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Prologue ~The hero and the human


2000 years ago in the royal capital Gairadeite which is located in the centre of
the human continent of Azeshion.

Gairadeite is also the stronghold of the Gairadeite demon king subjugation

forces as well as the hero chosen by the holy sword Kanon.

Even though its the capital city Gairadeite is also a military city filled with
anti-magic circles and weapons in case of a surprise mazoku attack.

An ordinary mazoku would disappear as soon as they stepped one foot in the
city but the one currently walking in a dignified manner through what had
become a beehive of activity was not ordinary.

He was the demon king of tyranny Arnos Voldigod.

The barriers meant to repel enemies were useless against him. He may as well
have been walking on weeds for they had the same effect on him.

His eyes were focused on two men coming towards him.

One is the Hero carrying the holy sword Kanon and the other is the
commander of the Gairadeite demon king subjugation force and the king of
Gairadeite Jerga.

Jerga is about 60 years old but his vigour and magic power greatly exceed
those of an average human. He is also the former hero and Kanons teacher.

Before Kanon was born he was the one who desperately fought many
mazoku to protect Azeshion. Even after retiring from the front lines he still
causes huge amounts of damage to the mazoku with his leadership of the
demon king subjugation forces.

“I’ll go Kanon.” Jerga said in a determined voice.

“If I fire Sacred Fire Light Cannon <Teo Trias> at point-blank range even the
demon king of tyranny won’t be able to avoid it. It should stop his feet for an
instant. In that instant run him through with the holy sword.”


“Don’t hesitate Kanon. Have courage. Either way, I don’t have long left and
if the life of this old man helps bring about a peaceful world then it’s a cheap
price to pay.”

A magic circle filled with holy light forms at Jerga’s feet. It’s a skill only
usable by a hero.

Sanctuary <Ask>. It’s a grand magic that unites peoples hearts and converts
their hopes and wishes into magic.

With this, humans who are inferior in magic to the mazoku can oppose them.


“Demon king…….the demon king of tyranny has appeared


“All our hopes and wishes are yours Jerga-sama…….”

“Please bring about a peaceful world………”

“Protect our tomorrow…..!!”

The overflowing thoughts of the people flow into Sanctuary <Ask> and the
sacred light begins to gather on Jerga.

The royal capital of Gairadeite is the last stronghold of humanity so the

strength of the prayers was enormous and continued swelling.
“Here I come you bastard! I’ll clear up the sadness of all the people you’ve

Wearing Sanctuary <Ask> Jerga rushes the demon king of tyranny while
Kanon readies his holy sword.

The demon king Arnos deploys 50 gates and launches a barrage of Flame
Prison Annihilation Cannon <Geo Greys>.

The jet black suns hit Jerga one after the other. Even though <Ask> has been
turned into anti-magic the power of the demon king is tremendous and his life
is shaved off in an instant.

“…….This is…….nothing………compared to the pain I felt when my wife

and child were murdered by you……!!”

The former hero keeps moving forward while surrounded in loud black


Jerga’s hand approaches the demon king of tyranny, however.


With just one more step to go the right arm of the demon king pierces Jerga’s

“Fumu. You are not the only tragedy here King of the humans. Humans
murdered my mother while she was still carrying me in her womb. The
feeling of being born from a corpse was the worst.”

Jerga laughs while spitting blood.

“…….Fall into hell with me demon king of tyranny…….”

Jerga reaches for the demon king while still being impaled.

“Sacred Fire Light Cannon <Teo Trias>”

<Ask> converts the feelings of the people into a magic shell and releases it.

A large explosion rings out and wraps them in sacred light.

“Kanon! Do it n⚊”

Jerga’s words are cut off as his lung is crushed and the power leaves his

“…….Bast……..ard………our comrades……..”

The power of <Teo Trias> was insufficient. Originally, there was enough
power to penetrate the demon kings anti-magic barrier but the prayers and
wishes fell off dramatically.

“What? I simply intimidated people.”

Before killing the formidable Jerga, Arnos chipped away at the power of
<Teo Trias> by intimidating the demon king subjugation army which was
supplying him with magic power via their prayers and wishes.

If he wanted to, Arnos could neutralise all the humans in the city due to their
inherently low anti-magic capabilities. Killing them would be just as easy.

“……How dare……never forgive…..only you will I never forgive you


“Fumu. Well, that’s that then. From what I can see your origin is already at
its limit. You’ve fought well but your human body, once dead, can never be
revived again. If you die now nobody will be able to bring you back.”

Arnos finished speaking and then crushed Jerga’s other lung.


“Although you hadn’t got long left anyway.”

Jerga collapses on the spot.

“Now then hero Kanon.” The demon king said to Kanon who had readied his
holy sword. “Don’t you want peace to come soon?”

Kanon glares at the demon king.

“That’s a nice line from the man who plunged the world into chaos.”

“From your point of view that may be so. I want peace in Deiruheido and if
possible I’d like to achieve it without destroying Azeshion.”

Kanon stares at demon king with an alert look.

“If my words interest you at all come to Deruzogedo. I have also invited the
great spirit and the creation god as well. If none of you likes what I’ve got to
say then you can all join powers and try to defeat me.”

As soon as he finishes speaking the demon king of tyranny turns his back on
Kanon and leaves using Transfer <Gatom>.


Kanon immediately rushes over to Jerga and casts anti-magic healing

<Enshell> on him. Although the wounds were made by the demon king they
were surprisingly shallow so they didn’t require much effort to heal.


“Don’t worry.”

Jerga stands up and Kanon speaks.

“…..Shall I return your origin sensei?”

The hero Kanon has 7 origins but he was not born that way. He obtained
them by transferring them from other people using the power of the holy

By taking a little bit of origin from multiple people he obtained 7 origins that
allowed him to compete with the demon king.
Amongst those people that gave him some of their origin was Jerga.

“Such a thing is impossible now. Even with the holy sword, the origin that
has been separated cannot be fully returned to its original state.”

“Even so. I can still restore some of your origin sensei. As it is


“Kanon. It was a decision I made. I bet on you beating the demon king. Not
only me either. Everyone that gave you some of their origin is the same.”
Jerga says with a firm will.

“You are hope. Defeat the demon king and save the world. You are the only
sun still shining in this world covered in darkness. Even if it doesn’t come
true now, someday, your hold sword will fulfil the longing of humanity. I
will not lose that hope.”

Listening to the words of Jerga, Kanon falls silent.

After a while he says.

“…..What do you think sensei?”

“About what?”

“What the demon king of tyranny said earlier.”

Jerga answered immedaitely.

“I don’t believe it. Mazoku are creatures that live to kill humans. Do we
destroy them or do they destroy us? It’s one or the other. Coexistence is

Kanon nods but there’s a shadow in his expression.

“Kanon. You are kind but the mazoku are creatures that do not deserve your
kindness. They are a corrupt existence that do not belong in this world. You
do not need to feel guilty about killing them. Slaughtering them will be
salvation for them. Have courage for you are the hero chosen by the holy


When Kanon answered Jerga swayed and fell down on one knee.


“…….Aah. Stop being so noisy. I’m just tired. I’m old………”

Kanon stares at him anxiously.


“I’m fine. Go and let everyone know that the demon king has left. Everyone
is probably still feeling uneasy.”


Jerga stares at Kanon’s back as he runs towards the castle.

“……………Is this my limit?…………Seems like it………”

Jerga draws a magic formation on the ground and disappears using <Gatom>.

He arrives in a dimly lit room covered everywhere with magic formations.

Even the walls and ceiling are covered.

They are probably maintaining the huge globe of water that’s floating in the

It’s not just water though. It’s a magic tool with no form. It’s said to be Holy
water cleansed by a god.

“……..The mazoku must be destroyed…….”

Jerga looks at the holy water ball.

“……..Even if this body turns into magic……” he mutters with a dark look.
66. Tranquil morning

In the darkness, I felt a little hand touch me.


I hear the voice of a familiar girl as I’m gently shaken.


I open my eyes and see a girls face looking at me.

Beautiful blue eyes and long platinum blonde hair with ringlets that tickle the
tip of my nose.

It’s Misha.

“Woke up?”


Misha laughs happily and says

“Good morning.”

Getting out of my bed I ask Misha

“Why are you here Misha?”

I draw a magic circle under my feet and change my pyjamas into my uniform

“Practising making bento today.”

I see. Was my mother teaching you how to make bento’s while she was
making mine?

“I also made breakfast.”

“I’m looking forward to it.”

Misha blinks several times and looks surprised at my words.

“What’s wrong?”

“Going to eat?”

“We are talking about breakfast right?”

Misha nods a couple of times and points to herself.


“Can’t I?”

“Mother made Arnos’ share.”

I see.

“Let’s go then.”


Misha answers plainly like normal and opens the door.

Her expression is as deadpan as ever but she seems depressed.

“I’ll happily trade my breakfast for the one Misha made.”

Misha stares into my eyes searching for my true intent.

“………That okay?”

“If it’s okay with you.”

Misha thought a little before answering.

“Arnos likes mothers cooking.”

“I do indeed, but I seldom get a chance to eat your cooking.”

Misha looked down a little and smiled a shy but happy smile.


“I’m just whimsical.”

Misha shakes her head.

“Did Arnos understand?”

“Understand what?”

“My feelings?”

“That you were a bit disappointed?”

Misha lowers her eyes slightly when I pointed it out.


“You often look at me as well.”

When it comes to seeing right to the bottom of my heart no one else comes
close to matching Misha.

“However, my demon eyes won’t lose to you.”

When I say that Misha’s eyes open a little and she laughs.

“Did I say something funny?”

“Have a guess”

Why did she laugh?

“Are you happy?” (A)

“Look more.” (M)

Misha answered me but didn’t give me an actual answer.

Misha heads down to the living room and I follow.

Breakfast is set out ready on the table but only for two people.

“My parents?”


My dad is still helping out the workshop that helped him with the Kongo Iron
sword. Thanks to the demon sword tournament my dad seems to have been
acknowledged as a superior craftsman now. He’s even been told he can go
and help out anytime he wants in the future.

“My mom?”

“A customer asked for an appraisal at their home but it’s quite far away.”

So she left early then.

“Arnos was tired from the tournament so they said they didn’t want to wake

I wasn’t actually tired but I guess it’s a parent thing.

“Shall we eat?”


It’s usually quite noisy thanks to my noisy parents but me and Misha had a
quiet breakfast together.

After finishing breakfast we tidy up and leave the house together.

Walking side by side we take a leisurely walk to school.

I could have used <Gatom> but we have plenty of time. There’s no need to

It’s not a bad feeling at all attending school while slowly taking in the
morning streets.


We encounter a face we know well.

It’s Sasha and she’s looking at us suspiciously.

“……….Why are you coming to school with Misha?”

“Because we met this morning.”

“I can see that you’ve met up. I was asking why. Don’t you want to tell me?
Is the explanation awkward?”

“Bento.” Misha says. “I had Arnos’ mother teach me.”

“I see. Hmph. You did say you were learning cooking. If you were going this
morning you should have told me.”

Sasha seems slightly dissatisfied. Do you feel left out?

“I said.”

“Eh? When?”

“When I went out this morning.”

Sasha looks down in thought but doesn’t seem to remember at all.

“You’d already gone when I got up though…….”

Misha shakes her head.

“That was the second time.”


I see. Sasha fell asleep again after Misha told her.

“Fumu. Sasha’s weak in the mornings it seems.”

“I’m not really……….”

Misha nods at me.

“Very weak.”

“I’m not. It just takes me a while to get out of bed, my head is all fluffy and
my memories a bit vague. That’s all.”

How is that not weak? Have you listened to yourself?

“What’s with those triumphant eyes?” (S)

“It’s fine. It’s nothing to be ashamed about. Being weak in the mornings isn’t
a problem. Your life isn’t over because of it.”

“Can you stop talking like you’re saying something really important?” (S)

I told her she didn’t have to be ashamed but it looks like she didn’t
understand what I was saying.

“Whatever. It’s fine. Let hurry up and get going.” (S)

As soon as Sasha started walking Misha hurried after her.


“About what?”

“……..I went alone.”

“I don’t mind that. It can’t be helped that you expressly left early this
morning and made a big detour to Arnos’s house.”

Misha looks down thinking.

“……I won’t go anymore……”

“Why? I said I don’t mind. If Misha wants to go then just go.”

Misha falls silent and I start laughing.

“What are you laughing at?”

“Nothing at all except you’ve done nothing but lie since we met up Sasha. If
you wanted to come to my house you should just say so.”

“I………. I didn’t say I wanted to come or anything……”

Her words feebly drop off at the end.

“There’s no point in being stubborn. You are weak in the mornings and
couldn’t come anyway but don’t worry about it. In front of me, your morning
weakness means nothing.”

“…..Errrm. You seem to be exaggerating a bit there but what do you intend
to do?”

“I’ll come to you and wake you up myself.”


Sasha’s face turns beet red.

“I’m not as nice as Misha. Don’t think I’ll let you fall asleep twice in front of

I look into Sasha’s eyes while talking.

“What’s your answer?”

Sasha couldn’t meet my eyes and looks down.


Sasha’s answer is very faint. Is it really so embarrassing not being able to get
up in the morning?

“We can all go together next time.” I say to Misha who nods happily.

“…..Bu…….but…its weird that Arnos will come to wake me up just so I can

go to Arnos’ house.”

Sasha starts mumbling to herself.

“Yo. Good morning.”

I turned around and Ray was standing there.


Misha and Sahsa say good morning to Ray together.

“Have you always gone to school together?”

“No. It’s just a coincidence this morning.”

Ray walks over to my side.

“Oh, by the way. Do you have any idea where I can find a good demon

“Fumu. A stand-in for Initeio?”

“Because it was spectacularly broken it can be fixed but it will take quite a
while so I need a replacement for the time being.”

Fair enough. Not like he can have Sheila become his sword every time he
needs one. I wonder if I’ve got a suitable sword for Ray in my treasury?

“Good morning everyone!”

In the distance, Misa waved at us and runs over to us where we greet her.

“This is unusual all of you attending school together.”

“Yeah. Apparently its a coincidence.” Ray says.

“That’s right. *Fufufu* but it’s nice being able to attend school this way
since I was always alone in the mornings.” (Misa)

“That’s surprising. I didn’t think you were someone that got lonely easily.”

“Ahahaha…..That’s a secret…….”

As two people make a little exchange we continue on our way to Deruzogedo

enjoying the tranquil morning calm.
67. Academy exchange

We enter our classroom and take our seats.

“Oh yeah Ray about that thing you mentioned before.”


Leaning back in his chair Ray looks over at me.

“Have you got time after school?”

“You going somewhere?”

“Somewhere secret. I’ll give you a demon sword.”

“Ooh. I look forward to it.”

Quiet voices come from the classroom.

It’s my fan union.

“Hey, hey, did you hear that?”


“After school Arnos-sama is going to give Ray-kun his demon sword…….!”

“In other words……!?”

“Arnos-sama’s sword has become a demon swoooooord!!”

“A demon sword, kyaaaaaaa!”

“Should I report it to honoured mother………….?”

“She might be shocked though…………”

“You’re right…..but.”

Fumu. Apparently, there seems to be another misunderstanding. I can’t let

this be reported to my mother or even more misunderstandings will arise.

“Elen, Jessica.”

When I call their names they turn to look at me in surprise.

“Ye…..yesss Arnos-sama!”

“What is it!?”

I’ll gently persuade them.

“It’s a secret from my mother.”


“I’ll protect it with my life!”

That should do it. It takes time to resolve misunderstandings but at least they
shouldn’t talk about it now. If you don’t know something you can’t
misunderstand it.

“What should we do? We’ve been sworn to secrecy……..”

“So it’s true after all……..”

Sasha sends an amazed look my way.


“Nothing. I just wonder if this will work out like you hope.”
I laughed at Sasha’s words.

“This much is no big deal.”

“I don’t think you’ve got the margin you think you do. I’m pretty sure this
situation will be irreparable soon.”

“Are you worried?”

“…….I’m not worried particularly……” Sasha murmurs.

The bell to begin lessons rings out but no one comes.

“Strange.” Misha mutters from her seat next to me. “Emilia-sensei is always
on time.”

Sasha speaks up as she notices something.

“Nee. Didn’t Emilia-sensei attack your mother on the day of the



“…….What’s wrong?” Sasha asks me as I start laughing.

“What do you think happened to her?”

Sasha pulled back a little at my words.

“Stop it. Don’t laugh like a demon king………..”

I only laughed normally though and I am the demon king so of course my

laugh is a demon king laugh.

“Okay, everyone back in your seats.”

A woman with long ears enters the classroom.

She’s wearing the same black academic robes that Emilia wore so she’s
obviously a teacher here.

“Right, it’s nice to meet you all. I’m Menou Historia and I’m in charge of the
3rd year class 1. Though it’s only temporary I’ll also be in charge of this

The classroom becomes noisy.

One of the female students raises her hand and asks.

“Sensei, what happened to Emilia-sensei?”

“I haven’t been told much myself so I don’t know many details but it appears
Emilia-sensei has resigned from the demon king academy.”

The classroom got even noisier.


“………….Wasn’t her resignation a bit quick?”

“Usually there’d be a leaving speech. Is she sick or injured?”

“Without Emilia-sensei that inept person is going to become even more


Menou claps her hands.

“Yes yes, everyone quieten down. I wasn’t able to meet her so I don’t know
the circumstances hence I can’t answer your questions. All I can say is it was
so sudden we haven’t been able to recruit a new teacher yet so I’m filling in

“But don’t you teach a third-year class Menou-sensei?”

“Isn’t it impossible to teach us both together?”

“Nn. Of course I can’t do that but it was so sudden there’s no other choice.
I’ll be making both you and my other class do self-study every other day and
alternate between you both. It will only be for about a week though.”

“A week? Will a new teacher start next week?”

“Yes, though it’s not actually due to Emilia-sensei. It had already been
planned that there would be an exchange with Deruzogedo.”

The whole classroom seems puzzled. Apparently, no one knew of this.

“What’s an academy exchange sensei?”

“Simply put it means going to a different school and interacting with the
students and teachers there, learning new things, new ways of doing things
and working hard together.”

The class still seems full of doubt.

“A different school……?”

“In Deiruheido the demon king academy is the top school. There’s nothing
that can’t be learnt here. Regardless of who it is, is there any merit in this

“That true and until now Deruzogedo had no opportunity to interact with any
other schools apart from those in Deiruheido.” (Menou)

“Where else is there apart from Deiruheido?”

“Azeshion. We’ve been talking to the hero academy in the royal capital of
Gairadeite for a number of years now trying to make it happen. Though it
was a bit sudden they’ve agreed to it this time for some reason.” (Menou)

The students let out a surprised voice.

“Azeshion? Doesn’t that mean its a human school?”

“What’s a hero? Have you heard of it before?”

“No. I’ve got no idea.”

“If I remember correctly weren’t the heroes one of the groups fighting against
the demon king of tyranny? I’m sure in the past humans and mazoku were
enemies with the mazoku being led by the demon king and the humans being
led by the hero.”

“I see. Arent humans weak though? Is a hero strong?”


Fumu. There seem to be records of the heroes but they are not well known in
Deiruheido. After I created the wall all interactions with humans ceased.
With the battles gone the fights with the heroes also became a thing of the

It’s no surprise really that the details of a 2000-year-old war with the humans
is not discussed much.

That being said, it seems to be relevant now.

The fact that the heroes are treated as a small thing by the mazoku in
Deiruheido coupled with this sudden hero academy exchange seems very
much like a plan of Avos Dillheavia.

Should I check in with Melhey’s later?

“Everyone seems to be lacking in their studies. You should have lightly

touched on the heroes in your history lessons.”

Menou faces the blackboard and writes Hero Corps <Asura> and 7 classes.

“I’ll do a quick and easy review. It’s said that the heroes developed army
magic during the great war and that was the Hero Corp <Asura>. The basic
structure is the same as Demon King Army <Guys> with 7 classes.”

Menou turns to look at the students.

“Right. Does anyone remember them?”

Nobody raises their hand so Menou looks at Misha questioningly.

“Haven’t learnt it yet.”

“………That’s right. Isn’t this something the third years are taught?”

Fumu. Apparently, Menou was a bit careless and seems embarrassed now. I
raise my hand while the teacher seems troubled.

“Hero <Brave>, Sage<Wiseman>, Mage <Mage>, Priest <Healer>,

Summoner <Summoner>, Holy Knight <Cavalier> and Spirit User
<Shaman>. Those are the seven classes and they align with the classes of
Demon King Army <Guys>.”

Menou seems really happy with my answer.

“Correct answer. Do you know the difference between <Asura> and


“<Guys> is army magic just the same as <Asura>, however, the biggest
difference is the Demon King <King> gives his magic power to his
subordinates whereas with <Asura> the subordinates give their power to the
Hero <Brave>. Also, <Guys> focuses on castle building and defence whereas
<Asura> was developed to destroy the castle.”

The hero gathers power and defeats the demon king.

Cut off the head. It was the only way those with inferior power could beat the
mazoku. If the mazoku lose their leader they very quickly become nothing
more than a disorderly rabble.

“However, <Asura> doesn’t prove its worth by itself. Sanctuary <Ask> turns
your companion’s hearts into magic power and enables you to fight against
powerful mazoku with the power it gives you.” (Arnos)

“That’s great. You are studying properly. Sanctuary <Ask> is prayer magic
and isn’t something that can be taught at this academy. In that sense, I think
this exchange will be meaningful for Deruzogedo as well.”

Strange. 2000 years later they are going to teach each other the magic they
developed to defeat each other.

“However, <Asura> and <Ask> are both magics only usable by the hero. The
purpose of studying it is to learn the techniques and magic and peer deeper
into its abyss. Eventually, I think the magic will be able to be applied and
developed for the mazoku as well. That’s why I think this exchange………”

Menou’s words trailed off and she turned to look at me with a questioning

“…..Eh? How do you know about <Ask>? You won’t have been taught that

“Sensei, never mind <Asura> and <Ask>. We’re first years. A lot of us are
still practising and learning to cast <Guys>.”

When that was pointed out by one of the students Menou raised her voice and
went “Aah!”.

“I see. I’m sorry. I mistook you for my 3rd-year class……..!”

After apologising, Menou looked at me again with a questioning look.

“………..You. Why do you know about <Asura>? And as for <Ask> not
even the 3rd years have been taught about that yet………”

“Because I saw it so much in the past I got tired of it. Also, Menou, your
explanation is wrong.”

I draw a magic formation and activate a certain magic.


Menou’s face was full of surprise.

“……No way…..that’s………<Asura>……..”

Menou knew what <Asura> looked like so I assume she must have seen it at
the hero academy.
“This magic can be used by anyone, not just the hero but <Guys> is more
efficient for the mazoku to use.”

Menou doesn’t appear to be able to keep up with what’s happening and can’t
speak. She just keeps staring at <Asura> in utter amazement.
68. The demon king self-studies

“Amazing, you’re amazing Arnos-sama! As noble as always!”

“Yes! If Arnos-sama teaches me the heroes magic then we don’t need to go

on this school exchange!”

“This school exchange means we have to go to Azeshion right? Will we be

lodging somewhere?”

“Possibly………….are you going to do a night raid!?” (1)

“I can’t do something that shameful!”

“Why are you asking then?”

“Will we sleep in the same building as Arnos-sama? If so, isn’t that the same
as sleeping together? It’s almost a hug right!?”

“You know…….your strong delusions are quite embarrassing.”

My fan union is being noisy as usual.

“…….I see……… You’re that inept person.”

Has it finally clicked? Menou looked at my school badge.

“I thought something about you was familiar. You’re Arnos-kun right? You
won the sword tournament.”


“Like the rumours say, you really can do incredible things.”

You might hear about my power but to actually witness it. Can’t you hide
your surprise?

Well, I’m pretty sure Emilia wasn’t saying anything good about me to the
other teachers so Menou might have been doubting what she’d heard.

From what I’ve seen of Menou she doesn’t seem to be one of the stiff royals
like Emilia either.

“Well then, as you can all see this is the heroes magic. Anyway, next week
everyone in this class will be going to the royal capital of Gairadeite and
studying at the hero academy. My third-year class will also be going. The owl
will be delivering all the necessary paperwork to your houses today so keep
an eye out for it.”

Getting over her surprise Menou had started over again.

“Today is only a quick introduction from me so the rest of your day is self-
study. Please try not to disturb the other classes.”

Menou heads out of the room but stops as she remembers something.

“Oh right. I’m sure the hero academy is also practising army magic so there
might be a competition between them using <Asura> and us using <Guys>.
The best mazoku from all over Deiruheido are gathered here in this school so
I won’t accept us losing.”

Menou winks mischievously.

“Well, I’m sure the third years will uphold our honour but I expect no less
from yourselves either. Please don’t show any unseemly behaviour and all of
you do your best with self-study.”

Menou leaves the class.

“Fumu. Self-study huh?”

“You’re not going to bother are you?” Sasha says looking over at me.
“Of course I am. It will be too boring otherwise.”

I stand up

“Misha, Sasha, Ray, Misa come with me for a bit.”

“That’s fine.” (Ray)

“What are we doing?” (Misha)

“Because its self-study I’m going to teach you how to use your powers.”

I hold out my hand and Misha takes it. The others also hold hands and I use

The place we arrived at was the demon forest. This is the best place for
practising due to the magic soil that repairs anything so you can go wild
without worrying.

“……………I’ve got a bad feeling about this. What are we doing

here…….?” (Sasha)

“I’m going to teach you all.”

Sasha had a faraway look in her eyes for a moment.

“You serious?” (Sasha)

“I said I’d teach you all to use your power. The mock fight between us and
the hero academy is also a certain thing too. There’s no way it’s just a

“I guess, but you alone will be enough won’t you?” (Sasha)

“I won’t deny that.”

“I learnt something during the demon sword tournament.” (Arnos)

Sasha’s face takes on a curious expression and Misha stares at me

“Learnt what?” (Misha)

“Even if its insignificant use everything you have. Doing your best is the
highest thing you can do. Even if you have to overturn heaven and earth,
push through with all your might. Doing that gives birth to something

“……….Why are you coming out with those springtime of youth lines when
you have that insane power…….?” Sasha complains while Misa has a bitter

“……Ahaha…….Even if we know that, those things rarely work.” (Misa)

“I understand it though. Arnos’ feelings.” Ray says with his refreshing smile.

“I thought you’d say that Ray.”

“Good thing.” (Misha)


Misha nodded.

“Do my best.”

I glance over at Misa.

“Of course I’ll do it.”


“If everyone else is I will too. I’ll come with you.”

I laugh and start walking.

“I’m glad I’ve got such understanding followers.”

I activate a magic formation and turn back to face Sasha.

Sasha’s eye’s round in surprise.

“…..Wait a sec. You can’t be serious…….”

“Defend against it otherwise you’ll die.”

A jet black sun left a trail of light behind it as it shot towards Sasha.

Sasha immediately dodges it by jumping up and activating Flight <Fres>.

The tree’s behind her disappear in a jet black explosion.

I ready another one.

“Hey! Wait wait! Isn’t firing off Flame Prison Anhiliation Cannon <Geo
Greys> a bit much for self-study?”

“What sort of self-study doesn’t endanger your life?”

“What are you saying!? Are you an idiot!?”

“It’s fine Sasha. Your origin gives off its most demonic energy when your
life is in danger. A light that is about to go out increases its light to stay lit.
This is a solid guidepost to follow for those who study magic.”

Sasha barely evades another <Geo Greys> while her face has the look of
someone driven into a corner.

The scenery behind her is burnt again.

“It doesn’t matter how strong my magic gets if I’m dead does it!”

“Of course it does. Use that stronger light to avoid your lamp going out. Use
your power right at the moment you are about to die to save yourself. Then
the next time you are about to die your power will increase again.”

The mazoku in this age are weak because there is no risk of death. In order to
increase your power, it’s essential to die to the extent where you don’t die
I ready another <Geo Greys>.

“…….Saying such absurd things…….”

“You can do it”

“Such a reason.”

“You can do it. Don’t you believe in me Sasha?”

Sasha looks at me silently.

“Use your <Demon Eyes of Ruin>. They are the ultimate anti-magic.
Remember when you resisted the time magic of Eugo Ra Raviaz?”

I fire another <Geo Greys>.


Sasha deploys antimagic in front of her and slams the power of her demon
eyes into the <Geo greys>.

“……………..Take responsibility if I die!!”

The <Geo Greys> burns through Sasha’s antimagic in no time but Sasha’s
<Demon Eyes of Ruin> reduce the momentum of the black sun.

The black sun got smaller and smaller as well as the flames dimmed but it
didn’t lose all it power and slammed into Sasha.


Sasha was engulfed in black flames and got blown away right to the other
side of the demon forest.

“Is….Is she okay?”(Misa)

Although not perfect she was prepared to die and as such her <Demon Eye’s
of Ruin> almost destroyed the <Geo Greys>. Thanks to the <Phoenix’s
Vestment> she won’t die though.

“I would say I’d fight you but I’ve got no sword.” (Ray)

“Leave it to me.”(Misha)

Misha uses Construction Creation <Ibis> and makes an ice demon sword for

“I’m saved.”

Ray picks up the sword and heads towards me.

“Here I come Arnos………!!”


I catch the blade with my hand and shatter it.

“That was a poor use of <Ibis> Misha. When creating stones don’t create the
stone but create the atoms that make up the stone. What makes a demon
sword? You should look into the abyss better for your answer.”

While speaking I thrust my fist at Ray who tries to handle it barehanded.


It seemed like he blocked it for a moment but my strike broke through and
connected deep in the pit of his stomach.


“You need to think more about how to fight if you lose your sword Ray. If
you have a sword you arent likely to be defeated by your opponent but if you
lose your sword you have too many openings that can be exploited.”

“……..That may be so but you feel stronger than before……..”

“Even I don’t stand in the same place for long. If you want to catch up with
me you’d better run with all your might.”

Ray collapses on the spot as rain starts to fall on me.

Misa is nowhere to be seen.

Rain Spirit Mist <Fuska>.

“Don’t keep showing me the same magic over and over again even if it is
spirit magic.”

I walk slowly forward and grab a single drop of rain.


It turned into the body of Misa.

“You are weak to begin with Misa but even the weak have their own way of
fighting. Use your head more and make better use of your spirit magic.”

I hit Misa with my magic power and she falls down unconscious.


I turn around to look at Misha who’s made a huge demon castle out of ice
using <Ibis>

“Again.” (Misha)

“All right.” (Arnos)

I create another demon castle on the spot using <Ibis>.

Turning my palm upwards my castle rises into the sky.

“I’ll try it.” (Arnos)

I point at Misha’s castle and my castle flies towards it colliding violently.

A loud noise resounds and countless pieces of rubble fall down.

After the dust settled only my castle remained. All that was left of Misha’s
castle was rubble.

“You’ve still got a long way to go.”

Misha suddenly falls down unconscious. Without any hesitation, she had
poured every bit of magic she had into that castle.

“Fumu. Good resolve.”

I draw a formation under everyone and cast Total Complete Demon Healing
<Ai Shearu>.

All 4 people regained consciousness and slowly got up.

Using <Guys> I restore their lost magic power with my own.

“Now then, let’s continue our self-study. I’ll revive you all as many times as
needed until school ends.”

(1) The term used here is Yobai which roughly means night crawling.
69. Unique sword Sigshesta

After performing meaningful self-study all day I took Ray to my treasure

vault hidden in the underground dungeon of Deruzogedo after school ended.

Ray was looking around in astonishment after seeing the sheer amount of
magic tools and weapons.

“All “these yours Arnos?”

“I collected them all 2000 years ago.”

“Hou. The story of you being the demon king of tyranny is gradually starting
to feel more real.”

Ray’s voice is definitely distracted as he talks to me while looking around.

To this man, the demon swords in front of him are far more important than
the demon king of tyranny from 2000 years ago.

“Choose whatever you like.”

Ray starts looking at the demon swords one by one.

All these swords are excellent articles from the age of myths but its hard to
say if any of them are as good as Initeio to him.

Initeio is a good demon sword but it’s not very powerful. Even though it can
slash magic formulas it doesn’t mean it can negate all magic. The user must
use their own ability to cut the magic.

One example would be if you shot a mass of magic attacks and the user
couldn’t cut them all. Or the time when Misa used Initeio and was unable to
cut the complicated formula of Demon Ice Demon Fire Rivalry Wave <Jie
Gureido>. You could also just fire a wave of pure magic with no formula
which would be very hard to cut with Initeio.

Even though it can cut through anti-magic, barriers and formulas its pretty
mediocre as a sword due to its power being greatly dependent on its user. In
the hands of Ray, it becomes a fearsome demon sword that can defeat both
offensive and defensive magics. The slashing of all its opponents magic at the
sword tournament was due to Ray’s skill.

Initeio was a good matchup for Ray due to him not being very good at magic
but good with a sword.


Ray stopped and turned his eyes to the corner of the vault.

“Can I try that one?”


Ray draws a demon sword from its sheath. The sword’s body is a silver so
beautiful its enough to fascinate the eye.


Fumu. Has that one attracted your eye? It’s quite a strange one.

“Unique sword Sigshesta. It’s a very troublesome demon sword.”

So Ray can try it out I create a statue in front of him using <Ibis>.

“Try to cut it.”

Ray steps in front of the statue and swings Sigshesta down faster than the eye
can follow.

The sword passes through the statue cleanly but nothing happens. It’s fully


Ray smiles at the sword with interest.

“Sigshesta’s blade changes for the demon using it but it’s a tricky sword to
use. If you don’t focus your mind and heart completely it won’t cut

Even one stray thought or idle idea and the sword won’t show its full
potential. Sigshesta only turns into a demon sword when your mind, body
and soul are concentrating on one thing and that’s easier said than done.
That’s not something that can be easily achieved.

Not to mention such single-mindedness on the battlefield will get you killed
right away. To make matters worse, preparing wholly for your opponent’s
attack doesn’t mean the sword will acknowledge it as single-minded

“Can you use it Arnos?”

“I can, but in my case I just force it to obey me. As far as I know, only one
person has ever been able to truly master Sigshesta.”

“I’d love to fight that a person. Is that demon sword user still around Arnos?”

I laughed.

“No. He said he wanted to reincarnate. He gave me that magic sword to put


Sigshesta is the demon sword my right-hand man Shin used 2000 years ago.

“If it’s you though, you might be able to use that sword.”

“Because you resemble that fellow a lot.”

Ray smiles his refreshing smile

“Am I that reincarnated person?”

“I don’t know yet. Are you aware of anything from back then?”

Ray thinks about it while staring at the sword.

“I feel like I’ve lived in another age apart from this one but I don’t have any
memory of it.”

I see.

“If you master that sword you might remember something.”

“Why’s that?”

“A unique sword changes with its owner but the spirit of a previous owner
can reside in the blade. If you were that previous owner you should be able to
sync with the thoughts left in the blade.”

It’s possible Shin foresaw this and that’s the reason he had me put it here so
he could get it back someday when he reincarnated.

“Well, even if you remember your past life not much would change. I don’t
think there’s any real need to remember it.”

“Perhaps, but for now I’ll take this sword.”

“Don’t you want to carry on looking?”

“I like this sword.”

The sword is probably calling him but even if it’s not, deliberately choosing
the most troublesome sword possible is something Shin would do.

“Shall we go back then?”

After reaching the surface me and Ray parted ways with me heading off to
the Arnos fan union tower.

I enter the tower and start to head on up. I’d promised Melheys we’d talk.

As I approached the 2nd-floor familiar voices could be heard.

“Okay then. Now onto the lyrics of the Arnos-sama support song number 3.
Anyone with any ideas please raise your hand.”

“Yes! I think this one should be about the feelings associated with the lines
Arnos-sama has said.”

“What lines has he said?”

“Like the one he said during the demon sword training class [Did you think
my head would break just because you cut a mountain in two?] that one.”

“Ohh. I like it.”

“That it? In the case of Arnos-sama, his head not breaking is nothing special.
Doesn’t that line lack a good direction?”

“I agree.”

“If we do make lyrics like that then what would be the Arnos-sama style?”

The girls of the fan union fall into silence as they think but no one seems to
have a good idea. After a while, a subdued voice spoke up.

“[Did you think we were dating because we kissed?]”

The girls let out a scream.

“Fiend! Arnos-sama you brute! But it sounds so good!! It’s cool! It’s
definitely something Arnos-sama would say!”

That not something I’d say.

“Then how about this? [Did you think you took my heart just because I held

“Nooooo!! The brute!! But I definitely want to be told that!!”

“[Just because we’ve met at noon did you think I wouldn’t want your body?]”

“A straight delivery! That’s too fast Arnos-sama! Being active from lunch!”

“How about this? [Did you think I’d marry you just because you love me?]”

“I don’t know anymoooooore! It’s too mysterious! My brain is overheating!”

“The last line could be [Did you think you stopped being my thing just
because I threw you away?]”

“Noo! I don’t want to be thrown away! Stop it, stop it Arnos-sama. You say it
like I’m a convenient girl……..its cruel……”

Fumu. What the hell is going on?

“This has a good feeling now. Is the storyline any good?”

“I think so, yes. Let’s go for a love song for the 3rd Arnos-sama support

“Wait a minute. A love song isn’t a support song is it? How are we supposed
to sing that when Arnos-sama is fighting?”

“Ah, that’s right.”

“It would be odd……..”

“What if we think of it this way? Because Arnos-sama is so strong and all

fights are trivial to him, he hears our song and his heart burns with love and
desire to spend the night with his chosen one!?”

For a moment total silence came and then.

“Ge….geniuuuuuuuuuuuuuus!! Have you seen through the heart of Arnos-

You didn’t see through my heart.

“Ehehe……….Just because it’s a support song it doesn’t mean it can’t also

be a love song.”

A giant scream sounded throughout the tower.

Fumu. Whatever. Let’s just pretend I didn’t hear anything.

I need to talk to Melheys and they are happy and having fun.

I carry on up the tower.

70. Mystery of the hero academy

Melheys was waiting for me when I arrived at the top floor.

“I’ve been waiting for you Arnos-sama.”

Melhys kneels before me and bows his head.

“What about Gaius and Idol?”

“They were successfully revived and like the others, someone attacked them
2000 years ago and took over their origins and bodies.”

The same as Aivis then. I think its safe to say that that the other elder demon
emperors will be the same.

“Out of the seven elder demon emperors, there is now three on our side. Do
you want me to strengthen the unification faction with this?” (M)

It doesn’t appear that Avos Dillheavia knows that Aivis is alive yet so only
Melheys, Gaius and Idol can move openly on the table as my subordinates.
Each side now has three of the seven elder demon emperors that they can use.

In political terms, the unification faction now rivals the royal faction so I
should be able the place some of Avos Dillheavia’s plans in checkmate.


“You can leave it as it is. No matter how much you try to change it the
thoughts of the Mazoku will not change so easily. If we try to force it,
Deiruheido will be split in two.”

Because the royals and the royal faction hold so much power the mixed races
and the unification faction keep a low profile. The power of the royals allows
people like Emilia to come out of the woodwork. If the unification faction
learns they have the power to oppose them now, they will act.

I could easily take control of Deiruheido again but it’s not all about power.
How many people would I have to kill to silence the royals and bring them
into line?

Say I do unite the mazoku then what of Avos Dillhevaia? He would probably
hesitate and run away and then it’s just another problem deferred to a later

Saying that I doubt he has any intention of losing. He’s been preparing for
2000 years after all.

For now, let’s just let the other side carry on. If they believe things are going
their way they might appear before me and that is the time to kill them.

“Certainly my lord. I have one final question if I may?”

“Why was it only you who didn’t have his origin taken over?”

Melheys nods with a serious look on his face.

“Indeed. The other seven elder demon emperors had their origins fused and
their bodies taken over, but in my case, I was only stabbed with the demon
slavery sword. This difference is quite significant.”

“Perhaps they thought I wouldn’t be able to see through it or more likely they
didn’t have enough subordinates.”

“Do you believe they only have a handful of subordinates?”

“If you are letting them take over someone’s body you have to really trust
them unless you are throwing them away then, in that case, you can have as
many as you want but it will be hard to build up trusted retainers doing that.”

If I follow that line of thinking then they only have 3 trusted retainers left in
the remaining demon emperors.
“It could be they want me to think they only have 3 pieces left to play.”

At the very least Avos Dillheavia is not stupid and is careful as well. They
have placed double and triple traps and are probably waiting for me to walk
into one.

“I have questions for the leader of the unification faction but that doesn’t
appear to be you.”

“……….You saw that as well? As expected of Arnos-sama…….”

“Who is it?”

“…………I don’t know………. They are probably a royal though since

they’ve gone to great lengths to hide their identity. If its a demon emperor or
someone close to that position and its found out they support the unification
faction then they will be driven out and the unification faction will crumble.”

That’s a good reason to hide your identity. Saying that, if you are not a
demon emperor or a person close to one then you can easily hide your
identity. Avos Dillhevia fits that description.

“I checked and checked but they are brilliant at hiding their identity. Even
their magic trace has been erased. I’m of the opinion that its a mazoku from
the age of myths like myself.”

A logical conclusion. They could have seen what the current Deiruheido was
turning into and formed the unification faction.

“However, if that is the case then now that Arnos-sama has been reincarnated
they should appear before you.”

It is reasonable to think that since its hard to imagine any mazoku from 2000
years ago ignoring the demon king of tyranny.

“It might be they aren’t showing themselves yet because they can’t.”

“That is a strong possibility, my lord.”

Judging by the events of the tournament that masked man was not the leader

Another subordinate of Avos Dillheavia?

“Let me ask about something else Melheys. Do you know anything about the
hero academy?”

Melheys’ expression changed.

“…….Has something happened?”

“I’m going on an academy exchange. It happened very quickly and it’s more
than a little suspicious.”

“I don’t know if the hero academy is under the patronage of Avos Dillheavia
or not but I found no traces of Mazoku involvement when I investigated it.”

Melheys voice turned heavy

“Despite that please be careful around them. Since they were once our mortal
enemies I investigated the royal capital of Gairadeite. The humans have
certainly become peaceful and have had hardly any wars over the years,
however, Gairadeite spends 10% of Azeshions entire tax revenue on the hero

10% of your entire tax revenue on one institution? That’s an extraordinary


“What was the hero academy made to do?”

“Officially its to train heroes in the use of magic and weapons as well as to
give them a high standard of education. After they graduate they show the
fruits of their labour by contributing to the growth of the whole of Azeshion.”

Sounds like they take up similar roles to the demon emperors here in

“It smelt suspicious to me though. In the school, there’s an elite class called
[Jergakanon] and they are the ones that get a considerable amount of the
budget. The thing is when I tried to investigate them I couldn’t find

Fumu. Jergakanon? It could simply be they took the name of two legendary
heroes though.

“A hero is someone who fights in great wars. Unlike the demon king who
influences the mazoku, a hero is not needed in peaceful times. Of course,
that’s not to say that you can’t use the power of a hero to further your
countries development in peacetime……”

“In other words, you don’t believe its a normal academy?”

Melheys nods.

“Jergakanon appears to be the class where reincarnated heroes go. Even if it’s
got nothing to do with Avos Dillheavia you should still be cautious.”

The humans are plotting something then.

Due to them being inferior in magic humans plans are usually far more
insidious and nasty than any plan a mazoku comes up with.

“Humans live short lives. The only reason the humans can have to be hostile
to the mazoku 2000 years later is because the reincarnated heroes are trapped
in past grudges.” (A)

Even though I say that, when I created the wall I settled things with Kanon
and that guy would definitely not leave any grudges for future generations to
have against the mazoku.

I don’t remember any other heroes that I believe could reincarnate with their
old memories fully intact though.

“I don’t know the answer but it possible someone reincarnated from 2000
years ago with their memories fully intact. Like you say my lord, humans
lead short lives so if they have reincarnated with their 2000-year-old
memories intact that means they have successfully reincarnated many times
before to get to this point.” (M)

It depends on the situation but generally speaking Reincarnation <Silica>

depends on the users magic and lifespan. Humans reincarnate relatively
quickly but for a mazoku, it’s not uncommon for it to take 2000 years like

“Deruzogedo has had limited interaction with Gairadeite and the Hero
academy for quite some time now and the humans don’t appear to have any
hostility towards the mazoku though.” (M)

Well if you are going to start a war you aren’t going to declare it before you
are ready.

“Fumu. Then I’ll search the academy while I’m there. It’s highly unlikely
they will believe that the demon king of tyranny will be there on an academy


“Keep a close eye on the movement of the 7 elder demon emperors here in
Deiruheido. If anything happens let me know immediately and I’ll return
right away.”


I head back on down the tower.

A selection class called [Jergakanon]. If it’s for reincarnated heroes then even
if he doesn’t have any memories I want to meet the hero Kanon if he’s there.
71. Gairadeite expedition test

Next week in the second training room all the students had gathered. A lot of
luggage had been brought and was placed around the room.

It had the feel of preparing for a long journey.

As the bell rings signalling the start of lessons an owl flies through the

“Good morning everyone.”

Menou’s voice came from the owl’s mouth. I guess she’s talking through the
owl using magic.

“Today you are departing for Azeshion for the academy exchange. Your
destination is the royal capital of Gairadeite. As previously announced there
is no guide provided by the school for this journey. The 3rd years have
already been briefed so I’ll explain to the first years now.”

I perform a quick check and find another owl in the 3rd year’s classroom as
well. Presumably, we are all hearing Menou speak.

“In Deruzogedo we don’t have guides. If you are aiming to be a demon

emperor then you must get to your destination by your own power. Aah, I
don’t mind you helping each other out as students though.”

Part of the lesson is getting to your destination?

“There are various obstacles between here and Azeshion. If you chose to go
by sea then you have to cross the Eluga Straights. If you chose to go overland
then you have to beat the Deltest mountains or you could detour around the
mountains and go through the Tora forest. Finally, if you attempt to fly there
then be warned that the magic field when you enter Azeshion airspace is
disturbed and causes issues with flying.”

Which route is the quickest? Of course, the ability to chose the correct route
is also part of the test.

“Azeshion is different to Deiruheido. I’m sure everyone here will come

across things you’ve never seen before. We want you to learn not only the
things that will be taught in the academy but also how to deal with unknown
things during your journey there.”

This seems more interesting compared to previous classes but unfortunately,

I’ve been to the Eluga Straights, the Deltest mountains and the Tora forest a
number of times now.

I suppose they could be different from 2000 years ago though.

“You have 10 days to make it there and those that don’t arrive in the allotted
time will fail and will not be allowed to take part in the exchange. Of course,
the time you take to arrive will affect your grades. 1st years who arrive before
3rd years will also get more points so everyone do your best.”

10 days? That sounds about right.

Even if you go overland, if you keep running at a reasonable pace you will
arrive in plenty of time.

“By the way, sensei arrived in 2 days so 3rd years please use this as a guide
as to how long it should take you.”

2 days? That’s pretty fast by herself.

I wonder if she only teaches 3rd years? Her magic power is higher than

“That’s it everyone. The Gairadeite expedition exam starts now!”

At her signal about half of the students immediately left the room and the
remaining half were checking maps and talking about which route to take.
“Nee Arnos. You’ve actually been a bit interested in all of this but you
haven’t brought any luggage.” (Sasha)

Sasha hasn’t brought much luggage herself. Only a few days worth. I guess
she intends to arrive in 2 or 3 days.

“Why would I? It’s only a day trip to Gairadeite. I went a number of times in
the old days.”

Whenever the humans were showing signs of some type of shrewd plan I had
to go over and crush them each time.

“A day trip……..As unreasonable as ever I see…….”

“What route should we take?” (Misha)

“The sky is no good due to the magic in the airspace as you enter Azeshion
being disturbed. You might be okay after our self-study session though
Sasha.” (Arnos)

Sasha likes to use Flight <Fres> so during our self-study I deliberately

affected the magic in the air and made it hard for her to fly. As a result, she
can fly pretty good even in disturbed magical currents now.

“Ray and Misa?”

Misha looks over at them.

“Ahaha. I can’t fly but if I use Rain Spirit Mist <Fuska> I think I can keep
up.” (Misa)

Misa can move freely anywhere in <Fuska’s> range. Its efficiency is poor but
its speed is respectable.

“I guess I’ll just run. I’m not very good at <Fres>.” (Ray)

“Then isn’t overland better? If I fly low then we can all travel together.”
Sasha creates a map using magic and shows the 3 routes with a red line.

“The shortest route is through the forest of Tula and after that there are 3
routes you could go. The quickest of those is through the Mireinu desert. If
we don’t encounter any problems it will take one day to arrive.” (Sasha)

Because Menou said that the 3rd years should use the 2 days as a guide Sasha
is competing with them.

“If we were intending to walk there then that is a very accurate assessment
Sasha but why are you opening a map to go to Gairadeite?” (Arnos)


A few different expressions cross Sasha’s face

“I’ve already said I’ve been before. What magic do I use to go home with?”

“Transfer <Gatom>……….?”

“Can it be used over such long distances?” (Misha)

“It can. If I was to put it in modern-day terms it was originally developed for
busy mazoku to travel long distances multiple times a day on business.”

“…..I understand and you didn’t need to put it in modern terms.”(Misha)

I explained it clearly though?

“Anyway, forget one day. It will take us one second.” (Arnos)

I reach out to Sasha and we all take hands before I use <Gatom>.

The pure white landscape regains its colour and a vast lake appears before us.
A cityscape surrounded by walls is situated on the lake.

The royal fortress city of Gairadeite was built on an island in the centre of the
lake. The vast lake is called Lake Seimei (1) and is said to be a holy lake
which acts as a natural magic circle and has the power to seal evil.

It seems the holy water is still flowing strongly but do they have anyone that
can use it after 2000 years?

“It’s a bit of a let down to arrive so easily.” (Sasha)

“Heroes are said to be good with swords. It would be interesting to have a

sword exchange with some of them.” (Ray)

Sasha looks at Ray with an amazed look. I can see her thinking, how do you
intend to ask for a sword exchange when we haven’t even started the
academy exchange yet.

“You only ever think about swords Ray.” (Sasha)

Ray laughs.

“Maybe so. Just like you only ever think about the demon king.” (Ray)

“Wha……what are you saying…….” (Sasha)

Sasha’s face goes bright red.

“Students of the demon king academy are supposed to only think about the
demon king though. You look like an honour student.” (Ray)

Sasha glares at Ray.

“………I’ll remember this sword fetishist………” (Sasha)

Unusually, Sasha and Ray are trading barbs with each other as we saunter
over to the castle gates.

Seeing our uniforms and badges the soldiers on the gates let us right in.

As we went through the gate a voice came from behind me asking something
even I didn’t know the answer to.
“By the way, where is the 3rd hero academy dorm located?”

“To the east of the hero academy near the wall.” (Misha)

“Fumu. And where is the hero academy?” (Arnos)

“Arno’s doesn’t know either?” (Misha)

“It didn’t exist 2000 years ago.” (Arnos)

Misha points to a tall building in the distance.

“There. Hero academy Arclaniska. It was in the material we were given.”


Fumu. That was the name of the royal castle 2000 years ago. Did they turn it
into the hero academy?

I guess even though its a peaceful world and military facilities are no longer
required its a shame to lose magical facilities. Not a bad decision actually. It
would make a good place of learning. My castle of Deruzogedo was turned
into an academy as well.

On the surface, it seems a good idea but it feels suspicious to me.

“For now let’s go and meet Menou Sensei.” (Sasha)

“Will she be there? She won’t think anyone will be arriving today.” (Misa)

“……You have a point…….” (Sasha)

We might as well go anyway so we head over to the 3rd hero dorms.

After walking for a while and taking in the unfamiliar cityscape we arrive in
front of a beautifully decorated stone building.

It’s pretty big. I’d say it houses around 200 people. A sign above the gate
says [Arclaniska 3rd Dorm].
“Here.” (Misha)

Misha points and Menou comes out of the dorm.

“Fumu. We’ve arrived Menou.” (Arnos)


Menou stiffened like time had stopped for her.

“It should be a pretty good new record.” (Arnos)

Menou is still stunned as she listens to my words. After a few seconds she
opens her mouth.

“Wha… just a moment…. impossible….right……? A day……not even one

day….. Hardly any time has passed……How did you get here…….!?”

Menou keeps talking like she can’t believe it. She would have seen through
the owl that we were indeed at Deiruheido just a little while ago so there
can’t be any doubt that we cheated or anything.

“I’ve been to Gairadeite before so I used <Gatom>.” (Arnos)

“…….I’d heard that you can use lost magic but I never believed that it could
connect to a space so far away……” (Menou)

From the bottom of her heart, Menou looks truly astonished.

“……I knew you had a talent for magic….. Since I’m a teacher I’ve seen
many children called geniuses and even many mixed-bloods who had
superior magic but you are in a dimension where the words genius means

Menou stared straight into my face and used her demon eyes.

“Arnos-kun……..who are you?”

“I’ll give you the same answer I’ve given everyone else. If you trust in the
words of others but don’t trust your own demon eyes then you will never
learn the truth no matter how long you live.”

Demon king of tyranny. Did those words appear in your head?

Menou falls silent.

(1) Means something like sacred brightness.

72. Promise

The five of us got first place in the Gairadeite expedition test.

Though clearly troubled Menou announced it to the other students who had
not even left Deiruheido yet.

The test determines your grade by relative evaluation so we scored 100

points, however, there is such a big difference between our points and the all
the others that the other student’s grades have dropped. It was unavoidable
though considering our speed.

I didn’t care about the points at all but the teacher was bothered by it.

I was guided to my dorm room and offloaded my luggage.

The rooms are divided into male and female with me and Ray sharing a twin
room. Misha, Sasha and Misa are sharing a triple room.

“Haven’t we got 10 days free time now?” (Ray)

“So they said.” (Arnos)

Only after the 10 days are up can the students who made it to Gairadeite start
taking lessons. Until then we are free.

“I’m going to go around the city for a while. What will you do?” (Arnos)

“That’s a good idea but I think I’m off to the dining room.” (Ray)

The dorm dining room is open from morning to evening and apparently, you
can go and eat at any time.
It’s breakfast time at the moment.

“I see your appetite is as huge as ever.” (Arnos)

He ate breakfast before we left Deruzogedo.

“I’m interested in Azeshion cooking.” (Ray)

“Later then.” (Arnos)

Ray raises his hand from the bed as I leave the room.


I’ve just met Sasha.

“You going somewhere?” (Sasha)

“I’m going for a walk around the city. Do you want to come with me?”

“Eh……? Yes…….that’s fine…” (Sasha)

I left the dorm with Sasha.

“What are Misha and Misa doing?” (Arnos)

“They are contacting the members of the fan union using Thought
Transmission <Liikus>. It seems they are giving advice on the best route to
get to Gairadeite.” (Sasha)

I see. They are taking good care of them.

“We should have brought them with us as well.” (Sasha)

“They’re weak. It will do them good to earnestly do the exam. There’s no

point raising your grades without the ability to back them up.” (Arnos)

Sasha looks at me meaningfully.

“What?” (Arnos)

“I thought you just went around doing crazy things but you actually consider
things as well.” (Sasha)

“What are you saying? I always think about the right thing to do.” (Arnos)

Sasha’s face becomes as expressionless.

“Even though you tried to kill me yesterday during self-study?” (Sasha)

“You never actually died though. That’s something to be proud of.” (Arnos)

Sasha didn’t appear to be expecting that counterattack and seems lost at what
to say back to me.

“…….Did you think you can fool me by praising me? Unfortunately for you,
I’m not that simple.” (Sasha)

Sasha turns to the side in a huff.

“I’m not deceiving you though. Three times you surpassed the magic I was
sure would kill you. You carry the same demon eyes as me.” (Arnos)

Sasha’s ears turned red and she looked down.

“I said I won’t be fooled even if you praise me. You were honestly trying to
kill me.” (Sasha)

Yare yare. Why aren’t you pleased? I rarely praise you.

“Sasha. I told you before that your demon eyes are beautiful. I wasn’t lying
about that either.” (Arnos)

“Wha…….” (Sasha)

Sasha slowly turns around.

“What are you saying so suddenly?” (Sasha)

“It’s not sudden. I’ve thought it since we first met. Your demon eyes are
tranquil and uncorrupted. Yesterday’s self-study only reinforced that belief.”

Demon eyes are used to look at other demons. By continuing to do that you
can improve your skill level and look even deeper into the abyss, however, by
doing so your eyes eventually become tainted.

Peaceful and clear demon eyes mean you are strongly resistant to magic.
Even if you are exposed to ominous magic power your eyes remain untainted.

“What were you thinking about during our self-study…….concentrate

properly……” (Sasha)

“What else did I need to think about? I was concentrating on staring into your
abyss.” (Arnos)

By trying to prevent my magic Sasha polished her <demon eyes of ruin>

even further. Even after all that I still can’t see the bottom of her power.

Speaking of pure talent Sasha easily surpasses even the mazoku from the age
of myths.


Sasha looks down in embarrassment.

“……Show me your demon eyes…….” (Sasha)

Fumu. You want to use my eyes as a reference?

“This okay?” (Arnos)

I activated my <demon eyes of ruin> and stared at Sasha.

“……I think your demon eyes are more beautiful than mine…..” (Sasha)
“No, they aren’t.” (Arnos)

Sasha became speechless at my firm declaration.

“Your eyes are more beautiful. Listen carefully Sasha as I’ll only say this
once.” (Arnos)


Sasha’s eyes seemed to be sucked into mine.

“I want your demon eyes.” (Arnos)

“……Eh…………….?” (Sasha)

“I rarely say such things.” (Arnos)

Sasha is talented. Her <demon eyes of ruin> have the potential to one day
surpass mine. If she doesn’t neglect her training that is.

“Don’t you understand my meaning?” (Arnos)

“……Errm…..wait a moment……I need to think……” (Sasha)

Sasha is confused though its no wonder. I’ve just told her that she might
surpass the demon king of tyranny.

“Is that right?” (Sasha)

She must be hesitating being told she could surpass me.

“That’s right.” I asserted clearly.

“….You…….. to think Arnos would say that…….” (Sasha)

“Can’t you believe it?” (Arnos)

Sasha nods. She’s pretty cute with her defiant attitude.

“Having you talk like that when I haven’t done anything is a bit……..”

“I’m not on about the top layer. I looked deep into your abyss. Deep, deep
within you is a sleeping but majestic shining light.” (Arnos)

Sasha is at a loss for words.

Her <Demon eyes of ruin> that should be controllable now start rampaging
and the surroundings start to shake.

“Look into my eyes.” (Arnos)


“Don’t look away.”



“Even if you say more……”

“Come closer.”

Sasha approaches me like she’s told and as she comes right up to me I

suppress her eyes with mine.

Fumu. Even this close I can’t completely suppress her eyes.

As I thought. Her eyes are hiding a tremendous power.

“Do you understand?” (Arnos)

Sasha nods in embarrassment.

“……..Haven’t you gone on a date with Misha already though?” (Sasha)

A date? That time we went out together?

“What about it?” (Arnos)

“………Well, Arnos with Misha……” Sasha seems to be struggling to get

her words out. “…..and…..well……didn’t you want Misha’s demon

I see. Sasha must have seen Misha’s talent as well.

“It’s true that Misha has good demon eyes and they are in no way inferior to

Sasha looks up at me with upturned eyes.

“…..Arnos……..who’s are better……?”

“Impossible to choose.”

Who’s better? A question people will always be interested in especially if

they are close to that person, however, their demon eyes have very different
qualities. They can’t be compared.

“……Don’t you know?” (Sasha)

Fumu. Was my choice of words confusing?

“I want both of you.”

“Eeeeeeeeh……..!? Both of us?”

Sasha raises her voice in surprise.

“Are you unhappy with both of you?

“…….Isn’t it a bit strange……..?”

I laughed unintentionally.

“Why are you laughing? What’s wrong with wanting to be number one. Is
that strange……..?”
“Not at all. It’s good Sasha. You should aim for the top. When you compete
with others you shine even more.”

“…..I see…….”

I’m not sure if her murmur was relief or disappointment.

“You know what?” (Sasha)

Sasha speaks like she’s given up.

“……..I’m only going to say this once as well…….”

Hearing her words I look at Sasha with a serious expression.

“If you want, I’ll give you these demon eyes.”

Fumu. Certainly, demon eyes can be taken by force but the light will never
return to the person who’s had them taken. I won’t take them though it’s
admirable to show such loyalty.

“I won’t take them but I want you to make a promise with me.” (Arnos)

Sasha has a questioning look in her eyes.

“Someday, I might find myself in a situation that is out of my control. At that

time I might not be able to protect those I want to protect.” (Arnos)

“I don’t think that will ever happen……” (Sasha)

“Probably not but there’s no absolutes. Anyway, in that instance, I’ll depend
on you to protect me Sasha. Your eyes have that power.”

“If that happens and I keep my promise will you listen to what I have to

“You can say anything to me.”

Sasha looks happy and nods bashfully.

“You promise?” (Sasha)

“Do you want to use <Zekt>?” (Arnos)

Sasha shakes her head.

“I don’t need it. A promise is better than a contract.” (Sasha)

“I see.”

Her <demon eys of ruin> have settled and when we start walking she seems
in a good mood.

“By the way, where were you going?” (Sasha)

“To find out what type of traditions have been handed down about the
heroes.” (Arnos)

“Well then. Don’t you think you’ll get that information from the hero
academy?” (Sasha)

Sasha points down one of the paths up ahead.

“Let’s go.”

Aiming for the hero academy Arclaniska that can be seen in the distance we
start walking.
73. Hero academy tradition

In front of me is the hero academy. It’s a beautiful and majestic castle

emitting a strong magic power. There must be old magic tools and formations

The power I’m feeling from it now is no different from 2000 years ago.

“I know you just decided to come here on a whim but is it okay to enter
without permission?” (Sasha)

“I don’t know if it’s good or bad but there are no places I can’t enter.”

Sasha looks at me in amazement.

“….You know…… Can you stop trying to cause problems before the
exchange even starts?” (Sasha)

“Don’t worry.” (Arnos)

I walk straight forward and stand in front of the gates. I give them a light
push but they remain closed.

“Lock Barrier <Digit>. Only authorised people are allowed to enter.” (Arnos)

It seems that only teachers and students affiliated with the academy can enter,
however, as magic goes it’s neither strong nor special.

“If you try to force it we’ll probably get reported. It’s impossible to enter at
the moment so let’s——” (Sasha)

“Open.” (Arnos)
At my command, a key can be heard turning and a lock clunking open. My
words had residual magic left on them and so <Digit> was forced open and
allowed us entry.

“Fumu. It seems we are allowed to pass after all.” (Arnos)

“……….Opening <Digit> without casting magic……… As out of the norm

as always.” (Sasha)

Sasha used her demon eyes on the gate trying to see what I did. Leaving her
to it I pushed them open.

“Hang on. Are you serious? What are you going to do if we get found?”

“Shall I tell you one of the things I’m particularly good at?” (Arnos)

“………Go on.” (Sasha)

“Silencing people.” (Arnos)

Sasha looks at me in extreme disgust.

“Don’t make such a face. I’m half-joking.” (Arnos)

“So half was serious? Can you please stop. If you do that then this exchange
will never happen again. You didn’t even need to come here to see what lore
and traditions had been passed down about the heroes. You’d find out
anyway in another 10 days.” (Sasha)

“So noisy. If you act like you belong here everything will work out.” (Arnos)

As I touch the gate again I hear a voice from behind.

“Okay. Please be quiet you two.”

Sasha twitched and glared at me. Her eyes are saying you turn around.

Without caring I turn and look back to see a woman in a scarlet uniform.
Her hair goes past her waist and her face has a gentle expression.

What caught my attention the most though were the 2 bulges in her uniform.

Fumu. They’re huge. There were no owners of such huge breasts 2000 years

Has this been brought about by human dietary changes or changes to their
sleeping habits?

Humans lived harsh lives 2000 years ago. With the exception of a few of
them, most humans could only eat at irregular times and most were afraid to
sleep at night.

Humans today though have a nutritious diet and live in an environment where
they can sleep in peace. There’s no longer any obstacles to their growth.

In other words, this is the true ecology of humans.

Are those bulges the proof of the peace that I sought? (1)

“It’s no good. The academy is closed to outsiders.”

The women addressed us in a laid back tone of voice.

“Fumu. I didn’t know that. We’ve only just arrived from Deiruheido you
see.” (Arnos)


The women must have noticed something and looked at our uniforms.

“Aah. Are you the people from the demon king academy by any chance?”

“Yeah.” (Arnos)

“I see I see. Nice to meet you. I’m Eleonor Bianca a third-year student here at
the hero academy. I believe we’ll be doing the academy exchange together.”
Eleonor holds out her hand in welcome.

“Arnos Voldigod.”

“Sasha Necron. First-year student at the demon king academy. Arnos is the

We all give our names and shake hands.

“What did Arnos-kun and Sasha-chan come to do? Isn’t the exchange due to
happen next week?” (Eleonor)

“I’m interested in the traditions of the heroes.” (Arnos)

“Wow. You’re keen on studying Arnos-kun. Are you going inside?”


“Didn’t you say its off-limits to outsiders?” (Arnos)

“Yup. Outsiders only though. It’s fine if I’m with you.” (Eleonor)

Eleonor walked over and touched the gate.

“Eh?” (Eleonor)

She looked at the gate in concentration. Has she realised I had broken
through and unlocked it?

Eleonor turns around while Sasha has an awkward look on her face.

“Heeey. I won’t say anything today but don’t do it again. Okay?” (Eleonor)

She speaks like she’s telling off a child.

“Fumu. Are you listening Sasha?” (Arnos)

“Haaaaaa! How many people are you trying to blame!? I tried to stop you!”
I laughed.

“I’m only playing. I think it good to do it occasionally.” (Arnos)

“Why are you dragging me into your occasional play?” (Sasha)

“Because it’s my first meeting with Eleonor I thought I’d show off my
playful side.” (Arnos)

“What! Such natural responsibility shifting only shows off your darkness.”

Eleonor seems taken aback watching our interaction but it soon changes to a
smile and she laughs.

“That’s no good Arnos-kun. You need to be kind to girls.” (Eleonor)

“Unfortunately the mazoku don’t have such values.” (Arnos)

“We do.” Sasha says in a flash.

“What?” (Arnos)

“Don’t what me. I said we do.” (Sasha)

“Fumu. However, unlike humans, the mazoku have no difference in ability

due to genders. Why does such a thing exist now?” (Arnos)

“I don’t know much about humans so I can’t comment on them but such
manners amongst the mazoku are commonplace now.” (Sasha)

Fumu. I guess a lot changes in 2000 years.

“Perhaps….” Eleonor starts speaking as she pushes open the gates and enters
the academy. ” You’re a reincarnated person Arnos-kun?”


Following along behind her I answer.

“Wow. So there are reincarnated people amongst the mazoku as well?”

Her tone of voice is almost trivial. It seems reincarnated people are not rare.

Human’s didn’t know the magic of Reincarnation <Silica> but perhaps it’s
different in Gairadeite? It’s also possible it’s limited to the academy only.

“Arent reincarnated people rare here?” (Arnos)

“All the people in [Jergakanon] are reincarnated. Aah……!” (Eleonor)

“What’s wrong?” (Arnos)

“Aah…errrm….we weren’t supposed to mention reincarnation to outsiders.

A lot of normal humans find it creepy.” (Eleonor)

I see. I don’t believe that’s the only reason though.

“Bu…but its fine. We’re doing an exchange with the demon king academy
and they have reincarnated people as well. I’m okay. It’s alright.” (Eleonor)

Eleonor makes a fist. She seems to be trying hard to convince herself.

“It’s fine. I won’t say anything to anyone.” (Arnos)

“Really? I’m grateful. Thank you.” (Eleonor)

Her face bursts into smile like a flower.

“Are you like that in the demon king academy as well? Are you all excited
about people reincarnating? Here at home, stories about the hero Kanon
reincarnating are the most popular.” (Eleonor)

Popularity is a very human concept.

“Has the hero Kanon reincarnated?” (Arnos)

“Yup. Four of them. Oh, that’s a secret as well.” (Eleonor)

Sasha looks puzzled.

“Four of them….?” (Sasha)

“Kanon had seven origins. If each of them reincarnated into different bodies
it wouldn’t be strange to have four of them.” (Arnos)

Eleonor nods at my words.

“That’s it. Are the heroes well known in the demon king academy or is it
because Arnos-kun is a reincarnated person?” (Eleonor)

“Well, they are known in the demon king academy.” (Arnos)

“Really? I’ve wanted to ask a mazoku for a while now if it’s true but isn’t the
most popular reincarnated person in the demon king academy the demon
king?” (Eleonor)

Eleonor stops and raises her finger.

“The demon king of tyranny Avos Dillheavia.” (Eleonor)

Sasha silently looks at me.

Fumu. The name has even changed in the hero academy.

I can’t say much yet but I’m certain that it’s not only the humans who are
plotting something.

(1) I believe this is the first time Arnos has commented on women beyond
their faces or hair so there we go peeps. Our boy Arnos does have a sex drive
after all. Turns out he likes huge breasts, he just never saw them
74. Reincarnated person


Eleonor suddenly bows her head in apology.

“What for?” (Arnos)

A questioning look appeared on her face.

“Eh? Isn’t the name of the demon king of tyranny something that shouldn’t
be said out loud?”

“Aah.” (Arnos)

She’s on about that. It seems they do have information about the mazoku
even though we haven’t had any official exchanges.

Who found that information out and for what reason?

“Errm, well, you don’t like other people speaking his name out, right?”

“I don’t care.” (Arnos)

Eleonor looks at Sasha.

“I’m not bothered either but it’s probably best if you don’t say it out loud
when we start the exchange. If you rile the royals up it will become a pain.”

Eleonor exhaled in relief.

“I’m glad both of you aren’t bothered. I was told to never say it out loud as it
would cause a big problem. What if a mazoku says it though? Is that okay?”

“Well, sort of.” (Sasha)

It seems she has quite a loose character since she easily came out and said it
despite being warned.

“Anyway, I’m sorry for being careless.” (Eleonor)

Eleonor sticks her tongue out slightly at her failure.

“Ah, hang on a sec.” Eleonor stops suddenly “We’ve passed it. Sorry, this is
where you want to go.”

Turning around Elenor walks back a bit and opens a door we’ve just passed.

Inside is a well ventilated circular atrium. You can see stairs in various places
leading upwards to the top floor and as far as the eye can see are bookshelves
filled to the brim with books.

“This is the magic library that the hero academy is proud of. Books on magic
are collected from all over Azeshion. The only lore you cant find here is
regarding Deiruheido and other countries.” (Eleonor)

As soon as Eleonor finished talking she walked over to a certain shelf.

“Lore on the heroes should be somewhere around here. Which hero are you
interested in?” (Eleonor)

“Kanon.” (Arnos)

“Wow! The hero Kanon is even popular in Deiruheido!” (Eleonor)

She looks happy though she’s being serious and has stopped playing around.

“Is it because he beat the demon king of tyranny?” (Eleonor)

At her words, Sasha gave her a sharp gaze.

“Aah…… Please forget I said that……..” (Eleonor)

Eleonor seems quite apologetic.

“What do you mean? When did the hero Kanon beat the demon king of
tyranny?” (Sasha)

Sasha moves closer to Eleonor step by step.

In the past, I’m sure her <demon eyes of ruin> would have appeared by now.

“Sorry….” (Eleonor)

“I’m not asking if you’re sorry, I’m asking what you meant. Is the lore here
that the hero Kanon beat the demon king of tyranny?” (Sasha)

Elenor nods while still looking apologetic.

“Who made the wall?” (Sasha)

“…….Errm, what wall?” (Eleanor)

“<Beno Ieven>. The wall that dived the world into four.” (Sasha)

“Do you mean the Four Great Sages Barrier <Aru Ent>?” (Eleonor)

Sasha’s face takes on a dubious expression.

“<Aru Ent>?……….” (Sasha)

“It’s the barrier the hero Kanon created to protect the humans, spirits and
gods from the mazoku counterattack after killing the demon king of tyranny.”

“Stop screwing around” (Sasha)

Speaking in a low angry voice, Sasha glares at Eleonor.

Fumu. This is troublesome.

I lightly put my hand on Sasha’s head to calm her down.

“Wha…..wait…..Arnos…….hand. What are you doing suddenly?” (Sasha)

“Don’t get angry Sasha. This is hardly surprising.” (Arnos)

Sasha looks the other way sulking slightly.

“……But it was the wall you made using your own life…..” (Sasha)

Sasha muttered it so low only I could hear it.

“I’m happy about your feelings but humans are creatures that modify history
whenever it’s convenient for them. If you get serious about each and every
little thing your body won’t last.” (Arnos)

“…..If you’re fine with it then so am I……. Your hand…..let go…….”


I let go like asked and Sasha lets out a little “Aah”.

I look to see what’s wrong.

“…..It’s nothing…..” (Sasha)

Sasha looks down

“I’m sorry.” (Eleonor)

Eleonor apologised again.

“Was that another thing you weren’t supposed to speak about?” (Arnos)

Eleonor nods.

“How is the history of that event told in Deiruheido?” (Eleonor)

“The demon king of tyranny gathered the hero, the great spirit and the god of
creation in Deruzogedo where they combined their powers to create the wall
and divide the world into four. Unable to withstand the enormous magic
power the demon king lost his body and said he would reincarnate two
thousand years in the future which is this era.” (Arnos)

Eleonor listens to my explanation with a blank look on her face.

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t believe it. Since the moment you were born
you’ve been taught that the hero beat the demon king after all.” (Arnos)

Eleonor nods at my words while still looking puzzled.

“Don’t be fooled Eleonor.”

A cold, sharp voice calls out.

Looking over at a desk I saw a man with an open book wearing the same
scarlet uniform as Eleonor.

Blue hair and cold eyes like ice look out sharply from behind a pair of

“It’s the way of the mazoku to manipulate words so they seem genuine and
deceive people.”

Fumu. Unlike Eleonor, the wind of hostility blows from this one.

It seems the hero academy has very mixed students.

“To begin with.” The man closes the book and slowly comes over to us.
“Why would the demon king who committed many acts of atrocity make a
wall that would protect humans at the cost of his own life? It’s totally
nonsensical. They worship their ancestors too much and refuse to accept
defeat. So much so in fact, it can only be called stupidity as it stops them
from thinking properly.”

The man stops and turns to me.

“Don’t you think so guest from the demon king academy?”

“Fumu. I have the exact same opinion human. Then, in your free and
forward-thinking way you should think about it a bit as well. The world wall
<Aru Ent> was it? How was it possible to create and sustain such a huge
magic barrier with only you humans magic power?” (Arnos)

The man puts his index finger to his glasses and casually said.

“It’s impossible. But doing the impossible is what a hero does. It’s no wonder
you can’t understand it mazoku. The hearts and prayers of us humans wishing
for peace allows the hero to perform miracles.”

“Fu….kukuku.” laughter leaks deep from my stomach. “Kuhahahahahah. A

miracle huh? That’s not a nice way to put it. It seems even now just like in
the old days you humans can still amaze me. A word of advice human.
There’s no such convenient thing in this world as a miracle that will come
true if you simply pray.” (Arnos)

“I didn’t think you would understand it.”

The man brushes me off with his words.

“Be careful. Don’t let yourself be deceived by the gods.” (Arnos)

The man shows a reaction to my words.

“Are you a reincarnated person?” (Arnos)

While still looking at me with a cold expression the man says.

“Hero academy selection class [Jergakanon] 2nd rank, reincarnated from the
first origin of the hero Kanon. Holy water guardian knight Ledoriano Kanon

This person has reincarnated from the first origin and the hero Kanon?

“Fumu. I don’t think so.” (Arnos)

Ledoriano makes a stern expression.

“What was that?” (Ledoriano)

“I said there’s no way I can believe that you are a reincarnation of Kanon.
That, or with having seven origins some of them will turn out to be losers.”

Of the seven origins Kanon had, six were collected from others. The original
origin would be Kanon’s own.

It’s no wonder that since the other six origins would not fully inherit the
existence known as Kanon there would be some change in quality after all
these years.

“……I suggest you take your words back.” (Ledoriano)

“Which ones?” (Arnos)

“The remark about me not being the hero Kanon. You may not know but
inheriting the origin of the legendary Kanon is something we humans bear
with great pride. We will not stand idly by when someone denies it.”


“Nope, don’t get it. Buring with pride and boasting about yourself? It doesn’t
matter who your ancestors are or how legendary the hero was, what’s the
point sticking to those boring things?” (Arnos)

Ledoriano sighs.

“Just for you, I’ll explain it again.” (Ledoriano)

Putting his fingertip to his glasses again he threatens me in his cool tone.

“Slow down already Ledoriano.”

I hear a voice coming from the second floor. Looking up I can see someone
sitting on the edge of the window.

It’s a red-haired man also in a scarlet uniform.

“I sensed mazoku magic power so I came to check it out. What’s going on?”

The red-haired man jumped from the second floor and landed in front of

“Let me give you my name first. Hero academy selection class [Jergakanon]
4th rank, reincarnated from the third origin of the hero Kanon. Holy flame
destruction knight Laos Kanon Jillfou.”

Laos takes a step forward.

“What’s your name?” (Laos)

“Fumu. You seem to be a failure as well.” (Arnos)

“What…..?” (Laos)

Laos frowned at my remark.

“You seem to have poor hearing. I said that I didn’t think that you were
Kanon.” (Arnos)

“Hey, mazoku whose name I don’t know.” Laos speaks with anger in his
words. “Don’t you know the name of the person who defeated your leader?”

“Are you trying to appear smart? If you want to believe in false history that’s
up to you but you should observe the other party first before speaking.”

Laos face takes on an irritated expression.

“It’s still not too late. I’m not an ogre and anyone can make a mistake” (Laos)

Laos releases magic power from his whole body in a threatening manner.
“Admit that the demon king of tyranny was defeated by the hero and that the
wall was built by the hero and then I’ll forgive you.” (Laos)

I can help but laugh at his words.

“Hou. Are you looking down on me?” (Laos)

“Fumu. I understand.” (Arnos)

“……What?” (Laos)

“The hero defeated the demon king of tyranny? You really shouldn’t blindly
believe in things you haven’t personally seen.” (Arnos)

Laos glares at me, his eyes full of bloodlust.

“Fine. Then let me teach you the power of the hero kanon who defeated the
demon king of tyranny. Perhaps then you will understand.” (Laos)

“Stop it Laos. He’s a guest. It’ll be troublesome if you hurt him.” (Ledoriano)

“I’m not going to use my sacred sword but this guy doesn’t seem to know
anything about heroes so as a substitute for a greeting I’m going to lightly
show him the power of a hero.” (Laos)

“Stop it. Are you really going to go wild in such a plac—” (Ledoriano)

I laughed and cut him off.

“By all means, I would love to be taught it. This power of a hero.” (Arnos)

“Hey, this guys motivated as well.” (Laos)

Ledoriano sighs and gives up.

“Be prepared to be punished later then.” (Ledoriano)

Laos steps forward totally ignoring Ledoriano’s words and makes two fists.
Fire ignites from both his fists and wraps around them.
“Don’t blink. I’ll show you something amazing!!!” (Laos)

Laos throws out a fist without moving from the spot and holy flames slam
into me.

“Fumu. When it comes to blinking —”

I close my eyes and the next moment the holy flames go out and Laos is
blown backwards through a number of bookshelves before finally stopping
embedded in the wall.

“What was that?” (Ledoriano)

“Wha……….ha……what was that…….?” (Laos)

Laos doesn’t seem to understand what happened.

“…..What…..did you do……?” (Laos)

“What did I do? I blinked.” (Arnos)

The wind pressure generated by my blink that I had poured magic power into
blew out the holy flames and tore the anti-magic of Laos into shreds.

“….Imp…..ossi……ble……! Such……an absurd…..thing……!”

It doesn’t seem like Laos can move at the moment.

“Add that to your history textbooks. A descendent of the hero Kanon was
done in by a blink.” (Arnos)
75. Advice

Are you upset by my words? Laos puts his hands on the floor and puts power
in his feet but his body is pretty tattered and he is unable to stand up.

“You…….!!” (Laos)

Gritting his teeth Laos glares at me.

“It’s fine Laos. This is your defeat.” (Ledoriano)

While speaking Ledoriano stands in front of me.

“I apologise for his rudeness. As a consideration for me would you consider

forgiving him?” (Ledoriano)

“I’ll think about it if you apologise for being rude as well. (Arnos)

Ledoriano speaks without any hesitation.

“As you say, the hero Kanon may not have defeated the demon king of
tyranny. It happened 2000 years ago after all and we have no way knowing
the truth.” (Ledoriano)

I was actually a little surprised.

“You changed your attitude pretty quickly.” (Arnos)

“Of course I did. Why not? When shown such a difference in power I’ll do
what you say.” (Ledoriano)

It’s a calm judgement after witnessing my power but it doesn’t sit right in my
gut for some reason.
Why be so hostile if you are going to back down that quickly?

“What happened to your pride? Is that all right for a reincarnation of the hero
Kanon?” (Arnos)

“Pride is never more important than a life. If bowing my head will resolve a
situation then I’ll do it as many times as needed.” (Ledoriano)

Fumu. It’s a believable reason.

“Whatever. It’s fine. Let’s go Sasha.” (Arnos)

“Eh……? You done? I thought you’d rampage a bit more.” (Sasha)

“There’s no point tormenting an opponent who’s lost their hostility.” (Arnos)

We head for the door.

“Aah, please wait. Can you tell me your name?” (Ledoriano)

“It’s Arnos Voldigod.”

Opening the door we left the library.

“Wait wait.” Eleonor rushes after us. “I’ll take you to the gate.”

As we move quickly to the gate Eleonor raises her finger.

“You leaving right away?” (Eleonor)

“I don’t mind and I’m sorry for any trouble I’ve caused you.” (Arnos)

After that, we continued to the gate with Elenor following us to see us off.

“I’m really sorry. I know you got into a quarrel but Arnos-kun is really
strong. I was surprised.” Eleonor said as we reached the gate.

“I wouldn’t worry about it. There are energetic people wherever you go. It’s a
bit troubling though when people think pure power can solve all their
problems.” (Arnos)

“……….That line has zero persuasive power coming from you…….” (Sasha)

“Fumu. What do you mean Sasha?” (Arnos)

“Nothing. Nothing at all.” (Sasha)

Eleonor laughs at our interactions.

“Arnos-kun and Sasha-chan are close. Are you dating?” (Eleonor)

“Eh……….such a thing……isn’t…..!!” (Sasha)

“Hmm? What are you getting so flustered over?” (Eleonor)

“What! I’m not flustered.” (Sasha)

“I see, I see. Hmm. Not flustered huh?” (Eleonor)

*Unun* Eleonor nods.

After looking at me Sasha looks down.

“What’s with that……..” (Sasha)

Eleonor smiles softly.

“Could you come here Arnos-kun?” (Elenor)

“What’s up?” (Arnos)

Going up to her she puts her lips near my ear.

“You’d be better off skipping this academy exchange. The hero academy
hasn’t changed in 2000 years.” (Eleonor)

After whispering that to me Elenor separated her body from mine.

“What do you mean?” (Arnos)

She laughs and smiles at me.

“You’d be better off not knowing any more. Bye-bye.” (Elenor)

Elenor returns and heads back into the academy.

“What did she say?” (Sasha)

It hasn’t changed in 2000 years huh?

“Open.” (Arnos)

I force open Lock Barrier <Digit> and open the gate.

“Hey hey, Arnos. What are you going to do?” (Sasha)

“I’ll behave myself properly this time. Why don’t you go and play around in
the city?” (Arnos)

“Haaaaa……..!?” (Sasha)

Ignoring Sasha’s raised voice I cast Illusion Mimicry <Rainel> and hide my
magic with Hiding Magic <Najira>.

Walking through the gate I head through the garden and come to the outside
wall of the library. Looking up I see the second-floor window which Laos
entered through is still open.

Jumping lightly I entered through there and heard voices.

“I left you with the bad guy role there Laos.”

“Don’t worry about it.” (Laos)

Looking down I could see Laos who was covered in the light of recovery

“But damn that mazoku was strong.” (Laos)

He stood up as if nothing had happened.

“What level was that guy?” Ledoriano says quietly.

“Five students have made it to Gairadeite so far and I think he’s one of them.
He’s probably one of the top class ones from the demon king academy. Is he
a 3rd year or one of those chaos generations we’ve heard about?”

“Is he the reincarnation of the demon king of tyranny?”

“If so then——”

A clear voice echoes in the magic library.

Appearing in view is a boy in a scarlet uniform. He’s got blonde hair with red
eyes and nice facial features.

“The mazoku are not our enemy.”

Laos laughs and shows his agreement.

“Aah, I agree. I somewhat understand opponent-sans ability. He’s certainly

strong, frighteningly so but I’m not saying I couldn’t win in a fight against
him though. To them we humans are small fish after all.” (Laos)

“Was he fooled by your acting?” (Ledoriano)

Laos nods.

The blonde boy speaks.

“The day of the academy exchange is coming up. From now on well be able
to see the surprised faces of the mazoku.”

Fumu. Looks like he pretended to be beaten by me so they could hide their

strength for the upcoming competitive tests with the academy exchange.
Looks like the humans are still good at trickery.

Is this related to what Eleonor said about them not changing even after 2000

Thinking about it, you could think that it looks like the grudge against the
mazoku has not diminished but to me, I’m finding it hard to see it as anything
other than people being in high spirits about the upcoming academy exchange
and the competitive tests.

“After all, we have the holy mother on our side. Don’t we Eleonor.”

The blonde boy calls out to Eleonor who has returned, however, she remains


“……It’s nothing.” (Eleonor)

Elenor heads up the stairs alone.

“As usual I don’t understand what she’s thinking.” (Ledoriano)

The blonde boy smiles wryly.

Eleonor comes straight upstairs and walks to the window where I am before
staring outside.

No, it’s different. Her eyes meet mine.

Fumu. Can she see me?


Elenor opens her mouth and silently mouths some words.

*Here is no good* she says

Eleonor then smiles and points outside before casting Flight <Fres> and
flying out of the window.

I follow after her.

Eleonor stops in the shade of a tree a little way away from the magic library.

“I remember giving you some advice. I’m sure I said you mustn’t enter
without permission.” (Eleonor)

Looks like she can see me.

I cancel <Rainel> and appear.

“That’s pretty impressive. There’s hardly anyone that’s ever seen through
this.” (Arnos)

“Hahaha. I can’t see your figure or your magic at all, however, your origin
can’t be hidden.” (Eleonor)

I see. That is true but usually, you can only see someone’s origin due to their
magic power. Average demon eyes cannot see someone’s origin directly.
There are exceptions however. The hero Kanon who was good at root magic
was able to do so.

“Now you’ve understood you should leave. Nothing good will come from
getting involved with the hero academy.” (Eleonor)

“Aren’t you a student here at the hero academy?” (Arnos)

“I am and I’m also not lying.” (Eleonor)

“Evidence?” (Arnos)

“None.” Eleanor says without hesitation.

I unintentionally laugh at her dignified manner.

“Aah. You don’t believe me?” (Eleonor)

“No, I just think you’re a funny person. I’ll withdraw today out of
consideration for you.” (Arnos)

“Really? In that case, out of consideration for me would you tell me

something?” Eleonor asks in a happy tone of voice.

Yare yare. What a shameless fellow. I like it.

“Very well. I’ll answer anything.” (Arnos)

“Do you have any memories from your past life Arnos-kun?” (Eleonor)

“Yeah.” (Arnos)

“Do you know about the hero Kanon?” (Eleonor)

“That’s two things.” (Arnos)

“Aah.” (Eleonor)

Eleanor’s face takes on a *Damn it* look.

“I was careless.” (Elenor)

She sticks her tongue out in embarrassment.

“I knew Kanon. I made him a promise before I reincarnated and that’s why
I’m here. I came to see if he’s been reborn.” (Arnos)

“Eh……?” (Eleonor)

Eleanor’s face takes on a strange look. Is she wondering why I told her?

“Then I’ll also teach you something as well but its a secret between us two.”

Eleonor raises a finger.

“I promise.” (Arnos)

Her usual relaxed expression became serious.

“The hero Kanon doesn’t exist anymore. At least not the Kanon you’re
looking for.” (Eleonor)

“Fumu. What do you mean?” (Arnos)

“2000 years ago he was killed. Despite his origin, he’s no longer a hero. If
you look for him you’ll probably regret it.” (Eleonor)

I heard a voice from the distance.

“Oiiii! Eleonor! What are you doing over there? Heine is gathering

I instantly hide with <Rainel>.

“Sorry. I need to go.” Eleonor says and starts heading to the magic library.

“Eleonor.” (Arnos)

She turns around when I called her.

“Who killed him?” (Arnos)

With a sad look she says


Eleonor leaves with those parting words.

76. Shellfish necklace

Leaving the hero academy I found Sasha standing by the side of the gate.

“Were you waiting for me Sasha?” (Arnos)

Upon hearing my voice she turns towards me with a smile but she appears to
change her mind and starts glaring at me instead.

“I wasn’t waiting for you. You were so slow I wondered if something had
happened and came back.” (Sasha)

“You were worried about me?” (Arnos)

“What are y…..” Sasha stopped and thought about what she was saying and
started again “I was wondering if you’d killed them all before the academy
exchange had even started.” (Sasha)

I laughed. Even I know that much.

“Even though we are told that this exchange is to learn each other’s magic
methods its main goal is to foster friendship between Deiruheido and
Azeshion which would be very difficult if you go rampaging like you do in
Deruzogedo.” (Sasha)

“The other side doesn’t appear to know that.” (Arnos)

As if losing her momentum Sasha falls silent.

“……Certainly, given our histories together I wonder if we can become

friends……” (Sasha)

When I start walking Sasha starts walking next to me.

“Well, like I said earlier its only false history that the hero Kanon defeated
me that’s been passed on. It’s probably premature to think that all humans are
hostile to the mazoku.” (Arnos)

“Why?” (Sasha)

“The uncontrollable and unimaginably powerful demon king brought peace

to the world on a whim. The humans can’t forget their fear of the demon king
with that story since if he reincarnates he might decide to destroy the world
on a whim this time.” (Arnos)

Sasha nods.

“Even if he knew it was a lie did the hero decide to say that he did to reassure
the people?” (Sasha)

“It would be the best thing to do. It’s a true fact that the demon king of
tyranny did die after all. Besides, even if your enemy who committed all
kinds of atrocities said he wanted peace few would believe it.” (Arnos)

That’s why the great war started 2000 years ago. Grudges on top of grudges
swirling together before finally overflowing. I hated it.

“They strongly believe that legend that’s been passed down and since they
believe themselves to be descendants of heroes as well it’s obvious they will
have a strong opinion of the mazoku. It’s pretty adorable actually.” (Arnos)

“And who was the one who childishly hit that human who was trying to
appear clever a while ago?” (Sasha)

Sasha stares at me.

“I was only playing with him. It was cute.” (Arnos)

“……….Ahh….I see. Giving people lifetime traumas is cute……” (Sasha)

He seemed fine about it. There’s no need to worry.

“Apart from saying that friendship is not the goal what else did you find
out?” (Sasha)

“Nothing I can understand and the mysteries have increased.” (Arnos)

“Okay?” (Sasha)

2000 years ago the hero Kanon was killed by humans.

It was obviously after I had died and started my process of reincarnation so

what exactly happened? Why would humans kill the hero who saved
humanity by fighting the demon king of tyranny all his life?

Was he involved in a power struggle or was Avos Dillheavia involved?

At the moment the quickest way appears to be asking Eleonor what


“Apparently that Laos guy was just pretending to be beaten by me.” (Arnos)

“…….Were they testing us or do we need to be wary?” (Sasha)

“It seems they wanted to test my strength so they openly picked a quarrel.”

“Hmph. How impertinent.” (Sasha)

Sasha’s eyes become sharp. Looks like she’s getting angry. It’s probably
been building up since the trouble a little while ago.

I wonder if they will have another little play for me to act out the next time
we meet in the exams?

“Nee Arnos.” (Sasha)

Sasha notices something and pulls on my sleeve.

“Over there.” (Sasha)

Following Sasha’s gaze, I see an androgynous white-haired man and a quirky

looking brown-haired girl.

It’s Ray and Misa. They are both walking together down the road and seem to
have a nice atmosphere around them

“Looks like they’ve finished giving advice to the fan union.” (Arnos)

“Wait.” (Sasha)

As I was about to call out Sasha grabbed my hand.

“What?” (Arnos)

“Errm……it would be bad to disturb them.” (Sasha)

“Why?” (Arnos)

“Well, we might not be disturbing them but I think we would be disturbing

them.” (Sasha)

Fumu. What a roundabout comment.

“Errgh! What are your eyes for? Put simply Misa likes Ray.” (Sasha)

“Oh.” (Arnos)

When did this happen? How interesting.

“What about Ray?” (Arnos)

“……I can never tell what that guys thinking but he talks to Misa a lot.
You’re a man. Don’t you talk about these things? Can’t you understand this
through your male bond or something?” (Sasha)

“Unfortunately I’ve never had such a talk.” (Arnos)

“…….I see.” (Sasha)

Turning a corner Ray and Misa enter the main central street.
“Let’s follow them.” (Arnos)

“Haaa!? We can’t! That would be shameless.” (Sasha)

“You don’t have to come if you’re not interested.” (Arnos)

Following Ray, I enter the main central street.

It’s very crowded but with my demon eyes, I’ll never lose sight of them and
listening really hard I could hear their conversation.

“Fufufu it’s great. There’s so many stalls around.” (Misa)

“Is there a festival going on as well?” (Ray)

Ray and Misa are smiling and laughing together as usual.

“If I remember correctly I think this is the birthday of the great hero Jerga.
I’m sure that’s what it said on the guide we were given by the academy. They
celebrate the day Jerga was born and it seems to go on for a whole month.”

“Ohh.” (Ray)

Ray happily walks down the street watching the street performers and
looking at the stands.

Suddenly they stop and look at a stall.

“Want to try it?” (Ray)

“Yeah. I’ll give it a go.” (Misa)

They both head over to a stall that looks like an archery stall. There’s wooden
bows on the stand and it looks like there’s different prizes depending on what
you hit.

Deiruheido and Azeshion have different currencies but our money was
converted before we left.
After paying Misa picked up a bow.

I’d say the targets were about 8 meters away and you get three arrows.

Misa aimed at the targets and missed all three times.

“Ahahaha. No good at all.” (Misa)

Although she failed Misa looked like she was having fun.

“You having a go Ray?” (Misa)

“I’ve never used a bow before.” (Ray)

Ray pays the shopkeeper and takes the bow from Misa.

“What were you aiming for?” (Ray)

“That target there.” (Misa)

The prize Misa was pointing at was a shell necklace.

“Can you hit it?” (Misa)

Ray draws the bow and aims.

His first arrow grazes the target.

“Almost. Only a bit more.” (Misa)

“I’ll hit it next time.” Ray says and smiles his refreshing smile

“Eh? You sure about saying that? Won’t you be ashamed if you miss?”

“Want to bet?” (Ray)

“Then please treat me to something when you miss.” (Misa)

“Fine.” (Ray)
As Ray said fine his arrow had already been planted right in the middle of the

“Waaa! I should have expected that and right in the centre no less. Amazing.”

That’s the first time you’ve used a bow?

Even when it’s not a sword I see his fast growth is still present.

“……..What’s with this? All that flirting going on between them……”


Standing behind me and peeking out from my back is Sasha. It seems she was
interested after all.

“Arent those two always like this though?” (Arnos)

“You’re wrong. This atmosphere is at least 3 times more sweeter than usual.”

Sasha has an envious look on her face.

“Congratulations. With that level of skill even if the deep darkness comes
you’ll be safe.” (shopkeeper)

“…….Deep darkness?”

“Ooops. Sorry. I shouldn’t say such things during a birthday celebration.

Now, which one would you like?” (shopkeeper)

The shopkeeper shows them a selection of necklaces.

“Is that one there shellfish?” (Misa)

The shopkeeper picks up a shellfish necklace.

“It is indeed. Are you going to put it on her?” (Shopkeeper)

The shopkeeper passes a necklace with two shells on it to Ray.

“Thank you.” (Ray)

Ray and Misa leave the stall.

“Ahahaha. We’ve been misunderstood. Sorry.” (Misa)

“Why? I don’t mind.” (Ray)

“Ah……I….I see……ahaha…….” (Misa)

Misa laughs shyly.

“Were you happy?” (Ray)

“Eh? What do you mean?” (Misa)

“Don’t you like Arnos? You might be misunderstood if you’re with me.”

Misa hurriedly shook her head and her hands.

“You’re wrong. It’s a misunderstanding! Misunderstanding! I have a great

deal of respect and admiration for Arnos-sama but just thinking about it is
scary. I say it because I’m a member of the fan union which is a cover for us
unificationists. Besides…..” (Misa)

Ray smiles a bright smile.

“In that case it’s fine.” (Ray)

“……Errm, what’s fine….?” (Misa)

Ray holds out the necklace.

“It’s fine because I was going to give this to you.” (Ray)

“Eh…..?” (Misa)
Misa looks surprised as she looks at Ray.

“It’s my thanks for taking care of my mother. I’m sorry its nothing special.”

“No…….I didn’t do anything useful at all. Ray-sans mother was saved by

Arnos-sama.” (Misa)

“You tried to save my mother at the risk of your own life. For someone who
you didn’t know very well, this is nowhere near enough to repay you.” (Ray)

“…..If you say it like that I’ll go shy again……” (Misa)

“Me too.” (Ray)

Ray stares into Misa’s eyes.

“But……is it okay….?” (Misa)

“Wasnt the bet my win?” (Ray)

“Ah……..that’s right……” (Misa)

Misa blushed a deep red.

“Will you take it?” (Ray)

Misa nods with a shy smile

Taking the necklace from Ray she tries to put it on.

“Eh? What’s with this clasp? How do you open it? It’s different from
Deiruheido.” (Misa)

“Here, let me.” (Ray)

Ray takes the necklace and easily undoes the clasp before reaching over to
Misa and putting the necklace on her.
“Ahaha…..sorry……….well…..?” (Misa)

“It suits you.” (Ray)

Misa shyly looks down.

“It’s beautiful. This necklace has two shells and two strings. Is this design
popular in Azeshion?” (Misa)

“Looks like it.” (Ray)

Their conversation stops and even in the hustle and bustle off the main street
time seems to have stopped for them.

How long did they stand there before Ray says

“Shall we go and see what else is going on?”

“Yes.” (Misa)

The two of them set-off side by side, however, the street is getting even
busier and Misa is struggling to stay by Ray.

“Misa-san.” (Ray)

Ray grabs her hand.

“…….Errm….that’s……” (Misa)

“I can’t use Though Transmission <Liikus> very well and I’d be troubled if I
lost sight of you.” (Ray)

“Ah……that’s right………yes……” (Misa)

Holding hands the two of them enjoy the festival with smiles on their faces.

Authors note: Isn’t Ray surprisingly quick?

I’m afraid this time it’s not another harem member but the other heroines are

Misa had a flag with Ray since the beginning and she wasn’t treated as a
heroine too much. I hope you can pray for their happiness.

TN: I guess the author was worried some people might see this as NTR or
something lol.

Translators rant corner: Okay time for me to go on a rant. It’s been a while
since the last one and I shouldn’t have to especially after such a lovely and
heartwarming chapter but here we go.

I DO NO TOLERATE SPOILERS!!! I’m sick of having to repeat this time

after time. I am just deleting any spoiler comments now. I’m sick of it. There
have been a number of people doing it but one individual, in particular, has
revealed 2 major plot points of this arc and ruined it for me when replying to
multiple people. I don’t read ahead so I feel like what’s the point in this arc
now. I was close to dropping the translations and just reading ahead by

I get people want faster releases, hell, I want faster releases but life isn’t that
nice. I work in a pharmacy dispensing medicines for care homes and as such,
I am not on lockdown. I have been at work through all of this and thanks to
self-isolation my team of 10 people is down to 4 trying to make sure 12 care
homes of elderly and vulnerable people get their medications. That’s a lot of
people, requiring a lot of shifts from me and my colleagues so I don’t have
the time to release a lot.

Hopefully, I’ll calm down for the next release but I’m just one spoiler away
from saying screw this. I really am.

On a lighter note this is for all you awesome readers who don’t spoil and do
loads of theory crafting in the comments or just generally comment please
know that you all make me smile (and laugh at some of them) and you people
are the only reason this chapter was released so thank you all and please
enjoy this fluffy nice chapter.
77. Unrest

10 days later.

The academy exchange starts today.

Me and Ray returned to our room from the dining room and Ray immediately
collapsed on the bed.

“Going to sleep?” (Arnos)

“Yeah. We’ve still got time.” (Ray)

After eating so much Ray must have become sleepy because he immediately
fell asleep.

At the same time, a tapping sound started coming from somewhere.

The window?


Opening the window I could see Misha outside.

“What’s wrong?” (Arnos)

“Cat-san. Nyaa.” (Misha)

When Misha called out a familiar black cat came running over.

After jumping on Misha’s shoulder it then jumps onto my window sill.

One of the old seven demon emperors Aivis Necron.

“What’s happened in Deiruheido?” (Arnos)

Like Melheys I instructed Aivis to investigate Avos Dillheavia in Deiruheido.

He must have urgent business after coming all the way out here.

“Three of the old seven demon emperors have disappeared from Deiruheido.”

“Oh. Where have they gone?” (Arnos)

“I’ve confirmed that they’ve entered Gairadeite but I lost them in this city.
They definitely haven’t left it though. They’re hiding here somewhere.”

This happened at the exact same time as the exchange? No way this is
anything other than planned.

“Any relationship with the hero academy?” (Arnos)

“I don’t know yet. I have a network of human contacts in the hero academy
but none of them has seen the missing emperors yet.” (Aivis)

If Avos Dillheavia and the hero academy are colluding together that makes
for a plain but understandable situation.

“Understood. Continue looking for any movement of the missing emperors.”


“Your will. I have one more thing I’d like to tell you. It may not be related to
Avos Dillheavia but it’s still worrisome.” (Aivis)

“What’s that?” (Arnos)

“On my arrival here I overheard some humans talking about the legend of the
deep darkness.” (Aivis)

Fumu. Didn’t that storekeeper say something about that as well?

“What is that anyway?” (Arnos)

“It’s an oral tradition passed down amongst the humans for a long time now.
It says that soon the deep darkness will once again swallow Azeshion but
don’t be afraid and offer prayers and hope to our legendary hero. If you do,
he will return and the light of hope will clear away the darkness.” (Aivis)

That’s a very common legend.

“This deep darkness could be the demon king of tyranny.” (Aivis)

“You think its a legend prophesising my reincarnation?” (Arnos)

“I do. It could have been handed down so they know to kill you when you are
reborn.” (Aivis)

“Fumu. What’s your basis for that thought?” (Arnos)

“After it piqued my interest I looked into it and found that this tale had been
passed down and spread to the whole of Azeshion from the students and
graduates of the hero academy. The deep darkness is said to bring despair to
the humans but the heroes never explained exactly what it is.” (Aivis)

It’s probably only the deep trust that they have in the heroes that allowed
such a vague rumour to spread. Humans have always believed in the strangest
of things.

“In other words, since the hero academy is mostly unknown to the mazoku
they are plotting to kill the reincarnated demon king again and this time
around they even want to destroy his origin so he can’t revive.” (Arnos)

“I believe it was done that way on purpose because if it specifically

mentioned the demon king of tyranny us old seven demon emperors would
have heard about it. This way they can avoid a confrontation with Deiruheido
by calling it the deep darkness.” (Aivis)

The world became peaceful and interactions between the humans and the
mazoku were cut off. Were they waiting in the shadows while publicly
pretending to forget?
“It’s not an impossible story but there’s some inconsistencies. For one, the
name of the demon king even here in the hero academy is Avos Dillheavia.”

“Really? Are you certain?” (Aivis)

“There seems to be a gag order on that information but one of the students let
it slip out. I’m not going to say I’m definitely correct as they may be lying
about the name but let’s just say I’m very sure it’s correct.” (Arnos)

Aivis falls into silence while thinking.

If they had managed to keep a legend about the resurrection of the demon
king of tyranny going for 2000 years all the while looking for ways to defeat
him you wouldn’t have thought they’d get his name wrong. The hero
academy will never fight me because they are looking to fight the false
demon king.

“Is it possible the plans of Avos and the hero academy are connected with
each other to create this situation?” (Aivis)

“Possibly and three of the old seven demon emperors have come here.”

There’s three camps in Gairadeite now each with different expectations.

There’s Avos, the heroes and this me.

The chances of nothing happening is none existent.

There’s also the chance of other unexpected situations appearing as well.

“You chase after the demon emperors whereabouts and I’m going to search
the academy since today is the start of the exchange.” (Arnos)

“Your will.” (Aivis)

Aivis jumps out of the window.

“Work?” (Misha)

Misha grabbed onto the window sill and pulled herself up but only enough
for her face to peep in for some reason.

“Work?” (Arnos)

“Demon king work?” (Misha)

Ahh, I see.

“Pretty much. Looks like we’ve come to a troublesome place.” (Arnos)

“Help?” (Misha)

“If it’s necessary. What were you doing outside?” (Arnos)

“Going to school.” Misha says in her usual indifferent tone.

“Isn’t it still early?” (Arnos)

“Because its the first day.” (Misha)

Indeed. That’s very Misha

I threw my body through the open window and landed outside.

Misha looks at me with a curious look.

“Let’s go together.” (Arnos)

“Nn.” Misha nodded happily.

Taking a leisurely walk me and Misha arrive at the hero academy.

Putting my hand on the door I go to unlock <Digit> but its opens

automatically. Have the opening conditions been altered?

“That reminds me. Where do we actually need to go to?” (Arnos)

“Grand auditorium.” (Misha)

Looking around Misha points

“There.” (Misha)

Looking over I see a signboard with the words grand auditorium on it and
pointing us in the direction of it.

I assume this has been prepared for us?

Following the instructions of the signboards, we go up some stairs and follow

a passage to the back of the academy.

Arriving at the end of the corridor we find a pair of double doors and a plate
saying Grand Auditorium.

Opening the door a very large space greets my eyes. The seats tier upwards
and the blackboard is on the lowest platform so everyone can see.

“Big.” (Misha)

“There’s a lot of students between us and the hero academy.” (Arnos)

There’s two whole classes of just us mazoku alone then there’s the heroes. If
you count us all it will probably need a classroom this big.

“Wooo its Arnos-kun. Good morning.”

In the front row is a girl with long black hair waving at me.

Its Eleonor. She runs up the stairs and comes over to us.

“You’re early Arnos-kun. That’s unexpected. Are you possibly an honour

student?” (Eleonor)

“It was just on a whim.” (Arnos)

Misha cocked her head in curiosity.

“Acquaintance?” (Misha)

“Aah, sorry I haven’t introduced myself yet. Hero academy 3rd year Eleonor

Misha bowed her head.

“Demon king academy first year Misha Necron.”

“Pleased to meet you Misha-chan. I’m fine with Eleonor.”

Misha nods.

“Nice to meet you.”

“Is now okay? I have a question about the hero Kanon—” (Arnos)

Just then a voice sounded from the entrance.

“Hee. I wonder what it is? I’ll answer if you like demon king academy onii-
san.” (1)

The blonde boy I saw in the library comes over.

Ledoriano and Laos were also with him.

“Pleasure to meet you. Hero academy selection class [Jergakanon] 3rd rank,
reincarnated from the second origin of the hero Kanon. Holy ground creation
knight Heine Kanon Iorg.”

Fumu. Every single one of them has a long self-introduction.

“I heard that Laos was bothering you. I’m sorry about that. He’s a little too
quick to quarrel with people.” (Heine)

“No need to apologise. I was just lightly playing with him.” (Arnos)

Standing next to Heine Laos frowns.

“I’m grateful for you saying that. Aah, do you want to play something with
me as well?” (Heine)

Hou. He just said something amusing.

“What kind of play?” (Arnos)

“Today’s class is a lecture. For a bit of recreation, I’m planning on doing

something like a rivalry between Deruzogedo and Arclaniska. How about if
the loser answers whatever the winner asks?” (Heine)

I see

“I don’t mind.” (Arnos)

“Well then.” (Heine)

Heine casts <Zekt>

Those who lose in today’s game answer the questions of the winner without

“By the way, one of my questions is I want to know who the demon king of
tyranny is.” (Heine)

Heine starts probing a little with his question trying to sound us out.

“Of course, even if you ask about the competition yo—” (Heine)

I stop listening to him and just signed <Zekt>

“Hee. Is that okay? You signed it so easily. This is different from going all
out with magic you know.” (Heine)

“There’s no problem even if you find out who the demon king of tyranny is.
Anyway…..” (Arnos)

I’ll teach Heine and the others the obvious truth.

“No matter what the conditions are, I’ll never lose.” (Arnos)

(1) A stylistic choice on my part here leaving it as onii-san. I’ve never

thought translating onii-san as older brother works very well in English when
they actually aren’t the older brother so I left it as onii-san. I could’ve gone
with demon king academy bro but I feel that gives off a different vibe than

TN: The author left a little note at the end saying how nervous they were
about writing Misa and Ray together but they were pleased that the bookmark
count didn’t go down much. I guess they were really worried about that for
some reason lol.
78. Hero academy class

Heine makes an innocent smile

“If you look down on humans too much you’ll regret it onii-san.” (Heine)

With those parting words, they left for the front row of the auditorium.

“Arnos-kun.” (Eleonor)

Eleonor makes as small beckoning gesture and whispers to me

“Hey. Did you forget my advice?” (Eleonor)

“Humans haven’t changed in 2000 years?” (Arnos)

She nods.

“Then there’s no problem. Humans are always plotting something and they
soon realise its pointless. It will be the same now as it was then.” (Arnos)

Eleonor’s face goes blank listening to my words.

“What was your name in your past life Arnos-kun?” (Eleonor)

“The same as it is now.” (Arnos)

“Arnos Voldigod?” (Elenor)

When I nodded Eleonor tilted her head like she was trying to remember.

“It seems humans have completely forgotten my name.” (Arnos)

“No matter how famous you were then you should still be careful now.”

Giving me a warning Eleonor heads back down to the seats.

“Eleonor.” (Arnos)

She turns around with a questioning look.

“What was your name before you reincarnated?” (Arnos)

“Same as you Arnos-kun. I’ve been Eleonor for a long time.” (Eleonor)

I knew all the important people in Azeshion but I’m not familiar with that
name. Even looking directly at her origin I’m sure I never met her in the age
of myths.

“I don’t think we ever met as I don’t recognise you.” (Arnos)

If she has her memory from her previous lives then there’s a very high
probability that she was born after I died. It was probably some time after the
demon king of tyranny was renamed to Avos Dillheavia.

“Later then.” (Eleonor)

Eleonor heads of to Heine and the others.

“When did you meet?” (Misha)

“We met by chance on the day we arrived in Gairadeite.” (Arnos)

Misha stares at Eleonor sitting down in the front row.

“……..Looks sad……” (Misha)

“Eleonor?” (Arnos)

Misha nods.

“She seems very carefree though.” (Arnos)

“Surface appearance.” (Misha)

I look at Eleonor but I can only see a carefree person with a no tension
expression on her face.

“Could be something else.” (Misha)

“Is it hard to explain?” (Arnos)

Misha nods.

“Forget about it.” (Misha)

“No.” (Arnos)

At the very least Eleonor knows what the Academies scheme is and it seems
that she doesn’t agree with it otherwise there would be no reason to give me
any advice.

If that is the case then its no wonder she’s suffering even with her laid back

Misha’s demon eyes see through people more than most.

“I’ll bear it in mind.” (Arnos)

Misha blinks a couple of times.

“Arnos is kind.” (Misha)

“No. It’s because you have excellent demon eyes.” (Arnos)

Misha shakes her head.

“On about Eleonor.” (Misha)

“Does it seem like I’m being meddlesome?” (Arnos)

“Something else?” (Misha)

“She seems to know what happened in the years after I died. It’s possible she
might have a lead on Avos Dillheavia.” (Arnos)

Misha looks at me while I’m talking.

“It can’t be helped if I end up helping her while dealing with this dull plot.”

*Fufufu* Misha laughs softly.

“Arnos like.” (Misha)

Misha sees straight through to my true motive.

Yare yare. This is actually a bit embarrassing.

“Sit down?” (Misha)

“Aah.” (Arnos)

The seating in the auditorium is roughly divided into two and according to
the sign the hero academy is to the right of the blackboard and the demon
king academy is to the left of the blackboard.

Moving over to the left side we sit in the middle.

While waiting students slowly start filtering into the room. After a while,
Misa, Sasha, various royals and members of my fan union also enter.

Are all the students of the hero academy attending? All the seats bar one are
taken on their side.

Just like our school is divided into black and white clothes their’s is divided
into scarlet and indigo blue.

Scarlet is for those belonging to Jergakanon and looking around the room
there’s not many of them.

My back was tapped with a finger just as class was about to start.
“Arnos-sama, what’s happened to Ray-san?” Misa asks in an anxious voice.

Oh yeah, that guy hasn’t come yet.

“He fell asleep again.” (Arnos)

He’s a shameless guy sleeping through the first day.

“Well. Not like he’d get much out of the class anyway. He’ll turn up later
with an innocent look on his face no doubt.” (Arnos)

“Ahahah…….that’s true…..” (Misa)

The bell rang out and unlike our school, this one gives off a gentle tone.

Menou and a stern-looking man in the prime of his life entered the

The man is wearing a red robe and looks very inflexible. A teacher from the
hero academy I assume.

“Sit down everyone.”

The man spoke in a low voice and all the students still standing immediately
sat down.

“As we’ve been telling you for a while the academy exchange starts today.
For those of you from the demon king academy I am Diego Kanon Ijayshka.
I’m the headteacher here at the hero academy and I’m also the teacher in
charge of the selection class Jergakanon.” (Diego)

The headteacher of the selection class. They’re pulling out all the stops for
this exchange.

By his name, Diego is also one of the Kanon reincarnations and he’s no doubt
a graduate of his academy.

It seems some of them who studied here now teach the next generation of
heroes and pass on their teachings.
Looking at him I can’t see the Kanon from 2000 years ago. Another miss.

“Let me introduce my disciple. This is Menou Historia Sensei who teaches at

the demon king academy. She’s an excellent person who’s been teaching 3rd-
year students at the demon king academy for many years. Make sure you
aren’t rude to her.” (Diego) (1)

Menou takes one step forward.

“I’m Menou Historia and I’ll be in your care during this exchange. Nice to
meet you all.” Menou says with a smile.

“Now then since this is the first day and we don’t know each other very well
yet this class will be a simple recreation class to help us get along.” (Diego)

Using magic Diego writes on the blackboard.

—–Competetive academy class———

“Competetive academy class. It’s an exaggerated name though. The students

of each school give questions and the other side answers them. The rule is to
compete for the highest score.” (Diego)

I see. By asking and answering questions you can see the level of knowledge
between each school.

“Now then let’s begin. Let’s have the hero side set the tone. 2nd place
Ledoriano.” (Diego)

Ledoriano stood up when called.

“Ask a question.” (Diego)

“Certainly.” (Ledoriano)

Ledoriano pushes his glasses up with his index finger.

“I’ll start with a beginner question. Please explain what the effect of the
magic Consecration <Rihido> is and show the formula.” (Ledoriano)
The demon king seat side was suddenly noisy.

“Eh……? I have no idea what that is…..”

“Same here. We haven’t learnt that.”

“Ah, but the 3rd years might know.”

Menou claps her hands.

“Yes yes everyone quieten down. 3rd-year Libest-kun.” (Menou)

Libest stands up.

“I’m sorry but…….do you know the answer?” (Menou)

“…..No, I don’t. Isn’t this fundamentally flawed though Menou sensei? How
can I know what they are taught at other schools? How can this be a proper
ice-breaker unless the questions are limited to general knowledge?” (Libest)

“I think this is general knowledge though. You say the class itself is at fault
for not being taught it but isn’t it actually your own fault for not studying
enough?” (Ledoriano)

Libest starts to look angry.

“Alright then. In that case, can you describe and show the effects of
Demonization <Nedora>.” (Libest)

You can see Libest thinks there’s no way he will know, however, Ledoriano
simply smiled.

“Sure.” (Ledoriano)

Drawing the formula on the board he begins to explain.

“<Nedora> is a magic that is mainly used to transform animals. Basically, it’s

physical abilities are strengthened but the changes vary depending on the
caster and the animal. Sometimes its intelligence decreases, other times it
increases and sometimes it increases enough that they become able to
understand human language. Also, the animal that has <Nedora> cast on it
changes its appearance into that of a demon. In the current Deiruheido unless
certain conditions are met <Nedora> is forbidden from being used.”

Libest just looks and has nothing to come back with.

“How was that?” (Ledoraino)

“…..Correct answer……” (Libest)

Menou seems really impressed with Ledoriano after seeing the formula and
listening to his explanation.

“Hmmm. It seems the 3rd year students are offended by my beginner

problem. Considering the level difference between us it might be better to
cancel this competition or would you like a handicap?” (Ledoriano)

“Umu, you might be right. It’s true none of them seem to know what
<Rihido> is…..” Diego speaks in a troubled voice though a sly expression
was creeping onto his face.

“Diego sensei can you come here a minute…..” (Menou)

They both move over to the corner of the platform.

“…..This isn’t what you said before. You said this competition was intended
to let each side know what they have learnt and what they don’t know.”

I doubt the other students could hear what was being said but I could hear

“It was but that was because I assumed they knew at least common level
things. I honestly didn’t think the level of the demon king academy was this
low…….No, sorry. This was outside my calculations…….” (Diego)

Laughter leaks from the hero academy side.

Unlike Menou who was whispering Diego was speaking at full volume.

“Everyone, it’s rude to laugh. No matter how low level they are they’re doing
their best.” (Diego)

Turing his back to Menou, Diego address the students.

I didn’t miss the contemptuous look that briefly crossed his face.

On the surface, it looks like he’s rebuking the students but he’s just treating
us with contempt. He doesn’t dare to insult the demon king academy directly
so he does it this way by saying we are doing our best.

“Let’s think of a method to match our levels as much as possible.”

Menou bites her lip.

It must be frustrating for her. Officially they are playing innocent but this
hostility is barely dressed up. It’s pretty nasty.

It’s almost as if all the students at the demon king academy are considered
lower beings than the hero academy students. If by some miracle Diego
doesn’t feel that way there was still no need to be that rude.

In this nasty battle, the humans are one step above the mazoku.

The art of belittling others without fighting is not something the Mazoku can
imitate since as a race they are honest to a fault.

The humans are starting to get a little intolerable with this.

“<Rihido> is a magic that gives sacred power to weapons, armour and tools.”

I stand up and start answering.

“Simply put <Rihido> promotes the function of an object. A sword, for

example, would cut better. Taken to its extreme its possible to create simple
objects or turn existing objects into magic tools. Practically though that
would require the magic power of over 100 sages so it’s not really possible.”

I draw the magic formula on the blackboard using magic without leaving my

“Arnos-kun…..” (Menou)

Menou’s face broke into a broad smile looking at me.

“How was that?” (Arnos)

“….Correct answer……..the magic formula is also correct……” Diego says

almost in a growl.

“However, the part where you say that <Rihido> in its extreme can make
tools or turn them into magic tools is a gross exaggeration. At best it would
have the power near to that of a magic tool but it wouldn’t be one. It is
factually wrong to say it can be used for that. It seems you have studied
reasonably well but have been misled by exaggerated research results.”

Laughter leaks from the hero side at Diego’s words.

“I thought he might be slightly better than the others but it seems he’s

“Magic tools don’t work like that.”

“That’s right. A magic tool is something that has its magic built into it so it’s
origin is different.”

“It seems like he has misunderstood the basics of magic.”

Yare yare. Humans and their common sense. They always get too caught up
in it.

To be honest I saw this coming though.

“Fumu. If you don’t know how then let me show you.” (Arnos)

I stand back up and walk over to the platform.

On my way down I point to a sword that’s hung on the wall near the ceiling
and pull it down slowly in front of Diego using magic.

Stepping up on the platform I hold my hand over the sword and the magic
formation for <Rihido> appears.

I finish and turn the sword around and present the hilt to Diego.

“…….This is…… way……..” (Diego)

Diego touches the sword without any fear and when he does the blade emits
the glow of magic.

All the students of the hero academy leaned forward.

“Oi…….! It’s a lie right!? That glow……..!”

“Impossible……..! That’s……..that’s a holy sword………!”

“Impossible………..He said <Rihido> could create magic tools! That’s not a

magic tool, that’s a holy sword!”

“Wait…….that’s not the problem here. Isn’t he a mazoku! They cant use
<Rihido> in the first place!! That’s a magic only allowed to be used by a

Diego stares at the holy sword in amazement. It seems like he can’t believe
whats happened.

“You need to discard that common sense and stare deeper into the abyss
Diego. If the headteacher in charge of the school doesn’t know the answer
then all the students will be ridiculed.” (Arnos)

(1) Yes, he does call her his disciple. Not sure why though. The only other
translation would be pupil or follower.
79. Heroes confusion

Heading back to my seat I can see my fan union looking on with faces filled
with rapture.

“Arnos-sama is the best!”

“Yeah! He can do anything he wants! I’ll follow him for the rest of my life!”

“Me too! That teacher though. Isn’t he the best and highest ranked teacher
here who even teachers the heroes? My opinion of him is ruined now. How
bad is it when your understanding of hero magic is less than a student from
the demon king academy?”

“Arnos-sama might have done too much. I actually feel a little sorry for those

“What should I do!? I’ve just noticed something amazing!”

“………I have a bad feeling about this but I’ll ask. What have you noticed?”

“Demon swords are also a boys thing right? They are all about their demon

“……….I don’t think demon sword really has that meaning…….”

“What about holy swords then?”

“………!? Arnos-sama dual-wields!”

Kyaaaaaaaaaaa! Their voices ring out.

Looking over at the hero students half look confused at the sudden
overwhelming momentum coming from our side and the other half look
humiliated as well as confused.

“That surprised me a bit.” (Ledoriano)

Ledoriano pushed his glasses up with his index finger

“But thanks to your display I understand it now. Overwhelming magic

knowledge, a tremendous amount of magic power, and the technique to
manipulate magic only meant for the heroes.” (Ledoriano)

Looking at me with his cold look Ledoriano speaks confidently

“Arnos Voldigod. You are the demon king of tyranny reborn.” (Ledoriano)

Laughter breaks out from the demon king academy side.

“Fuhahaha. Oi, what are you saying? Stop looking for an excuse just because
Arnos answered your question.”

“Aah. He can’t tell the difference between black clothes and white clothes.
How embarrassing.”

“Lay off hero side. Don’t you know anything about the demon king

“If you know then stop talking.”

“No matter how amazing it is Arnos’ magic has no value. I suppose a human
like you wouldn’t get it.”

Ledoriano’s face starts to take on a dubious look. It seems this was outside of
his expectations.

“If you say that he is not the demon king of tyranny then who is he?”

Ledoriano pursues it sharpy but even that question is ridiculed.

“Ledoriano-kun was it?”

The 3rd year student Libest speaks up.

“You seem somewhat familiar with the magic of the mazoku but do you
know what the academy badges we wear represent?” (Libest)

“Of course. They represent your ability to be a demon emperor after taking
the magic power and aptitude tests. The shape is always either polygonal or a
star in a circle and the more sides or points there are the better you are.”

“Heeee. So its always a star or a pentagram huh? Then tell me what shape is
Arnos’ badge?” (Libest)

Ledoriano looks at my badge and its not a star or a polygon.

“…….A cross…….I don’t have any information on that……” (Ledoriano)

“That, Ledoriano-kun is the brand of the inept. In the entire history of the
demon king academy, Arnos is the most distant from the existence known as
the demon king of tyranny. If you call him the demon king in Deiruheido
everyone will laugh at you.” (Libest)

Following on from Libest some of the other 3rd years speak up.

“That’s right. Even the headmaster of the demon king academy has never
bothered to meet him.”

“How embarrassing to mistake that inept person for the demon king of

“Arnos is not accepted by anybody back home.”

Perhaps they were still angry about their treatment earlier but all the royals
were riled up and getting even angrier about me being called the demon king
of tyranny.

“……You are branding him inept when he has all that power? If that’s the
case then what are the top students like?” (Ledoriano)

Ledoriano gulps and starts to look a bit scared.

It looks like the atmosphere created between me and the royals these last 2
months hasn’t been investigated by the hero academy yet. Looking at it from
the sides like the heroes it must be difficult to grasp the current situation.

“……..Arent they just bluffing to hide him…..?” Laos whispers to Ledoriano

who shakes his head.

“The demon king of tyranny is held in such high regard in Deiruheido that
they won’t even speak his name. There’s no way they’d insult him even if
acting and they would definitely never give him the brand of the inept even to
hide him…….” (Ledoraino)

“Then what are you saying? That Deigo-sensei is inferior in magic

knowledge to an inept non-conformist?” (Laos)

“Even if it’s only this one time please calm down Laos.” (Ledoriano)

“Calm down! It’s not just magic its a heroes magic!”

Laos stands up and addresses me.

“Oi, you. Arnos Voldigod. Are you the demon king of tyranny?” (Laos)

“I am.” (Arnos)


Laos suddenly turns cautious at my acknowledgement.

“I’ll teach you something. The name of the demon king of tyranny is Arnos
Voldigod. Your history books and textbooks are wrong so you’d better
rewrite them.” (Arnos)

“……..What did……you just say…..” (Laos)

Laos looks confused which is to be expected since they were taught another
name and now I’ve told him to doubt that.

“Oi oi. Look at him. That lie of yours is growing old now Arnos.”

“You should understand with this. Don’t believe that inept persons lie.”

“First off he’s not even a royal. He can’t be the reincarnation of the demon
king because he hasn’t fully inherited his blood for the founder to reincarnate

The royals begin jeering.

“Fumu. Don’t worry about what those fellows are saying. Also, I’m not
bothered if you acknowledge me as the demon king of tyranny or not.”

Laos gets angry again.

“…….What’s going on!?………I don’t understand any of this……!” (Laos)

Fumu. I guess if people don’t have an answer they selfishly decide on one
and look away from the truth that is all around them.

No. Actually, it’s quite a funny spectacle.

“Alright alright. Everyone stop being noisy.” (Menou)

Menou claps her hands and calms the students down.

“Diego sensei the question about <Nedora> was ours so its the hero classes
next.” (Menou)

“Aah, that’s right.” (Diego)

Diego turns to the class to select someone.

“Fumu. Don’t get too excited about the next question. Try not to give the
wrong answer this time okay” (Arnos)
Diego stiffened at my words.

“You can’t say that Arnos-kun. It was just a mistake by Diego-sensei. It’s
impossible for the dean of the hero academy to make a mistake with hero
magic. Right sensei?” (Menou)

Menou gets a little revenge on Diego in return for earlier.

“*Cough* It seems we might have to change our plans a little. I want to

continue this little ice breaker but it seems better to move on to the next
class.” (Diego)

Escape while there’s still chance huh?

“Eeh? is the hero academy running away?”

“That’s right. Things were getting good.”

“We both have a draw with one correct answer each. Any more than this and
they’ll lose.”

“How can we lose if even their sensei gives the wrong answer?”

As expected from my fellow mazoku, they just blast away with a straight

“….Don’t be stupid. As if we can lose in our own school. Let’s continue for a
while sensei. The pride of the hero academy needs to be shown a little.”

Deigo walks over to Heine and scolds him in a whisper.

“Are you going to shame me even further in front of the mazoku….!”


Heine has a confused expression on his face.

Deigo shrugs his shoulders like he’s given up and returns.

“Class is resumed.” (Diego)

Kuhahaha. What was that? I’m starting to feel sorry for Heine and the others
having such a small fry teacher.

Compared to this guy even Emilia felt more like a teacher.

80. Hostile

There was almost a tingling to the air in the auditorium.

The royals from our side are angry with the heroes and they, in turn, are
angry due to the humiliation they just received.

Does this class even have a point any more?

The low voice of Diego echoed out in the heavy atmosphere coating the

“Holy swords are swords blessed mainly by the gods. They have magic
power and chose their owners. Swords can also become holy swords if a
spirit inhabits the blade. Apart from those two cases, there is no other way to
create holy swords.” (Diego)

Diego looked like someone being made to swallow boiling water as he


At his words, murmurings came from the demon king academy side causing
Diego to stop and clear his throat.

“Of course, there are exceptions to everything.” (Diego)

Throwing out that line in desperation Diego continues.

“Holy swords are very rare items that you cannot just make more of even if
you want to. Demon swords are great in that they can be mass-produced but
holy swords are of a higher quality. That’s because on top of their own magic
power they can also have the power of the gods and spirits reside within
them. That is also what gives them their holy radiance.” (Diego)
He’s not wrong per se in saying that holy swords are of a higher quality.
There are demon swords with weak magic powers whereas all holy swords
have strong magic. Also, most holy swords can seal a mazoku’s power. That
ability is the main reason for most of the mazoku deaths.

It’s one of the reasons that humans who are inferior to the mazoku in both
strength and magic were barely able to oppose the mazoku.

“It’s said that the number of holy swords existing in the world is 88. Amongst
those 88 the legendary holy sword used by the hero Kanon is regarded as the
finest. The spirit god sword Evance Mana. 2000 years ago a master craftsman
forged it before the gods blessed it and spirits dwelled within it.” (Diego)

Fumu. There’s a nostalgic name. It was a ridiculously powerful magic sword.

So much so it wasn’t even possible to think of it as a sword.

Well, it was a sword made exclusively to kill me after all.

“It was lost 2000 years ago but it’s said that when a great disaster comes to
this world it will reveal itself along with the hero of legend and bring light
back to this world.” (Diego)

So it was lost.

2000 years ago in the whole of Azeshion, only Kanon could wield Evance
Mana. With its owner gone it possible the holy sword that picks its own user
disappeared. After all, the demon king it was supposed to kill hasn’t existed
for 2000 years.

I’m suspicious about it really being lost though. If Aivis’ expectations are
correct then whoever is trying to kill me now I’ve reincarnated will need
Evance Mana or there’s no point even bothering.

“Speaking of 2000 years ago there’s an interesting anecdote that comes from
that time about Mishens necklace. It’s a story about love and reincarnation.
Does anyone from the demon king academy know of it?” (Diego)

There’s no way a mazoku from Deiruheido will anything about an Azeshion


Naturally, no one raised their hand and after seeing this Deigo started

Yare yare. What a petty person. Even I’m starting to feel embarrassed for

“So nobody knows? Well, it can’t be helped. Then can somebody from the
hero academy side please expl——” (Diego)

“Mishens necklace is said to have been given to lovers when one of them
went to the battlefield.” (Arnos)

Deigo gritted his teeth when I answered.

Fumu. A hit. Looks like the story didn’t change but then again there’d be no
point changing a common myth like this.

If it wasn’t magic related then I wouldn’t have known it but luckily this a
story from before I reincarnated so naturally, I know it.

“2000 years ago in the early days of the war, most of the humans that went to
the battlefield did not survive. Therefore they made a wish on Mishens
necklace that they would be tied together with their lovers and would be
reborn in the same era. The shell of the Mishens shellfish that lives in
Gairadeite lake is broken in two and made into two necklaces. One was worn
by the lover staying behind and the other was worn by the one that went to
the battlefield.” (Arnos)

Diego just glares at me. It seems all he really wants to do it make us mazoku
look like idiots.

“The Mishens shellfish live by drinking the sacred water of the lake and are
said to be messengers of the gods. The humans of the time believed that the
divided shells would guide the two origins to each other after death so they
could meet.” (Arnos)

From my perspective, the Mishens shell doesn’t have the power to act on
someone’s origin though I understand there may be times when people want
to cling to something.

Whenever I killed a human that wore a Mishens necklace I always cast

Reincarnation <Silica> on them. Magic is greatly controlled by the heart after
all. If their desires were genuine then they may very well meet each other
again when they are reborn.

Of course, it could have been that me doing that was just a way for me to
soothe my conscience a little bit.

“In the latter half of the war hope arose in Gairadeite due to the activities of
the hero Kanon. Many more people returned from the battlefield wearing
Mishens necklaces and married their lovers. After that, the necklaces were
simply called shellfish necklaces and the custom of combining the two shells
into one and presenting it to your lover was born.” (Arnos)

As peace approached people began to see hope which sounds good but some
were simply trying to turn away from reality.

Only Gairadeite who had the hero was barely able to hold back the invasion
of the mazoku. In the rest of Azeshion, the humans were being steadily
hunted down.

“In addition, if someone was seeking marriage the tradition was born of
dividing the necklace and only wearing one half to signal their desire for
marriage. That tradition still persists to this day.” (Arnos)

Finishing my explanation Deigo simply grumbles.

“…….That’s right.”

The bell rings signalling the end of class.

“Okay then. Next class starts in 10 minutes.” (Diego)

Diego leaves the hall in a hurry.

“It’s regrettable that our competition couldn’t be completed Demon king

academy onii-san.” (Heine)

Heine smiled at me with a generous smile.

“What are you talking about? This game is my win. You teacher
acknowledged your loss.” (Arnos)

“Tch. How shrewd.” Heine said without a hint a shyness or timidity.

If I believed that this game had no winner then <Zekt> becomes invalid.
Which one of us is the shrewd one Heine?

“Do you want to know about the hero Kanon?” (Heine)

“No.” (Arnos)

Kanon was killed by the humans and there’s a mountain of things I want to
ask about that but Eleonor says its a secret. I won’t be asking you.

<Zekt> was only valid for one answer per question. If I ask too ambiguous a
question then the answer can be just as ambiguous.

“I’ll ask another question. Do you know the name of the demon king of
tyranny?” (Arnos)

“……..Is that okay? You want me to say it here?” (Heine)

“I don’t care.” (Arnos)

“Avos Dilleavia.” (Heine)

You can’t lie under the effect of <Zekt> and I can’t see any evidence that the
contract has been forcibly altered or destroyed. It seems he really doesn’t
know the name of the demon king of tyranny.

“Something wrong?” (Heine)

“No, I just wanted to confirm something.” (Arnos)

“Ohh.” (Heine)

Heine flashes a mischievous smile.

“By the way, do you know about tomorrow? Were going to have a test
between our two schools.” (Heine)

“Fumu. Do you want to bet again?” (Arnos)

“Yeah. Tomorrow’s test is going to be a good honest fight all fair and
square.” (Heine)

Heine holds out his hand with an innocent look on his face.

“My my. It doesn’t sound like you are saying to you are going to cheat and be
underhanded at all.” (Arnos)

I smile back at Heine while shaking his hand.

“No way. Please look forward to tomorrow onii-san. I’m sure you’ll be
surprised.” (Heine)

Heine and the other two head back to their side.

What’s he planning? Not that it matters as the result will be the same as

“Hey hey, Misa. Is that the shellfish necklace Arnos-sama was on about

The fan union girls are gathering around Misa’s seat.

“Ah….it looks like it…….” (Misa)

Misa’s words become vague.

“Hang on. This reaction is suspicious. Really suspicious Misa. Did someone
buy it for you?”
Fumu. How sharp.

“Ah…ahahaha…..that’s not true…..I bought this myself.” (Misa)

“Hmmm. Is that so?”

“Did someone give it to you who bought it themselves?”

“It’s got to be.”

“No way! Did you get it from Arnos-sama!?”


“You’re wrong! I really bought it myself!” (Misa)


“Will you bet your life on that statement?”

“……Ye…..yes…..” (Misa)

Misa answers while being pressured.

“Eh? Has the first lesson finished already?”

Turning around I see Ray standing there.

“It’s just finished.” (Arnos)

“Really? Guess I overslept a little.” (Ray)

Without caring in the slightest Ray searches for a free seat.

“Is here free Misa?” (Ray)

“Ah, yes. It’s fine.” (Misa)

Ray sits next to Misa and looks at the necklace she’s wearing.
“You’re wearing it? I’m glad.” (Ray)

“Ah……erm……ah…ahahaha……” (Misa)

Misa looks really awkward and looks around at the fan union girls who are
now looking at Misa with great interest.

All their eyes are asking the same question.

“…………………Yes………..” (Misa)

Misa answers like she’s given up and all the fan union girls lean back in
surprise before they all move away from Misa and face each other.

“Yes! She said yes!”

“That means Ray-kun gave it to Misa!?”

“Eh? But Ray-kun is with Arnos-sama……”

“Then that means…….”

“In other words……”

“She’s keeping indirect company with Arnos-samaaaaaaaaaaa!!”

It seems they reached their conclusion from a rather slanted angle.

81. Academy opposition test

The next day.

We have come to lake Seimei outside the castle walls for the test.

Students from both academies are carefully checking their equipment and
magic tools in preparation for the test.

Students from both academies got angry yesterday and even though neither
side is looking at the other they are both giving off a tense atmosphere. Both
sides might as well be saying I’ll show you.

The bell signalling the start of lessons rings out and Diego starts talking.

“Today we have an opposition test. As you already know opposition tests are
done using army magic. The hero academy will be using Hero Unit <Asura>
while the demon king academy will be using Demon King Army <Guys>. It
should prove to be meaningful training since the characteristics of each spell
are different.” (Diego)

Even though Diego is explaining in a simple manner his eyes are giving off
an eerie light.

“Dark feeling” Misha murmurs next to me.

“Fumu. He certainly doesn’t seem too sane. It’s a face I saw a lot of 2000
years ago.” (Arnos)

“In a cage of hatred.” (Misha)

It’s strange though this hatred for the mazoku. How can you be so hostile to
an opponent which you have had no interaction with? And after yesterday
events it’s an even lower boiling point it seems.

“The location for the test is lake Seimei. In other words, it’s an underwater
battle. This is a measure to prevent damage to Gairadeite from magic. The
surface of the water forms a natural anti-magic barrier and minimises the
power of attack magic cast in it. Please do not cast magic above the water.”

There are normal humans in Gairadeite after all. Unlike the mazoku their
bodies are weak so they are prone to magical influences.

“In addition, because lake Seimei is a testing ground there are buildings as
well as caves in it. Making good use of them will be the key to victory. Now,
any questions?” (Diego)

No one raised their hand.

“Menou-sensei I’ll have the selection class take part as they are used to using
army magic and training in lake Seimei. Does the demon king academy have
any 3rd-year students that have combat training and knowledge of army
magic?” (Diego)

Menou looked at me for an instant.

“Or the chaos generation was it? Even reincarnated people will be fine. I
don’t mind.” (Diego)

“We’ll use 3rd-year students.” (Menou)

“Understood” (Diego)

A weird smile crossed Diego’s face for an instant.

“Don’t be too hard on us.” (Diego)

“Same here.” (Menou)

Menou and Diego walk away from each other.

“Gather here everyone.” (Menou)

All the demon king academy students gather around Menou.

“As explained by Diego-sensei we will be doing an opposition exam. The

3rd-year students will be going out. The first-year students haven’t trained in
underwater warfare and it’s only Arnos-kuns team that is likely to have the
land advantage over there.” (Menou)

This is true. Two of the chaos generation Sasha and Ray are in my group. It’s
no exaggeration to say that the remaining students are nothing but a
disorganised mob.

“However, there are only five members in Arnos-kuns team and at the
moment the school rules say that teams with less than 10 people cannot
participate.” (Menou)

Fumu. I think I remember Sasha saying something about that before.

“You can borrow the remaining five people from other teams but such a
sudden change would not make for very good group coordination.” (Menou)

“Matching the numbers is enough. I’ll take on the students from the heroes
side by myself if you like?” (Arnos)

Sasha made a disapproving look at my words.

“Hang on. Why by yourself? I’ll be troubled if you don’t leave me my share.”

Ray nods at her words.

“It’s about time I tried out this sword.”

Misa laughs.

“Ahahaha…….. I might not be very helpful but I’ll do my best.”

Misha looks at me
“Help you.”

“If it’s you Menou you can see the power of me and my subordinates.”

“I can.” (Menou)

After affirming it Menou shows an unusually mischievous look.

“Sensei is a little angry here too.” (Menou)

“Oh?” (Arnos)

“It will certainly be an easy win for Arnos-kun but I want to show those hero
academy boys the power of my students.” (Menou)

Fumu. Is that how it was?

It’s true that my easy victory will do little to calm down Menou’s sour
feelings and that’s why she wants to show the power of the students she
raised with her own hands.

“I understand your feelings Menou but do your 3rd-year students know how
to deal with heroes?” (Arnos)

“…..Do you know Arnos-kun?” (Menou)

“Who do you think I am?” (Arnos)

Menou didn’t answer and fell silent.

“In the old days those guys were sly and that class yesterday showed that
they haven’t changed. If you don’t know what they have planned in this test
then using my team would be the wisest move.” (Arnos)

“Then why not think about it this way?”

It was the 3rd-year Libest.

“If we don’t know what they have planned then why not let us third-years go
out and see what they are planning?” (Libest)

Fumu. One of the royals has said something unusual.

“I don’t know where they found the information from but the hero academy
knows a lot about the mazoku. We are at a disadvantage in this test just from
that. More than anything we need to know their intentions.” (Libest)

It’s a pretty standard strategy plus 2000 years have passed since we’ve had to
fight the humans. If they really want to destroy the demon king of tyranny
then they have probably developed magic I don’t know anything about.

If they have developed such magic I doubt they would be stupid enough to
use it here though. It will probably be the same fighting methods from 2000
years ago.

“Even if I don’t know anything I won’t lose.” (Arnos)

“I see you’re as arrogant as the rumours say though most just say you are an
inept person.” (Libest)

Libest sighs.

“Arnos Voldigod, I am from one of the royal families and frankly speaking I
will never forgive you for saying you are the demon king of tyranny.”

With a strong will, he continues

“However, when you made that holy sword yesterday in my chest I felt
satisfied.” (Libest)

“Hou.” (Arnos)

“You’re a disagreeable man but you’re a mazoku. They are different

however. To insult the demon king academy is to insult the demon king of
tyranny.” (Libest)
I suppose you could look at it that way. To assume the identity of the demon
king of tyranny could also be called a form of respect, however, I don’t
particularly need to take that worthless title back up.

“You should leave the first match to us. If you’re the demon king of tyranny
then why don’t you stand dignified at our backs?” (Libest)

He’s said something I’ve been told before and know very well.

“Is that okay? Doing this is the same as being my herald.” (Arnos)

“Today is an opposition test. I don’t remember being taught in Deruzogedo to

have an internal dispute when fighting an enemy. Of course you take the best
action to win.” (Libest)

That is a mazoku-like way of thinking or perhaps it’s the result of Menou’s


2000 years ago the mazoku were not monolithic. Some were as loyal as Shin
and others didn’t like me, however, when faced with a common foe such as
the humans and spirits they forgot whatever quarrels they had and united to
defeat the enemy in front of them.

Thanks to Avos Dillheavia they have been distorted somewhat but it seems
some underlying values have not changed.

“The founder whom we respect fought for the weak and I have pride as his
decedent. If I have to sacrifice myself to an inept person then so be it.”

For all that the royals say it doesn’t mean they don’t care.

In other words, to meet the expectations of his teacher this man will humble
himself to this inept person.

“All right. Despite not knowing their intentions show me your resolve
senpai.” (Arnos)

Libest makes a fearless smile.

“Indeed. I don’t need you to tell me that.” (Libest)

Fumu. What a loveable fellow.

Well, if he suddenly became obedient I’d find it a bit creepy actually.

“Well then. Is your team ready Libest?” (Menou)

All of Libest’s team nodded.

“Like sensei said earlier it’s a little ridiculous. If they have something to say
they should just say it. As for that Diego with his constant prickling at us. If
he’s an adult he should behave himself.” (Menou)

When Menou says this in a low voice the eyes of Libests team glaze over in

Their whole demeanour says they will get revenge for their teacher.

“It’s good! We will win! Let’s show these humans the power of the demon
king school!” (Libest)

At Libest’s words, their voices rang out

82. Lake Seimei barrier

“The hero academy selection class [Jerga Kanon] and the Libest team from
the demon king academy 3rd years will now start the opposition test. Keep
the honour and pride of your ancestors and fight fairly.” (Diego)

Diego signals the start of the test.

Those of us on the lakeshore will be watching the test via Remote

Clairvoyance <Rimnet>. The images are being sent by falcons used by the
hero academy flying over the lake and swimming in the lake.

“I’m sorry Arnos-kun.”

Menou says coming over to me.

“What for?” (Arnos)

“About Libest-kun. He said some bad things about you.” (Menou)

“Hardly the first time I’ve had royals complaining about me.” (Arnos)

Menou’s face takes on an apologetic look.

“Libest-kun is usually a gentle child but most people take great pride in their
blood and deeply respect the demon king of tyranny.” (Menou)

Menou keeps watching <Rimnet> while talking.

“Libest-kun has the ability to compete for the top spot amongst the 3rd years
now but when he entered the school he was close to dropping out. He was
unable to use Demon King Army <Guys> so he couldn’t become a group
leader.” (Menou)
“That does surprise me.” (Arnos)

“I know right? Libest-kun doesn’t like fighting so somewhere in his heart he

refused to develop his army magic or any offensive magic.” (Menou)

“He doesn’t sound like a mazoku.” (Arnos)

“Perhaps. He hated the demon king who committed all kinds of atrocious acts
and hated admitting that he shared the same blood.” (Menou)

That’s an unnecessary concern. It doesn’t matter who your ancestors were,

you are you regardless of what blood you share.

Well, in this current era perhaps they now have the chance to think like that?

“What changed him?” (Arnos)

Menou’s expression became nostalgic. Do you remember that time?

“When he was in his 2nd year I was in charge of his class and he confided in
me that he didn’t like fighting. He consulted with me because he was
considering leaving the academy.” (Menou)

The classes in the demon king academy are biased towards combat so if you
hate fighting dropping out would be natural.

“So I said to him that <Guys> was certainly developed for war but the
founder probably developed the magic to protect the mazoku, otherwise, why
would the demon king of tyranny whose life was being targetted by many
enemies create a magic that shares his power out and weakens him?”


“Is that written in a textbook?” (Arnos)

“If you only teach what’s written in textbooks then you don’t need teachers.”
That certainly a teacher like thing to say.

“Don’t you think so Arnos-kun?” (Menou)

“Who knows.” (Arnos)

I caught Misha looking at me with a smile that said she’d seen right through

“Even if you hate fighting, power is sometimes needed to protect something.

Maybe the founder was like Libest-kun and never really wanted to fight? I
think this became important to him because Libest-kun now respects the
founder and has pride in the royalty.” (Menou)

“He went too far though and joined the royal faction.” (Arnos)

Menou smiles wryly.

“A little bit. I think the demon king of tyranny became a special existence to
him more than anyone else.” (Menou)

That would explain why he really didn’t like me calling myself the demon
king of tyranny more than most.

He probably also holds respect for the teacher that set him on that path and
that’s why he wants to put right how Menou has been treated himself.

“I see him, my prided student. He will surely win.” (Menou)

Menou lets out a little laugh.

Looking at <Rimnet> both sides are about to move.

The Jerga Kanon team are located in the underwater city filled with buildings
and temples whilst the Libest team are located near the underwater caves and

Both teams have Underwater Activity <Coco> cast on them which allows
them to breath underwater and lasts as long as you have magic power left.
“Preparations are ready Libest-sama!”

All his subordinates have a resolute attitude.

Is Libest from a good family or highly capable? You can see respect from all
his members. Perhaps it’s simply the result of an outcast fighting his way to
the top position.

“Do it!” (Libest)


Following standard tactics, Libest built his demon king castle where he was

It’s a long and narrow castle like a tower. The water flowing around it started
swirling violently forming a wall preventing access to the demon king castle.

Due to the change in water flow the fish and even the huge rocks caught in it
are sucked in and torn to pieces.

Apparently, there’s a terrain effect that strengthens water magic.

Libest’s guardian team seems to be excellent. Normally you wouldn’t be able

to build a castle and set up those whirling currents with the magic of just 2

“Beautiful demon king castle.”

Misha mutters while watching <Rimnet>

“He’s not just a 3rd year for show. 1st years could never make a castle like
that.” (Misha)

Misha tilts her head to one side in wonder.

“Except for you.” (Arnos)

Misha nodded.
“First of all the <Shamans> will scout the enemy. The big difference between
<Asura> and <Guys> is the Heroes <Braves> and the Sages <Wiseman>. In
exchange for not being able to build a castle the <Wiseman> can use special
support magic.” (Libest)

Fumu. As expected of the 3rd year students. They actually studied a little.

Libest’s group has 3 shamans. One casts a net of magic power over a wide
area and confirms the position of the heroes. One investigates any changes in
magic power using their demon eyes and the last one magically manipulates
the fish swimming in the lake to investigate the enemy in detail.

They are looking for the <Wiseman> who can strengthen the <Braves>. They
can also buff the attack magic of the <Mages> and buff the healing magic of
the <Healers>. They support everyone basically.

Using <Guys> the caster receives the demerits that would normally apply to
the <Mages> and <Healers> but under <Asura> the <Wiseman> are a little
different in that they can buff the entire unit with no backlash.

All the heroes are strengthened by the <Wiseman> so the first thing to do is
eliminate the <Wiseman>.


One of the <Shamans> reports in.

“It’s strange. The fish familiars are not operating as expected.”

“Same here. Every time I try to cast the magic net it gets interrupted.”

“My demon eyes are the same. I can’t see any magic power over there.”

In other words, it’s not possible to scout the enemy at all.

Libest thinks carefully.

“It could be an application of anti-magic that’s hindering our magic.”

“A formation of <Cavaliers>, <Shamans> and <Healers> will go out and
scout the enemy. Avoid fighting as much as possible. If you find something
strange report in immediately using <Liikus>.” (Libest)


3 teams of 3 leave the demon king castle and take different routes to the city
where Jerga Kanon is based.

They carefully advance into enemy territory.

“I see we have summer bugs flying into the fire.”

Laos appears in front of one of the units.

“Libest-sama one of the Heroes <Braves> has appeared!”

One of the <Shamans> immediately report in but there is no reply.

“Libest-sama? Libest-sama……!?”

There’s no answer no matter how many times they try to call.

<Liikus> appears to have been cut off.

“Haaa. You can’t use <Liikus>. You do get that right?” (Laos)

Laos fist is wrapped in flames giving off a holy glow.

Despite being underwater the flames are still burning.

“I’ll buy you time. Get back to the demon king castle!”

The <Cavalier> tries to pull his sword from its sheath but it won’t come out.


In that instant, Laos approaches close to the <Cavalier>

“Oraa!” (Laos)


Laos fist connects with the <Cavaliers> stomach.


The <Healer> immediately uses Anti-magic Healing <Enshell> but as soon

as the magic circle forms it disappears.

“………What the……..?”

“Did you finally notice? Your magic power is weakening.” (Laos)

Laos approaches the <Healer> who tries to get away but their legs are getting
slower and slower.

“Not only your magic power but your physical abilities as well. You are now
weaker than a human!” (Laos)

The <Healer> was wrapped in flames and the <Shaman> followed soon after.

“Haa. I don’t even need my holy sword in this fight.” (Laos)

Laos uses <Liikus>

“Heine, Ledoriano. I’m done over here.” (Laos)

“Same here.”

“They will be aware that somethings up now. I’m going to head straight to
the demon kings castle and invade it.” (Laos)

Laos left the city and headed straight towards the castle.

“It’s strange……” (Menou)

Menou mutters while watching <Rimnet>

“If its a magic field that stagnates magic power and causes weakness then the
heroes should be affected as well but they are fine and can use <Liikus> as
well…… I know the difference in magic power is normally great but today
it’s feeble at best……” (Menou)

Menou gets lost in thought.

“The magic power of Libests team is being sealed but there’s no sign that it’s
coming from the heroes side………. If it’s not being cast on them directly
then how because no matter how you look at it the range is just too wide
otherwise…….” (Menou)

Menou makes a bitter look while mumbling to herself.

“Fumu. In other words, are you saying that the hero side is doing something
wrong or cheating?” (Arnos)

“…….It’s suspicious but there’s no evidence…… It could also be that they

are just really good……” (Menou)

Her expression says that she finds that last part hard to swallow.

“I have proof.” (Arnos)


“They are using holy water that been dissolved in the lake. It’s a kind of
special magic tool which doesn’t have a form. If you use its power it gives
magic to the humans but for the mazoku it’s poisonous.” (Arnos)

The gods created holy water to seal the mazoku.

2000 years ago there were only a few people that could use it but it seems its
been successfully passed down.

Holy water is a high-grade magic ingredient.

Even for me, this is the first time I’ve ever seen it being used. It seems
they’ve successfully devised a method to conceal the existence of the holy

“Holy water mixed in with normal water creates a magic formation.” (Arnos)

When I told her Menou stares at the lake with her demon eyes.

“……..I don’t understand……. How can you tell different kinds of water that
have mixed together…..?” (Menou)

It will be hard to spot since the magic power is very well concealed.

“I’ll show you.” (Arnos)

I touch one of Menou’s eyes, draw a formation on it and pour my magic

power into it strengthening her demon eyes.

“Eh…..? This is……..?”

“You can see magic power much better now. This is the world I see.” (Arnos)

This was only possible because Menou’s demon eyes were of a sufficiently
high level to begin with. If they weren’t this would have destroyed her eyes.

“…..Incredible……. I can see magic power far more clearly than the
materials themselves….” (Menou)

Menou gazes into the water projected by <Rimnet>. She should be able to
clearly see the holy water forming a magic formation in the lake.

“This is……. a formula for a barrier system technique…..? I don’t

understand its specific effects though….” (Menou)

“It draws out the power of the holy water, raises the humans magic power
and seals the power of the mazoku. Holy water naturally flows into Lake
Seimei. The hero side is supplied with unlimited magic power and the
mazoku will endlessly have their power chipped away at.” (Arnos)

“….With that….. As expected there never was a geographical advantage for

us. It’s a power source only usable by the heroes side.” (Menou)
Menou’s voice is filled with resentment.

If you know that holy water is flowing out as long as you don’t draw on your
magic power it becomes neither poison nor medicine.

I had wondered if they’d use the power of the holy water under the guise of
some kind of test.

Do you want to win that much you’d be willing to have a grudge along with
any future relationship? Or did you think it would go unnoticed?

“What will you do? With this its not even a game.” (Arnos)

“Thank you. With this, there is enough evidence. I’m going to go and
protest.” (Menou)

With an angry look, Menou heads over to Diego.

83. Students wish

“There’s no reply from any of the units Libest-sama.”

In the demon kings castle, Libests subordinates are starting to panic over the
loss of communications through <Liikus>

“If we can’t communicate with <Liikus> what are we supposed to do? Have
they already been beaten in battle? Should we attack with the main unit
instead of the scouts?”

“No. This is very strange. No way were they all beaten without at least one of
them using <Liikus> to inform us. We should consider that they have set up
traps outside. Carelessly moving about out there is probably what they want.”

Libest seems to have decided that staying put is the best course of action
since they can’t see the enemies hand.

“It’s vexing but let them siege us. It’s not too late for them to underestimate
us and give us the chance to strike back.” (Libest)

There’s also the terrain effect of being in the demon king castle. If Libest
[King] is in the castle then his power is strengthened. The true value of
<Guys> comes from siege warfare.

“Save your magic and the moment they show up really give them something
to look at.” (Libest)


They still don’t seem to have realised what’s going on while they stay in the
castle and store up magic power.
After a short while.

“Hmph. Finally here? Let’s finish it.” (Laos)

Laos emerges from the east and confirms the castle.

“You’re too hasty Laos. It’s boring if you don’t play around a little”. (Heine)

Heine appears from the west.

“Both of you are too careless. We still don’t know what will appear from the
castle. Please proceed more cautiously.” (Ledoriano)

Ledoriano appears from the north.

“I see them. North, east and west. It’s three heroes [Braves]!”

Libest’s subordinates raise their voices.

“Did they split up instead of acting as one group? I don’t suppose it matters
now. Let’s go! Show those guys the power of the demon king academy!”

“Roger that! Preparing Absolute Water Annihilation Cannon <Rio Eias>!”

“<Rio Eias> preparing! Magic formation begin!”

A huge magic formation appears on the castle and turns into a turret above
one of the gates.

“Start supplying magic power!!”

The formation activates as is receives magic and light gathers in the turret.

“Ready to fire!!”

Magic sights are aimed at Heine, Laos and Ledoriano.

“Here we go. <Rio Eias> fire!!” (Libest)

At that moment the lake turns white and is wrapped in holy light.

With Heine, Laos and Ledoraiano as the tip, a triangle formed of magic lines
appears. From the centre, a huge magic formation appears and covers the
demon king castle in light.

“……Libest-sama. Magic power and the power supply itself is decreasing

rapidly. We can’t maintain the formation!”

The <Rio Eias> formation deployed on the castle disappears and even the
whirlpools created around the castle have disappeared.

“…….Wha…. We can’t draw any magic out. At this rate, the demon king
castle will….!!”

As soon as the [Guardian] speaks a sound rings out and the castle breaks in
half and gets swept away in the water.


The outer walls, floors and ceilings come apart and everyone inside was
dragged out.

Due to the castle collapse, the water becomes stormy.

Libest casts Flight <Fres> and flew through the water somehow managing to
regain control and begins re-establishing order.

“Everyone calm down and prepare for the enemies attack. I’ll help you!”

“Ohh? Can you do that?” (Heine)

Heine appears behind Libest.

“Is onii-san a demon king [king] who will become a demon emperor in the
future?” (Heine)

“What about it?” (Libest)

*Fufu* Heine laughs.

“Look at that. Do you understand?” (Heine)

Libest turns to look at where Heine was pointing and a flash of light appears.

The rubble from the collapsed castle is scattered in the water along with the
other students and from the lake floor countless flashes of holy fire are firing

“It’s no good!……… Anti-magic can’t be used!………GUAAAAAAA!!”


The lake had become complete pandemonium.

To the listening Libest, Underwater Activity <Coco> is barely working as

their voices augmented by magic are becoming feeble.

“Ha! You’re weak! If this happens you Mazoku are weak!!”

Laos fires off multiple Holy Flames <Cipher> burning one student after

Both anti-magic and recovery magic were sealed by the barrier scattering the
magic for them into the water and making them useless.

“Ahahahaha, how unsightly. I have to laugh if such a pitiful person is a future

demon emperor. What is the demon king academy teaching you? How to let
your comrades die without helping them?” (Heine)

Libest’s eyes sharpen at Heines words. He tries to pull his demon sword out
but he can’t due to his low magic power.

“Why is your magic weakening? Would you like me to tell you?” (Heine)

Heine was totally playing with Libest now.

“The holy water that mixes with this lake creates a special barrier. You can
use it as a source of magic power if you can draw it out but if not it will
hinder your use of magic power. I say that but you cant use it at all so it
would be hard for you to do.” (Heine)

Heine deliberately exposes the holy water magic tool to Libest.

“So it was such a thing…… Even so, you should have remained quiet to the
end!!” (Libest)

Libest accurately analysed the flow of Heine’s magic power and uses the
holy water as a magic tool in the same way.

And that was the trap.

“………Ah……….” (Libest)

The power of the holy water penetrates directly into Libest’s origin. Holy
water benefits humans but is poisonous to mazoku. The holy power tears his
body inside to shreds.

Libest bleeds from his whole body.

“Ahahahaha! Failure failure! The students of the demon king academy can’t
do such a difficult thing.” (Heine)

Heine mocks Libest and raises his right hand.

“Come my holy sword. Great sacred ground sword Zeele.”

Light gathers in his palm and instantly materialises.

A holy sword emitting a deep green glow appears in Heine’s hand.

“Hey, you’d better use anti-magic quickly. If you don’t do your best you’ll
die!!” (Heine)

Heine swings his sword down and the water is split in half due to the pressure
and amazing torrent of magical power it’s emitting.
The video suddenly broke off. Was the falcon familiar caught up in it?

“….Libest-kun……!?” (Menou)

Menou screams and the next moment she glares at Diego.

“Rescue all the students quickly! If anything happens the hero academy will
not escape responsibility!!”

Diego sighed at the angry Menou.

“So you say but I didn’t think the students of the demon king academy were
this weak. There hasn’t been a single student in the last two hundred years
who couldn’t bring themselves back from this test. Of course they will be
immediately rescued but I fail to see how we are at fault for your student’s
cowardice.” (Diego)

Menou grits her teeth. It’s obvious she has many things she wants to say but
the first thing to do is help her students.

“Stop talking and help faster! What are you doing!?” (Menou)

“I’ve already sent out familiars to collect them. It’s still going to take a
couple of minutes. Just wait a while.” (Diego)

Menou was stunned. This test is a simulated fight so of course injuries

happen and accidents occur. In the worst-case scenario, you even have to
assume the worst so there’s no way Menou could have imagined that they
didn’t have any emergency preparations prepared.

Not willing to wait any longer Menou ran to the edge of the lake.

“Don’t be so impatient.” (Arnos)

I grab her shoulder as she tries to jump in.

“There’s little a mazoku can do in that barrier.” (Arnos)

“Even so, I can’t wait!” (Menou)

“Not even 5 seconds?” (Arnos)

Her eyes go round at my words.

Students fly out of the lake one after the other before gently landing on the

“Is this you Arnos-kun………?”

“It’s easy to pull someone up if they are not fighting.” (Arnos)

All the students have been pulled out of the lake and placed gently on the


Menou runs over to Libest who’s the most seriously injured and casts Anti-
Magic healing <Enshell> but the wounds won’t heal at all.

“…….Why…….? What’s wrong……?”

Menou pours in even more magic power but the blood continues flowing
from Libests body.

“….Why?…… Please work…….. Please……!!” (Menou)

“Menou-sensei it’s useless. He has a stigmata.” (Diego)

Menou looks at Diego who had remained silent until now.

“What do you mean?” She asks him sharply as she continues using magic.

“When deeply injured by holy magic a stigmata appears like on that student.
If that happens healing won’t work anymore and all you can do it bet on their
life force being strong enough for them to recover.” (Diego)

“Heal him!” (Menou)

“Did you not hear my explanation? Recovery magic doesn’t work.” (Diego)
“This is the responsibility of the hero academy! What was your intention of
using such dangerous magic in a simple test? You’ve been saying holy water
over and over again!” (Menou)

“It’s not dangerous magic and no student of the hero academy has ever
received a stigmata from it. It’s probably because the students of the demon
king academy are too weak. You say holy water like its magic but it’s not as I
explained earlier. In this environment, it causes troublesome fluctuations in
magic fields. It’s just simply that your students couldn’t adapt to it.” (Diego)

“Show me proof that its a magic tool!!” (Menou)

“That’s fine but we didn’t know. I could understand if we knew and

intentionally did this but we didn’t so I’m a bit troubled being unjustly
accused. Well, it’s an unfortunate accident. Lessons have been learned so
going forward let’s learn from each other.” (Diego)

He’s good at spouting crap that’s for sure.

“It’s fine discussing holy water but shouldn’t something be done about the
students first?” (Diego)

When Menou didn’t answer back Diego left.

Menou continues pouring magic power in but no matter how much she uses
Libest’s wounds won’t heal.

“……Arnos-kun…..” (Menou)

Menou turns pleading eyes to me.

“Why are you so worried? I can heal stigmata’s.” (Arnos)

“Really?” (Menou)

I nod and kneel besides Libest.

I put my hand on the part of Libest’s chest where he had been stabbed by
Zeele and the stigmata had formed.
As I do Libests hand slowly moved and grabbed my arm.

“………I’m sorry……. sensei…….. I couldn’t meet your expectations……”


Menou looks like she’s about to cry at his words.

“Uuun, I’m sorry…….Libest-kun. Sensei was bad. I got worked up over a

stupid thing and put my student in danger….. I’m disqualified as a
teacher…..” (Menou)

“…..That’s not….true….. sensei. Sensei is a teacher more splendid than

anyone…….. and I wanted to…. prove it…..” (Libest)

Libest’s words trail off.

“Here……” (Libest)

Libest opens his other hand and in it is a hero academy school badge.

“Why do you have this….?” (Menou)

“….Those guys……… It’s a tool to control the holy water……….. Without

it, their power would be halved……” (Libest)

I see.

“On the verge of being stabbed by the holy sword did you put all your power
into your demon eyes and not anti-magic?” (Arnos)

So instead of protecting himself, he left himself defenceless to look for the

tool controlling the water.

He could have died.

Such splendid resolution.

“……Inept person….” (Libest)

Libest calls me.

“You’re a disagreeable man…… In fact, I hate you a lot…..” (Libest)

“You don’t say.” (Arnos)

Libest puts more strength into the hand grabbing my arm.

“…… But for the first time today, I think…….. you have the power……..
even if you lack respect…….. If I only had ……. your strength……” (Libest)

“It’s okay Libest-kun. The hero academy is cheating. The holy water is an
unfair magic tool. I’m going to officially protest to the old seven demon
emperors.” (Menou)

Libest grits his teeth and shakes his head spilling tears.

“……. I’ll bear the shame and ask……. Please Arnos……” (Libest)

“You don’t need to say anything Libest.” (Arnos)

I understand his feeling well. We are both mazoku after all.

You don’t want a protest and complaint lodged.

“You played your role splendidly. We know there is a barrier using holy
water and a tool to control it.” (Arnos)

I erased Libest’s stigmata and stood up.

“Leave everything to me. Without cheating, I’ll show them hell.” (Arnos)
84. Arnos squad heads to the front

I calmly step forward and head towards the heroes.

Forming a line next to me is Ray with his sword Sigshesta and Sasha wearing
her <Phoenix Vestment> is on the other side.

Misha also silently joins the line while Misa and eight members of the fan
union follow behind.

Misa casts a questioning look at me with her eyes and I nod.

That makes 13 people in total. We now meet the number of required people.

“Heine” (Arnos)

Like someone unwinding after finishing their work he sits on a rock by the
lakeshore and casts an innocent smile at me.

“Yo, Onii-san. That senpai was really weak. If that’s a third years student
then the mazoku are no big deal.” (Heine)

Heine laughs trying to provoke me.

“If you were the genuine hero Kanon you wouldn’t have needed to use that
barrier.” (Arnos)

The expression of Heine who was smiling comfortably distorted slightly.

“What are you trying to say?” (Heine)

“No matter what you do or how far you go you’re just a fake. A hero is
someone who holds both strength and courage. At the height of the great war
that man even gave mercy to the mazoku. Even if you look-alike you are
nothing like that man that lived his life in constant conflict.” (Arnos)

“Heee. Are you saying I’m not a hero? You speak like you knew him.”

Heine spits his words out.

“What do you know of humans Onii-san? Are you a reincarnated person?

You may have met the hero but we still hear his voice to this day.” (Heine)

Fumu. Now that’s something interesting he’s just said.

Let’s talk about it in detail after I beat them up.

“And? Are you playing with us next Onii-san?” (Heine)

“Aah. Do your best to hang on. I’m going to twist and crush that boring pride
of yours.” (Arnos)

Standing behind Heine, Ledoriano pushes his glasses up with his index finger
while Laos stands up and cracks his knuckles. All the Jergakanon guys are
motivated now.

“Sorry to interrupt all the excitement but your opponents are not
Jergakanon.” (Diego)

Diego walks over to us.

“To begin with if they fight now Jergakanon will be fighting consecutive
battles. You might think you can win if they are exhausted but that’s just
cowardly or is that how you are taught in the demon king academy?” (Diego)

Deigo sneers at us while talking.

“Sorry, but this is the hero academy. You will refrain from using such tricks
while here.” (Diego)

This fellow is number one at getting caught up in the moment and getting all

“The next opposition exam with Jergakanon will be held later. I really don’t
know what you are trying to achieve with your insults. If you want to fight
them then how about you fight my 3rd years first? The battle will start in five
minutes. How about it?” (Diego)

I see. You want to let Jergakanon rest while we expose our power.

After fighting his 3rd years it will become a consecutive battle for us instead
and he’s using lack of time to start the battle right away.

Such tedious little tricks he’s using.

“I couldn’t care less. Send out the small fries.” (Arnos)

Diego grins and laughs.

Looks like he thinks everything’s going his way.

The holy water barrier can be used even by non reincarnated humans so does
he intend to cut our power down as much as possible and let Jergakanon
finish us off in the end?

“Then let’s begin immediately. Where do you want your base?” (Arnos)

“Give us the underwater city.” (Diego)

We turn around and head towards the lake.

“Aah, first of all, can I just say I can’t use Underwater Activity <Coco>
magic.” Ray says while flashing his refreshing smile.

“……… Okay. It’s an underwater battle. What do intend to do?” Sasha says
while seeming surprised.

“It’s fine. I can hold my breath for a long time.” (Ray)

“Huh?” (Sasha)
“Who else can’t use it?” (Arnos)

Awkwardly all eight members of the fan union raise their hands.

“…….I don’t think they’ll die if I leave them alone……… Should I just let
them float in the lake?” (Arnos)

“Should I support them?” (Misha)

If Misha uses <Coco> on them then all 8 members of the fan union should be
able to manage.

“That would be a heavy burden on you though Misha.” (Sasha)

“It’s not a problem you need to worry about.” (Arnos)

I cast <Coco> on myself and dive into the lake.

Using <Fres> I fly through the water and head to the caves that’s our base

“Hang on. Aren’t you being a bit irresponsible?” (Sasha)

Sasha and the others soon follow after me.

When we arrive at the base we hear Diego’s voice through <Liikus>.

“Are both forces ready? Let’s begin the test between the demon king
academy 1st years and the hero academy 3rd years. Keep the honour and
pride of your ancestors and fight fairly.” (Diego)

Diego signals the start of the test.

“First of all, we need to do something about the holy barrier. While in it the
power of the mazoku is halved.” (Sasha)

“Take away the heroes badges?” (Misha)

Misha and Sasha look at me.

“The holy water barrier is established and freely moved through the flow of
the lake water that in turn is controlled by the school badges. All it really is is
a magic technique. We only have to stop the water flow.” (Arnos)

“But how do we do that?” (Misa)

“Very easily.” (Arnos)

I hold my hand in front of me and form a magic circle. It rapidly expands and
causes particles of magic power to rise.


Sasha who’s seen this magic many times lets out a surprised voice.

“Wai…wait….hang on……what… this magic is not normal…..! Even when

we were self-studying….?” (Sasha)

“You probably learned this in history class Sasha. The name of the magic that
the demon king of tyranny used to burn all of Deiruheido 2000 years ago?”

Sasha lets out an astonished voice.

“Weren’t you being serious before…….?” (Sasha)

“Of course I was, but if I don’t suppress it properly entire countries will
disappear but due to this holy water barrier the power should be just about
right now.” (Arnos)

The black sun appears from the magic formation.

“Perish humans. Bear witness to the power of the demon king.” (Arnos)

The dark light emitted from the jet back sun covered the entire bottom of the

I fire <Geo Greys> and in an instant, both the normal water and the holy
water are vaporised.
As if total night had come the holy lake continued to burn under the jet black

“Fumu. You don’t need to hold your breath anymore Ray.” (Arnos)

Before long, light begins to penetrate the darkness and it starts to clear up.

The water from lake Seimei had completely dried up and the students from
the hero side were lying on the floor of what was once an underwater city.

“If there’s no water there’s no point worrying about controlling the water
flow. No matter how much holy water flows in now they cant re-establish the
barrier.” (Arnos)

I cast my eye over to the far lakeshore to see Diego trembling with fear.

“…….Ridiculous…… the water from lake Seimei…….. The water given by

the gods has dried up…….. with just one spell……” (Diego)

He looks at the empty lake Seimei with surprise.

None of the prostrate 3rd years tried to move.

Have you given up on the battle already?

I use magic and pick up the fallen heroes and deposit them on the lakeshore.

“Fumu. Was the match over with my opening move? Even if they are called
heroes the 3rd year’s don’t amount to much.” (Arnos)

I fling those word at Jergakanon using <Liikus>

Heine, Laos and Ledoraino all have Grimm expressions on their faces.

“……What…that….. was it possible to completely evaporate the lake with

just one spell?……. That bastard…… Isn’t he actually a monster? Even if
he’s not the demon king is this really the level of a reincarnated
person……?” (Laos)
“……Apparently, he’s clearly different from the 3rd years over there…….
To think our ancestors were dealing with these guys…… Well, humans
managed to survive to this day……” (Ledoriano)

“But the stronger they are the better it feels when they give up right? If we
contain them in a barrier then they should be manageable right?” (Heine)

The 3 of them let out words like that.

“What are you playing around at? It’s your turn now so get down here
quickly.” (Arnos)
85. 1088 barriers

Ledoriano and the others head down into the dried-up lake.

“Oi…….you guys…….”

Diego speaks up, his voice barely hiding his surprise.

“It’s fine Diego-sensei. We’ll use that.” (Ledoriano)

“Wait. I won’t permit unauthorised use of that.” (Diego)

“You’re starting to look silly up there. Please be quiet.” Laos says while
cracking his knuckles “Just watch. I’m going to beat him up good.”

Heine jumps down and Ledoriano and Laos follow him.

All the Jergakanon scarlet uniforms landed at the bottom of the lake.

“Wait. I haven’t authorised it. Do you think you can start this test without
permission?” (Diego)

“We will now begin the interschool test between the hero academy
Jergakanon class and the demon king academy 1st years Arnos group.”

It wasn’t Diego that made that announcement but Menou using <Liikus>.

“Keep the honour and pride of your ancestors and please fight fairly.”

“Menou-sensei could you please refrain from mimicking me.” (Diego)

“Eh? Didn’t you say you’d permit this if they won the last match or are you
trying to stop it because you are afraid you’ll lose?” (Menou)

“Not at all, but now the lake barrier is gone damage may occur to
Gairadeite.” (Diego)

In the middle of Diego’s speech I developed a large scale anti-magic barrier

over the whole lake.

“I’ve made it even safer than it was before.” I tell him via <Liikus>

“Fighting while deploying large scale magic makes puts our students at quite
the disadvantage. Even with this handicap are you still trying to escape?”

Diego glares at Menou whos openly provoking him.

“Do what you want.” (Diego)

Diego talks to Jergakanon via <Liikus>

“Oi Ledoriano. You know what the purpose is right? You absolutely have to
win. Put that condescending mouth of yours to work.” (Diego)

“Understood.” (Ledoriano)

<Liikus> is cut off.

“Now then.” (Arnos)

I develop another magic circle.

“And I asked you to save a portion for me.” Sasha complains next to me.

“I’m sure those fellows said the same thing.” (Arnos)

I develop another <Geo Greys> on the same scale as the last one.

A huge jet black sun was launched pouring down and burning the underwater
“Four Genus Barrier Seal <De Igeria>”

Four huge magic formations appear to the north, east, south and west of the
city with each one representing the different elements of water, fire, earth and

The four formations activate as anti-magic and synergistically amplify each

other dampening the power of <Geo Greys> as it approaches.

A loud crackling sound can be heard as the two collide followed by a raging
storm from the aftermath of the two powers meeting.

At that moment a figure jumped and a vertical light appeared.

The jet back sun is cut in two by that vertical light before quickly

The figure of the person who cut <Geo Greys> landed on the ground.

My demon eyes pick out a girl with purple hair gathered at the back of her
head and carrying a shining holy sword.

“Fumu. Even though their barrier reduced the power of my <Geo Greys> it
still wouldn’t be easy to slash it like that.” (Arnos)

Thinking about it I haven’t seen the 1st ranked student in the hero academy
yet. You would assume they’d be in Jergakanon but is that girl it?

“This might get interesting.” (Arnos)

“And? What are you going to do? Fire off a more powerful <Geo Greys>?”

Sasha looks over at me.

“I could, but if I make it any more powerful I won’t be able to adjust it

anymore. I could end up obliterating even their origins.” (Arnos)

This isn’t a war. I cant go doing something like that for a mere school test.
“I’ll enter this fight.” (Arnos)

I step forward and slowly start walking towards the city.

“Don’t you want a demon king castle building?” (Misha)

“From what I can tell the barrier they’ve set up over the city is powerful but
has a narrow range. Its power to seal mazoku is probably due to the 4
different elements developed and overlapping in multiple layers. As long as
its there they won’t come out in case I use another <Geo Greys>.” (Arnos)

Even if I build a demon king castle and wait for them they won’t appear. It
will just descend into a boring stalemate.

“But isn’t it a disadvantage to fight in there? It could go the same way as

Libest’s team.”

“The barrier will disappear if the caster is incapacitated.” Ray says with a
fresh smile on his face.

“What if they are Kanon’s reincarnations though?”

“Either way the caster is inside the barrier so we will have to fight in there.”
Misa says with a serious expression.

The fan union girls nod.

“Should I build the demon king castle in the city centre?”

Misha makes a proposal.

“The demon kings castle terrain effect will offset the barriers effect.”

Creating a demon king castle that spans the entire city will certainly
counterbalance the barrier seal but it would depend on the caster. Depending
on the person’s magical power this could certainly turn to our advantage.

“Wouldn’t it take time to build a castle that specialises in such a terrain

effect? Especially when under the effect of that barrier seal.”
Mishas nods.

“Create in 3 minutes.” (Misha)

“Shall we go then? I’ll protect Misha and the castle for those 3 minutes.
Everyone else wait outside the barrier. Once the castle is built Sasha and Ray
will enter and defeat the barrier caster. Misa you’ll handle the remaining
small fry.” (Arnos)

“Got it.” (Ray)

“Understood.” (Sasha)

“I can’t bring shame to Arnos-sama. I’ll wait for the proper timing…….”

Elen, one of the fan union girls clenches her fist with a serious look.

“It’ll be okay. You’ll be able to easily see when the castles built. No need to
be so tense.” (Misa)

“No, I mean the time for the support song.” (Elen)

“………Ah……ahaha…… I think its better if you don’t sing……” (Misa)

Fumu. Apart from Ray and the others, I had thought the fan union would feel
pressured but they seem the same as ever.

I guess they have more guts than I give them credit for.

“If the opportunity comes, sing as much as you want. You’ll break the hearts
of the enemy in your own way.” (Arnos)


Elen nodded as if suddenly motivated.

“Then I’m off.” (Arnos)

I stretch out my hand to Misha and we touch fingertips.

I set my gaze on the distant city centre and cast <Gatom>

The landscape dyes white for a moment then turns into the plaza.

Here would be the perfect spot to build our castle.

I can feel the influence of the barrier but apart from that, there’s no particular


Misha clasps her hands as if in prayer.

Shining ice crystals appear from the <Ice Lotus Leaf Ring> on her ring finger
and form a magic circle.

“A castle and town of ice” (Misha)

Ice crystals spread across the plaza freezing the ground before forming a
demon king castle that reached to the heavens.

It’s still unfinished though.

<Ibis> doesn’t finish with this though. The crystals carry on growing in
number and rapidly cover the ground of the entire city.

“Heee. So large scale magic can still be used even under the influence of <De
Igeria>” Heine appeared in the square.

“But it appears to be unfinished.” Ledoriano appears next.

“Really? Do you think we’ll let you build it in our territory?” Laos appears.


The girl with the shining sword from a while ago stood silently behind them.

“Although it was reduced from <De Igeria> it was still splendid how you
destroyed my <Geo Greys>. Can I ask your name?” (Arnos)
The girl doesn’t say anything.

“Please excuse her. She can’t talk so I’ll answer in her stead. Hero Academy
1st place belonging to the selection class [Jergakanon]. Reincarnated from the
4th origin of the hero Kanon, Sacred Wind Advent Knight Zeshia Kanon
Ijeishka.” (Ledoriano)

Ranked 1st but reincarnated from the 4th origin?

If you exclude the teacher that’s why Eleonor said 4 people.

Fumu. I must say this is a rare event for this me but I can’t see the bottom of
the abyss for this person.

“That’s a good holy sword. What’s its name?” (Arnos)

“It’s the holy sword of light [Enhalle]. It rejects all demons. In front of this
sword they return to nothing. It can probably cut this unfinished castle in
two.” (Ledoriano)

I wanted to see if she was Kanon but it looks like I’ll have to deal with this
holy sword first as it’s light is covering my demon eyes.

“Nee Ledoraino, enough with the talking.” (Heine)

Heine holds his hand up and a magic circle appears.

“Let’s clean up before the castle is built.” (Heine)

Ledoriano, Laos and Zeshia also develop magic circles.

“Four Genus Barrier Chain <De Ijeido>”

Magic formations formed of earth, wind, fire and water come flying from all
sides at the castle Misha hasn’t finished yet.

“Fumu. It’s not me you are trying to clear up?” (Arnos)

I develop anti-magic and block <De Ijeido> and in that moment the magic
formations broke and scattered and in their place chains of magic tied to my
hands and feet appeared.

Each chain had the attributes of earth, wind, fire and water.

“Fumu. Apparently <De Igeria> also has the effect of holy magic.” (Arnos)

This is a holy curse used by heroes. <De Igeria> has a curse like side effect
for anyone caught in it.

For example, this curse was triggered when a spell was prevented with anti-
magic and the magic chains bind that person.

“No need to bluff onii-chan. With <De Ijeido> connected to you, your power
is less than one-tenth onii-chan.” (Heine)

Heine raises his hand above his head.

“Come, my holy greatsword Zeele.” (Heine)

Light gathers in his palm and a holy sword emitting a dark green glow

“Fufufu. Wouldnt it be better to beg for your life? I’ll help you.” (Heine)

“Fumu. Begging for life? That’s fine. Bow before me and I’ll forgive you.”

Despite my limbs being tied with <De Ijeido> I look down on Heine.

“You know something?” (Heine)

Heines expression distorts in displeasure.

“I hate that kind of joke!!” (Heine)

Heine kicks the ground and comes close in a moment.

Swinging the holy greatsword Zeel overhead Heine swings downwards with
all his might.

The slash filled with holy power hits me directly and droplets of holy light
flew off and scattered in every direction.

“Fufufu, ahahahahaa. How’s that? How do you feel without your ability
now? What’s that? I can’t hear you anymore.” (Heine)

“That’s quite a good sword. With <De Igeria> sealing demonic power it
allows the sword to cut easily.” (Arnos)

I used the slash from the holy sword to cut the chains binding me.


The droplets of light covering the area fade and everyone could now see.

Everyone stares dumbfounded at me standing there unharmed.

“When you’ve captured your enemy think about your attack method a bit
more.” (Arnos)

“….Shut up! Then I’ll just keep doing it until I cut you!! Ledoriano, Laos,
Zeshia!” (Heine)


Again, each of them develop elemental formations and fire them at the castle.

“Hey, go on. Prevent it with your anti-magic. Do you want your castle
stolen?” (Heine)

“Fumu. That’s right.” (Arnos)

I develop anti-magic and block the spells.

“Hey, next time I’ll use a stronger magic slash…….wha…..” (Heine)

Heine loses his words.

My libs are not chained. I prevented the activation of <De Ijeido> with anti-

“….What….. How…..?” (Heine)

“Did you think the same attack would work on me twice?” (Arnos)

I take a step forward and Heine takes a step back in fear.

“Such a thing…. our magic…… the magic we trained so hard in every day to
defeat the mazoku being broken so easily—” (Heine)

Heine theatrically falls to one knee and punches the ground.

“……Did you think I’d say that?” (Heine)

Fumu. Did he think he’d seen through me? I wouldn’t do such a shameful act

Looking up with a mocking expression Heine develops a magic formation on

the ground.

The other 3 also draw a magic formation on the ground.

“Four Genus Barrier Cage <De Ijenks>.”

The ground moves and the earth swells up and completely covers me.

“We don’t expect the same magic to work multiple times either. With those
great demon eyes and analytical ability, no attack will work twice. We’ll
teach you just how many magic barriers we Jergakanon have.” (Ledoriano)

The cage of earth surrounds me completely.

“It’s 1088.” (Ledorino)

“Haahaahaa! Oops. Make that 1087 now. No matter how much you talk
that’s not something you can endure.” Laos says in a triumphant voice.
At that moment black lighting overflows from the cage of earth.


Making a popping sound jet black lighting spreads around the entire cage.

“Everyone dodge—” (Ledoriano)

At that moment just as Ledoriano is speaking the 4 of them are caught up in

the black lighting which tears their anti-magic up.

“….This….power. Even under the influence of <De Igeria>……. Such huge


“It’s useless………. even though we stacked layering barrier magic, pinned

him down…….and cut him……. Why why why why why…… This stupid
amount of magic power……!”


Heine, Ledoriano, Laos and Zeshia were swallowed by origin magic

Demonic Black Lighting Emperor <Jirasudo> and blown away.

“You seem to be misunderstanding something.” (Arnos)

Thanks to <Jirasudo> the well-weathered cage of earth crumbled leaving no

traces behind.

“Just because the same attack won’t work twice it doesn’t mean it will work
the first time either.” (Arnos)
86. Two holy swords

Laos received a direct hit from the black lightning blowing him clean across
the plaza and slamming him into a building before finally stopping.

Laos was now burnt black and slumped on the floor. Objectively, it seemed
difficult for him to continue the fight but the next moment he was enveloped
in the dazzling light of recovery magic.

“Fumu. I thought those four were maintaining <De Igeria> but it seems I was
wrong.” (Arnos)

<De Igeria> chips away at a mazoku’s power while enhancing a humans

power. Recovery magic is also one of its effects. As long as they don’t
outright die and stay inside the barrier their wounds will be healed instantly
as many times as needed.

In order to maintain the barrier, magic power must be constantly supplied to

it. If those 4 were maintaining it then <Jirasudo> would have finished them
and broken the barrier.

“Other students maintaining the barrier?” (Misha)

“Looks like it.” (Arnos)

“I’ll look.” (Misha)

Misha completed the demon king castle in the city plaza.

Countless ice crystals were growing on the ground and spread throughout the
entire city. Ice trees, flowers and buildings had sprung up throughout the
entire castle town.
Misha puts a fingertip on the demon king castle and focuses on her demon

The castle, as well as the ice town she had made, were in a sense a barrier of
their own. As such, Misha’s magic had permeated the entire area.

With this, she’ll be able to find the caster so we can neutralise them.

“Can’t find them.” (Misha)

They must be very good to escape Misha’s demon eyes.

“But I understand.” She says in her indifferent tone of voice. “Only one of
the Jergakanon students can hide from me.”

Fumu. As expected of Misha. She probably has the name and face of every
Jergakanon student firmly stored away in her head. In other words, the one
student she can’t find is the caster of the barrier.

“Who?” (Arnos)

“Eleonor.” (Misha)

I see. Well, no surprise really after I looked at her origin.

“Leave it to me.” (Misha)

“It will be a tough fight.” (Arnos)

Her rank is below Ledoriano’s but her ability is not necessarily below his.

Look at me. I’m branded inept after all.

“Do my best.” (Misha)

Misha raises her left hand with the ring on and injects magic in the ice town.

The barrier being projected by the demon king castle is now competing with
<De Igeria>.
It’s quite a sight to see actually.

“…..Tch…….. what a monster. I might have died without <De Igeria>.”


The formerly blackened Laos stood up like nothing had happened.

“……..Don’t get angry. It’s a bit unfair that the barrier isn’t working despite
them being mazoku though.” (Heine)

Similarly, Heine stood up from the position he’d been blown away to.

“….It doesn’t matter how strong he is or how many times we’re knocked
down we just keep going until he runs out of steam.” (Laos)

“I’m sorry for you……”

A girl descends from the sky and stands in front of Laos.

Now that Misha has completed the demon king castle the effects of <De
Igiera> are almost completely offset.

“But Arnos doesn’t need to bother with small fry like you.”

Sasha grabs the hem of her dress and curtsies elegantly.

“The eldest daughter of the Necron family, directly descended from the old
seven demon emperor Aivis Necron, Sasha Necron the witch of ruin at your
service. Remember it, for its the name of the one who’ll drive you to the edge
of despair.” (Sasha)

Laos enters his battle stance and holds a fist up.

“Haa! Bring it on! Oi Heine, one of the chaos generation has appeared. I’m
going to play with her a bit so go and meet up with Ledoriano first.” (Laos)

Laos talks to Heine via <Liikus>, however, their thoughts spill out.

“That’s fine but make it quick otherwise I’m going to beat that guy by
myself.” (Heine)

“Isn’t that impossible?”

Hein’s eyes sharpen because until just a moment ago there was no one in
front of him.

There was no evidence of any magic being used but a white-haired mazoku
was suddenly there as if by teleportation.

“You cannot beat him. Not by yourself and not with others. I’m not sure there
is anyone who can beat him.”

With his refreshing smile, Ray stands there with the unique sword Sigshesta.

“Ohh. It’s a black-suited onii-san with a seven-pointed star badge.” (Heine)

Heine’s lips curl up cheerfully.

“I know you. One of the chaos generation, the demonic sword saint Ray
Grandori right? It’s said your swordsmanship is your pride.” (Heine)

“I’m okay but I’m better than you.” (Ray)

Heines smile freezes in offence.

“If that’s the case.” (Heine)

Heine leaps into motion with his holy sword Zeele gathering magic in its dark
green blade.

“Block everything from this Zeele!!” (Heine)

Heine swings his holy sword down and at that moment it seemed like Ray’s
hand glittered and a flash of light appeared.

“…………Eh……..?” (Heine)

While still holding Zeele, Heines right arm was severed and was now flying
through the air.

Heine couldn’t even grasp the moment his arm was cut.

“With that skill level, your sword is crying. It’s such a good sword as well.”

“…….Youuu……… You’re only a subordinate but you’re pissing me

off……!! (Heine)

Heine’s arm immediately regenerated due to <De Igeria> and he drew a triple
gated magic formation at his feet.

“I know your weak point demonic sword saint. You’re no good at magic.
Your class would be demon swordsman <Cavalier> wouldn’t it? Your
physical ability is improved so you can probably move faster than me but you
can’t use any magic you aren’t familiar with.” (Heine)

“That’s right.” (Ray)

Ray flashes his refreshing smile.

“Why are you laughing? You really are pissing me off. Are you stupid?
Don’t you understand? You have no way of preventing our magic barriers!!”

Holy water springs out from Heine’s feet and he absorbs its power.

“Earthquake Barrier <Agoras>!!” (Heine)

The ground starts shaking unnaturally in a 30-meter radius around Heine.

It’s a barrier that resembles an earthquake but its not. It robs mazoku of
movement by binding their feet and takes away their power.

“Hey, you can’t move can you onii-san? Now it doesn’t matter how good
your sword arm is.” (Heine)

In the midst of the seemingly bad earthquake, Heine leisurely walks over to
Zeele and picks it up.

“I’ll show you another good thing.” (Heine)

Heine raises his left hand and holy light gathers there before becoming
another sword.

“Come my other holy sword. Holy earth greatsword Zereo.”

Heine holds Zeele in his right hand and Zereo in his left.

“Let me teach you something. If any wound that’s made by Zereo is also cut
by Zeele then that wound becomes a stigmata and recovery magic won’t
work anymore. Everyone who’s wounded like that cries for help.
Kyahahahaha” (Heine)

Heine’s face distorts in laughter.

“But no matter how much you beg I can’t help you because I can’t cure
stigmata’s.” (Heine)

Heine casually approaches Ray with his twin swords.

“Hey listen. I can use these holy swords the best which is good because
otherwise onii-san might have a hard time right?” (Heine)

Heine stared at Ray while making fun of him.

“It was Heine-kun right?” (Ray)

“Yes, what of it?” (Heine)

“I was right after all. Your sword is crying.” (Ray)

Sigshesta glitters and Heine’s left arm is cut off sending Zereo flying off and
piercing the ground.

“…..Aaah……….. Ouch……. You……… How……!?” (Heine)

Heine jumps back in surprise with his arm regrowing instantly.

“…….. How’d you do that…..!?” (Heine)

Ray takes a step forward with a nonchalant look on his face.

“What’s wrong?” (Ray)

“How are you moving in <Agoras>…..!? You aren’t even wearing anti-
magic…..!” (Heine)

“I wondered how you could move freely in <Agoras>. I thought it was

probably because of holy power so I decided to use holy power as well.”

Heine’s face distorts.

“This demon sword is unique in that is changes in response to its user’s

wishes so I tried giving it holy power. I’m glad it went well.” (Ray)

Holy light overflows from the unique sword.

Ray has become one with his sword and is receiving the benefits from it. Due
to that even though he’s a mazoku he’s not affected by <Agoras>.

“Ah, I see. Hmph. But that just makes it a fake holy sword. Can you beat me
with that?” (Heine)

“Let’s use the real thing then.” (Ray)

Ray picks up the holy earth greatsword Zereo causing Heine to laugh.

“Ahahahahaa! What are you doing onii-san? It’s a big problem if a mazoku
uses a holy sword you know? Your body will be eroded. Didn’t you see what
happened to that 3rd year with the holy water? Time to finish t—.” (Heine)

Using Zereo Ray cuts off Heines right arm.

“Ugyaaaaaaa……!!” (Heine)
Heine retreats again holding his wounded arm and screaming.

“………Why….? Why. Impossible!” (Heine)

Ray follows after the retreating Heine.

“Return my holy sword. Return to your true owner!!” (Heine)

Holding his hand out Heine called his sword but nothing happened.

His expression is dyed in despair.

“……Why…..!?” (Heine)

“It seems that this holy sword likes me.” (Ray)

“Why don’t you return!? Zereo! Oi, are you listening?” (Heine)

The holy sword doesn’t respond to Heine at all.

Holy swords chose suitable owners and this holy sword has chosen.

“No way…….. its a lie lie lie……. It has to be a lie! It’s….. It’s a holy sword
right…..? It’s not any old holy sword either. It’s the holy earth greatsword
belonging to Jergakanon. No other heroes apart from me can use it…….!!
Mazoku definitely cannot use it!!” (Heine)

Heine swings Zeele down.

Using Zereo Ray blocks Zeele.

“…….Wh……!?” (Heine)

“You seem to be lacking in understanding here. Should I teach you how to

use holy swords?” (Ray)

Ray sticks the holy earth greatsword Zereo in the ground.

“……Fuu!” (Ray)
A flash appears from Zereo that’s stuck in the ground and in an instant, a
huge area of earth appears as if gouged out and dumped.

Heine’s body is blown away due to the rapidly rising earth.

“……Uwaaaa…..!!” (Heine)

The ground, stones and even trees attacked Heine as if they had a will of their
own. All of them were given power by the holy earth greatsword.

Heine was barely able to prevent it with anti-magic and barriers.

“C’mon…… I didn’t know Zereo had this much power—” (Heine)

Heine’s eyes show amazement.

Ray sheathed Shigshesta and picked up Zeele that had fallen to the ground.

“If you get injured by Zereo and then that same wound gets cut by Zeele it
forms a stigmata that magic can’t heal. That’s right isn’t it?” (Ray)

“This is impossible……. This is completely impossible. How many years do

you think I had to train to use two holy swords at the same time!! Why can
this mazoku u—!” (Heine)

Two swords glittered at the same time.

“Ugyaaaaaaaaa!!!” (Heine)

Stigmata’s formed on both of Heines arms that had been cut off.

“……..Fu…. Fuuuuck……… Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck…..!!” (Heine)

Heine forms magic circles over his stigmata’s and attempts to cut them off
from the stumps, however, the stigmata don’t remain stationary and rapidly

“………Why!? This is strange. Zereo and Zeele didn’t have such power….!!
What did you do to my holy swords!?” (Heine)
“These swords have always had this power you just weren’t able to master
them.” (Ray)

“Shut up! Shit…… It shouldn’t be like this…… Why have I lost…..? I can’t
lose to a mazokuuuuuuuu!!!” (Heine)

Heine puts all his magic power into <Agoras> judging that since Ray had
sheathed Shigsheta he would be affected by it again, however, Ray simply
stabs both swords into the ground and <Agoras> immediately stops.

“This is the correct way to use them.” (Ray)

Heine’s body is skewered by 44 blades.

“Uu………..Gyaaaaaaaaaaa…..!!!!” (Heine)

A high pitched scream rings out.

The twin swords of Zeele and Zereo had multiplied underground and
sprouted 44 blades from the ground.

Every wound changed into a stigmata rendering the healing from <De Igeria>

“…..Aaaah…….. Help……. It hurts….. Aaaaaah……. Healing……. Why do

I look like this……? Aaaaaaah…. It hurts….!!!” (Heine)

Unable to withstand the pain Heine just screams.

“Oi. You! I surrender! Heal me quickly! This is just a school test. Don’t you
think this is too much?” (Heine)

Ray gave his refreshing smile to Heines haughty objection.

“Unfortunately I’m not very good at magic but since you’ve surrendered I
won’t interfere while you heal yourself.” (Ray)

“…..Idiot……. I can’t……!! Ah……aaaaaah. It hurts…… It hurts…….

help…….. Help me…..!!” (Heine)
“Is it really that painful? They’re not very big wounds you know? I think
there’s far more hellish suffering to be had in this world.” (Ray)


Ray laughs and then smiles.

“Who knows. It was a thought that just popped into my head.” (Ray)

Turning his back on Heine Ray walks off.

“Oi, wait…….where are you going!? Help me! Help, help

meeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!” (Heine)

Heine’s screams echo throughout the city.

87. Ruler of flame

Sasha and Laos faced each other on a road that leads away from the plaza.

“According to rumours, the witch of ruin has demon eyes that can destroy
anything.” (Laos)

Laos covers both his fists with holy flames <Seifa> while talking.

“Hmm. So you know of it then. Got a problem with that?” (Sasha)

Sasha smile at Laos.

“I’m called the holy flame destruction knight ya know. Destroying things is
my strong point. Let’s have a little strength competition.” (Laos)

“I see. You seem quite good at fire magic but can you evaporate an entire
lake?” (Sasha)

Laos clicks his tongue and makes a disgusted look.

“You know you can’t win against Arnos but you think you can win against
me in a contest of strength. I know the type of person you are” (Sasha)

“You mazoku are always so provocative.” (Laos)

“Nee. Let me tell you something.” (Sasha)

Sasha smiled at him and then laughed.

“You’re way too short-tempered.” (Sasha)

“Shut up!!”(Laos)
Laos shoots holy fire from his fists but Sasha lightly waves her hand and
easily brushes them away with anti-magic.

“Hou. Not bad. Let’s try it at half power this time!!” (Laos)

Laos crosses his fists and develops a magic formation.

“Grand Domination Holy Fire <Seifio>!!” (Laos)

The holy flames break into 8 pieces and attack Sasha from all sides but she
sees straight through to their vital points and slams anti-magic into their

Approaching Sasha’s eye’s the source of their magic was cut off and they
were easily extinguished.

“Hurry up and come at me with your full might Mr pompous and weak idiot-
san. If you don’t you’ll die before putting out your full strength.” (Sasha)

Laos grits his teeth.

“……How did you know…..?” (Laos)

“That you’re weak?” (Sasha)

“Stop screwing around! I’ll kill you! I’m asking how you knew I was trying
to make a barrier using Grand Domination Holy Fire <Seifio>!?” (Laos)

Sasha’s face breaks into a broad smile.

“You really are an idiot to ask your enemy arent you.” (Sasha)

“What did you say…..!” (Laos)

“You were trying to cast Eight Holy Flame Barrier <Zagaado> weren’t you?”
(Sasha) (1)

Laos complexion changes.

“……..How’d you know that? I’ve never used it while you were here.”

*Haaa* Sasha sighed.

“Use your head a little. Arnos taught me all the old magics. With him it was
really hard defending against them all but at least with you as my partner, I
can take it easy.” (Sasha)

“Stop talking crap!!” (Laos)

Laos kicked the ground and charged straight at Sasha.

“Then how about this!!” (Laos)

Laos covers his whole body in fire magic Holy Flame Armour <Destoa>. It
pretends to be defence magic but it actually covers its opponents when it
comes into contact with them and seals their magic. Any mazoku caught will
have almost all their power sealed.

Sasha didn’t retreat however but stepped forward instead.

“Haa! Like a summer bug jumping into fire!!” (Laos)

Laos spreads his arms wide and grabs Sasha.

“Demon Fire <Guresode>.” (Sasha)

A black flame appeared in Sasha’s hand before turning into a black fire blade
which she plunged into Laos’ stomach.

“Gaaa…….” (Laos)

“Did I not say I’d been taught everything Idiot-san? <Destoa> makes a
barrier but to use it you have to grab your opponent. It might have worked as
a surprise attack though. You’re too full of openings.” (Sasha) (2)

Sasha puts more magic into the black flame blade causing Laos’ body to burn
up inside.
Laos jumps back.

“Tch…..!!” (Laos)

Putting all his power into his anti-magic Laos shakes <Guresode> off.

He quickly starts to counterattack before a startled expression crosses his


“Looking for this?” (Sasha)

Sasha holds out his school badge which she’d took when he grabbed her.

“Holy water constantly flows from this lake so I know it’s not completely
gone even though its currently evaporated. You should have used it right
away but you wanted to play with me first so this is what you get.” (Sasha)

“Shut up! Let me show you what you want then!” (Laos)

Laos draws a magic formation using the holy flames and a sword made of
shadows appears from the centre.

“Show your justice Galifford!” (Laos)

At Laos’ words, the rising holy sword sucks all the fire into it and turned into
a glittering scarlet sword.

“How’s this then? Of the 88 holy swords it burns the hottest. It is said to have
created the sun. What do you think of the magic power of the Holy Fire
Kindling Sword Galifford?” (Laos)

“Idiot-san. No matter how amazing somethings magic power is, it’s useless if
the user messes up.” (Sasha)

“Haa! What was that? What was that? You scared?” (Laos)

Sasha sighs gain.

“I’m saying its a waste of a treasure because the user is an idiot. Is that any
clearer?” (Sasha)

Sasha launches a <Guresode> at Laos.

“That won’t work!” (Laos)

The flame wreathed Galifford wiped it out in an instant.

“Oh dear. What were you just saying? In a battle, you have to hit your
opponent!!” (Laos)

Wearing <Destoa> and wielding Galifford Laos rushes forward.

“Oraaaa!!” (Laos)

Laos swings his holy sword down missing Sasha who’d flown away using
<Fres> but the raging flames scattered from his sword turning the
surrounding area into a sea of fire.

A wall of flames formed to block Sasha’s escape routes.

“And recovered.” (Laos)

Laos holds his school badge in his hand.

“I take it that the fact that you wanted that back means you had no intention
of using the magic barrier from the start?” (Sasha)

Sasha tightened her lips while talking.

“Oh? bullseye. Hows it feel when the party you were looking down on sees
through you?”

Laos grabs his school badge and injects magic into it. Holy water gushes out
at his feet and numerous floating balls of water formed.

“Seal her Galifford.” (Laos)

The floating balls of holy water are wrapped in the holy flames of Galifford
before drifting around Sasha and forming a magic circle that turns into a
powerful barrier that blocks the power of the mazoku.

“How’s the taste of that Holy Fire Ember Barrier <Badeisdo>? Can you use
your magic? Can you move? You can’t can you?” (Laos)

Laos points the tip of Galifford at Sasha.

“I’m going to flashily break that impertinent mouth of yours so you can never
speak again!!” (Laos)

Laos kicks the ground but the next moment he vomits blood from his mouth
and falls to his knees.

“Ka…..fu……..what……the……?” (Laos)

“Did you really think a stolen magic tool would come back and be safe to
use?” (Sasha)

Laos looks at his school badge.

If you peer deeper into the abyss using your magic eyes you can see that the
magic power wavelength is changing.

“I fused your badge with Cursed Poison Contamination <Dienu>.” (Sasha)

Laos tries to put power in his legs but his body won’t respond.

“I think you know this but <Dienu> is a poison that hides in magic. It erodes
the origin of the person affected by it, eats into your body and shreds your
internal magic power. Because you used your school badge <Dienu> polluted
the holy water. If you use the power of the corrupted holy water in such a
state then you will naturally absorb the poison from that as well.” (Sasha)

“…..I didn’t hear that you…….could fuse magic tools and magic
together…….” (Laos)

“Idiot. This is a secret art of the Necrons. There’s no way you humans would
know. Even other mazoku only know the basics.” (Sasha)
Laos crawls across the ground and reaches for Galifford.

“Hmmm. Are you still holding out?” (Sasha)

“…Shut….up…… Even if the holy water is poisoned it doesn’t mean it’s lost
its effect. The fact that <Badeisdo> is still active proves that. That barrier was
only developed in the last 100 years. Whether you are reincarnated or not
doesn’t matter. You won’t be able to break it. In other words, you can’t
move.” (Laos)

The holy light of recovery magic envelops Laos.

“Don’t forget, as long as we are in the effective range of <De Igeria> we can
come back again and gain. You did your best but there’s no way you can
win.” (Laos)

Was the recovery powers of <De Igeria> slightly better than the damage
caused by <Dienu>?

Laos grabs his holy sword.

Using his sword as a cane he slowly gets up.

“If you can’t move and you don’t know how to break free then that’s it.”

“I’m sorry to say but I’ve seen through it with my demon eyes.” (Sasha)

Magic formations form on Sashas eyes.

Wherever she looks, in an instant, the roaring flames died and the holy water
balls wrapped in the holy flames shattered like glass and disappeared.

“Do you know the origin of the witch of ruin?” (Sasha)

“…..That should be the……..<Demon Eyes of Ruin>. I hadn’t heard that

they could disrupt magic as well……” (Laos)

“There are many things in this world you don’t know about Idiot-san.”

When Sasha glanced at Laos with her eyes he vomited more blood instantly.

“…Wh……a…….t……?” (Laos)

“I’m stopping <De Igeria> before it can heal you.” (Sasha)

<Demon Eyes of Ruin> are the ultimate anti-magic.

They can even counter the powers of the god of time Eugo Ra Raviaz.
Stopping something like <De Igeria> from healing Laos is easy.

Also, as long as she’s looking at Laos the detoxifying powers will also be

“…..Gahaaa….a…a…. Damn it….. This poison…….” (Laos)

“Did that really come out of your mouth? Have you forgotten what your
partner did to Libest?” (Sasha)

As long as Sasha is looking at Laos he won’t recover and <Dienu> is making

him weaker by the moment.

“….That wasn’t me……. That was that bastard Heine……” (Laos)

“I’m amazed. You should really think about where you belong before
fighting.” (Sasha)

Laos vomits more blood and crouches down.

“Shall I teach you your sins? Or do you remember what you said in the magic
library?” (Sasha)

Sasha’s gaze turned cold and anger entered her voice.

“Did you think I’d let you get away with talking to my demon king is such a
rude manner?” (Sasha)
“…..Bullshit……all this…..for such a thing……” (Laos)

Sasha smiles coldly and puts more power into her <Demon Eyes of Ruin>.

“You deserve death.” (Sasha)

Sasha further dampens the effect of <De Igeria> and <Dienu> starts attacking
him more. Black spots start to appear on Laos’ body.

“…….Ku…ah…… Gahaaa…….. Bastard….. I’ll remember this… and the

next time we meet…..” (Laos)

“Next time?” (Sasha)

*Fufufu* Sasha laughs softly.

“Forever an idiot. You think there will be a next time? If that poison spreads
to your whole body you will never be able to use magic again.” (Sasha)

“…Wha………” (Laos)

“It can’t be helped after all. Your headteacher said it himself. In these exams
accidents sometimes happen. We fought each other fairly so there’s no
grudge to be had.” (Sasha)

Laos tries to speak, his expression full of despair.

“….Wa….wait……wai……” (Laos)

Sasha smiled and looked at him with her <Demon Eyes of Ruin>

“Oh, indeed I’ll wait. I’ll wait and watch you writhe about. I won’t take my
eyes off you as you slowly weaken and the poison spreads throughout your
entire body.” (Sasha)

(1) This could possibly be “the guard” Za=the and Gaado=guard. A bit like
Za Warudo lol.
(2) Sasha’s being really polite speaking to him. Even when calling him an
idiot shes using the O honorific.
88. Love magic

I speak to the blackened lump that had been hit by <Jirasudo>.

“How long are you going to play dead? I won’t use anti-magic so I suggest
you take this chance.” (Arnos)

The blackened lump was wrapped in dazzling light and Ledoriano stood up
brushing ash off himself.

“Yare yare. You do have a good eye. I was going to take you by surprise.
How’d you see through it? It seems I’ll have to fight seriously against you.”

Ledoriano removes his glasses and his magic power swells up.

“Just to let you know but rank 1 and 2 in the hero academy are special
existences compared to rank 3 and below. If I don’t seal my magic power
with that tool my own power is so great it will destroy my body.” (Ledoriano)

Ledoriano draws a magic formation and a huge amount of magic power is

concentrated in it. At the same time, I feel killing intent from behind.

A holy sword of light is swung down aiming at my head but I simply reach
up with my right hand and catch it.

“Were you going to distract me by dumping a huge amount of magic power

while someone else catches me by surprise? That’s actually a pretty honest
way of fighting. I’m surprised.” (Arnos)

Grabbing Enhalle I swing it downward smashing the still attached Zeshia into
the ground.

The ground cracks open burying Zeshia in it from the force of the blow but
she refuses to let go of Enhalle.

She understands if she loses her holy sword they have no chance of winning.

“Fumu. You’re pretty sturdy.” (Arnos)

I raise my hand and smack her into the ground again but only the hole gets
bigger while Zeshia looks unhurt.

“It’s useless. She’s protected by her anti-magic and the holy sword. Her
double defensive barrier won’t be so easy to break!” (Ledoriano)

Ledoriano places his hand on a small puddle forming on the ground.

“Protect me and heal me my holy sword. Come Holy Sea Protection Sword
Beiramente” (Ledoriano) (1)

The puddle suddenly floats in the air and transforms into a blue sword
reminiscent of the ocean.

Ledoriano takes the blue floating holy sword.

As soon as he has his sword I throw a <Jirasudo> at him.

“Holy Sea Protection Barrier <Bestreto>!” (Ledoriano)

Ledoriano covers his whole body with a magic barrier and receives a direct
hit from <Jirasudo>.

“Holy Sea Protection Wall <Lega Indorea>!” (Ledoriano)

Ledoriano stacks a barrier on a barrier.

“Holy Sea Protection Curse Wall <Riad Anzemra>!” (Ledoriano)

A holy curse to repel demons is now placed on the double barriers.

“Protect Holy Sea Protection Sword. Protector of life since the olden days
Beiramente. Thine power and thine will show it now!!”

The holy sword throws open all its power and Ledoriano amplifies the power
of the barriers he’s placed dozens of times.

“Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!” (Ledoraino)

Ledoriano waves Beiramente and the jet black lighting that had coiled around
him was flung off and destroyed a nearby building.

“Did you think it would be over with one spell? I’ll be troubled if you look
down on humans that much.” (Ledoriano)

Ledoriano kicks the ground and faces me setting up Beiramente.

“You might have sealed Zeshia’s Enhalle but your right hand is now
occupied!!” (Ledoriano)

“Fumu. That’s a good barrier. I really can’t fault it.” (Arnos)

I raise my right hand that’s still holding Enhalle and the attached Zeshia
causing Ledoriano to stare at me wide-eyed.

“Wha……..” (Ledoriano)

I brush off Beiramente and throw the Enhalle Zeshia combo.

“Now then. Rank 1 or rank 2. I wonder whose barrier is stronger?” (Arnos)

Ledoriano and Zeshia collide before being blown several meters away.

“Fumu. I see. Rank 1 is indeed better.” (Arnos)

At the moment of the crash, Zeshia let go of Enhalle because things would
not have ended well for Ledoriano if the power of Enhalle had also entered
the mix.

Thanks to this I can also feel Zeshia’s origin now as well.

Last time I looked at her origin my eyes were dazzled by Enhalle so I
couldn’t see anything.

“Hou.” (Arnos)

Enhalle that I was still holding the tip of turned into light particles and

Did Zeshia summon it?

No, it’s different.

For a moment there was 2 Enhalle’s then the one I was holding disappeared.

“……Use that Zeshia. This fellow is looking down on us. This is a good
chance to win. Let’s finish it in one go.” (Ledoriano)

Zeshia nods and both of them develop magic formations at their feet.

Now, this is an awfully nostalgic magic feeling. 2000 years ago the heroes
used this against me without fail.

“Sanctuary <Ask>” (Arnos)

A grand magic that unites the people hearts as one and turns their hopes and
wishes into magic.

“Do your best Jergakanon!”

Lots of voices sounded in the underwater city.

“The hope of Azeshion! Symbols of world peace!”

“Don’t be defeated by strangers.”

“Show your overwhelming might like always!”

Is Gairadeite aware of this exam? I can hear the voices of the residents.
“……As expected of a reincarnated person. You seem to know this magic,
however, despite your knowledge of the past you look down on humans too
much. There is one crucial difference between 2000 years ago and now.”

A huge overflowing light comes from the town and gathers on Zeshia and

As the heroes 2000 years ago did those 2 people also wear <Ask>.

“2000 years ago thanks to constant loses the population of Gairadeite was
about 100,000 people but now along with the towns outside the walls the
population is about 10 million people!!” (Ledoriano)

Zeshia and Ledoriano glare at me as the gather light into themselves.

“We Jergakanon will never lose as long as we have the support of the people!
I’ll show it to you and you will learn it. Unlike you mazoku that only have
your power we humans also have our hearts. This love from 2000 years ago
that the hero Kanon used to bring world peace has expanded greatly.”

The world became peaceful and the population increased? Are you trying to
say that people’s love and desire have also increased that much as well?

“Though humans and mazoku might have been equal 2000 years ago the
peace that we achieved was different. The power of the hero Kanon that even
killed the demon king of tyranny is now 100 times stronger. You can never
compete with human beings. In this peaceful world you mazoku cannot win.

Fumu. It was me that brought about peace though.

I’m not going to bother waiting for them to listen to me though.

“This love from 2000 years ago will again bring us victory!” (Ledoriano)

2000 years ago I dealt with the humans of Gairadeite that were supplying
power to <Ask> but doing that for a simple exam would be a bit…
These guys are using the power of the people who are offering them
assistance unjustly.

For starters, I need to break the pride of these two.

“Going on about love. You’ve missed the point entirely.” (Arnos)

Ledoriano laughs scornfully at my words.

“You still don’t understand? You’ve lost. A long-lived mazoku being driven
to reincarnate is proof that human love won. If your brain has become dull
from being reincarnated let me remind you of it again.” (Ledoriano)

The 2 heroes kicked the ground at the same time.

From the left Beiramente is thrust out and from the right, Enhalle is swung

In response, I enveloped both my hands in holy light and received their blows

“….the….? This is….?” (Ledoriano)

Ledorianos expression became grim due to the fact I was also using <Ask>

“What’s wrong? Did you honestly think the mazoku didn’t have love as
well?” (Arnos)

Ledoriano looked amazed but he quickly regained his composer and laughed.

“Another stupid line. Even if you can use the magic there’s no love in your
hearts mazoku. All you have is the ugly desires of anger, jealousy and
laziness. History proves this fact. You have no love.” (Ledoriano)

So much conviction. Is that the gift of the hero academy education?

“Because of that, you cannot master the true power of <Ask>. To begin with,
we have 10 million people. Even with the full support of the demon king
school, you have less than 100 people. We are overwhelmingly superior in
both quality and quantity.” (Ledoriano)

“10 million? What of it? 8 people are more than enough.” (Arnos)

I use <Liikus> and talk to them.

“Misa. How it going?”

“Yes. We’ve entered the city and are looking for Jergakanon members.”

“You should wait there a while.” (Arnos)

“Eh? Yes. I understand.” (Misa)

“Elen. Can you hear me?” (Arnos)

“Ye, yes Arnos-sama.” (Elen)

“Jessica?” (Arnos)

“Yes!” (Jessica)

“Maia.” (Arnos)

“Here!” (Maia)

“Nono, Shia, Himuka, Casa, Shellia.” (Arnos)

Every time I call their name they answer loudly.

“I’ve decided to do a single support battle.” (Arnos)

The fan union listens carefully to my words.

“There are 10 million people over there but that is an insignificant amount.
Your thoughts of me are worth at the very least those 10 million over there.”
My fan union falls quite but a strong determination flows through <Liikus>.

“Now sing. Send your love to me.” (Arnos)

When I said that <Ask> that was surrounding me suddenly became like a
raging tornado and shot to the heavens in a beam of light that connected
heaven and earth.

(1) The kanji reads holy sea protection sword but the furigana reads
rule/control the sea
89. Arnos-sama support song No.3
(peerless demon king)

“….What do you think living is?” (Elen)

“Its Arnos-sama!” (fan union)

“What’s the meaning of life?” (Elen)

“Its Arnos-sama!” (fan union)

“What is Arnos-sama?” (Elen)

“He is both zero and infinite. He is all the concepts of this world!” (fan

Elen raises her voice

“Arnos-sama told us to sing. That Arnos-sama is waiting for our song! We

can’t lose, whether it’s 10 million or 100 million!! If our song doesn’t get
through then there’s no point us living anymore!!” (Elen)

“Arnos-sama! Arnos-sama! Arnos-sama!!” (fan union)

“Everyone! Let’s do this!! Arnos-sama’s 3rd support song [peerless demon

king]!!!” (Elen)

The area falls silent as everyone hones their concentration.

The next moment overflowing feelings flowed from the song.

“Can’t become serious ♪” “Uuuuuuー♪” (fan union)

“Peerless demon king ~~~~♪” (fan union)

“Guaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!” (Ledoriano)

As if being judged by the light of <Ask> Ledoriano and Zeshia were blown

As if not being satisfied with just that <Ask> turned into 2 rays of light and
attacked those 2 again.

“At..that..time, this me was just whimsicalー♪” (fan union)

The barrier surrounding Ledoriano easily cracked.

“……Wha….!? Whats this……!? My barrier blocked <Jirasudo> easily.

Why is <Ask> responding to the heartless mazoku…!?” (Ledoriano)

You can hear the fan union song.

As expected of today’s mazoku. The volume of their voices is tremendous.

There were no such singers amongst the mazoku 2000 years ago.

“ little♪ I was kindー♪” (fan union)

In response to their song, their thoughts turned into magic power and <Ask>
grows stronger.

“Such a thing….. Mazoku hearts cannot love…..!!” (Ledoriano)

“It..was..a..misunderstanding, what I diiiiiid♪” (fan union)

Even the holy light of Zeshia’s sword Enhalle was pushed back by my <Ask>
and when she tried cutting it she couldn’t.

“…….To lose……. to holy magic……. I’ll teach you the power of <Ask>
backed by 10 million people…..!!” (Ledoraino)

As Ledoriano tried to pull more power out of <Ask> the feelings contained in
the song increased even more.
Ah, the chorus is about to start.

“Know your place♪ This me is your ruler♪” (fan union)

“Kuuuuuu…..” (Ledoriano)

“Amusement♪ Uuuu♪ Shooow me your dance~♪” (fan union)

“This….!! Guaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!” (Ledoriano)

“Don’t glaaare♪ Uuuuー♪ I’ll take you seriously~♪” (fan union)

“Gaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!” (Ledoriano)

Swallowed by a raging tornado of light, the barrier that Ledoriano wore was
torn to pieces.

“… be damaged like this…….. We are the reincarnation of the hero

Kanon. Gairadeite’s future. We carry the expectations of an entire nation on
our shoulders! Like this…… I can’t be defeated by such a stupid song…..!!”

I see. Are you trying this out for the first time?

“A stupid song? You truly aren’t Kanons reincarnation and even being one of
the other seven origins is doubtful.” (Arnos)

Ledoriano grits his teeth.

“I won’t rise to such petty provocations.” (Ledoriano)

“I’m not provoking you at all. It’s a fact. That man was more sensitive to the
hearts of others than anyone else. It wasn’t just the outward appearances
people put on but the true feelings behind them he excelled at. That is why he
mastered the heroes magic <Ask>.” (Arnos)

In an <Ask> vs <Ask> battle they cannot possibly compete with the hero
Don’t call yourself the reincarnation of the hero Kanon if you cannot see
through to the pure feelings of those girls.

“The mazoku can never have pure feelings!! You are heartless monsters!
Demons that only hurt humans!” (Ledoriano)

“You’re saying some strange things. Why did you agree to an academy
exchange then?” (Arnos)

Ledorianos expression becomes stern but he doesn’t try to answer my


“What’s your aim?” (Arnos)

“…..It’s my turn now. I’ll show you the true power of <Ask> using human
feelings…..!!” (Ledoriano)

Ledoriano and Zeshia draw a magic formation in front of them and the
condensed holy light from <Ask> gathers there.

“Fumu. Sacred Fire Light Cannon <Teo Trias> huh?” (Arnos)

The holy power condensed and turned into a cannon shell. The heroes
strongest light attribute magic that’s fired in one go.

“This is much stronger than 2000 years ago. The thoughts of 10 million
people are packed into this <Teo Trias>. Even if you are a mazoku from the
age of myths how much of this can you endure?” (Ledoriano)

“As I said earlier.” (Arnos)

I draw a magic circle in front of me and like Ledoriano I gather holy power in

“8 people are enough.” (Arnos)

*Aah, aaaaaaaa, aaaaaaah.* Tranquil voices echo in the area around us.

At that moment the magic power that was gathering in front of me swelled up

The magic power is even greater than last time.

“…Wha….. What the hell…..!? Even though the number of people has not
increased the feelings have suddenly changed….” (Ledoriano)

“Don’t you get it?” (Arnos)

I aim my <Teo Trias> at Ledoriano.

“The second verse is about to start.” (Arnos)

“Can’t become serious ♪” “Uuuuuuー♪” (fan union)

“Peerless demon king~~~~~~♪” (fan union)

At that moment Ledoriano and Zeshia start to release their magic power.

It seems they intend to end it before my preparations are fully complete.

“<Teo Trias>!” (Ledoriano)

A huge shell of light comes at me and I release my <Teo Trias> as well.

Light and light collide turning the world completely white.

As the 2 shells collide I’m the one who’s pushed slightly back.

“….Fufufu. After all, mazoku cannot beat the hearts of us humans. They
don’t know love. Don’t know true hope. Zeshia, let’s finish this in one go.
Human feelings. Let me remind you that they’re hundreds of times stronger
than the mazoku’s!” (Ledoriano)

Did they collect more human desires? The momentum of their <Teo Trias>
has increased many times more.

My light magic bullet is quickly pushed further back until their magic is right
at the tip of my nose.
“This is the end!!” (Ledoriano)

Ledoriano adds the last of the magic power just as it happened.

The song sounds out.

“That..night.. was just on a whimー♪” (fan union)

My <Teo Trias> slightly pushes Ledoriano’s <Teo Trias> back.

“Your..body.. quietly♪ I caressー♪” (fan union)

My <Teo Trias> gains more momentum.

“It..was..a..misunderstanding, what I diiiiiid♪” (fan union)

Our <Teo Trias’> are now even.

“Oh! My desired approooach,♪” (fan union)

My <Teo Trias> is now approaching those guys.

“Playing around and having a good time, only to be cast away is your fate♪”
(fan union)

“……No….way…… I can’t lose….. to only eight people with the tiny hearts
of the mazoku. Our human love……. is it going to lose……!?” (Ledoriano)

Ledoriano is trying to extract more power but my <Teo Trias> is almost at

his face.

“Alas, you didn’t notice, you were only my playthingー♪” (fan union)

“Kuh, guuuuuuuu…….. This….. from such a song. These feelings from such
a stupid song……!!” (Ledoriano)

“Please don’t mourn ♪ Uuuuu ♪ I’ll be serious~♪” (fan union)

“…..Humans, our desires….. Don’t look down on theeeeeem…..!!”


Ledoriano’s and Zeshia’s <Teo Trias> was swallowed by light.

“Can’t be serious, uuuuuー♪ Peerless demon king~~~~~~♪” (fan


A huge explosion went off shining with the love of my fan union.

Ledoriano and Zeshia were swallowed and blown away.

Before the love of my fan union, they were scattered.

Eventually, the flood of light calmed down and I turned my gaze to the body
moving feebly on the ground.

“….Wh…..why…..? Why….to only 8 people….?” (Ledoriano)

A stunned Ledoriano was muttering in amazement.

It seems he still can’t understand why he lost.

“<Ask> and <Teo trias> combine peoples desires into one. 2000 years ago
the people of Gairadeite were united in overthrowing the demon king of
tyranny and had a great deal of trust in the hero Kanon. If it was him, people
truly believed he would save the world. It was a strong desire above all
others.” (Arnos)

Humans were in danger of dying. In fact, it was an unprecedented situation

where they were truly in danger of becoming extinct. Even in that situation
because they were able to believe in the hero Kanon their feelings became
one. They were stronger and nobler and as such, they turned into vast
amounts of magic power.

“Do you understand? Compared to the very heavy expectations that Kanon
was carrying at that time your expectations are worthless. 10 million or
whatever, numbers don’t come into it. In this peaceful world the hope that is
sent to you, a student, is trivial. In fact, you aren’t even able to unite their
thoughts.” (Arnos)
As they are, they cannot use the true power of <Ask>.

There’s no point even comparing it to the thoughts of those 8 who were

prepared to stake their very lives.

“I won’t say that human love is inferior to mazoku love but the love sent is
very different.” (Arnos)

Without accepting reality but unable to refute it Ledoriano hangs his head.

<De Igeria> heals his wounds but he doesn’t attempt to stand up.

No matter how many times a body is healed you can’t heal a crushed heart.

He has realised that the love he believed in right up to today was nothing but
an illusion.

Now then…..


I heard something. Didn’t I?

Did I mishear?

No, it’s different.

It’s not Ledoriano’s nor Zeshia’s voice.

It’s not the fan union singing.

It’s not <Liikus> either.

This voice is directly entering my heart through <Ask>


No ones talking anywhere.

“…..Kill mazoku….”

I used <Ask> again and the voice was coming from the magic itself.

Long ago I heard this familiar voice.

90. The radiance of life

“….Mazoku…. Kill……..?” (Elen)

Elen said in amazement.

“….Demon king of tyranny………kill……?” (Jessica)

Jessica muttered in an almost delirious tone.

“…..Kill?” (fan union)

The girls in the fan union started murmuring almost incoherently.

They’re hearing it through the<Liikus> I have established with them.

Fumu. This is slightly bad.

Should I be careful?

“……No, hang on. Everyone! Don’t think about it! This voice is surely an
enemy attack. Is it brainwashing magic…..!?”

“Ah….yeah…really…… What should we do?”

“It’s okay. Think about Arnos-sama, that should overwrite that stinky old
man’s voice!”


“Arnos-sama was so cool today……”

“We were told to give our love….. I won’t wash my ears anymore!!”
“……Aah…. It’s not good……!” (Elen)

“Stay strong Elen. Wasn’t it you who said to think of Arnos-sama!?”

“……I know Arnos-sama’s voice is precious but even thinking about it

makes me feel strange……” (Elen)

“……Is it an enemy attack?”

“I don’t know but Arnos-sama is amazing.”

Fumu. They have surprisingly strong willpower but it would be better to not
let it go on any longer.

I cancel <Ask>

“Arnos. Just now.” (Misha)

“Did you hear it as well?” (Arnos)

I feel her nod.

It must be because they are connected through <Guys>.

“Mass of hatred.” (Misha)

That’s a suitable way of describing it.

“Did you feel anything else?” (Arnos)

“I know a similar feeling.” (Misha)

Misha was her usual calm self.

“Headteacher.” (Misha)

Fumu. I see.

Didn’t Heine say they could hear the voice of the hero Kanon? I’m assuming
this is what he meant.

It seems the hero academy has as much trouble as the demon king academy.

“…….Arnos Voldigod……” (Ledoriano)

Ledoriano speaks in a gloomy voice. He’s still got his lifeless eyes but
somethings different.

To borrow Misha’s words he’s in a cage of hatred.

Looking over I see Zeshia who was blown away by <Teo Trias> stand up.

Her holy sword Enhalle was emitting magical power on a scale way beyond
anything it had before.

It was shining as bright as a star just before it was ready to burn out.

“……Even if you aren’t the demon king of tyranny your power is still
dangerous and someday, surely, that power will threaten humanity…..”

Ledoriano voice sounds like someone who’s let go of their sanity.

Zeshia doesn’t react to Ledorianos words and turns her eyes to me.
Emotionless eyes. The eyes of a doll who only listens to commands.

Despite that, and beyond the light of her holy sword her origin is still
certainly there.

“…..That you came to this academy exchange…..for us, was the best thing to
happen…..” (Ledoriano)

As Ledoriano was talking Zeshia charged straight at me.

“Arnos.” (Misha)

“Don’t worry.” (Arnos)

While talking to Misha I step forward to meet Zeshia.

Drawing closer she drew a magic formation over her heart.

That spell—

“Fall back Misha!” (Arnos)

I quickly develop antimagic to protect Misha who’s behind me.

“Zeshia listen. Stop that magic right now. You will not get the results you’re
expecting.” (Arnos)

Ignoring my advice Zeshia rushes in.

“Are you finally scared? This is the end Arnos Voldigod. You should realize
the resolve of a hero.” (Ledoriano)

Zeshia closes in on me.

You don’t have to speak to use that magic but Ledoriano spoke out the name
of the spell for the silent Zeshia.

“Origin Light Destruction Explosion <Gavel>!!” (Ledoriano)

At point-blank range, Zeshia plunged Enhalle into the left-hand side of her

At that moment her body begins to collapse while her origin radiates an
extreme amount of light.


A heroes curse that forcibly releases all the magical power stored in your
origin and causes an explosion of magic.

It’s also known as Origin Explosion and suicide magic.

Let alone this life even your possible future lives are thrown away as the
explosion consumes even the power of your future lives.

Its power is well beyond anything a normal magic-user can deal with.

Light covers the world and all sound stops.

Whiter than white, the pure radiance of life itself filled lake Seimei.

“…….You made light of our resolution, our courage……” (Ledoriano)

The origin explosion begins to settle and the pure white world begins to
regain its colour.

“I told you to stop it.” (Arnos)

At the sound of my voice, Ledoriano’s expression shows a mix of surprise

and despair.

“Are you sane Ledoriano? That was nothing but a meaningless death.”

“……Wh…………..” (Ledoriano)

I hear his teeth click together as he snaps his mouth shut before he starts
trembling and groaning. It looks like he can’t even speak properly.

“Are you okay Misha?” (Arnos)

Misha had fallen back to the demon king castle as I told her.

“Arnos protected me.” (Misha)

I used my <demon eyes of ruin> to suppress the origin explosion.

<Gavel> has a wide range and normally I would have temporarily retreated
using <Gatom> because as long as you are not at ground zero you can defend
against it. It’s still powerful but doable.

The issue was that even if Ray and Sahsa managed to survive I wouldn’t have
been able to save Misa and the girls in the fan union.

“….W…..hy…….?” (Ledoriano)

Ledoriano finally speaks a coherent word.

I turned my gaze to him.

“….Why? You were at the centre of the explosion….. How are you
unhurt….!?” (Ledoriano)

“Did you think you would reach me by throwing away the future?” (Arnos)

I slowly walk towards Ledoriano.

“I certainly made light of you guys. But to go as far as to use <Gavel> for
this test.” (Arnos)

Another step forward.

“It was a splendid resolution, however, this life of mine of not that cheap that
you can get it by using the future of all your members.” (Arnos)

Another step forward.

A flash of a sword attack appeared.

I caught it with my right hand and brushed it off.

“….Hou.” (Arnos)

As expected they are surprised.


What I blocked in front of me was the person who was supposed to have
disappeared. Zeshia.

After using origin explosion even resurrection won’t help you. Enhalle which
should have also disappeared was in her hand.

“You guys are doing something very interesting here. What is it Ledoriano?”

He just quivered as if scared by something.

Based on his personality he would normally start explaining things with


But not this time. Is there a reason for it?

“………..” (Zeshia)

Zeshia kicks the ground and as soon as she approaches me she draws the
formation on her chest again and immediately stabs herself with Enhalle.

<Gavel> dyes the area white again and again I suppress it with my <demon
eyes of ruin>

Zeshia dies and disappears along with her origin.



Zeshia who should no longer be alive appears out of nowhere and stands in
front of me for the 3rd time.

“Fumu. There doesn’t seem to be a limit.” (Arnos)

<Gavel> isn’t a magic I can deal with lightly. I must locate the reason this
fellow keeps coming back.

If she won’t die from using <Gavel> then she’s unlikely to die from anything
I can do.

This seems to have turned into a real fight against a real hero.
“…..Arnos-kun can you hear me?…..”

I receive a concealed <Liikus> that isn’t coming from the heroes side.

“Come to the temple. Please. Zeshia can only be stopped by me.”

<Liikus> is cut off.

“Eleonor?” (Misha)

“I can’t dismiss that this might be a trap.” (Arnos)

Misha shakes her head.

“Not lying.” (Misha)

Eleonor seems to be different from the others and if Misha says it’s okay then
it is.

“I’ll go.” (Misha)

“Understood. I’ll suppress this fellow.” (Arnos)

Standing further away this time Zeshia stabs herself in the chest using
<Gavel> but I quickly close the distance and stab my right hand into her

“…..Tsu….!” (Zeshia)

“You’re a dull fellow. How many times are you going to blow yourself up?”

I cast Time Manipulation <Lebaido> on <Gavel> stopping the magic itself

and preventing the origin explosion.

“Fumu. It hasn’t completely stopped?” (Arnos)

Well, I suppose it was a bit unreasonable using magic on a magic that was
embedded in an origin. At least I’ve bought some time.
“Be careful.” (Misha)

“You too.” (Arnos)

Misha nods and uses <Gatom>

91. 2000 years of hatred

Misha teleported in front of the temple.

Thanks to us being connected through the magic of <Guys> whatever Misha

sees with her demon eyes I can see as well.

Misha restlessly looks around but Eleonor can’t be seen.

—In here— (Eleonor)

A feeble voice using <Liikus> could be heard and using her demon eyes
Misha traced the magic back into the temple causing her to blink a couple of

She must feel the foreign nature of the temple.

No magic power can be felt from inside. Eleonor can’t be seen at all even
though she’s in the temple.

“Wait.” (Misha)

Putting her hand on the door Misha finds it locked with Lock Barrier

—Can you open it?— (Eleonor)

“No problem.” (Misha)

Misha looks at the lock using her demon eyes.

To turn the magic key you need to know the magic structure and need to
accurately analyse the formula but for Misha that won’t be a problem.
In no time at all Misha analysed the lock and used the magic Unlock <Di> on

Putting her hands on the door Misha gives it a strong push and with a rusty
groan, the door opens.

“……..” (Misha)

As soon as she entered Misha’s body felt heavy but she shook her head and
moved forward.

Inside the temple is lined with pillars and in the depths is a pair majestic
looking double doors. The floor, walls and ceiling were all covered in magic
formations and a large number of holy water spheres were floating in the air.

In the centre of the room was a large floating ball of holy water and there
floating inside was Eleonor.

Her whole body is radiating magic power. So much so her outline is blurred.

Uncountable magic characters were floating around her and on her body like
she was wearing them.

“Eh? Is that Misha-chan….?” (Eleonor)

Elenor was surprised. Did she think I’d come?

“Instead of Arnos. Shouldn’t I?” (Misha)

“No, it’s fine.” (Eleonor)

Eleonor laughed.

“Can you take me to Zeshia?” (Eleonor)

“…….Stop her?” (Misha)

“Yup. Only I can stop her. I’m sorry but I can’t move by myself at the
moment.” (Eleonor)
Misha tilts her head.

“Because you’re using magic?” (Misha)

“More precisely I am magic.” (Eleonor)

Misha blinked a couple of times.

Doesn’t seem like she understood what Eleonor said but it didn’t matter.

“I’ll take you.” (Misha)

Misha approaches Eleonor, touches the holy water sphere and a magic
formation appears at her feet.

Are you going to use <Gatom>?

“I’ll be troubled if you do something so selfish.”

A voice echoed from the entrance of the temple and a bullet of light flew
towards Misha.

It was <Teo Trias>

“Ice shield.” (Misha)

Misha instantly constructed a huge shield of ice using <Ibis>.

The strength of the improvised shield soon becomes known as the light bullet
easily smashed through the shield but Misha immediately creates another ice
shield as soon as one is broken.

The destructive power of <Teo Trias> vs Misha’s <Ibis> soon leads to Misha
wining as her creation speed is quicker than the bullet can destroy.

The bullet of light soon disappears.

“Rule violation.” (Misha)

The person who appeared in the entrance of the temple was the headteacher

“Close that contemptible mouth mazoku. This is Gairadeite and I decide the
rules. I’ll tell you now that what happens here won’t leak outside.” (Diego)

Diego fires another <Teo Trias> but this time it wasn’t at Misha but into the
depths of the temple.

As soon as it hit the impressive-looking double doors it was absorbed by


The next moment a magic formation emerges on the door and begins emitting

“Open holy gate and release the seal.” (Diego)

The double doors slowly open and divine light containing a huge amount of
magic power begins to leak through.

White, white and more white comes out.

It was a holy light that didn’t permit the existence of demons.

“Misha-chan!!” (Elenor)

Eleonor screams out as the holy light penetrates Misha’s anti-magic barrier
and pierces her body.

Misha falls to her knees in extreme pain.

“In this sanctuary, the power of the mazoku turns to nothing. Forget
<Gatom> you cant even use anti-magic can you? No help can come for you
now.” (Diego)

“Stop it! Diego sensei! If you hurt Misha-chan I’ll never forgive you!!”

“Shut up failure.” (Diego)

At Deigo’s voice, the holy water sphere around Eleonor turns white and her
voice along with her figure disappears.

“Now then.” (Diego)

Diego stretches out a hand and light gathers there before becoming a sword.

Its the same holy sword Enhalle that Zeshia had.

“It seems your friend has messed us around a bit.” (Diego)

With a dark look on his face, Diego stands by Misha.

“Are you ready filthy mazoku?” (Diego)

Diego puts Enhalle’s blade against Misha’s cheek.

Due to the light leaking from the door Misha is unable to move.

“You should realise the grudge of the humans killed by you.” (Diego)

“…..Haven’t killed anyone…..” (Misha)

Did Diego find her words irritating? His face twists in disgust.

“It was 2000 years ago when mazoku fought human. Peaceful now. Everyone
lives.” (Misha)

“Did you think we forgot just because time passed you rat!!” (Diego)

Deigo kicked Misha in the face as hard as he could sending her sprawling to
the floor.

“…..Tsu……..” (Misha)

Grasping Enhalle Diego walks slowly towards Misha.

“Make a wall, separate them for a thousand years and everyone forgets?
Everyone can live in peace while forgetting everything? Aah…… How
arrogant your founder was. Never forget. Determined to never forget. 1000
years, 2000 years. Did you think your sins would be gone!!” (Diego)

Diego thrust Enhalle down and pierces Misha’s chest.

Blood spurts out and her magic power disappeared.

“…..Apologise for accident…..?” (Misha)

Even if someone dies the school will cover it up as an accident, however, its a
big problem if a teacher kills a student, especially when they weren’t even
involved in the test to begin with.

“What about it? All along I planned to have one of you mazoku die anyway.
In fact—” (Diego)

With a smiled stained with insanity Diego continues.

“I don’t need you reviving either. Together with your origin, I’ll have you
disappear. I’m sure the people of the demon king academy will be angry
though.” (Diego)

A magic formation appears on the tip of the sword that’s piercing Misha’s

Another <Teo Trias> was drawn.

“If you have a grudge then begrudge your ancestors and the demon king of
tyranny you filthy mazoku.” (Diego)

Light gathers on the tip of Enhalle.

“<Teo Trias>!!” (Diego)

Along with his grudge, Deigo activates the magic.

The next moment a black aura appears and swallows Enhalle’s blade.

A jet black aura appears over Misha’s body protecting her.

“….Wh….at…..?” (Diego)

“Do you remember it? The wall that dived the world into four 2000 years
ago. <Beno Ieven>” (Arnos)

After transferring here using <Gatom> I grasped Diego’s shoulder.

“….Holy……In this area……No mazoku magic should be usable.” (Diego)

“Oh? Should I give it a try then?” (Arnos)

For a moment the temple falls into total silence then Diego spins his body
around and releases a <Teo Trias>.

“Die Mazoku!!” (Diego)

I wiped it out with my <demon eyes of ruin> and grabbed his face.

“Guu…….Guoooo……..!!” (Diego)

I lay emphasis on my fingers and you can hear the bones in this guys head

“I hope you liked playing around with your boring tricks and strategies.
According to your revised history, you wanted to show humans stood above
mazoku. That’s fine, it was still a peaceful method while getting all pleased
with yourselves.” (Arnos)

A magic circle is drawn on Diego’s body and I inject power into it.

“But what did you try to do just now?” (Arnos)

Diego grabs my arm with both hands and tries to shake it off but I don’t
budge at all.

“….Shut…up……” (Diego)

“I heard what you were going to do.” (Arnos)

I inject <Beno Ieven> directly into his body.

“Gu..aa…aa..aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!” (Diego)

Swallowed by the dark aura Diego disappears without a trace.

Cutting my finger with my thumbnail I let loose a drop of blood and cast
Resurrection <Ingaru>.

Deigo’s body was revied.

“…Wha……” (Diego)

Diego stared at me in amazement.

“You think you can die without my permission? Even death will not free you
from me, stupid human.” (Arnos)
92. Origin killing

Diego jumped back and turned his hate-filled eyes towards me.

“Wicked mazoku…… Did you bring me back to find the secrets of the hero
academy?” (Diego)

“Fumu. Deigo.” (Arnos)

I was already approaching Diego and as I spoke I pierced through the left-
hand side of his chest.

“Gaa…..haa……a………!” (Diego)

Diego vomits blood.

“Who gave you permission to talk? Too haughty.” (Arnos)

Grabbing his heart I squeeze.

“….Ka….a………” (Diego)

I pull out my arm and Diego collapses on the floor.

He didn’t move. He died before hitting the floor.

“I told you not to die without permission.” (Arnos)

I bring Diego back with <Ingaru> again.

As soon as he revives he glares at me.

“Bastard you— Gabuu!” (Diego)

I stamp on Deigo’s head pushing it against the floor.

“….Youuuuu…! Mazoku…… I don’t know what you’re planning but this

hero won’t give in….!!” (Diego)

“Are you still claiming to be a hero after looking down on them.” (Arnos)

I created a demon sword and stabbed it into Diego’s abdomen where his
origin is located.

“…..Gaaa….guu…… It’s pointless….. This pain…… is for humanities sake.

We are fighting for peace! No matter how much pain I experience I’ll endure
it. What do you know of love and courage? You can’t possibly understand it
you filthy mazoku!!” (Diego)

“Take a good look at the magic formation being drawn on your body.”

Through the tip of the sword, I draw a magic formation on Diego’s whole

As soon as he saw it he showed a startled look.

“…This is………. Demonization <Nedora>…?” (Diego)

This is the magic for turning animals into demons that Ledoriano explained
about back in the lecture.

“Humans are also animals after all so this magic works well.” (Arnos)

“Ha….hahaha….haahaaha…..! How stupid. Heroes that receive the blessing

of a holy sword can’t be turned into demons. I can’t become a demon….!”

“Fumu. Well, you see, that’s where you’re wrong.” (Arnos)

Black hair begins to grow from the chest wound where the sword is still
stuck. Its as if a demon was eroding him.
“…..Uu…gu… such a……” (Diego)

Deigo deploys a magic circle and suppresses the demonization with holy

“<Nedora> uses an animals origin and the brutal nature of a demon. Humans
with reason are hard to turn into demons but that doesn’t mean they can’t be
turned. There are individual differences of course. I’m sure up to this point
you know all this.” (Arnos)

Diego is frantically releasing magic power with a face filled with desperation.

“The Reishinjin sword only accepts owners who have calm and cloudless
light-filled origins. We good so far? Okay. The blessing of the Reishinijn
sword isn’t the reason that you can’t become a demon. In actual fact, the
sword only picks humans who can’t become demons to begin with.” (1)

Diego begins to grow claws and fangs start growing from his mouth.

“Fumu. Diego, are you really a reincarnation of Kanon?” (Arnos)

“…I am… I am Diego Kanon Ijeishka. A descendent of heroes with the

origin of Kanon…… I will defeat the mazoku and save the world….!”

“I don’t think so. Your personality changes if you reincarnate because you
won’t be the same person, however, your core remains the same. You are not
like Kanon. Your core has become ugly and twisted.” (Arnos)

“Shut…up….” (Diego)

Suddenly he exploded in anger.

“Shut up shut up shut uuuuup!! I won’t ride the hand of a mazoku! I’m a
hero! You guys, you mazoku are destruction. I’ll save the world……. I’m the
hero Kanon….. To such despicable magiiiiiic…….!!!” (Diego)

“Who said you could speak?” (Arnos)

I put more magic into <Nedora>.

“Ugaaaa….. this…. stupid….. this me…… This hero me won’t become a

demooooon….!!!” (Diego)

“Probably because of their intelligence, when humans become demons they

are a little different from other animals. The greed, malice and hatred of
humans are promoted and shown in their appearance.” (Arnos)

“Shut up…. I am….. hero….. Gahyuu…. Gahyuaa….. Gagaga… Aaah…

Ugaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!” (Diego)

The demonization accelerates and black hair appears on every part of Diego’s

Claws grew, fangs grew and thick horns sprouted from his head.

The most striking characteristic is the face. It looks like a pulpy, smashed

“This is your true nature Diego. It’s as ugly and distorted as I thought.”

Diego slowly raised his body and turned his ugly face to me.

“How’s it feel to become a demon?” (Arnos)

“…This……. Did you think this would break my heaaaaart!!!!” (Diego)

Diego screams out something similar to a war cry.

“Being human isn’t about appearance! It’s not about lineage! It’s heart!! No
matter how much you change my shape my heart will always be human!!
Even reduced to this ugly monster I’m still a hero!!” (Diego)

“I hardly think your heart is that of a hero.” (Arnos)

“Shut uuuup…..!! Forgive….. I won’t forgive…. the cruel mazoku….. It was

a mistake to sympathise with you. I should have just exterminated you all
right from the beginning!!” (Diego)

Using <Liikus> Diego speaks out.

“All members of Jergakanon charge the mazoku.” (Diego)

“Fumu. What are you trying to do? My subordinates are not weak enough to
fall to an all-out attack.” (Arnos)

Not bothering to answer me Diego just smiles and touches the nearby holy
wafter ball and develops a magic circle.

“Repent you dirty mazoku. It’s now my turn to see your face in despair!!!
Fufufu, hahahahaha, haaaahaahaahaahaa!!” (Diego)

Did you just use holy water with a body that’s become a demon?

Half of his body received the holy poison but the magic did activate.

“I see. <Gavel> huh? You’ve already placed magic on your student’s origins
then.” (Arnos)

“….Wha…..!?” (Diego)

Letting that slip out you can see that Deigo can’t hide his confusion at me
seeing through him in an instant.

“That formation is the detonation type formation. Perhaps your students who
are attacking don’t know anything about this? You’ve even set it on your own
origin.” (Arnos)

How stupid can you get?

How pathetic.

“Is that what a hero does Diego? I can’t believe you want to kill mazoku so
bad you are willing to kill your owns students.” (Arnos)

“Don’t speak like you know everything. The mazoku took everything from us
humans. This is a hero. This is the fight of the legendary hero Kanon! Those
students who are too scared to achieve our ancestors wish of exterminating
the mazoku are no students of mine!! The resolution to not fear death is what
being a hero is all about!!” (Diego)

Deigo speaks through <Liikus> again.

“Situation report.” (Diego)

“Haa! We’ve just located the demonic sword saint Ray Grandori!”

“Same here. We’ve just caught the witch of ruin Sasha Necron.”

“9 members of the demon king academy confirmed. We also have 9 people

and are ready to attack!”

Diego’s ugly face distorted even more.

“Jergakanon and descendants of the hero Kanon gooo!! Now is the time to
show your power and courage!! Chaaaarge!!” (Diego)

I shoved my right hand into Diego again

“Did you think I’d let you go any further?” (Arnos)

“….Gofuu…….” (Diego)

He grins and laughs while vomiting blood.

“I’ll avenge myself with this. Die mazoku.” (Diego)

Did he finish the magic activation already?

The holy water orb sends power to the magic formation that only has one
purpose and that is in detonating the origins of the students.

The bodies of the students who came close to Ray, Sasha and Misa were
wrapped in the light of <Gavel>.
A violent explosion rings out from the origins scattered around the city. Even
this temple is blown away.

Or it should have.

“…..Why…….?” (Diego)

Diego mutters in disbelief.

“Why hasn’t everything exploded…..!? Why!?” (Diego)

“It did take a bit of work but I’ve cast magic on the whole underwater city.
I’ve stopped the time of <Gavel>.” (Arnos)

That’s why I was late coming to help Misha. Making sure other people
couldn’t use <Gavel>

“….Stopped….time……..?” (Diego)

“Didn’t you hear me when I said the same attack won’t work on me twice?”

Diego shook with a mixture of anger and hatred.

“This peace is very precious. I had planned on letting you live but now it
seems it would be foolish to keep you alive.” (Arnos)

When I pulled my hand out Diego stumbled back a couple of steps.

Most of his power will be gone now.

“….If you want to kill me then kill me…..but…. I’ll revive again and again.
If it doesn’t come true in this life then the next life and if it doesn’t come true
in that one then the next one. No matter how many times it takes I’ll never
forget this grudge. Someday. I’ll eradicate all mazoku!!” (Diego)

“Did you think you had another life to use Diego?” (Arnos)

I open my right hand but what was in it could only be seen with demon eyes
so I sent magic power to it and a faintly shining white ball appeared.

If you looked closely the white globe is connected to Diego by a thin thread
of magic.

“Do you know what this is? It’s your origin.” (Arnos)

I draw a magic formation on the end of my right hand.

Origin Killer <Bebuzud>. When my right-hand goes through the formation

my fingertips turn black.

“I cannot touch your origin. Even with magic, it’s very difficult to interfere
with an origin, however, <Bebuzud> can directly touch an origin.” (Arnos)

I scratched the white ball with my fingertip.

“Agaaa….aaah… Agaaakyaaaaa……. Gugyaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!” (Diego)

An intense and violent death scream rang out.

“Do you get it now? A pain that surpasses death itself is felt when your origin
is hurt. Try to condense every possible pain in this world and it wouldn’t be
enough to match this pain. Its the death of your next life, and the next one
and so on into eternity. All your future reincarnations and deaths are packed
into this one spot.” (Arnos)

I scratch it again.

“Agyuu, gyuhyuaaaaa, gubeheeeeeeeeeee!!!!” (Diego)

Shedding tears, snot, drooling and without regard for his appearance, Deigo
screams like a beast.

“You said the fight of the hero Kanon. Is this how the hero academy defeats
its enemies now? By suicide attacks?” (Arnos)

I pierce the origin with my fingertips.

Diegos eyes turn white and he issues a soundless scream.

“2000 years ago the hero Kanon had 7 origins. Even if an origin was erased
as long as one remained that guy could revive again and again. It was the
ultimate magic that the gods gave to you humans and only one person ever
tried to use it both before and after. That was the hero Kanon.” (Arnos)

I was talking to Diego but his eyes had long gone vacant.

“And why was that? Because nobody was able to endure the pain of their
origins being hurt over and over nor the death of one. Apart from that guy.
He accepted it all. I reduced his origins over and over and he confronted me
again and again.” (Arnos)

“…St…….stop……stop………….” (Diego)

I swung my finger down and slashed Diegos origin.

“Sto……… Gugyaaaa, gubufuuuuuogyaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!” (Diego)

“Do you know the reason why?” (Arnos)

At the chipped away origin of Diego, I point my jet black fingertips.

“….Ah…ha…u..aa….enough…..stop…….” (Diego)

Diego is already in a state where he’s now crippled.

“It’s better to die than to sacrifice someone. That man seriously thought that.
And he did. He continued to die over and over again. His origin was slashed
again and again, burnt and destroyed and still, he fought for you humans.
That is your hero. A real hero with courage who defeated the mazoku many
times. He was the true owner of courage.” (Arnos)

Even though he was my enemy I was proud of him and his resolution.

He always fought to protect something. Not once was he ever dominated by

his greed.
And he was killed?

Some other humans killed that man that kept sacrificing himself for them.

He would still resurrect but maybe it was enough to kill his heart?

“You say you are a reincarnation of Kanon so endure it. If you can do that
then I’ll let you reincarnate and you can come after me again in another life.”

“….Just…..enough….already…..aaah……ah…” (Diego)

I pierce right to the centre of the origin with my finger.

“Gugagagagagaga, gyahyuuu, gyfuaaaaaaaaaa!!!” (Deigo)

“What’s wrong Diego? Aren’t you a hero? Don’t cry out in that voice. Kanon
will laugh at you.” (Arnos)

I look at his face with my demon eyes.

“….Ple…..” (Diego)

Deeper than despair and with a look like he was swallowed by the abyss
Diego spoke.

“…..Please……..enough, forgive me….kill me…….please end it…..”


It was a begging voice.

All that resentment and hatred was gone. All he wanted was a release from
this pain.

“You are not the hero Kanon.” (Arnos)

With <Bebuzud> over my hand, I grip Diego’s origin and squeeze with all
my might.
The white ball shattered into pieces.

Diegos body falls to the floor like a doll with all its strings cut.

He doesn’t move. Resurrection is impossible.

His origin is completely gone from this body.

“You were a man who didn’t understand anything, pretending to be Kanon.

Now that man was truly strong.

(1) Reishinjin means godlike spirit. Also, I have no idea where this sentence
came from. Diego used the term holy sword and Arnos brings out this
Reishinjin sword term that hasn’t been mentioned before. I thought it might
have been Deigo’s sword name but that was said to be Enhalle last chapter so
no idea. Just roll with it I guess. I’ll reread it later when I’m less tired and see
if I’ve missed something.
93. What lies within

“Now then.” (Arnos)

I head over to Misha and cast Total Complete Demon Healing <Ai Shearu>
but the wound doesn’t heal.

At first, I thought it was just being slow but it wasn’t. It must be due to the
powerful barrier covering this temple. It’s so strong it makes <De Igeria>
look weak.

This barrier could even partly block <Beno Ieven>

“That door at the back?” (Arnos)

I look at the divine light leaking from the door with my demon eyes.

It’s only the aftermath of magic but its enough to limit my magic power.

I’ve got a feeling I know what’s behind that door.

“….Go…..” Misha mutters “….I’m fine……”

Could you tell I’m bothered by what’s behind that door? How admirable.

“I’ll wait.” (Misha)

“Don’t worry about it. You’re my top priority.” (Arnos)

I block the doorway up with <Beno Ieven> but there’s still some light leaking

It’ll be quicker and easier to treat if we get away from here but I need to do
something first.

I look at the holy water ball with my <Demon Eyes of Ruin> and the holy
water ball split open revealing Eleonor inside.

“…..Sorry for having you rescue me Arnos-kun…..” (Eleonor)

Eleonor tries to walk but she falls down. Have her legs gone weak?

I support her body with my arm.

“Ah…..” (Eleonor)

“You okay?” (Arnos)

Eleonor nods.

“Than…thank you.” (Eleonor)

She doesn’t seem to be injured. Looks like she was only locked in.

“He…hey….. stop looking so much….” (Eleonor)

She’s currently naked. Eleonor takes a step back and tries to hide her naked
body but her large proof of peace can’t be hidden by her arm and peek out.

Fumu. I’m not really sure why but is this situation bad?

“You seem to be okay anyway.” (Arnos)

I reach out to her body.

“Eh…? Han…hang on……” (Eleonor)

I touch her collarbone with my fingertip.

“Stay still. I don’t remember the shape of your hero uniform so I need to ask
your body.” (Arnos) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I cast <Ibis> on Eleonor covering her body with the magic formula and the
next instant she was wearing the hero academy uniform.

“Wa……thank you…” (Eleonor)

I go back over to Misha and hold her.

“Diego sensei? (Eleonor)

“Destroyed. Origin as well.” (Arnos)

“…..Eh?” (Eleonor)

Eleonor who is normally carefree turned serious.

She activates her demon eyes and looks around. She can also see peoples
origins directly so she can clearly see Deigo’s origin has completely
disappeared. (1)

“……Amazing Arnos-kun…..” (Eleonor)

That was an unexpected reaction.

“Your teacher is killed and your words to me are amazing?” (Arnos)

She lowers her eyes slightly.

“I know everything. Diego sensei set the magic <Gavel> on everyone….all of

it….” (Eleonor)

Eleonor’s expression turned dark.

“In this hero academy only I know the correct history. Not all of it but
still…… But nobody believes me. Whenever I say that the hero Kanon was
killed by humans they all say I’m crazy…..” (Eleonor)

It’s not in any textbook so it’s probably the proper reaction to being told that.

“Don’t you find what I’m saying strange Arnos-kun?” (Eleonor)

“It’s certainly unexpected meeting someone else.” (Arnos)

Elenor gives me a puzzled look.

“The history of the mazoku has been rewritten as well which is giving me a
bit of a hard time. No-one believes me even though I’m telling the truth.”

Eleonor looks surprised hearing my words.

“….The demon king of tyranny’s name…..” Eleonor murmurs

“It’s Arnos Voldigod. Sometime in the last 2000 years, it was changed to
Avos Dillheavia.” (Arnos)

A stunned looking Eleonor looks at my face.

“Can’t you believe it?” (Arnos)

“Yeah. Though I thought it was strange…… You Arnos-kun… you’re too

strong…and not just your strength and yet the mazoku weren’t accepting you.
It was a very distorted scene to watch….” (Eleonor)

She’s half talking to herself like she trying to convince herself of something.

“But this distortion led to me remembering something a little…..” (Eleonor)

The correct history. A truth that is not recognised.

Eleonor seems to have had the same experience as me.

“Arnos-kun is the demon king of tyranny?” (Eleonor)

“Yeah.” (Arnos)

“….Why are you looking for the hero Kanon?” (Eleonor)

“Because I promised that when I reincarnated we’d be friends.”

“…I see…… that was the reason….. It wasn’t a lie…” Eleonor says in

“There’s a lot of things I want to ask you but Misha’s treatment is top priority
now. She won’t die but she’s in pain.” (Arnos)

In my arms, Misha shakes her head.

She’s stouthearted.

All the more reason to hurry up with treatment.

“I’ve got to manage the students of the hero academy as well. I’ve stopped
time using <Lebaido> but the effect doesn’t last long. If left alone they will
still explode.” (Arnos)

“Understood. I’ll do something about it.” (Eleonor)

“Oh?” (Arnos)

Once activated <Gavel> is like lighting a fire in an ammo dump. Although

I’ve stopped its time and forcefully suppressed it, it’s a difficult task to return
it to normal.

“Can you do it?” (Arnos)

“I’m good at origin magic.” Eleonor says while raising her index finger.

“What about your body?” (Arnos)

“I’m fine now. It’s only because I was magic for a while that it took my legs
a little time to adjust.” (Eleonor)

You were magic?

That’s what I want to hear about the most but it sounds complicated.

Anyway. I can leave the hero academy to her.

“You’d better hurry then. You’ve got a day to restore the origins of all those
people.” (Arnos)

“Yes.” (Eleonor)

Eleonor runs over to the temple doors.

“Ah, Arnos-kun.” (Eleonor)

As if remembering something she stops and turns around.

“Can you stop and talk after school tomorrow? There’s something I need to
ask you.” (Eleonor)

“I don’t mind but I think the hero academy will struggle with the teaching
tomorrow.” (Arnos)

The headteacher Diego has disappeared after all.

Well, no one saw him being killed and there’s no one who will be able to tell
the demon corpse left in here was Diego.

Even if they put his whereabouts down tomorrow as unknown it’s not likely
another teacher can just drop their own class and teach us.

“It’ll be fine though they’ll be noisy that Diego sensei isn’t there. I’m pretty
sure the classes will go on tomorrow.” (Eleonor)

Is there a substitute teacher already in the school? Whatever, not like I care
about the classes anyway.

“See you tomorrow.” (Arnos)

“Yup. bye-bye.” (Eleonor)

Waving her hand Eleonor leaves the temple.

I use <Gatom> and transfer inside the demon king castle Misha made.
If it’s here the recovery magic should work.

I use <Ai Shearu> and heal her wounds.

“Fumu.” (Arnos)

Even though the wound caused by the light from the holy sword Enhalle was
deep the effects from that light leaking from that door is even more

It passed through the wound made by Enhalle and entered Misha’s origin
where it’s been eroding her magic power.

This will make using magic unpredictable and might stop her from being able
to even move.

“….It’s become a bit better….” (Misha)

Misha smiles in my arms.

“Don’t worry. I’ll get you moving right away.” (Arnos)

“Not worrying.” (Misha)

Misha looked right at me.

“Because Arnos is here.” (Misha)

“I see.” (Arnos)

Misha nods.

“Depths of the temple.” Misha murmurs her words almost a sigh. “…I saw a
strong magic power……. from Eugo Ra Raviaz….” (Misha)

You were looking that deep into the abyss? That would explain some of the
erosion from the holy power.

“…….My mistake………?” (Misha)

“No. That god is a mid-ranked god. I wouldn’t be surprised if the thing in
there is even more powerful than Eugo Ra Raviaz.”

“Thing in there?” (Misha)

“Possibly……” (Arnos)

No, I’ll answer Misha’s question.

“It’s probably the spirit god sword Evans Mana.” (2)

The supreme holy sword dominating the other 88 holy swords.

The legendary holy sword forged to destroy the demon king of tyranny.

(1) The author used demon eyes for Eleonor here and he used it with Diego
last chapter as well so I’m assuming that what Arnos is calling demon eyes is
actually just magic vision that anyone with sufficient power/talent can use
irrelevant of race and not just the mazoku.

(2) There’s my Reishinijn answer. I’d forgotten that’s how its called. You
really shouldn’t translate when tired

TN: If anyone’s wondering why there’s been a couple of double releases it’s
because a lot of my colleagues who were on 12-week isolation due to health
issues (and other people) are now back at work. As such, the few of us that
we’re working and running around like headless chickens through all of this
have finally got the chance to use some of our silly amounts of lieu time and
have some random days off. I’m hoping to bang out a few more chapters on
my days off so look forward to them.
94. What appeared

—The next day—

As I opened the door to the Arclaniska Auditorium I could hear voices from
the inside.

“…..Aah. All of Jergakanon are off today it seems. Well, that’s nothing new
for Zeshia though.”

“Well, they were crushed by the demon king academy lot. It seems Laos had
to be admitted to the magic clinic because they couldn’t remove the poison
from his body.”

“Heine’s even worse. His entire bodies covered in stigmata and healing
magic won’t work on those. They used holy water on him so he won’t die but
he might have been better off dying.”

“Wasn’t Ledoriano okay though?”

“Yeah but the guy who went to see him said he’s staying in his room and
won’t come out.”

“I’m worried….”

“Tell me about it. That mazoku lot is full of monsters wh—”


All the hero academy students turn around.

The students who were standing in a block in front of me quickly scattered to

the sides and made way for me. Without fail, every one of them looked

I walked down the now vacant aisle and headed to the demon king academy

“Did a certain someone overdo it yesterday?” (Sasha)

Misha tilted her head to one side.

“Fumu. You thinking what I’m thinking as well?” (Arnos)

Misha nods.

Sasha’s expression took on a pained look.

“……Ahaha….. Everyone was amazing, right? Look at me. The exam was
over before I noticed let alone did anything.” (Misa)

Jergakanon surrendered as soon as Eleonor left. Presumably, she told them


“But I’m glad you didn’t get hurt.” Ray says to Misa with a smile.

Misa blushes and says “Yes” in a small voice.

“By the way.” I say to Ray taking a set next to him. “You seem to have
mastered that unique sword.”

“Really? I feel like I can still draw out more power from it.” (Ray)

This man constantly seems to be aiming at a higher place.

“Did you remember anything?” (Arnos)

“From my past life? No, nothing.” (Ray)

“Fumu. Since you used a holy sword I thought you might have remembered
it.” (Arnos)
Normally, a holy sword is impossible to use by a mazoku, however, if your
magic power is well above the holy swords power then you can force it to
surrender to you. The thing is Ray had the sword recognise him as its rightful
owner and didn’t force it.

2000 years ago Shin Reglia was known as the strongest mazoku swordsman
but it’s unknown if he could do what Ray has done. He said he would start a
new sword in a new era. If so he may have succeeded.

In any event, Ray is only going to grow more.

“Were you an acquaintance of Arnos-sama in your past life Ray-san?” (Misa)

“First time I’m hearing this. That would explain why the sword idiot can use
demon swords so well. Were all the mazoku from 2000 years ago monsters
like you guys?” (Sasha)

Sasha and Misa both have eyes full of interest.

“Well, I don’t really know yet but it doesn’t really matter.” (Ray)

“Indeed.” (Arnos)

Sasha makes a dissatisfied face when she realises neither of us is going to say
anything further.

“…. Hmph. A secret between men is it…..” (Sasha)

“Ahaha… well, if Arnos-sama doesn’t want to say either then that’s it……”

Misa seems to be a little uneasy so Ray laughed at her.

“I won’t change.” (Ray)

“Eh?” (Misa)

“I’m me. Even if I remember everything that won’t change.” (Ray)

“I…..see. That’s right….” (Misa)

“Am I wrong?” (Ray)

“…..No…I’m……. I’m happy…..” (Misa)

Misa looked down in embarrassment.

Looking at them sideways Sasha sighs.

“Enough already. Haven’t you both been flirting way too much in the
classroom lately?” (Sasha)

“Eh, ah, no, not really, that sort of thing…..! Ah, eh? We haven’t, have
we….?” (Misa)

While Misa was all flustered Ray wasn’t bothered in the slightest.

“If you’re jealous then you do it too with my demon king.” (Ray)

“Wha….. eh….ah…..!!” (Sasha)

Sasha quickly sneaks a peek at me then turns on Ray with a glare.

“Ray outside now! Were going to have a little talk.” (Sasha)

Sasha stands up.

“Class is about to begin right?” (Ray)

“Not a problem. I’ll end it in 1 minute.” (Sasha)

“Oh? This’ll be interesting with you.” (Ray)

Ray also gets up and laughs cooly at the glaring Sasha.

“Are you fighting?” Misha says looking at them both.

“I wouldn’t say we were fighting……” (Sasha)

“Just testing our strength.” (Ray)

“Tha.. that’s right. It’s just like that painful hell called self-study. We
overcame it but these small fry heroes are too weak. It’s boring if we can’t
get serious.” (Sasha)

“If you’re my partner I’m sure I can show the true power of this unique
sword.” (Ray)

“Ah, that’s right. I was worried about that sword. Did you use holy magic?”

“Simply put I can do it if I want to.” (Ray)

“Haaa? Could you please explain a little more seriously?” (Sasha)

*Fufufu* Misha laughs and the 2 of them look at her.

“Good friends.” (Misha)

Sasha’s eyes go soft.

“Looks like your sister won.” (Ray)

“……Haaah.” (Sasha)

Deprived of their venom the 2 of them sit down.

The bell signalling the start of class rings.

After a few minutes, Menou enters the classroom and another teacher enters
the room and follows her to the platform.

Misha’s eyes went wide as she stared at the other teacher.

“It was a white-hot opposition test yesterday and both schools have found
problems with their students. Let’s continue working hard together in the
future. Let’s begin today’s academy exchange.”
It was Diego Kanon Ijeishka.

The man whose origin I certainly destroyed yesterday so it’s no wonder

Misha is surprised.

It’s not another person disguised to look like him either.

The wavelength of magic power is identical and so is the origin to the Diego I
destroyed yesterday.

The hero Kanon had 7 origins and could revive as long as one remained but
Diego only had one origin.

Is it possible to revive if the one remaining origin was divided amongst 7


No, and even if that were possible I don’t think this guy is Kanon.

Even if he used magic to divide his origin into 7 there’s no way he could
withstand the pain like Kanon.

And even if all of it were true and he could revive I can’t believe he’d still be
sane after the treatment he received.

“Oh yeah before I start I need to communicate something to the class. All
members of Jergakanon are absent today due to fatigue. I’ll let you know
when they are coming back.” (Diego)


“Wasnt one okay?” (Arnos)

When I raised my hand Diego gazed at me.

“What do you mean?” (Diego)

It’s certainly the same origin but somethings off. His reaction is like a
different person.
After everything he went through yesterday non of its showing in his
behaviour at all. I don’t think he’s that good of an actor.

“Eleonor seemed unharmed in yesterdays test. Is she not okay?” (Arnos)

Deigo didn’t even pause he just answered straight away.

“She’s tired as well. It seems she used too much recovery magic on
Jergakanon. It’s not serious but she won’t be coming to class. She needs to
take care and rest.” (Diego)

Certainly <Gavel> is no easy spell to stop, however, we promised to meet

after school today and I don’t think she resting from fatigue.

“Let’s begin the class. Today we are talking about holy magic tools. You
guys at the demon king academy might not remember but—” (Diego)

Yare yare. For some reason, the hero academy is more trouble than I thought.
95. Taboo magic

“That’s all for today’s class.” (Diego)

Eleonor didn’t appear all day. I’m sure something’s wrong.

When Eleonor was in the temple she said she couldn’t move by her own will.
If she’s in the same condition as that time then she might not be able to come
meet me.

Should I go meet her?

“Um, Arnos-sama. Did anyone talk to you about going to the festival?”

“Fumu. I’ve got a bit of business to take care of but you should go and enjoy
it.” (Arnos)

“I see.” (Misa)

“I’ve going to give it a miss today as well. I’m pretty tired.” (Ray)

“Were you up late?” (Misa)

“I not sleeping well due to the pillow being different.” (Ray)

“I see…….” (Misa)

Misa looks a bit disappointed so Ray goes over to her and whispers

“Do you want to join me taking a nap?” (Ray)

“…..Eh, errm…..” (Misa)

I see. You want to be alone with Misa.

“Don’t want to?” (Ray)

“ I mean yes I’ll….come with you.” (Misa)

The girls in the fan union started whispering about them.

“……Ray-kun is sleepy…….”

“Yeah. Don’t Ray-kun and Arnos-sama share the same room……?”

“Waiit, waiiit! What are you thinking about!?”

“Nothing. I’m not thinking about any special contact or anything….”

“Don’t say special contact!”

“…..Then, theeeen, in other words……..Misa is….”

“Going to indirectly share a bed!?!?”

Leaving them to their talk I leave the auditorium.

Using my demon eyes I try to locate Eleonors magic power but I can’t find it

Are you erasing your magic power? Misha couldn’t find Eleonor either when
she was looking.

What I can find and follow though is Diegos magic power.

If the hero academy has done something to her then there’s no way the head
of the school doesn’t know about it.

I make myself invisible with <Rainel>, hide my magic power with <Najira>
and follow Diego.

He leaves at a quick pace and heads to lake Seimei.

Using <Fres> Diego quickly moves through the empty lake and heads to a
formerly underwater cave. I thought he would have headed to the temple.

We proceed through the dim cave and as we approach the back a small spring
gushing out holy water appears.

Using <Coco> Diego jumps into the spring.

Following closely behind I find its both deep and very large. Its outside state
is different from the inside.

Using <Fres> again Diego swims like a fish through the water and dives
towards the bottom.

Just as I was wondering how deep it was the bottom finally shows up and I
see a huge door locked with <Digit>.

Diego opens the door and heads inside but I wait.

Even with my magic and figure hidden he’ll notice someone opening the
door so I wait for him to leave.

“Open.” (Arnos)

After waiting a few minutes I open the door to find a stone building inside.

This side of the door is dry due to magic holding the water back behind the

What on earth is he doing here?

As I walk down the passage I find a collapsed wall and its new. Within a few
days I’d say.

The further in the building I go the more internal destruction I find. Floors,
ceilings and walls are crushed, cut or just fallen into holes.

Fumu. It’s like there was a battle here recently.

“Aren’t there any clues yet!”

An angry voice calls out and its Diego.

It’s coming from behind a nearby door.

I stand behind it and listen carefully.

“…….I know he’s a masked man….”

“I received that report this morning! I’m telling you to give me something
new!” (Diego)

“I’m very sorry.”

“Is this not the work of the demon king academy?” (Diego)

“…..I couldn’t detect the thief’s magic power. I can’t even tell if it was a

A masked man whose magic power you cant sense huh?

That’s a familiar story.

“Besides, our plan isn’t known to the demon king academy so it’s unlikely
they attacked this facility. It’s probably the work of the Virhia Empire to the

“There’s no reason for those guys to do this! We’ve been building up friendly
relations with them for more than a 1000 years!” (Diego)

“….As may be but it would be foolish to completely trust all of Azeshion. Is

there a spy in the academy? They might have heard the rumours of the holy

The room falls silent. Is Diego keeping quiet?

“Could they have an inkling of the holy mother’s location?” (Diego)

“It seems so. The masked man was rampaging but wasn’t able to find it.”

Everything went silent again.

Eventually, Diego seems to come up with an idea.

“Okay then. This is what we’ll do. Well, make this attack look like the
mazoku did it.” (Diego)

“….One of the demon king academy students? Shall I capture one?”

“Yeah and the method doesnt matter. People believe we are justice anyway
so it’s fine. It’ll make a good cause to invade Deiruheido with.” (Diego)

“Then, finally?”

“Yes. The time has come to fulfil our long-cherished wish.” (Diego)

“Yes! Understood!”

“I’ll leave the spy to you. Find them and make them spit out everything they
know. Use whatever means necessary.” (Diego)


What a stupid thing.

Creating a fake fire to make a justification for war.

Why are you so dissatisfied with peace?

I could kill him right here but I destroyed his origin yesterday and here he

It would probably be quicker to stop their plans.

I don’t know who this holy mother is but she’s important to the hero
Going on what I know so far its probably Eleonor.

If the masked man couldn’t find it then there’s a hidden room around here

I look around with my demon eyes but there’s nothing that could be a hidden
magic device which makes sense since it’s the first thing that would be
noticed. That means it’s like my dungeon back at the demon kings castle and
it’s hidden via normal means and not magic.

I retraced my steps and came to the passage with the destroyed wall.

I raise my foot slightly and tap the floor.

Immediately afterwards the building shakes greatly with the vibration from
my tap.

“Enemy attack! Deploy the entire squad!!”

Soldiers come surging out but when they realise no one is there they stop and
look around suspiciously.

“……Was it an earthquake….?”

“…..It’s incredibly rare around lake Seimei. Is it because the waters


While the soldiers are talking I search for their magic using my demon eyes
and grasp all their locations.

Fumu. There?

I walk down the passage to my targeted place.

After all the soldiers have gone I face a very ordinary-looking wall, place my
fingertip on it and pushed.

A normal non-magic hidden door swings slowly open.

In an emergency its human nature to protect what you are supposed to protect
and in doing so create an information leak.

The answer became known when I compared the placement of the soldiers
before and after the vibrations I caused.

I walk down the straight and dimly lit passage easily avoiding an assortment
of non-magic traps.

Eventually, a faint blue light appears in front of me and I enter into a vast

Several thousand floating, no, there’s more than that. Over 10,000 floating
holy water balls and all of them have a naked girl floating in them.

Zeshia Kanon Ijeishka.

It’s her without a doubt. The school’s number 1.

Every single one of them. All of the over 10,000 girls have the exact same

And there in the centre of the vast room in the largest holy water ball was

Her entire body is glowing with magic power and like yesterday it’s causing
her outline to become blurry.

A number of magic characters emerged from her body and floated around it
while her magic power was spread amongst the other holy water balls.

“Eleonor.” (Arnos)

I cancelled <Rainel> and called her name.

“……Arnos-kun…..” (Eleonor)

She looks at me joyfully but also surprised.

“Sorry I couldn’t come. This was a bit unexpected for me.” (Eleonor)

“According to our schedule, we were to meet after school and it’s now after
school so no problem.” (Arnos)

Eleonor smiles.

“I knew for sure you’d come.” (Eleonor)

She raises her finger and stares at me with a gentle expression.

“Even though it’s in a place like this will you hear my wish?” (Eleonor)

“Gladly.” (Arnos)

“I want Arnos-kun to destroy an origin.” (Eleonor)

“Fumu. Whose?” (Arnos)

Eleonor responds in an eager tone of voice

“Mine.” (Eleonor)

Eleonor smiles a genuine smile with no hint of a lie. It was a heartfelt wish.

“I’ve been waiting a long time for the person who’ll set me and Zeshia free
from this endless hell. Arnos-kun end me.” (Eleonor)

In this way she confesses.

“I’m a taboo magic that should never have been created by humans.”
96. Origin womb (Eleonor)

Taboo magic.

I’m able to grasp the general circumstances from that.

“In other words, you’re a human type magic?” (Arnos)

Eleonor’s eyes go round in surprise.

“…..That’s amazing Arnos-kun. You really did understand.” (Eleonor)

“I had also theorised about creating humanoid type magic. I even created the
formula to experiment with.” (Arnos)

“….Did it work?” Eleonor asks a bit timidly.

“I didn’t try it.” (Arnos)

“Why?” (Eleonor)

“You’ll understand if you consider it a bit. It would be an act of sheer

madness.” (Arnos)

Eleonor smiles in relief.

“That’s right. It really is…..” (Eleonor)

Eleonor was looking down as she uttered those words but now she looks up.

“But 2000 years ago there was a person that reached that height of madness.
Did you know him Arnos-kun? The commander of the Gairadeite demon
king subjugation force?” (Eleonor)
Thats a nostalgic title. His power was inferior to Kanon but his obsession in
defeating the mazoku was bottomless.

“Jerga.” (Arnos)

Eleonor nods.

“Commander Jerga had a strong grudge against the mazoku and that didn’t
change after the demon king of tyranny died and the world was separated by
the walls. Someday the wall will disappear. Someday the demon king of
tyranny will reincarnate. He prepared for those times. He believed his fight
would never end until the demon king of tyranny was completely destroyed,
so he created the hero academy to preserve and pass on his grudge against the
demon king to future generations of children.” (Eleonor)

“Stupid is the only thing you can say to that.” (Arnos)

“Yeah, that’s right. That’s what I think as well. At that time there were also
people who thought like Arnos-kun does.” (Eleonor)

I don’t even need to ask who that was.

“The hero Kanon.” (Arnos)

“Indeed. Kanon objected to the establishment of the academy. The demon

king of tyranny only wants peace he kept saying. He only did what he did
because it was a war and he was protecting his people. His position was no
different from ours. Sadly, even though he was the hero not many people
believed him……” (Eleonor)

It’s not hard to see why that was.

It wouldn’t be possible to count the number of humans I killed in the great


If such persuasion was possible back then then I wouldn’t have needed to
create the wall.

“The hero Kanon insisted that the demon king laid down his life to create that
wall but as expected everyone thought that was a lie. Kanon was kind about
the mazoku and said he wanted the demon king of tyranny to be reborn and
have a fresh start.” (Eleonor)

Did everyone think the kind Kanon who killed the demon king was lied to
and he believed it?

It now seems that Eleonor was born after the demon king of tyranny was
renamed to Avos Dillheavia.

“But after meeting Arnos-kun and learning you are the demon king of
tyranny I thought Kanon wasn’t lying after all.” (Eleonor)

“Why’s that?” (Arnos)

Eleonor giggles.

“You don’t kill for no reason and the <Gavel> incident. If you hadn’t stopped
its time everyone would have died.” (Eleonor)

“That was only by chance.” (Arnos)

“So that’s the pretence you’re going with.” (Eleonor)

Eleonor raises her finger.

“Anyway, in the end, the opinion of commander Jerga carried more weight
and the hero academy was established.” (Eleonor)

“What about Kanon?” (Arnos)

“…..He seemed to give up and decided to believe in the future mazoku and
humans. A future where the mazoku will not attack the humans and the
humans wouldn’t be stupid enough to start a war with them.” (Eleonor)

It’s really naive but that was that mans determination.

If no one draws the bow then no hatred can be born. Was that his belief?
“However, Commander Jerga was well aware of how easily hatred can fade
with time. Anger too will also disappear one day. No matter how much you
talk about it and establish the hero academy those that fought in the great war
will one day die and that hatred for the mazoku will disappear.” (Eleonor)

Humans don’t live long. Forget 1000 years in just several hundred years
hatred and the fact that there was even a war would disappear from peoples
hearts. Nothing you write in a history book will alter that fact.

“And that was what commander Jerga was most afraid of.” (Eleonor)

“And that’s why he turned his origin into <Ask>?” (Arnos)

Eleanor’s eyes widened and she laughed.

“……You really are amazing. You’ve understood everything……” (Eleonor)

“Hardly. When I used <Ask> I heard a strange voice that’s all.” (Arnos)

I didn’t remember right away because it gave off a different impression from
his real voice but thinking back it was Jerga.

“2000 years ago the gods also meddled in the great war. It’s not within the
scope of human power to turn their origin into magic power but if the holy
water and a gods power are combined it would be possible.” (Arnos)

The formula for <Ask> is 2000 years old but when I used it I got a different
result. The only reason for that would be if the world’s system was rewritten
by a god.

“Yes, it’s like Arnos-kun says. Commander Jerga threw away his life and
entrusted his feelings, resentment, hatred and revenge for the mazoku to
<Ask>. All the textbooks in the hero academy were altered to say that when
you use <Ask> you hear Kanons voice and if you follow it you can become a
hero.” (Eleonor)

So all the students think that’s Kanon’s voice?

“The more you use <Ask> the more feelings of revenge and hatred against
the mazoku will be planted in you by the magic. Those in Jergakanon will be
told in detail how cruel the mazoku were to humans. With this, Jerga’s
thoughts and memories will never cease and will hold on until the rebirth of
the demon king of tyranny.” (Eleonor)

I knew that man held a grudge more than anyone else but peace was just
around the corner.

A humans life is short so I thought I would spare that life.

All of this is probably due to my naivety. 2000 years ago I should have
destroyed that man.

“I expect Kanon couldn’t watch this happening?” (Arnos)

Eleonor nods

“Kanon firmly opposed commander Jergas magic. Though their numbers

were small Kanon did have supporters. Commander Jerga probably thought
they might become difficult later on.” (Eleonor)

“So he had him killed?” (Arnos)

“……Yes….. Many people started saying they wanted their children and
grandchildren to live without those type of feelings. The number of people
agreeing with Kanon gradually increased especially amongst those thinking
of their families. Commander Jerga had many allies though and they waited
for a chance for Kanon to drop his guard and killed him making sure he
couldn’t revive. Even though Kanon had 7 origins he couldn’t revive if that
method was taken away.” (Eleonor)

This is a strange story.

“Even I couldn’t kill that man. There’s no way humans killed him no matter
what gap they found in his armour.” (Arnos)

“That’s right…. After I investigated it I found Kanon did have a way to

revive but he never did. I’m sure he was disgusted by the humans.” (Eleonor)
It’s not an unreasonable thought for a man who fought and sacrificed
everything for his people only to be cut down by them.

Did that guy who stood up countless times against the demon king lose his
willpower when stabbed from behind by his own allies?

“The hero Kanon who tried to save the humans was no longer a hero and
never again appeared on the front stage of history. Because he wanted
nothing to do with <Ask> he never appeared at the hero academy either. He
might have quietly disappeared without even bothering to reincarnate and
even if he did reincarnate he’s never fought as a hero again.” (Elenor)

Is that why she said that the Kanon I knew no longer existed?

“Why were you born?” (Arnos)

A pained expression momentarily crosses Eleonors face.

“….Commander Jerga’s origin became two magics. The first one was <Ask>
and the second one was me Origin Womb <Eleonor>.” (Eleonor)

If this happened directly after the war then she’d know that the demon king
of tyranny was called Arnos Voldigod.

“Did it take time for the magic to take form then?” (Arnos)

“I’m a failure. I don’t know if <Ask> took all the hatred and anger but even
though I’m a human type magic I have no hatred for the mazoku. I was
supposed to inherit the personality of commander Jerga and teach here in the
hero academy. They wiped my memories over and over and remade me
many times but to no avail.” (Eleonor)

I see. So Jergas plan didn’t go as expected either.

“300 years later the heroes of that era finally made a decision. It was
impossible to remake me how they wanted so they decided to use me only as
magic.” (Eleonor)

Eleonor looks over at the holy water balls containing Zeshia.

“<Eleonor> is a magic to make origin clones.” (Eleonor)

Fumu. As I expected.

“So Zeshia and Diego are born by duplicating their origin with magic?”

It’s not that they revied after having their origin destroyed but its actually
another person that’s indistinguishable from the one that died.

Strictly speaking, they are not exactly the same but the differences will be so
small that even I with my demon eyes will not be able to tell. They will also
have the same power as the original origin.

“From the heroes of that time, they picked the most suitable origins and
refined them. Zeshia is an origin clone specialised in combat ability but the
trade-off was her feelings and words were lost. Diego is an origin clone
specialised in education. He has good affinity with magic but he’s the most
susceptible one to Jerga’s voice.” (Eleonor)

Zeshia is a soldier while Diego’s role is to be the educator who implants the
hatred in the new heroes.

“I’ve been watching them live lifelessly for a long time. Because I’m magic
even if this body dies I’ll be reincarnated immediately and <Eleonor> can
continue giving birth to them only for them to die full of hate.” (Eleonor)

Elenor gazed into my eyes.

“As long as <Eleonor> exists in this world neither Zeshia, Deigo nor the hero
academy can find happiness. So Arnos-kun please.” (Eleonor)

Eleonor asks me earnestly.

“Kill me <Eleonor> that is originally commander Jerga’s origin. If Arnos-kun

can destroy origins then he can kill me.” (Eleonor)

I see.
“Well it should be possible but I do have one concern.” (Arnos)

“What’s that?” (Eleonor)

Even at this time, she’s smiling at me without a care.

“Don’t you think your happiness should also be taken into account? (Arnos)

Eleonor was momentarily speechless before letting out a small laugh.

“….Hey Arnos-kun…..” (Eleonor)

She looks down sadly.

“….I couldn’t protect them. The children I gave birth to I couldn’t protect
even one of them. I couldn’t even make one of them happy…..” (Eleonor)

Slight tears appeared in her eyes.

“Again and again….. over 1000 years, almost 1500 years….. I just kept
killing….” (Eleonor)

A transparent drop rolls down her cheek before mixing with the holy water
and disappearing.

“…..I’m magic that creates hatred and fosters misery….. I don’t want to give
birth to these unhappy children anymore….. also.” (Eleonor)

Her voice is full of heartbreak as she pushes herself to talk like she’s
punishing herself.

“…….I only gave birth to unhappiness. How can I ask to be happy…..”


“Fumu. I understand.” (Arnos)

She aimlessly looks at my face.

I open both hands and point to the innumerable Zeshia’s floating around us.
“In other words, all I have to do is make everyone here happy.”
97. Spirit god sword

Eleonor laughed while shedding tears.

“Thank you but its fine. I’m magic created to fight the mazoku and I cannot
resist if used. I’ll just continue producing origin clones of Zeshia which will
be used to invade Deiruheido.” (Eleonor)

10,000 Zeshias using <Asura> will be an unbelievable amount of war


On top of that, each person can use <Gavel> to become a human bomb. It’s a
threat to Deiruheido that cannot be overlooked.

“You mazoku don’t need to get caught up with human issues. Kill me and
protect Deiruheido.” (Eleonor)

Human circumstances huh? Half of that statement might be true.

“Eleonor. This is the battle I left behind 2000 years ago and the people living
in this peaceful age shouldn’t be involved in such a tedious war.” (Arnos)

If I’d destroyed Jerga at that time then none of this would have happened.

“You and Zeshia are also the same.” (Arnos)

Diego is also seized by that hatred and is passing it on.

“I need to clear my debts. The Zeshia’s that have already gone will not come
back but the ones here can still lead a peaceful life.” (Arnos)

“If everyone forgot everything like they were supposed to then neither me
nor Zeshia should even exist.” (Eleonor)
“What’s done is done.” (Arnos)

Eleonor and Zeshia have already been born.

“I’ve caused you pain for almost 2000 years.” (Arnos)

Eleonor’s body trembles.

Suffering and more suffering. A life that did nothing but suffer with her only
hope being that she might one day disappear.

So much misfortune.

“This is my mistake, therefore I’ll make sure your next 2000 years are
happy.” (Arnos)

Eleonrs smile disappears.

“I can’t erase what happened but at the very least let me try and make it up to
you.” (Arnos)

“….I’m human. Well not really since I’m magic….” (Eleonor)

“What’s that got to do with anything?” (Arnos)

A tear runs down her cheek.

The tears that are melting into the holy water are clearly visible to my demon

“…..As long as <Ask> exists the humans will continue to hold a grudge
against the mazoku….. We can only fight until one of use is destroyed…….”

“Then I just need to destroy <Ask>.” (Arnos)

Eleonor shakes her head with a sad expression and speaks in a feeble voice.

“…Hey….. If you say something that gives me so much hope…..I might start
to dream….” (Eleonor)

“I’ll grant it. For 2000 years you have suffered. Any dream I can’t make
come true is nothing but a lie.”(Arnos)

Humans who continue to suffer and die without hope. If that’s the world’s
system then I shall destroy it.

“I’m in front of you now. You’ve endured until today and that’s more than
enough.” (Arnos)

“….But…..” (Eleonor)

At that time a dim voice leaked from somewhere.

A faint desire.


It came from the 10 years old Zeshia in the holy water ball next to Eleonor.

“…..Zeshia….?” (Eleonor)

Elenor looks astonished.

Zeshia who specialises in combat and shouldn’t be able to speak was now

“…..Help……….mama…….” (Zeshia)

Unable to bear Zeshia’s words Elenor starts sobbing.

Endless tears fall from her eyes.

“….Sorry, Arnos-kun…. I was saying something unfair. Please, I beg you.”


Eleonor begs me like before but this time her wish is much stronger.
“Help. Zeshia and me….. We’ve already fought so much.” (Eleonor)

“I promise. I won’t say I’ll do it right now but I will help you.” (Arnos)

“…..Yes…..” (Eleonor)

Eleanor’s tears spill like rain.

“……Absolutely promise….” (Eleonor)

“I’ll stake my name on it.” (Arnos)

To liberate them I need to end 2000 years of hatred between the humans and
the mazoku.

To erase Jerga’s origin which has merged with <Ask> I’ll need to return
<Ask> to its original form, however, unlike Eleonor <Ask> isn’t humanoid
type magic. That means there’s no clear shape to Jerga’s origin. It’s become
part of the worlds reason, order and concept.

Correcting that will not be a trivial matter. I’ll be changing the law that says
something falls if you drop it. It’s like taking a change done by my principle
destroying sword and making it permanent.

“Eh…..?” (Eleonor)

I just felt a big disturbance in magic power as well.

It’s not in this building but somewhere outside. It’s not far though. Lake
Seimei probably.

“….I think its the temple….” (Eleonor)

I activate my demon eyes and send them into the building next door while
also intercepting a <Liikus>.

“….What’s that!?”

“Enemy attack! Enemy attack! Enemies have invaded the temple!”

“That’s one of the old seven demon emperors! The old seven demon
emperors have appeared! Three members confirmed! Medin Gaasa, Zoro
Angaat and Eldora Zaia! Requesting immediate support!!”

“Guh! So it really was the work of the Mazoku…… We thought it was the
holy mother they were after but it was the spirit god sword………..!!”

Some of the old seven demon emperors have come here?

“…..What’s happening…?” (Eleonor)

“Something a little troublesome. I’ll go and check it out.” (Arnos)

“Be careful.” (Eleonor)

“Aah.” (Arnos)

I used <Gatom> to try and transfer to the temple, however, a magic formation
was deployed at my exit point cancelling it.

The spirit god sword must be reacting to the invasion of the old seven demon
emperors since the barrier its deployed is much stronger than last time.

I use <Gatom> again and transfer to outside the temple.


Several soldiers were thrown outside the temple.

The doors were completely open so I marched right in.

Holy light covers the entire area with pure white radiance.

Looking around a number of soldiers had already fallen.

I marched right to the back of the temple a saw a single holy sword stuck in a

Spirit god sword Evans Mana. It’s emitting a godly glow with tremendous
amounts of magic power while four mazoku are standing by it.

One is a man with 2 horns, one is a man with huge bat wings, one is a man
with red demon eyes and there in the centre was a man wearing a mask.

The masked man reaches out his hand to Evans Mana.

“Idiot. That holy sword can only be used by the hero Kanon. You’ll regret
touching it!”

One of the soldiers surrounding the mazoku speaks out but the masked man
grasps Evans Mana and easily pulls it out.


All the soldiers were startled and seemed unable to speak.

“….The holy sword…..was…pulled out….?”

“Impossible…..that’s impossible! Has the holy sword that no ones been able
to pull out for 2000 years accepted a mazoku as its owner!!? This shouldn’t
be possible!!”

The masked man ignores the soldiers and looks at his most dangerous
opponent in the room.

Our eyes meet.

“Fumu. An average mazoku would disappear simply by touching it. You

must have some extraordinary power.” (Arnos)

Looking closely I can see that the mask is a little different from the one at the
sword competition but I still can’t sense any magic power.

“Excuses won’t work anymore since you’ve bought some of the old seven
demon emperors with you. You really should name yourself.” (Arnos)

The masked man raised the holy sword.

“I am the demon king of tyranny that destroys everything. I am Avos

Evans Mana shines even brighter.

“Your name is a lie demon king of fiction.” (Arnos)

I deploy six formations and fire off six <Geo Greys>.

“Foolish.” (Avos)

Avos Dillheavia swings Evans Mana down and a divine flash of light fills the
surroundings along with an uncountable amount of sword strikes.

My six <Geo Greys> were easily torn apart and the sword strikes attack me

I dampen the power of the strikes with anti-magic and parry them all.

The surrounding pillars were all cut apart without a sound and the temple
begins to collapse.

Fumu. Not only have they pulled out the holy sword they can actually use it.

Did you force the holy sword that chooses its own owners to accept you by
overpowering it?

Or possibly……

“Listen up humans. The winner 2000 years ago was me.” (Avos)

Evans Mana covered Avos along with the 3 demon emperors with light.

“Perish foolish humans and you stupid mazoku that fail to recognise me. I
will remake this world. The correct world for the mazoku. A world
swallowed up in deep darkness and chaos.” (Avos)

The light flashed and burst open. When it cleared Avos Dillheavia was
nowhere to be seen.
98. Declaration of war

After Avos and the demon emperors left the Gairadeite soldiers were busy
reporting the situation and taking care of the wounded soldiers.

In addition to Deigo’s plan they now have the demon king of tyranny stealing
the spirit god sword. Matters are far from simple for them.

I decide to go and see what state the dormitory is in.

I had a quick look around town on my way back but it was noisier than
normal as well as seeing some soldiers running around.

Arriving at the dormitory it was even noisier with the Gairadeite soldiers
surrounding the 3rd dormitory.

They must have set this up beforehand as there was a magic barrier set up
using holy water as well as 300 soldiers standing guard.

Even with Avos appearing, they’ve moved too fast. Was this set up
beforehand? I get the feeling that even if the holy sword hadn’t been stolen
they were going to do this anyway.

“What’s the meaning of this!?” (Menou)

Menou is squaring off against what looks to be the soldier in charge even
though they are separated by a barrier.

“As long as you behave yourselves I personally guarantee your safety.”

“Stop screwing around. Are you serious? You’re imprisoning students who
are here on an exchange. This will go far beyond just being a problem with
Derugozedo.” (Menou)
The soldier doesn’t answer and merely stares at Menou. These are normal
Gairadeite soldiers. They will simply be following orders and not asking any

“Whose order is this?” (Menou)

“I can’t answer that question.”

With that, the soldier tries to leave.

“Wait!” (Menou)

Menou reaches out but the barrier reacts emitting a crackling noise and
burning her fingers.

“Please don’t worry. When any of the students outside come back I’ll
personally make sure they get inside.”

The soldier speaks in a very serious but earnest tone to Menou.

Yare yare. This is all very dramatic.

“Will you let me in?” (Arnos)

When I call out to the soldiers they change their expression.

“We’ve found one of the demon king academy students! It’s Arnos
Voldigod! He’s classified as a special target! I repeat, Arnos Voldigod has
appeared in front of the 3rd dormitory! Search party requesting immediate

All the soldiers retreated inside the barrier obviously wary of me.

Fumu. Those soldiers in the temple didn’t seem to be aware of who I was but
these ones are different.

“Why are you so scared? I’m not going to fight puppets like yourselves.”
“Don’t let your guard down! Everyone prepare the barrier. That’s right please
come insi—”

I step into the barrier which tried to burn me with holy magic but my anti-
magic blocked it and I continue my leisurely walk through it.


“He’s surpassed the barrier!!”

The soldiers raise their voices in surprise.

“…..We used so much holy water to make that barrier. He’s more of a
monster than reported…..! How does the top brass expect us to hold him

“Stop whining. Can or cant doesn’t matter. We just have to get the job done!”


I walk straight to Menou and leave the soldiers to their comedy like routine.

Walking forward the soldiers part in front of me.

“…..Arnos-kun…..What’s going on? Do you know?” (Menou)

“Aah, though it’s up to you whether you believe me or not.” (Arnos)

Libest came from the dormitory as I was speaking.

“Menou-sensei please come inside. There’s a magical broadcast from the

headteacher…..” (Libest)

Exchanging looks with Menou we nod and head inside.

In the large hall that set up for people to relax in is a big picture crystal for
magical broadcasts.

The crystal is showing an image of Diego in what looks to be the throne room
of Arclaniska.

“I am the headteacher of the hero academy Diego Kanon Ijeishka and this is
an announcement to all the people of Azeshion. All magical broadcast have
been suspended as everyone in Azeshion must hear what I am about to say.”

Diego takes a quick pause and then continues in a solemn tone.

“The deep darkness has come.” (Diego)

His expression is reminiscent of a soldier who’s marching to his death.

“The legendary holy sword Evans Mana that we had secretly hidden away in
the academy has been taken away by three of the old seven demon emperors
namely Medin Gaasa, Zoro Angatt and Eldora Zaia. With them was the deep
darkness itself that has returned after 2000 years. By his hand was the sword
was taken away, by the hand of demon king of tyranny himself!!” (Diego)

The great hall suddenly became noisy with complaints about the broadcast
mainly coming from the royals.

“Our legendary ancestor the hero Kanon fought and won against the cruel
mazoku 2000 years ago. For a long time, the mazoku were trapped behind the
wall and even when it came down they didn’t attack. I thought they were
reflecting on their mistakes. I decided to let go of the old grudges and forgive
the mazoku. I even held out my hand and offered them a chance with an
academy exchange. The message was clear that we should all help each other
and live together in peace.” (Diego)

Diego’s face takes on a regretable look then makes a fist and swings it down.

“Yet despite that, and through cowardly means they betrayed us!! Our
guardian deity that has been guarding our lands in secret has been taken
away. None of you needs telling what this means! The mazoku are going to
invade Azeshion!! There is no other reason to steal the spirit god sword!!”
Diego raises his voice to a shout like he has justice on his side.

“But you need not worry! With permission from the king of Gairadeite, I
declare the reformation of the Gairadeite demon king subjugation force!! In
order to defeat Deriuheido who has carried away our spirit god sword and our
ancestral pride I now declare war upon them!!!” (Diego)

The soldiers in the throne room raised their voices in approval.

“You all know that Azeshio has an oral tradition that has been handed down
for a long time now. That the deep darkness will one day swallow Azeshion
but you need not be afraid. Pray with hope to our legendary hero. If you do
he will reappear and clear the darkness with hope.” (Diego)

Diego slows down and speaks quietly now.

“My name is Diego Kanon Ijeishka and I am a reincarnation of the legendary

hero Kanon! Graduates of the hero academy who are in Azeishion have been
called back to Gairadeite and tomorrow we will begin our campaign
preparations.” (Diego)

No matter how much magic you use these preparations are way too quick.
It’s obvious that they were prepared for war already but most people won’t
care about such things.

Unless you are actually caught up in a war you won’t really have any deep
feelings on the matter beyond perhaps worrying about yourself.

“Justice is on our side! Victory to the demon king subjugation force!!”


*Uooooooh!!* Soldiers raise their voices and yell out.

“The judgment of the heavens will fall on those foolish mazoku! Victory to
us heroes!!” (Diego)

*Uooooooh!!* The soldiers shouted again.

The demon king academy students who were watching started grumbling

“What are these guys saying….? Are they sane? Are they really intending to
go to war…..”

“Aah. I have my doubts about their sanity……”

It’s a reasonable line of thought, however, there are many who are frightened.
If it really is a war between Azeshion and Deiruheido they are already

While listening I received a <Liikus>.

“Can you hear?” (Misha)

“Aah. Did you hear the broadcast?” (Arnos)

“Yes. Where are you?” (Misha)

“In the 3rd dormitory. Its currently surrounded by a barrier and soldiers. It’s
best if you don’t return here. The soldiers outside will be trying to arrest the
students so be careful.” (Arnos)

“I’ll be okay.” (Misha)

Well, it would be impossible for a human soldier to capture Misha anyway.

“Are the others together?” (Arnos)

“Sasha is with me. The others are doing their own things.” (Misha)

Weren’t they saying something about a festival earlier?

“Thought Obstruction <Edoro> is being used but it’s interfering with

<Liikus> making it difficult to communicate with Ray.” (Misha)

Ray is no good with magic and Misa has weak magic power. With the both of
them using <Edoro> sending and receiving anything via <Liikus> will be
“Ray and Misa are together so there’s no problem leaving them alone. Look
for the fan union first.” (Arnos)

“Okay.” (Misha)

Another <Liikus> reaches me.

“If anything happens contact me again.” (Arnos)

“Nn.” (Misha)

I end the <Liikus > with Misha and respond to the one from Deiruheido.

“What’s up Melheys?” (Arnos)

“Things have become troublesome.” (Melheys)

Through <Liikus> Melheys sends me a <Rimnet> and projects it in front of


“I am Avos Dillheavia.”

The masked mazoku was there along with the 3 elder demon lords Eldora,
Zoro and Medin who were showing their loyalty by kneeling.

“What’s going on?” (Arnos)

“This is being broadcast all over Deiruheido. Medin, Zoro and Eldora have
just announced they have discovered the reincarnation of the demon king of
tyranny.” (Melheys)

If the old seven demon emperors are saying so then the people will believe it.

“I have returned my descendants.” (Avos)

Avos speaks in a powerful voice.

“2000 years ago I sacrificed myself and divided the world into four to end the
great war. That was the best way to bring about peace and the most merciful
way so as not to destroy the humans.” (Avos)

Medin casts <Rimnet> and broadcasts what was just seen in Azeshion. All of
Deiruheido watches Deigo’s speech.

After it ended the masked man speaks.

“Until today those guys said that the spirit god sword was for destroying me.
In this peaceful world, they have practised techniques for killing mazoku and
strengthed their armaments in the name of the hero academy. You have
forgotten the war. You have forgotten your grudge against the humans but the
humans have not changed in 2000 years.” (Avos)

The plain facts he is delivering come with some weight.

“I was wrong. 1000 years, 2000 years, the humans real nature hasn’t
changed. They fear, discriminate against and kill anything different from
themselves. They are ugly, stupid and beyond saving.” (Avos)

Avos raises his right hand.

“The time has come to correct my 2000-year-old mistake. Gather to my cause

those of you who are strong. Entrust your lives and your backs to me.”

A holy light gathers around the masked man’s right hand and turns into
Evans Mana.

“This is their greatest weapon. Evans Mana was created to destroy me yet it
is in my hand. There is nothing to fear. Entrust me with your all my
descendants and I shall protect your lives and fulfil my oath. Run with me
across the battlefield and destroy those stupid humans!” (Avos)

It smells. That bloody smell I smelled many times. A battle is about to begin.

The great war I should have left behind 2000 years ago has come again.
99. Eve of the decisive battle

I transferred to the hidden room in the underwater cave.

In the centre of the room, Eleonor is still floating in the holy water ball.

“Wow. Welcome Arnos-kun.” (Eleonor)

Eleonor welcomed me with a laugh and a smile.

“Things have become a bit troublesome.” (Arnos)

“I know. Has Azeshion declared war on Deiruheido?” (Eleonor)

I nod.

“My fake Avos Dillheavia appeared in Deiruheido. It seems his intention is to

meet the Gairadeite demon king subjugation force on the fields of battle.”

“…..Is that so.” (Eleonor)

“Avos is raising an army and heading to the border with Azeshion.” (Arnos)

“That’s quick. Were the soldiers gathering already?” (Eleonor)

“No, but Avos took the lead and left for the front showing them he would
fight alone. They may live in a peaceful world now but they are not cowards
who would let the founder go alone so mazoku from all over the country have
rallied to him.” (Arnos)

The demon king subjugation army has been preparing for some time so of
course they are quick. The heroes gathering from all over Azeshion have
been absorbed into the army and are marching on the border as well.

It’s all part of the plan.

“I can still let you go.” (Arnos)

This is a good opportunity since the hero academy is focused on the demon
king of tyranny.

“…..Will this war actually be fought?” (Eleonor)

“Yeah.” (Arnos)

“Then we can’t escape.” (Eleonor)

Eleonor states it matter-of-factly which is what I gathered she’d do.

Diego declared war on Deiruheido counting on the war potential of Zeshia

that Eleonor can endlessly produce. Without them, the subjugation army
would be overrun by the demon king army.

“I have to protect it. All of it. All of Gairadeite and all of Jergakanon.”

Eleonor laughed.

“All of them are a bit stupid but they are not truly bad people. I can’t let them
die.” (Eleonor)

Despite being in a very different form and very far from reincarnation her
origin is still Jerga. Is this part of his sin?

“It’s complicated being a hero.” (Arnos)

You are forced to play an unreasonable role and still have to fight for what
you need to protect.

Was it like this for Kanon 2000 years ago?

“…..It seems we have become enemies Arnos-kun.” (Eleonor)

She laughs sadly.

I reply back to her calmly.

“The things you said, the things you promised me. I don’t think you lied to
me.” (Arnos)

“I’m going to beat you. Deriuheido or Azeshion. There’s no hard feelings

whoever wins.” (Eleonor)

Its probably because she still wants me to erase her origin. She probably
believes if she disappears everything will be settled.

If both sides are exhausted this war may not go any further.


“Let me tell you something Eleonor. Neither Deiruheido nor Azeshion is

going to win.” (Arnos)

Eleonor gives me a strange look.

“There won’t be a victor?” (Eleonor)

“Oh no. There will be a victor. Me. I’ll stop this stupid war.” (Arnos)

My longed-for peace from 2000 years ago has finally come. Everyone is
laughing and neither the humans nor the mazoku fear what tomorrow will

I will not let them take away this irreplaceable time.

“Such a thing ever for you Arnos-kun is……” (Eleonor)

“What? This is nothing. All I have to do is lightly kick the Deiruheido army
around a bit, stop Avos Dillheavia and brush aside the demon king
subjugation force.” (Arnos)
I’ll neutralise both armies before they clash.

After that let’s give some long slow thought on how to get rid of the human’s
hatred for the mazoku.

“Some things cannot be protected unless you are on the Azeshions side.
That’s where you come in Eleonor. Don’t kill anyone until the very last
moment. Enemy and ally both. Just protect what you need to protect.”

She still has a dubious look on her face as I talk.

“On my side, I’ll protect your happiness.” (Arnos)

Eleonor looks straight at me so I meet her gaze squarely and proudly.

Eventually, she nodded in determination.

“….All right. I’ll believe in Arnos-kun. I promise.” (Eleonor)

I turn to head back.

“Arnos-kun.” (Eleonor)

Eleonor calls out to my back.

“I think I understand why Kanon believed in the demon king.”

I turn to face her.

“I see.” (Arnos)

At the same time, I cast <Gatom> and appeared in Deiruheido outside the fan
union tower.

Waiting for me were Misha and Sasha along with Ray, Misa and the eight
people from the fan union.

To one side also waiting for me were four of the old seven demon emperors
consisting of Melheys, Aivis, Gaius and Idol.

“I’ve talked to Eleonor.” (Arnos)

Everyone nodded with serious expressions.

They have Eleonor and Zeshia along with <Ask>.

“This is the battle I left behind 2000 years ago.” (Arnos)

Both Avos Dillheavia and the hero academy caused this situation because I
couldn’t see through them.

“None of you need to be involved in this.” (Arnos)

Melhey’s and the other demon emperors kneel at my words.

“My lord, you are Arnos Voldigod-sama the demon king of tyranny. How
can we seven demon emperors overlook the insolent fool claiming to be
you?” (Melheys)

The demon emperors bow their heads to me.

“Please. Give us your orders.” (Melheys)

Each of the girls in my fan union spoke up.

“We’ll also fight though we may be useless.” (fan union)

“War is unpleasant though…..” (fan union)

“I’ll do my best!” (fan union)

I turn to look at Misa and she nodded.

“Avos Dillheavia has appeared which means the mixed-race mazoku will
become increasingly more vulnerable…… He’s the fake demon king so this
is also my fight.” (Misa)
“I don’t want to hear that from you now. You didn’t tell me to become a
subordinate so I don’t have to listen to you. Did you think I’d stop just
because you’re up against Deiruheido and Azeshion? I’ll fight with you even
if you antagonise the whole world.” (Sasha)

Misha nods in agreement.

“Arnos is right.” (Misha)

“Not always.” (Arnos)

“Even if it was wrong Arnos gave me life. My life is always with Arnos.”

Finally, Ray speaks in a relaxed tone.

“You’re my friend.” (Ray)

I speak to that loyalty and friendship.

“I’m blessed with good subordinates and good friends.” (Arnos)

I don’t belong to either army so I can turn two countries into my enemy.

Over there is a mazoku from the age of myths that has the spirit god sword in
his hands. It’s also reasonable to think that the hero academy has one or two
trump cards.

You can’t make this decision with light-hearted determination.

“Melheys, Aivis, Gaius and Idol. Suppress the enemies seven demon
emperors Medin, Zoro and Eldora.” (Arnos)

I’ll hit the Deiruheido forces first.

I’ve roughly grasped the hero academy war potential but Avos is still an
unknown and since I don’t know anything about him I’ll defeat him first.

The fight with the old seven demon emperors is 4 vs 3 but as long as we have
Melheys we can’t lose.

“Sasha and Misha. I want you to seal the feet of the mazoku gathering in the
west before they join the main force. Since it’s far from the border I don’t
think they will attack once the chain of command is severed.” (Arnos)

The plains on the way there will be good for Sasha. She can limit their magic
with her <Demon Eyes of Ruin> and Misha can create obstacles such as
walls and cages using <Ibis> to hamper their progress.

“Misa and the fan union. Hide in <Fuska>, create disturbances and gather
intelligence.” (Arnos)

It’s dangerous to have them on the front lines. I’ll have them serve as
logistical support.

“And me?” (Ray)

“You kick the army coming from the east around a bit. Don’t let them cross
the border.” (Arnos)

That’s the advance party made up of the royals who were the first to follow
Avos. Even with the current Ray, this will be a tough fight but that man will
crash through that wall during the battle.

“I’ll hit their main headquarters. According to what I’ve seen a huge demon
king castle has been built on Eiyan hill. Avos is probably in it.” (Arnos)

Aivis speaks up.

“If I go wild he’ll have no choice but to show up.” (Aivis)

If he doesn’t come out I can go directly to the castle.

It was worth letting Avos roam free as he’s going for bold actions now.

I won’t let him escape anymore.

“This is an order. Don’t die and don’t kill. I don’t want anyone dying in this
pathetic battle.” (Arnos)

You never know whats going to happen on the battlefield but this game won’t
be determined through simple power.

I’ve seen many powerful people die without doing anything.

In all honesty, you should never go easy on your enemies but even though
this is purely my selfishness they all nodded without hesitation.

“We will all meet here again and with no one missing.” (Arnos)
100. Everyone’s thoughts

It’s not long before dawn now and that will signal the start of the war.

I headed towards the stairs to see how everyone was doing when I heard faint
voices coming from upstairs.

“….I had a look around Midhays today.”

“How was it?”

Ray and Misa were talking in front of the half-demon sword.

No one else seems to be there.

“For some reason, it was the same as usual. You wouldn’t think a war was
about to begin……” (Misa)

“Sounds about right. I don’t think its truly sunk in for people yet. People find
it hard to believe that a war is going on and only when it spreads and they’re
caught up in it do they truly realise it’s happening.” (Ray)

Misa stares vaguely at the half-demon sword.

“At that point, it’s probably too late.” (Misa)

Ray calmly clenches his hand.

“As for Deiruheidos demon emperors, most seem to have gathered under
Avos Dillheavia.” (Misa)

“I guess they can’t just wait in their own castles when the demon king of
tyranny is leading from the front. That’s how the mazoku fight.” (Ray)
The demon emperors that rule the country going to the front themselves. If
something goes wrong it could bring down the country but that’s the difficult
world of the mazoku. Who would follow a ruler that hides in their castle
during an emergency?

Even though it’s become peaceful I see some things haven’t changed.

“It’s okay. Remember what Arnos said? I have no intention of killing

anyone.” (Ray)

Misa eyes open wide.

“……Wha….” (Misa)

“Because your dad might be there.” (Ray)

“Ah….” (Misa)

Misa turns away in embarrassment.

“I’m sorry.” (Misa)

“Why?” (Ray)

“Because Ray-san will be fighting alone against a Deiruhedo battalion……”


Ray laughs a clear refreshing laugh to clear away her anxiety.

“I’m not nervous in the slightest despite the fact we’re off to stop a war.”

“Really? Why….?” (Misa)

“I think I was involved in the great war 2000 years ago. My body and my
origin seem to know this. It’s no big deal.” (Ray)

Ray’s his usual easygoing self.

“I’ll come back. I’ll come back to you.” (Ray)

Misa’s eyes are absorbed in Ray’s. They slowly approach each other and she
closes her eyes.

Ray reaches up to Misa’s neck and picks up the shellfish necklace.

“Ray-san?” (Misa)

“Can I have it?” (Ray)

Misa’s face goes bright red.

One shellfish is divided into two from the necklace that was given. By
dividing it and each of you wearing half has the meaning of proposing to that
person. We learnt that in the hero class.

“It will certainly become a charm.” (Ray)

Misa nods.

Ray hangs the now divided necklace around his neck.

“What was it you said?” (Ray)

Ray stops to recall something then continues.

“….I can’t wait for some time. I want to help now. If you don’t want to help
people who are suffering now then when that day actually comes you won’t
be willing to risk your life.” (Ray)

Misa nods shyly.

“I fell in love with you at that time. You were so dazzling.” (Ray)

Ray laughs his refreshing laugh.

“I thought everything would be fine to just swing my sword every day but I
was just letting myself be swept along. I wasn’t kind and I wasn’t strong.”

Misa shakes her head.

“Ray-san doesn’t know himself. You are kinder and stronger than anyone.
You are always natural and treat everyone without discrimination.” (Misa)

“Really?” (Ray)

“…….That’s right and that’s why I…..” (Misa)

Misa looks down for a moment, bites her lip tightly and looks back up.

“That’s why I love Ray-san.” (Misa)

Ray stares in wonder at Misa then smiles.

“Thank you.” (Ray)

Fumu. Seems they have the resolution to head to the battlefield.

I turn around and head back downstairs and encounter Misha and Sasha
coming up the other way.

“There’s something going on upstairs so if you have any business up there I’d
wait a bit.” (Arnos)

Misha shakes her head.

“Looking for Arnos.” (Misha)

“What’s up?” (Arnos)

“Nothing particularly………” (Sasha)

Sasha squeezes her hands together and I noticed they were trembling slightly.

“What’s that Sahsa? Are you trembling?” (Arnos)

“That’s…no not particularly…….” (Sasha)

“It’s not surprising. This is your first battle after all. I was the same.” (Arnos)

I start heading down the stairs while talking with Misha and Sasha following

“Really. Such a thing happened to Arnos?” (Sasha)

“Aah. It’s shameful to admit but I just rushed in. I was so eager to show them
what I could do I couldn’t contain my excitement. I ended up being too
ruthless though and killed way more enemies than we needed to.” (Arnos)

Sasha’s legs stop so I turn around and all I can see is the whites of her eyes
looking at me.

“You know…… Who told you to tell such a heroic story…….?” (Sasha)

“Huh?” (Arnos)

“Don’t huh me. No, it’s my fault. I was wrong to consult the demon king of
tyranny.” (Sasha)

I see

“Are you scared Sasha? Kuhahaa.” (Arnos)

“Why are you laughing? It’s war. We’re going to war.” (Sasha)

“How can’t you laugh at this? Kukuku. What are you scared of? You’re
surprisingly cautious considering how much power you have within you.”

Sasha looks at me dumbfounded.

“I trained you for a week so you might not have noticed since it was only
against me, but no matter how outnumbered you are it’s impossible for you to
fall to any mazoku from this era.” (Arnos)
All of Sasha’s magic power was drawn out and amplified thanks to <Dino
Jikusess> and now she can control her <Demon Eyes of Ruin> any mazoku
will lose with just a glance.

“Also, you are not alone. There’s someone with equal strength nearby.”

Sasha looks at Misha and she nods.

“Don’t worry. I won’t let Sasha die.” (Misha)

Sasha looks down in embarrassment. She probably thought she was the only
one who was scared.

“Give me your hands.” (Arnos)

“Eh…..wa…wait…..” (Sasha)

I wrap Sasha’s hands up with mine.

“Calm down.” (Arnos)

“….Yes……” (Sasha)

“Did you think I’d send my subordinates off to die?”

“…I didn’t think that…..” (Sasha)

“If you can’t believe in yourself then believe in me. Don’t hesitate. You
won’t die. To those morons who are late in joining the army show them the
power of my subordinates.” (Arnos)

Sasha firmly nods.

“All right.” (Sasha)

When I let go of her hands her shaking had stopped.

“Fumu. Your cheeks are flushed. Are you still worried about something?”

“That’s….. it’s nothing! I’m just a bit excited.” (Sasha)

“I see. How brave.” (Arnos)

“…..I need to wash my face….” (Sasha)

Sasha vigorously marches down the stairs.

“Thank you.” (Misha)

“There’s no such thing as normal in war, however, if you are consumed by

fear you will easily die no matter how strong you are.” (Arnos)

I’ll never let them die though.

“How about you Misha?” (Arnos)

I take her small hand and her finger tips are trembling slightly.

“…..Understand….?” (Misha)

“How could I not?” (Arnos)

“…..Nn…..” (Misha)

“Are you scared?” (Arnos)

“Scary.” (Misha)

“What is?” (Arnos)

Misha thinks and then replies.

“Everything.” (Misha)

I don’t think there’s many people who aren’t scared on the battlefield whether
it’s killing the enemy or having your friends killed. Everything is horrible.
The only ones who say they arent are the truly strong ones.

“….I won’t tell you not to be afraid but overcome that fear and make it your
friend. No one will die if your demon eyes are calmly surveying the
battlefield.” (Arnos)

Misha nods.

“I’ll protect. I’ll protect the peace Arnos protected.” (Misha)

Her trembling stopped.

“So we can settle this 2000-year-old dispute.” (Misha)

I didn’t say anything straight away but looked at her and as usual, she
watched me back.

“Aah. I leave it to you.” (Arnos)

101. An oath made 2000 years ago

TN: Here we go folks. A big reveal chapter for those who haven’t read ahead.

Tora forest. A huge forest that spans across Deiruheido and Azeshion.

The Gairadeite demon king subjugation force is camped next to it on the

Azeshion side of the border and amongst them are the 10,000 Zeshia origin

All of them are fully armoured, their faces covered by helmets and equipped
with the holy sword Enhalle ready to attack the Deiruheido forces.

On the west side of the border were the Deiruheido advance units and the
mazoku royals. With the demon emperors at the top of the chain, the units are
organised under each of them.

In the forest, many huge towering demon king castles had been created.

The two forces are quite away from each other but both sides are still staring
at the other with hostility.

This stalemate will not last long however.

The war will spread the very second its lit.

I cannot let the 2 armies clash with each other.

Ray is hidden on the border just within the Deiruheido side. That man will
not allow the advance units to step foot across the border.
Further to the west, the main Deiruheido forces are camped on Eiyan hill.

I’d say there’s about 20,000 of them? Presumably, the seven elder demon
emperors are there as well.

I gaze at the jet black demon king castle built on Eiyan hill.

“Let’s go. Ignore the small fries, always act together as four people and only
aim at the other seven elder demon emperors.” (Arnos)

“Your will.”

I walk straight towards the enemy with Melheys and the other elders
following behind.

“……Stop. Who are you?”

Mazoku soldiers ready their demon swords at us since we came from the
Azeshion side.

“Wait. Isn’t that Melheys-sama……?”

“It is. There’s also Aivis-sama, Gaius-sama and Idol-sama……”

“Does that mean that all the seven elder demon emperors will be

The faces of the mazoku soldiers brightened and they lowered their swords.

Too naive. You’re on the battlefield.

I grabbed the face of the one who seemed to be the best amongst them.


“Don’t let your guard down just because you know them. We are not your
allies.” (Arnos)

I cover the mans whole body in a barrier and lift him up.
“Let….me….. Release me…..”

“Aah. I’ll let you go right now.” (Arnos)

I easily lifted him up, aimed at the crowd of Deiruheido soldiers and
powerfully threw him.


The Deiruheido forces had set up a barrier but the man wrapped in my barrier
shot through it like a cannonball and blew about 200 people away.

“Attack…. Enemy attack…..!!?”

“……Idiot. How the hell did the Azeshion army get here?”

“It’s not the Azeshions its the mazoku!!”

“What? Have they betrayed the demon king of tyranny? Who are they!?

“Th…thats…. Seven Demon Elders. Melheys-sama and others…..”


I stand in front of the man who seems to be a commanding officer.

“Did you say betrayed?” (Arnos)

The grimm faced commander readies his demon sword while his
subordinates cautiously watch us.

“You’re wrong. This is the true demon king army. You should tell Avos
Dillheavia the real things come.” (Arnos)

“A demon king army with 4 people!? Charge! Crush them!”

“But that’s Melheys-sama and the others!!”

“The Seven Elder Demon Emperors would never defy the demon king of
tyranny! They’re fakes! Do it!”

Yare yare. How embarrassing.

“You don’t seem to understand so let me teach you. It’s not four people. It’s
just me.” (Arnos)

I raise my foot and stamp on the ground with all my might.

“I am the demon king army.”

The ground shakes intensely and the soldiers are violently shaken and thrown
to the floor in what has become an unprecedented major earthquake. The type
of earthquake not felt in Deirouheido in over 2000 years.

“Guhaa……Whats this……!!


“Woah!!……. The grounds breaking…..!!”

“Don’t falter……. Get in the sky….. Fly……!!”

The soldiers all flee to the sky at once using <Fres> but they soon stall and
crash back into the ground.

“Wha…flying is….Guaaa……!!”

“The magic has been disturbed over this area…..Uaaaa….!!”

“Shit…… Ouch….. What’s happening….!?”

I take a single step forward and speak.

“Did you think the impact of an earthquake would not reach the sky?”

Every step I take transmits magic power to the ground and causes an
earthquake. The quake is disrupting the atmosphere as well as disrupting the
magic power in the air.

“Remember this. This is what the march of a demon king is.” (Arnos)

I walk straight to Eiyan hill where the demon kings castle is located.

Just that alone has caused the soldiers within a few kilometre radius to fall to
the floor and bang their heads off the ground.

Grovelling in front of me the mazoku army has fallen in an instant.

Just then 3 shadows flew out of the demon king castle using <Fres>

Judging from the magic power I’d say its the Seven Demon Elders.

“Fumu. They’ve come Melheys.” (Arnos)

“Please leave it to me.” (Melheys)

Melheys and the others also cast <Fres> and headed to the 3 shadows.

“How’s it going Misha?”

I hear her voice through <Liikus>

“Going well.” (Misha)

Using <Guys> I can share her field of vision.

A desert spreads before me with a group of mazoku on it off to join the

Deiruheido army, or they would be but Misha was using <Ibis> to create
quicksand and was swallowing groups of them one after another.

Even if you use magic the desert is no place to hide and Sasha was using her
<Demon Eyes of Ruin> to disperse any magic they were trying to make.

<Demon Eye’s of Ruin> use a lot of magic power and the current Sasha can’t
use them for a prolonged period of time, however, she’s compensating for
that by using them tactically. She’s only wiping out part of the formations so
they cant form instead of deleting the whole thing.

If part of the formation is destroyed it’s very difficult to repair so it naturally


If you are skilled you can rebuild it before it collapses but there don’t seem to
be any capable people out there.

Even so, there’s still tens of thousands of soldiers out there. Those numbers
will force us to retreat bit by bit.

How long we respond for depends on the strength of those 2 and how they

“Sasha. In the quicksand. I can confirm the formula of <Ibis>.” (Misha)

“They’re trying to create an obstacle to block my <Demon Eye’s of Ruin>.

That’s not going to happen”

Sasha uses her eyes and destroys the formation. Even if you block their line
of sight <Demon Eye’s of Ruin> still work as long as you can see the magic
power. Using the eyes does limit how far you can look into the abyss and
right from the start Sasha was never any good at seeing magic power.

But if you add Misha into the mix that blind spot is eliminated.

Most of the mazoku are confused as their chain of command is not very clear
so they cant get a firm grasp of the battle situation.

Misha had built traps one after the other using <Ibis> and they were finding it
hard to push forward.

“Fumu. Is this it?”

Bringing my vision back the mazoku soldiers are still rattling around on the
ground. Some mazoku are standing but their feet don’t work out of fear.

Had this not been war some powerful people would have been able to stand
up but Deiruheido has been peaceful for the last 2000 years so this is their
first time seeing their allies collapse. Of course they’re scared.

If you see stronger people than you collapsed its understandable that your
body won’t move.

Even the strongest of people can die swiftly if consumed by fear.

What I’d told Misha was happening now but it would have been a different
story if not for Melheys and the others holding down the other Seven Elder
Demon Emperors.

Using <Fres> I take off and land slowly in front of the demon king castle.

“How long do you intend to stay in there? Come out Avos Dillheavia.”

I create a magic circle and pour magic into it. The moment the jet black sun
appears in the formation the door to the castle makes a noise and opens.

Looking into the depths of the castle holy light suddenly rushes out breaking
my anti-magic and piercing my body.

Without a doubt that was Evans Mana.

“Fumu. Should I come in?” (Arnos)

Without hesitation, I step into the entrance of the demon king castle.


Misa’s voice arrived through <Liikus>

“What’s wrong?” (Arnos)

“Ray-sans <Liikus> has been lost……!” (Misa)


I activate my demon eyes and check.

“Fumu. <Guys> seems to have been cut.” (Arnos)

Just a while ago I could share Ray’s vision as well. Something seems to have
happened to Ray’s body while I was concentrating on the castle.

That man is no good with magic but he’s not that easy to beat even without
my magic from <Guys>

“Arnos-sama we have captured the 3 elder demon emperors.” (Melheys)

Strange. That was much quicker than I thought.

“What about the origins fused to their own?” (Arnos)

“……They abandoned the bodies and escaped.” (Melheys)

They ran away?

What’s the reason for abandoning the bodies of demon elders at this time?

“Arnos-sama the advance team is about to cross the border!”

“Ray-kun can’t be found anywhere.”

Messages came from the fan union via <Liikus>

“We will take care of the border. My lord, you focus on Avos Dillheavia.”

Nodding I turn my eyes back to the castle.

Ray won’t be killed that easily. He will break through even if backed into a

The biggest threat in this war is Avos and Evans Mana. There’s no doubt the
sword is in the castle. I can’t take my eyes off it.

In that case, I should leave the border to Ray, Melheys and the others.

I feel uneasy. Somethings not right.

What’s the enemies aim?

Why did the fused origins abandon the demon emperors bodies at this time?

Why is Avos letting the soldiers he gathered lose spirit while he sits in

Why did you open the door to the castle and let me know Evans Mana is in

What are you after….?

“….Fumu. I see. Something like that is it.” (Arnos)

I deploy the formation for <Gatom>

“Melheys. Isolate the demon king castle along with the spirit god sword using
Dimensional Prison <Azeishis>. If there’s any sign of Avos appearing run
away immediately though in all probability this is a decoy.” (Arnos)

My vision turned white and I transferred to the Tora forest on the Azesion

There are no trees here. It’s a large open piece of grassland devoid of trees in
the forest. It’s like there was a hole in the forest.

If I pass through here I would soon encounter the demon king subjugation

Listening carefully I can hear a voice.

“Advance my brethren. There’s nothing to fear from the humans. I will not
let any of you die. Follow this back!”

It’s Avos Dillheavia.

I hear courageous shouts from the advance teams marching through the

As expected.

Then his aim and purpose as well as who he is

I think I understand it all now.

I stood there silently and waited.

Eventually, a man appears.

Avos wearing his mask.

When he noticed me he stopped and without saying anything stares at me.

Then in an instant, his magic power swelled and he attacked me without


I received the violent sword swing and thrust out my right finger but he
avoids it at such a speed he seems to disappear and kicks me away.

I landed a few meters back from where I started.

Avos lowers his posture like he’s about to pursue me and end it in one go but
I speak to him.

“It’s been 2000 years hero Kanon.” (Arnos)

Avos’ magic power shook for a moment so I knew he was surprised.

Even with my demon eyes, I couldn’t see the origin of the man in front of

I thought it was the mask but it wasn’t.

Kanon excels at root magic. He’s much better at it than me. Even in the flesh,
he was able to stop me from seeing his true origin.
“Well, actually it hasn’t has it?” (Arnos)

I opened my hand.

In the palm of my hand is half a shellfish necklace.

I robbed this from Avos during our clash.

“It looks like you’ve come to fulfil your oath Ray.”


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