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4 MODULE 4: Celebrations
A. Write the numbers in word form.

1st 11th

2nd 12th

3rd 13rd

4th 14th

5th 15th

6th 16th

7th 17th

8th 18th

9th 19th

10th 20th
4 MODULE 4: Celebrations
B. Circle the correct answer.

_______ _______

_______ __________

_______ ________

_______ _______

_______ _______

4 MODULE 4: Celebrations
C. Write a diary entry about your birthday plans. You can
use the notes below to write your diary entry.
- decorate the room
- games
- Prepare food










4 MODULE 4: Celebrations
D. Read the text and answer the following questions.
My classmates and I went to the
Malaysia Day Parade last week. It was our
first time. We were over the moon to join the
Some of my friends dressed up as
community workers such as police officers,

firefighters and soldiers. I dressed up as a veterinarian because I love

animals and I want to help them. I felt so proud to stand with my
friends and sing our national anthem together as Malaysians.







4 MODULE 4: Celebrations

Dear diary,
1st - first
2nd - second I’m very happy. Tomorrow is a very
3rd - third special day. It’s 24th of July, my
4th - fourth birthday. I’m going to have a party. I
5th - fifth have invited all my classmates and
friends to come to my house. We are
6th - sixth
going to play games, dance and eat
7th - seventh delicious food. My parents and I are
8th - eighth going to decorate the living room and
9th - ninth the front yard for the party. My brothers
10th - tenth and my mother are going to prepare
11th - eleventh food together especially my favourite
chocolate cake. We’re going to have so
12th - twelfth
much fun!
13th - thirteenth
14th - fourteenth Stay tune for tomorrow.
15th- fifteen
16th - sixteen *Any suitable answers
17th - seventeen
18th - eighteen D
19th - nineteenth 1. They went to the Malaysia
20th - twentieth Day Parade last week.
2. No, it was their first time.
B 3. People dressed up as police
1. A officers, firefighters and
2. B soldiers.
3. C 4. In my opinion, I think the
4. B person felt proud to stand with
5. A his or her friends and sing the
6. C national anthem because the
7. C person get to be together as
8. B Malaysians. *Any suitable
9. B answer
10. C 5. The phrase ‘over the moon’
means extremely happy.
*Any suitable answer

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