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Assembly and Instruction Manual

Elenco Electronics, Inc. ®

Copyright © 2010, 2000 by Elenco® Electronics, Inc. All rights reserved. Revised 2010 REV-L 753508T
No part of this book shall be reproduced by any means; electronic, photocopying, or otherwise without written permission from the publisher.
The AM/FM Radio project is divided into two parts, the AM Radio Section and the FM Radio Section. At this time, only
identify the parts that you will need for the AM radio as listed below. DO NOT OPEN the bags listed for the FM radio. A
separate parts list will be shown for the FM radio after you have completed the AM radio.


If you are a student, and any parts are missing or damaged, please see instructor or bookstore. If you purchased this kit
from a distributor, catalog, etc., please contact Elenco® Electronics (address/phone/e-mail is at the back of this manual) for
additional assistance, if needed. DO NOT contact your place of purchase as they will not be able to help you.

Qty. Symbol Value Color Code Part #
r 1 R46 47Ω 5% 1/4W yellow-violet-black-gold 124700
r 4 R38, 43, 48, 49 100Ω 5% 1/4W brown-black-brown-gold 131000
r 1 R47 330Ω 5% 1/4W orange-orange-brown-gold 133300
r 1 R41 470Ω 5% 1/4W yellow-violet-brown-gold 134700
r 1 R37 1kΩ 5% 1/4W brown-black-red-gold 141000
r 1 R42 2.2kΩ 5% 1/4W red-red-red-gold 142200
r 3 R33, 36, 44 3.3kΩ 5% 1/4W orange-orange-red-gold 143300
r 1 R40 10kΩ 5% 1/4W brown-black-orange-gold 151000
r 1 R32 12kΩ 5% 1/4W brown-red-orange-gold 151200
r 1 R35 27kΩ 5% 1/4W red-violet-orange-gold 152700
r 1 R39 39kΩ 5% 1/4W orange-white-orange-gold 153900
r 1 R31 56kΩ 5% 1/4W green-blue-orange-gold 155600
r 1 R45 470kΩ 5% 1/4W yellow-violet-yellow-gold 164700
r 1 R34 1MΩ 5% 1/4W brown-black-green-gold 171000
r 1 Volume/S2 50kΩ / SW Pot/SW with nut and washer 192522
Qty. Symbol Value Description Part #
r 1 C30 150pF Discap (151) 221510
r 1 C44 .001μF Discap (102) 231036
r 2 C31, 38 .01μF Discap (103) 241031
r 5 C29, 33, 35, 36, 37 .02μF or .022μF Discap (203) or (223) 242010
r 1 C28 .1μF Discap (104) 251010
r 3 C32, 40, 41 10μF Electrolytic Radial (Lytic) 271045
r 1 C42 47μF Electrolytic Radial (Lytic) 274744
r 1 C34 100μF Electrolytic Radial (Lytic) 281044
r 2 C39, 43 470μF Electrolytic Radial (Lytic) 284744
r 1 C1 Variable Tuning Gang AM/FM 299904

Qty. Symbol Value Description Part #
r 2 D4, 5 1N4148 Diode 314148
r 5 Q7, 8, 9, 10, 11 2N3904 Transistor NPN 323904
r 1 Q12 2N3906 Transistor PNP 323906
r 1 Q14 MPS8050 or 6560 Transistor NPN 328050
r 1 Q13 MPS8550 or 6562 Transistor PNP 328550
Qty. Symbol Color Description Part # Qty. Description Part #
r 1 L5 Red AM Oscillator 430057 r1 Iron Core 461000
r 1 T6 Yellow AM IF 430260 r1 Brass Core 661150
r 1 T7 White AM IF 430262 r 4” Shrink Tubing 890120
r 1 T8 Black AM IF 430264
r 1 L4 AM Antenna with Holders 484004
Qty. Description Part # Qty. Description Part #
r 1 PC Board 517054 r 3 Screw M1.8 x 7.5mm (battery holder) 641100
r 1 Switch 541023 r 2 Screw M2.5 x 3.8mm (gang) 641310
r 1 Battery Holder 590096 r 3 Nut M1.8 644210
r 1 Speaker 590102 r 1 Plastic Washer 645108
r 1 Knob (dial) 622040 r 8 Test Point Pin 665008
r 1 Knob (pot) 622050 r 1 Label AM/FM 723059
r 1 Earphone Jack with Nut 622130 or 622131 r 1 Speaker Pad 780128
r 1 Radio Stand 626100 r 8” Wire 22AWG insulated 814520
r 1 Earphone 629250 r 1 Solder Lead-Free 9LF99
r 1 Screw M2.5 x 7.5mm (dial) 641107

Use the following information as a guide in properly identifying the value of resistors.

BAND 1 BAND 2 Multiplier Resistance

1st Digit 2nd Digit Tolerance
Color Digit Color Digit Color Multiplier Color Tolerance BANDS
Black 0 Black 0 Black 1 Silver ±10%
Brown 1 Brown 1 Brown 10 Gold ±5% 1 2 Multiplier Tolerance
Red 2 Red 2 Red 100 Brown ±1%
Orange 3 Orange 3 Orange 1,000 Red ±2%
Yellow 4 Yellow 4 Yellow 10,000 Orange ±3%
Green 5 Green 5 Green 100,000 Green ±0.5%
Blue 6 Blue 6 Blue 1,000,000 Blue ±0.25%
Violet 7 Violet 7 Silver 0.01 Violet ±0.1%
Gray 8 Gray 8 Gold 0.1
White 9 White 9


Capacitors will be identified by their capacitance value in pF (picofarads), nF (nanofarads), or μF (microfarads).
Most capacitors will have their actual value printed on them. Some capacitors may have their value printed in
the following manner. The maximum operating voltage may also be printed on the capacitor.

Electrolytic capacitors have a positive For the No. 0 1 2 3 4 5 8 9

and a negative electrode. The Multiply By 1 10 100 1k 10k 100k .01 0.1
negative lead is indicated on the
packaging by a stripe with minus Second Digit Multiplier
signs and possibly arrowheads. 103K
First Digit 100V Tolerance*
Warning: Maximum Working Voltage
If the capacitor
is connected The value is 10 x 1,000 =
10,000pF or .01μF 100V
with incorrect
Note: The letter “R”
polarity, it may * The letter M indicates a tolerance of +20% may be used at times
heat up and Marking The letter K indicates a tolerance of +10% to signify a decimal
either leak, or The letter J indicates a tolerance of +5% point; as in 3R3 = 3.3
cause the
capacitor to


Abbreviation Means Multiply Unit By Or 1. 1,000 pico units = 1 nano unit

p Pico .000000000001 10-12 2. 1,000 nano units = 1 micro unit
n nano .000000001 10-9
μ micro .000001 10-6 3. 1,000 micro units = 1 milli unit
m milli .001 10-3 4. 1,000 milli units = 1 unit
– unit 1 100
5. 1,000 units = 1 kilo unit
k kilo 1,000 103
M mega 1,000,000 106 6. 1,000 kilo units = 1 mega unit

The Elenco® Superhet 108T AM/FM Radio Kit is a read before the assembly is started. This will provide the
“superheterodyne” receiver of the standard AM (amplitude student with an understanding of what that stage has been
modulation) and FM (frequency modulation) broadcast designed to accomplish, and how it actually works. After
frequencies. The unique design of the Superhet 108 each assembly, you will be instructed to make certain tests
allows you to place the parts over their corresponding and measurements to prove that each section is
symbol in the schematic drawing on the surface of the functioning properly. If a test fails to produce the proper
printed circuit board during assembly. This technique results, a troubleshooting guide is provided to help you
maximizes the learning process while keeping the correct the problem. If test equipment is available, further
chances of an assembly error at a minimum. It is very measurements and calculations are demonstrated to
important, however, that good soldering practices are allow each student to verify that each stage meets the
used to prevent bad connections. The Soldering Guide engineering specifications. After all of the stages have
should be reviewed before any soldering is attempted. been built and tested, a final alignment procedure is
The actual assembly is broken down into 9 sections. The provided to peak the performance of the receiver and
theory of operation for each section, or stage, should be maximize the Superhet 108T’s reception capabilities.

Section 9 Section 8 Section 7 Section 6

FM RF Figure 1
FM Speaker


Section 5 Section 4 Section 3 Section 2 Section 1
The purpose of section 1, the Audio Amplifier Stage, is to frequency signal with the oscillator signal. Section 6 is the
increase the power of the audio signal received from the FM ratio detector circuit. The FM ratio detector has a fixed
detector to a power level capable of driving the speaker. gain of about 20. Section 7 is the second FM IF amplifier.
Section 2 includes the AM detector circuit and the AGC The second FM IF amplifier is tuned to 10.7MHz
(automatic gain control) circuit. The AM detector converts (Megahertz) and has a set gain of approximately 20. The
the amplitude modulated IF (intermediate frequency) 3dB bandwidth of this stage should be approximately
signal to a low level audio signal. The AGC stage feeds 350kHz. Section 8 is the first FM IF amplifier. The first FM
back a DC voltage to the first AM IF amplifier in order to IF amplifier is also tuned to 10.7MHz and has a set gain of
maintain a near constant level of audio at the detector. approximately 10. It also has a 3dB bandwidth of 350kHz.
Section 3 is the second AM IF amplifier. The second AM Section 9 includes the FM mixer, FM oscillator, FM RF and
IF amplifier is tuned to 455kHz (Kilohertz) and has a fixed the AFC circuits. The incoming radio waves are amplified
gain at this frequency of 50. Section 4 is the first AM IF 2 by the FM RF amplifier, which is tuned to a desired radio
amplifier which has a variable gain that depends on the station in the FM frequency bandwidth of 88MHz to
AGC voltage received from the AGC stage. The first AM 108MHz. These amplified signals are then coupled to the
IF amplifier is also tuned to 455kHz. Section 5 includes FM mixer stage to be changed to a frequency of 10.7MHz.
the AM mixer, AM oscillator and AM antenna stages. This change, as in AM, is accomplished by heterodyning
When the radio wave passes through the antenna, it the radio frequency signal with the oscillator signal. The
induces a small voltage across the antenna coil. This AFC stage feeds back a DC voltage to the FM oscillator to
voltage is coupled to the mixer, or converter, stage to be prevent the oscillator from drifting. Each of these blocks
changed to a frequency of 455kHz. This change is will be explained in detail in the Theory of Operation given
accomplished by mixing (heterodyning) the radio before the assembly instructions for that stage.
Introduction • Turn off iron when not in use or reduce temperature setting when
The most important factor in assembling your Superhet 108 AM/FM using a soldering station.
Transistor Radio Kit is good soldering techniques. Using the proper • Tips should be cleaned frequently to remove oxidation before it becomes
soldering iron is of prime importance. A small pencil type soldering iron impossible to remove. Use Dry Tip Cleaner (Elenco® #SH-1025) or Tip
of 25 - 40 watts is recommended. The tip of the iron must be kept Cleaner (Elenco® #TTC1). If you use a sponge to clean your tip, then use
clean at all times and well-tinned. distilled water (tap water has impurities that accelerate corrosion).

Solder Safety Procedures

For many years leaded solder was the most common type of solder

used by the electronics industry, but it is now being replaced by lead- • Always wear safety glasses or safety goggles to
free solder for health reasons. This kit contains lead-free solder, which protect your eyes when working with tools or
contains 99.3% tin, 0.7% copper, and has a rosin-flux core. soldering iron, and during all phases of testing.

Lead-free solder is different from lead solder: It has a higher melting • Be sure there is adequate ventilation when soldering.
point than lead solder, so you need higher temperature for the solder to • Locate soldering iron in an area where you do not have to go around
flow properly. Recommended tip temperature is approximately 700OF; it or reach over it. Keep it in a safe area away from the reach of
higher temperatures improve solder flow but accelerate tip decay. An children.
increase in soldering time may be required to achieve good results.
Soldering iron tips wear out faster since lead-free solders are more • Do not hold solder in your mouth. Solder is a toxic substance.
corrosive and the higher soldering temperatures accelerate corrosion, Wash hands thoroughly after handling solder.
so proper tip care is important. The solder joint finish will look slightly
duller with lead-free solders. Assemble Components
In all of the following assembly steps, the components must be installed
Use these procedures to increase the life of your soldering iron tip when
on the top side of the PC board unless otherwise indicated. The top
using lead-free solder:
legend shows where each component goes. The leads pass through the
• Keep the iron tinned at all times. corresponding holes in the board and are soldered on the foil side.
Use only rosin core solder.
• Use the correct tip size for best heat transfer. The conical tip is the
most commonly used. DO NOT USE ACID CORE SOLDER!

What Good Soldering Looks Like Types of Poor Soldering Connections

A good solder connection should be bright, shiny, smooth, and uniformly
flowed over all surfaces.

Soldering Iron Rosin

Component Lead
1. Solder all components from the 1. Insufficient heat - the solder will
copper foil side only. Push the Foil not flow onto the lead as shown.
soldering iron tip against both the
lead and the circuit board foil.

Soldering iron positioned

Circuit Board

Soldering Iron Solder

2. Apply a small amount of solder to 2. Insufficient solder - let the
the iron tip. This allows the heat to Solder solder flow over the connection
leave the iron and onto the foil. until it is covered.
Immediately apply solder to the Use just enough solder to cover
opposite side of the connection, the connection. Gap
away from the iron. Allow the Component Lead
heated component and the circuit
foil to melt the solder.
3. Excessive solder - could make
connections that you did not
Soldering Iron intend to between adjacent foil
Solder areas or terminals.
3. Allow the solder to flow around
the connection. Then, remove
the solder and the iron and let the Foil
connection cool. The solder
should have flowed smoothly and Soldering Iron
not lump around the wire lead. 4. Solder bridges - occur when
solder runs between circuit paths
and creates a short circuit. This is
usually caused by using too much
4. Here is what a good solder solder.
connection looks like. To correct this, simply drag your
soldering iron across the solder
bridge as shown. Foil Drag

This section will familiarize you with the proper method used to test the transistors and the diode.

Refer to the parts list and find a NPN transistor. Refer Refer to parts list and find a PNP transistor, refer to
the Figure C (page 7) for locating the Emitter, Base and Figure D (page 7) for locating the Emitter, Base and
Collector. Using an Ohmmeter, connect the transistor Collector. Using an Ohmmeter, connect the transistor
as shown in Test A. Your meter should be reading a low as shown in Test C. Your meter should be reading a low
resistance. Switch the lead from the Emitter to the resistance. Switch the lead from the Emitter to the
Collector. Your meter should again be reading a low Collector. Your meter should again be reading a low
resistance. resistance.

Using an Ohmmeter, connect the transistor as shown in Using an Ohmmeter, connect the transistor as shown in
Test B. Your meter should be reading a high resistance. Test D. Your meter should be reading a high resistance.
Switch the lead from the Emitter to the Collector. Your Switch the lead from the Emitter to the Collector. Your
meter should again be reading a high resistance. meter should again be reading a high resistance.
Typical results read approximately 1MΩ to infinity.

Low Resistance High Resistance Low Resistance High Resistance





Refer to the parts list and find a diode. Refer to Figure E Ohmmeter, connect the diode as shown in Test F. Your
(page 7) for locating the Cathode and Anode. The end meter should be reading a high resistance. Typical
with the band is the cathode. Using an Ohmmeter, results read approximately 1MΩ to infinity for silicon
connect the diode as shown in Test E. Your meter diodes (1N4148).
should be reading a low resistance. Using an

Low Resistance High Resistance



Diode Diode


The purpose of the Audio Amplifier is to in-crease the
audio power to a level sufficient to drive an 8 ohm
speaker. To do this, DC (direct current) from the battery
is converted by the amplifier to an AC (alternating
current) in the speaker. The ratio of the power
delivered to the speaker and the power taken from the
battery is the efficiency of the amplifier. In a Class A
amplifier (transistor on over entire cycle) the maximum
theoretical efficiency is .5 or 50%, but in a Class B
amplifier (transistor on for 1/2 cycle) the maximum
theoretical efficiency is .785 or 78.5%. Since transistor
characteristics are not ideal, in a pure Class B
amplifier, the transistors will introduce crossover
distortion. This is due to the non-linear transfer curve
near zero current or cutoff. This type distortion is
shown in Figure 2. Figure 2

In order to eliminate crossover distortion and maximize

efficiency, the transistors (Q11 and Q12) of the audio
amplifier circuit are biased on for slightly more than 1/2
of the cycle, Class AB. In other words, the transistors
are working as Class A amplifiers for very small levels
of power to the speaker, but they slide toward Class B
operation at larger power levels.

Transistor Q10 is a Class A amplifier that drives Q11

and Q12 through the bias string R44, D5 and R47. Q13
and Q14 are current amplifiers that amplify the current
of transistors Q11 and Q12. The AC and DC gain are
set by the DC current in transistor Q10 and the collector
resistor R44. The AC gain of the Audio Amplifier is
approximately equal to 100, while the DC gain equals
approximately 50. The transistors Q13 and Q14 self
bias so that the voltage at their emitters is
approximately 1/2 the supply voltage. R45 provides
feedback to the base of Q10 which is biased at
approximately .7 volts. Capacitor C40 couples the
audio signal from the volume control to the input of the
audio amplifier. Capacitor C43 blocks the DC to the
speaker, while allowing the AC to pass.

We will begin by installing resistor R43. Identify the resistor by its color and install. Be careful to properly mount and
solder all components. Diodes, transistors and electrolytic capacitors are polarized, be sure to follow the instructions
carefully so that they are not mounted backwards. Check the box when you have completed each installation.
Wear safety goggles during all assembly stages in this manual.
Test Point Pin Lytic Capacitor NPN Transistor PNP Transistor
Be sure that the Flat Mount so E lead is Flat Mount so E lead is
negative lead is Side in the arrow hole Side in the arrow hole
in the correct Polarity and flat side is in and flat side is in
hole on the PC Mark the same direction the same direction
board. EBC as shown on the EBC as shown on the
( ) B top legend. Leave top legend. Leave
Foil Side Warning: 1/4” between the E C 1/4” between the
of PC Board If the capacitor is connected with part and PC board. part and PC board.
incorrect polarity, it may heat up
Figure A and either leak, or cause the Figure C Figure D
capacitor to explode.

Diode Figure B
TP15 - Test Point Pin
Be sure that the band is (see Figure A)
in the correct direction.
Anode Cathode
– C39 - 470μF Lytic
(see Figure Ba)
For safety, solder capacitor C39
Figure E Figure Ba on the copper side as shown.
Bend the leads 90O and insert into
holes. Check that the polarity is
R43 - 100Ω Resistor correct, then solder in place. Trim
(brown-black-brown-gold) the excess leads on legend side.
TP2 - Test Point Pin C40 - 10μF Lytic
(see Figure A) (see Figure B)
R44 - 3.3kΩ Resistor C41 - 10μF Lytic
(orange-orange-red-gold) (see Figure B)
D5 - 1N4148 Diode C44 - .001μF Discap (102)
(see Figure E)
Q11 - 2N3904 Transistor
R45 - 470kΩ Resistor (see Figure C)
C43 - 470μF Lytic
R47 - 330Ω Resistor (see Figure B)
Q13 - MPS8550 or 6562
Q10 - 2N3904 Transistor Transistor (see Figure D)
(see Figure C)
TP1 - Test Point Pin
R46 - 47Ω Resistor (see Figure A)
Q14 - MPS8050 or 6560
C42 - 47μF Lytic Transistor (see Figure C)
(see Figure B)
Q12 - 2N3906 Transistor
R48 - 100Ω Resistor (see Figure D)
R49 - 100Ω Resistor

Note: Mount the Pot/SW, earphone jack,
and speaker to the foil side of the PC
board. Battery Holder
3 Screws M1.8 x 7.5
3 Nuts M1.8
Solder and cut off
excess leads.
(50kΩ Pot / SW)
Knob with Nut & Washer
Nut Plastic Washer
Washer Knob (pot)
(see Figure F)
Earphone Jack
with Nut
Cut off
(see Figure H)
locating pin
Plastic Washer
Speaker Pad
Solder all 5 tabs to PC board Wire #22AWG Insulated
Figure F (see Figures G & I)

Figure G
If the speaker pad has center and outside pieces, then
remove them. Peel the backing off of the speaker pad and
stick the pad onto the speaker. Then stick the speaker
onto the solder side of the PC board as shown.



Figure H Figure I
Your kit may contain a different type of earphone jack. Before installing
the jack, determine which one you have.
1.5” Wire From
Foil Side Foil Side 1.5” Wire
Terminal 3
GND Pad GND Pad 1.5” Wire
2 Nut Nut

1 3 1
1” Wire 1” Wire 1.5” Wire
1 - GND 1 - GND
2 - Tip 2 - Tip Part # 622130 Part # 622131
3 - N.C. Tip Part # 622130 3 - N.C. Tip Part # 622131
Mount the jack with the nut from the foil side of the PC board (terminal #1 Cut three wires 1”, 1.5” and 1.5” and strip 1/4” of insulation
on the GND pad of the PC board). Be sure to line up the tab with the pad off of both ends. Solder the 3 wires as shown. Save the
on the copper side of the PC board. Solder terminal #1 to the pad of the
PC board.
extra wire for the FM Section.


Wear safety goggles during all tests in this manual.

For all measurements, connect your equipment GND to meter for a more accurate reading if necessary. If the
circuit GND TP15. Set your VOM (Volt-Ohm-Millimeter) current is greater than 20 milliamps, immediately turn
to read 2 amps DC. Connect the meter to the circuit as the power OFF. The current should be less than 10
shown in Figure 3. Make sure that the volume control milliamps. This is the current drawn by the battery
is in the OFF position (turned fully counter-clockwise). when no input signal is present (the “idle current”). Turn
While watching you VOM, turn the volume to the ON OFF the power. If your circuit fails this test, check that
position (rotate clockwise until a “click” is heard). The all of the parts have been installed correctly, and check
VOM should indicate a very low current. Adjust your for shorts or poor solder connections.

-- -- A

Amps COM

Figure 3


Put the battery into the holder.



Figure 4

Adjust your VOM to read 9 volts and connect it as OFF and check that all of the transistors are correctly
shown in Figure 4. Make sure that the battery, or a 9 inserted in the correct locations. The E on the transistor
volt power supply (if available), is properly connected indicates the emitter lead and should always be in the
and turn the power ON. The voltage at TP1 should be hole with the E next to it. Check that all resistor values
between 3 to 6 volts. If you get this reading, go on to are the correct value and not interchanged.
the next test. If your circuit fails this test, turn the power


Move the positive lead of your VOM to the base of Q11. lower than the voltage at TP1. This is because Q12 is
Make sure that the power is ON. The voltage should be a PNP type transistor. Turn the power OFF. If your
between .5 and .8V higher than the voltage at TP1. All circuit fails this test, check the Q11 and Q12 are
silicon transistors biased for conduction will have properly inserted in the circuit board. All static tests
approximately .7V from the base to the emitter. Now must pass before proceeding to the Dynamic Tests or
move the positive lead of your VOM to the base of Q12. the next section.
The voltage at this point should be between .5 and .8V

If you do not have a variable power supply, skip to the next test.

The DC gain of the audio amplifier is set by the current resistor, R44, divided by the emitter resistor plus the
in transistor Q10. Looking at the circuit and assuming Effective Emitter Resistance. The effective emitter
the output bias is 1/2 of V+ or 4.5 volts, the base of Q11 resistance is actually the dynamic resistance of silicon
will be .7V higher or 5.2 volts. This is because there is and can be calculated by the approximate equation:
a negligible voltage drop across R48. This means there Rj = 26 / I(in milliamps)
is a 3.8 voltage drop across R44. The current through
R44 can now be calculated as 3.8/R44 or 3.8/3.3k therefore, Rj = 26 / 1.15 = 22.6 ohms. Now the DC gain
which equals 1.15 milliamps. Since D5 and R42 are can be calculated as:
used for biasing transistors Q11 and Q12, the current
through Q10 can be assumed to be 1.15 milliamps. R44 / (R46 + Rj) or 3300 / (47 + 22.6) which equals
The DC gain of Q10 can be calculated as the collector 47.4.



Figure 5

It is advisable to use a digital meter because of the Turn the radio ON and turn the power supply ON.
small voltage changes in the following test. Connect Increase the supply voltage until the voltage at TP1 is
your VOM to the circuit as shown in Figure 5. Set your equal to Vo. Now increase the voltage of the supply
VOM to read 1 volt DC and turn the power ON. Record until the voltage at TP1 decreases by 1 volt. Move the
the base of Q10 here: positive lead of your VOM to the base of Q10 and
record the voltage here:
Vb1 = _____ volts.
Vb2 = ______.
Now set your VOM to read 9 volts and connect the
positive lead to test point TP1. Record the output bias It may be necessary to change scales of your VOM for
voltage here: a more accurate reading. Turn the power OFF and
disconnect the power supply. Since the DC gain equals
Vo = ____ volts.
the DC change at the output divided by the DC change
Turn the power OFF. With a 1M ohm resistor (brown- at the input, the DC gain of the audio can be calculated
black-green-gold), R34, connect the power supply to the as: 1 / (Vb2 - Vb1). Your answer should be near the
circuit as shown in Figure 6. calculated DC gain of 47.4.

+ –
Power Supply



Figure 6

If you do not have an audio generator, skip the following test and go directly to Section 2.

The AC gain can be calculated in the same manner as signal is negative. The only difference is that Q12 and
the DC gain except for two differences. For AC, Q14 are now conducting. Connect the VOM and audio
capacitor C42 bypasses the emitter resistor R46 generator to the circuit as shown in Figure 7.
leaving only the effective emitter resistance, and there
is a resistance seen at the output of Q13 and Q14. The Normally the AC gain is measured at a frequency of
AC gain of Q10 can be calculated as R44 / Rj or 3300 1kHz. Your VOM, however may not be able to
/ 22.6 which equals 146. When the input signal is accurately read AC voltages at this frequency.
positive, there will be a current flowing in Q11, which we Therefore, it is recommended that this test be
will call I(Q11). This current will then be multiplied by performed at 400Hz. Set the audio generator at 400Hz
the Beta (β) of transistor Q13 or β x I(Q11). The total and minimum voltage output. With the power ON, set
current at the output is equal to I(Q11) x (1 + β). The your VOM to read an AC voltage of 1 volt at test point
resistance of R48 is also seen at the output. The TP1. Increase the volume control about half way.
resistance is effectively divided by β, R48 / β. Slowly increase the amplitude of the audio generator
Assuming β of the output transistors are equal to 100 until your VOM reads 1 volt AC. Leave the audio
than the resistance seen at the output is equal to 1 generator at this setting and move the positive lead of
ohm, 100 / 100. This means that there is a voltage your VOM to the base of Q10. Record the AC input
divider between the output and the 8 ohm speaker. The voltage to the amplifier here:
signal is now divided down so that the output is equal
to the AC (gain of Q10) x (8 / (1+8)), or 146 x (8 / 9) Vin = __________ volts.
which equals 130. This is also true when the input
You may have to change scales on your VOM for the output voltage divided by the AC input voltage, or 1/Vin.
most accurate reading. Turn the power OFF. The AC The gain should approximately equal the calculated
voltage gain of your audio amplifier is equal to the AC gain.



TP15 TP15

Figure 7

If an oscilloscope is not available, skip the following test and go directly to Section 2.






Figure 8

Connect the oscilloscope and audio generator to your (at this point, you may want to verify the AC gain).
circuit as shown in Figure 8.
Set the audio generator for a frequency of 1kHz and Move the oscilloscope probe back to TP1 and slowly
minimum voltage output. Set the oscilloscope to read increase the frequency from the audio generator until
.5 volts per division. Turn on the power and slowly the waveform on the oscilloscope drops to .7 of its
increase the volume control to a comfortable level. original reading (1.4Vpp or 2.8 divisions). The
Increase the amplitude of the audio generator until the frequency of the generator, when the output drops to
oscilloscope displays 2 volts peak to peak, (Vpp), at .7 of its original value, is called the high frequency 3
TP1. It may be necessary to adjust the volume control. decibel (dB) corner. Record this frequency here:
Move the oscilloscope probe to the base of Q10 and
record the input voltage here: (f high 3dB) = __________ kHz.
Vin = _______ Vpp
Slowly decrease the frequency of the generator until MAXIMUM POWER OUTPUT
the output drops to .7 of its original reading, 1.4Vpp or The maximum power output before distortion due to
2.8 divisions. This frequency is called the low “clipping” can be calculated using the voltage Vclp
frequency 3dB corner - the low frequency 3dB corner or obtained in step 4 as follows:
(f high 3dB) - (f low 3dB). Your calculated answer
should be greater than 30kHz. Vpeak (Vp) = Vclp/2
Vroot mean squared (Vrms) = Vp x .7
Connect the generator and oscilloscope as shown in Max power out = (Vrms)2/8 ohms = (Vclp x .35)2/8
Figure 8. Set the generator at a frequency of 1kHz, turn Maximum power output should be greater than 350
the power ON and turn the volume to maximum. Adjust milliwatts.
the generator output until the peaks of the sinewave at
TP1 are clipped as shown in Figure 9A. One side of the EFFICIENCY
sinewave may clip before the other depending on the By measuring the DC power taken from the battery at
DC centering at TP1. If oscillations are seen, connect the maximum power output level, the efficiency to the
a clip lead from the GND of your generator to the GND audio amplifier can be calculated. Power from the
of the circuit. battery is equal to the current taken from the battery
times the voltage of the battery during maximum power
output. Efficiency can then be calculated as follows: Eff
Clipped Crossover = Max audio power/Battery power. It is best to use a
Distortion power supply (if available) to prevent supply voltage
from changing during these measurements. Connect
the generator, oscilloscope and current meter as shown
in Figure 11. Set your current meter to read 1 amp DC.
Turn the power ON and rotate the volume control to
maximum. Slowly increase the amplitude of the audio
generator until the output is clipped as shown in Figure
9A. Record Vclp here:

A Figure 9 B Vclp = _________ Vpp.

This should be equal to Vclp in step 4. Record the DC
Measure the maximum voltage peak to peak when
current drawn from the 9 volt supply here:
clipping first occurs and record that value here:
Current (I) max = ________ Amps.
Vclp = _______ Vpp.
Measure the supply voltage and record the V supply
Using a wire short out diode D5 and resistor R47 as
shown in Figure 10. The waveform should resemble
Figure 9B. The “flat spots” near the center of each
V supply = ________ volts.
sinewave demonstrate what is called crossover
distortion. Most of this distortion should disappear when Turn the power OFF. Calculate the maximum power
you remove the shorting lead. Turn the power OFF. output as done in the Maximum Power Output Step.

Record your answers on the next page.

Wire Lead
or Clip Lead

Figure 10
If you do not have a power supply, use a 9
volt battery instead.

Hz Power Supply Amps

TP15 Amps COM


Figure 11

Vp = Vclp/2 Vp = ______

Vrms = Vp x .7 Vrms = ______

Max power out = (Vrms)2/8 Max power out = ______

Since the battery power equals the battery voltage times the current taken from the battery; calculate the battery

Battery power = Imax x V supply Battery power = ______

Since the efficiency (N) is equal to the Max power out divided by the Battery power, we can now calculate the
efficiency of the audio amplifier.

N = Max power out/Battery power N = _______

N in % = N x 100 N = _______%

Your calculated answer should be around .6 or 60%.

The purpose of the detector is to change the amplitude to charge to approximately the same voltage as the
modulated IF signal back to an audio signal. This is negative peak of the IF signal. After conduction stops
accomplished by a process called detection or in the diode (Off Condition), the capacitors will
demodulation. First, the amplitude modulated IF signal discharge through resistors R36 and R42. The
is applied to a diode in such a way as to leave only the discharge time constant must be small enough to follow
negative portion of that signal (see Figure 12). The the audio signal or high frequency audio distortion will
diode acts like an electronic check valve that only lets occur. The discharge time constant must be large
current pass in the same direction as the arrow (in the enough, however, to remove the intermediate
diode symbol) points. When the diode is in conduction frequency (455kHz) and leave only the audio as shown
(On Condition), it will force the capacitors C33 and C38 in Figure 12.

Figure 12

The purpose of the automatic gain control (AGC) circuit encountered. This negative DC component
is to maintain a constant level at the detector, corresponds to the strength of the incoming signal. The
regardless of the strength of the incoming signal. larger the signal, the more negative the component. At
Without AGC, the volume control would have to be test point five (TP5), the audio is removed by a low pass
adjusted for each station and even moderately strong filter, R36 and C32, leaving only the DC component.
stations would clip in the final IF amplifier causing audio Resistor R35 is used to shift the voltage at TP5 high
distortion. AGC is accomplished by adjusting the DC enough to bias the base of transistor Q8 to the full gain
bias of the first IF amplifier to lower its gain as the signal position when no signal is present. Resistors R35 and
strength increases. Figure 12 shows that the audio at R36 also forward bias diode D4 just enough to minimize
the top of the volume control is actually “riding” on a “On Condition” threshold voltage.
negative DC voltage when strong signals are


J2 - Jumper Wire
(use a discarded lead)


C34 - 100μF Lytic R38 - 100Ω Resistor

(see Figure B) (brown-black-brown-gold)
T6 - AM IF Coil TP3 - Test Point Pin
(Yellow Dot) (see Figure A)
R35 - 27kΩ Resistor T8 - AM IF Coil
(red-violet-orange-gold) (Black Dot)
TP5 - Test Point Pin D4 - 1N4148 Diode
(see Figure A) (see Figure E)
C32 - 10μF Lytic C38 - .01μF Discap (103)
(see Figure B)
R42 - 2.2kΩ Resistor
R36 - 3.3kΩ Resistor (red-red-red-gold)
C33 - .02μF (203)
or .022μF (223) Discap

With the power turned OFF, connect your VOM to TP5 as shown in Figure 13. Make sure that the AM/FM switch is
in the AM position.

Check that the VOM is adjusted to

read 9 volts DC and turn the power
ON. The voltmeter should read
approximately 1.5 volts DC. If your
reading varies by more than .5 volts
from this value, turn the power OFF
and check the polarity of D4. Also
check R36 and R35 and check that V
transformer T6 is properly installed.
Amps COM V/Ω

Figure 13
With the power turned OFF, connect the positive lead of be the same as your battery voltage or power supply
the VOM to TP3 and the negative lead to ground pin voltage. If not, turn the power OFF and check that T8
TP15. Make sure that the VOM is set to read 9 volts DC is properly installed. Turn the power OFF.
and turn the power ON. The voltage on the VOM should

If you do not have an RF generator, skip to Section 3.

Connect your VOM and RF generator as shown in Figure 14.



Amps COM V/Ω .001μF

TP15 TP15

Figure 14
Set the VOM to accurately read 2 volts DC and set the voltage at TP5 just starts to drop. This point is called
output of the RF generator for 455kHz, no modulation, the AGC threshold with no IF gain. Make a note of the
and minimum voltage output. Turn the power ON and amplitude setting on the RF generator here:
slowly increase the amplitude of the generator until the ____________.

If your RF generator does not have amplitude modulation and

you do not have an oscilloscope, skip to Section 3.

Connect your equipment as shown in Figure 15.




TP15 Figure 15 TP15

Set the RF generator at 455kHz, 1kHz at 80% hear the 1kHz tone on the speaker. If this test fails, turn
modulation and minimum voltage output. Turn the power the power OFF and check R42, D4 and TP5. Turn the
ON and set the volume control at maximum. Slowly power OFF.
adjust the amplitude of the RF generator output until you
Connect your test equipment as shown in Figure 15. generator at 455kHz, but increase the modulation
Set the generator at 455kHz with 80% modulation at a frequency until the output drops to .28Vpp. Record the
modulation frequency of 1kHz. Set the oscilloscope to modulation frequency on the generator here:
read .1 volts per division. Turn the power ON and set
the volume at the minimum. Increase the amplitude of ____________
the generator until the signal on the oscilloscope is 4
divisions peak to peak. Check the signal to make sure This frequency should be greater than 5kHz. Turn the
that it is free of distortion. Leave the frequency of the power OFF.

The purpose of the second IF amplifier is to increase stations.
the amplitude of the intermediate frequency (IF) and at The gain at 455kHz in the second IF amplifier is fixed
the same time provide SELECTIVITY. Selectivity is the by the AC impedance of the primary side of transformer
ability to “pick out” one radio station while rejecting all T8, and the DC current in Q9. The current in Q9 is set
others. The second IF transformer (T8) acts as a by resistors R39, R40 and R41. Both C36 and C37
bandpass filter with a 3dB bandwidth of approximately bypass the 455kHz signal to ground, making Q9 a
6kHz. The amplitude versus frequency response of the common emitter amplifier. The signal is coupled from
second IF amplifier is shown in Figure 16. the first IF amplifier to the second IF amplifier through
transformer T7. The IF transformers not only supply
Both IF amplifiers are tuned to a frequency of 455kHz coupling and selectivity, they also provide an
and only need to be aligned once when the radio is impedance match between the collector of one stage
assembled. These amplifiers provide the majority of the and the base of the next stage. This match allows
gain and selectivity needed to separate the radio maximum power to transfer from one stage to the next.

kHz kHz

Figure 16


R39 - 39kΩ Resistor


TP4 - Test Point Pin C36 - .02μF Discap (203)

(see Figure A) Q9 - 2N3904 transistor
T7 - AM IF Coil (see Figure C)
(White Dot) C37 - .02μF (203)
R40 - 10kΩ Resistor or .022μF (223) Discap
R41 - 470Ω Resistor

Connect your VOM as shown in Figure 17. Set the volt. If your reading is different by more than .5 volts,
VOM to read 9 volts DC and turn the power ON. The turn the power OFF and check components R39, R40,
voltage at the emitter of Q9 should be approximately 1 R41 and Q9.

Amps COM V/Ω


Figure 17

If you do not have an RF generator and oscilloscope, skip to Section 4.

Connect your test equipment as shown in Figure 18.






Figure 18

Set the generator at 455kHz, no modulation and BANDWIDTH

minimum voltage output. Set the oscilloscope at 1 volt Reconnect your test equipment as shown in Figure 18.
per division. The scope probe must have an input Turn the power ON and adjust the generator for 4 volts
capacitance of 50pF or less or it will detune T8. Turn the peak to peak at TP3. Realign T8, if necessary, for
power ON and slowly increase the amplitude of the maximum output while adjusting the output of the
generator until 4 volts peak to peak are seen on the generator to maintain 4Vpp at TP3. Slowly decrease
scope. With an alignment tool or screwdriver, tune T8 the frequency of the RF generator until the signal at
for a peak on the scope while re-adjusting the TP3 drops to .707 of its original value or 2.8Vpp.
generator’s amplitude to maintain 4 Vpp at the Record the frequency of the RF generator here:
oscilloscope. After T8 is aligned, move the scope probe
to the base of Q9 and record the peak to peak amplitude Fl = _______kHz.
of the signal here:
Now increase the frequency of the generator past the
Vb=________ Vpp. peak to a point where the signal drops to .707 of its
peak value. Record that frequency here:
Turn the power OFF. The AC gain of the second IF
amplifier at 455kHz is equal to 4/Vb and should be Fh = __________kHz.
greater than 100. If your value is less than 50 check
components R39, R40, R41, C36 and C37. Also make By subtracting the frequency of the lower 3dB corner
sure that Q9 is properly installed. Turn the power OFF. from the frequency of the higher 3dB corner you get the
bandwidth of the second IF amplifier.
Calculate the bandwidth by (FI–Fh)

Bandwidth = __________kHz.

Your results should be similar to the values shown in

Figure 16. Turn the power OFF.

The operation of the first IF amplifier is the same as the lowers the voltage across R37 and thus, reduces the DC
second IF amplifier with one important difference. The current through R37. Since all of the DC current from
gain of the first IF amplifier decreases after the AGC the emitter of Q8 must go through R37, the DC current
threshold is passed to keep the audio output constant at in Q8 is therefore lowered. When the DC current in a
the detector and prevent overload of the second IF transistor is lowered, its effective emitter resistance
amplifier. This is accomplished by making the voltage increases. The AC gain of transistor Q8 is equal to the
on the base of transistor Q8 lower as the signal strength AC collector load of Q8 divided by its effective emitter
increases. Since the voltage from base to emitter is resistance. Raising the value of the effective emitter
fairly constant, the drop in voltage at the base produces resistance, thus, lowers the AC gain of Q8.
a similar drop in voltage at the emitter of Q8. This drop


R34 - 1MΩ Resistor

TP6 - Test Point Pin
(see Figure A)
CAUTION: Test point must Q8 - 2N3904 Transistor
not touch can of IF Coil. (see Figure C)
C35 - .02μF (203)
or .022μF (223) Discap
R37 - 1kΩ Resistor

Connect your VOM to the circuit as shown in Figure 13. Connect the positive lead of your VOM to the emitter of
Set your VOM to read 2 volts DC and turn the power Q8 and connect the negative lead to ground point
ON. The voltage at TP5 should be approximately 1.5 TP15. Turn the power ON. The voltage should be
volts. If your circuit fails this test, check Q8 and R37. approximately .8 volts. Since the current in Q8 is equal
Turn the power OFF. to the current in R37, I(Q2) = .8/R37 or approximately
.8 milliamps. Turn the power OFF.

If you do not have an RF generator and oscilloscope, skip to Section 5.


Short TP3 to R38 as shown below.





Figure 19

AC GAIN the base of Q8 and record the peak to peak level of the
Connect your test equipment as shown in Figure 19. 455kHz signal here:

The scope probe must have an input capacitance of Vb=___________Vpp.

12pF or less, otherwise it will detune transformer T7.
Using a clip lead, short TP3 to R38 as shown. This The AC gain of the first IF amplifier is equal to 4/Vb.
short prevents the AGC from lowering the gain of the The AC gain should be greater than 100. DO NOT
first IF amplifier. Set the generator to 455kHz, no TURN THE POWER OFF, GO TO THE NEXT TEST.
modulation, and minimum voltage output. Set the
scope to read 1 volt per division and turn the power AGC ACTION
ON. Increase the amplitude of the generator until Move the scope probe back to TP4 and adjust the
approximately 4Vpp is seen on the scope. Retune the generator for 4Vpp if necessary. Remove the clip lead
IF transformer T7 to maximize the 455kHz at TP4. shorting TP3 to R38. The AGC should reduce the signal
After tuning T7, adjust the generator amplitude in order level at TP4 to approximately .8 volts. Turn the power
to keep 4Vpp at TP4. Now move the scope probe to OFF.

In a superheterodyne type receiver, the radio wave at process the following four frequencies are present at
the antenna is amplified and then mixed with the local the collector of Q7.
oscillator to produce the intermediate frequency (IF).
Transistor Q7 not only amplifies the RF signal, but also 1. The local oscillator frequency, OF.
simulateously oscillates at a frequency 455kHz above 2. The RF carrier or radio station frequency.
the desired radio station frequency. Positive feedback 3. The sum of these two frequencies, LO + RF.
from the collector to the emitter of Q7 is provided by coil 4. The difference of these two frequencies, LO - RF.
L5 and capacitor C31. During the heterodyning

The “difference frequency” is used as the intermediate rejects this station and selects only the station 455kHz
frequency in AM radios. The collector of Q7 also below the oscillator frequency. The frequency of the
contains an IF transformer (T6) tuned only to the undesired station 455kHz above the oscillator is called
difference frequency. This transformer rejects all the image frequency. If the selectivity of the antenna (Q
frequencies except those near 455kHz. T6 also factor) is high, the image will be reduced sufficiently.
couples the 455kHz signal to the base of Q8 to be
processed by the IF amplifiers. The antenna and the The oscillator circuit must also change when the radio
oscillator coils are the only two resonant circuits that is tuned in order to remain 455kHz above the tuning of
change when the radio is tuned for different stations. the desired radio station. The degree of accuracy in
Since a radio station may exist 455kHz above the keeping the oscillator frequency exactly 455kHz above
oscillator frequency, it is important that the antenna the tuning of the antenna is called tracking accuracy.

R31 - 56kΩ Resistor
C28 - .1μF Discap (104) (green-blue-orange-gold)
C30 - 150pF Discap (151)
L5 - AM Oscillator Coil
(Red Dot)
J1 - Jumper Wire
(use a discarded lead)

TP7 - Test Point Pin

(see Figure A)
C31 - .01μF Discap (103)
Q7 - 2N3904 Transistor
(see Figure C)
R32 - 12kΩ Resistor
R33 - 3.3kΩ Resistor
C29 - .02μF Discap (203)
L4 - AM Antenna w/ holders or .022μF Discap (223)
(see Figures J & K)
C1 - Tuning Gang Capacitor
2 Screws M2.5 x 3.8mm
(see Figure L) Figure J 3 Wire 4 Wire
Knob (dial) Resistance measurements White White

Screw M2.5 x 7.5mm will be used to check the

Label AM/FM configuration of the coil. Slide
(See Figure M) one holder off the ferrite core
of the antenna assembly. R=9 - 11Ω
R=9 - 11Ω
Then slide the coil off the the
Note: Mount the tuning gang ferrite core. Measure the
capacitor to the foil side of resistance of the coil. Your
the PC board. readings should match the Red } R=1 - 1.5Ω Black
approximate values as shown. Red
} R=1 - 1.5Ω

IMPORTANT: Before installing the antenna coil, determine if you have a 3 wire coil or a 4 wire coil. Assemble it to the
PC board as shown below. Mount the antenna assembly to the PC board.
Put the tab of the first holder into the right hole and twist the tab 90O.
Put the tab of the second holder into the left hole and twist the tab 90O. Punch out one antenna shim from the front flap of the box.
Insert the cardboard antenna shim between the ferrite core and the
Slide the ferrite core through the holders. antenna coil. This will temporarily hold the coil in place.
Slide the antenna coil through the ferrite core.
Note: If the end of a wire from the antenna should break off, strip the
insulation off the end with a hot soldering iron. Lay the wire down on a hard
surface and stroke the wire with your iron. The insulation should come off
very easily. CAUTION: The soldering iron will burn the hard surface that you
are working on. C (white)
B Twisted Together B Twisted Together
C (white) C (white) Black
B (black)
A (red) Black

Red OR

Tabs Tabs A (green)
A (green)
3 Wire Type Antenna: Solder the 3 colored wires to
the PC board: Wire A (red) to the hole marked 4 Wire Type Antenna: Solder the 4 colored wires to the PC board: Wire A (green) to the
“RED”, Wire B (black) to the hole marked “BLK” and hole marked “RED”, Wire B (red and black twisted together) to the hole marked “BLK” and
Wire C (white) to the hole marked “WHT”. Wire C (white) to the hole marked “WHT”.
Figure K

It is important to know which of the two types of the tuning gang capacitor you have received with your kit. Look at the
gang capacitor that you have.
FM Antenna Trimmer
FM Antenna
AM Antenna Trimmer
FM Oscillator Trimmer
AM Oscillator
Trimmer Trimmer

AM Oscillator FM Oscillator
Trimmer Trimmer

Locator Lead Locator Lead

Mount the tuning gang capacitor to the foil side of the PC board with the Knob Post
AM and FM sides in the correct direction. Fasten the gang in place with
two screws from the front of the PC board. Solder the leads in place and
cut off the excess leads coming through the PC board on the front side. Screw Holes
Figure L


Figure M
M2.5 x 7.5mm


Fasten the knob to the shaft of the

capacitor with a screw.

Rotate the knob fully clockwise.

Peel off the protective backing on
the label. Line up the long white
lines on the label with the arrows
on the PC board.

PC Board Stand
Insert the PC board into the stand as shown.

Connect your VOM to the circuit as shown in Figure 20.

Short TP6 to the collector of Q7 as shown below.



Figure 20
Connect a clip lead from TP6 to the collector of Q7. in your circuit differs by more than .5 volts, leave the
This short prevents Q7 from oscillating. Set the VOM to power ON and check the battery voltage. If the battery
read 2 volts DC and turn the power ON. The DC voltage is greater than 8.5 volts, check components
voltage at TP7 should be about 1.6 volts. If the voltage R31, R32, R33 and Q7. Turn the power OFF.

If you do not have an oscilloscope, skip to the AM Final Alignments.

Connect your test equipment to the circuit as shown in Figure 21.



Figure 21

Set the scope to read 1 volt per division and turn the change when the tuning gang is turned. If your circuit
power ON. The scope should display a low voltage fails this test, check components Q7, gang capacitor,
sinewave. The frequency of the sinewave should C28, C29, C30, C31, L4 and L5. Turn the power OFF.
There are two different AM alignment procedures. The EQUIPMENT
first alignment procedure is for those who do not have It is best to use an earphone for this procedure. Make
test equipment and the second is for those who do have sure that the switch is in the AM position. With an
test equipment. alignment tool or screwdriver, turn coils L5, T6, T7 and
T8 fully counter clockwise until they stop. DO NOT
Included in your kit is a special device called a “magic FORCE THE COILS ANY FURTHER. Turn each coil in
wand” which is used for aligning resonant circuits. It about 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 turns. Set the AM antenna coil about
usually has a piece of brass on one end and a piece of 1/8” from the end of its ferrite rod. Refer to Figure K.
iron on the other. When the brass end of the “magic
wand” is placed near the AM antenna, the antenna coil
will react as if inductance has been removed. Likewise,
Turn the power ON and adjust the volume to a
when the iron end of the “magic wand” is placed near
comfortable level. Turn the dial until a weak station is
the AM antenna, the antenna coil will react as if
heard. If no stations are present, slide the antenna back
inductance has been added. Therefore, when either
and forth on its ferrite core, and retune the dial if
brass or iron is placed near the antenna coil, it will
necessary. Adjust T6 until the station is at its loudest.
change the inductance of the antenna coil. This change
Reduce the volume if necessary. Adjust T7 until the
in the inductance will cause the resonant frequency of
station is at its loudest and reduce the volume if
the circuit to change, thus changing the frequency at
necessary. Adjust T8 until the station is at its loudest
which the antenna was selective. When aligning the
and reduce the volume if necessary. Retune the radio
antenna and oscillator circuits, coils L4 and L5 are
for another weak station and repeat this procedure until
adjusted at the lower end of the band, while the
there is no more improvement noticed on the weakest
oscillator and antenna trimmer capacitors are adjusted
possible station. This process peaks the IF amplifiers
at the higher end of the band. This is done so that the
to their maximum gain.
antenna and the oscillator will track correctly.
Tune the radio until a known AM station around 600kHz
is heard. It may be necessary to listen to the station
until their broadcast frequency is announced. If no
stations are present at the low side of the AM band,
adjust L5 until a station is heard. Once a station is
Soldering Iron Tip found and its broadcast frequency is known, rotate the
dial until the white pointer is aligned to that station’s
Shrink Tubing frequency marking on the dial. Adjust L5 until the
station is heard. Tune the radio until a known station
around 1400kHz is heard. It may be necessary to listen
to the station until their broadcast frequency is
Iron Slug announced. If no stations are present, adjust the AM
Brass Slug oscillator trimmer on the gang until a station is heard
(refer to Figure L). Once a station is found and its
Magic Wand Assembly broadcast frequency is known, rotate the dial until the
Place the piece of brass inside the end of the white pointer is aligned to that station’s frequency
shrink tubing, with 1/4” outside. Heat the brass up marking on the dial. Adjust the AM oscillator trimmer on
with your soldering iron until the tubing shrinks the gang until the station is heard. Repeat these 2
steps until the oscillator alignment is optimized. This
around the brass. Assemble the iron piece to the
process sets the oscillator range at 955kHz to
other end in the same manner.

Tune the radio for a station around 600kHz. With the CAREFULLY APPLY CANDLE WAX or glue to the
“magic wand” place the brass end near the antenna coil antenna coil and the ferrite rod to prevent it from
as shown in Figure 23. If the signal heard at the output moving (see Figure 23A).
increases, it means that the antenna coil needs less
inductance. To remove inductance, carefully slide the This concludes the alignment of the AM radio section.
antenna coil along it’s ferrite core in the direction shown If no stations are heard, verify that AM signals are
in Figure 23. Place the iron end of the “magic wand” present in your location by listening to another AM radio
near the antenna coil. If the signal heard at the output placed near the Superhet 108T. If the AM section is still
increases, this means that the antenna coil needs more not receiving, go back and check each stage for
inductance. To add more inductance, carefully slide the incorrect values and for poor soldering. Proceed to the
antenna coil along its ferrite core in the direction shown FM assembly section.
in Figure 23. Repeat these steps until the signal heard
decreases for both ends of the “magic wand”. Tune the Magic Wand Antenna Coil
Ferrite Core
radio for a station around 1400kHz. With the “magic Antenna Antenna Holder
wand”, place the brass end near the antenna coil. If the Shim
signal heard at the output increases, it means that the
antenna coil needs more capacitance. Adjust the
antenna trimmer on the back of the gang until the signal
is at its loudest. Refer to Figure 25 for the location of
the antenna trimmer. Place the iron end of the “magic If the antenna needs:
wand” near the antenna coil. If the signal heard at the • More inductance, slide the coil
output increases, it means that the antenna coil needs • Less inductance, slide the coil
less capacitance. Adjust the antenna trimmer on the Figure 22
back of the gang until the signal is at its loudest.
Repeat these steps until the signal heard decreases for Wax
both ends of the “magic wand”. Since the adjustment of
both the antenna trimmer and antenna coil will effect
the antenna alignment, it is advisable to repeat the
entire procedure until the antenna alignment is
optimized. This process sets the tracking of the AM Wax
Figure 23
radio section. Once the antenna is properly aligned,


Connect your RF generator and oscilloscope as shown position. Place a short from the collector of Q7 to TP6.
in Figure 24. Make sure that the switch is in the AM This short “kills” the AM oscillator.

Figure 24




TP15 Short TP6 to the collector Q7.


Set the RF generator at 455kHz, modulation of 400Hz ON and set the volume control to a comfortable level.
80% and minimum voltage out. Set the oscilloscope to Turn the tuning knob counter-clockwise until the white
read .1 volts per division and turn the power ON. pointer is aligned at the 540kHz marking on the dial.
Increase the amplitude of the generator until the With an alignment tool or screwdriver adjust L5 until a
oscilloscope shows a 400Hz sinewave 5 divisions or .5 400Hz tone is heard. Adjust L5 for a peak on the
volts pp. With an alignment tool or screwdriver adjust oscilloscope. Adjust the amplitude of the RF generator
T6 for a peak. Reduce the generator amplitude so that to maintain a level of .5 volts peak to peak or less. After
5 divisions are maintained. Adjust T7 for a peak and peaking L5, set the generator frequency to 1600kHz.
reduce that amplitude again if necessary. Repeat these Turn the tuning knob clockwise until the white pointer is
steps to optimize the IF alignment. This process aligns aligned to the 1600kHz marking on the dial. With an
the IF amplifiers to 455kHz. alignment tool or screwdriver, adjust the AM oscillator
trimmer on the back of the tuning gang until a 400Hz
After the IF alignment is complete, lower the frequency
tone is heard. Adjust the trimmer for a peak on the
of the generator until the voltage drops .707 of its
oscilloscope. Refer to Figure 25 for the location of the
peaked value or .35Vpp. Record the frequency of the
AM oscillator trimmer. Repeat these steps to optimize
lower 3dB corner here:
the oscillator alignment. This process sets the oscillator
range at 955kHz to 2055kHz.
Fl = _________kHz.
Increase the frequency of the generator past the peak ANTENNA ALIGNMENT
until the voltage seen on the scope drops .707 of its With the power turned OFF, connect your test
peaked value or .35Vpp. Record the frequency of the equipment as shown in Figure 26.
high 3dB corner here:
Figure 25
Fh = __________kHz.
The bandwidth of the IF is equal to BW = Fh - Fl. The
AM Antenna AM Oscillator
IF’s bandwidth should be around 6kHz. Turn the power FM Antenna FM Oscillator
OFF and remove the short from the collector of Q7
to TP6.
Calculate the bandwidth: ___________kHz.
AM Oscillator FM Oscillator

Set the RF generator at 540kHz, 400kHz 80% AM

modulation and a low level of output. Turn the power

Generator Battery




Wire loop
close to
antenna TP15

Figure 26

Set the generator at 600kHz, 400Hz 80% modulation, steps. Place the brass end of the “magic wand” near the
moderate signal strength. Set the oscilloscope to read antenna coil. If the signal increases, it means that the
.1 volts per division. Turn the tuning knob fully counter- antenna coil needs less capacitance. Adjust the
clockwise and turn the power ON. Slowly turn the tuning antenna trimmer for a peak. Refer to Figure 25 for the
knob clockwise until a 400Hz sinewave is seen on the location of the AM antenna trimmer. Since the
scope. Adjust the volume control to a comfortable level. adjustment of both the antenna alignment is optimized.
If a station exists at 600kHz, then lower the frequency of This process sets the AM tracking of the Superhet 108T.
the generator and repeat the previous steps. With the Once the antenna is properly aligned, carefully apply
“magic wand”, place the brass end near the antenna coil candle wax or glue the antenna coil to the ferrite rod to
as shown in Figure 23. If the signal on the scope prevent it from moving. Proceed to the FM assembly
increases, it means that the antenna coil needs less section.
inductance. To add more inductance, carefully slide the
antenna coil along it’s ferrite core in the direction shown This concludes the alignment of the AM radio section.
in Figure 23. Repeat these steps until the signal seen If no stations are heard, verify that AM signals are
decreases for both ends of the “magic wand”. Increase present in your location by listening to another AM radio
the frequency of the generator to 1400kHz and turn the placed near the Superhet 108T. If the AM section is still
tuning knob clockwise until a 400Hz sinewave is seen not receiving, go back and check each stage for
on the scope. If a station exists at 1400kHz, increase incorrect values and for poor soldering. Proceed to the
the frequency of the generator and repeat the previous FM assembly section.

1. The number of vibrations (or cycles) per second 6. The process of adding the audio waves to the radio
produced by a sound is called the frequency, and is waves is called modulation, and the process of
measured in hertz. removing the radio wave from the audio wave is
2. The distance between peaks of sound waves is called demodulation, which is performed in an AM
called the wavelength. radio by the detector.
3. Sound waves are produced as a certain number of 7. The amount of signal picked up by the antenna will
vibrations per second. The more vibrations per depend on the power of the signal transmitted and
second, the higher the frequency; the fewer the distance the signal travelled.
vibrations, the lower the frequency. 8. Rectification is the process of removing half the
4. Waves of very high frequency are called radio signal, while filtering is the process of smoothing
waves and travel great distances through the air that signal.
without the use of wires. 9. Heterodyning is the process of mixing two signals
5. Carrier waves are radio waves used by broadcast (the incoming RF signal and the RF signal from the
stations to carry audio waves. local oscillator) to produce a third signal (the IF

The voltage readings below should be used in
troubleshooting the AM section. (Switch at AM
position). Test Conditions
TP1 3.9 1. Volume set to minimum.
Q7 B 1.5 Q11 B 4.4
E 1.1 E 3.9 2. Switch to the AM position.
C 8.8 C 8.4 3. Connect side of capacitor C29 (that goes
Q8 B 1.4 Q12 B 3.3 to L4) to TP15 with a jumper wire.
E .7 E 3.9 4. Battery voltage = 9V
C 8.8 C .6
Q9 B 1.7 Q13 B 8.4 5. All voltages are referenced to circuit
E 1.1 E 9.0 common.
C 9.0 C 3.9 6. Voltage readings can vary +10%
Q10 B .7 Q14 B .6
E .06 E 0
C 3.3 C 3.9

INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the following examination, check your answers carefully.
1. The number of cycles produced per second by a 6. When the two metal plates on a variable
source of sound is called the ... capacitor are unmeshed the ...
A) amplitude. A) capacitance is minimum.
B) vibration. B) capacitance is maximum.
C) sound wave. C) capacitance is not affected.
D) frequency. D) inductance is increased.
2. The radio frequencies used by AM broadcast 7. The process of mixing two signals to produce a
stations are between ... third signal is called ...
A) 20kHz and 400kHz. A) filtering.
B) 5kHz and 20kHz. B) detecting.
C) 2400kHz and 6000kHz. C) rectification.
D) 550kHz and 1600kHz. D) heterodyning.
3. The process of removing the audio wave from 8. The magic wand is used to determine ...
the radio wave is called ... A) whether more or less inductance is
A) demodulation. required in a tuned circuit.
B) frequency reduction. B) whether more or less capacitance is
C) modulation. required in a tuned circuit.
D) vibrating. C) the gain of an RF amplifier.
D) whether the oscillator is functioning.
4. When an electromagnetic wave (modulated radio
wave) passes an antenna, it ... 9. The IF frequency of your AM radio is ...
A) induces a voltage and current in the A) 1600kHz.
antenna. B) 455kHz.
B) changes an audio wave into a radio C) 550kHz.
wave. D) 910kHz.
C) changes the carrier frequency.
10. The purpose of the AGC circuit is to ...
D) produces sidebands.
A) automatically control the frequency of
5. The power of the signal transmitted by the the oscillator circuit.
broadcast station and the distance, the signal B) control the band width of the IF stages.
travelled from the transmitter to the receiver, C) reduce distortion in the audio circuit.
determine the ... D) maintain a constant audio level at the
A) frequency of the modulation. detector, regardless of the strength of
B) wavelength of the audio waves. the incoming signal.
C) amount of signal picked up by the
D) type of filter that is used.

Answers: 1. D, 2. D, 3. A, 4. A, 5. C, 6. A, 7. D, 8. A, 9. B, 10. D

Qty. Symbol Value Color Code Part #
r 2 R9, 23 100Ω 5% 1/4W brown-black-brown-gold 131000
r 1 R25 220Ω 5% 1/4W red-red-brown-gold 132200
r 1 R3 470Ω 5% 1/4W yellow-violet-brown-gold 134700
r 5 R18, 22, 24, 26, 27 1kΩ 5% 1/4W brown-black-red-gold 141000
r 1 R11 1.8kΩ 5% 1/4W brown-gray-red-gold 141800
r 2 R6, 15 2.2kΩ 5% 1/4W red-red-red-gold 142200
r 2 R2, 7 6.8kΩ 5% 1/4W blue-gray-red-gold 146800
r 7 R10,12,14,16,19,20,28 10kΩ 5% 1/4W brown-black-orange-gold 151000
r 2 R1, 8 22kΩ 5% 1/4W red-red-orange-gold 152200
r 2 R4, 5 33kΩ 5% 1/4W orange-orange-orange-gold 153300
r 3 R13, 17, 21 47kΩ 5% 1/4W yellow-violet-orange-gold 154700
r 2 R29, 30 390kΩ 5% 1/4W orange-white-yellow-gold 163900

Qty. Symbol Value Description Part #
r 1 C9 15pF Discap (15) 211510
r 1 C10 30pF Discap (30) 213010
r 1 C6 33pF Discap (33) 213317
r 1 C11 220pF Discap (221) 222210
r 2 C4, 5 470pF Discap (471) 224717
r 3 C3, 7, 27 .001μF Discap (102) 231036
r 3 C2, 8, 12 .005μF Discap (502) 235018
r 10 C13 - 22 .01μF Discap (103) 241031
r 1 C23 .02μF or .022μF Discap (203) or (223) 242010
r 1 C26 .1μF Discap (104) 251010
r 1 C25 10μF Electrolytic (Lytic) Radial 271045
r 1 C24 470μF Electrolytic (Lytic) Radial 284744

Qty. Symbol Value Description Part #
r1 D1 FV1043 Varactor Diode 310176
r2 D2, 3 1N34A Diode 311034
r6 Q1 - Q6 2N3904 Transistor 323904

Qty. Symbol Value Description Part #
r 1 T5 Blue FM Detector 430110
r 1 T4 Pink FM Detector 430120
r 2 T2, 3 Green FM IF 430130
r 1 T1 Orange FM Mixer 430140
r 1 L1 6 Turns FM RF Amp 430160
r 1 L2 2 Turns FM RF Amp 430170
r 1 L3 5 Turns FM Oscillator 430180

Qty. Symbol Description Part #
r 1 Antenna FM 484005
r 1 Screw M1.8 x 7.5mm 641100
r 2 Antenna Screw M2 x 5mm 643148
r 1 Nut M1.8 644210
r 7 TP8 - 14 Test Point Screws 665008
r 1 Coil Spacer 669108

Section 6 begins the construction of the FM radio. The work back to the FM Antenna. Each stage will be
stages that we will build are shown in the block diagram tested before proceeding to the next stage.
below. We will begin with the FM Ratio Detector and

Section 9 Section 8 Section 7 Section 6 Section 1

FM RF Speaker

In the AM DETECTOR section we observed that the current is drawn through C23 resulting in zero audio
audio was detected from changes in the amplitude of output voltage. When the incoming signal is modulated,
the incoming signal. In FM detection, the audio is the current through one diode will be greater than the
detected from changes in frequency of the incoming other. This causes a current to flow in C23 which will
signal. The RATIO DETECTOR has built-in limiting produce an audio voltage across C23. If the modulation
action which limits the signal so that any noise riding on is of opposite direction than before, more current will
the FM carrier will be minimized. The RATIO flow in the other diode, which will again cause current
DETECTOR is redrawn below for ease of explanation. to flow in C23 in the opposite direction resulting in an
When an incoming signal is present at T4 and T5, a audio voltage being produced across C23. The large
current flows through D2, R26, R28, R27 and D3. At no current drawn from the audio which causes the battery
modulation, the current through the diodes D2 and D3 voltage to vary. The ratio detector is decoupled further
are equal because T5 is center tapped. Thus, no by the resistor R23 and capacitor C21.

Figure 27

Note: The line or
notch must be R23 - 100Ω Resistor
R24 - 1kΩ Resistor pointing to the top T4 (brown-black-brown-gold)
(brown-black-red-gold) of the PC board.
Line C23 - .02μF (203)
C21 - .01μF Discap (103) or .022μF (223) Discap
C19 - .01μF Discap (103) R25 - 220Ω Resistor
R21 - 47kΩ Resistor
(yellow-violet-orange-gold) C24 - 470μF Lytic
(See Figure B)
TP9 - Test Point Pin
(See Figure A) D2 - 1N34A Diode
(see Figure E)
T3 - FM IF Coil
(Green Dot) R26 - 1kΩ Resistor
TP8 - Test Point Pin
(see Figure A) R28 - 10kΩ Resistor
Q6 - 2N3904 Transistor
(see Figure C) C25 - 10μF Lytic
(see Figure B)
R20 - 10kΩ Resistor
(brown-black-orange-gold) R27 - 1kΩ Resistor
R22 - 1kΩ Resistor
(brown-black-red-gold) D3 - 1N34A Diode
(see Figure E)
C22 - .01μF Discap (103)
T4 - FM Detector Coil
T5 - FM Detector Coil
(Pink Dot)
(Blue Dot)
(see Figure 28)

Lytic Capacitor
Be sure that the
Test Point Pin negative lead is NPN Transistor Diode
in the correct Polarity Flat Band
Mount so E lead is
hole on the PC Mark Side
in the arrow hole
board. and flat side is in
the same direction Anode Cathode
Warning: ( ) (+)
as shown on the
If the capacitor is connected with top legend. Leave
incorrect polarity, it may heat up B
Foil Side 1/4” between the
of PC Board and either leak, or cause the Be sure that the band is in the correct
E C part and PC board.
capacitor to explode. direction.
Figure A Figure B Figure C Figure E

FM Detector Coil (T4)


Note: The line or notch must be pointing to the
top of the PC board. Some FM detector coils Figure 28
have a part number in place of the line/notch.

Amps COM V/Ω


Figure 29
Connect your VOM as shown in Figure 29. Switch the point should be between 7 and 9 volts. Turn the power
AM/FM switch to the FM position. Set your VOM to OFF. If you do not get this reading, check R25, C24 and
read 9 volts DC. Turn the power ON. The voltage at this the battery voltage.


Amps COM V/Ω


Figure 30
Connect your VOM to the circuit as shown in Figure 30. current through transistor Q6, calculate the current
Turn the power ON. The voltage at the emitter of Q6 through Q6 as follows:
should be about .7 volts. Record the voltage here:
Current (I) = V(Q6) / R22
V(Q6) = __________.
Your calculated answer should be between .0005 amps
Turn the power OFF. If your answer is greater than 2 (.5 milliamps) and .0011 amps (1.1 milliamps).
volts, check R20, R21, R22, R24, Q6 and the battery.
Since the current through resistor R22 is equal to the Current (I) = __________.



The AC gain of the ratio detector is set by the AC on the scope. With an alignment tool or screwdriver,
impedance of the primary side of T4 and the current adjust T4 for a peak. Reduce the generator input to
through Q6. The current is set by R20, R21 and R22. maintain 150mVpp on the scope. Move the scope
Capacitors C22 and C19 bypass the AC signal to probe to the base of Q6 and record the voltage here:
ground. Connect your RF generator and oscilloscope
to the circuit as shown in Figure 31. Vb = __________ mVpp.
Your scope probe must have an input capacitance of
12pF or less, otherwise the probe will detune T4 Turn the power OFF. The AC gain can be calculated as
causing an incorrect measurement of the AC gain. Set follows:
the generator for 10.7MHz no modulation and minimum
voltage output. Set the scope to read 50mV/division. AC GAIN = 150mV / Vb
Turn the power ON and slowly increase the amplitude
of the generator until 3 divisions or 150mVpp are seen Your calculated answer should be approximately 20.



TP15 Figure 31 TP15


With an alignment tool or a screwdriver, turn both coils NOT FORCE THE COILS ANY FURTHER. Now turn
T4 and T5 fully counter-clockwise until they stop. DO both coils in about 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 turns.




Figure 32
METHOD #2 ON and set the volume control to a minimum. Increase
ALIGNMENT OF RATIO DETECTOR USING A the amplitude of the sweep generator until an “S” curve
RF GENERATOR AND OSCILLOSCOPE is seen (refer to Figure 33). Using an alignment tool or
screwdriver, adjust the blue coil T5 until the “S” curve is
Connect the RF generator and oscilloscope to the centered, until each half of the “S” is equal. Now adjust
circuit as shown in Figure 32. Set the generator for the pink coil T4 for maximum “S” amplitude. Repeat
10.7MHz modulated at 1kHz, 22.5kHz deviation with these steps until the alignment is optimized. Turn the
minimum voltage out. Turn ON the radio and turn the power OFF.
volume control to the minimum. Slowly increase the
amplitude of the generator until a 1kHz sinewave is
seen on the scope. With an alignment tool or
screwdriver, peak the pink coil T4 for maximum
amplitude. Now peak the blue coil T5 for minimum
optimized. Turn the power OFF.

Connect the sweep generator and oscilloscope to the
circuit as shown in Figure 32. Set the sweep generator
for 10.7MHz and minimum voltage out. Turn the power Figure 33

The purpose of the 2nd IF amplifier is to increase the bandwidth of the 2nd FM IF amplifier.
amplitude of the intermediate frequency (IF) while also The gain at 10.7MHz is fixed by the AC impedance of
providing Selectivity. Selectivity is the ability to “pick the primary side of T3 and the current in Q5. The
out” one station while rejecting all others. T3 acts as a current is fixed by R16, R17 and R18. Capacitors C18
bandpass filter that only passes signals around and C17 bypass the AC signal to ground. C20 is a
10.7MHz. The resistor R19 is used to widen the 3dB bypass capacitor from V+ to ground.


10.625MHz 10.775MHz


Figure 34


R17 - 47kΩ Resistor

R19 - 10kΩ Resistor
Q5 - 2N3904 Transistor
TP10 - Test Point Pin (see Figure D)
(see Figure B)
C20 - .01μF Discap (103)
T2 - FM IF Coil
(Green Dot) C18 - .01μF Discap (103)

C17 - .01μF Discap (103)

R16 - 10kΩ Resistor
R18 - 1kΩ Resistor

Connect your VOM to the circuit as shown in Figure 35. If you do not get this reading, check R17, R16, R18, Q5
Turn the power ON. The voltage at the base of Q5 and T2.
should be approximately 1.4 volts. Turn the power OFF.

Amps COM V/Ω


Figure 35

If you don’t have an RF generator and oscilloscope, skip to Section 8.





Figure 36

Connect the RF generator and oscilloscope to the With the power turned OFF, connect your test
circuit as shown in Figure 36. The scope probe must equipment as shown in Figure 36. Set your generator
have an input capacitance of 12pF or less otherwise the at 10.7MHz no modulation and minimum voltage
probe will detune T3 resulting in a false reading of the output. Set the scope to read 50mV per division. Turn
AC gain. Set the generator at 10.7MHz no modulation the power ON and slowly adjust the generator
and minimum voltage output. Set the scope to read amplitude until 150mVpp is seen on the scope. Realign
50mV per division and turn the power ON. Slowly T3, if necessary, for maximum output while adjusting
increase the generator until 150mVpp or 3 divisions are the generator to maintain 150mVpp. Slowly decrease
seen on the scope. With an alignment tool or the frequency of the generator until the voltage drops
screwdriver adjust T3 for a peak. Reduce the generator .707 of its original value, 2.1 divisions or 106mVpp.
until 150mVpp or 3 divisions are seen on the scope. Record the frequency of the lower 3dB drop-off point
With an alignment tool or screwdriver adjust T3 for a here:
peak. Reduce the generator input to maintain 3
divisions on the scope. Move the probe to the base of Fl = _________MHz.
Q5 and record the input voltage here:
Increase the frequency until the voltage drops to .707 of
Vb = __________ mVpp. its original value, 2.1 divisions or 106mVpp. Record the
frequency of the high frequency 3dB drop-off point
Turn the power OFF. The AC gain can be calculated as here:
Fh = ___________MHz.
AC Gain = 150mV / Vb
The bandwidth of the 2nd IF can be calculated as
Your calculated answer should be about 20. follows:

Record your calculation: Bandwidth = Fh - Fl

AC Gain = __________ Your results should be between 300 - 500kHz.

Record your calculation:

Bandwidth = __________

The operation of the first IF amplifier is the same as the C15 bypass the AC signal to ground. C13 and C16 are
second IF amplifier except that the gain is different. The bypass capacitors from V+ to ground to prevent
gain is set by the AC impedance of the primary side of feedback on the V+ line. R19 is used to widen the
T2 and the current in Q4. The current in Q4 is set by bandwidth of the transformer T2.
the resistors R12, R13 and R15. Capacitors C14 and


C13 - .01μF Discap (103) R13 - 47kΩ Resistor

C14 - .01μF Discap (103)
R14 - 10kΩ Resistor
T1 - FM Mixer Coil (brown-black-orange-gold)
(Orange Dot)
TP11 - Test Point Pin
R12 - 10kΩ Resistor (see Figure A)
Q4 - 2N3904 Transistor
R15 - 2.2kΩ Resistor (see Figure C)
C16 - .01μF Discap (103)
C15 - .01μF Discap (103)

Connect your VOM as shown in Figure 37. Turn the approximately be 1.4 volts. If you do not get this
power ON. The voltage at the base of Q4 should reading, check R12, R13, R15, Q4 and T1.

Amps COM V/Ω


Figure 37

If you don’t have an RF generator and oscilloscope, skip to Section 9.




TP15 Probe

Figure 38

Connect the RF generator and oscilloscope and BANDWIDTH

oscilloscope to the circuit as shown in Figure 38. The Connect your test equipment as shown in Figure 38.
scope probe must have an input capacitance of 12pF or Set your generator at 10.7MHz no modulation and
less otherwise the probe will detune T2 causing an minimum voltage output. Set the scope to read 20mV
incorrect measurement of AC gain. Set the generator per division. Turn the power ON and slowly increase
at 10.7MHz no modulation and minimum voltage the amplitude of the generator until 60mVpp is seen on
output. Set the scope to read 20mV per division and the scope. Increase the frequency of the generator until
turn the power ON. Slowly increase the amplitude of the voltage drops .707 of its original value, 2.1 divisions
the generator until 3 divisions or 60mVpp are seen on or 42mVpp.
the scope. With an alignment tool or screwdriver, adjust Record the frequency of the high 3dB drop-off point
T2 for a peak. Reduce the generator input to maintain here:
3 divisions on the scope. Move the scope probe to the
base of Q4 and record the input voltage here: Fh = ___________MHz.

Vb = __________mVpp. Decrease the frequency of the generator until the

voltage drops to .707 of its original value, 2.1 divisions
Turn the power OFF. The AC gain can be calculated as or 42mVpp. Record the frequency of the low 3dB drop-
follows: off point here:

AC Gain = 60mV / Vb Fl = ___________MHz.

Your calculated answer should be about 10. The bandwidth of the first IF can be calculated as
Record your calculation:
Bandwidth = Fh - Fl
AC Gain = __________
Your calculated answer should be between 300 -

Record your calculation:

Bandwidth = __________kHz.

In a superheterodyne receiver, the radio waves are except those near 10.7MHz. T1 also couples the
emitted and then mixed with the local oscillator to 10.7MHz signal to the first FM IF amplifier. The RF
produce the intermediate frequency (IF). The first stage amplifier and the oscillator are the only two resonant
is the RF amplifier which selects a radio station and circuits that change when the radio is tuned for different
amplifies it. The second stage is the local oscillator stations. Since a radio station may exist 10.7MHz
which oscillates at a frequency 10.7MHz above the above the oscillator frequency, it is important that the
desired radio station frequency. The third stage is the RF stage rejects this station and selects only the station
mixer stage where the amplified radio waves are 10.7MHz below the oscillator frequency. The frequency
heterodyned with the local oscillator. During the mixing of the undesired station 10.7MHz above the oscillator is
process, a difference frequency of 10.7MHz is called the image frequency. Since this FM receiver has
produced. This difference frequency is used as the IF an RF amplifier, the image frequency is reduced
in FM radios. The collector of transistor Q3 contains an significantly. The resistor R9 and capacitor C12
IF transformer (T1) which is tuned only to the difference decouple the voltage of the tuner from the voltage of the
frequency. This transformer rejects all frequencies IF stages.


R10 - 10kΩ Resistor R9 - 100Ω Resistor

(brown-black-orange-gold) (brown-black-brown-gold)
C12 - .005μF Discap (502) TP12 - Test Point Pin
(see Figure A)
R8 - 22kΩ Resistor CAUTION: Test Point must
(red-red-orange-gold) not touch can of T1 FM Mixer
R7 - 6.8kΩ Resistor Coil.
(blue-gray-red-gold) Q3 - 2N3904 Transistor
TP13 - Test Point Pin (see Figure C)
(see Figure A) R11 - 1.8kΩ Resistor



Amps COM V/Ω


Figure 39

With the power turned OFF, connect your VOM to the are seen on the scope. With an alignment tool or a
circuit as shown in Figure 39. Set your VOM to read 9 screwdriver, adjust T1 for peak. Reduce the generator
volts DC and turn the power ON. The DC voltage at the amplitude to maintain 4 divisions on the scope. Move
base of Q3 should be approximately 1.8 volts. If your the scope probe to the base of Q3 and record the input
answer varies by more than 2 volts, turn the power OFF voltage here:
and check components R7, R8, R11 and Q3.
Vb = __________mVpp.
If you don’t have an RF generator and oscilloscope,
skip to the FM Oscillator Assembly Procedure. Turn the power OFF. The gain can be calculated as
The AC gain of the mixer is set by the impedance of the AC Gain = 40mV / Vb.
primary side of T1 and by the current flowing in Q3. The
current in Q3 is set by the resistors R7, R8 and R11. Your calculated answer should be about 3.
Connect your test equipment to the circuit as shown in
Figure 40. Your scope probe must have an input Record your calculation:
capacitance of 12pF or less, otherwise the probe will AC Gain = __________
detune T1 resulting in an incorrect measurement. Set
your scope to read 10mV per division. Set your RF Because the signal from the oscillator is injected at the
generator at 10.7MHz no modulation minimum voltage emitter of Q3, the emitter resistor is not bypassed to
output. Turn the power ON and slowly increase the ground. This is why the gain of the mixer is low
amplitude of the generator until 4 divisions or 40mVpp compared to the other IF stages.





Figure 40 TP15

Connect your test equipment to the circuit as shown Turn the power OFF. The bandwidth can be
in Figure 40. Set your generator at 10.7MHz no calculated as follows:
modulation and minimum voltage output. Set the
scope for 10mV per division. Turn the power ON and Bandwidth = Fh - Fl
slowly increase the amplitude of the generator until
40mVpp are seen on the scope. Increase the Your calculated answer should be between 300 -
frequency until the voltage drops .707 of its original 500kHz.
value, 2.8 divisions or 28mVpp. Record the
frequency of the generator until the voltage drops Record your calculation:
.707 of its original value, 2.8 divisions or 28mVpp.
Record the frequency of the low 3dB drop-off point Bandwidth = _________kHz.

Fl = _________MHz.


C7 - .001μF Discap (102) L3 - FM Oscillator Coil

(5 Turns)
R4 - 33kΩ Resistor
(orange-orange-orange-gold) C9 - 15pF Discap (15)
Q2 - 2N3904 Transistor C10 - 30pF Discap (30)
(see Figure C)
C11 - 220pF Discap (221)
R5 - 33kΩ Resistor
R6 - 2.2kΩ Resistor
C8 - .005μF Discap (502)


Connect your VOM to the circuit as shown in Figure 41. volts. Turn the power OFF. If you do not get this
Set your VOM to read 9 volts and turn the power ON. measurement, check R4, R5 and Q2.
The voltage at the base of Q2 should be about 4

Amps COM V/Ω


Figure 41

When a radio is tuned to a station, it would be diode called a varactor. A varactor will change its
desirable for the radio to “lock” in on the station. Due internal capacitance when a voltage is applied. The
to changes in temperature, voltage and other effects, ratio detector diodes are positioned in such a way
the local oscillator may change its frequency of that when the 10.7MHz center frequency increases,
oscillation. If this occurs, the center frequency of the DC correction voltage will decrease. Likewise,
10.7MHz will not be maintained. Automatic when the 10.7MHz center frequency decreases, the
Frequency Control (AFC) is used to maintain the DC correction voltage will increase. This voltage
10.7MHz center frequency. When the local oscillator change causes the capacitance of the varactor to
drifts, the ratio detector will produce a DC change. The varactor is connected at the emitter of
“correction” voltage. The audio signal rides on this Q2, so any capacitance change in the varactor is
DC correction voltage. This signal is fed to a filter seen at the emitter of the oscillator. A change in
network which removes the audio so that a pure DC capacitance at the emitter of Q2 will change the
voltage is produced. This voltage is fed to a special frequency of oscillation of the local oscillator.


R30 - 390kΩ Resistor

(orange-white-yellow-gold) R29 - 390kΩ Resistor
D1 - FV1043 Varactor Diode
(see Figure F) C26 - .1μF Discap (104)

C27 - .001μF Discap (102)

If you don’t have an RF generator, skip to the RF Amplifier Assembly Procedure.



Amps COM V/Ω

Figure 42
Connect the RF generator and VOM to the circuit as the frequency of the generator until the voltage is equal
shown in Figure 42. Set your VOM to read 9 volts DC. to V(D1). While watching your VOM, increase the
Set your generator at 10.7MHz no modulation and frequency of your generator. As the frequency
moderate signal strength output. Turn the power ON. increases, the voltage at D1 should decrease. This
Record the voltage of D1 here: correction voltage is what keeps the oscillator from
drifting. If the voltage at D1 still does not change at D1,
V(D1) = ________. check D1, R29, R30, C26 and C27. If these parts are
inserted correctly and the voltage at D1 still doesn’t
While watching your VOM, slowly decrease the change, then increase the amplitude of your generator
frequency of your generator. As the frequency and repeat the same steps again. Turn the power OFF.
decreases, the voltage at D1 should increase. Increase


R1 - 22kΩ Resistor L1 - FM RF Amp Coil
(red-red-orange-gold) (6 Turns) see Figure N
C3 - .001μF Discap (102) L2 - FM RF Amp Coil
(2 Turns) see Figure N
C2 - .005μF Discap (502)
C5 - 470pF Discap (471)
Q1 - 2N3904 Transistor
(see Figure C) C6 - 33pF Discap (33)
R2 - 6.8kΩ Resistor R3 - 470Ω Resistor
(blue-gray-red-gold) (yellow-violet-brown-gold)
C4 - 470pF Discap (471) TP14 - Test Point Pin
(see Figure A)

Figure N
Connect your VOM to the circuit as shown in
Figure 43. Set your VOM to read 9 volts and
turn the power ON. The voltage at the base of
Q1 should be about 1.6 volts. If you do not get
this reading, check R1, R2, R3 and Q1. Turn
the power OFF.



Figure 43

Antenna FM
2 Antenna Screws M2 x 5mm
3.5” Wire #22 Insulated
(extra wire in AM Section)
(see Figure O)
Threaded Holes

Mount the antenna to the PC board with two screws as

shown. NOTE: Some antennas have only one
threaded hole.
Cut a 2 1/4” wire and strip 1/4” of insulation off of both
ends of the remaining jumper wire. There are no holes Solder
for the wire in this location, so tack solder the wire to the Jumper Wire
pads as shown.
Figure O

There are two procedures for the final alignment steps. circuit is changed, the resonant frequency is changed
The first alignment procedure is for those who do not also.
have test equipment and the second is for those who do When aligning the oscillator, changing the resonant
have test equipment. frequency changes the frequency of oscillation.
Likewise, when aligning the RF amp, changing the
Your “magic wand” will be used to align the FM
resonant frequency at which it was selective.
oscillator circuit and the FM RF amplifier. When the
brass end of your “magic wand” is placed near the FM When aligning the oscillator and RF circuits, coils L1
oscillator coil L3, the coil reacts as if inductance has and L3 will be adjusted at the lower end of the band,
been removed. Likewise, when the iron end of the while the oscillator and RF trimmer capacitors are
“magic wand” is placed near the coil L3, it reacts as if adjusted at the higher end of the band. This is done so
inductance has been added. The same is true for the that the RF amp tracks the oscillator properly.
RF coils L1 and L2. When the inductance of a resonant

With an alignment tool or screwdriver turn coils T1, THE COILS ANY FURTHER. Turn each coil in about
T2 and T3 fully counter-clockwise. DO NOT FORCE 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 turns.


Amps COM V/Ω

Figure 44
With an alignment tool or screwdriver turn coils T1, T2 heard, this means that L3 needs more inductance.
and T3 fully counter-clockwise. DO NOT FORCE THE Carefully press together L3 until the station is heard.
COILS ANY FURTHER. Turn each coil in about 1 1/4 Pulling apart or pressing together L3 just a small
to 1 1/2 turns. amount will have a great effect on the coils resonant
Use the earphone provided for best results. Switch to frequency. Repeat this step until the pointer is aligned
the FM position. Connect your VOM to the circuit as to the station’s frequency. Tune the radio to a station
shown in Figure 44. Turn the radio ON and tune the around 106MHz. Once a station is found and its
radio to a weak station. It is best to keep the volume at broadcast frequency is known, rotate the dial until the
a low level. Adjust T1 for the minimum voltage on your white pointer is aligned with that station’s frequency on
VOM. Reduce the volume if necessary. Adjust T2 for the dial. Place the brass end of the “magic wand” near
minimum voltage on your VOM and reduce the volume L3. If the station is heard, it means that L3 needs more
control if necessary. Adjust T3 for minimum voltage on capacitance. Carefully adjust the FM oscillator trimmer
your VOM and reduce the volume control if necessary. (as shown in Figure L, page 23), on the back of the gang
As you adjust the coils you should hear less distortion until the station is heard. Place the iron end of the
and noise. Repeat this procedure until the FM IF gain “magic wand” near L3. If the station is heard, it means
is optimized. This process peaked the FM IF amplifier that L3 needs less capacitance. Carefully adjust the
to their maximum gain. FM oscillator trimmer located on the back of the gang
until the station is heard.
“Magic Wand”
Adjust T4 for minimum voltage on your VOM. Adjust T5
for minimum distortion. Repeat these 2 steps until the
ratio detector alignment is optimized.


Tune the radio to a known station around 90MHz. Once
a station is found and its broadcast frequency is known,
rotate the dial until the white pointer is aligned with that
stations frequency on the dial. Using the “magic wand”,
place the brass end near coil L3. Refer to Figure 45.
If the station is heard, this means that L3 needs less Spread apart the coil for less inductance
inductance. Carefully pull apart L3 until the station is Press the coil together for more inductance
heard. Place the iron end near L3. If the station is
Figure 45
Repeat this step until the pointer is aligned to the Spacer
station’s frequency. Adjusting both the oscillator coil L3
and the oscillator trimmer capacitor will effect the L2
oscillator’s frequency, so it is advisable to repeat this
Approx. Approx.
procedure until the FM oscillator alignment is 1/16” gap 1/16” gap
optimized. This process sets the FM oscillator range at
98.7MHz to 118.7MHz. Top View

Press together L1 and L2. Spread apart coil L1 so that
it resembles Figure 46. The gaps or spaces should be
between 1/32” and 1/16” wide. This procedure sets the
tracking of the RF section. Use the special coil spacer
provided to gap the coil as shown. Carefully slide the L1 L2
coil spacer between the coils to get the spacing shown Figure 46
in Figure 46.
This concludes the alignment of the FM radio section. If
no stations are heard, verify that FM signals are present
in your location by listening to another FM radio placed
near the superhet 108. If the FM section is still not
receiving go back and check each stage for incorrect
values and for poor soldering.


Switch to the FM section. Connect your RF generator to read 50mV per division. With a clip lead, short the
and oscilloscope to the circuit as shown in Figure 47. base emitter junction of Q2. This short “kills” the local
Set your RF generator at 10.7MHz modulated at 1kHz oscillator.
deviation with minimum voltage output. Set the scope

Short the base of Q2 to the

Generator emitter (as shown below).





Figure 47
Turn the power ON. Slowly increase the amplitude of the amplitude of the input signal if necessary. Adjust T2
the generator until a 1kHz signal is seen on the scope. for a peak and reduce the amplitude of the input signal
Keep the generator at a low level of output to prevent if necessary. Repeat these steps until the IF alignment
the IF sections from limiting. With an alignment tool or is optimized. This procedure aligns the FM IF amplifiers
screwdriver, adjust T1 for a peak on the scope. Reduce to 10.7MHz.

Remove the clip lead and set your generator at 88MHz Set your generator at a frequency around 90MHz
modulator at 1kHz, 22.5kHz deviation and minimum modulated at 1kHz, 22.5kHz deviation and minimum
voltage output. Tune the radio until a 1kHz signal is voltage out. Tune your radio until a 1kHz tone is heard.
seen on the scope. It may be necessary to increase the Place the brass end of your “magic wand” near RF coil
amplitude of the generator. Rotate the dial until the L1. If the signal on the scope increases, it means that
white pointer is aligned to 88MHz. Using the “magic coil L1 needs less inductance. Carefully spread apart
wand” place the brass end near L3 as shown in Figure the coil L1 to reduce its inductance. Place the iron end
45. If the signal seen on the scope increases, this of the wand near L1. If the signal increases, it means
means L3 needs less inductance. To remove that coil L1 needs more inductance. Carefully press
inductance, carefully spread apart coil L3. Pulling apart together the coil L1 to increase its inductance. Repeat
or pressing together coil L3, a small amount will have a these steps until the signal on the scope decreases for
great effect on the coil’s resonant frequency. Place the both ends of the “magic wand”. Increase your
iron end of the “magic wand” near L3. If the signal seen generator to a frequency near 106MHz. Tune your
on the scope increases, it means L3 needs more radio until a 1kHz tone is heard. Place the brass end of
inductance. To add inductance carefully press together your “magic wand” near L1. If the signal increases, it
coil L3. Repeat these steps until the signal decreases means that the coil L1 needs more capacitance. With
for both ends of the “magic wand”. Increase the an alignment tool or screwdriver, adjust the FM antenna
frequency of your generator to 108MHz. Tune the radio trimmer (see Figure L on page 23). If the signal
until a 1kHz signal is seen on the scope. Rotate the dial increases, this means coil L1 needs less capacitance.
until the white pointer is aligned to 108MHz. Place the Carefully adjust the FM antenna trimmer until a peak is
brass end of your “magic wand” near L3. If the signal seen on the scope. Repeat these steps until the signal
on the scope increases, it means that L3 needs more on the scope decreases for both ends of the “magic
capacitance. Adjust the FM oscillator trimmer on the wand”. Since adjusting both the RF coil L1 and the
gang (as shown in Figure L on page 23) until the 1kHz antenna trimmer will effect the gain of th RF stage, it is
signal is at a peak. Place the iron end of the “magic advisable to repeat this procedure until the RF amplifier
wand” near L3. If the signal increases, it means that alignment is optimized. This process sets the RF stage
coil L3 needs less capacitance. Adjust the FM oscillator to “track” the FM oscillator stage.
trimmer on the gang until the 1kHz signal is at a peak.
Repeat these 2 steps until the signal decreases for both This concludes the alignment of the FM radio section.
ends of the “magic wand”. Since adjusting both the If no stations are heard, verify that FM signals are
oscillator coil L3 and the oscillator trimmer will effect the present in your location by listening to another FM radio
frequency of oscillation, it is advisable to repeat this near the Superhet 108. If the FM section is still not
procedure until the oscillator alignment is optimized. receiving, go back and check each stage for incorrect
This process sets the FM oscillator range at 98.7MHz values and for poor soldering.
to 118.7MHz.

1. The FM broadcast band covers the frequency 5. The number of times the carrier frequency changes
range from 88MHz to 108MHz. in a period of time is exactly equal to the audio
2. FM signals are usually limited to line a sight.
6. The change in frequency is called the deviation and
3. Audio signals up to 15kHz are transmitted on the
is limited to 75kHz for monaural FM.
FM carrier.
7. The bandwidth assigned for FM is 200kHz.
4. The amount that the RF carrier changes frequency is
determined by the amplitude of the modulating signal.

The voltage readings below should be used in troubleshooting the FM section. (Switch at FM position.)

Q1 B 1.6 Q4 B 1.3
E .9 E .7
C 7.0 C 7.5 Test Conditions
1. Volume set to minimum.
Q2 B 3.3 Q5 B 1.3
2. Connect TP14 to TP15 with a jumper wire.
E 3.0 E .6
C 7.1 C 7.5 3. Battery voltage = 9V
4. All voltages are referenced to circuit
Q3 B 1.6 Q6 B 1.2 common.
E 1.3 E .6
5. Voltage readings can vary +10%
C 7.0 C 6.6

Frequency response 3dB drop into 8 ohm resistive load.
Low end 800Hz - high end 120kHz
Maximum power out at 10% total harmonic distortion.
500 MilliWatts
Typical audio gain at 1000Hz: 150 times
Typical % distortion at 100 milliwatts output <2%.

AM Radio Specifications:
Tuning range - 520kHz to 1620kHz
IF frequency 455kHz
Tracking = +3dB from 700kHz to 1400kHz
10dB signal to noise at 200 microvolts typical

FM Radio Specifications:
Tuning range = 88MHz to 108MHz
IF frequency 10.7MHz
Tracking +5dB from 90MHz to 106MHz
10dB signal to noise at 12 microvolts typical
Uses ratio detector and full time auto frequency control.

INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the following examination, check your answers carefully.
1. The FM broadcast band is . . . 6. The ratio detector is used because ...
A) 550 - 1,600kHz. A) it is sensitive to noise.
B) 10.7MHz. B) it is insensitive to noise.
C) 88 - 108MHz. C) it provides amplification.
D) 98.7 - 118.7MHz. D) it doesn’t need a filter.
2. The maximum audio frequency used for FM is ... 7. The device most often used for changing the
A) 7.5kHz. local oscillator frequency with the AFC voltage is
B) 15kHz. a ...
C) 20kHz. A) feedthrough capacitor.
D) 10.7MHz. B) variable inductor.
C) varactor.
3. The frequency of the modulating signal
D) trimmer capacitor.
determines the . . .
A) number of times the frequency of the 8. The capacitance of a varactor is determined by ...
carrier changes per second. A) the voltage level.
B) maximum deviation of the FM carrier. B) the amount of current in the circuit.
C) maximum frequency swing of the FM C) the signal strength of the RF carrier.
carrier. D) the amount of resistance in the circuit.
D) amount of amplitude change of the FM
9. Limiting in FM receivers is the process of ...
A) removing interfering FM stations.
4. The AFC circuit is used to ... B) providing greater station selectivity.
A) automatically hold the local oscillator on C) separating the FM stations from the AM
frequency. stations.
B) maintain constant gain in the receiver to D) removing noise from the FM carrier.
prevent such things as fading.
10. A detector circuit that does not require a limiter is
C) prevent amplitude variations of the FM
a ...
A) slope detector.
D) automatically control the audio
B) ratio detector.
frequencies in the receiver.
C) Travis detector.
5. The ratio detector transformer is tuned to ... D) Foster-Seeley detector.
A) 10.7MHz.
B) 88MHz.
C) 455kHz.
D) 10.9MHz.

Answers: 1. C, 2. B, 3. A, 4. A, 5. A, 6. B, 7. C, 8. A, 9. D, 10. B

NOTICE: Keep the box the kit came in. After you have completed the radio and it operates satisfactorily, you may want to install a baffle
to improve the sound.
The final step in the radio kit will be to assemble and attach a baffle to the speaker. You will need to remove the baffle located in the
bottom of the box. If it does not want to come out easily, use a knife to cut the holding tabs.

When a speaker is not enclosed, sound waves can travel in all directions. As a speaker moves outward, it creates positive pressure on
the air in front of it and negative pressure on the rear. At low frequencies, out of phase front and rear waves mix causing partial or total
cancellation of the sound wave. The end result is a speaker less efficient and distorted.

To eliminate the low frequency cancellation, a speaker is placed inside an enclosure. Now the front sound waves are prevented from
traveling to the back. The speaker will now compress and decompress air inside, increasing its resonant frequency and Q relative to the
free air values. This type of effectively air-tight box is called an Acoustic Suspension.

AM/FM-108T Kit Carton
M1.8 x 7.5mm
Nut M1.8 Cut Off side


2. Cut off two pieces of the flap as shown

and bend the four flaps upward as
1. Start at one edge and carefully remove the baffle from
the bottom of the kit box.

3. Bend the top side upward as shown. 4. Bend the two sides upward. Attach the 5. Bend the bottom side upward and
three sides using scotch tape or glue attach it to the other sides using scotch
(Elmer’s, Duco Cement, or other). tape or glue. Bend one mounting flap
down as shown in the figure.

6. 7.
M1.8 x 7.5mm Screw
Back View


M1.8 Nut
Back View

Insert the baffle as shown in Step 6 . Secure into place with the M1.8 x 7.5mm” screw and a M1.8 nut as shown in Step 6. Secure the
side of the baffle with a piece of tape as shown in Step 7.
Optional: To make an air tight seal, place a bead of seal between the PC board and the baffle.


Elenco® Electronics, Inc.
150 Carpenter Avenue
Wheeling, IL 60090
(847) 541-3800
e-mail: [email protected]

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