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Resource 1: Assessment for group dances (checklist) : lesson 2

● Group 1 (Abby, Sarah, Bailey) ✔

● Group 2 (John, David, Emily) ​့
● Group 3 (Carl, Lucy, Sally) ✔

Resource 2: Yoga poses prompt cards : lesson 3

figure 1: Kids Yoga poses  
Resource 3: Plant features glossary  






Figure 2: table of plant features 
*Only students who need the visual prompts should use this table. More 
able students should use a table or list without the corresponding images.  

Resource 4: Rubric for activity in lesson 3

Resource 5:: Checklist (assessment for lesson 3 science inquiry skills)

Student name   Demonstrated ability to record 

information? (via photographing and 
Bailey  ✔
Sally  ✔

Resource 6: Template for illustrations in lesson 4

i.e when filled in: ​My Animal: Elephant

The elephant has a long trunk to reach leaves up high.

Resource 7: Checklist for worksheet from lesson 4


Criteria (objective 1) Met: Y/N

Features drawn (not labelled)

Habitat drawn
Sentence links feature to its function

Criteria (objective 2)

illustration neat and clear

contributed satisfactorily to discussions

verbally stated feature and function

sentence written to communicate knowledge

Score /7

Resource 8: Template/worksheet for main activity of lesson 5

Resource 9: Rubric for main activity of lesson 5
Resource 10: Guiding script for student interviews

Can you show me the feature that helps the animal eat?
Students must point to mouth or a feature that is significant for eating
How does this feature help the animal eat?
Example of acceptable answers: the teeth are sharp. the mouth is big, the
trunk is long.
Choose a feature, and ask the student why they have included that
​ I.e “I see you have given your creature sharp claws. What are they for?”
“It lives in the forest. The claws help it climb trees.”
​ “Why have you chosen to make your plant this colour?”
​Example of acceptable answers: the bright pink flower attracts bees.
“​ What feature of your plant is the biggest?”
Example of acceptable answer: The leaves. They are bigger than even the


Curriculum Links Overview/timeline Specifications/Assessment Prior Preparation Considerations

Design -Students are told that Project must: -Construction Safety:

Technologies there are some - be constructed in ½ materials; Keep skewers &
Technologies in animals that are hour -​milk bottles scissors (sharps),
society looking for a house. - include at least one - soda bottles and buttons and
Characteristics and -They have been hired plant - lids small lids (choking
behaviours of by the ‘Critter - be built with a partner -jars hazards) on person.
individual ​materials Construction - be designed before - masking tape Children will need
used in products Company’. built - scissors to ask permission to
(​ACTDEK004​) - use only materials - cardboard use them and the
-They will think about
Creating solutions
their animal and how provide by teacher - scrap cloth teacher can then
they will construct (see prior - egg cartons supervise their use.
their house to suit the preparation) (children -bamboo skewers
opportunities for
design (WATPPS06) animal perfectly. may use their - straws Ensure jars are only
-They will also need pens/pencils to - plastic cups plastic, not glass.
Science: Biological to include a plant that draw/colour in if /bowls/plates
sciences the animal might find necessary). - Scrap paper If children use
Science useful. - be presented to the - Buttons iPads, monitor.
understanding -They will work in class once complete
Living things have a pairs to do so and -Example of Learner diversity:
variety of external present their ‘house’ Children must; completed ‘house’ -pair children who
features to the class at the end - Create a house that is may struggle
(ACSSU017) of the lesson. specifically suited to -Books, magazines, together or in a
Science Inquiry 8.30am​: introduce their creature print-outs, iPads, group of 3. Majority
Skills problem, hand out - Be able to explain how etc to provide of teacher attention
Participate in guided children’s design brief. the house suits their pictures of can be directed
investigations to 8.35am​: group creature children’s critters toward this/these
explore and answer for their reference
children into pairs & - Justify their choice of groups.
allocate each pair the plant(s). -strategically
‘critter’ that they will allocate critters,
General be building for. Example of successful project​: ones that are easier
Capabilities: 8.40am: ​children are -based off of one or more for less confident
- Information allowed 5 minutes to plans/sketches/designs students and ones
and explore materials -completed with a partner by that require deeper
communicati provided, and a end of lesson, using materials thinking for
on completed example provided. advanced students.
technology that the teacher has “The door is very high because
(ICT) prepared. of the creature’s long neck.”
competence 8.45am​: with materials “There is a tree for firewood
- Critical and in mind, pairs work to and an apple tree for food”
creative draw up possible
thinking designs for their
- Numeracy house
- Personal and 8.55am: ​children begin
social their construction
competence 9.20am:​ construction
Cross curriculum ceases. Children
priorities: present to the class.
- sustainability

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