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Bibliografie Jurnalism

Semestrul 1

1. Brenda Downes, Steve Miller. 1998. Media Studies. Londra : Hodder Headline, 1998

2. Kellner, Douglas. 2003. Cultural Studies, Multiculturalism and Media Culture.

3. McLuhan, Marshall. 2001. Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man. Londra :

Routledge, 2001

4. O'Sullivan, Tim și Jewkes, Yvonne. 1997. Media studies reader. Londra : Arnold, 1997.

5. Rayner, Philip, Wall, Peter și Kruger, Stephen. 2004. Media Studies: The essential
resource. Londra :Routledge, 2004

6. Barthes, Roland. Mythologies. New York: The Noonday Press, 1991 BCU/Goga

7. Davis, Meredith. Graphic Design Theory. London: Thames and Hudson, 2012,
Transversal Professional competencies competencies

8. Lester, Paul Martin. Visual Communication. Images with Messages, 6th Edition.
Boston: Wadsworth, 2014

9. Smith, Ken, Sandra Moriarty, Gretchen Barbatsis, and Keith Kenney. Handbook of
Visual Communication. Theory, Methods and Media. Mahwah: Laurence Erlbaum Associates, 2005

10. Wilde, Judith, and Richard Wilde. Visual Literacy: A Conceptual Approach to Graphic
Problem Solving. New York: Watson-Guptill, 2000.

11. Coman Mihai,Manual de jurnalism, tehnici fundamentale de


12. Fedler Fred, Bender John R., Davenport Lucinda, Drager Michael W., Reporting for the
Media, New York, Oxford University Press, 2005

13. Hartley John, Discursul stirilor, traducere de Monica Mitarca, lasi, Polirom 1999

14. Koegel Kathryn, Marketing şi vânzări pentru media din România – Professional Media
Project şi The National Forum Foundation, Washington 2002

15. Popescu, Cristian Florin, Manual de jurnalism, Bucureşti, Tritonic, 2003-2004

16. Geraghty, Margaret (2006). The Five Minute Writer. Begbroke, Oxford: How to Books
Ltd. Elefant

17. Hall, Oakley (2001). How Fiction Works. Cincinnati: Story Press

18. Charters, Ann (ed) (2003). The Story and its Writer. New York: Bedford/St. Martin’s

19. Furman, Laura (ed) (2006). The O’Henry Prize Stories. New York: Anchor Books
20. Wolff, Thobias (ed) (1994). The Vintage Book of Contemporary American Short Stories.
New York: Random House Inc.

21. Wordsworth Editors (2005). Irish Ghost Stories. Hertfordshire: Wordsworth Editors Ltd.

22. Berger, A.A. (2012) Media Analysis Techniques, London: Sage.

23. Berger, A.A. (2009) What Objects Mean. An Introduction to Material Culture, Left Coast

24. Certeau, M. d. (2002). The Practice of Everyday Life. Londra: University of California

25. Dahlgren, P.(ed) & Sparks, C.(ed) (1992) Journalism and Popular Culture, London, Sage.

26. Fiske, J. (1991). Reading the popular. London: Routledge. BCU

27. Fiske, J. (1990). Understanding popular culture. London: Routledge.

28. Hartley, J. (1996). Popular Reality. Journalism, Modernity, Popular Culture. London:

29. Postman, N. (2005) Amusing Ourselves to Death. Public Discourse in the Age of Show-
Business, London: Penguin Books.

30. Strinati, D. (1995). An Introduction to Theories of Popular Culture. London: Routledge.

Semestrul 2

1. Valerie Geller, Creating powerful radio: getting, keeping & growing audiences : news,
talk, information, personality, Focal press, 2007

2. Ellen Ratner, Kathie Scarrah, Ready, set, talk! : a guide to getting your message heard by
millions on talk radio, talk television, and talk internet : a must-have resource for campaigns of all kinds,
Chelsea Green Pub.

3. George Rodman, Mass Media in a Changing World: History, Industry, Controversy,

McGraw-Hill Humanities Social, 2007

4. Mc Leish, Robert, Radio Production. A Manual for Broadcasters, Third Edition, Focal
Press, Oxford

5. Hausman, Carl; Benoit, Philip; Messere, Fritz; O’Donnell, Lewis, Announcing. Broadcast
Communicating Today, Fifth Edition, Thomson Wadsworth

6. Christie Rona, Orchard Tim and Wells Adrian, A Survivor’s Guide to Graphics, BBC News
and Current Affairs London 2002

7. ComanMihai,Manualdejurnalism,tehnicifundamentalederedactare,Iaşi,Polirom,1997

8. Gruian Alexandru, Morogan Lucian, Ghid practic pentru reporterul de televiziune,

Deva, Global Media Image, 1999
9. Hartley John, Discursul stirilor, traducere de Monica Mitarca, lasi, Polirom 1999

10. Koegel Kathryn, Marketing şi vânzări pentru media din România – Professional Media
Project şi The National Forum Foundation, Washington 2002

11. Nielsen Media Research, What TV Ratings Really Mean – 1997 p. 2 - 25

12. Petringenaru Claudiu, Manual de initiere in imagine video, Deva, Global Media Image,
1999 8. Popescu, Cristian Florin, Manual de jurnalism, Bucureşti, Tritonic, 2003-2004

13. Yorke Ivor, Basic TV Reporting , Focal Press, 1997 examples

14. Thompson Roy,Grammar of the Edit, media manual, FocalPress,1996

15. Eugenio Barba, Nicola Savarese, Brecht’s Unknow Dance in A Dictionary of Theatre
Anthropology. The Secret Art of the Performer, edited and compiled by Richard Gough, ed. Routledge,
London and New York, 1999

16. Cicely Berry, Voice and the Actor, Wiley Publishing, Inc, New York,

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