Understanding Self 1

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Maxine Joy C.

Juare BS Accountancy 1
Understanding the Self

Do You Truly Know Yourself?
Answer the following questions about your self as fully and precisely as you

1. How would you characterize your self?

I characterized myself as a goal oriented person, a well-determined, and

people person. I can say that I am a goal oriented person because
whenever I set a goal I will accomplish it no matter how hard it was. Like
when I was in grade 12, my goal is to graduate with recognition, but that
goal has many obstacles, back then I really struggle on passing on
Fundamentals of Accounting and whenever there was a quizzes and
examination I always one of the lowest, I even take a removal
examination! But since, I want to achieve my goal, I really try my best to
pass the subject and achieve the desired grade that I want, and I get it!
Also one of my characteristics that I am proud of is my determination
because right now I am taking the BS accountancy even though I know I
struggled on accounting and analyzing. I know this journey of mine will be
hard but I am well-determined to pass it no matter what cost. Lastly is that
I am a people person, when I say people person it means that I am the
type of people that truly enjoy interacting with other people I want them to
feel comfortable with me, also I tend to enjoy listening to their story that is
why I want to interact to other people because I find it enjoyable.

2. What makes you stand out from the rest? What makes your self

The traits that makes me stand out from the rest at the same time
make me special is that I know my limitations and love myself and
also with my unique personality such us being confident, kind to
everyone, and being flexible. I love interacting with other people
because of that I get feedback and learn so much from myself that is
why I was able to know myself better and makes me standout from
the rest. I love myself, I am happy of who I am and what I become.
Also since I know myself very well I am confident on everything I do
in life, I am not afraid of obstacles. I am kind to every one since I
am a good listener I don’t easily judge other person and I try to
understand their situation. And lastly I am a flexible; I was able to
adapt any situation or change I’m in.
3. How has your self-transformed itself

According to Katz, “The self cannot transform itself, just like a knife
cannot possibly cut itself.” That is why transforming ourselves
doesn’t occur naturally and effortlessly, it need some time and a lot
of effort. Back when I was on junior high school I am outgoing at the
same time I like talking with other people, but then one time one my
friends said to me in jokingly manner that “samoka, wala mi pake sa
imo kinabuhi hahah” at that moment I realize I was self-centered and
boastful at the same time. Actually I was offended, and then I tell my
mother about what happened, and then she told me that “try
listening to them, show interest to other person, don’t just talk about
yourself. You know, becoming a good listener can give you good
stories at the same time you might able to learn some lessons from
their experiences.” And then, I try transforming myself slowly but
surely and later on I realize it was fun having a conversation with
someone where you are both interested in. Slowly, I become a good
listener as well as a good communicator.

4. How is your self connected to your body?

We human being has the ability to control ourselves, that is why how
we think can affect us mentally and physically because ourselves and
body are connected. Like for example, when we think negatively like
“I can’t do it”, “I am never good enough” this feeling of helplessness
and hopelessness according to Karen Lawson, MD “it can create
chronic stress which upsets the body's hormone balance, depletes
the brain chemicals required for happiness, and damages the
immune system. This chronic stress can actually decrease our
lifespan”. Therefore, what we think of ourselves can affect us not
only mentally but also physically. We are connected to our body that
is why we should take good care of ourselves so that we can enjoy
what our body can offer.

5. How is your self related to other selves?

We human beings have different personalities and different
perspectives in life, but no matter how unique we are with one
another, we are still related to each other. We, ourselves have the
capability to affect as well as relate to others like for example, our
environment; the person we live in, the people we interact with. In the
first place, we won’t stay on our environment or live or interact with
other person if we are not connected or if we can’t relate to them,
right? In relating ourselves to other selves we tend to make
connections and these connections will lead us to the betterment of our
life. I myself would say that I was related to others selves by means of
attachment, and support by the other people in my life. Without
attachment and support with other people I would not be motivated in
life, I would not feel any sense of belonging. If I can’t have a wonderful
relationship with others, then I would live myself as a sad and lonely
state of existence. Whether we want to admit it or not we need people
in our lives, remember there was a famous quote that says “No man is
an island”. This quote means that no person in the world would be able
to survive alone in her/his entire life because no matter how we are
different from each other at the end of the day we still need other
people, we are connected to others, we can’t live independently at all
times because each of us have limitations that is why we require help
from others people. We human being are social creatures, we cannot
be happy by ourselves, even introverts needs a small group to be able
to have a sense of belonging. We humans live by affection and that is
the undeniable truth about our life.

6. What will happen to your self after you die?

When we die, we catholic believed that our spirit will go either from
heaven or hell, while other religion believed that we might be
reincarnated. However there were no definite answers since no one has
resurrected from the dead. But I believe that when I die, the people
that who cherished me, loved me, cared for me while I was still alive
would be sad and devastated for they can’t interact and see me again.
While about myself, since I am a roman catholic I believed that when
the time comes my sprit will ascend and my body will be decomposed
throughout the year.
Were you able to answer the question above with ease? Why? Which
questions did you find
easiest to answer? Which ones are difficult? Why?

I was able to answer the question above with ease because I know
myself maybe not that very well but I have known what I am capable
of and what I’m not. The questions that I find easiest to answer are
the questions 1, 2, 3 4, 5, while the difficult ones are the question 6.
In questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, I was able to answer it easily because these
questions only ask about me, my experiences, my views and opinions
that is why I was able to answer I easily because I know my
limitations and myself way better than other people. While the
question 6 was a little difficult for me to answer because I can’t share
my experience on it since I have never experience it.

Easy or difficult to
Questions Why?

1. How would you 1. Easy to answer 1. It was easy for me to

characterize your answer this question
self? because I know well
and aware of my

2. What makes you 2. Easy to answer 2. It was also easy for

stand out from the me to answer this
rest? What makes question because I
your self special? know my limitations
well as well as my

3. How has your self- 3. Easy to answer 3. It was easy for me to

transformed itself answer this question
because this question
was based on my
own experience.

4. How is your self 4. Easy to answer 4. I find it easy to

connected to your answer because I’ve
body? known how to control
my emotion well; I
know that what we
think is connected to
our body.
5. How is your self 5. Easy to answer 5. I find this question
related to other easy to answer
selves? because I was able
to share my own
experience to this
question also in this
question it just need
my views and
opinion so it’s not
that pretty hard.

6. What will happen to 6. Difficult to answer 6. This question is

your self after you pretty hard for me to
die? answer because I
can’t share my
personal experience
to it.

Can one truly know the self? Do you want to know about self?


I don’t really know if we can truly know about ourselves, what I know
is that if you truly know yourself you can control your own destiny. Knowing
who you are will always be more important than others knowing who you
are. Yes, I want to know more about self, about myself, about other self. I
want to know more about the action of other people, I want to know more
about my actions. I maybe have encountered a lot of people in my life but
this interaction with them was still not enough to understand the self.

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