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Instructions for Preparing Documents for

Filing with the Eighth Judicial District Court

District Court Clerk Office

Regional Justice Center
200 Lewis Avenue
3 Floor
Las Vegas, NV 89101

Family Court Clerk

Family Court and Service Center
601 N. Pecos Road
1 Floor
Las Vegas, NV 89101

Additional information available at

Steven D. Grierson
Clerk of the Court
These instructions are provided as a courtesy to the citizens of Clark County by Shirley
B. Parraguirre, Clark County Clerk.

All documents filed in the Eighth Judicial District Court (Clark County, Nevada) must
comply with local court rule EDCR 7.20, included below. A completed Civil Cover Sheet
must be presented at the time of filing any new civil or family law case. Civil Cover
Sheets are available from the Forms Library on our website at: or may be picked up at the customer counter at
our Civil/Criminal Court and Family Court locations.

A document data entry code must be included on Line 1, at the top left margin on the
first page of each document filed with the court. A brief listing of frequently used data
entry codes is attached to these instructions. Please use only one code per document
and use only codes included on the approved code list. For information on “How to Use
the Codes,” please refer to our website at

When filing court documents, present an original (bearing original signatures) and two
(2) copies. The Clerk’s Office retains the original for the official court file. The copies
will be file-stamped and returned to you for your records or for service on other parties
in the case.

If your document requires a filing fee, the fee must be presented at the time of filing.
Court filing fees are mandated by Nevada statute and the County Clerk’s Office cannot
waive these fees. Filing fees may be paid in cash, by check or money order. Proper
identification is required if you are paying with a personal check.

Local laws may be researched at the Clark County Law Library, 309 South Third Street,
Las Vegas, Nevada, or on the Internet at: Assistance
for family law cases is available at the Family Law Self Help Center, 601 North Pecos
Road, Las Vegas, NV. The phone number is 702- 455-1500. Assistance for civil and
criminal cases may be obtained by contacting the Civil/Criminal Resource Center for
Self Represented Litigants at 702- 455-1854.

Documents presented for filing in the Eighth Judicial District Court must comply with the
following local court rule:

Rule 7.20. Form of papers presented for filing; exhibits; documents; legal
(a) All pleadings and papers presented for filing must be flat, unfolded, firmly bound
together at the top, on white paper of standard quality, not less than 16-lb. weight and 8
1/2 x 11 inches in size. All papers must be typewritten or prepared by some other
duplication process that will produce clear and permanent copies equally legible to
printing. All print size shall not be smaller than size 12-pitch font for pleadings and
papers created on a computer or 10 pica for pleadings and papers created on a
typewriter. All or part of a pleading or paper may be legibly printed by hand at the
discretion of the court. Carbon or photocopies may not be filed, except as provided in
paragraphs (d) and (f) of this rule. Only one side of the paper may be used.
All papers presented for filing, receiving or lodging with the clerk shall be pre-
punched with 2 holes, centered 2 3/4 inches apart 1/2 to 5/8 inches from the top edge of
the paper. All original papers shall be stamped ORIGINAL between the punched holes.
The lines on each page must be double-spaced, except that descriptions of real
property may be single spaced. All quotations of more than 50 words must be indented
and single-spaced. Pages must be numbered consecutively at the bottom. Lines of
pages must be numbered in the left margin. [Amended; effective November 27, 2003.]
(b) No original pleading or paper may be amended by making erasures or
interlineations thereon, or by attaching slips thereto, except by leave of court.
(c) The following information shall appear upon the first page of every paper
presented for filing, single-spaced:
(1) The document code (list of document codes available at the Court Clerk's
Office), the name, Nevada State Bar identification number, address and telephone
number of the attorney and of any associated attorney appearing for the party filing the
paper; and whether such attorney appears for the plaintiff, defendant, or other party, or
the name, address, and telephone number of a party appearing in proper person, shall
be set forth to the left of center of the page beginning at line 1. The space to the right of
center shall be reserved for the filing marks of the clerk.


(2) The title of the court shall appear at the center of the page at line 5 below the
information required by paragraph (1), as follows:


(3) Below the title of the court shall appear in the space to the left of center, line
8, the name of the action or proceeding, e.g.:

vs. )
(4) In the space to the right of center at line 10, shall appear the case number,
the department number and/or letter as follows:

Case No. A 999999

Dept. No. I or A

(5) The title of the pleading, motion or other document must be typed or printed
center on the page directly below the name of the parties to the action or proceeding.
The title must be sufficient in description to apprise the respondent and clerk of the
nature of the document filed, or the relief sought, e.g. Plaintiff's Motion to Compel
Answers to Interrogatories; Defendant's Motion for Summary Judgment against Plaintiff
John Doe; Order Granting Plaintiff Doe's Motion for Summary Judgment against
Defendant Roe.
For the convenience of the court and the parties, the same title used on the
papers must appear on all calendars at the time of the hearing.




Plaintiff, )
) Case No. A 000000
vs. )
) Dept. No. I or A



Date of Hearing:
Time of Hearing:
(6) If the paper to be filed is a response, reply or other document related to a
matter which has already been set for hearing but not yet heard, the time and date of
the hearing shall appear immediately below the title of the paper.
(d) All exhibits attached to pleadings or papers must be 8 1/2 inches x 11 inches in
size. Exhibits which are smaller must be affixed to a blank sheet of paper of the
appropriate size. Exhibits which are larger than 8 1/2 x 11 inches must be reduced to 8
1/2 x 11 inches or must be folded so as to measure 8 1/2 x 11 inches in size. All exhibits
attached to pleadings or papers must clearly show the exhibit number at the bottom or
on the right side. Plaintiffs must use numerical designations and defendants must use
alphabetical designations. Copies of exhibits must be clearly legible and not
unnecessarily voluminous. Original documents must be retained by counsel for
introduction as exhibits at the time of a hearing or at the time of trial rather than
attached to pleadings.
(e) When a decision of the Supreme Court of the State of Nevada is cited, the
citation to Nevada Reports must be given together with the citation to West's Pacific
Reporter and the year of the decision. Whenever a decision of an appellate court of any
other state is cited, the citation to West's Regional Reporter System must be given
together with the state and the year of decision. When a decision of the Supreme Court
of the United States is cited, at least one parallel citation and year of decision must be
given. When a decision of the court of appeals or of a district court or other court of the
United States has been reported in the Federal Reporter System, that citation, court and
year of decision must be given.
(f) The clerk must not accept for filing any pleadings or documents which do not
comply with this rule, but for good cause shown, the court may permit the filing of
noncomplying pleadings and documents. Paragraph (a), except as to the size of paper,
and paragraph (c) of this rule do not apply to printed forms furnished by the clerk, the
district attorney or the public defender. [Amended; effective May 1, 1996.]

ACSR Acceptance of Service

ACCT Accounting and Report
FACT Final Accounting
ACKN Acknowledgment
ADDM Addendum
AOC Advisement of Compliance
AFFT Affidavit
ANAG Agreement
ANS Answer
AANS Amended Answer
ANAC Answer to Amended Complaint
XCAN Answer to Crossclaim
ANTC Answer to Third Party Complaint
APPR Appearance
APPL Application
APRV Approval
ARBN Arbitration
ARGU Argument
ASSC Association of Counsel
ATLN Attorney Lien
BNCH Bench Warrant
BREF Brief
ASTA Case Appeal Statement
Case Conference Reports
ECCR Early Case Conference Report
ICCR Individual Case Conference Report
JCCR Joint Case Conference Report
SCCR Supplemental Case Conference Report
CMO Case Management Order
CRTF Certificate
COD Certificate of Death
CERT Certificate of Mailing
CER Certification
COA Change of Address
CVEN Change of Venue
CSPI Child Support & Welfare Party Identification Sheet
CITA Citation
COMM Commission to Take Deposition Outside Nevada
COMP Complaint
ACOM Amended Complaint
FPC Fourth Party Complaint
TPC Third Party Complaint
CONS Consent
CTCM Counterclaim
CC24 Creditor's Claim
RCC Rejection of Creditor's Claim
SATC Satisfaction of Creditor's Claim
CRCM Crossclaim
DECN Decision
CC13 Declaration Under Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act
DFLT Default
TDN Three Day Notice of Intent to Take Default
DEMD Demand
DMJT Demand for Jury Trial
DROA Designation of Record on Appeal
DOW Designation of Witness
DSCL Disclaimer
DISM Dismissal
VDSM Voluntary Dismissal
DRAR Distributee's Receipt and Release
DAFF Domestic Relations Affidavit of Financial Condition
ECCR Early Case Conference Report
EFSO Electronic Filing and Service Order
ERR Errata
EXH Exhibit
ETPO Extended Protective Order Against Domestic Violence
MOFI Family Court Motion/Opposition Fee Information Sheet
FFCL Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Judgment
IND Indictment (Grand Jury)
ICCR Individual Case Conference Report
INFO Information
AINF Amended Information
IAFD Initial Appearance Fee Disclosure
INTG Interrogatories
INVY Inventory
CC25 Inventory, Appraisal and Record of Value
JOIN Joinder
JCCR Joint Case Conference Report
CC12 Joint Preliminary Injunction
JUDG Judgment
FFCL Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Judgment
JOC Judgment of Conviction
JOCP Judgment of Conviction - Plea
OFFR Offer of Judgment
SATF Satisfaction of Judgment
JUVI Juvenile Court Return Agreement
WILL Last Will And Testament
LETT Letters
LISP Lis Pendens
MRAO Master's Recommendation and Order
MRO Master's Recommendation and Order Judgment (UIFSA)
MEMO Memorandum
NOM Nomination
NOTC Notice
OBJ Objection
OPPS Opposition
NONO Non-Opposition
ORDR Order
EXPR Ex Parte Order
PET Petition Filed
PTAT Points and Authorities
PROF Proof
ROP Receipt
ROC Receipt of Copy
ROA Record on Appeal
RELS Release
REMV Removal to the U.S. District Court
RPLY Reply
CCAN Reply to Counterclaim
RAR Report and Recommendations
TRAN Reporter's Transcript
REQT Request
FMCO Request and Order for Mediation
RSPN Response
RET Return
SCHD Schedule of Arrears
STAT Statement
STIP Stipulation
SAO Stipulation and Order
CC03 Subpoena
SUBT Substitution of Attorney
SUMM Summons
TPS Third Party Summons
SUPP Supplement
SCCR Supplemental Case Conference Report
TPO Temporary Protective Order
TRO Temporary Restraining Order
TRNS Transmittal
VERF Verification
VAPP Verified Application for Assn. of Counsel Under
Nevada Supreme Court Rule 42
WAIV Waiver
WARR Warrant
WITH Withdrawal
WOA Withdrawal of Attorney
LIST Expert Witness List
LTWT List of Witnesses
WRIT Writ 1/25/05

0157 Account & Report

0166 First & Final Accounting & Report
0264 Annulment Hearing
0126 Calendar Call
0178 Citation to Appear
0051 Examination Judgment Debtor
0066 Hearing
0074 Joinder/Mtn
0460 Joinder/Mtn in Limine
0001 Motion
0036 Mtn/Amend Answer
0035 Mtn/Amend Complaint
0092 Mtn/Appointment
0105 Mtn/Associate Counsel
0011 Mtn/Attorney Fees
0103 Mtn/Bifurcate
0131 Mtn/Cancel Lis Pendens
0050 Mtn/Change of Venue
0134 Mtn/Child Custody
0243 Mtn/Child Support
0096 Mtn/Clarify
0043 Mtn/Compel
0076 Mtn/Consolidate
0026 Mtn/Continue
0316 Mtn/Determine Good Faith Settlement
0056 Mtn/Dismiss
0143 Mtn/Disqualify Attorney
0033 Mtn/Disqualify Judge
0118 Mtn/Enforce
0005 Mtn/Exclusive Possession
0004 Mtn/Fees & Allowances
0090 Mtn/Immediate Occupancy
0144 Mtn/Increase
0128 Mtn/Interplead
0079 Mtn/Intervene
0071 Mtn/Limine
0156 Mtn/Mediation
0003 Mtn/Modify Child Custody
0149 Mtn/Modify Child Support
0002 Mtn/Modify Decree Of Divorce
0249 Mtn/Modify Probation
0231 Mtn/Modify Sentence
0138 Mtn/Modify Visitation
0031 Mtn/New Trial
0064 Mtn/Partial Summary Judgment
0009 Mtn/Preliminary Injunction
0115 Mtn/Produce
0113 Mtn/Protective Order
0022 Mtn/Quash
0365 Mtn/Quash Bench Warrant
0120 Mtn/Reconsider
0006 Mtn/Reduce Arrears To Judgment
0137 Mtn/Reduce Child Support
0070 Mtn/Rehear
0139 Mtn/Resolve Parent-Child Issues
0085 Mtn/Retax
0024 Mtn/Sanctions
0052 Mtn/Set Aside
0204 Mtn/Set Bail
0318 Mtn/Settlement Conference
0021 Mtn/Stay
0020 Mtn/Strike
0054 Mtn/Summary Judgment
0135 Mtn/Temporary Child Support
0136 Mtn/Temporary Custody
0008 Mtn/Temporary Restraining Order
0385 Mtn/Trial De Novo
0097 Mtn/Visitation Rights
0142 Mtn/Wage Assignment
0042 Mtn/Withdraw
0203 Mtn/Withdraw Plea
0146 Objection
0125 Opposition
0010 Order/Show Cause
0272 Petition
0159 Ptn/Allowances
0161 Ptn/Authority
0162 Ptn/Codicil
0167 Ptn/Fees
0169 Ptn/Instruction
0086 Ptn/Judicial Review
0174 Ptn/Partial Distribution
0232 Ptn/Post Conviction Relief
0175 Ptn/Probate of Will
0193 Ptn/Prove Will
0176 Ptn/Purchase
0177 Ptn/Return & Confirmation of Sale
0069 Ptn/Seal Records
0171 Ptn/Sell Property
0180 Ptn/Set Aside Estate Without Admin
0183 Ptn/Summary Admin
0184 Ptn/Temp. Guardianship
0083 Ptn/Terminate Guardianship
0072 Ptn/Writ of Attachment
0121 Ptn/Writ of Certiorari
0014 Ptn/Writ of Habeas Corpus
0016 Ptn/Writ of Mandamus
0015 Ptn/Writ of Restitution
0029 Pre-Trial Conference
0032 Prove Up/Default
0123 Jury Trial
0063 Non-Jury Trial 1/25/05
Effective August 1, 2009

Adoptions When filing a new Adoption proceeding.................................................................................................................................................................. $238.00

NRS 19.013 ($56), 19.020 ($3), 19.031 ($25), 19.0312 ($10), 19.0313 ($10), 19.0315 ($15), AB 65 ($99), CCC 2.32 ($20)

When filing a new Adoption proceeding for a special needs child pursuant to NRS 19.034...................................................................................... $1.00

Answer or Appearance When a defendant answers a complaint; to be paid upon the filing of the first paper in the action for Civil cases and Domestic cases
not contained in NRS 125 ....................................................................................................................................................................................... $223.00
NRS 19.013 ($44), 19.031 ($25), 19.0312 ($10), 19.0313 ($10), 19.0315 ($15), AB 65 ($99), CCC 2.32 ($20)

For each additional defendant named in a civil answer or first appearance (See *Examples on page 2) ............................................................... $30.00
NRS 19.0335 ($30)

When a defendant answers an action for constructional defect or any other action defined as complex.............................................................. $473.00
NRS 19.013 ($44), 19.031 ($25), 19.0312 ($10), 19.0313 ($10), 19.0315 ($15), AB 65 ($349), CCC 2.32 ($20)

When a defendant answers a business court filing.............................................................................................................................................. $1,483.00

NRS 19.013 ($44), 19.031 ($25), 19.0312 ($10), 19.0313 ($10), 19.0315 ($15), AB 65 ($1,359), CCC 2.32 ($20)

Divorce, Annulment, Separate Maintenance answer or first appearance............................................................................................................... $217.00

NRS 19.013 ($44), 19.031 ($14), 19.0312 ($10), 19.0313 ($10), 19.0315 ($15), CCC 2.32.030 ($5), AB 65 ($99), CCC 2.32 ($20)

Child Custody answer or first appearance .............................................................................................................................................................. $212.00

NRS 19.013 ($44), 19.031 ($14), 19.0313 ($10), 19.0315 ($15), 19.0312 ($10) AB 65 ($99), CCC 2.32 ($20)

Appeal from a Justice or

Municipal Court When filing an appeal from a Justice Court or Municipal Court................................................................................................................................ $47.00
NRS 19.013 ($42), 19.020 ($5)

Appeal/Supreme Court When filing a Notice of Appeal .................................................................................................................................................................................. $24.00

NRS 19.013 ($24)

Bonds for Costs on Appeal...................................................................................................................................................................................... $500.00

Supreme Court Appeal filing fee (payable to the Clerk of the Supreme Court)...................................................................................................... $250.00

Annulment or
Maintenance When filing a Complaint for Annulment or a Complaint for Separate Maintenance ............................................................................................... $269.00
NRS 19.013 ($56), 19.020 ($3), 19.030 ($32), 19.031 ($14), 19.0312 ($10), 19.0313 ($10), 19.0315 ($15), 440.605 ($10), AB 65 ($99), CCC 2.32 ($20)

Child Custody When filing a Complaint for Child Custody.............................................................................................................................................................. $259.00

NRS 19.013 ($56), 19.020 ($3), 19.030 ($32), 19.031 ($14), 19.0312 ($10), 19.0313 ($10), 19.0315 ($15), AB 65 ($99), CCC 2.32 ($20)

Civil When filing a new Civil action or proceeding .......................................................................................................................................................... $270.00

NRS 19.013 ($56), 19.020 ($3), 19.030 ($32), 19.031 ($25), 19.0312 ($10), 19.0313 ($10), 19.0315 ($15), AB 65 ($99), CCC 2.32 ($20)

For each additional plaintiff named in a civil complaint or amended civil complaint (See *Examples on page 2) ................................................... $30.00
NRS 19.0335 ($30)

When filing an action for constructional defect or other action defined as complex............................................................................................... $520.00
NRS 19.013 ($56), 19.020 ($3), 19.030 ($32), 19.031 ($25), 19.0312 ($10), 19.0313 ($10), 19.0315 ($15), AB 65 ($349), CCC 2.32 ($20)

When filing a business court matter………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....$1,530.00

NRS 19.013 ($56), 19.020 ($3), 19.030 ($32), 19.031 ($25), 19.0312 ($10), 19.0313 ($10), 19.0315 ($15), AB 65 ($1,359), CCC 2.32 ($20)

When filing a transfer to business court after filing as a general civil action….…………………………………………………………………………$1,260.00

When filing a third party complaint……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..$135.00

AB 65 ($135)

Divorce When filing for a Divorce ......................................................................................................................................................................................... $289.00

NRS 19.013 ($56), 19.020 ($3), 19.030 ($32), 19.031 ($14), 19.0312 ($10), 19.0313 ($10), 19.0315 ($15), 19.033 ($20), 440.605 ($10), AB 65 ($99),
CCC 2.32 ($20)

Domestic Not
Specified Above When filing a domestic case not specified above ................................................................................................................................................... $270.00
NRS 19.013 ($56), 19.020 ($3), 19.030 ($32), 19.031 ($25), 19.0312 ($10), 19.0313 ($10), 19.0315 ($15), AB 65 ($99), CCC 2.32 ($20)

Confession of Judgment For filing a Confession of Judgment.......................................................................................................................................................................... $28.00

NRS 17.110 ($28)

Demand for Jury Trial When filing a Demand for Jury Trial....................................................................................................................................................... Deposit of $400.00
Domestic Case-Reopen When filing a motion or other paper that seeks to modify or adjust a final order issued pursuant to
NRS 125, 125B and 125C and on filing any answer or response to such a motion or other paper,
excluding those exceptions noted in NRS 19.0312. (effective 11/04/02) ................................................................................................................. $25.00

Liens, Frivolous or
Excessive When filing an application regarding frivolous or excessive liens........................................................................................................................... $299.00
NRS 19.020 ($3), 19.030 ($32), 19.031 ($25), 19.0312 ($10), 19.0313 ($10), 19.0315($15), 108.2275 ($85) AB 65 ($99), CCC 2.32 ($20)

Minor’s Compromise When filing a Petition to Compromise a Minor’s Claim........................................................................................................................................ NO FEE

NRS 41.200

Miscellaneous Filings To file other papers to be kept by the clerk, except for papers filed in court or
filed by public officers in their official capacity, and not otherwise provided for........................................................................................................ $18.00
NRS 19.013 ($5), 19.020 ($3), 19.0313 ($10)

For issuing any certificate under seal, not otherwise provided for .............................................................................................................................. $6.00
NRS 19.013 ($6)

Motions For filing a motion for summary judgment or joinder............................................................................................................................................... $200.00

AB 65 ($200)

For filing a motion to certify/decertify class ............................................................................................................................................................. $349.00

AB 65($349)

Peremptory Challenge Peremptory challenge of a Judge (payable to the Clerk of the Supreme Court) .................................................................................................... $450.00
Effective January 13th 2011, per an Order Amending Supreme Court Rule 48.1

Petition to Seal Records When filing a new Petition to Seal Records ............................................................................................................................................................ $270.00
NRS 19.013 ($56), 19.020 ($3), 19.030 ($32), 19.031 ($25), 19.0312 ($10), 19.0313 ($10), 19.0315 ($15), AB 65 ($99), CCC 2.32 ($20)

Probate/Guardianship When filing a petition for letters testamentary or administration or guardianship where the stated value of
the estate is $20,000 or less ..................................................................................................................................................................................... NO FEE
NRS 19.013
Where the stated value of the estate is more than $20,000 but less than $200,000 ............................................................................................. $286.00
NRS 19.013 ($72), 19.020 ($3), 19.030 ($32), 19.031 ($25), 19.0312 ($10), 19.0313 ($10), 19.0315 ($15), AB 65 ($99), CCC 2.32 ($20)

Where stated value of the estate is $200,000 or more ........................................................................................................................................... $539.00
NRS 19.013 ($72), 19.020 ($3), 19.030 ($32), 19.031 ($25), 19.0312 ($10), 19.0313 ($10), 19.0315 ($15), AB 65 ($352), CCC 2.32 ($20)

When filing a petition to contest any will or codicil, or on the filing of an objection or cross-petition to the appointment of
an executor, administrator or guardian or an objection to the settlement of account or any answer in an estate
or guardianship matter ............................................................................................................................................................................................ $223.00
NRS 19.013 ($44), 19.031 ($25), 19.0312 ($10), 19.0313 ($10), 19.0315 ($15), AB 65 ($99), CCC 2.32 ($20)

Transfer from another

District Court or County To transfer an action or proceeding from another District Court or County............................................................................................................ $270.00
NRS 19.013 ($56), 19.020 ($3), 19.030 ($32), 19.031 ($25), 19.0312 ($10), 19.0313 ($10), 19.0315 ($15), AB 65 ($99), CCC 2.32 ($20)

Transfer from a Justice

or Municipal Court When transferring a case from a Justice Court or Municipal Court .......................................................................................................................... $42.00
NRS 19.013 ($42)

Will When filing an original Will ........................................................................................................................................................................................ $18.00

NRS 19.013 ($5), 19.020 ($3), 19.0313 ($10)

Writs For the issuance of any writ of attachment, writ of garnishment, writ of execution or any other writ designed to enforce any judgment
of the court................................................................................................................................................................................................................. $10.00
AB 65 ($10),

Copies For each page copied from any document(s) ............................................................................................................................................................. $1.00
NRS 19.013 ($1)

Certify/Exemplify To certify copies of any document(s) prepared by the clerk ....................................................................................................................................... $3.00
NRS 19.013 ($3)

(Copy fees of $1.00 To exemplify any document(s) prepared by the clerk ................................................................................................................................................. $6.00
NRS 19.013 ($6)
per page also apply) To examine and certify a copy of any document(s) prepared by another................................................................................................................... $5.00
NRS 19.013 ($5)
To examine and exemplify a copy of any document(s) prepared by another ............................................................................................................. $9.00

Searches For performing a search of the records per year, per name ....................................................................................................................................... $1.00

*Examples: Multiple Party Civil Filing Fee (Source: Letter dated 6/23/03 from Administrative Office of the Courts, Supreme Court of Nevada)
A. A complaint is filed with four plaintiffs. The filing fee would be $270 for the first plaintiff plus $90 ($30 for each additional plaintiff).
B. In response, three defendants respond with one answer; the filing fee is $223 plus $60 ($30 for each of the two additional defendants).
Another defendant answers individually and pays the $223 answer fee.
An additional five defendants answer jointly and pay $223, plus $120 ($30 for each of the additional four defendants).
C. The complaint is amended to add two plaintiffs. The fee would be $60 ($30 for each plaintiff added)

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