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Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Inc. (MSEUF)
Bachelor of Science in Public Administration (ETEEAP)

PA1103 – Management of Organization

1. Talk with someone who is or has been a member of a police department or a military
organization. Ask them to describe the organization and what it is or was like to work
within it. Which elements of classical bureaucratic theory does their description include?
How many of Fayol’s principles of management are present?
I interviewed a policeman and he told me that for him, the Philippine
National Police is a well-established organization that is mandated to keep
peace and order in the country. Policemen follow orders and they respect
their superiors. For him, this is the way to live up with what is mandated on
them. He said following orders and command their first responsibility and
that they do this because this is how everything are organized and this is
how peace can be maintained all over the country.
In terms of management principles, I think that police men are within a
management systems that follows the classical perspective which focuses on
organizational structure, ideal design for organization, exercise control
through boss-subordinate reporting relationship and the division of
personnel into specialized units.

2. List three or four managers or leaders you have worked for, known or observed. Review
the discussion on organizational theory and list next to each of their names
characteristics they had which correspond to those described in the perspectives on
organization theory. Include a description of the methods and styles of communication
each manager or leader employed. How effective do you feel each individual was? Draw
an organization theory to explain why each was or was not effective.
The three leaders that I have worked with are, first is the former Provincial
Director of DILG, second is my former Chief here at Land Transportation Office
(LTO), and third is the assistant Chief here at LTO.

My former Provincial Director at DILG is some who taught me how to deal with
different types of people and be comfortable in doing so. He would bring me to
different meetings and even taught me how to prepare minutes of the
meeting. This person is a very good leader because he uses the human
perspective of management. This is so because he saw me as someone who is
trainable and helped me developed.

The second person I mentioned is my Chief here at LTO. He is someone who

instantly agreed that I finish my college and even offered me to have flexi time
schedule in the office. He is very understanding. I think he also uses the
human perspective of management because when he encouraged me to finish
my schooling, he motivated me to work better in the office.

The third person I mentioned is the assistant Chief here at LTO. He is someone
who is always there for me to help me. He never refuse to answer all my
questions about work and about how I can better improve in performing my
duties. He is very supportive and his is also someone who use the human
perspective in management.

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