr (per unit)

0.6 4
0.5 5
0.4 6
0.3 Thermal rating
V min










Delivered Power (MW) - and Line ratings (in MVA)

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The capital cost of the project is estimated at USD 28.5 million, broken down as shown in Table 11-5. The total
cost is dominated by the cost of the line. The costs allow for two 15 MVA transformers at Wajir and they also
include shunt reactors and capacitor banks to control the voltage. A third transformer would be required for N-1
security of supply once the load exceeds 15 MVA. Shunt capacitive compensation would not be required initially
due to the low initial demand.

11.3.3 Economic Assessment

The economic case for extension of the grid to supply areas currently supplied by off-grid diesel power plants is
based on the cost savings associated with replacement of off-grid diesel power plants with cheaper electricity
generated by grid connected power plants and imports.

Table 11-4 shows unit costs assumed for the transmission equipment associated with the grid connections.

Table 11-4: Transmission Equipment Unit Costs

Foreign Local Total installed

Item Unit (USD'000) (KSh.'000) (USD'000)
132 kV switchgear circuit 315 4,995 370
220 kV switchgear circuit 507 8,060 597
33 kV switchgear circuit 49 783 58
132/33 kV transformer - 23 MVA transformer 1,092 17,348 1,285
132/33 kV transformer - 15 MVA transformer 983 15,620 1,157
220/33 kV transformer - 23 MVA transformer 1,530 24,300 1,800
220/33 kV transformer - 15 MVA transformer 1,420 22,559 1,671
220/132 kV transformer - 60 MVA transformer 2,550 40,500 3,000
132 kV SC Wolf km 88 1,404 104
220 kV SC (ACSR 300/50 DIN) km 126 1,998 148
33 kV SC Wolf km 23 365 27
33 kV 185mm2 sub-marine cable km 85 1,350 100
10 MVAr 33 kV capacitor bank (MSC) bank 170 2,700 200
10 MVAr shunt reactor reactor 111 1,755 130

Note: Costs are inclusive of transport, erection, commissioning

For the example case of Wajir, the estimated cost of the grid connection is $33 million, with a breakdown as
shown in Table 11-5.

Table 11-5: Transmission Capital Costs - Wajir

Equipment Quantity Units Installed cost (USD million)

132 kV transmission line (SC Wolf) 267 km 27.8
132 kV switchgear 4 circuits 1.5
33 kV switchgear 4 circuits 0.2
132/33 kV transformer - 15 MVA) 2 transformers 2.3
10 MVAr shunt reactor 2 reactors 0.3
10 MVAr shunt capacitor 2 banks 0.4
Total 32.5

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The economic parameters, on which the calculations were based, were derived from the LCPDP and from figures
provided by KPLC for the isolated diesel power plants (Table 11-6).

Table 11-6: Economic parameters

xxx Input data or assumed value

Discount Rate 12%

Exchange Rate 92.786 KES/$

Fuel Price Isolated 42 KES/kWh Parameter Value KSh/kWh Notes
O&M Cost Isolated 14 KES/kWh Grid Energy LRMC (US cents/kWh) 1.11 1.030 Source: LCPDP
Total Variable Cost per kWh Isolated 56 KES/kWh Grid Capacity (US cents/kWh) 12.84 11.914
Investment Cost diesel station 1600 $/kW Grid Load Factor (2020) 65.52%
Diesel station life 15 years Capacity ($/kW/Year) 737
Capacity Cost Isolated 21,797 KES/kW/Year Transmission ($/kW/Year) 79.7 TX LRMC at BSP delivery
Load factor of 'isolated load' 50% Transmission voltage (kV) 132
Planning Margin Isolated 70% Transmission line length (km) 267
Interconnected Transmission conductor Wolf ACSR conductor 150 sq mm
Fuel Price Connected 1.03 KES/kWh Transmission line resistance (ohm/km) 0.213
Capacity Cost Connected 68,379 KES/kW/Year
Transmission Investment Cost 7,400 KES/kW/Year
Transmission O&M 2.50% Of Cap Cost
Planning Margin Connected 25% As in LCPDP
Power factor interconnected load 0.95 with PF correction

Transmission Costs US$ m KES m Cum

1 13.2 1224 1224
2 16.5 1529 2753
3 3.3 306 3059
33.0 3059

Results of the calculations for the example case of Wajir are shown in Table 11-7 and Table 11-8.

The annual costs for the off-grid option include the capital cost of generating plant, and operating costs which
include fuel and O&M costs.

The annual costs of the grid connected option include; the capacity cost of the grid connected power plants
(derived from the long-run marginal cost -LRMC - of generation), energy cost of grid-connected generation,
LRMC of transmission, and capital and operating costs of the proposed transmission extension (Garissa-Wajir).
The grid connected calculation also takes account of estimated energy and power losses for the transmitted

The levelised18 costs of the two options are as shown below:

Grid connection 53 KSh/kWh

Off-grid 64 KSh/kWh

The results indicate that the whole-life cost of supplying Wajir over a grid connection would be less than the cost
of continuing with off-grid power. Based on the input parameters there is therefore an economic case for
extension of the grid to Wajir.

The levelised cost of electricity is calculated by dividing the NPV of costs by the NPV of the electrical energy in the same

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Final Report Page 11.6

Table 11-7: Whole-life cost comparison for Garissa-Wajir – Grid connected

Tx Power Tx Energy Generation Cost ICS Tx Transmission Costs Total Costs

Forecast Load Capacity Required
Year losses losses (KSh million) Cost (KSh (KSh million) (KSh
million) million)
kW MWh kW MWh kW MWh Capacity Energy Capital O&M
2012 1173 5138 5.0 14.2 1472 5152 1,205 1,205
2013 1349 5908 6.6 18.7 1694 5927 1,506 1,506
2014 1551 6795 8.7 24.7 1950 6819 301 301
2015 1784 7814 11.5 32.7 2244 7847 153 8 17 75 254
2016 2052 8986 15.2 43.3 2583 9029 177 9 20 75 281
2017 2359 10334 20.1 57.2 2974 10391 203 11 23 75 312
2018 2713 11884 26.6 75.7 3425 11960 234 12 26 75 348
2019 3120 13666 35.2 100.1 3944 13767 270 14 30 75 389
2020 3588 15716 46.5 132.4 4543 15849 311 16 34 75 437
2021 4126 18074 61.5 175.1 5235 18249 358 19 40 75 492
2022 4745 20785 81.3 231.6 6033 21017 413 22 46 75 555
2023 5457 23903 107.6 306.3 6956 24209 476 25 53 75 629
2024 6276 27488 142.3 405.1 8023 27893 549 29 61 75 713
2025 7217 31611 188.2 535.7 9257 32147 633 33 70 75 812
2026 8300 36353 248.8 708.5 10686 37062 731 38 81 75 925
2027 9545 41806 329.1 936.9 12342 42743 844 44 94 75 1,057
2028 10976 48077 435.2 1239.1 14265 49316 975 51 108 75 1,210
2029 12623 55289 575.6 1638.7 16498 56927 1,128 59 125 75 1,387
2030 14516 63582 761.2 2167.2 19097 65749 1,306 68 145 75 1,594
PV 2015 - 2030 PV 2012 - 2030 to
97596 5,133
to 2012 2012
Levelised cost 2015 to 2030 - money of 2012 KSh/kWh 53

Table 11-8: Whole-life cost comparison for Garissa-Wajir – Off grid

Capacity Operating Total Cost
Forecast Load Cost
Year Required Cost (KSh (KSh
million) million)
kW MWh kW million)
2012 1173 5138 1994
2013 1349 5908 2293
2014 1551 6795 2637
2015 1784 7814 3033 66 438 504
2016 2052 8986 3488 76 503 579
2017 2359 10334 4011 87 579 666
2018 2713 11884 4612 101 665 766
2019 3120 13666 5304 116 765 881
2020 3588 15716 6100 133 880 1,013
2021 4126 18074 7015 153 1,012 1,165
2022 4745 20785 8067 176 1,164 1,340
2023 5457 23903 9277 202 1,339 1,541
2024 6276 27488 10669 233 1,539 1,772
2025 7217 31611 12269 267 1,770 2,038
2026 8300 36353 14110 308 2,036 2,343
2027 9545 41806 16226 354 2,341 2,695
2028 10976 48077 18660 407 2,692 3,099
2029 12623 55289 21459 468 3,096 3,564
2030 14516 63582 24678 538 3,561 4,098
PV 2015 - 2030 to
97596 6,291

Levelised cost 2015 to 2030 - money of 2012 KSh/kWh 64

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11.4 Summary of results

The same methodology was applied for each of the off-grid stations listed in Table 11-3.

Table 11-9 shows the proposed grid connection point and transmission voltage in each case and the estimated
transmission length. The transmission length was assumed to be 20 % greater than the straight-line distance
between the proposed point of connection and the off-grid station. The exception to this was in the case of Wajir,
as more detailed knowledge of the proposed route was known in this case.

Table 11-9: Off-grid stations showing proposed grid connection point

Annual generated Peak

Capacity energy - 2010/2011 demand Load Grid connection Distance Transmission Connection
County Location Status (kW) (MWh) (kW) factor point (km) length (km) voltage (kV)
Turkana Lodwar Existing 3,556 650 62% Turkwel 153 184 132
Marsabit Marsabit Existing 2,489 2,799 600 53% Loyangalani 141 169 132
Ethiopia (already
Marsabit Moyale Existing 1,341 1,969 540 42%
Marsabit North Horr Under construction
Marsabit Laisamis Under construction
Samburu Baragoi Existing 153 41 43% Maralal 72 86 33
Mandera Mandera Existing 1,600 4,167 858 55% Wajir 310 372 132
Mandera El Wak Existing 360 416 95 50% Wajir-Mandera 10 12 132
Mandera Takaba Under construction 184
Mandera Rhamu Under construction 184
Wajir Wajir Existing 1,700 5,234 1,020 59% Garissa 267 267 132
Wajir Habaswein Existing 360 603 108 64% Garissa-Wajir 10 12 132
Wajir El Das Under construction
Isiolo Merti Existing 138 170 44 44% Habaswein 90 108 33
Garissa Garissa Existing 6,100 17,129 3,435 57% Garissa
Tana River Hola Existing 800 1,494 369 46% Garsen 79 95 33
Lamu Lamu Existing 2,378 4,871 942 59% Lamu
Lamu Mpeketoni Existing 1,109 312 41% Lamu
Homa Bay Mfangano Existing 90 26 40% Rusinga 10 12 33
Total 17,634 43,760 9,040 55%

Based on the input assumptions, the economic cost of continuing with an off-grid power plant would be
KSh. 64/kWh for all sites19. Table 11-10 shows the results of the economic evaluation for each of the off-grid
stations (apart from Garissa and Lamu as noted above).and indicates an economic case for extension of the grid
to the following off-grid sites:






Note that whilst a grid connection to Elwak appears economical, this is based on interconnection of Mandera with
Wajir, which itself appears uneconomic.

This is a simplification as the fuel cost would vary between sites; however it is considered acceptable for the purpose of this

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Table 11-10: Summary Results

Unit Equipment quantities

Equipment details ($000) Unit Lodwar Marsabit Baragoi Mandera Elwak Wajir Habaswein Merti Hola Mfangano
Transmission length km 184 169 86 372 12 267 12 108 95 12
Connection voltage kV 132 132 33 132 132 132 132 33 33 33

132 kV switchgear 370 each 5 4 4 1 4 1

220 kV switchgear 597 each 1
33 kV switchgear 58 each 5 5 4 4 3 4 3 2 2 2
132/33 kV transformer - 23 MVA 1285 each
132/33 kV transformer - 15 MVA 1157 each 2 2 2 1 2 1
220/33 kV transformer - 23 MVA 1800 each
220/33 kV transformer - 15 MVA 1671 each
220/132 kV transformer - 60 MVA 3000 each 1
132 kV SC Wolf 104 km 184 169 372 12 267 12
220 kV SC (ACSR 300/50 DIN) 148 km
33 kV SC Wolf 27 km 86 108 95
33 kV 185mm2 sub-marine cable 100 km 12
10 MVAr 33 kV capacitor bank (MSC) 200 each 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 1
10 MVAr shunt reactor 130 each 2 2 2 2 2 2

Estimated grid connection cost ($m) 27.6 22.3 2.8 43.4 3.6 32.5 3.6 3.2 2.9 1.3

Levelised cost: 2015-2030 (KSh/kWh) 62 57 85 70 58 53 54 91 31 69

(Money of 2012)

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12.1 Introduction

Distribution projects are generally driven by growth in demand. The specific location of the additional demand
will determine the type of project required, which may typically be either a reinforcement or extension type

In the short-medium term, it is possible to determine specific project requirements as described in Section 9. In
the longer term however, due to uncertainty regarding the specific location of developments and infrastructure
projects, a different approach is needed for the distribution development plan.

The approach generally adopted by PB uses average incremental investment costs associated with the various
network topologies across the network to determine the level of investment required to meet the demand growth.
As the demand forecast has been disaggregated to county level up to 2030, it is possible to use this approach to
determine the investment requirements in distribution infrastructure on a county basis.

The long-term investment plan approach is described in more detail below.

12.2 Generic Models

Generic network models have been developed to represent the typical network topologies in rural, urban and off-
grid areas. A further model has been developed to represent typical network arrangements in Nairobi due to the
distinct configuration adopted in Nairobi.

The models attempt to represent a small part of the network in each case, from the BSP, down to and including
the low voltage feeders. The models identify the distribution infrastructure and the associated costs to supply a
specific level of demand. The average incremental investment cost ($/kW) for each model is obtained by dividing
the investment cost of the infrastructure by the demand at each voltage level after taking account of losses20.

The average incremental investment costs are then multiplied by the demand growth in each county to obtain the
annual investment costs required per county to meet the projected demand.

12.2.1 Unit Costs

The unit costs shown in Table 12-1 and Table 12-2 were applied in the models. These were derived from other
relevant recent projects in which PB has had involvement. The unit costs were used to calculate the investment
costs associated with the specific projects identified in the previous section. The unit costs were also applied in
the generic models to derive the average incremental investment costs.

Investment costs are divided by kW delivered and therefore losses have the effect of increasing the cost per kW.

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Table 12-1: Unit Costs

Equipment Unit Locl (KSh'000) Foreign ($) Total installed ($)

220 kV switchgear circuit 30,199 1,121,760 1,476,000
132 kV switchgear circuit 7,161 266,000 350,000
66 kV switchgear panel each 1,915 71,136 93,600
33 kV switchgear panel each 1,178 43,776 57,600
11 kV switchgear panel each 933 34,656 45,600
33 kV auto-recloser each 381 14,136 18,600
11 kV auto-recloser each 305 11,324 14,900
11 kV Ring Main Unit each 307 11,400 15,000
LV Feeder pillar (1600A, 4 way/6way) each 89 3,299 4,341
LV Feeder pillar (400A, 4 way/6way) each 44 1,650 2,171
Overhead Lines -
66 kV OHL 300 mm2 km 4,404 30,340 82,000
66 kV OHL 150 mm2 km 4,028 27,750 75,000
33 kV OHL 150 mm2 km 1,450 9,990 27,000
33 kV OHL 75 mm2 km 1,235 8,510 23,000
33 kV OHL 25 mm2 km 1,074 7,400 20,000
33 kV 300mm2 AAAC OHL km 1,697 11,692 31,600
33 kV 185mm2 AAAC OHL km 1,558 10,730 29,000
33kV 95mm2 AAAC OHL km 1,482 10,212 27,600
33kV 35mm2 AAAC OHL km 1,289 8,880 24,000
11 kV OHL 150 mm2 km 1,396 9,620 26,000
11 kV OHL 75 mm2 km 1,182 8,140 22,000
11 kV OHL 25 mm2 km 1,020 7,030 19,000
LV OHL 150 mm2 km 967 6,660 18,000
LV OHL 75 mm2 km 806 5,550 15,000
Underground Cables -
66 kV UG cable 300mm2 km 3,836 180,000 225,000
33 kV UG cable 500mm2 km 1,517 71,200 89,000
33 kV UG cable 300mm2 km 1,381 64,800 81,000
11 kV UG cable 300mm2 km 1,330 62,400 78,000
LV UG cable 300mm2 km 491 23,040 28,800

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Table 12-2: Unit Costs (continued)

Equipment Unit Locl (KSh'000) Foreign ($) Total installed ($)

Bulk Supply Point Transformers

220/66 kV 200 MVA each 49,411 3,284,400 3,864,000
220/66 kV 90 MVA each 39,641 2,635,000 3,100,000
220/33 kV 23 MVA each 23,018 1,530,000 1,800,000
132/66 kV 60 MVA each 23,018 1,530,000 1,800,000
132/33 kV 60 MVA each 21,739 1,445,000 1,700,000
132/33 kV 45 MVA each 19,181 1,275,000 1,500,000
132/33 kV 23 MVA each 16,624 1,105,000 1,300,000
132/33 kV 15 MVA each 14,066 935,000 1,100,000

Primary Substation Transformers -

66/11 kV transformer 45 MVA each 8,029 533,715 627,900
66/11 kV transformer 23 MVA each 6,417 426,530 501,800
66/11 kV transformer 15 MVA each 5,336 354,705 417,300
66/33 kV transformer 23 MVA each 6,417 426,530 501,800
33/11 kV transformer 23 MVA each 5,486 364,650 429,000
33/11 kV transformer 15 MVA each 4,638 308,295 362,700
33/11 kV transformer 7.5 MVA each 3,042 202,215 237,900
33/11 kV transformer 2.5 MVA each 1,745 116,025 136,500
33/0.433 kV Transformers -
33/0.433 kV transformer 1000 kVA each 156 10,387 12,220
33/0.433 kV transformer 630 kVA each 126 8,398 9,880
33/0.433 kV transformer 315 kVA each 103 6,851 8,060
33/0.433 kV transformer 200 kVA each 80 5,304 6,240
33/0.433 kV transformer 100 kVA each 70 4,641 5,460
33/0.433 kV transformer 50 kVA each 58 3,868 4,550
11/0.433 kV Transformers -
11/0.433 kV transformer 1000 kVA each 152 10,075 11,853
11/0.433 kV transformer 630 kVA each 123 8,146 9,584
11/0.433 kV transformer 315 kVA each 100 6,645 7,818
11/0.433 kV transformer 200 kVA each 77 5,145 6,053
11/0.433 kV transformer 100 kVA each 68 4,502 5,296
11/0.433 kV transformer 50 kVA each 56 3,751 4,414
Customer cable km 256 12,000 15,000
Meter each 3 122 160

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12.2.2 Rural Model

The typical rural model is shown in Figure 12-1. This represents a single 33 kV feeder emanating from a
132/33 kV BSP and supplying a peak demand of 5 MVA. The total length of the feeder is 60 km, comprising 30
km of main line and a further 30 km of spurs. The feeder supplies a 33/11 kV primary substation and a number
of 33/0.433 kV distribution transformers. (Whilst it is primarily a rural feeder, it does include a primary substation
along its length to supply a town at 11 kV.) The primary substation comprises 2 x 7.5 MVA transformers and 4 x
15 km 11 kV feeders. Each distribution transformer supplies 3 x 600 m LV feeders. All feeders are assumed to
be over-head. An average distribution transformer rating of 200 kVA was assumed for the rural model.

The model calculates the average investment cost per kW both for the 33/0.415 kV and the 33/11/0.415 kV
supplies as indicated in Figure 12-1.

Figure 12-1: Rural Model


Rural LRMC Model

Average 33 kV main line feeder length (km) 30
132/33 kV BSP
Total length of spurs per feeder (km) 30
33 kV
Primary substations per feeder 1
LV Feeder
No of 11 kV feeders per primary 4
Average 11 kV feeder length including spurs (km) 15
Service connections
Distance between 33/0.433 kV distribution transformers (km) 2
33/0.433 kV
Distance between 11/0.433 kV distribution transformers (km) 1.2 Distribution
No of LV feeders per distribution transformer 3
Average LV feeder length (km) 0.6

Feeder load (MVA) 5

33 kV demand 9%
33/11 kV
11 kV demand 12% Primary
33/LV demand 30%

33/11 kV

11/0.433 kV
11 kV Feeders Distribution


Unit Cost Total Cost Energy Power Demand Delivered cost
Description Quantities Unit Type ($) ($) loss (%) loss (%) (MW) (MW) ($/kW)

33 kV Main Line Feeder 30 km 33 kV OHL 150 mm2 27,000 810,000 1.5% 2.0% 0.4 4.0 202
33 kV spurs 30 km 33 kV OHL 75 mm2 23,000 690,000 4.0 172

33/0.4 kV Transformer (pole mounted) 30 Each 33/0.433 kV transformer 200 kVA 6,240 187,200 1.0% 1.3% 1.2 158
LV Feeder 54 km LV OHL 75 mm2 15,000 810,000 5.0% 6.6% 1.1 732

33/11 kV Substation 1 Each 33/11 kV substation 2 x7.5 MVA 1,174,200 1,174,200 0.5% 0.7% 2.8 422
11 kV Feeder 60 km 11 kV OHL 75 mm2 22,000 1,320,000 2.0% 2.6% 0.5 2.2 605
11/.4 kV Transformer 50 Each 11/0.433 kV transformer 200 kVA 6,053 302,640 1.0% 1.3% 2.2 141
LV Feeder 90 km LV OHL 75 mm2 15,000 1,350,000 5.0% 6.6% 2.0 672

Average investment cost for 33/LV supply ($/kW) 1,265

Average investment cost for 33/11/LV supply ($/kW) 2,215

Weighted average for 33 - LV ($/kW) 1,930

Weighted average for 11 - LV ($/kW) 1,418

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12.2.3 Urban Model

The urban model is shown in Figure 12-2. This represents a 2 x 23 MVA 33/11 kV substation, supplying a peak
demand of 23 MVA, with 2 x 15 km incoming 33 kV circuits and 12 x 7 km outgoing 11 kV feeders. The 11 kV
feeders supply distribution substations via ring main units as shown. Each distribution transformer supplies 4 x
400 m LV feeders.

All 11 kV and LV feeders are assumed to be underground. An average distribution transformer rating of 315 kVA
was assumed for the urban model.

The model calculates the average investment cost per kW for the 33/11/0.415 kV supplies as indicated in Figure

Figure 12-2: Urban Model


No of 33 kV feeders 2 Urban LRMC Model

132/33 kV BSP
Average 33 kV feeder length(km) 15
33 kV
Primary substations per feeder 1
No of 11 kV feeders per primary 12
Average 11 kV feeder length including spurs (km) 7
Distance between distribution transformers (km) 0.8 33 kV feeders
No of LV feeders per distribution transformer 4
Average LV feeder length (km) 0.4

Feeder load (MVA) 23 11/0.433 kV

33/11 kV Distribution
33 kV demand 17% Primary Substation
11 kV demand 20%

11 kV Feeders

Unit Cost Total Cost Energy Power Demand Delivered Specific cost
Description Quantities Unit Type ($) ($) loss (%) loss (%) (MW) (MW) ($/kW)

33 kV Feeder 30 km 33 kV OHL 150 mm2 27,000 810,000 1.5% 2.0% 3.6 16.7 49
33/11 kV Substation 1 Each 33/11 kV substation 2 x23 MVA 1,830,000 1,830,000 0.5% 0.7% 16.6 110
11 kV Feeder 84 km 11 kV UG cable 300mm2 78,000 6,552,000 2.0% 2.6% 4.2 12.0 547
11/.4 kV Distribution substation 105 Each 11/0.433 kV Dist. S/stn (315 kVA) 24,989 2,623,866 1.0% 1.3% 11.8 222
LV Feeder 168 km LV UG cable 300mm2 28,800 4,838,400 5.0% 6.6% 11.0 438

Average investment cost for 33/11/LV supply ($/kW) 1,366

Average investment cost for 11/LV supply ($/kW) 1,207

12.2.4 Nairobi Model

The Nairobi model is shown in Figure 12-3. This represents a 20 km, 66 kV feeder emanating from a 220/66 kV
BSP and supplying two 66/11 kV primary substations with a combined peak demand of 46 MVA. Each primary
substation comprises 2 x 23 MVA transformers and 12 x 4 km outgoing 11 kV feeders. The 11 kV feeders supply
distribution substations via ring main units as shown. Each distribution transformer supplies 4 x 400 m LV

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All 11 kV and LV feeders are assumed to be underground. An average distribution transformer rating of 630 kVA
was assumed for the urban model.

The model calculates the average investment cost per kW for the 66/11/0.415 kV supplies as indicates in Figure

Figure 12-3: Nairobi Model


No of 66 kV feeders 1 Nairobi LRMC Model

Average 66 kV feeder length(km) 20 220/66 kV BSP
Primary substations per feeder 2 66 kV
No of 11 kV feeders per primary 12
Average 11 kV feeder length including spurs (km) 4
Distance between distribution transformers (km) 0.8
No of LV feeders per distribution transformer 4
Average LV feeder length (km) 0.4

Feeder load (MVA) 46 66/11 kV

66 kV demand 11% Substation
11 kV demand 23%

To BSP 66/11 kV
Substation 11/0.433 kV

11 kV Feeders

Unit Cost Total Cost Energy Power Demand Delivered Specific cost
Description Quantities Unit Type ($) ($) loss (%) loss (%) (MW) (MW) ($/kW)

66 kV Feeder 20 km 66 kV OHL 300 mm2 82,000 1,640,000 1.5% 2.0% 4.7 35.9 46
66/11 kV Substation 2 Each 66/11 kV substation 2 x23 MVA 2,155,600 4,311,200 0.5% 0.7% 35.6 121
11 kV UG Feeder 96 km 11 kV UG cable 300mm2 78,000 7,488,000 2.0% 2.6% 9.4 25.3 296
11/.4 kV Distribution substation 120 Each 11/0.433 kV Dist. S/stn (630 kVA) 26,755 3,210,552 1.0% 1.3% 24.9 129
LV Feeder 192 km LV UG cable 300mm2 28,800 5,529,600 5.0% 6.6% 23.3 237

Average investment cost for 66/11/LV supply ($/kW) 829

Average investment cost for 11/LV supply ($/kW) 662

12.2.5 Off-grid Model

The off-grid supply model is shown in Figure 12-4. The off-grid networks are characterised by lightly loaded
11 kV feeders supplying a town, with some 33 kV feeders interconnecting one or more towns. The model
includes a 50 km, 33 kV feeder supplying a primary substation comprising 2 x 2.5 MVA 33/11 kV transformers
and 4 x 15 km 11 kV feeders. Each distribution transformer supplies 2 x 600 m, LV feeders. All feeders are
assumed to be over-head. An average distribution transformer rating of 100 kVA was assumed for the off-grid

The model calculates the average investment cost per kW for the 33/11/0.415 kV supply as indicated in Figure

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Figure 12-4: Off-grid Model


Average 33 kV feeder length including spurs (km) 50 Off-grid LRMC Model

Primary substations per feeder 1 132/33 kV BSP

No of 11 kV feeders per primary 4 33 kV
Average 11 kV feeder length including spurs (km) 15
Distance between distribution transformers (km) 1.2
No of LV feeders per distribution transformer 2
Average LV feeder length (km) 0.6
33 kV feeders

Feeder load (MVA) 2

33 kV demand 0%
11 kV demand 0%

33/11 kV

11/0.433 kV
11 kV Feeders Distribution

Unit Cost Total Cost Energy Power Demand Delivered cost
Description Quantities Unit Type ($) ($) loss (%) loss (%) (MW) (MW) ($/kW)

33 kV Feeder 40 km 33 kV OHL 150 mm2 27,000 1,080,000 1.5% 2.0% 0 1.8 612
33/11 kV Substation 1 Each 33/11 kV substation 2 x2.5 MVA 971,400 971,400 0.5% 0.7% 1.8 554
11 kV Feeder 60 km 11 kV OHL 75 mm2 22,000 1,320,000 2.0% 2.6% 0 1.7 774
11/.4 kV Transformer 50 Each 11/0.433 kV transformer 100 kVA 5,296 264,810 1.0% 1.3% 1.7 157
LV Feeder 60 km LV OHL 75 mm2 15,000 900,000 5.0% 6.6% 1.6 573

Average investment cost for 33/11/LV supply ($/kW) 2,670

12.3 Investment Plan

12.3.1 Short-Medium Term

The equipment quantities required for the committed and proposed projects in the short-medium term, (described
in Section 9) are summarised in Table 12-3.

For the committed projects, it is assumed that funding has already been secured. Table 12-4 shows the
estimated costs for the proposed 66 kV and 33 kV projects only. These proposed projects, which are based on
detailed analysis as described in Section 9, are beyond the projects that are already ongoing or committed. The
estimated investment cost of these proposed additional projects is $ 149 million over the next five years. The
projects including their estimated costs are individually listed in Appendix F.

Table 12-5 shows the estimated costs of the proposed additional bulk supply points. These costs, totalling
USD 107 million over the next five years, are for the BSP substations only and do not include costs for
transmission lines required to connect these BSPs to the existing transmission grid.

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Table 12-3: Short/medium term requirements (33 kV, 66 kV and BSPs)

Asset type Project Status Unit 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Grand Total
BSP Transformer Committed Each 2 3 5 10
Proposed Each 8 6 6 3 23
BSP Transformer Total 2 11 11 6 3 33
Bulk Supply Point Committed Each 3 9 14 10 3 1 40
Proposed Each 3 8 3 14
Bulk Supply Point Total 3 9 14 13 11 4 54
Capacitor bank Proposed Each 26 3 4 5 11 49
Capacitor bank Total 26 3 4 5 11 49
Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed km 11 264 191 182 29 44 721
Proposed km 91 206 288 366 159 1110
Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Total 11 355 397 470 395 203 1831
Underground cable (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed km 7 7
Proposed km 9 9
Underground cable (33 kV or 66 kV) Total 7 9 16
Primary S/S Committed Each 11 18 7 2 1 39
Proposed Each 4 14 16 8 42
Primary S/S Total 11 22 21 18 9 81
Primary S/S Transformer Committed Each 1 1 2
Proposed Each 7 15 22 24 34 102
Primary S/S Transformer Total 8 15 22 25 34 104

Table 12-4: Proposed 66 kV and 33 kV investment in short-medium term (USD’000)

Substation/Feeder Project Status 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Grand Total

Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Proposed 3,110 9,698 20,269 17,714 7,107 57,899

Primary substations Proposed 5,454 15,983 21,211 28,004 20,640 91,291

Grand Total 8,564 25,681 41,480 45,718 27,746 149,189

Table 12-5: Proposed BSP investment in short-medium term (USD’000)

Substation/Feeder Project Status 2014 2015 2016 2017 Grand Total

Bulk Supply Points Proposed 16,728 35,717 39,980 15,002 107,428

The proposed projects do not include the investments required at 11 kV and LV. These are accounted for using
average incremental costs from the generic models. The following average incremental costs were applied to
cover short-medium term development at 11 kV and LV:

Rural 1,418 ($/kW)

Urban 1,207 ($/kW)

Nairobi 662 ($/kW)

Off-grid 2,670 ($/kW)

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The total annual investment in the short-medium term is the sum of the specific 66 kV and 33 kV project
investments and the 11 kV and LV investment derived from the average incremental costs. 21

In all counties apart from Nairobi and the off-grid counties, the investment costs were calculated from the
rural/urban split in demand identified in Section 4, using both the rural and urban average incremental costs.

12.3.2 Long Term

For the long term (2018-2030), the investment costs were derived from the average incremental costs for
66/11/LV supplies in the case of Nairobi and 33/11/LV supplies for all other counties. The following average
incremental costs were applied to calculate long term investment requirements:

Rural 1,930 ($/kW)

Urban 1,366 ($/kW)

Nairobi 829 ($/kW)

Off-grid 2,670 ($/kW)

12.3.3 Total Investment Requirements

The total distribution infrastructure investment requirements for each county are summarised in Table 12-6. This
includes estimated investment requirements for;

the specific proposed short-medium term (2013-2017) 66 kV and 33 kV projects described in Section 9.
Note that this excludes the costs associated with committed distribution projects,

the estimated 11 kV and LV investment required in the short-medium term based on the generic
models and

the total estimated distribution investment requirements in the long term (2018-2030), based on the
generic models.

The irregular pattern of investment for some of the counties is due to the effect of the Vision 2030 Flagship
Projects taken from the LCPDP. These projects are generally in very early stages of development and as noted
in the LCPDP their power requirements are rough estimates at this stage.

Table 12-6 shows total annual investment in distribution infrastructure increasing from $ 183 million in 2013 to
$ 1.6 billion by 2030. The net present value of this investment at a discount rate of 12 % in money of 2012 is
$3.9 billion.

In the case of off-grid counties, no specific projects were identified and the full investment cost is calculated from the average
incremental costs.

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Table 12-6: County Distribution Investment Requirements ($m)

Region County 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
Western Baringo 0.6 0.7 0.9 0.9 2.7 1.3 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.6 2.9 3.2 3.6 4.1 4.7 5.3
Western Bomet 0.6 0.8 1.9 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.6 3.0 3.6 4.2 4.8 5.6 6.6 7.7 8.9
Western Bungoma 1.4 1.6 3.3 2.3 2.6 3.4 3.7 4.5 5.1 5.9 6.9 8.1 9.5 11.0 12.8 14.9 17.4 20.3
Western Busia 1.0 1.3 1.9 5.8 2.2 2.5 2.6 3.1 3.5 3.9 4.5 5.2 6.0 6.8 7.7 8.9 10.2 11.6
Western Elgeyo Marakwet 0.3 0.4 0.5 5.6 0.5 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7 3.1 3.5
Mt Kenya Embu 1.8 2.2 3.7 2.9 3.5 4.1 4.2 5.0 5.4 6.1 6.8 7.9 8.9 9.9 11.1 12.5 14.1 15.7
Off grid Garissa 1.4 2.5 2.0 2.0 2.2 2.5 2.7 3.1 3.4 3.9 4.4 5.0 5.7 6.4 7.4 8.4 9.7 11.1
Western Homa Bay 0.9 1.0 1.5 1.7 1.6 2.1 2.3 2.7 3.1 3.6 4.2 5.0 5.8 6.7 7.8 9.1 10.7 12.4
Mt Kenya Isiolo 0.7 1.3 1.4 1.2 1.3 1.7 13.2 2.0 2.2 2.5 2.8 3.3 3.7 4.1 4.7 5.3 6.0 6.7
Nairobi Kajiado 5.2 6.2 10.2 7.9 9.5 11.2 11.2 13.5 14.5 16.1 17.9 20.7 23.2 25.6 28.6 32.2 36.1 40.0
Western Kakamega 2.3 6.2 4.3 3.8 4.3 5.6 5.8 7.1 7.8 8.9 10.0 11.8 13.5 15.2 17.4 20.0 22.9 26.0
Western Kericho 2.3 4.0 4.1 2.8 3.6 4.1 4.2 5.1 5.6 6.3 7.1 8.3 9.4 10.6 12.0 13.7 15.6 17.6
Mt Kenya Kerinyaga 1.4 1.7 3.0 4.1 4.0 3.2 3.3 3.9 4.2 4.7 5.2 6.0 6.8 7.5 8.4 9.4 10.6 11.8
Nairobi Kiambu 24.7 34.7 45.8 40.7 41.6 52.4 51.7 62.9 67.5 75.3 83.4 97.5 109.4 120.6 135.1 152.8 171.3 190.4
Coast Kilifi 5.9 7.3 16.2 11.9 24.6 13.8 13.6 16.8 18.1 20.4 22.8 26.8 30.2 33.5 37.8 42.9 48.4 54.1
Western Kisii 2.4 7.7 4.7 5.2 4.4 5.8 6.0 7.2 7.9 9.0 10.2 11.9 13.6 15.2 17.3 19.8 22.6 25.6
Western Kisumu 5.4 8.7 27.5 14.9 12.4 12.5 12.7 15.4 16.7 18.9 21.2 24.8 28.0 31.2 35.2 40.1 45.2 50.7
Mt Kenya Kitui 1.3 1.6 2.4 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.3 4.0 4.4 5.0 5.7 6.7 7.7 8.8 10.1 11.7 13.4 15.4
Coast Kwale 3.7 4.4 10.3 7.0 23.4 8.0 7.9 9.8 10.6 11.9 13.4 15.8 17.9 19.9 22.5 25.6 28.9 32.4
Mt Kenya Laikipia 2.0 2.5 3.7 4.3 3.5 4.5 4.5 5.5 5.9 6.6 7.4 8.6 9.7 10.7 12.1 13.7 15.4 17.2
Off grid Lamu 0.4 70.8 38.5 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.4 2.7
Nairobi Machakos 5.1 5.3 6.3 8.4 6.9 8.2 8.7 10.2 11.3 12.7 14.3 16.6 18.7 21.1 23.8 27.1 30.7 34.6
Nairobi Makueni 0.7 0.8 1.1 1.1 1.6 1.6 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7 3.1 3.6 4.1 4.7 5.4 6.3 7.2 8.3
Off grid Mandera 0.7 0.8 1.0 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 2.1 2.4 2.9 3.4 4.1 4.9 5.8 7.0 8.5 10.3 12.5
Off grid Marsabit 0.5 1.6 0.8 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.6 3.0 3.4 4.0 4.6 5.3
Mt Kenya Meru 2.4 3.6 10.1 4.8 7.9 5.1 5.2 6.2 6.7 7.5 8.3 9.6 10.8 11.9 13.3 15.0 16.8 18.7
Western Migori 1.4 1.7 2.5 2.4 2.7 3.6 3.8 4.6 5.2 6.0 6.9 8.2 9.5 10.9 12.7 14.8 17.2 19.9
Coast Mombasa 24.1 146.5 79.3 41.1 44.3 53.5 52.6 64.8 69.6 78.1 87.6 102.9 115.8 127.9 143.6 162.9 183.1 203.8
Mt Kenya Muranga 2.5 2.4 6.9 4.6 5.9 4.4 4.6 5.4 5.9 6.6 7.4 8.5 9.6 10.7 12.0 13.5 15.1 16.9
Nairobi Nairobi 45.3 69.0 114.2 83.3 83.0 109.0 107.2 130.9 140.4 156.8 173.9 203.6 228.8 252.2 282.7 320.0 359.1 399.3
Western Nakuru 11.2 15.1 21.4 29.3 20.3 24.8 24.9 29.9 32.2 35.9 39.8 46.2 51.8 57.1 63.9 72.1 80.7 89.7
Western Nandi 1.1 1.3 1.9 1.7 4.5 2.6 2.6 3.2 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.3 6.1 6.8 7.8 8.9 10.2 11.5
Western Narok 0.9 1.0 1.4 1.3 1.4 1.9 2.0 2.4 2.6 3.0 3.4 3.9 4.5 5.1 5.8 6.7 7.7 8.8
Western Nyamira 0.5 0.6 0.8 3.1 0.9 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.7 2.0 2.2 2.6 3.0 3.4 3.9 4.5 5.2 5.9
Mt Kenya Nyandarua 1.5 1.8 2.7 2.4 3.0 3.4 3.5 4.3 4.7 5.2 5.9 6.9 7.8 8.7 9.8 11.1 12.6 14.1
Mt Kenya Nyeri 4.6 6.3 9.9 8.5 8.4 8.4 8.4 10.1 10.9 12.1 13.4 15.6 17.5 19.3 21.6 24.4 27.3 30.3
Off grid Samburu 0.7 1.7 1.1 1.0 1.1 1.3 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.1 2.3 2.7 3.1 3.5 4.1 4.7 5.3 6.1
Western Siaya 1.1 1.3 2.0 6.7 1.9 2.5 2.6 3.2 3.6 4.1 4.6 5.5 6.3 7.1 8.2 9.4 10.8 12.4
Coast Taita Taveta 2.0 2.4 5.7 3.5 5.7 4.7 4.6 5.7 6.1 6.9 7.7 9.0 10.2 11.3 12.7 14.5 16.3 18.2
Off grid Tana River 0.2 1.2 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.8 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.6 3.0 3.6 4.3
Mt Kenya Tharaka Nithi 1.0 1.1 2.0 1.4 1.6 2.1 2.2 2.6 2.9 3.3 3.7 4.4 5.0 5.6 6.4 7.3 8.3 9.4
Western Trans Nzoia 1.9 2.1 4.1 4.6 3.2 4.1 4.3 5.1 5.6 6.4 7.2 8.4 9.5 10.7 12.1 13.8 15.7 17.7
Off grid Turkana 0.6 1.7 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.5 1.7 2.1 2.4 2.9 3.4 4.1 4.9 5.9 7.0 8.4 10.1 12.2
Western Uasin Gishu 5.5 8.6 10.7 14.8 14.6 12.2 12.2 14.7 15.9 17.8 19.7 23.0 25.8 28.5 31.9 36.1 40.5 45.1
Western Vihiga 1.0 1.9 1.7 6.7 1.9 2.4 2.5 3.1 3.4 4.0 4.5 5.4 6.2 7.1 8.2 9.5 10.9 12.6
Off grid Wajir 0.5 0.6 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.8 3.3 3.9 4.7 5.7 6.9 8.6
Western West Pokot 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.9 2.2 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.2 4.9

Total ($m) 183 448 478 363 378 407 420 496 538 604 676 791 893 992 1119 1272 1437 1611

NPV ($m - money3,928

of 2012)

Distribution Master Plan Study Prepared for KPLC

Final Report Page 12.10




13.1 Conclusions

The main conclusions that may be drawn from the study are briefly described below.

13.1.1 Assessment of Existing Networks

Network models were developed for each of the four KPLC regions using NEPLAN. The models were refined
through visits to each of the regions and through detailed discussions with the KPLC counterpart team. The
models include the complete 66 kV and 33 kV networks in addition to representative 11 kV feeders.

Network analysis of the existing system was then conducted with the primary purpose of validating the models.
Specific network weaknesses were identified through this analysis and these are described in the report.

13.1.2 Short-Medium Term Plan

A short-medium term (2013-2017) distribution network reinforcement and expansion plan was developed for each
of the regions. This plan is based on detailed network analysis and identifies proposed 66 kV and 33 kV projects
that are required beyond the ongoing and committed projects. The need for additional BSPs, beyond the
committed transmission projects, and reinforcement of existing BSPs in order to support the distribution network
has also been identified.

The need for the projects is driven by the demand forecast which has been disaggregated to county level and
then applied to the individual substations across the network. The proposed projects should be considered the
minimum requirement to meet the forecast demand whilst complying with the planning criteria identified in
Section 5.

Across the network a total of approximately 300 projects are proposed for completion by 2017. These include
66 kV and 33 kV feeders, new and reinforced substations and reactive compensation. The estimated total
investment cost of these projects (excluding BSPs which would form part of transmission investment) is $ 149
million. The estimated investment required in new BSPs is a further $ 107 million. This is just for the BSP
substations and excludes the costs of transmission lines required to connect the new BSPs to the existing grid.

The corresponding investment in the 11 kV and LV networks is included in the overall investment plan described

13.1.3 Interconnection of Off-grid Areas

The National Grid does not currently extend to all parts of Kenya, and large parts of the country, particularly in the
north, are not connected to the grid. The total energy generated by the off-grid diesel power plants is relatively
low, and for the year 2010/11 represented just 0.8 % of the total electricity sales in the country.

Studies were conducted to assess the technical requirements and economic viability of extending the grid to each
of the off-grid areas. The studies include a comparison of the levelised cost of electricity for the grid connected
and off-grid options. The results indicate an economic case for extension of the grid to; Lodwar, Marsabit, Wajir,

Distribution Master Plan Study Prepared for KPLC

Final Report Page 13.1

Habaswein and Hola.22 These sites would be interconnected to the grid through extension of the transmission
network and therefore these projects are not included within the list of proposed distribution projects.

13.1.4 Environmental Impact Assessment

Environmental impact assessment scoping studies have been conducted for the projects proposed in the
Distribution Master Plan.

The scoping studies provide an initial assessment of the potential environmental and social impacts associated
with each of the projects currently proposed. The assessment has been based on desk study data used to
inform the county level baseline summaries as well as on feedback obtained from the in-county consultation
meetings. The impacts (and associated mitigation proposals) are necessarily high level since the exact project
locations and extents are as yet to be determined.

Based on the consultation feedback and high level assessments conducted to date, the negative impacts of
many of the proposed projects are expected to be minimal and the overall benefits of the projects are expected to
greatly outweigh the adverse impacts.

The EIA Scoping Report is intended to provide a basis for project-specific discussions with the relevant
authorities and stakeholders to help determine whether an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is required
for each of the projects which come forward as part of the Distribution Master Plan.

13.1.5 Long Term Plan and Investment Plan

Generic models were developed to represent typical rural, urban and off-grid areas. These models were used to
derive average incremental investment costs which were applied to the demand forecast to obtain estimated long
term investment requirements for each of the counties.

The specific projects identified through detailed network studies only cover 66 kV and 33 kV network
requirements. The generic models were therefore also used to derive corresponding investments requirements
for the 11 kV and LV networks.

The total distribution infrastructure investment requirements for each county are provided in the report. This
includes estimated investment requirements for;

the specific proposed short-medium term (2013-2017) 66 kV and 33 kV projects. Note that this
excludes the costs associated with committed distribution projects,

the estimated 11 kV and LV investment required in the short-medium term based on the generic
models and

the total estimated distribution investment requirements in the long term (2018-2030), based on the
generic models

The total annual investment in distribution infrastructure increases from $ 183 million in 2013 to $ 1.6 billion by
2030. The net present value of this investment at a discount rate of 12 % is $3.9 billion23.

Garissa and Lamu were excluded from this analysis as there are ongoing projects to connect these areas to the grid.
In money of 2012.

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Final Report Page 13.2

13.2 Recommendations

13.2.1 Planning Data

During the data collection phase of this project it was observed that essential network planning data is not always
readily available. In order to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the network planning process, it is
essential that improvements are made in the quality and accessibility of network and metering information
available to the planning department.

KPLC’s network database was found to be only 60-70 % complete and in many cases conflicts were found
between the database and network schematics. For effective planning, it is important that the database and
schematics reflect as closely as possible the state of the network.

The lack of consistent primary substation and feeder load information is a significant issue and one that should
be addressed in order to improve the planning process and assist with prudent investment decisions.

13.2.2 Coordinated Approach

Distribution planning by necessity should be done at the local level within each region. Knowledge of the local
conditions, customers, and the existing network are all vital to distribution planning engineers. However there
should be a similar approach throughout the KPLC offices, applying national standards and planning criteria.

Currently, there is a wide variance in terms of training, tools, experience, and methodology of distribution
planning across the regions.

13.2.3 Standardised Planning

Procedures should be implemented and regular training provided to ensure that they are widely understood and
applied. Additionally, feedback from all regions should be used to update the standards and guidelines as

13.2.4 Planning and Analysis Software

Implementation of planning and analysis software such as NEPLAN needs to be part of the overall
implementation of a coordinated network planning process. These packages are tools for planners to evaluate
different present and future scenarios to arrive at an optimum solution. However, without a coordinated network
planning process, these tools are of little benefit.

It is recommended that KPLC invests further in training for distribution planning and that this training is rolled out
to each of the regions.

It is recommended that KPLC expands the use of NEPLAN to distribution planning engineers throughout Kenya
and continues the development of the network models. They need to be maintained in a controlled centralised
manner, ensuring that all network changes are captured.

13.2.5 Dedicated Distribution Planning Section

KPLC should establish a dedicated central distribution planning section. This section would be responsible for;

Ensuring that network planning data is as complete and accurate as possible.

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Final Report Page 13.3

Ensuring a coordinated approach to planning across the regions.

Controlling the use of network planning software models across the regions.

13.2.6 Design Manual

The new Design Manual is a draft document and should be reviewed by KPLC before using it for network design.
The existing DSGM is likely to have evolved over some considerable time and may in many respects provide
adequate guidance.

The new Design Manual covers a number of areas as described above, including aspects not covered in the
DSGM. It is recommended that the new Design Manual is adopted over time. Some aspects may be found by
KPLC to be more useful and applicable than others and therefore is suggested that the document is gradually
amended and increasingly adopted by KPLC.

The report includes recommendations for training workshops associated with the Design Manual and also
includes recommendations for the development of related documentation including; construction and
maintenance manuals and technical specifications.

13.2.7 Updating the Distribution Master Plan

The Master Plan is based on many assumptions, not least the demand forecast. It should be reviewed annually
and modified as necessary to reflect changes in the underlying assumptions. The network planning software
(NEPLAN) provides the flexibility to readily incorporate changes and assess new requirements.

Distribution Master Plan Study Prepared for KPLC

Final Report Page 13.4


List of Abbreviations 1

Terminology and Definitions 1


1. Introduction 5

2. Network Management Plans 5

3. Planning Timescales 6
3.1 Long Term Plan (5 – 10 years) 6
3.2 Medium Term Plan (2 - 5 years) 7
3.3 Short Term Plan (0 – 2 years) 7
4. Forecasting 7
4.1 Spatial Load Forecasting 8
4.2 Other Forecasting Methods 8
4.3 Factors Affecting Electrical Load 9
4.4 Bulk Supply Point (BSP) Substations (132/33 kV and 132/66 kV) 10
4.5 Feeders 11

5. Planning Process 11
5.1 Distribution Planning Process 13
5.2 Project Planning 13


1. Introduction 17

2. Voltage Criteria 17

3. Frequency Criteria 17

4. Power Factor Criteria 17

5. Security of Supply 17

6. Power Quality 18

7. Fault levels 19


1. Introduction 21

2. CON-OPT 21



1. Introduction 26

Distribution Planning Guidelines Prepared by Parsons Brinckerhoff

March 2013 for The Kenya Power & Lighting Company Limited
2. Performance Statistics 26
2.1 Calculation of SAIFI 26
2.2 Calculation of CAIFI 26
2.3 Calculation of SAIDI 26
2.4 Calculation of CAIDI 26
2.5 Benchmarks for the Reliability Indices 27
2.6 Data Collection 29

3. Undergrounded Networks 30

4. Overhead Networks 31


1. Introduction 33

2. Voltage Regulation 33
2.1 Use of Voltage Regulation 33
2.2 Automatic Voltage Control (AVC) 34
2.3 Line Drop Compensation 34

3. Capacitors 35
3.1 Shunt Capacitor Sizing 35
3.2 Evaluation of Power Factor Correction Benefits 36
3.3 Location of Capacitor Banks 38
3.4 Automatic Switching For Shunt Capacitors 39


1. Introduction 41

2. Definitions 41
2.1 Load Factor (LF) 41
2.2 Load Duration Curves (LDC) 41
2.3 After Diversity Load Factor (ADLF) 42
2.4 Coincident After Diversity Load Factor (CADLF) 42

3. Load Curves 42

4. Connection of New Loads 43

5. Motor Connections 46

6. Feeder Load Modelling 46

6.1 Voltage Drop Calculations 47
6.2 Losses Calculations 48
7. Demand Side Management 49
7.1 Customer Involvement 49
7.2 Peak Demand Control 49
7.3 Load Shedding Program 49
7.4 Standby Generation 50

Distribution Planning Guidelines Prepared by Parsons Brinckerhoff

March 2013 for The Kenya Power & Lighting Company Limited
7.5 Voltage Reduction 50
7.6 Reserve Capacity 51

1. Introduction 53

2. Calculating Network Losses 53

2.1 Loss Load Factor (LLF) 54
2.2 Load Loss Distribution Factor 54

3. Economic Loading of Conductors 54

4. Economic Loading of Transformers 55


1. Introduction 57

2. Categorising Losses – Technical and Non-Technical Losses 57

2.1 Economic Justification 58
2.2 Causes of Technical Losses and Reduction Techniques 59
2.3 Causes of Non-Technical Losses and Reduction Techniques 62
2.4 Loss Reduction Programmes 64

Distribution Planning Guidelines Prepared by Parsons Brinckerhoff

March 2013 for The Kenya Power & Lighting Company Limited
AAAC All Aluminium Alloy Conductor
ACSR Aluminium Conductor Steel Reinforced
AC Alternating current
ADMD After Diversity Maximum Demand
BSP Bulk Supply Point
CADLF Coincident After Diversity Load Factor
CAPEX Capital expenditure
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung (German Institute for Standardization)
DLF Distributed Load Forecast
IEC International Electro-technical Commission
HV High Voltage
GIS Gas Insulated Switchgear
GIS Geographical Information System
kA Kilo amp
kV Kilo volt
kW Kilo watt
LDC Load duration curve
LV Low Voltage
MD Maximum demand
MV Medium Voltage
NPV Net Present Value
OPEX Operational expenditure
PV Present value
r.m.s. Root mean square
XLPE Cross-linked polyethylene


N-1 contingency the loss of a circuit or item of plant due to a fault

Bulk Supply Point 132/33 kV or 132/66kV substation

Contingency analysis the process of assessing the performance of a network under

a range N-1 conditions

Credible outage contingency an outage as a result of a fault that it is considered could

happen as opposed to a possible fault that is unlikely to
happen ever

Distribution Substation 33/0.4 kV or 11/0.4 kV Substation

Emergency conditions the operation of plant and equipment during the time that a
fault exists on the network

Firm capacity the available capacity at a substation under (n-1) conditions

First Circuit Outage Signifies a fault or arranged outage

Interconnected network a combination of circuits that are interconnected and may

normally be supplied from more than one source

Distribution Planning Guidelines Prepared by Parsons Brinckerhoff

March 2013 for The Kenya Power & Lighting Company Limited
Isolated networks a network which cannot be interconnected with any other

Licence standards engineering and other standards adopted by the licensing

authority and adopted by the utility

Line losses circuit losses resulting from the flow of current through the
resistance of the circuit

Load transfer scheme a scheme to reconnect circuits to a new primary substation

Network models computer representations (normally digital for distribution

networks) of networks containing all relevant information to
allow network analysis to be carried out

Non-compliance failing to comply with standards covering security of supply

Normally open switch a switch that is open during normal system operation

Normal system operation the optimized configuration of a network operating normally

without faults

Off-load tap-changing changing the tap setting of a transformer off-load as opposed

to on-load

On-load tap-changing changing the tap setting of a transformer on-load as opposed

to off-load

Operational load transfers the transfer of load from one primary to another by changing
the position of the normally open switch on the circuit

Primary Substation 33/11 kV substation

Re-supply facilities the ability to re-supply a circuit from an alternative source on

loss of supply

Second Circuit Outage Signifies a fault following an arranged circuit outage. Note
that it is not intended to cater for a first fault followed by a
second fault

Spare bay a spare circuit breaker in a switchboard

Spatial information information giving relative geographic positions

Voltage profile the variation in voltage as it changes along the length of a

circuit due to the circuit impedance

Distribution Planning Guidelines Prepared by Parsons Brinckerhoff

March 2013 for The Kenya Power & Lighting Company Limited

Planning Management


Network plans should cover individual investments in a 1 to 10 year period. To meet the needs of the
near future, these plans are mainly used for the purpose of network augmentation. The network plans
are generally consistent with the projects anticipated under the longer-term plans.

Long term planning takes a strategic view of how the network should be developed to meet future
objectives. The long term plan will take into consideration predicted load growth, both high and low
scenarios, and highlight future network issues. It should be flexible enough to accommodate change.

Medium and short term planning involves provisional or detailed planning based on better information
regarding load growth and asset condition. The short term plan contains details of approved network
reinforcement and asset replacement projects.


A Network Management Plan should essentially be a blueprint, based on asset management policy
and operational plans. It details the intentions relating to network reliability, capacity and security of
supply. The plan should be reviewed every year and be published in two parts as outlined below:

Section 1 – Distribution Electricity Supply

A background to, and a summary of the progress made in relation to the previous Network
Management Plan

Details of operating environment, including load growth

Key challenges facing the company, relating to the management of the supply network

Policies and strategies underpinning its management

Assessments of compliance with policies

High level overviews of network capacity, reliability and maintenance

Summary of Summer Preparedness Plans

Section 1 provides a high-level summary of network performance and capability, along with key
challenges and the policies and strategies that have been adopted in response. Section 1 also
provides a separate progress report against the previous Network Management Plan.

Section 2 – Network Capability and Planning Report

Network capacity information and load forecasts

Identification of network limitations

Augmentation works scheduled to undergo regulatory test/public consultation

Analysis, options and potential projects

Opportunities for non-network solutions

Feeder performance report

Distribution Planning Guidelines - Final Rev1 Prepared by Parsons Brinckerhoff

March 2013 for The Kenya Power & Lighting Company Limited
Planning Management

Summary of priority works

Section 2 details the specifics of network capability and works planning. It also facilitates a process for
stakeholder feedback on network constraints, supply issues and proposed solutions.


Planning timescales are generally governed by the time necessary to react to future needs and make
changes or additions to the network. They are therefore influenced by the following factors: -

Level of load growth

Design & construction timescales

Government imposed timescales (if applicable)

Networks experiencing high load growth have to be developed in much shorter time scales in order to
ensure there is sufficient capacity to supply the load growth. High rates of load growth usually occur
where there are large areas of new development on green field or brown field sites. This can make it
easier to obtain sites and install electricity infrastructure. There are still practical limitations to the
timescales associated with construction at each voltage level and so it is important to identify large
projects at an early stage. It may also be necessary to accept a level of network risk during
construction periods in order to supply new loads.

Network planning during periods of low load growth has different challenges. Changes to the network
occur over much longer periods of time and the justification to spend capital on reinforcement can
prove difficult particularly where the risk of overload is low. Where load growth does occur it is usually
in built up area where land availability is scare and network extensions must be incorporated into an
existing infrastructure. Network development during these periods tends to be done in phases and
each stage must have the flexibility to accommodate future changes. Long term plans require less
frequent review periods.

3.1 Long Term Plan (5 – 10 years)

This takes a strategic view of how the network should be developed to meet future objectives. The
long term plan will take into consideration predicted load growth, both high and low scenarios, and
highlight future network issues. It should be flexible enough to accommodate change.

The long term plan typically contains the following types of project: -

Named large projects which take 5 years or more to plan, design and construct

Identified potential development areas requiring network extensions

Strategic network development such as removing or introducing a voltage level into an

existing network, increasing the network design fault level or increasing network flexibility.

Generic asset replacement plans based on equipment types

Long term plans should be reviewed and challenged on a 1 – 2 year basis to ensure the strategic
view of the network is still appropriate in light of new technologies, changes to load growth forecasts

Distribution Planning Guidelines - Final Rev1 Prepared by Parsons Brinckerhoff

March 2013 for The Kenya Power & Lighting Company Limited
Planning Management

3.2 Medium Term Plan (2 - 5 years)

This is a provisional plan based on better information regarding load growth and asset condition. The
medium term plan will contain more detailed information.

The medium term plan typically contains the following types of project: -

Named HV & MV projects which take 2 years or more to plan, design and construct

Identification of new substation sites for known development areas

Detailed asset replacement plans

Medium term plans should align with the long term objectives and be reviewed against the long term
plan to ensure there is no conflict.

3.3 Short Term Plan (0 – 2 years)

This is a detailed plan of approved network reinforcement and asset replacement projects needed to
meet the existing and imminent needs of the network.

Small MV and LV projects which take less than 1 or 2 years to plan, design and construct

Short term plans should align with the medium and long term objectives e.g. the use of dual ratio
transformers in a part of the network where long term plans exist to increase the distribution voltage


Load forecasting is an essential part of the planning activities of an electricity supply utility. Its main
purpose is to assist in determining the need and appropriate timing for network reinforcement along
the planning horizon.

Based on the period of study, load forecasting can be divided into three categories:

Short-term forecasts are required by network planners for operational planning and day-to-
day decision making. These forecasts are aimed at predicting system load ranging from a few
hours to a few days.

Medium-term forecasting is usually valid for one to five years and it is necessary in fuel
procurement and scheduling unit maintenance.

Long-term forecasting is an essential process for generation and transmission expansion

planning, feasibility studies for interconnecting utilities, long-term fuel requirement and tariff
planning. The forecast horizon is normally 5-30 years

Developing the load forecasts at appropriate levels for the distribution networks in Kenya will ensure
that there is an accurate indication of the loads that need to be supplied in future years.

Load growth forecasts on a localized regional basis should be to include some built-in indicators such
as employment levels, economic and urban development into the forecasts. These forecasts should
be targeted at high growth areas in Kenya.

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4.1 Spatial Load Forecasting

Spatial load forecasting should be the preferred load forecasting method for Kenya.

The recommended first stage of the load forecast is economic analysis, based upon projecting
forward underlying factors that influence the demand for electricity in each census district area in the
region (a census district area is nominally an area of 100 – 150 households). The sectors to use are:

Number of households
Retail space
Commercial space
Industrial space

Where specific information is available on an area or specific project, these underlying trends should
be modified to take account of this data. The data available for each sector is then combined into BSP
substation areas, to give the predicted population metric in each sector on a per BSP substation
basis. Agricultural activity should be handled slightly differently to the other sectors, and information
on agricultural development is bundled into the other metrics for the final output.

The second phase of preparing the load forecast is to apply After Diversity Maximum Demand
(ADMD) figures to the available population metrics. The figures from various sectors (residential,
commercial and industrial) should be added together by applying typical load profiles and determining
a demand for each half hour of the day. The peak figure for the day is taken as the peak demand
figure for each BSP substation area.

In certain areas, it may be necessary to scale the ADMD figures slightly to match up with existing
electrical demand and existing trends in electrical demand.

Existing major loads and customers shall be accounted for separately: for these customers it is
necessary to make some assumptions about the shape of their demand curve as no other data may
be available.

Load growth within the subcells is defined by the national load growth for each consumer category
and the weightings within each cell.

4.2 Other Forecasting Methods

A wide range of forecasting methods are available to support the network planning process and will
vary widely as to basic approach, data needs, skill requirements, labour and resource requirement
forecast accuracy and scenario ability. A good forecasting method should address issues such as
weather-load relationship, nature of load, socio-economic data, load growth pattern etc.

These methods are only possible without the suppressing of demand and once a suitable historical
data bank has been developed.

There are several statistical methods of producing forecasts of future electric power demands, and in
practice combination of some methods can be used, and most have a special area of application.

4.2.1 Time Series Methods

In these methods, historical data is used to extrapolate into the future to obtain the load forecasts for
the area of interest. The method is feasible for a short- or medium-term ahead (1 to 3 years), but the
trend becomes less accurate as the forecasting period increases.

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Considerable errors can occur in the forecast since this method takes no account of the stage of
development of the area of interest.

These methods are best suited for stable environments and some common methods are Moving
Average methods, Exponential-Smoothing methods and Box-Jenkins methods.

4.2.2 Simulation Methods

Simulation methods are based on using specific annual consumption figures, obtained from surveys
of individual consumption classes and the number of customers in each consumption class. It imitates
the consumer choices that give rise to electricity demand to arrive at a forecast.

The present situation can be obtained from the billing data of customers and the future development
of each consumption class can be estimated from national information and then modified for local

Simulation forecasts are especially relevant for areas where large developments are expected or
when the forecast period is longer than 5 years.

4.2.3 Econometric Methods

The econometric approaches adopt the combination of economic theory and statistical techniques for
forecasting electricity loads. They are based on obtaining suitable correlation between power
consumption and various economic parameters such as gross national product (GDP), index of
industrial production and rate of inflation. The effect of the price of electricity is also relevant. Large-
scale econometric models are not appropriate for the small area usually associated with individual
distribution system studies.

Energy consumption in various sectors such as residential, commercial and industrial can be
calculated as a function of weather, economic and other variables, and then estimates are combined
together with the use of recent historical data.

4.3 Factors Affecting Electrical Load

Electrical load on a power system is influenced by factors like meteorological, socio-economic and
demographic variables. These include temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, solar radiation
level, sunshine duration, temperature-humidity index (THI), wind-chill index (WCI), population, and
gross domestic product (GDP).

Careful selection of these variables depending on the range and nature of the forecast is critical for
load forecasting. The selection criterion could be based on human intuition and would have to be
validated by their correlation and contribution analysis for a medium-term forecast. In addition, there
are some casual variables that rarely happen but give an abnormal effect on load such as national or
religious holidays, or significant public events.

For short-term load forecasting where the time horizon is relatively small, the social and economical
conditions will have little effects in producing the forecast and factors like weather data (including
humidity and temperature) and time factors should be given more emphasis.

Unlike short-term forecasting, medium forecasting is influenced more by factors other than weather
conditions. Socio-economic variables such as the number of customers in different categories,
number of appliances in the area play an important role in developing medium-term load forecast.

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In long-term forecasting, weather factors become less effective, since it cannot be forecast on a long
term basis, and socio-economic variables such as population and GDP tend to play a major role for
long-term load forecast.

4.4 Bulk Supply Point (BSP) Substations (132/33 kV and 132/66 kV)

A forecast is required for both summer and winter, however often only the summer forecast is
developed as the summer period is when most BSP substations are critically loaded.

The methodology is summarised as follows:

1. Collect summer and winter BSP substation demand data;

2. Determine the actual maximum demand (MD) in MW, corrected for system abnormalities;
3. Apply weather correction on figures if the station is temperature sensitive and the temperature
was abnormal during the time of maximum demand as compared with previous years;
4. Subtract off planned load transfers away from the station;
5. Determine the growth rate for the station using a synthesized growth rate from the national
load forecast per consumer category, allowing for the weighting of each consumer category
supplied by the BSP;
6. Multiply the adjusted maximum demand in MW figure by the growth rate
7. Add in proposed major developments to be connected prior to next summer (assuming peak
demand falls within the summer period);
8. Determine any power factor correction applied off the station prior to the next summer
(assuming peak demand falls within the summer period);
9. Adjust station ratings for augmentation projects if relevant.
10. Carry out an analysis of the impact of policy changes, proposed amendments to zoning and
planning schemes, development of preferred growth corridors, changes in the economic
climate, etc on the underlying load growth trend which may need to be factored in.

During the period of the year that the maximum demand day is expected to occur, additional manual
logging may be required to ensure all BSP’s are recorded adequately.

Priority for forecasting is highest utilised substations first.

Any switching conditions and the amount of reactive power compensation that occurred during the
maximum demand should be taken into account.

If the BSP substation loading data is not available (i.e. MW, MVAr or A) at the time of maximum
demand then some estimation will need to be done. The estimated figure should be based on the
data available from feeders and distribution loop loading. The estimated figure should then be
confirmed with forecasts and high demands on other days during the maximum demand season.

If only the load current value for a BSP substation is available then convert this to MVA and apply the
forecast power factor value to determine the MW and MVAr components.

If feeder MW and MVAr quantities are available, add up the MW. This is the MW MD for the BSP
substation. Add up the feeder MVArs and subtract off the BSP substation capacitor MVAr. This is then
the BSP substation MVAr loading.

If only the feeder Amps are available, add up the feeder Amps. Convert this to MVA. Subtract from the
MVA, half of the BSP substation capacitor MVArs. Add up the distribution Amps of each line into the
station. Convert to MVA. The BSP substation MVA will be roughly the average of these two MVA

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4.5 Feeders

Usually summer will be the peak load but some feeders load will not change substantially with
season, so a forecast is required for both summer and winter.

The procedure in determining feeder forecasts are as follows:-

1. Collect summer and winter feeder demand data;

2. Determine the actual Amp MD, corrected for system abnormalities;
3. Subtract off planned load transfers away from the feeder;
4. Determine the growth rate for the feeder based on BSP substation growth and historical trend
using the load forecasts developed in the section 6.4 methodology;
5. Multiply the adjusted Amp MD figure by the growth rate;
6. Add in proposed major developments to be connected prior to next summer (assuming peak
demand falls within the summer period);
7. Determine any power factor correction applied on the feeder prior to the next summer
(assuming peak demand falls within the summer period);
8. Adjust feeder ratings for augmentation projects if relevant and record the limiting section;
9. Ensure that the overall load on each of the feeders connecting to the BSP matches the BSP

If the feeder data is not available at the time of maximum demand then an estimate will need to be
made. The best estimation is to look at similar loading conditions on other days in that season and to
adjust the feeder demand in the same proportion as the amount the BSP substation demand


There are also a number of issues and challenges that are faced by a distribution system which point
towards the need for planning in a coordinated manner.

A utility needs to know that there is a benefit to its investments in the distribution system. If
there were no planning process to assess the costs and benefits of a given project, then there
would be a real risk of waste.

A distribution system tends to be a very large complicated system and so there are usually
many different ways of achieving the same goal. A big part of distribution planning is
determining which of the many solutions best fit the problem.

Not only in Kenya, but throughout the world, the distribution asset base is getting older and
has to work harder. This increased utilisation decreases the expected equipment lifetime and
obviously has an effect on the reliability. Again the size of a distribution system makes
complete replacement unfeasible. It is important to consider this utilisation and age profile
when proposing projects.

It should also be noted that it can just take a small increase in load to trigger substantial investment.
This applies to the other sections of the electricity system as well. If demand were completely met by
the network, there would be no need for further investment. However adding just a small additional
load or moving a load can mean reinforcements throughout the network.

As with other parts of power system planning, there is a level of uncertainty associated with the future
requirements of a distribution system. This reinforces the need for careful planning, as it is only
through the planning process, that you can ensure that proposed developments are an appropriate
cost-effective solution.

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Figure 5-1 - Distribution Planning Considerations

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5.1 Distribution Planning Process

Planning on the distribution system should be done in a coordinated manner in consultation with
internal departments and KETRACO. By breaking the planning process in to a number of functional
groups, it is possible to view this interaction. Figure 5-2outlines this process breakdown.

Figure 5-2 - Distribution Planning Process

As can be seen, many portions of distribution planning can be undertaken in isolation. However
consultation is usually required when looking at the planning of primary substations, the 33 kV
system, and the Transmission System.

5.2 Project Planning

As well as looking at the overall distribution planning process, a planner should consider the planning
process at the project level. This project planning process is shown in Figure 5-3.

5.2.1 Identify the Problem

Typically there will be a problem that will arise on the distribution system that requires the attention of
the planning department. It’s important to identify the core issue and any related issues that may be
associated. Some of the common areas are:

• Capacity

o Existing Overloads

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o Insufficient capacity to meet future demands

o Voltage constraints

• Compliance

o Design Standards (e.g. design fault levels)

o Security Standards

• Power Quality

o Customer complaints

o Flicker

o Voltage dips

Figure 5-3 Project Planning Process

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5.2.2 Planning Criteria and Standards

Usually we are trying to select an option that meets certain criteria i.e. our goals. The main goal for
most distribution systems is finding the least cost solution.

A satisfactory distribution plan must also meet planning standards. Planning Standards covering
voltage, frequency, harmonics, security ensure that the system will function properly.

These criteria and standards are not goals to be optimised but are requirements to be met. If a
standard states a maximum voltage drop of 6%, provided that the distribution plan meets this, then
there is no point in trying to reduce this further, unless it is of economic benefit.

5.2.3 Identify Options

Identifying the options available is arguably the most crucial part of any planner’s job. It needs
resources and time – often if faced with immediate operational problems, it is easy to miss better
solutions due to lack of time.

For similar reasons, this is why distribution planning needs to consider the medium and long term. If
KPLC does not look far enough ahead, this can limit the options available particularly with regards to
substation sites and feeder routes. A planner should also consider making no changes as an option.
This is unlikely to be the best case but it develops the reasoning and financial justification for why a
project must be done.

As stated, distribution planning requires resources and time – usually in short supply. To evaluate
every possible option would be too time consuming. That’s why it is important that as knowledge and
experience increases, the planner screens the options available. That’s not to say the options have
not been considered; just that they have not been deemed worthy enough to be evaluated further.

It is this area of work that planning tools such as NEPLAN become the most useful.

5.2.4 Evaluate Options

In order to determine the best solution, a process needs to be followed to evaluate the options. An
evaluation standard is typically a good idea and means that all planners are following the same

The final option should aim to meet the required standard not exceed it, unless it makes sense to from
a long term point of view. It should also consider the strategic view of KPLC and quite importantly
should be unbiased. It is quite common for a planner to have a favourite solution but this must be
born out in the analysis.

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Planning Criteria


Planning criteria are based on the requirement to comply with statutory requirements. Where no
statutory requirements exist the criteria are based on international practices. How these criteria are
applied to the distribution network is discussed in later sections of this document.


Kenya Power must maintain the average or steady state r.m.s. value of voltage at a customer’s point
of supply according to all applicable Government codes and regulations.

The standard nominal low voltages are 230V and 400V for single-phase and three-phase systems
although some legacy 240/415V systems exist. The network should be developed to accommodate
an IEC compatible 230V/400V standard.

The tolerance levels under normal operating conditions are:

66kV +10% /-10%

33kV +10% /-10%
11kV +6% / -6%

On particularly long 11kV feeders, a tolerance level of +10% /-10% is allowable.


The distribution system shall be designed to ensure that under normal and planned contingency
conditions, frequency will remain within a band between 47 to 52Hz. Sustained operation outside this
frequency range need not be taken into account when planning, designing and operating the network.


New network shall be planned using demand power factors taken from the load forecast from each
grid substation. All distribution networks shall have a target power factor of 0.90 with large customers
(over 1MVA) required to achieve 0.95.

Any power factor correction programmes should aim to correct to 0.95.


Table 5-1 summarises the re-supply requirement in relation to the size of the load block affected by a
first or second outage. An outage can be the loss of either a circuit or a transformer.

Table 5-1 - Security of Supply Standard

Class Demand Group First Outage Second Outage

A Less than 1MW Repair Time No Requirement

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B 1MW to 8MW 3 Hours No Requirement

Restoration Time of
C 8MW to 60MW Within 15 minutes
Planned Outage*

*Planned outages are assumed to be restricted to non-summer periods when due to lower ambient temperatures
demand is reduced and equipment ratings enhanced.

A first outage is considered to be a fault or planned outage occurring at any time of the year including
the period of maximum demand.

A second outage is considered to be a fault outage occurring when an integral part of the network
under consideration is not available due to planned maintenance.

Loads in Class A have a maximum demand up to 1MW. Following a first outage the load must be re-
supplied within the time required to repair the fault. This group typically applies to LV loads supplied
from an 11/0.4kV distribution substation or an 11kV tee from a rural 11kV overhead line.

Loads in Class B have a maximum demand between 1 - 8MW. Following a first outage the load must
be re-supplied within 3 hours. This is usually achieved by manual switching of the 11kV network
feeders to re-supply customers from an alternative 11kV busbar using an 11kV open ring network

Loads in Class C have a maximum demand between 8 - 60MW. Following a first outage the load
must be re-supplied within 15 minutes. This could be achieved by running the 11kV busbars solid at
33/11kV substation (i.e. with the 11kV bus section circuit breaker normally closed) if the fault level is
within the design levels or by fitting remote SCADA control to the 11kV bus section circuit breaker so
that the control engineer can close the bus section circuit breaker to re-supply customers within 15
minutes following the loss of a transformer.


Harmonic distortion is principally caused by non linear loads such as rectifiers and switched mode
power supplies and can cause overloading and/or overheating of equipment. The following harmonic
voltage distortion limits are recommended based on the UK Engineering Recommendation G5/4
which is an internationally recognised standard.

Figure 6-1 - Harmonic Voltage Distortion Limits

System Voltage Total Harmonic

(kV) Distortion (THD)

0.415kV 5%

11kV 4%

33kV 3%

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Voltage fluctuation caused by rapidly changing loads such as motor starting or welding equipment can
result in flicker. The following limitations are recommended based on UK Engineering
Recommendation P28, which is an internationally recognised standard.

Figure 6-2 - Voltage Fluctuation Limits

% Voltage Dip

Starting intervals less than one hour Calculate*

Starting intervals greater than one hour 3%

For special circumstances of very 6%

infrequent starting with restrictions applied

*The voltage dip limit of frequently changing loads should be determined by the time between changes and the load
characteristic (i.e. step change or ramp). This value can be derived from Figures 4 and 5 (Pages 15 & 16) of
Engineering Recommendation P28.

Unbalanced three-phase voltages can occur due to unequal loading of the three phases and can lead
to damage to motors due to overheating. It is recommended that voltage unbalance should not
exceed 2% of the nominal voltage over any one minute period and 1.3% for longer durations at 33kV
and below based on the UK standard Engineering Recommendation P29 which is an internationally
recognised standard.

Assessments and / or measurements should be made to ensure that new equipment being installed
by customers will not adversely affect the quality of existing supplies.


The minimum design short circuit fault levels for the distribution network in Kenya are given below:

25kA (2900 MVA) for 66kV

31.5kA (1800 MVA) for 33kV
25kA (350 MVA) for 11kV

In practice a higher rating may be specified for distribution network equipment. The rated rupturing
capacity of the circuit breakers in any substation shall be no less than 120% of the maximum fault
levels calculated.

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Economic Planning


The nature of distribution networks means that there are often a large number of solutions to any
technical problem. One of the most important skills for planners is to be able to ascertain and develop
the most economic technically feasible solution.

Planners must balance the quality, reliability, capacity, and coverage of their distribution network with
the overall cost. Typically the cost to upgrade a piece of network is higher than the cost of building
that capacity into the network initially.

Generally it is important to consider all of the lifetime costs of a proposed plan. This usually means
that the losses involved should be considered. The effect on the plan that the cost of these losses
may have can be calculated manually, but PB have developed a number of spreadsheet based tools
to aid this process:

• CON-OPT (Conductor Optimisation)

• TRANS-OPT (Transformer Optimisation)


CON-OPT is a spreadsheet based tool (Figure 2-1) which (among other functions) allows the user to
calculate the impact of losses on the whole life cost of a conductor and therefore enable the most
economic conductor to be selected.

The use of CON-OPT is best illustrated with an example. The following conditions are input in the

• Voltage = 11kV

• Initial Max Demand = up to 4000kVA

• Load Growth = 7%

• Load Factor = 55%

• Load Distribution Factor = 0.44 (assumes 5 load points along the feeder)

• Economic Discount Factor = 12%

• Cost of Losses = US$ 0.241 per kWh

• Timescale = 7 years

The cost of losses is a particularly important parameter. It should be the long run marginal cost, and
thus represent the cost in economic terms of not only generating the energy losses, but also the long
term cost of installing generating plant to supply the peak power losses.

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Economic Planning

Figure 2-1- CON-OPT Spreadsheet

In order to compare three types of conductor, some capital costs for each conductor are also required.

• Initial Capital Cost of Racoon 75mm2 ACSR conductor assumed to be US$ 22,000 per km

• Initial Capital Cost of Wolf ACSR 150mm2 conductor assumed to be US$ 26,000 per km

• Initial Capital Cost of UPAS 300mm2 AAAC conductor assumed to be US$ 35,000 per km

CON-OPT calculates the losses that occur whenever the line is energised based on the electrical
characteristics of each conductor.

Using discounting, CON-OPT then calculates the Net Present Value (NPV) of each conductor over
the given lifetime for a range of initial loading and plots this data.

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The results are shown in Figure 2-2. As the load increases, so does the cost of losses, until it
becomes economic to choose a larger conductor with lower resistance. For this particular example, it
shows that the choice of economic conductor changes at around 800 kVA of initial load, then again at
2000 kVA.

Figure 2-2 Conductor Optimisation Results

For initial loads greater

than 2000 kVA it is more
economical to use
300AAAC conductor


TRANS-OPT (Figure 2.3). is slightly more complicated than CON-OPT although it works on the same
principle. Essentially the only difference is that it is designed for use on transformers where, unlike
distribution conductors, there are two components to losses – fixed and variable. The fixed losses are
the iron losses which are not load dependant. The variable losses result from the resistance of the
windings and are current dependant.

The spreadsheet also contains the functionality to evaluate staged installation of transformers or
substation transformer replacements.

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Figure 2.3 TRANS-OPT

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Network Reliability


Reliability of the distribution network should be considered separately for underground networks and
overhead networks. In considering network performance statistics such as SAIDI, SAIFI, CAIDI and
CAIFI, the performance of the 11kV network is critical since individual outages on the LV network
affect relatively few customers and at 66kV or 33kV there is usually sufficient redundancy that no
customer loses supply following a single fault outage.


Network performance is measured by the number of supply interruptions and the duration of the
interruption. Reliability indices are used to report system performance on an annual basis.

The performance indicators listed in this section are defined in IEEE Std. 1366-2003 Guide for Electric
Power Distribution Reliability Indices.

The definition of an interruption is a disconnection from the source of power lasting more than three
minute. This period of time allows all automatic re-close actions to have taken place, and confirms
the interruption to be persistent.

2.1 Calculation of SAIFI

System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI) is the average number of interruptions per
customer served from the system per year. It is determined by dividing accumulated number of
customer interruptions in a year by the number of customers served, as shown below:

Number of Customer Interruptions

Total Number of Customers

2.2 Calculation of CAIFI

Customer Average Interruption Frequency Index (CAIFI) is the average number of customers
interruptions per customer served from the system per year. It is determined by dividing accumulated
number of customer interruptions in a year by the number of customers who have experienced at
least one interruption, as shown below:

Number of Customer Interruptions

Total Number of Customers who had at least one interruption

2.3 Calculation of SAIDI

System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI) is the average interruption duration for customers
served. It is determined by dividing the sum of all customer interruption durations during a year by the
number of customers served, as indicated below:

Sum of the Durations of all Customer Interruptions

Total Number of Customers

2.4 Calculation of CAIDI

Customer Average Interruption Duration Index (CAIDI) is the average number of customers
interruptions per customer served from the system per year. It is determined by dividing accumulated
number of customer interruptions in a year by the number of customers who have experienced at
least one interruption, as shown below:

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Network Reliability

Sum of the Durations of all Customer Interruptions

Total Number of Customers who had at least one interruption

2.5 Benchmarks for the Reliability Indices

In order to benchmark the performance of the distribution networks in Kenya, distribution network
reliability data from an number of countries has been collated in this section.

Detailed distribution network performance information is not widely published on an annual basis in
most other countries; however more detailed information is available in the UK.

The Council for European Energy Regulators (CEER) has recently published its 3rd Benchmarking
Report on Quality of Supply. This report has been published every two years since 2001 and contains
data for a limited number of European countries including France and Great Britain.

Performance data for the other cities of interest has been obtained via an internet literature search.
The data obtained is accompanied by the caveat that in some countries it is unclear how the figures
have been compiled i.e. which voltage levels have been included or excluded and the definition of an

Table 2-1 shows a comparison of Customer Average Interruption Duration Index (CAIDI) over a five
year period. This performance indicator is also known as customer minutes lost (CML) in some

Table 2-1 - Customer Average Interruption Duration Index (CML or CAIDI)

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

France2 45.00 44.00 51.00 51.00 Unavailable
Germany Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable 22.90 Unavailable
4 5
New York Unavailable Unavailable 154.2 (96.6 ) Unavailable Unavailable
Tokyo 3.00 12.00 2.00 Unavailable Unavailable
Great Britain Unavailable 81.17 80.87 75.31 68.25
EDF Energy
Unavailable 42.28 43.17 39.49 37.86
(LPN) 6
City of London8 Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable 12.01

In Great Britain the data excludes interruptions lasting less than 3 minutes. This is also the case in the CEER report. However
the Report on the New York State Energy Planning Board’s report on the Reliability of New York’s Electric Transmission and
Distribution Systems, November 200, states an interruption to be longer than 5 minutes.
CEER Third Benchmarking Report on Quality of Electricity Supply.
Verband der Netzbetreiber (VDN) website
Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc. Report on 2003 Performance under Electric Service Reliability Performance
The average interruption duration is reported across the whole of Con Edison owned distribution network in the New York
area. The figure is split between radial and non-radial network, the latter being more typical in high-density urban areas. The
number in brackets indicates figure for radial circuits only.
Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), Corporate Brochure 2005.
Ofgem Electricity Distribution Quality of Supply Service Report, 2004/05.
Provided by EDF Energy

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Network Reliability

Table 2-2 shows a comparison of System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI) over a five
year period. This performance indicator is also known as customer interruptions (CI) in some other

Table 2-2 - System Average Interruption Frequency Index (CI or SAIFI)

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

France 1.2 1.15 1.4 1.3 Unavailable
Germany Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable
New York Unavailable Unavailable 0.01239 Unavailable Unavailable
Tokyo 0.10 0.12 0.11 Unavailable Unavailable
Great Britain Unavailable 0.848 0.7750 0.7719 0.7186
EDF Energy
Unavailable 0.3862 0.3644 0.3525 0.3341
City of London Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable 0.1015

The performance data for Tokyo indicated a highly reliable network both in terms of interruption
duration and frequency although the reporting criteria were unknown and therefore only cursory
comparisons can be made.

The customer interruptions figure for the Manhattan area of New York stands out as being
exceptionally low compared to the other cities / countries. This could be due to the five minutes
duration required for a loss of supply to be classed as an interruption compared to the three minutes
used by Ofgem and CEER.

Figure 2-1 and Figure 2-2 show typical numbers of customer minutes lost and customer interruptions
across the various distribution companies in the UK.

The average interruption frequency is reported for each operating area. The figure used is for the Manhattan operating area.

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Network Reliability

Figure 2-1 - Average Customer Minutes Lost (CML)

Figure 2-2 - Average Customer interruptions (CI) per 100 customers

2.6 Data Collection

When calculating reliability indices, most distribution network operators do not take into account
outages of less than 3 minutes.

In order to accurately calculate the reliability indices described in the above sections, detailed
information on each outage within the distribution network needs to be measured and recorded,
indicating the duration of each of the outages and number of customers interrupted. In addition, in

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order to implement reliability improvement initiatives, the cause of the fault should to be determined
and recorded for each outage.

In cases where it is difficult to record and monitor detailed data on individual outages, supply system
security can be measured and monitored in terms of standard failure rates for various supply system
components and the time taken to restore power supply upon such failures. Standards based on
equipment failure rates can also be employed to determine when plant refurbishment or replacement
is required. By monitoring performance against these standards, it is possible to make judgments
about the relative quality of materials purchased from different suppliers.

The need to economize on capital expenditure should be considered when formulating standards of
security, in order to minimize the cost of electricity to the consumer, while maintaining as far as
possible the degree of security of supply to which customers are entitled.

Standards for customer outage performance influence all aspects of the planning, design and
operation of the power system. In general, standards for the restoration of customer service are more
demanding than those of repair or replacement of faulty equipment. Provision for redundancy in the
distribution system should be made in order to permit service restoration in advance of equipment
repair. The security of supply standard should be used to determine the appropriate level of
redundancy to build into the system, and the system configurations that will translate this redundancy
into prescribed customer outage frequencies and duration.

Unplanned and planned outage statistics and reports should be collected by the Operations
Department and the Distribution Control Centre, who should provide feedback to the design engineers
for analysis. Unplanned outages are generally caused by network faults or system failure, while
planned outages are caused by load shedding schemes.


Undergrounded distribution networks at all voltages generally suffer from third party damage such as
may be caused by mechanical excavators. In other instances, operator error can cause unnecessary
outages. In some heavily loaded networks, overload may also be a problem leading to joint and
termination failures. Steps that may be adopted to affect improvements are the following:

Provide better information to contractors on the location of buried assets, even to the extent of
using cable locating devices prior to commencing excavation.

Ensure system operators are aware of network hot spots, that they have appropriate systems
to show current loading at any point in time and that they have prepared operational plans for
planned and unplanned outages.

Test protection to ensure the integrity of the protection systems.

Ensure that the operation of the network is as transparent as is possible.

Provide remote control and/or automation to isolate the faulty section and to restore supplies
following a fault outage.

In addition to the above, it is necessary to ensure that a rapid response can be made to restore the
faulty section once it is isolated.

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The causes of faults on overhead systems are generally component failure, weather, fauna and birds,
and contact with vehicles.

Although network configuration may have an influence on performance statistics, particularly the
length of 11kV between the source and the normally open point, it is seldom cost effective to place
planning constraints on configuration.

Depending on the nature of faults, the factors that can be managed to improve network performance
statistics are:

Overhead line protection schemes, particularly the use of multi-shot circuit breakers or
reclosers and sectionalisers to ensure that only the faulty section is isolated.

Design standards for the use of air-break isolators and transformer fuse isolators.

Construction standards; generally the amount of pole mounted equipment should be


Regular line patrols monitoring unauthorised connections and clearance infringements and.

Use remote control and/or automation schemes.

In extreme circumstances where there are very high fault rates together with long line lengths, it may
be necessary to shorten line lengths in order to obtain the necessary improvement.

The thorough analysis of actual network performance is dependent on having an established

database covering a number of years and describing each fault in terms of voltage, location,
component affected, the number of customers affected and for how long, together with the cause of
the fault.

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Voltage and Var Control


This guideline describes the general principles of controlling voltage and power factor and is aimed at
assisting network planners to design networks that comply with the appropriate planning standards.


2.1 Use of Voltage Regulation

Voltage is a resource to be used by Planners throughout the distribution network. If the voltage
standard requires a +10/-10% tolerance, then the network should be designed to use the full 20%
band of voltage in order to be economic.

Figure 2-1 below shows an example of a typical voltage regulation scheme between the main 11kV
busbars and the LV network for both rural and urban type networks. Typically planners need to
consider the customers at the start and the end of the circuit:

Customers at end – High Load – In this case, low voltages are a concern, so a high load is
should be considered.

Customers at start – Low Load – High voltages may be an issue at times of low loading so
these should also be considered.

Figure 2-1 - Example Voltage Regulation

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11/0.4kV distribution transformers may have off load tap changers with a range of +/- 5% in 2.5%
steps. These are typically set up so that distribution transformers located at the far end of the feeder
have a lower tap setting than those closest to the substation in order to compensate for the increase
in voltage drop along the 11kV feeder. As can be seen in the above example, the use of the tap
changers allows further management of voltage on the LV feeders.

Consideration should be taken as to the typical length of LV feeders to determine how much volt drop
to allow in the 11 kV feeders. For instance in rural areas, less volt drop in the 11 kV system, allows
longer LV feeders to be run.

2.2 Automatic Voltage Control (AVC)

Voltage regulation can be achieved through on-load tap changers controlled by automatic voltage
control (AVC) schemes at each transformation point down to the 11kV busbars of a primary
substation. These should typically maintain the busbar voltage at slightly higher than nominal voltage
to allow for voltage drop along the outgoing feeders.

The bandwidth and time delay of the voltage control schemes are coordinated with the transformers
connected at the voltage level above. The voltage control scheme of a 33/11kV transformer will have
a narrow bandwidth and long time delay. This ensures that the 132/33kV transformers have time to
correct a system wide voltage change before a local voltage excursion is corrected, avoiding
unnecessary tap operation.

2.3 Line Drop Compensation

Line Drop Compensation can be used to regulate for a constant voltage to be maintained at some
point on the system external to or distant from the location where a voltage regulator is located. The
principle by which this is accomplished is shown in Figure 2-2.

Figure 2-2 - Line Drop Compensation


The voltage regulator maintains the voltage E2 constant. If it were possible to supply the regulator with
pilot wires so that it could measure the voltage at the load centre, the regulator could adjust the
excitation of the generator to maintain E2 constant. Since in actual practice it is impractical to use pilot
wires, the regulator boosts the bus voltage E1, and the two components XI and RI are subtracted from
it artificially by the compensation. The resultant voltage E2 is then supplied to the regulator. If the
components XI and RI are proportioned to and in phase with the corresponding values of line
reactance and resistance voltage drops, the regulator controls the voltage as if it were connected by
pilot wires to the load centre.

In general, since the reactance component XI of the line predominates, it is necessary to compensate
mainly for this component of the line drop.

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Suitably sized shunt capacitor banks can achieve the following benefits when installed in distribution
networks for power factor correction:

Increase in loading capacity of the primary feeders where the loading is restricted by either
voltage drop limits or conductor thermal current rating

Increase in loading capacity of all system components upstream from the capacitor bank

Reduction in load losses in all system components upstream from the capacitor bank location

3.1 Shunt Capacitor Sizing

Shunt capacitors used for reactive compensation will inject VArs at the point of connection, reducing
VAr flow and hence improve capacity utilisation, voltage profiles and reduce losses. In an ideal
scenario the objective of installing capacitor banks would be to maintain the power factor as close to
unity at all times. However, as the feeder or substation demand varies, so will the power factor.

The optimum size and location of the reactive compensation is usually determined through network
studies. The ideal solution would be to install power factor correction equipment at all load points,
making the consumer responsible for the power factor of their load.

Installing larger capacitor banks at primary substation 11kV busbars will reduce the VAr flow to the
substation but will not compensate for the VAr flow along the 11kV distribution feeders.

The target power factor for the majority of power factor correction schemes is 0.95 lagging. The total
capacitive compensation requirement is the difference in VArs between the load at the existing power
factor and the same MW load at the target power factor of 0.95. A multiplication factor can be derived
by which the peak MW load is multiplied to calculate the total amount of reactive compensation

Multiplication Factor = Tan (Cos-1(Existing pf)) - Tan (Cos-1(Required pf))

For example: to compensate a 3MW load @ 0.75 pf to the desired 0.95 pf requires 1.65MVAr (i.e. 3 x

New primary substations should have capacitors connected to the 11kV busbars as standard. As a
rule of thumb the capacity of the reactive compensation should be within the range of 10 – 30% of the
substation capacity.

3.1.1 kW Loading on the Feeder

The most satisfactory method of determining the kW loading on a feeder is by taking actual
measurements. For new lines, the approximate values for the loading can be estimated from the load
forecasts. Accurate profiles on kW and kVAr loading on a feeder can also be established with help of
load flow analysis software.

The loading on most feeders is expected to vary significantly between the off-peak loading and the
peak loading. As a result, a higher level of compensation would be required during the peak loading
hours than would be required during the period of minimum loading. To meet this varying reactive
power compensation requirement, a combination of switched and unswitched capacitor banks is often

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The unswitched capacitor banks should be rated to provide the required reactive power capacity
during off-peak hours. The rating for switched capacitors is determined on the basis of additional
reactive power requirements during the peak-load hours.

3.1.2 Initial Power Factor Angle

The initial uncorrected power factor angle for a feeder, i.e., the phase angle by which the feeder
current lags the feeder voltage, can best be determined by actual measurements on the feeder.

On feeders where the majority of the load is expected to be incandescent lights, the uncorrected
power factor will be between 0.9 and 0.95 (power factor angle of 25° to 18°). For feeders serving a
higher percentage of motor loads (for example networks with a high proportion of air conditioning
load), a power factor of 0.85 to 0.9 is expected.

3.1.3 Desired Power Factor Angle

The value to which the power factor of a distribution system should be corrected is determined by
economic considerations; by weighing the value of economic benefits achieved by the improved
power factor against the costs associated with capacitor bank installation. The most economic value
for the power factor will be the one which yields the maximum economic benefits after all the costs incurred
for the power factor improvement have been subtracted.

The desired power factor angle is often set to the range of 0.95 – unity.

3.2 Evaluation of Power Factor Correction Benefits

The economic value for each of the benefits and the costs of capacitor installations are reviewed in
the following section.

3.2.1 Increase in the Circuit Loading Capacity

The circuit loading of a distribution feeder is limited by either of the following two factors:

Allowable voltage drop

Allowable thermal current rating.

In general, the loading on rural feeders serving loads spread over wide geographic areas is limited by
the allowable voltage drop. Feeders serving areas with more concentrated loads within urban
networks are generally limited by the thermal or economic load rating of the feeder.

Once the loading limit for the feeder is reached, additional expenditure will be required to reduce feeder
load by undertaking one of the following tasks:

Reconductoring of the existing circuits

Addition of new distribution feeder circuits

Installation of voltage regulating equipment on existing circuits

Alternatively, if the system power factor can be improved, an increase in allowable feeder loading can
be achieved and the investment in network reinforcement or upgrades can be deferred. The impact
of the power factor improvements on the feeder voltage drops and the feeder thermal rating are
discussed below.

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3.2.2 Feeders Limited by Allowable Voltage Drops

The voltage drop per phase in a three phase circuit with a specified value of resistance and reactance
is determined with help of the following equation:

Voltage Drop = kVA ( R Cos + X Sin )

kVA = three-phase loading of the circuit
R = resistance of the circuit per phase (ohms)
X = reactance of the circuit per phase (ohms)
= power angle

The above equation can be simplified and rewritten as indicated below:

Voltage Drop = ( R * kW ) + (X * kVAr )

The magnitude of voltage drop caused by per unit reactive power flow on a feeder compared to the
magnitude of voltage drop caused by per unit real power flow can be expressed by the following

Voltage Drop Caused by kVAr Flow X

Voltage Drop Caused by kW Flow R

For typical overhead feeders with conductor sizes of 120 mm 2 AAAC, the X/R ratio is of the order of
1.4, therefore for every 100 kVar of reactive power that is prevented from flowing in the feeder by
improving the power factor locally, 140 kW of additional loading capacity will be freed up. In practice,
once the power factor is improved to a value of 0.98 to 0.99, the voltage drop no longer remains the
limiting factor on feeder loadings and the thermal current rating becomes the limiting factor.

3.2.3 Feeders Limited by Thermal Current Rating

For those feeders where the kiloWatt loading is restricted by the thermal current rating, power factor
improvement results in a reduction in the feeder current, thus freeing up additional kiloWatt capacity.

The percentage increase in the feeder kiloWatt capacity is given by the equation:

pf 2 pf1
% kW Capacity increase x100
pf 2
pf2 = power factor after correction
pf1 = uncorrected power factor

An improvement in power factor from 0.9 to 0.95, for example, will result in a 5.6% increase in the
feeder kilowatt capacity.

For thermally limited circuits, the optimum power factor is given by

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Optimum Power Factor =
C = Cost of installed capacitors per kVAr
S = Incremental cost of system upgrades per kW from the point of capacitor bank location up
to and including the generating station.

Assuming, C = $100, and S = $10, the optimum power factor will be = 99.5%, which means that for the
assumed values of system costs, a power factor correction of up to 99.5% can be justified.

3.2.4 Reduction in System Losses

For lightly loaded feeders, the reduction in reactive power flow resulting from power factor
improvement, and the resulting increase in feeder loading capacity, cannot be considered an
economic benefit. The reduced system loadings will, however, result in a reduction in the magnitude
of system losses, which should also be considered during the economic evaluation.

The system losses are directly proportional to the square of the current flow, and the current is
inversely proportional to the power factor. The percentage reduction in losses due to power factor
improvement is given by the formula.

2 2
pf 2 pf 1
% Loss Reduction 2
pf 2
pf1is the initial uncorrected power factor
pf2 is the power factor after correction

To demonstrate the extent of savings, an improvement in power factor from 0.85 to 1.0 will help
reduce the system losses by 27.75%.

Assuming suitable values of load factors for the feeder, the present worth of the savings in energy can
be calculated and considered for the economic evaluation.

3.3 Location of Capacitor Banks

To reduce the reactive power flow in an ideal distribution system to zero, the capacitor banks should
be at every load location that consumes reactive power. To adopt this approach would require the
installation of countless small capacitor banks which would be neither practical nor economically

A number of commercially available computer programs are available that can be used to optimize
capacitor size and location, but the following heuristic approach is entirely adequate in most practical

Typically on each of the distribution feeders, one switched capacitor bank and one or two unswitched
capacitor banks can be justified.

To achieve the maximum loss reduction, the most economical location for the installation of a
capacitor bank on a primary feeder is that location where the amount of kVar flow (before application
of the capacitor bank) is equal to one half of the kVar rating of the capacitor bank. This assumes that
the loading on the feeder and the feeder conductor size are the same throughout its entire length.

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To achieve the maximum voltage improvement benefit, the capacitor banks need to be located at the
point of lowest voltage, which on a radial network will be at the remote end of the feeder.

As a compromise, the capacitor banks are often located beyond the most economic location for loss
reduction, at a distance from the substation that is approximately equal to 2/3 of the length of the

3.4 Automatic Switching For Shunt Capacitors

If shunt capacitors for a feeder were to be rated based on the reactive power compensation required
during peak loading hours, they would over-compensate for the feeder during light loading hours
causing the following problems:

Over-voltages on the feeder.

A power factor beyond unity, which may increase network losses.

Instability of generation.

To avoid the above problems, part of the shunt capacitor capacity is required to be switched off
automatically during light loading conditions. Any of the following parameters can be employed as the
trigger for switching of capacitor banks:

time clock

feeder voltage

feeder reactive power

A time clock switch is the simplest and least expensive device for the switching of capacitors and
where the load cycle on a feeder follows a consistent pattern, it may be successfully employed for
initiating switching of the capacitor banks. Care must be taken to ensure that overvoltages do not
occur during periods of abnormal network operation as a result of the timed switching process.

A contact making voltmeter switch may be employed as the control trigger on feeders with
unpredictable loading patterns. Where this type of control is employed, the switch-off point should be
carefully selected in relation to the voltage rise caused by the switch-on point, to avoid the a
possibility of an oscillating on/off cycle.

Capacitor switching in response to reactive power measurement would result in maximum benefits
where the primary function of the capacitor banks is to reduce circuit loading in thermally limited
distribution feeders or reduce system losses.

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Load Assessment


The distribution system must be capable of meeting the maximum demand conditions. Hence, the
planning of distribution networks should be carried out for peak demand conditions so that the
technical viability of alternative schemes can be confirmed.

Diversity should be considered when assessing groups of load to prevent over investment. For
example the measured maximum demand on a 33/11kV substation will in most cases be lower than
the summation of the individual 11kV feeder maximum demands due to diversity.


2.1 Load Factor (LF)

The annual Load Factor is defined as the relationship between a consumer's average demand and his
maximum demand over the period of one year and is given by:

(Total annual energy / Number of hours in a year)

Maximum Demand

Where the number of hours in a year usually equal to 8760.

Thus if the maximum demand and the Load Factor are known then the average load can be
calculated. This average load is the load which, when present for the whole duration of the defined
period, results in the same energy as that supplied by the actual varying load for the same period.

2.2 Load Duration Curves (LDC)

Load duration curves are a convenient way of assessing demand as a function of time and are usually
produced on an annual basis by reordering all 8760 hourly demands in the year from highest to
lowest. The LDC curve shows the capacity utilization requirements for each increment of load. The
height of each slice is a measure of capacity, and the width of each slice is a measure of the
utilization rate or capacity factor. A typical load duration curve is shown in Figure 2-1.

Figure 2-1 - Typical Load Duration Curve

Energy at risk

N-1 Capacity


Hours 8760

Where N-1 Capacity refers to the remaining capacity after the loss of a single circuit or transformer.

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2.3 After Diversity Load Factor (ADLF)

This is the relationship between the average demand of a group of consumers and their maximum
demand as a whole. It is defined by:

(Total energy use of a group of consumers / 8760)

Maximum Demand

The ADLF can be different from the LF even if all consumers within a group have the same LF. This
is because the maximum demand of a group of consumers is usually less than the sum of their
maximum demands, whereas their total energy consumed is equal to the sum of their individual
consumptions plus losses.

Consumer’s maximum demands are unlikely to occur at exactly the same time, thus reducing the
value of the group maximum demand. The ratio of the total maximum demand as a group to the sum
of the maximum demands of the individual consumers is called their diversity.

The relationship LF = ADLF x Diversity is true because the consumers energy consumption is
additive. Note that diversity applies to a group of consumers of the same type, i.e. for consumers
which have a similar load pattern.

2.4 Coincident After Diversity Load Factor (CADLF)

The CADLF is the relationship between the average demand of a group of consumers and their
maximum demand at time of system (or feeder) peak. This implies that there are a number of
consumer groups, each with their own load pattern, connected to the system (or feeder). The CADLF
will be different if the time of system peak and the time of the consumer groups maximum demand
does not coincide. The relationship ADLF=CADLF*Coincidence is valid if Coincidence is defined as:

Demand at Time of System Peak

Maximum Demand of the Group

The CADLF is the appropriate load factor to use to relate total energy consumption to the use of
system resources and capacity.


After carrying out numerous load surveys, experience has shown that for a given class of consumer
their daily load curve is consistently similar.

Whilst the daily load factor of consumers over a wide area can be similar, their annual load factor will
be very much dependent on local conditions, predominantly climatic. Also holiday periods and local
festivals will influence the peak demand and hence the load factor.

Figure 3-1shows typical daily load curves for two consumer categories for a general system. The
Weekly Load Factors were calculating assuming 5 weekdays, one Friday and one Saturday per week.
The Loss Load Factors were calculated on a similar basis, using the actual load curves, not the
empirical formula.

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Figure 3-1 - Typical Load Curves

Load Curve for Commercial Consumers





PU Load




Weekday Saturday Sunday


Weekly Load Factor = 65%

Weekly Loss Load Factor = 48%

















Time of Day

Load Curve for Medium / High Income Domes tic Consumers





PU Load




Weekday Saturday Sunday


Weekly Load Factor = 58%

Weekly Loss Load Factor = 38%


















Time of Day


Figure 4-1 gives an overview of the connection process for new loads at 11kV.

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Demands up to 200kVA should be supplied at low voltage.

Demands between 200 – 1000kVA should be supplied at 11kV. A single 11/0.4kV transformer is
sufficient to meet the security of supply standard.

Demands between 1000 – 8000kVA should typically be supplied at 11kV; however, a 33kV supply
may be considered depending on the size and type of the load and the availability of 11kV network.
For example, a pumping station with large motor loads may require a 33kV connection due to the
voltage drop caused by high motor starting currents. It is recommended that an alternative source of
supply available within 3 hours i.e. open ring 11kV network design.

Demands greater than 8000kVA require an alternative source of supply to be available within 15
minutes to meet the security of supply standard. This can be achieved using at least two dedicated
circuits running in parallel with the appropriate protection scheme or as an open ring with an auto-
close scheme. Both 11kV and 33kV options should be considered.

Demands of more than 10MVA should be connected to the 33kV network.

Some customers may request, at their own cost, a level of network security above the normal security

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Figure 4-1 - New or Additional Load Connection

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When designing a connection for a large motor load, such as a water pumping station, the voltage
step change during motor starting should be studied and all motors connected at 11 kV and above
should be modelled explicitly. The connection of a large group of LV motors that will have a
combined effect on the network should also be studied.

An example of a simple motor start calculation is shown below.

A 2.5MVA direct-on-line induction motor is connected to an 11kV busbar with a source impedance of
0.036 + j0.81 ohms (i.e. 11kV Fault level = 149MVA).

The motor’s starting current is 4 x full load current (FLC) i.e. 10MVA @0.3 pf

Figure 5-1 - Example of a Simple Motor Start Calculation


Voltage Drop = (MVAstart / V2)* {(R * Cos ) + (X * Sin )} x 100%

= (10/112) *{(0.036 * 0.3) + (0.81 * 0.954)} x 100% = 6.3%

In this example the voltage dip is greater than the recommended 3% limit stated in the standards, and
therefore alternative motor starting such as a variable speed drive or connection at a higher voltage
would need to be considered. For very infrequent starting, it may be acceptable to relax the limits to
around 6 %.


To evaluate the losses and voltage drops precisely a load flow calculation must be performed,
considering the size and location of each individual load point. It is sometimes necessary to estimate
the losses and voltage drops for typical feeder arrangements, without knowing the precise topology of
the feeder or circuit. This type of generic assessment is used, for example, for conductor
optimisation. In this case the maximum demand at the feeder sending end and the total length may
be known. Because the distribution of the load along the feeder length affects the loss and volt-drop
calculations it is necessary to take account of this affect.

The Load Distribution Factor (LDF) technique described in the following sections offers a simple, but
effective method of adjusting the loss and volt-drop calculations based on the feeder initial load to
take account of the load distribution along the feeder. Two Load Distribution Factors are required,
one for loss calculations and one for volt-drop calculations. These are be referred to as LDFLosses and
LDFV-drop respectively.

Information about the distributed nature of the load is sometimes difficult to quantify. Therefore, two
empirical equations were developed which link the number of load points to the load distribution

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factor. These formulae are the result of statistical analysis of a number of feeders, within some
practical limits.

6.1 Voltage Drop Calculations

It is sometimes necessary to estimate the voltage drops for typical feeder arrangements, without
knowing the precise topology of the feeder or circuit. In this case the maximum demand at the feeder
sending end and the total length may be known. Because the distribution of the load along the feeder
length affects the volt-drop calculations it is necessary to take account of this affect.

A factor can be derived by which to multiply the feeder length in the volt-drop calculation to allow for
the distribution of the load, thus obtaining the correct level of voltage drop when using the sending
end current. This is known as the Load Distribution Factor technique which offers an easy, but
effective, method of adjusting the loss and volt-drop calculations based on the feeder initial load to
take account of the load distribution.

The calculation is as follows:

Vdrop I 0 Z * L LDFV drop

where LDFV-drop = Load Distribution Factor

Z* = Impedance per unit Length, allowing for power factor of the load. =
(R cos + X sin ) per km

Io = Feeder sending end maximum Demand

L = Total feeder length

Vdrop = Volt drop at feeder remote end, at maximum demand, calculated by

load flow analysis.

The calculation of this factor considers the number of load points on the feeder, the distance between
load points and a range of feeder maximum loads. This load distribution factor can be calculated for
each feeder using the data obtained from a load flow study.

LDFV-drop = Vdrop / Io.Z*.L

Information about the distributed nature of the load is sometimes difficult to quantify. Therefore, an
empirical equation has been developed which link the number of load points to the load distribution
factor. These are the result of statistical analysis of a number of feeders, within some practical limits.

Statistical considerations have shown a link between the number of load points and their distribution
on a real circuit or feeder. A small number of load points tend to be more concentrated towards the
end of the feeder. The more points, the more uniformly distributed the load tends to be.

The relationship between the number of points and the load distribution factors was determined as
The empirical LDFV-Drop = 2n + n+ 1

Where n = number of load points

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For example a feeder with 10 load points would have a Load Distribution Factor of 0.53 for voltage
drop calculation purposes.

For a uniformly distributed load, the load distribution factor (Volt Drop) becomes:

LDFV-Drop = 1/2

6.2 Losses Calculations

It is sometimes necessary to estimate the losses on typical feeder arrangements, without knowing the
precise topology of the feeder or circuit. In this case the maximum demand at the feeder sending end
and the total length may be known. Because the distribution of the load along the feeder length
affects the loss calculations it is necessary to take account of this affect.

A factor can be derived by which to multiply the feeder length in the loss calculation to allow for the
distribution of the load, thus obtaining the correct level of losses when using the sending end current,
Io. The loss calculation then becomes

kWLoss I 02 R L LDFLosses
Where: R = Resistance per km.

L = Total feeder length

kW loss = Feeder losses at maximum demand, calculated by load flow

Io = Feeder sending end maximum Demand

LDFLosses = Load Distribution Factor

The calculation of this factor considers the number of load points on the feeder, the distance between
load points and a range of feeder maximum loads. This distribution factor can be calculated for each
feeder using the data obtained from a load flow study.

(LDFLosses) = kW loss / (Io2.R.L )

The relationship between the number of points and the load distribution factors was determined as

The empirical LDFLosses = 2n2 + 3n + 1


Where n = number of load points

For example a feeder with 10 load points would have a Load Distribution Factor of 0.39 for losses
calculation purposes.

For a uniformly distributed load, the load distribution factor (losses) becomes:

LDFLosses = 1/3

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Through demand side management, KPLC can defer or avoid network reinforcement. This can be a
good solution to network constraints.

Load management facilities should be maintained (e.g. Mains’ Signalling), and should be considered
when network performance is constrained by growing demand.

Demand side management should evolve from rolling load shedding towards initiatives to modify
customer electricity demand and usage patterns. Considerations can be given to the following

7.1 Customer Involvement

To reduce the overall demand, customers may be involved in the process of demand control. This
could be implemented by a review of the tariff structure, and the development of possible financial
reward for customers who reduce their energy usage or increase their efficiency.

KPLC can also encourage the use of embedded generation systems to reduce the amount of
electricity required from the distribution network.

7.2 Peak Demand Control

Compensation should be considered for major customers who alter their load patterns at times of
peak system demand, e.g. with hot water control and air conditioning control. This can be done by
KPLC sending mains signals to customer side and switching on and off nominated devices according
to on/off peak power usage.

7.3 Load Shedding Program

A load shedding program enables utilities to reduce the network loading under conditions where
network of generation capacity is not sufficient to meet demand. The main benefits of this program for
the distribution company are deferment of network augmentations and avoiding forced outages under
emergency conditions.

The following guidelines apply to ideal load shedding schemes, and would be adopted in Kenya
following sufficient system upgrades such that the requirement for rolling blackouts can be eliminated.

Load shedding programs should be targeted such that during abnormal system conditions, disruption
is minimised for the majority of customers. This can be achieved by load shedding agreements with
customers to switch off non-essential demand as required by KPLC.

The rate at which customers should be compensated for their participation in such a scheme
determined such that it is high enough to both compensate their financial losses and to attract
customers to sign the load-shedding contract. It has to be justified economically to ensure the benefit
of a load shedding scheme to KPLC when compared to traditional network reinforcement. It should
be noted that the probability of outages is often required by customers to enable them to justify the
cost/benefit of joining a load shedding program.

The compensation rate needs to reflect both the financial losses of customers and the benefit of
deferring network expansion in terms of saving capital expenditure. The rate should therefore be
capped by the unit cost of network augmentation. In determining the revenue losses of customer
during outages, the value of lost load (VoLL) should be utilised.

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Load Assessment

The expected energy not supplied to customers is an average value over historical outage data rather
than the actual energy loss in a specific event. It is rated to outage rates for a particular substation,
and the demand growth over the years.

To avoid the risk of forced outages, a minimum amount of sheddable load should be determined for
each individual substation. If the sheddable load from customers is lower than that minimum amount
required, the network is still exposed to emergency contingency shedding.

Usually contracts between KPLC and customers should have a fixed period. As the demand grows
over time, the need and benefit of network augmentation increases and the option of demand
management becomes less economic. The compensation rate set in the contract should therefore be
the minimum of the predicted rates over the contract life.

Controlling power factor is a way to reduce the requirement for total network capability. This involves:

Installing power factor controlling devices in network/customer premises,

Introducing kVA based demand tariff or excess reactive power charges,

Power factor penalties to encourage customers to implement the power factor in their

KPLC could also provide technical advice and support for customers who have problems with poor
power factor.

7.4 Standby Generation

The use of standby generation can avoid the requirement for initial load shedding in the event of a
contingency for plant operating above the ‘first circuit outage’ security criterion, improving the network
reliability to customers. It allows assets to be loaded to higher levels without increasing risk to
security of supply. Standby generation can therefore be a viable capital deferment option.

Standby generation should be reliable as it will need to be called upon in a short period of time.
KPLC can consider inclusion of standby generation into a contract with customers to provide support
to the network in emergencies, especially for rural areas. The contract will be similar to the sheddable
load contract.

7.5 Voltage Reduction

Voltage reduction can flatten the peak of electricity usage during system emergency. The power
consumption of resistive load (incandescent lamps, water heaters, etc) can be effectively reduced by
this procedure. With the concern of load factor in the network and network capability, this technique
should be given consideration in future network planning.

The limit of voltage reduction should be capped to the maximum allowable voltage drop required by
regulation rules and codes, i.e. the reduction should be limited to 6% on 11kV systems. Considering
the high utilisation of network, a lower drop of 3% may be more practical. With this level of reduction,
the power consumption can be reduced about 10% in resistive load devices. When conducting
voltage reduction at area substations, the percentage voltage reduction should be less, as even a 3%
drop will cause the voltage at the LV network to fall out of the allowable range.

The main issue in reducing voltage is to make sure the customers connected to the network are not
adversely affected by this operation.

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7.6 Reserve Capacity

Reserve capacity refers to setting up contracts with customers to improve supply reliability at their
premises. This scheme utilises an automatic load switch to transfer customer demand to a back-up
feeder when there is fault on the primary one. The customers would need to pay for this reserve
capacity in accordance with the availability of the reserve, and the capital cost contribution involved.

The advantage of this scheme is that the reliability of network may be improved at the customer’s
expense if the switch is between two feeders of different area substations. However, as the switch
arrangement resides at the customers’ site, there may be difficulty in future reconfiguration to balance
feeder loading.

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The energy and power losses that occur in the process of supplying electricity to consumers, within
transmission and distribution systems can be classified into technical and non-technical losses:

Technical losses are caused by energy dissipated in the conductors and equipment used for
transmission, transformation, sub-transmission and distribution of power. These are inherent
in the system and can be reduced to an optimum level.

Non-technical losses include pilferage, defective meters and errors in meter readings.

The main factors that contribute to high technical losses are the use of small cross sectional area
conductors, unbalanced loads, sub standard connections / joints, poor power factors and voltages
below the design criteria.

Overloaded transformers can result in high copper (variable) losses whilst underloaded transformers
can result in high iron (fixed) losses. The optimum loading of a transformer should take both the
copper and iron losses into consideration.

Reduction of technical losses will result in an improvement in better voltage quality to the consumers.

The optimal losses level of a distribution network depends on many factors including:

Long-run marginal cost of capacity and energy (cost of power and energy losses)

Discount rate

Capital cost of equipment

Existing loading

Load growth rate

These factors affect the optimal specification and design of the components used in distribution
system. The optimal losses level of a distribution network will be the accumulated optimal losses
levels of these components. Experience elsewhere shows that the optimal total power losses in a
distribution network (primary and secondary distribution) should be 6% to 12%.


The total amount of technical losses in a network is the sum of the fixed losses and the variable

Fixed losses are losses that are always present regardless of the load on the network. The
sources of fixed losses on a distribution network are generally the iron losses in transformers
or reactors. The value of these can be found in the manufacturer’s data sheets.

Variable losses (also known as copper losses) are the result of current flowing in the network
and equal to I2R where ‘I’ is the current flowing through the network and ‘R’ is the resistance
in the network.

The variable power losses in a distribution network are usually estimated from a load flow study at
peak demand, with use of the loss load factor to calculate energy losses, although simple
spreadsheet calculations can also be used for individual circuits. Monitoring of sample network

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sections using meters is recommended, however, to fully confirm the level of technical losses – it can
also provide detail of non-technical losses.

2.1 Loss Load Factor (LLF)

The Loss Load Factor (LLF) relates the annual energy losses to the peak power losses as follows:

Annual Variable Losses (kWh) = Loss Load Factor x Peak Variable Losses (kW) x 8760

The loss load factor can be estimated from the load factor using the following empirical formulae:

LLF = 0.3 LF + 0.7 LF2 (urban system, temperate climate)

LLF = 0.2 LF + 0.8 LF2 (rural networks)

2.2 Load Loss Distribution Factor

The losses within individual feeder arrangements can be calculated from a load distribution factor.
Section 6.2 gives details of how to calculate feeder losses from load distribution factors.


Once the technical criteria of a network have been met (e.g. capacity, security of supply, voltage etc.)
the next step is to consider the most economical design based on the whole life cost of the project.
When selecting the size of conductors for distribution lines, the following factors should be

Feeder load and load growth

Feeder length and load distribution

Voltage levels

Conductor resistance and losses

Construction cost

Cost of losses

The lifetime cost of a new circuit takes into consideration the initial capital cost and the annual cost of
losses. It may therefore be more economical over the life of a circuit to install a larger conductor even
though the initial investment is higher due to the reduced cost of losses.

A Net Present Value (NPV) calculation is required to calculate the whole life cost of a conductor. An
example calculation for a 5 year period is shown in (in constant money terms).

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Table 3-1 - Example Whole Life Cost of Conductor Calculation

Discount Rate = 6% Load Growth =5%

Initial Max Demand = 3000kVA Yr1 Yr2 Yr3 Yr4 Yr5
Max Demand at Different Years kVA 3000 3150 3308 3473 3647
kW Loss at Max Demand 8.94 9.86 10.87 11.98 13.21

Costs ($) Capital 45000

Energy Loss Cost 2725 3005 3313 3652 4027
Total Cost per year 47725 3005 3313 3652 4027
NPV $56381

Further guidance on calculating the whole life cost when selecting a conductor size is given in the
economic planning section


Transformer losses consist of two components, non load losses (or iron losses) and load losses
(copper losses).

Iron losses are the result of eddy currents in the iron core and are dependent on the material used to
manufacture the core. These losses are independent of the current passing through the transformer
and are therefore fixed.

Copper losses are due to current passing through the windings and are equal to I2R. These are
variable losses and are dependent on the load supplied by the transformer.

For each transformer specification there is an optimum capital cost to be paid in relation to the amount
of transformer losses. This calculation is usually included in the tendering process to purchase new
transformers and is done by capitalising the cost of losses to enables the cost of transformers offered
by different manufacturers to be compared over the expected lifetime of the transformer and not just
the initial capital cost.

Several underloaded transformers will result in increased losses compared with the same load
supplied by fewer transformers due to the increased iron loss. Overloaded transformers will increase
losses due to high copper losses.

As a rule of thumb, the economical loading of 11/0.4kV distribution transformers is typically 70 - 80%;
however, this will vary depending on the load factor and the transformer specification.

33/11kV transformers are typically loaded to 50% of the nameplate rating during system normal in
order to comply with the N-1 security of standards. Depending on the load factor and transformer
specification, this may be lower than the optimum load level to minimise losses; however the trade off
is increased network security and therefore considered acceptable.

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Losses within a system can be broadly defined as the energy input less the energy output. They are
inherent in any electrical network and can be viewed as the ‘cost’ of delivering power. Like any other
business cost, losses must be managed to appropriate levels.

If losses are excessive, they have a considerable negative impact:

Wasted energy

More fuel burnt than necessary

Increased cost to the country

Reduced amounts of energy for customers

Less energy able to be supplied

Less money available for upgrades/expansion

Increased import of energy

Increase in utility purchases

Increased use of other energy sources

Larger equipment sizes needed, not just for distribution, but also for the transmission and
generation network.

It is therefore vital for KPLC planners to both understand what losses they have on their system and
how they might keep these to within manageable levels.


The energy and power losses that occur in the process of supplying electricity to consumers within
transmission and distribution systems can be classified into technical and non-technical losses.

Technical losses are caused by energy dissipated in the conductors and equipment used for
transmission and distribution of power. They are generally categorised as copper (variable) or iron
(fixed) losses. Copper losses are caused by the heating effect of electric current as it passes through
circuit or transformer winding resistance and are proportional to the square of the load. This is an
important consideration as doubling the power flow will cause the losses to quadruple. Iron losses
are those caused by the induction of eddy currents in the cores of transformers and reactors. They
are a function of the composition, construction, age of the equipment, and voltage, and are constant
with typical loading. These losses will always be present when the equipment is energised.

The main factors that contribute to high technical losses are the use of small cross-sectional area (or
overloaded) conductors, overloaded transformers, unbalanced loads, poor installation practice and
maintenance including connection points and joints, poor power factors, and voltages below the
design criteria.

Non-technical losses include theft, defective meters, errors in meter readings, and poor billing
systems. These losses typically arise out of problems on the commercial management side of the

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2.1 Economic Justification

Loss reduction programmes are generally self-financing even over a relatively short period of time.
The reduction in technical and non-technical losses, plus the improvement in voltage quality to the
consumer means that there are cost savings in both energy and capacity costs.

The Long Run Marginal Cost (LRMC) is the cost of generating, transmitting, and distributing one
kilowatt of power at system peak to a consumer fed at a specific voltage level. By analysis of the
LRMC and the associated energy costs it is possible to calculate the benefit that would occur by a
reduction of losses at a particular voltage level.

Figure 2-1 - kW Savings due to Cost of Losses

Figure 2-1 shows the typical annual benefit for loss reductions calculated for the Kenyan system and
the savings this results in over a given time period.

This shows an obvious benefit from reducing the losses on the secondary distribution system, which
justify the expense in doing so.

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2.2 Causes of Technical Losses and Reduction Techniques

There are a number of measures that can be undertaken to tackle each of the causes of technical
losses, although they do vary in cost and effectiveness.

Causes of technical losses include:

• Resistive heating of conductors

• Transformer losses

• High impedance faults

• Phase imbalance

• Incorrect equipment sizing

• Voltage and power factor quality

• Poor connections and maintenance

2.2.1 Conductor Losses and Sizing

Overloaded and long feeders are of concern throughout Kenya both on the 11 kV and 33 kV
networks. Losses in overloaded LV conductors are also a major problem. Conductors that are too
small for the electrical loads being transmitted are significant causes of electrical energy losses.
These losses are variable losses, resulting from relatively high conductor resistances in relation to the
current being passed.

It is not possible to eliminate these losses entirely but there is an optimum economic level of losses,
where spending to allocate more resources to improve a network matches the reduction in generation

There are two components associated with conductor sizing:

• improving existing networks, and

• ensuring that future installations are built to a satisfactory standard.

Ensuring that future installations keep losses to a minimum is part of the function of a planning
department and planners should establish a series of parameters to which designers should adhere.

Elsewhere in the Planning and Design documents, maximum feeder lengths have been defined and
KPLC planners should maintain a consistent design standard across the system. This would avoid
future voltage problems and the high losses associated with unregulated system expansion.

Service drops can also be a major source of losses. Conductor sizes should be appropriately
standardised and connections at the supply and receiving ends of the service drops should be
correctly made. Detailed calculations on a case-by-case basis will establish the optimum
rehabilitation of existing equipment but as a service target, without any financial optimisation, a
maximum voltage drop at consumers’ terminal of 6% should be considered.

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2.2.2 Transformer Losses and Sizing

A transformer whose kVA rating is too large for the load being supplied will give high fixed losses.
Conversely, a transformer that is overloaded will have high variable losses. It is important therefore to
match a transformer to the load that it is supplying, taking account of any immediate load growth that
is likely to be experienced.

Transformer designs are available that minimise both variable and fixed transformer losses. Although
the capital cost of these transformers is higher than that of standard distribution transformers, if loss
evaluation factors are applied to the procurement process, adding the estimated lifetime cost of
losses to the transformer price, lower loss transformer designs can become cost effective. The long
run marginal cost (LRMC) of losses at the appropriate voltage level should be used.

As a rough guide it is considered that 11/0.4 kV transformers should be loaded to between 70%-80%
of their ratings, based on economic loading. This will depend on load factor, transformer
specification, and the future growth expectations. 33/11 kV transformers will typically be loaded to
50% of their rating during normal operating conditions dependant on security of supply

Increasing transformer loading lowers output voltage and as a short-term measure it is often possible
to delay replacing equipment downstream of a transformer by changing transformer taps.

Losses can be reduced by replacing relatively high-loss older distribution transformers with low-loss
equivalents, and by specifying low-loss transformers when constructing new sections of network. In
addition, the practice of replacing the windings of old distribution transformers can increase losses
significantly, as replacement transformer windings typically have a greater contribution to losses than
the original windings fitted by the manufacturer.

2.2.3 High Impedance Faults

High impedance faults are a relatively rare problem although this does depend significantly on the
inspection and maintenance practices of the distribution department. They occur when a fault
develops in such a way that it presents a relatively high impedance load to the network. This looks to
the distribution system like an ordinary load and so does not trigger any protection. Some example
high impedance faults include:

• Tree to line contact

• Bird nesting

• Insulator breakages

• Tracking on insulators

As well as causing additional unnecessary losses, there is an obvious safety concern with many high
impedance faults.

As it can be quite difficult to detect these faults through the protection system, it is better to be
proactive and attempt to prevent these from occurring in the first place. This can involve:

• Implementing appropriate design standards with adequate clearances

• Ensuring that actual construction and maintenance meets the required standards

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• Implementing a regular line inspection programme

• Implementing a tree trimming programme for areas of concern

• A facility for customers to report network issues and concerns

2.2.4 Phase Imbalance

Three phase systems operate most effectively when the currents carried by each of the phases are
approximately equal. An imbalance can lead to one phase being overloaded resulting in high losses
while the remaining two phases are underutilised. Since losses are proportional to current squared,
unbalanced phases lead to increased overall losses.

Phase balance should be checked at the appropriate supply points, which can be a transformer, a line
tee-off or from a main bulk supply point. As loads change their characteristics and consumer mix
changes, it is recommended that KPLC regularly review phase balance and revise connections as

As industrial loads are generally higher during the working day, and domestic loads reach their peaks
during the evenings, some care is needed when carrying out the balancing to ensure that loads are
evenly balanced over the day and not just at one time. Data loggers can assist in determining the
degree of phase imbalance by continuously recording loads and voltages for later analysis.

Phase balancing is a low investment option for loss reduction that produces a high return. It should
therefore be one of the first loss reduction measures to be assessed and implemented.

2.2.5 Power Factor

Due to high summer temperatures there can be increased reactive power flows and power factor
problems on the KPLC network. The network presently operates without significant power factor

The flow of reactive power (VAr) in transmission and distribution networks contributes to the
magnitude of the current and hence to a number of undesirable problems. Excessive VAr flow will
lead to voltage regulation issues and excessive losses.

Also as a result of poor power factor (and hence excessive flow of reactive power), the need for
capital expenditure is brought forward. System reinforcements occur earlier and are more extensive,
so there are obvious benefits to be gained from improving the system power factor.

The ideal solution would be to install power factor correction equipment at all load points, making the
consumer responsible for the power factor of their load. From experience this is not a fully achievable
solution, and is one that requires a high level of monitoring. At distribution voltage levels, fully
variable reactive power devices which can adjust the capacitance to match the variable load at any
time are prohibitively expensive. Combination capacitor banks comprising a fixed and switched
component(s) are usually the most effective compromise solution.

Installation of line-connected capacitor banks, distributed along the medium voltage system, offers
another effective solution, leading to considerable savings in the long run. By the nature of these
devices and their positioning, a relatively large number of units will be required. Routine maintenance
and regular inspections will ensure a long life of the distributed capacitor banks.

By installing larger capacitor banks at the medium voltage busbars at the primary substations the
number units required can be reduced. Also, substations tend to be fairly controlled environments

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where regular maintenance is possible. Compensation equipment installed at substations reduces

reactive power flow in the supply system to those locations, but not in the distribution system
downstream from these busbars.

An alternative approach is to control the reactive power demand on the system through tariff
incentives, encouraging users to maintain a reasonable power factor. In many utilities the penalty for
exceeding the power factor limit (i.e. power factor below a set value, typically 0.9) is not harsh enough
to discourage loads with poor power factors. Unless reactive power metering is installed at the load
site, or spot checks are carried out on a regular basis, these infringements may not be picked up at

2.2.6 Poor Connections and Maintenance

In order to manage losses on a long-term basis, a system of adequate system planning and
maintenance must be implemented. If plant and equipment maintenance falls below a given
standard, then the network will gradually deteriorate to the point where any careful planning will be
ineffective. Under these circumstances losses will increase to the point where they have a
disproportionate effect on the Kenyan network as a whole.

It is necessary to join overhead line conductors when the lines are being strung initially (and
conductors are not long enough for the sections being strung), after conductors have broken, and
when making connections. Good jointing can be introduced for a fairly modest outlay and should
therefore be given a high priority.

To reduce losses to a minimum, twisted and wrap around connections should be avoided. Corrosion
of the conductor strands and a gradual relaxation of the metals cause contact resistance to increase,
eventually to a point where they fail thermally.

2.3 Causes of Non-Technical Losses and Reduction Techniques

Causes of non-technical losses are primarily related to human error or lack of adequate management

• Defective meters

• Lack of metering

• Meter reading errors or lack of effective meter reading

• Theft

• Errors/Lack of Energy Accounting

2.3.1 Metering

It is recognised by KPLC that customer metering (and energy metering in general) is inadequate, and
addressing this issue is key to both accurately calculating network losses and implementing a
targeted programme aimed at reducing them.

There are many ways of causing a meter to record lower values of consumed energy other than
ageing. Introducing foreign bodies to jam the disc of induction disc meters can cause them to under-
read the energy consumed whilst changing connections to a meter or by-passing the meter entirely
would significantly affect the meter readings.

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Meters should be sealed as this provides an additional barrier to those trying to tamper with the meter.
A further technique that assists in identifying meter interference is to reward meter readers when they
report tampering. This identification and reward must be supported by adequate penalties for those
found committing fraud, otherwise the reward itself could become a source of fraud.

Examining monthly billings will help identify those meters that have been by-passed whilst physical
checks are required to identify other types of tampering.

As energy meters are the basis upon which KPLC derives its income (and controls electricity usage) a
regular and ongoing meter installation, replacement and testing programme should be initiated.

Apart from any recently installed meters, it is likely that any pre-existing meters will need to be
periodically checked for accuracy, which can be brought about by aging, by operating the meter
outside its design parameters and by faulty installation. Consumers can also interfere with energy
meters to promote inaccurate (lower) meter readings.

2.3.2 Estimating Losses and Benchmarking

Whilst losses occur in the transmission system, it is generally the losses in distribution systems that
have the greatest impact on the overall system losses. As a general guide, the economic loss levels
for distribution systems are in the region of 3% to 5% of annual energy10. Practically however most
countries have a target of 10% or less for their distribution systems. It should be noted though that, in
general, rural supplies with long LV overhead lines and low income urban areas are likely to have
higher percentage losses than high density distribution systems or high income or industrial areas.

It is useful to look at the level of losses in other comparable countries as well as international
averages. These are given in Figure 2-2.

Figure 2-2 - Estimated Total System Losses (% of Generation+Imports)

Country 2004 2005 2006 2007

Algeria 16.93% 13.99% 18.96% 19.00%
Egypt 13.58% 13.02% 11.85% 12.09%
Libya 30.29% 12.71% 7.76% 7.55%
Tunisia 12.78% 13.18% 13.31% 13.74%
India 27.75% 27.15% 26.45% 25.89%
Iran 18.98% 20.05% 19.76% 20.18%
Jordan 11.88% 12.63% 13.08% 15.04%
Lebanon 15.84% 15.83% 15.81% 15.82%
Syria 25.02% 25.06% 25.05% 25.07%

North America Average 6.07%

Pacific Average 4.46%
Europe Average 5.97%

Source: Energy Information Administration (EIA)

Based on international experience, it is possible to benchmark these loss levels, in order to identify
what sort of actions may be required with regard to the system losses. These are outlined in Table

Energy Efficiency: Optimisation of Electric Power Distribution Losses, World Bank 1982

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Table 2-1 System Loss Levels Benchmarks and Actions

Loss level
Category Actions
(% Sent Out)

Losses < 10% Very good Maintain existing procedures and

controls and plan extensions and
rehabilitation to economic loss levels

Losses approximately Good Investment probably needed to

10% improve situation further

Losses 10% to 15% Acceptable but attention Develop action plan to reduce losses
required within a given timescale

Losses 15% to 20% Poor, considerable effort Establish loss reduction as a

required to improve strategic target and establish a “loss
performance reduction team”

Losses 20% to 30% Unacceptable Probable that some outside

assistance needed to assist with
possible reorganisation and
developing action plan

Losses > 30% Network in disrepair Likely that high level intervention

2.4 Loss Reduction Programmes

The economic justification means that a Loss Reduction programme is usually cost effective and can
be implemented fairly quickly. A Loss Reduction programme normally follows these steps:

• Understanding the problem

• Correcting or optimising designs

• Implementing network standards

• Maintenance and construction procedures

2.4.1 Understanding the Problem

It is possible to estimate typical losses based on models (generally only technical losses) but to be
able to understand what the actual losses are and where best to target loss reduction efforts, physical
measurements will need to be taken. Therefore the first steps of a loss reduction programme would
be to initiate changes to allow for better data collection, metering, and energy auditing.

This will include:

• Acquiring field data i.e. feeder routes and sizes

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• Building network models

• Meter installation and meter reading programme

• Systems and procedures developed and implemented to allow future energy auditing

It should be noted that KPLC is already underway with data collection and network model building
plans. Efforts to improve the consistency, quantity and quality of this data across Kenya would have
benefits for both the loss reduction effort but also to the overall system planning and
operations/maintenance of the network.

2.4.2 Correcting or Optimising Designs

Another change that KPLC can implement immediately is to ensure that any new construction or
rehabilitation works, fully considers the economic impact of losses.

This economic consideration when sizing conductors and transformers should ensure that KPLC not
only minimise losses to an economic level, but also implement not the lowest construction cost
solution, but the lowest lifetime cost solution.

2.4.3 Implementing Network Standards

A number of standards have been proposed for KPLC to use on their system. If these standards are
followed, then losses can be generally kept within acceptable ranges. This means keeping:

• Voltage within required range;

• Equipment loaded to standard levels; and

• Power factor at optimal levels.

2.4.4 Maintenance and Construction Procedures

Arguably the most cost effective way to reduce losses at the distribution level is to ensure that
maintenance and construction problems are corrected. As KPLC already employ the staff to
undertake this work, the additional costs should be minimal.

As discussed in the preceding sections, poor jointing practice and materials add unnecessary losses
to feeders, and can often lead to line failures. The first part of a loss reduction programme should
audit the maintenance procedures at the primary and secondary voltage levels and ensure that staff
are provided with the correct training and materials for jointing and condition assessment.

Another cost effective programme to implement is the rebalancing of the low voltage loads. A
relatively small team is required to survey, measure, and redistribute the LV loads equally over the
three phases. This can dramatically reduce the overall loading, and hence losses, of a given feeder.

Distribution Planning Guidelines - Final Rev1 Prepared by Parsons Brinckerhoff

March 2013 for The Kenya Power & Lighting Company Limited
- 65 -


1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
Nairobi - Bulk Supply Points 2012
Mai Mahiu
2x10 MVA, 66/11kV
Ruiru Thika Mt. Kenya Region
Devki (Ruiru) 1x23MVA, 66/33kV
Cianda Steel Mills 2x23 MVA, 66/11kV
KPC 1x23 MVA, 66/11kV
Ngema Pump Tana
Ruiru Steel
2x23MVA, 66/11kV Ruaraka BSP
2x60MVA, 132/66kV Juja Road BSP
Limuru Nairobi North BSP 2x60MVA, 132/66/11 kV
2x90MVA 220/66 kV 2x15MVA, 132/66/11 kV
1x23 MVA,66/11kV +
1x5 MVA,66/11kV 1x60MVA, 132/66 kV
EABL 1x30MVA, 132/66 kV
Gigiri 1x15MVA, 132/66 kV
1x23 MVA, 66/11kV
Baba Dogo
2x23MVA, 66/11kV Sultan Hamud
Gigiri Pump 5 MVA, 132/3.3kV
Kabete Syokimau
1x23 MVA, 66/11kV 1x23MVA, 66/11kV
Kitusuru Double circuit
2x23 MVA, 66/11kV

1x23 MVA,66/11kV + West Lands EMCO
1x10 MVA,66/11kV 2x23 MVA, 66/11kV Billets
Steel Billet
2x23MVA, 66/11kV EMCO
2x45MVA, 66/11kV Komorock
Kimathi 2x23MVA, 66/11kV
2x23MVA, 66/11kV
Kileleshwa 2x23MVA, 66/11kV
1x23 MVA, 66/11kV Jeevanjee
1x21 MVA, 66/11kV 2x23MVA, 66/11kV

Karen KPC
2x23 MVA, 66/11kV
Kiboko BSP
Morris 5MVA, 132/33 kV
Ngong Road Company
Nairobi South
2x23 MVA, 66/11kV 3x23MVA, 66/11kV

Industrial Area
2x23MVA, 66/11kV
Ngong Wind Nairobi West
2x45MVA, 66/11kV 100 MW
Steel Mills
Apex Steel
Firestone Airport Rolling Mills

Matasia Edmol 1x7.5MVA
1x23MVA, 66/11kV Mombasa
Cement 33/11kV

Embakasi BSP Bamburi

Kapa Oil
3x90MVA, 220/66kV Cement
Athi River
Magadi soda 1x23 MVA 66/33kV +
company 120 MW 1x23 MVA 66/11kV

132kV Mombasa Road

1x23MVA,66/11kV E.A. Portland Armining
66kV Cement

Kajiado EPZ
1x7.5 MVA 1x23 MVA, 66/11kV +
33kV 33/11kV New 1x23 MVA,66/33kV
Orbit Chemical Savannah
Equivalent site generation

Open Point
Nairobi - Bulk Supply Points 2013
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

Mai Mahiu
2x10 MVA, 66/11kV
Ruiru Thika Mt. Kenya Region
Cianda Devki (Ruiru) 1x23MVA, 66/33kV
1x23 MVA, 66/11kV Steel Mills 2x23 MVA, 66/11kV
1x23 MVA, 66/11kV Tana
Ngema Pump
Ruiru Steel

Ruaraka Ruaraka BSP

2x23MVA, 66/11kV 2x60MVA, 132/66kV Juja Road BSP
Limuru Nairobi North BSP 2x60MVA, 132/66/11 kV
2x90MVA 220/66 kV 2x15MVA, 132/66/11 kV
1x23 MVA,66/11kV +
1x23 MVA,66/11kV 1x60MVA, 132/66 kV
EABL 1x30MVA, 132/66 kV
Gigiri 1x15MVA, 132/66 kV
1x23 MVA, 66/11kV Kiambu Road Baba Dogo
Muga 2x23MVA, 66/11kV 2x23MVA, 66/11kV Sultan Hamud
5 MVA, 132/3.3kV
Gigiri Pump
1x23MVA, 66/11kV
Kitusuru Double circuit
2x23 MVA, 66/11kV
Double circuit
1x23 MVA,66/11kV + EMCO
West Lands
1x23 MVA,66/11kV Kabete Billets
2x23 MVA, 66/11kV Eastleigh
1x23 MVA, 66/11kV
2x45MVA, 66/11kV Steel Billet
2x23MVA, 66/11kV EMCO
2x45MVA, 66/11kV Komorock Ruai
Kimathi 2x23MVA, 66/11kV 2x23MVA, 66/11kV
2x23MVA, 66/11kV
Kileleshwa 2x23MVA, 66/11kV
1x23 MVA, 66/11kV Tononaka
1x21 MVA, 66/11kV

Karen KPC
2x45MVA, 66/11kV
2x23 MVA, 66/11kV
Kiboko BSP
Morris 2X10MVA, 132/33 kV
Ngong Road Company
Nairobi South
Ngong 2x23 MVA, 66/11kV 3x23MVA, 66/11kV
2x23 MVA, 66/11kV
Industrial Area
2x45MVA, 66/11kV

Accurate NSSF
Steel Mills 1x23MVA,66/11kV Devki(Mombasa
Road) Steel Mills
Ngong Wind Nairobi West
2x45MVA, 66/11kV 100 MW
5MW Apex Steel
Rolling Mills

Langata Firestone Airport

132kV 2x23MVA, 66/11kV

Mombasa 1x7.5MVA
66kV Matasia 33/11kV
1x23MVA, 66/11kV Cement
Embakasi BSP Bamburi
Kapa Oil
33kV 3x90MVA, 220/66kV Cement
Equivalent site generation Athi River
Magadi soda 1x23 MVA 66/33kV +
company 30 MW 2x23 MVA 66/11kV

Open Point Mombasa Road Delta Steel

1x45MVA,66/11kV Mills
1x23MVA,66/11kV E.A. Portland Armining
New OHL / Cable Safepak Kajiado EPZ
1x7.5 MVA 2x23 MVA, 66/11kV +
33/11kV 2x23 MVA,66/33kV
Orbit Chemical Savannah
New Primary substation / BSP Cement

Red font indicates reinforcements / upgrades

Nairobi - Bulk Supply Points 2014
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

Mai Mahiu
2x10 MVA, 66/11kV
Ruiru Thika Mt. Kenya Region
Devki (Ruiru) 1x23MVA, 66/33kV
Cianda Steel Mills 2x23 MVA, 66/11kV
KPC 2x23 MVA, 66/11kV
Ngema Pump Tana
Ruiru Steel
Mills Wote BSP
Uplands 2x5 MVA, 132/33kV
1x23 MVA, 66/11kV Ruaraka Ruaraka BSP
2x45MVA, 66/11kV 3x60MVA, 132/66kV Juja Road BSP
Nairobi North BSP
2x60MVA, 132/66/11 kV
Limuru 2x90MVA 220/66 kV
2x15MVA, 132/66/11 kV
2x23 MVA,66/11kV 1x90MVA 220/66 kV
1x60MVA, 132/66 kV
EABL 1x30MVA, 132/66 kV
Gigiri 1x15MVA, 132/66 kV
1x23 MVA, 66/11kV Kiambu Road Baba Dogo
1x23 MVA, 66/11kV 2x23MVA, 66/11kV 2x23MVA, 66/11kV
Lower Kabete Sultan Hamud BSP
2x23 MVA, 66/11kV Gigiri Pump 2x5 MVA, 132/33kV
1x23MVA, 66/11kV
Kitusuru Double Circuit
2x23 MVA, 66/11kV
Double Circuit
Kabete EMCO
1x23 MVA, 66/11kV West Lands Billets
2x23 MVA, 66/11kV Eastleigh Thika Drive-Inn
2x23MVA, 66/11kV 2x45MVA, 66/11kV Steel Billet
2x23MVA, 66/11kV EMCO
Kikuyu Parklands
Lavington Komorock Ruai
2x23 MVA,66/11kV 2x45MVA, 66/11kV
2x23 MVA, 66/11kV 2x23MVA, 66/11kV 2x23MVA, 66/11kV
2x23MVA, 66/11kV
2x23MVA, 66/11kV
Kileleshwa 2x23MVA, 66/11kV
1x23 MVA, 66/11kV
1x21 MVA, 66/11kV City Square Likoni Road
2x45 MVA, 66/11kV 2x45MVA, 66/11kV Muthruwa
Karen KPC
2x45MVA, 66/11kV
2x23 MVA, 66/11kV Kiboko BSP
2x10MVA, 132/33
Morris kV
Ngong Road Company
Nairobi South
Ngong 2x23 MVA, 66/11kV 3x23MVA, 66/11kV
2x23 MVA, 66/11kV Industrial Area
2x45MVA, 66/11kV
Ngong Wind Nairobi West
2x45MVA, 66/11kV 100 MW
Ngong BSP Firestone Airport Road) Steel Mills
2x200 MVA, 220/66kV 2x23MVA, 66/11kV 2x23MVA,66/11kV Apex Steel
Villa Franca Rolling Mills
2x23MVA,66/11kV Machakos
Mombasa 1x7.5MVA
132kV Matasia 33/11kV
1x23MVA, 66/11kV Cement
Embakasi BSP Bamburi
Kapa Oil Cement
66kV 3x90MVA, 220/66kV
33kV Athi River
Magadi soda 1x23 MVA 66/33kV +
company 30 MW 2x23 MVA 66/11kV
Equivalent site generation
Mombasa Road
1x45MVA,66/11kV E.A. Portland Armining
Open Point Athi River BSP Cement
2x200 MVA, 220/66kV
Kajiado EPZ
1x7.5 MVA 2x23 MVA, 66/11kV +
33/11kV 2x23 MVA,66/33kV
New OHL / Cable Savannah
Orbit Chemical
New Primary substation / BSP

Red font indicates reinforcements / upgrades

Nairobi - Bulk Supply Points 2015
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

Mai Mahiu
2x10 MVA, 66/11kV
Thika Road BSP Ruiru Thika Mt. Kenya Region
2x200MVA 220/66 kV Devki (Ruiru) 1x23MVA, 66/33kV
Cianda Steel Mills 2x23 MVA, 66/11kV
2x23 MVA, 66/11kV
KPC 2x23 MVA, 66/11kV
Ngema Pump Tana
Ruiru Steel Ruaraka
Ndenderu Mills 2x45MVA, 66/11kV Wote BSP
Uplands 2x23 MVA, 66/11kV 2x5 MVA, 132/33kV
1x23 MVA, 66/11kV Ruaraka BSP
2x45MVA, 66/11kV Juja Road BSP
Nairobi North BSP 2x60MVA, 132/66/11 kV
Limuru 3x90MVA 220/66 kV 2x15MVA, 132/66/11 kV
2x23 MVA,66/11kV
1x60MVA, 132/66 kV
EABL 1x30MVA, 132/66 kV
Gigiri 1x15MVA, 132/66 kV
1x23 MVA, 66/11kV Kiambu Road Baba Dogo
2x23MVA, 66/11kV 2x45MVA, 66/11kV Sultan Hamud BSP
Lower Kabete
2x23 MVA, 66/11kV Gigiri Pump 2x5 MVA, 132/33kV
1x23MVA, 66/11kV
2x23 MVA, 66/11kV
Kitusuru Double circuit 1x23MVA, 66/11kV
2x23 MVA, 66/11kV
Double circuit
1x23 MVA, 66/11kV EMCO
West Lands Billets
1x23 MVA, 66/11kV
2x23 MVA, 66/11kV Eastleigh Thika Drive-Inn
2x23MVA, 66/11kV 2x45MVA, 66/11kV Steel Billet
2x23MVA, 66/11kV EMCO Tala
Kikuyu Parklands 1x23MVA, 66/11kV
2x23 MVA,66/11kV Lavington 2x45MVA, 66/11kV Komorock
2x23 MVA, 66/11kV 2x23MVA, 66/11kV
2x23MVA, 66/11kV
2x23MVA, 66/11kV
Kileleshwa 2x23MVA, 66/11kV
Komorock BSP Ruai
1x23 MVA, 66/11kV 2x23MVA, 66/11kV
Likoni Road 2x200 MVA, 220/66kV
1x21 MVA, 66/11kV City Square 2x45MVA, 66/11kV
2x45 MVA, 66/11kV KPC
2x23 MVA, 66/11kV Kiboko BSP
2x45MVA, 66/11kV
2x10MVA, 132/33
Morris kV
Ngong Road Company
CBD BSP Nairobi South
Ngong 2x23 MVA, 66/11kV 3x23MVA, 66/11kV
2x200 MVA, 220/66kV
2x23 MVA, 66/11kV
Industrial Area
2x45MVA, 66/11kV
Ngong Wind Nairobi West
2x45MVA, 66/11kV 100 MW
2x23MVA,66/11kV Devki(Mombasa
Firestone Airport Road) Steel Mills
Ngong BSP Langata
2x200 MVA, 220/66kV 2x23MVA, 66/11kV 2x23MVA,66/11kV
Apex Steel
Villa Franca Rolling Mills
2x23MVA,66/11kV Machakos
Matasia 1x7.5MVA
132kV 1x23MVA, 66/11kV Mombasa
Cement 33/11kV
1x23MVA, 66/11kV
Embakasi BSP
Kapa Oil
66kV 3x90MVA, 220/66kV
Bamburi National
Cement Cement Machakos BSP
2X90MVA 132/33kV
33kV Silver
Magadi Athi River
soda 1x23 MVA,66/33kV+
company 30 MW 2x23 MVA 66/11kV
Equivalent site generation
Mombasa Road
E.A. Portland Armining
Open Point Athi River BSP Cement
2x200 MVA, 220/66kV
Kajiado EPZ
1x7.5 MVA 2x23 MVA, 66/11kV +
New OHL / Cable Safepak 33/11kV 2x23 MVA,66/33kV
Orbit Chemical
New Primary substation / BSP

Kajiado BSP
Red font indicates reinforcements / upgrades 2X90 MVA 132/33kV
Nairobi - Bulk Supply Points 2016
Githunguri Nyaga
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV Kasarani
2x23 MVA, 66/11kV 2x23MVA, 66/11kV
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV Thika
Mai Mahiu
2x10 MVA, 66/11kV
Thika Road BSP Ruiru Mt. Kenya Region
2x200MVA 220/66 kV Devki (Ruiru) 1x23MVA, 66/33kV
Cianda Steel Mills 2x23 MVA, 66/11kV
2x23 MVA, 66/11kV
KPC 2x23 MVA, 66/11kV
Ruaraka Tana
Ngema Pump
Ruiru Steel 2x45MVA, 66/11kV
Ndenderu Mills Wote BSP
2x23 MVA, 66/11kV 2x5 MVA, 132/33kV
1x23 MVA, 66/11kV
1x23 MVA, 66/11kV Ruaraka BSP
2x45MVA, 66/11kV Juja Road BSP
Nairobi North BSP 2x60MVA, 132/66/11 kV
Limuru 3x90MVA 220/66 kV 2x15MVA, 132/66/11 kV
2x23 MVA,66/11kV
1x60MVA, 132/66 kV
EABL 1x30MVA, 132/66 kV
Gigiri 1x15MVA, 132/66 kV
1x23 MVA, 66/11kV Kiambu Road Baba Dogo
2x23MVA, 66/11kV 2x45MVA, 66/11kV Sultan Hamud BSP
Lower Kabete
Gigiri Pump 2x5 MVA, 132/33kV
2x23 MVA, 66/11kV
Rironi Syokimau
2x23 MVA, 66/11kV 2x23MVA, 66/11kV
Kitusuru Double circuit
2x23 MVA, 66/11kV
Double circuit Kangundo
Kabete 2x23MVA, 66/11kV
2x23 MVA, 66/11kV West Lands Billets
2x23 MVA, 66/11kV Eastleigh Thika Drive-Inn
2x23MVA, 66/11kV 2x45MVA, 66/11kV Steel Billet
2x23MVA, 66/11kV 1x23MVA, 66/11kV
Kikuyu Parklands
2x23 MVA,66/11kV Lavington 2x45MVA, 66/11kV Komorock 1x23MVA, 66/11kV
2x23 MVA, 66/11kV 2x23MVA, 66/11kV
2x23MVA, 66/11kV
Dagoretti Cathedral
2x23 MVA,66/11kV 2x45MVA, 66/11kV
Kileleshwa 2x23MVA, 66/11kV
Komorock BSP Ruai
1x23 MVA, 66/11kV 2x23MVA, 66/11kV
Likoni Road 2x200 MVA, 220/66kV
1x21 MVA, 66/11kV City Square
2x45MVA, 66/11kV
2x45 MVA, 66/11kV KPC
Karen Muthruwa
2x23 MVA, 66/11kV 2x45MVA, 66/11kV

Ngong Road Company
CBD BSP Nairobi South
Ngong 2x23 MVA, 66/11kV 3x23MVA, 66/11kV Kiboko BSP
2x200 MVA, 220/66kV Industrial Area
2x23 MVA, 66/11kV 2x10MVA, 132/33 kV
2x45MVA, 66/11kV

1x23MVA,66/11kV NOP
Ngong Wind Nairobi West
2x45MVA, 66/11kV 100 MW
2x23MVA,66/11kV Devki(Mombasa
Firestone Airport Road) Steel Mills
Double circuit Langata
Ngong BSP 2x23MVA, 66/11kV Apex Steel
2x200 MVA, 220/66kV Villa Franca Rolling Mills
2x23MVA,66/11kV Machakos
132kV Matasia Mombasa 1x7.5MVA
2x23MVA, 66/11kV Cement 33/11kV

Embakasi BSP National

Kiserian Kapa Oil
66kV 2x23 MVA,66/11kV
3x90MVA, 220/66kV Bamburi
Silver Machakos BSP
Wood 2X90MVA 132/33kV
33kV Magadi Athi River
soda 1x23 MVA,66/33kV+
company 30 MW 2x23 MVA 66/11kV
Equivalent site generation
Mombasa Road
E.A. Portland Armining
Open Point Athi River BSP Cement
2x200 MVA, 220/66kV
Kajiado EPZ
1x7.5 MVA 2x23 MVA, 66/11kV +
New OHL / Cable Safepak 33/11kV 2x23 MVA,66/33kV
Orbit Chemical
New Primary substation / BSP

Kajiado BSP
Red font indicates reinforcements / upgrades 2X90 MVA 132/33kV Kitengela
Nairobi - Bulk Supply Points 2017
Githunguri Nyaga Kasarani Thika
2x23 MVA, 66/11kV 2x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 2x23MVA, 66/11kV
Mai Mahiu
2x10 MVA, 66/11kV
Thika Road BSP Ruiru Mt. Kenya Region
2x200MVA 220/66 kV Devki (Ruiru) 1x23MVA, 66/33kV
Cianda Steel Mills 2x23 MVA, 66/11kV
2x23 MVA, 66/11kV
KPC 2x23 MVA, 66/11kV
Ruaraka Tana
Ngema Pump
Ruiru Steel 2x45MVA, 66/11kV
Ndenderu Mills Wote BSP
Uplands 2x23 MVA, 66/11kV 2x5 MVA, 132/33kV
2x23 MVA, 66/11kV Ruaraka BSP
2x45MVA, 66/11kV Juja Road BSP
Nairobi North BSP 2x60MVA, 132/66/11 kV
Limuru 3x90MVA 220/66 kV 2x15MVA, 132/66/11 kV
2x23 MVA,66/11kV
1x60MVA, 132/66 kV
EABL 1x30MVA, 132/66 kV
Gigiri 1x15MVA, 132/66 kV
1x23 MVA, 66/11kV Kiambu Road Baba Dogo
2x23MVA, 66/11kV 2x45MVA, 66/11kV Sultan Hamud BSP
Lower Kabete
Gigiri Pump 2x5 MVA, 132/33kV
2x23 MVA, 66/11kV
Rironi Syokimau
2x23 MVA, 66/11kV 2x23MVA, 66/11kV
Kitusuru Double circuit
2x23 MVA, 66/11kV
Double circuit Kangundo
Kabete Umoja 2x23MVA, 66/11kV
2x23 MVA, 66/11kV West Lands Billets 2x23MVA, 66/11kV
2x23 MVA, 66/11kV Eastleigh Thika Drive-Inn
2x23MVA, 66/11kV 2x45MVA, 66/11kV Steel Billet
2x23MVA, 66/11kV EMCO Tala
Kikuyu Parklands 2x23MVA, 66/11kV
Lavington 2x45MVA, 66/11kV Komorock
2x23 MVA,66/11kV
2x23 MVA, 66/11kV 2x23MVA, 66/11kV
2x23MVA, 66/11kV
Dagoretti Cathedral
2x23 MVA,66/11kV 2x45MVA, 66/11kV
Kileleshwa 2x23MVA, 66/11kV
Komorock BSP Ruai
1x23 MVA, 66/11kV 2x23MVA, 66/11kV
2x200 MVA, 220/66kV
1x21 MVA, 66/11kV City Square Likoni Road
2x45 MVA, 66/11kV 2x45MVA, 66/11kV KPC
Karen Muthruwa
2x23 MVA, 66/11kV 2x45MVA, 66/11kV

CBD BSP Company
Ngong Road 2x200MVA, 220/66kV Nairobi South
Ngong 2x23 MVA, 66/11kV 3x23MVA, 66/11kV Kiboko BSP
2x23 MVA, 66/11kV Industrial Area 2x10MVA, 132/33 kV
2x45MVA, 66/11kV

1x23MVA,66/11kV NOP
Ngong Wind Nairobi West
2x45MVA, 66/11kV 100 MW
2x23MVA,66/11kV Devki(Mombasa
Firestone Airport Road) Steel Mills
Double circuit Langata
Ngong BSP 2x23MVA, 66/11kV Apex Steel
2x200 MVA, 220/66kV Villa Franca Rolling Mills
2x23MVA,66/11kV Machakos
132kV Matasia Mombasa 1x7.5MVA
2x23MVA, 66/11kV Cement 33/11kV

Embakasi BSP National

Kiserian Kapa Oil
66kV 2x23 MVA,66/11kV
3x90MVA, 220/66kV Bamburi
Silver Machakos BSP
Wood 2X90MVA 132/33kV
33kV Magadi Athi River
soda 1x23 MVA,66/33kV+
company 30 MW 2x23 MVA 66/11kV
Equivalent site generation
Mombasa Road
1x45MVA,66/11kV E.A. Portland Armining
Open Point Athi River BSP Cement
2x200 MVA, 220/66kV
Kajiado EPZ
1x7.5 MVA 2x23 MVA, 66/11kV +
New OHL / Cable Safepak 33/11kV 2x23 MVA,66/33kV
Orbit Chemical
New Primary substation / BSP

Kajiado BSP
Red font indicates reinforcements / upgrades 2X90 MVA 132/33kV Kitengela
Load Register Arrangement
Arrangement and Capacity
Load in Period 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Area Type Description MVA Growth Profile 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031
1 Embakasi PRI Airport, 66/11kV 12.0 Nairobi 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23
2 Embakasi PRI Athi River 66/11 kV 16.5 Nairobi 1x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23
3 Juja Road PRI Baba Dogo, 66/11kV 29.5 Nairobi 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45
4 Embakasi PRI Cathedral, 66/11kV 27.7 Nairobi 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45
5 Nairobi North PRI Cianda, 66/11kV 17.3 Kiambu 1x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23
6 Nairobi North PRI Githunguri, 66/11kV 0.0 Kiambu 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23
7 Embakasi PRI City Square , 66/11kV 0.0 Nairobi 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45
8 Nairobi North PRI Dagoretti, 66/11kV 0.0 Kiambu 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23
9 Juja Road PRI Eastleigh, 66/11kV 0.0 Nairobi 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45
10 Juja Road PRI Thika Drive Inn,66/11kV 0.0 Nairobi 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45
11 Juja Road/Embakasi PRI EPZ 66/11 kV 16.8 Machakos 1x23 1x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23
12 Juja Road/Embakasi PRI EPZ 66/33 kV (new) 7.2 Machakos 1x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23
13 Nairobi North PRI Gigiri, 66/11kV 2.8 Kiambu 1x23 1x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23
14 Embakasi PRI GSU Camp, 66/33kV 0.0 Kajiado 1x23
15 Embakasi PRI Industrial Area, 66/11kV 43.1 Nairobi 2x23 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45
16 Juja Road PRI Jeevanjee, 66/11kV 31.1 Nairobi 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23
17 Nairobi North PRI Kabete, 66/11kV 14.4 Kiambu 1x23 1x23 1x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23
18 Nairobi North PRI Karen, 66/11kV 23.3 Nairobi 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23
19 Juja Road PRI Kasarani Kiriri Uni, 66/11kV 0.0 Nairobi 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23
20 Juja Road PRI Kiambu Road, 66/11kV 0.0 Kiambu 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23
21 Embakasi PRI Kiboko, Secondary Tx 4.0 Makueni 1x5 2x10 2x10 2x10 2x10 2x10 2x10 2x10 2x10 2x10 2x10 2x10 2x10 2x10 2x10 2x10 2x10 2x10 2x10 2x10
22 Nairobi North PRI Kikuyu, 66/11kV 17.5 Kiambu 1x23, 1x10 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23
23 Embakasi PRI Kileleshwa, 66/11kV 16.5 Nairobi 1x23,1x21 1x23,1x21 1x23,1x21 1x23,1x21 1x23,1x21 1x23,1x21 1x23,1x21 1x23,1x21 1x23,1x21 1x23,1x21 1x23,1x21 1x23,1x21 1x23,1x21 1x23,1x21 1x23,1x21 1x23,1x21 1x23,1x21 1x23,1x21 1x23,1x21 1x23,1x21
24 Juja Road PRI Kimathi, 66/11kV 27.0 Nairobi 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23
25 Nairobi North PRI Kitusuru, 66/11kV 24.9 Kiambu 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23
26 Nairobi North PRI Ndenderu, 66/11kV 0.0 Kiambu 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23
27 Juja Road PRI Komorock, 66/11kV 22.3 Nairobi 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23
28 Embakasi PRI Langata, 66/11kV 0.0 Nairobi 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23
29 Nairobi North PRI Lavington, 66/11kV 0.0 Nairobi 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23
30 Embakasi PRI Likoni Road,66/11kV 0.0 Nairobi 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45
31 Nairobi North PRI Limuru, 66/11kV 19.6 Kiambu 1x23,1x5 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23
32 Nairobi North PRI Lower Kabete, 66/11kV 0.0 Kiambu 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23
33 Nairobi North PRI Mai Mahiu, 66/11kV 0.3 Kiambu 2x10 2x10 2x10 2x10 2x10 2x10 2x10 2x10 2x10 2x10 2x10 2x10 2x10 2x10 2x10 2x10 2x10 2x10 2x10 2x10
34 Embakasi PRI Matasia, 66/11kV 16.3 Kajiado 1x23 1x23 1x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23
35 Embakasi PRI Mombasa Road1 , 66/11kV 27.9 Nairobi 1x45,1x23 1x45,1x23 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45
36 Embakasi PRI Mombasa Road2 , 66/11kV 0.0 Nairobi
37 Juja Road PRI Muthurwa, 66/11kV 0.0 Nairobi 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45
38 Juja Road PRI Nairobi South, 66/11kV 58.5 Nairobi 3x23 3x23 3x23 3x23 3x23 3x23 3x23 3x23 3x23 3x23 3x23 3x23 3x23 3x23 3x23 3x23 3x23 3x23 3x23 3x23
39 Embakasi PRI Nairobi West, 66/11kV 44.5 Nairobi 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45
40 Embakasi PRI Ngong Road, 66/11kV 13.7 Nairobi 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23
41 Nairobi North PRI Ngong, 66/11kV 0.0 Nairobi 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23
42 Embakasi PRI NSSF, 66/11kV 12.6 Nairobi 1x23 1x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23
43 Juja Road PRI Nyaga, 33/11kV 4.7 Kiambu 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 2x7.5 2x7.5 2x7.5 2x7.5 2x7.5 2x7.5 2x7.5 2x7.5 2x7.5 2x7.5 2x7.5 2x7.5 2x7.5 2x7.5 2x7.5 2x7.5
44 Juja Road PRI Parklands, 66/11kV 62.9 Nairobi 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45
45 Nairobi North PRI Rironi, 66/11kV 0.0 Kiambu 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23
46 Juja Road PRI Ruai, 66/11kV 0.0 Nairobi 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23
47 Juja Road PRI Ruaraka, 66/11kV 30.4 Nairobi 2x23 2x23 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45
48 Juja Road PRI Ruiru, 66/11kV 12.0 Kiambu 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23
49 Juja Road PRI Steel Billet, 66/11kV 14.8 Nairobi 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23
50 Juja Road PRI Syokimau, 66/11kV 8.9 Nairobi 1x23 1x23 1x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23
51 Juja Road PRI Tala, 66/11kV 0.0 Nairobi 1x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23
52 Nairobi North PRI Uplands, 66/11kV 0.0 Kiambu 1x23 1x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23
53 Embakasi PRI V Franca, 66/11kV 0.0 Nairobi 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45
54 Nairobi North PRI West lands, 66/11kV 18.7 Nairobi 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23
55 Athi River PRI Kitengela 66/11kV 0.0 Machakos 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23
56 Juja PRI Prop Morris Company 66/11kV 0.0 Nairobi 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45
57 Athi River PRI Lukenya 66/11kV 0 Kajiado 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23
58 Ngong BSP PRI Prop Ngong Fdr 0 Nairobi 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23
59 Komorock BSP PRI Prop Komorock Fdr 0 Nairobi 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23
60 Ruaraka PRI KU 0 Kiambu 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23
61 Nairobi North PRI Kirigiti 66/11kV 0 Kiambu 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23
62 Juja Road/Embakasi PRI EPZ 66/33 kV - Kajaido 5.7 Kajiado 1x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23
63 Umoja PRI Umoja, 66/11kV Nairobi 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23
Pre Transfer Load
MVA Load
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Area Type Description Growth Profile 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031
1 Embakasi PRI Airport, 66/11kV Nairobi 12 13.46266 15.26449 18.1209 20.46803 23.12119 26.05723 28.9468 32.47386 36.25675 40.48299 45.16836 50.6557 56.81958 63.61517 71.23319 79.85527 89.53251 100.2909 112.8334
2 Embakasi PRI Athi River 66/11 kV Nairobi 16.5 18.51115 20.98867 24.91624 28.14354 31.79164 35.8287 39.80186 44.65155 49.85304 55.66411 62.1065 69.65159 78.12692 87.47085 97.94564 109.801 123.1072 137.9 155.1459
3 Juja Road PRI Baba Dogo, 66/11kV Nairobi 29.5 33.0957 37.5252 44.54722 50.31723 56.8396 64.05737 71.16089 79.83156 89.13119 99.52067 111.0389 124.5286 139.6815 156.3873 175.1149 196.3109 220.1008 246.5485 277.3821
4 Embakasi PRI Cathedral, 66/11kV Nairobi 27.7 31.0763 35.23553 41.82908 47.24703 53.37142 60.14878 66.81887 74.96048 83.69268 93.44823 104.2636 116.9302 131.1585 146.845 164.43 184.3326 206.6709 231.5049 260.4571
5 Nairobi North PRI Cianda, 66/11kV Kiambu 17.335 19.42759 21.99461 26.02094 29.35619 33.08275 37.25025 41.36642 46.37334 51.74742 57.74809 64.39856 72.17248 80.89934 90.51974 101.2985 113.4883 127.1623 142.3598 159.9972
6 Nairobi North PRI Githunguri, 66/11kV Kiambu 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 Embakasi PRI City Square , 66/11kV Nairobi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 Nairobi North PRI Dagoretti, 66/11kV Kiambu 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 Juja Road PRI Eastleigh, 66/11kV Nairobi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 Juja Road PRI Thika Drive Inn,66/11kV Nairobi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 Juja Road/Embakasi PRI EPZ 66/11 kV Machakos 16.8 19.07186 21.76528 25.44735 28.95342 32.89381 37.36345 42.10983 47.69674 53.88298 60.86739 68.72584 77.79255 88.05543 99.57555 112.6068 127.4116 144.1708 163.0666 183.7199
12 Juja Road/Embakasi PRI EPZ 66/33 kV (new) Machakos 7.15 8.116893 9.2632 10.83027 12.32244 13.99945 15.90171 17.92174 20.29951 22.93234 25.90487 29.24939 33.10814 37.47597 42.37888 47.92491 54.22577 61.35842 69.40038 78.19033
13 Nairobi North PRI Gigiri, 66/11kV Kiambu 2.7627 3.096199 3.505308 4.146989 4.678531 5.272439 5.936618 6.592616 7.390575 8.24705 9.203384 10.26328 11.50222 12.89303 14.42624 16.14407 18.08676 20.26602 22.68806 25.49894
14 Embakasi PRI GSU Camp, 66/33kV Kajiado 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
15 Embakasi PRI Industrial Area, 66/11kV Nairobi 43.1 48.35338 54.82496 65.08424 73.51433 83.04362 93.5889 103.9673 116.6353 130.2222 145.4014 162.2297 181.9384 204.077 228.4845 255.8459 286.8135 321.5709 360.2115 405.2599
16 Juja Road PRI Jeevanjee, 66/11kV Nairobi 31.1 34.89072 39.56047 46.96334 53.04631 59.92243 67.53167 75.02047 84.16141 93.96542 104.9184 117.0613 131.2827 147.2574 164.8693 184.6127 206.9582 232.0384 259.9206 292.4265
17 Nairobi North PRI Kabete, 66/11kV Kiambu 14.38267 16.11887 18.2487 21.5893 24.35652 27.44841 30.90614 34.32128 38.47547 42.93429 47.91298 53.43081 59.88074 67.12132 75.10327 84.04632 94.16003 105.5052 118.1144 132.748
18 Nairobi North PRI Karen, 66/11kV Nairobi 23.3244 26.16737 29.66959 35.2216 39.78371 44.94066 50.64745 56.2639 63.11943 70.47225 78.68678 87.79374 98.45948 110.4402 123.6488 138.456 155.2147 174.0243 194.9354 219.3143
19 Juja Road PRI Kasarani Kiriri Uni, 66/11kV Nairobi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
20 Juja Road PRI Kiambu Road, 66/11kV Kiambu 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
21 Embakasi PRI Kiboko, Secondary Tx Makueni 4 4.573036 5.248942 6.131295 7.023394 8.335281 9.495235 10.76779 12.26195 13.9486 15.87738 18.08076 20.636 23.56535 26.90805 30.74186 35.15193 40.2162 46.02098 52.33913
22 Nairobi North PRI Kikuyu, 66/11kV Kiambu 17.484 19.59458 22.18366 26.2446 29.60851 33.36711 37.57043 41.72197 46.77193 52.19221 58.24446 64.95209 72.79282 81.59469 91.29779 102.1692 114.4637 128.2553 143.5835 161.3724
23 Embakasi PRI Kileleshwa, 66/11kV Nairobi 16.48 18.48872 20.96323 24.88604 28.10942 31.75311 35.78527 39.75361 44.59743 49.79261 55.59663 62.03121 69.56716 78.03222 87.36483 97.82692 109.6679 122.958 137.7329 154.9579
24 Juja Road PRI Kimathi, 66/11kV Nairobi 27 30.29098 34.3451 40.77203 46.05306 52.02269 58.62878 65.13031 73.06617 81.5777 91.08672 101.6288 113.9753 127.844 143.1341 160.2747 179.6744 201.4481 225.6546 253.8751
25 Nairobi North PRI Kitusuru, 66/11kV Kiambu 24.8643 27.86579 31.54777 37.3229 42.10678 47.45195 53.42956 59.33354 66.51518 74.22345 82.83046 92.36949 103.5199 116.0372 129.8362 145.2966 162.7809 182.3941 204.1925 229.4905
26 Nairobi North PRI Ndenderu, 66/11kV Kiambu 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
27 Juja Road PRI Komorock, 66/11kV Nairobi 22.26 24.97323 28.31563 33.61427 37.96819 42.88981 48.33617 53.69632 60.239 67.25628 75.09594 83.78731 93.96632 105.4003 118.0061 132.1376 148.1315 166.0828 186.0396 209.3059
28 Embakasi PRI Langata, 66/11kV Nairobi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
29 Nairobi North PRI Lavington, 66/11kV Nairobi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
30 Embakasi PRI Likoni Road,66/11kV Nairobi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
31 Nairobi North PRI Limuru, 66/11kV Kiambu 19.623 21.99179 24.89762 29.45538 33.23083 37.44926 42.16681 46.82626 52.49403 58.57743 65.37011 72.89836 81.69833 91.57702 102.4672 114.6686 128.4673 143.9462 161.1495 181.1148
32 Nairobi North PRI Lower Kabete, 66/11kV Kiambu 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
33 Nairobi North PRI Mai Mahiu, 66/11kV Kiambu 0.279 0.312679 0.353995 0.418797 0.472476 0.532454 0.599528 0.665776 0.746361 0.832854 0.929433 1.03647 1.161588 1.302043 1.45688 1.63036 1.826549 2.046628 2.291225 2.575091
34 Embakasi PRI Matasia, 66/11kV Kajiado 16.3 18.17929 20.45217 23.89368 26.81799 30.1802 33.81491 37.44231 41.80501 46.49538 51.72079 57.50408 64.22097 71.74257 80.02766 89.29008 99.73466 111.4262 124.4033 139.242
35 Embakasi PRI Mombasa Road1 , 66/11kV Nairobi 27.9 31.30068 35.48994 42.1311 47.58816 53.75678 60.58307 67.30132 75.50171 84.29695 94.12294 105.0164 117.7745 132.1055 147.9053 165.6172 185.6635 208.1631 233.1764 262.3376
36 Embakasi PRI Mombasa Road2 , 66/11kV Nairobi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
37 Juja Road PRI Muthurwa, 66/11kV Nairobi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
38 Juja Road PRI Nairobi South, 66/11kV Nairobi 58.5 65.63045 74.41439 88.3394 99.78164 112.7158 127.029 141.1157 158.31 176.7517 197.3546 220.1958 246.9465 276.9954 310.1239 347.2618 389.2944 436.471 488.9182 550.0628
39 Embakasi PRI Nairobi West, 66/11kV Nairobi 44.5 49.92402 56.60582 67.19835 75.90227 85.74109 96.62891 107.3444 120.4239 134.4521 150.1244 167.4993 187.8482 210.7059 235.9062 264.1564 296.13 332.0164 371.9121 418.4238
40 Embakasi PRI Ngong Road, 66/11kV Nairobi 13.7 15.36987 17.42696 20.68803 23.36767 26.3967 29.74868 33.0476 37.07432 41.39313 46.21808 51.56721 57.83192 64.86901 72.62731 81.32456 91.1681 102.2163 114.4988 128.8181
41 Nairobi North PRI Ngong, 66/11kV Nairobi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
42 Embakasi PRI NSSF, 66/11kV Nairobi 12.6 14.13579 16.02771 19.02695 21.49143 24.27725 27.3601 30.39414 34.09755 38.06959 42.50713 47.42678 53.18848 59.66055 66.79592 74.79485 83.84803 94.00913 105.3055 118.4751
43 Juja Road PRI Nyaga, 33/11kV Kiambu 4.7 5.26736 5.96335 7.055 7.959278 8.969654 10.09958 11.21558 12.5731 14.03016 15.65711 17.46024 19.56796 21.93406 24.54242 27.46484 30.76982 34.47724 38.5977 43.37967
44 Juja Road PRI Parklands, 66/11kV Nairobi 62.9 70.56676 80.01137 94.98373 107.2866 121.1936 136.5833 151.7295 170.2171 190.0458 212.1983 236.7575 265.5203 297.8293 333.4495 373.3806 418.5747 469.2996 525.6915 591.435
45 Nairobi North PRI Rironi, 66/11kV Kiambu 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
46 Juja Road PRI Ruai, 66/11kV Nairobi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
47 Juja Road PRI Ruaraka, 66/11kV Nairobi 30.4 34.1054 38.67004 45.90629 51.85234 58.57369 66.01166 73.3319 82.2671 91.85044 102.5569 114.4265 128.3278 143.9429 161.1584 180.4574 202.3 226.8157 254.0703 285.8446
48 Juja Road PRI Ruiru, 66/11kV Kiambu 12 13.44858 15.22558 18.01277 20.32156 22.90124 25.78616 28.63553 32.10153 35.82169 39.97561 44.57933 49.96076 56.00185 62.66149 70.12301 78.56125 88.027 98.54733 110.7566
49 Juja Road PRI Steel Billet, 66/11kV Nairobi 14.84 16.64882 18.87709 22.40952 25.31213 28.59321 32.22411 35.79755 40.15933 44.83752 50.06396 55.85821 62.64422 70.26687 78.67076 88.09171 98.75435 110.7219 124.0264 139.5373
50 Juja Road PRI Syokimau, 66/11kV Nairobi 8.9 9.984804 11.32116 13.43967 15.18045 17.14822 19.32578 21.46888 24.08478 26.89043 30.02488 33.49987 37.56964 42.14118 47.18125 52.83128 59.22599 66.40328 74.38243 83.68477
51 Juja Road PRI Tala, 66/11kV Nairobi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
52 Nairobi North PRI Uplands, 66/11kV Kiambu 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
53 Embakasi PRI V Franca, 66/11kV Nairobi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
54 Nairobi North PRI West lands, 66/11kV Nairobi 18.65627 20.93024 23.73153 28.17236 31.82141 35.94626 40.51089 45.00327 50.48674 56.36797 62.93844 70.22274 78.75385 88.33676 98.90179 110.7454 124.1501 139.1952 155.9212 175.4208
55 Athi River PRI Kitengela 66/11kV Machakos 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
56 Juja PRI Prop Morris Company 66/11kV Nairobi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
57 Athi River PRI Lukenya 66/11kV Kajiado 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
58 Ngong BSP PRI Prop Ngong Fdr Nairobi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
59 Komorock BSP PRI Prop Komorock Fdr Nairobi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
60 Ruaraka PRI KU Kiambu 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
61 Nairobi North PRI Kirigiti 66/11kV Kiambu 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
62 Juja Road/Embakasi PRI EPZ 66/33 kV - Kajaido Kajiado 5.72 6.37948 7.17708 8.384774 9.410975 10.59084 11.86634 13.13927 14.67022 16.31617 18.14987 20.17934 22.53644 25.17592 28.08332 31.3337 34.99891 39.1017 43.65564 48.86282
63 Umoja PRI Umoja, 66/11kV Nairobi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
64 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
65 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
66 Juja Road FDR Athi River Mining Industrial 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5
67 Juja Road FDR Bamburi Cement Industrial 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5
68 Embakasi FDR EA Portland Industrial 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.2
69 Juja Road FDR EMCO Industrial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
70 Embakasi FDR Firestone Industrial 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9
71 Nairobi North FDR Gigiri pumps Industrial 3.874 3.874 3.874 3.874 3.874 3.874 3.874 3.874 3.874 3.874 3.874 3.874 3.874 3.874 3.874 3.874 3.874 3.874 3.874 3.874
72 Embakasi FDR Kapa Oil Industrial 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9
73 Juja Road FDR KPC Industrial 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4
74 Juja Road FDR Athi Breweries Industrial 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
75 Nairobi North FDR KPC Ngema Pump Industrial 2.232 2.232 2.232 2.232 2.232 2.232 2.232 2.232 2.232 2.232 2.232 2.232 2.232 2.232 2.232 2.232 2.232 2.232 2.232 2.232
76 Embakasi FDR Magadi Soda Industrial 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
77 Juja Road FDR Mombasa Cement Industrial 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8
78 Juja Road FDR Morris Company Industrial 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
79 Juja Road FDR National Cement Industrial 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
80 Embakasi FDR Orbit Chemical Industrial 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14
81 Juja Road FDR Ruiru Steel Mills Industrial 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4
82 Embakasi FDR Savannah Cement Industrial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
83 Juja Road FDR Silver Wood Industrial 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2
84 Juja Road FDR Thika Load Industrial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
85 0 FDR TATU CITY Industrial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
86 Juja Road FDR AFFORDABLE HOMES AFRICA LIMITED Industrial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
87 Juja Road FDR DEVKI STEEL MILLS LIMITED(Mombasa cement)
Industrial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
88 0 FDR HOME AFRIKA Industrial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
89 Juja Road FDR DEVKI STEEL MILLS LIMITED(Ruiru) Industrial 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6
90 Juja Road FDR NATIONAL CEMENT COMPANY LIMITED Industrial 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4
91 Embakasi FDR MAGADI SODA LIMITED Industrial 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
92 Embakasi FDR APEX STEEL ROLLING MILLS LTD Industrial 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.16
93 Juja Road FDR BAMBURI CEMENT LIMITED Industrial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
94 Juja Road FDR SAVANNAH CEMENT (EPZ) LIMITED Industrial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
95 Embakasi FDR TONONOKA STEEL LIMITED Industrial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
96 Juja Road FDR DELTA STEEL MILLS LTD Industrial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
97 Juja Road FDR STEEL MAKERS LIMITED Industrial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
98 Embakasi FDR ACCURATE STEEL MILLS Industrial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
99 Embakasi FDR SAFEPAK LIMITED Industrial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
100 Embakasi FDR DEVKI STEEL MILLS LIMITED(Mombasa Road)
Industrial 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
101 Juja Road FDR MUGA DEVELOPERS LIMITED_1 Industrial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
102 Embakasi FDR CATIC CEMENT KENYA COMPANY LIMITED Industrial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
103 Juja Road FDR MUGA DEVELOPERS LIMITED_2 Industrial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Load Transfers
MVA Load
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
From To Growth Profile Reason 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031
1 Karen, 66/11kV Ngong, 66/11kV Nairobi 20% Karen Load, Capacity 5.233473 5.933918 7.04432 7.956741 8.988133 10.12949 11.25278 12.62389 14.09445 15.73736 17.55875 19.6919 22.08804 24.72976 27.69119 31.04294 34.80487 38.98709 43.86285
2 Karen, 66/11kV Langata, 66/11kV Nairobi 10% Karen Load, Capacity 2.616737 2.966959 3.52216 3.978371 4.494066 5.064745 5.62639 6.311943 7.047225 7.868678 8.779374 9.845948 11.04402 12.36488 13.8456 15.52147 17.40243 19.49354 21.93143
3 Matasia, 66/11kV Ngong, 66/11kV Nairobi 10% Matasia, Capacity 1.817929 2.061239 2.446954 2.763898 3.122168 3.518636 3.908829 4.385104 4.895928 5.466616 6.099305 6.840288 7.672626 8.590268 9.618968 10.78325 12.09001 13.54277 15.23645
4 Matasia, 66/11kV Langata, 66/11kV Nairobi 30% Matasia, Capacity 5.453786 6.183717 7.340863 8.291695 9.366505 10.55591 11.72649 13.15531 14.68778 16.39985 18.29792 20.52086 23.01788 25.7708 28.8569 32.34975 36.27004 40.62832 45.70934
100% transfer due to refurbishment of
5 Jeevanjee, 66/11kV Muthurwa, 66/11kV Nairobi Jeevanjee 34.89072 39.56047 46.96334 53.04631 59.92243 67.53167 75.02047 84.16141 93.96542 104.9184 117.0613 131.2827 147.2574 164.8693 184.6127 206.9582 232.0384 259.9206 292.4265
6 Kimathi, 66/11kV Muthurwa, 66/11kV Nairobi 10% Kimathi, Capacity 3.029098 3.43451 4.077203 4.605306 5.202269 5.862878 6.513031 7.306617 8.15777 9.108672 10.16288 11.39753 12.7844 14.31341 16.02747 17.96744 20.14481 22.56546 25.38751
7 Ruaraka, 66/11kV Kiambu Road, 66/11kV Kiambu 20% Ruaraka, Capacity 6.82108 7.722367 9.136023 10.30704 11.61544 13.07866 14.52386 16.2818 18.16866 20.27551 22.61051 25.33995 28.40397 31.78172 35.56618 39.84604 44.64704 49.98292 56.17543
8 Baba Dogo, 66/11kV Eastleigh, 66/11kV Nairobi 30% BabaDogo, Capacity 9.92871 11.25756 13.36417 15.09517 17.05188 19.21721 21.34827 23.94947 26.73936 29.8562 33.31167 37.35858 41.90444 46.91619 52.53448 58.89326 66.03023 73.96455 83.21463
9 Parklands, 66/11kV Eastleigh, 66/11kV Nairobi 5% Parklands, Capacity 3.528338 4.000568 4.749187 5.364329 6.05968 6.829167 7.586475 8.510856 9.502291 10.60992 11.83787 13.27601 14.89146 16.67247 18.66903 20.92874 23.46498 26.28458 29.57175
10 Parklands, 66/11kV Muthurwa, 66/11kV Nairobi 5% Parklands, Capacity 3.528338 4.000568 4.749187 5.364329 6.05968 6.829167 7.586475 8.510856 9.502291 10.60992 11.83787 13.27601 14.89146 16.67247 18.66903 20.92874 23.46498 26.28458 29.57175
11 Parklands, 66/11kV Kiambu Road, 66/11kV Kiambu 5% Parklands, Capacity 3.528338 3.994547 4.725788 5.331518 6.008318 6.765197 7.512753 8.422084 9.398098 10.48791 11.69573 13.10759 14.69252 16.43972 18.39731 20.61115 23.09456 25.85465 29.05785
12 Parklands, 66/11kV Gigiri, 66/11kV Kiambu 5% Parklands, Capacity 3.528338 3.994547 4.725788 5.331518 6.008318 6.765197 7.512753 8.422084 9.398098 10.48791 11.69573 13.10759 14.69252 16.43972 18.39731 20.61115 23.09456 25.85465 29.05785
13 Cathedral, 66/11kV Muthurwa, 66/11kV Nairobi 20% Cathedral, Capacity 6.21526 7.047106 8.365817 9.449406 10.67428 12.02976 13.36377 14.9921 16.73854 18.68965 20.85273 23.38605 26.2317 29.369 32.88599 36.86652 41.33418 46.30097 52.09142
14 Baba Dogo, 66/11kV Ruai, 66/11kV Nairobi 15% BabaDogo, Capacity 4.964355 5.628781 6.682083 7.547585 8.52594 9.608605 10.67413 11.97473 13.36968 14.9281 16.65583 18.67929 20.95222 23.45809 26.26724 29.44663 33.01511 36.98227 41.60731
15 NSSF, 66/11kV Ruai, 66/11kV Nairobi 30% NSSF, Capacity 4.240737 4.808314 5.708084 6.447429 7.283176 8.208029 9.118243 10.22926 11.42088 12.75214 14.22803 15.95655 17.89817 20.03878 22.43846 25.15441 28.20274 31.59164 35.54252
16 Baba Dogo, 66/11kV Ruai, 66/11kV Nairobi 15% BabaDogo, Capacity 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
17 Eastleigh, 66/11kV Ruai, 66/11kV Nairobi 0% Eastleigh, Capacity 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
18 Muthurwa, 66/11kV Jeevanjee, 66/11kV Nairobi 30% Muthurwa, Capacity 16.2128 19.24666 21.7396 24.5576 27.67604 30.74512 34.49129 38.50921 42.99799 47.97444 53.80269 60.34949 67.56726 75.65855 84.81628 95.09472 106.5215 119.8432
19 Industrial Area, 66/11kV Likoni Road,66/11kV Nairobi 25% Industrial, Capacity 13.70624 16.27106 18.37858 20.76091 23.39723 25.99182 29.15882 32.55554 36.35035 40.55742 45.4846 51.01924 57.12112 63.96147 71.70338 80.39273 90.05288 101.315
20 Limuru, 66/11kV Uplands, 66/11kV Kiambu 20% Limuru, Capacity 4.979524 5.891075 6.646166 7.489852 8.433363 9.365252 10.49881 11.71549 13.07402 14.57967 16.33967 18.3154 20.49344 22.93373 25.69346 28.78923 32.2299 36.22295
21 Nairobi South, 66/11kV V Franca, 66/11kV Nairobi 20% Nairobi S, Capacity 14.88288 17.66788 19.95633 22.54316 25.4058 28.22313 31.66201 35.35034 39.47091 44.03915 49.38931 55.39909 62.02479 69.45236 77.85889 87.2942 97.78364 110.0126
22 Mombasa Road1 , 66/11kV V Franca, 66/11kV Nairobi 15% MR1, Capacity 5.323491 6.319665 7.138225 8.063516 9.087461 10.0952 11.32526 12.64454 14.11844 15.75247 17.66618 19.81583 22.18579 24.84258 27.84953 31.22446 34.97646 39.35065
23 Kikuyu, 66/11kV Lower Kabete, 66/11kV Kiambu 20% Kikuyu, Capacity 4.436733 5.24892 5.921702 6.673422 7.514086 8.344395 9.354386 10.43844 11.64889 12.99042 14.55856 16.31894 18.25956 20.43384 22.89275 25.65107 28.71669 32.27448
24 Kabete, 66/11kV Lower Kabete, 66/11kV Kiambu 40% Kabete, Capacity 7.299479 8.635721 9.742607 10.97936 12.36246 13.72851 15.39019 17.17372 19.16519 21.37232 23.9523 26.84853 30.04131 33.61853 37.66401 42.2021 47.24578 53.09918
25 Kileleshwa, 66/11kV Lavington, 66/11kV Nairobi 35% Kileleshwa, Capacity 7.337131 8.710114 9.838299 11.11359 12.52484 13.91376 15.6091 17.42741 19.45882 21.71093 24.34851 27.31128 30.57769 34.23942 38.38377 43.03529 48.2065 54.23525
26 Cathedral, 66/11kV City Square , 66/11kV Nairobi 25% Cathedral, Capacity 7.047106 8.365817 9.449406 10.67428 12.02976 13.36377 14.9921 16.73854 18.68965 20.85273 23.38605 26.2317 29.369 32.88599 36.86652 41.33418 46.30097 52.09142
27 Kimathi, 66/11kV Eastleigh, 66/11kV Nairobi 10% Kimathi, Capacity 3.091059 3.669483 4.144776 4.682042 5.27659 5.861728 6.575956 7.341993 8.197805 9.146593 10.25778 11.50596 12.88207 14.42472 16.17069 18.13033 20.30891 22.84876
28 Kitusuru, 66/11kV Gigiri, 66/11kV Kiambu 15% Kitusuru, Capacity 4.732166 5.598436 6.316017 7.117792 8.014434 8.900032 9.977277 11.13352 12.42457 13.85542 15.52799 17.40558 19.47543 21.79449 24.41713 27.35912 30.62888 34.42357
29 Komorock, 66/11kV Ruai, 66/11kV Nairobi 20% Komorock, capacity 5.663126 6.722855 7.593638 8.577963 9.667234 10.73926 12.0478 13.45126 15.01919 16.75746 18.79326 21.08006 23.60123 26.42751 29.6263 33.21656 37.20793 41.86119
30 Nairobi South, 66/11kV Likoni Road,66/11kV Nairobi 20% Nairobi S, Capacity 14.88288 17.66788 19.95633 22.54316 25.4058 28.22313 31.66201 35.35034 39.47091 44.03915 49.38931 55.39909 62.02479 69.45236 77.85889 87.2942 97.78364 110.0126
31 Eastleigh, 66/11kV Thika Drive Inn,66/11kV Nairobi 10% Eastleigh, Capacity 3.091059 3.669483 4.144776 4.682042 5.27659 5.861728 6.575956 7.341993 8.197805 9.146593 10.25778 11.50596 12.88207 14.42472 16.17069 18.13033 20.30891 22.84876
33 Kikuyu, 66/11kV Rironi, 66/11kV Kiambu 30% Kikuyu, Capacity 6.298704 7.106043 8.008107 9.016904 10.01327 11.22526 12.52613 13.97867 15.5885 17.47028 19.58273 21.91147 24.52061 27.4713 30.78128 34.46003 38.72937
34 Limuru, 66/11kV Rironi, 66/11kV Kiambu 30% Limuru, Capacity 7.069291 7.975399 8.987822 10.12004 11.2383 12.59857 14.05858 15.68883 17.49561 19.6076 21.97849 24.59213 27.52048 30.83215 34.54708 38.67588 43.46754
35 Cathedral, 66/11kV City Square , 66/11kV Nairobi 15% Cathedral, Capacity 3.764618 4.252233 4.803428 5.41339 6.013698 6.746443 7.532341 8.41034 9.383727 10.52372 11.80427 13.21605 14.7987 16.58993 18.60038 20.83544 23.44114
36 Nairobi West, 66/11kV City Square , 66/11kV Nairobi 20% Nairobi West, Capacity 10.07975 11.38534 12.86116 14.49434 16.10166 18.06358 20.16782 22.51866 25.1249 28.17723 31.60589 35.38594 39.62346 44.41949 49.80246 55.78682 62.76357
37 Komorock, 66/11kV Tala, 66/11kV Nairobi 30% Komorock, Capacity 8.067426 9.112366 10.29356 11.60068 12.88712 14.45736 16.14151 18.02303 20.10895 22.55192 25.29607 28.32147 31.71302 35.55157 39.85987 44.64951 50.23343
38 Kiambu Road, 66/11kV Ndenderu, 66/11kV Kiambu 10% Kiambu Rd, Capacity 2.143518 2.418264 2.725247 3.068551 3.407627 3.82008 4.26278 4.757095 5.304938 5.945327 6.664217 7.456713 8.344634 9.348785 10.47521 11.72713 13.18003
39 Nairobi South, 66/11kV V Franca, 66/11kV Nairobi 20% Nairobi South, Capacity 10.60073 11.9738 13.5259 15.24348 16.93388 18.99721 21.2102 23.68255 26.42349 29.63358 33.23945 37.21487 41.67142 46.71533 52.37652 58.67018 66.00753
40 Kitusuru, 66/11kV Kirigiti 66/11kV Kiambu 30% Kitusuru, Capacity 7.83781 8.842424 9.964909 11.22021 12.46004 13.96819 15.58692 17.3944 19.39759 21.73919 24.36782 27.2656 30.51229 34.18399 38.30277 42.88043 48.193
41 Parklands, 66/11kV Thika Drive Inn,66/11kV Nairobi 10% Parklands, Capacity 4.563877 5.155017 5.823236 6.562698 7.290457 8.17877 9.13152 10.19593 11.37597 12.758 14.31041 16.02193 17.94058 20.11211 22.54939 25.25897 28.41789
42 West lands, 66/11kV Kileleshwa, 66/11kV Nairobi 20% Westlands, Capacity 5.071026 5.727854 6.470327 7.29196 8.100589 9.087613 10.14623 11.32892 12.64009 14.17569 15.90062 17.80232 19.93418 22.34702 25.05513 28.06581 31.57575
43 Industrial Area, 66/11kV Likoni Road,66/11kV Nairobi 10% Industrial, Capacity 4.881318 5.513575 6.228272 7.019168 7.797545 8.747645 9.766663 10.9051 12.16723 13.64538 15.30577 17.13634 19.18844 21.51101 24.11782 27.01586 30.3945
44 Industrial Area, 66/11kV V Franca, 66/11kV Nairobi 5% Industrial, Capacity 2.440659 2.756787 3.114136 3.509584 3.898773 4.373822 4.883332 5.452552 6.083613 6.82269 7.652887 8.568168 9.59422 10.75551 12.05891 13.50793 15.19725
45 Kiambu Road, 66/11kV Kasarani Kiriri Uni, 66/11kV Nairobi 10% Kiambu Rd 2.176438 2.458559 2.770758 3.078016 3.45306 3.855309 4.304699 4.802912 5.3864 6.041827 6.764426 7.574478 8.491294 9.520309 10.66429 11.99797
46 City Square , 66/11kV Prop Ngong Fdr Nairobi 5% City Square 2.203127 2.488707 2.804736 3.115762 3.495405 3.902586 4.357487 4.861809 5.452453 6.115917 6.847377 7.667363 8.595422 9.637055 10.79506 12.1451
47 Steel Billet, 66/11kV Thika Drive Inn,66/11kV Nairobi 10% Steel Billet 2.151531 2.430423 2.73905 3.042792 3.413543 3.811189 4.255437 4.747947 5.324758 5.972684 6.687014 7.487796 8.39412 9.411359 10.54225 11.86067
48 Cianda, 66/11kV Githunguri, 66/11kV Kiambu 15% Cianda 3.742914 4.218051 4.749407 5.274218 5.912601 6.597797 7.362882 8.210817 9.201991 10.31467 11.54127 12.91556 14.46976 16.2132 18.15088 20.39964
49 Gigiri, 66/11kV Ndenderu, 66/11kV Kiambu 10% Gigiri 2.123323 2.392864 2.694298 2.992019 3.354168 3.742873 4.1769 4.657926 5.22021 5.851421 6.547262 7.326887 8.208568 9.197608 10.29684 11.57254
50 EPZ 66/11 kV Kitengela 66/11kV Machakos 15% EPZ 3.47441 3.947257 4.483614 5.053179 5.723609 6.465957 7.304087 8.247101 9.335106 10.56665 11.94907 13.51281 15.28939 17.3005 19.568 22.04639
51 Athi River 66/11 kV Kitengela 66/11kV Machakos 15% Athi River 3.371057 3.829837 4.350239 4.902862 5.553349 6.273614 7.086812 8.001774 9.057414 10.25232 11.59362 13.11085 14.83458 16.78586 18.98591 21.39058
52 Nairobi West, 66/11kV Prop Ngong Fdr Nairobi 10% Nairobi West 4.554136 5.144466 5.797735 6.440664 7.225433 8.067128 9.007464 10.04996 11.27089 12.64236 14.15437 15.84939 17.7678 19.92098 22.31473 25.10543
53 Cathedral, 66/11kV Prop Ngong Fdr Nairobi 10% Cathedral, Capacity 2.409599 2.721943 3.067588 3.407762 3.822985 4.268326 4.765859 5.317445 5.963442 6.689084 7.489095 8.385927 9.400962 10.54021 11.80675 13.28331
54 West lands, 66/11kV Kabete, 66/11kV Kiambu 10% Westlands, Capacity 2.291142 2.581987 2.907245 3.228496 3.619268 4.038695 4.507025 5.02607 5.632795 6.313894 7.064731 7.905975 8.85734 9.92455 11.11066 12.48719
55 Parklands, 66/11kV Thika Drive Inn,66/11kV Nairobi 10% Parklands, Capacity 4.641177 5.242789 5.908543 6.56376 7.363528 8.22131 9.179618 10.24204 11.48631 12.88398 14.4249 16.1523 18.10738 20.30172 22.74122 25.58525
56 Karen, 66/11kV Dagoretti, 66/11kV Kiambu 15% Karen Load, Capacity 3.551445 4.002277 4.506451 5.004415 5.610141 6.260286 6.986234 7.790792 8.731263 9.787018 10.95087 12.25487 13.72955 15.38381 17.22237 19.35609
58 Cianda, 66/11kV Githunguri, 66/11kV Kiambu 20% Cianda 2.390229 2.691331 2.988724 3.350474 3.738751 4.1723 4.652796 5.214461 5.844977 6.540051 7.318819 8.199528 9.187479 10.2855 11.55979
59 West lands, 66/11kV Dagoretti, 66/11kV Kiambu 10% Westlands 4.658635 5.245493 5.825121 6.530184 7.28695 8.13195 9.068454 10.16316 11.39205 12.74678 14.26462 15.98115 17.9067 20.04678 22.53042
60 Karen, 66/11kV Dagoretti, 66/11kV Kiambu 10% Karen Load, Capacity 2.275425 2.562065 2.845173 3.189549 3.559177 3.971902 4.42932 4.964008 5.564239 6.225929 6.967292 7.8057 8.746199 9.791479 11.00457
61 Kileleshwa, 66/11kV Dagoretti, 66/11kV Kiambu 20% Kileleshwa 4.879772 5.494487 6.101629 6.84016 7.632848 8.517959 9.498916 10.64558 11.93281 13.35184 14.94173 16.73975 18.7567 20.99836 23.5999
62 Cathedral, 66/11kV City Square , 66/11kV Nairobi 10% Cathedral, Capacity 2.449748 2.760829 3.066986 3.440686 3.841494 4.289274 4.785701 5.367098 6.020176 6.740186 7.547335 8.460865 9.486193 10.62607 11.95498
65 Parklands, 66/11kV Gigiri, 66/11kV Kiambu 10% Parklands, Capacity 6.401511 7.573371 8.544091 9.628705 10.84165 12.03966 13.49692 15.06104 16.80753 18.74314 21.00573 23.54568 26.34569 29.48284 33.03066 37.01048 41.43369 46.56702
66 Parklands, 66/11kV Thika Drive Inn,66/11kV Nairobi 20% Parklands, Capacity 12.80302 15.19883 17.16747 19.3928 21.85539 24.279 27.2373 30.41019 33.95492 37.88476 42.48724 47.65717 53.35694 59.74652 66.97825 75.09499 84.11856 94.63851
67 Parklands, 66/11kV Kiambu Road, 66/11kV Kiambu 10% Parklands, Capacity 6.401511 7.573371 8.544091 9.628705 10.84165 12.03966 13.49692 15.06104 16.80753 18.74314 21.00573 23.54568 26.34569 29.48284 33.03066 37.01048 41.43369 46.56702
68 Kimathi, 66/11kV Eastleigh, 66/11kV Nairobi 20% Kimathi, Capacity 6.182118 7.338966 8.289551 9.364083 10.55318 11.72346 13.15191 14.68399 16.39561 18.29319 20.51556 23.01193 25.76414 28.84944 32.34138 36.26067 40.61782 45.69752
69 West lands, 66/11kV Lavington, 66/11kV Nairobi 10% Westlands 2.373153 2.817236 3.182141 3.594626 4.051089 4.500327 5.048674 5.636797 6.293844 7.022274 7.875385 8.833676 9.890179 11.07454 12.41501 13.91952 15.59212 17.54208
70 Nairobi West, 66/11kV City Square , 66/11kV Nairobi 25% Nairobi West 14.15145 16.79959 18.97557 21.43527 24.15723 26.8361 30.10597 33.61303 37.5311 41.87483 46.96206 52.67648 58.97656 66.0391 74.03249 83.0041 92.97803 104.606
71 Kitusuru, 66/11kV Lower Kabete, 66/11kV Kiambu 10% Kitusuru 4.732166 5.598436 6.316017 7.117792 8.014434 8.900032 9.977277 11.13352 12.42457 13.85542 15.52799 17.40558 19.47543 21.79449 24.41713 27.35912 30.62888 34.42357
76 Steel Billet, 66/11kV Komorock, 66/11kV Nairobi 15% Steel Billet 3.361427 3.796819 4.288981 4.833617 5.369632 6.0239 6.725628 7.509594 8.378731 9.396632 10.54003 11.80061 13.21376 14.81315 16.60828 18.60396 20.93059
77 Kimathi, 66/11kV Eastleigh, 66/11kV Nairobi 15% Kimathi 3.852957 4.352014 4.916144 5.54042 6.154814 6.904754 7.709092 8.607695 9.603923 10.77067 12.08126 13.52617 15.14596 16.97923 19.03685 21.32435 23.9912
78 Gigiri, 66/11kV Ndenderu, 66/11kV Kiambu 15% Gigiri 3.317838 3.743103 4.218264 4.749648 5.274485 5.9129 6.59813 7.363254 8.211232 9.202456 10.31519 11.54185 12.91622 14.47049 16.21402 18.1518 20.40067
79 Karen, 66/11kV Ngong, 66/11kV Nairobi 15% Karen 3.698268 4.177289 4.71877 5.317982 5.90771 6.62754 7.399587 8.262112 9.218343 10.33825 11.59622 12.98312 14.53788 16.29754 18.27256 20.46822 23.028
80 Athi River 66/11 kV Lukenya 66/11kV Kajiado 20% Athi River 4.983248 5.593141 6.294362 7.052413 7.808943 8.718824 9.697045 10.78685 11.99301 13.39388 14.96258 16.69051 18.62228 20.80059 23.23897 25.94546 29.0402
81 EPZ 66/11 kV Lukenya 66/11kV Kajiado 20% EPZ 5.08947 5.712363 6.428531 7.202741 7.975396 8.904672 9.903744 11.01678 12.24865 13.67938 15.28152 17.04628 19.01922 21.24397 23.73432 26.49851 29.65922
82 Cianda, 66/11kV Uplands, 66/11kV Kiambu 15% Cianda 3.903141 4.403428 4.962413 5.587538 6.204962 6.956001 7.762114 8.662214 9.659784 10.82587 12.1349 13.57796 15.19478 17.02324 19.07435 21.35397 23.99957
87 Ngong Road, 66/11kV Prop Ngong Fdr Nairobi 10% Ngong Rd 2.336767 2.63967 2.974868 3.30476 3.707432 4.139313 4.621808 5.156721 5.783192 6.486901 7.262731 8.132456 9.11681 10.22163 11.44988 12.88181
88 Kileleshwa, 66/11kV Lavington, 66/11kV Nairobi 10% Kileleshwa 2.399898 2.710985 3.055239 3.394044 3.807594 4.251143 4.746673 5.296038 5.939435 6.662156 7.458946 8.352168 9.363115 10.49778 11.75922 13.22984
89 Kimathi, 66/11kV Syokimau, 66/11kV Nairobi 15% Kimathi 3.699212 4.178722 4.709357 5.231592 5.86904 6.552729 7.316541 8.163334 9.155068 10.26907 11.49725 12.87406 14.43234 16.18132 18.1257 20.39252
90 Likoni Road,66/11kV Prop Komorock Fdr Nairobi 5% Likoni 2.192424 2.476617 2.79111 3.100625 3.478423 3.883627 4.336318 4.83819 5.425964 6.086205 6.814112 7.630114 8.553664 9.590237 10.74262 12.0861
91 Muthurwa, 66/11kV Prop Komorock Fdr Nairobi 15% Muthurwa 7.608861 8.595159 9.686614 10.76079 12.07195 13.47822 15.0493 16.79106 18.83094 21.12232 23.64854 26.48049 29.6857 33.28315 37.28252 41.94511
92 Nairobi South, 66/11kV Prop Komorock Fdr Nairobi 10% Nairobi South 4.789518 5.410359 6.097393 6.773552 7.598882 8.484081 9.473019 10.5694 11.85343 13.29578 14.88595 16.66857 18.68613 20.95061 23.46807 26.40301
93 Komorock, 66/11kV Prop Komorock Fdr Nairobi 10% Komorock 2.505901 2.830728 3.190187 3.543957 3.975774 4.438914 4.956332 5.529962 6.201777 6.956421 7.788405 8.72108 9.776681 10.96147 12.27862 13.81419
94 Ruai, 66/11kV Prop Komorock Fdr Nairobi 10% Ruai 1.932438 2.18293 2.460129 2.73294 3.065938 3.423091 3.8221 4.264458 4.782531 5.364478 6.006067 6.725304 7.539336 8.452988 9.468716 10.65288
95 Ruaraka, 66/11kV Kasarani Kiriri Uni, 66/11kV Nairobi 10% Ruaraka 4.15453 4.693061 5.289008 5.875523 6.591432 7.359272 8.217098 9.168119 10.28192 11.53304 12.91239 14.45867 16.20875 18.173 20.35671 22.90254
96 Industrial Area, 66/11kV Lukenya 66/11kV Kajiado 10% Industrial, Capacity 4.686539 5.274098 5.909275 6.543177 7.305574 8.125233 9.038391 10.04904 11.22284 12.53727 13.98512 15.60376 17.42899 19.47212 21.73992 24.33303
97 Nyaga, 33/11kV Githunguri, 66/11kV Kiambu 30% Nyaga 2.387783 2.690896 3.029874 3.364675 3.77193 4.209049 4.697134 5.238072 5.870389 6.580217 7.362725 8.239453 9.230947 10.34317 11.57931 13.0139
99 Steel Billet, 66/11kV Baba Dogo, 66/11kV Nairobi 15% Steel Billet 3.674634 4.141257 4.600494 5.161046 5.762259 6.433931 7.178574 8.050673 9.030293 10.11031 11.32104 12.69134 14.22933 15.93916 17.93253
100 Thika Drive Inn,66/11kV Kasarani Kiriri Uni, 66/11kV Nairobi 10% Thika Drive 3.757129 4.234227 4.703774 5.27691 5.89162 6.578371 7.339731 8.231408 9.233021 10.33729 11.57519 12.97626 14.54878 16.29699 18.33511
101 Industrial Area, 66/11kV Prop Komorock Fdr Nairobi 10% Industrial, Capacity 4.761596 5.366246 5.961326 6.68769 7.466743 8.337096 9.302006 10.43207 11.70147 13.10095 14.66982 16.44545 18.43839 20.65399 23.23699
102 Likoni Road,66/11kV Prop Komorock Fdr Nairobi 10% Likoni 4.705572 5.303109 5.891187 6.609005 7.378892 8.239004 9.192561 10.30933 11.56379 12.94681 14.49722 16.25196 18.22145 20.41098 22.96359
103 Lower Kabete, 66/11kV Dagoretti, 66/11kV Kiambu 10% Lower Kabete 2.477058 2.789098 3.097294 3.472185 3.874568 4.323865 4.821816 5.403885 6.057305 6.777629 7.584686 8.497389 9.521229 10.65913 11.97972
104 Mombasa Road1 , 66/11kV Kitengela 66/11kV Machakos 5% Mombasa R 2.284663 2.595105 2.924768 3.312812 3.742481 4.227588 4.773403 5.403138 6.115953 6.916091 7.821185 8.849464 10.01349 11.32591 12.7604
105 Muthurwa, 66/11kV Prop Komorock Fdr Nairobi 10% Muthurwa 4.87059 5.489081 6.097783 6.840773 7.637659 8.527935 9.514931 10.67087 11.96932 13.40084 15.00561 16.8219 18.86045 21.12676 23.76889
106 Nairobi South, 66/11kV Prop Komorock Fdr Nairobi 10% Nairobi South 4.869323 5.487654 6.096197 6.838994 7.635673 8.525717 9.512457 10.66809 11.9662 13.39735 15.00171 16.81752 18.85555 21.12127 23.76271
107 Nairobi West, 66/11kV Prop Ngong Fdr Nairobi 10% Nairobi West 4.630019 5.217961 5.796597 6.50289 7.260415 8.106718 9.044964 10.1438 11.37812 12.73894 14.26445 15.99102 17.92889 20.08325 22.59489
108 Komorock, 66/11kV Ruai, 66/11kV Nairobi 10% Komorock 2.547655 2.871169 3.189561 3.578197 3.995023 4.460699 4.976966 5.5816 6.260779 7.009564 7.848972 8.799013 9.865319 11.05075 12.43277
109 Ngong Road, 66/11kV Lavington, 66/11kV Nairobi 10% Ngong Rd 2.375703 2.677381 2.974284 3.336689 3.725382 4.159627 4.641049 5.204873 5.838211 6.536458 7.31921 8.205129 9.199465 10.30489 11.59363
110 Parklands, 66/11kV Eastleigh, 66/11kV Nairobi 15% Parklands ?? 7.083346 7.982824 8.868064 9.948602 11.10752 12.40226 13.83766 15.51874 17.40709 19.48897 21.82281 24.46424 27.42894 30.72485 34.56733
111 Ruai, 66/11kV Tala, 66/11kV Nairobi 10% Ruai 1.964637 2.214116 2.459646 2.759344 3.080782 3.43989 3.838012 4.304278 4.82803 5.40546 6.052773 6.785402 7.607689 8.521844 9.587594
112 Ruaraka, 66/11kV Kasarani Kiriri Uni, 66/11kV Nairobi 10% Ruaraka 4.226519 4.763222 5.291431 5.936171 6.627679 7.400227 8.256707 9.259784 10.38653 11.62875 13.02132 14.59742 16.3664 18.33302 20.62577
113 V Franca, 66/11kV Kitengela 66/11kV Machakos 15% V Franca 7.087007 8.049996 9.072609 10.27632 11.60915 13.11395 14.80706 16.76049 18.97164 21.45366 24.26126 27.45097 31.06177 35.13289 39.58267
114 City Square , 66/11kV Ngong, 66/11kV Nairobi 10% City Square 4.406255 4.965782 5.516453 6.188611 6.909526 7.714928 8.60783 9.653564 10.82823 12.12328 13.57506 15.21819 17.0624 19.11265 21.5029
115 City Square , 66/11kV Prop Ngong Fdr Nairobi 5% City Square 2.203127 2.482891 2.758227 3.094306 3.454763 3.857464 4.303915 4.826782 5.414113 6.061638 6.78753 7.609094 8.5312 9.556325 10.75145
116 Airport, 66/11kV NSSF, 66/11kV Nairobi 10% Airport ?? 2.046803 2.306716 2.562515 2.874747 3.209628 3.583755 3.998527 4.484294 5.029951 5.63153 6.305916 7.069185 7.925862 8.878249 9.988572
117 Jeevanjee, 66/11kV Prop Komorock Fdr Nairobi 10% Jeevanjee 2.17396 2.45002 2.721711 3.05334 3.409026 3.806396 4.246936 4.762881 5.342436 5.981389 6.697671 7.508358 8.418256 9.42981 10.60911
118 Kimathi, 66/11kV Baba Dogo, 66/11kV Nairobi 10% Kimathi, Capacity 2.466141 2.779304 3.08751 3.463711 3.8672 4.317976 4.817726 5.403014 6.060462 6.78529 7.59784 8.517484 9.549673 10.69718 12.03498
119 Kitusuru, 66/11kV Ndenderu, 66/11kV Kiambu 10% Kitusuru 2.063232 2.323142 2.579849 2.89211 3.227269 3.601506 4.016267 4.501094 5.045351 5.645335 6.317563 7.077786 7.93058 8.878384 9.97835
120 Prop Komorock Fdr Umoja, 66/11kV Nairobi 50% Komorck frd load 21.43842 24.16077 26.84004 30.11039 33.61796 37.53661 41.88098 46.96894 52.68421 58.98521 66.04879 74.04335 83.01627 92.99167 104.6213
Post-Transfer Load
MVA Load
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Area Type Description Growth Profile 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031
1 Embakasi PRI Airport, 66/11kV Nairobi 12 13.46266 15.26449 18.1209 20.46803 21.07439 23.75052 26.38429 29.59911 33.04713 36.89923 41.16983 46.17141 51.78962 57.98364 64.92728 72.78608 81.60665 91.41266 102.8448
2 Embakasi PRI Athi River 66/11 kV Nairobi 16.5 18.51115 20.98867 19.93299 19.17934 21.66744 24.42604 27.09005 30.37938 33.88238 37.79044 42.11171 47.20029 52.91201 59.18673 66.21251 74.16583 83.08237 92.96863 104.7151
3 Juja Road PRI Baba Dogo, 66/11kV Nairobi 29.5 18.20263 20.63886 24.50097 27.67448 37.40256 42.15211 46.82649 52.53211 58.65161 65.48828 73.06769 81.94441 91.91555 102.9086 115.2321 129.1798 144.8344 162.238 182.5277
4 Embakasi PRI Cathedral, 66/11kV Nairobi 27.7 24.86104 21.14132 21.33283 21.68639 22.04773 24.84746 27.60288 30.96618 34.57344 38.60346 43.07131 48.30388 54.18158 60.66167 67.92601 76.14779 85.37574 95.63465 107.5948
5 Nairobi North PRI Cianda, 66/11kV Kiambu 17.335 19.42759 21.99461 22.1178 21.20984 21.51206 24.22198 26.89851 30.15426 33.64876 37.5507 41.87517 46.93015 52.60479 58.86046 65.86937 73.79575 82.68731 92.56948 104.0382
6 Nairobi North PRI Githunguri, 66/11kV Kiambu 0 0 0 0 6.130697 9.299176 10.47061 11.62762 13.035 14.5456 16.23232 18.10168 20.28684 22.73986 25.44404 28.47383 31.90023 35.74385 40.01569 44.97333
7 Embakasi PRI City Square , 66/11kV Nairobi 0 0 21.19856 39.00977 41.85942 43.12581 48.60213 53.99178 60.57046 67.62635 75.50914 84.24833 94.48336 105.9803 118.6554 132.8646 148.9466 166.9966 187.0633 210.4576
8 Nairobi North PRI Dagoretti, 66/11kV Kiambu 0 0 0 0 3.551445 18.29317 20.59759 22.87363 25.64222 28.61383 31.93191 35.6093 39.9079 44.73343 50.05305 56.0132 62.75354 70.31464 78.71812 88.47071
9 Juja Road PRI Eastleigh, 66/11kV Nairobi 0 13.45705 21.44025 29.30527 33.10107 44.47513 50.1228 55.68108 62.46559 69.74225 77.87168 86.8843 97.43956 109.2962 122.3679 137.0217 153.6069 172.2217 192.9161 217.0424
10 Juja Road PRI Thika Drive Inn,66/11kV Nairobi 0 0 15.89408 23.43219 33.25997 33.81416 38.10804 42.33397 47.49219 53.02458 59.20534 66.05758 74.08267 83.09719 93.03557 104.1767 116.7863 130.939 146.6729 165.016
11 Juja Road/Embakasi PRI EPZ 66/11 kV Machakos 16.8 19.07186 21.76528 20.35788 19.76664 22.51802 25.67709 29.08125 33.06846 37.51328 42.54652 48.23009 54.77807 62.20726 70.5802 80.07475 90.87823 103.136 117.0001 132.0143
12 Juja Road/Embakasi PRI EPZ 66/33 kV (new) Machakos 7.15 8.116893 9.2632 10.83027 12.32244 13.99945 15.90171 17.92174 20.29951 22.93234 25.90487 29.24939 33.10814 37.47597 42.37888 47.92491 54.22577 61.35842 69.40038 78.19033
13 Nairobi North PRI Gigiri, 66/11kV Kiambu 2.7627 6.624537 18.63353 18.72675 19.00373 21.41612 24.11396 26.77855 30.01979 33.4987 37.38324 41.68842 46.72086 52.37019 58.59796 65.57561 73.46665 82.31855 92.15665 103.5742
14 Embakasi PRI GSU Camp, 66/33kV Kajiado 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
15 Embakasi PRI Industrial Area, 66/11kV Nairobi 43.1 48.35338 41.11872 41.4912 42.17885 42.90461 48.3874 53.77463 60.36172 67.42466 75.3179 84.07038 94.33081 105.8603 118.5728 132.8282 148.9692 167.091 187.2409 210.7832
16 Juja Road PRI Jeevanjee, 66/11kV Nairobi 31.1 0 16.2128 19.24666 21.7396 22.38364 25.22602 28.02341 31.43795 35.10018 39.1916 43.72751 49.0398 55.00705 61.58587 68.96088 77.30792 86.67646 97.09167 109.2341
17 Nairobi North PRI Kabete, 66/11kV Kiambu 14.38267 16.11887 10.94922 12.95358 16.90505 19.05103 21.45093 23.82126 26.70455 29.79927 33.25482 37.08455 41.56124 46.58669 52.12669 58.33377 65.35336 73.2277 81.97932 92.13596
18 Nairobi North PRI Karen, 66/11kV Nairobi 23.3244 18.31716 20.76871 20.95685 20.11986 20.46199 23.06672 25.62743 28.75637 32.11153 35.8605 40.01716 44.88812 50.36067 56.39423 63.15914 70.81748 79.41447 88.97274 100.1313
19 Juja Road PRI Kasarani Kiriri Uni, 66/11kV Nairobi 0 0 0 0 6.330968 15.13527 17.05722 18.94874 21.25757 23.73388 26.5004 29.56747 33.15951 37.19442 41.64285 46.62966 52.27372 58.6085 65.65101 73.86139
20 Juja Road PRI Kiambu Road, 66/11kV Kiambu 0 10.34942 18.11843 19.29166 19.58794 22.06866 24.8462 27.59063 30.92766 34.50971 38.50915 42.94153 48.12154 53.93612 60.34599 67.52723 75.64777 84.75656 94.87985 106.6223
21 Embakasi PRI Kiboko, Secondary Tx Makueni 4 4.573036 5.248942 6.131295 7.023394 8.335281 9.495235 10.76779 12.26195 13.9486 15.87738 18.08076 20.636 23.56535 26.90805 30.74186 35.15193 40.2162 46.02098 52.33913
22 Nairobi North PRI Kikuyu, 66/11kV Kiambu 17.484 19.59458 17.74693 14.69698 16.58077 18.68558 21.03944 23.36431 26.19228 29.22764 32.6169 36.37317 40.76398 45.69303 51.12676 57.21476 64.0997 71.82299 80.40674 90.36854
23 Embakasi PRI Kileleshwa, 66/11kV Nairobi 16.48 18.48872 13.6261 21.24695 21.59908 19.51909 22.00266 24.44476 27.42819 30.62744 34.2021 38.16543 42.80933 48.02659 53.77867 60.22777 67.52829 75.72334 84.83459 95.46862
24 Juja Road PRI Kimathi, 66/11kV Nairobi 27 27.26188 21.63741 21.83342 20.9622 21.21328 23.90705 26.55818 29.79419 33.26493 37.14242 41.44117 46.4757 52.13095 58.36579 65.35519 73.26579 82.14449 92.01513 103.5226
25 Nairobi North PRI Kitusuru, 66/11kV Kiambu 24.8643 27.86579 22.08344 18.28822 20.63232 21.18822 23.85734 26.49359 29.70033 33.14222 36.98542 41.24478 46.22368 51.81289 57.97439 64.87778 72.68485 81.44255 91.17595 102.472
26 Nairobi North PRI Ndenderu, 66/11kV Kiambu 0 0 0 5.461356 8.28469 11.39961 12.83564 14.25398 15.97926 17.83105 19.89875 22.19036 24.86909 27.87618 31.19116 34.9053 39.10563 43.81741 49.05414 55.13159
27 Juja Road PRI Komorock, 66/11kV Nairobi 22.26 24.97323 22.6525 22.18542 22.55311 22.92889 25.84052 28.70605 32.20377 35.95521 40.14629 44.79269 50.2344 56.34701 63.08608 70.64075 79.19111 88.78787 99.45679 111.895
28 Embakasi PRI Langata, 66/11kV Nairobi 0 8.070523 9.150676 10.86302 12.27007 13.86057 15.62065 17.35288 19.46726 21.73501 24.26853 27.07729 30.36681 34.0619 38.13568 42.7025 47.87122 53.67248 60.12187 67.64077
29 Nairobi North PRI Lavington, 66/11kV Nairobi 0 0 9.710284 11.52735 15.42034 19.7949 22.30855 24.78242 27.80206 31.04074 34.65897 38.67029 43.3682 48.64532 54.46327 60.98534 68.36702 76.65206 85.86272 96.6008
30 Embakasi PRI Likoni Road,66/11kV Nairobi 0 0 28.58912 38.82026 41.65606 42.35015 47.72798 53.02068 59.48104 66.41002 74.15104 82.73305 92.78399 104.0741 116.5213 130.4749 146.2677 163.9931 183.6988 206.6723
31 Nairobi North PRI Limuru, 66/11kV Kiambu 19.623 21.99179 19.9181 16.49501 18.60927 20.97158 23.61342 26.2227 29.39666 32.80336 36.60726 40.82308 45.75106 51.28313 57.38163 64.21444 71.94168 80.60984 90.24373 101.4243
32 Nairobi North PRI Lower Kabete, 66/11kV Kiambu 0 0 16.46838 19.48308 21.98033 22.29352 25.10188 27.87564 31.24967 34.87111 38.91479 43.39635 48.63497 54.51575 60.99866 68.26218 76.4765 85.69106 95.93221 107.8175
33 Nairobi North PRI Mai Mahiu, 66/11kV Kiambu 0.279 0.312679 0.353995 0.418797 0.472476 0.532454 0.599528 0.665776 0.746361 0.832854 0.929433 1.03647 1.161588 1.302043 1.45688 1.63036 1.826549 2.046628 2.291225 2.575091
34 Embakasi PRI Matasia, 66/11kV Kajiado 16.3 10.90757 12.20721 14.10586 15.7624 17.69153 19.74036 21.807 24.26459 26.91167 29.85432 33.10685 36.85982 41.05206 45.66658 50.81421 56.60166 63.06612 70.2322 78.29616
35 Embakasi PRI Mombasa Road1 , 66/11kV Nairobi 27.9 31.30068 30.16645 35.81143 40.44994 43.4086 48.9005 54.28135 60.86365 67.90993 75.77691 84.49057 94.70519 106.1737 118.8034 132.9534 148.9645 166.9251 186.874 210.2266
36 Embakasi PRI Mombasa Road2 , 66/11kV Nairobi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
37 Juja Road PRI Muthurwa, 66/11kV Nairobi 0 47.66342 37.82986 44.90888 43.11688 43.83531 49.40173 54.88005 61.56696 68.73893 76.75141 85.63438 96.03779 107.7238 120.6076 135.0505 151.3971 169.7441 190.1408 213.9201
38 Juja Road PRI Nairobi South, 66/11kV Nairobi 58.5 65.63045 44.64863 42.40291 43.10567 43.82391 49.38888 54.86577 61.55095 68.72105 76.73145 85.61211 96.01281 107.6958 120.5762 135.0154 151.3577 169.6999 190.0914 213.8644
39 Embakasi PRI Nairobi West, 66/11kV Nairobi 44.5 49.92402 42.45436 40.31901 40.98723 41.67017 46.96165 52.16938 58.52601 65.34374 72.96046 81.40468 91.29424 102.4031 114.6504 128.38 143.9192 161.36 180.7493 203.354
40 Embakasi PRI Ngong Road, 66/11kV Nairobi 13.7 15.36987 17.42696 20.68803 21.0309 21.38132 24.09643 26.76856 30.0302 33.52843 37.43664 41.76944 46.84386 52.5439 58.82812 65.87289 73.84616 82.79519 92.74402 104.3427
41 Nairobi North PRI Ngong, 66/11kV Nairobi 0 7.051402 7.995157 13.18954 14.89793 21.23533 23.93189 26.58577 29.82514 33.29949 37.18101 41.48423 46.52399 52.18512 58.42643 65.42309 73.34192 82.22984 92.11074 103.6302
42 Embakasi PRI NSSF, 66/11kV Nairobi 12.6 9.895053 11.2194 13.31886 15.044 19.04088 21.45878 23.83842 26.74303 29.85834 33.33875 37.19727 41.71623 46.79234 52.38868 58.66231 65.76281 73.73226 82.59207 92.92112
43 Juja Road PRI Nyaga, 33/11kV Kiambu 4.7 5.26736 5.96335 7.055 5.571494 6.278757 7.069705 7.850909 8.80117 9.821115 10.95998 12.22217 13.69757 15.35384 17.17969 19.22539 21.53888 24.13407 27.01839 30.36577
44 Juja Road PRI Parklands, 66/11kV Nairobi 62.9 56.45341 38.41509 41.12434 41.84304 40.25802 45.40185 50.45044 56.62921 63.25242 70.65488 78.86357 88.49133 99.31131 111.241 124.6201 139.7716 156.7845 175.7021 197.8328
45 Nairobi North PRI Rironi, 66/11kV Kiambu 0 0 0 13.36799 15.08144 16.99593 19.13694 21.25158 23.82383 26.58471 29.6675 33.08411 37.07788 41.56121 46.5036 52.04109 58.30345 65.32836 73.13591 82.19691
46 Juja Road PRI Ruai, 66/11kV Nairobi 0 9.205092 16.10022 19.11302 19.65621 22.78717 25.68079 28.52862 32.00471 35.73296 39.89814 44.51582 49.92389 55.99872 62.69613 70.2041 78.70162 88.23906 98.84203 111.2033
47 Juja Road PRI Ruaraka, 66/11kV Nairobi 30.4 27.28432 30.94767 36.77026 37.39077 38.03867 42.88077 47.64109 53.45769 59.69483 66.66406 74.39118 83.44612 93.61938 104.8356 117.4112 131.6478 147.6292 165.3977 186.1409
48 Juja Road PRI Ruiru, 66/11kV Kiambu 12 13.44858 15.22558 18.01277 20.32156 22.90124 25.78616 28.63553 32.10153 35.82169 39.97561 44.57933 49.96076 56.00185 62.66149 70.12301 78.56125 88.027 98.54733 110.7566
49 Juja Road PRI Steel Billet, 66/11kV Nairobi 14.84 16.64882 18.87709 19.04809 19.36378 18.19917 20.51019 22.78463 25.56085 28.53844 31.865 35.55295 39.87215 44.72387 50.07282 56.06912 62.85574 70.4729 78.94106 88.8135
50 Juja Road PRI Syokimau, 66/11kV Nairobi 8.9 9.984804 11.32116 13.43967 18.87967 21.32694 24.03514 26.70047 29.95382 33.44315 37.34142 41.6632 46.72471 52.41026 58.6785 65.70535 73.65833 82.5846 92.50813 104.0773
51 Juja Road PRI Tala, 66/11kV Nairobi 0 0 0 8.067426 9.112366 12.25819 13.8148 15.34676 17.2167 19.22229 21.46292 23.94697 26.8562 30.12411 33.72693 37.76579 42.33697 47.46756 53.17136 59.82102
52 Nairobi North PRI Uplands, 66/11kV Kiambu 0 0 4.979524 9.794217 11.04959 12.45226 14.0209 15.57021 17.45481 19.4776 21.73624 24.23946 27.16554 30.4503 34.0714 38.12851 42.7167 47.86358 53.58388 60.22252
53 Embakasi PRI V Franca, 66/11kV Nairobi 0 0 20.20637 37.02893 41.82514 40.15971 45.19633 50.07838 56.08198 62.47926 69.6105 77.49166 86.75126 97.13561 108.54 121.2993 135.7283 151.8923 169.8053 190.9853
54 Nairobi North PRI West lands, 66/11kV Nairobi 18.65627 20.93024 21.35838 20.2841 20.62028 18.64069 21.0151 23.34874 26.201 29.25929 32.6767 36.46585 40.90682 45.89652 51.39778 57.56613 64.54957 72.38929 81.1058 91.28538
55 Athi River PRI Kitengela 66/11kV Machakos 0 0 0 0 6.845467 17.14876 19.47895 21.95342 24.86609 28.0912 31.73243 35.82934 40.55615 45.90657 51.91244 58.7061 66.4244 75.16161 85.0127 95.78004
56 Juja PRI Prop Morris Company 66/11kV Nairobi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
57 Athi River PRI Lukenya 66/11kV Kajiado 0 0 0 10.07272 15.99204 17.99699 20.16443 22.32752 24.92907 27.72602 30.84202 34.2907 38.29611 42.78137 47.72191 53.24526 59.47355 66.44541 74.18389 83.03245
58 Ngong BSP PRI Prop Ngong Fdr Nairobi 0 0 0 0 11.50363 19.82793 22.34578 24.82377 27.84845 31.09253 34.7168 38.73481 43.44057 48.72649 54.55415 61.08711 68.4811 76.77997 86.006 96.76199
59 Komorock BSP PRI Prop Komorock Fdr Nairobi 0 0 0 0 19.02914 21.43842 24.16077 26.84004 30.11039 33.61796 37.53661 41.88098 46.96894 52.68421 58.98521 66.04879 74.04335 83.01627 92.99167 104.6213
60 Ruaraka PRI KU Kiambu 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
61 Nairobi North PRI Kirigiti 66/11kV Kiambu 0 0 0 7.83781 8.842424 9.964909 11.22021 12.46004 13.96819 15.58692 17.3944 19.39759 21.73919 24.36782 27.2656 30.51229 34.18399 38.30277 42.88043 48.193
62 Juja Road/Embakasi PRI EPZ 66/33 kV - Kajaido Kajiado 5.72 6.37948 7.17708 8.384774 9.410975 10.59084 11.86634 13.13927 14.67022 16.31617 18.14987 20.17934 22.53644 25.17592 28.08332 31.3337 34.99891 39.1017 43.65564 48.86282
63 Umoja PRI Umoja, 66/11kV Nairobi 0 0 0 0 0 21.43842 24.16077 26.84004 30.11039 33.61796 37.53661 41.88098 46.96894 52.68421 58.98521 66.04879 74.04335 83.01627 92.99167 104.6213
64 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
65 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
66 Juja Road FDR Athi River Mining Industrial 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5
67 Juja Road FDR Bamburi Cement Industrial 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5
68 Embakasi FDR EA Portland Industrial 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.2
69 Juja Road FDR EMCO Industrial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
70 Embakasi FDR Firestone Industrial 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9
71 Nairobi North FDR Gigiri pumps Industrial 3.874 3.874 3.874 3.874 3.874 3.874 3.874 3.874 3.874 3.874 3.874 3.874 3.874 3.874 3.874 3.874 3.874 3.874 3.874 3.874
72 Embakasi FDR Kapa Oil Industrial 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9
73 Juja Road FDR KPC Industrial 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4
74 Juja Road FDR Athi Breweries Industrial 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
75 Nairobi North FDR KPC Ngema Pump Industrial 2.232 2.232 2.232 2.232 2.232 2.232 2.232 2.232 2.232 2.232 2.232 2.232 2.232 2.232 2.232 2.232 2.232 2.232 2.232 2.232
76 Embakasi FDR Magadi Soda Industrial 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
77 Juja Road FDR Mombasa Cement Industrial 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8
78 Juja Road FDR Morris Company Industrial 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
79 Juja Road FDR National Cement Industrial 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
80 Embakasi FDR Orbit Chemical Industrial 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14
81 Juja Road FDR Ruiru Steel Mills Industrial 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4
82 Embakasi FDR Savannah Cement Industrial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
83 Juja Road FDR Silver Wood Industrial 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2
84 Juja Road FDR Thika Load Industrial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
85 0 FDR TATU CITY Industrial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
86 Juja Road FDR AFFORDABLE HOMES AFRICA LIMITED Industrial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
87 Juja Road FDR DEVKI STEEL MILLS LIMITED(Mombasa cement)
Industrial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
88 0 FDR HOME AFRIKA Industrial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
89 Juja Road FDR DEVKI STEEL MILLS LIMITED(Ruiru) Industrial 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6
90 Juja Road FDR NATIONAL CEMENT COMPANY LIMITED Industrial 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4
91 Embakasi FDR MAGADI SODA LIMITED Industrial 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
92 Embakasi FDR APEX STEEL ROLLING MILLS LTD Industrial 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.16
93 Juja Road FDR BAMBURI CEMENT LIMITED Industrial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
94 Juja Road FDR SAVANNAH CEMENT (EPZ) LIMITED Industrial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
95 Embakasi FDR TONONOKA STEEL LIMITED Industrial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
96 Juja Road FDR DELTA STEEL MILLS LTD Industrial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
97 Juja Road FDR STEEL MAKERS LIMITED Industrial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
98 Embakasi FDR ACCURATE STEEL MILLS Industrial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
99 Embakasi FDR SAFEPAK LIMITED Industrial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
100 Embakasi FDR DEVKI STEEL MILLS LIMITED(Mombasa Road)Industrial 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
101 Juja Road FDR MUGA DEVELOPERS LIMITED_1 Industrial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
102 Embakasi FDR CATIC CEMENT KENYA COMPANY LIMITED Industrial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
103 Juja Road FDR MUGA DEVELOPERS LIMITED_2 Industrial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Load Flow Analysis Load - Nairobi Region, 2012

Location Element Name P(MW) Q(MVAR) S(MVA)

Airport S/S NAP_LOAD 10.8 5.2 12.0
Athi mining Load ATHI MINING load 4.1 2.0 4.5
Athi Portland Cement APC_LOAD 12.8 6.2 14.2
Athi River S/S ATH_LOAD 14.9 7.2 16.5
Baba Dogo S/S BABADOGO 26.6 12.9 29.5
Bamuburi Cement BPC_LOAD 7.7 3.7 8.5
Cathedral S/S CTH_LOAD 24.9 12.1 27.7
Cianda S/S CND_LOAD 15.6 7.6 17.3
Devki Steel Mills(Mombasa Road) DEVKISTL_MOMRD_LOAD 4.5 2.2 5.0
EA Breweries EA Brew load 6.3 3.1 7.0
EPZ S/S EPZ_LOAD 15.1 7.3 16.8
Firestone FIR_LOAD 2.6 1.3 2.9
Gigiri S/S GIGIRI_LOAD 2.5 1.2 2.8
Gi i i W
Gigiri Water
3.5 17
1.7 39
Industrial Area S/S IND_LOAD 38.8 18.8 43.1
Jevanjee S/S JVJ_LOAD 28.0 13.6 31.1
Kabete S/S KABETE_LOAD 11.8 5.7 13.2
Kajiado S/S KJD_LOAD 1.6 0.8 1.8
Kapa Oil KOR_LOAD 3.5 1.7 3.9
Karen S/S KRN_LOAD 21.0 10.2 23.3
Kenya Pipe line KPC_LOAD 1.3 0.6 1.4
15 7 7.6
76 17.5
17 5
Kileleshwa S/S KIL_LOAD 14.8 7.2 16.5
Kimathi S/S KMT_LOAD 24.3 11.8 27.0
Kitisuru S/S KTS_LOAD 22.4 10.8 24.9
Komorock S/S KOMOROCK_LOAD 20.0 9.7 22.3
Limuru S/S LIM_LOAD 17.7 8.6 19.6
Machakos S/S MACHAKOS_LOAD 2.7 1.3 2.9
Magadi Soda MGD_LOAD 4.5 2.2 5.0
0.3 01
0.1 03
Matasia S/S MTA_LOAD 14.7 7.1 16.3
Mombasa Cement MOMB_CEM_LOAD 4.3 2.1 4.8
Mombasa Road S/S MOMRD_LOAD 27.8 13.5 30.9
Morris Company MORRIS_LOAD 1.0 0.5 1.1
Nairobi South S/S NST_LOAD 52.7 25.5 58.5
Nairobi West S/S NWT_LOAD 40.1 19.4 44.5
National Cement NAT_CEMLOAD 2.3 1.1 2.5
Ngema Pump p NGM_LOAD 2.0 1.0 2.2
Ngong Road S/S NGONG_RD 12.3 6.0 13.7
NSSF S/S NSF_LOAD 11.3 5.5 12.6
Nyaga S/S NYG_LOAD 4.2 2.0 4.7
Orbit Chemicals ORBIT CHEM_Load 1.0 0.5 1.1
Parklands S/S PRK_LOAD 56.6 27.4 62.9
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_LOAD 27.4 13.3 30.4
Ruiru S/S RUIRU_LOAD_11 10.8 5.2 12.0
Ruiru Steel Mills RSM_LOAD 5.8 2.8 6.4
Silverwood SILVERWD_LOAD 2.9 1.4 3.2
Steel Billets S/S STL_LOAD 13.4 6.5 14.8
Syokimau S/S SS_SYOKIMAU_LOAD 8.0 3.9 8.9
Westlands S/S WSTLANDS_LOAD 16.8 8.1 18.7
Load Flow Analysis Load - Nairobi Region, 2013

Location Element Name P(MW) Q(MVAR) S(MVA)

Accurate Steel Mills ACCURATE_STLMILL_LOAD 0.3 0.1 0.3
Airport S/S NAP_LOAD 12.1 5.9 13.5
Apex Steel Mill APEX_STMIL_LOAD 1.0 0.5 1.2
Athi mining Load ATHI MINING load 4.1 2.0 4.5
Athi Portland Cement APC_LOAD 12.8 6.2 14.2
Athi River S/S ATH_LOAD 16.7 8.1 18.5
Baba Dogo S/S BABADOGO 16.4 7.9 18.2
Bamuburi Cement BPC_LOAD_ADD 0.2 0.1 0.3
Bamuburi Cement BPC_LOAD 7.7 3.7 8.5
Cathedral S/S CTH_LOAD 22.4 10.8 24.9
Cianda S/S CND_LOAD 17.5 8.5 19.4
Delta Steel Mills DELTA_STLMILL_LOAD 0.3 0.1 0.3
Devki Steel Mills(Mombasa Cement DEVKI_STLMIL_MOMCEM_LOAD 0.9 0.4 1.0
Devki Steel Mills(Mombasa Road) DEVKISTL_MOMRD_LOAD 4.5 2.2 5.0
EA Breweries EA Brew load 6.3 3.1 7.0
Eastleigh S/S EASTLEIGH_LOAD 12.1 5.9 13.5
EPZ S/S EPZ_LOAD 17.2 8.3 19.1
Firestone FIR_LOAD 2.6 1.3 2.9
Gigiri S/S GIGIRI_LOAD 6.0 2.9 6.6
Gigiri Water Pump GGR_LOAD 3.5 1.7 3.9
Industrial Area S/S IND_LOAD 43.5 21.1 48.4
Kabete S/S KABETE_LOAD 9.0 4.4 10.0
Kajiado S/S KJD_LOAD 1.8 0.9 2.0
Kapa Oil KOR_LOAD 3.5 1.7 3.9
Karen S/S KRN_LOAD 16.5 8.0 18.3
Kenya Pipe line KPC_LOAD 1.3 0.6 1.4
Kiambu Road S/S KIAMBU_LOAD 9.3 4.5 10.3
Kikiyu S/S KIK_LOAD 17.6 8.5 19.6
Kileleshwa S/S KIL_LOAD 16.6 8.1 18.5
Kimathi S/S KMT_LOAD 24.5 11.9 27.3
Kitisuru S/S KTS_LOAD 25.1 12.1 27.9
Komorock S/S KOMOROCK_LOAD 22.5 10.9 25.0
Langata S/S LANGATA_LOAD 7.3 3.5 8.1
Limuru S/S LIM_LOAD 19.8 9.6 22.0
Machakos S/S MACHAKOS_LOAD 3.2 1.5 3.5
Magadi Soda MGD_LOAD 4.5 2.2 5.0
Mai Mahiu S/S MAIMAHIU_LOAD 0.3 0.1 0.3
Matasia S/S MTA_LOAD 9.8 4.8 10.9
Mombasa Cement MOMB_CEM_LOAD 4.3 2.1 4.8
Mombasa Road S/S MOMRD_LOAD 18.8 9.1 20.9
Morris Company MORRIS_LOAD 1.0 0.5 1.1
Muga MUGA_LOAD2 0.7 0.3 0.8
Muga MUGA_LOAD1 0.9 0.4 1.0
Muthurwa S/S MUTHURWA_LOAD 42.9 20.8 47.7
Nairobi South S/S NST_LOAD 59.1 28.6 65.6
Nairobi West S/S NWT_LOAD 44.9 21.8 49.9
National Cement NAT_CEMLOAD_ADD 1.3 0.6 1.4
Load Flow Analysis Load - Nairobi Region, 2013

Location Element Name P(MW) Q(MVAR) S(MVA)

National Cement NAT_CEMLOAD 2.3 1.1 2.5
Ngema Pump NGM_LOAD 2.0 1.0 2.2
Ngong Road S/S NGONG_RD 13.8 6.7 15.4
Ngong S/S NGONG_LOAD 6.3 3.1 7.1
NSSF S/S NSF_LOAD 8.9 4.3 9.9
Nyaga S/S NYG_LOAD 4.7 2.3 5.3
Orbit Chemicals ORBIT CHEM_Load 1.0 0.5 1.1
Parklands S/S PRK_LOAD 50.8 24.6 56.5
Ruai S/S RUAI_LOAD 8.3 4.0 9.2
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_LOAD 24.6 11.9 27.3
Ruiru S/S RUIRU_LOAD_11 12.1 5.9 13.4
Ruiru Steel Mills DEVIKISTEEL_RUIRU 1.4 0.7 1.6
Ruiru Steel Mills RSM_LOAD 5.8 2.8 6.4
Savannah Cement SAVANNAH CEM_LOAD 0.4 0.2 0.4
Silverwood SILVERWD_LOAD 2.9 1.4 3.2
Steel Billets S/S STL_LOAD 15.0 7.3 16.6
Syokimau S/S SS_SYOKIMAU_LOAD 9.0 4.4 10.0
Tonaka Steel TONONOKA_LOAD 0.4 0.2 0.4
Westlands S/S WSTLANDS_LOAD 18.8 9.1 20.9
Load Flow Analysis Load - Nairobi Region, 2014

Location Element Name P(MW) Q(MVAR) S(MVA)

Accurate Steel Mills ACCURATE_STLMILL_LOAD 0.5 0.3 0.6
Airport S/S NAP_LOAD 13.7 6.7 15.3
Apex Steel Mill APEX_STMIL_LOAD 2.1 1.0 2.3
Athi mining Load ATHI MINING load 4.1 2.0 4.5
Athi Portland Cement APC_LOAD 12.8 6.2 14.2
Athi River S/S ATH_LOAD 18.9 9.1 21.0
Baba Dogo S/S BABADOGO 18.6 9.0 20.6
Bamuburi Cement BPC_LOAD_ADD 0.5 0.2 0.5
Bamuburi Cement BPC_LOAD 7.7 3.7 8.5
Cathedral S/S CTH_LOAD 19.0 9.2 21.1
Cianda S/S CND_LOAD 19.8 9.6 22.0
City Square S/S CITYSQUARE_LOAD 19.1 9.2 21.2
Delta Steel Mills DELTA_STLMILL_LOAD 0.6 0.3 0.7
Devki Steel Mills(Mombasa Cement DEVKI_STLMIL_MOMCEM_LOAD 1.8 0.9 2.0
Devki Steel Mills(Mombasa Road) DEVKISTL_MOMRD_LOAD 4.5 2.2 5.0
EA Breweries EA Brew load 6.3 3.1 7.0
Eastleigh S/S EASTLEIGH_LOAD 19.3 9.3 21.4
EPZ S/S EPZ_LOAD 19.5 9.5 21.7
Firestone FIR_LOAD 2.6 1.3 2.9
Gigiri S/S GIGIRI_LOAD 16.8 8.1 18.6
Gigiri Water Pump GGR_LOAD 3.5 1.7 3.9
Industrial Area S/S IND_LOAD 37.0 17.9 41.1
Jevanjee S/S JVJ_LOAD 14.6 7.1 16.2
Kabete S/S KABETE_LOAD 9.9 4.8 10.9
Kajiado S/S KJD_LOAD 1.8 0.9 2.0
Kapa Oil KOR_LOAD 3.5 1.7 3.9
Karen S/S KRN_LOAD 18.7 9.1 20.8
Kenya Pipe line KPC_LOAD 1.3 0.6 1.4
Kiambu Road S/S KIAMBU_LOAD 16.3 7.9 18.1
Kikiyu S/S KIK_LOAD 16.0 7.7 17.7
Kileleshwa S/S KIL_LOAD 12.3 5.9 13.6
Kimathi S/S KMT_LOAD 19.5 9.4 21.6
Kitisuru S/S KTS_LOAD 19.9 9.6 22.1
Komorock S/S KOMOROCK_LOAD 22.5 10.9 25.0
Langata S/S LANGATA_LOAD 8.2 4.0 9.2
Lavington S/S LAVINGTON_LOAD 8.7 4.2 9.7
Likoni Road S/S LIKONIRD_LOAD 25.7 12.5 28.6
Limuru S/S LIM_LOAD 17.9 8.7 19.9
Lower Kabete S/S LWRKBT_LOAD 14.8 7.2 16.5
Machakos S/S MACHAKOS_LOAD 3.2 1.5 3.5
Magadi Soda MGD_LOAD_ADD 1.1 0.5 1.2
Magadi Soda MGD_LOAD 4.5 2.2 5.0
Mai Mahiu S/S MAIMAHIU_LOAD 0.3 0.2 0.4
Matasia S/S MTA_LOAD 11.0 5.3 12.2
Load Flow Analysis Load - Nairobi Region, 2014

Location Element Name P(MW) Q(MVAR) S(MVA)

Mombasa Cement MOMB_CEM_LOAD 4.3 2.1 4.8
Mombasa Road S/S MOMRD_LOAD 18.1 8.8 20.1
Morris Company MORRIS_LOAD 1.0 0.5 1.1
Muga MUGA_LOAD2 1.4 0.7 1.6
Muga MUGA_LOAD1 1.8 0.9 2.0
Muthurwa S/S MUTHURWA_LOAD 34.0 16.5 37.8
Nairobi South S/S NST_LOAD 40.2 19.5 44.6
Nairobi West S/S NWT_LOAD 38.2 18.5 42.5
National Cement NAT_CEMLOAD 2.3 1.1 2.5
National Cement NAT_CEMLOAD_ADD 2.5 1.2 2.8
Ngema Pump NGM_LOAD 2.0 1.0 2.2
Ngong Road S/S NGONG_RD 15.7 7.6 17.4
Ngong S/S NGONG_LOAD 7.2 3.5 8.0
NSSF S/S NSF_LOAD 10.1 4.9 11.2
Nyaga S/S NYG_LOAD 5.4 2.6 6.0
Orbit Chemicals ORBIT CHEM_Load 1.0 0.5 1.1
Parklands S/S PRK_LOAD 34.6 16.7 38.4
Ruai S/S RUAI_LOAD 14.5 7.0 16.1
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_LOAD 27.9 13.5 30.9
Ruiru S/S RUIRU_LOAD_11 13.7 6.6 15.2
Ruiru Steel Mills DEVIKISTEEL_RUIRU 2.9 1.4 3.2
Ruiru Steel Mills RSM_LOAD 5.8 2.8 6.4
Savannah Cement SAVANNAH CEM_LOAD 0.7 0.3 0.8
Silverwood SILVERWD_LOAD 2.9 1.4 3.2
Steel Billets S/S STL_LOAD 17.0 8.2 18.9
Syokimau S/S SS_SYOKIMAU_LOAD 10.2 4.9 11.3
Thika Drive Inn S/S THIKADRIVEIN_LOAD 14.3 6.9 15.9
Tonaka Steel TONONOKA_LOAD 0.7 0.3 0.8
Uplands S/S UPLANDS_LOAD 4.5 2.2 5.0
Villa Franca S/S VILLAFRANCA_LOAD 18.2 8.8 20.2
Westlands S/S WSTLANDS_LOAD 19.2 9.3 21.4
Load Flow Analysis Load - Nairobi Region, 2015

Location Element Name P(MW) Q(MVAR) S(MVA)

Accurate Steel Mills ACCURATE_STLMILL_LOAD 1.1 0.5 1.2
Airport S/S NAP_LOAD 16.3 7.9 18.1
Apex Steel Mill APEX_STMIL_LOAD 3.1 1.5 3.5
Athi mining Load ATHI MINING load 4.1 2.0 4.5
Athi Portland Cement APC_LOAD 12.8 6.2 14.2
Athi River S/S ATH_LOAD 17.9 8.7 19.9
Baba Dogo S/S BABADOGO 11.0 5.3 12.3
Baba Dogo S/S BABADOGO_LOAD2 11.0 5.3 12.3
Bamuburi Cement BPC_LOAD 7.7 3.7 8.5
Bamuburi Cement BPC_LOAD_ADD 0.7 0.3 0.8
Cathedral S/S CTH_LOAD 19.2 9.3 21.3
Cianda S/S CND_LOAD 19.9 9.6 22.1
City Square S/S CITYSQUARE_LOAD 35.1 17.0 39.0
Delta Steel Mills DELTA_STLMILL_LOAD 1.2 0.6 1.4
Devki Steel Mills(Mombasa Cement DEVKI_STLMIL_MOMCEM_LOAD 3.6 1.7 4.0
Devki Steel Mills(Mombasa Road) DEVKISTL_MOMRD_LOAD 4.5 2.2 5.0
EA Breweries EA Brew load 6.3 3.1 7.0
Eastleigh S/S EASTLEIGH_LOAD 26.4 12.8 29.3
EPZ S/S EPZ_LOAD 18.3 8.9 20.4
Firestone FIR_LOAD 2.6 1.3 2.9
Gigiri S/S GIGIRI_LOAD 16.9 8.2 18.7
Gigiri Water Pump GGR_LOAD 3.5 1.7 3.9
Industrial Area S/S IND_LOAD 37.3 18.1 41.5
Jevanjee S/S JVJ_LOAD 17.3 8.4 19.2
Kabete S/S KABETE_LOAD 11.7 5.6 13.0
Kajiado S/S KJD_LOAD 3.0 1.4 3.3
Kapa Oil KOR_LOAD 3.5 1.7 3.9
Karen S/S KRN_LOAD 18.9 9.1 21.0
Kenya Pipe line KPC_LOAD 1.3 0.6 1.4
Kiambu Road S/S KIAMBU_LOAD 17.4 8.4 19.3
Kikiyu S/S KIK_LOAD 13.2 6.4 14.7
Kileleshwa S/S KIL_LOAD 19.1 9.3 21.2
Kimathi S/S KMT_LOAD 19.7 9.5 21.8
Kirigiti S/S KIRIGITI_LOAD 7.1 3.4 7.8
Kitisuru S/S KTS_LOAD 16.5 8.0 18.3
Komorock S/S KOMOROCK_LOAD 20.0 9.7 22.2
Langata S/S LANGATA_LOAD 9.8 4.7 10.9
Lavington S/S LAVINGTON_LOAD 10.4 5.0 11.5
Likoni Road S/S LIKONIRD_LOAD 34.9 16.9 38.8
Limuru S/S LIM_LOAD 14.8 7.2 16.5
Lower Kabete S/S LWRKBT_LOAD 17.5 8.5 19.5
Lukenya S/S LUKENYA_LOAD 9.1 4.4 10.1
Machakos S/S MACHAKOS_LOAD 4.1 2.0 4.5
Magadi Soda MGD_LOAD 4.5 2.2 5.0
Load Flow Analysis Load - Nairobi Region, 2015

Location Element Name P(MW) Q(MVAR) S(MVA)

Magadi Soda MGD_LOAD_ADD 2.2 1.0 2.4
Mai Mahiu S/S MAIMAHIU_LOAD 0.4 0.2 0.4
Matasia S/S MTA_LOAD 12.7 6.1 14.1
Mombasa Cement MOMB_CEM_LOAD 4.3 2.1 4.8
Mombasa Road S/S MOMRD_LOAD 16.1 7.8 17.9
Mombasa Road S/S MOMRD2_LOAD 16.1 7.8 17.9
Morris Company MORRIS_LOAD 1.0 0.5 1.1
Muga MUGA_LOAD2 2.2 1.0 2.4
Muga MUGA_LOAD1 2.7 1.3 3.0
Muthurwa S/S MUTHURWA_LOAD 40.4 19.6 44.9
Nairobi South S/S NST_LOAD 38.2 18.5 42.4
Nairobi West S/S NWT_LOAD 36.3 17.6 40.3
National Cement NAT_CEMLOAD_ADD 3.8 1.8 4.2
National Cement NAT_CEMLOAD 2.3 1.1 2.5
Ndenderu S/S NDENDERU_LOAD 4.9 2.4 5.5
Ngema Pump NGM_LOAD 2.0 1.0 2.2
Ngong Road S/S NGONG_RD 18.6 9.0 20.7
Ngong S/S NGONG_LOAD 11.9 5.7 13.2
NSSF S/S NSF_LOAD 12.0 5.8 13.3
Nyaga S/S NYG_LOAD 6.4 3.1 7.1
Orbit Chemicals ORBIT CHEM_Load 1.0 0.5 1.1
Parklands S/S PRK_LOAD 37.0 17.9 41.1
Ririoni S/S RIRONI_LOAD 12.0 5.8 13.4
Ruai S/S RUAI_LOAD 17.2 8.3 19.1
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_LOAD 33.1 16.0 36.8
Ruiru S/S RUIRU_LOAD_11 16.2 7.9 18.0
Ruiru Steel Mills DEVIKISTEEL_RUIRU 4.3 2.1 4.8
Ruiru Steel Mills RSM_LOAD 5.8 2.8 6.4
Savannah Cement SAVANNAH CEM_LOAD 1.4 0.7 1.6
Silverwood SILVERWD_LOAD 2.9 1.4 3.2
Steel Billets S/S STL_LOAD 17.1 8.3 19.0
Syokimau S/S SS_SYOKIMAU_LOAD 12.1 5.9 13.4
Tala S/S TALA_LOAD 7.3 3.5 8.1
Thika Drive Inn S/S THIKADRIVEIN_LOAD 21.1 10.2 23.4
Tonaka Steel TONONOKA_LOAD 1.4 0.7 1.6
Uplands S/S UPLANDS_LOAD 8.8 4.3 9.8
Villa Franca S/S VILLAFRANCA_LOAD 33.3 16.1 37.0
Westlands S/S WSTLANDS_LOAD 18.3 8.8 20.3
Load Flow Analysis Load - Nairobi Region, 2016

Location Element Name P(MW) Q(MVAR) S(MVA)

Accurate Steel Mills ACCURATE_STLMILL_LOAD 1.6 0.8 1.8
Airport S/S NAP_LOAD 18.4 8.9 20.5
Apex Steel Mill APEX_STMIL_LOAD 4.2 2.0 4.6
Athi mining Load ATHI MINING load 4.1 2.0 4.5
Athi Portland Cement APC_LOAD 12.8 6.2 14.2
Athi River S/S ATH_LOAD 17.3 8.4 19.2
Baba Dogo S/S BABADOGO 12.5 6.0 13.8
Baba Dogo S/S BABADOGO_LOAD2 12.5 6.0 13.8
Bamuburi Cement BPC_LOAD 7.7 3.7 8.5
Bamuburi Cement BPC_LOAD_ADD 0.9 0.4 1.0
Cathedral S/S CTH_LOAD 19.5 9.5 21.7
Cianda S/S CND_LOAD 19.1 9.2 21.2
City Square S/S CITYSQUARE_LOAD 37.7 18.2 41.9
Dagoretti S/S DAGORETTI_LOAD 3.2 1.5 3.6
Delta Steel Mills DELTA_STLMILL_LOAD 1.8 0.9 2.0
Devki Steel Mills(Mombasa Cement DEVKI_STLMIL_MOMCEM_LOAD 5.4 2.6 6.0
Devki Steel Mills(Mombasa Road) DEVKISTL_MOMRD_LOAD 4.5 2.2 5.0
EA Breweries EA Brew load 6.3 3.1 7.0
Eastleigh S/S EASTLEIGH_LOAD 29.8 14.4 33.1
EPZ S/S EPZ_LOAD 17.8 8.6 19.8
Firestone FIR_LOAD 2.6 1.3 2.9
Gigiri S/S GIGIRI_LOAD 17.1 8.3 19.0
Gigiri Water Pump GGR_LOAD 3.5 1.7 3.9
Githungiri S/S GITHUNGURI_LOAD 5.5 2.7 6.1
Industrial Area S/S IND_LOAD 38.0 18.4 42.2
Jevanjee S/S JVJ_LOAD 19.6 9.5 21.7
Kabete S/S KABETE_LOAD 11.7 5.6 13.0
Kagundo S/S KAGUNDO_LOAD 17.1 8.3 19.0
Kajiado S/S KJD_LOAD 3.0 1.4 3.3
Kapa Oil KOR_LOAD 3.5 1.7 3.9
Karen S/S KRN_LOAD 18.1 8.8 20.1
Kasarani S/S KASARANI_LOAD 5.7 2.8 6.3
Kenya Pipe line KPC_LOAD 1.3 0.6 1.4
Kiambu Road S/S KIAMBU_LOAD 17.6 8.5 19.6
Kikiyu S/S KIK_LOAD 14.9 7.2 16.6
Kileleshwa S/S KIL_LOAD 19.4 9.4 21.6
Kimathi S/S KMT_LOAD 18.9 9.1 21.0
Kirigiti S/S KIRIGITI_LOAD 8.0 3.9 8.8
Kiserian S/S KISERIAN_LOAD 10.4 5.0 11.5
Kitengela S/S KITENGELA_LOAD 6.2 3.0 6.8
Kitisuru S/S KTS_LOAD 18.6 9.0 20.6
Komorock S/S KOMOROCK_LOAD 20.0 9.7 22.2
Langata S/S LANGATA_LOAD 11.0 5.3 12.3
Lavington S/S LAVINGTON_LOAD 13.9 6.7 15.4
Likoni Road S/S LIKONIRD_LOAD 37.5 18.2 41.7
Load Flow Analysis Load - Nairobi Region, 2016

Location Element Name P(MW) Q(MVAR) S(MVA)

Limuru S/S LIM_LOAD 16.7 8.1 18.6
Lower Kabete S/S LWRKBT_LOAD 19.8 9.6 22.0
Lukenya S/S LUKENYA_LOAD 14.4 7.0 16.0
Machakos S/S MACHAKOS_LOAD 4.1 2.0 4.5
Magadi Soda MGD_LOAD 4.5 2.2 5.0
Magadi Soda MGD_LOAD_ADD 3.2 1.6 3.6
Mai Mahiu S/S MAIMAHIU_LOAD 0.4 0.2 0.5
Matasia S/S MTA_LOAD 14.2 6.9 15.8
Mombasa Cement MOMB_CEM_LOAD 4.3 2.1 4.8
Mombasa Road S/S MOMRD2_LOAD 18.2 8.8 20.3
Mombasa Road S/S MOMRD_LOAD 18.2 8.8 20.2
Morris Company MORRIS_LOAD 1.0 0.5 1.1
Muga MUGA_LOAD2 2.9 1.4 3.2
Muga MUGA_LOAD1 3.6 1.7 4.0
Muthurwa S/S MUTHURWA_LOAD 38.8 18.8 43.1
Nairobi South S/S NST_LOAD 38.8 18.8 43.1
Nairobi West S/S NWT_LOAD 36.9 17.9 41.0
National Cement NAT_CEMLOAD 2.3 1.1 2.5
National Cement NAT_CEMLOAD_ADD 5.0 2.4 5.6
Ndenderu S/S NDENDERU_LOAD 7.5 3.6 8.3
Ngema Pump NGM_LOAD 2.0 1.0 2.2
Ngong Road S/S NGONG_RD 18.9 9.2 21.0
Ngong S/S NGONG_LOAD 13.4 6.5 14.9
NSSF S/S NSF_LOAD 13.5 6.6 15.0
Nyaga S/S NYG_LOAD 5.0 2.4 5.6
Orbit Chemicals ORBIT CHEM_Load 1.0 0.5 1.1
Parklands S/S PRK_LOAD 37.7 18.2 41.8
Ririoni S/S RIRONI_LOAD 13.6 6.6 15.1
Ruai S/S RUAI_LOAD 17.7 8.6 19.7
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_LOAD 33.7 16.3 37.4
Ruiru S/S RUIRU_LOAD_11 18.3 8.9 20.3
Ruiru Steel Mills RSM_LOAD 5.8 2.8 6.4
Ruiru Steel Mills DEVIKISTEEL_RUIRU 5.8 2.8 6.4
Savannah Cement SAVANNAH CEM_LOAD 2.2 1.0 2.4
Silverwood SILVERWD_LOAD 2.9 1.4 3.2
Steel Billets S/S STL_LOAD 17.4 8.4 19.4
Syokimau S/S SS_SYOKIMAU_LOAD 17.0 8.2 18.9
Tala S/S TALA_LOAD 8.2 4.0 9.1
Thika Drive Inn S/S THIKADRIVEIN_LOAD 30.0 14.5 33.3
Tonaka Steel TONONOKA_LOAD 2.1 1.0 2.3
Uplands S/S UPLANDS_LOAD 9.9 4.8 11.0
Villa Franca S/S VILLAFRANCA_LOAD 37.6 18.2 41.8
Westlands S/S WSTLANDS_LOAD 18.6 9.0 20.6
Load Flow Analysis Load - Nairobi Region, 2017

Location Element Name P(MW) Q(MVAR) S(MVA)

Accurate Steel Mills ACCURATE_STLMILL_LOAD 1.0 2.1 2.4
Airport S/S NAP_LOAD 9.2 19.0 21.1
Apex Steel Mill APEX_STMIL_LOAD 2.5 5.2 5.8
Athi mining Load ATHI MINING load 2.0 4.1 4.5
Athi Portland Cement APC_LOAD 6.2 12.8 14.2
Athi River S/S ATH_LOAD 9.4 19.5 21.7
Baba Dogo S/S BABADOGO 8.2 16.8 18.7
Baba Dogo S/S BABADOGO_LOAD2 8.2 16.8 18.7
Bamuburi Cement BPC_LOAD 3.7 7.7 8.5
Bamuburi Cement BPC_LOAD_ADD 0.4 0.9 1.0
Cathedral S/S CTH_LOAD 9.6 19.8 22.0
Cianda S/S CND_LOAD 9.4 19.4 21.5
City Square S/S CITYSQUARE_LOAD 18.8 38.8 43.1
Dagoretti S/S DAGORETTI_LOAD 8.0 16.5 18.3
Delta Steel Mills DELTA_STLMILL_LOAD 1.2 2.4 2.7
Devki Steel Mills(Mombasa Cement DEVKI_STLMIL_MOMCEM_LOAD 3.5 7.2 8.0
Devki Steel Mills(Mombasa Road) DEVKISTL_MOMRD_LOAD 2.2 4.5 5.0
EA Breweries EA Brew load 3.1 6.3 7.0
Eastleigh S/S EASTLEIGH_LOAD 19.4 40.0 44.5
EPZ S/S EPZ_LOAD 9.8 20.3 22.5
Firestone FIR_LOAD 1.3 2.6 2.9
Gigiri S/S GIGIRI_LOAD 9.3 19.3 21.4
Gigiri Water Pump GGR_LOAD 1.7 3.5 3.9
Githungiri S/S GITHUNGURI_LOAD 4.1 8.4 9.3
Industrial Area S/S IND_LOAD 18.7 38.6 42.9
Jevanjee S/S JVJ_LOAD 9.8 20.1 22.4
Kabete S/S KABETE_LOAD 8.3 17.1 19.1
Kagundo S/S KAGUNDO_LOAD 9.3 19.3 21.4
Kajiado S/S KJD_LOAD 1.8 3.7 4.1
Kapa Oil KOR_LOAD 1.7 3.5 3.9
Karen S/S KRN_LOAD 8.9 18.4 20.5
Kasarani S/S KASARANI_LOAD 6.6 13.6 15.1
Kenya Pipe line KPC_LOAD 0.6 1.3 1.4
Kiambu Road S/S KIAMBU_LOAD 9.6 19.9 22.1
Kikiyu S/S KIK_LOAD 8.1 16.8 18.7
Kileleshwa S/S KIL_LOAD 8.5 17.6 19.5
Kimathi S/S KMT_LOAD 9.2 19.1 21.2
Kirigiti S/S KIRIGITI_LOAD 4.3 9.0 10.0
Kiserian S/S KISERIAN_LOAD 8.6 17.8 19.8
Kitengela S/S KITENGELA_LOAD 7.5 15.4 17.1
Kitisuru S/S KTS_LOAD 9.2 19.1 21.2
Komorock S/S KOMOROCK_LOAD 9.7 20.0 22.2
Langata S/S LANGATA_LOAD 6.0 12.5 13.9
Lavington S/S LAVINGTON_LOAD 8.6 17.8 19.8
Load Flow Analysis Load - Nairobi Region, 2017

Location Element Name P(MW) Q(MVAR) S(MVA)

Likoni Road S/S LIKONIRD_LOAD 18.2 37.5 41.7
Limuru S/S LIM_LOAD 9.1 18.9 21.0
Lower Kabete S/S LWRKBT_LOAD 9.7 20.1 22.3
Lukenya S/S LUKENYA_LOAD 7.8 16.2 18.0
Machakos S/S MACHAKOS_LOAD 2.5 5.2 5.8
Magadi Soda MGD_LOAD 2.2 4.5 5.0
Magadi Soda MGD_LOAD_ADD 2.1 4.3 4.8
Mai Mahiu S/S MAIMAHIU_LOAD 0.2 0.5 0.5
Matasia S/S MTA_LOAD 7.7 15.9 17.7
Mombasa Cement MOMB_CEM_LOAD 2.1 4.3 4.8
Mombasa Road S/S MOMRD_LOAD 9.5 19.5 21.7
Mombasa Road S/S MOMRD2_LOAD 9.5 19.5 21.7
Morris Company MORRIS_LOAD 0.5 1.0 1.1
Muga MUGA_LOAD1 2.2 4.5 5.0
Muga MUGA_LOAD2 1.7 3.6 4.0
Muthurwa S/S MUTHURWA_LOAD 19.1 39.5 43.8
Nairobi South S/S NST_LOAD 19.1 39.4 43.8
Nairobi West S/S NWT_LOAD 18.2 37.5 41.7
National Cement NAT_CEMLOAD 1.1 2.3 2.5
National Cement NAT_CEMLOAD_ADD 3.1 6.3 7.0
Ndenderu S/S NDENDERU_LOAD 5.0 10.3 11.4
Ngema Pump NGM_LOAD 1.0 2.0 2.2
Ngong Road S/S NGONG_RD 9.3 19.2 21.4
Ngong S/S NGONG_LOAD 9.3 19.1 21.2
NSSF S/S NSF_LOAD 8.3 17.1 19.0
Nyaga S/S NYG_LOAD 2.7 5.7 6.3
Orbit Chemicals ORBIT CHEM_Load 0.5 1.0 1.1
Parklands S/S PRK_LOAD 17.5 36.2 40.3
Ririoni S/S RIRONI_LOAD 7.4 15.3 17.0
Ruai S/S RUAI_LOAD 9.9 20.5 22.8
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_LOAD 16.6 34.2 38.0
Ruiru S/S RUIRU_LOAD_11 10.0 20.6 22.9
Ruiru Steel Mills DEVIKISTEEL_RUIRU 3.5 7.2 8.0
Ruiru Steel Mills RSM_LOAD 2.8 5.8 6.4
Savannah Cement SAVANNAH CEM_LOAD 1.4 2.9 3.2
Silverwood SILVERWD_LOAD 1.4 2.9 3.2
Steel Billets S/S STL_LOAD 7.9 16.4 18.2
Syokimau S/S SS_SYOKIMAU_LOAD 9.3 19.2 21.3
Tala S/S TALA_LOAD 5.3 11.0 12.3
Thika Drive Inn S/S THIKADRIVEIN_LOAD 14.5 30.0 33.3
Tonaka Steel TONONOKA_LOAD 1.4 2.8 3.1
Umoja S/S UMOJA_LOAD 9.3 19.3 21.4
Uplands S/S UPLANDS_LOAD 5.4 11.2 12.5
Villa Franca S/S VILLAFRANCA_LOAD 17.5 36.1 40.2
Load Flow Analysis Load - Nairobi Region, 2017

Location Element Name P(MW) Q(MVAR) S(MVA)

Westlands S/S WSTLANDS_LOAD 8.1 16.8 18.6
Feeder Load Flow Analysis -Nairobio Region, 2012

Maximum Maximum
BSP Feeder Name Voltage (kV) feeder loading(%) feeder load(A)
Embakasi BSP ATHI_MACHAKOS 33 44.7 125
EMB_AP1 66 12.2 51
EMB_ATHI 66 38.2 161
EMB_MAGADI 66 46.7 197
EMB_MOMRD 66 28.4 120
EMB_NST2 66 100.2 422
EMB_NST3 66 26.0 109
EMB_NWT1 66 69.6 452
EMB_NWT2 66 69.6 452
KAJIADO 33 58.9 100
NWT_NGONG 66 63.9 269
NWst-Cath Cable 66 53.1 247
EMB-EPZ 66 76.4 322
L50221 66 2.3 10
Juja Road BSP JUJA_ATHI 66 70.1 295
JUJA_JVJ1 66 63.3 267
JUJA_NST1 66 44.8 189
JUJA_PRKLND1 66 70.7 300
JUJA_RUAR1 66 40.0 168
JUJA_STLBLT 66 31.2 131
JUJA_TANA1 66 1.0 4
JUJA_TANA2 66 1.0 4
JUJA_RUAR2 66 40.0 168
JUJA_PRKLND2 66 70.9 298
JUJA_JVJ2 66 63.2 266
Kiboko BSP Kiboko 33 25.0 70
Nairobi North BSP Nairobi North - Kabete 66 18.6 121
NNRT_CND 66 38.2 161
NNRT_KTS 66 69.2 291
NNRT_LIM 66 96.2 619
NNRT_WSTLNDS 66 40.2 169
Ruaraka BSP Ruiru-Nyaga 33 30.7 86
Ruiru_Steel Mill 66 13.5 57
Emb-Ruiru2 66 49.9 210
Emb-Ruiru1 66 49.8 210
Feeder Load Flow Analysis -Nairobio Region, 2013

Maximum Maximum
BSP Feeder Name Voltage (kV) feeder rating (%) feeder load(A)
Embakasi BSP ATHI_MACHAKOS 33 50.7 142
EMB_AP1 66 14.0 59
EMB_ATHI 66 41.2 174
EMB_MAGADI 66 48.4 204
EMB_MOMRD 66 65.0 274
EMB_NST2 66 58.6 247
EMB_NST3 66 20.7 87
EMB_NWT1 66 75.7 492
EMB_NWT2 66 75.7 492
EMB-EPZ 66 73.7 359
KAJIADO 33 69.2 112
NWst-Cath Cable 66 40.0 226
NWT_NGONG 66 73.7 310
Juja Road BSP JUJA_ATHI 66 82.0 345
JUJA_JVJ1 66 83.1 350
JUJA_NST1 66 44.2 186
JUJA_PRKLND1 66 63.9 270
JUJA_RUAR1 66 28.0 118
JUJA_STLBLT 66 35.5 149
JUJA_TANA1 66 1.0 4
JUJA_TANA2 66 1.0 4
JUJA_RUAR2 66 28.0 118
JUJA_PRKLND2 66 61.4 259
JUJA_JVJ2 66 82.3 347
Kiboko BSP Kiboko 33 28.6 80
Nairobi North BSP Kabete-Karen 66 54.6 410
Karen-Ngong Wind 66 5.8 24
kikuyu-Karen 66 45.8 193
NNRT_CND 66 41.4 174
NNRT_KTS 66 83.5 351
NNRT_LIM 66 33.9 220
NNRT_WSTLNDS 66 44.3 187
NNrth_kabete 66 77.1 501
Ruaraka BSP Emb-Ruiru1 66 58.4 246
Emb-Ruiru2 66 58.4 246
Ruiru_Steel Mill 66 17.1 72
Ruiru-Nyaga 33 35.2 98
Feeder Load Flow Analysis -Nairobio Region, 2014

Maximum Maximum
BSP Feeder Name Voltage (kV) feeder rating (%) feeder load(A)
Athi BSP ATHI_MACHAKOS 33 41.8 117
ATHIBASP-ATHISS-1 66 66.55 499
ATHIBASP-ATHISS-2 66 66.55 499
KAJIADO 33 85.64 126
MOMB_JUJAtoff 66 0.03 0
NAT_CEM 66 11.36 48
nEW LINK 66 34.51 168
SILVERWD 66 6.86 29
Embakasi BSP CTHNWEST-CTSQR1 66 33.03 187
CTHNWEST-CTSQR2 66 65.78 372
EMB_AP1 66 15.76 66
EMB_MAGADI 66 56.66 239
EMB_MOMRD 66 61.91 261
EMB_NST2 66 94.32 397
EMB_NST3 66 31.92 136
EMB_NWT1 66 57.37 373
EMB_NWT2 66 57.35 373
NWst-Cath Cable1 66 33.4 189
NWst-Cath Cable2 66 65.51 370
Juja Road BSP JUJA_ATHI 66 24.31 102
JUJA_JVJ1 66 83.08 350
JUJA_NST1 66 67.12 283
JUJA_PRKLND1 66 42.12 178
JUJA_RUAR1 66 30.56 129
JUJA_STLBLT 66 40.2 169
JUJA_TANA1 66 0.95 4
JUJA_TANA2 66 0.95 4
JUJA-EASTLEIGH1 66 10.78 81
JUJA-EASTLEIGH2 66 10.78 81
JUJA_PRKLND2 66 40.48 170
JUJA_JVJ2 66 83.08 350
JUJA_RUAR2 66 30.53 129
Kiboko BSP Kiboko 33 32.87 92
Nairobi North BSP Kabete-Lav 66 11.6 87
KAB-LAVING 66 11.6 87
Laving-Karen 66 0.02 0
NNRT_CND 66 47.26 199
NNRT_KTS 66 47.58 200
NNRT_LIM 66 38.02 247
NNRT_WSTLNDS 66 74.52 314
NNrth_kabete 66 28.54 186
NNRT-LWRKBT 66 19.63 147
Ngong BSP Karen-Ngong Wind 66 5.71 24
kikuyu-Karen 66 40.6 171
L52879 66 67.69 508
Ngong Road-Kileleshwa 66 0.16 1
NGONGBSP-NGONGSS_2 66 44.5 289
NWST_NGONGTOFF 66 39.44 166
Ruaraka BSP Emb-Ruiru1 66 68.03 286
Emb-Ruiru2 66 68.07 287
Kitisurtoff-Gigiri 66 8.52 36
Ruiru_Steel Mill 66 20.69 87
Ruiru-Nyaga 33 39.88 112
Sultan Hamud BSP SULATNAHAMUDBSP_LINK 33 8.57 24
Wote BSP Wote BSP-Link 33 4.88 21
Feeder Load Flow Analysis -Nairobio Region, 2015

Maximum Maximum
BSP Feeder Name Voltage (kV) feeder rating (%) feeder load(A)
Athi BSP ATHI_MACHAKOS 33 10.55 30
ATHIBASP-ATHISS-1 66 73.85 554
ATHIBASP-ATHISS-2 66 73.85 554
ATHI-BPCTOFF 66 37.79 184
ATHI-LUKENYA 66 9.38 46
Athi-Lukenya2 66 9.38 46
KAJIADO 33 19.36 49
MOMB_JUJAtoff 66 0.03 0
NAT_CEM 66 14.52 61
nEW LINK 66 44.37 333
SILVERWD 66 6.93 29
CBD BSP CBDBSP-CATH 66 34.02 192
CBDBSP-NWEST 66 64.03 362
Emb-Ind1 66 0.14 1
Emb-Ind2 66 0.14 1
Ngong Road-Kileleshwa 66 46.11 194
NGONG_NEW 66 0.15 1
NWst-Cath Cable2 66 0.54 3
Nwt-Ind1 66 0.2 1
Nwt-Ind2 66 0.2 1
WSTLND-KIL 66 0.14 1
Embakasi BSP EMB_AP1 66 18.44 78
EMB_MAGADI 66 67.67 285
EMB_MOMRD 66 72.29 304
EMB_NST2 66 93.34 393
EMB_NST3 66 50.9 216
Juja Road BSP JUJA_NST1 66 91.17 384
JUJA_PRKLND1 66 45.45 192
JUJA_STLBLT 66 40.71 171
JUJA_TANA1 66 0.95 4
JUJA_TANA2 66 0.95 4
JUJA_PRKLND2 66 43.68 184
Kajiado BSP KAJIADOBSP-LINK 33 35 98
Kiboko BSP Kiboko 33 38.22 107
Komorock BSP Juja-Jeevanjee1 66 43.99 185
Juja-Jeevanjee2 66 44.27 186
KOMO-RUAI 66 49.79 242
RUAI-TALA 66 15.15 74
Machakos BSP MACHAKOSBSP-LINK 33 38.21 107
Nairobi North BSP Kabete-Lav 66 13.99 105
KAB-LAVING 66 13.98 105
Laving-Karen 66 0.02 0
NNRT_KTS 66 39.77 215
NNRT_LIM 66 40.74 265
NNRT_WSTLNDS 66 43.5 183
NNrth_kabete 66 34.16 222
NNRT-LWRKBT 66 23.59 177
Ngong BSP Karen-Ngong Wind 66 5.68 24
kikuyu-Karen 66 64.62 272
Limuru-Kikiyu 66 0.4 2
NGONGBSP-NGONGSS_2 66 43.21 281
NGOONGBSP-NGONGSS_1 66 43.21 281
Feeder Load Flow Analysis -Nairobio Region, 2015

Maximum Maximum
BSP Feeder Name Voltage (kV) feeder rating (%) feeder load(A)
Ruaraka BSP Emb-Ruiru1 66 79.82 336
Emb-Ruiru2 66 79.86 336
Ruiru_Steel Mill 66 23.94 101
Ruiru-Nyaga 33 47.53 133
Thika Road BSP BABA_RUARAKAC1 66 0.13 1
BABA_RUARAKAC2 66 14.7 62
CND-KIRI 66 42.38 206
EA Breweries toff 66 14.75 62
Juja-Rurak1 66 0.06 0
Kitisurtoff-Gigiri 66 8.24 35
NNth-Cianda 66 0.24 1
THIKADRD-BABA1 66 37.54 282
Wote BSP Wote BSP-Link 33 5.7 25
Feeder Load Flow Analysis -Nairobi Region, 2016

Maximum Maximum
feeder rating feeder
BSP Feeder Name Voltage (kV) (%) load(A)
Athi BSP ATHI_MACHAKOS 33 12.05 34
ATHIBASP-ATHISS-1 66 86.3 647
ATHIBASP-ATHISS-2 66 86.3 647
ATHI-BPCTOFF 66 42.88 209
ATHI-LUKENYA 66 15.15 74
Athi-Lukenya2 66 15.15 74
EPZ-KITEN 66 6.46 31
EPZ-KITENGELA2 66 6.46 31
KAJIADO 33 21.76 55
MOMB_JUJAtoff 66 0.03 0
NAT_CEM 66 17.79 75
nEW LINK 66 54.9 412
SILVERWD 66 7.03 30
CBD BSP CBDBSP-CATH 66 34.65 196
CBDBSP-NWEST 66 65.23 369
Emb-Ind1 66 0.14 1
Emb-Ind2 66 0.14 1
Ngong Road-Kileleshwa 66 47 198
NGONG_NEW 66 0.15 1
NWst-Cath Cable2 66 0.54 3
Nwt-Ind1 66 0.2 1
Nwt-Ind2 66 0.2 1
WSTLND-KIL 66 0.14 1
Embakasi BSP EMB_AP1 66 21.06 89
EMB_MAGADI 66 80.11 337
EMB_MOMRD 66 82.6 348
EMB_NST2 66 95.75 403
EMB_NST3 66 58.19 247
Juja Road BSP JUJA_NST1 66 99.19 418
JUJA_PRKLND1 66 46.42 196
JUJA_STLBLT 66 41.5 175
JUJA_TANA1 66 6.57 29
Kajiado BSP KAJIADOBSP-LINK 33 39.29 110
Kiboko BSP Kiboko 33 43.94 123
Komorock BSP Juja-Jeevanjee1 66 46.25 195
Juja-Jeevanjee2 66 46.53 196
Feeder Load Flow Analysis -Nairobi Region, 2016

Maximum Maximum
feeder rating feeder
BSP Feeder Name Voltage (kV) (%) load(A)
Komorock BSP KOMOROCKBSP-MUTHURWA 66 54.79 411
KOMO-RUAI 66 53.25 259
RUAI-TALA 66 17.24 84
Machakos BSP MACHAKOSBSP-LINK 33 43.68 122
Nairobi North BSP Kabete-Lav 66 18.65 140
KAB-LAVING 66 18.64 140
Laving-Karen 66 0.02 0
NNRT_KTS 66 44.59 260
NNRT_LIM 66 54.11 352
NNRT_WSTLNDS 66 43.74 184
NNrth_kabete 66 39.39 256
NNRT-LWRKBT 66 26.42 198
Ngong BSP DAGORETTI-NGONGBSP1 66 22.13 166
Karen-Ngong Wind 66 5.57 23
kikuyu-Karen 66 71.46 301
Limuru-Kikiyu 66 0.41 2
NGONGBSP-NGONGSS_2 66 22.66 147
NGOONGBSP-NGONGSS_1 66 22.66 147
Ruaraka BSP Emb-Ruiru1 66 42.44 179
Emb-Ruiru2 66 42.48 179
RUARKA-RUIRU2 66 34.8 169
Ruiru_Steel Mill 66 26.9 113
Ruiru-Nyaga 33 14.75 41
RUIRU-NYAGA2 33 12.08 59
Sultan Hamud BSP SULATNAHAMUDBSP_LINK 33 11.43 32
Thika Road BSP BABA_RUARAKAC1 66 0.13 1
BABA_RUARAKAC2 66 14.85 63
CND-KIRI 66 26.41 198
EA Breweries toff 66 14.89 63
Juja-Rurak1 66 0.06 0
Kitisurtoff-Gigiri 66 8.31 35
NNth-Cianda 66 0.24 1
THIKADRD-BABA1 66 41.81 314
Wote BSP Wote BSP-Link 33 6.51 28
Feeder Load Flow Analysis -Nairobi Region, 2017

Maximum Maximum
feeder rating feeder
BSP Feeder Name Voltage (kV) (%) load(A)
Athi BSP ATHI_MACHAKOS 33 13.65 38
ATHIBASP-ATHISS-1 66 79.46 596
ATHIBASP-ATHISS-2 66 79.46 596
ATHI-BPCTOFF 66 16.5 80
ATHI-LUKENYA 66 17.02 83
Athi-Lukenya2 66 17.02 83
EPZ-KITEN 66 16.32 79
EPZ-KITENGELA2 66 16.32 79
KAJIADO 33 24.43 62
MOMB_JUJAtoff 66 0.03 0
NAT_CEM 66 14.24 60
nEW LINK 66 69.1 518
SILVERWD 66 1.08 5
CBD BSP CBDBSP-CATH 66 35.25 199
CBDBSP-NWEST 66 66.37 375
Emb-Ind1 66 0.14 1
Emb-Ind2 66 0.14 1
Ngong Road-Kileleshwa 66 42.31 178
NGONG_NEW 66 0.15 1
NWst-Cath Cable2 66 0.54 3
Nwt-Ind1 66 0.2 1
Nwt-Ind2 66 0.2 1
WSTLND-KIL 66 0.14 1
Embakasi BSP EMB_AP1 66 21.77 92
EMB_MAGADI 66 90.14 379
EMB_MOMRD 47.7 44.3 188
EMB_NST2 66 97.73 411
EMB_NST3 66 60.79 258
Juja Road BSP JUJA_NST1 66 53.13 398
JUJA_PRKLND1 66 44.61 189
JUJA_STLBLT 66 39 164
JUJA_TANA1 66 16.03 68
Kajiado BSP KAJIADOBSP-LINK 33 44.04 123
Kiboko BSP Kiboko 33 52.15 146
Komorock BSP Juja-Jeevanjee1 66 46.82 197
Juja-Jeevanjee2 66 47.11 198
Feeder Load Flow Analysis -Nairobi Region, 2017

Maximum Maximum
feeder rating feeder
BSP Feeder Name Voltage (kV) (%) load(A)
Komorock BSP KOMOROCKBSP-MUTHURWA 66 55.25 414
KOMOROCK-UMOJA2 66 19.6 95
KOMO-RUAI 66 65.04 317
RUAI-TALA 66 23.36 114
Machakos BSP MACHAKOSBSP-LINK 33 49.54 139
Nairobi North BSP Kabete-Lav 66 24.56 184
KAB-LAVING 66 24.55 184
Laving-Karen 66 0.02 0
NNRT_KTS 66 46.33 296
NNRT_LIM 66 65.46 425
NNRT_WSTLNDS 66 39.82 168
NNrth_kabete 66 55.28 359
NNRT-LWRKBT 66 27.06 203
Ngong BSP DAGORETTI-NGONGBSP1 66 32.85 246
Karen-Ngong Wind 66 5.53 23
kikuyu-Karen 66 19.67 83
Limuru-Kikiyu 66 0.42 2
NGONGBSP-NGONGSS_2 66 27.17 177
NGOONGBSP-NGONGSS_1 66 27.17 177
Ruaraka BSP Emb-Ruiru1 66 48.14 203
Emb-Ruiru2 66 48.18 203
RUARKA-RUIRU2 66 39.47 192
Ruiru_Steel Mill 66 30.42 128
Ruiru-Nyaga 33 16.81 47
RUIRU-NYAGA2 33 13.76 67
Sultan Hamud BSP SULATNAHAMUDBSP_LINK 33 12.96 36
Thika Road BSP BABA_RUARAKAC1 66 0.13 1
BABA_RUARAKAC2 66 14.81 62
CND-KIRI 66 26.58 199
EA Breweries toff 66 14.86 63
Juja-Rurak1 66 0.06 0
Kitisurtoff-Gigiri 66 8.28 35
NNth-Cianda 66 0.24 1
Feeder Load Flow Analysis -Nairobi Region, 2017

Maximum Maximum
feeder rating feeder
BSP Feeder Name Voltage (kV) (%) load(A)
Thika Road BSP THIKABSP-KIAMBURD2 66 34.84 261
THIKADRD-BABA1 66 53.69 403
Wote BSP KIB-Mach INt 33 7.4 32
Transformer Load Flow Analysis - Nairobi Region, 2012

Neplan Node Neplan Transformer Transformer

Location Reference Reference rating(MVA) Voltage(kV) Loading(%)
Kajiado S/S KJD_11 KJD_33_11_TX 7.5 11 23.8
Kajiado S/S KJD_33 KJD_33_11_TX 7.5 33 24.1
Matasia S/S MTA_11 MTA_66_11_TX 23 11 70.9
Matasia S/S MTA_66 MTA_66_11_TX 23 66 73.5
Cianda S/S CND_11 CND_66_11_TX 23 11 75.4
Cianda S/S CND_66 CND_66_11_TX 23 66 78.4
Gigiri S/S GIGIRI_11 TR2-50309 23 11 12.0
Gigiri S/S GIGIRI_66 TR2-50309 23 66 12.2
Kabete S/S KABETE_11 KABETE_TX 23 11 57.2
Kabete S/S KABETE_66 KABETE_TX 23 66 59.0
Kikiyu S/S KIK_11 KIK_66_11_TX1 23 11 51.3
Kikiyu S/S KIK_11 KIK_66_11_TX2 10 11 57.0
Kikiyu S/S KIK_66 KIK_66_11_TX1 23 66 52.7
Kikiyu S/S KIK_66 KIK_66_11_TX2 10 66 58.5
Kitisuru S/S KTS_11 KTS_66_11_TX1 23 11 54.1
Kitisuru S/S KTS_11 KTS_66_11_TX2 23 11 54.1
Kitisuru S/S KTS_66 KTS_66_11_TX1 23 66 55.6
Kitisuru S/S KTS_66 KTS_66_11_TX2 23 66 55.6
Limuru S/S LIM_11 LIM_66_11_TX1 23 11 66.2
Limuru S/S LIM_11 LIM_66_11_TX2 5 11 88.2
Limuru S/S LIM_66 LIM_66_11_TX1 23 66 68.4
Limuru S/S LIM_66 LIM_66_11_TX2 5 66 91.2
Mai Mahiu S/S MAIMAHIU_11 MAIMAHIU_TX1 10 11 1.4
Mai Mahiu S/S MAIMAHIU_11 MAIMAHIU_TX2 10 11 1.4
Mai Mahiu S/S MAIMAHIU_66 MAIMAHIU_TX1 10 66 1.4
Mai Mahiu S/S MAIMAHIU_66 MAIMAHIU_TX2 10 66 1.4
Nyaga S/S NYG_11 NYG_33_11_TX 7.5 11 62.7
Nyaga S/S NYG_33 NYG_33_11_TX 7.5 33 64.2
Ruiru RUIRU_33 RUI_66_33_TX 23 33 21.5
Ruiru S/S RUIRU_11 RUI_66_11_TX 23 11 26.1
Ruiru S/S RUIRU_11 RUI_66_11_TX2 23 11 26.1
Ruiru S/S RUIRU_66 RUI_66_11_TX 23 66 26.5
Ruiru S/S RUIRU_66 RUI_66_33_TX 23 66 21.8
Ruiru S/S RUIRU_66 RUI_66_11_TX2 23 66 26.5
EPZ S/S EPZ_11 EPZ_66_11_TX 23 11 73.0
EPZ S/S EPZ_66 EPZ_66_11_TX 23 66 75.8
EPZ S/S EPZ_66 EPZ_66_33_TX 23 66 59.6
Machakos S/S MACHAKOS_11 MACHAKOS_33_11_TX 7.5 11 39.3
Machakos S/S MACHAKOS_33 MACHAKOS_33_11_TX 7.5 33 40.0
Airport S/S NAP_11 NAP_66_11_TX1 23 11 26.1
Airport S/S NAP_11 NAP_66_11_TX2 23 11 26.1
Airport S/S NAP_66 NAP_66_11_TX1 23 66 26.5
Airport S/S NAP_66 NAP_66_11_TX2 23 66 26.5
Athi River S/S ATH_11 ATH_66_11_TX1 23 11 71.7
Athi River S/S ATH_66 ATH_66_11_TX1 23 66 74.3
Baba Dogo S/S BABADOGO_11 BABADOD_TX1 23 11 64.1
Baba Dogo S/S BABADOGO_11 BABADOD_TX2 23 11 64.1
Baba Dogo S/S BABADOGO_66 BABADOD_TX1 23 66 66.2
Baba Dogo S/S BABADOGO_66 BABADOD_TX2 23 66 66.2
Cathedral S/S CTH_11 CTH_66_11_TX2 23 11 60.2
Cathedral S/S CTH_11 CTH_66_11_TX1 23 11 60.2
Cathedral S/S CTH_66 CTH_66_11_TX2 23 66 62.1
Cathedral S/S CTH_66 CTH_66_11_TX1 23 66 62.1
EPZ EPZ_33 EPZ_66_33_TX 23 33 58.2
Industrial Area S/S IND_11 IND_66_11_TX1 23 11 93.7
Industrial Area S/S IND_11 IND_66_11_TX2 23 11 93.7
Industrial Area S/S IND_66 IND_66_11_TX1 23 66 98.3
Industrial Area S/S IND_66 IND_66_11_TX2 23 66 98.3
Jevanjee S/S JVJ_11 JVJ_66_11_TX2 23 11 67.6
Jevanjee S/S JVJ_11 JVJ_66_11_TX1 23 11 67.6
Jevanjee S/S JVJ_66 JVJ_66_11_TX2 23 66 70.0
Jevanjee S/S JVJ_66 JVJ_66_11_TX1 23 66 70.0
Karen S/S KRN_11 KRN_66_11_TX1 23 11 50.7
Karen S/S KRN_11 KRN_66_11_TX2 23 11 50.7
Karen S/S KRN_66 KRN_66_11_TX1 23 66 52.2
Karen S/S KRN_66 KRN_66_11_TX2 23 66 52.2
Kileleshwa S/S KIL_11 KIL_66_11_TX1 23 11 35.8
Kileleshwa S/S KIL_11 KIL_66_11_TX2 23 11 35.8
Kileleshwa S/S KIL_66 KIL_66_11_TX1 23 66 36.5
Transformer Load Flow Analysis - Nairobi Region, 2012

Neplan Node Neplan Transformer Transformer

Location Reference Reference rating(MVA) Voltage(kV) Loading(%)
Kileleshwa S/S KIL_66 KIL_66_11_TX2 23 66 36.5
Kimathi S/S KMT_11 KMT_66_11_TX1 23 11 58.7
Kimathi S/S KMT_11 KMT_66_11_TX2 23 11 58.7
Kimathi S/S KMT_66 KMT_66_11_TX1 23 66 60.4
Kimathi S/S KMT_66 KMT_66_11_TX2 23 66 60.4
Komorock S/S KOMOROCK_11 KOMORCK_TR1 23 11 48.4
Komorock S/S KOMOROCK_11 KOMORCK_TR2 23 11 48.4
Komorock S/S KOMOROCK_66 KOMORCK_TR1 23 66 49.6
Komorock S/S KOMOROCK_66 KOMORCK_TR2 23 66 49.6
Mombasa Road S/S MOMBASARD_11 MOMRD_66_11_TX1 45 11 68.7
Mombasa Road S/S MOMBASARD_66 MOMRD_66_11_TX1 45 66 71.0
Nairobi South S/S NST_11 NST_66_11_TX1 23 11 84.8
Nairobi South S/S NST_11 NST_66_11_TX2 23 11 84.8
Nairobi South S/S NST_11 NST_66_11_TX3 23 11 84.8
Nairobi South S/S NST_66 NST_66_11_TX1 23 66 88.4
Nairobi South S/S NST_66 NST_66_11_TX2 23 66 88.4
Nairobi South S/S NST_66 NST_66_11_TX3 23 66 88.4
Nairobi South S/S NST_66 IBER3 45 66 87.4
Nairobi South S/S NST_66 IBER2 45 66 87.4
Nairobi South S/S NST_66 IBER1 45 66 87.4
Nairobi West S/S NWT_11 NWT_66_11_TX2 45 11 49.4
Nairobi West S/S NWT_11 NWT_66_11_TX1 45 11 49.4
Nairobi West S/S NWT_66 NWT_66_11_TX2 45 66 50.7
Nairobi West S/S NWT_66 NWT_66_11_TX1 45 66 50.7
Ngong Road S/S NGONG_RD11 NGONG_RDTX1 23 11 29.8
Ngong Road S/S NGONG_RD11 NGONG_RDTX2 23 11 29.8
Ngong Road S/S NGONG_RD66 NGONG_RDTX1 23 66 30.3
Ngong Road S/S NGONG_RD66 NGONG_RDTX2 23 66 30.3
NSSF S/S NSF_11 NSF_66_11_TX 23 11 54.8
NSSF S/S NSF_66 NSF_66_11_TX 23 66 56.3
Parklands S/S PRK_11 PRK_66_11_TX2 45 11 69.9
Parklands S/S PRK_11 PRK_66_11_TX1 45 11 69.9
Parklands S/S PRK_66 PRK_66_11_TX2 45 66 72.3
Parklands S/S PRK_66 PRK_66_11_TX1 45 66 72.3
Ruai S/S RUAI_11 RUAI_TR1 23 11 0.0
Ruai S/S RUAI_11 RUAI_TR2 23 11 0.0
Ruai S/S RUAI_66 RUAI_TR1 23 66 0.1
Ruai S/S RUAI_66 RUAI_TR2 23 66 0.1
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_11 RUARAKA_66_11_TX2 23 11 66.1
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_11 RUARAKA_66_11_TX1 23 11 66.1
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_66 RUARAKA_66_11_TX2 23 66 68.3
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_66 RUARAKA_132_66_TX2 60 66 46.2
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_66 RUARAKA_132_66_TX1 60 66 46.2
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_66 RUARAKA_66_11_TX1 23 66 68.3
Steel Billets S/S STL_11 STL_66_11_TX1 23 11 32.3
Steel Billets S/S STL_11 STL_66_11_TX2 23 11 32.3
Steel Billets S/S STL_66 STL_66_11_TX1 23 66 32.8
Steel Billets S/S STL_66 STL_66_11_TX2 23 66 32.8
Syokimau S/S SYOKIMAU_11 TR2-48727 23 11 38.7
Syokimau S/S SYOKIMAU_66 TR2-48727 23 66 39.5
Westlands S/S WSTLNDS_11 WSTLNDS_66_11_TX1 23 11 40.6
Westlands S/S WSTLNDS_11 WSTLNDS_66_11_TX2 23 11 40.6
Westlands S/S WSTLNDS_66 WSTLNDS_66_11_TX1 23 66 41.5
Westlands S/S WSTLNDS_66 WSTLNDS_66_11_TX2 23 66 41.5
Transformer Load Flow Analysis- Nairobi Region, 2013

Neplan Reference Rating Voltage Loading

Location Node Transformer (MVA) (kV) (%)
Airport S/S NAP_66 NAP_66_11_TX2 23 66 29.8
Airport S/S NAP_66 NAP_66_11_TX1 23 66 29.8
Airport S/S NAP_11 NAP_66_11_TX2 23 11 29.3
Airport S/S NAP_11 NAP_66_11_TX1 23 11 29.3
Athi River S/S ATH_66 ATH_66_11_TX2 23 66 41.1
Athi River S/S ATH_66 ATH_66_11_TX1 23 66 41.1
Athi River S/S ATH_11 ATH_66_11_TX2 23 11 40.2
Athi River S/S ATH_11 ATH_66_11_TX1 23 11 40.2
Baba Dogo S/S BABADOGO_66 BABADOD_TX2 23 66 40.4
Baba Dogo S/S BABADOGO_66 BABADOD_TX1 23 66 40.4
Baba Dogo S/S BABADOGO_11 BABADOD_TX2 23 11 39.6
Baba Dogo S/S BABADOGO_11 BABADOD_TX1 23 11 39.6
Cathedral S/S CTH_66 CTH_66_11_TX1 23 66 55.6
Cathedral S/S CTH_66 CTH_66_11_TX2 23 66 55.6
Cathedral S/S CTH_11 CTH_66_11_TX1 23 11 54.1
Cathedral S/S CTH_11 CTH_66_11_TX2 23 11 54.1
Cianda S/S CND_66 CND_66_11_TX 23 66 43.2
Cianda S/S CND_66 CND_66_11_TX2 23 66 43.2
Cianda S/S CND_11 CND_66_11_TX 23 11 42.2
Cianda S/S CND_11 CND_66_11_TX2 23 11 42.2
Eastleigh S/S EASTLEIGH_66 EASTLEIGH-TX1 45 66 15.1
Eastleigh S/S EASTLEIGH_66 EASTLEIGH-TX2 45 66 15.1
Eastleigh S/S EASTLEIGH_11 EASTLEIGH-TX1 45 11 15.0
Eastleigh S/S EASTLEIGH_11 EASTLEIGH-TX2 45 11 15.0
EPZ EPZ_33 EPZ_66_33_TX2 23 33 32.9
EPZ EPZ_33 EPZ_66_33_TX 23 33 32.9
EPZ S/S EPZ_66 EPZ_66_33_TX2 23 66 33.1
EPZ S/S EPZ_66 EPZ_66_11_TX2 23 66 42.4
EPZ S/S EPZ_66 EPZ_66_33_TX 23 66 33.1
EPZ S/S EPZ_66 EPZ_66_11_TX 23 66 42.4
EPZ S/S EPZ_11 EPZ_66_11_TX2 23 11 41.5
EPZ S/S EPZ_11 EPZ_66_11_TX 23 11 41.5
Gigiri S/S GIGIRI_66 TR2-50309 23 66 29.3
Gigiri S/S GIGIRI_11 TR2-50309 23 11 28.8
Industrial Area S/S IND_66 IND_66_11_TX2 45 66 55.2
Industrial Area S/S IND_66 IND_66_11_TX1 45 66 55.2
Industrial Area S/S IND_11 IND_66_11_TX2 45 11 53.7
Industrial Area S/S IND_11 IND_66_11_TX1 45 11 53.7
Jevanjee S/S JVJ_66 JVJ_66_11_TX1 23 66 0.1
Jevanjee S/S JVJ_66 JVJ_66_11_TX2 23 66 0.1
Jevanjee S/S JVJ_11 JVJ_66_11_TX1 23 11 0.0
Jevanjee S/S JVJ_11 JVJ_66_11_TX2 23 11 0.0
Kabete S/S KABETE_66 KABETE_TX 23 66 44.5
Kabete S/S KABETE_11 KABETE_TX 23 11 43.5
Kajiado S/S KJD_33 KJD_33_11_TX 7.5 33 27.4
Kajiado S/S KJD_11 KJD_33_11_TX 7.5 11 27.1
Transformer Load Flow Analysis- Nairobi Region, 2013

Neplan Reference Rating Voltage Loading

Location Node Transformer (MVA) (kV) (%)
Karen S/S KRN_66 KRN_66_11_TX2 23 66 40.6
Karen S/S KRN_66 KRN_66_11_TX1 23 66 40.6
Karen S/S KRN_11 KRN_66_11_TX2 23 11 39.8
Karen S/S KRN_11 KRN_66_11_TX1 23 11 39.8
Kiambu Road S/S KIAMBURD_66 KIAMBURD_TX1 23 66 22.8
Kiambu Road S/S KIAMBURD_66 KIAMBURD_TX2 23 66 22.8
Kiambu Road S/S KIAMBURD_11 KIAMBURD_TX1 23 11 22.5
Kiambu Road S/S KIAMBURD_11 KIAMBURD_TX2 23 11 22.5
Kikiyu S/S KIK_66 KIK_66_11_TX2 23 66 43.6
Kikiyu S/S KIK_66 KIK_66_11_TX1 23 66 43.6
Kikiyu S/S KIK_11 KIK_66_11_TX2 23 11 42.6
Kikiyu S/S KIK_11 KIK_66_11_TX1 23 11 42.6
Kileleshwa S/S KIL_66 KIL_66_11_TX2 23 66 41.1
Kileleshwa S/S KIL_66 KIL_66_11_TX1 23 66 41.1
Kileleshwa S/S KIL_11 KIL_66_11_TX2 23 11 40.2
Kileleshwa S/S KIL_11 KIL_66_11_TX1 23 11 40.2
Kimathi S/S KMT_66 KMT_66_11_TX2 23 66 61.1
Kimathi S/S KMT_66 KMT_66_11_TX1 23 66 61.1
Kimathi S/S KMT_11 KMT_66_11_TX2 23 11 59.3
Kimathi S/S KMT_11 KMT_66_11_TX1 23 11 59.3
Kitisuru S/S KTS_66 KTS_66_11_TX2 23 66 62.4
Kitisuru S/S KTS_66 KTS_66_11_TX1 23 66 62.4
Kitisuru S/S KTS_11 KTS_66_11_TX2 23 11 60.6
Kitisuru S/S KTS_11 KTS_66_11_TX1 23 11 60.6
Komorock S/S KOMOROCK_66 KOMORCK_TR2 23 66 55.8
Komorock S/S KOMOROCK_66 KOMORCK_TR1 23 66 55.8
Komorock S/S KOMOROCK_11 KOMORCK_TR2 23 11 54.3
Komorock S/S KOMOROCK_11 KOMORCK_TR1 23 11 54.3
Langata S/S LANGATA_66 LANGATA-TX1 23 66 17.8
Langata S/S LANGATA_66 LANGATA-TX2 23 66 17.8
Langata S/S LANGATA_11 LANGATA-TX1 23 11 17.6
Langata S/S LANGATA_11 LANGATA-TX2 23 11 17.6
Limuru S/S LIM_66 LIM_66_11_TX2 23 66 49.0
Limuru S/S LIM_66 LIM_66_11_TX1 23 66 49.0
Limuru S/S LIM_11 LIM_66_11_TX2 23 11 47.8
Limuru S/S LIM_11 LIM_66_11_TX1 23 11 47.8
Lower Kabete S/S LOWERKBT_66 LWRKBT-TX1 23 66 0.1
Lower Kabete S/S LOWERKBT_66 LWRKBT-TX2 23 66 0.1
Lower Kabete S/S LOWERKBT_11 LWRKBT-TX1 23 11 0.0
Lower Kabete S/S LOWERKBT_11 LWRKBT-TX2 23 11 0.0
Machakos S/S MACHAKOS_33 MACHAKOS_33_11_TX 7.5 33 41.7
Machakos S/S MACHAKOS_11 MACHAKOS_33_11_TX 7.5 11 40.9
Mai Mahiu S/S MAIMAHIU_66 MAIMAHIU_TX2 10 66 1.6
Mai Mahiu S/S MAIMAHIU_66 MAIMAHIU_TX1 10 66 1.6
Mai Mahiu S/S MAIMAHIU_11 MAIMAHIU_TX2 10 11 1.6
Mai Mahiu S/S MAIMAHIU_11 MAIMAHIU_TX1 10 11 1.6
Transformer Load Flow Analysis- Nairobi Region, 2013

Neplan Reference Rating Voltage Loading

Location Node Transformer (MVA) (kV) (%)
Matasia S/S MTA_66 MTA_66_11_TX 23 66 48.6
Matasia S/S MTA_11 MTA_66_11_TX 23 11 47.4
Mombasa Road S/S MOMBASARD_66 EMB-AGG15MW 23 66 46.5
Mombasa Road S/S MOMBASARD_66 MOMRD_66_11_TX1 45 66 47.5
Mombasa Road S/S MOMBASARD_11 MOMRD_66_11_TX1 45 11 46.4
Muthurwa S/S MUTHURWA_66 MUTHURWA-TX1 45 66 54.4
Muthurwa S/S MUTHURWA_66 MUTHURWA-TX2 45 66 54.4
Muthurwa S/S MUTHURWA_11 MUTHURWA-TX1 45 11 53.0
Muthurwa S/S MUTHURWA_11 MUTHURWA-TX2 45 11 53.0
Nairobi South S/S NST_66 IBER1 45 66 87.2
Nairobi South S/S NST_66 IBER2 45 66 87.2
Nairobi South S/S NST_66 IBER3 45 66 87.2
Nairobi South S/S NST_66 NST_66_11_TX3 23 66 99.9
Nairobi South S/S NST_66 NST_66_11_TX2 23 66 99.9
Nairobi South S/S NST_66 NST_66_11_TX1 23 66 99.9
Nairobi South S/S NST_11 NST_66_11_TX3 23 11 95.1
Nairobi South S/S NST_11 NST_66_11_TX2 23 11 95.1
Nairobi South S/S NST_11 NST_66_11_TX1 23 11 95.1
Nairobi West S/S NWT_66 NWT_66_11_TX1 45 66 57.0
Nairobi West S/S NWT_66 NWT_66_11_TX2 45 66 57.0
Nairobi West S/S NWT_11 NWT_66_11_TX1 45 11 55.5
Nairobi West S/S NWT_11 NWT_66_11_TX2 45 11 55.5
Ngong Road S/S NGONG_RD66 NGONG_RDTX2 23 66 34.0
Ngong Road S/S NGONG_RD66 NGONG_RDTX1 23 66 34.0
Ngong Road S/S NGONG_RD11 NGONG_RDTX2 23 11 33.4
Ngong Road S/S NGONG_RD11 NGONG_RDTX1 23 11 33.4
Ngong S/S NGONG_66 NGONG-TX1 23 66 15.5
Ngong S/S NGONG_66 NGONG-TX2 23 66 15.5
Ngong S/S NGONG_11 NGONG-TX1 23 11 15.3
Ngong S/S NGONG_11 NGONG-TX2 23 11 15.3
NSSF S/S NSF_66 NSF_66_11_TX 23 66 44.0
NSSF S/S NSF_11 NSF_66_11_TX 23 11 43.0
Nyaga S/S NYG_33 NYG_33_11_TX 7.5 33 72.2
Nyaga S/S NYG_11 NYG_33_11_TX 7.5 11 70.2
Parklands S/S PRK_66 PRK_66_11_TX1 45 66 64.8
Parklands S/S PRK_66 PRK_66_11_TX2 45 66 64.8
Parklands S/S PRK_11 PRK_66_11_TX1 45 11 62.7
Parklands S/S PRK_11 PRK_66_11_TX2 45 11 62.7
Ruai S/S RUAI_66 RUAI_TR2 23 66 20.3
Ruai S/S RUAI_66 RUAI_TR1 23 66 20.3
Ruai S/S RUAI_11 RUAI_TR2 23 11 20.0
Ruai S/S RUAI_11 RUAI_TR1 23 11 20.0
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_66 RUARAKA_66_11_TX1 23 66 61.1
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_66 RUARAKA_132_66_TX1 60 66 56.9
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_66 RUARAKA_132_66_TX2 60 66 56.9
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_66 RUARAKA_66_11_TX2 23 66 61.1
Transformer Load Flow Analysis- Nairobi Region, 2013

Neplan Reference Rating Voltage Loading

Location Node Transformer (MVA) (kV) (%)
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_11 RUARAKA_66_11_TX1 23 11 59.3
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_11 RUARAKA_66_11_TX2 23 11 59.3
Ruiru RUIRU_33 RUI_66_33_TX 23 33 24.3
Ruiru S/S RUIRU_66 RUI_66_11_TX2 23 66 29.7
Ruiru S/S RUIRU_66 RUI_66_33_TX 23 66 24.7
Ruiru S/S RUIRU_66 RUI_66_11_TX 23 66 29.7
Ruiru S/S RUIRU_11 RUI_66_11_TX2 23 11 29.2
Ruiru S/S RUIRU_11 RUI_66_11_TX 23 11 29.2
Steel Billets S/S STL_66 STL_66_11_TX2 23 66 36.9
Steel Billets S/S STL_66 STL_66_11_TX1 23 66 36.9
Steel Billets S/S STL_11 STL_66_11_TX2 23 11 36.2
Steel Billets S/S STL_11 STL_66_11_TX1 23 11 36.2
Syokimau S/S SYOKIMAU_66 TR2-48727 23 66 44.4
Syokimau S/S SYOKIMAU_11 TR2-48727 23 11 43.4
Westlands S/S WSTLNDS_66 WSTLNDS_66_11_TX2 23 66 46.6
Westlands S/S WSTLNDS_66 WSTLNDS_66_11_TX1 23 66 46.6
Westlands S/S WSTLNDS_11 WSTLNDS_66_11_TX2 23 11 45.5
Westlands S/S WSTLNDS_11 WSTLNDS_66_11_TX1 23 11 45.5
Transformer Load Flow Analysis- Nairobi Region, 2014

Neplan Reference Rating Voltage Loading

Location Node Transformer (MVA) (kV) (%)
Airport S/S NAP_11 NAP_66_11_TX1 23 11 33.2
Airport S/S NAP_11 NAP_66_11_TX2 23 11 33.2
Airport S/S NAP_66 NAP_66_11_TX1 23 66 33.8
Airport S/S NAP_66 NAP_66_11_TX2 23 66 33.8
Athi River S/S ATH_11 ATH_66_11_TX1 23 11 45.6
Athi River S/S ATH_11 ATH_66_11_TX2 23 11 45.6
Athi River S/S ATH_66 ATH_66_11_TX1 23 66 46.7
Athi River S/S ATH_66 ATH_66_11_TX2 23 66 46.7
Baba Dogo S/S BABADOGO_11 BABADOD_TX1 23 11 44.9
Baba Dogo S/S BABADOGO_11 BABADOD_TX2 23 11 44.9
Baba Dogo S/S BABADOGO_66 BABADOD_TX1 23 66 45.9
Baba Dogo S/S BABADOGO_66 BABADOD_TX2 23 66 45.9
Cathedral S/S CTH_11 CTH_66_11_TX2 23 11 46.0
Cathedral S/S CTH_11 CTH_66_11_TX1 23 11 46.0
Cathedral S/S CTH_66 CTH_66_11_TX2 23 66 47.1
Cathedral S/S CTH_66 CTH_66_11_TX1 23 66 47.1
Cianda S/S CND_11 CND_66_11_TX2 23 11 47.8
Cianda S/S CND_11 CND_66_11_TX 23 11 47.8
Cianda S/S CND_66 CND_66_11_TX2 23 66 49.0
Cianda S/S CND_66 CND_66_11_TX 23 66 49.0
City Square S/S CITYSQUARE_11 CITYSQUARE-TX1 45 11 23.6
City Square S/S CITYSQUARE_11 CITYSQUARE-TX2 45 11 23.6
City Square S/S CITYSQUARE_66 CITYSQUARE-TX1 45 66 23.8
City Square S/S CITYSQUARE_66 CITYSQUARE-TX2 45 66 23.8
Eastleigh S/S EASTLEIGH_11 EASTLEIGH-TX2 45 11 23.8
Eastleigh S/S EASTLEIGH_11 EASTLEIGH-TX1 45 11 23.8
Eastleigh S/S EASTLEIGH_66 EASTLEIGH-TX2 45 66 24.1
Eastleigh S/S EASTLEIGH_66 EASTLEIGH-TX1 45 66 24.1
EPZ EPZ_33 EPZ_66_33_TX 23 33 27.5
EPZ EPZ_33 EPZ_66_33_TX2 23 33 27.5
EPZ S/S EPZ_11 EPZ_66_11_TX 23 11 47.2
EPZ S/S EPZ_11 EPZ_66_11_TX2 23 11 47.2
EPZ S/S EPZ_66 EPZ_66_11_TX 23 66 48.3
EPZ S/S EPZ_66 EPZ_66_11_TX2 23 66 48.3
EPZ S/S EPZ_66 EPZ_66_33_TX 23 66 27.6
EPZ S/S EPZ_66 EPZ_66_33_TX2 23 66 27.6
Gigiri S/S GIGIRI_11 GIGIRI-TX2 23 11 40.5
Gigiri S/S GIGIRI_11 TR2-50309 23 11 40.5
Gigiri S/S GIGIRI_66 GIGIRI-TX2 23 66 41.4
Gigiri S/S GIGIRI_66 TR2-50309 23 66 41.4
Industrial Area S/S IND_11 IND_66_11_TX1 45 11 45.7
Industrial Area S/S IND_11 IND_66_11_TX2 45 11 45.7
Industrial Area S/S IND_66 IND_66_11_TX1 45 66 46.7
Industrial Area S/S IND_66 IND_66_11_TX2 45 66 46.7
Jevanjee S/S JVJ_11 JVJ_66_11_TX2 23 11 35.3
Jevanjee S/S JVJ_11 JVJ_66_11_TX1 23 11 35.3
Transformer Load Flow Analysis- Nairobi Region, 2014

Neplan Reference Rating Voltage Loading

Location Node Transformer (MVA) (kV) (%)
Jevanjee S/S JVJ_66 JVJ_66_11_TX2 23 66 35.9
Jevanjee S/S JVJ_66 JVJ_66_11_TX1 23 66 35.9
Kabete S/S KABETE_11 KABETE_TX 23 11 47.6
Kabete S/S KABETE_66 KABETE_TX 23 66 48.8
Kajiado S/S KJD_11 KJD_33_11_TX 7.5 11 19.5
Kajiado S/S KJD_33 KJD_33_11_TX 7.5 33 19.8
Karen S/S KRN_11 KRN_66_11_TX1 23 11 45.2
Karen S/S KRN_11 KRN_66_11_TX2 23 11 45.2
Karen S/S KRN_66 KRN_66_11_TX2 23 66 46.2
Karen S/S KRN_66 KRN_66_11_TX1 23 66 46.2
Kiambu Road S/S KIAMBURD_11 KIAMBURD_TX2 23 11 39.4
Kiambu Road S/S KIAMBURD_11 KIAMBURD_TX1 23 11 39.4
Kiambu Road S/S KIAMBURD_66 KIAMBURD_TX2 23 66 40.2
Kiambu Road S/S KIAMBURD_66 KIAMBURD_TX1 23 66 40.2
Kikiyu S/S KIK_11 KIK_66_11_TX2 23 11 38.6
Kikiyu S/S KIK_11 KIK_66_11_TX1 23 11 38.6
Kikiyu S/S KIK_66 KIK_66_11_TX2 23 66 39.4
Kikiyu S/S KIK_66 KIK_66_11_TX1 23 66 39.4
Kileleshwa S/S KIL_11 KIL_66_11_TX2 23 11 29.6
Kileleshwa S/S KIL_11 KIL_66_11_TX1 23 11 29.6
Kileleshwa S/S KIL_66 KIL_66_11_TX2 23 66 30.1
Kileleshwa S/S KIL_66 KIL_66_11_TX1 23 66 30.1
Kimathi S/S KMT_11 KMT_66_11_TX1 23 11 47.0
Kimathi S/S KMT_11 KMT_66_11_TX2 23 11 47.0
Kimathi S/S KMT_66 KMT_66_11_TX1 23 66 48.2
Kimathi S/S KMT_66 KMT_66_11_TX2 23 66 48.2
Kitisuru S/S KTS_11 KTS_66_11_TX2 23 11 48.0
Kitisuru S/S KTS_11 KTS_66_11_TX1 23 11 48.0
Kitisuru S/S KTS_66 KTS_66_11_TX2 23 66 49.2
Kitisuru S/S KTS_66 KTS_66_11_TX1 23 66 49.2
Komorock S/S KOMOROCK_11 KOMORCK_TR1 23 11 54.3
Komorock S/S KOMOROCK_11 KOMORCK_TR2 23 11 54.3
Komorock S/S KOMOROCK_66 KOMORCK_TR1 23 66 55.8
Komorock S/S KOMOROCK_66 KOMORCK_TR2 23 66 55.8
Langata S/S LANGATA_11 LANGATA-TX2 23 11 19.9
Langata S/S LANGATA_11 LANGATA-TX1 23 11 19.9
Langata S/S LANGATA_66 LANGATA-TX2 23 66 20.2
Langata S/S LANGATA_66 LANGATA-TX1 23 66 20.2
Lavington S/S LAVINGTON_11 LAVINGTON-TX1 23 11 21.1
Lavington S/S LAVINGTON_11 LAVINGTON-TX2 23 11 21.1
Lavington S/S LAVINGTON_66 LAVINGTON-TX2 23 66 21.4
Lavington S/S LAVINGTON_66 LAVINGTON-TX1 23 66 21.4
Likoni Road S/S propLIKONI_ROAD LIKONIRD_TX1 45 66 32.3
Likoni Road S/S propLIKONI_ROAD LIKONIRD_TX2 45 66 32.3
Likoni Road S/S PropLIKONI_ROAD11 LIKONIRD_TX1 45 11 31.8
Likoni Road S/S PropLIKONI_ROAD11 LIKONIRD_TX2 45 11 31.8
Transformer Load Flow Analysis- Nairobi Region, 2014

Neplan Reference Rating Voltage Loading

Location Node Transformer (MVA) (kV) (%)
Limuru S/S LIM_11 LIM_66_11_TX1 23 11 43.3
Limuru S/S LIM_11 LIM_66_11_TX2 23 11 43.3
Limuru S/S LIM_66 LIM_66_11_TX1 23 66 44.3
Limuru S/S LIM_66 LIM_66_11_TX2 23 66 44.3
Lower Kabete S/S LOWERKBT_11 LWRKBT-TX1 23 11 35.8
Lower Kabete S/S LOWERKBT_11 LWRKBT-TX2 23 11 35.8
Lower Kabete S/S LOWERKBT_66 LWRKBT-TX2 23 66 36.5
Lower Kabete S/S LOWERKBT_66 LWRKBT-TX1 23 66 36.5
Machakos S/S MACHAKOS_11 MACHAKOS_33_11_TX 7.5 11 44.9
Machakos S/S MACHAKOS_33 MACHAKOS_33_11_TX 7.5 33 45.8
Mai Mahiu S/S MAIMAHIU_11 MAIMAHIU_TX1 10 11 1.8
Mai Mahiu S/S MAIMAHIU_11 MAIMAHIU_TX2 10 11 1.8
Mai Mahiu S/S MAIMAHIU_66 MAIMAHIU_TX1 10 66 1.8
Mai Mahiu S/S MAIMAHIU_66 MAIMAHIU_TX2 10 66 1.8
Matasia S/S MTA_11 MTA_66_11_TX 23 11 53.1
Matasia S/S MTA_66 MTA_66_11_TX 23 66 54.6
Mombasa Road S/S MOMBASARD_11 MOMRD_66_11_TX1 45 11 44.7
Mombasa Road S/S MOMBASARD_66 MOMRD_66_11_TX1 45 66 45.7
Mombasa Road S/S MOMBASARD_66 MOMRD_66_11_TX2 45 66 22.6
Muthurwa S/S MUTHURWA_11 MUTHURWA-TX2 45 11 42.0
Muthurwa S/S MUTHURWA_11 MUTHURWA-TX1 45 11 42.0
Muthurwa S/S MUTHURWA_66 MUTHURWA-TX1 45 66 42.9
Muthurwa S/S MUTHURWA_66 MUTHURWA-TX2 45 66 42.9
Nairobi South S/S NST_11 NST_66_11_TX1 23 11 64.7
Nairobi South S/S NST_11 NST_66_11_TX3 23 11 64.7
Nairobi South S/S NST_11 NST_66_11_TX2 23 11 64.7
Nairobi South S/S NST_66 NST_66_11_TX1 23 66 66.8
Nairobi South S/S NST_66 NST_66_11_TX3 23 66 66.8
Nairobi South S/S NST_66 NST_66_11_TX2 23 66 66.8
Nairobi South S/S NST_66 IBER3 45 66 87.3
Nairobi South S/S NST_66 IBER1 45 66 87.3
Nairobi South S/S NST_66 IBER2 45 66 87.3
Nairobi West S/S NWT_11 NWT_66_11_TX2 45 11 47.2
Nairobi West S/S NWT_11 NWT_66_11_TX1 45 11 47.2
Nairobi West S/S NWT_66 NWT_66_11_TX2 45 66 48.3
Nairobi West S/S NWT_66 NWT_66_11_TX1 45 66 48.3
Ngong Road S/S NGONG_RD11 NGONG_RDTX1 23 11 37.9
Ngong Road S/S NGONG_RD11 NGONG_RDTX2 23 11 37.9
Ngong Road S/S NGONG_RD66 NGONG_RDTX1 23 66 38.7
Ngong Road S/S NGONG_RD66 NGONG_RDTX2 23 66 38.7
Ngong S/S NGONG_11 NGONG-TX2 23 11 17.4
Ngong S/S NGONG_11 NGONG-TX1 23 11 17.4
Ngong S/S NGONG_66 NGONG-TX1 23 66 17.6
Ngong S/S NGONG_66 NGONG-TX2 23 66 17.6
NSSF S/S NSF_11 NSF_66_11_TX2 23 11 24.4
NSSF S/S NSF_11 NSF_66_11_TX 23 11 24.4
Transformer Load Flow Analysis- Nairobi Region, 2014

Neplan Reference Rating Voltage Loading

Location Node Transformer (MVA) (kV) (%)
NSSF S/S NSF_66 NSF_66_11_TX2 23 66 24.7
NSSF S/S NSF_66 NSF_66_11_TX 23 66 24.7
Nyaga S/S NYG_11 NYG_33_11_TX 7.5 11 79.5
Nyaga S/S NYG_33 NYG_33_11_TX 7.5 33 82.0
Parklands S/S PRK_11 PRK_66_11_TX2 45 11 42.7
Parklands S/S PRK_11 PRK_66_11_TX1 45 11 42.7
Parklands S/S PRK_66 PRK_66_11_TX2 45 66 43.6
Parklands S/S PRK_66 PRK_66_11_TX1 45 66 43.6
Ruai S/S RUAI_11 RUAI_TR1 23 11 35.0
Ruai S/S RUAI_11 RUAI_TR2 23 11 35.0
Ruai S/S RUAI_66 RUAI_TR1 23 66 35.7
Ruai S/S RUAI_66 RUAI_TR2 23 66 35.7
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_11 RUARAKA_66_11_TX2 45 11 34.4
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_11 RUARAKA_66_11_TX1 45 11 34.4
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_66 RUARAKA_132_66_TX3 60 66 61.7
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_66 RUARAKA_66_11_TX2 45 66 35.0
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_66 RUARAKA_132_66_TX2 60 66 61.7
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_66 RUARAKA_66_11_TX1 45 66 35.0
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_66 RUARAKA_132_66_TX1 60 66 61.7
Ruiru RUIRU_33 RUI_66_33_TX 23 33 27.8
Ruiru S/S RUIRU_11 RUI_66_11_TX 23 11 33.1
Ruiru S/S RUIRU_11 RUI_66_11_TX2 23 11 33.1
Ruiru S/S RUIRU_66 RUI_66_11_TX 23 66 33.7
Ruiru S/S RUIRU_66 RUI_66_33_TX 23 66 28.2
Ruiru S/S RUIRU_66 RUI_66_11_TX2 23 66 33.7
Steel Billets S/S STL_11 STL_66_11_TX1 23 11 41.0
Steel Billets S/S STL_11 STL_66_11_TX2 23 11 41.0
Steel Billets S/S STL_66 STL_66_11_TX1 23 66 41.9
Steel Billets S/S STL_66 STL_66_11_TX2 23 66 41.9
Syokimau S/S SYOKIMAU_11 TR2-48727 23 11 49.2
Syokimau S/S SYOKIMAU_66 TR2-48727 23 66 50.5
Thika Drive Inn S/S PropTHIKADRIVEIN_11 THIKADRIVEIN-TX2 45 11 17.7
Thika Drive Inn S/S PropTHIKADRIVEIN_11 THIKADRIVEIN-TX1 45 11 17.7
Thika Drive Inn S/S PropTHIKADRIVEIN_66 THIKADRIVEIN-TX1 45 66 17.8
Thika Drive Inn S/S PropTHIKADRIVEIN_66 THIKADRIVEIN-TX2 45 66 17.8
Uplands S/S UPLANDS_11 UPLANDS-TX 23 11 21.7
Uplands S/S UPLANDS_66 UPLANDS-TX 23 66 22.0
Villa Franca S/S VILLAFRANCA_11 VILLAFRANCA-TX2 45 11 22.5
Villa Franca S/S VILLAFRANCA_11 VILLAFRANCA-TX1 45 11 22.5
Villa Franca S/S VILLAFRANCA_66 VILLAFRANCA-TX1 45 66 22.7
Villa Franca S/S VILLAFRANCA_66 VILLAFRANCA-TX2 45 66 22.7
Westlands S/S WSTLNDS_11 WSTLNDS_66_11_TX1 23 11 46.4
Westlands S/S WSTLNDS_11 WSTLNDS_66_11_TX2 23 11 46.4
Westlands S/S WSTLNDS_66 WSTLNDS_66_11_TX1 23 66 47.5
Westlands S/S WSTLNDS_66 WSTLNDS_66_11_TX2 23 66 47.5
Transformer Load Flow Analysis- Nairobi Region, 2015

Neplan Reference Rating Voltage Loading

Location Node Transformer (MVA) (kV) (%)
Airport S/S NAP_11 NAP_66_11_TX1 23 11 39.4
Airport S/S NAP_11 NAP_66_11_TX2 23 11 39.4
Airport S/S NAP_66 NAP_66_11_TX1 23 66 40.2
Airport S/S NAP_66 NAP_66_11_TX2 23 66 40.2
Athi River S/S ATH_11 ATH_66_11_TX1 23 11 43.3
Athi River S/S ATH_11 ATH_66_11_TX2 23 11 43.3
Athi River S/S ATH_66 ATH_66_11_TX1 23 66 44.3
Athi River S/S ATH_66 ATH_66_11_TX2 23 66 44.3
Baba Dogo S/S BABADOGO_11 BABADOD_TX2 45 11 27.2
Baba Dogo S/S BABADOGO_11B BABADOD_TX1 45 11 27.2
Baba Dogo S/S BABADOGO_66 BABADOD_TX1 45 66 27.6
Baba Dogo S/S BABADOGO_66 BABADOD_TX2 45 66 27.6
Cathedral S/S CTH_11 CTH_66_11_TX2 23 11 46.4
Cathedral S/S CTH_11 CTH_66_11_TX1 23 11 46.4
Cathedral S/S CTH_66 CTH_66_11_TX2 23 66 47.5
Cathedral S/S CTH_66 CTH_66_11_TX1 23 66 47.5
Cianda S/S CND_11 CND_66_11_TX2 23 11 48.1
Cianda S/S CND_11 CND_66_11_TX 23 11 48.1
Cianda S/S CND_66 CND_66_11_TX2 23 66 49.3
Cianda S/S CND_66 CND_66_11_TX 23 66 49.3
City Square S/S CITYSQUARE_11 CITYSQUARE-TX1 45 11 43.3
City Square S/S CITYSQUARE_11 CITYSQUARE-TX2 45 11 43.3
City Square S/S CITYSQUARE_66 CITYSQUARE-TX1 45 66 44.3
City Square S/S CITYSQUARE_66 CITYSQUARE-TX2 45 66 44.3
Eastleigh S/S EASTLEIGH_11 EASTLEIGH-TX1 45 11 32.6
Eastleigh S/S EASTLEIGH_11 EASTLEIGH-TX2 45 11 32.6
Eastleigh S/S EASTLEIGH_66 EASTLEIGH-TX1 45 66 33.1
Eastleigh S/S EASTLEIGH_66 EASTLEIGH-TX2 45 66 33.1
EPZ EPZ_33 EPZ_66_33_TX 23 33 10.3
EPZ EPZ_33 EPZ_66_33_TX2 23 33 10.3
EPZ S/S EPZ_11 EPZ_66_11_TX 23 11 44.3
EPZ S/S EPZ_11 EPZ_66_11_TX2 23 11 44.3
EPZ S/S EPZ_66 EPZ_66_11_TX 23 66 45.3
EPZ S/S EPZ_66 EPZ_66_33_TX 23 66 10.5
EPZ S/S EPZ_66 EPZ_66_11_TX2 23 66 45.3
EPZ S/S EPZ_66 EPZ_66_33_TX2 23 66 10.5
Gigiri S/S GIGIRI_11 GIGIRI-TX2 23 11 40.7
Gigiri S/S GIGIRI_11 TR2-50309 23 11 40.7
Gigiri S/S GIGIRI_66 GIGIRI-TX2 23 66 41.6
Gigiri S/S GIGIRI_66 TR2-50309 23 66 41.6
Industrial Area S/S IND_11 IND_66_11_TX1 45 11 46.1
Industrial Area S/S IND_11 IND_66_11_TX2 45 11 46.1
Industrial Area S/S IND_66 IND_66_11_TX1 45 66 47.1
Industrial Area S/S IND_66 IND_66_11_TX2 45 66 47.1
Jevanjee S/S JVJ_11 JVJ_66_11_TX2 23 11 41.8
Jevanjee S/S JVJ_11 JVJ_66_11_TX1 23 11 41.8
Transformer Load Flow Analysis- Nairobi Region, 2015

Neplan Reference Rating Voltage Loading

Location Node Transformer (MVA) (kV) (%)
Jevanjee S/S JVJ_66 JVJ_66_11_TX2 23 66 42.7
Jevanjee S/S JVJ_66 JVJ_66_11_TX1 23 66 42.7
Kabete S/S KABETE_11 KABETE_TX2 23 11 28.2
Kabete S/S KABETE_11 KABETE_TX 23 11 28.2
Kabete S/S KABETE_66 KABETE_TX2 23 66 28.6
Kabete S/S KABETE_66 KABETE_TX 23 66 28.6
Kajiado S/S KJD_11 KJD_33_11_TX 7.5 11 52.5
Kajiado S/S KJD_33 KJD_33_11_TX 7.5 33 53.6
Karen S/S KRN_11 KRN_66_11_TX1 23 11 45.6
Karen S/S KRN_11 KRN_66_11_TX2 23 11 45.6
Karen S/S KRN_66 KRN_66_11_TX1 23 66 46.6
Karen S/S KRN_66 KRN_66_11_TX2 23 66 46.6
Kiambu Road S/S KIAMBURD_11 KIAMBURD_TX1 23 11 41.9
Kiambu Road S/S KIAMBURD_11 KIAMBURD_TX2 23 11 41.9
Kiambu Road S/S KIAMBURD_66 KIAMBURD_TX1 23 66 42.9
Kiambu Road S/S KIAMBURD_66 KIAMBURD_TX2 23 66 42.9
Kikiyu S/S KIK_11 KIK_66_11_TX1 23 11 32.0
Kikiyu S/S KIK_11 KIK_66_11_TX2 23 11 32.0
Kikiyu S/S KIK_66 KIK_66_11_TX1 23 66 32.5
Kikiyu S/S KIK_66 KIK_66_11_TX2 23 66 32.5
Kileleshwa S/S KIL_11 KIL_66_11_TX1 23 11 46.2
Kileleshwa S/S KIL_11 KIL_66_11_TX2 23 11 46.2
Kileleshwa S/S KIL_66 KIL_66_11_TX1 23 66 47.3
Kileleshwa S/S KIL_66 KIL_66_11_TX2 23 66 47.3
Kimathi S/S KMT_11 KMT_66_11_TX1 23 11 47.5
Kimathi S/S KMT_11 KMT_66_11_TX2 23 11 47.5
Kimathi S/S KMT_66 KMT_66_11_TX1 23 66 48.6
Kimathi S/S KMT_66 KMT_66_11_TX2 23 66 48.6
Kirigiti S/S KIRIGITI_11 KIRIGITI-TX1 23 11 17.0
Kirigiti S/S KIRIGITI_11 KIRIGITI-TX2 23 11 17.0
Kirigiti S/S KIRIGITI_66 KIRIGITI-TX1 23 66 17.2
Kirigiti S/S KIRIGITI_66 KIRIGITI-TX2 23 66 17.2
Kitisuru S/S KTS_11 KTS_66_11_TX1 23 11 39.8
Kitisuru S/S KTS_11 KTS_66_11_TX2 23 11 39.8
Kitisuru S/S KTS_66 KTS_66_11_TX1 23 66 40.6
Kitisuru S/S KTS_66 KTS_66_11_TX2 23 66 40.6
Komorock S/S KOMOROCK_11 KOMORCK_TR1 23 11 48.2
Komorock S/S KOMOROCK_11 KOMORCK_TR2 23 11 48.2
Komorock S/S KOMOROCK_66 KOMORCK_TR1 23 66 49.4
Komorock S/S KOMOROCK_66 KOMORCK_TR2 23 66 49.4
Langata S/S LANGATA_11 LANGATA-TX1 23 11 23.6
Langata S/S LANGATA_11 LANGATA-TX2 23 11 23.6
Langata S/S LANGATA_66 LANGATA-TX1 23 66 24.0
Langata S/S LANGATA_66 LANGATA-TX2 23 66 24.0
Lavington S/S LAVINGTON_11 LAVINGTON-TX1 23 11 25.1
Lavington S/S LAVINGTON_11 LAVINGTON-TX2 23 11 25.1
Transformer Load Flow Analysis- Nairobi Region, 2015

Neplan Reference Rating Voltage Loading

Location Node Transformer (MVA) (kV) (%)
Lavington S/S LAVINGTON_66 LAVINGTON-TX2 23 66 25.4
Lavington S/S LAVINGTON_66 LAVINGTON-TX1 23 66 25.4
Likoni Road S/S propLIKONI_ROAD LIKONIRD_TX1 45 66 44.0
Likoni Road S/S propLIKONI_ROAD LIKONIRD_TX2 45 66 44.0
Likoni Road S/S PropLIKONI_ROAD11 LIKONIRD_TX1 45 11 43.1
Likoni Road S/S PropLIKONI_ROAD11 LIKONIRD_TX2 45 11 43.1
Limuru S/S LIM_11 LIM_66_11_TX1 23 11 35.9
Limuru S/S LIM_11 LIM_66_11_TX2 23 11 35.9
Limuru S/S LIM_66 LIM_66_11_TX1 23 66 36.6
Limuru S/S LIM_66 LIM_66_11_TX2 23 66 36.6
Lower Kabete S/S LOWERKBT_11 LWRKBT-TX2 23 11 42.4
Lower Kabete S/S LOWERKBT_11 LWRKBT-TX1 23 11 42.4
Lower Kabete S/S LOWERKBT_66 LWRKBT-TX2 23 66 43.3
Lower Kabete S/S LOWERKBT_66 LWRKBT-TX1 23 66 43.3
Lukenya S/S LUKENYA_11 LUKENYA-TX1 23 11 21.9
Lukenya S/S LUKENYA_11 LUKENYA-TX2 23 11 21.9
Lukenya S/S LUKENYA_66 LUKENYA-TX2 23 66 22.2
Lukenya S/S LUKENYA_66 LUKENYA-TX1 23 66 22.2
Machakos S/S MACHAKOS_11 MACHAKOS_33_11_TX 7.5 11 60.6
Machakos S/S MACHAKOS_33 MACHAKOS_33_11_TX 7.5 33 62.1
Mai Mahiu S/S MAIMAHIU_11 MAIMAHIU_TX1 10 11 2.1
Mai Mahiu S/S MAIMAHIU_11 MAIMAHIU_TX2 10 11 2.1
Mai Mahiu S/S MAIMAHIU_66 MAIMAHIU_TX1 10 66 2.1
Mai Mahiu S/S MAIMAHIU_66 MAIMAHIU_TX2 10 66 2.1
Matasia S/S MTA_11 MTA_66_11_TX2 23 11 30.7
Matasia S/S MTA_11 MTA_66_11_TX 23 11 30.7
Matasia S/S MTA_66 MTA_66_11_TX2 23 66 31.2
Matasia S/S MTA_66 MTA_66_11_TX 23 66 31.2
Mombasa Road S/S MOMBASARD_11 MOMRD_66_11_TX1 45 11 39.8
Mombasa Road S/S MOMBASARD_11B MOMRD_66_11_TX2 45 11 39.8
Mombasa Road S/S MOMBASARD_66 MOMRD_66_11_TX1 45 66 40.6
Mombasa Road S/S MOMBASARD_66 MOMRD_66_11_TX2 45 66 40.6
Muthurwa S/S MUTHURWA_11 MUTHURWA-TX2 45 11 49.9
Muthurwa S/S MUTHURWA_11 MUTHURWA-TX1 45 11 49.9
Muthurwa S/S MUTHURWA_66 MUTHURWA-TX2 45 66 51.1
Muthurwa S/S MUTHURWA_66 MUTHURWA-TX1 45 66 51.1
Nairobi South S/S NST_66 IBER3 45 66 87.2
Nairobi South S/S NST_66 IBER2 45 66 87.2
Nairobi South S/S NST_66 IBER1 45 66 87.2
Nairobi South S/S NST_11 NST_66_11_TX1 23 11 61.5
Nairobi South S/S NST_11 NST_66_11_TX2 23 11 61.5
Nairobi South S/S NST_11 NST_66_11_TX3 23 11 61.5
Nairobi South S/S NST_66 NST_66_11_TX1 23 66 63.5
Nairobi South S/S NST_66 NST_66_11_TX2 23 66 63.5
Nairobi South S/S NST_66 NST_66_11_TX3 23 66 63.5
Nairobi West S/S NWT_11 NWT_66_11_TX2 45 11 44.8
Transformer Load Flow Analysis- Nairobi Region, 2015

Neplan Reference Rating Voltage Loading

Location Node Transformer (MVA) (kV) (%)
Nairobi West S/S NWT_11 NWT_66_11_TX1 45 11 44.8
Nairobi West S/S NWT_66 NWT_66_11_TX2 45 66 45.8
Nairobi West S/S NWT_66 NWT_66_11_TX1 45 66 45.8
Ndenderu S/S NDENDERU_11 NDENDERU-TX1 23 11 11.9
Ndenderu S/S NDENDERU_11 NDENDERU-TX2 23 11 11.9
Ndenderu S/S NDENDERU_66 NDENDERU-TX1 23 66 12.0
Ndenderu S/S NDENDERU_66 NDENDERU-TX2 23 66 12.0
Ngong Road S/S NGONG_RD11 NGONG_RDTX1 23 11 45.0
Ngong Road S/S NGONG_RD11 NGONG_RDTX2 23 11 45.0
Ngong Road S/S NGONG_RD66 NGONG_RDTX1 23 66 46.0
Ngong Road S/S NGONG_RD66 NGONG_RDTX2 23 66 46.0
Ngong S/S NGONG_11 NGONG-TX2 23 11 28.7
Ngong S/S NGONG_11 NGONG-TX1 23 11 28.7
Ngong S/S NGONG_66 NGONG-TX2 23 66 29.2
Ngong S/S NGONG_66 NGONG-TX1 23 66 29.2
NSSF S/S NSF_11 NSF_66_11_TX2 23 11 29.0
NSSF S/S NSF_11 NSF_66_11_TX 23 11 29.0
NSSF S/S NSF_66 NSF_66_11_TX2 23 66 29.4
NSSF S/S NSF_66 NSF_66_11_TX 23 66 29.4
Nyaga S/S NYG_11 NYG_33_11_TX 7.5 11 94.1
Nyaga S/S NYG_33 NYG_33_11_TX 7.5 33 97.5
Parklands S/S PRK_11 PRK_66_11_TX2 45 11 45.7
Parklands S/S PRK_11 PRK_66_11_TX1 45 11 45.7
Parklands S/S PRK_66 PRK_66_11_TX2 45 66 46.8
Parklands S/S PRK_66 PRK_66_11_TX1 45 66 46.8
Ririoni S/S RIRONI_11 RIRONI-TX2 23 11 29.1
Ririoni S/S RIRONI_11 RIRONI-TX1 23 11 29.1
Ririoni S/S RIRONI_66 RIRONI-TX1 23 66 29.5
Ririoni S/S RIRONI_66 RIRONI-TX2 23 66 29.5
Ruai S/S RUAI_11 RUAI_TR1 23 11 41.6
Ruai S/S RUAI_11 RUAI_TR2 23 11 41.6
Ruai S/S RUAI_66 RUAI_TR1 23 66 42.4
Ruai S/S RUAI_66 RUAI_TR2 23 66 42.4
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_66 RUARAKA_132_66_TX3 60 66 42.3
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_66 RUARAKA_132_66_TX2 60 66 42.3
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_66 RUARAKA_132_66_TX1 60 66 42.3
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_11 RUARAKA_66_11_TX2 45 11 40.9
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_11 RUARAKA_66_11_TX1 45 11 40.9
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_66 RUARAKA_66_11_TX2 45 66 41.7
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_66 RUARAKA_66_11_TX1 45 66 41.7
Ruiru RUIRU_33 RUI_66_33_TX 23 33 33.3
Ruiru S/S RUIRU_11 RUI_66_11_TX 23 11 39.2
Ruiru S/S RUIRU_11 RUI_66_11_TX2 23 11 39.2
Ruiru S/S RUIRU_66 RUI_66_11_TX 23 66 40.0
Ruiru S/S RUIRU_66 RUI_66_33_TX 23 66 33.9
Ruiru S/S RUIRU_66 RUI_66_11_TX2 23 66 40.0
Transformer Load Flow Analysis- Nairobi Region, 2015

Neplan Reference Rating Voltage Loading

Location Node Transformer (MVA) (kV) (%)
Steel Billets S/S STL_11 STL_66_11_TX1 23 11 41.4
Steel Billets S/S STL_11 STL_66_11_TX2 23 11 41.4
Steel Billets S/S STL_66 STL_66_11_TX1 23 66 42.3
Steel Billets S/S STL_66 STL_66_11_TX2 23 66 42.3
Syokimau S/S SYOKIMAU_11 TR2-48727 23 11 29.2
Syokimau S/S SYOKIMAU_11 SYOKIMAU-TX2 23 11 29.2
Syokimau S/S SYOKIMAU_66 TR2-48727 23 66 29.7
Syokimau S/S SYOKIMAU_66 SYOKIMAU-TX2 23 66 29.7
Tala S/S TALA_11 TALA-TX1 23 11 35.1
Tala S/S TALA_66 TALA-TX1 23 66 35.7
Thika Drive Inn S/S PropTHIKADRIVEIN_11 THIKADRIVEIN-TX1 45 11 26.0
Thika Drive Inn S/S PropTHIKADRIVEIN_11 THIKADRIVEIN-TX2 45 11 26.0
Thika Drive Inn S/S PropTHIKADRIVEIN_66 THIKADRIVEIN-TX1 45 66 26.4
Thika Drive Inn S/S PropTHIKADRIVEIN_66 THIKADRIVEIN-TX2 45 66 26.4
Uplands S/S UPLANDS_11 UPLANDS-TX 23 11 42.6
Uplands S/S UPLANDS_66 UPLANDS-TX 23 66 43.6
Villa Franca S/S VILLAFRANCA_11 VILLAFRANCA-TX2 45 11 41.1
Villa Franca S/S VILLAFRANCA_11 VILLAFRANCA-TX1 45 11 41.1
Villa Franca S/S VILLAFRANCA_66 VILLAFRANCA-TX1 45 66 42.0
Villa Franca S/S VILLAFRANCA_66 VILLAFRANCA-TX2 45 66 42.0
Westlands S/S WSTLNDS_11 WSTLNDS_66_11_TX1 23 11 44.1
Westlands S/S WSTLNDS_11 WSTLNDS_66_11_TX2 23 11 44.1
Westlands S/S WSTLNDS_66 WSTLNDS_66_11_TX1 23 66 45.1
Westlands S/S WSTLNDS_66 WSTLNDS_66_11_TX2 23 66 45.1
Transformer Load Flow Analysis- Nairobi Region, 2016

Neplan Reference Rating Voltage Loading

Location Node Transformer (MVA) (kV) (%)
Airport S/S NAP_11 NAP_66_11_TX1 23 11 44.5
Airport S/S NAP_11 NAP_66_11_TX2 23 11 44.5
Airport S/S NAP_66 NAP_66_11_TX1 23 66 45.5
Airport S/S NAP_66 NAP_66_11_TX2 23 66 45.5
Athi River S/S ATH_11 ATH_66_11_TX1 23 11 41.7
Athi River S/S ATH_11 ATH_66_11_TX2 23 11 41.7
Athi River S/S ATH_66 ATH_66_11_TX1 23 66 42.6
Athi River S/S ATH_66 ATH_66_11_TX2 23 66 42.6
Baba Dogo S/S BABADOGO_11 BABADOD_TX2 45 11 30.8
Baba Dogo S/S BABADOGO_11B BABADOD_TX1 45 11 30.8
Baba Dogo S/S BABADOGO_66 BABADOD_TX1 45 66 31.2
Baba Dogo S/S BABADOGO_66 BABADOD_TX2 45 66 31.2
Cathedral S/S CTH_11 CTH_66_11_TX2 23 11 47.1
Cathedral S/S CTH_11 CTH_66_11_TX1 23 11 47.1
Cathedral S/S CTH_66 CTH_66_11_TX2 23 66 48.3
Cathedral S/S CTH_66 CTH_66_11_TX1 23 66 48.3
Cianda S/S CND_11 CND_66_11_TX2 23 11 46.1
Cianda S/S CND_11 CND_66_11_TX 23 11 46.1
Cianda S/S CND_66 CND_66_11_TX2 23 66 47.2
Cianda S/S CND_66 CND_66_11_TX 23 66 47.2
City Square S/S CITYSQUARE_11 CITYSQUARE-TX1 45 11 46.5
City Square S/S CITYSQUARE_11 CITYSQUARE-TX2 45 11 46.5
City Square S/S CITYSQUARE_66 CITYSQUARE-TX1 45 66 47.6
City Square S/S CITYSQUARE_66 CITYSQUARE-TX2 45 66 47.6
Dagoretti S/S propDAGORETTI_11 DAGORETTI-TX2 23 11 7.7
Dagoretti S/S propDAGORETTI_11 DAGORETTI-TX1 23 11 7.7
Dagoretti S/S propDAGORETTI_66 DAGORETTI-TX1 23 66 7.8
Dagoretti S/S propDAGORETTI_66 DAGORETTI-TX2 23 66 7.8
Eastleigh S/S EASTLEIGH_11 EASTLEIGH-TX1 45 11 36.8
Eastleigh S/S EASTLEIGH_11 EASTLEIGH-TX2 45 11 36.8
Eastleigh S/S EASTLEIGH_66 EASTLEIGH-TX1 45 66 37.5
Eastleigh S/S EASTLEIGH_66 EASTLEIGH-TX2 45 66 37.5
EPZ EPZ_33 EPZ_66_33_TX 23 33 11.5
EPZ EPZ_33 EPZ_66_33_TX2 23 33 11.5
EPZ S/S EPZ_11 EPZ_66_11_TX 23 11 43.0
EPZ S/S EPZ_11 EPZ_66_11_TX2 23 11 43.0
EPZ S/S EPZ_66 EPZ_66_11_TX 23 66 44.0
EPZ S/S EPZ_66 EPZ_66_11_TX2 23 66 44.0
EPZ S/S EPZ_66 EPZ_66_33_TX 23 66 11.7
EPZ S/S EPZ_66 EPZ_66_33_TX2 23 66 11.7
Gigiri S/S GIGIRI_11 GIGIRI-TX2 23 11 41.3
Gigiri S/S GIGIRI_11 TR2-50309 23 11 41.3
Gigiri S/S GIGIRI_66 GIGIRI-TX2 23 66 42.2
Gigiri S/S GIGIRI_66 TR2-50309 23 66 42.2
Githungiri S/S GITHUNGIRI_11 GITHUNGURI-TX2 23 11 13.3
Githungiri S/S GITHUNGIRI_11 GITHUNGURI-TX1 23 11 13.3
Transformer Load Flow Analysis- Nairobi Region, 2016

Neplan Reference Rating Voltage Loading

Location Node Transformer (MVA) (kV) (%)
Githungiri S/S GITHUNGURI_66 GITHUNGURI-TX1 23 66 13.5
Githungiri S/S GITHUNGURI_66 GITHUNGURI-TX2 23 66 13.5
Industrial Area S/S IND_11 IND_66_11_TX1 45 11 46.9
Industrial Area S/S IND_11 IND_66_11_TX2 45 11 46.9
Industrial Area S/S IND_66 IND_66_11_TX1 45 66 48.0
Industrial Area S/S IND_66 IND_66_11_TX2 45 66 48.0
Jevanjee S/S JVJ_11 JVJ_66_11_TX2 23 11 47.3
Jevanjee S/S JVJ_11 JVJ_66_11_TX1 23 11 47.3
Jevanjee S/S JVJ_66 JVJ_66_11_TX2 23 66 48.4
Jevanjee S/S JVJ_66 JVJ_66_11_TX1 23 66 48.4
Kabete S/S KABETE_11 KABETE_TX2 23 11 28.2
Kabete S/S KABETE_11 KABETE_TX 23 11 28.2
Kabete S/S KABETE_66 KABETE_TX2 23 66 28.6
Kabete S/S KABETE_66 KABETE_TX 23 66 28.6
Kajiado S/S KJD_11 KJD_33_11_TX 7.5 11 58.5
Kajiado S/S KJD_33 KJD_33_11_TX 7.5 33 59.9
Kangundo S/S propKAGUNDO_66 KAGUNDO-TX1 23 66 42.3
Kangundo S/S propKAGUNDO_66 KAGUNDO-TX2 23 66 42.3
Kangundo S/S propKANGUNDO_11 KAGUNDO-TX2 23 11 41.4
Kangundo S/S propKANGUNDO_11 KAGUNDO-TX1 23 11 41.4
Karen S/S KRN_11 KRN_66_11_TX1 23 11 43.7
Karen S/S KRN_11 KRN_66_11_TX2 23 11 43.7
Karen S/S KRN_66 KRN_66_11_TX2 23 66 44.8
Karen S/S KRN_66 KRN_66_11_TX1 23 66 44.8
Kasarani S/S KASARANI_11 KASARANI-TX2 23 11 13.8
Kasarani S/S KASARANI_11 KASARANI-TX1 23 11 13.8
Kasarani S/S KASARANI_66 KASARANI-TX2 23 66 13.9
Kasarani S/S KASARANI_66 KASARANI-TX1 23 66 13.9
Kiambu Road S/S KIAMBURD_11 KIAMBURD_TX1 23 11 42.6
Kiambu Road S/S KIAMBURD_11 KIAMBURD_TX2 23 11 42.6
Kiambu Road S/S KIAMBURD_66 KIAMBURD_TX1 23 66 43.6
Kiambu Road S/S KIAMBURD_66 KIAMBURD_TX2 23 66 43.6
Kikiyu S/S KIK_11 KIK_66_11_TX2 23 11 36.1
Kikiyu S/S KIK_11 KIK_66_11_TX1 23 11 36.1
Kikiyu S/S KIK_66 KIK_66_11_TX2 23 66 36.8
Kikiyu S/S KIK_66 KIK_66_11_TX1 23 66 36.8
Kileleshwa S/S KIL_11 KIL_66_11_TX2 23 11 47.0
Kileleshwa S/S KIL_11 KIL_66_11_TX1 23 11 47.0
Kileleshwa S/S KIL_66 KIL_66_11_TX2 23 66 48.1
Kileleshwa S/S KIL_66 KIL_66_11_TX1 23 66 48.1
Kimathi S/S KMT_11 KMT_66_11_TX1 23 11 45.6
Kimathi S/S KMT_11 KMT_66_11_TX2 23 11 45.6
Kimathi S/S KMT_66 KMT_66_11_TX1 23 66 46.7
Kimathi S/S KMT_66 KMT_66_11_TX2 23 66 46.7
Kirigiti S/S KIRIGITI_11 KIRIGITI-TX1 23 11 19.2
Kirigiti S/S KIRIGITI_11 KIRIGITI-TX2 23 11 19.2
Transformer Load Flow Analysis- Nairobi Region, 2016

Neplan Reference Rating Voltage Loading

Location Node Transformer (MVA) (kV) (%)
Kirigiti S/S KIRIGITI_66 KIRIGITI-TX1 23 66 19.5
Kirigiti S/S KIRIGITI_66 KIRIGITI-TX2 23 66 19.5
Kiserian S/S propKISERIAN_11 KISERIAN-TX2 23 11 25.0
Kiserian S/S propKISERIAN_11 KISERIAN-TX1 23 11 25.0
Kiserian S/S propKISERIAN_66 KISERIAN-TX1 23 66 25.4
Kiserian S/S propKISERIAN_66 KISERIAN-TX2 23 66 25.4
Kitengela S/S propKITENGELA_11 KITENGELA-TX1 23 11 14.9
Kitengela S/S propKITENGELA_11 KITENGELA-TX2 23 11 14.9
Kitengela S/S propKITENGELA_66 KITENGELA-TX1 23 66 15.1
Kitengela S/S propKITENGELA_66 KITENGELA-TX2 23 66 15.1
Kitisuru S/S KTS_11 KTS_66_11_TX2 23 11 44.9
Kitisuru S/S KTS_11 KTS_66_11_TX1 23 11 44.9
Kitisuru S/S KTS_66 KTS_66_11_TX2 23 66 45.9
Kitisuru S/S KTS_66 KTS_66_11_TX1 23 66 45.9
Komorock S/S KOMOROCK_11 KOMORCK_TR1 23 11 48.2
Komorock S/S KOMOROCK_11 KOMORCK_TR2 23 11 48.2
Komorock S/S KOMOROCK_66 KOMORCK_TR1 23 66 49.5
Komorock S/S KOMOROCK_66 KOMORCK_TR2 23 66 49.5
Langata S/S LANGATA_11 LANGATA-TX1 23 11 26.7
Langata S/S LANGATA_11 LANGATA-TX2 23 11 26.7
Langata S/S LANGATA_66 LANGATA-TX1 23 66 27.1
Langata S/S LANGATA_66 LANGATA-TX2 23 66 27.1
Lavington S/S LAVINGTON_11 LAVINGTON-TX1 23 11 33.5
Lavington S/S LAVINGTON_11 LAVINGTON-TX2 23 11 33.5
Lavington S/S LAVINGTON_66 LAVINGTON-TX2 23 66 34.1
Lavington S/S LAVINGTON_66 LAVINGTON-TX1 23 66 34.1
Likoni Road S/S propLIKONI_ROAD LIKONIRD_TX1 45 66 47.4
Likoni Road S/S propLIKONI_ROAD LIKONIRD_TX2 45 66 47.4
Likoni Road S/S PropLIKONI_ROAD11 LIKONIRD_TX1 45 11 46.3
Likoni Road S/S PropLIKONI_ROAD11 LIKONIRD_TX2 45 11 46.3
Limuru S/S LIM_11 LIM_66_11_TX1 23 11 40.5
Limuru S/S LIM_11 LIM_66_11_TX2 23 11 40.5
Limuru S/S LIM_66 LIM_66_11_TX1 23 66 41.3
Limuru S/S LIM_66 LIM_66_11_TX2 23 66 41.3
Lower Kabete S/S LOWERKBT_11 LWRKBT-TX1 23 11 47.8
Lower Kabete S/S LOWERKBT_11 LWRKBT-TX2 23 11 47.8
Lower Kabete S/S LOWERKBT_66 LWRKBT-TX2 23 66 49.0
Lower Kabete S/S LOWERKBT_66 LWRKBT-TX1 23 66 49.0
Lukenya S/S LUKENYA_11 LUKENYA-TX2 23 11 34.8
Lukenya S/S LUKENYA_11 LUKENYA-TX1 23 11 34.8
Lukenya S/S LUKENYA_66 LUKENYA-TX2 23 66 35.4
Lukenya S/S LUKENYA_66 LUKENYA-TX1 23 66 35.4
Machakos S/S MACHAKOS_11 MACHAKOS_33_11_TX 7.5 11 68.3
Machakos S/S MACHAKOS_33 MACHAKOS_33_11_TX 7.5 33 70.2
Mai Mahiu S/S MAIMAHIU_11 MAIMAHIU_TX1 10 11 2.4
Mai Mahiu S/S MAIMAHIU_11 MAIMAHIU_TX2 10 11 2.4
Transformer Load Flow Analysis- Nairobi Region, 2016

Neplan Reference Rating Voltage Loading

Location Node Transformer (MVA) (kV) (%)
Mai Mahiu S/S MAIMAHIU_66 MAIMAHIU_TX1 10 66 2.4
Mai Mahiu S/S MAIMAHIU_66 MAIMAHIU_TX2 10 66 2.4
Matasia S/S MTA_11 MTA_66_11_TX2 23 11 34.3
Matasia S/S MTA_11 MTA_66_11_TX 23 11 34.3
Matasia S/S MTA_66 MTA_66_11_TX2 23 66 34.9
Matasia S/S MTA_66 MTA_66_11_TX 23 66 34.9
Mombasa Road S/S MOMBASARD_11 MOMRD_66_11_TX1 45 11 45.0
Mombasa Road S/S MOMBASARD_11B MOMRD_66_11_TX2 45 11 45.0
Mombasa Road S/S MOMBASARD_66 MOMRD_66_11_TX1 45 66 46.0
Mombasa Road S/S MOMBASARD_66 MOMRD_66_11_TX2 45 66 46.0
Muthurwa S/S MUTHURWA_11 MUTHURWA-TX2 45 11 47.9
Muthurwa S/S MUTHURWA_11 MUTHURWA-TX1 45 11 47.9
Muthurwa S/S MUTHURWA_66 MUTHURWA-TX1 45 66 49.1
Muthurwa S/S MUTHURWA_66 MUTHURWA-TX2 45 66 49.1
Nairobi South S/S NST_11 NST_66_11_TX1 23 11 62.5
Nairobi South S/S NST_11 NST_66_11_TX3 23 11 62.5
Nairobi South S/S NST_11 NST_66_11_TX2 23 11 62.5
Nairobi South S/S NST_66 NST_66_11_TX1 23 66 64.5
Nairobi South S/S NST_66 NST_66_11_TX3 23 66 64.5
Nairobi South S/S NST_66 NST_66_11_TX2 23 66 64.5
Nairobi South S/S NST_66 IBER3 45 66 87.2
Nairobi South S/S NST_66 IBER1 45 66 87.2
Nairobi South S/S NST_66 IBER2 45 66 87.2
Nairobi West S/S NWT_11 NWT_66_11_TX2 45 11 45.5
Nairobi West S/S NWT_11 NWT_66_11_TX1 45 11 45.5
Nairobi West S/S NWT_66 NWT_66_11_TX2 45 66 46.6
Nairobi West S/S NWT_66 NWT_66_11_TX1 45 66 46.6
Ndenderu S/S NDENDERU_11 NDENDERU-TX1 23 11 18.0
Ndenderu S/S NDENDERU_11 NDENDERU-TX2 23 11 18.0
Ndenderu S/S NDENDERU_66 NDENDERU-TX1 23 66 18.2
Ndenderu S/S NDENDERU_66 NDENDERU-TX2 23 66 18.2
Ngong Road S/S NGONG_RD11 NGONG_RDTX1 23 11 45.7
Ngong Road S/S NGONG_RD11 NGONG_RDTX2 23 11 45.7
Ngong Road S/S NGONG_RD66 NGONG_RDTX1 23 66 46.8
Ngong Road S/S NGONG_RD66 NGONG_RDTX2 23 66 46.8
Ngong S/S NGONG_11 NGONG-TX2 23 11 32.4
Ngong S/S NGONG_11 NGONG-TX1 23 11 32.4
Ngong S/S NGONG_66 NGONG-TX1 23 66 33.0
Ngong S/S NGONG_66 NGONG-TX2 23 66 33.0
NSSF S/S NSF_11 NSF_66_11_TX2 23 11 32.7
NSSF S/S NSF_11 NSF_66_11_TX 23 11 32.7
NSSF S/S NSF_66 NSF_66_11_TX2 23 66 33.3
NSSF S/S NSF_66 NSF_66_11_TX 23 66 33.3
Nyaga S/S NYG_11 NYG_33_11_TX2 7.5 11 37.1
Nyaga S/S NYG_11 NYG_33_11_TX 7.5 11 37.1
Nyaga S/S NYG_33 NYG_33_11_TX2 7.5 33 37.7
Transformer Load Flow Analysis- Nairobi Region, 2016

Neplan Reference Rating Voltage Loading

Location Node Transformer (MVA) (kV) (%)
Nyaga S/S NYG_33 NYG_33_11_TX 7.5 33 37.7
Parklands S/S PRK_11 PRK_66_11_TX2 45 11 46.5
Parklands S/S PRK_11 PRK_66_11_TX1 45 11 46.5
Parklands S/S PRK_66 PRK_66_11_TX2 45 66 47.6
Parklands S/S PRK_66 PRK_66_11_TX1 45 66 47.6
Ririoni S/S RIRONI_11 RIRONI-TX1 23 11 32.8
Ririoni S/S RIRONI_11 RIRONI-TX2 23 11 32.8
Ririoni S/S RIRONI_66 RIRONI-TX1 23 66 33.4
Ririoni S/S RIRONI_66 RIRONI-TX2 23 66 33.4
Ruai S/S RUAI_11 RUAI_TR1 23 11 42.7
Ruai S/S RUAI_11 RUAI_TR2 23 11 42.7
Ruai S/S RUAI_66 RUAI_TR1 23 66 43.7
Ruai S/S RUAI_66 RUAI_TR2 23 66 43.7
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_11 RUARAKA_66_11_TX2 45 11 41.6
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_11 RUARAKA_66_11_TX1 45 11 41.6
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_66 RUARAKA_66_11_TX2 45 66 42.4
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_66 RUARAKA_66_11_TX1 45 66 42.4
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_66 RUARAKA_132_66_TX3 60 66 43.4
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_66 RUARAKA_132_66_TX2 60 66 43.4
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_66 RUARAKA_132_66_TX1 60 66 43.4
Ruiru RUIRU_33 RUI_66_33_TX 23 33 24.8
Ruiru S/S RUIRU_11 RUI_66_11_TX 23 11 44.2
Ruiru S/S RUIRU_11 RUI_66_11_TX2 23 11 44.2
Ruiru S/S RUIRU_66 RUI_66_11_TX 23 66 45.2
Ruiru S/S RUIRU_66 RUI_66_33_TX 23 66 25.2
Ruiru S/S RUIRU_66 RUI_66_11_TX2 23 66 45.2
Steel Billets S/S STL_11 STL_66_11_TX1 23 11 42.1
Steel Billets S/S STL_11 STL_66_11_TX2 23 11 42.1
Steel Billets S/S STL_66 STL_66_11_TX1 23 66 43.1
Steel Billets S/S STL_66 STL_66_11_TX2 23 66 43.1
Syokimau S/S SYOKIMAU_11 TR2-48727 23 11 41.0
Syokimau S/S SYOKIMAU_11 SYOKIMAU-TX2 23 11 41.0
Syokimau S/S SYOKIMAU_66 TR2-48727 23 66 41.9
Syokimau S/S SYOKIMAU_66 SYOKIMAU-TX2 23 66 41.9
Tala S/S TALA_11 TALA-TX2 23 11 19.8
Tala S/S TALA_11 TALA-TX1 23 11 19.8
Tala S/S TALA_66 TALA-TX2 23 66 20.1
Tala S/S TALA_66 TALA-TX1 23 66 20.1
Thika Drive Inn S/S PropTHIKADRIVEIN_11 THIKADRIVEIN-TX1 45 11 37.0
Thika Drive Inn S/S PropTHIKADRIVEIN_11 THIKADRIVEIN-TX2 45 11 37.0
Thika Drive Inn S/S PropTHIKADRIVEIN_66 THIKADRIVEIN-TX1 45 66 37.7
Thika Drive Inn S/S PropTHIKADRIVEIN_66 THIKADRIVEIN-TX2 45 66 37.7
Uplands S/S UPLANDS_11 UPLANDS-TX2 23 11 24.0
Uplands S/S UPLANDS_11 UPLANDS-TX 23 11 24.0
Uplands S/S UPLANDS_66 UPLANDS-TX2 23 66 24.4
Uplands S/S UPLANDS_66 UPLANDS-TX 23 66 24.4
Transformer Load Flow Analysis- Nairobi Region, 2016

Neplan Reference Rating Voltage Loading

Location Node Transformer (MVA) (kV) (%)
Villa Franca S/S VILLAFRANCA_11 VILLAFRANCA-TX1 45 11 46.5
Villa Franca S/S VILLAFRANCA_11 VILLAFRANCA-TX2 45 11 46.5
Villa Franca S/S VILLAFRANCA_66 VILLAFRANCA-TX1 45 66 47.5
Villa Franca S/S VILLAFRANCA_66 VILLAFRANCA-TX2 45 66 47.5
Westlands S/S WSTLNDS_11 WSTLNDS_66_11_TX1 23 11 44.8
Westlands S/S WSTLNDS_11 WSTLNDS_66_11_TX2 23 11 44.8
Westlands S/S WSTLNDS_66 WSTLNDS_66_11_TX1 23 66 45.9
Westlands S/S WSTLNDS_66 WSTLNDS_66_11_TX2 23 66 45.9
Transformer Load Flow Analysis- Nairobi Region, 2017

Neplan Reference Rating Voltage Loading

Location Node Transformer (MVA) (kV) (%)
Airport S/S NAP_11 NAP_66_11_TX1 23 11 45.8
Airport S/S NAP_11 NAP_66_11_TX2 23 11 45.8
Airport S/S NAP_66 NAP_66_11_TX1 23 66 46.9
Airport S/S NAP_66 NAP_66_11_TX2 23 66 46.9
Athi River S/S ATH_11 ATH_66_11_TX1 23 11 47.1
Athi River S/S ATH_11 ATH_66_11_TX2 23 11 47.1
Athi River S/S ATH_66 ATH_66_11_TX1 23 66 48.3
Athi River S/S ATH_66 ATH_66_11_TX2 23 66 48.3
Baba Dogo S/S BABADOGO_11 BABADOD_TX2 45 11 41.6
Baba Dogo S/S BABADOGO_11B BABADOD_TX1 45 11 41.6
Baba Dogo S/S BABADOGO_66 BABADOD_TX1 45 66 42.4
Baba Dogo S/S BABADOGO_66 BABADOD_TX2 45 66 42.4
Cathedral S/S CTH_11 CTH_66_11_TX2 23 11 47.9
Cathedral S/S CTH_11 CTH_66_11_TX1 23 11 47.9
Cathedral S/S CTH_66 CTH_66_11_TX2 23 66 49.2
Cathedral S/S CTH_66 CTH_66_11_TX1 23 66 49.2
Cianda S/S CND_11 CND_66_11_TX2 23 11 46.8
Cianda S/S CND_11 CND_66_11_TX 23 11 46.8
Cianda S/S CND_66 CND_66_11_TX2 23 66 47.9
Cianda S/S CND_66 CND_66_11_TX 23 66 47.9
City Square S/S CITYSQUARE_11 CITYSQUARE-TX1 45 11 47.9
City Square S/S CITYSQUARE_11 CITYSQUARE-TX2 45 11 47.9
City Square S/S CITYSQUARE_66 CITYSQUARE-TX2 45 66 49.1
City Square S/S CITYSQUARE_66 CITYSQUARE-TX1 45 66 49.1
Dagoretti S/S propDAGORETTI_11 DAGORETTI-TX2 23 11 39.8
Dagoretti S/S propDAGORETTI_11 DAGORETTI-TX1 23 11 39.8
Dagoretti S/S propDAGORETTI_66 DAGORETTI-TX2 23 66 40.6
Dagoretti S/S propDAGORETTI_66 DAGORETTI-TX1 23 66 40.6
Eastleigh S/S EASTLEIGH_11 EASTLEIGH-TX2 45 11 49.4
Eastleigh S/S EASTLEIGH_11 EASTLEIGH-TX1 45 11 49.4
Eastleigh S/S EASTLEIGH_66 EASTLEIGH-TX2 45 66 50.6
Eastleigh S/S EASTLEIGH_66 EASTLEIGH-TX1 45 66 50.6
EPZ EPZ_33 EPZ_66_33_TX 23 33 13.0
EPZ EPZ_33 EPZ_66_33_TX2 23 33 13.0
EPZ S/S EPZ_11 EPZ_66_11_TX 23 11 49.0
EPZ S/S EPZ_11 EPZ_66_11_TX2 23 11 49.0
EPZ S/S EPZ_66 EPZ_66_11_TX 23 66 50.2
EPZ S/S EPZ_66 EPZ_66_33_TX 23 66 13.2
EPZ S/S EPZ_66 EPZ_66_11_TX2 23 66 50.2
EPZ S/S EPZ_66 EPZ_66_33_TX2 23 66 13.2
Gigiri S/S GIGIRI_11 GIGIRI-TX2 23 11 46.6
Gigiri S/S GIGIRI_11 TR2-50309 23 11 46.6
Gigiri S/S GIGIRI_66 GIGIRI-TX2 23 66 47.7
Gigiri S/S GIGIRI_66 TR2-50309 23 66 47.7
Githungiri S/S GITHUNGIRI_11 GITHUNGURI-TX2 23 11 20.2
Githungiri S/S GITHUNGIRI_11 GITHUNGURI-TX1 23 11 20.2
Transformer Load Flow Analysis- Nairobi Region, 2017

Neplan Reference Rating Voltage Loading

Location Node Transformer (MVA) (kV) (%)
Githungiri S/S GITHUNGURI_66 GITHUNGURI-TX1 23 66 20.5
Githungiri S/S GITHUNGURI_66 GITHUNGURI-TX2 23 66 20.5
Industrial Area S/S IND_11 IND_66_11_TX1 45 11 47.7
Industrial Area S/S IND_11 IND_66_11_TX2 45 11 47.7
Industrial Area S/S IND_66 IND_66_11_TX1 45 66 48.8
Industrial Area S/S IND_66 IND_66_11_TX2 45 66 48.8
Jevanjee S/S JVJ_11 JVJ_66_11_TX2 23 11 48.7
Jevanjee S/S JVJ_11 JVJ_66_11_TX1 23 11 48.7
Jevanjee S/S JVJ_66 JVJ_66_11_TX2 23 66 49.9
Jevanjee S/S JVJ_66 JVJ_66_11_TX1 23 66 49.9
Kabete S/S KABETE_11 KABETE_TX2 23 11 41.4
Kabete S/S KABETE_11 KABETE_TX 23 11 41.4
Kabete S/S KABETE_66 KABETE_TX2 23 66 42.3
Kabete S/S KABETE_66 KABETE_TX 23 66 42.3
Kajiado S/S KJD_11 KJD_33_11_TX 7.5 11 69.2
Kajiado S/S KJD_33 KJD_33_11_TX 7.5 33 71.1
Kangundo S/S propKAGUNDO_66 KAGUNDO-TX2 23 66 47.7
Kangundo S/S propKAGUNDO_66 KAGUNDO-TX1 23 66 47.7
Kangundo S/S propKANGUNDO_11 KAGUNDO-TX2 23 11 46.6
Kangundo S/S propKANGUNDO_11 KAGUNDO-TX1 23 11 46.6
Karen S/S KRN_11 KRN_66_11_TX1 23 11 44.5
Karen S/S KRN_11 KRN_66_11_TX2 23 11 44.5
Karen S/S KRN_66 KRN_66_11_TX1 23 66 45.5
Karen S/S KRN_66 KRN_66_11_TX2 23 66 45.5
Kasarani S/S KASARANI_11 KASARANI-TX2 23 11 32.9
Kasarani S/S KASARANI_11 KASARANI-TX1 23 11 32.9
Kasarani S/S KASARANI_66 KASARANI-TX2 23 66 33.5
Kasarani S/S KASARANI_66 KASARANI-TX1 23 66 33.5
Kiambu Road S/S KIAMBURD_11 KIAMBURD_TX2 23 11 48.0
Kiambu Road S/S KIAMBURD_11 KIAMBURD_TX1 23 11 48.0
Kiambu Road S/S KIAMBURD_66 KIAMBURD_TX2 23 66 49.2
Kiambu Road S/S KIAMBURD_66 KIAMBURD_TX1 23 66 49.2
Kikiyu S/S KIK_11 KIK_66_11_TX1 23 11 40.6
Kikiyu S/S KIK_11 KIK_66_11_TX2 23 11 40.6
Kikiyu S/S KIK_66 KIK_66_11_TX1 23 66 41.5
Kikiyu S/S KIK_66 KIK_66_11_TX2 23 66 41.5
Kileleshwa S/S KIL_11 KIL_66_11_TX1 23 11 42.4
Kileleshwa S/S KIL_11 KIL_66_11_TX2 23 11 42.4
Kileleshwa S/S KIL_66 KIL_66_11_TX1 23 66 43.4
Kileleshwa S/S KIL_66 KIL_66_11_TX2 23 66 43.4
Kimathi S/S KMT_11 KMT_66_11_TX1 23 11 46.1
Kimathi S/S KMT_11 KMT_66_11_TX2 23 11 46.1
Kimathi S/S KMT_66 KMT_66_11_TX1 23 66 47.2
Kimathi S/S KMT_66 KMT_66_11_TX2 23 66 47.2
Kirigiti S/S KIRIGITI_11 KIRIGITI-TX2 23 11 21.7
Kirigiti S/S KIRIGITI_11 KIRIGITI-TX1 23 11 21.7
Transformer Load Flow Analysis- Nairobi Region, 2017

Neplan Reference Rating Voltage Loading

Location Node Transformer (MVA) (kV) (%)
Kirigiti S/S KIRIGITI_66 KIRIGITI-TX1 23 66 22.0
Kirigiti S/S KIRIGITI_66 KIRIGITI-TX2 23 66 22.0
Kiserian S/S propKISERIAN_11 KISERIAN-TX2 23 11 43.1
Kiserian S/S propKISERIAN_11 KISERIAN-TX1 23 11 43.1
Kiserian S/S propKISERIAN_66 KISERIAN-TX1 23 66 44.1
Kiserian S/S propKISERIAN_66 KISERIAN-TX2 23 66 44.1
Kitengela S/S propKITENGELA_11 KITENGELA-TX1 23 11 37.3
Kitengela S/S propKITENGELA_11 KITENGELA-TX2 23 11 37.3
Kitengela S/S propKITENGELA_66 KITENGELA-TX1 23 66 38.0
Kitengela S/S propKITENGELA_66 KITENGELA-TX2 23 66 38.0
Kitisuru S/S KTS_11 KTS_66_11_TX1 23 11 46.1
Kitisuru S/S KTS_11 KTS_66_11_TX2 23 11 46.1
Kitisuru S/S KTS_66 KTS_66_11_TX1 23 66 47.2
Kitisuru S/S KTS_66 KTS_66_11_TX2 23 66 47.2
Komorock S/S KOMOROCK_11 KOMORCK_TR1 23 11 48.2
Komorock S/S KOMOROCK_11 KOMORCK_TR2 23 11 48.2
Komorock S/S KOMOROCK_66 KOMORCK_TR1 23 66 49.4
Komorock S/S KOMOROCK_66 KOMORCK_TR2 23 66 49.4
Langata S/S LANGATA_11 LANGATA-TX2 23 11 30.1
Langata S/S LANGATA_11 LANGATA-TX1 23 11 30.1
Langata S/S LANGATA_66 LANGATA-TX2 23 66 30.7
Langata S/S LANGATA_66 LANGATA-TX1 23 66 30.7
Lavington S/S LAVINGTON_11 LAVINGTON-TX2 23 11 43.0
Lavington S/S LAVINGTON_11 LAVINGTON-TX1 23 11 43.0
Lavington S/S LAVINGTON_66 LAVINGTON-TX2 23 66 44.0
Lavington S/S LAVINGTON_66 LAVINGTON-TX1 23 66 44.0
Likoni Road S/S propLIKONI_ROAD LIKONIRD_TX1 45 66 47.4
Likoni Road S/S propLIKONI_ROAD LIKONIRD_TX2 45 66 47.4
Likoni Road S/S PropLIKONI_ROAD11 LIKONIRD_TX1 45 11 46.3
Likoni Road S/S PropLIKONI_ROAD11 LIKONIRD_TX2 45 11 46.3
Limuru S/S LIM_11 LIM_66_11_TX1 23 11 45.6
Limuru S/S LIM_11 LIM_66_11_TX2 23 11 45.6
Limuru S/S LIM_66 LIM_66_11_TX1 23 66 46.7
Limuru S/S LIM_66 LIM_66_11_TX2 23 66 46.7
Lower Kabete S/S LOWERKBT_11 LWRKBT-TX2 23 11 48.5
Lower Kabete S/S LOWERKBT_11 LWRKBT-TX1 23 11 48.5
Lower Kabete S/S LOWERKBT_66 LWRKBT-TX2 23 66 49.7
Lower Kabete S/S LOWERKBT_66 LWRKBT-TX1 23 66 49.7
Lukenya S/S LUKENYA_11 LUKENYA-TX2 23 11 39.1
Lukenya S/S LUKENYA_11 LUKENYA-TX1 23 11 39.1
Lukenya S/S LUKENYA_66 LUKENYA-TX2 23 66 39.9
Lukenya S/S LUKENYA_66 LUKENYA-TX1 23 66 39.9
Machakos S/S MACHAKOS_11 MACHAKOS_33_11_TX 7.5 11 82.7
Machakos S/S MACHAKOS_33 MACHAKOS_33_11_TX 7.5 33 85.4
Mai Mahiu S/S MAIMAHIU_11 MAIMAHIU_TX1 10 11 2.7
Mai Mahiu S/S MAIMAHIU_11 MAIMAHIU_TX2 10 11 2.7
Transformer Load Flow Analysis- Nairobi Region, 2017

Neplan Reference Rating Voltage Loading

Location Node Transformer (MVA) (kV) (%)
Mai Mahiu S/S MAIMAHIU_66 MAIMAHIU_TX1 10 66 2.7
Mai Mahiu S/S MAIMAHIU_66 MAIMAHIU_TX2 10 66 2.7
Matasia S/S MTA_11 MTA_66_11_TX2 23 11 38.5
Matasia S/S MTA_11 MTA_66_11_TX 23 11 38.5
Matasia S/S MTA_66 MTA_66_11_TX2 23 66 39.3
Matasia S/S MTA_66 MTA_66_11_TX 23 66 39.3
Mombasa Road S/S MOMBASARD_11 MOMRD_66_11_TX1 45 11 48.2
Mombasa Road S/S MOMBASARD_11B MOMRD_66_11_TX2 45 11 48.2
Mombasa Road S/S MOMBASARD_66 MOMRD_66_11_TX1 45 66 49.4
Mombasa Road S/S MOMBASARD_66 MOMRD_66_11_TX2 45 66 49.4
Muthurwa S/S MUTHURWA_11 MUTHURWA-TX2 45 11 48.7
Muthurwa S/S MUTHURWA_11 MUTHURWA-TX1 45 11 48.7
Muthurwa S/S MUTHURWA_66 MUTHURWA-TX2 45 66 49.9
Muthurwa S/S MUTHURWA_66 MUTHURWA-TX1 45 66 49.9
Nairobi South S/S NST_11 NST_66_11_TX1 23 11 63.5
Nairobi South S/S NST_11 NST_66_11_TX2 23 11 63.5
Nairobi South S/S NST_11 NST_66_11_TX3 23 11 63.5
Nairobi South S/S NST_66 NST_66_11_TX1 23 66 65.6
Nairobi South S/S NST_66 NST_66_11_TX2 23 66 65.6
Nairobi South S/S NST_66 NST_66_11_TX3 23 66 65.6
Nairobi South S/S NST_66 IBER3 45 66 87.2
Nairobi South S/S NST_66 IBER2 45 66 87.2
Nairobi South S/S NST_66 IBER1 45 66 87.2
Nairobi West S/S NWT_11 NWT_66_11_TX2 45 11 46.3
Nairobi West S/S NWT_11 NWT_66_11_TX1 45 11 46.3
Nairobi West S/S NWT_66 NWT_66_11_TX2 45 66 47.4
Nairobi West S/S NWT_66 NWT_66_11_TX1 45 66 47.4
Ndenderu S/S NDENDERU_11 NDENDERU-TX1 23 11 24.8
Ndenderu S/S NDENDERU_11 NDENDERU-TX2 23 11 24.8
Ndenderu S/S NDENDERU_66 NDENDERU-TX1 23 66 25.2
Ndenderu S/S NDENDERU_66 NDENDERU-TX2 23 66 25.2
Ngong Road S/S NGONG_RD11 NGONG_RDTX1 23 11 46.5
Ngong Road S/S NGONG_RD11 NGONG_RDTX2 23 11 46.5
Ngong Road S/S NGONG_RD66 NGONG_RDTX1 23 66 47.6
Ngong Road S/S NGONG_RD66 NGONG_RDTX2 23 66 47.6
Ngong S/S NGONG_11 NGONG-TX2 23 11 46.2
Ngong S/S NGONG_11 NGONG-TX1 23 11 46.2
Ngong S/S NGONG_66 NGONG-TX2 23 66 47.3
Ngong S/S NGONG_66 NGONG-TX1 23 66 47.3
NSSF S/S NSF_11 NSF_66_11_TX2 23 11 41.4
NSSF S/S NSF_11 NSF_66_11_TX 23 11 41.4
NSSF S/S NSF_66 NSF_66_11_TX2 23 66 42.3
NSSF S/S NSF_66 NSF_66_11_TX 23 66 42.3
Nyaga S/S NYG_11 NYG_33_11_TX2 7.5 11 41.9
Nyaga S/S NYG_11 NYG_33_11_TX 7.5 11 41.9
Nyaga S/S NYG_33 NYG_33_11_TX2 7.5 33 42.6
Transformer Load Flow Analysis- Nairobi Region, 2017

Neplan Reference Rating Voltage Loading

Location Node Transformer (MVA) (kV) (%)
Nyaga S/S NYG_33 NYG_33_11_TX 7.5 33 42.6
Parklands S/S PRK_11 PRK_66_11_TX2 45 11 44.7
Parklands S/S PRK_11 PRK_66_11_TX1 45 11 44.7
Parklands S/S PRK_66 PRK_66_11_TX2 45 66 45.7
Parklands S/S PRK_66 PRK_66_11_TX1 45 66 45.7
Ririoni S/S RIRONI_11 RIRONI-TX2 23 11 37.0
Ririoni S/S RIRONI_11 RIRONI-TX1 23 11 37.0
Ririoni S/S RIRONI_66 RIRONI-TX1 23 66 37.7
Ririoni S/S RIRONI_66 RIRONI-TX2 23 66 37.7
Ruai S/S RUAI_11 RUAI_TR1 23 11 49.5
Ruai S/S RUAI_11 RUAI_TR2 23 11 49.5
Ruai S/S RUAI_66 RUAI_TR1 23 66 50.8
Ruai S/S RUAI_66 RUAI_TR2 23 66 50.8
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_11 RUARAKA_66_11_TX2 45 11 42.3
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_11 RUARAKA_66_11_TX1 45 11 42.3
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_66 RUARAKA_132_66_TX3 60 66 46.7
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_66 RUARAKA_66_11_TX2 45 66 43.2
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_66 RUARAKA_132_66_TX2 60 66 46.7
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_66 RUARAKA_132_66_TX1 60 66 46.7
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_66 RUARAKA_66_11_TX1 45 66 43.2
Ruiru RUIRU_33 RUI_66_33_TX 23 33 28.1
Ruiru S/S RUIRU_11 RUI_66_11_TX 23 11 49.8
Ruiru S/S RUIRU_11 RUI_66_11_TX2 23 11 49.8
Ruiru S/S RUIRU_66 RUI_66_11_TX 23 66 51.1
Ruiru S/S RUIRU_66 RUI_66_33_TX 23 66 28.5
Ruiru S/S RUIRU_66 RUI_66_11_TX2 23 66 51.1
Steel Billets S/S STL_11 STL_66_11_TX1 23 11 39.6
Steel Billets S/S STL_11 STL_66_11_TX2 23 11 39.6
Steel Billets S/S STL_66 STL_66_11_TX1 23 66 40.4
Steel Billets S/S STL_66 STL_66_11_TX2 23 66 40.4
Syokimau S/S SYOKIMAU_11 TR2-48727 23 11 46.4
Syokimau S/S SYOKIMAU_11 SYOKIMAU-TX2 23 11 46.4
Syokimau S/S SYOKIMAU_66 TR2-48727 23 66 47.5
Syokimau S/S SYOKIMAU_66 SYOKIMAU-TX2 23 66 47.5
Tala S/S TALA_11 TALA-TX2 23 11 26.7
Tala S/S TALA_11 TALA-TX1 23 11 26.7
Tala S/S TALA_66 TALA-TX2 23 66 27.1
Tala S/S TALA_66 TALA-TX1 23 66 27.1
Thika Drive Inn S/S PropTHIKADRIVEIN_11 THIKADRIVEIN-TX2 45 11 37.0
Thika Drive Inn S/S PropTHIKADRIVEIN_11 THIKADRIVEIN-TX1 45 11 37.0
Thika Drive Inn S/S PropTHIKADRIVEIN_66 THIKADRIVEIN-TX1 45 66 37.7
Thika Drive Inn S/S PropTHIKADRIVEIN_66 THIKADRIVEIN-TX2 45 66 37.7
Umoja S/S UMOJA_11 UMOJA_TX1 23 11 46.6
Umoja S/S UMOJA_11 UMOJA_TX2 23 11 46.6
Umoja S/S UMOJA_66 UMOJA_TX2 23 66 47.7
Umoja S/S UMOJA_66 UMOJA_TX1 23 66 47.7
Transformer Load Flow Analysis- Nairobi Region, 2017

Neplan Reference Rating Voltage Loading

Location Node Transformer (MVA) (kV) (%)
Uplands S/S UPLANDS_11 UPLANDS-TX2 23 11 27.1
Uplands S/S UPLANDS_11 UPLANDS-TX 23 11 27.1
Uplands S/S UPLANDS_66 UPLANDS-TX2 23 66 27.5
Uplands S/S UPLANDS_66 UPLANDS-TX 23 66 27.5
Villa Franca S/S VILLAFRANCA_11 VILLAFRANCA-TX2 45 11 44.6
Villa Franca S/S VILLAFRANCA_11 VILLAFRANCA-TX1 45 11 44.6
Villa Franca S/S VILLAFRANCA_66 VILLAFRANCA-TX2 45 66 45.6
Villa Franca S/S VILLAFRANCA_66 VILLAFRANCA-TX1 45 66 45.6
Westlands S/S WSTLNDS_11 WSTLNDS_66_11_TX1 23 11 40.5
Westlands S/S WSTLNDS_11 WSTLNDS_66_11_TX2 23 11 40.5
Westlands S/S WSTLNDS_66 WSTLNDS_66_11_TX1 23 66 41.4
Westlands S/S WSTLNDS_66 WSTLNDS_66_11_TX2 23 66 41.4
Load Flow Analysis Voltage - Nairobi Region, 2012

Rated LF Results
Bulk Supply Point Neplan Reference Name/Location Voltage (kV) Voltage(kV) Voltage(pu)
Embakasi BSP NAP_11 Airport S/S 11 11.10 1.01
NAP_66 Airport S/S 66 68.58 1.04
ATHI MINING Athi mining 66 66.53 1.01
ATHI MINING LOAD Athi Mining load 66 66.52 1.01
APC_66 Athi Portland Cement 66 66.79 1.01
ATH_11 Athi River S/S 11 11.13 1.01
ATH_66 Athi River S/S 66 66.82 1.01
CTH_11 Cathedral S/S 11 10.99 1.00
CTH_66 Cathedral S/S 66 66.76 1.01
EPZ_33 EPZ 33 34.39 1.04
EPZ_11 EPZ S/S 11 11.10 1.01
EPZ_66 EPZ S/S 66 65.56 0.99
FIR_66 Firestone 66 67.13 1.02
IND_11 Industrial Area S/S 11 10.98 1.00
IND_66 Industrial Area S/S 66 65.59 0.99
KJD_11 Kajiado S/S 11 10.82 0.98
KJD_33 Kajiado S/S 33 28.37 0.86
KOR_66 Kapa Oil 66 68.28 1.03
KIL_11 Kileleshwa S/S 11 11.12 1.01
KIL_66 Kileleshwa S/S 66 65.59 0.99
MACHAKOS_11 Machakos S/S 11 10.99 1.00
MACHAKOS_33 Machakos S/S 33 31.21 0.95
MGD_66 Magadi Soda 66 61.35 0.93
MTA_11 Matasia S/S 11 10.93 0.99
MTA_66 Matasia S/S 66 63.41 0.96
MOMBASARD_11 Mombasa Road S/S 11 11.08 1.01
MOMBASARD_66 Mombasa Road S/S 66 68.80 1.04
NWT_11 Nairobi West S/S 11 11.08 1.01
NWT_66 Nairobi West S/S 66 66.95 1.01
NGONG_RD11 Ngong Road S/S 11 11.05 1.00
NGONG_RD66 Ngong Road S/S 66 66.12 1.00
NSF_11 NSSF S/S 11 11.09 1.01
NSF_66 NSSF S/S 66 68.32 1.04
NUL_33 Nul Turesh 33 30.99 0.94
ORBI CHEM_Load Orbit Chemicals 66 67.65 1.02
ORBIT CHEM Orbit Chemicals 66 67.65 1.03
Juja Road BSP APEXSTLMILL Apex Steel Mill 66 64.58 0.98
BABADOGO_11 Baba Dogo S/S 11 11.08 1.01
BABADOGO_66 Baba Dogo S/S 66 66.26 1.00
BPC_66 Bamuburi Cement 66 63.91 0.97
DEVKI_STLMILL_MOM_RD Devki Steel Mills 66 64.55 0.98
EA Breweries EA Breweries 66 66.24 1.00
EMC_66 EMCO 66 66.46 1.01
JVJ_11 Jevanjee S/S 11 11.04 1.00
JVJ_66 Jevanjee S/S 66 65.03 0.99
KPC_66 Kenya Pipe line 66 67.09 1.02
KMT_11 Kimathi S/S 11 11.15 1.01
KMT_66 Kimathi S/S 66 65.37 0.99
KOMOROCK_11 Komorock S/S 11 11.02 1.00
KOMOROCK_66 Komorock S/S 66 66.56 1.01
MOMB_CEM_66 Mombasa Cement 66 63.79 0.97
MORRIS_66 Morris Company 66 67.08 1.02
NST_11 Nairobi South S/S 11 11.10 1.01
NST_66 Nairobi South S/S 66 67.11 1.02
NAT_CEM_66 National Cement 66 64.52 0.98
PRK_11 Parklands S/S 11 11.20 1.02
PRK_66 Parklands S/S 66 63.70 0.97
RUAI_11 Ruai S/S 11 11.09 1.01
RUAI_66 Ruai S/S 66 66.56 1.01
SILVERWD_66 Silverwood 66 64.51 0.98
STL_11 Steel Billets S/S 11 11.09 1.01
STL_66 Steel Billets S/S 66 66.41 1.01
SYOKIMAU_11 Syokimau S/S 11 11.04 1.00
SYOKIMAU_66 Syokimau S/S 66 65.25 0.99
Load Flow Analysis Voltage - Nairobi Region, 2012

Rated LF Results
Bulk Supply Point Neplan Reference Name/Location Voltage (kV) Voltage(kV) Voltage(pu)
Nairobi North BSP CND_11 Cianda S/S 11 10.92 0.99
CND_66 Cianda S/S 66 64.64 0.98
GIGIRI_11 Gigiri S/S 11 10.91 0.99
GIGIRI_66 Gigiri S/S 66 63.67 0.96
GGR_66 Gigiri Water Pump 66 63.63 0.96
KABETE_11 Kabete S/S 11 10.86 0.99
KABETE_66 Kabete S/S 66 64.84 0.98
KRN_11 Karen S/S 11 10.33 0.94
KRN_66 Karen S/S 66 55.21 0.84
KIK_11 Kikiyu S/S 11 10.74 0.98
KIK_66 Kikiyu S/S 66 57.28 0.87
KTS_11 Kitisuru S/S 11 10.89 0.99
KTS_66 Kitisuru S/S 66 63.74 0.97
LIM_11 Limuru S/S 11 10.94 0.99
LIM_66 Limuru S/S 66 61.01 0.92
MAIMAHIU_11 Mai Mahiu S/S 11 10.87 0.99
MAIMAHIU_66 Mai Mahiu S/S 66 60.89 0.92
NGM_66 Ngema Pump 66 60.76 0.92
Ngong wind_5MW Ngong Wind 66 55.48 0.84
WSTLNDS_11 Westlands S/S 11 10.82 0.98
WSTLNDS_66 Westlands S/S 66 65.12 0.99
Ruaraka BSP NYG_11 Nyaga S/S 11 11.05 1.00
NYG_33 Nyaga S/S 33 32.22 0.98
RUARAKA_11 Ruaraka S/S 11 11.08 1.01
RUARAKA_66 Ruaraka S/S 66 66.36 1.01
RUIRU_33 Ruiru 33 33.23 1.01
RUIRU_11 Ruiru S/S 11 11.05 1.00
RUIRU_66 Ruiru S/S 66 64.90 0.98
RSM_66 Ruiru Steel Mills 66 64.89 0.98
Load Flow Analysis Voltage - Nairobi Region, 2013

Rated LF Results
Bulk Supply Point Neplan Reference Name/Location Voltage (kV) Voltage(kV) Voltage(pu)
Embakasi BSP ACCURATE_STLMIL Accurate Steel Mill 66 65.88 1.00
NAP_11 Airport S/S 11 11.06 1.01
NAP_66 Airport S/S 66 67.30 1.02
ATHI MINING Athi mining 66 64.80 0.98
ATHI MINING LOAD Athi Mining load 66 64.79 0.98
APC_66 Athi Portland Cement 66 65.38 0.99
ATH_11 Athi River S/S 11 11.06 1.01
ATH_66 Athi River S/S 66 65.41 0.99
CTH_11 Cathedral S/S 11 10.98 1.00
CTH_66 Cathedral S/S 66 65.38 0.99
DELTA_STMILL Delta Steel Mill 66 65.41 0.99
EPZ_33 EPZ 33 34.80 1.05
EPZ_11 EPZ S/S 11 10.98 1.00
EPZ_66 EPZ S/S 66 63.85 0.97
FIR_66 Firestone 66 66.64 1.01
IND_11 Industrial Area S/S 11 11.06 1.01
IND_66 Industrial Area S/S 66 65.88 1.00
KJD_11 Kajiado S/S 11 11.07 1.01
KJD_33 Kajiado S/S 33 30.19 0.91
KOR_66 Kapa Oil 66 66.99 1.02
KIL_11 Kileleshwa S/S 11 11.01 1.00
KIL_66 Kileleshwa S/S 66 63.97 0.97
LANGATA_11 Langata S/S 11 10.99 1.00
LANGATA_66 Langata S/S 66 64.30 0.97
MACHAKOS_11 Machakos S/S 11 11.04 1.00
MACHAKOS_33 Machakos S/S 33 31.94 0.97
MGD_66 Magadi Soda 66 63.37 0.96
MTA_11 Matasia S/S 11 11.07 1.01
MTA_66 Matasia S/S 66 63.42 0.96
MOMBASARD_11 Mombasa Road S/S 11 11.00 1.00
MOMBASARD_66 Mombasa Road S/S 66 67.55 1.02
NWT_11 Nairobi West S/S 11 10.99 1.00
NWT_66 Nairobi West S/S 66 65.53 0.99
NGONG_RD11 Ngong Road S/S 11 10.95 1.00
NGONG_RD66 Ngong Road S/S 66 64.57 0.98
NSF_11 NSSF S/S 11 10.96 1.00
NSF_66 NSSF S/S 66 67.18 1.02
NUL_33 Nul Turesh 33 31.03 0.94
ORBI CHEM_Load Orbit Chemicals 66 65.90 1.00
ORBIT CHEM Orbit Chemicals 66 65.90 1.00
SAFEPAK_LTD Safepak 66 66.40 1.01
SAVANNAH CEM Savannah Cement 66 65.43 0.99
Juja Road BSP APEXSTLMILL Apex Steel Mill 66 63.45 0.96
BABADOGO_11 Baba Dogo S/S 11 10.90 0.99
BABADOGO_66 Baba Dogo S/S 66 65.59 0.99
BPC_66 Bamuburi Cement 66 62.71 0.95
DEVKI_STLMILL_MOM_RD Devki Steel Mills 66 63.43 0.96
DEVKI_STLMIL_MOMCEM Devki steel mills (Mombasa Cement) 66 62.56 0.95
EA Breweries EA Breweries 66 65.55 0.99
EASTLEIGH_11 Eastleigh S/S 11 11.05 1.00
EASTLEIGH_66 Eastleigh S/S 66 65.68 1.00
EMC_66 EMCO 66 65.67 1.00
JVJ_11 Jevanjee S/S 11 10.98 1.00
JVJ_66 Jevanjee S/S 66 63.70 0.97
KPC_66 Kenya Pipe line 66 66.20 1.00
KMT_11 Kimathi S/S 11 10.94 0.99
KMT_66 Kimathi S/S 66 64.23 0.97
KOMOROCK_11 Komorock S/S 11 11.03 1.00
KOMOROCK_66 Komorock S/S 66 65.68 1.00
MOMB_CEM_66 Mombasa Cement 66 62.56 0.95
MORRIS_66 Morris Company 66 66.19 1.00
MUTHURWA_11 Muthurwa S/S 11 10.88 0.99
MUTHURWA_66 Muthurwa S/S 66 63.69 0.97
NST_11 Nairobi South S/S 11 10.88 0.99
NST_66 Nairobi South S/S 66 66.22 1.00
NAT_CEM_66 National Cement 66 63.37 0.96
PRK_11 Parklands S/S 11 10.94 0.99
PRK_66 Parklands S/S 66 63.22 0.96
RUAI_11 Ruai S/S 11 10.99 1.00
RUAI_66 Ruai S/S 66 65.48 0.99
SILVERWD_66 Silverwood 66 63.38 0.96
STL_11 Steel Billets S/S 11 10.93 0.99
STL_66 Steel Billets S/S 66 65.62 0.99
SYOKIMAU_11 Syokimau S/S 11 11.04 1.00
SYOKIMAU_66 Syokimau S/S 66 64.25 0.97
TONONOKA_STL Tonoka Steel 66 65.68 1.00
Load Flow Analysis Voltage - Nairobi Region, 2013

Rated LF Results
Bulk Supply Point Neplan Reference Name/Location Voltage (kV) Voltage(kV) Voltage(pu)
Nairobi North BSP CND_11 Cianda S/S 11 11.11 1.01
CND_66 Cianda S/S 66 65.74 1.00
GIGIRI_11 Gigiri S/S 11 11.13 1.01
GIGIRI_66 Gigiri S/S 66 64.33 0.97
GGR_66 Gigiri Water Pump 66 64.40 0.98
KABETE_11 Kabete S/S 11 11.18 1.02
KABETE_66 Kabete S/S 66 63.91 0.97
KRN_11 Karen S/S 11 11.22 1.02
KRN_66 Karen S/S 66 61.72 0.94
KIK_11 Kikiyu S/S 11 11.08 1.01
KIK_66 Kikiyu S/S 66 59.94 0.91
KTS_11 Kitisuru S/S 11 11.20 1.02
KTS_66 Kitisuru S/S 66 64.52 0.98
LIM_11 Limuru S/S 11 11.18 1.02
LIM_66 Limuru S/S 66 65.14 0.99
LOWERKBT_11 Lower Kabete S/S 11 11.11 1.01
LOWERKBT_66 Lower Kabete S/S 66 66.65 1.01
MAIMAHIU_11 Mai Mahiu S/S 11 11.21 1.02
MAIMAHIU_66 Mai Mahiu S/S 66 65.03 0.99
NGM_66 Ngema Pump 66 64.91 0.98
NGONG_11 Ngong S/S 11 11.09 1.01
NGONG_66 Ngong S/S 66 61.40 0.93
Ngong wind_5MW Ngong Wind 66 61.96 0.94
WSTLNDS_11 Westlands S/S 11 11.18 1.02
WSTLNDS_66 Westlands S/S 66 66.24 1.00
Ruaraka BSP KIAMBURD_11 Kiambu Road S/S 11 10.96 1.00
KIAMBURD_66 Kiambu Road S/S 66 65.36 0.99
MUGA Muga 66 65.35 0.99
NYG_11 Nyaga S/S 11 11.02 1.00
NYG_33 Nyaga S/S 33 31.66 0.96
RUARAKA_11 Ruaraka S/S 11 11.04 1.00
RUARAKA_66 Ruaraka S/S 66 65.91 1.00
RUIRU_33 Ruiru 33 32.81 0.99
RUIRU_11 Ruiru S/S 11 10.91 0.99
RUIRU_66 Ruiru S/S 66 64.20 0.97
RSM_66 Ruiru Steel Mills 66 64.19 0.97
Load Flow Analysis Voltage - Nairobi Region, 2014

Rated LF Results
Bulk Supply Point Neplan Reference Name/Location Voltage (kV) Voltage(kV) Voltage(pu)
Athi BSP APEXSTLMILL Apex Steel Mill 66 64.05 0.97
ATHI MINING Athi mining 66 64.94 0.98
ATHI MINING LOAD Athi Mining load 66 64.93 0.98
APC_66 Athi Portland Cement 66 65.41 0.99
ATH_11 Athi River S/S 11 11.04 1.00
ATH_66 Athi River S/S 66 65.46 0.99
BPC_66 Bamuburi Cement 66 65.12 0.99
DELTA_STMILL Delta Steel Mill 66 65.46 0.99
DEVKI_STLMILL_MOM_RD Devki Steel Mills 66 64.03 0.97
DEVKI_STLMIL_MOMCEM Devki steel mills (Mombasa Cement) 66 64.63 0.98
EPZ_33 EPZ 33 34.97 1.06
EPZ_11 EPZ S/S 11 11.18 1.02
EPZ_66 EPZ S/S 66 65.18 0.99
KJD_11 Kajiado S/S 11 11.43 1.04
KJD_33 Kajiado S/S 33 32.78 0.99
KOR_66 Kapa Oil 66 63.87 0.97
MACHAKOS_11 Machakos S/S 11 11.18 1.02
MACHAKOS_33 Machakos S/S 33 31.80 0.96
MOMB_CEM_66 Mombasa Cement 66 64.64 0.98
NAT_CEM_66 National Cement 66 63.98 0.97
ORBI CHEM_Load Orbit Chemicals 66 64.85 0.98
ORBIT CHEM Orbit Chemicals 66 64.85 0.98
SAFEPAK_LTD Safepak 66 64.83 0.98
SAVANNAH CEM Savannah Cement 66 64.88 0.98
SILVERWD_66 Silverwood 66 63.99 0.97
Embakasi BSP NAP_11 Airport S/S 11 10.94 0.99
NAP_66 Airport S/S 66 67.80 1.03
CTH_11 Cathedral S/S 11 10.98 1.00
CTH_66 Cathedral S/S 66 66.24 1.00
CITYSQUARE_11 City Square S/S 11 10.93 0.99
CITYSQUARE_66 City Square S/S 66 66.37 1.01
FIR_66 Firestone 66 66.54 1.01
IND_11 Industrial Area S/S 11 10.98 1.00
IND_66 Industrial Area S/S 66 65.14 0.99
LANGATA_11 Langata S/S 11 10.95 1.00
LANGATA_66 Langata S/S 66 64.12 0.97
MGD_66 Magadi Soda 66 62.32 0.94
MTA_11 Matasia S/S 11 10.96 1.00
MTA_66 Matasia S/S 66 62.99 0.95
MOMBASARD_11 Mombasa Road S/S 11 10.91 0.99
MOMBASARD_66 Mombasa Road S/S 66 68.08 1.03
NWT_11 Nairobi West S/S 11 10.83 0.98
NWT_66 Nairobi West S/S 66 66.59 1.01
NSF_11 NSSF S/S 11 10.97 1.00
NSF_66 NSSF S/S 66 67.70 1.03
VILLAFRANCA_11 Villa Franca S/S 11 10.97 1.00
VILLAFRANCA_66 Villa Franca S/S 66 67.67 1.03
Juja Road BSP ACCURATE_STLMIL Accurate Steel Mill 66 65.56 0.99
BABADOGO_11 Baba Dogo S/S 11 10.90 0.99
BABADOGO_66 Baba Dogo S/S 66 65.78 1.00
EA Breweries EA Breweries 66 65.74 1.00
EASTLEIGH_11 Eastleigh S/S 11 11.03 1.00
EASTLEIGH_66 Eastleigh S/S 66 65.86 1.00
EMC_66 EMCO 66 65.87 1.00
JVJ_11 Jevanjee S/S 11 11.01 1.00
JVJ_66 Jevanjee S/S 66 63.85 0.97
KPC_66 Kenya Pipe line 66 66.08 1.00
KMT_11 Kimathi S/S 11 11.05 1.00
KMT_66 Kimathi S/S 66 64.45 0.98
KOMOROCK_11 Komorock S/S 11 11.05 1.00
KOMOROCK_66 Komorock S/S 66 65.82 1.00
propLIKONI_ROAD Likoni Road S/S 66 65.56 0.99
PropLIKONI_ROAD11 Likoni Road S/S 11 10.94 0.99
MORRIS_66 Morris Company 66 65.80 1.00
MUTHURWA_11 Muthurwa S/S 11 10.97 1.00
MUTHURWA_66 Muthurwa S/S 66 63.85 0.97
NST_11 Nairobi South S/S 11 11.09 1.01
NST_66 Nairobi South S/S 66 66.35 1.01
PRK_11 Parklands S/S 11 11.06 1.01
PRK_66 Parklands S/S 66 64.34 0.97
RUAI_11 Ruai S/S 11 10.91 0.99
RUAI_66 Ruai S/S 66 65.46 0.99
STL_11 Steel Billets S/S 11 10.93 0.99
STL_66 Steel Billets S/S 66 65.81 1.00
SYOKIMAU_11 Syokimau S/S 11 11.03 1.00
SYOKIMAU_66 Syokimau S/S 66 65.49 0.99
PropTHIKADRIVEIN_11 Thika Drive Inn S/S 11 11.07 1.01
PropTHIKADRIVEIN_66 Thika Drive Inn S/S 66 65.89 1.00
TONONOKA_STL Tonoka Steel 66 65.82 1.00
Load Flow Analysis Voltage - Nairobi Region, 2014

Rated LF Results
Bulk Supply Point Neplan Reference Name/Location Voltage (kV) Voltage(kV) Voltage(pu)
Nairobi North BSP CND_11 Cianda S/S 11 11.02 1.00
CND_66 Cianda S/S 66 65.42 0.99
KABETE_11 Kabete S/S 11 11.03 1.00
KABETE_66 Kabete S/S 66 65.48 0.99
KIL_11 Kileleshwa S/S 11 11.13 1.01
KIL_66 Kileleshwa S/S 66 65.44 0.99
KTS_11 Kitisuru S/S 11 10.99 1.00
KTS_66 Kitisuru S/S 66 65.25 0.99
LAVINGTON_11 Lavington S/S 11 11.13 1.01
LAVINGTON_66 Lavington S/S 66 65.22 0.99
LIM_11 Limuru S/S 11 11.14 1.01
LIM_66 Limuru S/S 66 64.79 0.98
LOWERKBT_11 Lower Kabete S/S 11 11.15 1.01
LOWERKBT_66 Lower Kabete S/S 66 65.79 1.00
MAIMAHIU_11 Mai Mahiu S/S 11 11.14 1.01
MAIMAHIU_66 Mai Mahiu S/S 66 64.68 0.98
NGM_66 Ngema Pump 66 64.55 0.98
UPLANDS_11 Uplands S/S 11 11.02 1.00
UPLANDS_66 Uplands S/S 66 64.60 0.98
WSTLNDS_11 Westlands S/S 11 11.09 1.01
WSTLNDS_66 Westlands S/S 66 65.78 1.00
Ngong BSP KRN_11 Karen S/S 11 10.97 1.00
KRN_66 Karen S/S 66 62.78 0.95
KIK_11 Kikiyu S/S 11 10.92 0.99
KIK_66 Kikiyu S/S 66 61.20 0.93
NGONG_RD11 Ngong Road S/S 11 11.02 1.00
NGONG_RD66 Ngong Road S/S 66 61.71 0.94
NGONG_11 Ngong S/S 11 10.97 1.00
NGONG_66 Ngong S/S 66 65.29 0.99
Ngong wind_5MW Ngong Wind 66 63.02 0.95
Ruaraka BSP GIGIRI_11 Gigiri S/S 11 10.86 0.99
GIGIRI_66 Gigiri S/S 66 62.06 0.94
GGR_66 Gigiri Water Pump 66 61.80 0.94
KIAMBURD_11 Kiambu Road S/S 11 10.91 0.99
KIAMBURD_66 Kiambu Road S/S 66 63.39 0.96
MUGA Muga 66 63.38 0.96
NYG_11 Nyaga S/S 11 11.00 1.00
NYG_33 Nyaga S/S 33 31.73 0.96
RUARAKA_11 Ruaraka S/S 11 10.94 0.99
RUARAKA_66 Ruaraka S/S 66 65.64 0.99
RUIRU_33 Ruiru 33 33.04 1.00
RUIRU_11 Ruiru S/S 11 10.99 1.00
RUIRU_66 Ruiru S/S 66 63.64 0.96
RSM_66 Ruiru Steel Mills 66 63.63 0.96
Sultan Hamud BSP NUL_33 Nul Turesh 33 32.75 0.99
Load Flow Analysis Voltage - Nairobi Region, 2015

Rated LF Results
Bulk Supply Point Neplan Reference Name/Location Voltage (kV) Voltage(kV) Voltage(pu)
Athi BSP APEXSTLMILL Apex Steel Mill 66 63.37 0.96
ATHI MINING Athi mining 66 64.03 0.97
ATHI MINING LOAD Athi Mining load 66 64.01 0.97
APC_66 Athi Portland Cement 66 64.80 0.98
ATH_11 Athi River S/S 11 10.94 0.99
ATH_66 Athi River S/S 66 64.83 0.98
BPC_66 Bamuburi Cement 66 64.63 0.98
DELTA_STMILL Delta Steel Mill 66 64.83 0.98
DEVKI_STLMILL_MOM_RD Devki Steel Mills 66 63.36 0.96
DEVKI_STLMIL_MOMCEM Devki steel mills (Mombasa Cement) 66 64.04 0.97
EPZ_33 EPZ 33 34.99 1.06
EPZ_11 EPZ S/S 11 11.06 1.01
EPZ_66 EPZ S/S 66 64.39 0.98
KOR_66 Kapa Oil 66 63.20 0.96
LUKENYA_11 Lukenya S/S 11 11.01 1.00
LUKENYA_66 Lukenya S/S 66 64.56 0.98
MOMB_CEM_66 Mombasa Cement 66 64.06 0.97
NAT_CEM_66 National Cement 66 63.29 0.96
ORBI CHEM_Load Orbit Chemicals 66 63.82 0.97
ORBIT CHEM Orbit Chemicals 66 63.83 0.97
SAFEPAK_LTD Safepak 66 63.77 0.97
SAVANNAH CEM Savannah Cement 66 63.90 0.97
SILVERWD_66 Silverwood 66 63.31 0.96
CBD BSP CTH_11 Cathedral S/S 11 10.88 0.99
CTH_66 Cathedral S/S 66 65.68 1.00
CBDBSP_220 CBD BSP 220 220.00 1.00
CBDBSP_66 CBD BSP 66 65.76 1.00
CITYSQUARE_11 City Square S/S 11 10.88 0.99
CITYSQUARE_66 City Square S/S 66 65.61 0.99
KIL_11 Kileleshwa S/S 11 10.89 0.99
KIL_66 Kileleshwa S/S 66 64.61 0.98
NWT_11 Nairobi West S/S 11 10.87 0.99
NWT_66 Nairobi West S/S 66 65.61 0.99
NGONG_RD11 Ngong Road S/S 11 11.02 1.00
NGONG_RD66 Ngong Road S/S 66 65.30 0.99
Embakasi BSP NAP_11 Airport S/S 11 11.09 1.01
NAP_66 Airport S/S 66 68.92 1.04
FIR_66 Firestone 66 67.73 1.03
IND_11 Industrial Area S/S 11 11.19 1.02
IND_66 Industrial Area S/S 66 66.34 1.01
LANGATA_11 Langata S/S 11 11.18 1.02
LANGATA_66 Langata S/S 66 64.41 0.98
MGD_66 Magadi Soda 66 61.77 0.94
MTA_11 Matasia S/S 11 11.10 1.01
MTA_66 Matasia S/S 66 63.04 0.96
MOMBASARD_11 Mombasa Road S/S 11 11.14 1.01
MOMBASARD_11B Mombasa Road S/S 11 11.14 1.01
MOMBASARD_66 Mombasa Road S/S 66 69.25 1.05
NSF_11 NSSF S/S 11 11.11 1.01
NSF_66 NSSF S/S 66 68.68 1.04
VILLAFRANCA_11 Villa Franca S/S 11 11.01 1.00
VILLAFRANCA_66 Villa Franca S/S 66 68.55 1.04
Juja Road BSP ACCURATE_STLMIL Accurate Steel Mill 66 65.08 0.99
EMC_66 EMCO 66 65.67 1.00
KPC_66 Kenya Pipe line 66 65.80 1.00
propLIKONI_ROAD Likoni Road S/S 66 65.08 0.99
PropLIKONI_ROAD11 Likoni Road S/S 11 10.98 1.00
MORRIS_66 Morris Company 66 65.40 0.99
NST_11 Nairobi South S/S 11 10.87 0.99
NST_66 Nairobi South S/S 66 66.16 1.00
PRK_11 Parklands S/S 11 10.98 1.00
PRK_66 Parklands S/S 66 64.00 0.97
STL_11 Steel Billets S/S 11 10.89 0.99
STL_66 Steel Billets S/S 66 65.61 0.99
Kajiado BSP KJD_11 Kajiado S/S 11 10.98 1.00
KJD_33 Kajiado S/S 33 33.02 1.00
Komorock BSP JVJ_11 Jevanjee S/S 11 11.21 1.02
JVJ_66 Jevanjee S/S 66 65.13 0.99
KMT_11 Kimathi S/S 11 11.01 1.00
KMT_66 Kimathi S/S 66 65.32 0.99
Komorock_BSP_66 Komorock BSP 66 66.57 1.01
KOMOROCK_11 Komorock S/S 11 11.02 1.00
KOMOROCK_66 Komorock S/S 66 66.56 1.01
MUTHURWA_11 Muthurwa S/S 11 11.08 1.01
MUTHURWA_66 Muthurwa S/S 66 62.45 0.95
RUAI_11 Ruai S/S 11 11.15 1.01
RUAI_66 Ruai S/S 66 65.97 1.00
SYOKIMAU_11 Syokimau S/S 11 11.07 1.01
SYOKIMAU_66 Syokimau S/S 66 66.20 1.00
TALA_11 Tala S/S 11 11.09 1.01
TALA_66 Tala S/S 66 64.29 0.97
TONONOKA_STL Tonoka Steel 66 66.56 1.01
Load Flow Analysis Voltage - Nairobi Region, 2015

Rated LF Results
Bulk Supply Point Neplan Reference Name/Location Voltage (kV) Voltage(kV) Voltage(pu)
Machakos BSP MACHAKOS_11 Machakos S/S 11 10.93 0.99
MACHAKOS_33 Machakos S/S 33 32.99 1.00
Nairobi North BSP KABETE_11 Kabete S/S 11 11.00 1.00
KABETE_66 Kabete S/S 66 64.65 0.98
KTS_11 Kitisuru S/S 11 10.89 0.99
KTS_66 Kitisuru S/S 66 64.42 0.98
LAVINGTON_11 Lavington S/S 11 10.96 1.00
LAVINGTON_66 Lavington S/S 66 64.33 0.97
LIM_11 Limuru S/S 11 11.04 1.00
LIM_66 Limuru S/S 66 64.01 0.97
LOWERKBT_11 Lower Kabete S/S 11 10.98 1.00
LOWERKBT_66 Lower Kabete S/S 66 65.01 0.99
MAIMAHIU_11 Mai Mahiu S/S 11 11.01 1.00
MAIMAHIU_66 Mai Mahiu S/S 66 63.89 0.97
NDENDERU_11 Ndenderu S/S 11 11.02 1.00
NDENDERU_66 Ndenderu S/S 66 65.37 0.99
NGM_66 Ngema Pump 66 63.77 0.97
UPLANDS_11 Uplands S/S 11 10.93 0.99
UPLANDS_66 Uplands S/S 66 63.61 0.96
WSTLNDS_11 Westlands S/S 11 11.04 1.00
WSTLNDS_66 Westlands S/S 66 65.43 0.99
Ngong BSP KRN_11 Karen S/S 11 11.04 1.00
KRN_66 Karen S/S 66 63.17 0.96
KIK_11 Kikiyu S/S 11 11.07 1.01
KIK_66 Kikiyu S/S 66 60.67 0.92
NGONG_11 Ngong S/S 11 10.92 0.99
NGONG_66 Ngong S/S 66 65.36 0.99
Ngong wind_5MW Ngong Wind 66 63.40 0.96
RIRONI_11 Ririoni S/S 11 10.93 0.99
RIRONI_66 Ririoni S/S 66 59.87 0.91
Ruaraka BSP NYG_11 Nyaga S/S 11 11.12 1.01
NYG_33 Nyaga S/S 33 31.66 0.96
RUARAKA_11 Ruaraka S/S 11 11.05 1.00
RUARAKA_66 Ruaraka S/S 66 66.53 1.01
RUIRU_33 Ruiru 33 33.22 1.01
RUIRU_11 Ruiru S/S 11 11.05 1.00
RUIRU_66 Ruiru S/S 66 64.18 0.97
RSM_66 Ruiru Steel Mills 66 64.16 0.97
Sultan Hamud BSP NUL_33 Nul Turesh 33 32.66 0.99
Thika Road BSP BABADOGO_11 Baba Dogo S/S 11 11.09 1.01
BABADOGO_11B Baba Dogo S/S 11 11.09 1.01
BABADOGO_66 Baba Dogo S/S 66 65.17 0.99
CND_11 Cianda S/S 11 11.04 1.00
CND_66 Cianda S/S 66 63.27 0.96
EA Breweries EA Breweries 66 65.09 0.99
EASTLEIGH_11 Eastleigh S/S 11 11.00 1.00
EASTLEIGH_66 Eastleigh S/S 66 64.82 0.98
GIGIRI_11 Gigiri S/S 11 11.04 1.00
GIGIRI_66 Gigiri S/S 66 64.16 0.97
GGR_66 Gigiri Water Pump 66 63.91 0.97
KIAMBURD_11 Kiambu Road S/S 11 11.06 1.01
KIAMBURD_66 Kiambu Road S/S 66 65.45 0.99
KIRIGITI_11 Kirigiti S/S 11 11.04 1.00
KIRIGITI_66 Kirigiti S/S 66 64.55 0.98
MUGA Muga 66 65.44 0.99
PropTHIKADRIVEIN_11 Thika Drive Inn S/S 11 11.00 1.00
PropTHIKADRIVEIN_66 Thika Drive Inn S/S 66 64.58 0.98
Load Flow Analysis Voltage - Nairobi Region, 2016

Rated LF Results
Bulk Supply Point Neplan Reference Name/Location Voltage (kV) Voltage(kV) Voltage(pu)
Athi BSP APEXSTLMILL Apex Steel Mill 66 62.51 0.95
ATHI MINING Athi mining 66 63.23 0.96
ATHI MINING LOAD Athi Mining load 66 63.22 0.96
APC_66 Athi Portland Cement 66 64.16 0.97
ATH_11 Athi River S/S 11 10.84 0.99
ATH_66 Athi River S/S 66 64.19 0.97
BPC_66 Bamuburi Cement 66 63.97 0.97
DELTA_STMILL Delta Steel Mill 66 64.19 0.97
DEVKI_STLMILL_MOM_RD Devki Steel Mills 66 62.51 0.95
DEVKI_STLMIL_MOMCEM Devki steel mills (Mombasa Cement) 66 63.26 0.96
EPZ_33 EPZ 33 34.56 1.05
EPZ_11 EPZ S/S 11 10.93 0.99
EPZ_66 EPZ S/S 66 63.65 0.96
KOR_66 Kapa Oil 66 62.35 0.94
propKITENGELA_11 Kitengela S/S 11 10.88 0.99
propKITENGELA_66 Kitengela S/S 66 63.55 0.96
LUKENYA_11 Lukenya S/S 11 11.00 1.00
LUKENYA_66 Lukenya S/S 66 63.74 0.97
MOMB_CEM_66 Mombasa Cement 66 63.29 0.96
NAT_CEM_66 National Cement 66 62.42 0.95
ORBI CHEM_Load Orbit Chemicals 66 62.99 0.95
ORBIT CHEM Orbit Chemicals 66 62.99 0.95
SAFEPAK_LTD Safepak 66 62.93 0.95
SAVANNAH CEM Savannah Cement 66 63.08 0.96
SILVERWD_66 Silverwood 66 62.45 0.95
CBD BSP CTH_11 Cathedral S/S 11 10.85 0.99
CTH_66 Cathedral S/S 66 65.57 0.99
CBDBSP_220 CBD BSP 220 220.00 1.00
CBDBSP_66 CBD BSP 66 65.65 0.99
CITYSQUARE_11 City Square S/S 11 11.04 1.00
CITYSQUARE_66 City Square S/S 66 65.50 0.99
KIL_11 Kileleshwa S/S 11 10.86 0.99
KIL_66 Kileleshwa S/S 66 64.48 0.98
NWT_11 Nairobi West S/S 11 10.85 0.99
NWT_66 Nairobi West S/S 66 65.50 0.99
NGONG_RD11 Ngong Road S/S 11 10.99 1.00
NGONG_RD66 Ngong Road S/S 66 65.18 0.99
Embakasi BSP NAP_11 Airport S/S 11 10.96 1.00
NAP_66 Airport S/S 66 68.34 1.04
FIR_66 Firestone 66 67.16 1.02
IND_11 Industrial Area S/S 11 11.08 1.01
IND_66 Industrial Area S/S 66 65.72 1.00
LANGATA_11 Langata S/S 11 11.08 1.01
LANGATA_66 Langata S/S 66 62.81 0.95
MGD_66 Magadi Soda 66 58.97 0.89
MTA_11 Matasia S/S 11 10.92 0.99
MTA_66 Matasia S/S 66 61.08 0.93
MOMBASARD_11 Mombasa Road S/S 11 11.02 1.00
MOMBASARD_11B Mombasa Road S/S 11 11.02 1.00
MOMBASARD_66 Mombasa Road S/S 66 68.72 1.04
NSF_11 NSSF S/S 11 10.98 1.00
NSF_66 NSSF S/S 66 68.06 1.03
VILLAFRANCA_11 Villa Franca S/S 11 11.06 1.01
VILLAFRANCA_66 Villa Franca S/S 66 67.91 1.03
Juja Road BSP ACCURATE_STLMIL Accurate Steel Mill 66 64.78 0.98
EMC_66 EMCO 66 65.52 0.99
KASARANI_11 Kasarani S/S 11 10.86 0.99
KASARANI_66 Kasarani S/S 66 65.58 0.99
KPC_66 Kenya Pipe line 66 65.57 0.99
propLIKONI_ROAD Likoni Road S/S 66 64.78 0.98
PropLIKONI_ROAD11 Likoni Road S/S 11 10.91 0.99
MORRIS_66 Morris Company 66 65.14 0.99
NST_11 Nairobi South S/S 11 11.03 1.00
NST_66 Nairobi South S/S 66 65.96 1.00
PRK_11 Parklands S/S 11 10.94 0.99
PRK_66 Parklands S/S 66 63.81 0.97
STL_11 Steel Billets S/S 11 10.86 0.99
STL_66 Steel Billets S/S 66 65.45 0.99
Kajiado BSP KJD_11 Kajiado S/S 11 10.92 0.99
KJD_33 Kajiado S/S 33 32.94 1.00
Load Flow Analysis Voltage - Nairobi Region, 2016

Rated LF Results
Bulk Supply Point Neplan Reference Name/Location Voltage (kV) Voltage(kV) Voltage(pu)
Komorock BSP JVJ_11 Jevanjee S/S 11 11.06 1.01
JVJ_66 Jevanjee S/S 66 64.47 0.98
propKAGUNDO_66 Kangundo S/S 66 65.78 1.00
propKANGUNDO_11 Kangundo S/S 11 10.93 0.99
KMT_11 Kimathi S/S 11 10.91 0.99
KMT_66 Kimathi S/S 66 64.70 0.98
Komorock_BSP_66 Komorock BSP 66 66.00 1.00
KOMOROCK_11 Komorock S/S 11 10.92 0.99
KOMOROCK_66 Komorock S/S 66 66.00 1.00
MUTHURWA_11 Muthurwa S/S 11 11.02 1.00
MUTHURWA_66 Muthurwa S/S 66 62.03 0.94
RUAI_11 Ruai S/S 11 11.04 1.00
RUAI_66 Ruai S/S 66 65.37 0.99
SYOKIMAU_11 Syokimau S/S 11 11.07 1.01
SYOKIMAU_66 Syokimau S/S 66 65.48 0.99
TALA_11 Tala S/S 11 11.03 1.00
TALA_66 Tala S/S 66 63.46 0.96
TONONOKA_STL Tonoka Steel 66 65.99 1.00
Machakos BSP MACHAKOS_11 Machakos S/S 11 11.01 1.00
MACHAKOS_33 Machakos S/S 33 32.75 0.99
Nairobi North BSP GITHUNGIRI_11 Githungiri S/S 11 11.20 1.02
GITHUNGURI_66 Githungiri S/S 66 63.08 0.96
KABETE_11 Kabete S/S 11 11.09 1.01
KABETE_66 Kabete S/S 66 65.18 0.99
KTS_11 Kitisuru S/S 11 11.15 1.01
KTS_66 Kitisuru S/S 66 64.92 0.98
LAVINGTON_11 Lavington S/S 11 11.18 1.02
LAVINGTON_66 Lavington S/S 66 64.75 0.98
LIM_11 Limuru S/S 11 11.03 1.00
LIM_66 Limuru S/S 66 64.13 0.97
LOWERKBT_11 Lower Kabete S/S 11 11.06 1.01
LOWERKBT_66 Lower Kabete S/S 66 65.63 0.99
MAIMAHIU_11 Mai Mahiu S/S 11 11.03 1.00
MAIMAHIU_66 Mai Mahiu S/S 66 64.01 0.97
NDENDERU_11 Ndenderu S/S 11 11.09 1.01
NDENDERU_66 Ndenderu S/S 66 65.99 1.00
NGM_66 Ngema Pump 66 63.88 0.97
UPLANDS_11 Uplands S/S 11 11.00 1.00
UPLANDS_66 Uplands S/S 66 63.45 0.96
WSTLNDS_11 Westlands S/S 11 11.17 1.02
WSTLNDS_66 Westlands S/S 66 66.14 1.00
Ngong BSP propDAGORETTI_11 Dagoretti S/S 11 10.97 1.00
propDAGORETTI_66 Dagoretti S/S 66 64.93 0.98
KRN_11 Karen S/S 11 10.90 0.99
KRN_66 Karen S/S 66 64.60 0.98
KIK_11 Kikiyu S/S 11 10.89 0.99
KIK_66 Kikiyu S/S 66 62.07 0.94
propKISERIAN_11 Kiserian S/S 11 10.98 1.00
propKISERIAN_66 Kiserian S/S 66 65.59 0.99
NGONG_11 Ngong S/S 11 10.90 0.99
NGONG_66 Ngong S/S 66 65.37 0.99
Ngong wind_5MW Ngong Wind 66 64.83 0.98
RIRONI_11 Ririoni S/S 11 10.95 1.00
RIRONI_66 Ririoni S/S 66 61.18 0.93
Ruaraka BSP NYG_11 Nyaga S/S 11 11.20 1.02
NYG_33 Nyaga S/S 33 32.92 1.00
RUARAKA_11 Ruaraka S/S 11 11.05 1.00
RUARAKA_66 Ruaraka S/S 66 66.51 1.01
RUIRU_33 Ruiru 33 33.38 1.01
RUIRU_11 Ruiru S/S 11 11.02 1.00
RUIRU_66 Ruiru S/S 66 65.27 0.99
RSM_66 Ruiru Steel Mills 66 65.25 0.99
Sultan Hamud BSP NUL_33 Nul Turesh 33 32.58 0.99
Load Flow Analysis Voltage - Nairobi Region, 2016

Rated LF Results
Bulk Supply Point Neplan Reference Name/Location Voltage (kV) Voltage(kV) Voltage(pu)
Thika Road BSP BABADOGO_11 Baba Dogo S/S 11 10.96 1.00
BABADOGO_11B Baba Dogo S/S 11 10.96 1.00
BABADOGO_66 Baba Dogo S/S 66 64.53 0.98
CND_11 Cianda S/S 11 11.03 1.00
CND_66 Cianda S/S 66 63.16 0.96
EA Breweries EA Breweries 66 64.46 0.98
EASTLEIGH_11 Eastleigh S/S 11 11.00 1.00
EASTLEIGH_66 Eastleigh S/S 66 63.85 0.97
GIGIRI_11 Gigiri S/S 11 10.93 0.99
GIGIRI_66 Gigiri S/S 66 63.58 0.96
GGR_66 Gigiri Water Pump 66 63.33 0.96
KIAMBURD_11 Kiambu Road S/S 11 10.96 1.00
KIAMBURD_66 Kiambu Road S/S 66 64.90 0.98
KIRIGITI_11 Kirigiti S/S 11 10.94 0.99
KIRIGITI_66 Kirigiti S/S 66 64.05 0.97
MUGA Muga 66 64.88 0.98
PropTHIKADRIVEIN_11 Thika Drive Inn S/S 11 10.94 0.99
PropTHIKADRIVEIN_66 Thika Drive Inn S/S 66 63.51 0.96
Load Flow Analysis Voltage - Nairobi Region, 2017

Rated LF Results
Bulk Supply Point Neplan Reference Name/Location Voltage (kV) Voltage(kV) Voltage(pu)
Athi BSP APEXSTLMILL Apex Steel Mill 66 63.73 0.97
ATHI MINING Athi mining 66 63.46 0.96
ATHI MINING LOAD Athi Mining load 66 63.46 0.96
APC_66 Athi Portland Cement 66 64.46 0.98
ATH_11 Athi River S/S 11 11.06 1.01
ATH_66 Athi River S/S 66 64.50 0.98
BPC_66 Bamuburi Cement 66 64.42 0.98
DELTA_STMILL Delta Steel Mill 66 64.49 0.98
DEVKI_STLMILL_MOM_RD Devki Steel Mills 66 63.76 0.97
DEVKI_STLMIL_MOMCEM Devki steel mills (Mombasa Cement) 66 64.03 0.97
EPZ_33 EPZ 33 34.63 1.05
EPZ_11 EPZ S/S 11 10.93 0.99
EPZ_66 EPZ S/S 66 63.80 0.97
KOR_66 Kapa Oil 66 63.80 0.97
propKITENGELA_11 Kitengela S/S 11 10.95 1.00
propKITENGELA_66 Kitengela S/S 66 63.56 0.96
LUKENYA_11 Lukenya S/S 11 11.02 1.00
LUKENYA_66 Lukenya S/S 66 63.99 0.97
MOMB_CEM_66 Mombasa Cement 66 64.08 0.97
NAT_CEM_66 National Cement 66 63.69 0.97
ORBI CHEM_Load Orbit Chemicals 66 63.14 0.96
ORBIT CHEM Orbit Chemicals 66 63.14 0.96
SAFEPAK_LTD Safepak 66 63.04 0.96
SAVANNAH CEM Savannah Cement 66 63.25 0.96
SILVERWD_66 Silverwood 66 63.73 0.97
CBD BSP CTH_11 Cathedral S/S 11 10.85 0.99
CTH_66 Cathedral S/S 66 65.56 0.99
CBDBSP_220 CBD BSP 220 220.00 1.00
CBDBSP_66 CBD BSP 66 65.64 0.99
CITYSQUARE_11 City Square S/S 11 11.03 1.00
CITYSQUARE_66 City Square S/S 66 65.49 0.99
KIL_11 Kileleshwa S/S 11 10.90 0.99
KIL_66 Kileleshwa S/S 66 64.55 0.98
NWT_11 Nairobi West S/S 11 10.84 0.99
NWT_66 Nairobi West S/S 66 65.49 0.99
NGONG_RD11 Ngong Road S/S 11 10.99 1.00
NGONG_RD66 Ngong Road S/S 66 65.19 0.99
Embakasi BSP NAP_11 Airport S/S 11 10.92 0.99
NAP_66 Airport S/S 66 68.14 1.03
FIR_66 Firestone 66 66.94 1.01
IND_11 Industrial Area S/S 11 11.03 1.00
IND_66 Industrial Area S/S 66 65.48 0.99
LANGATA_11 Langata S/S 11 10.95 1.00
LANGATA_66 Langata S/S 66 62.20 0.94
MGD_66 Magadi Soda 66 59.62 0.90
MTA_11 Matasia S/S 11 11.00 1.00
MTA_66 Matasia S/S 66 60.49 0.92
MOMBASARD_11 Mombasa Road S/S 11 10.97 1.00
MOMBASARD_11B Mombasa Road S/S 11 10.97 1.00
MOMBASARD_66 Mombasa Road S/S 66 68.54 1.04
NSF_11 NSSF S/S 11 10.89 0.99
NSF_66 NSSF S/S 66 67.82 1.03
VILLAFRANCA_11 Villa Franca S/S 11 11.04 1.00
VILLAFRANCA_66 Villa Franca S/S 66 67.72 1.03
Juja Road BSP ACCURATE_STLMIL Accurate Steel Mill 66 65.16 0.99
EMC_66 EMCO 66 65.44 0.99
KASARANI_11 Kasarani S/S 11 10.91 0.99
KASARANI_66 Kasarani S/S 66 65.40 0.99
KPC_66 Kenya Pipe line 66 65.70 1.00
propLIKONI_ROAD Likoni Road S/S 66 65.17 0.99
PropLIKONI_ROAD11 Likoni Road S/S 11 10.98 1.00
MORRIS_66 Morris Company 66 65.53 0.99
NST_11 Nairobi South S/S 11 11.01 1.00
NST_66 Nairobi South S/S 66 65.87 1.00
PRK_11 Parklands S/S 11 10.95 1.00
PRK_66 Parklands S/S 66 63.81 0.97
STL_11 Steel Billets S/S 11 10.87 0.99
STL_66 Steel Billets S/S 66 65.38 0.99
Kajiado BSP KJD_11 Kajiado S/S 11 11.04 1.00
KJD_33 Kajiado S/S 33 32.85 1.00
Load Flow Analysis Voltage - Nairobi Region, 2017

Rated LF Results
Bulk Supply Point Neplan Reference Name/Location Voltage (kV) Voltage(kV) Voltage(pu)
Komorock BSP JVJ_11 Jevanjee S/S 11 11.14 1.01
JVJ_66 Jevanjee S/S 66 64.99 0.98
propKAGUNDO_66 Kangundo S/S 66 66.30 1.00
propKANGUNDO_11 Kangundo S/S 11 11.18 1.02
KMT_11 Kimathi S/S 11 11.20 1.02
KMT_66 Kimathi S/S 66 65.22 0.99
Komorock_BSP_66 Komorock BSP 66 66.55 1.01
KOMOROCK_11 Komorock S/S 11 11.02 1.00
KOMOROCK_66 Komorock S/S 66 66.53 1.01
MUTHURWA_11 Muthurwa S/S 11 11.11 1.01
MUTHURWA_66 Muthurwa S/S 66 62.54 0.95
RUAI_11 Ruai S/S 11 11.07 1.01
RUAI_66 Ruai S/S 66 65.77 1.00
SYOKIMAU_11 Syokimau S/S 11 11.12 1.01
SYOKIMAU_66 Syokimau S/S 66 65.96 1.00
TALA_11 Tala S/S 11 11.14 1.01
TALA_66 Tala S/S 66 63.15 0.96
TONONOKA_STL Tonoka Steel 66 66.53 1.01
UMOJA_11 Umoja S/S 11 11.19 1.02
UMOJA_66 Umoja S/S 66 66.36 1.01
Machakos BSP MACHAKOS_11 Machakos S/S 11 11.07 1.01
MACHAKOS_33 Machakos S/S 33 33.11 1.00
Nairobi North BSP GITHUNGIRI_11 Githungiri S/S 11 11.09 1.01
GITHUNGURI_66 Githungiri S/S 66 61.55 0.93
KABETE_11 Kabete S/S 11 11.01 1.00
KABETE_66 Kabete S/S 66 64.04 0.97
KTS_11 Kitisuru S/S 11 11.02 1.00
KTS_66 Kitisuru S/S 66 64.23 0.97
LAVINGTON_11 Lavington S/S 11 10.90 0.99
LAVINGTON_66 Lavington S/S 66 63.46 0.96
LIM_11 Limuru S/S 11 11.01 1.00
LIM_66 Limuru S/S 66 63.02 0.95
LOWERKBT_11 Lower Kabete S/S 11 10.95 1.00
LOWERKBT_66 Lower Kabete S/S 66 65.03 0.99
MAIMAHIU_11 Mai Mahiu S/S 11 11.02 1.00
MAIMAHIU_66 Mai Mahiu S/S 66 62.89 0.95
NDENDERU_11 Ndenderu S/S 11 10.94 0.99
NDENDERU_66 Ndenderu S/S 66 65.34 0.99
NGM_66 Ngema Pump 66 62.76 0.95
UPLANDS_11 Uplands S/S 11 10.95 1.00
UPLANDS_66 Uplands S/S 66 62.12 0.94
WSTLNDS_11 Westlands S/S 11 10.90 0.99
WSTLNDS_66 Westlands S/S 66 65.61 0.99
Ngong BSP propDAGORETTI_11 Dagoretti S/S 11 11.01 1.00
propDAGORETTI_66 Dagoretti S/S 66 65.10 0.99
KRN_11 Karen S/S 11 10.97 1.00
KRN_66 Karen S/S 66 65.05 0.99
KIK_11 Kikiyu S/S 11 11.05 1.00
KIK_66 Kikiyu S/S 66 64.24 0.97
propKISERIAN_11 Kiserian S/S 11 10.96 1.00
propKISERIAN_66 Kiserian S/S 66 66.04 1.00
NGONG_11 Ngong S/S 11 11.10 1.01
NGONG_66 Ngong S/S 66 65.83 1.00
Ngong wind_5MW Ngong Wind 66 65.28 0.99
RIRONI_11 Ririoni S/S 11 11.10 1.01
RIRONI_66 Ririoni S/S 66 63.28 0.96
Ruaraka BSP NYG_11 Nyaga S/S 11 11.08 1.01
NYG_33 Nyaga S/S 33 32.63 0.99
RUARAKA_11 Ruaraka S/S 11 11.02 1.00
RUARAKA_66 Ruaraka S/S 66 66.36 1.01
RUIRU_33 Ruiru 33 33.15 1.00
RUIRU_11 Ruiru S/S 11 11.13 1.01
RUIRU_66 Ruiru S/S 66 64.95 0.98
RSM_66 Ruiru Steel Mills 66 64.92 0.98
Sultan Hamud BSP NUL_33 Nul Turesh 33 32.48 0.98
Load Flow Analysis Voltage - Nairobi Region, 2017

Rated LF Results
Bulk Supply Point Neplan Reference Name/Location Voltage (kV) Voltage(kV) Voltage(pu)
Thika Road BSP BABADOGO_11 Baba Dogo S/S 11 11.12 1.01
BABADOGO_11B Baba Dogo S/S 11 11.12 1.01
BABADOGO_66 Baba Dogo S/S 66 64.68 0.98
CND_11 Cianda S/S 11 11.12 1.01
CND_66 Cianda S/S 66 63.65 0.96
EA Breweries EA Breweries 66 64.60 0.98
EASTLEIGH_11 Eastleigh S/S 11 11.17 1.02
EASTLEIGH_66 Eastleigh S/S 66 64.04 0.97
GIGIRI_11 Gigiri S/S 11 11.16 1.01
GIGIRI_66 Gigiri S/S 66 63.85 0.97
GGR_66 Gigiri Water Pump 66 63.61 0.96
KIAMBURD_11 Kiambu Road S/S 11 11.00 1.00
KIAMBURD_66 Kiambu Road S/S 66 65.32 0.99
KIRIGITI_11 Kirigiti S/S 11 11.01 1.00
KIRIGITI_66 Kirigiti S/S 66 64.54 0.98
MUGA Muga 66 65.30 0.99
PropTHIKADRIVEIN_11 Thika Drive Inn S/S 11 11.18 1.02
PropTHIKADRIVEIN_66 Thika Drive Inn S/S 66 63.70 0.97
IEC60909 Short Circuit Results (3 Phase) - Nairobi Region, 2012

Nominal Switchgear
Substation Name Fault Location Voltage (kV) Rating (kA) Ik'' (kA) % of Rating
Airport S/S NAP_66 66 31.5 10.7 34%
Airport S/S NAP_11 11 25 17.9 72%
Athi River S/S ATH_66 66 31.5 5.2 17%
Athi River S/S ATH_11 66 31.5 9.1 29%
Baba Dogo S/S BABADOGO_66 66 31.5 14.2 45%
Baba Dogo S/S BABADOGO_11 11 25 19.1 76%
Cathedral S/S CTH_66 66 31.5 8.9 28%
Cathedral S/S CTH_11 11 25 16.9 68%
Cianda S/S CND_66 66 31.5 5.1 16%
Cianda S/S CND_11 11 25 8.9 35%
EPZ S/S EPZ_66 66 31.5 3.8 12%
EPZ S/S EPZ_11 11 25 8.3 33%
Gigiri S/S GIGIRI_66 11 25 3.4 14%
Gigiri S/S GIGIRI_11 66 31.5 7.8 25%
Industrial Area S/S IND_66 11 25 5.0 20%
Industrial Area S/S IND_11 66 31.5 14.0 44%
Jevanjee S/S JVJ_66 11 25 8.5 34%
Jevanjee S/S JVJ_11 66 31.5 16.9 54%
Kabete S/S KABETE_66 11 25 4.6 18%
Kabete S/S KABETE_11 11 25 8.5 34%
Kajiado S/S KJD_33 66 31.5 0.2 1%
Kajiado S/S KJD_11 11 25 0.6 2%
Karen S/S KRN_66 11 25 1.9 8%
Karen S/S KRN_11 66 31.5 8.0 25%
Kikiyu S/S KIK_66 66 31.5 2.6 8%
Kikiyu S/S KIK_11 66 31.5 8.6 27%
Kileleshwa S/S KIL_66 66 31.5 4.4 14%
Kileleshwa S/S KIL_11 11 25 13.2 53%
Kimathi S/S KMT_11 66 31.5 17.9 57%
Kimathi S/S KMT_66 11 25 10.5 42%
Kitisuru S/S KTS_66 11 25 4.4 18%
Kitisuru S/S KTS_11 66 31.5 12.8 41%
Komorock S/S KOMOROCK_66 66 31.5 15.3 49%
Komorock S/S KOMOROCK_11 66 31.5 19.4 61%
Limuru S/S LIM_66 66 31.5 4.2 13%
Limuru S/S LIM_11 11 25 9.8 39%
Machakos S/S MACHAKOS_33 66 31.5 0.6 2%
Machakos S/S MACHAKOS_11 11 25 1.4 6%
Mai Mahiu S/S MAIMAHIU_66 66 31.5 2.9 9%
Mai Mahiu S/S MAIMAHIU_11 11 25 7.2 29%
Matasia S/S MTA_66 66 31.5 1.6 5%
Matasia S/S MTA_11 11 25 5.8 23%
Mombasa Road S/S MOMBASARD_66 11 25 18.1 73%
Mombasa Road S/S MOMBASARD_11 66 31.5 18.2 58%
Nairobi South S/S NST_66 66 31.5 15.1 48%
Nairobi South S/S NST_11 11 25 26.2 105%
IEC60909 Short Circuit Results (3 Phase) - Nairobi Region, 2012

Nominal Switchgear
Substation Name Fault Location Voltage (kV) Rating (kA) Ik'' (kA) % of Rating
Nairobi West S/S NWT_66 66 31.5 10.3 33%
Nairobi West S/S NWT_11 11 25 25.8 103%
Ngong Road S/S NGONG_RD66 33 31.5 6.4 20%
Ngong Road S/S NGONG_RD11 66 31.5 15.3 49%
NSSF S/S NSF_66 11 25 7.4 29%
NSSF S/S NSF_11 66 31.5 9.8 31%
Nyaga S/S NYG_33 66 31.5 1.3 4%
Nyaga S/S NYG_11 11 25 2.4 10%
Parklands S/S PRK_66 66 31.5 6.9 22%
Parklands S/S PRK_11 66 31.5 22.1 70%
Ruai S/S RUAI_66 33 31.5 9.0 29%
Ruai S/S RUAI_11 11 25 17.2 69%
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_66 66 31.5 7.8 25%
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_11 66 31.5 16.1 51%
Ruiru S/S RUIRU_66 11 25 4.0 16%
Ruiru S/S RUIRU_11 66 31.5 12.3 39%
Steel Billets S/S STL_66 66 31.5 13.6 43%
Steel Billets S/S STL_11 11 25 18.9 76%
Syokimau S/S SYOKIMAU_66 66 31.5 6.8 21%
Syokimau S/S SYOKIMAU_11 11 25 9.6 38%
Westlands S/S WSTLNDS_66 66 31.5 7.2 23%
Westlands S/S WSTLNDS_11 66 31.5 15.7 50%
IEC60909 Short Circuit Results (3 Phase) - Nairobi Region, 2013

Nominal Switchgear
Substation Name Fault Location Voltage (kV) Rating (kA) Ik'' (kA) % of Rating
Airport S/S NAP_11 11 25 17.3 69%
Airport S/S NAP_66 66 31.5 9.5 30%
Athi River S/S ATH_11 11 25 13.9 55%
Athi River S/S ATH_66 66 31.5 4.9 16%
Baba Dogo S/S BABADOGO_11 33 31.5 19.1 61%
Baba Dogo S/S BABADOGO_66 66 31.5 14.2 45%
Cathedral S/S CTH_11 11 25 16.5 66%
Cathedral S/S CTH_66 66 31.5 8.2 26%
Cianda S/S CND_11 66 31.5 13.9 44%
Cianda S/S CND_66 11 25 5.1 20%
Eastleigh S/S EASTLEIGH_11 11 25 28.6 114%
Eastleigh S/S EASTLEIGH_66 66 31.5 13.6 43%
Eastleigh S/S EASTLEIGH_11A 11 25 17.3 69%
EPZ S/S EPZ_11 66 31.5 11.4 36%
EPZ S/S EPZ_66 11 25 3.3 13%
Gigiri S/S GIGIRI_11 66 31.5 7.8 25%
Gigiri S/S GIGIRI_66 11 25 3.4 14%
Industrial Area S/S IND_11 66 31.5 22.1 70%
Industrial Area S/S IND_66 66 31.5 7.2 23%
Jevanjee S/S JVJ_11 11 25 16.9 68%
Jevanjee S/S JVJ_66 66 31.5 8.5 27%
Kabete S/S KABETE_11 11 25 8.7 35%
Kabete S/S KABETE_66 66 31.5 4.8 15%
Kajiado S/S KJD_11 11 25 0.6 2%
Kajiado S/S KJD_33 11 25 0.2 1%
Karen S/S KRN_11 66 31.5 11.0 35%
Karen S/S KRN_66 11 25 3.3 13%
Kiambu Road S/S KIAMBURD_11 11 25 12.4 50%
Kiambu Road S/S KIAMBURD_66 66 31.5 4.1 13%
Kikiyu S/S KIK_11 66 31.5 8.4 27%
Kikiyu S/S KIK_66 66 31.5 2.1 7%
Kileleshwa S/S KIL_11 66 31.5 12.8 41%
Kileleshwa S/S KIL_66 11 25 4.2 17%
Kimathi S/S KMT_11 66 31.5 17.9 57%
Kimathi S/S KMT_66 11 25 10.5 42%
Kitisuru S/S KTS_11 11 25 12.8 51%
Kitisuru S/S KTS_66 66 31.5 4.4 14%
Komorock S/S KOMOROCK_11 11 25 19.4 77%
Komorock S/S KOMOROCK_66 33 31.5 15.3 49%
Langata S/S LANGATA_11 11 25 9.1 36%
Langata S/S LANGATA_66 66 31.5 2.2 7%
Limuru S/S LIM_11 66 31.5 12.2 39%
Limuru S/S LIM_66 66 31.5 4.0 13%
Lower Kabete S/S LOWERKBT_11 66 31.5 16.8 53%
Lower Kabete S/S LOWERKBT_66 11 25 8.9 35%
IEC60909 Short Circuit Results (3 Phase) - Nairobi Region, 2013

Nominal Switchgear
Substation Name Fault Location Voltage (kV) Rating (kA) Ik'' (kA) % of Rating
Machakos S/S MACHAKOS_11 66 31.5 1.5 5%
Machakos S/S MACHAKOS_33 11 25 0.6 2%
Mai Mahiu S/S MAIMAHIU_11 66 31.5 7.1 23%
Mai Mahiu S/S MAIMAHIU_66 66 31.5 2.8 9%
Matasia S/S MTA_11 11 25 5.7 23%
Matasia S/S MTA_66 11 25 1.6 6%
Mombasa Road S/S MOMBASARD_11 66 31.5 17.5 56%
Mombasa Road S/S MOMBASARD_66 11 25 14.7 59%
Muthurwa S/S MUTHURWA_11 11 25 24.3 97%
Muthurwa S/S MUTHURWA_66 66 31.5 8.5 27%
Muthurwa S/S MUTHURWA_11A 11 25 15.7 63%
Nairobi South S/S NST_11 66 31.5 26.2 83%
Nairobi South S/S NST_66 66 31.5 15.1 48%
Nairobi West S/S NWT_11 33 31.5 24.4 78%
Nairobi West S/S NWT_66 11 25 9.1 36%
Ngong Road S/S NGONG_RD11 66 31.5 14.8 47%
Ngong Road S/S NGONG_RD66 11 25 6.0 24%
Ngong S/S NGONG_11 11 25 9.2 37%
Ngong S/S NGONG_66 11 25 2.4 10%
NSSF S/S NSF_11 11 25 9.6 38%
NSSF S/S NSF_66 66 31.5 6.8 22%
Nyaga S/S NYG_11 11 25 2.4 10%
Nyaga S/S NYG_33 66 31.5 1.3 4%
Parklands S/S PRK_11 11 25 22.1 88%
Parklands S/S PRK_66 66 31.5 6.9 22%
Ruai S/S RUAI_11 66 31.5 17.2 55%
Ruai S/S RUAI_66 66 31.5 9.0 29%
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_11 66 31.5 16.1 51%
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_66 66 31.5 7.8 25%
Ruiru S/S RUIRU_11 66 31.5 12.3 39%
Ruiru S/S RUIRU_66 11 25 4.0 16%
Steel Billets S/S STL_11 11 25 18.9 76%
Steel Billets S/S STL_66 66 31.5 13.6 43%
Syokimau S/S SYOKIMAU_11 66 31.5 9.6 31%
Syokimau S/S SYOKIMAU_66 66 31.5 6.8 21%
Westlands S/S WSTLNDS_11 66 31.5 15.7 50%
Westlands S/S WSTLNDS_66 66 31.5 7.2 23%
Westlands S/S WSTLNDS_66 11 25 7.2 29%
Westlands S/S WSTLNDS_11 66 31.5 15.7 50%
Westlands S/S WSTLNDS_66 66 31.5 7.2 23%
Westlands S/S WSTLNDS_11 11 25 15.7 63%
IEC60909 Short Circuit Results (3 Phase) - Nairobi Region, 2014

Nominal Switchgear
Substation Name Fault Location Voltage (kV) Rating (kA) Ik'' (kA) % of Rating
Airport S/S NAP_66 66 31.5 9.5 30%
Airport S/S NAP_11 11 25 17.3 69%
Athi River S/S ATH_66 66 31.5 11.1 35%
Athi River S/S ATH_11 66 31.5 17.9 57%
Baba Dogo S/S BABADOGO_66 66 31.5 14.2 45%
Baba Dogo S/S BABADOGO_11 11 25 19.1 76%
Cathedral S/S CTH_66 66 31.5 7.6 24%
Cathedral S/S CTH_11 11 25 16.1 64%
Cianda S/S CND_66 11 25 5.9 24%
Cianda S/S CND_11 11 25 14.8 59%
City Square S/S CITYSQUARE_66 11 25 8.4 33%
City Square S/S CITYSQUARE_11 66 31.5 23.6 75%
Eastleigh S/S EASTLEIGH_66 33 31.5 14.8 47%
Eastleigh S/S EASTLEIGH_11 11 25 29.4 118%
EPZ S/S EPZ_66 66 31.5 9.6 30%
EPZ S/S EPZ_11 66 31.5 17.2 55%
Gigiri S/S GIGIRI_66 11 25 2.9 12%
Gigiri S/S GIGIRI_11 66 31.5 10.3 33%
Industrial Area S/S IND_66 66 31.5 4.7 15%
Industrial Area S/S IND_11 66 31.5 17.9 57%
Jevanjee S/S JVJ_66 66 31.5 8.5 27%
Jevanjee S/S JVJ_11 11 25 16.9 68%
Kabete S/S KABETE_66 11 25 5.3 21%
Kabete S/S KABETE_11 11 25 8.9 36%
Kajiado S/S KJD_33 66 31.5 0.2 1%
Kajiado S/S KJD_11 11 25 0.6 3%
Karen S/S KRN_66 66 31.5 5.4 17%
Karen S/S KRN_11 11 25 14.1 56%
Kiambu Road S/S KIAMBURD_66 11 25 4.9 19%
Kiambu Road S/S KIAMBURD_11 66 31.5 13.4 43%
Kikiyu S/S KIK_66 66 31.5 2.7 9%
Kikiyu S/S KIK_11 66 31.5 10.1 32%
Kileleshwa S/S KIL_66 66 31.5 5.8 18%
Kileleshwa S/S KIL_11 11 25 14.5 58%
Kimathi S/S KMT_11 66 31.5 17.9 57%
Kimathi S/S KMT_66 11 25 10.5 42%
Kitisuru S/S KTS_66 11 25 5.0 20%
Kitisuru S/S KTS_11 66 31.5 13.7 43%
Komorock S/S KOMOROCK_66 11 25 15.3 61%
Komorock S/S KOMOROCK_11 33 31.5 19.4 61%
Langata S/S LANGATA_66 11 25 2.2 9%
Langata S/S LANGATA_11 66 31.5 9.1 29%
Lavington S/S LAVINGTON_66 11 25 3.9 16%
Lavington S/S LAVINGTON_11 66 31.5 12.1 38%
Likoni Road S/S propLIKONI_ROAD 11 25 8.2 33%
Likoni Road S/S PropLIKONI_ROAD11 66 31.5 23.7 75%
IEC60909 Short Circuit Results (3 Phase) - Nairobi Region, 2014

Nominal Switchgear
Substation Name Fault Location Voltage (kV) Rating (kA) Ik'' (kA) % of Rating
Limuru S/S LIM_66 66 31.5 4.5 14%
Limuru S/S LIM_11 11 25 13.0 52%
Lower Kabete S/S LOWERKBT_66 66 31.5 5.8 18%
Lower Kabete S/S LOWERKBT_11 11 25 14.5 58%
Machakos S/S MACHAKOS_33 66 31.5 0.7 2%
Machakos S/S MACHAKOS_11 11 25 1.6 6%
Mai Mahiu S/S MAIMAHIU_66 66 31.5 3.0 10%
Mai Mahiu S/S MAIMAHIU_11 66 31.5 7.3 23%
Matasia S/S MTA_66 11 25 1.6 6%
Matasia S/S MTA_11 11 25 5.7 23%
Mombasa Road S/S MOMBASARD_66 66 31.5 14.7 47%
Mombasa Road S/S MOMBASARD_11 11 25 17.5 70%
Muthurwa S/S MUTHURWA_66 11 25 8.5 34%
Muthurwa S/S MUTHURWA_11 66 31.5 24.3 77%
Nairobi South S/S NST_66 66 31.5 15.1 48%
Nairobi South S/S NST_11 66 31.5 26.2 83%
Nairobi West S/S NWT_66 33 31.5 9.1 29%
Nairobi West S/S NWT_11 11 25 24.4 98%
Ngong Road S/S NGONG_RD66 66 31.5 3.2 10%
Ngong Road S/S NGONG_RD11 11 25 11.1 44%
Ngong S/S NGONG_66 11 25 11.5 46%
Ngong S/S NGONG_11 11 25 18.1 72%
NSSF S/S NSF_66 11 25 9.5 38%
NSSF S/S NSF_11 66 31.5 17.3 55%
Nyaga S/S NYG_33 11 25 1.3 5%
Nyaga S/S NYG_11 66 31.5 2.4 8%
Parklands S/S PRK_66 11 25 6.9 28%
Parklands S/S PRK_11 66 31.5 22.1 70%
Ruai S/S RUAI_66 66 31.5 9.0 29%
Ruai S/S RUAI_11 11 25 17.2 69%
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_66 66 31.5 11.0 35%
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_11 66 31.5 26.3 84%
Ruiru S/S RUIRU_66 11 25 4.6 18%
Ruiru S/S RUIRU_11 66 31.5 13.3 42%
Steel Billets S/S STL_66 66 31.5 13.6 43%
Steel Billets S/S STL_11 11 25 18.9 76%
Syokimau S/S SYOKIMAU_66 11 25 6.8 27%
Syokimau S/S SYOKIMAU_11 66 31.5 9.6 31%
Thika Drive Inn S/S PropTHIKADRIVEIN_66 11 25 15.3 61%
Thika Drive Inn S/S PropTHIKADRIVEIN_11 66 31.5 29.7 94%
Uplands S/S UPLANDS_66 66 31.5 3.1 10%
Uplands S/S UPLANDS_11 66 31.5 7.5 24%
Villa Franca S/S VILLAFRANCA_66 66 31.5 10.1 32%
Villa Franca S/S VILLAFRANCA_11 66 31.5 25.7 82%
Westlands S/S WSTLNDS_66 66 31.5 9.0 29%
Westlands S/S WSTLNDS_11 11 25 17.0 68%
IEC60909 Short Circuit Results (3 Phase) - Nairobi Region, 2015

Nominal Switchgear
Substation Name Fault Location Voltage (kV) Rating (kA) Ik'' (kA) % of Rating
Airport S/S NAP_66 66 31.5 9.5 30%
Airport S/S NAP_11 11 25 17.3 69%
Athi River S/S ATH_66 66 31.5 11.1 35%
Athi River S/S ATH_11 11 25 17.9 72%
Baba Dogo S/S BABADOGO_11B 66 31.5 13.9 44%
Baba Dogo S/S BABADOGO_66 11 25 6.1 25%
Baba Dogo S/S BABADOGO_11 11 25 13.9 56%
Cathedral S/S CTH_66 11 25 13.7 55%
Cathedral S/S CTH_11 11 25 18.9 75%
Cianda S/S CND_66 66 31.5 3.0 10%
Cianda S/S CND_11 33 31.5 10.7 34%
City Square S/S CITYSQUARE_66 11 25 14.2 57%
City Square S/S CITYSQUARE_11 66 31.5 28.9 92%
Eastleigh S/S EASTLEIGH_66 11 25 7.2 29%
Eastleigh S/S EASTLEIGH_11 66 31.5 22.0 70%
EPZ S/S EPZ_66 66 31.5 8.4 27%
EPZ S/S EPZ_11 11 25 16.5 66%
Gigiri S/S GIGIRI_66 66 31.5 4.0 13%
Gigiri S/S GIGIRI_11 66 31.5 12.2 39%
Industrial Area S/S IND_66 66 31.5 4.7 15%
Industrial Area S/S IND_11 11 25 17.9 72%
Jevanjee S/S JVJ_66 66 31.5 6.6 21%
Jevanjee S/S JVJ_11 11 25 15.4 61%
Kabete S/S KABETE_66 66 31.5 5.3 17%
Kabete S/S KABETE_11 11 25 14.0 56%
Kajiado S/S KJD_33 66 31.5 2.6 8%
Kajiado S/S KJD_11 11 25 3.2 13%
Karen S/S KRN_66 11 25 5.4 22%
Karen S/S KRN_11 66 31.5 14.1 45%
Kiambu Road S/S KIAMBURD_66 66 31.5 8.8 28%
Kiambu Road S/S KIAMBURD_11 66 31.5 16.8 53%
Kikiyu S/S KIK_66 11 25 2.7 11%
Kikiyu S/S KIK_11 11 25 10.1 41%
Kileleshwa S/S KIL_66 11 25 6.7 27%
Kileleshwa S/S KIL_11 66 31.5 15.6 49%
Kimathi S/S KMT_11 66 31.5 16.1 51%
Kimathi S/S KMT_66 11 25 7.7 31%
Kirigiti S/S KIRIGITI_66 66 31.5 4.7 15%
Kirigiti S/S KIRIGITI_11 11 25 13.3 53%
Kitisuru S/S KTS_66 66 31.5 4.2 13%
Kitisuru S/S KTS_11 11 25 12.6 50%
Komorock S/S KOMOROCK_66 66 31.5 14.7 47%
Komorock S/S KOMOROCK_11 11 25 19.2 77%
Langata S/S LANGATA_66 66 31.5 2.2 7%
Langata S/S LANGATA_11 11 25 9.1 36%
IEC60909 Short Circuit Results (3 Phase) - Nairobi Region, 2015

Nominal Switchgear
Substation Name Fault Location Voltage (kV) Rating (kA) Ik'' (kA) % of Rating
Lavington S/S LAVINGTON_66 11 25 3.9 16%
Lavington S/S LAVINGTON_11 66 31.5 12.1 38%
Likoni Road S/S propLIKONI_ROAD 33 31.5 8.6 27%
Likoni Road S/S PropLIKONI_ROAD11 66 31.5 24.3 77%
Limuru S/S LIM_66 66 31.5 4.5 14%
Limuru S/S LIM_11 66 31.5 13.0 41%
Lower Kabete S/S LOWERKBT_66 11 25 5.8 23%
Lower Kabete S/S LOWERKBT_11 11 25 14.5 58%
Lukenya S/S LUKENYA_66 11 25 6.9 27%
Lukenya S/S LUKENYA_11 66 31.5 15.6 50%
Machakos S/S MACHAKOS_33 11 25 2.6 11%
Machakos S/S MACHAKOS_11 66 31.5 3.2 10%
Mai Mahiu S/S MAIMAHIU_66 66 31.5 3.0 10%
Mai Mahiu S/S MAIMAHIU_11 11 25 7.3 29%
Matasia S/S MTA_66 66 31.5 1.6 5%
Matasia S/S MTA_11 66 31.5 7.2 23%
Mombasa Road S/S MOMBASARD_66 11 25 14.7 59%
Mombasa Road S/S MOMBASARD_11 66 31.5 17.5 56%
Mombasa Road S/S MOMBASARD_11B 11 25 17.5 70%
Muthurwa S/S MUTHURWA_66 11 25 3.7 15%
Muthurwa S/S MUTHURWA_11 66 31.5 14.9 47%
Nairobi South S/S NST_66 66 31.5 16.7 53%
Nairobi South S/S NST_11 11 25 26.9 108%
Nairobi West S/S NWT_66 66 31.5 13.7 43%
Nairobi West S/S NWT_11 11 25 28.6 114%
Ndenderu S/S NDENDERU_66 66 31.5 8.5 27%
Ndenderu S/S NDENDERU_11 11 25 16.6 66%
Ngong Road S/S NGONG_RD66 11 25 12.1 48%
Ngong Road S/S NGONG_RD11 66 31.5 18.4 58%
Ngong S/S NGONG_66 11 25 11.5 46%
Ngong S/S NGONG_11 33 31.5 18.1 57%
NSSF S/S NSF_66 11 25 9.5 38%
NSSF S/S NSF_11 66 31.5 17.3 55%
Nyaga S/S NYG_33 66 31.5 1.3 4%
Nyaga S/S NYG_11 11 25 2.4 10%
Parklands S/S PRK_66 66 31.5 7.2 23%
Parklands S/S PRK_11 11 25 22.7 91%
Ruai S/S RUAI_66 66 31.5 9.2 29%
Ruai S/S RUAI_11 11 25 17.1 68%
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_66 66 31.5 11.0 35%
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_11 11 25 26.3 105%
Ruiru S/S RUIRU_66 11 25 4.6 18%
Ruiru S/S RUIRU_11 66 31.5 13.3 42%
Steel Billets S/S STL_66 33 31.5 15.1 48%
Steel Billets S/S STL_11 11 25 19.3 77%
Syokimau S/S SYOKIMAU_66 66 31.5 8.3 26%
IEC60909 Short Circuit Results (3 Phase) - Nairobi Region, 2015

Nominal Switchgear
Substation Name Fault Location Voltage (kV) Rating (kA) Ik'' (kA) % of Rating
Syokimau S/S SYOKIMAU_11 11 25 16.6 66%
Tala S/S TALA_66 11 25 1.7 7%
Tala S/S TALA_11 33 31.5 5.9 19%
Thika Drive Inn S/S PropTHIKADRIVEIN_66 11 25 6.1 25%
Thika Drive Inn S/S PropTHIKADRIVEIN_11 66 31.5 20.2 64%
Uplands S/S UPLANDS_66 33 31.5 3.1 10%
Uplands S/S UPLANDS_11 11 25 7.5 30%
Villa Franca S/S VILLAFRANCA_66 66 31.5 10.1 32%
Villa Franca S/S VILLAFRANCA_11 11 25 25.7 103%
Westlands S/S WSTLNDS_66 11 25 9.0 36%
Westlands S/S WSTLNDS_11 66 31.5 17.0 54%
IEC60909 Short Circuit Results (3 Phase) - Nairobi Region, 2016

Nominal Switchgear
Substation Name Fault Location Voltage (kV) Rating (kA) Ik'' (kA) % of Rating
Airport S/S NAP_66 11 25 9.5 38%
Airport S/S NAP_11 66 31.5 17.3 55%
Athi River S/S ATH_66 66 31.5 11.1 35%
Athi River S/S ATH_11 11 25 17.9 72%
Baba Dogo S/S BABADOGO_11B 66 31.5 13.9 44%
Baba Dogo S/S BABADOGO_66 66 31.5 6.1 20%
Baba Dogo S/S BABADOGO_11 11 25 13.9 56%
Cathedral S/S CTH_66 66 31.5 13.7 43%
Cathedral S/S CTH_11 66 31.5 18.9 60%
Cianda S/S CND_66 66 31.5 3.2 10%
Cianda S/S CND_11 66 31.5 10.9 35%
City Square S/S CITYSQUARE_66 11 25 14.2 57%
City Square S/S CITYSQUARE_11 33 31.5 28.9 92%
Dagoretti S/S propDAGORETTI_66 66 31.5 8.9 28%
Dagoretti S/S propDAGORETTI_11 66 31.5 16.8 53%
Eastleigh S/S EASTLEIGH_66 11 25 7.2 29%
Eastleigh S/S EASTLEIGH_11 11 25 22.0 88%
EPZ S/S EPZ_66 66 31.5 8.4 27%
EPZ S/S EPZ_11 11 25 16.5 66%
Gigiri S/S GIGIRI_66 11 25 4.0 16%
Gigiri S/S GIGIRI_11 66 31.5 12.2 39%
Githungiri S/S GITHUNGIRI_11 33 31.5 8.5 27%
Githungiri S/S GITHUNGURI_66 11 25 2.1 9%
Industrial Area S/S IND_66 11 25 4.7 19%
Industrial Area S/S IND_11 66 31.5 17.9 57%
Jevanjee S/S JVJ_66 11 25 6.6 26%
Jevanjee S/S JVJ_11 66 31.5 15.4 49%
Kabete S/S KABETE_66 66 31.5 5.3 17%
Kabete S/S KABETE_11 66 31.5 14.0 44%
Kajiado S/S KJD_33 66 31.5 2.6 8%
Kajiado S/S KJD_11 11 25 3.2 13%
Kangundo S/S propKAGUNDO_66 66 31.5 11.4 36%
Kangundo S/S propKANGUNDO_11 11 25 18.1 72%
Karen S/S KRN_66 66 31.5 5.4 17%
Karen S/S KRN_11 66 31.5 14.1 45%
Kasarani S/S KASARANI_66 11 25 14.6 58%
Kasarani S/S KASARANI_11 11 25 19.2 77%
Kiambu Road S/S KIAMBURD_66 66 31.5 8.8 28%
Kiambu Road S/S KIAMBURD_11 11 25 16.8 67%
Kikiyu S/S KIK_66 66 31.5 2.7 9%
Kikiyu S/S KIK_11 11 25 10.1 41%
Kileleshwa S/S KIL_66 66 31.5 6.7 21%
Kileleshwa S/S KIL_11 11 25 15.6 62%
Kimathi S/S KMT_11 66 31.5 16.1 51%
Kimathi S/S KMT_66 11 25 7.7 31%
IEC60909 Short Circuit Results (3 Phase) - Nairobi Region, 2016

Nominal Switchgear
Substation Name Fault Location Voltage (kV) Rating (kA) Ik'' (kA) % of Rating
Kirigiti S/S KIRIGITI_66 66 31.5 4.7 15%
Kirigiti S/S KIRIGITI_11 11 25 13.3 53%
Kiserian S/S propKISERIAN_66 66 31.5 11.8 38%
Kiserian S/S propKISERIAN_11 11 25 18.2 73%
Kitengela S/S propKITENGELA_66 66 31.5 6.8 22%
Kitengela S/S propKITENGELA_11 11 25 15.5 62%
Kitisuru S/S KTS_66 11 25 4.2 17%
Kitisuru S/S KTS_11 11 25 12.6 50%
Komorock S/S KOMOROCK_66 66 31.5 14.7 47%
Komorock S/S KOMOROCK_11 11 25 19.2 77%
Langata S/S LANGATA_66 66 31.5 2.2 7%
Langata S/S LANGATA_11 11 25 9.1 36%
Lavington S/S LAVINGTON_66 33 31.5 3.9 12%
Lavington S/S LAVINGTON_11 11 25 12.1 48%
Likoni Road S/S propLIKONI_ROAD 11 25 8.6 34%
Likoni Road S/S PropLIKONI_ROAD11 66 31.5 24.3 77%
Limuru S/S LIM_66 11 25 4.5 18%
Limuru S/S LIM_11 66 31.5 13.0 41%
Lower Kabete S/S LOWERKBT_66 66 31.5 5.8 18%
Lower Kabete S/S LOWERKBT_11 66 31.5 14.5 46%
Lukenya S/S LUKENYA_66 11 25 6.9 27%
Lukenya S/S LUKENYA_11 11 25 15.6 62%
Machakos S/S MACHAKOS_33 66 31.5 1.3 4%
Machakos S/S MACHAKOS_11 66 31.5 2.3 7%
Mai Mahiu S/S MAIMAHIU_66 11 25 3.0 12%
Mai Mahiu S/S MAIMAHIU_11 11 25 7.3 29%
Matasia S/S MTA_66 11 25 1.6 6%
Matasia S/S MTA_11 66 31.5 7.2 23%
Mombasa Road S/S MOMBASARD_66 66 31.5 14.7 47%
Mombasa Road S/S MOMBASARD_11 11 25 17.5 70%
Mombasa Road S/S MOMBASARD_11B 66 31.5 17.5 56%
Muthurwa S/S MUTHURWA_66 66 31.5 3.7 12%
Muthurwa S/S MUTHURWA_11 11 25 14.9 60%
Nairobi South S/S NST_66 11 25 16.7 67%
Nairobi South S/S NST_11 66 31.5 26.9 85%
Nairobi West S/S NWT_66 11 25 13.7 55%
Nairobi West S/S NWT_11 66 31.5 28.6 91%
Ndenderu S/S NDENDERU_66 11 25 8.5 34%
Ndenderu S/S NDENDERU_11 66 31.5 16.6 53%
Ngong Road S/S NGONG_RD66 11 25 12.1 48%
Ngong Road S/S NGONG_RD11 33 31.5 18.4 58%
Ngong S/S NGONG_66 66 31.5 11.5 36%
Ngong S/S NGONG_11 33 31.5 18.1 57%
NSSF S/S NSF_66 11 25 9.5 38%
NSSF S/S NSF_11 11 25 17.3 69%
Nyaga S/S NYG_33 66 31.5 2.2 7%
IEC60909 Short Circuit Results (3 Phase) - Nairobi Region, 2016

Nominal Switchgear
Substation Name Fault Location Voltage (kV) Rating (kA) Ik'' (kA) % of Rating
Nyaga S/S NYG_11 11 25 4.1 17%
Parklands S/S PRK_66 66 31.5 7.2 23%
Parklands S/S PRK_11 11 25 22.7 91%
Ruai S/S RUAI_66 33 31.5 9.2 29%
Ruai S/S RUAI_11 11 25 17.1 68%
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_66 66 31.5 11.0 35%
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_11 11 25 26.3 105%
Ruiru S/S RUIRU_66 66 31.5 6.5 21%
Ruiru S/S RUIRU_11 66 31.5 15.3 48%
Steel Billets S/S STL_66 11 25 15.1 60%
Steel Billets S/S STL_11 66 31.5 19.3 61%
Syokimau S/S SYOKIMAU_66 11 25 8.3 33%
Syokimau S/S SYOKIMAU_11 66 31.5 16.6 53%
Tala S/S TALA_66 66 31.5 1.7 5%
Tala S/S TALA_11 11 25 7.6 30%
Thika Drive Inn S/S PropTHIKADRIVEIN_66 11 25 6.1 25%
Thika Drive Inn S/S PropTHIKADRIVEIN_11 66 31.5 20.2 64%
Uplands S/S UPLANDS_66 66 31.5 3.1 10%
Uplands S/S UPLANDS_11 11 25 10.7 43%
Villa Franca S/S VILLAFRANCA_66 66 31.5 10.1 32%
Villa Franca S/S VILLAFRANCA_11 11 25 25.7 103%
Westlands S/S WSTLNDS_66 11 25 9.0 36%
Westlands S/S WSTLNDS_11 11 25 17.0 68%
IEC60909 Short Circuit Results (3 Phase) - Nairobi Region, 2017 (11kV breaker open)

Nominal Switchgear
Substation Name Fault Location Voltage (kV) Rating (kA) Ik'' (kA) % of Rating
Airport S/S NAP_66 66 31.5 9.5 30%
Airport S/S NAP_11 11 25 17.3 69%
Athi River S/S ATH_66 66 31.5 11.1 35%
Athi River S/S ATH_11 11 25 17.9 72%
Baba Dogo S/S BABADOGO_11B 11 25 13.9 56%
Baba Dogo S/S BABADOGO_66 66 31.5 6.1 20%
Baba Dogo S/S BABADOGO_11 11 25 13.9 56%
Cathedral S/S CTH_66 66 31.5 13.7 43%
Cathedral S/S CTH_11 11 25 18.9 75%
Cianda S/S CND_66 11 25 3.2 13%
Cianda S/S CND_11 11 25 10.9 44%
City Square S/S CitySquare_11B 66 31.5 17.4 55%
City Square S/S CITYSQUARE_66 11 25 14.2 57%
City Square S/S CITYSQUARE_11 66 31.5 17.4 55%
Dagoretti S/S propDAGORETTI_66 66 31.5 9.4 30%
Dagoretti S/S propDAGORETTI_11 66 31.5 17.1 54%
Eastleigh S/S Eastleigh2 33 31.5 14.7 47%
Eastleigh S/S EASTLEIGH_66 66 31.5 7.2 23%
Eastleigh S/S EASTLEIGH_11 66 31.5 14.7 47%
EPZ S/S EPZ_66 11 25 8.4 34%
EPZ S/S EPZ_11 66 31.5 16.5 53%
Gigiri S/S GIGIRI_66 66 31.5 4.0 13%
Gigiri S/S GIGIRI_11 66 31.5 12.2 39%
Githungiri S/S GITHUNGIRI_11 11 25 8.5 34%
Githungiri S/S GITHUNGURI_66 11 25 2.1 9%
Industrial Area S/S IND_66 11 25 4.7 19%
Industrial Area S/S IND_11 66 31.5 17.9 57%
Jevanjee S/S JVJ_66 11 25 6.6 26%
Jevanjee S/S JVJ_11 66 31.5 15.4 49%
Kabete S/S KABETE_66 11 25 5.3 21%
Kabete S/S KABETE_11 66 31.5 14.0 44%
Kajiado S/S KJD_33 11 25 2.6 11%
Kajiado S/S KJD_11 66 31.5 3.2 10%
Kangundo S/S propKAGUNDO_66 66 31.5 11.4 36%
Kangundo S/S propKANGUNDO_11 33 31.5 18.1 57%
Karen S/S KRN_66 11 25 6.7 27%
Karen S/S KRN_11 66 31.5 15.4 49%
Kasarani S/S KASARANI_66 66 31.5 14.6 46%
Kasarani S/S KASARANI_11 66 31.5 19.2 61%
Kiambu Road S/S KIAMBURD_66 11 25 8.8 35%
Kiambu Road S/S KIAMBURD_11 66 31.5 16.8 53%
Kikiyu S/S KIK_66 11 25 7.0 28%
Kikiyu S/S KIK_11 66 31.5 15.7 50%
Kileleshwa S/S KIL_66 66 31.5 6.7 21%
Kileleshwa S/S KIL_11 66 31.5 15.6 49%
IEC60909 Short Circuit Results (3 Phase) - Nairobi Region, 2017 (11kV breaker open)

Nominal Switchgear
Substation Name Fault Location Voltage (kV) Rating (kA) Ik'' (kA) % of Rating
Kimathi S/S KMT_11 11 25 16.1 65%
Kimathi S/S KMT_66 11 25 7.7 31%
Kirigiti S/S KIRIGITI_66 11 25 4.7 19%
Kirigiti S/S KIRIGITI_11 66 31.5 13.3 42%
Kiserian S/S propKISERIAN_66 11 25 11.8 47%
Kiserian S/S propKISERIAN_11 66 31.5 18.2 58%
Kitengela S/S propKITENGELA_66 11 25 6.8 27%
Kitengela S/S propKITENGELA_11 66 31.5 15.5 49%
Kitisuru S/S KTS_66 11 25 4.2 17%
Kitisuru S/S KTS_11 66 31.5 12.6 40%
Komorock S/S KOMOROCK_66 66 31.5 14.7 47%
Komorock S/S KOMOROCK_11 11 25 19.2 77%
Langata S/S LANGATA_66 66 31.5 2.2 7%
Langata S/S LANGATA_11 11 25 9.1 36%
Lavington S/S LAVINGTON_66 66 31.5 3.9 12%
Lavington S/S LAVINGTON_11 11 25 12.1 48%
Likoni Road S/S likoni_2 66 31.5 16.4 52%
Likoni Road S/S propLIKONI_ROAD 11 25 10.4 42%
Likoni Road S/S PropLIKONI_ROAD11 11 25 16.4 66%
Limuru S/S LIM_66 66 31.5 4.5 14%
Limuru S/S LIM_11 11 25 13.0 52%
Lower Kabete S/S LOWERKBT_66 66 31.5 5.8 18%
Lower Kabete S/S LOWERKBT_11 11 25 14.5 58%
Lukenya S/S LUKENYA_66 33 31.5 6.9 22%
Lukenya S/S LUKENYA_11 11 25 15.6 62%
Machakos S/S MACHAKOS_33 11 25 1.3 5%
Machakos S/S MACHAKOS_11 66 31.5 2.3 7%
Mai Mahiu S/S MAIMAHIU_66 66 31.5 3.0 10%
Mai Mahiu S/S MAIMAHIU_11 11 25 7.3 29%
Matasia S/S MTA_66 11 25 1.6 6%
Matasia S/S MTA_11 66 31.5 7.2 23%
Mombasa Road S/S MOMBASARD_66 66 31.5 14.7 47%
Mombasa Road S/S MOMBASARD_11 66 31.5 17.6 56%
Mombasa Road S/S MOMBASARD_11B 66 31.5 17.6 56%
Muthurwa S/S MUTHURWA_66 11 25 3.7 15%
Muthurwa S/S MUTHURWA_11 66 31.5 14.9 47%
Nairobi South S/S NST_66 11 25 16.7 67%
Nairobi South S/S NST_11 66 31.5 19.7 63%
Nairobi South S/S NST_11A 11 25 10.9 44%
Nairobi West S/S NWT_11B 66 31.5 17.3 55%
Nairobi West S/S NWT_66 11 25 13.7 55%
Nairobi West S/S NWT_11 66 31.5 17.3 55%
Ndenderu S/S NDENDERU_66 66 31.5 8.5 27%
Ndenderu S/S NDENDERU_11 66 31.5 16.6 53%
Ngong Road S/S NGONG_RD66 11 25 12.1 48%
Ngong Road S/S NGONG_RD11 66 31.5 18.4 58%
IEC60909 Short Circuit Results (3 Phase) - Nairobi Region, 2017 (11kV breaker open)

Nominal Switchgear
Substation Name Fault Location Voltage (kV) Rating (kA) Ik'' (kA) % of Rating
Ngong S/S NGONG_66 66 31.5 11.6 37%
Ngong S/S NGONG_11 66 31.5 18.1 58%
NSSF S/S NSF_66 33 31.5 9.5 30%
NSSF S/S NSF_11 66 31.5 17.3 55%
Nyaga S/S NYG_33 66 31.5 2.2 7%
Nyaga S/S NYG_11 33 31.5 4.1 13%
Parklands S/S prk_2 11 25 15.1 60%
Parklands S/S PRK_66 66 31.5 7.2 23%
Parklands S/S PRK_11 11 25 15.1 60%
Ruai S/S RUAI_66 11 25 9.2 37%
Ruai S/S RUAI_11 66 31.5 17.1 54%
Ruaraka S/S Ruaraka_2 66 31.5 16.4 52%
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_66 11 25 11.0 44%
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_11 66 31.5 16.4 52%
Ruiru S/S RUIRU_66 11 25 6.5 26%
Ruiru S/S RUIRU_11 33 31.5 15.3 48%
Steel Billets S/S STL_66 11 25 15.1 60%
Steel Billets S/S STL_11 66 31.5 19.3 61%
Syokimau S/S SYOKIMAU_66 11 25 8.3 33%
Syokimau S/S SYOKIMAU_11 66 31.5 16.6 53%
Tala S/S TALA_66 11 25 1.7 7%
Tala S/S TALA_11 66 31.5 7.6 24%
Thika Drive Inn S/S PropTHIKADRIVEIN_66 11 25 6.1 25%
Thika Drive Inn S/S PropTHIKADRIVEIN_11 66 31.5 13.9 44%
Umoja S/S UMOJA_66 11 25 12.1 49%
Umoja S/S UMOJA_11 66 31.5 18.4 58%
Uplands S/S UPLANDS_66 11 25 3.1 12%
Uplands S/S UPLANDS_11 66 31.5 10.7 34%
Villa Franca S/S VILLAFRANCA_66 66 31.5 10.1 32%
Villa Franca S/S VILLAFRANCA_11 11 25 16.2 65%
Villa Franca S/S Villafranca_2 66 31.5 16.2 52%
Westlands S/S WSTLNDS_66 11 25 9.0 36%
Westlands S/S WSTLNDS_11 11 25 17.0 68%
IEC60909 Short Circuit Results (3 Phase) - Nairobi Region, 2017 (11kV breaker closed)

Nominal Switchgear
Substation Name Fault Location Voltage (kV) Rating (kA) Ik'' (kA) % of Rating
Airport S/S NAP_11 66 31.5 17.3 55%
Airport S/S NAP_66 11 25 9.5 38%
Athi River S/S ATH_11 66 31.5 17.9 57%
Athi River S/S ATH_66 11 25 11.1 44%
Baba Dogo S/S BABADOGO_11B 66 31.5 20.2 64%
Baba Dogo S/S BABADOGO_11 11 25 20.2 81%
Baba Dogo S/S BABADOGO_66 11 25 6.1 25%
Cathedral S/S CTH_11 66 31.5 18.9 60%
Cathedral S/S CTH_66 66 31.5 13.7 43%
Cianda S/S CND_11 11 25 10.9 44%
Cianda S/S CND_66 66 31.5 3.2 10%
City Square S/S CITYSQUARE_11 66 31.5 28.9 92%
City Square S/S CITYSQUARE_66 11 25 14.2 57%
Dagoretti S/S propDAGORETTI_11 33 31.5 17.1 54%
Dagoretti S/S propDAGORETTI_66 66 31.5 9.4 30%
Eastleigh S/S EASTLEIGH_11 66 31.5 22.0 70%
Eastleigh S/S EASTLEIGH_66 66 31.5 7.2 23%
EPZ S/S EPZ_11 11 25 16.5 66%
EPZ S/S EPZ_66 11 25 8.4 34%
Gigiri S/S GIGIRI_11 66 31.5 12.2 39%
Gigiri S/S GIGIRI_66 11 25 4.0 16%
Githungiri S/S GITHUNGIRI_11 11 25 8.5 34%
Githungiri S/S GITHUNGURI_66 66 31.5 2.1 7%
Industrial Area S/S IND_11 11 25 17.9 72%
Industrial Area S/S IND_66 66 31.5 4.7 15%
Jevanjee S/S JVJ_11 66 31.5 15.4 49%
Jevanjee S/S JVJ_66 33 31.5 6.6 21%
Kabete S/S KABETE_11 66 31.5 14.0 44%
Kabete S/S KABETE_66 11 25 5.3 21%
Kajiado S/S KJD_11 66 31.5 3.2 10%
Kajiado S/S KJD_33 11 25 2.6 11%
Kangundo S/S propKANGUNDO_11 11 25 18.1 72%
Kangundo S/S propKAGUNDO_66 66 31.5 11.4 36%
Karen S/S KRN_11 66 31.5 15.4 49%
Karen S/S KRN_66 11 25 6.7 27%
Kasarani S/S KASARANI_11 66 31.5 19.2 61%
Kasarani S/S KASARANI_66 11 25 14.6 58%
Kiambu Road S/S KIAMBURD_11 11 25 16.8 67%
Kiambu Road S/S KIAMBURD_66 11 25 8.8 35%
Kikiyu S/S KIK_11 11 25 15.7 63%
Kikiyu S/S KIK_66 66 31.5 7.0 22%
Kileleshwa S/S KIL_11 11 25 15.6 62%
Kileleshwa S/S KIL_66 66 31.5 6.7 21%
Kimathi S/S KMT_11 11 25 16.1 65%
Kimathi S/S KMT_66 66 31.5 7.7 24%
IEC60909 Short Circuit Results (3 Phase) - Nairobi Region, 2017 (11kV breaker closed)

Nominal Switchgear
Substation Name Fault Location Voltage (kV) Rating (kA) Ik'' (kA) % of Rating
Kirigiti S/S KIRIGITI_11 11 25 13.3 53%
Kirigiti S/S KIRIGITI_66 66 31.5 4.7 15%
Kiserian S/S propKISERIAN_11 11 25 18.2 73%
Kiserian S/S propKISERIAN_66 66 31.5 11.8 38%
Kitengela S/S propKITENGELA_11 11 25 15.5 62%
Kitengela S/S propKITENGELA_66 66 31.5 6.8 22%
Kitisuru S/S KTS_11 11 25 12.6 50%
Kitisuru S/S KTS_66 66 31.5 4.2 13%
Komorock S/S KOMOROCK_11 11 25 19.2 77%
Komorock S/S KOMOROCK_66 11 25 14.7 59%
Langata S/S LANGATA_11 11 25 9.1 36%
Langata S/S LANGATA_66 66 31.5 2.2 7%
Lavington S/S LAVINGTON_11 11 25 12.1 48%
Lavington S/S LAVINGTON_66 66 31.5 3.9 12%
Likoni Road S/S PropLIKONI_ROAD11 11 25 26.1 104%
Likoni Road S/S propLIKONI_ROAD 66 31.5 10.4 33%
Limuru S/S LIM_11 66 31.5 13.0 41%
Limuru S/S LIM_66 33 31.5 4.5 14%
Lower Kabete S/S LOWERKBT_11 66 31.5 14.5 46%
Lower Kabete S/S LOWERKBT_66 11 25 5.8 23%
Lukenya S/S LUKENYA_11 66 31.5 15.6 50%
Lukenya S/S LUKENYA_66 11 25 6.9 27%
Machakos S/S MACHAKOS_11 11 25 2.3 9%
Machakos S/S MACHAKOS_33 66 31.5 1.3 4%
Mai Mahiu S/S MAIMAHIU_11 66 31.5 7.3 23%
Mai Mahiu S/S MAIMAHIU_66 66 31.5 3.0 10%
Matasia S/S MTA_11 11 25 7.2 29%
Matasia S/S MTA_66 66 31.5 1.6 5%
Mombasa Road S/S MOMBASARD_11 11 25 29.3 117%
Mombasa Road S/S MOMBASARD_11B 11 25 29.3 117%
Mombasa Road S/S MOMBASARD_66 66 31.5 14.7 47%
Muthurwa S/S MUTHURWA_11 11 25 14.9 60%
Muthurwa S/S MUTHURWA_66 66 31.5 3.7 12%
Nairobi South S/S NST_11 11 25 26.9 108%
Nairobi South S/S NST_66 66 31.5 16.7 53%
Nairobi West S/S NWT_11 66 31.5 28.6 91%
Nairobi West S/S NWT_66 66 31.5 13.7 43%
Ndenderu S/S NDENDERU_11 11 25 16.6 66%
Ndenderu S/S NDENDERU_66 66 31.5 8.5 27%
Ngong Road S/S NGONG_RD11 11 25 18.4 73%
Ngong Road S/S NGONG_RD66 66 31.5 12.1 38%
Ngong S/S NGONG_11 33 31.5 18.1 58%
Ngong S/S NGONG_66 66 31.5 11.6 37%
NSSF S/S NSF_11 66 31.5 17.3 55%
NSSF S/S NSF_66 33 31.5 9.5 30%
Nyaga S/S NYG_11 11 25 4.1 17%
IEC60909 Short Circuit Results (3 Phase) - Nairobi Region, 2017 (11kV breaker closed)

Nominal Switchgear
Substation Name Fault Location Voltage (kV) Rating (kA) Ik'' (kA) % of Rating
Nyaga S/S NYG_33 11 25 2.2 9%
Parklands S/S PRK_11 11 25 22.7 91%
Parklands S/S PRK_66 66 31.5 7.2 23%
Ruai S/S RUAI_11 11 25 17.1 68%
Ruai S/S RUAI_66 66 31.5 9.2 29%
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_11 11 25 26.3 105%
Ruaraka S/S RUARAKA_66 66 31.5 11.0 35%
Ruiru S/S RUIRU_11 66 31.5 15.3 48%
Ruiru S/S RUIRU_66 11 25 6.5 26%
Steel Billets S/S STL_11 66 31.5 19.3 61%
Steel Billets S/S STL_66 11 25 15.1 60%
Syokimau S/S SYOKIMAU_11 66 31.5 16.6 53%
Syokimau S/S SYOKIMAU_66 11 25 8.3 33%
Tala S/S TALA_11 66 31.5 7.6 24%
Tala S/S TALA_66 11 25 1.7 7%
Thika Drive Inn S/S PropTHIKADRIVEIN_11 66 31.5 20.2 64%
Thika Drive Inn S/S PropTHIKADRIVEIN_66 11 25 6.1 25%
Umoja S/S UMOJA_11 66 31.5 18.4 58%
Umoja S/S UMOJA_66 11 25 12.1 49%
Uplands S/S UPLANDS_11 66 31.5 10.7 34%
Uplands S/S UPLANDS_66 11 25 3.1 12%
Villa Franca S/S VILLAFRANCA_11 66 31.5 25.7 82%
Villa Franca S/S VILLAFRANCA_66 11 25 10.1 40%
Westlands S/S WSTLNDS_11 11 25 17.0 68%
Westlands S/S WSTLNDS_66 11 25 9.0 36%


Mount Kenya Region 33kV Network
2012 Legend
Existing Line

Upgraded Line
ISIOLO 33/11kV
1x2.5MVA New Line

Substation Upgrade

New Substation

KIANJAI 33/11kV Normally Open Point


75sqmm KYENI 33/11kV

MARANIA 33/11kV MERU 33/11kV 33/11kV
SIRIMON 33/11kV 30.8km 1x2.5MVA
1x1.5MVA 1x2.5+1x7.5MVA 1.5MVA
75sqmm 75sqmm
~8.6km 5.8km 75sqmm
75sqmm 18.2km MASINGA POWER
2km 150sqmm 150sqmm 75sqmm 75sqmm STATION
NANYUKI 33/11kV 25.7km 14.3km
150sqmm 150sqmm 150sqmm 150sqmm 150sqmm 19.8km 43.7km
16.3km ~13km ~6.3km ~8.9km MERU 132/33kV STATION
17.3km 150sqmm 150sqmm
1x23MVA 11/33kV 1x7.5MVA
11.1km 8.3km 75sqmm GITARU POWER
75sqmm ~9.6km
75sqmm 75sqmm 75sqmm STATION
~0.2km 1.3km
0.7km ~0.2km
75sqmm ~8.6km
0.7km KANYAKINE 33/11kV MARIMA 33/11kV
EMBORI 33/11kV KIIRUA 33/11kV 2x2.5MVA 1x2.5MVA
75sqmm 2x2.5MVA 1x630kVA
NANYUKI 132/33kV
11/33kV 3x2.5MVA

75sqmm ST
75sqmm 1x1.5MVA 75sqmm
To Mwingi
MATUU 33/11kV
75sqmm 75sqmm
20.1km 23.0km

75sqmm MWEIGA 33/11kV

~14km 1x2.5+1x7.5MVA KITUI 33/11kV

NDULA 33/11kV

25sqmm 50sqmm
75sqmm KIGANJO 33/11kV ~7.3km 15.7km
~3.1km 2x7.5MVA


75sqmm 1x7.5MVA 75sqmm 1x7.5MVA
~4km ~9.2km

KIGANJO 132/33kV 150sqmm

2x23 MVA ~6.8km
1x7.5MVA 15.5km
75sqmm 150sqmm
GITHAMBO 33/11kV 27.3km 28.9km
150sqmm 150sqmm
~24km EMBU 33/11kV
15.1km 24.4km
75sqmm 150sqmm 10.7km NGETHU 33/11kV
6.3km ~0.7km 1x7.5MVA NDARUGU 33/11kV
66/33kV 1x23MVA 8.5km
KARATINA 33/11kV SAGANA 33/11kV KUTUS 33/11kV 66/11 kV 2x23 MVA
2x7.5MVA 1x2.5MVA 1x2.5MVA


150sqmm 150sqmm
OTHAYA 33/11kV 36km 32km
2x7.5MVA TANA 66/33/11kV JUJA ROAD 132/66 kV
23MVA (Nairobi)
150sqmm 150sqmm
36km 32km
Mount Kenya Region 33kV Network
Expansion 2012-2017 Legend
Existing Line

Upgraded Line
ISIOLO 33/11kV
3x2.5MVA New Line

75sqmm Substation Upgrade

ISIOLO 132/33kV New Substation
KIANJAI 33/11kV 75sqmm
MAUA 132/33kV Normally Open Point
2x2.5MVA 1x23MVA
5 MVAr
KYENI 132/33kV
75sqmm 75sqmm KYENI 33/11kV
MARANIA 33/11kV MERU 33/11kV 1x23MVA 33/11kV
SIRIMON 33/11kV 23.5km ~0.5km 1x2.5+1x7.5MVA
2x1.5MVA 2x15MVA 1.5MVA
75sqmm 75sqmm
5 MVAr ~8.6km 5.8km 75sqmm
75sqmm 18.2km MASINGA POWER
2km 150sqmm 150sqmm 150sqmm 150sqmm 75sqmm 75sqmm STATION
NANYUKI 33/11kV 17.9km 3.5km 6km 14.3km
150sqmm 150sqmm 150sqmm 150sqmm 150sqmm 19.8km 43.7km
16.3km ~13km ~6.3km ~8.9km MERU 132/33kV STATION
17.3km 150sqmm 150sqmm
2x23MVA 11/33kV 1x7.5MVA
11.1km 8.3km 3 MVAr 75sqmm GITARU POWER
75sqmm ~9.6km
75sqmm 75sqmm 75sqmm STATION
~0.2km 1.3km
0.7km ~0.2km
75sqmm 150sqmm ~8.6km
0.7km 7.8km KANYAKINE 33/11kV MARIMA 33/11kV
EMBORI 33/11kV KIIRUA 33/11kV 7.8km 2x7.5MVA 1x2.5+1x7.5MVA
3.6 MVAr
75sqmm 2x7.5MVA 1x2.5MVA
NANYUKI 132/33kV
NKUENE 33/11kV 11/33kV 3x2.5MVA
150sqmm 75sqmm
~7km 75sqmm
50km 75sqmm
MTUNGUU 132/33kV Marimanti
KAHURURA 33/11kV 1x23MVA 75sqmm
3.6 MVAr ST
75sqmm 2x2.5MVA 75sqmm
75sqmm MWINGI 132/33kV
49.5km 2x23MVA
MATUU 33/11kV
150sqmm 75sqmm
20.1km 23.0km

150sqmm MWEIGA 33/11kV
~14km 2x7.5MVA KITUI 33/11kV KITUI 132/33kV
2x2.5MVA 75sqmm
0.2km 1x5MVA
NDULA 33/11kV
MUIRUNGI 33/11kV KANGEMA 33/11kV 2x2.5MVA
150sqmm 7.5MVA 2x7.5MVA
7.2km 2 MVAr

KIAMTUGU 33/11kV KUTUS 132/33kV MWEA 33/11kV 75sqmm 150sqmm 150sqmm 150sqmm
75sqmm KIGANJO 33/11kV 150sqmm 1x7.5MVA 75sqmm 2x23MVA 75sqmm 1x7.5MVA
~7.3km 15.7km
~3.1km 2x7.5MVA ~23km ~16km ~14km
3 MVAr
150sqmm MUKA MUKUU 33/11kV MAKUYU 33/11kV RUIRU 66/33kV
150sqmm ~0.4km 2x7.5MVA 75sqmm 2x7.5MVA (Nairobi)
~4km ~9.2km
28km 300sqmm
150sqmm 8km
KIGANJO 132/33kV 150sqmm ~0.5km 150sqmm
2x45 MVA ~4km
KAGUMO 33/11kV 75sqmm KERUGOYA 33/11kV 2x7.5MVA
2x7.5MVA 2x7.5MVA 15.5km THIKA NORTH 66/11kV JKAUT 66/11kV
~9km 75sqmm 75sqmm 150sqmm 150sqmm 2x23MVA 2x23MVA
GITHAMBO 33/11kV 8.3km 19km 4km 24.9km
75sqmm 2x7.5MVA 150sqmm
NYERI 33/11kV ~9.7km 75sqmm
150sqmm 300sqmm 300sqmm
1x7.5MVA 150sqmm 150sqmm 4.3km
~12km ~12km ~5.5km
~24km EMBU 33/11kV ~30km
15.1km 24.4km
75sqmm 150sqmm 10.7km GATAKAINI 33/11kV NGETHU 33/11kV
6.3km ~0.7km 1x7.5MVA 2x7.5MVA
300sqmm MANGU 132/66kV
66/33kV 2x23MVA ~5.2km
KARATINA 33/11kV SAGANA 33/11kV KUTUS 33/11kV MURANGA 33/11kV
66/11 kV 2x23 MVA
2x7.5MVA 7.5sqmm
2x7.5MVA 1x7.5+1x2.5MVA 1x2.5+1x7.5MVA 2x7.5MVA 6.3km
5.6km TANA POWER 150sqmm
MUKURWEINI 33/11kV 75sqmm 2x7.5MVA 75sqmm 300sqmm
1x23MVA 66/11kV
1x7.5MVA 7.5km 1.5km 1km
75sqmm 75sqmm
5.6km 12.3km 150sqmm
150sqmm 150sqmm
OTHAYA 33/11kV 36km 32km
2x7.5MVA TANA 66/33/11kV JUJA ROAD 132/66 kV
23MVA (Nairobi)
150sqmm 150sqmm
36km 32km
Mount Kenya (North) - Proposed Network (2017)
Mount Kenya (South) - Proposed Network (2017)
Load Register - Mount Kenya Region Arrangement
Arrangement and Capacity
Load in Period 0 0 1 2 3 4 5
Area Type Description MVA Growth Profile 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
1 CHUKA PRI KYENI 2 Embu 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x7.5, 1x2.5 1x7.5, 1x2.5 1x7.5, 1x2.5
2 CHUKA PRI MARIMA 2.3 Tharaka Nithi 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x7.5, 1x2.5 1x7.5, 1x2.5 1x7.5, 1x2.5
3 EMBU PRI EMBU 7.5 Embu 1x7.5 2x7.5 2x7.5 2x7.5 2x7.5 2x7.5
4 EMBU PRI EMBU EAST 0 Embu 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 2x7.5
5 EMBU PRI KERUGOYA 4.4 Kirinyaga 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 2x7.5
6 EMBU PRI KUTUS 1.1 Kirinyaga 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x7.5, 1x2.5 1x7.5, 1x2.5
7 EMBU PRI PROP. KAGUMO 0 Kirinyaga 1x7.5 2x7.5
9 GITHAMBO PRI GITHAMBO 4.5 Muranga 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 2x7.5
10 GITHAMBO PRI KANGEMA 0 Nyeri 2x7.5 2x7.5 2x7.5
11 GITHAMBO PRI NGETHU 4 Kiambu 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 2x7.5
13 ISIOLO PRI ISIOLO 1.6 Meru 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 2x2.5 3x2.5
14 KIANJAI PRI KIANJAI 1 Meru 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 2x2.5
15 MASINGA PRI KITUI 1.2 Kitui 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 2x2.5
16 MASINGA PRI MASINGA 0.3 Machakos 1x1.5 1x1.5 1x1.5 1x1.5 1x1.5 1x1.5
17 MASINGA PRI MATUU 0.8 Machakos 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 2x2.5
18 MERU PRI KANYAKINE 3 Meru 2x2.5 2x2.5 2x2.5 2x2.5 1x7.5, 1x2.5 2x7.5
19 MERU PRI KIIRUA 0.5 Meru 1x0.630 1x0.630 1x0.630 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5
20 MERU PRI MERU 8.6 Meru 1x7.5, 1x2.5 1x7.5, 1x2.5 1x7.5, 1x2.5 1x15,1x7.5 2x15 2x15
21 MERU PRI PROP. NKUENE 0 Meru 1x7.5 1x7.5 2x7.5
22 NANYUKI PRI MARANIA 0.5 Meru 1x1.5 1x1.5 1x1.5 1x1.5 1x1.5 2x1.5
23 NANYUKI PRI NANYUKI 4.5 Nyeri 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 2x7.5
24 NANYUKI PRI PROP. KAHURURA 0 Nyeri 1x7.5 1x7.5
25 NYERI PRI KARATINA 6.5 Nyeri 2x7.5 2x7.5 2x7.5 2x7.5 2x7.5 2x7.5
26 NYERI PRI KIGANJO 7.2 Nyeri 2x7.5 2x7.5 2x7.5 2x7.5 2x7.5 2x7.5
27 NYERI PRI MWEIGA 3.5 Nyeri 1x7.5, 1x2.5 1x7.5, 1x2.5 1x7.5, 1x2.5 1x7.5, 1x2.5 1x7.5, 1x2.5 2x7.5
28 NYERI PRI NARO MORU 1 Nyeri 1x1.5 1x1.5 1x1.5 1x1.5 1x2.5, 1x1.5 2x2.5
29 NYERI PRI NYERI TOWN (RURINGU) 0 Nyeri 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5
30 NYERI PRI OTHAYA 5.6 Nyeri 2x7.5 2x7.5 2x7.5 2x7.5 2x7.5 2x7.5
31 NYERI PRI PROP. MUKURWEINI 0 Embu 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5
32 NYERI PRI PROP. MURINGI 0 Nyeri 1x7.5
33 NYERI PRI SAGANA FALLS 1 Nyeri 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x7.5, 1x2.5 1x7.5, 1x2.5 2x7.5
35 SAGANA PRI MWEA 0 Kirinyaga 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5
36 SAGANA PRI SAGANA 2 Kirinyaga 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x7.5, 1x2.5 1x7.5, 1x2.6
37 TANA PRI TANA 33/11 0.2 Muranga 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5
38 THIKA PRI GATUNDU 0 Kiambu 2x7.5 2x7.5 2x7.5 2x7.5
39 THIKA PRI JKUAT (NDARUGU) 0 Kiambu 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23
40 THIKA PRI MAKUYU 2 Muranga 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 2x7.5
41 THIKA PRI MUKA MUKUU 4.5 Machakos 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 2x7.5
42 THIKA PRI NDARUGU 6 Kiambu 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 0 0 0
43 THIKA PRI NDULA 2 Kiambu 2x2.5 2x2.5 2x2.5 2x2.5 2x2.5 2x2.5
44 THIKA PRI THIKA 11 kV 18 Kiambu 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23
45 THIKA PRI THIKA INDUSTRIAL (EAST) 0 Kiambu 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45 2x45
46 THIKA PRI THIKA NORTH 0 Kiambu 1x23 1x23 1x23 2x23
47 TIMAU PRI EMBORI 3 Meru 2x2.5 2x2.5 2x2.5 2x2.5 1x7.5, 1x2.5 2x7.5
48 TIMAU PRI SIRIMON 0.1 Industrial 1x0.315 1x0.315 1x0.315 1x0.315 1x0.315 1x0.315
Pre Transfer Load - Mount Kenya Region
MVA Load
0 1 2 3 4 5
Area Type Description Growth Profile 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
1 CHUKA PRI KYENI Embu 2. 2.264 2.587 3.085 3.508 3.978
2 CHUKA PRI MARIMA Tharaka Nithi 2.3 2.641 3.06 3.69 4.246 4.873
3 EMBU PRI EMBU Embu 7.5 8.489 9.701 11.57 13.154 14.917
4 EMBU PRI EMBU EAST Embu 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
5 EMBU PRI KERUGOYA Kirinyaga 4.4 4.941 5.589 6.528 7.362 8.288
6 EMBU PRI KUTUS Kirinyaga 1.1 1.235 1.397 1.632 1.84 2.072
7 EMBU PRI PROP. KAGUMO Kirinyaga 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
8 EMBU PRI PROP. KIAMTUGU Embu 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
9 GITHAMBO PRI GITHAMBO Muranga 4.5 5.079 5.769 6.752 7.644 8.639
10 GITHAMBO PRI KANGEMA Nyeri 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
11 GITHAMBO PRI NGETHU Kiambu 4. 4.483 5.075 6.004 6.774 7.634
12 GITHAMBO PRI PROP. GATAKAINE Muranga 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
13 ISIOLO PRI ISIOLO Meru 1.6 1.79 2.018 2.349 2.641 2.966
14 KIANJAI PRI KIANJAI Meru 1. 1.119 1.261 1.468 1.651 1.854
15 MASINGA PRI KITUI Kitui 1.2 1.378 1.597 1.925 2.217 2.547
16 MASINGA PRI MASINGA Machakos 0.3 0.341 0.389 0.454 0.517 0.587
17 MASINGA PRI MATUU Machakos 0.8 0.908 1.036 1.212 1.379 1.566
18 MERU PRI KANYAKINE Meru 3. 3.357 3.784 4.403 4.952 5.561
19 MERU PRI KIIRUA Meru 0.5 0.56 0.631 0.734 0.825 0.927
20 MERU PRI MERU Meru 8.6 9.624 10.848 12.623 14.196 15.943
21 MERU PRI PROP. NKUENE Meru 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
22 NANYUKI PRI MARANIA Meru 0.5 0.56 0.631 0.734 0.825 0.927
23 NANYUKI PRI NANYUKI Nyeri 4.5 5.051 5.722 6.747 7.615 8.578
24 NANYUKI PRI PROP. KAHURURA Nyeri 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
25 NYERI PRI KARATINA Nyeri 6.5 7.296 8.265 9.745 10.999 12.39
26 NYERI PRI KIGANJO Nyeri 7.2 8.082 9.155 10.795 12.184 13.724
27 NYERI PRI MWEIGA Nyeri 3.5 3.929 4.45 5.247 5.923 6.671
28 NYERI PRI NARO MORU Nyeri 1. 1.122 1.272 1.499 1.692 1.906
29 NYERI PRI NYERI TOWN (RURINGU) Nyeri 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
30 NYERI PRI OTHAYA Nyeri 5.6 6.286 7.12 8.396 9.476 10.674
31 NYERI PRI PROP. MUKURWEINI Embu 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
32 NYERI PRI PROP. MURINGI Nyeri 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
33 NYERI PRI SAGANA FALLS Nyeri 1. 1.122 1.272 1.499 1.692 1.906
34 SAGANA PRI MURANGA Muranga 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
35 SAGANA PRI MWEA Kirinyaga 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
36 SAGANA PRI SAGANA Kirinyaga 2. 2.246 2.541 2.967 3.346 3.767
37 TANA PRI TANA 33/11 Muranga 0.2 0.226 0.256 0.3 0.34 0.384
38 THIKA PRI GATUNDU Kiambu 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
39 THIKA PRI JKUAT (NDARUGU) Kiambu 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
40 THIKA PRI MAKUYU Muranga 2. 2.257 2.564 3.001 3.397 3.84
41 THIKA PRI MUKA MUKUU Machakos 4.5 5.109 5.83 6.816 7.755 8.811
42 THIKA PRI NDARUGU Kiambu 6. 6.724 7.613 9.006 10.161 11.451
43 THIKA PRI NDULA Kiambu 2. 2.241 2.538 3.002 3.387 3.817
44 THIKA PRI THIKA 11 kV Kiambu 18. 20.173 22.838 27.019 30.482 34.352
45 THIKA PRI THIKA INDUSTRIAL (EAST) Kiambu 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
46 THIKA PRI THIKA NORTH Kiambu 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
47 TIMAU PRI EMBORI Meru 3. 3.357 3.784 4.403 4.952 5.561
48 TIMAU PRI SIRIMON Industrial 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
Load Transfers - Mount Kenya Region
MVA Load
0 1 2 3 4 5
To From From Period Amount Amount Period Growth Profile Reason 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
1 EMBU EAST EMBU 2013 2 2012 Embu Siakago feeder - 2 MVA (2012) 2.264 2.587 3.085 3.508 3.978
2 EMBU EAST EMBU 2013 1.419 2012 Embu 30% of Town Feeder - 4.73 MVA (2012) 1.606 1.835 2.189 2.489 2.822
3 GATUNDU RUIRU 2014 0.7 2012 Kiambu Transmitters - 700 kVA (2012) 0.888 1.051 1.185 1.336
4 JKUAT (NDARUGU) THIKA 11 kV 2014 2.3 2012 Kiambu Ndarugu feeder - 2.3 MVA (2012) 2.918 3.452 3.895 4.389
5 JKUAT (NDARUGU) NDARUGU 2015 6 2012 Kiambu 100% from Ndarugu due to vandalism, old substation 9.006 10.161 11.451
6 KANGEMA OTHAYA 2015 0.84 2012 Nyeri 30% of Chinga Feeder, 2.8 MVA (2012) 1.259 1.421 1.601
7 KANGEMA GITHAMBO 2015 2 2012 Muranga Kangema Feeder, 2 MVA (2012) 3.001 3.397 3.84
8 KYENI MARIMA 2015 0.4 2012 Tharaka Nithi 40% of Chogoria Feeder, Est. 1 MVA 2012 0.642 0.738 0.847
9 MWEA SAGANA 2015 1.2 2012 Kirinyaga 100% of Mwea Feeder - 1200 kVA (2012) 1.78 2.008 2.26
10 NYERI TOWN (RURINGU) OTHAYA 2013 0.5 2012 Nyeri 20% of Othaya Town Feeder, 2.5 MVA (2012) 0.561 0.636 0.75 0.846 0.953
11 NYERI TOWN (RURINGU) KIGANJO 2013 1.575 2012 Nyeri 35% of Nyeri Town Feeder, Est. 4.5 MVA (2012) 1.768 2.003 2.361 2.665 3.002
12 PROP. GATAKAINE NGETHU 2017 2 2017 Kiambu 2 MVA from Ngethu in 2017 2.
13 PROP. KAGUMO KARATINA 2016 1.05 2012 Nyeri 50% of Town Feeder, 2.1 MVA (2012) 1.777 2.001
14 PROP. KAGUMO KERUGOYA 2016 1.2 2012 Kirinyaga 50% of Town Feeder, 2.4 MVA (2012) 2.008 2.26
15 PROP. KAHURURA NANYUKI 2016 1.7 2012 Nyeri 50% of Safari and Town, 3.4 MVA (2012) 2.877 3.24
16 PROP. KIAMTUGU KUTUS 2017 0.5 2012 Kirinyaga 50% of Anti-Ndhoma Feeder, 1 MVA (2012) 0.942
17 PROP. KIAMTUGU EMBU 2017 0.6 2012 Embu Gichugu - 600 kVA (2012) 1.193
18 PROP. MUKURWEINI KARATINA 2015 2.1 2012 Nyeri 70% of Mukurweini Feeder, 3 MVA (2012) 3.148 3.554 4.003
19 PROP. MURINGI OTHAYA 2017 2 2017 Nyeri 2 MVA from Othaya in 2017 2.
20 PROP. NKUENE MERU 2015 2.7 2012 Meru 60% of Imenti Feeder, 4.5 MVA, 2012 3.963 4.457 5.005
21 PROP. NKUENE KANYAKINE 2015 0.8 2012 Meru 40% of Town Feeder, Est. 2 MVA (2012) 1.174 1.321 1.483
22 SAGANA FALLS KIGANJO 2015 1.8 2012 Nyeri 40% of Nyeri Town Feeder, Est 4.5 MVA (2012) 2.699 3.046 3.431
23 TALA MUKA MUKUU 2015 1.6 2012 Machakos 40% of Tala Kangundo, Est. 4 MVA, 2012 2.424 2.757 3.133
24 THIKA INDUSTRIAL (EAST) THIKA 11 kV 2013 7.85 2012 Kiambu 50% of Industrial 1,2,3 and Bidco - 2012 8.798 9.96 11.783 13.294 14.981
25 THIKA NORTH THIKA 11 kV 2014 1.75 2012 Kiambu 50% of Makuyu Feeder - 3.5 MVA (2012) 2.22 2.627 2.964 3.34
26 THIKA NORTH MAKUYU 2014 0.8255 2012 Muranga 50% of Thika Feeder - 1651 kVA (2012) 1.058 1.239 1.402 1.585
Post-Transfer Load - Mount Kenya Region
MVA Load
0 1 2 3 4 5
Area Type Description Growth Profile 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
1 CHUKA PRI KYENI Embu 2. 2.264 2.587 3.727 4.246 4.825
2 CHUKA PRI MARIMA Tharaka Nithi 2.3 2.641 3.06 3.048 3.508 4.025
3 EMBU PRI EMBU Embu 7.5 4.619 5.279 6.296 7.157 6.923
4 EMBU PRI EMBU EAST Embu 0. 3.87 4.422 5.274 5.996 6.8
5 EMBU PRI KERUGOYA Kirinyaga 4.4 4.941 5.589 6.528 5.354 6.028
6 EMBU PRI KUTUS Kirinyaga 1.1 1.235 1.397 1.632 1.84 1.13
7 EMBU PRI PROP. KAGUMO Kirinyaga 0. 0. 0. 0. 3.785 4.262
8 EMBU PRI PROP. KIAMTUGU Embu 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 2.135
9 GITHAMBO PRI GITHAMBO Muranga 4.5 5.079 5.769 3.751 4.247 4.8
10 GITHAMBO PRI KANGEMA Nyeri 0. 0. 0. 4.26 4.819 5.441
11 GITHAMBO PRI NGETHU Kiambu 4. 4.483 5.075 6.004 6.774 5.634
12 GITHAMBO PRI PROP. GATAKAINE Muranga 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 2.
13 ISIOLO PRI ISIOLO Meru 1.6 1.79 2.018 2.349 2.641 2.966
14 KIANJAI PRI KIANJAI Meru 1. 1.119 1.261 1.468 1.651 1.854
15 MASINGA PRI KITUI Kitui 1.2 1.378 1.597 1.925 2.217 2.547
16 MASINGA PRI MASINGA Machakos 0.3 0.341 0.389 0.454 0.517 0.587
17 MASINGA PRI MATUU Machakos 0.8 0.908 1.036 1.212 1.379 1.566
18 MERU PRI KANYAKINE Meru 3. 3.357 3.784 3.229 3.632 4.078
19 MERU PRI KIIRUA Meru 0.5 0.56 0.631 0.734 0.825 0.927
20 MERU PRI MERU Meru 8.6 9.624 10.848 8.66 9.739 10.937
21 MERU PRI PROP. NKUENE Meru 0. 0. 0. 5.137 5.778 6.488
22 NANYUKI PRI MARANIA Meru 0.5 0.56 0.631 0.734 0.825 0.927
23 NANYUKI PRI NANYUKI Nyeri 4.5 5.051 5.722 6.747 4.738 5.337
24 NANYUKI PRI PROP. KAHURURA Nyeri 0. 0. 0. 0. 2.877 3.24
25 NYERI PRI KARATINA Nyeri 6.5 7.296 8.265 6.597 5.669 6.386
26 NYERI PRI KIGANJO Nyeri 7.2 6.314 7.152 5.735 6.473 7.291
27 NYERI PRI MWEIGA Nyeri 3.5 3.929 4.45 5.247 5.923 6.671
28 NYERI PRI NARO MORU Nyeri 1. 1.122 1.272 1.499 1.692 1.906
29 NYERI PRI NYERI TOWN (RURINGU) Nyeri 0. 2.329 2.638 3.111 3.511 3.955
30 NYERI PRI OTHAYA Nyeri 5.6 5.725 6.485 6.387 7.209 6.12
31 NYERI PRI PROP. MUKURWEINI Embu 0. 0. 0. 3.148 3.554 4.003
32 NYERI PRI PROP. MURINGI Nyeri 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 2.
33 NYERI PRI SAGANA FALLS Nyeri 1. 1.122 1.272 4.198 4.738 5.337
34 SAGANA PRI MURANGA Muranga 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
35 SAGANA PRI MWEA Kirinyaga 0. 0. 0. 1.78 2.008 2.26
36 SAGANA PRI SAGANA Kirinyaga 2. 2.246 2.541 1.187 1.339 1.507
37 TANA PRI TANA 33/11 Muranga 0.2 0.226 0.256 0.3 0.34 0.384
38 THIKA PRI GATUNDU Kiambu 0. 0. 0.888 1.051 1.185 1.336
39 THIKA PRI JKUAT (NDARUGU) Kiambu 0. 0. 2.918 12.459 14.056 15.84
40 THIKA PRI MAKUYU Muranga 2. 2.257 1.506 1.762 1.995 2.255
41 THIKA PRI MUKA MUKUU Machakos 4.5 5.109 5.83 4.393 4.998 5.678
42 THIKA PRI NDARUGU Kiambu 6. 6.724 7.613 0. 0. 0.
43 THIKA PRI NDULA Kiambu 2. 2.241 2.538 3.002 3.387 3.817
44 THIKA PRI THIKA 11 kV Kiambu 18. 11.375 7.74 9.156 10.33 11.641
45 THIKA PRI THIKA INDUSTRIAL (EAST) Kiambu 0. 8.798 9.96 11.783 13.294 14.981
46 THIKA PRI THIKA NORTH Kiambu 0. 0. 3.279 3.865 4.366 4.925
47 TIMAU PRI EMBORI Meru 3. 3.357 3.784 4.403 4.952 5.561
48 TIMAU PRI SIRIMON Industrial 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
Feeder Load Flow Analysis - Mount Kenya Region, 2012


Nominal Maximum Maximum Average Minimum Minimum

Bulk Supply Point Feeder Name Voltage (kV) Length (km) Loading (A) Loading (%) Loading (%) Voltage (kV) Voltage (%)
OUT OF SERVICE #N/A 0.6 0 0 0.00 0 0.00
Isiolo School Of Artillery 33 4.2 5 1.88 1.36 31.061 94.13
Wamba 33 82.9 6 2.14 0.99 30.992 93.92
Kamburu Kamburu - Gitaru 33 13.5 3 1.22 0.38 33.394 101.19
Kyeni 33 172.3 39 13.93 3.35 32.137 97.38
Kiganjo Nanyuki 33 171.6 206 73.71 9.07 30.956 93.81
Othaya - Karatina 33 20.3 115 40.97 37.71 31.841 96.49
Sagana-Karatina-Kutus-Embu 33 114.1 361 86.07 33.54 25.855 78.35
Kindaruma Gitaru 33 10.1 4 1.27 0.46 33.458 101.39
Kiambere 33 38.2 13 4.68 3.08 34.009 103.06
Kitui 33 284.9 51 18.13 4.81 31.517 95.51
Masinga Masinga 33 22.0 22 7.97 5.35 33.093 100.28
Meru Marima 33 52.1 59 21.11 14.78 31.782 96.31
Maua 33 202.6 98 34.95 6.98 30.546 92.56
Mwega Ngobit 33 38.1 2 0.8 0.37 31.708 96.08
Nanyuki Isiolo-Meru 33 152.7 167 59.55 12.72 31.101 94.25
Kiganjo 33 0.9 43 15.43 15.36 34.146 103.47
Tana Sagana 33 63.5 41 14.72 2.73 33.052 100.16
Thika 66 147.6 156 37.05 19.39 65.735 99.60
Thika Makuyu 33 30.0 60 42.69 13.42 33.019 100.06
Muka Muku 33 40.1 102 36.29 16.65 32.553 98.65
Ngethu 33 105.3 118 42.07 14.31 30.336 91.93
Transformer Load Flow Analysis - Mount Kenya Region, 2012


Nominal Capacity
Substation Element Name Voltage (kV) (MVA) Loading (%)
Embori EMR_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 33.98
EMR_33_11_TX2 33/11 2.5 33.98
Embu EMB_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 52.24
Gitaru GITARU_33_0.433_TX_ALT 33/0.433 0.63 30.9
GITARU_33_0.433_TX_ALT1 15/0.433 1 9.93
GITARU_33_0.433_TX_ALT2 15/0.433 1 9.93
GITARU_132_15_TX1 15/132 85 0
GITARU_132_15_TX2 15/132 85 0
Githambo GIT_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 26.35
Isiolo ISL_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 36.27
Kamburu KAM1_132_11_TX3 132/11 23 21.15
KAM1_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 50.44
Kanyakinne KAY_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 33.98
KAY_33_11_TX2 33/11 2.5 33.98
Karatina KTN_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 77.75
Kerugoya KRG_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 30.35
Kianjai KIAN_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 22.6
Kiganjo KGJ_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 32.68
KGJ_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 32.68
Kiganjo 132/33 KIG_132_33_TX 132/33 23 125.23
KIG_132_33_TX2 132/33 23 109.17
Kiirua KRA_33_11_TX 33/11 0.63 45.1
Kindaruma KRU_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 50.42
KRU_33_11_TX2 33/11 2.5 50.42
KRU_33_11_TX3 33/11 2.5 50.42
KINDARUMA_132_11_TX3 11/132 25 0
KINDARUMA_132_11_TX2 11/132 25 0
KINDARUMA_132_11_TX1 11/132 25 0
Kitui KTI_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 16.58
Kutus KUT_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 22.67
Kyeni KYE_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 34.22
Makuyu MAKUYU_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 22.01
Marania MRN_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 11.33
Marima MAR_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 52.34
Masinga MAS001_33_11_TX 33/11 0.5 61.02
Masinga PP MASINGA_11_0.433_TX_ALT 11/0.433 0.63 0.21
MASINGA_132_11_TX1 143.7/11 23 0
MASINGA_132_11_TX2 143.7/11 23 0
Matuu MATUU_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 11.06
Meru MRU_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 40.85
MRU_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 95.06
Meru 132/33 MERU132_132_33_TX 132/33 23 109.62
Muka MUK_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 32.32
Nanyuki NYK_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 34.06
Nanyuki 132/33 NANYUKI_132_33_TX 132/33 23 49.38

Nominal Capacity
Substation Element Name Voltage (kV) (MVA) Loading (%)
Naro Moru NMO_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 27.3
Ndarugu NDARUGU_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 43.24
Ndula NDU_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 33.01
NDU_33_11_TX2 33/11 2.5 33.01
Ngethu NGE_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 23.41
Othaya OTH_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 37.94
OTH_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 37.94
Sagana SGN_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 71.72
Sagana Falls SGF_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 27.31
Sirimon KIIA_33_11_TX 33/11 0.315 18.1
Tana TANA_66_11_TX1 66/11 23 29.11
TANA_66_11_TX2 66/11 23 29.11
TANA_66_33_TX 66/33 23 14.55
TANA_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 8.09
Thika THK_66_11_TX 66/11 23 57.08
THK_66_11_TX2 66/11 23 57.08
THK_66_33_TX 66/33 23 94.55
Masinga MAS001_33_11_TX 33/11 0.5 60.02
Load Flow Analysis Substation Loads - Mount Kenya Region, 2012


Substation Element Name P (MW) Q (MVAr) S (MVA)

Embori EMR_LOAD 1.510 0.731 1.678
Embu EMB_LOAD 3.437 1.664 3.819
Githambo GIT_LOAD 1.756 0.850 1.951
Isiolo ISL_LOAD 0.805 0.390 0.894
Kanyakinne KAY_LOAD 1.510 0.731 1.678
Karatina KTN_LOAD 5.662 0.942 5.740
Kerugoya KRG_LOAD 2.016 0.977 2.240
Kianjai KIAN_LOAD 0.503 0.244 0.559
Kiganjo KGJ_LOAD 4.347 2.105 4.830
Kiirua KRA_LOAD 0.252 0.122 0.280
Kitui KTI_LOAD 0.369 0.179 0.410
Kutus KUT_LOAD 0.504 0.244 0.560
Kyeni KYE_LOAD 0.760 0.368 0.844
Makuyu MAKUYU_LOAD 1.468 0.711 1.631
Marania MRN_LOAD 0.252 0.122 0.280
Marima MAR_LOAD 1.158 0.561 1.287
Masinga MAS001_LOAD 0.270 0.131 0.300
Matuu MATUU_LOAD 0.246 0.119 0.273
Meru MRU_LOAD 6.192 2.999 6.880
MRU2_LOAD 0.906 0.439 1.007
Muka MUK_LOAD 2.150 1.042 2.389
Nanyuki NYK_LOAD 2.265 1.097 2.517
Naro Moru NMO_LOAD 0.604 0.292 0.671
Ndarugu NDARUGU_LOAD 2.867 1.388 3.185
Ndula NDU_LOAD 1.468 0.711 1.631
Ngethu NGE_LOAD 1.560 0.756 1.734
Othaya OTH_LOAD 5.040 2.441 5.600
Sagana SGN_LOAD 1.742 0.290 1.766
Sagana Falls SGF_LOAD 0.604 0.292 0.671
Sirimon KIIA_LOAD 0.050 0.025 0.056
Tana TANA_LOAD 0.180 0.087 0.200
Thika THK_LOAD 16.200 7.846 18.000
Grand Total 68.653 30.896 75.285
Load Flow Network Infeeds - Mt. Kenya Region, 2012


Substation Pgen (MW) Qgen (MVAr)

Gitaru 0.188 0.065
Kamburu 3.575 1.309
Kiambere 0 0
Kiganjo 132/33 36.342 21.433
Kindaruma 3.675 0.916
Masinga PP 0.001 0
Meru 132/33 16.845 10.274
Nanyuki 132/33 8.105 3.65
Tana 7.412 5.739
Juja Road 27.102 11.364
Grand Total 103.245 54.75
IEC60909 Short Circuit Results (3 Phase) - Mount Kenya Region, 2012


Nominal Switchgear
Substation Fault location Voltage (kV) Rating (kA) Ik" (kA) % of Rating
Embori EMR_11 11 25 2.663 10.7
EMR_33 33 31.5 1.955 6.2
Embu EMB_11 11 25 1.416 5.7
EMB_33 33 31.5 0.609 1.9
Gitaru GITARU_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
GITARU_33 33 31.5 0.169 0.5
GITARU_ALT_15 15 25 50.098 200.4
Githambo GIT_11 11 25 1.516 6.1
GIT_33 33 31.5 0.651 2.1
Isiolo ISL_11 11 25 1.217 4.9
ISL_33 33 31.5 0.749 2.4
Kamburu KAMBURU1_11 11 25 11.294 45.2
KAMBURU1_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
KAMBURU1_33 33 31.5 1.288 4.1
Kanyakinne KAY_11 11 25 2.054 8.2
KAY_33 33 31.5 1.117 3.5
Karatina KTN_11 11 25 2.892 11.6
KTN_33 33 31.5 1.872 5.9
Kerugoya KRG_11 11 25 1.48 5.9
KRG_33 33 31.5 0.64 2.0
Kiambere KIAMBERE_220 220 31.5 31.5 100.0
Kianjai KIAN_11 11 25 1.783 7.1
KIAN_33 33 31.5 2.317 7.4
Kiganjo KGJ_11 11 25 4.468 17.9
KGJ_33 33 31.5 2.36 7.5
Kiganjo 132/33 KIGANJO_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
KIGANJO_33 33 31.5 3.765 12.0
KIGANJO_33_2 33 31.5 3.765 12.0
Kiirua KRA_11 11 25 0.711 2.8
KRA_33 33 31.5 2.163 6.9
Kindaruma KINDARUMA_11 11 25 33.715 134.9
KINDARUMA_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
KINDARUMA_33 33 31.5 1.942 6.2
Kithioko KIT_33 33 31.5 0.835 2.7
Kitui KTI_11 11 25 0.878 3.5
KTI_33 33 31.5 0.432 1.4
Kutus KUT_11 11 25 1.164 4.7
KUT_33 33 31.5 0.738 2.3
Kyeni KYE_11 11 25 0.957 3.8
KYE_33 33 31.5 0.509 1.6
Makuyu MAK_11 11 25 2.769 11.1
MAK_33 33 31.5 1.702 5.4
Marania MRN_11 11 25 1.155 4.6
MRN_33 33 31.5 1.991 6.3
Marima MAR_11 11 25 1.163 4.7
MAR_33 33 31.5 0.679 2.2
Masinga MAS_11 11 25 0.406 1.6
Masinga MAS_33 33 31.5 0.856 2.7
Masinga PP MASINGA_11 11 25 22.055 88.2
MASINGA_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0

Nominal Switchgear
Substation Fault location Voltage (kV) Rating (kA) Ik" (kA) % of Rating
Matuu MAT_11 11 25 0.928 3.7
MAT_33 33 31.5 0.47 1.5
Meru MRU_11 11 25 3.506 14.0
MRU_11_2 11 25 1.855 7.4
MRU_33 33 31.5 2.783 8.8
Meru 132/33 MERU132_132 132 31.5 31.606 100.3
MERU132_33 33 31.5 4.232 13.4
Muka MUK_11 11 25 1.972 7.9
MUK_33 33 31.5 0.893 2.8
Mweiga MW_11 11 25 2.238 9.0
MW_33 33 31.5 1.131 3.6
Nanyuki NYK_11 11 25 3.925 15.7
NYK_33 33 31.5 3.94 12.5
Nanyuki 132/33 NANYUKI_132 132 31.5 31.606 100.3
NANYUKI_33 33 31.5 4.232 13.4
Naro Moru NMO_11 11 25 0.983 3.9
NMO_33 33 31.5 0.949 3.0
Ndarugu NDA_11 11 25 3.047 12.2
NDA_33 33 31.5 2.013 6.4
Ndula NDU_11 11 25 1.874 7.5
NDU_33 33 31.5 0.958 3.0
Ngethu NGE_11 11 25 2.338 9.4
NGE_33 33 31.5 1.255 4.0
Othaya OTH_11 11 25 3.086 12.3
OTH_33 33 31.5 1.345 4.3
Sagana SGN_11 11 25 1.339 5.4
SGN_33 33 31.5 0.997 3.2
Sagana Falls SGF_11 11 25 1.187 4.7
SGF_33 33 31.5 2.442 7.8
Sirimon KIIA_11 11 25 0.366 1.5
KIIA_33 33 31.5 2.113 6.7
Tana TANA_11 11 25 1.856 7.4
TANA_11_GEN 11 25 14.93 59.7
TANA_33 33 31.5 2.924 9.3
TANA_66 66 31.5 3.53 11.2
Thika THK_11 11 25 14.84 59.4
THK_33 33 31.5 3.367 10.7
THK_66 66 31.5 5.221 16.6
(blank) (blank) (blank) (blank) #DIV/0!
Grand Total 50.098 22.4
Feeder Load Flow Analysis - Mount Kenya Region, 2013


Nominal Maximum Maximum Average Minimum Minimum

Bulk Supply Point Feeder Name Voltage (kV) Length (km) Loading (A) Loading (%) Loading (%) Voltage (kV) Voltage (%)
OUT OF SERVICE #N/A 52.4 0 0 0.00 0 0.00
Gatundu Ngethu 33 6.3 34 12.27 12.14 33.206 100.62
Githambo Ngethu 33 79.4 89 21.24 3.67 33.117 100.35
Isiolo School Of Artillery 33 4.2 6 2.14 1.63 30.628 92.81
Wamba 33 82.9 7 2.4 1.10 30.535 92.53
Kamburu Kamburu - Gitaru 33 13.5 4 1.4 0.50 33.212 100.64
Kyeni 33 172.3 45 16.11 3.87 31.736 96.17
Kiganjo Mweiga 33 23.0 50 11.68 11.63 34.054 103.20
Nanyuki 33 156.4 139 49.6 7.85 32.812 99.43
Nyeri Town 33 9.7 40 14.25 14.29 34.36 104.12
Othaya - Karatina 33 20.3 119 42.33 38.58 31.987 96.93
Sagana-Karatina-Kutus-Embu 33 15.4 112 26.57 25.66 33.887 102.69
Kindaruma Gitaru 10.1 4 1.45 0.56 33.383 101.16
Kiambere 33 38.2 16 5.7 3.72 31.777 96.29
Kitui 33 227.5 47 16.96 4.02 31.674 95.98
Kutus Embu 33 20.2 111 48.42 14.68 32.892 99.67
Sagana 33 83.3 148 35.25 10.53 32.111 97.31
Mangu Thika 1 66 5.2 138 21.19 21.15 65.848 99.77
Thika 2 66 5.2 138 21.19 21.15 65.848 99.77
Masinga Masinga 33 22.0 26 9.16 6.25 32.866 99.59
Meru Marima 33 52.1 68 24.21 17.11 31.549 95.60
Maua 33 202.6 102 36.38 7.78 30.363 92.01
Mwega Ngobit 33 38.1 2 0.86 0.37 34.076 103.26
Mwingi Waita 33 58.3 4 1.47 0.81 33.424 101.29
Nanyuki Isiolo-Meru 33 152.7 192 68.44 14.48 30.675 92.95
Kiganjo 33 0.9 49 17.44 17.50 34.076 103.26
Tana Sagana 33 63.5 47 16.72 3.09 33.019 100.06
Thika 66 133.4 9 2.2 1.10 68.358 103.57
Thika Makuyu 33 30.0 68 48.65 15.32 32.687 99.05
Muka Muku 33 40.1 115 41.1 13.49 32.912 99.73
Thika Industrial 1 66 10.4 39 9.32 8.42 65.733 99.60
Transformer Load Flow Analysis - Mount Kenya Region, 2013


Nominal Capacity
Substation Element Name Voltage (kV) (MVA) Loading (%)
Embori EMR_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 38.19
EMR_33_11_TX2 33/11 2.5 38.19
Embu EMB_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 25.79
EMB_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 25.79
EME_TX1 33/11 7.5 26.76
Gitaru GITARU_33_0.433_TX_ALT 33/0.433 0.63 35.37
GITARU_33_0.433_TX_ALT1 15/0.433 1 11.35
GITARU_33_0.433_TX_ALT2 15/0.433 1 11.35
GITARU_132_15_TX1 15/132 85 0
GITARU_132_15_TX2 15/132 85 0
Githambo GIT_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 29.83
Isiolo ISL_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 40.87
Kamburu KAM1_132_11_TX3 132/11 23 24.43
KAM1_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 58.15
Kanyakinne KAY_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 38.19
KAY_33_11_TX2 33/11 2.5 38.19
Karatina KTN_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 43.59
KTN_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 43.59
Kerugoya KRG_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 34.19
Kianjai KIAN_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 25.32
Kiganjo KGJ_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 28.74
KGJ_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 28.74
Kiganjo 132/33 KIG_132_33_TX 132/33 23 67.89
KIG_132_33_TX2 132/33 23 83.72
Kiirua KRA_33_11_TX 33/11 0.63 50.55
Kindaruma KRU_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 17.35
KRU_33_11_TX2 33/11 2.5 17.35
KRU_33_11_TX3 33/11 2.5 17.35
KINDARUMA_132_11_TX3 11/132 25 0
KINDARUMA_132_11_TX2 11/132 25 0
KINDARUMA_132_11_TX1 11/132 25 0
Kitui KTI_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 19.07
Kutus KUT_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 25.53
Kyeni KYE_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 38.88
Makuyu MAKUYU_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 24.88
Marania MRN_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 12.69
Marima MAR_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 60.46
Masinga MAS001_33_11_TX 33/11 0.5 69.3
Masinga PP MASINGA_11_0.433_TX_ALT 11/0.433 0.63 0.21
MASINGA_132_11_TX1 143.7/11 23 0
MASINGA_132_11_TX2 143.7/11 23 0
Matuu MATUU_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 12.58
Meru MRU_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 43.8
MRU_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 107.18
Meru 132/33 MERU132_132_33_TX 132/33 23 119.75

Nominal Capacity
Substation Element Name Voltage (kV) (MVA) Loading (%)
Muka MUK_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 36.83
Nanyuki NYK_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 38.43
Nanyuki 132/33 NANYUKI_132_33_TX 132/33 23 55.05
Naro Moru NMO_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 30.88
Ndarugu NDARUGU_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 48.82
Ndula NDU_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 37.18
NDU_33_11_TX2 33/11 2.5 37.18
Ngethu NGE_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 26.35
Othaya OTH_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 38.97
OTH_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 38.97
Sagana SGN_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 80.52
Sagana Falls SGF_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 30.91
Sirimon KIIA_33_11_TX 33/11 0.315 18.1
Tana TANA_66_11_TX1 66/11 23 9.06
TANA_66_11_TX2 66/11 23 9.06
TANA_66_33_TX 66/33 23 16.55
TANA_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 9.3
Thika THK_66_11_TX 66/11 23 36.03
THK_66_11_TX2 66/11 23 36.03
THK_66_33_TX 66/33 23 61.05
Masinga MAS001_33_11_TX 33/11 0.5 67.98
Gatundu GATUNDU_132_33_TX1 132/33 23 11.04
Githambo 132/33 GITHAMBO_TX1 132/33 23 29.3
Kutus 132/33 KUTUS_TX2 132/33 23 42.41
KUTUS_TX1 132/33 23 42.41
Mangu MANGU_TX1 132/66 60 26.62
MANGU_TX2 132/66 60 26.62
Mwingi MWINGI_TX1 132/33 23 8.13
MWINGI_TX2 132/33 23 8.13
Nyeri NYE_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 31.65
Thika Industrial THKIND_TX1 66/11 45 9.87
THKIND_TX2 66/11 45 9.87
Load Flow Analysis Substation Loads - Mount Kenya Region, 2013


Substation Element Name P (MW) Q (MVAr) S (MVA)

Embori EMR_LOAD 1.696 0.822 1.885
Embu EMB_LOAD 3.437 1.664 3.819
EME_LOAD 1.783 0.864 1.981
Githambo GIT_LOAD 1.986 0.962 2.207
Isiolo ISL_LOAD 0.906 0.439 1.007
Kanyakinne KAY_LOAD 1.696 0.822 1.885
Karatina KTN_LOAD 6.385 1.062 6.473
Kerugoya KRG_LOAD 2.273 1.101 2.526
Kianjai KIAN_LOAD 0.564 0.273 0.627
Kiganjo KGJ_LOAD 3.828 1.854 4.253
Kiirua KRA_LOAD 0.282 0.136 0.313
Kitui KTI_LOAD 0.425 0.206 0.472
Kutus KUT_LOAD 0.568 0.275 0.631
Kyeni KYE_LOAD 0.863 0.418 0.959
Makuyu MAKUYU_LOAD 1.658 0.803 1.842
Marania MRN_LOAD 0.282 0.136 0.313
Marima MAR_LOAD 1.334 0.646 1.482
Masinga MAS001_LOAD 0.306 0.148 0.340
Matuu MATUU_LOAD 0.280 0.136 0.311
Meru MRU_LOAD 6.957 3.369 7.730
MRU2_LOAD 0.971 0.470 1.079
Muka MUK_LOAD 2.447 1.185 2.719
Nanyuki NYK_LOAD 2.552 1.236 2.836
Naro Moru NMO_LOAD 0.682 0.331 0.758
Ndarugu NDARUGU_LOAD 3.230 1.565 3.589
Ndula NDU_LOAD 1.651 0.800 1.835
Ngethu NGE_LOAD 1.756 0.850 1.951
Othaya OTH_LOAD 5.175 2.506 5.750
Sagana SGN_LOAD 1.960 0.326 1.987
Sagana Falls SGF_LOAD 0.682 0.331 0.758
Sirimon KIIA_LOAD 0.050 0.025 0.056
Tana TANA_LOAD 0.207 0.100 0.230
Thika THK_LOAD 10.287 4.982 11.430
Nyeri NYE_LOAD 2.106 1.020 2.340
Thika Industrial THKIND_LOAD 7.956 3.853 8.840
Grand Total 79.221 35.716 86.900
Load Flow Network Infeeds - Mt. Kenya Region, 2013


Substation Pgen (MW) Qgen (MVAr)

Gitaru 0.212 0.081
Kamburu 4.068 1.669
Kiambere 0 0
Kiganjo 132/33 25.847 8.712
Kindaruma 1.299 0.075
Masinga PP 0.001 0
Meru 132/33 19.151 9.894
Nanyuki 132/33 9.023 4.095
Tana 2.757 -0.956
Juja Road 0 0
Gatundu 1.775 0.893
Githambo 132/33 4.764 2.265
Kutus 132/33 13.997 6.102
Mangu 28.039 15.303
Mwingi 2.778 0.927
Grand Total 113.711 49.06
IEC60909 Short Circuit Results (3 Phase) - Mount Kenya Region, 2013


Nominal Switchgear
Substation Fault location Voltage (kV) Rating (kA) Ik" (kA) % of Rating
Embori EMR_11 11 25 2.663 10.7
EMR_33 33 31.5 1.955 6.2
Embu EMB_11 11 25 5.234 20.9
EMB_33 33 31.5 3.082 9.8
Gitaru GITARU_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
GITARU_33 33 31.5 0.169 0.5
GITARU_ALT_15 15 25 50.098 200.4
Githambo GIT_11 11 25 3.824 15.3
GIT_33 33 31.5 3.654 11.6
Isiolo ISL_11 11 25 1.217 4.9
ISL_33 33 31.5 0.749 2.4
Kamburu KAMBURU1_11 11 25 11.294 45.2
KAMBURU1_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
KAMBURU1_33 33 31.5 1.288 4.1
Kanyakinne KAY_11 11 25 2.054 8.2
KAY_33 33 31.5 1.117 3.5
Karatina KTN_11 11 25 3.824 15.3
KTN_33 33 31.5 1.872 5.9
Kerugoya KRG_11 11 25 3.231 12.9
KRG_33 33 31.5 2.163 6.9
Kiambere KIAMBERE_220 220 31.5 31.5 100.0
Kianjai KIAN_11 11 25 1.783 7.1
KIAN_33 33 31.5 2.317 7.4
Kiganjo KGJ_11 11 25 4.468 17.9
KGJ_33 33 31.5 2.36 7.5
Kiganjo 132/33 KIGANJO_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
KIGANJO_33 33 31.5 3.765 12.0
KIGANJO_33_2 33 31.5 3.765 12.0
Kiirua KRA_11 11 25 0.711 2.8
KRA_33 33 31.5 2.163 6.9
Kindaruma KINDARUMA_11 11 25 34.455 137.8
KINDARUMA_132 132 31.5 31.561 100.2
KINDARUMA_33 33 31.5 2.217 7.0
Kithioko KIT_33 33 31.5 1.347 4.3
Kitui KTI_11 11 25 1.207 4.8
KTI_33 33 31.5 0.719 2.3
Kutus KUT_11 11 25 1.994 8.0
KUT_33 33 31.5 4.352 13.8
Kyeni KYE_11 11 25 0.957 3.8
KYE_33 33 31.5 0.509 1.6
Makuyu MAK_11 11 25 2.834 11.3
MAK_33 33 31.5 1.793 5.7
Marania MRN_11 11 25 1.155 4.6
MRN_33 33 31.5 1.991 6.3
Marima MAR_11 11 25 1.163 4.7
MAR_33 33 31.5 0.679 2.2
Masinga MAS_11 11 25 0.406 1.6
Masinga MAS_33 33 31.5 0.856 2.7
Masinga PP MASINGA_11 11 25 22.055 88.2
MASINGA_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0

Nominal Switchgear
Substation Fault location Voltage (kV) Rating (kA) Ik" (kA) % of Rating
Matuu MAT_11 11 25 1.083 4.3
MAT_33 33 31.5 0.591 1.9
Meru MRU_11 11 25 3.506 14.0
MRU_11_2 11 25 1.855 7.4
MRU_33 33 31.5 2.783 8.8
Meru 132/33 MERU132_132 132 31.5 31.606 100.3
MERU132_33 33 31.5 4.232 13.4
Muka MUK_11 11 25 2.368 9.5
MUK_33 33 31.5 1.269 4.0
Mweiga MW_11 11 25 2.553 10.2
MW_33 33 31.5 1.476 4.7
Nanyuki NYK_11 11 25 3.925 15.7
NYK_33 33 31.5 3.94 12.5
Nanyuki 132/33 NANYUKI_132 132 31.5 31.606 100.3
NANYUKI_33 33 31.5 4.232 13.4
Naro Moru NMO_11 11 25 0.983 3.9
NMO_33 33 31.5 0.949 3.0
Ndarugu NDA_11 11 25 3.13 12.5
NDA_33 33 31.5 2.156 6.8
Ndula NDU_11 11 25 1.913 7.7
NDU_33 33 31.5 0.995 3.2
Ngethu NGE_11 11 25 3.333 13.3
NGE_33 33 31.5 2.516 8.0
Othaya OTH_11 11 25 3.086 12.3
OTH_33 33 31.5 1.345 4.3
Sagana SGN_11 11 25 1.666 6.7
SGN_33 33 31.5 1.811 5.7
Sagana Falls SGF_11 11 25 1.187 4.7
SGF_33 33 31.5 2.442 7.8
Sirimon KIIA_11 11 25 0.366 1.5
KIIA_33 33 31.5 2.113 6.7
Tana TANA_11 11 25 1.856 7.4
TANA_11_GEN 11 25 14.93 59.7
TANA_33 33 31.5 2.924 9.3
TANA_66 66 31.5 3.53 11.2
Thika THK_11 11 25 16.664 66.7
THK_33 33 31.5 3.629 11.5
THK_66 66 31.5 7.282 23.1
(blank) (blank) (blank) (blank) #DIV/0!
Feeder Load Flow Analysis - Mount Kenya Region, 2014

Nominal Maximum Maximum Average Minimum Minimum
Bulk Supply Point Feeder Name Voltage (kV) Length (km) Loading (A) Loading (%) Loading (%) Voltage (kV) Voltage (%)
OUT OF SERVICE #N/A 51.5 0 0 0.00 0 0.00
Gatundu Gatundu 33 1.5 15 5.51 5.36 33.89 102.70
Ngethu 33 6.3 38 13.67 13.57 33.679 102.06
Githambo Ngethu 33 79.4 102 24.27 4.17 32.955 99.86
Isiolo Isiolo 33 81.9 77 27.4 5.98 32.964 99.89
School Of Artillery 33 4.2 6 2.2 1.63 33.501 101.52
Wamba 33 82.9 8 2.8 1.29 33.376 101.14
Kamburu Kamburu - Gitaru 33 13.5 4 1.6 0.56 33.501 101.52
Kyeni 33 36.9 11 4.06 1.78 33.373 101.13
Kiganjo Mweiga 33 23.0 67 15.58 15.47 32.904 99.71
Nanyuki 33 156.4 159 32.68 5.66 32.621 98.85
Nyeri Town 33 9.7 46 16.56 16.43 33.391 101.18
Othaya - Karatina 33 20.3 136 48.69 44.41 31.369 95.06
Sagana-Karatina-Kutus-Embu 33 15.4 130 30.94 29.98 32.834 99.50
Kindaruma Gitaru 33 10.1 5 1.67 0.60 33.288 100.87
Kiambere 33 38.2 17 6.06 3.96 34.141 103.46
Kitui 33 74.7 9 3.23 2.31 34.113 103.37
Kitui Kitui 33 107.1 31 9.72 1.43 32.954 99.86
Kutus Embu 33 20.2 97 41.62 13.05 32.973 99.92
Sagana 33 83.3 169 40.16 11.99 31.862 96.55
Kyeni Kyeni 33 161.8 75 26.85 3.15 32.841 99.52
Mangu Jkuat 66 5.5 26 3.93 3.92 66.045 100.07
Thika 1 66 5.2 127 19.49 19.46 65.84 99.76
Thika 2 66 5.2 127 19.49 19.46 65.84 99.76
Thika North 66 12.0 29 4.43 4.38 65.962 99.94
Masinga Masinga 33 22.0 29 10.46 7.15 33.104 100.32
Meru Isiolo 33 20.8 193 68.85 30.26 31.953 96.83
Marima 33 26.3 38 13.51 13.39 32.727 99.17
Maua 33 202.6 142 50.64 9.47 29.903 90.61
Mwega Ngobit 33 38.1 2 0.83 0.37 32.925 99.77
Mwingi Kitui 33 45.9 22 7.76 1.66 33.35 101.06
Waita 33 58.3 5 1.62 0.85 33.451 101.37
Nanyuki Isiolo-Meru 33 48.6 73 25.88 9.15 33.078 100.24
Kiganjo 33 0.9 55 19.67 19.64 34.132 103.43
Tana Sagana 33 63.5 54 19.2 3.58 32.901 99.70
Thika 66 133.4 9 2.2 1.10 68.315 103.51
Thika Makuyu 33 30.0 62 44.2 15.50 32.753 99.25
Muka Muku 33 40.1 123 44.08 14.34 33.112 100.34
Thika Industrial 1 66 10.4 44 10.51 9.45 65.71 99.56
Transformer Load Flow Analysis - Mount Kenya Region, 2014

Nominal Capacity
Substation Element Name Voltage (kV) (MVA) Loading (%)
Embori EMR_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 42.89
EMR_33_11_TX2 33/11 2.5 42.89
Embu EMB_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 18.13
EMB_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 18.13
EME_TX1 33/11 7.5 30.43
Gatundu GATUNDU_132_33_TX1 132/33 23 17.57
GAT_TX2 33/11 7.5 6.04
GAT_TX1 33/11 7.5 6.04
Gitaru GITARU_33_0.433_TX_ALT 33/0.433 0.63 40.92
GITARU_33_0.433_TX_ALT1 15/0.433 1 13.11
GITARU_33_0.433_TX_ALT2 15/0.433 1 13.11
GITARU_132_15_TX1 15/132 85 0
GITARU_132_15_TX2 15/132 85 0
Githambo GIT_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 33.85
Githambo 132/33 GITHAMBO_TX1 132/33 23 33.49
Isiolo ISL_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 45.88
Isiolo 132/33 ISIOLO_TX1 132/33 23 25.2
Jkuat JKUAT_TX2 66/11 45 3.25
JKUAT_TX1 66/11 45 3.25
Kamburu KAM1_132_11_TX3 132/11 23 14.75
KAM1_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 35.2
Kanyakinne KAY_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 42.9
KAY_33_11_TX2 33/11 2.5 42.9
Karatina KTN_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 49.16
KTN_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 49.16
Kerugoya KRG_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 38.57
Kianjai KIAN_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 28.5
Kiganjo KGJ_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 32.45
KGJ_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 32.45
Kiganjo 132/33 KIG_132_33_TX 132/33 23 89.12
KIG_132_33_TX2 132/33 23 89.12
Kiirua KRA_33_11_TX 33/11 0.63 56.97
Kindaruma KRU_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 20.09
KRU_33_11_TX2 33/11 2.5 20.09
KRU_33_11_TX3 33/11 2.5 20.09
KINDARUMA_132_11_TX3 11/132 25 0
KINDARUMA_132_11_TX2 11/132 25 0
KINDARUMA_132_11_TX1 11/132 25 0
Kitui KTI_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 22.1
Kitui 132/33 KITUI_132_33_TX1 132/33 5 36.06
Kutus KUT_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 28.84
Kutus 132/33 KUTUS_TX2 132/33 23 43.47
KUTUS_TX1 132/33 23 43.47
Kyeni KYE_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 44.4
Kyeni 132/33 KYENI_TX 132/33 23 24.7
Nominal Capacity
Substation Element Name Voltage (kV) (MVA) Loading (%)
Makuyu MAKUYU_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 16.6
Mangu MANGU_TX1 132/66 60 29.66
MANGU_TX2 132/66 60 29.66
Marania MRN_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 14.28
Marima MAR_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 69.97
Masinga MAS001_33_11_TX 33/11 0.5 78
Masinga MAS001_33_11_TX 33/11 0.5 79.72
Masinga PP MASINGA_11_0.433_TX_ALT 11/0.433 0.63 0.21
MASINGA_132_11_TX1 143.7/11 23 0
MASINGA_132_11_TX2 143.7/11 23 0
Matuu MATUU_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 14.36
Meru MRU_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 49.33
MRU_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 121.09
Meru 132/33 MERU132_132_33_TX 132/33 23 105.64
Muka Mukuu MUK_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 41.99
Mwingi MWINGI_TX1 132/33 23 4.1
MWINGI_TX2 132/33 23 4.1
Nanyuki NYK_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 43.42
Nanyuki 132/33 NANYUKI_132_33_TX 132/33 23 42.62
Naro Moru NMO_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 34.77
Ndarugu NDARUGU_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 55.04
Ndula NDU_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 42.01
NDU_33_11_TX2 33/11 2.5 42.01
Ngethu NGE_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 29.77
Nyeri NYE_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 35.75
Othaya OTH_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 43.99
OTH_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 43.99
Sagana SGN_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 91.06
Sagana Falls SGF_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 34.79
Sirimon KIIA_33_11_TX 33/11 0.315 18.1
Tana TANA_66_11_TX1 66/11 23 9.98
TANA_66_11_TX2 66/11 23 9.98
TANA_66_33_TX 66/33 23 18.95
TANA_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 10.5
Thika THK_66_11_TX 66/11 23 24.33
THK_66_11_TX2 66/11 23 24.33
THK_66_33_TX 66/33 23 61.69
Thika Industrial THKIND_TX1 66/11 45 11.13
THKIND_TX2 66/11 45 11.13
Thika North THKNOR_TX 66/11 45 7.32
Load Flow Analysis Substation Loads - Mount Kenya Region, 2014


Substation Element Name P (MW) Q (MVAr) S (MVA)

Embori EMR_LOAD 1.903 0.922 2.115
Embu EMB_LOAD 2.420 1.172 2.689
EME_LOAD 2.025 0.981 2.250
Gatundu GAT_LOAD 0.801 0.388 0.890
Githambo GIT_LOAD 2.251 1.090 2.501
Isiolo ISL_LOAD 1.017 0.492 1.130
Jkuat JKUAT_LOAD 2.628 1.273 2.920
Kanyakinne KAY_LOAD 1.903 0.922 2.115
Karatina KTN_LOAD 7.195 1.197 7.294
Kerugoya KRG_LOAD 2.562 1.241 2.847
Kianjai KIAN_LOAD 0.634 0.307 0.704
Kiganjo KGJ_LOAD 4.317 2.091 4.797
Kiirua KRA_LOAD 0.317 0.154 0.352
Kitui KTI_LOAD 0.492 0.238 0.547
Kutus KUT_LOAD 0.642 0.311 0.713
Kyeni KYE_LOAD 0.984 0.477 1.094
Makuyu MAKUYU_LOAD 1.108 0.536 1.231
Marania MRN_LOAD 0.317 0.154 0.352
Marima MAR_LOAD 1.540 0.746 1.711
Masinga MAS001_LOAD 0.351 0.170 0.390
Matuu MATUU_LOAD 0.320 0.155 0.356
Meru MRU_LOAD 7.812 3.784 8.680
MRU2_LOAD 1.092 0.529 1.213
Muka Mukuu MUK_LOAD 2.786 1.349 3.095
Nanyuki NYK_LOAD 2.879 1.394 3.199
Naro Moru NMO_LOAD 0.767 0.372 0.852
Ndarugu NDARUGU_LOAD 3.636 1.761 4.040
Ndula NDU_LOAD 1.864 0.903 2.071
Ngethu NGE_LOAD 1.982 0.960 2.202
Nyeri NYE_LOAD 2.376 1.151 2.640
Othaya OTH_LOAD 5.832 2.825 6.480
Sagana SGN_LOAD 2.213 0.368 2.243
Sagana Falls SGF_LOAD 0.767 0.372 0.852
Sirimon KIIA_LOAD 0.050 0.025 0.056
Tana TANA_LOAD 0.234 0.113 0.260
Thika THK_LOAD 6.966 3.374 7.740
Thika Industrial THKIND_LOAD 8.964 4.341 9.960
Thika North THKNOR_LOAD 2.952 1.430 3.280
Grand Total 88.899 40.068 97.511
Load Flow Network Infeeds - Mt. Kenya Region, 2014


Substation Pgen (MW) Qgen (MVAr)

Gatundu 2.822 1.428
Gitaru 0.242 0.101
Githambo 132/33 5.411 2.657
Isiolo 132/33 4.218 1.666
Juja Road 0 0
Kamburu 2.421 1.09
Kiambere 0 0
Kiganjo 132/33 29.53 12.537
Kindaruma 1.473 0.321
Kitui 132/33 1.717 0.549
Kutus 132/33 14.361 6.218
Kyeni 132/33 4.121 1.667
Mangu 31.778 16.025
Masinga PP 0.001 0
Meru 132/33 18.653 3.693
Mwingi 1.434 0.354
Nanyuki 132/33 6.763 3.622
Tana 3.131 -0.725
Grand Total 128.076 51.203
IEC60909 Short Circuit Results (3 Phase) - Mount Kenya Region, 2014

Nominal Switchgear
Substation Fault location Voltage (kV) Rating (kA) Ik" (kA) % of Rating
Embori EMR_11 11 25 2.663 9.3
EMR_33 33 31.5 1.129 3.6
Embu EMB_11 11 25 5.234 20.9
EMB_33 33 31.5 3.082 9.8
EME_33 33 31.5 2.501 7.9
EME_11 11 25 3.344 13.4
Gatundu GAT_33 33 31.5 3.41 10.8
GAT_11 11 25 5.468 21.9
Githambo GIT_11 11 25 3.824 15.3
GIT_33 33 31.5 3.654 11.6
Isiolo ISL_11 11 25 1.798 6.0
ISL_33 33 31.5 2.482 5.1
Jkuat JKUAT_66 66 31.5 6.299 20.0
JKUAT_11 11 25 21.203 84.8
Kamburu KAMBURU1_11 11 25 11.294 45.2
KAMBURU1_33 33 31.5 1.288 4.1
Kanyakinne KAY_11 11 25 2.054 8.2
KAY_33 33 31.5 1.117 3.5
Karatina KTN_11 11 25 4.547 18.2
KTN_33 33 31.5 2.42 7.7
Kerugoya KRG_11 11 25 3.231 12.9
KRG_33 33 31.5 2.163 6.9
Kianjai KIAN_11 11 25 1.783 7.1
KIAN_33 33 31.5 2.317 7.2
Kiganjo KGJ_11 11 25 5.683 20.3
KGJ_33 33 31.5 3.566 9.4
Kiirua KRA_11 11 25 0.711 2.8
KRA_33 33 31.5 1.469 4.7
Kitui KTI_11 11 25 1.302 5.2
KTI_33 33 31.5 0.975 3.1
Kutus KUT_11 11 25 1.994 8.0
KUT_33 33 31.5 4.352 13.8
Kutus 132/33 KUTUS_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
KUTUS_33 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
Kyeni KYE_11 11 25 1.932 7.7
KYE_33 33 31.5 3.643 11.6
Makuyu MAK_11 11 25 2.834 11.3
MAK_33 33 31.5 1.793 5.7
Marania MRN_11 11 25 0.992 4.0
MRN_33 33 31.5 0.996 3.2
Marima MAR_11 11 25 1.44 5.2
MAR_33 33 31.5 1.114 2.8
Masinga MAS_11 11 25 0.406 1.6
Masinga MAS_33 33 31.5 0.856 2.7
Matuu MAT_11 11 25 0.928 3.7
MAT_33 33 31.5 0.47 1.5
Meru MRU_11 11 25 3.137 12.5
MRU_11_2 11 25 1.748 7.0
MRU_33 33 31.5 2.172 6.9
Meru 132/33 MERU132_132 132 31.5 31.606 100.3
MERU132_33 33 31.5 4.232 13.4
Nominal Switchgear
Substation Fault location Voltage (kV) Rating (kA) Ik" (kA) % of Rating
Muka Mukuu MUK_11 11 25 2.368 9.5
MUK_33 33 31.5 1.269 4.0
Mweiga MW_11 11 25 2.553 10.2
MW_33 33 31.5 1.476 4.7
Nanyuki NYK_11 11 25 3.783 15.1
NYK_33 33 31.5 3.547 11.3
Naro Moru NMO_11 11 25 1.07 4.1
NMO_33 33 31.5 1.366 3.7
Ndarugu NDA_11 11 25 3.13 12.5
NDA_33 33 31.5 2.156 6.8
Ndula NDU_11 11 25 1.913 7.7
NDU_33 33 31.5 0.995 3.2
Ngethu NGE_11 11 25 3.333 13.3
NGE_33 33 31.5 2.516 8.0
Nyeri NYE_11 11 25 3.536 14.1
NYE_33 33 31.5 2.728 8.7
Othaya OTH_11 11 25 3.492 14.0
OTH_33 33 31.5 1.558 4.9
Sagana SGN_11 11 25 1.666 6.7
SGN_33 33 31.5 1.811 5.7
Sagana Falls SGF_11 11 25 1.25 5.0
SGF_33 33 31.5 3.421 10.9
Sirimon KIIA_11 11 25 0.359 1.4
KIIA_33 33 31.5 1.604 5.1
Tana TANA_11 11 25 1.856 7.4
TANA_11_GEN 11 25 14.93 59.7
TANA_33 33 31.5 2.924 9.3
TANA_66 66 31.5 3.53 11.2
Thika THK_11 11 25 16.664 66.7
THK_33 33 31.5 3.629 11.5
THK_66 66 31.5 7.282 23.1
Thika Industrial THKIND_66 66 31.5 6.295 20.0
THKIND_11 11 25 21.212 84.8
Thika North THKNOR_66 66 31.5 4.71 15.0
THKNOR_11 11 25 13.041 52.2
Feeder Load Flow Analysis - Mount Kenya Region, 2015


Nominal Maximum Maximum Average Minimum Minimum

Bulk Supply Point Feeder Name Voltage (kV) Length (km) Loading (A) Loading (%) Loading (%) Voltage (kV) Voltage (%)
OUT OF SERVICE #N/A 49.7 0 0 0.00 0 0.00
Gatundu Gatundu 33 1.5 18 6.5 6.43 33.84 102.55
Ngethu 33 6.3 45 16.21 16.07 33.59 101.79
Githambo Kangema 33 8.8 75 15.34 15.30 33.382 101.16
Ngethu 33 79.4 97 24.26 4.95 32.877 99.63
Isiolo Isiolo 33 81.9 91 32.41 7.02 32.723 99.16
School Of Artillery 33 4.2 7 2.59 1.89 33.353 101.07
Wamba 33 82.9 9 3.28 1.39 33.182 100.55
Kamburu Kamburu - Gitaru 33 13.5 5 1.9 0.66 33.345 101.05
Kyeni 33 36.9 14 4.93 2.22 33.187 100.57
Kiganjo Mweiga 33 23.0 95 22.2 22.09 32.474 98.41
Nanyuki 33 156.4 155 34.4 6.35 33.098 100.30
Nyeri Town 33 9.7 55 19.61 19.64 33.294 100.89
Othaya - Karatina 33 29.0 210 74.88 44.13 31.064 94.13
Sagana-Karatina-Kutus-Embu 33 15.4 103 24.58 23.80 33.031 100.09
Kindaruma Gitaru 33 10.1 6 2.01 0.74 33.134 100.41
Kiambere 33 38.2 20 7.3 4.71 34.005 103.05
Kitui 33 74.7 11 3.83 2.77 33.97 102.94
Kitui Kitui 33 107.1 38 11.92 1.67 32.748 99.24
Kutus Embu 33 20.2 116 49.98 15.74 32.77 99.30
Sagana 33 83.3 170 40.36 12.30 31.805 96.38
Kyeni Kyeni 33 161.8 89 31.87 3.49 32.726 99.17
Mangu Jkuat 66 11.0 54 8.34 8.31 66.821 101.24
Thika 1 66 5.2 122 18.78 18.77 66.685 101.04
Thika 2 66 5.2 122 18.78 18.77 66.685 101.04
Thika North 66 12.0 34 5.17 5.15 66.778 101.18
Masinga Masinga 33 22.0 35 12.38 8.36 32.875 99.62
Maua Garba Tula 33 90.6 28 9.94 3.21 32.437 98.29
Kabasi 33 34.8 18 6.41 2.01 32.949 99.84
Kianjai 33 49.9 29 10.12 2.34 32.83 99.48
Maua Town 33 18.5 44 15.57 5.04 32.893 99.68
Meru Isiolo 33 20.8 151 54.04 24.01 32.396 98.17
Marima 33 33.9 75 26.85 19.33 32.502 98.49
Maua 33 10.2 22 7.69 5.53 33.608 101.84
Mwega Ngobit 33 38.1 2 0.82 0.37 32.495 98.47
Mwingi Kitui 33 45.9 26 9.45 2.05 33.291 100.88
Waita 33 58.3 5 1.88 1.02 33.407 101.23
Nanyuki Isiolo-Meru 33 48.6 87 30.86 10.91 32.483 98.43
Kiganjo 33 0.9 66 23.55 23.57 33.745 102.26
Tana Sagana 33 71.6 96 34.15 6.86 32.743 99.22
Thika 66 133.4 9 2.19 1.10 68.073 103.14
Thika Makuyu 33 30.0 73 52.36 18.41 32.522 98.55
Muka Muku 33 40.1 47 16.39 7.68 33.207 100.63
Thika Industrial 1 66 10.4 52 12.29 11.07 66.533 100.81
Transformer Load Flow Analysis - Mount Kenya Region, 2015


Nominal Capacity
Substation Element Name Voltage (kV) (MVA) Loading (%)
Embori EMR_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 50.04
EMR_33_11_TX2 33/11 2.5 50.04
Embu EMB_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 21.64
EMB_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 21.64
EME_TX1 33/11 7.5 36.35
Gatundu GATUNDU_132_33_TX1 132/33 23 20.82
GAT_TX1 33/11 7.5 7.11
GAT_TX2 33/11 7.5 7.11
Gitaru GITARU_33_0.433_TX_ALT 33/0.433 0.63 49.74
GITARU_33_0.433_TX_ALT1 15/0.433 1 15.93
GITARU_33_0.433_TX_ALT2 15/0.433 1 15.93
GITARU_132_15_TX1 15/132 85 0
GITARU_132_15_TX2 15/132 85 0
Githambo GIT_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 21.94
Githambo 132/33 GITHAMBO_TX1 132/33 23 28.18
GITHAMBO_132_33_TX2 132/33 23 28.18
Isiolo ISL_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 53.49
Isiolo 132/33 ISIOLO_TX1 132/33 23 29.81
Jkuat JKUAT_TX1 66/11 45 13.94
JKUAT_TX2 66/11 45 13.94
Kamburu KAM1_132_11_TX3 132/11 23 17.59
KAM1_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 41.93
Kangema KAN_TX1 33/11 7.5 28.79
KAN_TX2 33/11 7.5 28.79
Kanyakinne KAY_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 36.6
KAY_33_11_TX2 33/11 2.5 36.6
Karatina KTN_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 39.23
KTN_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 39.23
Kerugoya KRG_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 45.15
Kianjai KIAN_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 33.3
Kiganjo KGJ_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 25.96
KGJ_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 25.96
Kiganjo 132/33 KIG_132_33_TX 132/33 23 83.69
KIG_132_33_TX2 132/33 45 47.72
Kiirua KRA_33_11_TX 33/11 0.63 66.14
Kindaruma KRU_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 24.13
KRU_33_11_TX2 33/11 2.5 24.13
KRU_33_11_TX3 33/11 2.5 24.13
KINDARUMA_132_11_TX3 11/132 25 0
KINDARUMA_132_11_TX2 11/132 25 0
KINDARUMA_132_11_TX1 11/132 25 0
Kitui KTI_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 26.68
Kitui 132/33 KITUI_132_33_TX1 132/33 5 44.2
Kutus KUT_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 33.62
Kutus 132/33 KUTUS_TX2 132/33 23 46.78

Nominal Capacity
Substation Element Name Voltage (kV) (MVA) Loading (%)
Kutus 132/33 KUTUS_TX1 132/33 23 46.78
Kyeni KYE_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 15.73
KYE_TX2 33/11 7.5 16.99
Kyeni 132/33 KYENI_TX 132/33 23 29.31
Makuyu MAKUYU_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 19.36
Mangu MANGU_TX1 132/66 60 37.85
MANGU_TX2 132/66 60 37.85
Marania MRN_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 16.54
Marima MAR_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 26.54
MAR_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 14.98
Masinga MAS001_33_11_TX 33/11 0.5 89.99
Masinga MAS001_33_11_TX 33/11 0.5 92.22
Masinga PP MASINGA_11_0.433_TX_ALT 11/0.433 0.63 0.21
MASINGA_132_11_TX1 143.7/11 23 0
MASINGA_132_11_TX2 143.7/11 23 0
Matuu MATUU_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 16.71
Maua MAUA_132_33_TX1 132/33 23 38.02
Meru MRU_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 13.05
MRU_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 39.39
Meru 132/33 MERU132_132_33_TX 132/33 23 39.55
MERU132_132_33_TX2 132/33 23 39.55
Muka MUK_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 31.53
Mukurweini MKR_TX1 33/11 7.5 28.56
Mwea MWE_TX1 33/11 7.5 24.03
Mwingi MWINGI_TX1 132/33 23 5.01
MWINGI_TX2 132/33 23 5.01
Nanyuki NYK_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 51.4
Nanyuki 132/33 NANYUKI_132_33_TX 132/33 23 25.02
NANYUKI_132_33_TX2 132/33 23 25.02
Naro Moru NMO_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 41.16
Ndarugu NDARUGU_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 0
Ndula NDU_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 49.74
NDU_33_11_TX2 33/11 2.5 49.74
Ngethu NGE_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 35.21
Nkuene NKU_TX1 33/11 7.5 38.97
Nyeri NYE_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 42.21
Othaya OTH_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 43.35
OTH_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 43.35
Sagana SGN_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 42.38
Sagana Falls SGF_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 26.64
SGF_TX2 33/11 7.5 29.47
Sirimon KIIA_33_11_TX 33/11 0.315 18.1
Tana TANA_66_11_TX1 66/11 23 16.77
TANA_66_11_TX2 66/11 23 16.77
TANA_66_33_TX 66/33 23 33.13
TANA_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 12.13
Thika THK_66_11_TX 66/11 23 28.82
THK_66_11_TX2 66/11 23 28.82
THK_66_33_TX 66/33 23 39.52

Nominal Capacity
Substation Element Name Voltage (kV) (MVA) Loading (%)
Thika Industrial THKIND_TX1 66/11 45 13.17
THKIND_TX2 66/11 45 13.17
Thika North THKNOR_TX 66/11 45 8.64
Load Flow Analysis Substation Loads - Mount Kenya Region, 2015


Substation Element Name P (MW) Q (MVAr) S (MVA)

Embori EMR_LOAD 2.215 1.073 2.461
Embu EMB_LOAD 2.887 1.398 3.208
EME_LOAD 2.415 1.170 2.683
Gatundu GAT_LOAD 0.945 0.458 1.050
Githambo GIT_LOAD 1.463 0.709 1.626
Isiolo ISL_LOAD 1.183 0.573 1.314
Jkuat JKUAT_LOAD 11.214 5.431 12.460
Kangema KAN_LOAD 3.834 1.857 4.260
Kanyakinne KAY_LOAD 1.626 0.787 1.806
Karatina KTN_LOAD 5.749 0.957 5.828
Kerugoya KRG_LOAD 2.992 1.449 3.324
Kianjai KIAN_LOAD 0.740 0.358 0.822
Kiganjo KGJ_LOAD 3.459 1.676 3.844
Kiirua KRA_LOAD 0.367 0.178 0.408
Kitui KTI_LOAD 0.594 0.288 0.660
Kutus KUT_LOAD 0.747 0.362 0.830
Kyeni KYE_LOAD 1.418 0.687 1.576
Makuyu MAKUYU_LOAD 1.292 0.625 1.435
Marania MRN_LOAD 0.367 0.178 0.408
Marima MAR_LOAD 1.535 0.743 1.705
Masinga MAS001_LOAD 0.405 0.196 0.450
Matuu MATUU_LOAD 0.372 0.180 0.413
Meru MRU_LOAD 6.237 3.021 6.930
MRU2_LOAD 0.871 0.422 0.968
Muka MUK_LOAD 2.098 1.016 2.331
Mukurweini MKR_LOAD 1.902 0.921 2.113
Mwea MWE_LOAD 1.602 0.776 1.780
Nanyuki NYK_LOAD 3.397 1.645 3.774
Naro Moru NMO_LOAD 0.906 0.439 1.007
Ndarugu NDARUGU_LOAD 0.000 0.000 0.000
Ndula NDU_LOAD 2.201 1.066 2.446
Ngethu NGE_LOAD 2.341 1.134 2.601
Nkuene NKU_LOAD 2.587 1.253 2.874
Nyeri NYE_LOAD 2.799 1.356 3.110
Othaya OTH_LOAD 5.751 2.785 6.390
Sagana SGN_LOAD 1.037 0.173 1.051
Sagana Falls SGF_LOAD 2.536 1.228 2.818
Sirimon KIIA_LOAD 0.050 0.025 0.056
Tana TANA_LOAD 0.270 0.131 0.300
Thika THK_LOAD 8.244 3.993 9.160
Thika Industrial THKIND_LOAD 10.602 5.135 11.780
Thika North THKNOR_LOAD 3.483 1.687 3.870
Grand Total 106.733 49.539 117.669
Load Flow Network Infeeds - Mt. Kenya Region, 2015


Substation Pgen (MW) Qgen (MVAr)

Gatundu 3.331 1.716
Gitaru 0.289 0.134
Githambo 132/33 9.055 4.573
Isiolo 132/33 4.932 2.113
Juja Road 0 0
Kamburu 2.847 1.387
Kiambere 0 0
Kiganjo 132/33 33.827 13.737
Kindaruma 1.748 0.474
Kitui 132/33 2.071 0.771
Kutus 132/33 15.303 7.029
Kyeni 132/33 4.871 2.029
Mangu 40.009 21.499
Masinga PP 0.001 0
Maua 6.237 2.819
Meru 132/33 13.352 4.946
Mwingi 1.729 0.515
Nanyuki 132/33 7.946 4.24
Tana 5.368 0.578
Grand Total 152.916 68.56
IEC60909 Short Circuit Results (3 Phase) - Mount Kenya Region, 2015


Nominal Switchgear
Substation Fault location Voltage (kV) Rating (kA) Ik" (kA) % of Rating
Embori EMR_11 11 25 2.181 8.7
EMR_33 33 31.5 1.298 4.1
Embu EMB_11 11 25 5.234 20.9
EMB_33 33 31.5 3.082 9.8
EME_33 33 31.5 2.501 7.9
EME_11 11 25 3.344 13.4
Gatundu GATUNDU_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
GATUNDU_33 33 31.5 3.765 12.0
GAT_33 33 31.5 3.41 10.8
GAT_11 11 25 5.468 21.9
Gitaru GITARU_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
GITARU_33 33 31.5 0.169 0.5
GITARU_ALT_15 15 25 50.098 200.4
Githambo GIT_11 11 25 4.574 18.3
GIT_33 33 31.5 6.904 21.9
Githambo 132/33 GITHAMBO_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
GITHAMBO_33 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
Isiolo ISL_11 11 25 1.798 7.2
ISL_33 33 31.5 2.482 7.9
Isiolo 132/33 ISIOLO_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
ISIOLO_33 33 31.5 3.765 12.0
Jkuat JKUAT_66 66 31.5 7.224 22.9
JKUAT_11 11 25 22.827 91.3
Kamburu KAMBURU1_11 11 25 11.294 45.2
KAMBURU1_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
KAMBURU1_33 33 31.5 1.288 4.1
Kangema KAN_33 33 31.5 3.467 11.0
KAN__11 11 25 5.566 22.3
Kanyakinne KAY_11 11 25 2.199 8.8
KAY_33 33 31.5 1.233 3.9
Karatina KTN_11 11 25 3.824 15.3
KTN_33 33 31.5 1.872 5.9
Kerugoya KRG_11 11 25 3.231 12.9
KRG_33 33 31.5 2.163 6.9
Kiambere KIAMBERE_220 220 31.5 31.5 100.0
Kianjai KIAN_11 11 25 1.896 7.6
KIAN_33 33 31.5 2.96 9.4
Kiganjo KGJ_11 11 25 5.729 22.9
KGJ_33 33 31.5 3.617 11.5
Kiganjo 132/33 KIGANJO_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
KIGANJO_33 33 31.5 7.55 24.0
KIGANJO_33_2 33 31.5 3.765 12.0
Kiirua KRA_11 11 25 0.696 2.8
KRA_33 33 31.5 1.755 5.6
Kindaruma KINDARUMA_11 11 25 33.715 134.9
KINDARUMA_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
KINDARUMA_33 33 31.5 1.942 6.2
Kithioko KIT_33 33 31.5 0.835 2.7
Kitui KTI_11 11 25 1.302 5.2
KTI_33 33 31.5 0.975 3.1

Nominal Switchgear
Substation Fault location Voltage (kV) Rating (kA) Ik" (kA) % of Rating
Kitui 132/33 KITUI_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
KITUI_33 33 31.5 0.978 3.1
Kutus KUT_11 11 25 1.994 8.0
KUT_33 33 31.5 4.352 13.8
Kutus 132/33 KUTUS_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
KUTUS_33 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
Kyeni KYE_11 11 25 4.691 18.8
KYE_33 33 31.5 3.643 11.6
Kyeni 132/33 KYENI_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
KYENI_33 33 31.5 3.765 12.0
Makuyu MAK_11 11 25 2.834 11.3
MAK_33 33 31.5 1.793 5.7
Mangu MANGU_66 66 31.5 8.449 26.8
MANGU_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
Marania MRN_11 11 25 0.992 4.0
MRN_33 33 31.5 0.996 3.2
Marima MAR_11 11 25 2.463 9.9
MAR_33 33 31.5 1.114 3.5
Masinga MAS_11 11 25 0.406 1.6
Masinga MAS_33 33 31.5 0.856 2.7
Masinga PP MASINGA_11 11 25 22.055 88.2
MASINGA_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
Matuu MAT_11 11 25 0.928 3.7
MAT_33 33 31.5 0.47 1.5
Maua MAUA_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
MAUA_33 33 31.5 3.765 12.0
Meru MRU_11 11 25 4.737 18.9
MRU_11_2 11 25 3.608 14.4
MRU_33 33 31.5 2.882 9.1
Meru 132/33 MERU132_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
MERU132_33 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
Muka MUK_11 11 25 2.368 9.5
MUK_33 33 31.5 1.269 4.0
Mukurweini MKR_33 33 31.5 1.502 4.8
MKR_11 11 31.5 2.693 8.5
Mwea MWE_33 33 31.5 1.206 3.8
MWE_11 11 25 2.325 9.3
Mweiga MW_11 11 25 2.553 10.2
MW_33 33 31.5 1.476 4.7
Mwingi MWINGI_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
MWINGI_33 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
Nanyuki NYK_11 11 25 4.515 18.1
NYK_33 33 31.5 6.511 20.7
Nanyuki 132/33 NANYUKI_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
NANYUKI_33 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
Naro Moru NMO_11 11 25 1.071 4.3
NMO_33 33 31.5 1.373 4.4
Ndula NDU_11 11 25 1.913 7.7
NDU_33 33 31.5 0.995 3.2
Ngethu NGE_11 11 25 3.333 13.3
NGE_33 33 31.5 2.516 8.0
Nkuene NKU_33 33 31.5 1.373 4.4
NKU_11 11 25 2.538 10.2
Nyeri NYE_11 11 25 3.084 12.3
NYE_33 33 31.5 2.088 6.6

Nominal Switchgear
Substation Fault location Voltage (kV) Rating (kA) Ik" (kA) % of Rating
Othaya OTH_11 11 25 3.507 14.0
OTH_33 33 31.5 1.566 5.0
Sagana SGN_11 11 25 1.666 6.7
SGN_33 33 31.5 1.811 5.7
Sagana Falls SGF_11 11 25 4.388 17.6
SGF_33 33 31.5 3.465 11.0
Sirimon KIIA_11 11 25 0.365 1.5
KIIA_33 33 31.5 1.973 6.3
Tana TANA_11 11 25 1.856 7.4
TANA_11_GEN 11 25 14.93 59.7
TANA_33 33 31.5 2.924 9.3
TANA_66 66 31.5 3.53 11.2
Thika THK_11 11 25 16.664 66.7
THK_33 33 31.5 3.629 11.5
THK_66 66 31.5 7.282 23.1
Thika Industrial THKIND_66 66 31.5 6.295 20.0
THKIND_11 11 25 21.212 84.8
Thika North THKNOR_66 66 31.5 4.71 15.0
THKNOR_11 11 25 13.041 52.2
(blank) (blank) (blank) (blank) #DIV/0!
Feeder Load Flow Analysis - Mount Kenya Region, 2016


Nominal Maximum Maximum Average Minimum Minimum

Bulk Supply Point Feeder Name Voltage (kV) Length (km) Loading (A) Loading (%) Loading (%) Voltage (kV) Voltage (%)
OUT OF SERVICE #N/A 77.7 0 0 0.00 0 0.00
Gatundu Gatundu 33 1.5 21 7.37 7.50 33.797 102.42
Ngethu 33 6.3 51 18.36 18.21 33.514 101.56
Githambo Kangema 33 8.8 85 17.43 17.45 33.268 100.81
Ngethu 33 79.4 111 27.77 5.67 32.685 99.05
Isiolo Isiolo 33 81.9 103 36.9 8.06 32.504 98.50
School Of Artillery 33 4.2 8 2.93 2.21 33.224 100.68
Wamba 33 82.9 10 3.74 1.51 33.011 100.03
Kamburu Kamburu - Gitaru 33 13.5 6 2.19 0.79 33.197 100.60
Kyeni 33 36.9 16 5.68 2.52 33.013 100.04
Kiganjo Mweiga 33 23.0 123 28.56 28.49 32.415 98.23
Nanyuki 33 156.4 177 38.55 7.13 32.676 99.02
Nyeri Town 33 9.7 62 21.98 21.96 33.575 101.74
Othaya - Karatina 33 29.0 240 85.85 50.56 30.542 92.55
Sagana-Karatina-Kutus-Embu 33 15.4 88 20.84 20.11 33.499 101.51
Kindaruma Gitaru 10.1 6 2.32 0.84 32.997 99.99
Kiambere 33 38.2 23 8.35 5.42 33.885 102.68
Kitui 33 74.7 12 4.43 3.14 33.833 102.52
Kitui Kitui 33 107.1 44 13.91 1.98 32.56 98.67
Kutus Embu 33 20.2 132 56.8 17.87 32.824 99.47
Sagana 33 92.3 196 46.56 14.69 31.884 96.62
Kyeni Kyeni 33 161.8 103 36.87 4.02 32.474 98.41
Mangu Jkuat 66 11.0 61 9.45 9.38 66.607 100.92
Thika 1 66 5.2 138 21.3 21.23 66.452 100.68
Thika 2 66 5.2 138 21.3 21.23 66.452 100.68
Thika North 66 12.0 38 5.86 5.77 66.557 100.84
Masinga Masinga 33 22.0 40 14.3 9.68 32.654 98.95
Maua Garba Tula 33 90.6 32 11.37 3.64 32.24 97.70
Kabasi 33 34.8 20 7.29 2.32 32.843 99.52
Kianjai 33 49.9 33 11.5 2.67 32.706 99.11
Maua Town 33 18.5 49 17.65 5.68 32.781 99.34
Meru Isiolo 33 20.8 170 60.81 27.03 32.254 97.74
Marima 33 33.9 87 31.07 22.53 32.54 98.61
Maua 33 10.2 24 8.65 6.32 33.614 101.86
Mwega Ngobit 33 38.1 2 0.81 0.37 32.436 98.29
Mwingi Kitui 33 45.9 31 10.97 2.34 33.239 100.72
Waita 33 58.3 6 2.14 1.19 33.367 101.11
Nanyuki Isiolo-Meru 33 48.6 98 35.04 12.39 32.213 97.62
Kahurura 33 7.0 51 18.1 18.04 33.366 101.11
Kiganjo 33 0.9 46 16.49 16.43 33.668 102.03
Tana Sagana 33 71.6 109 39.1 7.81 32.502 98.49
Thika 66 133.4 9 2.18 1.10 67.982 103.00
Thika Makuyu 33 30.0 83 24 14.86 32.907 99.72
Muka Muku 33 40.1 53 18.75 8.78 33.16 100.49
Thika Industrial 1 66 10.4 59 13.93 12.59 66.279 100.42
Transformer Load Flow Analysis - Mount Kenya Region, 2016


Nominal Capacity
Substation Element Name Voltage (kV) (MVA) Loading (%)
Embori EMR_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 25.12
EMR_33_11_TX2 33/11 2.5 38.38
Embu EMB_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 24.61
EMB_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 24.61
EME_TX1 33/11 7.5 41.45
Gatundu GATUNDU_132_33_TX1 132/33 23 23.59
GAT_TX1 33/11 7.5 8.05
GAT_TX2 33/11 7.5 8.05
Gitaru GITARU_33_0.433_TX_ALT 33/0.433 0.63 57.39
GITARU_33_0.433_TX_ALT1 15/0.433 1 18.38
GITARU_33_0.433_TX_ALT2 15/0.433 1 18.38
GITARU_132_15_TX1 15/132 85 0
GITARU_132_15_TX2 15/132 85 0
Githambo GIT_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 24.88
Githambo 132/33 GITHAMBO_TX1 132/33 23 32.13
GITHAMBO_132_33_TX2 132/33 23 32.13
Isiolo ISL_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 29.87
ISL_33_11_TX2 33/11 2.5 29.87
Isiolo 132/33 ISIOLO_TX1 132/33 23 33.94
Jkuat JKUAT_TX1 66/11 45 15.74
JKUAT_TX2 66/11 45 15.74
Kagumo KAG_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 26
Kahurura KAH_TX1 33/11 7.5 39.04
Kamburu KAM1_132_11_TX3 132/11 23 20.32
KAM1_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 48.37
Kangema KAN_TX1 33/11 7.5 32.61
KAN_TX2 33/11 7.5 32.61
Kanyakinne KAY_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 18.05
KAY_33_11_TX2 33/11 2.5 30.09
Karatina KTN_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 33.68
KTN_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 33.68
Kerugoya KRG_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 36.9
Kianjai KIAN_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 37.41
Kiganjo KGJ_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 29.33
KGJ_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 29.33
Kiganjo 132/33 KIG_132_33_TX 132/33 45 45.41
KIG_132_33_TX2 132/33 45 45.41
Kiirua KRA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 18.75
Kindaruma KRU_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 27.79
KRU_33_11_TX2 33/11 2.5 27.79
KRU_33_11_TX3 33/11 2.5 27.79
KINDARUMA_132_11_TX3 11/132 25 0
KINDARUMA_132_11_TX2 11/132 25 0
KINDARUMA_132_11_TX1 11/132 25 0
Kitui KTI_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 30.72

Nominal Capacity
Substation Element Name Voltage (kV) (MVA) Loading (%)
Kitui 132/33 KITUI_132_33_TX1 132/33 5 51.6
Kutus KUT_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 37.98
Kutus 132/33 KUTUS_TX2 132/33 23 52.63
KUTUS_TX1 132/33 23 52.63
Kyeni KYE_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 17.93
KYE_TX2 33/11 7.5 19.07
Kyeni 132/33 KYENI_TX 132/33 23 33.91
Makuyu MAKUYU_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 22.01
Mangu MANGU_TX1 132/66 60 42.94
MANGU_TX2 132/66 60 42.94
Marania MRN_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 18.83
Marima MAR_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 29.3
MAR_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 17.42
Masinga MAS001_33_11_TX 33/11 0.5 52.01
MAS001_33_11_TX2 33/11 0.5 52.01
Masinga MAS001_33_11_TX 33/11 0.5 52.78
MAS001_33_11_TX2 33/11 0.5 52.78
Masinga PP MASINGA_11_0.433_TX_ALT 11/0.433 0.63 0.21
MASINGA_132_11_TX1 143.7/11 23 0
MASINGA_132_11_TX2 143.7/11 23 0
Matuu MATUU_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 19.07
Maua MAUA_132_33_TX1 132/33 23 43.25
Meru MRU_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 25.1
MRU_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 25.1
Meru 132/33 MERU132_132_33_TX 132/33 23 43.93
MERU132_132_33_TX2 132/33 23 43.93
Muka MUK_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 35.94
Mukurweini MKR_TX1 33/11 7.5 32.22
Mwea MWE_TX1 33/11 7.5 27.16
Mwingi MWINGI_TX1 132/33 23 5.83
MWINGI_TX2 132/33 23 5.83
Nanyuki NYK_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 35.91
Nanyuki 132/33 NANYUKI_132_33_TX 132/33 23 31.98
NANYUKI_132_33_TX2 132/33 23 31.98
Naro Moru NMO_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 17.22
NMO_33_11_TX2 33/11 2.5 28.67
Ndarugu NDARUGU_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 0
Ndula NDU_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 56.29
NDU_33_11_TX2 33/11 2.5 56.29
Ngethu NGE_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 39.79
Nkuene NKU_TX1 33/11 7.5 43.89
Nyeri NYE_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 47.71
Othaya OTH_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 49.01
OTH_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 49.01
Sagana SGN_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 18.86
SGN_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 11.06
Sagana Falls SGF_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 35.33
SGF_TX2 33/11 7.5 32.22
Sirimon KIIA_33_11_TX 33/11 0.315 18.1

Nominal Capacity
Substation Element Name Voltage (kV) (MVA) Loading (%)
Tana TANA_66_11_TX1 66/11 23 19.2
TANA_66_11_TX2 66/11 23 19.2
TANA_66_33_TX 66/33 23 37.85
TANA_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 13.73
Thika THK_66_11_TX 66/11 23 32.53
THK_66_11_TX2 66/11 23 32.53
THK_66_33_TX 66/33 23 22.37
THK_66_33_TX2 66/33 23 22.37
Thika Industrial THKIND_TX1 66/11 45 14.87
THKIND_TX2 66/11 45 14.87
Thika North THKNOR_TX 66/11 45 9.76
Load Flow Analysis Substation Loads - Mount Kenya Region, 2016


Substation Element Name P (MW) Q (MVAr) S (MVA)

Embori EMR_LOAD 2.491 1.207 2.768
Embu EMB_LOAD 3.281 1.589 3.646
EME_LOAD 2.749 1.331 3.054
Gatundu GAT_LOAD 1.071 0.519 1.190
Githambo GIT_LOAD 1.658 0.803 1.842
Isiolo ISL_LOAD 1.329 0.644 1.477
Jkuat JKUAT_LOAD 12.654 6.129 14.060
Kagumo KAG_LOAD 1.732 0.839 1.925
Kahurura KAH_LOAD 2.592 1.255 2.880
Kangema KAN_LOAD 4.338 2.101 4.820
Kanyakinne KAY_LOAD 1.827 0.885 2.030
Karatina KTN_LOAD 4.939 0.822 5.007
Kerugoya KRG_LOAD 2.452 1.187 2.724
Kianjai KIAN_LOAD 0.830 0.402 0.922
Kiganjo KGJ_LOAD 3.906 1.892 4.340
Kiirua KRA_LOAD 0.418 0.202 0.464
Kitui KTI_LOAD 0.683 0.331 0.759
Kutus KUT_LOAD 0.843 0.408 0.937
Kyeni KYE_LOAD 1.615 0.782 1.794
Makuyu MAKUYU_LOAD 1.468 0.711 1.631
Marania MRN_LOAD 0.418 0.202 0.464
Marima MAR_LOAD 1.767 0.856 1.963
Masinga MAS001_LOAD 0.468 0.227 0.520
Matuu MATUU_LOAD 0.425 0.206 0.472
Meru MRU_LOAD 7.011 3.396 7.790
MRU2_LOAD 0.981 0.475 1.090
Muka MUK_LOAD 2.389 1.157 2.654
Mukurweini MKR_LOAD 2.143 1.038 2.381
Mwea MWE_LOAD 1.809 0.876 2.010
Nanyuki NYK_LOAD 2.386 1.155 2.651
Naro Moru NMO_LOAD 1.020 0.494 1.133
Ndarugu NDARUGU_LOAD 0.000 0.000 0.000
Ndula NDU_LOAD 2.488 1.205 2.764
Ngethu NGE_LOAD 2.641 1.279 2.934
Nkuene NKU_LOAD 2.909 1.409 3.232
Nyeri NYE_LOAD 3.159 1.530 3.510
Othaya OTH_LOAD 6.489 3.143 7.210
Sagana SGN_LOAD 1.167 0.194 1.183
Sagana Falls SGF_LOAD 2.862 1.386 3.180
Sirimon KIIA_LOAD 0.050 0.025 0.056
Tana TANA_LOAD 0.306 0.148 0.340
Thika THK_LOAD 9.297 4.503 10.330
Thika Industrial THKIND_LOAD 11.961 5.793 13.290
Thika North THKNOR_LOAD 3.933 1.905 4.370

Substation Element Name P (MW) Q (MVAr) S (MVA)

Grand Total 120.955 56.641 133.560
Load Flow Network Infeeds - Mt. Kenya Region, 2016


Substation Pgen (MW) Qgen (MVAr)

Gatundu 3.764 1.966
Gitaru 0.329 0.164
Githambo 132/33 10.27 5.319
Isiolo 132/33 5.574 2.5
Juja Road 0 0
Kamburu 3.253 1.673
Kiambere 0 0
Kiganjo 132/33 37.542 16.147
Kindaruma 1.993 0.615
Kitui 132/33 2.387 0.979
Kutus 132/33 18.26 5.057
Kyeni 132/33 5.585 2.464
Mangu 45.182 24.784
Masinga PP 0.001 0
Maua 7.029 3.347
Meru 132/33 15.104 4.69
Mwingi 1.993 0.661
Nanyuki 132/33 10.144 5.447
Tana 6.088 1.069
Grand Total 174.498 76.882
IEC60909 Short Circuit Results - Mount Kenya Region, 2016


Nominal Switchgear
Substation Fault location Voltage (kV) Rating (kA) Ik" (kA) % of Rating
Embori EMR_11 11 25 2.697 10.8
EMR_33 33 31.5 1.298 4.1
Embu EMB_11 11 25 5.234 20.9
EMB_33 33 31.5 3.082 9.8
EME_33 33 31.5 2.501 7.9
EME_11 11 25 3.344 13.4
Gatundu GATUNDU_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
GATUNDU_33 33 31.5 3.765 12.0
GAT_33 33 31.5 3.41 10.8
GAT_11 11 25 5.468 21.9
Gitaru GITARU_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
GITARU_33 33 31.5 0.169 0.5
GITARU_ALT_15 15 25 50.098 200.4
Githambo GIT_11 11 25 4.574 18.3
GIT_33 33 31.5 6.904 21.9
Githambo 132/33 GITHAMBO_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
GITHAMBO_33 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
Isiolo ISL_11 11 25 2.908 11.6
ISL_33 33 31.5 2.482 7.9
Isiolo 132/33 ISIOLO_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
ISIOLO_33 33 31.5 3.765 12.0
Jkuat JKUAT_66 66 31.5 7.224 22.9
JKUAT_11 11 25 22.827 91.3
Kagumo KAG_33 33 31.5 1.423 4.5
KAG_11 11 31.5 2.624 8.3
Kahurura KAH_33 33 31.5 3.364 10.7
KAH_11 11 31.5 3.802 12.1
Kamburu KAMBURU1_11 11 25 11.294 45.2
KAMBURU1_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
KAMBURU1_33 33 31.5 1.288 4.1
Kangema KAN_33 33 31.5 3.467 11.0
KAN__11 11 25 5.566 22.3
Kanyakinne KAY_11 11 25 2.686 10.7
KAY_33 33 31.5 1.233 3.9
Karatina KTN_11 11 25 5.034 20.1
KTN_33 33 31.5 2.832 9.0
Kerugoya KRG_11 11 25 3.231 12.9
KRG_33 33 31.5 2.163 6.9
Kiambere KIAMBERE_220 220 31.5 31.5 100.0
Kianjai KIAN_11 11 25 1.896 7.6
KIAN_33 33 31.5 2.96 9.4
Kiganjo KGJ_11 11 25 6.471 25.9
KGJ_33 33 31.5 4.523 14.4
Kiganjo 132/33 KIGANJO_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
KIGANJO_33 33 31.5 14.246 45.2
KIGANJO_33_2 33 31.5 14.246 45.2
Kiirua KRA_11 11 25 1.672 6.7
KRA_33 33 31.5 1.755 5.6
Kindaruma KINDARUMA_11 11 25 33.715 134.9
KINDARUMA_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0

Nominal Switchgear
Substation Fault location Voltage (kV) Rating (kA) Ik" (kA) % of Rating
Kindaruma KINDARUMA_33 33 31.5 1.942 6.2
Kithioko KIT_33 33 31.5 0.835 2.7
Kitui KTI_11 11 25 1.302 5.2
KTI_33 33 31.5 0.975 3.1
Kitui 132/33 KITUI_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
KITUI_33 33 31.5 0.978 3.1
Kutus KUT_11 11 25 1.994 8.0
KUT_33 33 31.5 4.352 13.8
Kutus 132/33 KUTUS_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
KUTUS_33 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
Kyeni KYE_11 11 25 4.691 18.8
KYE_33 33 31.5 3.643 11.6
Kyeni 132/33 KYENI_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
KYENI_33 33 31.5 3.765 12.0
Makuyu MAK_11 11 25 3.138 12.6
MAK_33 33 31.5 2.181 6.9
Mangu MANGU_66 66 31.5 8.449 26.8
MANGU_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
Marania MRN_11 11 25 0.992 4.0
MRN_33 33 31.5 0.996 3.2
Marima MAR_11 11 25 2.463 9.9
MAR_33 33 31.5 1.114 3.5
Masinga MAS_11 11 25 0.705 2.8
Masinga MAS_33 33 31.5 0.856 2.7
Masinga PP MASINGA_11 11 25 22.055 88.2
MASINGA_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
Matuu MAT_11 11 25 0.928 3.7
MAT_33 33 31.5 0.47 1.5
Maua MAUA_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
MAUA_33 33 31.5 3.765 12.0
Meru MRU_11 11 25 6.167 24.7
MRU_11_2 11 25 6.167 24.7
MRU_33 33 31.5 2.882 9.1
Meru 132/33 MERU132_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
MERU132_33 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
Muka MUK_11 11 25 2.569 10.3
MUK_33 33 31.5 1.436 4.6
Mukurweini MKR_33 33 31.5 1.61 5.1
MKR_11 11 31.5 2.835 9.0
Mwea MWE_33 33 31.5 1.206 3.8
MWE_11 11 25 2.325 9.3
Mweiga MW_11 11 25 3.041 12.2
MW_33 33 31.5 1.998 6.3
Mwingi MWINGI_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
MWINGI_33 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
Nanyuki NYK_11 11 25 4.515 18.1
NYK_33 33 31.5 6.511 20.7
Nanyuki 132/33 NANYUKI_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
NANYUKI_33 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
Naro Moru NMO_11 11 25 2.106 8.4
NMO_33 33 31.5 1.48 4.7
Ndula NDU_11 11 25 2.256 9.0
NDU_33 33 31.5 1.388 4.4
Ngethu NGE_11 11 25 3.333 13.3
NGE_33 33 31.5 2.516 8.0

Nominal Switchgear
Substation Fault location Voltage (kV) Rating (kA) Ik" (kA) % of Rating
Nkuene NKU_33 33 31.5 1.373 4.4
NKU_11 11 25 2.538 10.2
Nyeri NYE_11 11 25 3.823 15.3
NYE_33 33 31.5 3.19 10.1
Othaya OTH_11 11 25 3.738 15.0
OTH_33 33 31.5 1.685 5.3
Sagana SGN_11 11 25 3.331 13.3
SGN_33 33 31.5 1.811 5.7
Sagana Falls SGF_11 11 25 4.81 19.2
SGF_33 33 31.5 4.226 13.4
Sirimon KIIA_11 11 25 0.365 1.5
KIIA_33 33 31.5 1.973 6.3
Tana TANA_11 11 25 1.856 7.4
TANA_11_GEN 11 25 14.93 59.7
TANA_33 33 31.5 2.924 9.3
TANA_66 66 31.5 3.53 11.2
Thika THK_11 11 25 16.664 66.7
THK_33 33 31.5 5.81 18.4
THK_66 66 31.5 7.282 23.1
Thika Industrial THKIND_66 66 31.5 6.295 20.0
THKIND_11 11 25 21.212 84.8
Thika North THKNOR_66 66 31.5 4.71 15.0
THKNOR_11 11 25 13.041 52.2
(blank) (blank) (blank) (blank) #DIV/0!
Feeder Load Flow Analysis - Mount Kenya Region, 2017


Nominal Maximum Maximum Average Minimum Minimum

Bulk Supply Point Feeder Name Voltage (kV) Length (km) Loading (A) Loading (%) Loading (%) Voltage (kV) Voltage (%)
OUT OF SERVICE #N/A 100.1 0 0 0.00 0 0.00
Gatundu Gatundu 33 1.5 23 8.28 8.21 33.829 102.51
Ngethu 33 6.3 42 15.15 15.00 33.605 101.83
Githambo Kangema 33 8.8 97 19.84 19.82 33.027 100.08
Muirungi 33 14.0 35 12.64 12.50 33.066 100.20
Ngethu 33 91.4 143 37.51 7.21 32.213 97.62
Isiolo Isiolo 33 81.9 118 42.02 9.15 32.257 97.75
School Of Artillery 33 4.2 9 3.32 2.49 33.072 100.22
Wamba 33 82.9 12 4.29 1.71 32.81 99.42
Kamburu Kamburu - Gitaru 33 13.5 7 2.47 0.86 33.631 101.91
Kyeni 33 36.9 18 6.41 2.90 33.421 101.28
Kiganjo Mweiga 33 23.0 157 36.54 36.40 31.856 96.53
Nanyuki 33 156.4 204 43.78 8.13 32.148 97.42
Nyeri Town 33 9.7 70 24.96 25.00 33.411 101.25
Othaya - Karatina 33 29.0 231 82.5 47.22 30.776 93.26
Sagana-Karatina-Kutus-Embu 33 15.4 99 23.62 22.87 33.322 100.98
Kindaruma Gitaru 10.1 7 2.66 0.98 32.835 99.50
Kiambere 33 38.2 27 9.54 6.21 33.751 102.28
Kitui 33 74.7 14 5.12 3.58 33.68 102.06
Kitui Kitui 33 107.1 52 16.2 2.33 32.346 98.02
Kutus Embu 33 20.2 138 59.4 18.84 32.79 99.37
Kiamtugu 33 16.0 38 13.48 13.39 33.199 100.60
Sagana 33 44.0 123 39.47 16.22 32.937 99.81
Kyeni Kyeni 33 161.8 119 42.6 4.62 32.179 97.51
Mangu Jkuat 66 11.0 70 10.69 10.69 66.357 100.54
Thika 1 66 5.2 157 24.2 24.15 66.179 100.27
Thika 2 66 5.2 157 24.2 24.15 66.179 100.27
Thika North 66 12.0 43 6.61 6.54 66.303 100.46
Masinga Masinga 33 22.0 45 16.17 10.89 33.015 100.05
Maua Garba Tula 33 90.6 36 12.98 4.15 32.013 97.01
Kabasi 33 34.8 23 8.27 2.63 32.721 99.15
Kianjai 33 49.9 37 13.06 3.07 32.565 98.68
Maua Town 33 18.5 56 19.99 6.45 32.652 98.95
Meru Isiolo 33 20.8 193 69.03 30.65 31.948 96.81
Marima 33 33.9 97 34.68 25.05 32.18 97.52
Maua 33 10.2 27 9.74 7.06 33.497 101.51
Mwega Ngobit 33 38.1 2 0.8 0.37 31.875 96.59
Mwingi Kitui 33 45.9 36 12.7 2.75 33.179 100.54
Waita 33 58.3 7 2.45 1.30 33.321 100.97
Nanyuki Isiolo-Meru 33 48.6 109 38.93 13.75 32.602 98.79
Kahurura 33 7.0 56 20.07 20.00 33.88 102.67
Kiganjo 33 0.9 51 18.21 18.21 34.217 103.69
Tana Sagana 33 71.6 125 44.72 8.93 32.227 97.66
Thika 66 133.4 9 2.18 1.10 67.878 102.85
Thika Makuyu 33 30.0 94 27.27 16.94 32.553 98.64
Muka Muku 33 40.1 61 21.49 10.05 32.844 99.53
Thika Industrial 1 66 10.4 66 15.79 14.20 65.983 99.97
Transformer Load Flow Analysis - Mount Kenya Region, 2017


Nominal Capacity
Substation Element Name Voltage (kV) (MVA) Loading (%)
Embori EMR_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 20.98
EMR_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 20.98
Embu EMB_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 23.78
EMB_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 23.78
EME_TX1 33/11 7.5 23.37
EME_TX2 33/11 7.5 23.37
Gitaru GITARU_33_0.433_TX_ALT 33/0.433 0.63 66.16
GITARU_33_0.433_TX_ALT1 15/0.433 1 21.2
GITARU_33_0.433_TX_ALT2 15/0.433 1 21.2
GITARU_132_15_TX1 15/132 85 0
GITARU_132_15_TX2 15/132 85 0
Githambo GIT_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 14.03
GIT_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 14.03
Isiolo ISL_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 33.63
ISL_33_11_TX2 33/11 2.5 33.63
ISL_33_11_TX3 33/11 2.5 0
Kamburu KAM1_132_11_TX3 132/11 23 23.35
KAM1_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 55.5
Kanyakinne KAY_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 15.39
KAY_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 15.39
Karatina KTN_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 37.97
KTN_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 37.97
Kerugoya KRG_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 20.71
KRG_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 20.71
Kianjai KIAN_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 20.9
KIAN_33_11_TX2 33/11 2.5 20.9
Kiganjo KGJ_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 33.09
KGJ_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 33.09
Kiganjo 132/33 KIG_132_33_TX 132/33 45 50.31
KIG_132_33_TX2 132/33 45 50.31
Kiirua KRA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 21.01
Kindaruma KRU_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 31.94
KRU_33_11_TX2 33/11 2.5 31.94
KRU_33_11_TX3 33/11 2.5 31.94
KINDARUMA_132_11_TX3 11/132 25 0
KINDARUMA_132_11_TX2 11/132 25 0
KINDARUMA_132_11_TX1 11/132 25 0
Kitui KTI_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 17.61
KTI_33_11_TX2 33/11 2.5 17.61
Kutus KUT_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 8.42
KUT_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 7.63
Kyeni KYE_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 20.48
KYE_TX2 33/11 7.5 21.41
Makuyu MAKUYU_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 12.38
MAKUYU_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 12.38

Nominal Capacity
Substation Element Name Voltage (kV) (MVA) Loading (%)
Marania MRN_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 10.53
MRN_33_11_TX2 33/11 2.5 10.53
Marima MAR_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 41.42
MAR_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 19.09
Masinga MAS001_33_11_TX 33/11 0.5 59.91
MAS001_33_11_TX2 33/11 0.5 59.91
Masinga PP MASINGA_11_0.433_TX_ALT 11/0.433 0.63 0.21
MASINGA_132_11_TX1 143.7/11 23 0
MASINGA_132_11_TX2 143.7/11 23 0
Matuu MATUU_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 10.85
MATUU_33_11_TX2 33/11 2.5 10.85
Meru MRU_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 28.22
MRU_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 28.23
Meru 132/33 MERU132_132_33_TX 132/33 23 50.17
MERU132_132_33_TX2 132/33 23 50.17
Nanyuki NYK_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 20.14
NYK_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 20.14
Nanyuki 132/33 NANYUKI_132_33_TX 132/33 23 36.09
NANYUKI_132_33_TX2 132/33 23 36.09
Naro Moru NMO_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 25.91
NMO_33_11_TX2 33/11 2.5 25.91
Ndarugu NDARUGU_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 0
Ndula NDU_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 63.58
NDU_33_11_TX2 33/11 2.5 63.58
Ngethu NGE_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 16.46
NGE_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 16.46
Othaya OTH_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 41.51
OTH_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 41.51
Sagana SGN_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 15.45
SGN_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 12.8
Sagana Falls SGF_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 24.19
SGF_TX2 33/11 7.5 24.19
Sirimon KIIA_33_11_TX 33/11 0.315 18.1
Tana TANA_66_11_TX1 66/11 23 21.99
TANA_66_11_TX2 66/11 23 21.99
TANA_66_33_TX 66/33 23 43.16
TANA_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 15.36
Thika THK_66_11_TX 66/11 23 36.7
THK_66_11_TX2 66/11 23 36.7
THK_66_33_TX 66/33 23 25.45
THK_66_33_TX2 66/33 23 25.45
Masinga MAS001_33_11_TX 33/11 0.5 58.99
MAS001_33_11_TX2 33/11 0.5 58.99
Gatundu GATUNDU_132_33_TX1 132/33 23 21.48
GAT_TX1 33/11 7.5 9.05
GAT_TX2 33/11 7.5 9.05
Githambo 132/33 GITHAMBO_TX1 132/33 23 45.02
GITHAMBO_132_33_TX2 132/33 23 45.02
Kutus 132/33 KUTUS_TX2 132/33 23 47.36

Nominal Capacity
Substation Element Name Voltage (kV) (MVA) Loading (%)
Kutus 132/33 KUTUS_TX1 132/33 23 47.36
Mangu MANGU_TX1 132/66 60 48.73
MANGU_TX2 132/66 60 48.73
Mwingi MWINGI_TX1 132/33 23 6.77
MWINGI_TX2 132/33 23 6.77
Nyeri NYE_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 53.92
Thika Industrial THKIND_TX1 66/11 45 16.78
THKIND_TX2 66/11 45 16.78
Gatakaini GTK_TX1 33/11 7.5 11.7
Isiolo 132/33 ISIOLO_TX1 132/33 23 38.64
Jkuat JKUAT_TX1 66/11 45 17.75
JKUAT_TX2 66/11 45 17.75
Kagumo KAG_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 14.63
KAG_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 14.63
Kahurura KAH_TX1 33/11 7.5 43.97
Kangema KAN_TX1 33/11 7.5 36.84
KAN_TX2 33/11 7.5 36.84
Kiamtugu KIA_TX1 33/11 7.5 28.93
Kitui 132/33 KITUI_132_33_TX1 132/33 5 60.07
Kyeni 132/33 KYENI_TX 132/33 23 39.18
Maua MAUA_132_33_TX1 132/33 23 49.15
Mukurweini MKR_TX1 33/11 7.5 36.35
Muirungi MUI_TX1 33/11 7.5 27.03
Mwea MWE_TX1 33/11 7.5 30.56
Nkuene NKU_TX2 33/11 7.5 24.51
NKU_TX1 33/11 7.5 24.51
Thika North THKNOR_TX2 66/11 45 5.48
THKNOR_TX 66/11 45 5.48
Muka Mukuu MUK_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 20.35
MUK_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 20.35
Load Flow Analysis Substation Loads - Mount Kenya Region, 2017


Substation Element Name P (MW) Q (MVAr) S (MVA)

Embori EMR_LOAD 2.798 1.356 3.109
Embu EMB_LOAD 3.171 1.536 3.523
EME_LOAD 3.116 1.509 3.462
Githambo GIT_LOAD 1.873 0.907 2.081
Isiolo ISL_LOAD 1.495 0.724 1.661
Kanyakinne KAY_LOAD 2.053 0.994 2.281
Karatina KTN_LOAD 5.566 0.926 5.643
Kerugoya KRG_LOAD 2.763 1.338 3.070
Kianjai KIAN_LOAD 0.931 0.451 1.034
Kiganjo KGJ_LOAD 4.401 2.132 4.890
Kiirua KRA_LOAD 0.468 0.226 0.520
Kitui KTI_LOAD 0.785 0.380 0.872
Kutus KUT_LOAD 0.518 0.251 0.576
Kyeni KYE_LOAD 1.836 0.889 2.040
Makuyu MAKUYU_LOAD 1.651 0.800 1.835
Marania MRN_LOAD 0.468 0.226 0.520
Marima MAR_LOAD 2.028 0.983 2.254
Masinga MAS001_LOAD 0.531 0.257 0.590
Matuu MATUU_LOAD 0.483 0.234 0.537
Meru MRU_LOAD 7.875 3.814 8.750
MRU2_LOAD 1.102 0.534 1.225
Nanyuki NYK_LOAD 2.688 1.302 2.987
Naro Moru NMO_LOAD 1.153 0.559 1.281
Ndarugu NDARUGU_LOAD 0.000 0.000 0.000
Ndula NDU_LOAD 2.803 1.358 3.115
Ngethu NGE_LOAD 2.196 1.064 2.440
Othaya OTH_LOAD 5.508 2.668 6.120
Sagana SGN_LOAD 1.315 0.219 1.333
Sagana Falls SGF_LOAD 3.224 1.562 3.582
Sirimon KIIA_LOAD 0.050 0.025 0.056
Tana TANA_LOAD 0.342 0.166 0.380
Thika THK_LOAD 10.476 5.074 11.640
Gatundu GAT_LOAD 1.206 0.584 1.340
Nyeri NYE_LOAD 3.564 1.726 3.960
Thika Industrial THKIND_LOAD 13.482 6.530 14.980
Gatakaini GTK_LOAD 0.780 0.378 0.867
Jkuat JKUAT_LOAD 14.256 6.904 15.840
Kagumo KAG_LOAD 1.952 0.946 2.169
Kahurura KAH_LOAD 2.916 1.412 3.240
Kangema KAN_LOAD 4.896 2.371 5.440
Kiamtugu KIA_LOAD 1.926 0.933 2.140
Mukurweini MKR_LOAD 2.415 1.170 2.683
Muirungi MUI_LOAD 1.800 0.872 2.000
Mwea MWE_LOAD 2.034 0.985 2.260

Substation Element Name P (MW) Q (MVAr) S (MVA)

Nkuene NKU_LOAD 3.266 1.582 3.629
Thika North THKNOR_LOAD 4.428 2.145 4.920
Muka Mukuu MUK_LOAD 2.714 1.315 3.016
Grand Total 137.302 64.317 151.620
Load Flow Network Infeeds - Mt Kenya Region, 2017


Substation Pgen (MW) Qgen (MVAr)

Gitaru 0.374 0.2
Kamburu 3.703 1.989
Kiambere 0 0
Kiganjo 132/33 41.311 18.54
Kindaruma 2.271 0.772
Masinga PP 0.001 0
Meru 132/33 17.047 5.963
Nanyuki 132/33 11.435 6.169
Tana 6.888 1.64
Juja Road 0 0
Gatundu 3.452 1.741
Githambo 132/33 14.296 7.634
Kutus 132/33 16.363 4.785
Mangu 50.978 28.637
Mwingi 2.291 0.83
Isiolo 132/33 6.292 2.966
Kitui 132/33 2.747 1.215
Kyeni 132/33 6.393 2.978
Maua 7.913 3.959
Grand Total 193.755 90.018
IEC60909 Short Circuit Results (3 Phase) - Mount Kenya Region, 2017


Nominal Switchgear
Substation Fault location Voltage (kV) Rating (kA) Ik" (kA) % of Rating
Embori EMR_11 11 25 2.976 11.9
EMR_33 33 31.5 1.298 4.1
Embu EMB_11 11 25 5.234 20.9
EMB_33 33 31.5 3.082 9.8
EME_33 33 31.5 2.501 7.9
EME_11 11 25 4.646 18.6
Gitaru GITARU_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
GITARU_33 33 31.5 0.169 0.5
GITARU_ALT_15 15 25 50.098 200.4
Githambo GIT_11 11 25 7.494 30.0
GIT_33 33 31.5 6.904 21.9
Isiolo ISL_11 11 25 2.908 11.6
ISL_33 33 31.5 2.482 7.9
Kamburu KAMBURU1_11 11 25 11.294 45.2
KAMBURU1_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
KAMBURU1_33 33 31.5 1.288 4.1
Kanyakinne KAY_11 11 25 2.938 11.8
KAY_33 33 31.5 1.233 3.9
Karatina KTN_11 11 25 5.034 20.1
KTN_33 33 31.5 2.832 9.0
Kerugoya KRG_11 11 25 4.363 17.5
KRG_33 33 31.5 2.163 6.9
Kiambere KIAMBERE_220 220 31.5 31.5 100.0
Kianjai KIAN_11 11 25 3.162 12.6
KIAN_33 33 31.5 2.96 9.4
Kiganjo KGJ_11 11 25 6.471 25.9
KGJ_33 33 31.5 4.523 14.4
Kiganjo 132/33 KIGANJO_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
KIGANJO_33 33 31.5 14.246 45.2
KIGANJO_33_2 33 31.5 14.246 45.2
Kiirua KRA_11 11 25 1.672 6.7
KRA_33 33 31.5 1.755 5.6
Kindaruma KINDARUMA_11 11 25 33.715 134.9
KINDARUMA_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
KINDARUMA_33 33 31.5 1.942 6.2
Kithioko KIT_33 33 31.5 0.835 2.7
Kitui KTI_11 11 25 1.802 7.2
KTI_33 33 31.5 0.975 3.1
Kutus KUT_11 11 25 5.065 20.3
KUT_33 33 31.5 4.352 13.8
Kyeni KYE_11 11 25 4.691 18.8
KYE_33 33 31.5 3.643 11.6
Makuyu MAK_11 11 25 4.256 17.0
MAK_33 33 31.5 2.181 6.9
Marania MRN_11 11 25 1.511 6.0
MRN_33 33 31.5 0.996 3.2
Marima MAR_11 11 25 2.463 9.9
MAR_33 33 31.5 1.114 3.5
Masinga MAS_11 11 25 0.705 2.8
Masinga MAS_33 33 31.5 0.856 2.7

Nominal Switchgear
Substation Fault location Voltage (kV) Rating (kA) Ik" (kA) % of Rating
Masinga PP MASINGA_11 11 25 22.055 88.2
MASINGA_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
Matuu MAT_11 11 25 1.127 4.5
MAT_33 33 31.5 0.47 1.5
Meru MRU_11 11 25 6.167 24.7
MRU_11_2 11 25 6.167 24.7
MRU_33 33 31.5 2.882 9.1
Meru 132/33 MERU132_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
MERU132_33 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
Mweiga MW_11 11 25 4.058 16.2
MW_33 33 31.5 1.998 6.3
Nanyuki NYK_11 11 25 7.336 29.3
NYK_33 33 31.5 6.511 20.7
Nanyuki 132/33 NANYUKI_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
NANYUKI_33 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
Naro Moru NMO_11 11 25 2.364 9.5
NMO_33 33 31.5 1.48 4.7
Ndula NDU_11 11 25 2.256 9.0
NDU_33 33 31.5 1.388 4.4
Ngethu NGE_11 11 25 4.635 18.5
NGE_33 33 31.5 2.516 8.0
Othaya OTH_11 11 25 3.738 15.0
OTH_33 33 31.5 1.685 5.3
Sagana SGN_11 11 25 3.331 13.3
SGN_33 33 31.5 1.811 5.7
Sagana Falls SGF_11 11 25 6.367 25.5
SGF_33 33 31.5 4.226 13.4
Sirimon KIIA_11 11 25 0.365 1.5
KIIA_33 33 31.5 1.973 6.3
Tana TANA_11 11 25 1.856 7.4
TANA_11_GEN 11 25 14.93 59.7
TANA_33 33 31.5 2.924 9.3
TANA_66 66 31.5 3.53 11.2
Thika THK_11 11 25 16.664 66.7
THK_33 33 31.5 5.81 18.4
THK_66 66 31.5 7.282 23.1
(blank) (blank) (blank) (blank) #DIV/0!
Nyeri NYE_11 11 25 3.823 15.3
NYE_33 33 31.5 3.19 10.1
Mangu MANGU_66 66 31.5 8.449 26.8
MANGU_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
Gatundu GATUNDU_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
GATUNDU_33 33 31.5 3.765 12.0
GAT_33 33 31.5 3.41 10.8
GAT_11 11 25 5.468 21.9
Githambo 132/33 GITHAMBO_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
GITHAMBO_33 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
Thika Industrial THKIND_66 66 31.5 6.295 20.0
THKIND_11 11 25 21.212 84.8
Mwingi MWINGI_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
MWINGI_33 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
Kutus 132/33 KUTUS_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
KUTUS_33 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
Maua MAUA_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
MAUA_33 33 31.5 3.765 12.0

Nominal Switchgear
Substation Fault location Voltage (kV) Rating (kA) Ik" (kA) % of Rating
Muirungi MUI_33 33 31.5 2.08 6.6
MUI_11 11 25 3.164 12.7
Gatakaini GTK_33 33 31.5 1.271 4.0
GTK_11 11 25 2.445 9.8
Kyeni 132/33 KYENI_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
KYENI_33 33 31.5 3.765 12.0
Kangema KAN_33 33 31.5 3.467 11.0
KAN__11 11 25 5.566 22.3
Mukurweini MKR_33 33 31.5 1.61 5.1
MKR_11 11 25 2.835 11.3
Jkuat JKUAT_66 66 31.5 7.224 22.9
JKUAT_11 11 25 22.827 91.3
Nkuene NKU_33 33 31.5 1.373 4.4
NKU_11 11 25 3.165 12.7
Kiamtugu KIA_33 33 31.5 1.872 5.9
KIA_11 11 25 3.013 12.1
Kagumo KAG_33 33 31.5 1.423 4.5
KAG_11 11 25 3.283 13.1
Mwea MWE_33 33 31.5 1.206 3.8
MWE_11 11 25 2.325 9.3
Isiolo 132/33 ISIOLO_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
ISIOLO_33 33 31.5 3.765 12.0
Kitui 132/33 KITUI_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
KITUI_33 33 31.5 0.978 3.1
Kahurura KAH_33 33 31.5 3.364 10.7
KAH_11 11 25 3.802 15.2
Thika North THKNOR_66 66 31.5 4.71 15.0
THKNOR_11 11 25 17.859 71.4
Muka Mukuu MUK_11 11 25 3.237 12.9
MUK_33 33 31.5 1.436 4.6





















Coast (Greater Mombasa) - Proposed Network
Coast (Mombasa) - Proposed Network (2017)
Coast (North) - Proposed Network
Coast (South) - Proposed Network
Coast (Taveta) - Proposed Network (2017)
Load Register Arrangement
Arrangement and Capacity
Load in Period 0 0 1 2 3 4 5
Area Type Description MVA Growth Profile 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
1 BAHARI PRI KILIFI TRANSMISSION 11kV 4 Kilifi 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 2x7.5 2x7.5
2 BAHARI PRI KANAMAI 3 Kilifi 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 2x7.5
3 BAHARI PRI KIKAMBALA 2 Kilifi 2x2.5 2x2.5 2x2.5 2x2.5 2x2.5 2x2.5
4 BAHARI PRI KURUWITU 0.5 Kilifi 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5
5 BAHARI PRI KILIFI PLANTATION 0.3 Kilifi 1x0.630 1x0.630 1x0.630 1x0.630 1x0.630 2x0.630
7 CHANGAMWE PRI KPR 13 Mombasa 2x7.5 2x7.5 2x7.5 1x7.5,1x23 2x23 2x23
8 CHANGAMWE PRI MIRITINI 10 Mombasa 1x23 1x23 1x23 1x23 2x23 2x23
9 CHANGAMWE PRI PROP. PORTREITZ 0 Mombasa 1x15 1x15 2x15
10 ISLAND/LIKONI PRI MBARAKI 34 Mombasa 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 3x23
11 ISLAND/LIKONI PRI MAKANDE 18 Mombasa 1x23 1x23 1x23 2x23 2x23 3x23
12 ISLAND/LIKONI PRI TONONOKA 9 Mombasa 1x23 1x23 1x23 2x23 2x23 2x23
13 ISLAND/LIKONI PRI KIPEVU 11kV 8 Mombasa 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23
14 ISLAND/LIKONI PRI LIKONI 6.7 Mombasa 2x7.5 2x7.5 2x7.5 2x7.5 1x15,1x7.5 2x15
15 ISLAND/LIKONI PRI PROP. KIZINGO 0 Mombasa 2x23 2x23 2x23
16 ISLAND/LIKONI PRI PROP. MTONGWE 0 Mombasa 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5
17 KALOLENLI PRI RIBE 2 Kilifi 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5
18 KALOLENLI PRI PROP. KALOLENI 0 Kilifi 1x7.5 1x7.5
19 KISAUNI PRI NYALI 22 Mombasa 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23
20 KISAUNI PRI SHANZU 10 Mombasa 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23
21 KISAUNI PRI UTANGE 4 Mombasa 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 2x7.5
22 KISAUNI PRI MTWAPA 0.3 Kilifi 1x0.630 1x0.630 1x0.630 1x0.630 1x0.630 2x0.630
23 KISAUNI PRI MISHOMORONI 0 Mombasa 1x7.5 1x7.5 2x7.5 2x7.5
24 KISAUNI PRI PROP. BAMBURI 0 Mombasa 1x23 1x23 2x23
25 LOITOKTOK PRI LOITOKITOK 2 Kajiado 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 2x7.5
26 LUNGA LUNGA PRI HORO HORO 0.27 Kwale 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5
27 MALINDI PRI MALINDI 8.2 Kilifi 2x7.5 2x7.5 2x7.5 1x7.5,1x23 1x7.5, 1x232x23
28 MALINDI PRI WATAMU 3 Kilifi 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 2x7.5
29 MALINDI PRI GEDE 2 Kilifi 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5
30 MALINDI PRI PROP. SABAKI 0 Kilifi 1x7.5 1x7.5
31 MSAMBWENI PRI DIANI 13 Kwale 1x23 1x23 1x23 1x23 2x23 2x23
32 MSAMBWENI PRI MWABUNGO 4.5 Kwale 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 2x7.5 2x7.5
33 MSAMBWENI PRI MSAMBWENI 3 Kwale 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5
34 MSAMBWENI PRI PROP. KWALE 0 Kwale 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5
36 MSAMBWENI PRI PROP. GALU 0 Kwale 1x23 1x23
37 MWAVUMBO PRI MARIAKANI 3 Kwale 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 2x7.5
39 VOI PRI VOI TRANSMISSION 11kV 2.5 Taita Taveta 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 2x7.5
40 VOI PRI MWATATE 2.4 Taita Taveta 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5
41 VOI PRI MTITO TRANSMISSION 11kV 0.68 Taita Taveta 1x1.2 1x1.2 1x1.2 1x1.2 1x7.5 1x7.5
42 VOI PRI MAUNGU TRANSMISSION 11kV 0.23 Taita Taveta 1x1.2 1x1.2 1x1.2 1x1.2 1x1.2 1x1.2
43 VOI PRI PROP. WUNDANYI 0 Taita Taveta 1x2.5 2x2.5 2x2.5
44 INDUSTRIAL PRI MTITO TRANSMISSION 3.3kV 4.01 Industrial 1x5 1x5 1x5 1x5 1x5 1x5
45 INDUSTRIAL PRI MAUNGU TRANSMISSION 3.3kV 3.49 Industrial 1x5 1x5 1x5 1x5 1x5 1x5
46 INDUSTRIAL PRI MARIAKANI TRANSMISSION 11kV 12.3 Industrial 2x10 2x10 2x10 2x10 2x10 2x10
51 INDUSTRIAL PRI VIPINGO RIDGE 0.3 Industrial 1x5 1x5 1x5 1x5 1x5 1x5
52 INDUSTRIAL PRI MOMBASA CEMENT 12.2 Industrial 1x23 1x23 1x23 1x23 1x23 1x23
53 INDUSTRIAL PRI BPCC 16.6 Industrial 1x23 1x23 1x23 1x23 1x23 1x23
54 INDUSTRIAL PRI KOKOTONI TRANSMISSION 11kV 7.5 Industrial 1x10 1x10 1x10 1x10 1x10 1x10
Pre Transfer Load
MVA Load
0 1 2 3 4 5
Area Type Description Growth Profile 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
1 BAHARI PRI KILIFI TRANSMISSION 11kV Kilifi 4. 4.586 5.32 6.499 7.484 8.589
2 BAHARI PRI KANAMAI Kilifi 3. 3.44 3.99 4.874 5.613 6.442
3 BAHARI PRI KIKAMBALA Kilifi 2. 2.293 2.66 3.25 3.742 4.295
4 BAHARI PRI KURUWITU Kilifi 0.5 0.573 0.665 0.812 0.935 1.074
5 BAHARI PRI KILIFI PLANTATION Kilifi 0.3 0.344 0.399 0.487 0.561 0.644
6 BAHARI PRI PROP. MTONDIA Kilifi 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
7 CHANGAMWE PRI KPR Mombasa 13. 14.778 16.996 20.565 23.522 26.832
8 CHANGAMWE PRI MIRITINI Mombasa 10. 11.368 13.074 15.819 18.094 20.64
9 CHANGAMWE PRI PROP. PORTREITZ Mombasa 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
10 ISLAND/LIKONI PRI MBARAKI Mombasa 34. 38.651 44.451 53.785 61.52 70.177
11 ISLAND/LIKONI PRI MAKANDE Mombasa 18. 20.462 23.533 28.475 32.569 37.152
12 ISLAND/LIKONI PRI TONONOKA Mombasa 9. 10.231 11.766 14.237 16.285 18.576
13 ISLAND/LIKONI PRI KIPEVU 11kV Mombasa 8. 9.094 10.459 12.655 14.475 16.512
14 ISLAND/LIKONI PRI LIKONI Mombasa 6.7 7.616 8.759 10.599 12.123 13.829
15 ISLAND/LIKONI PRI PROP. KIZINGO Mombasa 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
16 ISLAND/LIKONI PRI PROP. MTONGWE Mombasa 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
17 KALOLENLI PRI RIBE Kilifi 2. 2.293 2.66 3.25 3.742 4.295
18 KALOLENLI PRI PROP. KALOLENI Kilifi 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
19 KISAUNI PRI NYALI Mombasa 22. 25.009 28.762 34.802 39.807 45.408
20 KISAUNI PRI SHANZU Mombasa 10. 11.368 13.074 15.819 18.094 20.64
21 KISAUNI PRI UTANGE Mombasa 4. 4.547 5.23 6.328 7.238 8.256
22 KISAUNI PRI MTWAPA Kilifi 0.3 0.344 0.399 0.487 0.561 0.644
23 KISAUNI PRI MISHOMORONI Mombasa 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
24 KISAUNI PRI PROP. BAMBURI Mombasa 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
25 LOITOKTOK PRI LOITOKITOK Kajiado 2. 2.24 2.532 2.976 3.357 3.781
26 LUNGA LUNGA PRI HORO HORO Kwale 0.27 0.311 0.364 0.45 0.521 0.601
27 MALINDI PRI MALINDI Kilifi 8.2 9.402 10.906 13.323 15.341 17.608
28 MALINDI PRI WATAMU Kilifi 3. 3.44 3.99 4.874 5.613 6.442
29 MALINDI PRI GEDE Kilifi 2. 2.293 2.66 3.25 3.742 4.295
30 MALINDI PRI PROP. SABAKI Kilifi 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
31 MSAMBWENI PRI DIANI Kwale 13. 14.996 17.518 21.666 25.078 28.916
32 MSAMBWENI PRI MWABUNGO Kwale 4.5 5.191 6.064 7.5 8.681 10.01
33 MSAMBWENI PRI MSAMBWENI Kwale 3. 3.461 4.043 5. 5.787 6.673
34 MSAMBWENI PRI PROP. KWALE Kwale 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
35 MSAMBWENI PRI PROP. KIDIMU Kwale 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
36 MSAMBWENI PRI PROP. GALU Kwale 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
37 MWAVUMBO PRI MARIAKANI Kwale 3. 3.461 4.043 5. 5.787 6.673
38 MWAVUMBO PRI PROP. KOKOTONI Kilifi 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
39 VOI PRI VOI TRANSMISSION 11kV Taita Taveta 2.5 2.876 3.348 4.118 4.755 5.47
40 VOI PRI MWATATE Taita Taveta 2.4 2.761 3.214 3.953 4.564 5.251
41 VOI PRI MTITO TRANSMISSION 11kV Taita Taveta 0.68 0.782 0.911 1.12 1.293 1.488
42 VOI PRI MAUNGU TRANSMISSION 11kV Taita Taveta 0.23 0.265 0.308 0.379 0.437 0.503
43 VOI PRI PROP. WUNDANYI Taita Taveta 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
44 INDUSTRIAL PRI MTITO TRANSMISSION 3.3kV Industrial 4.01 4.01 4.01 4.01 4.01 4.01
45 INDUSTRIAL PRI MAUNGU TRANSMISSION 3.3kV Industrial 3.49 3.49 3.49 3.49 3.49 3.49
46 INDUSTRIAL PRI MARIAKANI TRANSMISSION 11kV Industrial 12.3 12.3 12.3 12.3 12.3 12.3
47 INDUSTRIAL FDR KUSCO Industrial 7. 7. 7. 7. 7. 7.
48 INDUSTRIAL FDR STEEL MAKERS MAZURAS Industrial 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6
49 INDUSTRIAL FDR PWANI OIL Industrial 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
50 INDUSTRIAL FDR UMOJA RUBBER Industrial 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
51 INDUSTRIAL PRI VIPINGO RIDGE Industrial 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
52 INDUSTRIAL PRI MOMBASA CEMENT Industrial 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2
53 INDUSTRIAL PRI BPCC Industrial 16.6 16.6 16.6 16.6 16.6 16.6
54 INDUSTRIAL PRI KOKOTONI TRANSMISSION 11kV Industrial 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5
Load Transfers
MVA Load
0 1 2 3 4 5
To From From Period Amount Amount Period Growth Profile Reason 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
1 MISHOMORONI UTANGE 2014 0.75 2012 Mombasa 30 % Kiambene Feeder, 2500 kVA (2012) 0.981 1.186 1.357 1.548
2 MISHOMORONI NYALI 2014 3.381 2012 Mombasa 50% Kisauni Feeder, 6762 kVA (2012) 4.42 5.348 6.118 6.978
3 PROP. BAMBURI NYALI 2015 6.0192 2012 Mombasa 80% Bamburi Feeder, 7524 kVA (2012) 9.522 10.891 12.424
4 PROP. BAMBURI MISHOMORONI 2015 1.03275 2014 Mombasa 25% of Load originally transfered to Mishomoroni 1.25 1.429 1.63
5 PROP. BAMBURI NYALI 2015 2.6334 2012 Mombasa 35% of Kiembene Load, 7.524 MVA (2012) 4.166 4.765 5.435
6 PROP. BOFU MBARAKI 2015 11 2012 Mombasa 11 MVA 2012 17.401 19.904 22.704
7 PROP. GALU DIANI 2016 2.6665 2012 Kwale 50% of Diani-1, 5.333 MVA (2012) 5.144 5.931
8 PROP. GALU MWABUNGO 2016 1.4285 2012 Kwale 50% of Galu Feeder, 2.857 MVA (2012) 2.756 3.177
9 PROP. KALOLENI RIBE 2016 1 2012 Kilifi 50% load from Ribe, Kaloleni Feeeder, 2 MVA (2012) 1.871 2.147
10 PROP. KIDIMU MSAMBWENI 2017 1.5 2012 Kwale 50% Load from Msambweni 3.337
11 PROP. KOKOTONI MARIAKANI 2017 0.75 2012 Kilifi 50% Rabai Feeder, 1.5 MVA (2012) 1.61
12 PROP. KWALE DIANI 2015 0.762 2012 Kwale 100% Kwale Feeder, 0.762 MVA (2012) 1.27 1.47 1.695
13 PROP. MTONDIA KILIFI TRANSMISSION 11kV 2017 1 2012 Kilifi 25 % of Kilifi Load 2.147
14 PROP. MTONGWE LIKONI 2015 1.4856 2012 Mombasa 60% Mtongwe Feeder, 2476 kVA (2012) 2.35 2.688 3.066
15 PROP. PORTREITZ KPR 2015 4.872 2012 Mombasa 70% Port Reitz Feeder, 6960 kVA (2012) 7.707 8.815 10.056
16 PROP. SABAKI MALINDI 2016 2.1 2012 Kilifi 60% Sabaki Feeder, 3.5 MVA (2012) 3.929 4.509
17 PROP. WUNDANYI VOI 11kV 2015 0.5 2012 Taita Taveta 20% Voi Feeder, 2500 kVA (2012) 0.824 0.951 1.094
18 PROP. WUNDANYI MWATATE 2015 0.3 2012 Taita Taveta 100% Wundanyi Feeder, 300 kVA (2012) 0.494 0.571 0.656
19 TONONOKA MBARAKI 2015 2.1 2012 Mombasa 30 % Digo Road Feeder, 7 MVA (2012) 3.322 3.8 4.334
Post-Transfer Load
MVA Load
0 1 2 3 4 5
Area Type Description Growth Profile 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
1 BAHARI PRI KILIFI TRANSMISSION 11kV Kilifi 4. 4.586 5.32 6.499 7.484 6.442
2 BAHARI PRI KANAMAI Kilifi 3. 3.44 3.99 4.874 5.613 6.442
3 BAHARI PRI KIKAMBALA Kilifi 2. 2.293 2.66 3.25 3.742 4.295
4 BAHARI PRI KURUWITU Kilifi 0.5 0.573 0.665 0.812 0.935 1.074
5 BAHARI PRI KILIFI PLANTATION Kilifi 0.3 0.344 0.399 0.487 0.561 0.644
6 BAHARI PRI PROP. MTONDIA Kilifi 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 2.147
7 CHANGAMWE PRI KPR Mombasa 13. 14.778 16.996 12.858 14.707 16.776
8 CHANGAMWE PRI MIRITINI Mombasa 10. 11.368 13.074 15.819 18.094 20.64
9 CHANGAMWE PRI PROP. PORTREITZ Mombasa 0. 0. 0. 7.707 8.815 10.056
10 ISLAND/LIKONI PRI MBARAKI Mombasa 34. 38.651 44.451 33.062 37.817 43.138
11 ISLAND/LIKONI PRI MAKANDE Mombasa 18. 20.462 23.533 28.475 32.569 37.152
12 ISLAND/LIKONI PRI TONONOKA Mombasa 9. 10.231 11.766 17.559 20.084 22.911
13 ISLAND/LIKONI PRI KIPEVU 11kV Mombasa 8. 9.094 10.459 12.655 14.475 16.512
14 ISLAND/LIKONI PRI LIKONI Mombasa 6.7 7.616 8.759 8.249 9.435 10.763
15 ISLAND/LIKONI PRI PROP. KIZINGO Mombasa 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
16 ISLAND/LIKONI PRI PROP. MTONGWE Mombasa 0. 0. 0. 2.35 2.688 3.066
17 KALOLENLI PRI RIBE Kilifi 2. 2.293 2.66 3.25 1.871 2.147
18 KALOLENLI PRI PROP. KALOLENI Kilifi 0. 0. 0. 0. 1.871 2.147
19 KISAUNI PRI NYALI Mombasa 22. 25.009 24.342 15.766 18.033 20.571
20 KISAUNI PRI SHANZU Mombasa 10. 11.368 13.074 15.819 18.094 20.64
21 KISAUNI PRI UTANGE Mombasa 4. 4.547 4.249 5.141 5.881 6.708
22 KISAUNI PRI MTWAPA Kilifi 0.3 0.344 0.399 0.487 0.561 0.644
23 KISAUNI PRI MISHOMORONI Mombasa 0. 0. 5.401 5.285 6.045 6.896
24 KISAUNI PRI PROP. BAMBURI Mombasa 0. 0. 0. 14.937 17.085 19.49
25 LOITOKTOK PRI LOITOKITOK Kajiado 2. 2.24 2.532 2.976 3.357 3.781
26 LUNGA LUNGA PRI HORO HORO Kwale 0.27 0.311 0.364 0.45 0.521 0.601
27 MALINDI PRI MALINDI Kilifi 8.2 9.402 10.906 13.323 11.412 13.099
28 MALINDI PRI WATAMU Kilifi 3. 3.44 3.99 4.874 5.613 6.442
29 MALINDI PRI GEDE Kilifi 2. 2.293 2.66 3.25 3.742 4.295
30 MALINDI PRI PROP. SABAKI Kilifi 0. 0. 0. 0. 3.929 4.509
31 MSAMBWENI PRI DIANI Kwale 13. 14.996 17.518 20.396 18.464 21.29
32 MSAMBWENI PRI MWABUNGO Kwale 4.5 5.191 6.064 7.5 5.925 6.832
33 MSAMBWENI PRI MSAMBWENI Kwale 3. 3.461 4.043 5. 5.787 3.337
34 MSAMBWENI PRI PROP. KWALE Kwale 0. 0. 0. 1.27 1.47 1.695
35 MSAMBWENI PRI PROP. KIDIMU Kwale 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 3.337
36 MSAMBWENI PRI PROP. GALU Kwale 0. 0. 0. 0. 7.899 9.109
37 MWAVUMBO PRI MARIAKANI Kwale 3. 3.461 4.043 5. 5.787 5.063
38 MWAVUMBO PRI PROP. KOKOTONI Kilifi 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1.61
39 VOI PRI VOI TRANSMISSION 11kV Taita Taveta 2.5 2.876 3.348 4.118 4.755 5.47
40 VOI PRI MWATATE Taita Taveta 2.4 2.761 3.214 3.459 3.994 4.595
41 VOI PRI MTITO TRANSMISSION 11kV Taita Taveta 0.68 0.782 0.911 1.12 1.293 1.488
42 VOI PRI MAUNGU TRANSMISSION 11kV Taita Taveta 0.23 0.265 0.308 0.379 0.437 0.503
43 VOI PRI PROP. WUNDANYI Taita Taveta 0. 0. 0. 1.318 1.521 1.75
44 INDUSTRIAL PRI MTITO TRANSMISSION 3.3kV Industrial 4.01 4.01 4.01 4.01 4.01 4.01
45 INDUSTRIAL PRI MAUNGU TRANSMISSION 3.3kV Industrial 3.49 3.49 3.49 3.49 3.49 3.49
46 INDUSTRIAL PRI MARIAKANI TRANSMISSION 11kV Industrial 12.3 12.3 12.3 12.3 12.3 12.3
47 INDUSTRIAL FDR KUSCO Industrial 7. 7. 7. 7. 7. 7.
48 INDUSTRIAL FDR STEEL MAKERS MAZURAS Industrial 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6
49 INDUSTRIAL FDR PWANI OIL Industrial 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
50 INDUSTRIAL FDR UMOJA RUBBER Industrial 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
51 INDUSTRIAL PRI VIPINGO RIDGE Industrial 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
52 INDUSTRIAL PRI MOMBASA CEMENT Industrial 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2
53 INDUSTRIAL PRI BPCC Industrial 16.6 16.6 16.6 16.6 16.6 16.6
54 INDUSTRIAL PRI KOKOTONI TRANSMISSION 11kV Industrial 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5
Feeder Load Flow Analysis - Coast Region, 2012


Nominal Maximum Maximum Average Minimum Minimum

Bulk Supply Point Feeder Name Voltage (kV) Length (km) Loading (A) Loading (%) Loading (%) Voltage (kV) Voltage (%)
OUT OF SERVICE #N/A 34.3 0 0 0.00 0 0.00
Bushiri Horo Horo 33 2.7 0 0.07 0.00 33 100.00
Galu Diani 33 7.7 234 83.73 83.41 32.89 99.67
Msambweni 33 19.0 49 17.53 9.24 34.175 103.56
Horo Horo Lunga Lunga 33 67.0 20 7.17 1.54 32.816 99.44
Kilifi Baricho 33 96.8 8 2.49 0.90 35.925 108.86
Jaribuni 33 20.3 19 6.68 2.87 35.848 108.63
Malindi 1 33 107.1 97 34.52 16.48 31.585 95.71
Malindi 2 33 59.8 140 32.47 32.35 31.575 95.68
North Coast 33 88.5 62 14.52 3.33 35.443 107.40
Kipevu Bamburi 1 33 8.6 409 95.04 84.87 31.813 96.40
Bamburi 2 33 12.0 5 1.11 0.72 33.726 102.20
Bamburi 3 33 14.1 170 39.51 16.49 33.149 100.45
KPR 1 33 3.0 128 38.19 38.21 33.45 101.36
KPR 2 33 3.0 134 39.94 40.00 33.45 101.36
KPR 3 33 3.0 162 37.56 37.56 33.45 101.36
Mbaraki 1 33 1.4 383 89.16 88.16 33.422 101.28
Mbaraki 2 33 1.4 368 85.59 85.58 33.422 101.28
KPR Miritini 33 5.8 192 57.37 56.29 32.532 98.58
Makande Mbaraki 1 33 3.7 263 61.07 61.05 32.814 99.44
Mbaraki 2 33 3.7 265 61.72 61.63 32.814 99.44
Malindi Mambrui 33 225.5 49 17.56 2.65 30.357 91.99
Mbaraki South Coast 33 3.4 99 23.02 22.41 32.623 98.86
Miritini Kusco 33 0.6 124 44.46 42.83 32.462 98.37
New Bamburi Bamburi 1 33 43.1 166 38.64 11.47 32.716 99.14
Bamburi 2 33 5.4 139 32.4 31.48 33.498 101.51
Bamburi 3 33 5.1 147 34.14 33.70 33.498 101.51
Kinagoni 33 26.1 6 2.05 0.87 33.889 102.69
Shanzu 33 6.6 72 16.85 15.46 33.676 102.05
Rabai Athi River 33 18.1 31 10.65 6.49 33.346 101.05
Bamba Ganze 33 128.4 49 11.47 2.84 32.934 99.80
Miritini 33 14.9 212 49.39 35.90 32.532 98.58
Voi Loitoktok 33 244.5 53 18.89 8.08 28.754 87.13
Transformer Load Flow Analysis - Coast Region, 2012


Nominal Capacity
Substation Element Name Voltage (kV) (MVA) Loading (%)
Diani DIA_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 58.03
Galu 132/33 GALU_132_33_TX1 132/33 23 76.81
Gede GED_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 10.09
Kanamai KAN_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 23.31
Kikambala KLA_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 23.26
KLA_33_11_TX2 33/11 2.5 23.26
Kilifi KILIFI TRANS_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 54.49
KILIFI TRANS_132_33_TX2 132/33 23 53.61
KILIFI TRANS_132_33_TX1 132/33 23 53.61
Kilifi Plantation KFP_33_11_TX1 33/11 0.63 48.42
Kipevu KIP_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 17.61
KIP_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 17.61
KIPEVU_132_33_11_TX1 132/33 60 77.16
KIPEVU_132_33_11_TX3 132/33 60 77.16
KIPEVU_132_33_TX2 132/33 30 77.78
Kokotoni 132/11 KOKOTONI_132_11_TX1 132/11 23 33.71
KPR KPR_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 89.64
KPR_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 89.64
Kuruwitu KRT_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 20.2
Likoni LIK_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 37.29
LIK_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 37.29
Loitoktok LTK_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 25.2
Makande MAK_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 56.29
Malindi MAL_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 50.8
MAL_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 50.8
Mariakani MKI_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 29.65
Mariakani 132/11 MARIAKANI_132_11_TX1 132/11 23 27.46
MARIAKANI_132_11_TX2 132/11 23 27.46
Maungu MAUNGU_3.3_11_TX1 3.3/11 1.2 19.26
MAUNGU_132_3.3_TX1 132/3.3 5 77.02
Mbaraki MBA_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 53.09
MBA_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 53.09
Miritini MTN_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 44.41
Msambweni MSB_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 15.26
Mtito Andei MTITO ANDEI_3.3_11_TX1 3.3/11 1.2 57.48
MTITO ANDEI_132_3.3_TX1 132/3.3 5 98.07
Mtwapo MTW_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 6.96
Mwabungo MWA_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 22.91
Mwatate MWT_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 30.24
New Bamburi NEW BAMBURI_132_33_TX2 132/33 23 46.91
NEW BAMBURI_132_33_TX1 132/33 45 46.91
Nyali NYA_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 48.95
NYA_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 48.95
Rabai RABAI_220_132_TX2 220/138.6 90 9.57
RABAI_132_33_TX2 132/33 23 37.33

Nominal Capacity
Substation Element Name Voltage (kV) (MVA) Loading (%)
Rabai RABAI_220_132_TX1 220/138.6 90 9.57
RABAI_132_33_TX1 132/33 23 37.33
Ribe RIB_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 68.89
Shanzu SHA_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 12.67
SHA_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 12.67
Tononoka TON_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 39.9
Utange UTA_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 54.5
Voi VOI_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 103.26
VOI_132_33_TX1 132/33 15 37.98
Watamu WAT_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 15.12
Load Flow Analysis Substation Loads - Coast Region, 2012


Substation Element Name P (MW) Q (MVAr) S (MVA)

BPCC BPCC_LOAD 14.940 7.236 16.600
Diani DIA_LOAD 11.700 5.667 13.000
Gede GED_LOAD 0.673 0.326 0.748
Horo Horo HHR_LOAD 0.243 0.118 0.270
Kanamai KAN_LOAD 1.554 0.753 1.727
Kikambala KLA_LOAD 1.036 0.502 1.151
Kilifi KILIFI TRANS_LOAD 3.600 1.744 4.000
Kilifi Plantation KFP_LOAD 0.270 0.131 0.300
Kipevu KSL_LOAD 7.200 3.487 8.000
Kokotoni 132/11 KOKOTONI_LOAD 6.750 3.269 7.500
KPR KPR_LOAD 11.700 5.667 13.000
Kuruwitu KRT_LOAD 0.450 0.218 0.500
KUSCO KUSCO_LOAD 6.300 3.051 7.000
Likoni LIK_LOAD 4.954 2.399 5.504
Loitoktok LTK_LOAD 0.560 0.271 0.622
Makande MAK_LOAD 11.356 5.500 12.618
Malindi MAL_LOAD 7.380 3.574 8.200
Mariakani MKI_LOAD 1.974 0.956 2.193
Mariakani 132/11 MARIAKANI_LOAD 11.070 5.361 12.300
Maungu MAUNGU_LOAD 0.207 0.100 0.230
MAUNGU_3.3_LOAD 3.141 1.521 3.490
Mbaraki MBA_LOAD 21.450 10.388 23.833
Miritini MTN_LOAD 9.000 4.359 10.000
Msambweni MSB_LOAD 1.018 0.493 1.131
Mtito Andei MTITO ANDEI_LOAD 0.612 0.296 0.680
MTITO ANDEI_3.3_LOAD 3.609 1.748 4.010
Mtwapo MTW_LOAD 0.155 0.075 0.172
Mwabungo MWA_LOAD 1.527 0.740 1.697
Mwatate MWT_LOAD 0.672 0.326 0.747
Nyali NYA_LOAD 19.800 9.590 22.000
Pwani Oil PWA_LOAD 0.000 0.000 0.000
Ribe RIB_LOAD 1.516 0.734 1.684
Shanzu SHA_LOAD 5.179 2.508 5.754
Steel Makers Mazeras SMM_LOAD 4.140 2.005 4.600
Tononoka TON_LOAD 8.100 3.923 9.000
Umoja Rubber UMO_LOAD 0.000 0.000 0.000
Utange UTA_LOAD 3.600 1.744 4.000
Voi VOI_LOAD 2.250 1.090 2.500
Watamu WAT_LOAD 1.009 0.489 1.121
Grand Total 190.695 92.359 211.884
Load Flow Network Infeeds - Coast Region, 2012


Substation Pgen (MW) Qgen (MVAr)

Galu 132/33 14.989 9.35
Horo Horo 1.341 0.44
Kilifi 22.745 9.526
Kipevu 96.391 64.38
Kokotoni 132/11 6.75 3.813
Mariakani 132/11 11.07 6.082
Maungu 3.348 1.903
Mtito Andei 4.221 2.496
New Bamburi 27.942 15.392
Rabai 16.2 5.864
Voi 5.239 2.236
Grand Total 210.236 121.482
IEC60909 Short Circuit Results (3 Phase) - Coast Region, 2012


Nominal Switchgear
Substation Fault location Voltage (kV) Rating (kA) Ik" (kA) % of Rating
Baricho BAR_33 33 31.5 0.667 2.1
BPCC BPCC_33 33 31.5 7.191 22.8
Diani DIA_11 11 25 4.799 19.2
DIA_33 33 31.5 2.323 7.4
Galu 132/33 GALU_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
GALU_33 33 31.5 3.765 12.0
Gede GED_11 11 25 1.758 7.0
GED_33 33 31.5 0.773 2.5
Horo Horo HHR_33 33 31.5 31.5 100.0
Jaribuni JAR_33 33 31.5 1.795 5.7
Kanamai KAN_11 11 25 3.167 12.7
KAN_33 33 31.5 2.191 7.0
Kikambala KLA_11 11 25 2.799 11.2
KLA_33 33 31.5 2.195 7.0
Kilifi KILIFI TRANS_11 11 25 4.633 18.5
KILIFI TRANS_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
KILIFI TRANS_33 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
Kilifi Plantation KFP_11 11 25 0.749 3.0
KFP_33 33 31.5 4.401 14.0
Kipevu KIP_11 11 25 20.454 81.8
KIPEVU HILLTOP_132 132 31.5 31.887 101.2
KIPEVU HILLTOP_33 33 31.5 22.054 70.0
KIPEVU_TX1_TERT_11 11 25 14.444 57.8
KIPEVU_TX3_TERT_11 11 25 14.444 57.8
KSL_33 33 31.5 21.849 69.4
Kisauni KSN_33 33 31.5 6.075 19.3
Kokotoni 132/11 KOKOTONI_11 11 25 5.944 23.8
KOKOTONI_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
KPR KPR_11 11 25 9.535 38.1
KPR_33 33 31.5 16.679 52.9
Kuruwitu KRT_11 11 25 1.546 6.2
KRT_33 33 31.5 1.423 4.5
KUSCO MKU_33 33 31.5 6.914 21.9
Likoni LIK_11 11 25 7.544 30.2
LIK_33 33 31.5 6.703 21.3
Loitoktok LTK_11 11 25 0.489 2.0
LTK_33 33 31.5 0.194 0.6
Makande MAK_11 11 25 11.546 46.2
MAK_33 33 31.5 17.355 55.1
Malindi MAL_11 11 25 2.03 8.1
MAL_33 33 31.5 0.793 2.5
MAL1_33 33 31.5 0.585 1.9
Mariakani MKI_11 11 25 3.444 13.8
MKI_33 33 31.5 2.656 8.4
Mariakani 132/11 MARIAKANI_11 11 25 11.704 46.8
MARIAKANI_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
Maungu MAUNGU_11 11 25 0.823 3.3
MAUNGU_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
MAUNGU_3.3 3.3 25 9.777 39.1
Mbaraki MBA_11 11 25 15.725 62.9

Nominal Switchgear
Substation Fault location Voltage (kV) Rating (kA) Ik" (kA) % of Rating
Mbaraki MBA_33 33 31.5 10.921 34.7
Miritini MTN_11 11 25 9.242 37.0
MTN_33 33 31.5 7.653 24.3
Msambweni MSB_11 11 25 2.563 10.3
MSB_33 33 31.5 1.43 4.5
Mtito Andei MTITO ANDEI_11 11 25 0.823 3.3
MTITO ANDEI_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
MTITO ANDEI_3.3 3.3 25 9.777 39.1
Mtwapo MTW_11 11 25 0.557 2.2
MTW_33 33 31.5 2.862 9.1
Mwabungo MWA_11 11 25 3.498 14.0
MWA_33 33 31.5 2.854 9.1
Mwatate MWT_11 11 25 1.383 5.5
MWT_33 33 31.5 1.02 3.2
New Bamburi NEW BAMBURI_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
NEW BAMBURI_33 33 31.5 10.5 33.3
NEW BAMBURI_TX1_TERT_11 11 25 37.976 151.9
NEW BAMBURI_TX2_TERT_11 11 25 20.393 81.6
Nyali NYA_11 11 25 10.567 42.3
NYA_33 33 31.5 5.306 16.8
Pwani Oil PWA_33 33 31.5 1.816 5.8
Rabai RABAI_132 132 31.5 7.409 23.5
RABAI_220 220 31.5 31.755 100.8
RABAI_33 33 31.5 8.737 27.7
RABAI_TX1_TERT_11 11 25 13.875 55.5
RABAI_TX2_TERT_11 11 25 13.875 55.5
Ribe RIB_11 11 25 1.802 7.2
RIB_33 33 31.5 2.411 7.7
Shanzu SHA_11 11 25 8.405 33.6
SHA_33 33 31.5 3.849 12.2
Steel Makers Mazeras SMM_33 33 31.5 6.284 19.9
Tononoka TON_11 11 25 8.618 34.5
TON_33 33 31.5 6.569 20.9
Umoja Rubber UMO_33 33 31.5 2.184 6.9
Utange UTA_11 11 25 4.23 16.9
UTA_33 33 31.5 4.922 15.6
Voi VOI_11 11 25 1.881 7.5
VOI_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
VOI_33 33 31.5 3.154 10.0
Watamu WAT_11 11 25 1.644 6.6
WAT_33 33 31.5 0.71 2.3
(blank) (blank) (blank) (blank) #DIV/0!
Feeder Load Flow Analysis - Coast Region, 2013


Nominal Maximum Maximum Average Minimum Minimum

Bulk Supply Point Feeder Name Voltage (kV) Length (km) Loading (A) Loading (%) Loading (%) Voltage (kV) Voltage (%)
OUT OF SERVICE #N/A 29.9 0 0 0.00 0 0.00
Bushiri Horo Horo 33 2.7 0 0.07 0.00 33 100.00
Galu Diani 33 15.4 159 39.12 35.75 33.649 101.97
Msambweni 33 19.0 57 20.37 10.76 33.887 102.69
Garsen Hq 33 7.2 1 0.17 0.23 33.836 102.53
Itsowe 33 5.6 2 0.72 0.40 33.831 102.52
Malindi 33 129.6 20 6.4 2.45 33.234 100.71
Horo Horo Lunga Lunga 33 67.0 22 7.92 1.73 32.799 99.39
Kilifi Baricho 33 96.8 10 2.95 1.00 33.604 101.83
Jaribuni 33 20.3 23 8.09 3.54 33.53 101.61
Malindi 1 33 56.2 47 16.71 11.73 31.949 96.81
Malindi 2 33 59.8 4 0.87 0.43 33.71 102.15
North Coast 33 88.5 76 17.7 4.03 33.038 100.12
Kipevu Bamburi 1 33 8.6 399 81.98 53.92 32.857 99.57
Bamburi 2 33 12.0 5 1.24 0.75 33.754 102.29
Bamburi 3 33 14.1 192 25.99 11.03 33.32 100.97
KPR 1 33 3.0 143 42.62 42.69 33.44 101.33
KPR 2 33 3.0 149 44.57 44.48 33.44 101.33
KPR 3 33 3.0 180 41.92 41.86 33.44 101.33
Mbaraki 1 33 1.4 427 57.67 57.70 33.521 101.58
Mbaraki 2 33 1.4 428 57.88 57.84 33.521 101.58
KPR Miritini 33 5.8 209 62.33 61.27 32.439 98.30
Makande Mbaraki 1 33 3.7 299 69.51 69.53 32.827 99.48
Mbaraki 2 33 3.7 302 70.24 70.23 32.827 99.48
Malindi Garsen 33 104.2 29 10.49 3.22 32.961 99.88
Kakoeni 33 18.1 1 0.36 0.28 33.706 102.14
Malindi 1 33 19.0 159 32.72 32.65 32.079 97.21
Malindi 2 33 52.5 8 2.91 1.04 33.585 101.77
Mbaraki South Coast 33 6.7 56 13.08 12.76 32.718 99.15
Miritini Kusco 33 0.6 125 44.59 43.17 32.369 98.09
New Bamburi Bamburi 1 33 43.1 191 44.31 13.16 32.472 98.40
Bamburi 2 33 5.4 140 32.46 31.61 33.438 101.33
Bamburi 3 33 5.1 147 34.2 33.70 33.438 101.33
Kinagoni 33 26.1 7 2.32 1.02 33.822 102.49
Shanzu 33 6.6 83 19.26 17.77 33.577 101.75
Rabai Athi River 33 18.1 36 12.24 7.41 33.272 100.83
Bamba Ganze 33 128.4 57 13.22 3.27 32.811 99.43
Miritini 33 14.9 227 52.85 39.17 32.438 98.30
Voi Loitoktok 33 244.5 58 20.84 8.84 29.477 89.32
(blank) OUT OF SERVICE #N/A 4.3 0 0 0.00
Transformer Load Flow Analysis - Coast Region, 2013


Nominal Capacity
Substation Element Name Voltage (kV) (MVA) Loading (%)
Diani DIA_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 67.27
Galu 132/33 GALU_132_33_TX1 132/33 23 87.35
Garsen GARSEN_220_33_TX1 220/33 23 0
Gede GED_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 11.54
Kanamai KAN_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 26.74
Kikambala KLA_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 26.64
KLA_33_11_TX2 33/11 2.5 26.64
Kilifi KILIFI TRANS_132_33_TX1 132/33 23 30.01
KILIFI TRANS_132_33_TX2 132/33 23 30.01
KILIFI TRANS_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 62.71
Kilifi Plantation KFP_33_11_TX1 33/11 0.63 54.93
Kipevu KIP_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 20.02
KIP_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 20.02
KIPEVU_132_33_11_TX1 132/33 60 83.71
KIPEVU_132_33_11_TX3 132/33 60 83.71
KIPEVU_132_33_TX2 132/33 30 84.38
Kokotoni 132/11 KOKOTONI_132_11_TX1 132/11 23 33.71
KPR KPR_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 102.42
KPR_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 102.42
Kuruwitu KRT_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 23.03
Likoni LIK_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 42.48
LIK_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 42.48
Loitoktok LTK_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 28.23
Makande MAK_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 64.18
Malindi MAL_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 59.03
MAL_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 59.03
Malindi 220/33 MALINDI_220_33_TX1 220/33 23 0
Mariakani MKI_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 34.24
Mariakani 132/11 MARIAKANI_132_11_TX1 132/11 23 27.46
MARIAKANI_132_11_TX2 132/11 23 27.46
Maungu MAUNGU_132_3.3_TX1 132/3.3 0 77.67
MAUNGU_3.3_11_TX1 3.3/11 0 21.78
Mbaraki MBA_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 60.54
MBA_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 60.54
Miritini MTN_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 50.63
Msambweni MSB_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 17.6
Mtito Andei MTITO ANDEI_132_3.3_TX1 132/3.3 0 100.35
MTITO ANDEI_3.3_11_TX1 3.3/11 0 66.11
Mtwapo MTW_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 7.89
Mwabungo MWA_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 26.44
Mwatate MWT_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 34.8
New Bamburi NEW BAMBURI_132_33_TX1 132/33 45 50.1
NEW BAMBURI_132_33_TX2 132/33 23 50.1
Nyali NYA_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 55.77
NYA_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 55.77

Nominal Capacity
Substation Element Name Voltage (kV) (MVA) Loading (%)
Rabai RABAI_132_33_TX1 132/33 23 40.74
RABAI_132_33_TX2 132/33 23 40.74
RABAI_220_132_TX1 220/138.6 90 10.45
RABAI_220_132_TX2 220/138.6 90 10.45
Ribe RIB_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 79.03
Shanzu SHA_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 14.4
SHA_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 14.4
Tononoka TON_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 45.44
Utange UTA_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 62.16
Voi VOI_132_33_TX1 132/33 15 43.63
VOI_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 119.47
Watamu WAT_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 17.34
Load Flow Analysis Substation Loads - Coast Region, 2013


Substation Element Name P (MW) Q (MVAr) S (MVA)

BPCC BPCC_LOAD 14.940 7.236 16.600
Diani DIA_LOAD 13.500 6.538 15.000
Gede GED_LOAD 0.770 0.373 0.856
Horo Horo HHR_LOAD 0.279 0.135 0.310
Kanamai KAN_LOAD 1.782 0.863 1.980
Kikambala KLA_LOAD 1.186 0.574 1.318
Kilifi KILIFI TRANS_LOAD 4.131 2.001 4.590
Kilifi Plantation KFP_LOAD 0.306 0.148 0.340
Kipevu KSL_LOAD 8.181 3.962 9.090
Kokotoni 132/11 KOKOTONI_LOAD 6.750 3.269 7.500
KPR KPR_LOAD 13.302 6.442 14.780
Kuruwitu KRT_LOAD 0.513 0.248 0.570
KUSCO KUSCO_LOAD 6.300 3.051 7.000
Likoni LIK_LOAD 5.634 2.728 6.260
Loitoktok LTK_LOAD 0.628 0.304 0.698
Makande MAK_LOAD 12.908 6.251 14.342
Malindi MAL_LOAD 8.460 4.097 9.400
Mariakani MKI_LOAD 2.276 1.102 2.529
Mariakani 132/11 MARIAKANI_LOAD 11.070 5.361 12.300
Maungu MAUNGU_LOAD 0.234 0.113 0.260
MAUNGU_3.3_LOAD 3.141 1.521 3.490
Mbaraki MBA_LOAD 24.383 11.809 27.092
Miritini MTN_LOAD 10.233 4.956 11.370
Msambweni MSB_LOAD 1.174 0.569 1.305
Mtito Andei MTITO ANDEI_LOAD 0.702 0.340 0.780
MTITO ANDEI_3.3_LOAD 3.609 1.748 4.010
Mtwapo MTW_LOAD 0.176 0.085 0.195
Mwabungo MWA_LOAD 1.761 0.853 1.957
Mwatate MWT_LOAD 0.773 0.375 0.859
Nyali NYA_LOAD 22.509 10.902 25.010
Pwani Oil PWA_LOAD 0.000 0.000 0.000
Ribe RIB_LOAD 1.736 0.841 1.929
Shanzu SHA_LOAD 5.888 2.852 6.542
Steel Makers Mazeras SMM_LOAD 4.140 2.005 4.600
Tononoka TON_LOAD 9.207 4.459 10.230
Umoja Rubber UMO_LOAD 0.000 0.000 0.000
Utange UTA_LOAD 4.095 1.983 4.550
Voi VOI_LOAD 2.592 1.255 2.880
Watamu WAT_LOAD 1.157 0.560 1.285
Grand Total 210.426 101.909 233.805
Load Flow Network Infeeds - Coast Region, 2013


Substation Pgen (MW) Qgen (MVAr)

Galu 132/33 16.899 10.865
Garsen 1.318 0.055
Horo Horo 1.5 0.465
Kilifi 12.659 5.51
Kipevu 108.314 63.886
Kokotoni 132/11 6.75 3.813
Malindi 220/33 10.993 3.785
Mariakani 132/11 11.07 6.082
Maungu 3.375 1.921
Mtito Andei 4.311 2.567
New Bamburi 29.766 16.576
Rabai 17.742 6.246
Voi 6.014 2.579
Grand Total 230.711 124.35
IEC60909 Short Circuit Results (3 Phase) - Coast Region, 2013


Nominal Switchgear
Substation Fault location Voltage (kV) Rating (kA) Ik" (kA) % of Rating
Baricho BAR_33 33 31.5 0.667 2.1
BPCC BPCC_33 33 31.5 7.191 22.8
Diani DIA_11 11 25 5.585 22.3
DIA_33 33 31.5 2.981 9.5
Galu 132/33 GALU_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
GALU_33 33 31.5 3.765 12.0
Garsen GARSEN_220 220 31.5 31.5 100.0
GARSEN_33 33 31.5 3.717 11.8
Gede GED_11 11 25 1.758 7.0
GED_33 33 31.5 0.773 2.5
Horo Horo HHR_33 33 31.5 31.5 100.0
Jaribuni JAR_33 33 31.5 1.795 5.7
Kanamai KAN_11 11 25 3.167 12.7
KAN_33 33 31.5 2.191 7.0
Kikambala KLA_11 11 25 2.799 11.2
KLA_33 33 31.5 2.195 7.0
Kilifi KILIFI TRANS_11 11 25 4.633 18.5
KILIFI TRANS_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
KILIFI TRANS_33 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
Kilifi Plantation KFP_11 11 25 0.749 3.0
KFP_33 33 31.5 4.401 14.0
Kipevu KIP_11 11 25 20.454 81.8
KIPEVU HILLTOP_132 132 31.5 31.887 101.2
KIPEVU HILLTOP_33 33 31.5 22.054 70.0
KIPEVU_TX1_TERT_11 11 25 14.444 57.8
KIPEVU_TX3_TERT_11 11 25 14.444 57.8
KSL_33 33 31.5 21.916 69.6
Kisauni KSN_33 33 31.5 6.081 19.3
Kokotoni 132/11 KOKOTONI_11 11 25 5.944 23.8
KOKOTONI_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
KPR KPR_11 11 25 9.535 38.1
KPR_33 33 31.5 16.679 52.9
Kuruwitu KRT_11 11 25 1.546 6.2
KRT_33 33 31.5 1.423 4.5
KUSCO MKU_33 33 31.5 6.914 21.9
Likoni LIK_11 11 25 8.128 32.5
LIK_33 33 31.5 8.498 27.0
Loitoktok LTK_11 11 25 0.489 2.0
LTK_33 33 31.5 0.194 0.6
Makande MAK_11 11 25 11.609 46.4
MAK_33 33 31.5 17.892 56.8
Malindi MAL_11 11 25 3.626 14.5
MAL_33 33 31.5 1.676 5.3
MAL1_33 33 31.5 1.676 5.3
Malindi 220/33 MALINDI_220 220 31.5 31.5 100.0
MALINDI_33 33 31.5 3.717 11.8
Mariakani MKI_11 11 25 3.444 13.8
MKI_33 33 31.5 2.656 8.4
Mariakani 132/11 MARIAKANI_11 11 25 11.704 46.8
MARIAKANI_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0

Nominal Switchgear
Substation Fault location Voltage (kV) Rating (kA) Ik" (kA) % of Rating
Maungu MAUNGU_11 11 25 0.823 3.3
MAUNGU_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
MAUNGU_3.3 3.3 25 9.777 39.1
Mbaraki MBA_11 11 25 15.875 63.5
MBA_33 33 31.5 11.202 35.6
Miritini MTN_11 11 25 9.242 37.0
MTN_33 33 31.5 7.653 24.3
Msambweni MSB_11 11 25 2.563 10.3
MSB_33 33 31.5 1.43 4.5
Mtito Andei MTITO ANDEI_11 11 25 0.823 3.3
MTITO ANDEI_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
MTITO ANDEI_3.3 3.3 25 9.777 39.1
Mtwapo MTW_11 11 25 0.557 2.2
MTW_33 33 31.5 2.862 9.1
Mwabungo MWA_11 11 25 3.498 14.0
MWA_33 33 31.5 2.854 9.1
Mwatate MWT_11 11 25 1.383 5.5
MWT_33 33 31.5 1.02 3.2
New Bamburi NEW BAMBURI_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
NEW BAMBURI_33 33 31.5 10.5 33.3
NEW BAMBURI_TX1_TERT_11 11 25 37.976 151.9
NEW BAMBURI_TX2_TERT_11 11 25 20.393 81.6
Nyali NYA_11 11 25 11.369 45.5
NYA_33 33 31.5 6.054 19.2
Pwani Oil PWA_33 33 31.5 1.816 5.8
Rabai RABAI_132 132 31.5 7.409 23.5
RABAI_220 220 31.5 31.755 100.8
RABAI_33 33 31.5 8.737 27.7
RABAI_TX1_TERT_11 11 25 13.875 55.5
RABAI_TX2_TERT_11 11 25 13.875 55.5
Ribe RIB_11 11 25 1.802 7.2
RIB_33 33 31.5 2.411 7.7
Shanzu SHA_11 11 25 8.405 33.6
SHA_33 33 31.5 3.849 12.2
Steel Makers Mazeras SMM_33 33 31.5 6.284 19.9
Tononoka TON_11 11 25 9.039 36.2
TON_33 33 31.5 7.624 24.2
Umoja Rubber UMO_33 33 31.5 2.184 6.9
Utange UTA_11 11 25 4.23 16.9
UTA_33 33 31.5 4.922 15.6
Voi VOI_11 11 25 1.881 7.5
VOI_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
VOI_33 33 31.5 3.154 10.0
Watamu WAT_11 11 25 1.644 6.6
WAT_33 33 31.5 0.71 2.3
(blank) (blank) (blank) (blank) #DIV/0!
Feeder Load Flow Analysis - Coast Region, 2014

Nominal Maximum Maximum Average Minimum Minimum
Bulk Supply Point Feeder Name Voltage (kV) Length (km) Loading (A) Loading (%) Loading (%) Voltage (kV) Voltage (%)
OUT OF SERVICE #N/A 35.4 0 0 0.00 0 0.00
Bushiri Horo Horo 33 2.7 0 0.07 0.00 33 100.00
Galu Diani 33 15.4 154 31.61 31.56 34.081 103.28
Msambweni 33 19.0 66 23.57 12.46 34.178 103.57
Garsen Hq 33 7.2 1 0.2 0.23 33.833 102.52
Itsowe 33 5.6 2 0.85 0.59 33.827 102.51
Malindi 33 129.6 23 7.38 2.85 33.144 100.44
Horo Horo Lunga Lunga 33 67.0 25 8.81 1.85 32.779 99.33
Kilifi Baricho 33 96.8 11 3.36 1.17 34.135 103.44
Jaribuni 33 20.3 25 9.09 3.93 34.059 103.21
Malindi 1 33 56.2 54 19.18 13.53 32.227 97.66
Malindi 2 33 59.8 4 0.89 0.43 34.258 103.81
North Coast 33 88.5 86 20.02 4.58 33.512 101.55
Kipevu Bamburi 1 33 8.6 391 80.36 52.84 32.603 98.80
Bamburi 2 33 12.0 6 1.42 0.88 33.466 101.41
Bamburi 3 33 14.1 224 30.29 12.88 32.957 99.87
KPR 1 33 3.0 166 49.68 49.55 33.096 100.29
KPR 2 33 3.0 174 51.96 51.94 33.096 100.29
KPR 3 33 3.0 210 48.86 48.84 33.096 100.29
Mbaraki 1 33 1.4 499 67.44 67.43 33.19 100.58
Mbaraki 2 33 1.4 501 67.68 67.70 33.19 100.58
KPR Miritini 33 11.5 135 32.76 30.00 32.57 98.70
Makande Mbaraki 1 33 3.7 350 81.37 81.40 32.375 98.11
Mbaraki 2 33 3.7 354 82.24 82.33 32.375 98.11
Malindi Garsen 33 104.2 34 12.18 3.78 32.673 99.01
Kakoeni 33 18.1 1 0.37 0.33 33.524 101.59
Malindi 1 33 19.0 190 38.98 38.91 31.539 95.57
Malindi 2 33 52.5 9 3.37 1.24 33.385 101.17
Mbaraki South Coast 33 6.7 66 15.29 14.89 32.247 97.72
Miritini Kusco 33 0.6 124 44.41 42.83 32.502 98.49
New Bamburi Bamburi 1 33 43.1 223 51.78 15.40 32.015 97.02
Bamburi 2 33 5.4 140 32.67 31.71 33.222 100.67
Bamburi 3 33 5.1 148 34.43 33.93 33.222 100.67
Kinagoni 33 26.1 8 2.68 1.23 33.6 101.82
Mishomoroni 33 5.2 97 34.53 34.64 33.178 100.54
Shanzu 33 6.6 78 18.18 16.69 33.383 101.16
Rabai Athi River 33 18.1 41 14.28 8.59 33.257 100.78
Bamba Ganze 33 128.4 66 15.39 3.74 32.739 99.21
Miritini 33 14.9 234 54.44 40.85 32.571 98.70
Taveta Loitoktok 33 88.4 28 9.86 6.99 31.89 96.64
Mataa 33 13.2 1 0.4 0.22 33.469 101.42
Taveta Town 33 11.4 9 3.25 1.41 33.437 101.32
Voi Loitoktok 33 132.9 27 9.56 2.29 33.202 100.61
Transformer Load Flow Analysis - Coast Region, 2014

Nominal Capacity
Substation Element Name Voltage (kV) (MVA) Loading (%)
Diani DIA_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 78.91
Galu 132/33 GALU_132_33_TX1 132/33 23 103.03
Garsen GARSEN_220_33_TX1 220/33 23 0
Gede GED_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 13.41
Kanamai KAN_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 31.06
Kikambala KLA_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 30.97
KLA_33_11_TX2 33/11 2.5 30.97
Kilifi KILIFI TRANS_132_33_TX1 132/33 23 34.79
KILIFI TRANS_132_33_TX2 132/33 23 34.79
KILIFI TRANS_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 72.89
Kilifi Plantation KFP_33_11_TX1 33/11 0.63 64.72
Kipevu KIP_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 23.05
KIP_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 23.05
KIPEVU_132_33_11_TX1 132/33 60 94.65
KIPEVU_132_33_11_TX3 132/33 60 94.65
KIPEVU_132_33_TX2 132/33 30 95.42
Kokotoni 132/11 KOKOTONI_132_11_TX1 132/11 23 33.71
KPR KPR_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 118.47
KPR_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 118.47
Kuruwitu KRT_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 26.69
Likoni LIK_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 48.94
LIK_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 48.94
Loitoktok LTK_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 31.88
Makande MAK_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 74.1
Malindi MAL_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 69.14
MAL_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 69.14
Malindi 220/33 MALINDI_220_33_TX1 220/33 23 0
Mariakani MKI_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 40.04
Mariakani 132/11 MARIAKANI_132_11_TX1 132/11 23 27.46
MARIAKANI_132_11_TX2 132/11 23 27.46
Maungu MAUNGU_132_3.3_TX1 132/3.3 5 78.77
MAUNGU_3.3_11_TX1 3.3/11 1.2 26.01
Mbaraki MBA_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 69.89
MBA_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 69.89
Miritini MTN_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 58.38
Mishomoroni MIS_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 74.08
Msambweni MSB_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 20.55
Mtito Andei MTITO ANDEI_132_3.3_TX1 132/3.3 5 103.34
MTITO ANDEI_3.3_11_TX1 3.3/11 1.2 77.38
Mtwapo MTW_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 9.3
Mwabungo MWA_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 30.9
Mwatate MWT_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 40.54
New Bamburi NEW BAMBURI_132_33_TX1 132/33 45 61.33
NEW BAMBURI_132_33_TX2 132/33 23 61.33
Nyali NYA_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 54.26
Nominal Capacity
Substation Element Name Voltage (kV) (MVA) Loading (%)
Nyali NYA_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 54.26
Rabai RABAI_132_33_TX1 132/33 23 43.41
RABAI_132_33_TX2 132/33 23 43.41
RABAI_220_132_TX1 220/138.6 90 11.13
RABAI_220_132_TX2 220/138.6 90 11.13
Ribe RIB_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 92.15
Shanzu SHA_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 16.56
SHA_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 16.56
Taveta TAVETA_132_33_TX1 132/33 23 9.49
Tononoka TON_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 52.45
Utange UTA_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 57.95
Voi VOI_132_33_TX1 132/33 15 33.59
VOI_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 139.67
Watamu WAT_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 20.11
Load Flow Analysis Substation Loads - Coast Region, 2014


Substation Element Name P (MW) Q (MVAr) S (MVA)

BPCC BPCC_LOAD 14.940 7.236 16.600
Diani DIA_LOAD 15.768 7.637 17.520
Gede GED_LOAD 0.895 0.433 0.994
Horo Horo HHR_LOAD 0.324 0.157 0.360
Kanamai KAN_LOAD 2.066 1.001 2.296
Kikambala KLA_LOAD 1.378 0.667 1.531
Kilifi KILIFI TRANS_LOAD 4.788 2.319 5.320
Kilifi Plantation KFP_LOAD 0.360 0.174 0.400
Kipevu KSL_LOAD 9.414 4.559 10.460
Kokotoni 132/11 KOKOTONI_LOAD 6.750 3.269 7.500
KPR KPR_LOAD 15.300 7.410 17.000
Kuruwitu KRT_LOAD 0.594 0.288 0.660
KUSCO KUSCO_LOAD 6.300 3.051 7.000
Likoni LIK_LOAD 6.477 3.137 7.197
Loitoktok LTK_LOAD 0.709 0.343 0.788
Makande MAK_LOAD 14.844 7.189 16.493
Malindi MAL_LOAD 9.819 4.756 10.910
Mariakani MKI_LOAD 2.658 1.287 2.953
Mariakani 132/11 MARIAKANI_LOAD 11.070 5.361 12.300
Maungu MAUNGU_LOAD 0.279 0.135 0.310
MAUNGU_3.3_LOAD 3.141 1.521 3.490
Mbaraki MBA_LOAD 28.042 13.581 31.158
Miritini MTN_LOAD 11.763 5.697 13.070
Mishomoroni MIS_LOAD 4.860 2.354 5.400
Msambweni MSB_LOAD 1.371 0.664 1.523
Mtito Andei MTITO ANDEI_LOAD 0.819 0.397 0.910
MTITO ANDEI_3.3_LOAD 3.609 1.748 4.010
Mtwapo MTW_LOAD 0.207 0.100 0.230
Mwabungo MWA_LOAD 2.057 0.996 2.285
Mwatate MWT_LOAD 0.899 0.436 0.999
Nyali NYA_LOAD 21.906 10.610 24.340
Pwani Oil PWA_LOAD 0.000 0.000 0.000
Ribe RIB_LOAD 2.016 0.976 2.240
Shanzu SHA_LOAD 6.769 3.278 7.521
Steel Makers Mazeras SMM_LOAD 4.140 2.005 4.600
Tononoka TON_LOAD 10.593 5.130 11.770
Umoja Rubber UMO_LOAD 0.000 0.000 0.000
Utange UTA_LOAD 3.825 1.853 4.250
Voi VOI_LOAD 3.015 1.460 3.350
Watamu WAT_LOAD 1.342 0.650 1.491
Grand Total 235.107 113.865 261.229
Load Flow Network Infeeds - Coast Region, 2014


Substation Pgen (MW) Qgen (MVAr)

Galu 132/33 19.691 13.185
Garsen 1.535 0.073
Horo Horo 1.69 0.498
Kilifi 14.705 6.309
Kipevu 120.275 75.86
Kokotoni 132/11 6.75 3.813
Malindi 220/33 12.844 4.984
Mariakani 132/11 11.07 6.082
Maungu 3.42 1.953
Mtito Andei 4.428 2.663
New Bamburi 36.109 20.863
Rabai 19.177 5.81
Taveta 2.114 0.543
Voi 4.577 2.107
Grand Total 258.385 144.743
IEC60909 Short Circuit Results (3 Phase) - Coast Region, 2014

Nominal Switchgear
Substation Fault location Voltage (kV) Rating (kA) Ik" (kA) % of Rating
Baricho BAR_33 33 31.5 0.667 2.1
BPCC BPCC_33 33 31.5 7.191 22.8
Diani DIA_33 33 31.5 3.052 9.7
DIA_11 11 25 5.661 22.6
Galu 132/33 GALU_33 33 31.5 3.765 12.0
GALU_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
Garsen GARSEN_220 220 31.5 31.5 100.0
GARSEN_33 33 31.5 3.717 11.8
Gede GED_33 33 31.5 0.773 2.5
GED_11 11 25 1.758 7.0
Horo Horo HHR_33 33 31.5 31.5 100.0
Jaribuni JAR_33 33 31.5 1.795 5.7
Kanamai KAN_33 33 31.5 2.191 7.0
KAN_11 11 25 3.167 12.7
Kikambala KLA_33 33 31.5 2.195 7.0
KLA_11 11 25 2.799 11.2
Kilifi KILIFI TRANS_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
KILIFI TRANS_33 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
KILIFI TRANS_11 11 25 4.633 18.5
Kilifi Plantation KFP_33 33 31.5 4.401 14.0
KFP_11 11 25 0.749 3.0
Kipevu KIPEVU_TX1_TERT_11 11 25 14.468 57.9
KIPEVU_TX3_TERT_11 11 25 14.468 57.9
KIP_11 11 25 20.534 82.1
KSL_33 33 31.5 22.194 70.5
KIPEVU HILLTOP_33 33 31.5 22.336 70.9
KIPEVU HILLTOP_132 132 31.5 31.948 101.4
Kisauni KSN_33 33 31.5 6.1 19.4
Kokotoni 132/11 KOKOTONI_11 11 25 5.944 23.8
KOKOTONI_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
KPR KPR_33 33 31.5 16.982 53.9
KPR_11 11 25 9.566 38.3
Kuruwitu KRT_33 33 31.5 1.423 4.5
KRT_11 11 25 1.546 6.2
KUSCO MKU_33 33 31.5 9.267 29.4
Likoni LIK_33 33 31.5 8.536 27.1
LIK_11 11 25 8.141 32.6
Loitoktok LTK_33 33 31.5 0.444 1.4
LTK_11 11 25 0.906 3.6
Makande MAK_11 11 25 11.635 46.5
MAK_33 33 31.5 18.076 57.4
Malindi MAL1_33 33 31.5 1.676 5.3
MAL_33 33 31.5 1.676 5.3
MAL_11 11 25 3.626 14.5
Malindi 220/33 MALINDI_220 220 31.5 31.5 100.0
MALINDI_33 33 31.5 3.717 11.8
Mariakani MKI_11 11 25 3.463 13.9
MKI_33 33 31.5 2.688 8.5
Mariakani 132/11 MARIAKANI_11 11 25 11.704 46.8
MARIAKANI_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
Maungu MAUNGU_11 11 25 0.823 3.3
Nominal Switchgear
Substation Fault location Voltage (kV) Rating (kA) Ik" (kA) % of Rating
Maungu MAUNGU_3.3 3.3 25 9.777 39.1
MAUNGU_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
Mbaraki MBA_33 33 31.5 11.271 35.8
MBA_11 11 25 15.922 63.7
Miritini MTN_33 33 31.5 10.595 33.6
MTN_11 11 25 10.258 41.0
Mishomoroni MIS_11 11 25 4.222 16.9
MIS_33 33 31.5 4.626 14.7
Msambweni MSB_33 33 31.5 1.43 4.5
MSB_11 11 25 2.563 10.3
Mtito Andei MTITO ANDEI_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
MTITO ANDEI_3.3 3.3 25 9.777 39.1
MTITO ANDEI_11 11 25 0.823 3.3
Mtwapo MTW_33 33 31.5 2.862 9.1
MTW_11 11 25 0.557 2.2
Mwabungo MWA_33 33 31.5 2.854 9.1
MWA_11 11 25 3.498 14.0
Mwatate MWT_33 33 31.5 1.02 3.2
MWT_11 11 25 1.383 5.5
New Bamburi NEW BAMBURI_TX2_TERT_11 11 25 20.393 81.6
NEW BAMBURI_33 33 31.5 10.5 33.3
NEW BAMBURI_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
NEW BAMBURI_TX1_TERT_11 11 25 37.976 151.9
Nyali NYA_33 33 31.5 6.074 19.3
NYA_11 11 25 11.393 45.6
Pwani Oil PWA_33 33 31.5 1.816 5.8
Rabai RABAI_TX2_TERT_11 11 25 13.947 55.8
RABAI_TX1_TERT_11 11 25 13.947 55.8
RABAI_33 33 31.5 9.137 29.0
RABAI_132 132 31.5 7.476 23.7
RABAI_220 220 31.5 31.795 100.9
Ribe RIB_33 33 31.5 2.437 7.7
RIB_11 11 25 1.808 7.2
Shanzu SHA_33 33 31.5 3.849 12.2
SHA_11 11 25 8.405 33.6
Steel Makers Mazeras SMM_33 33 31.5 6.89 21.9
Taveta TAVETA_33 33 31.5 3.765 12.0
TAVETA_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
Tononoka TON_33 33 31.5 7.656 24.3
TON_11 11 25 9.055 36.2
Umoja Rubber UMO_33 33 31.5 2.184 6.9
Utange UTA_33 33 31.5 4.922 15.6
UTA_11 11 25 4.23 16.9
Voi VOI_11 11 25 1.881 7.5
VOI_33 33 31.5 3.154 10.0
VOI_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
Watamu WAT_33 33 31.5 0.71 2.3
WAT_11 11 25 1.644 6.6
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Feeder Load Flow Analysis - Coast Region, 2015

Nominal Maximum Maximum Average Minimum Minimum
Bulk Supply Point Feeder Name Voltage (kV) Length (km) Loading (A) Loading (%) Loading (%) Voltage (kV) Voltage (%)
OUT OF SERVICE #N/A 75.1 0 0 0.00 0 0.00
Bushiri Horo Horo 33 2.7 0 0.07 0.00 33 100.00
Galu Diani 33 15.4 168 34.58 34.46 32.969 99.91
Kwale 33 26.0 23 7.06 7.05 33.108 100.33
Msambweni 33 19.0 85 30.31 15.98 32.847 99.54
Garsen Hq 33 7.2 1 0.23 0.23 33.827 102.51
Itsowe 33 5.6 3 1.01 0.67 33.821 102.49
Malindi 33 129.6 28 8.99 3.46 32.995 99.99
Horo Horo Lunga Lunga 33 67.0 28 10.06 2.10 32.751 99.24
Kilifi Baricho 33 96.8 14 4.1 1.38 33.985 102.98
Jaribuni 33 20.3 31 11.01 4.76 33.908 102.75
Malindi 1 33 56.2 67 23.83 16.83 31.603 95.77
Malindi 2 33 59.8 4 0.9 0.43 34.146 103.47
North Coast 33 88.5 105 24.42 5.62 33.249 100.75
Kipevu Bamburi 1 33 8.6 252 51.65 34.06 33.396 101.20
Bamburi 2 33 12.0 7 1.68 1.04 33.636 101.93
Bamburi 3 33 14.1 330 44.53 18.79 32.883 99.65
KPR 1 33 3.0 168 50.15 50.15 33.265 100.80
KPR 2 33 3.0 176 52.45 52.54 33.265 100.80
KPR 3 33 3.0 212 49.32 49.30 33.266 100.80
Mbaraki 1 33 2.8 176 23.74 23.72 33.56 101.70
Port Reitz 33 2.0 137 48.79 48.93 33.412 101.25
KPR Miritini 33 11.5 181 43.93 40.16 32.592 98.76
Likoni Kizingo 33 13.0 153 25.48 20.96 33.472 101.43
Mtongwe 33 4.1 41 14.58 14.64 33.711 102.16
Malindi Garsen 33 104.2 41 14.72 4.54 32.788 99.36
Kakoeni 33 18.1 1 0.39 0.33 33.794 102.41
Malindi 1 33 19.0 236 48.37 48.36 31.279 94.78
Malindi 2 33 52.5 11 4.07 1.47 33.63 101.91
Mbaraki South Coast 33 12.6 274 56.17 50.76 32.993 99.98
Miritini Kusco 33 0.6 124 44.38 42.83 32.523 98.55
New Bamburi Bamburi 1 33 43.1 273 63.49 18.94 31.646 95.90
Bamburi 2 33 5.5 268 62.39 38.85 33.115 100.35
Bamburi 3 33 5.1 292 67.96 66.51 32.797 99.38
Kinagoni 33 26.1 10 3.23 1.49 33.601 101.82
Mishomoroni 33 5.2 95 33.78 33.75 33.205 100.62
Shanzu 33 6.6 95 22.1 20.30 33.334 101.01
Rabai Athi River 33 18.1 50 17.37 10.48 33.038 100.11
Bamba Ganze 33 128.4 82 19.08 4.53 32.41 98.21
Miritini 33 14.9 184 42.68 29.01 32.591 98.76
Taveta Loitoktok 33 88.4 33 11.8 8.30 31.578 95.69
Mataa 33 13.2 1 0.48 0.31 33.453 101.37
Taveta Town 33 11.4 11 3.94 1.68 33.416 101.26
Voi Loitoktok 33 132.9 31 10.98 2.55 32.947 99.84
Wundanyi 33 27.6 24 7.37 7.37 32.957 99.87
Transformer Load Flow Analysis - Coast Region, 2015

Nominal Capacity
Substation Element Name Voltage (kV) (MVA) Loading (%)
Bamburi BAM_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 66.92
Diani DIA_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 83.51
Galu 132/33 GALU_132_33_TX1 132/33 23 36.93
GALU_132_33_TX2 132/33 45 39.22
Garsen GARSEN_220_33_TX1 220/33 23 0
Gede GED_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 16.38
Kanamai KAN_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 37.98
Kikambala KLA_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 37.91
KLA_33_11_TX2 33/11 2.5 37.91
Kilifi KILIFI TRANS_132_33_TX1 132/33 23 42.76
KILIFI TRANS_132_33_TX2 132/33 23 42.76
KILIFI TRANS_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 89.62
Kilifi Plantation KFP_33_11_TX1 33/11 0.63 79.63
Kipevu KIP_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 27.94
KIP_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 27.94
KIPEVU_132_33_11_TX1 132/33 60 60.22
KIPEVU_132_33_11_TX2_NEW 132/33 60 60.22
KIPEVU_132_33_11_TX3 132/33 60 60.22
KIPEVU_132_33_TX2 132/33 30 0
Kizingo BOF_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 38.55
BOF_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 38.55
Kokotoni 132/11 KOKOTONI_132_11_TX1 132/11 23 33.71
KPR KPR_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 40.72
KPR_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 50
Kuruwitu KRT_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 32.8
Kwale KWA_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 51.69
Likoni LIK_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 46.04
LIK_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 46.04
Likoni 132/33 LIKONI_132_33_TX1 132/33 60 44.09
LIKONI_132_33_TX2 132/33 60 44.09
Loitoktok LTK_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 12.52
Makande MAK_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 44.32
MAK_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 44.32
Malindi MAL_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 45.18
MAL_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 40.95
Malindi 220/33 MALINDI_220_33_TX1 220/33 23 0
MALINDI_220_33_TX2 220/33 23 0
Mariakani MKI_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 49.72
Mariakani 132/11 MARIAKANI_132_11_TX1 132/11 23 27.46
MARIAKANI_132_11_TX2 132/11 23 27.46
Maungu MAUNGU_132_3.3_TX1 132/3.3 5 80.31
MAUNGU_3.3_11_TX1 3.3/11 1.2 31.96
Mbaraki MBA_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 51.62
MBA_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 51.62
Miritini MTN_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 71.06
Nominal Capacity
Substation Element Name Voltage (kV) (MVA) Loading (%)
Mishomoroni MIS_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 72.52
Msambweni MSB_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 25.46
Mtito Andei MTITO ANDEI_132_3.3_TX1 132/3.3 5 108.22
MTITO ANDEI_3.3_11_TX1 3.3/11 1.2 95.7
Mtongwe MTO_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 31.79
Mtwapo MTW_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 11.42
Mwabungo MWA_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 38.33
Mwatate MWT_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 14.53
New Bamburi NEW BAMBURI_132_33_TX1 132/33 45 92.93
NEW BAMBURI_132_33_TX2 132/33 23 92.93
Nyali NYA_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 34.9
NYA_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 34.9
Port Reitz PORT_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 34.38
Rabai RABAI_132_33_TX1 132/33 23 40.29
RABAI_132_33_TX2 132/33 23 40.29
RABAI_220_132_TX1 220/138.6 90 10.34
RABAI_220_132_TX2 220/138.6 90 10.34
Ribe RIB_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 37.1
Shanzu SHA_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 20.05
SHA_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 20.05
Taveta TAVETA_132_33_TX1 132/33 23 11.42
Tononoka TON_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 38.92
TON_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 38.92
Utange UTA_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 70.4
Voi VOI_132_33_TX1 132/33 15 49.17
VOI_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 56.17
Watamu WAT_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 24.57
Wundanyi WUN_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 53.71
Load Flow Analysis Substation Loads - Coast Region, 2015


Substation Element Name P (MW) Q (MVAr) S (MVA)

Bamburi BAM_LOAD 13.446 6.512 14.940
BPCC BPCC_LOAD 14.940 7.236 16.600
Diani DIA_LOAD 18.360 8.892 20.400
Gede GED_LOAD 1.093 0.529 1.214
Horo Horo HHR_LOAD 0.405 0.196 0.450
Kanamai KAN_LOAD 2.522 1.222 2.802
Kikambala KLA_LOAD 1.683 0.815 1.870
Kilifi KILIFI TRANS_LOAD 5.850 2.833 6.500
Kilifi Plantation KFP_LOAD 0.441 0.214 0.490
Kipevu KSL_LOAD 11.394 5.518 12.660
Kizingo BOF_LOAD 15.660 7.584 17.400
Kokotoni 132/11 KOKOTONI_LOAD 6.750 3.269 7.500
KPR KPR_LOAD 11.574 5.606 12.860
Kuruwitu KRT_LOAD 0.729 0.353 0.810
KUSCO KUSCO_LOAD 6.300 3.051 7.000
Kwale KWA_LOAD 1.143 0.554 1.270
Likoni LIK_LOAD 6.100 2.954 6.778
Loitoktok LTK_LOAD 0.835 0.404 0.928
Makande MAK_LOAD 17.961 8.699 19.957
Malindi MAL_LOAD 8.991 4.355 9.990
MAL2_LOAD 2.997 1.452 3.330
Mariakani MKI_LOAD 3.289 1.593 3.654
Mariakani 132/11 MARIAKANI_LOAD 11.070 5.361 12.300
Maungu MAUNGU_3.3_LOAD 3.141 1.521 3.490
MAUNGU_LOAD 0.342 0.166 0.380
Mbaraki MBA_LOAD 20.857 10.102 23.175
Miritini MTN_LOAD 14.238 6.896 15.820
Mishomoroni MIS_LOAD 4.761 2.306 5.290
Msambweni MSB_LOAD 1.697 0.822 1.886
Mtito Andei MTITO ANDEI_3.3_LOAD 3.609 1.748 4.010
MTITO ANDEI_LOAD 1.008 0.488 1.120
Mtongwe MTO_LOAD 2.115 1.024 2.350
Mtwapo MTW_LOAD 0.254 0.123 0.282
Mwabungo MWA_LOAD 2.545 1.233 2.828
Mwatate MWT_LOAD 0.969 0.469 1.077
Nyali NYA_LOAD 14.193 6.874 15.770
Port Reitz POR_LOAD 6.939 3.361 7.710
Pwani Oil PWA_LOAD 0.000 0.000 0.000
Ribe RIB_LOAD 2.464 1.193 2.738
Shanzu SHA_LOAD 8.193 3.968 9.103
Steel Makers Mazeras SMM_LOAD 4.140 2.005 4.600
Tononoka TON_LOAD 15.804 7.654 17.560
Umoja Rubber UMO_LOAD 0.000 0.000 0.000
Utange UTA_LOAD 4.626 2.240 5.140
Voi VOI_LOAD 3.708 1.796 4.120

Substation Element Name P (MW) Q (MVAr) S (MVA)

Watamu WAT_LOAD 1.638 0.793 1.820
Wundanyi WUN_LOAD 1.188 0.575 1.320
Grand Total 281.962 136.559 313.290
Load Flow Network Infeeds - Coast Region, 2015


Substation Pgen (MW) Qgen (MVAr)

Galu 132/33 24.364 9.479
Garsen 1.873 0.106
Horo Horo 1.972 0.554
Kilifi 18.035 7.854
Kipevu 96.367 49.647
Kokotoni 132/11 6.75 3.813
Likoni 132/33 45.689 26.668
Malindi 220/33 15.83 6.183
Mariakani 132/11 11.07 6.082
Maungu 3.483 1.998
Mtito Andei 4.617 2.821
New Bamburi 53.355 33.856
Rabai 17.147 7.243
Taveta 2.547 0.637
Voi 6.705 3.074
Grand Total 309.804 160.015
IEC60909 Short Circuit Results (3 Phase) - Coast Region, 2015

Nominal Switchgear
Substation Fault location Voltage (kV) Rating (kA) Ik" (kA) % of Rating
Bamburi BAM_11 11 25 8.447 33.8
BAM_33 33 31.5 6.487 20.6
Baricho BAR_33 33 31.5 0.667 2.1
BPCC BPCC_33 33 31.5 5.455 17.3
Diani DIA_11 11 25 8.394 33.6
DIA_33 33 31.5 6.372 20.2
Galu 132/33 GALU_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
GALU_33 33 31.5 10.883 34.5
Garsen GARSEN_220 220 31.5 31.5 100.0
GARSEN_33 33 31.5 3.717 11.8
Gede GED_11 11 25 1.758 7.0
GED_33 33 31.5 0.773 2.5
Horo Horo HHR_33 33 31.5 31.5 100.0
Jaribuni JAR_33 33 31.5 1.795 5.7
Kanamai KAN_11 11 25 3.167 12.7
KAN_33 33 31.5 2.191 7.0
Kikambala KLA_11 11 25 2.799 11.2
KLA_33 33 31.5 2.195 7.0
Kilifi KILIFI TRANS_11 11 25 4.633 18.5
KILIFI TRANS_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
KILIFI TRANS_33 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
Kilifi Plantation KFP_11 11 25 0.749 3.0
KFP_33 33 31.5 4.401 14.0
Kipevu KIP_11 11 25 21.374 85.5
KIPEVU HILLTOP_132 132 31.5 31.952 101.4
KIPEVU HILLTOP_33 33 31.5 25.621 81.3
KIPEVU_TX1_TERT_11 11 25 14.687 58.7
KIPEVU_TX2_TERT_11 11 25 14.687 58.7
KIPEVU_TX3_TERT_11 11 25 14.687 58.7
KSL_33 33 31.5 25.435 80.7
Kisauni KSN_33 33 31.5 6.304 20.0
Kizingo BOF_11 11 25 14.632 58.5
BOF_33 33 31.5 9.592 30.5
Kokotoni 132/11 KOKOTONI_11 11 25 5.944 23.8
KOKOTONI_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
KPR KPR_11 11 25 15.155 60.6
KPR_33 33 31.5 18.599 59.0
Kuruwitu KRT_11 11 25 1.546 6.2
KRT_33 33 31.5 1.423 4.5
KUSCO MKU_33 33 31.5 9.574 30.4
Kwale KWA_11 11 25 1.573 6.3
KWA_33 33 31.5 1.304 4.1
Likoni LIK_11 11 25 8.861 35.4
LIK_33 33 31.5 11.95 37.9
Likoni 132/33 LIKONI_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
LIKONI_132_33_TX1_TERT 11 25 13.913 55.7
LIKONI_132_33_TX2_TERT 11 25 13.913 55.7
LIKONI_33 33 31.5 16.842 53.5
Loitoktok LTK_11 11 25 1.13 4.5
LTK_33 33 31.5 0.444 1.4
Makande MAK_11 11 25 19.895 79.6
Nominal Switchgear
Substation Fault location Voltage (kV) Rating (kA) Ik" (kA) % of Rating
Makande MAK_33 33 31.5 20.164 64.0
Malindi MAL_11 11 25 4.504 18.0
MAL_33 33 31.5 2.106 6.7
MAL1_33 33 31.5 2.106 6.7
MAL2_11 11 25 3.217 12.9
Malindi 220/33 MALINDI_220 220 31.5 31.5 100.0
MALINDI_33 33 31.5 7.305 23.2
Mariakani MKI_11 11 25 3.465 13.9
MKI_33 33 31.5 2.689 8.5
Mariakani 132/11 MARIAKANI_11 11 25 11.704 46.8
MARIAKANI_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
Maungu MAUNGU_11 11 25 0.823 3.3
MAUNGU_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
MAUNGU_3.3 3.3 25 9.777 39.1
Mbaraki MBA_11 11 25 14.239 57.0
MBA_33 33 31.5 8.982 28.5
Miritini MTN_11 11 25 10.398 41.6
MTN_33 33 31.5 11.012 35.0
Mishomoroni MIS_11 11 25 4.222 16.9
MIS_33 33 31.5 4.626 14.7
Msambweni MSB_11 11 25 2.969 11.9
MSB_33 33 31.5 1.777 5.6
Mtito Andei MTITO ANDEI_11 11 25 0.823 3.3
MTITO ANDEI_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
MTITO ANDEI_3.3 3.3 25 9.777 39.1
Mtongwe MTO_11 11 25 4.608 18.4
MTO_33 33 31.5 6.391 20.3
Mtwapo MTW_11 11 25 0.557 2.2
MTW_33 33 31.5 2.862 9.1
Mwabungo MWA_11 11 25 4.372 17.5
MWA_33 33 31.5 5.329 16.9
Mwatate MWT_11 11 25 2.085 8.3
MWT_33 33 31.5 1.02 3.2
New Bamburi NEW BAMBURI_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
NEW BAMBURI_33 33 31.5 10.5 33.3
NEW BAMBURI_TX1_TERT_11 11 25 37.976 151.9
NEW BAMBURI_TX2_TERT_11 11 25 20.393 81.6
Nyali NYA_11 11 25 11.643 46.6
NYA_33 33 31.5 6.285 20.0
Port Reitz POR_11 11 25 7.723 30.9
POR_33 33 31.5 11.625 36.9
Pwani Oil PWA_33 33 31.5 1.816 5.8
Rabai RABAI_132 132 31.5 7.481 23.7
RABAI_220 220 31.5 31.798 100.9
RABAI_33 33 31.5 9.163 29.1
RABAI_TX1_TERT_11 11 25 13.952 55.8
RABAI_TX2_TERT_11 11 25 13.952 55.8
Ribe RIB_11 11 25 3.331 13.3
RIB_33 33 31.5 2.438 7.7
Shanzu SHA_11 11 25 8.405 33.6
SHA_33 33 31.5 3.849 12.2
Steel Makers Mazeras SMM_33 33 31.5 6.944 22.0
Taveta TAVETA_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
TAVETA_33 33 31.5 3.765 12.0
Nominal Switchgear
Substation Fault location Voltage (kV) Rating (kA) Ik" (kA) % of Rating
Tononoka TON_11 11 25 13.344 53.4
TON_33 33 31.5 8 25.4
Umoja Rubber UMO_33 33 31.5 2.184 6.9
Utange UTA_11 11 25 4.23 16.9
UTA_33 33 31.5 4.922 15.6
Voi VOI_11 11 25 3.625 14.5
VOI_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
VOI_33 33 31.5 3.154 10.0
Watamu WAT_11 11 25 1.644 6.6
WAT_33 33 31.5 0.71 2.3
Wundanyi WUN_11 11 25 1.391 5.6
WUN_33 33 31.5 1.023 3.2
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Feeder Load Flow Analysis - Coast Region, 2016

Nominal Maximum Maximum Average Minimum Minimum
Bulk Supply Point Feeder Name Voltage (kV) Length (km) Loading (A) Loading (%) Loading (%) Voltage (kV) Voltage (%)
OUT OF SERVICE #N/A 40.6 0 0 0.00 0 0.00
Bushiri Horo Horo 33 2.7 0 0.07 0.00 33 100.00
Galu Diani 33 15.4 150 30.78 30.70 32.966 99.90
Galu 33 0.5 138 27.69 27.60 33.532 101.61
Kwale 33 26.0 26 8.24 8.15 32.901 99.70
Msambweni 33 19.0 80 28.61 17.11 32.678 99.02
Garsen Hq 33 7.2 1 0.27 0.23 33.821 102.49
Itsowe 33 5.6 3 1.2 0.67 33.815 102.47
Malindi 33 129.6 33 10.34 4.00 32.867 99.60
Horo Horo Lunga Lunga 33 67.0 31 11.22 2.38 32.725 99.17
Kilifi Baricho 33 96.8 16 4.73 1.60 33.874 102.65
Jaribuni 33 20.3 35 12.64 5.43 33.797 102.41
Malindi 1 33 56.2 78 27.84 19.78 31.08 94.18
Malindi 2 33 59.8 4 0.91 0.47 34.067 103.23
North Coast 33 88.5 121 28.16 6.50 33.04 100.12
Kipevu Bamburi 1 33 8.6 286 58.68 38.65 33.089 100.27
Bamburi 2 33 12.0 8 1.92 1.17 33.49 101.48
Bamburi 3 33 14.1 380 51.41 21.69 32.616 98.84
KPR 1 33 3.0 176 52.47 52.54 33.112 100.34
KPR 2 33 3.0 184 54.88 54.93 33.112 100.34
KPR 3 33 3.0 222 51.61 51.63 33.113 100.34
Mbaraki 1 33 2.8 201 27.18 27.09 33.403 101.22
Port Reitz 33 2.0 158 56.32 56.43 33.23 100.70
KPR Miritini 33 11.5 177 42.83 39.11 32.471 98.40
Likoni Kizingo 33 13.0 176 29.41 24.21 33.257 100.78
Likoni 33 12.6 316 64.94 58.66 32.701 99.09
Mtongwe 33 4.1 47 16.8 16.79 33.536 101.62
Malindi Garsen 33 104.3 122 43.54 10.06 31.074 94.16
Kakoeni 33 18.1 1 0.41 0.33 33.696 102.11
Malindi 1 33 19.0 198 40.58 40.55 31.636 95.87
Malindi 2 33 52.5 13 4.69 1.71 33.507 101.54
Miritini Kusco 33 0.6 125 44.55 43.17 32.402 98.19
New Bamburi Bamburi 1 33 43.1 312 72.61 21.68 31.648 95.90
Bamburi 2 33 5.5 307 71.27 44.36 33.328 100.99
Bamburi 3 33 5.1 290 67.34 65.88 33.102 100.31
Kinagoni 33 26.1 11 3.67 1.62 33.887 102.69
Mishomoroni 33 5.2 106 37.95 37.86 33.444 101.35
Shanzu 33 6.6 108 25.16 23.11 33.582 101.76
Rabai Athi River 33 21.1 57 13.28 10.82 33.356 101.08
Bamba Ganze 33 128.4 94 21.88 5.11 32.613 98.83
Miritini 33 14.9 228 53.08 38.42 32.471 98.40
Taveta Loitoktok 33 88.4 38 13.46 9.46 31.303 94.86
Mataa 33 13.2 2 0.54 0.34 33.437 101.32
Taveta Town 33 11.4 13 4.52 1.92 33.396 101.20
Voi Loitoktok 33 132.9 36 12.79 2.90 32.717 99.14
Wundanyi 33 27.6 27 8.5 8.31 32.753 99.25
Transformer Load Flow Analysis - Coast Region, 2016

Nominal Capacity
Substation Element Name Voltage (kV) (MVA) Loading (%)
Bamburi BAM_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 76.94
Diani DIA_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 37.16
DIA_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 37.16
Galu GAL_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 34.96
Galu 132/33 GALU_132_33_TX1 132/33 23 45.07
GALU_132_33_TX2 132/33 45 47.86
Garsen GARSEN_220_33_TX1 220/33 23 0
Gede GED_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 18.85
Kaloleni KAL_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 21.25
Kanamai KAN_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 21.78
KAN_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 21.78
Kikambala KLA_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 43.69
KLA_33_11_TX2 33/11 2.5 43.69
Kilifi KILIFI TRANS_132_33_TX1 132/33 23 49.29
KILIFI TRANS_132_33_TX2 132/33 23 49.29
KILIFI TRANS_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 50.89
KILIFI TRANS_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 50.89
Kilifi Plantation KFP_33_11_TX1 33/11 0.63 91.23
Kipevu KIP_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 32.01
KIP_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 32.01
KIPEVU_132_33_11_TX1 132/33 60 67.86
KIPEVU_132_33_11_TX2_NEW 132/33 60 67.86
KIPEVU_132_33_11_TX3 132/33 60 67.86
KIPEVU_132_33_TX2 132/33 30 0
Kizingo BOF_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 44.2
BOF_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 44.2
Kokotoni 132/11 KOKOTONI_132_11_TX1 132/11 23 33.71
KPR KPR_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 32.53
KPR_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 32.53
Kuruwitu KRT_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 38.12
Kwale KWA_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 59.93
Likoni LIK_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 21.26
LIK_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 39.98
Likoni 132/33 LIKONI_132_33_TX1 132/33 60 50.93
LIKONI_132_33_TX2 132/33 60 50.93
Loitoktok LTK_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 14.11
Makande MAK_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 33.66
MAK_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 33.66
MAK_33_11_TX3 33/11 23 33.66
Malindi MAL_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 38.59
MAL_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 34.72
Malindi 220/33 MALINDI_220_33_TX1 220/33 23 0
MALINDI_220_33_TX2 220/33 23 0
Mariakani MKI_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 57.72
Mariakani 132/11 MARIAKANI_132_11_TX1 132/11 23 27.46
Nominal Capacity
Substation Element Name Voltage (kV) (MVA) Loading (%)
Mariakani 132/11 MARIAKANI_132_11_TX2 132/11 23 27.46
Maungu MAUNGU_132_3.3_TX1 132/3.3 5 81.63
MAUNGU_3.3_11_TX1 3.3/11 1.2 37.05
Mbaraki MBA_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 59.22
MBA_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 59.22
Miritini MTN_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 40.1
MTN_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 40.1
Mishomoroni MIS_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 41.03
MIS_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 41.03
Msambweni MSB_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 29.52
Mtito Andei MTITO ANDEI_132_3.3_TX1 132/3.3 5 112.24
MTITO ANDEI_3.3_11_TX1 3.3/11 1.2 110.71
Mtongwe MTO_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 36.44
Mtwapo MTW_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 13.07
Mwabungo MWA_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 15.08
MWA_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 15.08
Mwatate MWT_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 16.75
New Bamburi NEW BAMBURI_132_33_TX1 132/33 45 77.06
NEW BAMBURI_132_33_TX2 132/33 45 77.06
Nyali NYA_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 39.97
NYA_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 39.97
Port Reitz PORT_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 39.46
Rabai RABAI_132_33_TX1 132/33 23 49.22
RABAI_132_33_TX2 132/33 23 49.22
RABAI_220_132_TX1 220/138.6 90 12.65
RABAI_220_132_TX2 220/138.6 90 12.65
Ribe RIB_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 21.25
Sabaki SAB_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 53.51
Shanzu SHA_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 22.94
SHA_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 22.94
Taveta TAVETA_132_33_TX1 132/33 23 13.05
Tononoka TON_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 44.59
TON_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 44.59
Utange UTA_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 80.81
Voi VOI_132_33_TX1 132/33 15 57.15
VOI_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 64.97
Watamu WAT_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 28.33
Wundanyi WUN_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 30.77
WUN_33_11_TX2 33/11 2.5 30.77
Load Flow Analysis Substation Loads - Coast Region, 2016


Substation Element Name P (MW) Q (MVAr) S (MVA)

Bamburi BAM_LOAD 15.381 7.449 17.090
BPCC BPCC_LOAD 14.940 7.236 16.600
Diani DIA_LOAD 16.614 8.047 18.460
Galu GAL_LOAD 7.110 3.444 7.900
Gede GED_LOAD 1.258 0.609 1.398
Horo Horo HHR_LOAD 0.468 0.227 0.520
Kaloleni KAL_LOAD 1.418 0.686 1.575
Kanamai KAN_LOAD 2.905 1.407 3.228
Kikambala KLA_LOAD 1.937 0.938 2.152
Kilifi KILIFI TRANS_LOAD 6.732 3.260 7.480
Kilifi Plantation KFP_LOAD 0.504 0.244 0.560
Kipevu KSL_LOAD 13.032 6.312 14.480
Kizingo BOF_LOAD 17.910 8.674 19.900
Kokotoni 132/11 KOKOTONI_LOAD 6.750 3.269 7.500
KPR KPR_LOAD 13.239 6.412 14.710
Kuruwitu KRT_LOAD 0.846 0.410 0.940
KUSCO KUSCO_LOAD 6.300 3.051 7.000
Kwale KWA_LOAD 1.323 0.641 1.470
Likoni LIK_LOAD 6.972 3.376 7.746
Loitoktok LTK_LOAD 0.941 0.456 1.046
Makande MAK_LOAD 20.548 9.952 22.831
Malindi MAL_LOAD 7.704 3.731 8.560
MAL2_LOAD 2.565 1.242 2.850
Mariakani MKI_LOAD 3.809 1.845 4.232
Mariakani 132/11 MARIAKANI_LOAD 11.070 5.361 12.300
Maungu MAUNGU_3.3_LOAD 3.141 1.521 3.490
MAUNGU_LOAD 0.396 0.192 0.440
Mbaraki MBA_LOAD 23.860 11.556 26.511
Miritini MTN_LOAD 16.281 7.885 18.090
Mishomoroni MIS_LOAD 5.445 2.637 6.050
Msambweni MSB_LOAD 1.965 0.952 2.183
Mtito Andei MTITO ANDEI_3.3_LOAD 3.609 1.748 4.010
MTITO ANDEI_LOAD 1.161 0.562 1.290
Mtongwe MTO_LOAD 2.421 1.173 2.690
Mtwapo MTW_LOAD 0.290 0.140 0.322
Mwabungo MWA_LOAD 2.013 0.975 2.237
Mwatate MWT_LOAD 1.118 0.541 1.242
Nyali NYA_LOAD 16.227 7.859 18.030
Port Reitz POR_LOAD 7.938 3.845 8.820
Pwani Oil PWA_LOAD 0.000 0.000 0.000
Ribe RIB_LOAD 1.418 0.686 1.575
Sabaki SAB_LOAD 3.537 1.713 3.930
Shanzu SHA_LOAD 9.369 4.537 10.410
Steel Makers Mazeras SMM_LOAD 4.140 2.005 4.600
Tononoka TON_LOAD 18.072 8.753 20.080

Substation Element Name P (MW) Q (MVAr) S (MVA)

Umoja Rubber UMO_LOAD 0.000 0.000 0.000
Utange UTA_LOAD 5.292 2.563 5.880
Voi VOI_LOAD 4.275 2.070 4.750
Watamu WAT_LOAD 1.887 0.914 2.097
Wundanyi WUN_LOAD 1.368 0.663 1.520
Grand Total 317.499 153.769 352.775
Load Flow Network Infeeds - Coast Region, 2016


Substation Pgen (MW) Qgen (MVAr)

Galu 132/33 29.635 11.818
Garsen 2.173 0.14
Horo Horo 2.221 0.603
Kilifi 20.826 8.967
Kipevu 108.217 56.662
Kokotoni 132/11 6.75 3.813
Likoni 132/33 52.383 31.489
Malindi 220/33 18.211 7.457
Mariakani 132/11 11.07 6.082
Maungu 3.537 2.037
Mtito Andei 4.77 2.956
New Bamburi 58.995 36.469
Rabai 20.319 10.292
Taveta 2.911 0.73
Voi 7.738 3.688
Grand Total 349.756 183.203
IEC60909 Short Circuit Results (3 Phase) - Coast Region, 2016

Nominal Switchgear
Substation Fault location Voltage (kV) Rating (kA) Ik" (kA) % of Rating
Bamburi BAM_11 11 25 8.982 35.9
BAM_33 33 31.5 7.489 23.8
Baricho BAR_33 33 31.5 0.667 2.1
BPCC BPCC_33 33 31.5 6.133 19.5
Diani DIA_11 11 25 11.685 46.7
DIA_33 33 31.5 6.372 20.2
Galu GAL_11 11 25 10.117 40.5
GAL_33 33 31.5 10.655 33.8
Galu 132/33 GALU_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
GALU_33 33 31.5 10.883 34.5
Garsen GARSEN_220 220 31.5 31.5 100.0
GARSEN_33 33 31.5 3.717 11.8
Gede GED_11 11 25 1.758 7.0
GED_33 33 31.5 0.773 2.5
Horo Horo HHR_33 33 31.5 31.5 100.0
Jaribuni JAR_33 33 31.5 1.795 5.7
Kaloleni KAL_11 11 25 3.225 12.9
KAL_33 33 31.5 2.24 7.1
Kanamai KAN_11 11 25 4.424 17.7
KAN_33 33 31.5 2.286 7.3
Kikambala KLA_11 11 25 2.854 11.4
KLA_33 33 31.5 2.29 7.3
Kilifi KILIFI TRANS_11 11 25 7.651 30.6
KILIFI TRANS_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
KILIFI TRANS_33 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
Kilifi Plantation KFP_11 11 25 0.749 3.0
KFP_33 33 31.5 4.401 14.0
Kipevu KIP_11 11 25 21.374 85.5
KIPEVU HILLTOP_132 132 31.5 31.952 101.4
KIPEVU HILLTOP_33 33 31.5 25.621 81.3
KIPEVU_TX1_TERT_11 11 25 14.687 58.7
KIPEVU_TX2_TERT_11 11 25 14.687 58.7
KIPEVU_TX3_TERT_11 11 25 14.687 58.7
KSL_33 33 31.5 25.435 80.7
Kisauni KSN_33 33 31.5 6.304 20.0
Kizingo BOF_11 11 25 14.632 58.5
BOF_33 33 31.5 9.592 30.5
Kokotoni 132/11 KOKOTONI_11 11 25 5.944 23.8
KOKOTONI_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
KPR KPR_11 11 25 19.453 77.8
KPR_33 33 31.5 18.599 59.0
Kuruwitu KRT_11 11 25 1.546 6.2
KRT_33 33 31.5 1.423 4.5
KUSCO MKU_33 33 31.5 9.574 30.4
Kwale KWA_11 11 25 1.573 6.3
KWA_33 33 31.5 1.304 4.1
Likoni LIK_11 11 25 10.861 43.4
LIK_33 33 31.5 11.95 37.9
Likoni 132/33 LIKONI_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
LIKONI_132_33_TX1_TERT 11 25 13.913 55.7
LIKONI_132_33_TX2_TERT 11 25 13.913 55.7
Nominal Switchgear
Substation Fault location Voltage (kV) Rating (kA) Ik" (kA) % of Rating
Likoni 132/33 LIKONI_33 33 31.5 16.842 53.5
Loitoktok LTK_11 11 25 1.13 4.5
LTK_33 33 31.5 0.444 1.4
Makande MAK_11 11 25 25.634 102.5
MAK_33 33 31.5 20.164 64.0
Malindi MAL_11 11 25 4.504 18.0
MAL_33 33 31.5 2.106 6.7
MAL1_33 33 31.5 2.106 6.7
MAL2_11 11 25 3.217 12.9
Malindi 220/33 MALINDI_220 220 31.5 31.5 100.0
MALINDI_33 33 31.5 7.305 23.2
Mariakani MKI_11 11 25 3.465 13.9
MKI_33 33 31.5 2.689 8.5
Mariakani 132/11 MARIAKANI_11 11 25 11.704 46.8
MARIAKANI_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
Maungu MAUNGU_11 11 25 0.823 3.3
MAUNGU_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
MAUNGU_3.3 3.3 25 9.777 39.1
Mbaraki MBA_11 11 25 14.239 57.0
MBA_33 33 31.5 8.982 28.5
Miritini MTN_11 11 25 15.927 63.7
MTN_33 33 31.5 11.012 35.0
Mishomoroni MIS_11 11 25 6.844 27.4
MIS_33 33 31.5 5.047 16.0
Msambweni MSB_11 11 25 2.969 11.9
MSB_33 33 31.5 1.777 5.6
Mtito Andei MTITO ANDEI_11 11 25 0.823 3.3
MTITO ANDEI_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
MTITO ANDEI_3.3 3.3 25 9.777 39.1
Mtongwe MTO_11 11 25 4.608 18.4
MTO_33 33 31.5 6.391 20.3
Mtwapo MTW_11 11 25 0.559 2.2
MTW_33 33 31.5 3.029 9.6
Mwabungo MWA_11 11 25 6.925 27.7
MWA_33 33 31.5 5.329 16.9
Mwatate MWT_11 11 25 2.085 8.3
MWT_33 33 31.5 1.02 3.2
New Bamburi NEW BAMBURI_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
NEW BAMBURI_33 33 31.5 13.533 43.0
NEW BAMBURI_TX1_TERT_11 11 25 38.086 152.3
NEW BAMBURI_TX2_TERT_11 11 25 38.086 152.3
Nyali NYA_11 11 25 11.643 46.6
NYA_33 33 31.5 6.285 20.0
Port Reitz POR_11 11 25 7.723 30.9
POR_33 33 31.5 11.625 36.9
Pwani Oil PWA_33 33 31.5 1.878 6.0
Rabai RABAI_132 132 31.5 7.481 23.7
RABAI_220 220 31.5 31.798 100.9
RABAI_33 33 31.5 9.163 29.1
RABAI_TX1_TERT_11 11 25 13.952 55.8
RABAI_TX2_TERT_11 11 25 13.952 55.8
Ribe RIB_11 11 25 3.331 13.3
RIB_33 33 31.5 2.438 7.7
Sabaki SAB_11 11 25 2.622 10.5
SAB_33 33 31.5 1.49 4.7
Nominal Switchgear
Substation Fault location Voltage (kV) Rating (kA) Ik" (kA) % of Rating
Shanzu SHA_11 11 25 8.914 35.7
SHA_33 33 31.5 4.163 13.2
Steel Makers Mazeras SMM_33 33 31.5 6.944 22.0
Taveta TAVETA_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
TAVETA_33 33 31.5 3.765 12.0
Tononoka TON_11 11 25 13.344 53.4
TON_33 33 31.5 8 25.4
Umoja Rubber UMO_33 33 31.5 2.277 7.2
Utange UTA_11 11 25 4.359 17.4
UTA_33 33 31.5 5.462 17.3
Voi VOI_11 11 25 3.625 14.5
VOI_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
VOI_33 33 31.5 3.154 10.0
Watamu WAT_11 11 25 1.644 6.6
WAT_33 33 31.5 0.71 2.3
Wundanyi WUN_11 11 25 1.938 7.8
WUN_33 33 31.5 1.023 3.2
(blank) (blank) (blank) (blank) #DIV/0!
Feeder Load Flow Analysis - Coast Region, 2017

Nominal Maximum Maximum Average Minimum Minimum
Bulk Supply Point Feeder Name Voltage (kV) Length (km) Loading (A) Loading (%) Loading (%) Voltage (kV) Voltage (%)
OUT OF SERVICE #N/A 40.8 0 0 0.00 0 0.00
Bushiri Horo Horo 33 2.7 0 0 0.00 0 0.00
Galu Diani 33 15.4 174 35.83 35.69 32.934 99.80
Galu 33 0.5 160 31.92 31.90 33.614 101.86
Kwale 33 26.0 30 9.51 9.40 32.883 99.65
Msambweni 33 36.0 69 24.58 6.26 33.049 100.15
Garsen Hq 33 7.2 1 0.32 0.23 33.814 102.47
Itsowe 33 5.6 4 1.41 0.94 33.806 102.44
Malindi 33 129.6 38 11.89 4.62 32.719 99.15
Kilifi Baricho 33 96.8 18 5.44 1.84 33.729 102.21
Jaribuni 33 20.3 41 14.51 6.34 33.65 101.97
Malindi 1 33 56.2 91 32.5 23.14 30.462 92.31
Malindi 2 33 61.1 38 11.86 1.84 33.715 102.17
North Coast 33 88.5 139 32.37 7.45 32.786 99.35
Kipevu Bamburi 1 33 8.6 323 66.27 43.65 33.28 100.85
Bamburi 2 33 12.0 9 2.16 1.33 33.835 102.53
Bamburi 3 33 14.1 432 58.37 24.63 32.837 99.51
KPR 1 33 3.0 211 63.04 62.99 33.367 101.11
KPR 2 33 3.0 221 65.93 65.97 33.367 101.11
KPR 3 33 3.0 267 62 61.98 33.367 101.11
Mbaraki 1 33 2.8 228 30.74 30.71 33.735 102.23
Port Reitz 33 2.0 176 63.01 62.86 33.545 101.65
KPR Miritini 33 11.5 223 53.98 49.41 32.533 98.58
Likoni Kizingo 33 13.0 199 33.19 27.28 33.687 102.08
Likoni 33 12.6 355 72.9 65.87 33.073 100.22
Mtongwe 33 4.1 53 18.94 18.93 34.004 103.04
Lunga Lunga Kidimu 33 25.0 60 12.26 12.22 32.913 99.74
Town 33 67.0 18 6.35 1.64 33.654 101.98
Malindi Garsen 33 104.3 142 50.79 11.75 30.499 92.42
Kakoeni 33 18.1 1 0.44 0.33 33.555 101.68
Malindi 1 33 19.0 232 47.64 47.64 31.1 94.24
Malindi 2 33 52.5 15 5.4 1.99 33.34 101.03
Miritini Kusco 33 0.6 124 44.46 42.83 32.463 98.37
New Bamburi Bamburi 1 33 43.1 362 84.3 25.20 31.113 94.28
Bamburi 2 33 5.5 347 80.69 50.30 33.103 100.31
Bamburi 3 33 5.1 291 67.65 66.28 32.95 99.85
Kinagoni 33 26.1 13 4.21 1.94 33.725 102.20
Mishomoroni 33 5.2 122 43.65 43.57 33.215 100.65
Shanzu 33 6.6 123 28.56 26.28 33.384 101.16
Rabai Athi River 33 21.1 67 15.5 12.58 32.873 99.62
Bamba Ganze 33 128.5 108 25.19 5.49 32.161 97.46
Miritini 33 14.9 204 47.42 33.34 32.532 98.58
Taveta Loitoktok 33 88.4 41 14.74 10.35 32.29 97.85
Mataa 33 13.2 2 0.6 0.36 34.612 104.88
Taveta Town 33 11.4 14 5 2.10 34.567 104.75
Voi Loitoktok 33 132.9 41 14.64 3.28 32.898 99.69
Wundanyi 33 27.6 31 9.73 9.56 32.95 99.85
Transformer Load Flow Analysis - Coast Region, 2017

Nominal Capacity
Substation Element Name Voltage (kV) (MVA) Loading (%)
Bamburi BAM_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 43.26
BAM_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 43.26
Diani DIA_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 43.21
DIA_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 43.21
Galu GAL_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 40.39
Galu 132/33 GALU_132_33_TX1 132/33 45 39.64
GALU_132_33_TX2 132/33 45 39.64
Garsen GARSEN_220_33_TX1 220/33 23 0
Gede GED_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 21.63
Kaloleni KAL_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 24.45
Kanamai KAN_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 25.02
KAN_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 25.02
Kidimu KID_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 45.37
Kikambala KLA_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 50.23
KLA_33_11_TX2 33/11 2.5 50.23
Kilifi KILIFI TRANS_132_33_TX1 132/33 23 56.95
KILIFI TRANS_132_33_TX2 132/33 23 56.95
KILIFI TRANS_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 43.72
KILIFI TRANS_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 43.72
Kilifi Plantation KFP_33_11_TX1 33/11 0.63 51.68
KFP_33_11_TX2 33/11 0.63 51.68
Kipevu KIP_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 36.54
KIP_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 36.54
KIPEVU_132_33_11_TX1 132/33 60 79.71
KIPEVU_132_33_11_TX2_NEW 132/33 60 79.71
KIPEVU_132_33_11_TX3 132/33 60 79.71
KIPEVU_132_33_TX2 132/33 30 0
Kizingo BOF_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 50.53
BOF_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 50.53
Kokotoni KOK_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 15.87
Kokotoni 132/11 KOKOTONI_132_11_TX1 132/11 23 33.71
KPR KPR_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 37.16
KPR_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 37.16
Kuruwitu KRT_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 43.42
Kwale KWA_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 69.09
Likoni LIK_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 19.56
LIK_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 19.56
Likoni 132/33 LIKONI_132_33_TX1 132/33 60 58.33
LIKONI_132_33_TX2 132/33 60 58.33
Loitoktok LTK_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 7.96
LTK_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 7.96
Lunga Lunga LUNGALUNGA_132_33_TX1 132/33 23 23.67
Makande MAK_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 38.46
MAK_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 38.46
MAK_33_11_TX3 33/11 23 38.46
Nominal Capacity
Substation Element Name Voltage (kV) (MVA) Loading (%)
Malindi MAL_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 27.16
MAL_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 27.19
Malindi 220/33 MALINDI_220_33_TX1 220/33 23 0
MALINDI_220_33_TX2 220/33 23 0
Mariakani MKI_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 24.98
MKI_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 24.98
Mariakani 132/11 MARIAKANI_132_11_TX1 132/11 23 27.46
MARIAKANI_132_11_TX2 132/11 23 27.46
Maungu MAUNGU_132_3.3_TX1 132/3.3 5 82.96
MAUNGU_3.3_11_TX1 3.3/11 1.2 42.16
Mbaraki MBA_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 44.77
MBA_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 44.77
MBA_33_11_TX3 33/11 23 44.77
Miritini MTN_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 45.86
MTN_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 45.86
Mishomoroni MIS_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 46.87
MIS_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 46.87
Msambweni MSB_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 16.99
Mtito Andei MTITO ANDEI_132_3.3_TX1 132/3.3 5 117.05
MTITO ANDEI_3.3_11_TX1 3.3/11 1.2 128.55
Mtondia MTD_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 88.39
Mtongwe MTO_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 41.65
Mtwapo MTW_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 7.42
MTW_33_11_TX2 33/11 2.5 7.42
Mwabungo MWA_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 17.37
MWA_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 17.37
Mwatate MWT_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 19.28
New Bamburi NEW BAMBURI_132_33_TX1 132/33 45 85.53
NEW BAMBURI_132_33_TX2 132/33 45 85.53
Nyali NYA_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 45.69
NYA_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 45.69
Port Reitz POR_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 22.28
PORT_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 22.28
Rabai RABAI_132_33_TX1 132/33 23 48.21
RABAI_132_33_TX2 132/33 23 48.21
RABAI_220_132_TX1 220/138.6 90 12.38
RABAI_220_132_TX2 220/138.6 90 12.38
Ribe RIB_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 24.45
Sabaki SAB_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 61.58
Shanzu SHA_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 26.2
SHA_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 26.2
Taveta TAVETA_132_33_TX1 132/33 23 14.83
Tononoka TON_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 50.99
TON_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 50.99
Utange UTA_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 45.58
UTA_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 45.58
Voi VOI_132_33_TX1 132/33 15 32.55
VOI_132_33_TX2 132/33 15 32.55
VOI_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 37.04
VOI_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 37.04
Nominal Capacity
Substation Element Name Voltage (kV) (MVA) Loading (%)
Watamu WAT_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 16.23
WAT_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 16.23
Wundanyi WUN_33_11_TX1 33/11 2.5 35.44
WUN_33_11_TX2 33/11 2.5 35.44
Load Flow Analysis Substation Loads - Coast Region, 2017


Substation Element Name P (MW) Q (MVAr) S (MVA)

Bamburi BAM_LOAD 17.541 8.495 19.490
BPCC BPCC_LOAD 14.940 7.236 16.600
Diani DIA_LOAD 19.161 9.280 21.290
Galu GAL_LOAD 8.199 3.971 9.110
Gede GED_LOAD 1.443 0.699 1.603
Horo Horo HHR_LOAD 0.000 0.000 0.000
Kaloleni KAL_LOAD 1.630 0.789 1.811
Kanamai KAN_LOAD 3.335 1.615 3.705
Kidimu KID_LOAD 3.006 1.456 3.340
Kikambala KLA_LOAD 2.222 1.076 2.469
Kilifi KILIFI TRANS_LOAD 5.796 2.807 6.440
Kilifi Plantation KFP_LOAD 0.576 0.279 0.640
Kipevu KSL_LOAD 14.859 7.197 16.510
Kizingo BOF_LOAD 20.430 9.895 22.700
Kokotoni KOK_LOAD 1.059 0.513 1.177
Kokotoni 132/11 KOKOTONI_LOAD 6.750 3.269 7.500
KPR KPR_LOAD 15.102 7.314 16.780
Kuruwitu KRT_LOAD 0.963 0.466 1.070
KUSCO KUSCO_LOAD 6.300 3.051 7.000
Kwale KWA_LOAD 1.521 0.737 1.690
Likoni LIK_LOAD 7.955 3.853 8.839
Loitoktok LTK_LOAD 1.059 0.513 1.177
Makande MAK_LOAD 23.437 11.351 26.041
Malindi MAL_LOAD 8.838 4.280 9.820
MAL2_LOAD 2.943 1.425 3.270
Mariakani MKI_LOAD 3.329 1.613 3.699
Mariakani 132/11 MARIAKANI_LOAD 11.070 5.361 12.300
Maungu MAUNGU_3.3_LOAD 3.141 1.521 3.490
MAUNGU_LOAD 0.450 0.218 0.500
Mbaraki MBA_LOAD 27.216 13.181 30.240
Miritini MTN_LOAD 18.576 8.997 20.640
Mishomoroni MIS_LOAD 6.210 3.008 6.900
Msambweni MSB_LOAD 1.134 0.549 1.260
Mtito Andei MTITO ANDEI_3.3_LOAD 3.609 1.748 4.010
MTITO ANDEI_LOAD 1.341 0.649 1.490
Mtondia MTD_LOAD 1.935 0.937 2.150
Mtongwe MTO_LOAD 2.763 1.338 3.070
Mtwapo MTW_LOAD 0.331 0.161 0.368
Mwabungo MWA_LOAD 2.318 1.123 2.576
Mwatate MWT_LOAD 1.286 0.623 1.429
Nyali NYA_LOAD 18.513 8.966 20.570
Port Reitz POR_LOAD 9.054 4.385 10.060
Pwani Oil PWA_LOAD 0.000 0.000 0.000
Ribe RIB_LOAD 1.630 0.789 1.811
Sabaki SAB_LOAD 4.059 1.966 4.510

Substation Element Name P (MW) Q (MVAr) S (MVA)

Shanzu SHA_LOAD 10.689 5.177 11.877
Steel Makers Mazeras SMM_LOAD 4.140 2.005 4.600
Tononoka TON_LOAD 20.619 9.986 22.910
Umoja Rubber UMO_LOAD 0.000 0.000 0.000
Utange UTA_LOAD 6.039 2.925 6.710
Voi VOI_LOAD 4.923 2.384 5.470
Watamu WAT_LOAD 2.166 1.049 2.407
Wundanyi WUN_LOAD 1.575 0.763 1.750
Grand Total 357.181 172.989 396.867
Load Flow Network Infeeds - Coast Region, 2017


Substation Pgen (MW) Qgen (MVAr)

Galu 132/33 33.036 13.461
Garsen 2.516 0.185
Horo Horo 0 0
Kilifi 24.002 10.494
Kipevu 124.608 71.122
Kokotoni 132/11 6.75 3.813
Likoni 132/33 59.866 36.262
Lunga Lunga 5.032 2.079
Malindi 220/33 21.094 9.272
Mariakani 132/11 11.07 6.082
Maungu 3.591 2.076
Mtito Andei 4.95 3.123
New Bamburi 65.373 40.641
Rabai 20.83 7.902
Taveta 3.319 0.787
Voi 8.916 3.981
Grand Total 394.953 211.28
IEC60909 Short Circuit Results (3 Phase) - Coast Region, 2017

Nominal Switchgear
Substation Fault location Voltage (kV) Rating (kA) Ik" (kA) % of Rating
Bamburi BAM_11 11 25 12.859 51.4
BAM_33 33 31.5 7.489 23.8
Baricho BAR_33 33 31.5 0.667 2.1
BPCC BPCC_33 33 31.5 6.133 19.5
Diani DIA_11 11 25 12.743 51.0
DIA_33 33 31.5 7.345 23.3
Galu GAL_11 11 25 10.915 43.7
GAL_33 33 31.5 13.853 44.0
Galu 132/33 GALU_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
GALU_33 33 31.5 14.246 45.2
Garsen GARSEN_220 220 31.5 31.5 100.0
GARSEN_33 33 31.5 3.717 11.8
Gede GED_11 11 25 1.758 7.0
GED_33 33 31.5 0.773 2.5
Horo Horo HHR_33 33 31.5 31.5 100.0
Jaribuni JAR_33 33 31.5 1.795 5.7
Kaloleni KAL_11 11 25 3.225 12.9
KAL_33 33 31.5 2.24 7.1
Kanamai KAN_11 11 25 4.424 17.7
KAN_33 33 31.5 2.286 7.3
Kidimu KID_11 11 25 2.497 10.0
KID_33 33 31.5 1.416 4.5
Kikambala KLA_11 11 25 2.854 11.4
KLA_33 33 31.5 2.29 7.3
Kilifi KILIFI TRANS_11 11 25 7.651 30.6
KILIFI TRANS_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
KILIFI TRANS_33 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
Kilifi Plantation KFP_11 11 25 1.418 5.7
KFP_33 33 31.5 4.401 14.0
Kipevu KIP_11 11 25 21.374 85.5
KIPEVU HILLTOP_132 132 31.5 31.952 101.4
KIPEVU HILLTOP_33 33 31.5 25.621 81.3
KIPEVU_TX1_TERT_11 11 25 14.687 58.7
KIPEVU_TX2_TERT_11 11 25 14.687 58.7
KIPEVU_TX3_TERT_11 11 25 14.687 58.7
KSL_33 33 31.5 25.435 80.7
Kisauni KSN_33 33 31.5 6.304 20.0
Kizingo BOF_11 11 25 14.632 58.5
BOF_33 33 31.5 9.592 30.5
Kokotoni KOK_11 11 25 4.249 17.0
KOK_33 33 31.5 4.969 15.8
Kokotoni 132/11 KOKOTONI_11 11 25 5.944 23.8
KOKOTONI_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
KPR KPR_11 11 25 19.453 77.8
KPR_33 33 31.5 18.599 59.0
Kuruwitu KRT_11 11 25 1.546 6.2
KRT_33 33 31.5 1.423 4.5
KUSCO MKU_33 33 31.5 9.574 30.4
Kwale KWA_11 11 25 1.59 6.4
KWA_33 33 31.5 1.329 4.2
Likoni LIK_11 11 25 12.588 50.4
Nominal Switchgear
Substation Fault location Voltage (kV) Rating (kA) Ik" (kA) % of Rating
Likoni LIK_33 33 31.5 11.95 37.9
Likoni 132/33 LIKONI_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
LIKONI_132_33_TX1_TERT 11 25 13.913 55.7
LIKONI_132_33_TX2_TERT 11 25 13.913 55.7
LIKONI_33 33 31.5 16.842 53.5
Loitoktok LTK_11 11 25 1.226 4.9
LTK_33 33 31.5 0.444 1.4
Lunga Lunga LUNGALUNGA_132 132 0 31.5 #DIV/0!
LUNGALUNGA_33 33 31.5 3.765 12.0
Makande MAK_11 11 25 25.634 102.5
MAK_33 33 31.5 20.164 64.0
Malindi MAL_11 11 25 5.267 21.1
MAL_33 33 31.5 2.106 6.7
MAL1_33 33 31.5 2.106 6.7
MAL2_11 11 25 5.267 21.1
Malindi 220/33 MALINDI_220 220 31.5 31.5 100.0
MALINDI_33 33 31.5 7.305 23.2
Mariakani MKI_11 11 25 4.875 19.5
MKI_33 33 31.5 2.689 8.5
Mariakani 132/11 MARIAKANI_11 11 25 11.704 46.8
MARIAKANI_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
Maungu MAUNGU_11 11 25 0.823 3.3
MAUNGU_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
MAUNGU_3.3 3.3 25 9.777 39.1
Mbaraki MBA_11 11 25 16.918 67.7
MBA_33 33 31.5 8.982 28.5
Miritini MTN_11 11 25 15.927 63.7
MTN_33 33 31.5 11.012 35.0
Mishomoroni MIS_11 11 25 6.844 27.4
MIS_33 33 31.5 5.047 16.0
Msambweni MSB_11 11 25 3.028 12.1
MSB_33 33 31.5 1.828 5.8
Mtito Andei MTITO ANDEI_11 11 25 0.823 3.3
MTITO ANDEI_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
MTITO ANDEI_3.3 3.3 25 9.777 39.1
Mtondia MTD_11 11 25 1.888 7.6
MTD_33 33 31.5 3.079 9.8
Mtongwe MTO_11 11 25 4.608 18.4
MTO_33 33 31.5 6.391 20.3
Mtwapo MTW_11 11 25 1.058 4.2
MTW_33 33 31.5 3.029 9.6
Mwabungo MWA_11 11 25 7.277 29.1
MWA_33 33 31.5 5.921 18.8
Mwatate MWT_11 11 25 2.307 9.2
MWT_33 33 31.5 1.162 3.7
New Bamburi NEW BAMBURI_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
NEW BAMBURI_33 33 31.5 13.533 43.0
NEW BAMBURI_TX1_TERT_11 11 25 38.086 152.3
NEW BAMBURI_TX2_TERT_11 11 25 38.086 152.3
Nyali NYA_11 11 25 11.643 46.6
NYA_33 33 31.5 6.285 20.0
Port Reitz POR_11 11 25 12.792 51.2
POR_33 33 31.5 11.625 36.9
Pwani Oil PWA_33 33 31.5 1.878 6.0
Rabai RABAI_132 132 31.5 7.481 23.7
Nominal Switchgear
Substation Fault location Voltage (kV) Rating (kA) Ik" (kA) % of Rating
Rabai RABAI_220 220 31.5 31.798 100.9
RABAI_33 33 31.5 9.163 29.1
RABAI_TX1_TERT_11 11 25 13.952 55.8
RABAI_TX2_TERT_11 11 25 13.952 55.8
Ribe RIB_11 11 25 3.331 13.3
RIB_33 33 31.5 2.438 7.7
Sabaki SAB_11 11 25 2.622 10.5
SAB_33 33 31.5 1.49 4.7
Shanzu SHA_11 11 25 8.914 35.7
SHA_33 33 31.5 4.163 13.2
Steel Makers Mazeras SMM_33 33 31.5 6.944 22.0
Taveta TAVETA_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
TAVETA_33 33 31.5 3.765 12.0
Tononoka TON_11 11 25 13.344 53.4
TON_33 33 31.5 8 25.4
Umoja Rubber UMO_33 33 31.5 2.277 7.2
Utange UTA_11 11 25 6.914 27.7
UTA_33 33 31.5 5.462 17.3
Voi VOI_11 11 25 7.181 28.7
VOI_132 132 31.5 31.5 100.0
VOI_33 33 31.5 6.154 19.5
Watamu WAT_11 11 25 1.864 7.5
WAT_33 33 31.5 0.71 2.3
Wundanyi WUN_11 11 25 2.13 8.5
WUN_33 33 31.5 1.162 3.7
(blank) (blank) (blank) (blank) #DIV/0!


West Region
Lessos Lessos
Central Rift - 2012
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Nyahururu Rumuruti Maralal

2x15MVA, 33/11kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Londiani Subukia
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Eveready 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

Nakuru Depot
2x23MVA, 33/11kV

Lanet Lanet Town

3x23MVA, 132/33kV 2x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
2x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Elburgon Njoro Gilgil

1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 2x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 2x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Morendat KPC
Pumping Station

Eburru Gen

2x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
2x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

33kV Kihoto
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

Equivalent site generation

Normally open point

DCK Suswa (Naivasha) Matundura
2x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 2x23MVA, 132/33kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

New / upgraded line section

High Lift Kengen
1x1.5MVA, 33/11kV
New substation

Red font indicates reinforcements / upgrades

West Region
Lessos Lessos
Central Rift - 2013
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Nyahururu Rumuruti Maralal

Makutano 2x15MVA, 33/11kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 2.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x23MVA, 132/33kV

Londiani Subukia
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Eveready 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

Nakuru Depot
2x23MVA, 33/11kV

Lanet Lanet Town

3x23MVA, 132/33kV 2x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
2x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Elburgon Njoro Gilgil

1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 2x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 2x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Morendat KPC
Pumping Station

Eburru Gen

2x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
2x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

33kV Kihoto
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

Equivalent site generation

Normally open point

DCK Suswa (Naivasha) Matundura
2x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 2x23MVA, 132/33kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

New / upgraded line section

High Lift Kengen
1x1.5MVA, 33/11kV
New substation

Red font indicates reinforcements / upgrades

West Region
Lessos Lessos
Central Rift - 2014
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Nyahururu Rumuruti Maralal

Makutano 2x15MVA, 33/11kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 2.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x23MVA, 132/33kV

Chepseon Londiani Subukia

1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Eveready 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

Nakuru Depot
Nakuru West
2x23MVA, 33/11kV
1x23MVA, 132/33kV
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

Lanet Lanet Town

Mwariki 3x23MVA, 132/33kV 2x23MVA, 33/11kV
Rongai 1x23MVA, 33/11kV
2x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

Elburgon Njoro Gilgil

1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 2x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 2x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Morendat KPC
Pumping Station

Eburru Gen

2x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
2x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

33kV Kihoto
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

Equivalent site generation

Normally open point

DCK Suswa (Naivasha) Matundura
2x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 2x23MVA, 132/33kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

New / upgraded line section

High Lift Kengen Magumu
1x1.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
New substation

Red font indicates reinforcements / upgrades

West Region
Lessos Lessos
Central Rift - 2015
2x23MVA, 132/33kV
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Nyahururu Rumuruti Maralal

Makutano 2x15MVA, 33/11kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 2.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x23MVA, 132/33kV

Chepseon Londiani Subukia

1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Eveready 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
Batteries Bahati
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

Nakuru West Nakuru Depot

1x23MVA, 132/33kV 2x23MVA, 33/11kV
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

Lanet Lanet Town

Mwariki 3x23MVA, 132/33kV 2x23MVA, 33/11kV
Rongai 1x23MVA, 33/11kV
2x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

Elburgon Njoro Gilgil

1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 2x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 2x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Morendat KPC
Pumping Station

Eburru Gen

2x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
Narok Narok
2x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x23MVA, 132/33kV

33kV Kihoto
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

Equivalent site generation

Normally open point

DCK Suswa (Naivasha) Matundura
2x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 2x23MVA, 132/33kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

New / upgraded line section

High Lift Kengen Magumu
1x1.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
New substation

Red font indicates reinforcements / upgrades

West Region
Lessos Lessos
Central Rift - 2016
2x23MVA, 132/33kV
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Nyahururu Rumuruti
Makutano 1x7.5MVA 132/33kV
2x15MVA, 33/11kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x23MVA, 132/33kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Chepseon Londiani Subukia

1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Eveready 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
Batteries Bahati
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

Nakuru West Nakuru Depot

2x45MVA, 132/33kV 2x23MVA, 33/11kV
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

Lanet Lanet Town

Mwariki 3x23MVA, 132/33kV 2x23MVA, 33/11kV
Rongai 1x23MVA, 33/11kV
2x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

Molo Elburgon Njoro 1x23MVA, 132/33kV
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 2x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 2x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Morendat KPC
Pumping Station

Keringet Eburru Gen

1x15MVA, 132/33kV 2.3MW
2x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
Narok Narok
2x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x23MVA, 132/33kV

33kV Kihoto
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

Equivalent site generation

Normally open point

DCK Suswa (Naivasha) Matundura
2x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 2x23MVA, 132/33kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

New / upgraded line section

High Lift Kengen Magumu
1x1.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
New substation

Red font indicates reinforcements / upgrades

West Region
Lessos Lessos Central Rift - 2017
2x23MVA, 132/33kV
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Nyahururu Rumuruti
Makutano 1x7.5MVA 132/33kV
2x15MVA, 33/11kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV
2x23MVA, 132/33kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Chepseon Londiani Subukia

1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Eveready 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
Batteries Bahati
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

Nakuru West Nakuru Depot

2x45MVA, 132/33kV 2x23MVA, 33/11kV
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

Lanet Lanet Town

3x23MVA, 132/33kV 2x23MVA, 33/11kV
2x23MVA, 33/11kV
2x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Molo Elburgon Njoro 1x23MVA, 132/33kV
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 2x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 2x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Morendat KPC
Pumping Station

Keringet Eburru Gen

1x15MVA, 132/33kV 2.3MW
2x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
Narok Narok
2x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x23MVA, 132/33kV

33kV Kihoto
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

Equivalent site generation

Normally open point

DCK Suswa (Naivasha) Matundura
2x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 2x23MVA, 132/33kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

New / upgraded line section

High Lift Kengen Magumu
1x1.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
New substation

Red font indicates reinforcements / upgrades

West Region
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV
North Rift & West Kenya
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV
(Musaga & Rangala
BSPs) - 2012
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x23MVA, 33/11kV
Steel Mills
Moi Barracks Eldoret Industrial
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV Rivatex
1x23MVA, 33/11kV

Eldoret Town 2x23MVA, 132/33kV
1x23MVA 33/11kV

1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

Kabarnet Marigat
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x1.5MVA, 33/11kV

Sibembe Musaga
2x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 2x23MVA, 132/33kV

Kapsabet Lessos
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 2x23MVA, 132/33kV
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Mumias Ingotse
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Lessos Town
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Western University
Rangala Butere Kapsumbeiwa
2x23MVA, 132/33kV 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
Nandi Hills
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Chavakali Cheptulu
2x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

Kisumu Kisumu
West Region
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV
North Rift & West Kenya
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV
(Musaga & Rangala
BSPs) - 2013
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x23MVA, 33/11kV
Steel Mills
Moi Barracks Eldoret Industrial
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV Rivatex
1x23MVA, 33/11kV

Eldoret Town 2x23MVA, 132/33kV
1x23MVA 33/11kV

1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

1x23MVA, 132/33kV

1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV Elgon View
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

Kabarnet Marigat
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x1.5MVA, 33/11kV

Sibembe Musaga
2x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 2x23MVA, 132/33kV

Kapsabet Lessos
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 2x23MVA, 132/33kV
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Mumias Ingotse
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Lessos Town
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Western University
Rangala Butere Kapsumbeiwa
2x23MVA, 132/33kV 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
Nandi Hills
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Chavakali Cheptulu
2x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

Kisumu Kisumu
West Region
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV
North Rift & West Kenya
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV
(Musaga & Rangala
BSPs) - 2014
1x23MVA, 132/11kV
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x23MVA, 33/11kV
Steel Mills
Moi Barracks Eldoret Industrial
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV Rivatex
2x23MVA, 33/11kV

Eldoret Town 2x45MVA, 132/33kV
2x23MVA 33/11kV Kipsarman
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

1x23MVA, 132/33kV

1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV Elgon View
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

Kabarnet Marigat
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x1.5MVA, 33/11kV

Sibembe Musaga
2x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 2x45MVA, 132/33kV

Kapsabet Lessos
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 2x23MVA, 132/33kV
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Mumias Ingotse
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Lessos Town
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Western University
Rangala Butere Kapsumbeiwa
2x23MVA, 132/33kV 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
Nandi Hills
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Chavakali Cheptulu Kiptegat

2x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

Kisumu Kisumu
West Region
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV
North Rift & West Kenya
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV
(Musaga & Rangala
Endebess Kitale
BSPs) - 2015
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x23MVA, 132/11kV
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x23MVA, 33/11kV
Steel Mills Moiben
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
Moi Barracks Eldoret Industrial
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV Rivatex
2x23MVA, 33/11kV

Eldoret Town 2x45MVA, 132/33kV
2x23MVA 33/11kV Kipsarman
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

1x23MVA, 132/33kV

Malakisi 1x15MVA, 132/33kV
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV Elgon View
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

Sarisia Kabarnet Marigat

1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x1.5MVA, 33/11kV

Sibembe Musaga
2x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 2x45MVA, 132/33kV

Kapsabet Lessos
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 2x23MVA, 132/33kV
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Mumias Ingotse
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Lessos Town
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Western University
Rangala Butere Kapsumbeiwa
2x23MVA, 132/33kV 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
Nandi Hills
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Chavakali Cheptulu Kiptegat

2x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

Kisumu Kisumu
West Region
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV
North Rift & West Kenya
(Musaga, Rangala &
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV
Chavakali BSPs) - 2016
Endebess Kitale Eldoret North
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 2x23MVA, 132/11kV 2x45MVA, 132/33kV
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x23MVA, 33/11kV
Steel Mills
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
Moi Barracks Eldoret Industrial
2x2.5MVA, 33/11kV Rivatex
2x23MVA, 33/11kV

1x15MVA, 132/33kV
1x7.5MVA 33/11kV
Eldoret Town 2x45MVA, 132/33kV
2x23MVA 33/11kV Kipsarman
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

1x23MVA, 132/33kV

Malakisi 1x15MVA, 132/33kV
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV Elgon View
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

Sarisia Kabarnet Marigat

1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x1.5MVA, 33/11kV

Sibembe Musaga
2x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 2x45MVA, 132/33kV

2x23MVA, 132/33kV
2x23MVA, 132/33kV
Busia 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Mumias Ingotse
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Lessos Town
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Western University
Rangala Butere Kapsumbeiwa
2x23MVA, 132/33kV 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
Nandi Hills
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Chavakali Kiptegat
2x45MVA, 132/33kV 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
2x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Kisumu Kisumu
1x23MVA, 220/33kV
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV West Region
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV
North Rift & West Kenya
(Musaga, Rangala &
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV
Chavakali BSPs) - 2017
Endebess Kitale Eldoret North
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 2x23MVA, 132/11kV 2x45MVA, 132/33kV
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x23MVA, 33/11kV
Steel Mills
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
Moi Barracks
2x23MVA, 132/33kV Eldoret Industrial
2x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 2x23MVA, 33/11kV

1x15MVA, 132/33kV
1x7.5MVA 33/11kV
Eldoret Town 2x45MVA, 132/33kV
2x23MVA 33/11kV Kipsarman
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

1x23MVA, 132/33kV

Malakisi 1x15MVA, 132/33kV
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV Elgon View
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

Sarisia Kabarnet Marigat

1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x1.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

Sibembe Musaga
2x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 2x45MVA, 132/33kV

2x23MVA, 132/33kV
2x23MVA, 132/33kV
Busia 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Mumias Ingotse
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Aldai Lessos Town

1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Western University
Rangala Butere Kapsumbeiwa
2x23MVA, 132/33kV 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
Nandi Hills
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Chavakali Kiptegat
2x45MVA, 132/33kV 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
2x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Kisumu Kisumu
Rangala Rangala Chavakali
West Region
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV Carbacid (CO2) Ltd
West Kenya (Nyanza) - 2012
Muhoroni Sugar
Miwani Factory
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV Mollases Chemelil Muhoroni
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

Prime Steel Mills

Everest Steel
2x23MVA, 132/33kV

United Millers Ltd Muhoroni

Kisian 1x23MVA, 132/33kV
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

Obote Rd
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x23MVA, 33/11kV

2x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

Kisumu East
1x23MVA, 33/11kV

Ministry of Public AHP (James Finlay)


1x0.315MVA, 33/11kV
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV
2x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Fish Products

Ikonge Chemosit
2x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 2x23MVA, 132/33kV
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

Itumbe Tea
Factory Kegati Litein
1x23MVA, 132/33kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Kisii District

Gogo Falls Awendo 2x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV Kiamokama Keroka Matutu Sotik
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

Gogo Falls Gen

1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV
2x2.5MVA, 33/11kV
Rangala Rangala Chavakali
West Region
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV Carbacid (CO2) Ltd
West Kenya (Nyanza) - 2013
Muhoroni Sugar
Miwani Factory
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV Mollases Chemelil Muhoroni
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

Prime Steel Mills

Everest Steel
1x45MVA, 132/33kV
1x23MVA, 132/33kV

United Millers Ltd Muhoroni

Kisian 1x23MVA, 132/33kV
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

Obote Rd
2x23MVA, 33/11kV

2x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

Kisumu East
1x23MVA, 33/11kV

Ministry of Public AHP (James Finlay)


1x0.315MVA, 33/11kV
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV
2x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Fish Products

Ikonge Chemosit
2x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 2x23MVA, 132/33kV
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

Itumbe Tea
Factory Kegati Litein
1x23MVA, 132/33kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Kisii District

Gogo Falls Awendo 2x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV Kiamokama Keroka Matutu Sotik
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

Gogo Falls Gen

1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV
2x2.5MVA, 33/11kV
Rangala Rangala Chavakali
West Region
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV
Carbacid (CO2) Ltd
West Kenya (Nyanza) - 2014
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
Muhoroni Sugar
Miwani Factory
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV Mollases Chemelil Muhoroni
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV Prime Steel Mills
Everest Steel
2x45MVA, 132/33kV

United Millers Ltd Muhoroni

Kisian 2x45MVA, 132/33kV
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
Kibos Obote Rd
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 2x23MVA, 33/11kV

2x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

Kisumu East
2x23MVA, 33/11kV

Ministry of Public AHP (James Finlay)

Sondu Miriu Changoi
1x23MVA, 132/33kV 1x0.315MVA, 33/11kV
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV
2x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Fish Products

Ikonge Chemosit
2x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 2x23MVA, 132/33kV
2x23MVA, 33/11kV

Itumbe Tea
Factory Kegati Litein
2x45MVA, 132/33kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x23MVA, 132/33kV
Kisii District

Gogo Falls Awendo 2x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV Keroka Matutu Sotik
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

Gogo Falls Gen

1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV
2x2.5MVA, 33/11kV
Rangala Rangala Chavakali
West Region
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV Majengo
Carbacid (CO2) Ltd
West Kenya (Nyanza) - 2015
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
Muhoroni Sugar
Miwani Factory
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV Mollases Chemelil Muhoroni
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV Prime Steel Mills
Everest Steel
2x45MVA, 132/33kV

United Millers Ltd Muhoroni

Kisian 2x45MVA, 132/33kV
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV Sosiat
Kibos Obote Rd
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 2x23MVA, 33/11kV 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

2x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

Kisumu East
2x23MVA, 33/11kV

Ministry of Public AHP (James Finlay)

Sondu Miriu Changoi
1x23MVA, 132/33kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV
2x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

Fish Products

Ikonge Chemosit
2x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 2x23MVA, 132/33kV
2x23MVA, 33/11kV

Itumbe Tea
Factory Kegati Litein
2x45MVA, 132/33kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x23MVA, 132/33kV
Kisii District

Gogo Falls Awendo 2x23MVA, 33/11kV
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV Kiamokama Keroka Matutu Sotik
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

Gogo Falls Gen

Bomet Bomet
2x45MVA, 132/33kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV
2x2.5MVA, 33/11kV
Rangala Rangala Chavakali
West Region
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV Majengo
Carbacid (CO2) Ltd
West Kenya (Nyanza) - 2016
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
Muhoroni Sugar
Miwani Factory
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV Mollases Chemelil Muhoroni
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV Prime Steel Mills
Everest Steel
2x45MVA, 132/33kV

United Millers Ltd Muhoroni

Kisian 2x45MVA, 132/33kV
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV Sosiat
Kibos Obote Rd
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 2x23MVA, 33/11kV 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

2x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
Kisumu East
2x45MVA, 132/33kV
2x23MVA, 33/11kV

Ministry of Public AHP (James Finlay)

Sondu Miriu Changoi
1x23MVA, 132/33kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV
2x23MVA, 132/33kV
2x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV
2x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
Fish Products

Ikonge Chemosit
2x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 2x45MVA, 132/33kV
2x23MVA, 33/11kV

Nyamira Kitaru
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

Itumbe Tea
Factory Kegati Litein
2x45MVA, 132/33kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x23MVA, 132/33kV
Kisii District

Gogo Falls Awendo 2x23MVA, 33/11kV
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV Kiamokama Keroka Matutu Sotik
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

Gogo Falls Gen

Bomet Bomet
2x45MVA, 132/33kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV
2x2.5MVA, 33/11kV
Rangala Rangala Chavakali
West Region
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV Majengo
Carbacid (CO2) Ltd
West Kenya (Nyanza) - 2017
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
Muhoroni Sugar
Miwani Factory
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV Mollases Chemelil Muhoroni
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV Prime Steel Mills
Everest Steel
2x45MVA, 132/33kV

United Millers Ltd Muhoroni

Kisian 2x45MVA, 132/33kV
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV Sosiat
Kibos Obote Rd
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 2x23MVA, 33/11kV 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

2x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
Kisumu East
Kisumu South
2x45MVA, 132/33kV
2x23MVA, 33/11kV
2x23MVA, 33/11kV

Ministry of Public AHP (James Finlay)

Sondu Miriu Changoi
1x23MVA, 132/33kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV
2x23MVA, 132/33kV
2x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV
2x2.5MVA, 33/11kV

1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
Fish Products

Ikonge Chemosit
2x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 2x45MVA, 132/33kV
2x23MVA, 33/11kV

Nyamira Kitaru
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

Itumbe Tea
Factory Kegati Litein
2x45MVA, 132/33kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x23MVA, 132/33kV
Kisii District

Gogo Falls Awendo 2x23MVA, 33/11kV
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV Kiamokama Keroka Matutu Sotik
1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV 1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV
1x7.5MVA, 33/11kV

Gogo Falls Gen

Bomet Bomet
2x45MVA, 132/33kV 1x2.5MVA, 33/11kV
2x2.5MVA, 33/11kV
West Region (Central Rift) - Proposed Network








West Region (North Rift) - Proposed Network








West Region (Western) - Proposed Network (2017)








West Region (Nyanza) - Proposed Network (2017)








Load Register (shaded value indicates assumed load) Arrangement (denotes substation reinforcement)
Arrangement and Capacity
Area Type Description MVA Growth Profile 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
1 NAIVASHA PRI MARULA 1.409 Nakuru 2x7.5 2x7.5 2x7.5 2x7.5 2x7.5 2x7.5
2 NAIVASHA PRI KIHOTO 0.822 Nakuru 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5
3 NAIVASHA PRI NAROK 0.938 Narok 2x2.5 2x2.5 2x2.5 2x2.5 2x2.5 2x2.5
4 NAIVASHA PRI DCK 1.608 Nakuru 2x7.5 2x7.5 2x7.5 2x7.5 2x7.5 2x7.5
5 NAIVASHA PRI HIGH LIFT KENGEN 0.214 Nakuru 1x1.5 1x1.5 1x1.5 1x1.5 1x1.5 1x1.5
6 NAIVASHA PRI MATUNDURA 0.234 Nyandarua 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5
7 LANET PRI LANET 33/11kV 13.211 Nakuru 2x7.5 2x7.5 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23
8 LANET PRI NAKURU TX1 8.514 Nakuru 1x23 1x23 1x23 1x23 1x23 1x23
9 LANET PRI NAKURU TX2 4.322 Nakuru 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x23 1x23 1x23
10 LANET PRI MWARIKI 2.161 Nakuru 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5, 1x23 1x7.5, 1x23 1x7.5, 1x23 2x23
11 LANET PRI RONGAI 2.616 Nakuru 2x2.5 2x2.5 2x2.5 2x2.5 2x2.5 2x2.5
12 LANET PRI NJORO 1.804 Nakuru 2x2.5 2x2.5 2x2.5 2x2.5 2x2.5 2x2.5
13 LANET PRI ELBURGON 2.029 Nakuru 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5
14 LANET PRI SUBUKIA 0.774 Nakuru 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5
15 LANET PRI LONDIANI 0.156 Baringo 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5
16 LANET PRI NYAHURURU 2.379 Nyandarua 2x15 2x15 2x15 2x15 2x15 2x15
17 LANET PRI RUMURUTI 0.297 Laikipia 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5
18 LANET PRI MARALAL 0.354 Samburu 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5
19 LANET PRI OLKALOU 0.947 Nakuru 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5
20 LANET PRI GILGIL 1.696 Nakuru 2x2.5 2x2.5 2x2.5 2x2.5 2x2.5 2x2.5
21 LESSOS 132KV PRI ITEN 0.187 Elgeyo Marakwet 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5
22 LESSOS 132KV PRI KABARNET 0.312 Nandi 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5
23 LESSOS 132KV PRI TIMBOROA 0.1 Baringo 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5
24 LESSOS 132KV PRI MARIGAT 0.25 Baringo 1x1.5 1x1.5 1x1.5 1x1.5 1x1.5 1x1.5
25 LESSOS 132KV PRI LESSOS TOWN 0.142 Nandi 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5
26 LESSOS 132KV PRI KAPSUMBEIWA 0.562 Nandi 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5
27 LESSOS 132KV PRI NANDI HILLS 1.657 Nandi 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5
28 LESSOS 132KV PRI KAPSABET 1.788 Nandi 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5
29 MUSAGA PRI INGOTSE 0.789 Kakamega 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5
30 MUSAGA PRI WEBUYE 0.559 Bungoma 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5
31 MUSAGA PRI KITALE 2.797 Trans Nzoia 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5
32 MUSAGA PRI SIBEMBE TX1 1.162 Bungoma 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5
33 MUSAGA PRI MUMIAS 0.775 Kakamega 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5
34 MUSAGA PRI BUTERE 1.937 Kakamega 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5
35 MUSAGA PRI SIAYA 0.981 Siaya 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5, 1x7.5 1x2.5, 1x7.5
36 MUSAGA PRI NYAMNINIA 0.645 Siaya 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5
37 MUSAGA PRI SIBEMBE TX2 0.83 Bungoma 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5
38 MUSAGA PRI MALAKISI 0.752 Bungoma 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5
39 MUSAGA PRI BUSIA 0.612 Busia 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5
40 MUSAGA PRI BUMALA 0.528 Busia 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5
41 MUSAGA PRI RUAMBWA 0.461 Busia 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5
42 RIVERTEX PRI ELDORET TOWN 7.54 Uasin Gishu 1x23 1x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23
43 RIVERTEX PRI INDUSTRIAL 6.45 Uasin Gishu 1x7.5 1x7.5 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23
44 RIVERTEX PRI KAPLAMAI 2.865 Trans Nzoia 1x23 1x23 1x23 1x23 1x23 1x23
45 RIVERTEX PRI CHERANGANYI 0.311 Trans Nzoia 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5
46 RIVERTEX PRI KAPENGURIA 0.498 West Pokot 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5
47 RIVERTEX PRI MOI BARRACKS 1.26 Uasin Gishu 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 2x2.5 2x2.5
48 MUHORONI PRI MUHORONI 2.496 Kisumu 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5
49 MUHORONI PRI KERICHO 4.592 Kericho 2x7.5 2x7.5 2x7.5 2x7.5 2x7.5 2x7.5
50 CHEMOSIT PRI KITCO 1.387 Kericho 2x2.5 2x2.5 2x2.5 2x2.5 2x2.5 2x2.5
51 CHEMOSIT PRI CHANGOI 0.289 Bomet 1x0.315 1x0.315 1x0.315 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5
52 CHEMOSIT PRI LITEIN 1.039 Bomet 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5
53 CHEMOSIT PRI SOTIK 0.861 Bomet 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5
54 CHEMOSIT PRI MOGOGOSIEK 6.584 Bomet 2x7.5 2x7.5 2x7.5 2x23 2x23 2x23
55 CHEMOSIT PRI BOMET 0.493 Bomet 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5
56 CHEMOSIT PRI IKONGE 2.553 Nyamira 2x2.5 2x2.5 2x2.5 2x2.5 2x2.5 2x2.5
57 CHEMOSIT PRI SONDU 1.184 Kericho 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5
58 KEGATI PRI KISII 6.901 Kisii 1x7.5 1x7.5 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23
59 KEGATI PRI GOGO FALLS 0.223 Migori 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5
60 KEGATI PRI AWENDO 0.893 Migori 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5
61 KEGATI PRI MIGORI 0.714 Migori 2x2.5 2x2.5 2x2.5 2x2.5 2x2.5 2x2.5
62 KEGATI PRI HOMABAY 2.538 Homa Bay 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 2x7.5 2x7.5
63 KEGATI PRI KIAMOKAMA 1.419 Kisii 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5, 1x7.5 1x2.5, 1x7.5 1x2.5, 1x7.5
64 KEGATI PRI KEROKA 0.353 Kisii 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5
65 KEGATI PRI MATUTU 0.16 Nyamira 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5
66 KISUMU PRI KISUMU EAST 11.214 Kisumu 1x23 1x23 2x23 2x23 2x23 2x23
67 KISUMU PRI MIWANI 0.432 Kisumu 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5
68 KISUMU PRI KIPTEGAT 1.35 Kisumu 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5
69 KISUMU PRI CHEMILIL 0.652 Kisumu 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5 1x2.5
70 KISUMU PRI CHAVAKALI 0.367 Vihiga 2x2.5 2x2.5 2x2.5 2x2.5 2x2.5 2x2.5
71 KISUMU PRI CHEPTULU 1.967 Vihiga 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5
72 KISUMU PRI KAKAMEGA 1.957 Kakamega 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5
73 KISUMU PRI KISIAN 2.521 Kisumu 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5
74 KISUMU PRI OBOTE T1 7.819 Kisumu 1x7.5 1x23 1x23 1x23 1x23 1x23
75 KISUMU PRI OBOTE T2 11.895 Kisumu 1x23 1x23 1x23 1x23 1x23 1x23
76 KISUMU PRI AHERO Kisumu 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5
77 KISUMU PRI KIBOS Kisumu 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5
78 KISUMU PRI MASENO Vihiga 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5
79 KISUMU PRI MAJENGO Vihiga 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5
80 RIVERTEX PRI ELGON VIEW Uasin Gishu 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5
81 KABARNET PRI KIPSARMAN Baringo 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5
82 NAKURU WEST PRI KABARAK Nakuru 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5
83 MAKUTANO PRI CHEPSEON Kericho 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5
84 NAIVASHA PRI MAGUMU Nyandarua 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5
85 LANET PRI BAHATI Nakuru 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5
86 KERINGET PRI MOLO Nakuru 1x7.5 1x7.5
87 MUHORONI PRI SOSIAT Kericho 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5
88 KEGATI PRI NYAMIRA Nyamira 1x7.5 1x7.5
90 KAPSOWAR PRI KAPSOWAR Elgeyo Marakwet 2x7.5 2x7.5
92 BOMET PRI KITARU Nyamira 1x7.5 1x7.5
95 ORTUM PRI ORTUM West Pokot 1x7.5
96 MUSAGA PRI SIRISIA Bungoma 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5
97 KITALE PRI ENDEBESS Trans Nzoia 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5
98 KITALE PRI MOIBEN Trans Nzoia 1x7.5 1x7.5 1x7.5
Load Transfers
MW Load
0 1 2 3 4 5
From To Reason 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
1 OBOTE T2 OBOTE T1 Replaced transformer end 2012, equalise loading 2.33243 2.6824114.126727 4.581136 5.108275
2 KISUMU EAST AHERO New s/s, grow at Kisumu rate, relieve Kisumu East loading 34.615318 5.123527 5.713078
3 KISUMU EAST KIBOS New s/s, grow at Kisumu rate, relieve Kisumu East loading 34.615318 5.123527 5.713078
4 KISIAN MASENO New s/s, grow at Vihiga rate, improve voltage 22.426401 2.8184 3.265627
5 NYAMNINIA MASENO New s/s, grow at Vihiga rate, improve voltage 0.5 0.6066 0.7046 0.816407
6 ELDORET TOWN ELGON VIEW New s/s, grow at Uasin Gishu rate, share load, Joseph said 50% relief of Eldoret Town, not Industrial 2 2.2721462.687432 3.040823 3.433283
7 RONGAI KABARAK New s/s, share load 1.51.758962 1.981127 2.231743
8 KABARNET KIPSARMAN New s/s, grow at Baringo rate, improve voltage 0.250.289406 0.327142 0.369398
9 NAKURU TX1 KABARAK New s/s, share load 0.50.586321 0.660376 0.743914
10 NAKURU TX2 KABARAK New s/s, share load 11.172641 1.320751 1.487829
11 KERICHO CHEPSEON New s/s, share load, improve voltage 22.399225 2.75468 3.19903
12 SUBUKIA BAHATI New s/s, share load, improve voltage 0.5 0.563152 0.634392
13 LANET 33/11kV BAHATI New s/s, share load, improve voltage 3 3.378913 3.806352
14 CHEPTULU MAJENGO New s/s, share load, improve voltage 1 1.213201 1.4092 1.632814
15 MAGUMU New s/s to solve voltage issues on 11kV no load transfer form West 2 2.345283 2.641502 2.975657
16 LANET 33/11kV MWARIKI Relieve Lanet. Part of larger plan to inc. transformer capacity in Nakuru area 2 2.345283 2.641502 2.975657
17 NAKURU TX1 NAKURU TX2 Replaced transformer end 2014, equalise loading 3.45 3.88575 4.377305
18 CHANGOI High loading, install new 33/0.4kV transformers. Changoi primarily installed to feed local industrial
consumer. No 11kV local 11kV network, in future upgrade to 2.5MVA transformer, refurb. Temporary
load shift 0.1 0.1
19 KERICHO SOSIAT New s/s relieve loading on Kericho, improve 11kV voltage 2 2.296308 2.66672
20 SONDU SOSIAT improve 11kV voltage 0.7 0.803708 0.933352
21 KITCO SOSIAT improve 11kV voltage 0.8 0.918523 1.066688
22 ELBURGON MOLO Relieve loading on 11kV feeders 1 1.126502
23 RONGAI MOLO Relieve loading on 11kV feeders 1 1.126502
24 LONDIANI MOLO Relieve loading on 11kV feeders 0.1 0.11265
25 NJORO ELBURGON Relieve loading on 11kV feeders 1 1.126502
26 IKONGE NYAMIRA Relive primary s/s loading 1.5 1.728746
27 KISII OYUGIS Relive primary s/s loading 3 3.439753
28 KAPSABET ALDAI share load 1
30 KAPSOWAR New load 1 1.144439
31 OBOTE T1 KISUMU EAST Substation upgrade, share load 6 6.690404
32 OBOTE T2 KISUMU EAST Substation upgrade, share load 6 6.690404
33 KAPSABET KIBETIET share load 1
35 LITEIN KITARU share load 1 1.152497
36 IKONGE KITARU share load 2 2.304994
37 OBOTE T1 KISUMU SOUTH share load 3
38 OBOTE T2 KISUMU SOUTH share load 3
40 NAKURU TX1 MWARIKI Relieve loading, share load growth for compliance with N-1 4
41 NAKURU TX2 MWARIKI Relieve loading, share load growth for compliance with N-2 4
42 ORTUM New Load 0.5
43 SIBEMBE TX2 SIRISIA share load 1 1.162743 1.350118
44 SIBEMBE TX1 SIRISIA share load 1 1.162743 1.350118
45 KITALE ENDEBESS share load 1 1.146402 1.310798
Pre Transfer Load
MW Load
Area Type Description Growth Profile 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
1 NAIVASHA PRI MARULA Nakuru 1.409 1.5783979 1.7831601 2.0910074 2.3551105 2.6530366
2 NAIVASHA PRI KIHOTO Nakuru 0.822 0.9208255 1.0402822 1.219878 1.3739538 1.5477616
3 NAIVASHA PRI NAROK Narok 0.938 1.062173 1.2122185 1.4310479 1.6281087 1.8494919
4 NAIVASHA PRI DCK Nakuru 1.608 1.8013228 2.0350046 2.3863307 2.6877344 3.027738
5 NAIVASHA PRI HIGH LIFT KENGEN Nakuru 0.214 0.2397283 0.2708277 0.3175838 0.357696 0.4029452
6 NAIVASHA PRI MATUNDURA Nyandarua 0.234 0.267306 0.3080662 0.3697628 0.4235174 0.4917326
7 LANET PRI LANET 33/11kV Nakuru 13.211 14.799301 16.719182 19.605606 22.081877 24.875278
8 LANET PRI NAKURU TX1 Nakuru 8.514 9.5376009 10.774894 12.635087 14.230952 16.031195
9 LANET PRI NAKURU TX2 Nakuru 4.322 4.8416151 5.4697075 6.4140057 7.2241219 8.1379873
10 LANET PRI MWARIKI Nakuru 2.161 2.4208076 2.7348538 3.2070028 3.6120609 4.0689936
11 LANET PRI RONGAI Nakuru 2.616 2.9305102 3.3106791 3.8822394 4.3725828 4.925723
12 LANET PRI NJORO Nakuru 1.804 2.020887 2.2830524 2.6772018 3.0153438 3.3967906
13 LANET PRI ELBURGON Nakuru 2.029 2.2729378 2.5678011 3.01111 3.391426 3.820448
14 LANET PRI SUBUKIA Nakuru 0.774 0.8670546 0.9795358 1.1486442 1.2937229 1.4573813
15 LANET PRI LONDIANI Baringo 0.156 0.1758212 0.1991346 0.2305231 0.260581 0.2942394
16 LANET PRI NYAHURURU Nyandarua 2.379 2.717611 3.1320064 3.7592551 4.3057607 4.9992816
17 LANET PRI RUMURUTI Laikipia 0.297 0.3357154 0.3832109 0.4569113 0.5189912 0.5880633
18 LANET PRI MARALAL Samburu 0.354 0.4044977 0.5413332 0.6283011 0.708489 0.7991184
19 LANET PRI OLKALOU Nakuru 0.947 1.0608537 1.1984759 1.4053826 1.5828883 1.7831268
20 LANET PRI GILGIL Nakuru 1.696 1.8999026 2.146373 2.5169259 2.8348243 3.1934351
21 LESSOS 132KV PRI ITEN Elgeyo Marakwet 0.187 0.2139636 0.2457748 0.2874488 0.3293446 0.3769149
22 LESSOS 132KV PRI KABARNET Nandi 0.312 0.3586879 0.4160065 0.5023379 0.578709 0.6648385
23 LESSOS 132KV PRI TIMBOROA Baringo 0.1 0.1127059 0.1276504 0.1477712 0.1670391 0.188615
24 LESSOS 132KV PRI MARIGAT Baringo 0.25 0.2817648 0.3191259 0.3694281 0.4175978 0.4715375
25 LESSOS 132KV PRI LESSOS TOWN Nandi 0.142 0.163249 0.1893363 0.2286282 0.2633868 0.3025868
26 LESSOS 132KV PRI KAPSUMBEIWA Nandi 0.562 0.646098 0.749345 0.9048523 1.0424181 1.1975617
27 LESSOS 132KV PRI NANDI HILLS Nandi 1.657 1.9049545 2.2093676 2.6678652 3.0734639 3.5308892
28 LESSOS 132KV PRI KAPSABET Nandi 1.788 2.0555574 2.384037 2.8787828 3.3164475 3.8100361
29 MUSAGA PRI INGOTSE Kakamega 0.789 0.9073328 1.0530319 1.274238 1.4687394 1.6881825
30 MUSAGA PRI WEBUYE Bungoma 0.559 0.6490751 0.7575161 0.9044313 1.0516211 1.2210891
31 MUSAGA PRI KITALE Trans Nzoia 2.797 3.197698 3.6878838 4.4262074 5.0742124 5.8018656
32 MUSAGA PRI SIBEMBE TX1 Bungoma 1.162 1.3492402 1.5746578 1.8800522 2.1860173 2.5382926
33 MUSAGA PRI MUMIAS Kakamega 0.775 0.8912331 1.0343469 1.251628 1.4426781 1.6582274
34 MUSAGA PRI BUTERE Kakamega 1.937 2.2275078 2.5851999 3.1282624 3.6057645 4.1444988
35 MUSAGA PRI SIAYA Siaya 0.981 1.1317642 1.3176962 1.5991676 1.8487656 2.1313466
36 MUSAGA PRI NYAMNINIA Siaya 0.645 0.7441263 0.8663752 1.0514405 1.2155492 1.4013441
37 MUSAGA PRI SIBEMBE TX2 Bungoma 0.83 0.963743 1.1247556 1.3428944 1.5614409 1.8130662
38 MUSAGA PRI MALAKISI Bungoma 0.752 0.8731744 1.0190557 1.2166947 1.4147031 1.6426816
39 MUSAGA PRI BUSIA Busia 0.612 0.7023053 0.8125294 0.9754878 1.122151 1.31843
40 MUSAGA PRI BUMALA Busia 0.528 0.6059104 0.7010057 0.8415973 0.9681302 1.137469
41 MUSAGA PRI RUAMBWA Busia 0.461 0.5290241 0.6120523 0.7348037 0.8452804 0.9931311
42 RIVERTEX PRI ELDORET TOWN Uasin Gishu 7.54 8.488767 9.6438581 11.40649 12.906418 14.572171
43 RIVERTEX PRI INDUSTRIAL Uasin Gishu 6.45 7.261611 8.2497195 9.7575416 11.040636 12.465584
44 RIVERTEX PRI KAPLAMAI Trans Nzoia 2.865 3.2754396 3.7775427 4.5338163 5.1975754 5.9429192
45 RIVERTEX PRI CHERANGANYI Trans Nzoia 0.311 0.3555538 0.4100579 0.4921525 0.5642045 0.6451127
46 RIVERTEX PRI KAPENGURIA West Pokot 0.498 0.5741986 0.6678837 0.8072906 0.9338099 1.0779329
47 RIVERTEX PRI MOI BARRACKS Uasin Gishu 1.26 1.4185473 1.6115731 1.9061244 2.1567754 2.4351373
48 MUHORONI PRI MUHORONI Kisumu 2.496 2.8443737 3.2711724 5.0324998 5.5866471 6.2294879
49 MUHORONI PRI KERICHO Kericho 4.592 5.260707 6.0765133 7.2894604 8.3694234 9.7194737
50 CHEMOSIT PRI KITCO Kericho 1.387 1.588981 1.8353928 2.2017599 2.5279595 2.9357382
51 CHEMOSIT PRI CHANGOI Bomet 0.289 0.3365053 0.3938277 0.4716718 0.5497679 0.6398362
52 CHEMOSIT PRI LITEIN Bomet 1.039 1.2097891 1.4158718 1.6957334 1.976501 2.3003108
53 CHEMOSIT PRI SOTIK Bomet 0.861 1.0025298 1.1733067 1.4052228 1.6378897 1.9062248
54 CHEMOSIT PRI MOGOGOSIEK Bomet 6.584 7.6662671 8.9721848 10.745629 12.524815 14.576753
55 CHEMOSIT PRI BOMET Bomet 0.493 0.5740385 0.6718237 0.8046165 0.9378393 1.0914853
56 CHEMOSIT PRI IKONGE Nyamira 2.553 2.9443864 3.4184245 4.0922228 4.7263073 5.4470559
57 CHEMOSIT PRI SONDU Kericho 1.184 1.3564192 1.5667665 1.8795124 2.1579698 2.5060664
58 KEGATI PRI KISII Kisii 6.901 7.9154299 9.1569421 11.016249 12.664603 14.521036
59 KEGATI PRI GOGO FALLS Migori 0.223 0.2589564 0.3031229 0.3678003 0.4277991 0.496417
60 KEGATI PRI AWENDO Migori 0.893 1.0369868 1.213851 1.4728504 1.7131147 1.9878941
61 KEGATI PRI MIGORI Migori 0.714 0.8291249 0.9705371 1.1776206 1.3697244 1.5894248
62 KEGATI PRI HOMABAY Homa Bay 2.538 2.9489995 3.4529173 4.1832233 4.869504 5.6563922
63 KEGATI PRI KIAMOKAMA Kisii 1.419 1.6275895 1.8828722 2.2651872 2.6041258 2.9858498
64 KEGATI PRI KEROKA Kisii 0.353 0.4048901 0.468396 0.5635032 0.6478199 0.7427801
65 KEGATI PRI MATUTU Nyamira 0.16 0.1845287 0.2142373 0.2564652 0.2962041 0.3413744
66 KISUMU PRI KISUMU EAST Kisumu 11.214 12.779169 14.696686 22.609957 25.099624 27.987771
67 KISUMU PRI MIWANI Kisumu 0.432 0.4922954 0.5661645 0.8710096 0.9669197 1.0781806
68 KISUMU PRI KIPTEGAT Kisumu 1.35 1.5384233 1.7692639 2.7219049 3.021624 3.3693144
69 KISUMU PRI CHEMILIL Kisumu 0.652 0.7430015 0.8544889 1.3145793 1.4593325 1.6272541
70 KISUMU PRI CHAVAKALI Vihiga 0.367 0.4256082 0.4976266 0.6037209 0.7012555 0.8125314
71 KISUMU PRI CHEPTULU Vihiga 1.967 2.2811206 2.6671157 3.2357465 3.7585001 4.3549025
72 KISUMU PRI KAKAMEGA Kakamega 1.957 2.2505073 2.6118927 3.1605625 3.6429949 4.1872917
73 KISUMU PRI KISIAN Kisumu 2.521 2.872863 3.3039366 5.0829054 5.6426031 6.2918826
74 KISUMU PRI OBOTE T1 Kisumu 7.819 8.9103197 10.247315 15.76487 17.500799 19.51457
75 KISUMU PRI OBOTE T2 Kisumu 11.895 13.555218 15.589181 23.983007 26.623865 29.687403
76 KISUMU PRI AHERO Kisumu 0 0 0 0 0 0
77 KISUMU PRI KIBOS Kisumu 0 0 0 0 0 0
78 KISUMU PRI MASENO Vihiga 0 0 0 0 0 0
79 KISUMU PRI MAJENGO Vihiga 0 0 0 0 0 0
80 RIVERTEX PRI ELGON VIEW Uasin Gishu 0 0 0 0 0 0
81 KABARNET PRI KIPSARMAN Baringo 0 0 0 0 0 0
82 NAKURU WEST PRI KABARAK Nakuru 0 0 0 0 0 0
83 MAKUTANO PRI CHEPSEON Kericho 0 0 0 0 0 0
84 NAIVASHA PRI MAGUMU Nyandarua 0 0 0 0 0 0
85 LANET PRI BAHATI Nakuru 0 0 0 0 0 0
86 KERINGET PRI MOLO Nakuru 0 0 0 0 0 0
87 MUHORONI PRI SOSIAT Kericho 0 0 0 0 0 0
88 KEGATI PRI NYAMIRA Nyamira 0 0 0 0 0 0
89 KAPSABET PRI KIBETIET Nandi 0 0 0 0 0 0
90 KAPSOWAR PRI KAPSOWAR Elgeyo Marakwet 0 0 0 0 0 0
91 KAPSABET PRI ALDAI Nandi 0 0 0 0 0 0
92 BOMET PRI KITARU Nyamira 0 0 0 0 0 0
93 KISUMU EAST PRI KISUMU SOUTH Kisumu 0 0 0 0 0 0
94 KEGATI PRI MOSOCHO Kisii 0 0 0 0 0 0
95 ORTUM PRI ORTUM West Pokot 0 0 0 0 0 0
96 MUSAGA PRI SIRISIA Bungoma 0 0 0 0 0 0
97 KITALE PRI ENDEBESS Trans Nzoia 0 0 0 0 0 0
98 KITALE PRI MOIBEN Trans Nzoia 0 0 0 0 0 0
Post-Transfer Load
MW Load
0 1 2 3 4 5
Area Type Description Growth Profile 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
1 NAIVASHA PRI MARULA Nakuru 1.409 1.5783979 1.7831601 2.0910074 2.3551105 2.6530366
2 NAIVASHA PRI KIHOTO Nakuru 0.822 0.9208255 1.0402822 1.219878 1.3739538 1.5477616
3 NAIVASHA PRI NAROK Narok 0.938 1.062173 1.2122185 1.4310479 1.6281087 1.8494919
4 NAIVASHA PRI DCK Nakuru 1.608 1.8013228 2.0350046 2.3863307 2.6877344 3.027738
5 NAIVASHA PRI HIGH LIFT KENGEN Nakuru 0.214 0.2397283 0.2708277 0.3175838 0.357696 0.4029452
6 NAIVASHA PRI MATUNDURA Nyandarua 0.234 0.267306 0.3080662 0.3697628 0.4235174 0.4917326
7 LANET PRI LANET 33/11kV Nakuru 13.211 14.799301 14.719182 14.260323 16.061463 18.093269
8 LANET PRI NAKURU TX1 Nakuru 8.514 9.5376009 10.274894 8.5987659 9.6848266 6.9099759
9 LANET PRI NAKURU TX2 Nakuru 4.322 4.8416151 4.4697075 8.6913643 9.7891205 7.0274632
10 LANET PRI MWARIKI Nakuru 2.161 2.4208076 4.7348538 5.5522857 6.253563 15.044651
11 LANET PRI RONGAI Nakuru 2.616 2.9305102 1.8106791 2.1232773 1.3914562 1.5674781
12 LANET PRI NJORO Nakuru 1.804 2.020887 2.2830524 2.6772018 2.0153438 2.2702887
13 LANET PRI ELBURGON Nakuru 2.029 2.2729378 2.5678011 3.01111 3.391426 3.820448
14 LANET PRI SUBUKIA Nakuru 0.774 0.8670546 0.9795358 0.6486442 0.7305708 0.8229894
15 LANET PRI LONDIANI Baringo 0.156 0.1758212 0.1991346 0.2305231 0.160581 0.1815892
16 LANET PRI NYAHURURU Nyandarua 2.379 2.717611 3.1320064 3.7592551 4.3057607 4.9992816
17 LANET PRI RUMURUTI Laikipia 0.297 0.3357154 0.3832109 0.4569113 0.5189912 0.5880633
18 LANET PRI MARALAL Samburu 0.354 0.4044977 0.5413332 0.6283011 0.708489 0.7991184
19 LANET PRI OLKALOU Nakuru 0.947 1.0608537 1.1984759 1.4053826 1.5828883 1.7831268
20 LANET PRI GILGIL Nakuru 1.696 1.8999026 2.146373 2.5169259 2.8348243 3.1934351
21 LESSOS 132KV PRI ITEN Elgeyo Marakwet 0.187 0.2139636 0.2457748 0.2874488 0.3293446 0.3769149
22 LESSOS 132KV PRI KABARNET Nandi 0.312 0.3586879 0.1660065 0.2129317 0.2515671 0.2954409
23 LESSOS 132KV PRI TIMBOROA Baringo 0.1 0.1127059 0.1276504 0.1477712 0.1670391 0.188615
24 LESSOS 132KV PRI MARIGAT Baringo 0.25 0.2817648 0.3191259 0.3694281 0.4175978 0.4715375
25 LESSOS 132KV PRI LESSOS TOWN Nandi 0.142 0.163249 0.1893363 0.2286282 0.2633868 0.3025868
26 LESSOS 132KV PRI KAPSUMBEIWA Nandi 0.562 0.646098 0.749345 0.9048523 1.0424181 1.1975617
27 LESSOS 132KV PRI NANDI HILLS Nandi 1.657 1.9049545 2.2093676 2.6678652 3.0734639 3.5308892
28 LESSOS 132KV PRI KAPSABET Nandi 1.788 2.0555574 2.384037 2.8787828 3.3164475 1.8100361
29 MUSAGA PRI INGOTSE Kakamega 0.789 0.9073328 1.0530319 1.274238 1.4687394 1.6881825
30 MUSAGA PRI WEBUYE Bungoma 0.559 0.6490751 0.7575161 0.9044313 1.0516211 1.2210891
31 MUSAGA PRI KITALE Trans Nzoia 2.797 3.197698 3.6878838 3.4262074 3.9278105 4.4910672
32 MUSAGA PRI SIBEMBE TX1 Bungoma 1.162 1.3492402 1.5746578 0.8800522 1.0232744 1.1881745
33 MUSAGA PRI MUMIAS Kakamega 0.775 0.8912331 1.0343469 1.251628 1.4426781 1.6582274
34 MUSAGA PRI BUTERE Kakamega 1.937 2.2275078 2.5851999 3.1282624 3.6057645 4.1444988
35 MUSAGA PRI SIAYA Siaya 0.981 1.1317642 1.3176962 1.5991676 1.8487656 2.1313466
36 MUSAGA PRI NYAMNINIA Siaya 0.645 0.7441263 0.3663752 0.4448401 0.5109491 0.5849373
37 MUSAGA PRI SIBEMBE TX2 Bungoma 0.83 0.963743 1.1247556 0.3428944 0.3986981 0.462948
38 MUSAGA PRI MALAKISI Bungoma 0.752 0.8731744 1.0190557 1.2166947 1.4147031 1.6426816
39 MUSAGA PRI BUSIA Busia 0.612 0.7023053 0.8125294 0.9754878 1.122151 1.31843
40 MUSAGA PRI BUMALA Busia 0.528 0.6059104 0.7010057 0.8415973 0.9681302 1.137469
41 MUSAGA PRI RUAMBWA Busia 0.461 0.5290241 0.6120523 0.7348037 0.8452804 0.9931311
42 RIVERTEX PRI ELDORET TOWN Uasin Gishu 7.54 6.488767 7.3717123 8.7190588 9.865595 11.138887
43 RIVERTEX PRI INDUSTRIAL Uasin Gishu 6.45 7.261611 8.2497195 9.7575416 11.040636 12.465584
44 RIVERTEX PRI KAPLAMAI Trans Nzoia 2.865 3.2754396 3.7775427 4.5338163 5.1975754 5.9429192
45 RIVERTEX PRI CHERANGANYI Trans Nzoia 0.311 0.3555538 0.4100579 0.4921525 0.5642045 0.6451127
46 RIVERTEX PRI KAPENGURIA West Pokot 0.498 0.5741986 0.6678837 0.8072906 0.9338099 1.0779329
47 RIVERTEX PRI MOI BARRACKS Uasin Gishu 1.26 1.4185473 1.6115731 1.9061244 2.1567754 2.4351373
48 MUHORONI PRI MUHORONI Kisumu 2.496 2.8443737 3.2711724 5.0324998 5.5866471 6.2294879
49 MUHORONI PRI KERICHO Kericho 4.592 5.260707 4.0765133 2.8902357 3.3184358 3.8537242
50 CHEMOSIT PRI KITCO Kericho 1.387 1.588981 1.8353928 1.4017599 1.6094363 1.8690504
51 CHEMOSIT PRI CHANGOI Bomet 0.289 0.2365053 0.2938277 0.4716718 0.5497679 0.6398362
52 CHEMOSIT PRI LITEIN Bomet 1.039 1.2097891 1.4158718 1.6957334 0.976501 1.1478136
53 CHEMOSIT PRI SOTIK Bomet 0.861 1.0025298 1.1733067 1.4052228 1.6378897 1.9062248
54 CHEMOSIT PRI MOGOGOSIEK Bomet 6.584 7.6662671 8.9721848 10.745629 12.524815 14.576753
55 CHEMOSIT PRI BOMET Bomet 0.493 0.5740385 0.6718237 0.8046165 0.9378393 1.0914853
56 CHEMOSIT PRI IKONGE Nyamira 2.553 2.9443864 3.4184245 4.0922228 1.2263073 1.4133158
57 CHEMOSIT PRI SONDU Kericho 1.184 1.3564192 1.5667665 1.1795124 1.354262 1.5727145
58 KEGATI PRI KISII Kisii 6.901 7.9154299 9.1569421 11.016249 9.6646031 7.5812827
59 KEGATI PRI GOGO FALLS Migori 0.223 0.2589564 0.3031229 0.3678003 0.4277991 0.496417
60 KEGATI PRI AWENDO Migori 0.893 1.0369868 1.213851 1.4728504 1.7131147 1.9878941
61 KEGATI PRI MIGORI Migori 0.714 0.8291249 0.9705371 1.1776206 1.3697244 1.5894248
62 KEGATI PRI HOMABAY Homa Bay 2.538 2.9489995 3.4529173 4.1832233 4.869504 5.6563922
63 KEGATI PRI KIAMOKAMA Kisii 1.419 1.6275895 1.8828722 2.2651872 2.6041258 2.9858498
64 KEGATI PRI KEROKA Kisii 0.353 0.4048901 0.468396 0.5635032 0.6478199 0.7427801
65 KEGATI PRI MATUTU Nyamira 0.16 0.1845287 0.2142373 0.2564652 0.2962041 0.3413744
66 KISUMU PRI KISUMU EAST Kisumu 11.214 12.779169 8.6966857 13.379322 26.852569 19.942423
67 KISUMU PRI MIWANI Kisumu 0.432 0.4922954 0.5661645 0.8710096 0.9669197 1.0781806
68 KISUMU PRI KIPTEGAT Kisumu 1.35 1.5384233 1.7692639 2.7219049 3.021624 3.3693144
69 KISUMU PRI CHEMILIL Kisumu 0.652 0.7430015 0.8544889 1.3145793 1.4593325 1.6272541
70 KISUMU PRI CHAVAKALI Vihiga 0.367 0.4256082 0.4976266 0.6037209 0.7012555 0.8125314
71 KISUMU PRI CHEPTULU Vihiga 1.967 2.2811206 1.6671157 2.0225459 2.3492998 2.722089
72 KISUMU PRI KAKAMEGA Kakamega 1.957 2.2505073 2.6118927 3.1605625 3.6429949 4.1872917
73 KISUMU PRI KISIAN Kisumu 2.521 2.872863 1.3039366 2.6565041 2.8242026 3.0262556
74 KISUMU PRI OBOTE T1 Kisumu 7.819 11.24275 12.929726 19.891597 16.081935 14.932441
75 KISUMU PRI OBOTE T2 Kisumu 11.895 11.222788 12.90677 19.85628 16.042729 14.888724
76 KISUMU PRI AHERO Kisumu 0 0 3 4.6153175 5.1235274 5.7130782
77 KISUMU PRI KIBOS Kisumu 0 0 3 4.6153175 5.1235274 5.7130782
78 KISUMU PRI MASENO Vihiga 0 0 2.5 3.0330017 3.5230006 4.0820338
79 KISUMU PRI MAJENGO Vihiga 0 0 1 1.2132007 1.4092002 1.6328135
80 RIVERTEX PRI ELGON VIEW Uasin Gishu 0 2 2.2721458 2.6874316 3.0408227 3.4332832
81 KABARNET PRI KIPSARMAN Baringo 0 0 0.25 0.2894062 0.3271418 0.3693976
82 NAKURU WEST PRI KABARAK Nakuru 0 0 3 3.5179243 3.9622531 4.4634858
83 MAKUTANO PRI CHEPSEON Kericho 0 0 2 2.3992247 2.7546795 3.1990299
84 NAIVASHA PRI MAGUMU Nyandarua 0 0 2 2.3452829 2.6415021 2.9756572
85 LANET PRI BAHATI Nakuru 0 0 0 3.5 3.9420649 4.4407437
86 KERINGET PRI MOLO Nakuru 0 0 0 0 2.1 2.3656541
87 MUHORONI PRI SOSIAT Kericho 0 0 0 3.5 4.0185391 4.6667594
88 KEGATI PRI NYAMIRA Nyamira 0 0 0 0 1.5 1.7287458
89 KAPSABET PRI KIBETIET Nandi 0 0 0 0 0 1
90 KAPSOWAR PRI KAPSOWAR Elgeyo Marakwet 0 0 0 0 1 1.1444391
91 KAPSABET PRI ALDAI Nandi 0 0 0 0 0 1
92 BOMET PRI KITARU Nyamira 0 0 0 0 3 3.4574916
93 KISUMU EAST PRI KISUMU SOUTH Kisumu 0 0 0 0 0 16
94 KEGATI PRI MOSOCHO Kisii 0 0 0 0 0 3.5
95 ORTUM PRI ORTUM West Pokot 0 0 0 0 0 0.5
96 MUSAGA PRI SIRISIA Bungoma 0 0 0 2 2.3254857 2.7002364
97 KITALE PRI ENDEBESS Trans Nzoia 0 0 0 1 1.1464019 1.3107984
98 KITALE PRI MOIBEN Trans Nzoia 0 0 0 0 0 0
Feeder Load Flow Analysis - West Region, 2012

Values Values
Nominal Maximum Maximum Average Minimum Minimum
Bulk Supply Point Feeder Name Voltage (kV) Length (km) Loading (A) Loading (%) Loading (%) Voltage (kV) Voltage (%)
Chemosit Bomet 33 58.6 164 58.7 23.69 29.505 89.41
Kericho 33 26.6 171 82.24 48.14 29.16 88.36
Kisii 33 184.4 202 46.92 10.89 33.19 100.58
Sondu 33 15.0 21 4.86 1.88 31.795 96.35
Sotik 33 44.2 75 35.49 11.76 29.401 89.09
Kegati Homabay 33 119.7 102 36.34 18.14 27.246 82.56
Ikonge 33 3.9 25 8.92 6.62 33.008 100.03
Keroka 33 104.7 25 8.91 2.44 32.55 98.64
Kiamokama 33 24.5 40 18.38 9.07 32.475 98.41
Kisii 33 34.7 123 52.08 17.60 31.684 96.01
Ogembo/Migori 33 610.4 85 30.37 4.26 30.789 93.3
Kisumu Bondo 33 82.2 81 29.1 7.66 31.594 95.74
Chemelil 33 88.5 121 43.26 14.78 29.671 89.91
Kakamega 33 59.9 134 39.86 25.76 29.261 88.67
Kisumu East 33 7.3 206 47.86 47.91 32.204 97.59
Obote 1 33 5.6 144 33.39 30.21 32.72 99.15
Obote 2 33 5.2 217 50.36 50.35 32.484 98.44
Lanet Gilgil-Marula 33 142.6 67 23.91 2.96 32.115 97.32
Lanet 33/11 33 0.1 238 0.24 0.24 32.96 99.88
Nakuru Interconnector 1 33 14.2 218 50.79 36.97 31.577 95.69
Nakuru Interconnector 2 33 46.5 198 59.05 24.83 30.106 91.23
Nyahururu Interconnector 1 33 370.8 139 49.53 8.66 25.357 76.84
Nyahururu Interconnector 2 33 345.3 121 35.89 9.38 25.661 77.76
Rongai 33 184.1 139 49.54 14.97 25.728 77.96
Lessos Chemelil 33 28.7 49 14.65 6.98 32.669 99
Eldoret 33 74.8 49 14.68 3.08 32.756 99.26
Flouspar 33 443.3 90 20.95 2.93 31.381 95.09
Kapsabet 33 19.7 39 14.02 10.99 32.599 98.78
Muhoroni Katito 33 141.6 41 14.22 3.36 32.156 97.44
Kericho 33 64.4 118 35.36 12.38 32.707 99.11
Muhoroni 33 24.5 81 20.33 7.07 31.212 94.58
Musaga Kakamega 33 81.3 142 50.65 13.59 30.991 93.91
Sibembe 1 33 92.1 46 17.59 4.99 32.056 97.14
Sibembe 2 33 172.0 73 25.98 8.13 29.963 90.8
Webuye/Kitale 33 249.6 156 55.89 12.04 26.519 80.36
Rangala Busia 33 147.8 44 15.62 4.11 31.744 96.19
Butere 33 27.7 39 17.49 12.29 32.281 97.82
Nyamninia 33 97.9 27 12.48 2.85 32.611 98.82
Ruambwa 33 46.8 25 10.93 4.07 32.759 99.27
Siaya 33 323.6 71 32.14 4.61 29.717 90.05
Rivertex Eldoret 1 33 10.8 52 12.17 7.76 33.187 100.57
Eldoret 2 33 5.8 137 40.79 40.25 32.78 99.33
Industrial 33 8.0 119 42.48 41.59 32.487 98.45
Kitale/Moi Barracks 33 215.8 185 66.07 11.19 28.557 86.53
Lessos Interconnector 33 86.0 68 24.41 6.68 31.956 96.84
Ngano 33 27.4 23 7.41 2.38 33.286 100.87
Rivatex 33 0.4 110 39.32 31.57 33.364 101.1
Steel Mills/Kitale 33 227.3 138 49.29 16.02 25.805 78.2
Suswa Dck - Narok 33 257.5 150 53.63 8.45 27.923 84.61
Kinangop 33 215.3 30 10.73 1.88 32.276 97.81
Marula 33 131.3 91 32.56 9.20 30.895 93.62
Suswa-Lanet Interconnector 33 70.8 26 9.43 8.75 32.962 99.88
Transformer Load Flow Analysis - West Region, 2012

Nominal Voltage
Substation Element Name (kV) Capacity (MVA) Loading (%)
Awendo AWENDO_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 12.05
Bomet BOMET_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 19.94
Bumala BUMALA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 21.29
Busia BUSIA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 24.75
Butere BUTERE_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 26.16
Changoi CHANGOI_33_11_TX 33/11 0.3 93.78
Chavakali CHAVAKALI_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 7.43
CHAVAKALI_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 7.43
Chemelil CHEMELIL_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 26.39
Chemosit CHEMOSIT_132_33_TX_1 132/33 23 82.69
CHEMOSIT_132_33_TX_2 132/33 23 82.7
Cheptulu CHEPTULU_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 26.56
Cheranganyi CHERANGANYI_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 12.57
DCK DCK_33_11_TX_1 33/11 7.5 10.85
DCK_33_11_TX_2 33/11 7.5 10.85
Eburru EBURRU_GEN_33_11_TX 33/11 3 79.4
Elburgon ELBURGON_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 27.43
Eldoret Industrial ELDORET_INDUSTRIAL_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 88.79
Eldoret Town ELDORET_TOWN_33_11_TX 33/11 23 33.34
Gilgil GILGIL_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 34.35
GILGIL_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 34.35
Gogo Falls GOGO_GEN_33_3.3_TX2 33/3.3 1.5 84.85
GOGO_GEN_33_3.3_TX1 33/3.3 1.5 84.85
HLKengen HLKENGEN_33_11_TX 33/11 1.5 14.45
Homabay HOMABAY_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 34.39
Ikonge IKONGE_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 51.98
IKONGE_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 51.98
Ingotse INGOTSE_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 29.89
Iten ITEN_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 7.57
Kabarnet KABARNET_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 12.61
Kakamega KAKAMEGA_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 26.42
Kapenguria KAPENGURIA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 20.14
Kaplamai KAPLAMAI_33_11_TX 33/11 23 12.61
Kapsabet KAPSABET_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 23.7
Kapsumbeiwa KAPSUMBEIWA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 22.32
Kegati KEGATI_132_33_TX 132/33 23 100.43
Kericho KERICHO_33_11_TX_1 33/11 7.5 31.06
KERICHO_33_11_TX_2 33/11 7.5 31.06
Keroka KEROKA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 14.27
Kiamokama KIAMOKAMA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 57.85
Kihoto KIHOTO_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 11.1
Kiptegat KIPTEGAT_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 18.21
Kisian KISIAN_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 34.13
Kisii KISII_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 95.39
Kisumu KISUMU_132_33_TX_1 132/33 23 122.48
KISUMU_132_33_TX_2 132/33 23 117.39
Kisumu East KISUMU_EAST_33_11_TX 33/11 23 49.91
Kitale KITALE_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 35.24
Kitco KITCO_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 28.05
KITCO_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 28.05
Lanet LANET_132_33_TX_1 132/33 23 96.7
Lanet LANET_132_33_TX_2 132/33 23 96.7
LANET_132_33_TX_3 132/33 23 96.7
Lanet Town LANET_33_11_TX_1 33/11 7.5 90.65
LANET_33_11_TX_2 33/11 7.5 90.65
Lessos LESSOS_132_33_TX_1 132/33 23 28.59
LESSOS_132_33_TX_2 132/33 23 28.59
Lessos Town LESSOS_TOWN_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 5.65
Litein LITEIN_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 42.16
Londiani LONDIANI_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 6.3
Malakisi MAKLAKISI_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 30.47
Maralal MARALAL_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 14.31
Marigat MARIGAT_33_11_TX 33/11 1.5 16.85
Marula MARULA_33_11_TX_1 33/11 7.5 9.52
MARULA_33_11_TX_2 33/11 7.5 9.52
Matundura MATUNDURA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 9.48
Matutu MATUTU_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 6.5
Migori MIGORI_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 14.45
MIGORI_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 14.45
Miwani MIWANI_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 17.45
Mogogosiek MOGOGOSIEK_33_11_TX_1 33/11 7.5 44.68
MOGOGOSIEK_33_11_TX_2 33/11 7.5 44.68
Moi Barracks MOI_BARRACKS_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 51.33
Muhoroni MUHORONI_132_33_TX 132/33 23 61.52
Muhoroni 33/11 MUHORONI_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 33.78
Mumias MUMIAS_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 15.66
MUMIAS_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 15.66
Musaga MUSAGA_132_33_TX_1 132/33 23 53.42
MUSAGA_132_33_TX_2 132/33 23 53.42
Mwariki MWARIKI_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 30.96
Nakuru NAKURU_33_11_TX_1 33/11 23 37.73
NAKURU_33_11_TX_2 33/11 23 20.17
Nandi Hills NANDI_HILLS_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 22.36
Narok NAROK_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 18.96
NAROK_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 18.96
Njoro NJORO_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 36.59
NJORO_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 36.59
Nyahururu NYAHURURU_33_11_TX_1 33/11 15 8.1
NYAHURURU_33_11_TX_2 33/11 15 8.1
Nyamninia NYAMNINIA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 26.11
Obote Rd OBOTE_RD_33_11_TX_1 33/11 7.5 108.49
OBOTE_RD_33_11_TX_2 33/11 23 52.97
Olkalau OLKALAU_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 14.04
Rangala RANGALA_132_33_TX 132/33 23 25.91
RANGALA_132_33_TX2 132/33 23 25.91
Rivertex RIVERTEX_132_33_TX_1 132/33 23 110.68
RIVERTEX_132_33_TX_2 132/33 23 110.68
Rongai RONGAI_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 53.32
RONGAI_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 53.32
Ruambwa RUAMBWA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 18.63
Rumuruti RUMURUTI_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 11.98
Siaya SIAYA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 39.81
Sibembe SIBEMBE_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 47.24
SIBEMBE_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 33.62
Sondu SONDU_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 48.27
Sotik SOTIK_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 11.62
Subukia SUBUKIA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 31.36
Suswa SUSWA_132_33_TX 132/33 23 35.27
SUSWA_132_33_TX_INST_2012 132/33 23 35.27
Timboroa TIMBOROA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 4.09
Webuye WEBUYE_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 7.03
Load Flow Analysis Substation Loads - West Region, 2012


Substation Element Name P (MW) Q (MVAr) S (MVA)

AHP (James Finlay) AHP_LOAD 5.068 2.454 5.631
Awendo AWE_LOAD 0.804 0.389 0.893
Bomet BOM_LOAD 0.444 0.215 0.493
Bumala BUM_LOAD 0.474 0.230 0.527
Busia BIA_LOAD 0.551 0.267 0.612
Butere BUT_LOAD 1.743 0.844 1.937
Carbacid (CO2) Ltd CARBACID_(CO2)_LTD_LOAD 1.269 0.615 1.410
Changoi CHG_LOAD 0.259 0.126 0.288
Chavakali CHA_LOAD 0.330 0.160 0.367
Chemelil CHEMELIL_LOAD 0.587 0.284 0.652
Cheptulu CHE_LOAD 1.770 0.857 1.967
Cheranganyi CHR_LOAD 0.280 0.136 0.311
DCK DCK_LOAD 1.447 0.701 1.608
Elburgon ELB_LOAD 1.826 0.884 2.029
Eldoret Industrial ELI_LOAD 5.805 2.811 6.450
Eldoret Town ELW_LOAD 6.786 3.287 7.540
Eveready Batteries (K) Limited EVEREADY BATTERIES (K) LIMITED 0.736 0.357 0.818
Everest Steel Ltd EVEREST STEEL LTD 1.621 0.785 1.801
Fish Products FISH PRODUCTS 0.875 0.424 0.972
Gilgil GLG_LOAD 1.526 0.739 1.696
Gogo Falls GGF_LOAD 0.201 0.097 0.223
HLKengen HLK_LOAD 0.193 0.093 0.214
Homabay HBY_LOAD 2.284 1.106 2.538
Ikonge IKO_LOAD 2.298 1.113 2.553
Ingotse ING_LOAD 0.665 0.322 0.739
Iten ITN_LOAD 0.168 0.082 0.187
Itumbe Tea Factory ITUMBE TEA FACTORY 0.266 0.129 0.296
Kabarnet KAR_LOAD 0.281 0.136 0.312
Kakamega KAK_LOAD 1.760 0.853 1.956
Kapenguria KPN_LOAD 0.448 0.217 0.498
Kaplamai KPL_LOAD 2.578 1.248 2.864
Kapsabet KST_LOAD 1.580 0.765 1.755
Kapsumbeiwa KAM_LOAD 0.497 0.241 0.552
Kericho KEC_LOAD 4.134 2.002 4.593
Keroka KEO_LOAD 0.318 0.154 0.353
Kiamokama KIO_LOAD 1.277 0.619 1.419
Kihoto KHI_LOAD 0.740 0.358 0.822
Kiptegat KIPTEGAT_11 1.215 0.588 1.350
Kisian KSI_LOAD 2.270 1.099 2.522
Kisii KII_LOAD 6.211 3.008 6.901
Kisii District Hospital KISII DISTRICT HOSPITAL 1.285 0.622 1.428
Kisumu East KIES_LOAD 10.094 4.889 11.216
Kitale KTL_LOAD 2.337 1.132 2.597
Kitco KIC_LOAD_1 1.248 0.605 1.387
Lanet Town LNE_LOAD 11.829 5.729 13.143
Lessos Town LET_LOAD 0.125 0.061 0.139
Litein LTN_LOAD 0.935 0.453 1.039
Londiani LON_LOAD 0.140 0.068 0.156
Malakisi MKS_LOAD 0.677 0.328 0.752
Maralal MAA_LOAD 0.319 0.154 0.354
Marigat MAG_LOAD 0.225 0.109 0.250
Marula MRL_LOAD 1.268 0.614 1.409
Matundura MTR_LOAD 0.211 0.102 0.234
Matutu MTU_LOAD 0.144 0.070 0.160
Migori MGO_LOAD 0.644 0.312 0.716
Ministry Of Public Works MINISTRY OF PUBLIC WORKS 0.891 0.432 0.990
Miwani MIW_LOAD 0.389 0.188 0.432
Mogogosiek MGG_LOAD 5.926 2.870 6.584
Moi Barracks MOB_LOAD 1.133 0.549 1.259
Mollases MOLLASES 0.944 0.457 1.049
Morendat (KPC Pumping Station) MDT_LOAD 0.591 0.286 0.657
Muhoroni 33/11 MUH_LOAD 2.246 1.088 2.496
Muhoroni Sugar Factory MUHORONI SUGAR FACTORY 0.898 0.435 0.998
Mumias MUM_LOAD 0.698 0.338 0.776
Mwariki MWR_LOAD 2.060 0.998 2.289
Nakuru NAU_LOAD_1 7.663 3.711 8.514
NAU_LOAD_2 4.120 1.996 4.578
Nandi Hills NAD_LOAD 1.491 0.722 1.657
Narok NAK_LOAD 0.844 0.409 0.938
Njoro NJO_LOAD 1.623 0.786 1.803
Nyahururu NYH_LOAD 1.071 0.519 1.190
NYH_LOAD_2 1.071 0.519 1.190
Nyamninia NYA_LOAD 0.581 0.282 0.646
Obote Rd OBT_LOAD_1 7.036 3.408 7.818
OBT_LOAD_2 10.705 5.184 11.894
Olkalau OLK_LOAD 0.937 0.454 1.041
Prime Steel Mills Ltd PRIME STEEL MILLS LTD 0.959 0.464 1.065
Rivatex RIVATEX_LOAD 5.299 2.567 5.888
Rongai RON_LOAD 2.354 1.140 2.616
Ruambwa RUM_LOAD 0.415 0.201 0.461
Rumuruti RUT_LOAD 0.267 0.129 0.297
Siaya SIY_LOAD 0.883 0.428 0.981
Sibembe SIB_LOAD_1 1.046 0.507 1.162
SIB_LOAD_2 0.747 0.362 0.830
Sondu SOD_LOAD 1.067 0.517 1.186
Sotik SOT_LOAD 0.775 0.375 0.861
Steel Mills STM_LOAD 0.900 0.436 1.000
Subukia SUB_LOAD 0.697 0.337 0.774
Timboroa TIM_LOAD 0.090 0.044 0.100
United Millers Ltd UNITED MILLERS LTD 0.678 0.328 0.753
Webuye WEB_LOAD 0.467 0.226 0.519
Western University College WESTERN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 1.330 0.644 1.478
Grand Total 165.958 80.379 184.399
Load Flow Analysis Network Infeeds - West Region, 2012


Substation Pgen (MW) Qgen (MVAr)

Chemosit 32.434 19.876
Eburru 2.3 0.619
Gogo Falls 1.8 1.8
Kegati 21.77 7.719
Kisumu 45.818 30.729
Lanet 56.135 36.065
Lessos 12.26 4.754
Muhoroni 12.502 6.627
Musaga 21.721 11.488
Rangala 11.251 3.937
Rivertex 43.015 27.239
Sondu 0 0
Suswa 15.237 5.571
Webuye 0 0
Grand Total 276.243 156.424
IEC60909 Short Circuit Results (3 Phase) - West Region, 2012

Nominal Switchgear
Substation Name Fault location Voltage (kV) Rating (kA) Ik" (kA) % of Rating
AHP (James Finlay) AHP_(JAMES_FINLAY)_33 33 31.5 1.109 3.5
Awendo AWENDO_11 11 25 1.98 7.9
AWENDO_33 33 31.5 0.948 3.0
Bomet BOMET_11 11 25 1.271 5.1
BOMET_33 33 31.5 0.832 2.6
Bumala BUMALA_11 11 25 1.578 6.3
BUMALA_33 33 31.5 1.372 4.4
Busia BUSIA_11 11 25 1.295 5.2
BUSIA_33 33 31.5 0.829 2.6
Butere BUTERE_11 11 25 2.445 9.8
BUTERE_33 33 31.5 1.224 3.9
Carbacid (CO2) Ltd CARBACID_(CO2)_LTD_33 33 31.5 0.765 2.4
Changoi CHANGOI_11 11 25 0.381 1.5
CHANGOI_33 33 31.5 2.764 8.8
Chavakali CHAVAKALI_11 11 25 2.119 8.5
CHAVAKALI_33 33 31.5 1.219 3.9
Chemelil CHEMELIL_11 11 25 1.25 5.0
CHEMELIL_33 33 31.5 0.808 2.6
Chemosit CHEMOSIT_33_1 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
CHEMOSIT_33_2 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
Cheptulu CHEPTULU_11 11 25 1.463 5.9
CHEPTULU_33 33 31.5 0.593 1.9
Cheranganyi CHERANGANYI_11 11 25 0.748 3.0
CHERANGANYI_33 33 31.5 0.332 1.1
DCK DCK_11 11 25 4.574 18.3
DCK_33 33 31.5 2.333 7.4
Eburru EBURRU_GEN_11 11 25 2.515 10.1
EBURRU_GEN_33 33 31.5 1.087 3.5
Elburgon ELBURGON_11 11 25 1.794 7.2
ELBURGON_33 33 31.5 0.796 2.5
Eldoret Industrial ELDORET_INDUSTRIAL_11 11 25 3.709 14.8
ELDORET_INDUSTRIAL_33 33 31.5 3.12 9.9
Eldoret Town ELDORET_TOWN_11 11 25 6.696 26.8
ELDORET_TOWN_33 33 31.5 3.977 12.6
Eveready Batteries (K) Limited EVEREADY BATTERIES (K) LIMITED 33 31.5 2.633 8.4
Everest Steel Ltd EVEREST_STEEL_LTD_33 33 31.5 1.952 6.2
Fish Products FISH PRODUCTS 33 31.5 0.529 1.7
Gilgil GILGIL_11 11 25 1.765 7.1
GILGIL_33 33 31.5 0.858 2.7
Gogo Falls GOGO_FALLS_33 33 31.5 0.733 2.3
GOGO_GEN_33 33 31.5 0.733 2.3
HLKengen HLKENGEN_11 11 25 1.217 4.9
HLKENGEN_33 33 31.5 1.552 4.9
Homabay HOMABAY_11 11 25 1.31 5.2
HOMABAY_33 33 31.5 0.532 1.7
Ikonge IKONGE_11 11 25 2.799 11.2
IKONGE_33 33 31.5 2.221 7.1
Ingotse INGOTSE_11 11 25 1.787 7.1
INGOTSE_33 33 31.5 2.175 6.9
Iten ITEN_11 11 25 0.959 3.8
ITEN_33 33 31.5 0.493 1.6
Itumbe Tea Factory ITUMBE TEA FACTORY 33 31.5 2.257 7.2
Kabarnet KABARNET_11 11 25 1.084 4.3
KABARNET_33 33 31.5 0.623 2.0
Kakamega KAKAMEGA_11 11 25 1.781 7.1
KAKAMEGA_33 33 31.5 0.814 2.6
Kapenguria KAPENGURIA_11 11 25 0.656 2.6
KAPENGURIA_33 33 31.5 0.279 0.9
Kaplamai KAPLAMAI_11 11 25 1.345 5.4
KAPLAMAI_33 33 31.5 0.48 1.5
Kapsabet KAPSABET_11 11 25 2.888 11.6
Kapsabet KAPSABET_33 33 31.5 1.717 5.5
Kapsumbeiwa KAPSUMBEIWA_11 11 25 1.786 7.1
KAPSUMBEIWA_33 33 31.5 2.274 7.2
Kegati KEGATI_33 33 31.5 3.941 12.5
Kericho KERICHO_11 11 25 2.994 12.0
KERICHO_33 33 31.5 1.306 4.1
Keroka KEROKA_11 11 25 1.504 6.0
KEROKA_33 33 31.5 1.235 3.9
Kiamokama KIAMOKAMA_11 11 25 1.587 6.3
KIAMOKAMA_33 33 31.5 1.466 4.7
Kihoto KIHOTO_11 11 25 4.07 16.3
KIHOTO_33 33 31.5 4.17 13.2
Kiptegat KIPTEGAT_11 11 25 1.65 6.6
KIPTEGAT_33 33 31.5 0.727 2.3
Kisian KISIAN_11 11 25 2.689 10.8
KISIAN_33 33 31.5 1.566 5.0
Kisii KISII_11 11 25 2.889 11.6
KISII_33 33 31.5 1.789 5.7
Kisii District Hospital KISII DISTRICT HOSPITAL 33 31.5 3.215 10.2
Kisumu KISUMU_33_1 33 31.5 3.765 12.0
KISUMU_33_2 33 31.5 3.765 12.0
Kisumu East KISUMU_EAST_11 11 25 5.074 20.3
KISUMU_EAST_33 33 31.5 2.563 8.1
Kitale KITALE_11 11 25 1.224 4.9
KITALE_33 33 31.5 0.492 1.6
Kitco KITCO_11 11 25 3.511 14.0
KITCO_33 33 31.5 4.452 14.1
Lanet LANET_33 33 31.5 10.996 34.9
Lanet Town LANET_33/11_11 11 25 8.66 34.6
LANET_33/11_33 33 31.5 10.996 34.9
Lessos LESSOS_33 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
Lessos Town LESSOS_TOWN_11 11 25 2.111 8.4
LESSOS_TOWN_33 33 31.5 6.991 22.2
Litein LITEIN_11 11 25 1.883 7.5
LITEIN_33 33 31.5 3.063 9.7
Londiani LONDIANI_11 11 25 0.676 2.7
LONDIANI_33 33 31.5 0.289 0.9
Malakisi MALAKISI_11 11 25 0.971 3.9
MALAKISI_33 33 31.5 0.489 1.6
Maralal MARALAL_11 11 25 0.461 1.8
MARALAL_33 33 31.5 0.18 0.6
Marigat MARIGAT_11 11 25 0.703 2.8
MARIGAT_33 33 31.5 0.388 1.2
Marula MARULA_11 11 25 3.815 15.3
MARULA_33 33 31.5 1.782 5.7
Matundura MATUNDURA_11 11 25 1.583 6.3
MATUNDURA_33 33 31.5 1.374 4.4
Matutu MATUTU_11 11 25 1.4 5.6
MATUTU_33 33 31.5 1.004 3.2
Migori MIGORI_11 11 25 1.537 6.1
MIGORI_33 33 31.5 0.714 2.3
Ministry Of Public Works MINISTRY OF PUBLIC WORKS 33 31.5 1.056 3.4
Miwani MIWANI_11 11 25 1.489 6.0
MIWANI_33 33 31.5 1.225 3.9
Mogogosiek MOGOGOSIEK_11 11 25 3.131 12.5
MOGOGOSIEK_33 33 31.5 1.342 4.3
Moi Barracks MOI_BARRACKS_11 11 25 1.575 6.3
MOI_BARRACKS_33 33 31.5 1.363 4.3
Mollases MOLLASES 33 31.5 2.805 8.9
Morendat (KPC Pumping Station) MORENDAT_(KPC_PUMPING_STATION)_33 33 31.5 1.483 4.7
Muhoroni MUHORONI_33 33 31.5 3.765 12.0
Muhoroni 33/11 MUHORONI_33/11_11 11 25 3.209 12.8
MUHORONI_33/11_33 33 31.5 2.31 7.3
Muhoroni Sugar Factory MUHORONI SUGAR FACTORY 33 31.5 2.34 7.4
Mumias MUMIAS_11 11 25 1.767 7.1
MUMIAS_33 33 31.5 0.861 2.7
Musaga MUSAGA_33 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
Mwariki MWARIKI_11 11 25 3.847 15.4
MWARIKI_33 33 31.5 3.448 10.9
Nakuru NAKURU_11_1 11 25 6.191 24.8
NAKURU_11_2 11 25 4.939 19.8
NAKURU_33_1 33 31.5 3.443 10.9
NAKURU_33_2 33 31.5 2.343 7.4
Nandi Hills NANDI_HILLS_11 11 25 3.099 12.4
NANDI_HILLS_33 33 31.5 2.051 6.5
Narok NAROK_11 11 25 0.996 4.0
NAROK_33 33 31.5 0.396 1.3
Njoro NJORO_11 11 25 2.212 8.8
NJORO_33 33 31.5 1.25 4.0
Nyahururu NYAHURURU_11_1 11 25 1.81 7.2
NYAHURURU_11_2 11 25 1.81 7.2
NYAHURURU_33 33 31.5 0.715 2.3
Nyamninia NYAMNINIA_11 11 25 1.556 6.2
NYAMNINIA_33 33 31.5 1.233 3.9
Obote Rd OBOTE_RD_11_1 11 25 3.486 13.9
OBOTE_RD_11_2 11 25 5.415 21.7
OBOTE_RD_33_1 33 31.5 2.854 9.1
OBOTE_RD_33_2 33 31.5 2.84 9.0
Olkalau OLKALAU_11 11 25 2.265 9.1
OLKALAU_33 33 31.5 1.133 3.6
Prime Steel Mills Ltd PRIME STEEL MILLS LTD 33 31.5 3.292 10.5
Rangala RANGALA_33 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
Rivatex RIVATEX_33 33 31.5 6.999 22.2
Rivertex RIVERTEX_33 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
Rongai RONGAI_11 11 25 2.007 8.0
RONGAI_33 33 31.5 1.074 3.4
Ruambwa RUAMBWA_11 11 25 1.443 5.8
RUAMBWA_33 33 31.5 1.05 3.3
Rumuruti RUMURUTI_11 11 25 0.851 3.4
RUMURUTI_33 33 31.5 0.407 1.3
Siaya SIAYA_11 11 25 1.777 7.1
SIAYA_33 33 31.5 1.948 6.2
Sibembe SIBEMBE_11_1 11 25 1.642 6.6
SIBEMBE_11_2 11 25 1.61 6.4
SIBEMBE_33_1 33 31.5 1.643 5.2
SIBEMBE_33_2 33 31.5 1.462 4.6
Sondu SONDU_11 11 25 1.475 5.9
SONDU_33 33 31.5 1.199 3.8
Sotik SOTIK_11 11 25 1.8 7.2
SOTIK_33 33 31.5 0.77 2.4
Steel Mills STEEL_MILLS_33 33 31.5 6.324 20.1
Subukia SUBUKIA_11 11 25 1.312 5.2
SUBUKIA_33 33 31.5 0.842 2.7
Suswa SUSWA_33 33 31.5 7.868 25.0
Timboroa TIMBOROA_11 11 25 1.336 5.3
TIMBOROA_33 33 31.5 0.942 3.0
United Millers Ltd UNITED MILLERS LTD 33 31.5 2.422 7.7
Webuye WEBUYE_11 11 25 2.987 11.9
WEBUYE_33 33 31.5 1.839 5.8
Western University College WESTERN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 33 31.5 1.607 5.1
Feeder Load Flow Analysis - West Region, 2013

Values Values
Nominal Maximum Maximum Average Minimum Minimum
Bulk Supply Point Feeder Name Voltage (kV) Length (km) Loading (A) Loading (%) Loading (%) Voltage (kV) Voltage (%)
Chemosit Bomet 33 58.6 170 60.87 24.62 29.783 90.25
Kericho 33 26.6 189 43.98 25.74 32.471 98.4
Kisii 33 32.8 53 12.31 6.53 31.142 94.37
Sondu 33 106.5 103 27.95 7.21 31.282 94.8
Sotik 33 44.2 89 42.05 13.96 31.247 94.69
Kegati Homabay 33 119.7 108 38.41 19.45 29.292 88.76
Ikonge 33 43.3 89 31.85 7.14 32.144 97.4
Keroka 33 104.7 29 10.39 2.83 32.324 97.95
Kiamokama 33 24.5 47 21.29 10.56 32.249 97.72
Kisii 33 34.7 144 61.33 20.70 31.239 94.66
Ogembo/Migori 33 610.4 105 37.47 5.07 29.378 89.02
Kisumu Bondo 33 82.2 95 33.79 8.97 31.044 94.07
Chemelil 33 50.4 61 21.74 7.23 31.928 96.75
Kakamega 33 59.9 140 44.38 28.30 29.725 90.07
Kisumu East 33 7.3 238 55.41 55.35 31.812 96.4
Obote 1 33 5.6 207 48.11 43.62 32.246 97.71
Obote 2 33 5.2 207 48.13 48.14 32.233 97.68
Lanet Gilgil-Marula 33 127.9 75 26.94 3.72 32.203 97.58
Lanet 33/11 33 0.1 266 0.27 0.27 33.192 100.58
Nakuru Interconnector 1 33 14.2 244 56.86 41.37 31.641 95.88
Nakuru Interconnector 2 33 46.5 222 66.32 27.91 29.975 90.83
Nyahururu Interconnector 1 33 165.7 77 27.44 6.38 31.085 94.2
Nyahururu Interconnector 2 33 359.3 133 39.81 13.38 29.941 90.73
Rongai 33 95.8 85 30.38 11.59 30.322 91.88
Lessos Chemelil 33 28.7 57 16.94 8.08 32.542 98.61
Eldoret 33 74.8 56 16.67 3.51 32.647 98.93
Flouspar 33 306.3 74 17.21 3.58 31.261 94.73
Kapsabet 33 19.7 45 16.22 12.72 32.461 98.37
Makutano Londiani 33 22.8 14 5.05 2.14 33.049 100.15
Lanet 33 157.0 42 15.03 3.12 32.056 97.14
Timboroa 33 165.7 27 9.77 2.26 32.384 98.13
Molo 33 142.4 53 17.21 6.59 30.596 92.71
Muhoroni Katito 33 164.8 80 28.1 7.60 30.12 91.27
Kericho 33 64.4 138 41.2 14.40 31.472 95.37
Muhoroni 33 55.4 166 43.15 11.23 30.754 93.19
Musaga Kakamega 33 68.0 142 50.57 14.99 31.118 94.3
Sibembe 1 33 92.1 54 20.59 5.88 31.748 96.21
Sibembe 2 33 197.3 80 28.47 8.65 30.781 93.28
Webuye/Kitale 33 19.6 1 0.43 0.28 33.159 100.48
Rangala Busia 33 147.8 51 18.13 4.79 31.585 95.71
Butere 33 27.7 45 20.2 14.08 32.236 97.69
Nyamninia 33 97.9 32 14.5 3.34 32.605 98.8
Ruambwa 33 46.8 29 12.63 4.65 32.787 99.35
Siaya 33 323.6 81 37 5.42 31.002 93.95
Rivertex Eldoret 1 33 10.8 60 13.85 8.85 33.046 100.14
Eldoret 2 33 5.8 119 35.41 34.87 32.754 99.25
Industrial 33 8.0 136 48.41 47.47 32.247 97.72
Kitale/Moi Barracks 33 162.3 141 50.18 11.52 30.008 90.93
Lessos Interconnector 33 87.4 79 28.18 7.61 31.605 95.77
Ngano 33 27.4 26 8.41 2.69 33.158 100.48
Rivatex 33 0.4 124 44.42 35.59 33.249 100.75
Steel Mills/Kitale 33 177.8 100 35.55 12.85 29.653 89.86
Elgon View 33 3.0 35 11.05 10.97 33.187 100.57
Moiben 33 32.0 4 1.34 1.30 33.195 100.59
Suswa Dck - Narok 33 257.5 165 59.01 12.84 30.869 93.54
Kinangop 33 215.3 35 12.36 2.18 31.835 96.47
Marula 33 131.0 105 37.63 10.49 30.317 91.87
Suswa-Lanet Interconnector 33 70.8 24 8.6 7.86 32.863 99.58
Webuye Eldoret 33 100.0 56 19.96 6.03 31.548 95.6
Kakamega 33 32.5 22 6.81 4.38 32.614 98.83
Webuye Kitale 33 133.4 120 42.51 20.56 29.179 88.42
Kimilili 33 107.3 53 18.89 4.81 31.995 96.95
Webuye Local 33 1.1 11 3.35 3.45 33.027 100.08
Transformer Load Flow Analysis - West Region, 2013

Nominal Voltage
Substation Element Name (kV) Capacity (MVA) Loading (%)
Awendo AWENDO_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 13.99
Bomet BOMET_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 23.23
Bumala BUMALA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 24.44
Busia BUSIA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 28.42
Butere BUTERE_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 30.11
Changoi CHANGOI_33_11_TX 33/11 0.3 109.54
Chavakali CHAVAKALI_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 8.61
CHAVAKALI_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 8.61
Chemelil CHEMELIL_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 30.07
Chemosit CHEMOSIT_132_33_TX_1 132/33 23 76.51
CHEMOSIT_132_33_TX_2 132/33 23 76.51
Cheptulu CHEPTULU_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 30.84
Cheranganyi CHERANGANYI_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 14.37
DCK DCK_33_11_TX_1 33/11 7.5 12.15
DCK_33_11_TX_2 33/11 7.5 12.15
Eburru EBURRU_GEN_33_11_TX 33/11 3 85.3
Elburgon ELBURGON_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 30.73
Eldoret Industrial ELDORET_INDUSTRIAL_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 100.43
Eldoret Town ELDORET_TOWN_33_11_TX 33/11 23 28.81
Elgon View ELGON_VIEW_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 27.02
Gilgil GILGIL_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 38.54
GILGIL_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 38.54
Gogo Falls GOGO_GEN_33_3.3_TX2 33/3.3 1.5 84.85
GOGO_GEN_33_3.3_TX1 33/3.3 1.5 84.85
HLKengen HLKENGEN_33_11_TX 33/11 1.5 16.18
Homabay HOMABAY_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 39.98
Ikonge IKONGE_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 60.06
IKONGE_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 60.06
Ingotse INGOTSE_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 34.41
Iten ITEN_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 8.66
Kabarnet KABARNET_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 14.21
Kakamega KAKAMEGA_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 30.42
Kapenguria KAPENGURIA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 23.21
Kaplamai KAPLAMAI_33_11_TX 33/11 23 14.42
Kapsabet KAPSABET_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 27.26
Kapsumbeiwa KAPSUMBEIWA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 25.67
Kegati KEGATI_132_33_TX 132/33 23 130.73
Kericho KERICHO_33_11_TX_1 33/11 7.5 35.63
KERICHO_33_11_TX_2 33/11 7.5 35.63
Keroka KEROKA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 16.37
Kiamokama KIAMOKAMA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 66.47
Kihoto KIHOTO_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 12.42
Kiptegat KIPTEGAT_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 20.94
Kisian KISIAN_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 38.96
Kisii KISII_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 110
Kisumu KISUMU_132_33_TX_1 132/33 23 77.49
KISUMU_132_33_TX2 132/33 45 82.28
Kisumu East KISUMU_EAST_33_11_TX 33/11 23 57.07
Kitale KITALE_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 40.27
Kitco KITCO_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 32.16
KITCO_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 32.16
Lanet LANET_132_33_TX_1 132/33 23 93.84
LANET_132_33_TX_2 132/33 23 93.84
LANET_132_33_TX_3 132/33 23 93.84
Lanet Town LANET_33_11_TX_1 33/11 7.5 101.93
LANET_33_11_TX_2 33/11 7.5 101.93
Lessos LESSOS_132_33_TX_1 132/33 23 29.19
LESSOS_132_33_TX_2 132/33 23 29.19
Lessos Town LESSOS_TOWN_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 6.49
Litein LITEIN_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 49.19
Londiani LONDIANI_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 7.23
Makutano MAKUTANO_132_33_TX 132/33 23 34.28
Malakisi MAKLAKISI_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 35.4
Maralal MARALAL_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 16.35
Marigat MARIGAT_33_11_TX 33/11 1.5 18.99
Marula MARULA_33_11_TX_1 33/11 7.5 10.65
MARULA_33_11_TX_2 33/11 7.5 10.65
Matundura MATUNDURA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 10.82
Matutu MATUTU_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 7.48
Migori MIGORI_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 16.78
MIGORI_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 16.78
Miwani MIWANI_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 19.89
Mogogosiek MOGOGOSIEK_33_11_TX_1 33/11 7.5 52.17
MOGOGOSIEK_33_11_TX_2 33/11 7.5 52.17
Moi Barracks MOI_BARRACKS_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 57.81
Muhoroni MUHORONI_132_33_TX 132/33 23 100.19
Muhoroni 33/11 MUHORONI_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 38.55
Mumias MUMIAS_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 18.01
MUMIAS_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 18.01
Musaga MUSAGA_132_33_TX_1 132/33 23 33.69
MUSAGA_132_33_TX_2 132/33 23 33.69
Mwariki MWARIKI_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 34.7
Nakuru NAKURU_33_11_TX_1 33/11 23 42.31
NAKURU_33_11_TX_2 33/11 23 22.61
Nandi Hills NANDI_HILLS_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 25.72
Narok NAROK_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 21.46
NAROK_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 21.46
Njoro NJORO_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 41
NJORO_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 41
Nyahururu NYAHURURU_33_11_TX_1 33/11 15 9.24
NYAHURURU_33_11_TX_2 33/11 15 9.24
Nyamninia NYAMNINIA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 30.15
Obote Rd OBOTE_RD_33_11_TX_1 33/11 23 50.24
OBOTE_RD_33_11_TX_2 33/11 23 50.24
Olkalau OLKALAU_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 16.04
Rangala RANGALA_132_33_TX 132/33 23 28.96
RANGALA_132_33_TX2 132/33 23 28.96
Rivertex RIVERTEX_132_33_TX_1 132/33 23 104.81
RIVERTEX_132_33_TX_2 132/33 23 104.81
Rongai RONGAI_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 59.87
RONGAI_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 59.87
Ruambwa RUAMBWA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 21.38
Rumuruti RUMURUTI_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 13.54
Siaya SIAYA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 45.99
Sibembe SIBEMBE_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 54.98
SIBEMBE_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 39.08
Sondu SONDU_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 55.34
Sotik SOTIK_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 13.52
Subukia SUBUKIA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 35.14
Suswa SUSWA_132_33_TX 132/33 23 38.06
SUSWA_132_33_TX_INST_2012 132/33 23 38.06
Timboroa TIMBOROA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 4.6
Webuye WEBUYE_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 8.15
WEBUYE_132_33_TX1 132/33 23 63.97
Load Flow Analysis Substation Loads - West Region, 2013


Substation Element Name P (MW) Q (MVAr) S (MVA)

AHP (James Finlay) AHP_LOAD 5.806 2.811 6.451
Awendo AWE_LOAD 0.934 0.452 1.038
Bomet BOM_LOAD 0.517 0.250 0.574
Bumala BUM_LOAD 0.544 0.264 0.605
Busia BIA_LOAD 0.632 0.306 0.702
Butere BUT_LOAD 2.004 0.971 2.227
Carbacid (CO2) Ltd CARBACID_(CO2)_LTD_LOAD 1.446 0.701 1.607
Changoi CHG_LOAD 0.302 0.147 0.336
Chavakali CHA_LOAD 0.383 0.186 0.426
Chemelil CHEMELIL_LOAD 0.669 0.324 0.743
Cheptulu CHE_LOAD 2.053 0.994 2.281
Cheranganyi CHR_LOAD 0.320 0.155 0.356
DCK DCK_LOAD 1.621 0.785 1.801
Elburgon ELB_LOAD 2.046 0.990 2.273
Eldoret Industrial ELI_LOAD 6.535 3.165 7.261
Eldoret Town ELW_LOAD 5.873 2.844 6.525
Elgon View ELGON_VIEW_LOAD 1.800 0.872 2.000
Eveready Batteries (K) Limited EVEREADY BATTERIES (K) LIMITED 0.824 0.400 0.916
Everest Steel Ltd EVEREST STEEL LTD 1.847 0.895 2.052
Fish Products FISH PRODUCTS 1.017 0.493 1.130
Gilgil GLG_LOAD 1.709 0.828 1.899
Gogo Falls GGF_LOAD 0.233 0.113 0.259
HLKengen HLK_LOAD 0.216 0.104 0.240
Homabay HBY_LOAD 2.654 1.285 2.949
Ikonge IKO_LOAD 2.650 1.284 2.945
Ingotse ING_LOAD 0.765 0.370 0.850
Iten ITN_LOAD 0.192 0.094 0.214
Itumbe Tea Factory ITUMBE TEA FACTORY 0.305 0.148 0.339
Kabarnet KAR_LOAD 0.317 0.153 0.352
Kakamega KAK_LOAD 2.024 0.981 2.249
Kapenguria KPN_LOAD 0.517 0.250 0.574
Kaplamai KPL_LOAD 2.947 1.427 3.274
Kapsabet KST_LOAD 1.816 0.879 2.018
Kapsumbeiwa KAM_LOAD 0.571 0.277 0.635
Kericho KEC_LOAD 4.736 2.294 5.262
Keroka KEO_LOAD 0.365 0.177 0.406
Kiamokama KIO_LOAD 1.465 0.710 1.628
Kihoto KHI_LOAD 0.829 0.401 0.921
Kiptegat KIPTEGAT_11 1.397 0.676 1.552
Kisian KSI_LOAD 2.587 1.252 2.874
Kisii KII_LOAD 7.124 3.450 7.915
Kisii District Hospital KISII DISTRICT HOSPITAL 1.474 0.713 1.637
Kisumu East KIES_LOAD 11.503 5.571 12.781
Kitale KTL_LOAD 2.672 1.294 2.969
Kitco KIC_LOAD_1 1.430 0.693 1.589
Lanet Town LNE_LOAD 13.251 6.418 14.723
Lessos Town LET_LOAD 0.144 0.070 0.160
Litein LTN_LOAD 1.089 0.527 1.210
Londiani LON_LOAD 0.160 0.078 0.178
Malakisi MKS_LOAD 0.786 0.381 0.873
Maralal MAA_LOAD 0.365 0.176 0.405
Marigat MAG_LOAD 0.254 0.123 0.282
Marula MRL_LOAD 1.420 0.688 1.578
Matundura MTR_LOAD 0.241 0.117 0.268
Matutu MTU_LOAD 0.166 0.081 0.185
Migori MGO_LOAD 0.748 0.362 0.831
Ministry Of Public Works MINISTRY OF PUBLIC WORKS 1.015 0.492 1.128
Miwani MIW_LOAD 0.443 0.214 0.492
Mogogosiek MGG_LOAD 6.900 3.342 7.667
Moi Barracks MOB_LOAD 1.276 0.618 1.418
Mollases MOLLASES 1.086 0.526 1.207
Morendat (KPC Pumping Station) MDT_LOAD 0.662 0.320 0.735
Muhoroni 33/11 MUH_LOAD 2.559 1.240 2.844
Muhoroni Sugar Factory MUHORONI SUGAR FACTORY 1.023 0.496 1.137
Mumias MUM_LOAD 0.803 0.389 0.892
Mwariki MWR_LOAD 2.308 1.118 2.565
Nakuru NAU_LOAD_1 8.584 4.157 9.538
NAU_LOAD_2 4.615 2.236 5.128
Nandi Hills NAD_LOAD 1.714 0.830 1.904
Narok NAK_LOAD 0.956 0.463 1.062
Njoro NJO_LOAD 1.818 0.880 2.020
Nyahururu NYH_LOAD 1.223 0.593 1.359
NYH_LOAD_2 1.223 0.593 1.359
Nyamninia NYA_LOAD 0.670 0.325 0.745
Obote Rd OBT_LOAD_1 10.153 4.917 11.281
OBT_LOAD_2 10.153 4.917 11.281
Olkalau OLK_LOAD 1.070 0.519 1.189
Prime Steel Mills Ltd PRIME STEEL MILLS LTD 1.093 0.529 1.214
Rivatex RIVATEX_LOAD 5.966 2.890 6.629
Rongai RON_LOAD 2.637 1.277 2.930
Ruambwa RUM_LOAD 0.476 0.231 0.529
Rumuruti RUT_LOAD 0.302 0.146 0.335
Siaya SIY_LOAD 1.019 0.494 1.132
Sibembe SIB_LOAD_1 1.215 0.589 1.350
SIB_LOAD_2 0.867 0.420 0.963
Sondu SOD_LOAD 1.222 0.592 1.358
Sotik SOT_LOAD 0.902 0.437 1.002
Steel Mills STM_LOAD 1.013 0.491 1.126
Subukia SUB_LOAD 0.781 0.378 0.868
Timboroa TIM_LOAD 0.101 0.050 0.113
United Millers Ltd UNITED MILLERS LTD 0.773 0.374 0.859
Webuye WEB_LOAD 0.542 0.262 0.602
Western University College WESTERN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 1.529 0.741 1.699
Grand Total 188.987 91.536 209.988
Load Flow Analysis Network Infeeds - West Region, 2013


Substation Pgen (MW) Qgen (MVAr)

Chemosit 31.803 15.071
Eburru 2.3 1.122
Gogo Falls 1.8 1.8
Kegati 28.569 9.373
Kisumu 48.513 25.589
Lanet 56.461 31.691
Lessos 12.336 5.307
Makutano 7.487 2.475
Muhoroni 19.722 11.92
Musaga 14.649 5.06
Rangala 13.042 2.711
Rivertex 43.644 20.489
Sondu 0 0
Suswa 17.39 2.026
Webuye 14.249 3.67
Grand Total 311.965 138.304
IEC60909 Short Circuit Results (3 Phase) - West Region, 2013

Nominal Switchgear
Substation Name Fault location Voltage (kV) Rating (kA) Ik" (kA) % of Rating
AHP (James Finlay) AHP_(JAMES_FINLAY)_33 33 31.5 1.999 6.3
Awendo AWENDO_11 11 25 1.98 7.9
AWENDO_33 33 31.5 0.948 3.0
Bomet BOMET_11 11 25 1.271 5.1
BOMET_33 33 31.5 0.832 2.6
Bumala BUMALA_11 11 25 1.578 6.3
BUMALA_33 33 31.5 1.372 4.4
Busia BUSIA_11 11 25 1.295 5.2
BUSIA_33 33 31.5 0.829 2.6
Butere BUTERE_11 11 25 2.445 9.8
BUTERE_33 33 31.5 1.224 3.9
Carbacid (CO2) Ltd CARBACID_(CO2)_LTD_33 33 31.5 1.518 4.8
Changoi CHANGOI_11 11 25 0.382 1.5
CHANGOI_33 33 31.5 3.268 10.4
Chavakali CHAVAKALI_11 11 25 2.394 9.6
CHAVAKALI_33 33 31.5 1.474 4.7
Chemelil CHEMELIL_11 11 25 1.629 6.5
CHEMELIL_33 33 31.5 1.688 5.4
Chemosit CHEMOSIT_33_1 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
CHEMOSIT_33_2 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
Cheptulu CHEPTULU_11 11 25 1.557 6.2
CHEPTULU_33 33 31.5 0.628 2.0
Cheranganyi CHERANGANYI_11 11 25 0.943 3.8
CHERANGANYI_33 33 31.5 0.482 1.5
DCK DCK_11 11 25 4.574 18.3
DCK_33 33 31.5 2.333 7.4
Eburru EBURRU_GEN_11 11 25 2.515 10.1
EBURRU_GEN_33 33 31.5 1.087 3.5
Elburgon ELBURGON_11 11 25 1.794 7.2
ELBURGON_33 33 31.5 0.796 2.5
Eldoret Industrial ELDORET_INDUSTRIAL_11 11 25 3.709 14.8
ELDORET_INDUSTRIAL_33 33 31.5 3.12 9.9
Eldoret Town ELDORET_TOWN_11 11 25 6.696 26.8
ELDORET_TOWN_33 33 31.5 3.977 12.6
Elgon View ELGON_VIEW_33 33 31.5 5.041 16.0
ELGON_VIEW_11 11 25 4.261 17.0
Eveready Batteries (K) Limited EVEREADY BATTERIES (K) LIMITED 33 31.5 2.633 8.4
Everest Steel Ltd EVEREST_STEEL_LTD_33 33 31.5 2.739 8.7
Fish Products FISH PRODUCTS 33 31.5 0.529 1.7
Gilgil GILGIL_11 11 25 1.765 7.1
GILGIL_33 33 31.5 0.858 2.7
Gogo Falls GOGO_FALLS_33 33 31.5 0.733 2.3
GOGO_GEN_33 33 31.5 0.733 2.3
HLKengen HLKENGEN_11 11 25 1.217 4.9
HLKENGEN_33 33 31.5 1.552 4.9
Homabay HOMABAY_11 11 25 1.31 5.2
HOMABAY_33 33 31.5 0.532 1.7
Ikonge IKONGE_11 11 25 2.799 11.2
IKONGE_33 33 31.5 2.221 7.1
Ingotse INGOTSE_11 11 25 1.787 7.1
INGOTSE_33 33 31.5 2.175 6.9
Iten ITEN_11 11 25 1.426 5.7
ITEN_33 33 31.5 1.036 3.3
Itumbe Tea Factory ITUMBE TEA FACTORY 33 31.5 2.257 7.2
Kabarnet KABARNET_11 11 25 1.084 4.3
KABARNET_33 33 31.5 0.623 2.0
Kakamega KAKAMEGA_11 11 25 1.959 7.8
KAKAMEGA_33 33 31.5 0.915 2.9
Kapenguria KAPENGURIA_11 11 25 0.807 3.2
KAPENGURIA_33 33 31.5 0.378 1.2
Kaplamai KAPLAMAI_11 11 25 1.505 6.0
Kaplamai KAPLAMAI_33 33 31.5 0.542 1.7
Kapsabet KAPSABET_11 11 25 2.888 11.6
KAPSABET_33 33 31.5 1.717 5.5
Kapsumbeiwa KAPSUMBEIWA_11 11 25 1.786 7.1
KAPSUMBEIWA_33 33 31.5 2.274 7.2
Kegati KEGATI_33 33 31.5 3.941 12.5
Kericho KERICHO_11 11 25 2.994 12.0
KERICHO_33 33 31.5 1.306 4.1
Keroka KEROKA_11 11 25 1.504 6.0
KEROKA_33 33 31.5 1.235 3.9
Kiamokama KIAMOKAMA_11 11 25 1.587 6.3
KIAMOKAMA_33 33 31.5 1.466 4.7
Kihoto KIHOTO_11 11 25 4.07 16.3
KIHOTO_33 33 31.5 4.17 13.2
Kiptegat KIPTEGAT_11 11 25 2.481 9.9
KIPTEGAT_33 33 31.5 1.378 4.4
Kisian KISIAN_11 11 25 3.145 12.6
KISIAN_33 33 31.5 2.001 6.4
Kisii KISII_11 11 25 2.888 11.6
KISII_33 33 31.5 1.788 5.7
Kisii District Hospital KISII DISTRICT HOSPITAL 33 31.5 3.215 10.2
Kisumu KISUMU_33_1 33 31.5 10.883 34.5
KISUMU_33_2 33 31.5 10.883 34.5
Kisumu East KISUMU_EAST_11 11 25 7.14 28.6
KISUMU_EAST_33 33 31.5 4.49 14.3
Kitale KITALE_11 11 25 1.374 5.5
KITALE_33 33 31.5 0.572 1.8
Kitco KITCO_11 11 25 3.556 14.2
KITCO_33 33 31.5 4.845 15.4
Lanet LANET_33 33 31.5 10.996 34.9
Lanet Town LANET_33/11_11 11 25 8.66 34.6
LANET_33/11_33 33 31.5 10.996 34.9
Lessos LESSOS_33 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
Lessos Town LESSOS_TOWN_11 11 25 2.111 8.4
LESSOS_TOWN_33 33 31.5 6.991 22.2
Litein LITEIN_11 11 25 1.883 7.5
LITEIN_33 33 31.5 3.063 9.7
Londiani LONDIANI_11 11 25 1.588 6.4
LONDIANI_33 33 31.5 1.496 4.7
Makutano MAKUTANO_33 33 31.5 3.765 12.0
Malakisi MALAKISI_11 11 25 0.971 3.9
MALAKISI_33 33 31.5 0.489 1.6
Maralal MARALAL_11 11 25 0.461 1.8
MARALAL_33 33 31.5 0.18 0.6
Marigat MARIGAT_11 11 25 0.703 2.8
MARIGAT_33 33 31.5 0.388 1.2
Marula MARULA_11 11 25 3.815 15.3
MARULA_33 33 31.5 1.782 5.7
Matundura MATUNDURA_11 11 25 1.583 6.3
MATUNDURA_33 33 31.5 1.374 4.4
Matutu MATUTU_11 11 25 1.4 5.6
MATUTU_33 33 31.5 1.004 3.2
Migori MIGORI_11 11 25 1.537 6.1
MIGORI_33 33 31.5 0.714 2.3
Ministry Of Public Works MINISTRY OF PUBLIC WORKS 33 31.5 1.056 3.4
Miwani MIWANI_11 11 25 1.623 6.5
MIWANI_33 33 31.5 1.465 4.7
Mogogosiek MOGOGOSIEK_11 11 25 3.131 12.5
MOGOGOSIEK_33 33 31.5 1.342 4.3
Moi Barracks MOI_BARRACKS_11 11 25 1.575 6.3
MOI_BARRACKS_33 33 31.5 1.363 4.3
Mollases MOLLASES 33 31.5 5.242 16.6
Morendat (KPC Pumping Station) MORENDAT_(KPC_PUMPING_STATION)_33 33 31.5 1.483 4.7
Muhoroni MUHORONI_33 33 31.5 3.765 12.0
Muhoroni 33/11 MUHORONI_33/11_11 11 25 3.209 12.8
MUHORONI_33/11_33 33 31.5 2.31 7.3
Muhoroni Sugar Factory MUHORONI SUGAR FACTORY 33 31.5 2.34 7.4
Mumias MUMIAS_11 11 25 1.767 7.1
MUMIAS_33 33 31.5 0.861 2.7
Musaga MUSAGA_33 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
Mwariki MWARIKI_11 11 25 3.847 15.4
MWARIKI_33 33 31.5 3.448 10.9
Nakuru NAKURU_11_1 11 25 6.191 24.8
NAKURU_11_2 11 25 4.939 19.8
NAKURU_33_1 33 31.5 3.443 10.9
NAKURU_33_2 33 31.5 2.343 7.4
Nandi Hills NANDI_HILLS_11 11 25 3.099 12.4
NANDI_HILLS_33 33 31.5 2.051 6.5
Narok NAROK_11 11 25 0.996 4.0
NAROK_33 33 31.5 0.396 1.3
Njoro NJORO_11 11 25 2.212 8.8
NJORO_33 33 31.5 1.25 4.0
Nyahururu NYAHURURU_11_1 11 25 1.81 7.2
NYAHURURU_11_2 11 25 1.81 7.2
NYAHURURU_33 33 31.5 0.715 2.3
Nyamninia NYAMNINIA_11 11 25 1.556 6.2
NYAMNINIA_33 33 31.5 1.233 3.9
Obote Rd OBOTE_RD_11_1 11 25 7.89 31.6
OBOTE_RD_11_2 11 25 7.854 31.4
OBOTE_RD_33_1 33 31.5 5.532 17.6
OBOTE_RD_33_2 33 31.5 5.477 17.4
Olkalau OLKALAU_11 11 25 2.265 9.1
OLKALAU_33 33 31.5 1.133 3.6
Prime Steel Mills Ltd PRIME STEEL MILLS LTD 33 31.5 3.292 10.5
Rangala RANGALA_33 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
Rivatex RIVATEX_33 33 31.5 6.999 22.2
Rivertex RIVERTEX_33 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
Rongai RONGAI_11 11 25 2.007 8.0
RONGAI_33 33 31.5 1.074 3.4
Ruambwa RUAMBWA_11 11 25 1.443 5.8
RUAMBWA_33 33 31.5 1.05 3.3
Rumuruti RUMURUTI_11 11 25 0.851 3.4
RUMURUTI_33 33 31.5 0.407 1.3
Siaya SIAYA_11 11 25 1.777 7.1
SIAYA_33 33 31.5 1.948 6.2
Sibembe SIBEMBE_11_1 11 25 1.642 6.6
SIBEMBE_11_2 11 25 1.61 6.4
SIBEMBE_33_1 33 31.5 1.643 5.2
SIBEMBE_33_2 33 31.5 1.462 4.6
Sondu SONDU_11 11 25 1.532 6.1
SONDU_33 33 31.5 1.326 4.2
Sotik SOTIK_11 11 25 1.8 7.2
SOTIK_33 33 31.5 0.77 2.4
Steel Mills STEEL_MILLS_33 33 31.5 6.324 20.1
Subukia SUBUKIA_11 11 25 1.312 5.2
SUBUKIA_33 33 31.5 0.842 2.7
Suswa SUSWA_33 33 31.5 7.868 25.0
Timboroa TIMBOROA_11 11 25 1.499 6.0
TIMBOROA_33 33 31.5 1.248 4.0
United Millers Ltd UNITED MILLERS LTD 33 31.5 3.876 12.3
Webuye WEBUYE_11 11 25 3.767 15.1
WEBUYE_33 33 31.5 3.505 11.1
WEBUYE_TRANS_33 33 31.5 3.765 12.0
Western University College WESTERN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 33 31.5 1.607 5.1
Feeder Load Flow Analysis - West Region, 2014

Values Values
Nominal Maximum Maximum Average Minimum Minimum
Bulk Supply Point Feeder Name Voltage (kV) Length (km) Loading (A) Loading (%) Loading (%) Voltage (kV) Voltage (%)
Awendo Uriri 33 100.1 22 7.87 3.23 31.463 95.34
Sony 33 0.1 50 9.91 10.00 32.357 98.05
Migori 33 95.3 25 9.06 2.77 32.151 97.43
Ogembo 33 72.4 18 6.44 2.09 32.969 99.9
Gogo 33 280.9 43 12.03 3.80 32.66 98.97
Chemosit Bomet 33 58.6 203 72.4 29.29 29.356 88.96
Kericho 33 26.6 220 51.2 30.01 32.289 97.85
Kisii 33 32.8 62 14.42 7.64 31.703 96.07
Sondu 33 44.7 89 21.3 10.51 30.869 93.54
Sotik 33 44.2 105 49.94 16.49 30.86 93.52
Kegati Homabay 33 77.5 50 18.01 11.27 30.899 93.63
Ikonge 33 43.3 103 36.93 8.30 32.277 97.81
Keroka 33 104.7 34 12.04 3.28 32.487 98.45
Kiamokama 33 24.5 54 24.58 12.14 32.41 98.21
Kisii 33 34.7 161 53.69 13.37 32.227 97.66
Ogembo/Migori 33 70.2 32 11.3 4.02 32.513 98.52
Kisumu Bondo 33 98.7 71 25.26 6.42 31.579 95.69
Chemelil 33 47.6 105 37.67 20.02 30.459 92.3
Kakamega 33 60.0 159 47.33 23.92 30.886 93.6
Kisumu East 33 7.3 159 37.01 36.98 32.44 98.3
Obote 1 33 5.6 238 55.45 50.15 32.401 98.18
Obote 2 33 5.2 239 55.48 55.47 32.386 98.14
Kibos 33 5.0 54 16.8 16.77 32.888 99.66
Kitale Kapenguria 33 50.5 37 13.29 6.23 32.328 97.96
Kaplamai 33 79.3 122 43.42 12.57 30.723 93.1
Kitale Local 33 4.5 61 21.96 19.52 32.907 99.72
Kimini/Webuye 33 15.8 3 0.87 0.23 33.161 100.49
Lanet Gilgil-Marula 33 127.9 87 30.98 4.31 31.806 96.38
Lanet 33/11 33 0.1 266 0.27 0.27 32.959 99.88
Nakuru Interconnector 1 33 14.2 273 63.45 46.12 31.225 94.62
Nakuru Interconnector 2 33 19.7 86 25.67 12.08 32.333 97.98
Nyahururu Interconnector 1 33 165.7 89 31.78 7.38 30.504 92.44
Nyahururu Interconnector 2 33 359.3 168 50.06 16.30 29.641 89.82
Rongai 33 13.0 1 0.22 0.14 32.961 99.88
Lessos Chemelil 33 28.7 66 19.8 9.48 32.355 98.05
Eldoret 33 74.8 64 19.13 4.01 32.484 98.44
Flouspar 33 347.7 86 19.99 3.82 30.893 93.62
Kapsabet 33 19.7 53 18.97 14.89 32.261 97.76
Makutano Londiani 33 34.8 53 18.97 12.07 31.706 96.08
Lanet 33 157.0 49 17.39 3.61 31.578 95.69
Timboroa 33 165.7 32 11.33 2.63 31.941 96.79
Molo 33 142.4 62 20.13 7.82 29.841 90.43
Muhoroni Katito 33 56.3 12 3.87 1.73 32.935 99.8
Kericho 33 64.4 121 35.97 12.35 31.09 94.21
Muhoroni 33 74.9 215 57.06 12.20 31.307 94.87
Musaga Kakamega 33 50.9 145 51.95 18.88 31.233 94.65
Sibembe 1 33 92.1 64 24.18 6.90 31.6 95.76
Sibembe 2 33 107.3 32 11.46 3.30 32.393 98.16
Webuye/Kitale 33 19.6 1 0.46 0.28 33.266 100.81
Malava Town 33 60.4 44 13.74 5.18 32.394 98.16
Nakuru West Njoro 33 84.3 95 34.06 10.24 30.605 92.74
Nakuru 33 4.1 99 31.08 19.00 32.621 98.85
Rongai/Kabarak 33 34.2 94 29.55 20.53 31.069 94.15
Rangala Busia 33 104.3 51 18.17 5.96 31.579 95.69
Butere 33 27.7 53 23.81 16.66 31.832 96.46
Nyamninia 33 111.9 77 34.91 8.57 30.738 93.15
Ruambwa 33 46.8 34 14.89 5.53 32.48 98.42
Siaya 33 323.6 95 42.96 6.10 29.825 90.38
Rivertex Eldoret 1 33 10.8 69 16.12 10.28 32.582 98.73
Eldoret 2 33 12.0 120 35.81 16.99 32.329 97.97
Rivertex Industrial 33 16.5 153 54.56 26.19 31.703 96.07
Kitale/Moi Barracks 33 124.7 123 43.86 11.53 30.69 93
Lessos Interconnector 33 87.4 93 33.32 8.98 30.854 93.5
Ngano 33 27.4 30 9.75 3.17 32.711 99.13
Rivatex 33 0.4 143 51.14 41.07 32.819 99.45
Steel Mills/Kitale 33 138.0 38 13.64 2.65 32.115 97.32
Elgon View 33 3.0 36 11.2 11.29 32.763 99.28
Moiben 33 32.0 4 1.56 1.43 32.753 99.25
Sondu Katito 33 33.9 23 8.19 4.15 32.622 98.85
Kendu_Bay 33 109.3 90 32.02 15.14 32.106 97.29
Sondu 33/11 33 71.2 80 25.01 7.08 31.987 96.93
Suswa Dck - Narok 33 257.5 185 66.08 13.29 30.359 92
Kinangop 33 252.3 75 26.83 3.51 31.694 96.04
Marula 33 131.0 125 44.72 11.88 30.139 91.33
Suswa-Lanet Interconnector 33 70.8 14 5.13 4.64 32.961 99.88
Webuye Eldoret 33 100.0 65 23.39 7.04 31.184 94.5
Kitale 33 70.2 30 10.35 6.54 31.727 96.14
Kimilili 33 107.3 63 22.41 5.71 31.69 96.03
Webuye Local 33 1.1 12 3.92 3.76 32.924 99.77
Bungoma 33 133.5 70 25 11.01 30.598 92.72
Transformer Load Flow Analysis - West Region, 2014

Nominal Voltage
Substation Element Name (kV) Capacity (MVA) Loading (%)
Ahero AHERO_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 40.68
Awendo AWENDO_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 16.37
AWENDO_132_33_TX 132/33 23 21.45
Bomet BOMET_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 27.21
Bumala BUMALA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 28.29
Busia BUSIA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 32.92
Butere BUTERE_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 34.99
Changoi CHANGOI_33_11_TX 33/11 0.3 96.31
Chavakali CHAVAKALI_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 10.06
CHAVAKALI_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 10.06
Chemelil CHEMELIL_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 34.62
Chemosit CHEMOSIT_132_33_TX_1 132/33 23 85.26
CHEMOSIT_132_33_TX_2 132/33 23 85.26
Chepseon CHAPSEON_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 27.02
Cheptulu CHEPTULU_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 22.75
Cheranganyi CHERANGANYI_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 16.58
DCK DCK_33_11_TX_1 33/11 7.5 13.72
DCK_33_11_TX_2 33/11 7.5 13.72
Eburru EBURRU_GEN_33_11_TX 33/11 3 85.86
Elburgon ELBURGON_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 34.76
Eldoret Industrial ELDORET_INDUSTRIAL_33_11_TX 33/11 23 18.16
ELDORET_INDUSTRIAL_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 18.16
Eldoret Town ELDORET_TOWN_33_11_TX 33/11 23 14.36
Elgon View ELGON_VIEW_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 27.02
Gilgil GILGIL_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 43.61
GILGIL_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 43.61
Gogo Falls GOGO_GEN_33_3.3_TX2 33/3.3 1.5 85.37
GOGO_GEN_33_3.3_TX1 33/3.3 1.5 85.37
HLKengen HLKENGEN_33_11_TX 33/11 1.5 18.27
Homabay HOMABAY_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 46.91
Ikonge IKONGE_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 69.87
IKONGE_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 69.87
Ingotse INGOTSE_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 39.99
Iten ITEN_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 9.94
Kabarak KABARAK_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 40.7
Kabarnet KABARNET_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 6.85
Kakamega KAKAMEGA_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 35.34
Kapenguria KAPENGURIA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 27
Kaplamai KAPLAMAI_33_11_TX 33/11 23 16.63
Kapsabet KAPSABET_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 31.66
Kapsumbeiwa KAPSUMBEIWA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 29.8
Kegati KEGATI_132_33_TX 132/33 45 27.77
KEGATI_132_33_TX2 132/33 45 27.77
Kericho KERICHO_33_11_TX_1 33/11 7.5 27.87
KERICHO_33_11_TX_2 33/11 7.5 27.87
Keroka KEROKA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 18.94
Kiamokama KIAMOKAMA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 77.12
Kibos KIBOS_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 40.69
Kihoto KIHOTO_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 14.03
Kipsarman KIPSARMAN_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 3.43
Kiptegat KIPTEGAT_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 24.3
Kisian KISIAN_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 17.98
Kisii KISII_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 35.44
KISII_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 28.87
Kisumu KISUMU_132_33_TX_1 132/33 45 66.24
KISUMU_132_33_TX2 132/33 45 66.23
Kisumu East KISUMU_EAST_33_11_TX 33/11 23 19.44
KISUMU_EAST_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 19.44
Kitale KITALE_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 46.53
KITALE_132_33_TX 132/33 23 57.22
Kitco KITCO_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 37.2
KITCO_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 37.2
Lanet LANET_132_33_TX_1 132/33 23 79.55
LANET_132_33_TX_2 132/33 23 79.55
LANET_132_33_TX_3 132/33 23 79.55
Lanet Town LANET_33_11_TX_1 33/11 7.5 57.96
LANET_33_11_TX_2 33/11 23 47.21
Lessos LESSOS_132_33_TX_1 132/33 23 33.93
LESSOS_132_33_TX_2 132/33 23 33.93
Lessos Town LESSOS_TOWN_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 7.51
Litein LITEIN_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 57.72
Londiani LONDIANI_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 8.34
Magumu MAGUMU_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 27.02
Majengo MAJENGO_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 13.49
Makutano MAKUTANO_132_33_TX 132/33 23 49.1
Malakisi MAKLAKISI_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 41.38
Maralal MARALAL_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 21.91
Marigat MARIGAT_33_11_TX 33/11 1.5 21.51
Marula MARULA_33_11_TX_1 33/11 7.5 12.03
MARULA_33_11_TX_2 33/11 7.5 12.03
Maseno MASENO_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 33.84
Matundura MATUNDURA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 12.47
Matutu MATUTU_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 8.68
Migori MIGORI_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 19.65
MIGORI_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 19.65
Miwani MIWANI_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 22.89
Mogogosiek MOGOGOSIEK_33_11_TX_1 33/11 7.5 61.28
MOGOGOSIEK_33_11_TX_2 33/11 7.5 61.28
Moi Barracks MOI_BARRACKS_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 65.83
Muhoroni MUHORONI_132_33_TX 132/33 23 90.9
Muhoroni 33/11 MUHORONI_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 44.41
Mumias MUMIAS_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 20.91
MUMIAS_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 20.91
Musaga MUSAGA_132_33_TX_1 132/33 45 18.33
MUSAGA_132_33_TX_2 132/33 45 18.33
Mwariki MWARIKI_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 18.36
MWARIKI_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 14.96
Nakuru NAKURU_33_11_TX_1 33/11 23 46.08
NAKURU_33_11_TX_2 33/11 23 19.9
Nakuru West NAKURU_WEST_132_33_TX 132/33 23 74.12
Nandi Hills NANDI_HILLS_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 29.86
Narok NAROK_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 24.51
NAROK_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 24.51
Njoro NJORO_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 46.37
NJORO_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 46.37
Nyahururu NYAHURURU_33_11_TX_1 33/11 15 10.63
NYAHURURU_33_11_TX_2 33/11 15 10.63
Nyamninia NYAMNINIA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 15.12
Obote Rd OBOTE_RD_33_11_TX_1 33/11 23 58.18
OBOTE_RD_33_11_TX_2 33/11 23 58.18
Olkalau OLKALAU_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 18.49
Rangala RANGALA_132_33_TX 132/33 23 38.19
RANGALA_132_33_TX2 132/33 23 38.19
Rivertex RIVERTEX_132_33_TX_1 132/33 45 51
RIVERTEX_132_33_TX_2 132/33 45 51
Rongai RONGAI_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 37.28
RONGAI_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 37.28
Ruambwa RUAMBWA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 24.75
Rumuruti RUMURUTI_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 15.45
Siaya SIAYA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 53.65
Sibembe SIBEMBE_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 64.29
SIBEMBE_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 45.69
Sondu SONDU_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 64.07
SONDU_132_33_TX 132/33 23 42.16
Sotik SOTIK_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 15.82
Subukia SUBUKIA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 39.76
Suswa SUSWA_132_33_TX 132/33 23 48.96
SUSWA_132_33_TX_INST_2012 132/33 23 48.96
Timboroa TIMBOROA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 5.2
Webuye WEBUYE_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 9.5
WEBUYE_132_33_TX1 132/33 23 59
Load Flow Analysis Substation Loads - West Region, 2014


Substation Element Name P (MW) Q (MVAr) S (MVA)

Ahero AHERO_LOAD 2.700 1.308 3.000
AHP (James Finlay) AHP_LOAD 6.706 3.247 7.451
Awendo AWE_LOAD 1.093 0.529 1.214
Bomet BOM_LOAD 0.605 0.293 0.672
Bumala BUM_LOAD 0.629 0.305 0.699
Busia BIA_LOAD 0.732 0.354 0.813
Butere BUT_LOAD 2.326 1.126 2.584
Carbacid (CO2) Ltd CARBACID_(CO2)_LTD_LOAD 1.663 0.806 1.848
Changoi CHG_LOAD 0.266 0.129 0.296
Chavakali CHA_LOAD 0.447 0.217 0.497
Chemelil CHEMELIL_LOAD 0.769 0.372 0.854
Chepseon CHEPSEON_LOAD 1.800 0.872 2.000
Cheptulu CHE_LOAD 1.517 0.735 1.686
Cheranganyi CHR_LOAD 0.369 0.179 0.410
DCK DCK_LOAD 1.831 0.887 2.035
Elburgon ELB_LOAD 2.311 1.119 2.568
Eldoret Industrial ELI_LOAD 7.425 3.595 8.250
Eldoret Town ELW_LOAD 5.873 2.844 6.525
Elgon View ELGON_VIEW_LOAD 1.800 0.872 2.000
Eveready Batteries (K) Limited EVEREADY BATTERIES (K) LIMITED 0.931 0.452 1.035
Everest Steel Ltd EVEREST STEEL LTD 2.124 1.029 2.360
Fish Products FISH PRODUCTS 1.190 0.577 1.323
Gilgil GLG_LOAD 1.931 0.935 2.145
Gogo Falls GGF_LOAD 0.273 0.132 0.303
HLKengen HLK_LOAD 0.244 0.118 0.271
Homabay HBY_LOAD 3.107 1.505 3.452
Ikonge IKO_LOAD 3.077 1.490 3.419
Ingotse ING_LOAD 0.888 0.430 0.987
Iten ITN_LOAD 0.221 0.108 0.246
Itumbe Tea Factory ITUMBE TEA FACTORY 0.353 0.171 0.392
Kabarak KABARAK_LOAD 2.700 1.308 3.000
Kabarnet KAR_LOAD 0.152 0.074 0.169
Kakamega KAK_LOAD 2.349 1.138 2.610
Kapenguria KPN_LOAD 0.601 0.291 0.668
Kaplamai KPL_LOAD 3.399 1.646 3.777
Kapsabet KST_LOAD 2.107 1.020 2.341
Kapsumbeiwa KAM_LOAD 0.663 0.321 0.737
Kericho KEC_LOAD 3.713 1.798 4.125
Keroka KEO_LOAD 0.422 0.204 0.469
Kiamokama KIO_LOAD 1.694 0.821 1.882
Kibos KIBOS_LOAD 2.700 1.308 3.000
Kihoto KHI_LOAD 0.937 0.453 1.041
Kipsarman KIPSARMAN_LOAD 0.225 0.109 0.250
Kiptegat KIPTEGAT_11 1.620 0.784 1.800
Kisian KSI_LOAD 1.200 0.581 1.333
Kisii KII_LOAD 8.241 3.991 9.157
Kisii District Hospital KISII DISTRICT HOSPITAL 1.705 0.825 1.894
Kisumu East KIES_LOAD 7.945 3.848 8.828
Kitale KTL_LOAD 3.081 1.493 3.424
Kitco KIC_LOAD_1 1.651 0.801 1.835
Lanet Town LNE_LOAD 13.377 6.479 14.863
Lessos Town LET_LOAD 0.167 0.081 0.186
Litein LTN_LOAD 1.274 0.617 1.416
Londiani LON_LOAD 0.185 0.090 0.206
Magumu MAGUMU_LOAD 1.800 0.872 2.000
Majengo MAJENGO_LOAD 0.900 0.436 1.000
Malakisi MKS_LOAD 0.917 0.444 1.019
Maralal MAA_LOAD 0.488 0.235 0.542
Marigat MAG_LOAD 0.287 0.139 0.319
Marula MRL_LOAD 1.605 0.777 1.783
Maseno MASENO_LOAD 2.250 1.090 2.500
Matundura MTR_LOAD 0.278 0.134 0.309
Matutu MTU_LOAD 0.193 0.094 0.215
Migori MGO_LOAD 0.875 0.424 0.972
Ministry Of Public Works MINISTRY OF PUBLIC WORKS 1.168 0.566 1.298
Miwani MIW_LOAD 0.510 0.246 0.566
Mogogosiek MGG_LOAD 8.076 3.911 8.973
Moi Barracks MOB_LOAD 1.449 0.702 1.610
Mollases MOLLASES 1.260 0.610 1.400
Morendat (KPC Pumping Station) MDT_LOAD 0.748 0.362 0.831
Muhoroni 33/11 MUH_LOAD 2.944 1.426 3.271
Muhoroni Sugar Factory MUHORONI SUGAR FACTORY 1.177 0.570 1.308
Mumias MUM_LOAD 0.932 0.451 1.035
Mwariki MWR_LOAD 4.282 2.074 4.758
Nakuru NAU_LOAD_1 9.330 4.519 10.367
NAU_LOAD_2 4.065 1.969 4.517
Nandi Hills NAD_LOAD 1.988 0.963 2.209
Narok NAK_LOAD 1.091 0.529 1.212
Njoro NJO_LOAD 2.054 0.995 2.282
Nyahururu NYH_LOAD 1.410 0.683 1.567
NYH_LOAD_2 1.410 0.683 1.567
Nyamninia NYA_LOAD 0.337 0.163 0.374
Obote Rd OBT_LOAD_1 11.731 5.681 13.034
OBT_LOAD_2 11.731 5.681 13.034
Olkalau OLK_LOAD 1.234 0.598 1.371
Prime Steel Mills Ltd PRIME STEEL MILLS LTD 1.257 0.608 1.396
Rivatex RIVATEX_LOAD 6.778 3.283 7.531
Rongai RON_LOAD 1.655 0.802 1.839
Ruambwa RUM_LOAD 0.551 0.267 0.612
Rumuruti RUT_LOAD 0.345 0.166 0.383
Siaya SIY_LOAD 1.186 0.575 1.318
Sibembe SIB_LOAD_1 1.417 0.687 1.575
SIB_LOAD_2 1.012 0.491 1.125
Sondu SOD_LOAD 1.412 0.684 1.569
Sotik SOT_LOAD 1.056 0.511 1.173
Steel Mills STM_LOAD 1.151 0.558 1.279
Subukia SUB_LOAD 0.882 0.426 0.979
Timboroa TIM_LOAD 0.115 0.056 0.128
United Millers Ltd UNITED MILLERS LTD 0.889 0.430 0.988
Webuye WEB_LOAD 0.633 0.306 0.703
Western University College WESTERN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 1.775 0.860 1.972
Grand Total 217.943 105.554 242.159
Load Flow Analysis Network Infeeds - West Region, 2014


Substation Pgen (MW) Qgen (MVAr)

Awendo 4.928 0.247
Chemosit 35.611 16.432
Eburru 2.3 1.16
Gogo Falls 2 1.6
Kegati 23.343 8.932
Kisumu 53.098 27.097
Kitale 11.541 6.326
Lanet 49.438 23.845
Lessos 14.234 6.397
Makutano 10.422 4.347
Muhoroni 17.946 10.724
Musaga 14.769 7.346
Nakuru West 14.706 8.621
Rangala 16.74 5.321
Rivertex 42.004 18.509
Sondu 9.694 0.255
Suswa 21.816 5.591
Webuye 12.905 4.194
Grand Total 357.495 156.944
IEC60909 Short Circuit Results (3 Phase) - West Region, 2014

Nominal Switchgear
Substation Name Fault location Voltage (kV) Rating (kA) Ik" (kA) % of Rating
Ahero AHERO_33 33 31.5 0.895 2.8
AHERO_11 11 25 1.969 7.9
AHP (James Finlay) AHP_(JAMES_FINLAY)_33 33 31.5 1.999 6.3
Awendo AWENDO_11 11 25 3.937 15.7
AWENDO_33 33 31.5 3.98 12.6
AWENDO_33TRANSBUS 33 31.5 3.985 12.7
Bomet BOMET_11 11 25 1.271 5.1
BOMET_33 33 31.5 0.832 2.6
Bumala BUMALA_11 11 25 1.578 6.3
BUMALA_33 33 31.5 1.372 4.4
Busia BUSIA_11 11 25 1.295 5.2
BUSIA_33 33 31.5 0.829 2.6
Butere BUTERE_11 11 25 2.445 9.8
BUTERE_33 33 31.5 1.224 3.9
Carbacid (CO2) Ltd CARBACID_(CO2)_LTD_33 33 31.5 1.518 4.8
Changoi CHANGOI_11 11 25 0.382 1.5
CHANGOI_33 33 31.5 3.268 10.4
Chavakali CHAVAKALI_11 11 25 2.433 9.7
CHAVAKALI_33 33 31.5 1.511 4.8
Chemelil CHEMELIL_11 11 25 1.629 6.5
CHEMELIL_33 33 31.5 1.688 5.4
Chemosit CHEMOSIT_33_1 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
CHEMOSIT_33_2 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
Chepseon CHEPSEON_33 33 31.5 1.019 3.2
CHEPSEON_11 11 25 2.099 8.4
Cheptulu CHEPTULU_11 11 25 2.008 8.0
CHEPTULU_33 33 31.5 0.933 3.0
Cheranganyi CHERANGANYI_11 11 25 1.659 6.6
CHERANGANYI_33 33 31.5 1.747 5.5
DCK DCK_11 11 25 4.574 18.3
DCK_33 33 31.5 2.333 7.4
Eburru EBURRU_GEN_11 11 25 2.515 10.1
EBURRU_GEN_33 33 31.5 1.087 3.5
Elburgon ELBURGON_11 11 25 1.978 7.9
ELBURGON_33 33 31.5 0.933 3.0
Eldoret Industrial ELDORET_INDUSTRIAL_11 11 25 8.505 34.0
ELDORET_INDUSTRIAL_33 33 31.5 3.76 11.9
Eldoret Town ELDORET_TOWN_11 11 25 10.509 42.0
ELDORET_TOWN_33 33 31.5 5.235 16.6
Elgon View ELGON_VIEW_33 33 31.5 7.279 23.1
ELGON_VIEW_11 11 25 4.7 18.8
Eveready Batteries (K) Limited EVEREADY BATTERIES (K) LIMITED 33 31.5 3.551 11.3
Everest Steel Ltd EVEREST_STEEL_LTD_33 33 31.5 2.871 9.1
Fish Products FISH PRODUCTS 33 31.5 0.568 1.8
Gilgil GILGIL_11 11 25 1.765 7.1
GILGIL_33 33 31.5 0.858 2.7
Gogo Falls GOGO_FALLS_33 33 31.5 1.522 4.8
GOGO_GEN_33 33 31.5 1.522 4.8
HLKengen HLKENGEN_11 11 25 1.217 4.9
HLKENGEN_33 33 31.5 1.552 4.9
Homabay HOMABAY_11 11 25 1.432 5.7
HOMABAY_33 33 31.5 0.596 1.9
Ikonge IKONGE_11 11 25 2.799 11.2
IKONGE_33 33 31.5 2.221 7.1
Ingotse INGOTSE_11 11 25 1.859 7.4
INGOTSE_33 33 31.5 2.446 7.8
Iten ITEN_11 11 25 1.469 5.9
ITEN_33 33 31.5 1.088 3.5
Itumbe Tea Factory ITUMBE TEA FACTORY 33 31.5 3.134 9.9
Kabarak KABARAK_33 33 31.5 1.173 3.7
KABARAK_11 11 25 2.276 9.1
Kabarnet KABARNET_11 11 25 1.084 4.3
KABARNET_33 33 31.5 0.623 2.0
Kakamega KAKAMEGA_11 11 25 1.984 7.9
KAKAMEGA_33 33 31.5 0.929 2.9
Kapenguria KAPENGURIA_11 11 25 1.314 5.3
KAPENGURIA_33 33 31.5 0.886 2.8
Kaplamai KAPLAMAI_11 11 25 3.5 14.0
KAPLAMAI_33 33 31.5 1.478 4.7
Kapsabet KAPSABET_11 11 25 2.888 11.6
KAPSABET_33 33 31.5 1.717 5.5
Kapsumbeiwa KAPSUMBEIWA_11 11 25 1.786 7.1
KAPSUMBEIWA_33 33 31.5 2.274 7.2
Kegati KEGATI_33 33 31.5 14.246 45.2
Kericho KERICHO_11 11 25 2.994 12.0
KERICHO_33 33 31.5 1.306 4.1
Keroka KEROKA_11 11 25 1.649 6.6
KEROKA_33 33 31.5 1.486 4.7
Kiamokama KIAMOKAMA_11 11 25 1.752 7.0
KIAMOKAMA_33 33 31.5 1.849 5.9
Kibos KIBOS_33 33 31.5 5.341 17.0
KIBOS_11 11 25 4.426 17.7
Kihoto KIHOTO_11 11 25 4.07 16.3
KIHOTO_33 33 31.5 4.17 13.2
Kipsarman KIPSARMAN_33 33 31.5 0.369 1.2
KIPSARMAN_11 11 25 0.962 3.8
Kiptegat KIPTEGAT_11 11 25 2.481 9.9
KIPTEGAT_33 33 31.5 1.378 4.4
Kisian KISIAN_11 11 25 3.213 12.9
KISIAN_33 33 31.5 2.066 6.6
Kisii KISII_11 11 25 6.888 27.6
KISII_33 33 31.5 3.341 10.6
Kisii District Hospital KISII DISTRICT HOSPITAL 33 31.5 7.384 23.4
Kisumu KISUMU_33_1 33 31.5 14.246 45.2
KISUMU_33_2 33 31.5 14.246 45.2
Kisumu East KISUMU_EAST_11 11 25 10.009 40.0
KISUMU_EAST_33 33 31.5 4.937 15.7
Kitale KITALE_11 11 25 3.495 14.0
KITALE_33 33 31.5 2.844 9.0
KITALE_33_TRANS 33 31.5 3.765 12.0
Kitco KITCO_11 11 25 3.556 14.2
KITCO_33 33 31.5 4.845 15.4
Lanet LANET_33 33 31.5 10.996 34.9
Lanet Town LANET_33/11_11 11 25 12.709 50.8
LANET_33/11_33 33 31.5 10.996 34.9
Lessos LESSOS_33 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
Lessos Town LESSOS_TOWN_11 11 25 2.111 8.4
LESSOS_TOWN_33 33 31.5 6.991 22.2
Litein LITEIN_11 11 25 1.883 7.5
LITEIN_33 33 31.5 3.063 9.7
Londiani LONDIANI_11 11 25 1.588 6.4
LONDIANI_33 33 31.5 1.496 4.7
Magumu MAGUMU_33 33 31.5 1.134 3.6
MAGUMU_11 11 25 2.295 9.2
Majengo MAJENGO_33 33 31.5 2.551 8.1
MAJENGO_11 11 25 3.468 13.9
Makutano MAKUTANO_33 33 31.5 3.765 12.0
Malakisi MALAKISI_11 11 25 0.992 4.0
MALAKISI_33 33 31.5 0.513 1.6
Maralal MARALAL_11 11 25 0.461 1.8
MARALAL_33 33 31.5 0.18 0.6
Marigat MARIGAT_11 11 25 0.703 2.8
MARIGAT_33 33 31.5 0.388 1.2
Marula MARULA_11 11 25 3.815 15.3
MARULA_33 33 31.5 1.782 5.7
Maseno MASENO_33 33 31.5 0.839 2.7
MASENO_11 11 25 1.893 7.6
Matundura MATUNDURA_11 11 25 1.583 6.3
MATUNDURA_33 33 31.5 1.374 4.4
Matutu MATUTU_11 11 25 1.522 6.1
MATUTU_33 33 31.5 1.152 3.7
Migori MIGORI_11 11 25 2.094 8.4
MIGORI_33 33 31.5 1.164 3.7
Ministry Of Public Works MINISTRY OF PUBLIC WORKS 33 31.5 1.482 4.7
Miwani MIWANI_11 11 25 1.358 5.4
MIWANI_33 33 31.5 0.996 3.2
Mogogosiek MOGOGOSIEK_11 11 25 3.131 12.5
MOGOGOSIEK_33 33 31.5 1.342 4.3
Moi Barracks MOI_BARRACKS_11 11 25 1.629 6.5
MOI_BARRACKS_33 33 31.5 1.458 4.6
Mollases MOLLASES 33 31.5 5.842 18.5
Morendat (KPC Pumping Station) MORENDAT_(KPC_PUMPING_STATION)_33 33 31.5 1.483 4.7
Muhoroni MUHORONI_33 33 31.5 3.765 12.0
Muhoroni 33/11 MUHORONI_33/11_11 11 25 3.209 12.8
MUHORONI_33/11_33 33 31.5 2.31 7.3
Muhoroni Sugar Factory MUHORONI SUGAR FACTORY 33 31.5 2.34 7.4
Mumias MUMIAS_11 11 25 1.829 7.3
MUMIAS_33 33 31.5 0.897 2.8
Musaga MUSAGA_33 33 31.5 14.246 45.2
Mwariki MWARIKI_11 11 25 7.087 28.3
MWARIKI_33 33 31.5 3.448 10.9
Nakuru NAKURU_11_1 11 25 6.191 24.8
NAKURU_11_2 11 25 5.754 23.0
NAKURU_33_1 33 31.5 3.443 10.9
NAKURU_33_2 33 31.5 3.131 9.9
Nakuru West NAKURU_WEST_33 33 31.5 3.765 12.0
Nandi Hills NANDI_HILLS_11 11 25 3.099 12.4
NANDI_HILLS_33 33 31.5 2.051 6.5
Narok NAROK_11 11 25 0.996 4.0
NAROK_33 33 31.5 0.396 1.3
Njoro NJORO_11 11 25 2.437 9.7
NJORO_33 33 31.5 1.592 5.1
Nyahururu NYAHURURU_11_1 11 25 1.81 7.2
NYAHURURU_11_2 11 25 1.81 7.2
NYAHURURU_33 33 31.5 0.715 2.3
Nyamninia NYAMNINIA_11 11 25 1.556 6.2
NYAMNINIA_33 33 31.5 1.233 3.9
Obote Rd OBOTE_RD_11_1 11 25 8.359 33.4
OBOTE_RD_11_2 11 25 8.32 33.3
OBOTE_RD_33_1 33 31.5 6.242 19.8
OBOTE_RD_33_2 33 31.5 6.172 19.6
Olkalau OLKALAU_11 11 25 2.265 9.1
OLKALAU_33 33 31.5 1.133 3.6
Prime Steel Mills Ltd PRIME STEEL MILLS LTD 33 31.5 3.292 10.5
Rangala RANGALA_33 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
Rivatex RIVATEX_33 33 31.5 13.079 41.5
Rivertex RIVERTEX_33 33 31.5 14.246 45.2
Rongai RONGAI_11 11 25 2.187 8.7
RONGAI_33 33 31.5 1.298 4.1
Ruambwa RUAMBWA_11 11 25 1.443 5.8
RUAMBWA_33 33 31.5 1.05 3.3
Rumuruti RUMURUTI_11 11 25 0.851 3.4
RUMURUTI_33 33 31.5 0.407 1.3
Siaya SIAYA_11 11 25 1.777 7.1
SIAYA_33 33 31.5 1.948 6.2
Sibembe SIBEMBE_11_1 11 25 1.703 6.8
SIBEMBE_11_2 11 25 1.667 6.7
SIBEMBE_33_1 33 31.5 1.802 5.7
SIBEMBE_33_2 33 31.5 1.572 5.0
Sondu SONDU_11 11 25 1.532 6.1
SONDU_33 33 31.5 1.326 4.2
SONDU_33TRANSBUS 33 31.5 3.765 12.0
Sotik SOTIK_11 11 25 1.8 7.2
Sotik SOTIK_33 33 31.5 0.77 2.4
Steel Mills STEEL_MILLS_33 33 31.5 10.814 34.3
Subukia SUBUKIA_11 11 25 1.312 5.2
SUBUKIA_33 33 31.5 0.842 2.7
Suswa SUSWA_33 33 31.5 7.868 25.0
Timboroa TIMBOROA_11 11 25 1.499 6.0
TIMBOROA_33 33 31.5 1.248 4.0
United Millers Ltd UNITED MILLERS LTD 33 31.5 4.158 13.2
Webuye WEBUYE_11 11 25 3.767 15.1
WEBUYE_33 33 31.5 3.505 11.1
WEBUYE_TRANS_33 33 31.5 3.765 12.0
Western University College WESTERN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 33 31.5 1.743 5.5
Feeder Load Flow Analysis - West Region, 2015

Values Values

Nominal Maximum Maximum Average Minimum Minimum

Bulk Supply Point Feeder Name Voltage (kV) Length (km) Loading (A) Loading (%) Loading (%) Voltage (kV) Voltage (%)
Awendo Uriri 33 100.1 27 9.55 3.89 30.528 92.51
Sony 33 0.1 61 12.16 12.20 32.046 97.11
Migori 33 95.3 31 11.21 3.35 31.813 96.4
Ogembo 33 72.4 22 7.91 2.54 32.818 99.45
Gogo 33 280.9 44 15.25 4.56 32.433 98.28
Bomet Olbutyo 33 30.0 44 10.15 5.59 32.413 98.22
Mulot 33 30.0 44 10.15 5.59 32.413 98.22
Mogogosiek 33 28.3 185 42.91 42.14 30.505 92.44
Bomet Local 33 4.5 14 4.5 4.29 32.776 99.32
Chemosit Bomet 33 34.5 40 14.12 6.63 32.089 97.24
Kericho 33 26.6 258 60.09 36.50 31.908 96.69
Kisii 33 32.8 76 17.57 9.24 31.454 95.32
Sondu 33 44.7 96 22.35 10.67 30.161 91.4
Sotik 33 44.2 129 61.31 20.28 30.165 91.41
Kabarnet Flouspar 33 172.6 47 14.82 4.44 31.484 95.41
Kabarnet Local 33 8.3 5 1.67 1.39 33.334 101.01
Marigat 33 31.5 9 3.19 2.37 33.171 100.52
Kipsarman 33 44.2 5 1.63 1.51 33.184 100.56
Kegati Homabay 33 77.5 63 22.41 14.03 30.196 91.5
Ikonge 33 43.3 126 45.07 10.16 31.932 96.76
Keroka 33 104.7 41 14.69 4.01 32.191 97.55
Kiamokama 33 24.5 65 29.73 14.62 32.119 97.33
Kisii 33 34.7 199 66.38 16.60 31.785 96.32
Ogembo/Migori 33 70.2 38 13.74 4.82 32.229 97.66
Kisumu Bondo 33 98.7 105 37.49 9.89 30.297 91.81
Chemelil 33 47.6 149 53.23 26.69 29.181 88.43
Kakamega 33 60.0 203 60.55 29.86 29.451 89.25
Kisumu East 33 7.3 196 45.49 45.44 31.882 96.61
Obote 1 33 5.6 295 68.54 62.17 31.824 96.44
Obote 2 33 5.2 295 68.58 68.60 31.806 96.38
Kibos 33 5.0 66 20.6 20.69 32.434 98.29
Kitale Kapenguria 33 50.5 46 16.32 7.67 31.847 96.51
Kaplamai 33 79.3 151 53.75 15.59 29.84 90.42
Kitale Local 33 4.5 62 22.19 19.84 32.621 98.85
Kimini/Webuye 33 15.8 3 1.07 0.23 32.875 99.62
Endebess 33 16.3 18 5.62 5.64 32.606 98.81
Lanet Gilgil-Marula 33 128.2 152 54.22 9.23 30.803 93.34
Lanet 33/11 33 0.1 256 0.26 0.26 33.28 100.85
Nakuru Interconnector 1 33 14.2 252 58.66 41.97 31.706 96.08
Nakuru Interconnector 2 33 19.7 101 30.1 14.12 32.544 98.62
Nyahururu Interconnector 1 33 89.0 124 44.33 14.13 30.126 91.29
Nyahururu Interconnector 2 33 50.1 29 10.44 6.09 32.489 98.45
Rongai 33 13.0 1 0.22 0.14 33.282 100.85
Lessos Chemelil 33 60.7 123 36.75 10.60 31.272 94.76
Eldoret 33 74.8 77 22.94 4.82 32.244 97.71
Flouspar 33 101.7 34 7.81 3.27 32.176 97.5
Kapsabet 33 19.7 65 23.19 18.19 31.966 96.87
Makutano Londiani 33 34.8 63 22.65 14.42 31.865 96.56
Lanet 33 157.0 57 20.2 4.21 31.744 96.19
Timboroa 33 165.7 37 13.27 3.07 32.152 97.43
Molo 33 142.4 74 23.95 9.30 29.633 89.8
Muhoroni Katito 33 56.3 19 6.11 2.73 32.672 99.01
Kericho 33 65.8 178 53.04 17.80 30.51 92.46
Muhoroni 33 50.0 284 73.62 21.63 30.625 92.8
Musaga Kakamega 33 50.9 182 64.88 23.58 30.629 92.82
Sibembe 1 33 92.1 78 29.95 8.49 31.106 94.26
Sibembe 2 33 107.3 39 13.96 4.00 32.089 97.24
Webuye/Kitale 33 19.6 2 0.54 0.31 33.173 100.53
Malava Town 33 60.4 55 17.09 6.42 32.082 97.22
Nakuru West Njoro 33 84.3 112 40.16 12.01 30.495 92.41
Nakuru 33 4.1 179 56.08 36.09 32.73 99.18
Rongai/Kabarak 33 34.2 112 34.96 24.32 31.041 94.06
Narok Lanet 33 67.7 4 1.19 0.94 32.679 99.03
Narok Local 33 52.0 43 15.2 2.28 32.462 98.37
Dck 33 93.5 32 10.06 3.70 31.923 96.74
Nyahururu Maralal 33 263.7 73 26.1 7.55 29.75 90.15
Subukia 33 82.5 37 13.17 4.13 32.073 97.19
Olkalau 33 46.6 3 0.96 0.45 32.876 99.62
Nyahururu Local 33 4.6 68 24.12 15.15 32.692 99.07
Rangala Busia 33 104.3 62 22.26 7.26 31.184 94.5
Butere 33 27.7 65 29.23 20.46 31.504 95.47
Nyamninia 33 111.9 97 43.9 10.82 30.089 91.18
Ruambwa 33 46.8 42 18.21 6.72 32.301 97.88
Siaya 33 323.6 124 56.26 8.45 30.09 91.18
Rivertex Eldoret 1 33 10.8 84 19.51 12.43 32.304 97.89
Eldoret 2 33 12.0 121 36.18 17.13 32.109 97.3
Industrial 33 16.5 184 65.54 31.37 31.252 94.7
Kitale/Moi Barracks 33 124.7 148 52.88 14.03 29.593 89.67
Lessos Interconnector 33 87.4 115 41.09 11.22 30.141 91.34
Ngano 33 27.4 36 11.73 3.83 32.461 98.37
Rivatex 33 0.4 171 60.93 49.10 32.595 98.77
Steel Mills/Kitale 33 138.0 46 16.45 3.10 31.707 96.08
Elgon View 33 3.0 36 11.27 11.29 32.547 98.63
Moiben 33 38.9 23 8.24 6.35 32.024 97.04
Sondu Katito 33 33.9 35 12.59 6.39 32.656 98.96
Kendu_Bay 33 109.3 99 35.21 16.26 31.388 95.12
Sondu 33/11 33 71.2 101 31.74 8.71 31.99 96.94
Suswa Dck - Narok 33 54.7 140 50.16 15.80 30.823 93.4
Kinangop 33 252.3 91 32.65 4.27 31.083 94.19
Marula 33 131.0 109 38.98 8.38 30.946 93.78
Suswa-Lanet Interconnector 33 70.8 17 6.04 5.36 32.92 99.76
Webuye Eldoret 33 100.0 81 28.92 8.75 30.551 92.58
Kitale 33 70.2 37 12.76 8.11 31.224 94.62
Kimilili 33 107.3 77 27.44 7.00 31.187 94.51
Webuye Local 33 1.1 15 4.7 4.70 32.712 99.13
Bungoma 33 133.5 125 39.2 17.64 29.718 90.05
Transformer Load Flow Analysis - West Region, 2015


Nominal Voltage
Substation Element Name (kV) Capacity (MVA) Loading (%)
Ahero AHERO_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 49.21
Awendo AWENDO_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 19.88
AWENDO_132_33_TX 132/33 23 28.3
Bahati BAHATI_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 47.56
Bomet BOMET_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 32.61
BOMET_132_33_TX2 132/33 45 17.98
BOMET_132_33_TX 132/33 45 17.98
Bumala BUMALA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 34.01
Busia BUSIA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 39.59
Butere BUTERE_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 42.43
Changoi CHANGOI_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 19.21
Chavakali CHAVAKALI_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 12.19
CHAVAKALI_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 12.19
Chemelil CHEMELIL_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 53.57
Chemosit CHEMOSIT_132_33_TX_1 132/33 23 76.8
CHEMOSIT_132_33_TX_2 132/33 23 76.8
Chepseon CHAPSEON_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 32.63
Cheptulu CHEPTULU_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 27.77
Cheranganyi CHERANGANYI_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 19.9
DCK DCK_33_11_TX_1 33/11 7.5 16.09
DCK_33_11_TX_2 33/11 7.5 16.09
Eburru EBURRU_GEN_33_11_TX 33/11 3 80.14
Elburgon ELBURGON_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 40.84
Eldoret Industrial ELDORET_INDUSTRIAL_33_11_TX 33/11 23 21.5
ELDORET_INDUSTRIAL_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 21.5
Eldoret Town ELDORET_TOWN_33_11_TX 33/11 23 14.36
Elgon View ELGON_VIEW_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 27.02
Endebess ENDEBES_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 13.49
Gilgil GILGIL_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 51.23
GILGIL_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 51.23
Gogo Falls GOGO_GEN_33_3.3_TX2 33/3.3 1.5 85.37
GOGO_GEN_33_3.3_TX1 33/3.3 1.5 85.37
HLKengen HLKENGEN_33_11_TX 33/11 1.5 21.43
Homabay HOMABAY_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 56.99
Ikonge IKONGE_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 84.04
IKONGE_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 84.04
Ingotse INGOTSE_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 48.51
Iten ITEN_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 11.61
Kabarak KABARAK_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 48.1
Kabarnet KABARNET_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 8.85
KABARNET_132_33_TX 132/33 15 25.21
Kakamega KAKAMEGA_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 42.88
Kapenguria KAPENGURIA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 32.67
Kaplamai KAPLAMAI_33_11_TX 33/11 23 19.97
Kapsabet KAPSABET_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 38.3
Kapsumbeiwa KAPSUMBEIWA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 36.04
Kegati KEGATI_132_33_TX 132/33 45 34.2
KEGATI_132_33_TX2 132/33 45 34.2
Kericho KERICHO_33_11_TX_1 33/11 7.5 20.07
KERICHO_33_11_TX_2 33/11 7.5 20.07
Keroka KEROKA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 22.79
Kiamokama KIAMOKAMA_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 30.64
Kibos KIBOS_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 49.21
Kihoto KIHOTO_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 16.45
Kipsarman KIPSARMAN_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 3.98
Kiptegat KIPTEGAT_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 29.38
Kisian KISIAN_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 21.37
Kisii KISII_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 42.74
KISII_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 34.82
Kisumu KISUMU_132_33_TX_1 132/33 45 85.18
KISUMU_132_33_TX2 132/33 45 85.17
Kisumu East KISUMU_EAST_33_11_TX 33/11 23 23.48
KISUMU_EAST_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 23.48
Kitale KITALE_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 46.56
KITALE_132_33_TX 132/33 23 71.67
Kitco KITCO_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 28.96
KITCO_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 28.96
Lanet LANET_132_33_TX_1 132/33 23 79.7
LANET_132_33_TX_2 132/33 23 79.7
LANET_132_33_TX_3 132/33 23 79.7
Lanet Town LANET_33_11_TX_1 33/11 23 32.12
LANET_33_11_TX_2 33/11 23 32.12
Lessos LESSOS_132_33_TX_1 132/33 23 37.63
LESSOS_132_33_TX_2 132/33 23 37.63
Lessos Town LESSOS_TOWN_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 9.06
Litein LITEIN_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 69.33
Londiani LONDIANI_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 9.99
Magumu MAGUMU_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 31.91
Majengo MAJENGO_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 16.44
Makutano MAKUTANO_132_33_TX 132/33 23 59.03
Malakisi MAKLAKISI_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 49.55
Maralal MARALAL_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 25.43
Marigat MARIGAT_33_11_TX 33/11 1.5 24.91
Marula MARULA_33_11_TX_1 33/11 7.5 14.1
MARULA_33_11_TX_2 33/11 7.5 14.1
Maseno MASENO_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 41.35
Matundura MATUNDURA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 14.96
Matutu MATUTU_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 10.38
Migori MIGORI_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 23.85
MIGORI_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 23.85
Miwani MIWANI_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 35.32
Mogogosiek MOGOGOSIEK_33_11_TX_1 33/11 23 23.69
MOGOGOSIEK_33_11_TX_2 33/11 23 23.69
Moi Barracks MOI_BARRACKS_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 78.29
Moiben MOIBEN_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 13.49
Muhoroni MUHORONI_132_33_TX 132/33 45 31.04
MUHORONI_132_33_TX2 132/33 45 31.04
Muhoroni 33/11 MUHORONI_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 68.89
Mumias MUMIAS_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 25.32
MUMIAS_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 25.32
Musaga MUSAGA_132_33_TX_1 132/33 45 22.75
MUSAGA_132_33_TX_2 132/33 45 22.75
Mwariki MWARIKI_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 21.66
MWARIKI_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 17.65
Nakuru NAKURU_33_11_TX_1 33/11 23 38.9
NAKURU_33_11_TX_2 33/11 23 38.89
Nakuru West NAKURU_WEST_132_33_TX 132/33 45 25.99
NAKURU_WEST_132_33_TX2 132/33 45 25.99
Nandi Hills NANDI_HILLS_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 36.13
Narok NAROK_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 28.94
NAROK_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 28.94
NAROK_132_33_TX 132/33 23 18.88
Njoro NJORO_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 54.49
NJORO_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 54.49
Nyahururu NYAHURURU_33_11_TX_1 33/11 15 12.75
NYAHURURU_33_11_TX_2 33/11 15 12.75
NYAHURURU_132_33_TX1 132/33 23 21.1
NYAHURURU_132_33_TX2 132/33 23 21.1
Nyamninia NYAMNINIA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 18.41
Obote Rd OBOTE_RD_33_11_TX_1 33/11 23 70.63
OBOTE_RD_33_11_TX_2 33/11 23 70.64
Olkalau OLKALAU_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 22.2
Rangala RANGALA_132_33_TX 132/33 23 46.99
RANGALA_132_33_TX2 132/33 23 46.99
Rivertex RIVERTEX_132_33_TX_1 132/33 45 61.39
RIVERTEX_132_33_TX_2 132/33 45 61.39
Rongai RONGAI_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 44.06
RONGAI_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 44.06
Ruambwa RUAMBWA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 29.74
Rumuruti RUMURUTI_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 18.43
Siaya SIAYA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 65.34
Sibembe SIBEMBE_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 77.08
SIBEMBE_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 54.66
Sirisia SIRISIA_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 27.02
Sondu SONDU_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 49.02
SONDU_132_33_TX 132/33 23 55
Sosiat SOSIAT_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 47.58
Sotik SOTIK_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 18.96
Subukia SUBUKIA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 26.92
Suswa SUSWA_132_33_TX 132/33 23 42.75
SUSWA_132_33_TX_INST_2012 132/33 23 42.75
Timboroa TIMBOROA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 6.01
Webuye WEBUYE_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 11.33
WEBUYE_132_33_TX1 132/33 23 81.57
Load Flow Analysis Substation Loads - West Region, 2015


Substation Element Name P (MW) Q (MVAr) S (MVA)

Ahero AHERO_LOAD 3.257 1.577 3.619
AHP (James Finlay) AHP_LOAD 8.045 3.896 8.939
Awendo AWE_LOAD 1.326 0.642 1.473
Bahati BAHATI_LOAD 3.150 1.526 3.500
Bomet BOM_LOAD 0.725 0.351 0.805
Bumala BUM_LOAD 0.756 0.367 0.840
Busia BIA_LOAD 0.878 0.426 0.976
Butere BUT_LOAD 2.815 1.363 3.128
Carbacid (CO2) Ltd CARBACID_(CO2)_LTD_LOAD 2.559 1.240 2.844
Changoi CHG_LOAD 0.428 0.207 0.475
Chavakali CHA_LOAD 0.543 0.263 0.603
Chemelil CHEMELIL_LOAD 1.184 0.573 1.315
Chepseon CHEPSEON_LOAD 2.171 1.051 2.412
Cheptulu CHEPTULU_LOAD 1.850 0.896 2.056
Cheranganyi CHR_LOAD 0.443 0.215 0.492
DCK DCK_LOAD 2.147 1.040 2.386
Elburgon ELB_LOAD 2.710 1.312 3.011
Eldoret Industrial ELI_LOAD 8.782 4.252 9.757
Eldoret Town ELW_LOAD 5.873 2.844 6.525
Elgon View ELGON_VIEW_LOAD 1.800 0.872 2.000
Endebess ENDEBES_LOAD 0.900 0.436 1.000
Eveready Batteries (K) Limited EVEREADY BATTERIES (K) LIMITED 1.092 0.530 1.214
Everest Steel Ltd EVEREST STEEL LTD 3.268 1.583 3.631
Fish Products FISH PRODUCTS 1.442 0.699 1.602
Gilgil GLG_LOAD 2.265 1.097 2.517
Gogo Falls GGF_LOAD 0.332 0.160 0.369
HLKengen HLK_LOAD 0.286 0.138 0.318
Homabay HBY_LOAD 3.765 1.823 4.183
Ikonge IKO_LOAD 3.683 1.784 4.092
Ingotse ING_LOAD 1.074 0.520 1.193
Iten ITN_LOAD 0.258 0.126 0.287
Itumbe Tea Factory ITUMBE TEA FACTORY 0.425 0.206 0.472
Kabarak KABARAK_LOAD 3.185 1.543 3.539
Kabarnet KABARNET_LOAD 0.197 0.095 0.219
Kakamega KAK_LOAD 2.842 1.378 3.158
Kapenguria KPN_LOAD 0.726 0.352 0.807
Kaplamai KPL_LOAD 4.080 1.975 4.533
Kapsabet KST_LOAD 2.544 1.232 2.827
Kapsumbeiwa KAM_LOAD 0.800 0.388 0.889
Kericho KERICHO_LOAD 2.678 1.297 2.976
Keroka KEO_LOAD 0.508 0.246 0.564
Kiamokama KIO_LOAD 2.039 0.988 2.266
Kibos KIBOS_LOAD 3.257 1.577 3.619
Kihoto KHI_LOAD 1.098 0.531 1.220
Kipsarman KIPSARMAN_LOAD 0.262 0.127 0.291
Kiptegat KIPTEGAT_11 1.956 0.947 2.173
Kisian KISIAN_LOAD 1.425 0.690 1.583
Kisii KII_LOAD 9.915 4.802 11.017
Kisii District Hospital KISII DISTRICT HOSPITAL 2.051 0.993 2.279
Kisumu East KISUMU_EAST_LOAD 9.584 4.642 10.649
Kitale KTL_LOAD 3.083 1.493 3.425
Kitco KITCO_LOAD 1.288 0.624 1.431
Lanet Town LANET_33/11_LOAD 13.081 6.335 14.534
Lessos Town LET_LOAD 0.201 0.098 0.224
Litein LTN_LOAD 1.526 0.739 1.696
Londiani LON_LOAD 0.222 0.108 0.247
Magumu MAGUMU_LOAD 2.123 1.028 2.359
Majengo MAJENGO_LOAD 1.097 0.531 1.219
Malakisi MKS_LOAD 1.095 0.531 1.217
Maralal MAA_LOAD 0.566 0.273 0.628
Marigat MAG_LOAD 0.332 0.161 0.369
Marula MRL_LOAD 1.882 0.911 2.091
Maseno MASENO_LOAD 2.743 1.329 3.048
Matundura MTR_LOAD 0.333 0.161 0.370
Matutu MTU_LOAD 0.231 0.112 0.257
Migori MGO_LOAD 1.062 0.515 1.180
Ministry Of Public Works MINISTRY OF PUBLIC WORKS 1.796 0.871 1.996
Miwani MIW_LOAD 0.784 0.379 0.871
Mogogosiek MGG_LOAD 9.672 4.684 10.747
Moi Barracks MOB_LOAD 1.714 0.831 1.905
Moiben MOIBEN_LOAD 0.900 0.436 1.000
Mollases MOLLASES 1.525 0.738 1.694
Morendat (KPC Pumping Station) MDT_LOAD 0.877 0.424 0.974
Muhoroni 33/11 MUH_LOAD 4.528 2.194 5.032
Muhoroni Sugar Factory MUHORONI SUGAR FACTORY 1.811 0.877 2.012
Mumias MUM_LOAD 1.127 0.546 1.252
Mwariki MWARIKI_LOAD 5.052 2.447 5.613
Nakuru NAKURU_LOAD_1 7.903 3.828 8.781
NAKURU_LOAD_2 7.900 3.826 8.778
Nandi Hills NAD_LOAD 2.401 1.162 2.667
Narok NAK_LOAD 1.288 0.624 1.431
Njoro NJO_LOAD 2.409 1.166 2.676
Nyahururu NYH_LOAD 1.692 0.820 1.880
NYH_LOAD_2 1.692 0.820 1.880
Nyamninia NYAMNINIA_LOAD 0.410 0.199 0.456
Obote Rd OBT_LOAD_1 14.150 6.853 15.722
OBT_LOAD_2 14.150 6.853 15.722
Olkalau OLK_LOAD 1.481 0.717 1.645
Prime Steel Mills Ltd PRIME STEEL MILLS LTD 1.934 0.936 2.149
Rivatex RIVATEX_LOAD 8.016 3.883 8.907
Rongai RONGAI_LOAD 1.953 0.946 2.170
Ruambwa RUM_LOAD 0.661 0.320 0.734
Rumuruti RUT_LOAD 0.411 0.198 0.456
Siaya SIY_LOAD 1.439 0.698 1.599
Sibembe SIB_LOAD_1 1.692 0.820 1.880
SIB_LOAD_2 1.209 0.586 1.344
Sirisia SIRISIA_LOAD 1.800 0.872 2.000
Sondu SOD_LOAD 1.085 0.525 1.205
Sosiat SOSIAT_LOAD 3.150 1.526 3.500
Sotik SOT_LOAD 1.265 0.612 1.405
Steel Mills STM_LOAD 1.362 0.660 1.513
Subukia SUBUKIA_LOAD 0.599 0.290 0.666
Timboroa TIM_LOAD 0.133 0.065 0.148
United Millers Ltd UNITED MILLERS LTD 1.367 0.661 1.518
Webuye WEB_LOAD 0.756 0.366 0.840
Western University College WESTERN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 2.148 1.040 2.387
Grand Total 266.486 129.066 296.096
Load Flow Analysis Network Infeeds - West Region, 2015


Substation Pgen (MW) Qgen (MVAr)

Awendo 6.401 1.186
Bomet 15.635 4.177
Chemosit 29.878 18.853
Eburru 2.3 0.7
Gogo Falls 2 1.6
Kabarnet 3.633 1.05
Kegati 28.246 12.232
Kisumu 66.482 38.172
Kitale 14.269 8.252
Lanet 46.585 29.221
Lessos 15.419 7.872
Makutano 12.353 5.633
Muhoroni 24.484 13.448
Musaga 18.045 9.674
Nakuru West 20.568 11.139
Narok 4.096 1.446
Nyahururu 9.6 1.447
Rangala 20.805 5.859
Rivertex 49.589 24.363
Sondu 12.432 2.339
Suswa 17.889 8.169
Webuye 17.825 5.848
Grand Total 438.534 212.68
IEC60909 Short Circuit Results (3 Phase) - West Region, 2015


Nominal Switchgear
Substation Name Fault location Voltage (kV) Rating (kA) Ik" (kA) % of Rating
Ahero AHERO_33 33 31.5 0.895 2.8
AHERO_11 11 25 1.969 7.9
AHP (James Finlay) AHP_(JAMES_FINLAY)_33 33 31.5 1.999 6.3
Awendo AWENDO_11 11 25 3.937 15.7
AWENDO_33 33 31.5 3.98 12.6
AWENDO_33TRANSBUS 33 31.5 3.985 12.7
Bahati BAHATI_33 33 31.5 1.575 5.0
BAHATI_11 11 25 2.792 11.2
Bomet BOMET_11 11 25 2.098 8.4
BOMET_33 33 31.5 5.786 18.4
BOMET_33TRANS 33 31.5 14.246 45.2
Bumala BUMALA_11 11 25 1.578 6.3
BUMALA_33 33 31.5 1.372 4.4
Busia BUSIA_11 11 25 1.295 5.2
BUSIA_33 33 31.5 0.829 2.6
Butere BUTERE_11 11 25 2.445 9.8
BUTERE_33 33 31.5 1.224 3.9
Carbacid (CO2) Ltd CARBACID_(CO2)_LTD_33 33 31.5 2.029 6.4
Changoi CHANGOI_11 11 25 1.907 7.6
CHANGOI_33 33 31.5 3.268 10.4
Chavakali CHAVAKALI_11 11 25 2.433 9.7
CHAVAKALI_33 33 31.5 1.511 4.8
Chemelil CHEMELIL_11 11 25 1.819 7.3
CHEMELIL_33 33 31.5 2.361 7.5
Chemosit CHEMOSIT_33_1 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
CHEMOSIT_33_2 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
Chepseon CHEPSEON_33 33 31.5 1.019 3.2
CHEPSEON_11 11 25 2.099 8.4
Cheptulu CHEPTULU_11 11 25 2.008 8.0
CHEPTULU_33 33 31.5 0.933 3.0
Cheranganyi CHERANGANYI_11 11 25 1.659 6.6
CHERANGANYI_33 33 31.5 1.747 5.5
DCK DCK_11 11 25 4.574 18.3
DCK_33 33 31.5 2.333 7.4
Eburru EBURRU_GEN_11 11 25 2.515 10.1
EBURRU_GEN_33 33 31.5 1.087 3.5
Elburgon ELBURGON_11 11 25 2.227 8.9
ELBURGON_33 33 31.5 1.077 3.4
Eldoret Industrial ELDORET_INDUSTRIAL_11 11 25 8.505 34.0
ELDORET_INDUSTRIAL_33 33 31.5 3.76 11.9
Eldoret Town ELDORET_TOWN_11 11 25 10.509 42.0
ELDORET_TOWN_33 33 31.5 5.235 16.6
Elgon View ELGON_VIEW_33 33 31.5 7.279 23.1
ELGON_VIEW_11 11 25 4.7 18.8
Endebess ENDEBES_33 33 31.5 1.561 5.0
ENDEBES_11 11 25 2.694 10.8
Eveready Batteries (K) Limited EVEREADY BATTERIES (K) LIMITED 33 31.5 11.47 36.4
Everest Steel Ltd EVEREST_STEEL_LTD_33 33 31.5 2.871 9.1
Fish Products FISH PRODUCTS 33 31.5 0.568 1.8
Gilgil GILGIL_11 11 25 2.112 8.4
GILGIL_33 33 31.5 1.131 3.6
Gogo Falls GOGO_FALLS_33 33 31.5 1.522 4.8
GOGO_GEN_33 33 31.5 1.522 4.8
HLKengen HLKENGEN_11 11 25 1.217 4.9
HLKENGEN_33 33 31.5 1.552 4.9
Homabay HOMABAY_11 11 25 1.432 5.7
HOMABAY_33 33 31.5 0.596 1.9
Ikonge IKONGE_11 11 25 2.799 11.2
IKONGE_33 33 31.5 2.221 7.1
Ingotse INGOTSE_11 11 25 1.859 7.4
Ingotse INGOTSE_33 33 31.5 2.446 7.8
Iten ITEN_11 11 25 1.469 5.9
ITEN_33 33 31.5 1.088 3.5
Itumbe Tea Factory ITUMBE TEA FACTORY 33 31.5 3.134 9.9
Kabarak KABARAK_33 33 31.5 1.428 4.5
KABARAK_11 11 25 2.629 10.5
Kabarnet KABARNET_11 11 25 1.726 6.9
KABARNET_33 33 31.5 2.111 6.7
KABARNET_33TRANS 33 31.5 3.154 10.0
Kakamega KAKAMEGA_11 11 25 1.984 7.9
KAKAMEGA_33 33 31.5 0.929 2.9
Kapenguria KAPENGURIA_11 11 25 1.314 5.3
KAPENGURIA_33 33 31.5 0.886 2.8
Kaplamai KAPLAMAI_11 11 25 3.5 14.0
KAPLAMAI_33 33 31.5 1.478 4.7
Kapsabet KAPSABET_11 11 25 2.888 11.6
KAPSABET_33 33 31.5 1.717 5.5
Kapsumbeiwa KAPSUMBEIWA_11 11 25 1.786 7.1
KAPSUMBEIWA_33 33 31.5 2.274 7.2
Kegati KEGATI_33 33 31.5 14.246 45.2
Kericho KERICHO_11 11 25 3.633 14.5
KERICHO_33 33 31.5 1.659 5.3
Keroka KEROKA_11 11 25 1.649 6.6
KEROKA_33 33 31.5 1.486 4.7
Kiamokama KIAMOKAMA_11 11 25 3.064 12.3
KIAMOKAMA_33 33 31.5 1.849 5.9
Kibos KIBOS_33 33 31.5 5.341 17.0
KIBOS_11 11 25 4.426 17.7
Kihoto KIHOTO_11 11 25 4.07 16.3
KIHOTO_33 33 31.5 4.17 13.2
Kipsarman KIPSARMAN_33 33 31.5 0.729 2.3
KIPSARMAN_11 11 25 1.666 6.7
Kiptegat KIPTEGAT_11 11 25 2.616 10.5
KIPTEGAT_33 33 31.5 1.471 4.7
Kisian KISIAN_11 11 25 3.213 12.9
KISIAN_33 33 31.5 2.066 6.6
Kisii KISII_11 11 25 6.888 27.6
KISII_33 33 31.5 3.341 10.6
Kisii District Hospital KISII DISTRICT HOSPITAL 33 31.5 7.384 23.4
Kisumu KISUMU_33_1 33 31.5 14.246 45.2
KISUMU_33_2 33 31.5 14.246 45.2
Kisumu East KISUMU_EAST_11 11 25 10.009 40.0
KISUMU_EAST_33 33 31.5 4.937 15.7
Kitale KITALE_11 11 25 3.495 14.0
KITALE_33 33 31.5 2.844 9.0
KITALE_33_TRANS 33 31.5 3.765 12.0
Kitco KITCO_11 11 25 3.556 14.2
KITCO_33 33 31.5 4.845 15.4
Lanet LANET_33 33 31.5 10.996 34.9
Lanet Town LANET_33/11_11 11 25 15.603 62.4
LANET_33/11_33 33 31.5 10.996 34.9
Lessos LESSOS_33 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
Lessos Town LESSOS_TOWN_11 11 25 2.111 8.4
LESSOS_TOWN_33 33 31.5 6.991 22.2
Litein LITEIN_11 11 25 1.883 7.5
LITEIN_33 33 31.5 3.063 9.7
Londiani LONDIANI_11 11 25 1.588 6.4
LONDIANI_33 33 31.5 1.496 4.7
Magumu MAGUMU_33 33 31.5 1.134 3.6
MAGUMU_11 11 25 2.295 9.2
Majengo MAJENGO_33 33 31.5 2.551 8.1
MAJENGO_11 11 25 3.468 13.9
Makutano MAKUTANO_33 33 31.5 3.765 12.0
Malakisi MALAKISI_11 11 25 0.992 4.0
MALAKISI_33 33 31.5 0.513 1.6
Maralal MARALAL_11 11 25 0.579 2.3
Maralal MARALAL_33 33 31.5 0.238 0.8
Marigat MARIGAT_11 11 25 1.045 4.2
MARIGAT_33 33 31.5 0.943 3.0
Marula MARULA_11 11 25 3.815 15.3
MARULA_33 33 31.5 1.782 5.7
Maseno MASENO_33 33 31.5 0.839 2.7
MASENO_11 11 25 1.893 7.6
Matundura MATUNDURA_11 11 25 1.583 6.3
MATUNDURA_33 33 31.5 1.374 4.4
Matutu MATUTU_11 11 25 1.522 6.1
MATUTU_33 33 31.5 1.152 3.7
Migori MIGORI_11 11 25 2.094 8.4
MIGORI_33 33 31.5 1.164 3.7
Ministry Of Public Works MINISTRY OF PUBLIC WORKS 33 31.5 1.482 4.7
Miwani MIWANI_11 11 25 1.484 5.9
MIWANI_33 33 31.5 1.182 3.8
Mogogosiek MOGOGOSIEK_11 11 25 4.341 17.4
MOGOGOSIEK_33 33 31.5 1.667 5.3
Moi Barracks MOI_BARRACKS_11 11 25 1.629 6.5
MOI_BARRACKS_33 33 31.5 1.458 4.6
Moiben MOIBEN_33 33 31.5 1.143 3.6
MOIBEN_11 11 25 2.319 9.3
Mollases MOLLASES 33 31.5 5.842 18.5
Morendat (KPC Pumping Station) MORENDAT_(KPC_PUMPING_STATION)_33 33 31.5 1.483 4.7
Muhoroni MUHORONI_33 33 31.5 14.246 45.2
Muhoroni 33/11 MUHORONI_33/11_11 11 25 4.032 16.1
MUHORONI_33/11_33 33 31.5 3.885 12.3
Muhoroni Sugar Factory MUHORONI SUGAR FACTORY 33 31.5 4.012 12.7
Mumias MUMIAS_11 11 25 1.829 7.3
MUMIAS_33 33 31.5 0.897 2.8
Musaga MUSAGA_33 33 31.5 14.246 45.2
Mwariki MWARIKI_11 11 25 7.087 28.3
MWARIKI_33 33 31.5 3.448 10.9
Nakuru NAKURU_11_1 11 25 6.191 24.8
NAKURU_11_2 11 25 9.15 36.6
NAKURU_33_1 33 31.5 3.443 10.9
NAKURU_33_2 33 31.5 7.71 24.5
Nakuru West NAKURU_WEST_33 33 31.5 14.246 45.2
Nandi Hills NANDI_HILLS_11 11 25 3.099 12.4
NANDI_HILLS_33 33 31.5 2.051 6.5
Narok NAROK_11 11 25 2.978 11.9
NAROK_33 33 31.5 2.662 8.5
NAROK_33TRANS 33 31.5 3.765 12.0
Njoro NJORO_11 11 25 2.869 11.5
NJORO_33 33 31.5 2.122 6.7
Nyahururu NYAHURURU_11_1 11 25 5.947 23.8
NYAHURURU_11_2 11 25 5.947 23.8
NYAHURURU_33 33 31.5 5.038 16.0
NYAHURURU_33TRANS 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
Nyamninia NYAMNINIA_11 11 25 1.556 6.2
NYAMNINIA_33 33 31.5 1.233 3.9
Obote Rd OBOTE_RD_11_1 11 25 8.359 33.4
OBOTE_RD_11_2 11 25 8.32 33.3
OBOTE_RD_33_1 33 31.5 6.242 19.8
OBOTE_RD_33_2 33 31.5 6.172 19.6
Olkalau OLKALAU_11 11 25 2.265 9.1
OLKALAU_33 33 31.5 1.133 3.6
Prime Steel Mills Ltd PRIME STEEL MILLS LTD 33 31.5 8.927 28.3
Rangala RANGALA_33 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
Rivatex RIVATEX_33 33 31.5 13.079 41.5
Rivertex RIVERTEX_33 33 31.5 14.246 45.2
Rongai RONGAI_11 11 25 2.527 10.1
RONGAI_33 33 31.5 1.641 5.2
Ruambwa RUAMBWA_11 11 25 1.443 5.8
RUAMBWA_33 33 31.5 1.05 3.3
Rumuruti RUMURUTI_11 11 25 1.337 5.3
Rumuruti RUMURUTI_33 33 31.5 0.889 2.8
Siaya SIAYA_11 11 25 1.777 7.1
SIAYA_33 33 31.5 1.948 6.2
Sibembe SIBEMBE_11_1 11 25 1.703 6.8
SIBEMBE_11_2 11 25 1.667 6.7
SIBEMBE_33_1 33 31.5 1.802 5.7
SIBEMBE_33_2 33 31.5 1.572 5.0
Sirisia SIRISIA_33 33 31.5 1.314 4.2
SIRISIA_11 11 25 2.455 9.8
Sondu SONDU_11 11 25 1.532 6.1
SONDU_33 33 31.5 1.326 4.2
SONDU_33TRANSBUS 33 31.5 3.765 12.0
Sosiat SOSIAT_33 33 31.5 1.709 5.4
SOSIAT_11 11 25 2.886 11.5
Sotik SOTIK_11 11 25 1.8 7.2
SOTIK_33 33 31.5 0.77 2.4
Steel Mills STEEL_MILLS_33 33 31.5 10.814 34.3
Subukia SUBUKIA_11 11 25 1.547 6.2
SUBUKIA_33 33 31.5 1.29 4.1
Suswa SUSWA_33 33 31.5 7.868 25.0
Timboroa TIMBOROA_11 11 25 1.499 6.0
TIMBOROA_33 33 31.5 1.248 4.0
United Millers Ltd UNITED MILLERS LTD 33 31.5 4.158 13.2
Webuye WEBUYE_11 11 25 3.767 15.1
WEBUYE_33 33 31.5 3.505 11.1
WEBUYE_TRANS_33 33 31.5 3.765 12.0
Western University College WESTERN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 33 31.5 1.743 5.5
Feeder Load Flow Analysis - West Region, 2016

Values Values
Nominal Maximum Maximum Average Minimum Minimum
Bulk Supply Point Feeder Name Voltage (kV) Length (km) Loading (A) Loading (%) Loading (%) Voltage (kV) Voltage (%)
Awendo Uriri 33 100.1 31 11.05 4.53 32.272 97.8
Sony 33 0.1 71 14.2 14.20 31.889 96.63
Migori 33 95.3 37 13.2 4.02 31.635 95.86
Ogembo 33 72.4 26 9.25 2.95 32.808 99.42
Gogo 33 183.5 43 9.09 3.37 32.354 98.04
Bomet Olbutyo 33 30.0 51 11.93 6.57 32.253 97.74
Mulot 33 30.0 51 11.93 6.57 32.253 97.74
Mogogosiek 33 28.3 223 51.96 50.95 29.631 89.79
Bomet Local 33 4.5 17 5.27 5.21 32.682 99.04
Bondo Siaya 33 30.4 2 0.65 0.23 33.269 100.81
Usenge 33 71.8 4 1.51 0.36 32.644 98.92
Victoria Coast 33 150.2 101 36.13 7.14 33.269 100.81
Chavakali Kakamega 33 17.7 72 25.64 20.34 31.836 96.47
Majengo 33 12.5 32 11.45 9.05 32.001 96.97
Cheptulu 33 15.6 71 22.31 16.70 32.501 98.49
Chemosit Bomet 33 34.5 47 16.61 7.84 32.115 97.32
Kericho 33 26.6 301 70.08 42.52 31.814 96.41
Kisii 33 43.4 78 18.15 9.50 31.383 95.1
Sondu 33 44.7 112 26.01 12.37 31.426 95.23
Sotik 33 44.2 99 48.16 11.87 29.875 90.53
Eldoret North Rivatex 33 3.7 179 36.69 36.76 32.563 98.67
Moi Barracks 33 4.3 0 0.06 0.00 32.962 99.88
Eldoret Town 33 1.9 180 36.99 36.96 32.755 99.26
Eldoret Industrial 33 4.7 200 40.98 40.97 32.396 98.17
Gilgil Lanet 33 98.8 61 21.71 5.66 31.424 95.22
Suswa 33 83.0 78 27.7 7.91 31.062 94.13
Homabay Mfangano 33 118.1 67 24.01 3.68 32.215 97.62
Kendu Bay 33 42.2 13 4.56 3.78 32.809 99.42
Kabarnet Flouspar 33 172.0 53 16.75 4.83 30.687 92.99
Kabarnet Local 33 8.3 6 2.01 1.71 32.709 99.12
Marigat 33 31.5 10 3.71 2.75 32.52 98.55
Kipsarman 33 44.2 6 1.87 1.65 32.533 98.58
Kapsowar Chesengon 33 58.5 30 9.54 5.02 31.949 96.82
Iten 33 45.0 8 2.64 2.50 32.446 98.32
Kegati Homabay 33 70.2 88 31.53 13.37 30.692 93.01
Ikonge 33 49.6 178 63.57 15.38 30.986 93.9
Keroka 33 104.7 80 28.72 8.70 30.732 93.13
Kiamokama 33 24.5 76 34.66 17.14 31.742 96.19
Kisii 33 34.7 236 78.5 19.62 31.272 94.76
Ogembo/Migori 33 70.2 45 16.01 5.63 31.866 96.56
Keringet Molo 33 73.9 84 26.97 7.99 31.473 95.37
Kaptagich 33 51.2 34 12.05 5.78 32.214 97.62
Kisumu Bondo 33 98.7 118 42.15 11.13 29.987 90.87
Chemelil 33 47.6 101 36.11 9.98 31.51 95.49
Kakamega 33 14.1 57 17.06 5.86 32.549 98.63
Kisumu East 33 7.3 0 0.11 0.00 32.764 99.29
Obote 1 33 5.6 223 51.77 46.96 32.065 97.17
Obote 2 33 5.2 223 51.8 51.86 32.052 97.13
Kisumu East Kibos 33 13.7 75 17.53 11.08 32.501 98.49
Ahero 33 20.6 78 24.55 24.39 31.335 94.95
Obote Rd 33 4.3 0 0.08 0.00 32.902 99.7
Kitale Kapenguria 33 50.5 53 18.85 8.86 31.83 96.45
Kaplamai 33 79.3 158 56.47 16.79 29.933 90.71
Kitale Local 33 4.5 71 25.41 22.72 32.732 99.19
Kimini/Webuye 33 15.8 4 1.23 0.31 33.023 100.07
Endebess 33 16.3 20 6.41 6.27 32.715 99.14
Lanet Gilgil-Marula 33 29.5 55 19.72 1.90 33.136 100.41
Lanet 33/11 33 0.1 291 0.29 0.29 33.271 100.82
Nakuru Interconnector 1 33 14.2 288 66.97 47.95 31.469 95.36
Nakuru Interconnector 2 33 17.4 115 34.2 18.14 32.434 98.29
Lanet Nyahururu Interconnector 1 33 71.0 120 42.7 14.50 30.753 93.19
Nyahururu Interconnector 2 33 50.1 34 12.03 7.04 32.355 98.05
Lessos Chemelil 33 60.7 143 42.73 12.34 31.022 94.01
Eldoret 33 74.8 88 26.13 5.54 32.17 97.49
Flouspar 33 101.7 39 8.95 3.73 32.083 97.22
Kapsabet 33 19.7 15 5.36 1.69 32.879 99.63
Makutano Londiani 33 34.8 72 25.88 16.68 31.139 94.36
Lanet 33 175.0 88 31.52 7.28 29.651 89.85
Timboroa 33 165.7 43 15.5 3.59 31.429 95.24
Molo 33 21.2 1 0.4 0.16 32.786 99.35
Malaba Busia 33 91.4 43 13.61 5.24 31.406 95.17
Malakisi 33 115.3 96 30.08 12.34 30.288 91.78
Maralal Rumuruti 33 149.2 26 9.43 4.25 31.421 95.22
Muhoroni Katito 33 56.3 22 6.83 3.05 32.581 98.73
Kericho 33 65.8 197 58.66 19.63 30.624 92.8
Muhoroni 33 50.0 298 76.61 20.34 30.339 91.94
Musaga Kakamega 33 39.6 151 53.9 23.88 30.633 92.83
Sibembe 1 33 92.1 93 35.41 10.04 30.566 92.62
Sibembe 2 33 149.6 98 34.84 7.89 30.381 92.06
Webuye/Kitale 33 0.7 0 0.01 0.00 33.037 100.11
Malava Town 33 71.7 130 42.49 14.07 30.282 91.76
Nakuru West Njoro 33 86.6 111 39.67 12.37 30.309 91.85
Nakuru 33 4.1 203 63.71 40.90 32.654 98.95
Rongai/Kabarak 33 34.2 108 33.79 23.71 30.982 93.88
Lanet Town 33 14.7 1 0.18 0.08 33.107 100.33
Narok Lanet 33 67.7 4 1.24 0.97 33.178 100.54
Narok Local 33 52.0 48 17.09 2.62 32.938 99.81
Dck 33 93.5 36 11.32 4.12 32.331 97.97
Nyahururu Maralal 33 114.5 41 14.52 4.57 31.954 96.83
Subukia 33 82.5 42 14.83 4.64 32.342 98.01
Olkalau 33 46.6 3 1.04 0.45 33.248 100.75
Nyahururu Local 33 4.6 77 27.31 17.08 33.042 100.13
Rangala Busia 33 40.0 28 10.03 5.54 32.351 98.03
Butere 33 27.7 76 34.34 24.05 31.018 93.99
Nyamninia 33 50.3 97 44.12 22.51 29.638 89.81
Ruambwa 33 46.8 49 21.33 7.87 31.957 96.84
Siaya 33 141.1 58 26.35 4.05 31.478 95.39
Rivertex Eldoret 1 33 10.8 94 21.94 13.93 32.796 99.38
Eldoret 2 33 5.8 3 0.86 0.18 33.188 100.57
Industrial 33 8.0 1 0.41 0.16 33.187 100.57
Kitale/Moi Barracks 33 124.7 170 60.62 16.16 30.206 91.53
Lessos Interconnector 33 87.4 131 46.85 12.83 30.302 91.83
Ngano 33 27.4 41 13.14 4.28 32.973 99.92
Rivatex 33 0.4 14 5.11 4.69 33.185 100.56
Steel Mills/Kitale 33 138.0 52 18.43 3.49 32.111 97.31
Elgon View 33 3.0 35 11.09 10.97 33.085 100.26
Moiben 33 38.9 18 6.24 4.70 32.69 99.06
Sondu Katito 33 33.9 40 14.19 7.20 32.167 97.48
Kendu_Bay 33 67.1 10 3.01 0.54 32.794 99.38
Sondu 33/11 33 71.2 121 37.87 10.46 31.313 94.89
Suswa Dck - Narok 33 54.7 160 57.1 18.00 30.513 92.46
Kinangop 33 252.3 105 37.64 4.94 30.739 93.15
Marula 33 48.1 58 20.77 10.09 32.482 98.43
Suswa-Lanet Interconnector 33 70.8 18 6.36 5.71 32.904 99.71
Webuye Eldoret 33 100.0 93 33.28 10.05 30.565 92.62
Kitale 33 70.2 43 14.71 9.32 31.337 94.96
Kimilili 33 107.3 90 31.98 8.15 31.272 94.76
Webuye Local 33 20.0 19 5.81 0.74 33.042 100.13
Transformer Load Flow Analysis - West Region, 2016

Nominal Voltage
Substation Element Name (kV) Capacity (MVA) Loading (%)
Ahero AHERO_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 56.68
Awendo AWENDO_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 23.13
AWENDO_132_33_TX 132/33 23 27.02
Bahati BAHATI_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 53.94
Bomet BOMET_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 38.04
BOMET_132_33_TX2 132/33 45 21.65
BOMET_132_33_TX 132/33 45 21.65
Bondo BONDO_132_33_TX1 132/33 23 13.11
BONDO_132_33_TX2 132/33 23 13.11
Bumala BUMALA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 39.18
Busia BUSIA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 45.61
Butere BUTERE_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 49.04
Changoi CHANGOI_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 22.45
Chavakali CHAVAKALI_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 14.15
CHAVAKALI_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 14.15
CHAVAKALI_132_33_TX2 132/33 45 11.9
CHEVAKALI_132_33_TX1 132/33 45 11.9
Chemelil CHEMELIL_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 59.58
Chemosit CHEMOSIT_132_33_TX_1 132/33 45 41.06
CHEMOSIT_132_33_TX_2 132/33 45 41.06
Chepseon CHAPSEON_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 37.69
Cheptulu CHEPTULU_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 32.43
Cheranganyi CHERANGANYI_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 22.82
DCK DCK_33_11_TX_1 33/11 7.5 18.13
DCK_33_11_TX_2 33/11 7.5 18.13
Eburru EBURRU_GEN_33_11_TX 33/11 3 76.67
Elburgon ELBURGON_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 46.98
Eldoret Industrial ELDORET_INDUSTRIAL_33_11_TX 33/11 23 24.34
ELDORET_INDUSTRIAL_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 24.34
Eldoret North ELDORET_NORTH_132_33_TX2 132/33 45 36.04
ELDORET_NORTH_132_33_TX1 132/33 45 36.04
Eldoret Town ELDORET_TOWN_33_11_TX 33/11 23 22.22
Elgon View ELGON_VIEW_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 27.02
Endebess ENDEBES_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 15.45
Gilgil GILGIL_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 57.74
GILGIL_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 57.74
GILGIL_132_33_TX 132/33 23 47.78
Gogo Falls GOGO_GEN_33_3.3_TX2 33/3.3 1.5 85.37
GOGO_GEN_33_3.3_TX1 33/3.3 1.5 85.37
HLKengen HLKENGEN_33_11_TX 33/11 1.5 24.14
Homabay HOMABAY_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 32.93
HOMABAY_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 32.93
HOMABAY_132_33_TX2 132/33 23 20.85
HOMABAY_132_33_TX1 132/33 23 20.85
Ikonge IKONGE_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 26.15
IKONGE_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 26.15
Ingotse INGOTSE_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 56.03
Iten ITEN_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 13.3
Kabarak KABARAK_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 54.55
Kabarnet KABARNET_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 10.5
KABARNET_132_33_TX 132/33 15 28.33
Kakamega KAKAMEGA_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 49.52
Kapenguria KAPENGURIA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 37.84
Kaplamai KAPLAMAI_33_11_TX 33/11 23 22.91
Kapsabet KAPSABET_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 44.21
KAPSABET_132_33_TX2 132/33 23 7.24
KAPSABET_132_33_TX1 132/33 23 7.24
Kapsowar KAPSOWAR_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 13.49
KAPSOWAR_132_33 132/33 15 21.06
Kapsumbeiwa KAPSUMBEIWA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 41.58
Kegati KEGATI_132_33_TX 132/33 45 45.21
KEGATI_132_33_TX2 132/33 45 45.21
Kericho KERICHO_33_11_TX_1 33/11 7.5 23.15
KERICHO_33_11_TX_2 33/11 7.5 23.15
Keringet KERINGET_132_33_TX 132/33 15 45.6
Keroka KEROKA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 26.22
Kiamokama KIAMOKAMA_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 35.26
Kibos KIBOS_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 56.67
Kihoto KIHOTO_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 18.53
Kipsarman KIPSARMAN_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 4.48
Kiptegat KIPTEGAT_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 33.89
Kisian KISIAN_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 23.97
Kisii KISII_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 49.24
KISII_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 40.11
Kisumu KISUMU_132_33_TX_1 132/33 45 46.53
KISUMU_132_33_TX2 132/33 45 46.53
Kisumu East KISUMU_EAST_33_11_TX 33/11 23 54.04
KISUMU_EAST_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 54.04
KISUMU_EAST_132_33_TX1 132/33 45 38.04
KISUMU_EAST_132_33_TX2 132/33 45 38.04
Kitale KITALE_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 53.48
KITALE_132_33_TX 132/33 23 38.45
KITALE_132_33_TX2 132/33 23 38.45
Kitaru KITARU_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 40.69
Kitco KITCO_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 33.41
KITCO_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 33.41
Lanet LANET_132_33_TX_1 132/33 23 78.59
LANET_132_33_TX_2 132/33 23 78.59
LANET_132_33_TX_3 132/33 23 78.59
Lanet Town LANET_33_11_TX_1 33/11 23 36.41
LANET_33_11_TX_2 33/11 23 36.41
Lessos LESSOS_132_33_TX_1 132/33 23 35.84
LESSOS_132_33_TX_2 132/33 23 35.84
Lessos Town LESSOS_TOWN_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 10.43
Litein LITEIN_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 40.39
Londiani LONDIANI_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 6.66
Magumu MAGUMU_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 36.16
Majengo MAJENGO_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 19.17
Makutano MAKUTANO_132_33_TX 132/33 23 51.28
Malaba MALABA_132_33_TX 132/33 23 31.77
Malakisi MAKLAKISI_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 57.68
Maralal MARALAL_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 28.68
MARALAL_132_33_TX 132/33 23 9.6
Marigat MARIGAT_33_11_TX 33/11 1.5 28.16
Marula MARULA_33_11_TX_1 33/11 7.5 15.88
MARULA_33_11_TX_2 33/11 7.5 15.88
Maseno MASENO_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 48.31
Matundura MATUNDURA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 17.13
Matutu MATUTU_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 11.98
Migori MIGORI_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 27.76
MIGORI_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 27.76
Miwani MIWANI_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 39.22
Mogogosiek MOGOGOSIEK_33_11_TX_1 33/11 23 27.64
MOGOGOSIEK_33_11_TX_2 33/11 23 27.64
Moi Barracks MOI_BARRACKS_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 43.77
MOI_BARRACKS_33_11_TX2 33/11 2.5 43.77
Moiben MOIBEN_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 13.49
Molo MOLO_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 28.38
Mosocho MOSOCHO_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 40.69
Muhoroni MUHORONI_132_33_TX 132/33 45 33.32
MUHORONI_132_33_TX2 132/33 45 33.32
Muhoroni 33/11 MUHORONI_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 76.72
Mumias MUMIAS_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 29.22
MUMIAS_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 29.22
Musaga MUSAGA_132_33_TX_1 132/33 45 30.26
MUSAGA_132_33_TX_2 132/33 45 30.26
Mwariki MWARIKI_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 24.53
MWARIKI_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 19.98
Nakuru NAKURU_33_11_TX_1 33/11 23 44.13
NAKURU_33_11_TX_2 33/11 23 44.11
Nakuru West NAKURU_WEST_132_33_TX 132/33 45 27.22
NAKURU_WEST_132_33_TX2 132/33 45 27.22
Nandi Hills NANDI_HILLS_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 41.68
Narok NAROK_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 32.96
NAROK_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 32.96
NAROK_132_33_TX 132/33 23 21.63
Njoro NJORO_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 42.11
NJORO_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 42.11
Nyahururu NYAHURURU_33_11_TX_1 33/11 15 14.59
NYAHURURU_33_11_TX_2 33/11 15 14.59
NYAHURURU_132_33_TX1 132/33 23 20.31
NYAHURURU_132_33_TX2 132/33 23 20.31
Nyamira NYAMIRA_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 20.24
Nyamninia NYAMNINIA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 21.29
Obote Rd OBOTE_RD_33_11_TX_1 33/11 23 53.76
OBOTE_RD_33_11_TX_2 33/11 23 53.76
Olkalau OLKALAU_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 25.45
Rangala RANGALA_132_33_TX 132/33 23 38.88
RANGALA_132_33_TX2 132/33 23 38.88
Rivertex RIVERTEX_132_33_TX_1 132/33 45 34.56
RIVERTEX_132_33_TX_2 132/33 45 34.56
Rongai RONGAI_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 29.45
RONGAI_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 29.45
Ruambwa RUAMBWA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 34.24
Rumuruti RUMURUTI_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 20.94
Siaya SIAYA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 37.06
SIAYA_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 15.48
Sibembe SIBEMBE_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 90.04
SIBEMBE_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 63.81
Sirisia SIRISIA_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 27.02
Sondu SONDU_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 56.6
SONDU_132_33_TX 132/33 23 42.64
Sosiat SOSIAT_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 47.57
Sotik SOTIK_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 22.1
Subukia SUBUKIA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 30.48
Suswa SUSWA_132_33_TX 132/33 23 40.14
SUSWA_132_33_TX_INST_2012 132/33 23 40.14
Timboroa TIMBOROA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 6.79
Webuye WEBUYE_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 13.17
WEBUYE_132_33_TX1 132/33 23 62.59
Load Flow Analysis Substation Loads - West Region, 2016


Substation Element Name P (MW) Q (MVAr) S (MVA)

Ahero AHERO_LOAD 3.741 1.812 4.157
AHP (James Finlay) AHP_LOAD 9.237 4.473 10.263
Awendo AWE_LOAD 1.542 0.746 1.713
Bahati BAHATI_LOAD 3.565 1.727 3.961
Bomet BOM_LOAD 0.845 0.409 0.939
Bumala BUM_LOAD 0.869 0.422 0.966
Busia BIA_LOAD 1.010 0.490 1.123
Butere BUT_LOAD 3.245 1.571 3.605
Carbacid (CO2) Ltd CARBACID_(CO2)_LTD_LOAD 2.840 1.377 3.156
Changoi CHG_LOAD 0.500 0.242 0.555
Chavakali CHA_LOAD 0.631 0.306 0.701
Chemelil CHEMELIL_LOAD 1.314 0.636 1.460
Chepseon CHEPSEON_LOAD 2.503 1.212 2.781
Cheptulu CHEPTULU_LOAD 2.157 1.045 2.397
Cheranganyi CHR_LOAD 0.508 0.247 0.565
DCK DCK_LOAD 2.419 1.172 2.688
Elburgon ELB_LOAD 3.112 1.507 3.458
Eldoret Industrial ELI_LOAD 9.937 4.812 11.041
Eldoret Town ELDORET_TOWN_LOAD 9.073 4.394 10.081
Elgon View ELGON_VIEW_LOAD 1.800 0.872 2.000
Endebess ENDEBES_LOAD 1.031 0.500 1.146
Eveready Batteries (K) Limited EVEREADY BATTERIES (K) LIMITED 1.230 0.597 1.367
Everest Steel Ltd EVEREST STEEL LTD 3.628 1.757 4.031
Fish Products FISH PRODUCTS 1.679 0.814 1.866
Gilgil GLG_LOAD 2.551 1.235 2.834
Gogo Falls GGF_LOAD 0.386 0.186 0.428
HLKengen HLK_LOAD 0.323 0.155 0.358
Homabay HBY_LOAD 4.382 2.122 4.869
Ikonge IKONGE_LOAD 1.164 0.564 1.293
Ingotse ING_LOAD 1.238 0.599 1.375
Iten ITN_LOAD 0.296 0.144 0.329
Itumbe Tea Factory ITUMBE TEA FACTORY 0.488 0.237 0.543
Kabarak KABARAK_LOAD 3.604 1.746 4.005
Kabarnet KABARNET_LOAD 0.234 0.113 0.260
Kakamega KAK_LOAD 3.276 1.588 3.641
Kapenguria KPN_LOAD 0.840 0.407 0.933
Kaplamai KPL_LOAD 4.677 2.264 5.196
Kapsabet KST_LOAD 2.931 1.419 3.256
Kapsowar KAPSOWAR_LOAD 0.900 0.436 1.000
Kapsumbeiwa KAM_LOAD 0.922 0.447 1.025
Kericho KERICHO_LOAD 3.087 1.495 3.430
Keroka KEO_LOAD 0.584 0.283 0.649
Kiamokama KIO_LOAD 2.344 1.136 2.605
Kibos KIBOS_LOAD 3.741 1.812 4.157
Kihoto KHI_LOAD 1.237 0.598 1.374
Kipsarman KIPSARMAN_LOAD 0.296 0.143 0.329
Kiptegat KIPTEGAT_11 2.254 1.091 2.504
Kisian KISIAN_LOAD 1.598 0.774 1.776
Kisii KII_LOAD 11.398 5.520 12.664
Kisii District Hospital KISII DISTRICT HOSPITAL 2.358 1.141 2.620
Kisumu East KISUMU_EAST_LOAD 21.809 10.562 24.232
Kitale KTL_LOAD 3.535 1.712 3.928
Kitaru KITARU_LOAD 2.700 1.308 3.000
Kitco KITCO_LOAD 1.485 0.719 1.650
Lanet Town LANET_33/11_LOAD 14.804 7.170 16.449
Lessos Town LET_LOAD 0.232 0.113 0.258
Litein LTN_LOAD 0.896 0.434 0.996
Londiani LON_LOAD 0.148 0.071 0.164
Magumu MAGUMU_LOAD 2.403 1.164 2.670
Majengo MAJENGO_LOAD 1.279 0.619 1.421
Malakisi MKS_LOAD 1.274 0.617 1.416
Maralal MAA_LOAD 0.638 0.308 0.708
Marigat MAG_LOAD 0.376 0.182 0.418
Marula MRL_LOAD 2.119 1.026 2.354
Maseno MASENO_LOAD 3.198 1.549 3.553
Matundura MTR_LOAD 0.382 0.185 0.424
Matutu MTU_LOAD 0.267 0.130 0.297
Migori MGO_LOAD 1.235 0.599 1.373
Ministry Of Public Works MINISTRY OF PUBLIC WORKS 1.994 0.967 2.216
Miwani MIW_LOAD 0.871 0.421 0.967
Mogogosiek MGG_LOAD 11.273 5.460 12.526
Moi Barracks MOB_LOAD 1.939 0.940 2.155
Moiben MOIBEN_LOAD 0.900 0.436 1.000
Mollases MOLLASES 1.757 0.851 1.952
Molo MOLO_LOAD 1.890 0.915 2.100
Morendat (KPC Pumping Station) MDT_LOAD 0.988 0.478 1.098
Mosocho MOSOCHO_LOAD 2.700 1.308 3.000
Muhoroni 33/11 MUH_LOAD 5.027 2.435 5.586
Muhoroni Sugar Factory MUHORONI SUGAR FACTORY 2.010 0.974 2.234
Mumias MUM_LOAD 1.299 0.629 1.443
Mwariki MWARIKI_LOAD 5.718 2.769 6.353
Nakuru NAKURU_LOAD_1 8.944 4.332 9.938
NAKURU_LOAD_2 8.942 4.331 9.936
Nandi Hills NAD_LOAD 2.766 1.339 3.073
Narok NAK_LOAD 1.465 0.710 1.628
Njoro NJO_LOAD 1.868 0.904 2.075
Nyahururu NYH_LOAD 1.938 0.939 2.154
NYH_LOAD_2 1.938 0.939 2.154
Nyamira NYAMIRA_LOAD 1.350 0.654 1.500
Nyamninia NYAMNINIA_LOAD 0.474 0.230 0.527
Obote Rd OBT_LOAD_1 10.854 5.257 12.060
OBT_LOAD_2 10.854 5.257 12.060
Olkalau OLK_LOAD 1.696 0.822 1.885
Prime Steel Mills Ltd PRIME STEEL MILLS LTD 2.146 1.039 2.384
Rivatex RIVATEX_LOAD 9.070 4.394 10.078
Rongai RONGAI_LOAD 1.310 0.635 1.456
Ruambwa RUM_LOAD 0.761 0.369 0.846
Rumuruti RUT_LOAD 0.467 0.225 0.518
Siaya SIY_LOAD 1.664 0.807 1.849
Sibembe SIB_LOAD_1 1.968 0.954 2.187
SIB_LOAD_2 1.405 0.681 1.561
Sirisia SIRISIA_LOAD 1.800 0.872 2.000
Sondu SOD_LOAD 1.250 0.605 1.389
Sosiat SOSIAT_LOAD 3.150 1.526 3.500
Sotik SOT_LOAD 1.474 0.713 1.637
Steel Mills STM_LOAD 1.541 0.746 1.712
Subukia SUBUKIA_LOAD 0.678 0.328 0.753
Timboroa TIM_LOAD 0.150 0.073 0.167
United Millers Ltd UNITED MILLERS LTD 1.518 0.734 1.686
Webuye WEB_LOAD 0.879 0.425 0.976
Western University College WESTERN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 2.476 1.199 2.751
Grand Total 309.467 149.885 343.854
Load Flow Analysis Network Infeeds - West Region, 2016


Substation Pgen (MW) Qgen (MVAr)

Awendo 6.09 1.235
Bomet 18.434 6.306
Bondo 5.068 -3.176
Chavakali 9.5 4.945
Chemosit 31.823 18.791
Eburru 2.3 0
Eldoret North 28.445 15.581
Gilgil 9.73 5.108
Gogo Falls 2 1.6
Homabay 8.668 4.103
Kabarnet 4.033 1.336
Kapsabet 2.945 1.552
Kapsowar 2.94 1.157
Kegati 36.504 17.967
Keringet 6.129 3.035
Kisumu 36.296 20.892
Kisumu East 29.633 17.139
Kitale 16.36 6.726
Lanet 45.643 29.276
Lessos 14.68 7.5
Makutano 10.689 4.986
Malaba 7.161 -1.181
Maralal 2.12 0.617
Muhoroni 26.192 14.609
Musaga 23.628 13.535
Nakuru West 21.522 11.699
Narok 4.656 1.75
Nyahururu 8.582 3.688
Rangala 15.951 8.086
Rivertex 29.5 9.855
Sondu 8.633 4.653
Suswa 16.489 8.307
Webuye 12.606 6.952
Grand Total 504.95 248.629
IEC60909 Short Circuit Results (3 Phase) - West Region, 2016

Nominal Switchgear
Substation Name Fault location Voltage (kV) Rating (kA) Ik" (kA) % of Rating
Ahero AHERO_33 33 31.5 1.65 5.2
AHERO_11 11 25 2.891 11.6
AHP (James Finlay) AHP_(JAMES_FINLAY)_33 33 31.5 2.268 7.2
Awendo AWENDO_11 11 25 3.937 15.7
AWENDO_33 33 31.5 3.98 12.6
AWENDO_33TRANSBUS 33 31.5 3.985 12.7
Bahati BAHATI_33 33 31.5 1.575 5.0
BAHATI_11 11 25 2.792 11.2
Bomet BOMET_11 11 25 2.098 8.4
BOMET_33 33 31.5 5.786 18.4
BOMET_33TRANS 33 31.5 14.246 45.2
Bondo BONDO_33 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
Bumala BUMALA_11 11 25 1.578 6.3
BUMALA_33 33 31.5 1.372 4.4
Busia BUSIA_11 11 25 1.432 5.7
BUSIA_33 33 31.5 1.084 3.4
Butere BUTERE_11 11 25 2.445 9.8
BUTERE_33 33 31.5 1.224 3.9
Carbacid (CO2) Ltd CARBACID_(CO2)_LTD_33 33 31.5 2.029 6.4
Changoi CHANGOI_11 11 25 1.99 8.0
CHANGOI_33 33 31.5 4.086 13.0
Chavakali CHAVAKALI_11 11 25 4.23 16.9
CHAVAKALI_33 33 31.5 14.246 45.2
Chemelil CHEMELIL_11 11 25 1.819 7.3
CHEMELIL_33 33 31.5 2.361 7.5
Chemosit CHEMOSIT_33_1 33 31.5 14.246 45.2
CHEMOSIT_33_2 33 31.5 14.246 45.2
Chepseon CHEPSEON_33 33 31.5 1.019 3.2
CHEPSEON_11 11 25 2.099 8.4
Cheptulu CHEPTULU_11 11 25 3.303 13.2
CHEPTULU_33 33 31.5 2.167 6.9
Cheranganyi CHERANGANYI_11 11 25 1.783 7.1
CHERANGANYI_33 33 31.5 2.149 6.8
DCK DCK_11 11 25 4.574 18.3
DCK_33 33 31.5 2.333 7.4
Eburru EBURRU_GEN_11 11 25 2.515 10.1
EBURRU_GEN_33 33 31.5 1.087 3.5
Elburgon ELBURGON_11 11 25 2.227 8.9
ELBURGON_33 33 31.5 1.077 3.4
Eldoret Industrial ELDORET_INDUSTRIAL_11 11 25 12.022 48.1
ELDORET_INDUSTRIAL_33 33 31.5 6.628 21.0
Eldoret North ELDORET_NORTH_33 33 31.5 14.246 45.2
Eldoret Town ELDORET_TOWN_11 11 25 14.853 59.4
ELDORET_TOWN_33 33 31.5 9.874 31.3
Elgon View ELGON_VIEW_33 33 31.5 7.279 23.1
ELGON_VIEW_11 11 25 4.7 18.8
Endebess ENDEBES_33 33 31.5 1.86 5.9
ENDEBES_11 11 25 3.018 12.1
Eveready Batteries (K) Limited EVEREADY BATTERIES (K) LIMITED 33 31.5 11.47 36.4
Everest Steel Ltd EVEREST_STEEL_LTD_33 33 31.5 2.871 9.1
Fish Products FISH PRODUCTS 33 31.5 6.598 20.9
Gilgil GILGIL_11 11 25 3.317 13.3
GILGIL_33 33 31.5 3.765 12.0
Gogo Falls GOGO_FALLS_33 33 31.5 1.522 4.8
GOGO_GEN_33 33 31.5 1.522 4.8
HLKengen HLKENGEN_11 11 25 1.217 4.9
HLKENGEN_33 33 31.5 1.552 4.9
Homabay HOMABAY_11 11 25 7.651 30.6
HOMABAY_33 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
Ikonge IKONGE_11 11 25 2.979 11.9
IKONGE_33 33 31.5 2.562 8.1
Ingotse INGOTSE_11 11 25 1.859 7.4
INGOTSE_33 33 31.5 2.446 7.8
Iten ITEN_11 11 25 1.172 4.7
ITEN_33 33 31.5 0.695 2.2
Itumbe Tea Factory ITUMBE TEA FACTORY 33 31.5 3.134 9.9
Kabarak KABARAK_33 33 31.5 1.428 4.5
KABARAK_11 11 25 2.629 10.5
Kabarnet KABARNET_11 11 25 1.726 6.9
KABARNET_33 33 31.5 2.111 6.7
KABARNET_33TRANS 33 31.5 3.154 10.0
Kakamega KAKAMEGA_11 11 25 3.204 12.8
KAKAMEGA_33 33 31.5 2.137 6.8
Kapenguria KAPENGURIA_11 11 25 1.387 5.5
KAPENGURIA_33 33 31.5 0.967 3.1
Kaplamai KAPLAMAI_11 11 25 4.034 16.1
KAPLAMAI_33 33 31.5 1.746 5.5
Kapsabet KAPSABET_11 11 25 4.633 18.5
KAPSABET_33 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
Kapsowar KAPSOWAR_11 11 25 3.625 14.5
KAPSOWAR_33 33 31.5 3.154 10.0
Kapsumbeiwa KAPSUMBEIWA_11 11 25 1.786 7.1
KAPSUMBEIWA_33 33 31.5 2.274 7.2
Kegati KEGATI_33 33 31.5 14.246 45.2
Kericho KERICHO_11 11 25 3.633 14.5
KERICHO_33 33 31.5 1.659 5.3
Keringet KERINGET_33 33 31.5 3.154 10.0
Keroka KEROKA_11 11 25 1.649 6.6
KEROKA_33 33 31.5 1.486 4.7
Kiamokama KIAMOKAMA_11 11 25 3.064 12.3
KIAMOKAMA_33 33 31.5 1.849 5.9
Kibos KIBOS_33 33 31.5 4.378 13.9
KIBOS_11 11 25 4.112 16.4
Kihoto KIHOTO_11 11 25 4.07 16.3
KIHOTO_33 33 31.5 4.17 13.2
Kipsarman KIPSARMAN_33 33 31.5 0.729 2.3
KIPSARMAN_11 11 25 1.666 6.7
Kiptegat KIPTEGAT_11 11 25 2.616 10.5
KIPTEGAT_33 33 31.5 1.471 4.7
Kisian KISIAN_11 11 25 3.213 12.9
KISIAN_33 33 31.5 2.066 6.6
Kisii KISII_11 11 25 6.888 27.6
KISII_33 33 31.5 3.341 10.6
Kisii District Hospital KISII DISTRICT HOSPITAL 33 31.5 7.384 23.4
Kisumu KISUMU_33_1 33 31.5 14.246 45.2
KISUMU_33_2 33 31.5 14.246 45.2
Kisumu East KISUMU_EAST_11 11 25 17.494 70.0
KISUMU_EAST_33 33 31.5 14.246 45.2
Kitale KITALE_11 11 25 4.102 16.4
KITALE_33 33 31.5 4.348 13.8
KITALE_33_TRANS 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
Kitaru KITARU_33 33 31.5 1.866 5.9
KITARU_11 11 25 2.94 11.8
Kitco KITCO_11 11 25 3.859 15.4
KITCO_33 33 31.5 7.041 22.4
Lanet LANET_33 33 31.5 10.996 34.9
Lanet Town LANET_33/11_11 11 25 15.603 62.4
LANET_33/11_33 33 31.5 10.995 34.9
Lessos LESSOS_33 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
Lessos Town LESSOS_TOWN_11 11 25 2.111 8.4
LESSOS_TOWN_33 33 31.5 6.991 22.2
Litein LITEIN_11 11 25 1.964 7.9
LITEIN_33 33 31.5 3.772 12.0
Londiani LONDIANI_11 11 25 1.588 6.4
LONDIANI_33 33 31.5 1.496 4.7
Magumu MAGUMU_33 33 31.5 1.134 3.6
MAGUMU_11 11 25 2.295 9.2
Majengo MAJENGO_33 33 31.5 2.822 9.0
MAJENGO_11 11 25 3.617 14.5
Makutano MAKUTANO_33 33 31.5 3.765 12.0
Malaba MALABA_33 33 31.5 3.765 12.0
Malakisi MALAKISI_11 11 25 1.478 5.9
MALAKISI_33 33 31.5 1.184 3.8
Maralal MARALAL_11 11 25 1.944 7.8
MARALAL_33 33 31.5 3.765 12.0
Marigat MARIGAT_11 11 25 1.045 4.2
MARIGAT_33 33 31.5 0.943 3.0
Marula MARULA_11 11 25 3.815 15.3
MARULA_33 33 31.5 1.782 5.7
Maseno MASENO_33 33 31.5 0.839 2.7
MASENO_11 11 25 1.893 7.6
Matundura MATUNDURA_11 11 25 1.583 6.3
MATUNDURA_33 33 31.5 1.374 4.4
Matutu MATUTU_11 11 25 1.522 6.1
MATUTU_33 33 31.5 1.152 3.7
Migori MIGORI_11 11 25 2.094 8.4
MIGORI_33 33 31.5 1.164 3.7
Ministry Of Public Works MINISTRY OF PUBLIC WORKS 33 31.5 1.482 4.7
Miwani MIWANI_11 11 25 1.641 6.6
MIWANI_33 33 31.5 1.499 4.8
Mogogosiek MOGOGOSIEK_11 11 25 4.341 17.4
MOGOGOSIEK_33 33 31.5 1.667 5.3
Moi Barracks MOI_BARRACKS_11 11 25 2.431 9.7
MOI_BARRACKS_33 33 31.5 1.458 4.6
Moiben MOIBEN_33 33 31.5 1.143 3.6
MOIBEN_11 11 25 2.319 9.3
Mollases MOLLASES 33 31.5 5.842 18.5
Molo MOLO_33 33 31.5 1.037 3.3
MOLO_11 11 25 2.108 8.4
Morendat (KPC Pumping Station) MORENDAT_(KPC_PUMPING_STATION)_33 33 31.5 1.291 4.1
Mosocho MOSOCHO_33 33 31.5 1.144 3.6
MOSOCHO_11 11 25 2.324 9.3
Muhoroni MUHORONI_33 33 31.5 14.246 45.2
Muhoroni 33/11 MUHORONI_33/11_11 11 25 4.032 16.1
MUHORONI_33/11_33 33 31.5 3.885 12.3
Muhoroni Sugar Factory MUHORONI SUGAR FACTORY 33 31.5 4.012 12.7
Mumias MUMIAS_11 11 25 1.829 7.3
MUMIAS_33 33 31.5 0.897 2.8
Musaga MUSAGA_33 33 31.5 14.246 45.2
Mwariki MWARIKI_11 11 25 7.087 28.3
MWARIKI_33 33 31.5 3.448 10.9
Nakuru NAKURU_11_1 11 25 6.191 24.8
NAKURU_11_2 11 25 9.15 36.6
NAKURU_33_1 33 31.5 3.443 10.9
NAKURU_33_2 33 31.5 7.71 24.5
Nakuru West NAKURU_WEST_33 33 31.5 14.246 45.2
Nandi Hills NANDI_HILLS_11 11 25 3.099 12.4
NANDI_HILLS_33 33 31.5 2.051 6.5
Narok NAROK_11 11 25 2.978 11.9
NAROK_33 33 31.5 2.662 8.5
NAROK_33TRANS 33 31.5 3.765 12.0
Njoro NJORO_11 11 25 2.869 11.5
NJORO_33 33 31.5 2.122 6.7
Nyahururu NYAHURURU_11_1 11 25 5.947 23.8
NYAHURURU_11_2 11 25 5.947 23.8
NYAHURURU_33 33 31.5 5.038 16.0
NYAHURURU_33TRANS 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
Nyamira NYAMIRA_33 33 31.5 1.35 4.3
NYAMIRA_11 11 25 2.496 10.0
Nyamninia NYAMNINIA_11 11 25 1.556 6.2
NYAMNINIA_33 33 31.5 1.233 3.9
Obote Rd OBOTE_RD_11_1 11 25 8.359 33.4
OBOTE_RD_11_2 11 25 8.32 33.3
Obote Rd OBOTE_RD_33_1 33 31.5 6.242 19.8
OBOTE_RD_33_2 33 31.5 6.172 19.6
Olkalau OLKALAU_11 11 25 2.265 9.1
OLKALAU_33 33 31.5 1.133 3.6
Prime Steel Mills Ltd PRIME STEEL MILLS LTD 33 31.5 8.927 28.3
Rangala RANGALA_33 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
Rivatex RIVATEX_33 33 31.5 7.489 23.8
Rivertex RIVERTEX_33 33 31.5 14.246 45.2
Rongai RONGAI_11 11 25 2.527 10.1
RONGAI_33 33 31.5 1.641 5.2
Ruambwa RUAMBWA_11 11 25 1.443 5.8
RUAMBWA_33 33 31.5 1.05 3.3
Rumuruti RUMURUTI_11 11 25 0.701 2.8
RUMURUTI_33 33 31.5 0.306 1.0
Siaya SIAYA_11 11 25 3.665 14.7
SIAYA_33 33 31.5 1.948 6.2
Sibembe SIBEMBE_11_1 11 25 1.703 6.8
SIBEMBE_11_2 11 25 1.667 6.7
SIBEMBE_33_1 33 31.5 1.802 5.7
SIBEMBE_33_2 33 31.5 1.572 5.0
Sirisia SIRISIA_33 33 31.5 0.966 3.1
SIRISIA_11 11 25 2.074 8.3
Sondu SONDU_11 11 25 1.584 6.3
SONDU_33 33 31.5 1.427 4.5
SONDU_33TRANSBUS 33 31.5 3.765 12.0
Sosiat SOSIAT_33 33 31.5 1.709 5.4
SOSIAT_11 11 25 2.886 11.5
Sotik SOTIK_11 11 25 2.072 8.3
SOTIK_33 33 31.5 0.944 3.0
Steel Mills STEEL_MILLS_33 33 31.5 10.814 34.3
Subukia SUBUKIA_11 11 25 1.547 6.2
SUBUKIA_33 33 31.5 1.29 4.1
Suswa SUSWA_33 33 31.5 7.868 25.0
Timboroa TIMBOROA_11 11 25 1.499 6.0
TIMBOROA_33 33 31.5 1.248 4.0
United Millers Ltd UNITED MILLERS LTD 33 31.5 4.158 13.2
Webuye WEBUYE_11 11 25 3.767 15.1
WEBUYE_33 33 31.5 3.505 11.1
WEBUYE_TRANS_33 33 31.5 3.765 12.0
Western University College WESTERN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 33 31.5 1.743 5.5
Feeder Load Flow Analysis - West Region, 2017

Values Values

Nominal Maximum Maximum Average Minimum Minimum

Bulk Supply Point Feeder Name Voltage (kV) Length (km) Loading (A) Loading (%) Loading (%) Voltage (kV) Voltage (%)
Awendo Uriri 33 100.1 36 12.83 5.23 31.82 96.43
Sony 33 0.1 83 16.62 16.60 31.585 95.71
Migori 33 95.3 44 15.57 4.64 31.31 94.88
Ogembo 33 72.4 30 10.83 3.42 32.68 99.03
Gogo 33 183.5 43 8.36 3.61 32.145 97.41
Bomet Olbutyo 33 30.0 60 13.9 7.67 32.259 97.75
Mulot 33 30.0 60 13.9 7.67 32.259 97.75
Mogogosiek 33 28.3 257 59.7 58.71 30.225 91.59
Bomet Local 33 4.5 20 6.12 5.98 32.76 99.27
Bondo Siaya 33 30.4 2 0.64 0.23 32.815 99.44
Usenge 33 71.8 4 1.48 0.36 30.518 92.48
Victoria Coast 33 150.2 111 39.63 7.42 32.815 99.44
Chavakali Kakamega 33 17.7 83 24.53 23.20 31.668 95.96
Majengo 33 12.5 37 13.38 10.50 31.827 96.45
Cheptulu 33 15.6 83 26.11 19.47 32.414 98.22
Chemosit Bomet 33 34.5 55 19.62 9.20 32.016 97.02
Kericho 33 26.6 317 73.78 44.35 31.409 95.18
Kisii 33 43.5 91 21.26 12.44 31.169 94.45
Sondu 33 44.7 131 30.38 14.41 31.201 94.55
Sotik 33 44.2 117 56.83 14.08 30.351 91.97
Eldoret North Rivatex 33 3.7 203 41.61 41.68 32.42 98.24
Moi Barracks 33 4.3 0 0.06 0.00 32.873 99.62
Eldoret Town 33 1.9 205 42.17 42.09 32.637 98.9
Eldoret Industrial 33 4.7 227 46.55 46.61 32.229 97.66
Gilgil Lanet 33 98.8 68 24.35 6.34 31.717 96.11
Suswa 33 83.0 87 30.99 8.89 31.322 94.92
Homabay Mfangano 33 118.1 79 28.27 4.35 31.94 96.79
Kendu Bay 33 42.2 15 5.36 4.42 32.662 98.97
Kabarnet Flouspar 33 172.0 61 19.12 5.52 30.873 93.55
Kabarnet Local 33 8.3 6 2.32 1.77 33.205 100.62
Marigat 33 31.5 12 4.15 3.00 32.995 99.98
Kipsarman 33 44.2 7 2.09 1.95 33.006 100.02
Kapsabet Aldai 33 19.9 18 5.63 5.49 32.52 98.54
Kibebetiet 33 10.3 18 5.6 5.64 32.682 99.04
Kapsowar Chesengon 33 58.5 35 11.03 5.77 31.784 96.31
Iten 33 45.0 10 3.03 2.97 32.36 98.06
Kegati Homabay 33 70.2 105 37.57 15.90 30.095 91.2
Ikonge 33 49.6 210 74.94 18.17 30.452 92.28
Keroka 33 104.7 95 33.88 10.29 30.165 91.41
Kiamokama 33 24.5 89 40.3 19.92 31.386 95.11
Kisii 33 34.7 278 92.62 23.10 30.754 93.19
Ogembo/Migori 33 70.2 52 18.58 6.56 31.527 95.54
Keringet Molo 33 73.9 96 30.85 9.14 31.148 94.39
Kaptagich 33 51.2 39 13.89 6.72 31.985 96.93
Kisumu Bondo 33 98.7 131 46.8 12.38 30.116 91.26
Chemelil 33 67.0 137 48.97 12.38 31.007 93.96
Kakamega 33 14.1 64 19.25 6.63 32.969 99.91
Kisumu East 33 7.3 0 0.11 0.00 33.213 100.65
Obote 1 33 5.6 196 45.56 41.30 32.6 98.79
Obote 2 33 5.2 196 40.24 40.25 32.595 98.77
Kisumu East Kibos 33 13.0 84 26.38 11.84 32.818 99.45
Ahero 33 20.6 91 28.51 28.30 30.996 93.93
Obote Rd 33 4.3 0 0.08 0.00 32.819 99.45
Kisumu South 33 12.4 290 59.63 12.74 32.352 98.04
Kitale Kapenguria 33 50.5 61 21.9 10.31 31.549 95.6
Kaplamai 33 33.3 120 42.95 21.38 31 93.94
Kitale Local 33 4.5 71 25.49 22.72 32.652 98.94
Kimini/Webuye 33 15.8 5 1.42 0.36 32.942 99.82
Endebess 33 16.3 21 6.43 6.43 32.635 98.89
Lanet Gilgil-Marula 33 29.5 64 22.68 2.19 32.725 99.17
Lanet 33/11 33 0.1 333 0.33 0.33 32.881 99.64
Nakuru Interconnector 1 33 14.2 251 58.46 40.85 31.35 95
Nakuru Interconnector 2 33 17.4 290 86.58 46.10 30.736 93.14
Nyahururu Interconnector 1 33 71.0 139 49.61 16.89 29.947 90.75
Nyahururu Interconnector 2 33 50.1 40 14.26 8.29 31.789 96.33
Lessos Chemelil 33 60.7 167 49.86 14.38 30.574 92.65
Eldoret 33 74.8 100 29.86 6.33 31.935 96.77
Flouspar 33 101.7 44 10.3 4.31 31.824 96.44
Kapsabet 33 19.7 17 6.23 1.94 32.749 99.24
Makutano Londiani 33 34.8 83 29.63 19.16 31.221 94.61
Lanet 33 175.0 100 35.75 8.29 29.542 89.52
Timboroa 33 165.7 49 17.57 4.05 31.558 95.63
Molo 33 21.2 1 0.41 0.16 33.115 100.35
Malaba Busia 33 91.4 51 15.99 6.11 31.587 95.72
Malakisi 33 115.3 105 32.98 14.07 30.066 91.11
Maralal Rumuruti 33 149.2 30 10.65 4.80 31.582 95.7
Moi Barracks Eldoret 33 53.2 73 26.13 7.89 31.659 95.94
Kaplamai 33 99.4 157 56.14 11.79 30.416 92.17
Turbo 33 57.5 82 29.38 8.33 31.545 95.59
Muhoroni Katito 33 56.3 24 7.66 3.42 32.538 98.6
Kericho 33 65.8 226 67.5 22.73 30.663 92.92
Muhoroni 33 30.6 309 78.3 31.83 30.115 91.26
Musaga Kakamega 33 50.9 237 84.58 31.08 29.888 90.57
Sibembe 1 33 92.1 109 41.66 11.79 30.086 91.17
Sibembe 2 33 149.6 109 38.97 8.79 30.081 91.15
Webuye/Kitale 33 0.7 0 0.01 0.00 33.01 100.03
Malava Town 33 60.4 76 23.9 8.92 31.454 95.31
Nakuru West Njoro 33 86.6 127 45.46 14.08 29.909 90.63
Nakuru 33 4.1 156 48.96 30.14 32.791 99.37
Rongai/Kabarak 33 34.2 123 38.64 27.07 30.688 92.99
Lanet Town 33 14.7 1 0.18 0.08 33.124 100.38
Narok Lanet 33 67.7 4 1.31 1.10 33.093 100.28
Narok Local 33 52.0 55 19.55 2.95 32.825 99.47
Dck 33 93.5 41 13 4.73 32.123 97.34
Nyahururu Maralal 33 114.5 47 16.68 5.27 31.687 96.02
Subukia 33 82.5 47 16.93 5.33 32.148 97.42
Olkalau 33 46.6 4 1.15 0.51 33.182 100.55
Nyahururu Local 33 4.6 89 31.8 19.95 32.946 99.84
Ortum Kapenguria 33 43.7 3 0.84 0.47 32.988 99.97
Rangala Busia 33 40.0 33 11.81 6.57 32.302 97.89
Butere 33 27.7 88 39.92 27.96 30.763 93.22
Nyamninia 33 50.3 101 46.03 24.11 29.712 90.04
Ruambwa 33 46.8 58 24.94 9.25 31.843 96.49
Siaya 33 141.1 67 30.66 4.64 31.288 94.81
Rivertex Eldoret 1 33 10.8 109 25.26 16.15 32.641 98.91
Eldoret 2 33 5.8 3 0.99 0.18 33.094 100.29
Industrial 33 8.0 1 0.47 0.16 33.093 100.28
Kitale/Moi Barracks 33 18.7 2 0.64 0.62 33.075 100.23
Lessos Interconnector 33 78.1 135 48.25 13.45 30.395 92.11
Ngano 33 27.4 47 15.04 4.92 32.847 99.54
Rivatex 33 0.4 16 5.8 5.36 33.091 100.28
Steel Mills/Kitale 33 138.0 59 21.05 3.98 31.837 96.48
Elgon View 33 3.0 35 11.12 10.97 32.992 99.98
Moiben 33 38.9 18 6.26 4.81 32.596 98.77
Sondu Katito 33 33.9 44 15.64 7.93 32.545 98.62
Kendu_Bay 33 67.1 11 3.33 0.57 33.237 100.72
Sondu 33/11 33 71.2 140 43.84 12.20 31.501 95.46
Suswa Dck - Narok 33 54.7 183 65.38 20.58 30.038 91.02
Kinangop 33 252.3 123 43.85 5.79 30.187 91.48
Marula 33 48.1 69 24.49 10.64 32.248 97.72
Suswa-Lanet Interconnector 33 70.8 21 7.49 6.79 32.781 99.34
Webuye Eldoret 33 61.7 36 12.98 6.20 32.231 97.67
Kitale 33 70.2 50 17.07 10.77 31.204 94.56
Kimilili 33 107.3 105 37.57 9.54 31.101 94.24
Webuye Webuye Local 33 20.0 21 6.73 0.79 33.188 100.57
Transformer Load Flow Analysis - West Region, 2017


Nominal Voltage
Substation Element Name (kV) Capacity (MVA) Loading (%)
Ahero AHERO_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 65.11
Aldai ALDAI_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 13.49
Awendo AWENDO_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 26.86
AWENDO_132_33_TX 132/33 23 33.24
Bahati BAHATI_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 61.11
Bomet BOMET_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 44.34
BOMET_132_33_TX2 132/33 45 24.62
BOMET_132_33_TX 132/33 45 24.62
Bondo BONDO_132_33_TX1 132/33 23 13.53
BONDO_132_33_TX2 132/33 23 13.53
Bumala BUMALA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 46.12
Busia BUSIA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 53.7
Butere BUTERE_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 56.5
Changoi CHANGOI_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 22.45
Chavakali CHAVAKALI_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 16.4
CHAVAKALI_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 16.4
CHAVAKALI_132_33_TX2 132/33 45 13.86
CHEVAKALI_132_33_TX1 132/33 45 13.86
Chemelil CHEMELIL_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 66.58
Chemosit CHEMOSIT_132_33_TX_1 132/33 45 45.72
CHEMOSIT_132_33_TX_2 132/33 45 45.72
Chepseon CHAPSEON_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 43.42
Cheptulu CHEPTULU_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 37.76
Cheranganyi CHERANGANYI_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 26.11
DCK DCK_33_11_TX_1 33/11 7.5 20.42
DCK_33_11_TX_2 33/11 7.5 20.42
Eburru EBURRU_GEN_33_11_TX 33/11 3 76.74
Elburgon ELBURGON_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 53.15
Eldoret Industrial ELDORET_INDUSTRIAL_33_11_TX 33/11 23 27.51
ELDORET_INDUSTRIAL_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 27.51
Eldoret North ELDORET_NORTH_132_33_TX2 132/33 45 40.97
ELDORET_NORTH_132_33_TX1 132/33 45 40.97
Eldoret Town ELDORET_TOWN_33_11_TX 33/11 23 25.24
ELDORET_TOWN_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 25.24
Elgon View ELGON_VIEW_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 27.02
Endebess ENDEBES_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 15.45
Gilgil GILGIL_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 65.15
GILGIL_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 65.15
GILGIL_132_33_TX 132/33 23 54.35
Gogo Falls GOGO_GEN_33_3.3_TX2 33/3.3 1.5 85.37
GOGO_GEN_33_3.3_TX1 33/3.3 1.5 85.37
HLKengen HLKENGEN_33_11_TX 33/11 1.5 27.21
Homabay HOMABAY_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 38.32
HOMABAY_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 38.32
HOMABAY_132_33_TX2 132/33 23 24.44
HOMABAY_132_33_TX1 132/33 23 24.44
Ikonge IKONGE_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 30.27
IKONGE_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 30.27
Ingotse INGOTSE_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 64.63
Iten ITEN_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 15.22
Kabarak KABARAK_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 61.83
Kabarnet KABARNET_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 12.4
KABARNET_132_33_TX 132/33 15 32.79
Kakamega KAKAMEGA_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 57.04
Kapenguria KAPENGURIA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 43.75
Kaplamai KAPLAMAI_33_11_TX 33/11 23 26.22
Kapsabet KAPSABET_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 25.6
KAPSABET_132_33_TX2 132/33 23 8.55
KAPSABET_132_33_TX1 132/33 23 8.55
Kapsowar KAPSOWAR_33_11_TX1 33/11 7.5 13.49
KAPSOWAR_132_33 132/33 15 23.36
Kapsumbeiwa KAPSUMBEIWA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 47.86
Kegati KEGATI_132_33_TX 132/33 45 53.31
KEGATI_132_33_TX2 132/33 45 53.31
Kericho KERICHO_33_11_TX_1 33/11 7.5 26.65
KERICHO_33_11_TX_2 33/11 7.5 26.65
Keringet KERINGET_132_33_TX 132/33 15 52.24
Keroka KEROKA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 30.09
Kiamokama KIAMOKAMA_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 40.51
Kibebetiet KIBEBETIET_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 13.49
Kibos KIBOS_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 65.09
Kihoto KIHOTO_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 20.89
Kipsarman KIPSARMAN_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 5.08
Kiptegat KIPTEGAT_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 38.99
Kisian KISIAN_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 26.83
Kisii KISII_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 56.59
KISII_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 46.1
Kisumu KISUMU_132_33_TX_1 132/33 45 52.9
KISUMU_132_33_TX2 132/33 45 52.9
Kisumu East KISUMU_EAST_33_11_TX 33/11 23 39.37
KISUMU_EAST_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 39.37
KISUMU_EAST_132_33_TX1 132/33 45 45.42
KISUMU_EAST_132_33_TX2 132/33 45 45.42
Kisumu South KISUMU_SOUTH_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 35.41
KISUMU_SOUTH_33_11_TX1 33/11 23 35.41
Kitale KITALE_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 53.48
KITALE_132_33_TX 132/33 23 35.02
KITALE_132_33_TX2 132/33 23 35.02
Kitaru KITARU_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 47.13
Kitco KITCO_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 38.48
KITCO_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 38.48
Lanet LANET_132_33_TX_1 132/33 23 96.98
LANET_132_33_TX_2 132/33 23 96.98
LANET_132_33_TX_3 132/33 23 96.98
Lanet Town LANET_33_11_TX_1 33/11 23 41.23
LANET_33_11_TX_2 33/11 23 41.23
Lessos LESSOS_132_33_TX_1 132/33 23 41.48
LESSOS_132_33_TX_2 132/33 23 41.48
Lessos Town LESSOS_TOWN_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 11.98
Litein LITEIN_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 47.66
Londiani LONDIANI_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 7.52
Magumu MAGUMU_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 40.91
Majengo MAJENGO_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 22.32
Makutano MAKUTANO_132_33_TX 132/33 23 29.19
MAKUTANO_132_33_TX2 132/33 23 29.19
Malaba MALABA_132_33_TX 132/33 23 36.69
Malakisi MAKLAKISI_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 67.16
Maralal MARALAL_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 32.37
MARALAL_132_33_TX 132/33 7.5 33.76
Marigat MARIGAT_33_11_TX 33/11 1.5 31.81
Marula MARULA_33_11_TX_1 33/11 7.5 17.89
MARULA_33_11_TX_2 33/11 7.5 17.89
Maseno MASENO_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 56.33
Matundura MATUNDURA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 19.9
Matutu MATUTU_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 13.8
Migori MIGORI_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 32.25
MIGORI_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 32.25
Miwani MIWANI_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 43.79
Mogogosiek MOGOGOSIEK_33_11_TX_1 33/11 23 32.62
MOGOGOSIEK_33_11_TX_2 33/11 23 32.62
Moi Barracks MOI_BARRACKS_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 49.46
MOI_BARRACKS_33_11_TX2 33/11 2.5 49.46
MOI_BARRACKS_132_33_TX1 132/33 23 45.18
MOI_BARRACKS_132_33_TX2 132/33 23 45.18
Moiben MOIBEN_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 13.49
Molo MOLO_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 32.1
Mosocho MOSOCHO_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 47.58
Muhoroni MUHORONI_132_33_TX 132/33 45 36.02
MUHORONI_132_33_TX2 132/33 45 36.02
Muhoroni 33/11 MUHORONI_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 85.75
Mumias MUMIAS_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 33.63
MUMIAS_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 33.63
Musaga MUSAGA_132_33_TX_1 132/33 45 34.17
MUSAGA_132_33_TX_2 132/33 45 34.17
Mwariki MWARIKI_33_11_TX 33/11 23 33.57
MWARIKI_33_11_TX2 33/11 23 33.57
Nakuru NAKURU_33_11_TX_1 33/11 23 31.95
NAKURU_33_11_TX_2 33/11 23 31.95
Nakuru West NAKURU_WEST_132_33_TX 132/33 45 26.23
NAKURU_WEST_132_33_TX2 132/33 45 26.23
Nandi Hills NANDI_HILLS_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 47.98
Narok NAROK_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 37.47
NAROK_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 37.47
NAROK_132_33_TX 132/33 23 24.8
Njoro NJORO_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 47.66
NJORO_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 47.66
Nyahururu NYAHURURU_33_11_TX_1 33/11 15 16.93
NYAHURURU_33_11_TX_2 33/11 15 16.93
NYAHURURU_132_33_TX1 132/33 23 23.48
NYAHURURU_132_33_TX2 132/33 23 23.48
Nyamira NYAMIRA_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 23.41
Nyamninia NYAMNINIA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 24.54
Obote Rd OBOTE_RD_33_11_TX_1 33/11 23 48.1
OBOTE_RD_33_11_TX_2 33/11 23 48.1
Olkalau OLKALAU_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 29.58
Ortum ORTUM_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 6.77
ORTUM_220_33_TX 220/33 23 2.01
Rangala RANGALA_132_33_TX 132/33 23 43.45
RANGALA_132_33_TX2 132/33 23 43.45
Rivertex RIVERTEX_132_33_TX_1 132/33 45 27.29
RIVERTEX_132_33_TX_2 132/33 45 27.29
Rongai RONGAI_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 33.32
Rongai RONGAI_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 33.32
Ruambwa RUAMBWA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 40.29
Rumuruti RUMURUTI_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 23.73
Siaya SIAYA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 39.93
SIAYA_33_11_TX2 33/11 7.5 18
Sibembe SIBEMBE_33_11_TX_1 33/11 2.5 105.14
SIBEMBE_33_11_TX_2 33/11 2.5 74.38
Sirisia SIRISIA_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 27.02
Sondu SONDU_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 65.26
SONDU_132_33_TX 132/33 23 49.58
Sosiat SOSIAT_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 63.43
Sotik SOTIK_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 25.74
Subukia SUBUKIA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 34.46
Suswa SUSWA_132_33_TX 132/33 23 47.31
SUSWA_132_33_TX_INST_2012 132/33 23 47.31
Timboroa TIMBOROA_33_11_TX 33/11 2.5 7.65
Webuye WEBUYE_33_11_TX 33/11 7.5 15.29
WEBUYE_132_33_TX1 132/33 23 54.54
Load Flow Analysis Substation Loads - West Region, 2017


Substation Element Name P (MW) Q (MVAr) S (MVA)

Ahero AHERO_LOAD 4.286 2.076 4.762
AHP (James Finlay) AHP_LOAD 10.727 5.194 11.918
Aldai ALDAI_LOAD 0.900 0.436 1.000
Awendo AWE_LOAD 1.790 0.866 1.988
Bahati BAHATI_LOAD 4.028 1.951 4.476
Bomet BOM_LOAD 0.983 0.476 1.092
Bumala BUM_LOAD 1.021 0.495 1.135
Busia BIA_LOAD 1.187 0.575 1.319
Butere BUT_LOAD 3.729 1.806 4.143
Carbacid (CO2) Ltd CARBACID_(CO2)_LTD_LOAD 3.167 1.535 3.519
Changoi CHG_LOAD 0.500 0.242 0.555
Chavakali CHA_LOAD 0.731 0.354 0.812
Chemelil CHEMELIL_LOAD 1.465 0.709 1.628
Chepseon CHEPSEON_LOAD 2.879 1.394 3.199
Cheptulu CHEPTULU_LOAD 2.508 1.215 2.787
Cheranganyi CHR_LOAD 0.581 0.282 0.646
DCK DCK_LOAD 2.725 1.320 3.028
Elburgon ELB_LOAD 3.516 1.703 3.907
Eldoret Industrial ELI_LOAD 11.219 5.433 12.465
Eldoret Town ELDORET_TOWN_LOAD 10.297 4.987 11.441
Elgon View ELGON_VIEW_LOAD 1.800 0.872 2.000
Endebess ENDEBES_LOAD 1.031 0.500 1.146
Eveready Batteries (K) Limited EVEREADY BATTERIES (K) LIMITED 1.386 0.672 1.540
Everest Steel Ltd EVEREST STEEL LTD 4.046 1.959 4.495
Fish Products FISH PRODUCTS 1.950 0.945 2.167
Gilgil GLG_LOAD 2.873 1.391 3.192
Gogo Falls GGF_LOAD 0.447 0.216 0.496
HLKengen HLK_LOAD 0.363 0.175 0.403
Homabay HBY_LOAD 5.090 2.465 5.655
Ikonge IKONGE_LOAD 1.346 0.652 1.496
Ingotse ING_LOAD 1.423 0.689 1.581
Iten ITN_LOAD 0.339 0.165 0.377
Itumbe Tea Factory ITUMBE TEA FACTORY 0.560 0.271 0.622
Kabarak KABARAK_LOAD 4.073 1.973 4.526
Kabarnet KABARNET_LOAD 0.276 0.134 0.307
Kakamega KAK_LOAD 3.766 1.825 4.185
Kapenguria KPN_LOAD 0.970 0.470 1.078
Kaplamai KPL_LOAD 5.348 2.589 5.942
Kapsabet KAPSABET_LOAD 1.706 0.826 1.895
Kapsowar KAPSOWAR_LOAD 0.900 0.436 1.000
Kapsumbeiwa KAM_LOAD 1.059 0.514 1.177
Kericho KERICHO_LOAD 3.551 1.720 3.946
Keroka KEO_LOAD 0.669 0.324 0.743
Kiamokama KIO_LOAD 2.687 1.302 2.986
Kibebetiet KIBEBETIET_LOAD 0.900 0.436 1.000
Kibos KIBOS_LOAD 4.286 2.076 4.762
Kihoto KHI_LOAD 1.393 0.674 1.547
Kipsarman KIPSARMAN_LOAD 0.336 0.163 0.373
Kiptegat KIPTEGAT_11 2.589 1.253 2.876
Kisian KISIAN_LOAD 1.787 0.866 1.986
Kisii KII_LOAD 13.069 6.329 14.521
Kisii District Hospital KISII DISTRICT HOSPITAL 2.704 1.309 3.004
Kisumu East KISUMU_EAST_LOAD 15.983 7.741 17.759
Kisumu South KISUMU_SOUTH_LOAD 14.400 6.974 16.000
Kitale KTL_LOAD 3.535 1.712 3.928
Kitaru KITARU_LOAD 3.121 1.512 3.468
Kitco KITCO_LOAD 1.708 0.827 1.898
Lanet Town LANET_33/11_LOAD 16.727 8.101 18.585
Lessos Town LET_LOAD 0.266 0.130 0.296
Litein LITEIN_LOAD 1.055 0.511 1.172
Londiani LONDIANI_LOAD 0.167 0.081 0.186
Magumu MAGUMU_LOAD 2.715 1.315 3.017
Majengo MAJENGO_LOAD 1.488 0.721 1.653
Malakisi MKS_LOAD 1.479 0.716 1.643
Maralal MAA_LOAD 0.720 0.348 0.800
Marigat MAG_LOAD 0.424 0.206 0.471
Marula MRL_LOAD 2.388 1.156 2.653
Maseno MASENO_LOAD 3.719 1.801 4.132
Matundura MTR_LOAD 0.443 0.214 0.492
Matutu MTU_LOAD 0.307 0.149 0.341
Migori MGO_LOAD 1.434 0.695 1.594
Ministry Of Public Works MINISTRY OF PUBLIC WORKS 2.224 1.078 2.471
Miwani MIW_LOAD 0.971 0.469 1.078
Mogogosiek MGG_LOAD 13.280 6.432 14.756
Moi Barracks MOB_LOAD 2.190 1.061 2.433
Moiben MOIBEN_LOAD 0.900 0.436 1.000
Mollases MOLLASES 2.020 0.978 2.244
Molo MOLO_LOAD 2.136 1.034 2.373
Morendat (KPC Pumping Station) MDT_LOAD 1.113 0.539 1.237
Mosocho MOSOCHO_LOAD 3.150 1.526 3.500
Muhoroni 33/11 MUH_LOAD 5.606 2.715 6.229
Muhoroni Sugar Factory MUHORONI SUGAR FACTORY 2.241 1.086 2.490
Mumias MUM_LOAD 1.493 0.723 1.659
Mwariki MWARIKI_LOAD 13.661 6.616 15.179
Nakuru NAKURU_LOAD_1 6.506 3.151 7.229
NAKURU_LOAD_2 6.503 3.150 7.226
Nandi Hills NAD_LOAD 3.177 1.539 3.530
Narok NAK_LOAD 1.664 0.806 1.849
Njoro NJO_LOAD 2.110 1.022 2.344
Nyahururu NYH_LOAD 2.251 1.091 2.501
NYH_LOAD_2 2.251 1.091 2.501
Nyamira NYAMIRA_LOAD 1.561 0.756 1.734
Nyamninia NYAMNINIA_LOAD 0.546 0.265 0.607
Obote Rd OBT_LOAD_1 9.734 4.714 10.815
Obote Rd OBT_LOAD_2 9.734 4.714 10.815
Olkalau OLK_LOAD 1.969 0.954 2.188
Ortum ORTUM_LOAD 0.450 0.218 0.500
Prime Steel Mills Ltd PRIME STEEL MILLS LTD 2.393 1.158 2.658
Rivatex RIVATEX_LOAD 10.241 4.961 11.379
Rongai RONGAI_LOAD 1.481 0.717 1.645
Ruambwa RUM_LOAD 0.894 0.433 0.993
Rumuruti RUT_LOAD 0.529 0.255 0.587
Siaya SIY_LOAD 1.918 0.930 2.132
Sibembe SIB_LOAD_1 2.285 1.107 2.539
SIB_LOAD_2 1.632 0.791 1.814
Sirisia SIRISIA_LOAD 1.800 0.872 2.000
Sondu SOD_LOAD 1.437 0.696 1.597
Sosiat SOSIAT_LOAD 4.177 2.023 4.641
Sotik SOT_LOAD 1.716 0.830 1.906
Steel Mills STM_LOAD 1.739 0.843 1.933
Subukia SUBUKIA_LOAD 0.766 0.371 0.851
Timboroa TIM_LOAD 0.170 0.083 0.189
United Millers Ltd UNITED MILLERS LTD 1.692 0.819 1.880
Webuye WEB_LOAD 1.020 0.494 1.133
Western University College WESTERN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 2.846 1.378 3.162
Grand Total 353.218 171.075 392.466
Load Flow Analysis Network Infeeds - West Region, 2017


Substation Pgen (MW) Qgen (MVAr)

Awendo 7.367 2.044
Bomet 21.766 4.142
Bondo 5.801 2.25
Chavakali 11.019 5.855
Chemosit 36.946 18.113
Eburru 2.3 0.1
Eldoret North 32.2 17.958
Gilgil 10.991 5.953
Gogo Falls 2 1.6
Homabay 10.083 4.971
Kabarnet 4.625 1.672
Kapsabet 3.545 1.699
Kapsowar 3.243 1.324
Kegati 42.356 22.539
Keringet 6.962 3.596
Kisumu 40.665 24.764
Kisumu East 35.938 19.486
Kitale 14.203 7.604
Lanet 55.469 37.433
Lessos 16.833 8.981
Makutano 12.21 5.59
Malaba 8.405 -0.394
Maralal 2.401 0.804
Moi Barracks 17.86 10.624
Muhoroni 29.027 14.429
Musaga 27.215 14.331
Nakuru West 20.749 11.258
Narok 5.29 2.135
Nyahururu 9.848 4.437
Ortum 0.458 0.069
Rangala 18.516 7.531
Rivertex 21.459 11.951
Sondu 9.93 5.607
Suswa 19.363 9.93
Webuye 11.059 5.921
Grand Total 578.102 296.307
IEC60909 Short Circuit Results (3 Phase) - West Region, 2017


Nominal Switchgear
Substation Name Fault location Voltage (kV) Rating (kA) Ik" (kA) % of Rating
Ahero AHERO_33 33 31.5 1.659 5.3
AHERO_11 11 25 2.91 11.6
AHP (James Finlay) AHP_(JAMES_FINLAY)_33 33 31.5 2.268 7.2
Aldai ALDAI_33 33 31.5 1.579 5.0
ALDAI_11 11 25 2.779 11.1
Awendo AWENDO_11 11 25 3.937 15.7
AWENDO_33 33 31.5 3.98 12.6
AWENDO_33TRANSBUS 33 31.5 3.985 12.7
Bahati BAHATI_33 33 31.5 1.575 5.0
BAHATI_11 11 25 2.792 11.2
Bomet BOMET_11 11 25 2.098 8.4
BOMET_33 33 31.5 5.786 18.4
BOMET_33TRANS 33 31.5 14.246 45.2
Bondo BONDO_33 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
Bumala BUMALA_11 11 25 1.578 6.3
BUMALA_33 33 31.5 1.372 4.4
Busia BUSIA_11 11 25 1.432 5.7
BUSIA_33 33 31.5 1.084 3.4
Butere BUTERE_11 11 25 2.445 9.8
BUTERE_33 33 31.5 1.224 3.9
Carbacid (CO2) Ltd CARBACID_(CO2)_LTD_33 33 31.5 2.029 6.4
Changoi CHANGOI_11 11 25 1.99 8.0
CHANGOI_33 33 31.5 4.086 13.0
Chavakali CHAVAKALI_11 11 25 4.23 16.9
CHAVAKALI_33 33 31.5 14.246 45.2
Chemelil CHEMELIL_11 11 25 1.819 7.3
CHEMELIL_33 33 31.5 2.361 7.5
Chemosit CHEMOSIT_33_1 33 31.5 14.246 45.2
CHEMOSIT_33_2 33 31.5 14.246 45.2
Chepseon CHEPSEON_33 33 31.5 1.129 3.6
CHEPSEON_11 11 25 2.28 9.1
Cheptulu CHEPTULU_11 11 25 3.303 13.2
CHEPTULU_33 33 31.5 2.167 6.9
Cheranganyi CHERANGANYI_11 11 25 1.783 7.1
CHERANGANYI_33 33 31.5 2.149 6.8
DCK DCK_11 11 25 4.574 18.3
DCK_33 33 31.5 2.333 7.4
Eburru EBURRU_GEN_11 11 25 2.515 10.1
EBURRU_GEN_33 33 31.5 1.087 3.5
Elburgon ELBURGON_11 11 25 2.227 8.9
ELBURGON_33 33 31.5 1.077 3.4
Eldoret Industrial ELDORET_INDUSTRIAL_11 11 25 12.022 48.1
ELDORET_INDUSTRIAL_33 33 31.5 6.628 21.0
Eldoret North ELDORET_NORTH_33 33 31.5 14.246 45.2
Eldoret Town ELDORET_TOWN_11 11 25 14.853 59.4
ELDORET_TOWN_33 33 31.5 9.874 31.3
Elgon View ELGON_VIEW_33 33 31.5 7.279 23.1
ELGON_VIEW_11 11 25 4.7 18.8
Endebess ENDEBES_33 33 31.5 1.86 5.9
ENDEBES_11 11 25 3.018 12.1
Eveready Batteries (K) Limited EVEREADY BATTERIES (K) LIMITED 33 31.5 11.47 36.4
Everest Steel Ltd EVEREST_STEEL_LTD_33 33 31.5 2.906 9.2
Fish Products FISH PRODUCTS 33 31.5 6.598 20.9
Gilgil GILGIL_11 11 25 3.317 13.3
GILGIL_33 33 31.5 3.765 12.0
Gogo Falls GOGO_FALLS_33 33 31.5 1.522 4.8
GOGO_GEN_33 33 31.5 1.522 4.8
HLKengen HLKENGEN_11 11 25 1.217 4.9
HLKENGEN_33 33 31.5 1.552 4.9
Homabay HOMABAY_11 11 25 7.651 30.6
Homabay HOMABAY_33 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
Ikonge IKONGE_11 11 25 2.979 11.9
IKONGE_33 33 31.5 2.562 8.1
Ingotse INGOTSE_11 11 25 1.859 7.4
INGOTSE_33 33 31.5 2.446 7.8
Iten ITEN_11 11 25 1.172 4.7
ITEN_33 33 31.5 0.695 2.2
Itumbe Tea Factory ITUMBE TEA FACTORY 33 31.5 3.134 9.9
Kabarak KABARAK_33 33 31.5 1.428 4.5
KABARAK_11 11 25 2.629 10.5
Kabarnet KABARNET_11 11 25 1.726 6.9
KABARNET_33 33 31.5 2.111 6.7
KABARNET_33TRANS 33 31.5 3.154 10.0
Kakamega KAKAMEGA_11 11 25 3.217 12.9
KAKAMEGA_33 33 31.5 2.164 6.9
Kapenguria KAPENGURIA_11 11 25 1.387 5.5
KAPENGURIA_33 33 31.5 0.967 3.1
Kaplamai KAPLAMAI_11 11 25 4.034 16.1
KAPLAMAI_33 33 31.5 1.746 5.5
Kapsabet KAPSABET_11 11 25 4.633 18.5
KAPSABET_33 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
Kapsowar KAPSOWAR_11 11 25 3.625 14.5
KAPSOWAR_33 33 31.5 3.154 10.0
Kapsumbeiwa KAPSUMBEIWA_11 11 25 1.786 7.1
KAPSUMBEIWA_33 33 31.5 2.274 7.2
Kegati KEGATI_33 33 31.5 14.246 45.2
Kericho KERICHO_11 11 25 3.633 14.5
KERICHO_33 33 31.5 1.659 5.3
Keringet KERINGET_33 33 31.5 3.154 10.0
Keroka KEROKA_11 11 25 1.649 6.6
KEROKA_33 33 31.5 1.486 4.7
Kiamokama KIAMOKAMA_11 11 25 3.064 12.3
KIAMOKAMA_33 33 31.5 1.849 5.9
Kibebetiet KIBEBETIET_33 33 31.5 2.638 8.4
KIBEBETIET_11 11 25 3.505 14.0
Kibos KIBOS_33 33 31.5 10.238 32.5
KIBOS_11 11 25 4.995 20.0
Kihoto KIHOTO_11 11 25 4.07 16.3
KIHOTO_33 33 31.5 4.17 13.2
Kipsarman KIPSARMAN_33 33 31.5 0.729 2.3
KIPSARMAN_11 11 25 1.666 6.7
Kiptegat KIPTEGAT_11 11 25 2.616 10.5
KIPTEGAT_33 33 31.5 1.471 4.7
Kisian KISIAN_11 11 25 3.239 13.0
KISIAN_33 33 31.5 2.081 6.6
Kisii KISII_11 11 25 6.888 27.6
KISII_33 33 31.5 3.341 10.6
Kisii District Hospital KISII DISTRICT HOSPITAL 33 31.5 7.384 23.4
Kisumu KISUMU_33_1 33 31.5 16.801 53.3
KISUMU_33_2 33 31.5 16.8 53.3
Kisumu East KISUMU_EAST_11 11 25 18.657 74.6
KISUMU_EAST_33 33 31.5 16.801 53.3
Kisumu South KISUMU_SOUTH_33 33 31.5 9.489 30.1
KISUMU_SOUTH_11 11 25 14.662 58.6
Kitale KITALE_11 11 25 4.102 16.4
KITALE_33 33 31.5 4.348 13.8
KITALE_33_TRANS 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
Kitaru KITARU_33 33 31.5 1.637 5.2
KITARU_11 11 25 2.805 11.2
Kitco KITCO_11 11 25 3.859 15.4
KITCO_33 33 31.5 7.041 22.4
Lanet LANET_33 33 31.5 10.996 34.9
Lanet Town LANET_33/11_11 11 25 15.603 62.4
LANET_33/11_33 33 31.5 10.995 34.9
Lessos LESSOS_33 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
Lessos Town LESSOS_TOWN_11 11 25 2.111 8.4
Lessos Town LESSOS_TOWN_33 33 31.5 6.991 22.2
Litein LITEIN_11 11 25 1.964 7.9
LITEIN_33 33 31.5 3.772 12.0
Londiani LONDIANI_11 11 25 1.701 6.8
LONDIANI_33 33 31.5 1.772 5.6
Magumu MAGUMU_33 33 31.5 1.134 3.6
MAGUMU_11 11 25 2.295 9.2
Majengo MAJENGO_33 33 31.5 2.822 9.0
MAJENGO_11 11 25 3.617 14.5
Makutano MAKUTANO_33 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
Malaba MALABA_33 33 31.5 3.765 12.0
Malakisi MALAKISI_11 11 25 1.478 5.9
MALAKISI_33 33 31.5 1.184 3.8
Maralal MARALAL_11 11 25 1.632 6.5
MARALAL_33 33 31.5 1.784 5.7
Marigat MARIGAT_11 11 25 1.045 4.2
MARIGAT_33 33 31.5 0.943 3.0
Marula MARULA_11 11 25 3.815 15.3
MARULA_33 33 31.5 1.782 5.7
Maseno MASENO_33 33 31.5 0.839 2.7
MASENO_11 11 25 1.893 7.6
Matundura MATUNDURA_11 11 25 1.583 6.3
MATUNDURA_33 33 31.5 1.374 4.4
Matutu MATUTU_11 11 25 1.522 6.1
MATUTU_33 33 31.5 1.152 3.7
Migori MIGORI_11 11 25 2.094 8.4
MIGORI_33 33 31.5 1.164 3.7
Ministry Of Public Works MINISTRY OF PUBLIC WORKS 33 31.5 1.482 4.7
Miwani MIWANI_11 11 25 1.649 6.6
MIWANI_33 33 31.5 1.506 4.8
Mogogosiek MOGOGOSIEK_11 11 25 4.341 17.4
MOGOGOSIEK_33 33 31.5 1.667 5.3
Moi Barracks MOI_BARRACKS_11 11 25 3.868 15.5
MOI_BARRACKS_33 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
Moiben MOIBEN_33 33 31.5 1.143 3.6
MOIBEN_11 11 25 2.319 9.3
Mollases MOLLASES 33 31.5 6.083 19.3
Molo MOLO_33 33 31.5 1.037 3.3
MOLO_11 11 25 2.108 8.4
Morendat (KPC Pumping Station) MORENDAT_(KPC_PUMPING_STATION)_33 33 31.5 1.291 4.1
Mosocho MOSOCHO_33 33 31.5 1.144 3.6
MOSOCHO_11 11 25 2.324 9.3
Muhoroni MUHORONI_33 33 31.5 14.246 45.2
Muhoroni 33/11 MUHORONI_33/11_11 11 25 4.032 16.1
MUHORONI_33/11_33 33 31.5 3.885 12.3
Muhoroni Sugar Factory MUHORONI SUGAR FACTORY 33 31.5 4.012 12.7
Mumias MUMIAS_11 11 25 1.829 7.3
MUMIAS_33 33 31.5 0.897 2.8
Musaga MUSAGA_33 33 31.5 14.246 45.2
Mwariki MWARIKI_11 11 25 7.854 31.4
MWARIKI_33 33 31.5 3.448 10.9
Nakuru NAKURU_11_1 11 25 6.191 24.8
NAKURU_11_2 11 25 9.15 36.6
NAKURU_33_1 33 31.5 3.443 10.9
NAKURU_33_2 33 31.5 7.71 24.5
Nakuru West NAKURU_WEST_33 33 31.5 14.246 45.2
Nandi Hills NANDI_HILLS_11 11 25 3.099 12.4
NANDI_HILLS_33 33 31.5 2.051 6.5
Narok NAROK_11 11 25 2.978 11.9
NAROK_33 33 31.5 2.662 8.5
NAROK_33TRANS 33 31.5 3.765 12.0
Njoro NJORO_11 11 25 2.869 11.5
NJORO_33 33 31.5 2.122 6.7
Nyahururu NYAHURURU_11_1 11 25 5.947 23.8
NYAHURURU_11_2 11 25 5.947 23.8
NYAHURURU_33 33 31.5 5.038 16.0
Nyahururu NYAHURURU_33TRANS 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
Nyamira NYAMIRA_33 33 31.5 1.35 4.3
NYAMIRA_11 11 25 2.496 10.0
Nyamninia NYAMNINIA_11 11 25 1.556 6.2
NYAMNINIA_33 33 31.5 1.233 3.9
Obote Rd OBOTE_RD_11_1 11 25 8.591 34.4
OBOTE_RD_11_2 11 25 8.617 34.5
OBOTE_RD_33_1 33 31.5 6.572 20.9
OBOTE_RD_33_2 33 31.5 6.6 21.0
Olkalau OLKALAU_11 11 25 2.265 9.1
OLKALAU_33 33 31.5 1.133 3.6
Ortum ORTUM_33 33 31.5 3.81 12.1
ORTUM_11 11 25 3.88 15.5
Prime Steel Mills Ltd PRIME STEEL MILLS LTD 33 31.5 8.927 28.3
Rangala RANGALA_33 33 31.5 7.311 23.2
Rivatex RIVATEX_33 33 31.5 7.489 23.8
Rivertex RIVERTEX_33 33 31.5 14.246 45.2
Rongai RONGAI_11 11 25 2.527 10.1
RONGAI_33 33 31.5 1.641 5.2
Ruambwa RUAMBWA_11 11 25 1.443 5.8
RUAMBWA_33 33 31.5 1.05 3.3
Rumuruti RUMURUTI_11 11 25 0.663 2.7
RUMURUTI_33 33 31.5 0.288 0.9
Siaya SIAYA_11 11 25 3.665 14.7
SIAYA_33 33 31.5 1.948 6.2
Sibembe SIBEMBE_11_1 11 25 1.703 6.8
SIBEMBE_11_2 11 25 1.667 6.7
SIBEMBE_33_1 33 31.5 1.802 5.7
SIBEMBE_33_2 33 31.5 1.572 5.0
Sirisia SIRISIA_33 33 31.5 0.966 3.1
SIRISIA_11 11 25 2.074 8.3
Sondu SONDU_11 11 25 1.584 6.3
SONDU_33 33 31.5 1.427 4.5
SONDU_33TRANSBUS 33 31.5 3.765 12.0
Sosiat SOSIAT_33 33 31.5 1.709 5.4
SOSIAT_11 11 25 2.886 11.5
Sotik SOTIK_11 11 25 2.072 8.3
SOTIK_33 33 31.5 0.944 3.0
Steel Mills STEEL_MILLS_33 33 31.5 10.814 34.3
Subukia SUBUKIA_11 11 25 1.547 6.2
SUBUKIA_33 33 31.5 1.29 4.1
Suswa SUSWA_33 33 31.5 7.868 25.0
Timboroa TIMBOROA_11 11 25 1.598 6.4
TIMBOROA_33 33 31.5 1.426 4.5
United Millers Ltd UNITED MILLERS LTD 33 31.5 4.244 13.5
Webuye WEBUYE_11 11 25 3.767 15.1
WEBUYE_33 33 31.5 3.505 11.1
WEBUYE_TRANS_33 33 31.5 3.765 12.0
Western University College WESTERN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 33 31.5 1.743 5.5


Committed Distribution Projects
Year Region Sub-region County Project type Name/Location Substation/Feeder Asset type Project Status Equipment Unit Quantity
2013 Coast Coast Kilifi New Malindi / Kakoeni Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 150mm2 OHL km 0.7
2013 Coast Coast Kilifi New Malindi #1 Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 150mm2 OHL km 19
2013 Coast Coast Kilifi New Malindi #2 Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 150mm2 OHL km 19
2013 Coast Coast Kilifi New Malindi / Mambrui Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 150mm2 OHL km 19
2013 Coast Coast Tana River New Garsen / HQ Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 150mm2 OHL km 0.5
2013 Coast Coast Tana River New Garsen / Itsowe Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 150mm2 OHL km 0.5
2013 Coast Coast Tana River New Garsen / Malindi Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 150mm2 OHL km 1
2014 Coast Coast Mombasa New Mishomoroni Primary substations Primary S/S Committed 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer Each 1
2014 Coast Coast Mombasa New Mishomoroni Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 5.3
2015 Coast Coast Mombasa New Jomvu / Miritini Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 185mm2 AAAC OHL km 6
2015 Coast Coast Mombasa New Jomvu / KPR Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 185mm2 AAAC OHL km 6
2013 Mount Kenya North Kirinyaga New Kutus / Sanaga Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 150mm2 OHL km 0.4
2013 Mount Kenya North Kirinyaga New Kutus / Embu Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 150mm2 OHL km 0.4
2013 Mount Kenya North Kitui New Mwingi / Waita Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 0.5
2013 Mount Kenya North Kitui New Mwingi / Kitui Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 0.5
2013 Mount Kenya North Nyeri New Nyeri Town Primary substations Primary S/S Committed 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer Each 1
2013 Mount Kenya North Nyeri New Kiganjo / Nyeri Town Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 9.7
2013 Mount Kenya North Embu New Embu East Primary substations Primary S/S Committed 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer Each 1
2013 Mount Kenya North Embu New Embu / Embu East Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 150mm2 OHL km 4
2014 Mount Kenya North Embu New Kyeni / Kyeni Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 0.5
2014 Mount Kenya North Meru New Isiolo / Isiolo line Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 0.5
2014 Mount Kenya North Embu New Ishiara Primary substations Primary S/S Committed Switching station Each 1
2012 Mount Kenya South Kiambu New Mangu / Thika #1 Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 66 kV 300mm2 OHL km 5.2
2012 Mount Kenya South Kiambu New Mangu / Thika #2 Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 66 kV 300mm2 OHL km 5.2
2012 Mount Kenya South Murang'a New Githambo / Githambo Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 150mm2 OHL km 0.5
2013 Mount Kenya South Kiambu New Thika Industrial (East) Primary substations Primary S/S Committed 66/11 kV 2x45 MVA S/S Each 1
2013 Mount Kenya South Kiambu New Thika (Tee) / Thika Industrial #1 Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 66 kV 300mm2 OHL km 1.1
2013 Mount Kenya South Kiambu New Thika (Tee) / Thika Industrial #2 Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 66 kV 300mm2 OHL km 1.1
2013 Mount Kenya South Murang'a New Muranga Primary substations Primary S/S Committed 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer Each 1
2013 Mount Kenya South Murang'a New Sagana / Muranga Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 7.5
2013 Mount Kenya South Murang'a New Githambo / Muranga Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 150mm2 OHL km 30
2014 Mount Kenya South Kitui New Kitui / Kitui Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 0.2
2014 Mount Kenya South Kiambu New Gatundu Primary substations Primary S/S Committed 33/11 kV 2x7.5 MVA Each 1
2014 Mount Kenya South Kiambu New Gatundu / Gatundu Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 1.5
2014 Mount Kenya South Murang'a New Thika North Primary substations Primary S/S Committed 66/11 kV 2x23 MVA Each 1
2014 Mount Kenya South Murang'a New Mangu / Thika North Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 66 kV 300mm2 OHL km 12
2014 Mount Kenya South Kiambu New JKUAT Primary substations Primary S/S Committed 66/11 kV 2x23 MVA Each 1
2014 Mount Kenya South Kiambu New Mangu / JKUAT Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 66 kV 300mm2 OHL km 5.5
2015 Mount Kenya South Kirinyaga New Mwea Primary substations Primary S/S Committed 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer Each 1
2015 Mount Kenya South Kirinyaga New Tana - Sagana / Mwea Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 8.1
2015 Mount Kenya South Machakos New Tala Primary substations Primary S/S Committed 66/11 kV 1x23 MVA S/S Each 1
2013 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Eastleigh S/S Primary substations Primary S/S Committed 66/11 kV 2x45 MVA S/S Each 1
2013 Nairobi Nairobi Kiambu New Kiambu Road S/S Primary substations Primary S/S Committed 66/11 kV 2x23 MVA S/S Each 1
2013 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Muthurwa S/S Primary substations Primary S/S Committed 66/11 kV 2x45 MVA S/S Each 1
2013 Nairobi Nairobi Kajiado New Ngong S/S Primary substations Primary S/S Committed 66/11 kV 2x23 MVA S/S Each 1
2013 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Langata S/S Primary substations Primary S/S Committed 66/11 kV 2x23 MVA S/S Each 1
2013 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Ruai S/S Primary substations Primary S/S Committed 66/11 kV 2x23 MVA S/S Each 1
2013 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Komorock BSP - Ruai S/S Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 66 kV 150mm2 OHL km 4
2013 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Juja Road - Eastleigh S/S Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 66 kV 300mm2 OHL km 12
2013 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Kabete - Karen Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 66 kV 300mm2 OHL km 12
2013 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Westlands - Kileleshwa Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 66 kV 300mm2 OHL km 7
2013 Nairobi Nairobi Kiambu New Kiambu Road S/S t-off - Ruaraka line Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 66 kV 300mm2 OHL km 9
2013 Nairobi Nairobi Kajiado New Ngong S/S - Karen t-off Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 66 kV 300mm2 OHL km 11
2013 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Langata - Ngong t-off Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 66 kV 300mm2 OHL km 15
2013 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Lsngata - Matasia t-off Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 66 kV 300mm2 OHL km 1.5
2014 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New City square S/S Primary substations Primary S/S Committed 66/11 kV 2x45 MVA S/S Each 1
2014 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Lavington S/S Primary substations Primary S/S Committed 66/11 kV 2x23 MVA S/S Each 1
2014 Nairobi Nairobi Kiambu New Lower Kabete S/S Primary substations Primary S/S Committed 66/11 kV 2x23 MVA S/S Each 1
2014 Nairobi Nairobi Kiambu New Uplands S/S Primary substations Primary S/S Committed 66/11 kV 1x23 MVA S/S Each 1
2014 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Villa Franca S/S Primary substations Primary S/S Committed 66/11 kV 2x45 MVA S/S Each 1
2014 Nairobi Nairobi Kiambu New Uplands-Limuru Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 66 kV 300mm2 OHL km 10
2014 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Ngong Road-City Square Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Underground cable (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 66kV 300mm2 Cu cable km 4
2014 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Eastleigh S/S -Thikadrive in S/S Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 66 kV 300mm2 OHL km 4
2014 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Villa Franca S/S -NSSF toff(Double circuit) Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 66 kV 150mm2 OHL km 8
2014 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New City square S/S - Cathedral t-off Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Underground cable (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 300mm2 Cu cable km 3
2014 Nairobi Nairobi Kiambu New Lavington S/S - Kabete t-off Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 66 kV 300mm2 OHL km 2
2015 Nairobi Nairobi Kiambu New Kirigiti S/S Primary substations Primary S/S Committed 66/11 kV 2x23 MVA S/S Each 1
2015 Nairobi Nairobi Machakos New Lukneya S/S Primary substations Primary S/S Committed 66/11 kV 2x23 MVA S/S Each 1
Committed Distribution Projects
Year Region Sub-region County Project type Name/Location Substation/Feeder Asset type Project Status Equipment Unit Quantity
2015 Nairobi Nairobi Kiambu New Ndenderu S/S Primary substations Primary S/S Committed 66/11 kV 2x23 MVA S/S Each 1
2015 Nairobi Nairobi Kiambu New Rironi S/S Primary substations Primary S/S Committed 66/11 kV 2x23 MVA S/S Each 1
2015 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Tala S/S Primary substations Primary S/S Committed 66/11 kV 1x23 MVA S/S Each 1
2015 Nairobi Nairobi Kiambu New Cianda S/S-Kirigiti S/S Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 66 kV 300mm2 OHL km 10
2015 Nairobi Nairobi Kiambu New Nairbi North BSP toff-Ndenderu Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 66 kV 300mm2 OHL km 4
2015 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Ruai S/S-Tala S/S Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 66 kV 150mm2 OHL km 38
2015 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Komorock BSP-Komorock S/S Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 66 kV 300mm2 OHL km 0.05
2015 Nairobi Nairobi Machakos New Athi S/S-Lukenya S/S(Double circuit) Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 66 kV 150mm2 OHL km 20
2015 Nairobi Nairobi Kiambu New Kirigiti S/S - Thika Road BSP Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 66 kV 300mm2 OHL km 15
2016 Nairobi Nairobi Kiambu New Githunguri S/S Primary substations Primary S/S Committed 66/11 kV 2x23 MVA S/S Each 1
2016 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Kasarani S/S Primary substations Primary S/S Committed 66/11 kV 2x23 MVA S/S Each 1
2016 Nairobi Nairobi Kiambu New Uplands S/S-Githunguri S/S Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 66 kV 300mm2 OHL km 15
2016 Nairobi Nairobi Kiambu New Githunguri S/S - Cianda S/S Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 66 kV 300mm2 OHL km 10
2016 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Kasarani S/S - Juja Road BSP t-off Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 66 kV 150mm2 OHL km 4
2013 Western Central Rift Baringo New Makutano/Londiani Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 1.09
2013 Western Central Rift Baringo New Makutano/Timboroa Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 1.52
2013 Western Central Rift Baringo New Makutano/Lanet Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 1.82
2013 Western Central Rift Baringo New Makutano/Molo Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 21.1
2014 Western Central Rift Baringo New Kipsarman Primary substations Primary S/S Committed 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer Each 1
2014 Western Central Rift Baringo New Lessos/Kabarnet/Kipsarman Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 41.45
2014 Western Central Rift Kericho New Chapseon Primary substations Primary S/S Committed 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer Each 1
2014 Western Central Rift Kericho New Makutano/Londiani/Chepseon Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 11.87
2014 Western Central Rift Nakuru New Nakuru West/Rongai Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 1.37
2014 Western Central Rift Nakuru New Nakuru West/Elburgon Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 150mm2 OHL km 1.39
2014 Western Central Rift Nakuru New Nakuru West/Nakuru Depot Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 0.17
2014 Western Central Rift Nakuru New Kabarak Primary substations Primary S/S Committed 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer Each 1
2014 Western Central Rift Nakuru New Nakuru West/Rongai/Kabarak Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 10.05
2014 Western Central Rift Nyandarua New Magumu Primary substations Primary S/S Committed 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer Each 1
2014 Western Central Rift Nyandarua New Suswa/Kinangop/Magumu Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 20.03
2015 Western Central Rift Baringo New Kabarnet/Kipsarman Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 2.73
2015 Western Central Rift Baringo New Kabarnet/Local Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 0.91
2015 Western Central Rift Baringo New Kabarnet/Flouspar Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 6.22
2015 Western Central Rift Baringo New Kabarnet/Marigat Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 0.74
2015 Western Central Rift Narok New Narok/Lanet Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 9.24
2015 Western Central Rift Narok New Narok/Narok Local Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 0.4
2015 Western Central Rift Nyandarua New Nyahururu/Maralal Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 2.52
2015 Western Central Rift Nyandarua New Nyahururu/Nyahururu Local Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 0.65
2015 Western Central Rift Nyandarua New Nyahururu/Olkalao Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 2.65
2015 Western Central Rift Nyandarua New Nyahururu/Subukia Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 2.61
2013 Western North Rift Uasin Gishu New Elgon View Primary substations Primary S/S Committed 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer Each 1
2013 Western North Rift Uasin Gishu New Rivertex/Elgon View/Lessos Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 1.43
2013 Western North Rift Uasin Gishu New Rivertex/Elgon View Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 3
2014 Western North Rift Trans Nzoia New Kitale/Cheranganyi Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 3.09
2014 Western North Rift Trans Nzoia New Kitale/Kitale Local Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 2.45
2014 Western North Rift Trans Nzoia New Kitale/Webuye Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 1.92
2014 Western North Rift Trans Nzoia New Kitale/Kaplamai Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 2.03
2016 Western North Rift Nandi New Kapsabet/Kapsabet Local Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 0.28
2017 Western North Rift West Pokot New Ortum Primary substations Primary S/S Committed 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer Each 1
2017 Western North Rift West Pokot New Ortum/Kapenguria Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 43.71
2013 Western West Kenya Kisumu Upgrade Obote Road Primary substations Primary S/S Transformer Committed 33/11 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1
2013 Western West Kenya Bungoma New Webuye/Bungoma Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 20.9
2013 Western West Kenya Bungoma New Webuye/Kitale Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 6.5
2013 Western West Kenya Bungoma New Webuye/Webuye Local Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 1.1
2013 Western West Kenya Bungoma New Webuye/Kakamega Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 19.1
2014 Western West Kenya Kisumu New Sondu Miriu Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 0.4
2014 Western West Kenya Kisumu New Sondu Miriu Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 0.1
2014 Western West Kenya Kisumu New Sondu Miriu Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 0.1
2014 Western West Kenya Kisumu New Ahero Primary substations Primary S/S Committed 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer Each 1
2014 Western West Kenya Kisumu New Kisumu/Miwani/Ahero Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 16.59
2014 Western West Kenya Kisumu New Kibos Primary substations Primary S/S Committed 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer Each 1
2014 Western West Kenya Kisumu New Kisumu/Kibos Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 4.32
2014 Western West Kenya Migori New Awendo/Migori Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 0.1
2014 Western West Kenya Migori New Awendo/Gogo Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 0.1
2014 Western West Kenya Migori New Awendo/Sony Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 300mm2 cable km 0.1
2014 Western West Kenya Migori New Awendo/Ogembo Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 34 kV 75mm2 OHL km 0.1
2014 Western West Kenya Migori New Awendo Pri/Uriri Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 35 kV 75mm2 OHL km 8.03
2014 Western West Kenya Vihiga New Maseno Primary substations Primary S/S Committed 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer Each 1
2014 Western West Kenya Vihiga New Kisumu/Kisian/Maseno Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 15.52
2014 Western West Kenya Vihiga New Majengo Primary substations Primary S/S Committed 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer Each 1
2014 Western West Kenya Vihiga New Kisumu/Majengo/Chavakali Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 0.1
Committed Distribution Projects
Year Region Sub-region County Project type Name/Location Substation/Feeder Asset type Project Status Equipment Unit Quantity
2015 Western West Kenya Bomet New Bomet/Mogogosiek Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 150mm2 OHL km 4.26
2015 Western West Kenya Bomet New Bomet/Bomet Local Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 4.44
2015 Western West Kenya Bomet New Bomet/Kembu Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 25.17
2015 Western West Kenya Bomet New Bomet/Olbutyo Feeders (66 kV and 33 kV) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Committed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 12.45
2016 Western West Kenya Bomet Upgrade Chemosit Primary substations Primary S/S Transformer Committed 132/33 kV 2x45 MVA Each 1
Committed Transmission Projects
Year Region Sub-region County Project type Name/Location Asset type Project Status Equipment Unit Quantity
2013 Coast Coast Garissa New Garissa Bulk Supply Point Committed 220/33 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1
2013 Coast Coast Kilifi New Malindi Bulk Supply Point Committed 220/33 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1
2013 Coast Coast Tana River New Garsen Bulk Supply Point Committed 220/33 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1
2013 Coast Coast Lamu New Lamu Bulk Supply Point Committed 220/33 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1
2014 Coast Coast Taita Taveta New Taveta Bulk Supply Point Committed 132/33 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1
2015 Coast Coast Mombasa New Jomvu Bulk Supply Point Committed 132/33 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1
2013 Mount Kenya North Kirinyaga New Kutus Bulk Supply Point Committed 132/33 kV 23 MVA BSP Each 1
2013 Mount Kenya North Kitui New Mwingi Bulk Supply Point Committed 132/33 kV 23 MVA BSP Each 1
2013 Mount Kenya North Nyeri New Nanyuki BSP Transformer Committed 132/33 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1
2014 Mount Kenya North Embu New Kyeni Bulk Supply Point Committed 132/33 kV 23 MVA BSP Each 1
2014 Mount Kenya North Meru New Isiolo Bulk Supply Point Committed 132/33 kV 23 MVA BSP Each 1
2012 Mount Kenya South Kiambu New Mangu Bulk Supply Point Committed 132/66 kV 2x60 MVA BSP Each 1
2012 Mount Kenya South Murang'a New Githambo Bulk Supply Point Committed 132/33 kV 23 MVA BSP Each 1
2012 Mount Kenya South Kiambu New Gatundu Bulk Supply Point Committed 132/33 kV 23 MVA BSP Each 1
2014 Mount Kenya South Kitui New Kitui Bulk Supply Point Committed 132/33 kV 5 MVA BSP Each 1
2014 Mount Kenya South Makueni New Wote Bulk Supply Point Committed 132/33 kV 5 MVA BSP Each 1
2013 Nairobi Nairobi Machakos New Kiboko BSP Bulk Supply Point Committed 132/33 kV 10 MVA Each 2
2014 Nairobi Nairobi Machakos New Ngong BSP Bulk Supply Point Committed 220/66kV 2x200 MVA BSP Each 1
2014 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Athi BSP Bulk Supply Point Committed 220/66kV 2x200 MVA BSP Each 1
2014 Nairobi Nairobi Kajiado New Sultan Hamud BSP Bulk Supply Point Committed 132/33kV 2x5 MVA BSP BSP Each 1
2014 Nairobi Nairobi Makueni New Wote BSP Bulk Supply Point Committed 132/33kV 2x5 MVA BSP BSP Each 1
2015 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Komorock BSP Bulk Supply Point Committed 220/66kV 2x200 MVA BSP Each 1
2015 Nairobi Nairobi Machakos New Machakos BSP Bulk Supply Point Committed 132/33kV 2x7.5 MVA BSP Each 1
2015 Nairobi Nairobi Kajiado New Kajiado BSP Bulk Supply Point Committed 132/33kV 2x7.5 MVA BSP Each 1
2015 Nairobi Nairobi Kajiado New Matasia BSP Bulk Supply Point Committed 220/66kV 2x200 MVA BSP Each 1
2015 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Thika Road BSP Bulk Supply Point Committed 220/66kV 2x200 MVA BSP Each 1
2015 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi Upgrade Juja Road BSP BSP Transformer Committed 132/66 kV 60 MVA transformer Each 3
2015 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi Upgrade Juja Road BSP BSP Transformer Committed 132/66 kV 90 MVA transformer Each 2
2013 Western Central Rift Baringo New Makutano Bulk Supply Point Committed 132/33 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1
2014 Western Central Rift Kericho Upgrade Muhoroni BSP Transformer Committed 132/33 kV 45 MVA transformer Each 1
2014 Western Central Rift Nakuru Upgrade Nakuru West Bulk Supply Point Committed 132/33 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1
2014 Western Central Rift Baringo New Webuye Bulk Supply Point Committed 132/33 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1
2015 Western Central Rift Baringo New Kabarnet Bulk Supply Point Committed 132/33 kV 15 MVA transformer Each 1
2015 Western Central Rift Narok New Narok Bulk Supply Point Committed 132/33 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1
2015 Western Central Rift Nyandarua New Nyahururu Bulk Supply Point Committed 132/33 kV 2x23 MVA Each 1
2016 Western Central Rift Samburu New Maralal Bulk Supply Point Committed 132/33 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1
2014 Western North Rift Trans Nzoia New Kitale Bulk Supply Point Committed 132/33 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1
2014 Western North Rift Uasin Gishu Upgrade Rivertex BSP Transformer Committed 132/33 kV 45 MVA transformer Each 2
2016 Western North Rift Nandi New Kapsabet Bulk Supply Point Committed 132/33 kV 2x23 MVA Each 1
2017 Western North Rift West Pokot New Ortum Bulk Supply Point Committed 220/33 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1
2013 Western West Kenya Kisumu Upgrade Kisumu BSP Transformer Committed 132/33 kV 45 MVA transformer Each 1
2014 Western West Kenya Kisumu Upgrade Sondu Miriu Bulk Supply Point Committed 132/33 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1
2014 Western West Kenya Migori New Awendo Bulk Supply Point Committed 132/33 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1
2015 Western West Kenya Bomet New Bomet Bulk Supply Point Committed 132/33 kV 2x45 MVA Each 1
Proposed Distribution Projects
Year Region Sub-region County Project type Name/Location Asset type Project Status Equipment Unit Quantity Total installed cost (USD)
2013 Coast Coast Mombasa Upgrade Kipevu / Makande #1 Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 300mm2 AAAC OHL km 1.4 44,240
2013 Coast Coast Mombasa Upgrade Kipevu / Makande #2 Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 300mm2 AAAC OHL km 1.4 44,240
2013 Coast Coast Mombasa Upgrade Kipevu / Nyali (Bamburi 1) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 300mm2 AAAC OHL km 7.7 243,320
2013 Coast Coast Mombasa Upgrade Kipevu / Tononoka (Bamburi 3) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 300mm2 AAAC OHL km 5.78 182,648
2013 Coast Coast Mombasa New Nyali Capacitor bank Proposed 33 kV 5 MVAr capacitor bank Each 2 77,600
2013 Coast Coast Kwale New Galu / Diani #2 Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 185mm2 AAAC OHL km 7.69 338,210
2014 Coast Coast Kwale Upgrade Galu / Diani #1 Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 185mm2 AAAC OHL km 7.69 223,010
2014 Coast Coast Mombasa New KPR / Miritini #2 Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 185mm2 AAAC OHL km 5.69 280,210
2015 Coast Coast Mombasa New Prop. Likoni / Likoni #2 Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 185mm2 AAAC OHL km 3 202,200
2015 Coast Coast Mombasa Upgrade Prop. Likoni / Likoni #1 Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 185mm2 AAAC OHL km 3 87,000
2015 Coast Coast Mombasa Upgrade Prop. Likoni / Diani #1 Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 185mm2 AAAC OHL km 7.2 208,800
2015 Coast Coast Mombasa New Prop. Likoni / Diani #2 Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 185mm2 AAAC OHL km 7.2 324,000
2015 Coast Coast Mombasa New Prop. Bofu Primary S/S Proposed Primary S/S 33/11 kV 2x23 MVA Each 1 1,830,000
2015 Coast Coast Mombasa New Prop. Bofu / Prop. Likoni #1 Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 300mm2 AAAC OHL km 6.5 320,600
2015 Coast Coast Mombasa New Prop. Bofu / Prop. Likoni #2 Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 300mm2 AAAC OHL km 6.5 320,600
2015 Coast Coast Mombasa New Prop. Mtwongwe Primary S/S Proposed Primary S/S 33/11 kV 1x7.5 MVA Each 1 833,100
2015 Coast Coast Mombasa New Prop. Likoni / Prop. Mtwongwe Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33kV 95mm2 AAAC OHL km 5 253,200
2015 Coast Coast Mombasa New Prop. Bofu / Prop. Likoni #1 Underground cable (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 500mm2 Cu cable km 0.5 159,700
2015 Coast Coast Mombasa New Prop. Bofu / Prop. Likoni #2 Underground cable (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 500mm2 Cu cable km 0.5 159,700
2015 Coast Coast Mombasa New Tononoka Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1 532,200
2015 Coast Coast Mombasa New Makande Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1 532,200
2015 Coast Coast Mombasa Upgrade KPR Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1 429,000
2015 Coast Coast Kilifi Upgrade Ribe Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer Each 1 237,900
2015 Coast Coast Mombasa New Prop. Port Reitz Primary S/S Proposed Primary S/S 33/11 kV 1x15 MVA Each 1 957,900
2015 Coast Coast Mombasa New Prop. Port Reitz / Kipevu Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33kV 95mm2 AAAC OHL km 2 170,400
2015 Coast Coast Kajiado Upgrade Loitoktok Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer Each 1 237,900
2015 Coast Coast Kilifi Upgrade Malindi Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1 429,000
2015 Coast Coast Taita Taveta Upgrade Voi Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer Each 1 237,900
2015 Coast Coast Taita Taveta Upgrade Mwatate Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer Each 1 237,900
2015 Coast Coast Mombasa New Prop. Bamburi Primary S/S Proposed Primary S/S 33/11 kV 1x23 MVA Each 1 1,024,200
2015 Coast Coast Mombasa New Prop. Bamburi / New Bamburi / BPCC Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 150mm2 OHL km 0.05 116,550
2015 Coast Coast Mombasa New Prop. Bofu / Tononoka Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 300mm2 AAAC OHL km 1.3 156,280
2015 Coast Coast Kwale New Diani Capacitor bank Proposed 33 kV 5 MVAr capacitor bank Each 1 67,600
2015 Coast Coast Kwale New Prop. Kwale Primary S/S Proposed Primary S/S 33/11 kV 1x2.5 MVA Each 1 549,300
2015 Coast Coast Kwale New Prop. Kwale / Galu Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 150mm2 OHL km 25 790,200
2015 Coast Coast Taita Taveta New Prop. Wundanyi Primary S/S Proposed Primary S/S 33/11 kV 1x2.5 MVA Each 1 549,300
2015 Coast Coast Taita Taveta New Prop. Wundanyi / Voi Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 27 736,200
2015 Coast Coast Kilifi New Rabai / Athi River Mining Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 150mm2 OHL km 14 493,200
2016 Coast Coast Kilifi New Prop. Kaloleni Primary S/S Proposed Primary S/S 33/11 kV 1x7.5 MVA Each 1 833,100
2016 Coast Coast Kilifi New Prop. Kaloleni / Rabai Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 3 184,200
2016 Coast Coast Mombasa New Makande Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1 532,200
2016 Coast Coast Mombasa Upgrade Likoni Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 15 MVA transformer Each 1 362,700
2016 Coast Coast Kilifi New Kilifi Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer Each 1 341,100
2016 Coast Coast Mombasa Upgrade KPR Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1 429,000
2016 Coast Coast Kilifi New Prop. Sabaki Primary S/S Proposed Primary S/S 33/11 kV 1x7.5 MVA Each 1 833,100
2016 Coast Coast Kilifi New Prop. Sabaki / Mambrui feeder Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 0.05 116,350
2016 Coast Coast Mombasa New Miritini Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1 532,200
2016 Coast Coast Mombasa New Mishomoroni Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer Each 1 341,100
2016 Coast Coast Kwale New Diani Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1 532,200
2016 Coast Coast Kwale New Mwabungo Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer Each 1 341,100
2016 Coast Coast Taita Taveta New Prop. Wundanyi Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 2.5 MVA transformer Each 1 239,700
2016 Coast Coast Kwale New Prop. Galu Primary S/S Proposed 33/11 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1 532,200
2017 Coast Coast Kilifi New Prop. Mtonda Primary S/S Proposed Primary S/S 33/11 kV 1x7.5 MVA Each 1 833,100
2017 Coast Coast Kilifi New Prop. Mtonda / Malindi / Kipevu Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33kV 95mm2 AAAC OHL km 1.3 151,080
2017 Coast Coast Kwale New Prop. Kidimu Primary S/S Proposed Primary S/S 33/11 kV 1x7.5 MVA Each 1 833,100
2017 Coast Coast Kwale New Prop. Kidimu T / Msambweni / Galu Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 185mm2 AAAC OHL km 17 608,200
2017 Coast Coast Kwale New Prop. Lunga Lunga / Prop. Kidimu T Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 185mm2 AAAC OHL km 25 840,200
2017 Coast Coast Mombasa Upgrade Likoni Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 15 MVA transformer Each 1 362,700
2017 Coast Coast Kilifi New Prop. Kokotoni Primary S/S Proposed Primary S/S 33/11 kV 1x2.5 MVA Each 1 549,300
2017 Coast Coast Kilifi New Prop. Kokotoni / Rabai (Bamba) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 0.05 116,350
2017 Coast Coast Kilifi New Kanamai Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer Each 1 341,100
2017 Coast Coast Kilifi New Kilifi Plantation Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 2.5 MVA transformer Each 1 239,700
2017 Coast Coast Mombasa New Prop. Port Reitz Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 15 MVA transformer Each 1 465,900
2017 Coast Coast Mombasa New Utange Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer Each 1 341,100
2017 Coast Coast Kilifi New Mtwapa Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 2.5 MVA transformer Each 1 239,700
Proposed Distribution Projects
Year Region Sub-region County Project type Name/Location Asset type Project Status Equipment Unit Quantity Total installed cost (USD)
2017 Coast Coast Mombasa New Prop. Bamburi Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1 532,200
2017 Coast Coast Kilifi Upgrade Malindi Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1 429,000
2017 Coast Coast Kilifi New Watamu Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer Each 1 341,100
2017 Coast Coast Kilifi New Mariakani Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer Each 1 341,100
2017 Coast Coast Mombasa New Mbaraki Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1 532,200
2017 Coast Coast Kajiado New Loitoktok Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer Each 1 341,100
2013 Mount Kenya North Meru New Kianjai Capacitor bank Proposed 33 kV 5 MVAr capacitor bank Each 1 67,600
2013 Mount Kenya North Nyeri New Kiganjo / Mweiga Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 150mm2 OHL km 23 736,200
2013 Mount Kenya North Tharaka Nithi New Marima Capacitor bank Proposed 33 kV 5 MVAr capacitor bank Each 1 67,600
2013 Mount Kenya North Nyeri New Naro Moru Capacitor bank Proposed 33 kV 5 MVAr capacitor bank Each 1 67,600
2013 Mount Kenya North Nyeri New Kiganjo Capacitor bank Proposed 33 kV 2.5 MVAr capacitor bank Each 1 62,600
2014 Mount Kenya North Meru New Isiolo / Meru Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 150mm2 OHL km 25 790,200
2014 Mount Kenya North Meru New Meru Capacitor bank Proposed 33 kV 5 MVAr capacitor bank Each 1 67,600
2014 Mount Kenya North Nyeri Upgrade Kiganjo / Nanyuki Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 150mm2 OHL km 52 1,404,000
2014 Mount Kenya North Nyeri Upgrade Mweiga Tee Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 150mm2 OHL km 13 351,000
2015 Mount Kenya North Meru New Prop. Nkuene Primary S/S Proposed Primary S/S 33/11 kV 1x7.5 MVA Each 1 833,100
2015 Mount Kenya North Meru New Prop. Nkuene / Meru / Kanyakine Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 150mm2 OHL km 6 277,200
2015 Mount Kenya North Nyeri New Prop. Mukurweini Primary S/S Proposed Primary S/S 33/11 kV 1x7.5 MVA Each 1 833,100
2015 Mount Kenya North Nyeri New Othaya / Prop. Mukurweini Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 9 322,200
2015 Mount Kenya North Meru New Prop. Nkuene Capacitor bank Proposed 33 kV 5 MVAr capacitor bank Each 1 67,600
2015 Mount Kenya North Tharaka Nithi New Marima Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer Each 1 341,100
2015 Mount Kenya North Embu New Kyeni Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer Each 1 341,100
2015 Mount Kenya North Meru New Meru Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 15 MVA transformer Each 1 465,900
2015 Mount Kenya North Nyeri New Sagana Falls Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer Each 1 341,100
2015 Mount Kenya North Meru Upgrade Kiirua Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 2.5 MVA transformer Each 1 136,500
2016 Mount Kenya North Kerinyaga New Prop. Kagumo Primary S/S Proposed Primary S/S 33/11 kV 1x7.5 MVA Each 1 833,100
2016 Mount Kenya North Kerinyaga New Kerugoya / Prop. Kagumo Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 9 322,200
2016 Mount Kenya North Laikipia New Prop. Kahurara Primary S/S Proposed Primary S/S 33/11 kV 1x7.5 MVA Each 1 833,100
2016 Mount Kenya North Laikipia New Nanyuki / Prop. Kahurara Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 7 276,200
2016 Mount Kenya North Nyeri New Kiganjo / Kagumu Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 150mm2 OHL km 28 871,200
2016 Mount Kenya North Meru New Isiolo Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 2.5 MVA transformer Each 1 239,700
2016 Mount Kenya North Meru Upgrade Meru Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 15 MVA transformer Each 1 362,700
2016 Mount Kenya North Meru New Kanyakine Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer Each 1 341,100
2016 Mount Kenya North Nyeri New Naro Moru Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 2.5 MVA transformer Each 1 239,700
2016 Mount Kenya North Kerinyaga New Sagana Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer Each 1 341,100
2016 Mount Kenya North Meru New Embori Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer Each 1 341,100
2016 Mount Kenya North Kerinyaga New Kutus Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer Each 1 341,100
2017 Mount Kenya North Kerinyaga New Kutus - Prop. Kiamtugu Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 16 483,200
2017 Mount Kenya North Embu New Embu East Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer Each 1 341,100
2017 Mount Kenya North Kerinyaga New Prop. Kiamtugu Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer Each 1 341,100
2017 Mount Kenya North Meru New Isiolo Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 2.5 MVA transformer Each 1 239,700
2017 Mount Kenya North Meru New Kianjai Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 2.5 MVA transformer Each 1 239,700
2017 Mount Kenya North Meru New Kanyakine Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer Each 1 341,100
2017 Mount Kenya North Nyeri New Nanyuki Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer Each 1 341,100
2017 Mount Kenya North Meru New Marania Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 2.5 MVA transformer Each 1 239,700
2017 Mount Kenya North Nyeri Upgrade Naro Moru Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 2.5 MVA transformer Each 1 136,500
2017 Mount Kenya North Nyeri Upgrade Mweiga Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer Each 1 237,900
2017 Mount Kenya North Meru Upgrade Embori Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer Each 1 237,900
2017 Mount Kenya North Kerinyaga New Prop. Kagumo Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer Each 1 341,100
2017 Mount Kenya North Nyeri New Sagana Falls Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer Each 1 341,100
2017 Mount Kenya North Kerinyaga New Kerugoya Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer Each 1 341,100
2013 Mount Kenya South Kiambu New Gatundu / Ngethu Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 6.3 260,100
2013 Mount Kenya South Kiambu New Gatundu / Ngethu + Githambo Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 150mm2 OHL km 4.3 231,300
2013 Mount Kenya South Muranga New Thika / Ndula / Muka Mukuu Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 150mm2 OHL km 14 493,200
2013 Mount Kenya South Machakos New Muka Mukuu Capacitor bank Proposed 33 kV 5 MVAr capacitor bank Each 1 67,600
2015 Mount Kenya South Kiambu New Mangu / JKUAT #2 Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 66 kV 300mm2 OHL km 5 597,200
2015 Mount Kenya South Muranga New Prop. Kangema Primary S/S Proposed Primary S/S 33/11 kV 2x7.5 MVA Each 1 1,447,800
2015 Mount Kenya South Muranga New Githambo/Kangema Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 150mm2 OHL km 8.9 355,500
2015 Mount Kenya South Kerinyaga New Kutus - Mwea Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 16 483,200
2016 Mount Kenya South Muranga Decommission Ndarugu Primary S/S Proposed Substation Decommission Each 1
Proposed Distribution Projects
Year Region Sub-region County Project type Name/Location Asset type Project Status Equipment Unit Quantity Total installed cost (USD)
2016 Mount Kenya South Muranga Upgrade Makuyu - Ndula Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 150mm2 OHL km 14 378,000
2016 Mount Kenya South Kiambu New Thika Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 66/33 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1 653,000
2016 Mount Kenya South Muranga New Githambo Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer Each 1 341,100
2016 Mount Kenya South Muranga New JKUAT / Ruiru Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 66 kV 300mm2 OHL km 8 843,200
2017 Mount Kenya South Muranga New Githambo - Prop. Gatakaine Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 12 391,200
2017 Mount Kenya South Nyeri New Prop. Muirungi Primary S/S Proposed Primary S/S 33/11 kV 1x7.5 MVA Each 1 833,100
2017 Mount Kenya South Muranga New Githambo / Prop. Muirungi Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 14 437,200
2017 Mount Kenya South Kitui New Kitui Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 2.5 MVA transformer Each 1 239,700
2017 Mount Kenya South Machakos New Matuu Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 2.5 MVA transformer Each 1 239,700
2017 Mount Kenya South Muranga New Prop. Gatakaine Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer Each 1 341,100
2017 Mount Kenya South Kiambu New Ngethu Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer Each 1 341,100
2017 Mount Kenya South Muranga New Muka Mukuu Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer Each 1 341,100
2017 Mount Kenya South Muranga New Makuyu Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer Each 1 341,100
2017 Mount Kenya South Muranga New Thika North Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 66/11 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1 641,000
2017 Mount Kenya South Machakos New Kamburu Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer Each 1 341,100
2013 Nairobi Nairobi Kiambu Upgrade Limuru S/S Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 66/11 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1 501,800
2013 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi Upgrade Industrial Area S/S Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 66/11 kV 45 MVA transformer Each 2 1,255,800
2013 Nairobi Nairobi Kiambu Upgrade Kikuyu S/S Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 66/11 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1 501,800
2013 Nairobi Nairobi Machakos New EPZ S/S Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 66/11 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1 641,000
2013 Nairobi Nairobi Machakos New EPZ S/S Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 66/33 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1 653,000
2013 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Athi S/S Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 66/11 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1 641,000
2013 Nairobi Nairobi Kajiado New Kajiado S/S Capacitor bank Proposed 33 kV 5 MVAr capacitor bank Each 1 67,600
2013 Nairobi Nairobi Machakos New Machakos S/S Capacitor bank Proposed 33 kV 2.5 MVAr capacitor bank Each 1 62,600
2014 Nairobi Nairobi Kiambu New Cianda S/S Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 66/11 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1 641,000
2014 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi Upgrade Ruaraka S/S Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 66/11 kV 45 MVA transformer Each 2 1,255,800
2014 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Gigiri S/S Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 66/11 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1 641,000
2014 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New NSSF S/S Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 66/11 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1 641,000
2014 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi Upgrade Mombasa Raod S/S Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 66/11 kV 45 MVA transformer Each 1 627,900
2014 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Likoni Road S/S Primary S/S Proposed Primary S/S 66/11 kV 2x45 MVA Each 1 2,407,800
2014 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Thika Drive In S/S Primary S/S Proposed Primary S/S 66/11 kV 2x45 MVA Each 1 2,407,800
2014 Nairobi Nairobi Kiambu New Uplands S/S - Mai Mahiu Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 66 kV 150mm2 OHL km 10 937,200
2014 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Industrial Area S/S -Likoni Road S/S Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 66 kV 300mm2 OHL km 8 843,200
2014 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New NSSF S/S- NSSF Toff Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 66 kV 150mm2 OHL km 3.7 464,700
2014 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Embakasi BSP-NSSF toff Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 66 kV 150mm2 OHL km 3.358477 439,086
2014 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi Refurbished Jeevanjee S/S Primary S/S Proposed Primary S/S 66/11 kV 2x23 MVA Each 1 2,155,600
2014 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi Upgrade Juja BSP -Kimathi S/S (Double circuit) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 66 kV 300mm2 OHL km 14 1,148,000
2014 Nairobi Nairobi Machakos New Ngong BSP-Ngong S/S(Double circuit) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 66 kV 300mm2 OHL km 10 1,007,200
2014 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Likoni Road S/S - Morris Company Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 66 kV 300mm2 OHL km 2 351,200
2015 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Syokimau S/S Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 66/11 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1 641,000
2015 Nairobi Nairobi Kajiado New Matasia S/S Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 66/11 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1 641,000
2015 Nairobi Nairobi Kiambu New Kabete S/S Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 66/11 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1 641,000
2015 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi Upgrade BabaDogo S/S Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 66/11 kV 45 MVA transformer Each 2 1,255,800
2015 Nairobi Nairobi Machakos New Athi-EPZ toff Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 66 kV 300mm2 OHL km 3 433,200
2015 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Athi-BPC toff Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 66 kV 150mm2 OHL km 1.65 310,950
2015 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Thika Road BSP-Kiambu Road S/S(Double circuit) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 66 kV 300mm2 OHL km 20 1,827,200
2015 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Thika Road BSP-Babadogo S/S Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 66 kV 300mm2 OHL km 10 1,007,200
2015 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Gigiri S/S-Kiambu Road Toff Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 66 kV 300mm2 OHL km 2 351,200
2015 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Thika Road BSP-Eastleigh S/S(Double circuit) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 66 kV 300mm2 OHL km 30 2,647,200
2015 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Komorock BSP-Syokimau S/S Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 66 kV 150mm2 OHL km 5 562,200
2015 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Komorock BSP-Kimati toff(Double Circuit) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 66 kV 300mm2 OHL km 10 1,007,200
2015 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Komorock BSP-Muthurwa S/S Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 66 kV 300mm2 OHL km 21 1,909,200
2015 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Cathedral S/S - CBD BSP Underground cable (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 66kV 300mm2 Cu cable km 2 637,200
2015 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New City Square S/S - CBD BSP Underground cable (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 66kV 300mm2 Cu cable km 4 1,087,200
2015 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Nairobi West S/S - CBD BSP Underground cable (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 66kV 300mm2 Cu cable km 2 637,200
2016 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Tala S/S Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 66/11 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1 641,000
2016 Nairobi Nairobi Kiambu New Uplands S/S Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 66/11 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1 641,000
2016 Nairobi Nairobi Kiambu New Nyaga S/S Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer Each 1 341,100
2016 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Dagoretti S/S Primary S/S Proposed Primary S/S 33/11 kV 2x23 MVA Each 1 1,830,000
2016 Nairobi Nairobi Machakos New Kitengela S/S Primary S/S Proposed Primary S/S 33/11 kV 2x23 MVA Each 1 1,830,000
2016 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Kagundo S/S Primary S/S Proposed Primary S/S 66/11 kV 2x23 MVA Each 1 2,155,600
2016 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Kiserian S/S Primary S/S Proposed Primary S/S 66/11 kV 2x23 MVA Each 1 2,155,600
2016 Nairobi Nairobi Kiambu New Ruaraka S/S - Ruiru S/S line Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 66 kV 150mm2 OHL km 12 1,087,200
2016 Nairobi Nairobi Kiambu New Ruaraka 33kV-Nyaga S/S Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 66 kV 150mm2 OHL km 12 1,087,200
2016 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Dagoretti S/S-Kikuyu toff Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 66 kV 150mm2 OHL km 0.5 224,700
2016 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Dagoretti S/S-Karen toff Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 66 kV 150mm2 OHL km 0.5 224,700
2016 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Dagoretti S/S-Ngong BSP(Double circuit) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 66 kV 300mm2 OHL km 20 1,827,200
2016 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Ngong BSP-Kiserian s/s(Double circuit) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 66 kV 300mm2 OHL km 8 843,200
Proposed Distribution Projects
Year Region Sub-region County Project type Name/Location Asset type Project Status Equipment Unit Quantity Total installed cost (USD)
2016 Nairobi Nairobi Machakos New EPZ S/S-Kitengela S/S(Double circuit) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 66 kV 150mm2 OHL km 10 937,200
2016 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Komorock S/S-Kangundo S/S Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 66 kV 150mm2 OHL km 2 337,200
2016 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Thika Road BSP-Kasarani S/S Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 66 kV 150mm2 OHL km 4 487,200
2016 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Tala S/S - Kangundo S/S Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 66 kV 150mm2 OHL km 5 562,200
2016 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi Refurbished Cathedral S/S Primary S/S Proposed Primary S/S 66/11 kV 2x45 MVA Each 1 2,407,800
2017 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Umoja S/S Primary S/S Proposed Primary S/S 66/11 kV 2x23 MVA Each 1 2,155,600
2017 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Komorock S/S-Umoja S/S(Double circuit) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 66 kV 150mm2 OHL km 6 637,200
2017 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Embakasi BSP -Mombasa Road S/S Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 66 kV 150mm2 OHL km 0.041 190,275
2017 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Steel Billet S/S-Komorock kimati toff Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 66 kV 150mm2 OHL km 10 937,200
2017 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Nairobi South S/S - Morris Company Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 66 kV 300mm2 OHL km 3 433,200
2013 Western Central Rift Kericho Upgrade Chemosit/AHP (James Finlay) Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 150mm2 OHL km 19.88 536,760
2013 Western Central Rift Narok New Narok Capacitor bank Proposed 33 kV 2.5 MVAr capacitor bank Each 2 67,600
2013 Western Central Rift Nyandarua New Nyahururu Capacitor bank Proposed 33 kV 2.5 MVAr capacitor bank Each 1 62,600
2013 Western Central Rift Samburu New Maralal Capacitor bank Proposed 33 kV 2.5 MVAr capacitor bank Each 1 62,600
2014 Western Central Rift Laikipia New Rumuruti Capacitor bank Proposed 33 kV 2.5 MVAr capacitor bank Each 1 62,600
2014 Western Central Rift Nakuru Upgrade Lanet Town Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1 429,000
2014 Western Central Rift Nakuru New Lanet Town Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1 532,200
2014 Western Central Rift Nakuru New Mwariki Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1 532,200
2015 Western Central Rift Kericho New Chemosit/Sosiat/Kericho Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 1.45 148,550
2015 Western Central Rift Kericho New Sosiat Primary S/S Proposed Primary S/S 33/11 kV 1x7.5 MVA Each 1 833,100
2015 Western Central Rift Nakuru New Lanet/Bahati/Subukia Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 3.22 189,260
2015 Western Central Rift Nakuru New Bahati Primary S/S Proposed Primary S/S 33/11 kV 1x7.5 MVA Each 1 833,100
2016 Western Central Rift Nakuru New Keringet//Elburgon Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 3.46 194,780
2016 Western Central Rift Nakuru New Nakuru West/Lanet Town Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 150mm2 OHL km 1.52 156,240
2016 Western Central Rift Nakuru Upgrade Lanet/Njoro Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 150mm2 OHL km 12.6 340,200
2016 Western Central Rift Nakuru New Elburgon/Molo Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 3.4 193,400
2016 Western Central Rift Nakuru New Molo Primary S/S Proposed Primary S/S 33/11 kV 1x7.5 MVA Each 1 833,100
2017 Western Central Rift Nakuru New DCK Capacitor bank Proposed 33 kV 2.5 MVAr capacitor bank Each 1 62,600
2017 Western Central Rift Nakuru New Bahati Capacitor bank Proposed 33 kV 2.5 MVAr capacitor bank Each 3 72,600
2017 Western Central Rift Nakuru Upgrade Mwariki Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1 429,000
2017 Western Central Rift Kericho New AHP (James Finlay) Capacitor bank Proposed 33 kV 2.5 MVAr capacitor bank Each 1 62,600
2017 Western Central Rift Kericho New Sosiat Capacitor bank Proposed 33 kV 2.5 MVAr capacitor bank Each 1 62,600
2013 Western North Rift Trans Nzoia New Cheranganyi Capacitor bank Proposed 33 kV 2.5 MVAr capacitor bank Each 2 67,600
2013 Western North Rift Trans Nzoia New Kaplamai Capacitor bank Proposed 33 kV 2.5 MVAr capacitor bank Each 1 62,600
2013 Western North Rift Uasin Gishu New Moi Barracks Capacitor bank Proposed 33 kV 2.5 MVAr capacitor bank Each 2 67,600
2014 Western North Rift Uasin Gishu New Eldoret Town Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1 532,200
2014 Western North Rift Uasin Gishu Upgrade (Eldoret) Industrial Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1 429,000
2014 Western North Rift Uasin Gishu New (Eldoret) Industrial Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1 532,200
2014 Western North Rift Uasin Gishu New (Eldoret) Industrial Primary S/S Proposed 33/11 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1 532,200
2015 Western North Rift Trans Nzoia New Kitale/Endebess Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 16.3 490,100
2015 Western North Rift Uasin Gishu New Rivertex/Moiben/Iten Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 7 276,200
2015 Western North Rift Trans Nzoia New Endebess Primary S/S Proposed 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer Each 1 341,100
2015 Western North Rift Uasin Gishu New Moiben Primary S/S Proposed 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer Each 1 341,100
2016 Western North Rift Elgeyo Marakwet New Kapsowar Primary S/S Proposed Primary S/S 33/11 kV 1x7.5 MVA Each 1 833,100
2016 Western North Rift Elgeyo Marakwet New Kapsowar/Chesengon Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 72.39 1,780,170
2016 Western North Rift Uasin Gishu New Eldoret North/Rivatex Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 150mm2 OHL km 3.72 215,640
2016 Western North Rift Uasin Gishu New Eldoret North/Eldoret Town Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 150mm2 OHL km 1.9 166,500
2016 Western North Rift Uasin Gishu New Eldoret North/Moi Barracks Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 150mm2 OHL km 4.29 231,030
2016 Western North Rift Uasin Gishu New Eldoret North/Eldoret Industrial Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 150mm2 OHL km 4.69 241,830
2016 Western North Rift Uasin Gishu New Moi Barracks Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 2.5 MVA transformer Each 1 239,700
2016 Western North Rift Trans Nzoia New Kaplamai Capacitor bank Proposed 33 kV 2.5 MVAr capacitor bank Each 1 62,600
2016 Western North Rift Uasin Gishu New Moi Barracks Capacitor bank Proposed 33 kV 2.5 MVAr capacitor bank Each 1 62,600
2017 Western North Rift Nandi New Kapsabet/Kibebetiet Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 10.029 345,867
2017 Western North Rift Nandi New Kapsabet/Aldai Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 19.875 572,325
2017 Western North Rift Nandi New Kibebetiet Primary S/S Proposed Primary S/S 33/11 kV 1x7.5 MVA Each 1 833,100
2017 Western North Rift Nandi New Aldai Primary S/S Proposed Primary S/S 33/11 kV 1x7.5 MVA Each 1 833,100
2017 Western North Rift Uasin Gishu New Moi Barracks/Turbo Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 12.309 398,307
2013 Western West Kenya Bomet New Mogogosiek Capacitor bank Proposed 33 kV 2.5 MVAr capacitor bank Each 2 67,600
2013 Western West Kenya Bungoma New Malakisi Capacitor bank Proposed 33 kV 2.5 MVAr capacitor bank Each 1 62,600
2013 Western West Kenya Homa Bay New Homabay Capacitor bank Proposed 33 kV 2.5 MVAr capacitor bank Each 2 67,600
2013 Western West Kenya Siaya New Bondo Capacitor bank Proposed 33 kV 2.5 MVAr capacitor bank Each 1 62,600
2013 Western West Kenya Vihiga New Chavakali Capacitor bank Proposed 33 kV 2.5 MVAr capacitor bank Each 2 67,600
2014 Western West Kenya Kakamega New Musaga/Malava Town Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 10.7 361,300
2014 Western West Kenya Kisii Upgrade Kisii Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1 429,000
2014 Western West Kenya Kisii New Kisii Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1 532,200
2014 Western West Kenya Kisumu New Kisumu East Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1 532,200
2014 Western West Kenya Vihiga New Rangala/Nyamninia/Maseno Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 14.05 438,350
2014 Western West Kenya Bomet New Mogogosiek Capacitor bank Proposed 33 kV 2.5 MVAr capacitor bank Each 1 62,600
2014 Western West Kenya Kisii Upgrade Kegati/Kisii Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 150mm2 OHL km 12.5 337,500
2014 Western West Kenya Vihiga Upgrade Chevakali/Cheptulu Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 14 322,000
Proposed Distribution Projects
Year Region Sub-region County Project type Name/Location Asset type Project Status Equipment Unit Quantity Total installed cost (USD)
2015 Western West Kenya Bomet Upgrade Changoi Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 2.5 MVA transformer Each 1 136,500
2015 Western West Kenya Bomet Upgrade Mogogosiek Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 2 858,000
2015 Western West Kenya Bungoma New Musaga/Sibembe/Sirisia Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 4.3 214,100
2015 Western West Kenya Bungoma New Sirisia Primary S/S Proposed Primary S/S 33/11 kV 1x7.5 MVA Each 1 833,100
2015 Western West Kenya Kisii Upgrade Kiamokama Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer Each 1 237,900
2015 Western West Kenya Siaya New Bondo Capacitor bank Proposed 33 kV 2.5 MVAr capacitor bank Each 1 62,600
2015 Western West Kenya Bungoma New Malakisi Capacitor bank Proposed 33 kV 2.5 MVAr capacitor bank Each 1 62,600
2016 Western West Kenya Bungoma New Sirisia Capacitor bank Proposed 33 kV 2.5 MVAr capacitor bank Each 3 72,600
2016 Western West Kenya Homa Bay New Homabay Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer Each 1 341,100
2016 Western West Kenya Kisii New Kegati/Homabay/Mosocho Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 13.48 425,240
2016 Western West Kenya Kisii New Mosocho Primary S/S Proposed Primary S/S 33/11 kV 1x7.5 MVA Each 1 833,100
2016 Western West Kenya Kisumu New Kisumu East/Kibos Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 8.74 316,220
2016 Western West Kenya Kisumu New Kisumu East/Ahero Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 20.6 589,000
2016 Western West Kenya Kisumu New Kisumu East/Obote Road Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 150mm2 OHL km 4.26 230,220
2016 Western West Kenya Nyamira New Kegati/Nyamira/Ikonge Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 6.2 258,490
2016 Western West Kenya Nyamira New Nyamira Primary S/S Proposed Primary S/S 33/11 kV 1x7.5 MVA Each 1 833,100
2016 Western West Kenya Nyamira New Chemosit/Kitaru/Ikonge Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 10.7 362,381
2016 Western West Kenya Nyamira New Kitaru Primary S/S Proposed Primary S/S 33/11 kV 1x7.5 MVA Each 1 833,100
2016 Western West Kenya Siaya New Siaya Primary S/S Transformer Proposed 33/11 kV 7.5 MVA transformer Each 1 341,100
2016 Western West Kenya Busia New Malaba/Malakisi Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 24 667,200
2016 Western West Kenya Busia New Malaba/Busia Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 75mm2 OHL km 27 736,200
2017 Western West Kenya Bungoma New Sibembe Capacitor bank Proposed 33 kV 2.5 MVAr capacitor bank Each 2 67,600
2017 Western West Kenya Kisumu New Kisumu East/Kisumu South Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 150mm2 OHL km 2.634 186,318
2017 Western West Kenya Kisumu New Kisumu/Kisumu South Overhead line (33 kV or 66 kV) Proposed 33 kV 150mm2 OHL km 9.76 378,720
2017 Western West Kenya Kisumu New Kisumu South Primary S/S Proposed Primary S/S 33/11 kV 2x23 MVA Each 1 1,830,000
2017 Western West Kenya Vihiga New Maseno Capacitor bank Proposed 33 kV 2.5 MVAr capacitor bank Each 2 67,600
2017 Western West Kenya Bomet New Mogogosiek Capacitor bank Proposed 33 kV 2.5 MVAr capacitor bank Each 1 62,600
2017 Western West Kenya Siaya New Nyaminia Capacitor bank Proposed 33 kV 2.5 MVAr capacitor bank Each 1 62,600
2017 Western West Kenya Kakamega New Western University College Capacitor bank Proposed 33 kV 2.5 MVAr capacitor bank Each 1 62,600
Proposed Transmission Projects
Year Region Sub-region County Project type Name/Location Asset type Project Status Equipment Unit Quantity Total installed cost (USD)
2015 Coast Coast Mombasa New Prop. Likoni Bulk Supply Point Proposed BSP 132/33 kV 2x60 MVA Each 1 5,495,600
2015 Coast Coast Kwale New Galu BSP Transformer Proposed 132/33 kV 45 MVA transformer Each 1 1,907,600
2015 Coast Coast Kilifi New Malindi BSP Transformer Proposed 220/33 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1 3,333,600
2015 Coast Coast Mombasa Upgrade Kipevu Tx #2 BSP Transformer Proposed 132/33 kV 60 MVA transformer Each 1 1,700,000
2016 Coast Coast Mombasa Upgrade New Bamburi BSP Transformer Proposed 132/33 kV 45 MVA transformer Each 1 1,500,000
2017 Coast Coast Kwale New Prop. Lunga Lunga Bulk Supply Point Proposed BSP 132/33 kV 23 MVA Each 1 2,695,600
2017 Coast Coast Kwale Upgrade Galu BSP Transformer Proposed 132/33 kV 45 MVA transformer Each 1 1,500,000
2017 Coast Coast Taita Taveta New Voi BSP Transformer Proposed 132/33 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1 1,707,600
2015 Mount Kenya North Meru New Meru BSP Transformer Proposed 132/33 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1 1,707,600
2015 Mount Kenya North Meru New Prop. Maua Bulk Supply Point Proposed BSP 132/33 kV 23 MVA Each 1 2,695,600
2015 Mount Kenya North Nyeri Upgrade Kiganjo BSP Transformer Proposed 132/33 kV 45 MVA transformer Each 1 1,500,000
2016 Mount Kenya North Nyeri Upgrade Kiganjo BSP Transformer Proposed 132/33 kV 45 MVA transformer Each 1 1,500,000
2017 Mount Kenya North Meru New Mitunguu Bulk Supply Point Proposed BSP 132/33 kV 23 MVA Each 1 2,695,600
2015 Mount Kenya South Muranga New Githambo BSP Transformer Proposed 132/33 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1 1,707,600
2014 Nairobi Nairobi Kiambu New Nairobi North BSP BSP Transformer Proposed 220/66 kV 90 MVA transformer Each 1 4,669,600
2014 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New Ruaraka BSP BSP Transformer Proposed 132/66 kV 60 MVA transformer Each 1 2,243,600
2015 Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi New CBD BSP Bulk Supply Point Proposed BSP 220/66 kV 2x200 MVA Each 1 15,669,600
2014 Western Central Rift Kericho New Muhoroni BSP Transformer Proposed 132/33 kV 45 MVA transformer Each 1 1,907,600
2016 Western Central Rift Nakuru Upgrade Nakuru West BSP Transformer Proposed 132/33 kV 45 MVA transformer Each 2 3,000,000
2016 Western Central Rift Nakuru New Gilgil Bulk Supply Point Proposed BSP 132/33 kV 23 MVA Each 1 2,695,600
2016 Western Central Rift Nakuru New Keringet Bulk Supply Point Proposed BSP 132/33 kV 15 MVA Each 1 2,495,600
2016 Western Central Rift Nakuru New Nakuru West BSP Transformer Proposed 132/33 kV 45 MVA transformer Each 1 1,907,600
2017 Western Central Rift Baringo New Makutano BSP Transformer Proposed 132/33 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1 1,707,600
2016 Western North Rift Elgeyo Marakwet New Kapsowar Bulk Supply Point Proposed BSP 132/33 kV 15 MVA Each 1 2,495,600
2016 Western North Rift Trans Nzoia New Kitale BSP Transformer Proposed 132/33 kV 23 MVA transformer Each 1 1,707,600
2016 Western North Rift Uasin Gishu New Eldoret North Bulk Supply Point Proposed BSP 132/33 kV 2x45 MVA Each 1 5,095,600
2017 Western North Rift Uasin Gishu New Moi Barracks Bulk Supply Point Proposed BSP 132/33 kV 2x23 MVA Each 1 4,695,600
2014 Western West Kenya Kakamega Upgrade Musaga BSP Transformer Proposed 132/33 kV 45 MVA transformer Each 2 3,000,000
2014 Western West Kenya Kisii Upgrade Kegati BSP Transformer Proposed 132/33 kV 45 MVA transformer Each 1 1,500,000
2014 Western West Kenya Kisumu Upgrade Kisumu BSP Transformer Proposed 132/33 kV 45 MVA transformer Each 1 1,500,000
2014 Western West Kenya Kisii New Kegati BSP Transformer Proposed 132/33 kV 45 MVA transformer Each 1 1,907,600
2016 Western West Kenya Kisumu New Kisumu East Bulk Supply Point Proposed BSP 132/33 kV 2x45 MVA Each 1 5,095,600
2016 Western West Kenya Vihiga New Chavakali Bulk Supply Point Proposed BSP 132/33 kV 2x45 MVA Each 1 5,095,600
2016 Western West Kenya Busia New Malaba Bulk Supply Point Proposed BSP 132/33 kV 23 MVA Each 1 2,695,600
2016 Western West Kenya Siaya New Bondo Bulk Supply Point Proposed BSP 132/33 kV 2x23 MVA Each 1 4,695,600

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