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Republic of the Philippines

Fourth Judicial Region

Branch I
Bulwagan ng Katarungan
Pallocan West, Batangas City


Plaintiff, CRIMINAL CASE NO. 56005

- versus - for


@ “Pits”, AMENDING P.D. NO. 9


The prosecution through counsel submits this opposition to

defense motion to quash information, and argues as follows:


The accused clearly violated B.P. Blg. 6, amending P.D. No. 9. The
crime was committed as follows:

That on or about April 10, 2020 at around 10:30 in the evening at

Mendoza Road, Brgy. Sta. Rita, Batangas City, Philippines, and within
the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-mentioned accused,
without any justifiable cause and without authority of law, did then and
there knowingly, willfully, and criminally carry outside his residence one
(1) kitchen knife, a deadly weapon, in clear violation of the above-cited




In the motion to quash, the defense argues that the facts charge in
the information do not constitute an offense because it does not state
every single fact necessary to constitute offense charged. Contrary to the
said allegation, the prosecution believes otherwise. The facts charged in
the information constitute an offense. For as long as the ultimate facts
constituting the offense have been alleged, an information charging a
violation of B.P. Blg. 6 need not state to the point of specificity. An
Information need only to state the ultimate facts consisting the offense

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and not the finer details of why and how the crime was committed. It
only needs to state the “ultimate facts constituting the complainant’s
cause or causes of action.” 1 Ultimate facts has been defined as “those
facts which the expected evidence will support.” 2 The prosecution
believes that the complainant’s allegation in the Information constitutes
the ultimate facts which the Rules of Court requires. Ultimate facts are
as important and substantial facts which either directly form the basis of
the primary right and duty, or which directly make upon the wrongful
acts or omissions of the defendant. The term does not refer to the details
of probative matter or particulars of evidence by which these material
elements are to be established. It refers to principal, determinate facts
upon the existence of which the entire cause of action rests.” 3 Ultimate
facts are conclusions drawn from intermediate and evidentiary facts, or
allegations of mixed law and fact; they are conclusions from reflection
and natural reasoning on evidentiary fact.

Furthermore, the defense in his motion to quash vehemently

applied the decision of the Supreme Court in the case of People vs.
Purisima that had set the elements of the crime under P.D. No. 9 which
was eventually affirmed in the more recent case of People vs. Lasanas to absolve the accused which is penalized under B.P. Blg. 6 stating
that the violation of second element under the former special law is
absent in the information filed by PO3 Cardo Dalisay, Patrick E.
Manansala and Rey V. Guinto.

The prosecution strongly disagree with the application of the

judicial decision in the case of People vs. Lasanas which was decided by
the Supreme Court on November 20, 1978, while B.P. Blg. 6 was enacted
on 21 November 1978 amending paragraph 3 of P.D. No. 9 which
penalize the act of carrying outside of one’s residence any bladed,
pointed or blunt weapon as a malum prohibitum, except where such
articles were used as necessary tools or implements to earn a livelihood
or in pursuit of a lawful activity.

The application of the original paragraph 3 of P.D. No. 9 to the

instant case is not proper as it was amended by B.P. Blg. 6 at the time of
the commission of the crime.

In respectively arguing for and against the prospective application

of the decision in People vs. Purisima and People vs. Lasanas in the
instant case, decisions of the Court, although in themselves not laws, are
nevertheless evidence of what the laws mean, and this is the reason why
under Article 8 of the New Civil Code, which states that judicial decisions
applying or interpreting the laws of the Constitution shall form a part of
the legal system, Article 4 of the Civil Code, on the other hand,
enunciates the rule on non-retroactivity of laws, in that ''laws shall have
no retroactive effect, unless the contrary is provided."

While it is consequently clear that a judicial interpretation

becomes a part of the law as of the date that law was originally passed,
subject only to the qualification that when a doctrine of the court is
overruled and a different view is adopted, and more so when there is a
Sec. 3, Rule 6, Rules of Court
Black’s Law Dictionary, Fourt Ed., citing McDuffie v. California Tehama Land Corporation, 138 Cal. App.
245, 32 P. 2d 385, 386.
Francisco, The Revised Rules of Court in the Philippines, Vol. I, p. 435

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reversal thereof, the new doctrine should be applied prospectively and
should not apply to parties who relied on the old doctrine and acted in
good faith. To hold otherwise would be to deprive the law of its quality of
fairness and justice then, if there is no recognition of what had
transpired prior to such adjudication.

Moreover, non-prejudicial formal defects will not be sustained as a

ground for quashing the information. The formal parts of a complaint or
information are provided for in Section 5 to 12 of Rules of Criminal
Procedure. It is object of a complaint or information to enable a man of
common understanding to know what offenses he is charged of.

An information which sets forth the names of the defendant and

the offended parties, designates the crime charged and relates the acts
complained of as constituting the crime in ordinary and concise language
and states the offense was committed within the jurisdiction of the court
is sufficient.4

If such defects are properly and opportunely raised, an

amendment of the complaint or information may be ordered by the court
under Section 4, Rule 117 of the Revised Rules on Criminal Procedure.

Since all the allegations of the defense are non-prejudicial formal

defects, therefore it will not sustain as a ground for quashing the

As to the defense contention that absence of motivation to commit

an offense or crime while carrying a knife does not constitute a criminal
offense itself is without merit. It must not be forgotten that there are
certain stages in the fight against criminality. The stages are prevention,
apprehension, imprisonment and then rehabilitation. The law seeks to
prevent the commission of crimes by people who, because of the existing
law will not be encouraged to carry with them bladed weapons even at
that time when they have bladed weapons, they have no criminal intent.

In addition, what is sought to be punished in B.P. Blg. 6 is the

mere act of possession alone. The motivation to commit a crime is not
necessary to establish once a person is caught in possession of a bladed,
blunt or pointed weapons. The mere carrying of a bladed or pointed
weapon is already punishable under this Act, and if these are used in
committing an offense, then one will be liable for any other offense he
may have committed or intended to commit and the penalty shall be
imposed in its maximum period.

Lastly, the defense overlooked the certification attached to the



WHEREFORE, the above premises considered, respectfully

prays to the Honorable Court to oppose to quash the information filed by
the accused, and pursue the criminal charge against him.

Batangas City, 29 May 2020.

US vs. Legaspi, 14 Phil. 38

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City Prosecutor
Roll No. 77790
IBP No. 093459 10-18-19
PTR No. 0556040 01-13-20
MCLE Compliance No.IV-
Issued on December 12, 2019
143 Forever St., Batangas City
Tel No. 288-2014



Fourth Judicial Region
Municipal Trial Court in Cities
Branch I
Bulwagan ng Katarungan

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