Grit & Slick v1.2 PDF

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You and your companions are wanderers in the Weird West; who knows what the Unknown Frontier holds in store for you?


1. Choose a Creed for your character: When you do something risky, roll 1D6 to see Roll or choose on the tables below.
Bounty Hunter, Con Artist, Cowboy, how it goes.
Drifter, Gambler, Mechanic,  Roll an extra 1D6 if your Creed or There Are Rumours of…
Preacher, Sawbones, Shaman, Soul would give you an advantage, 1. A Monstrous 3. A Thing From 5. A Dead
Trailblazer.  Roll an extra 1D6 if you’re prepared Beast Beyond Man/Woman Who
or have the right tool for the job. Walks Again
2. Choose a Soul for your character: Roll your dice and compare each die result to 2. A Tribe of 4. Strange 6. Victims of an
Arrogant, Bitter, Cheerful, Cursed, your Number. Bloodthirsty Mechanical Unnatural Plague
Drunken, Eccentric, Grim, Pious, Savages Creatures
Prickly, Secretive  If you’re using GRIT, you want to roll
above your Number.
3. Choose a Personal Goal for your That Wants To…
character: Avenge a Loved One,  If you’re using SLICK, you want to roll 1. Destroy 3. Occupy 5. Plunder
Become a Legend, Get Rich, Keep below your Number. 2. Corrupt/Infect 4. Control 6. Protect
Being Yourself, Prove Yourself,
Settle Down and Retire. If you roll your Number exactly, That’s How
The West Was Won; you can either count that The…
4. Choose your Number, from 2 to 5. A die as a success, or ask the GM a single 1. Prairie Town 3. Mining Outpost / 5. Great Forest
low Number means you’re better at question about your current situation and get an Factory / Railway
GRIT (gunfighting, outdoorsy activities, honest answer. You can change your action 2. Frontier Town 4. Plantation / 6. Wastelands
being tough). A high Number means based on the answer if you want, and then roll Ranch / Farmland
you’re better at SLICK again.
(smooth-talking, book-learning, being
cunning or subtle).  If none of your dice succeed, it goes And Also…
wrong; the GM says how things get 1. The group is 3. Bandits are 5. There’s a bad
5. Give your character a cool Western worse.
name, like Flint Torchwood, Jessy wanted, dead or causing trouble storm on the
 If one die succeeds, you barely alive. horizon.
Stormheart, or Black-Hand Bill. manage it. The GM inflicts a 2. Someone 4. There are 6. Folk are
complication, harm, or cost. important has rumours of riches claiming it’s a
You have: clothes and tools suiting your Creed,  If two dice succeed, you do it well.
a sixgun, another weapon (rifle, shotgun, gone missing miracle
 If three dice succeed, you do it really
tomahawk, etc), and a horse (name your
well; the GM tells you some extra GM: RUN THE GAME
effect you get. Don’t plan anything, play to find out the story.
Introduce the threat; show what it can do.
Helping: If you want to help someone else Dare them to take risks and kick ass.
who’s rolling, say how you help them and make Use failures to push the action forward.
a roll yourself. If you succeed, give them an Ask questions, build on the answers.
extra 1D6 on their roll.

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