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Webquest: Las Escuelas en los Países


Google: “Spanish Plans Colombian School” and click on the first link that appears.

Read the article and watch all videos. After, answer the following questions in English:

1. What do students in Colombia wear to school?

2. What is their school schedule like?

3. What are the two names that students in Colombia use to address their teachers?

4. Why are there 14-year-olds still in 5th grade in Colombia?

5. How do students get to school in Colombia?

6. Click on the 10th grade schedule. How is it different from yours? How is it different
from Mónica’s (the Peruvian girl)?

In Mónica’s schedule, you may recall seeing a class named “Quechua”. Go to the
following website to learn about what it is: *Be sure to watch the video so you
can hear what it sounds like!

Then, go to this website and scroll to the bottom. What are some words we have in
Spanish or English that are actually Quechuan words?

3 Quechuan words I know/use


1. What is quechua?

2. Where is it spoken?

3. Why is it important in Spanish class?

Education & Students in the Spanish-speaking World

1. In the Spanish-speaking world, literacy rates vary by country. Below is a table with
the different rates. Visit to fill in the
missing literacy rates below. (7 points)

Cuba ________%

Spain ________%

United States 99%

Argentina 97.2%

Uruguay 96.8%

Chile 95.7%

Costa Rica 94.9%

Puerto Rico _________ %

Paraguay 93.5%

Venezuela _________ %

Colombia 92.8%

Panama 91.9%

Mexico _________ %
Ecuador 91%

Peru 87.9%

Dominican Republic _________ %

Bolivia 86.7%

El Salvador 80.6%

Honduras 80.0%

Nicaragua 76.7%

Guatemala _________ %

2. In Spanish-speaking countries, dress for going to school is very different from that in
the United States. Visit
and fill in the blanks in the sentences below, or circle TRUE or FALSE.

● Many countries in Latin America have adopted school

_______________________ due to a heavy influence by the
_____________________ religion.

● Countries like ___________________ and Peru have adopted

______________________ style uniforms. Several countries, especially
__________________________ and Uruguay, have adopted school smocks as
worn in _______________________ and Italy.
● In Puerto Rico, elementary schools do not require uniforms, but they are more
common in _____________________________ schools. Uniforms tend to be
simple, often white shirts, both regular and polo knit shirts, and
______________________ pants are common.

● TRUE / FALSE It is mandatory for all students to wear uniforms in Mexico, and
their parents take pride in ensuring that they are neat and clean for school.

● TRUE / FALSE In Argentina, primary schools require students to wear black


● TRUE / FALSE In Peru, not many students wear school uniforms.

● In Uruguay, school children wear white smocks with big

_________________________. These are not very popular with the

Visit to see

what level of schooling is mandatory in Mexico. _________________________

Which is cheaper to attend in Spanish-speaking countries? A public or private school?

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