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Case 3:20-cv-00578-TAD-KLH Document 1 Filed 05/06/20 Page 1 of 11 PageID #: 1



as administrators of the e§tate Of the decedent


Civil Action
Ⅴ. No.




NOW COMES Tayla Greene, Independent Administrator ofthe Estate ofthe

Decedent, Ronald Greene, COmPlaining of Defchdants, Trooper Dakota Demoss, Master

Trooper Chris Hollingswo叫Master Trooper Kory York, Captain John Peters, Lieutenant

John Clary, Sergeant Floyd McElroy, and John Doe Corporations l-3 seeking judgment in her

favor for violations ofthe Decedent’s Fourth Amendment rights under the United States

Constitution and Louisiana State Law. In support thereof Plaintiff avers as follows:


l. Ronald Greene, the Decedent, WaS at a11 relevant times a person of the full age and

m哀iority and a resident ofWest Monroe, Louisiana in Ouachita Parrish.

2. PlaintiffTayla Greene is the daughter of Ronald Greene, a PerSOn Ofthe餌1 age and of

m砧ority, and a resident of WindemereつFIorida. Tayla Greene sues on behalf of herself

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and as the personal representative ofthe Estate ofRonald Greene, deceased.

3. Trooper Dakota Demoss, WaS at all relevant times, a duly appointed Louisiana State

Police Trooper acting within the scope of his employment and under co10r Of law.

4・ Captain John Peters, WaS at a11 relevant times, a duly appointed Louisiana State Police

Captain acting within the scope of his empIoyment and under coIor of law.

5. Lieutenant John Clary, WaS at all relevant times, a duly appointed Louisiana State Police

Lieutenant acting within the scope of his empIoyment and under coIor of law.

6. Sergeant FIoyd McElroy was at all relevant times, a duly appointed Louisiana State Police

Sergeant acting within the scope of his empIoyment and under color of law.

7. Master Trooper Chris Hollingswofth, WaS at a11 relevant times, a duly appointed Louisiana

State Police Master Trooper acting within the scope of his employment and under coIor


8. Master Trooper Kory York, WaS at a11 relevant times, a duly appointed Louisiana State

Police Master Trooper acting within the scope ofhis empIoyment and under coIor oflaw.

9. Deputy Sherriff Christopher Harpin was at a11 relevant times, a duly appointed Union

Parish Deputy Sherriff,s O綿cer acting within the scope of his empIoyment and under

color of law.

10. John Doe Coaporation l is a currently unidentified manufacturer ofElectronic ControI


1 1. John Doe Corporation 2 is a currently uniden捕ed distributor ofElectronic ControI


12. John Doe Corporation 3 provides traihing to law enforcement on the use ofElectronic

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13. Jurisdiction exists in this Honoral)le Court pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 133 1 and 1343 as this

action is brought pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 1983 to redress a deprivation ofthe Fou血and

Fourteenth Amendment rights ofthe decedent Ronald Greene. Plaintiff fu血er invokes the

supplemental jurisdiction ofthis Court pursuant to 28 U・S.C. § 1367 to aqiudicate pendent

state law claims.

14. Venue is proper in this Honorable Court as Defendants’constitutional violations and

intentional torts and otherwise violative conduct occurred within the Westem District of



15. The Administrator ofthe Estate of Ronald Greene brings this matter before the court

seeking damages for the tragic and unnecessary death of their decedent Ronald Greene.

16. Greene was brutalized by Louisiana State Police and Union Parish Deputy O餌cers

which caused his death.

17. The lethal ft)rCe uSed against Greene was unprovoked, ur可vstified, unreaSOnable,

excessive, and in violation of Greene’s rights under the United States Const血tion and

the laws ofthe State ofLouisiana.


18. On or about 12 a.m. on May lO, 2O19, Greene was driving a silver Toyota CH葛R on

U.S. 80 in Monroe, Louisiana.

19. Trooper Demoss contends that he attempted to initiate a tra餌c stop of Greene’s car.

20. Trooper Demos does not define any violation ofthe motor vehicle code that would

justify a stop. Instead he contends that he observed a “tra綿c violation’’・

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21. Greene did not stop his car and a vehic賞e pursuit ensued.

22. Greene traveled along US 80 to LA 143 and into Union Parish where his car swerved’

SPun, and crashed into a wooded area'

23. The front ofGreene’s car did not make impact with a tree and his airbag did not depIoy.

24. The highest level ofimpact sustained by the car occurTed in the rear driver side and said

impact was moderate.

25. Greene was able to exit the vehicle without assistance.

26. Green was not ir可vred and could walk, SPeak and otherwise function in a healthy

manner after the crash.

27. Almost immediately thereafter, Trooper Demoss and Master Trooper Hollingsworth

arrived on the scene.

28. Shortly thereafter, Captain Peters, Lieutenant Clary, Sergeant McElroy’Master Trooper

York, and Deputy SherriffHarpin arrived at the scene.

29. Greene exited his car and began to apoIogize to the o綿cers, telling them he knew he

should have stopped the vehicle earlier.

30. Two o餌cers pinned Greene down on the ground while he screamed `Oh my God.’’’

3 1. Greene was moaning, begging the o餌cers to stop, and repeatedly saying “I’m sorry.”

32. Despite Greene’s contrition and surrender, Trooper Demoss’Master Trooper

Hollingsworth Master Trooper York’Captain Peters, Lieutenant Clary, Sergeant

McElroy, and Deputy SherriffHarpin individua11y and in concert used lethal force

against Greene.

33. Despite Greene’s contrition and s皿ender the Defendant officers used electronic
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controI weapons against Green at least three times thus attacking his heart with massive

amounts of electricity.

34' It an efrort to conceal the identity or identities of the o館cer or o綿cers who depIoyed

electronic controI weapons, the Louisiana State Police has declined to produce or

release bodycam footage, dashboard cam footage, discharge logs, uSe Of force reports

or any number of investigative materials that would identify who used lethal force.

35. The force used against Greene was u互iustified, unreaSOnable, eXCeSSive, and in violation

Of Greene’s Fourth Amendment rights.

36. The force used against Greene left him beaten, bloodied, and in cardiac arrest.

37. An o餓cer ca11ed for an ambulance was at 12:29 a,m.

38. When the Emergency Medical Technicians arrived at 12:51 a.m・ they found Greene

unresponsive. He was propped up against an o飾cer’s leg, COVered in blood with

multiple負TASER,, Barbs penetrating his body.

39. Emergency Medical Technicians determined that Greene was in cardiac and respiratory

40. Greene was placed on a gurney and transported to Glenwood Medical Center. He

remained unresponsive when he arrived at l :25 a・m・

41. Greene was pronounced dead at l :27 a.m・

42. An initial report from Glenwood Medical Center listed the principle cause of Greene’s

death as cardiac arrest. He was also diagnosed with an “unspec誼ed i垂ury ofhead.”

43. O珊cers immediately began efforts to obfuscate the true nature ofthe conduct that

caused Greene’s death. The following are examples of the Officers’deceptions

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a. police persomel told Greene’s family that he had been killed in an auto accident.

b. One O綿cer told Greene’s mother that he had been ki11ed immediately after

hitting a tree'

c. The call for Emergency Medical Services concealed血e fact that lethal force had


d. The sole police report produced to date does not indicate that force was used.

e. Inconsistent versions of the O餌cers’invoIvement with Greene were provided to

medical treatment providers at Glenwood Hospital.

f O餌cers claimed that Greene was intoxicated prior to leaming that a toxicoIogy

exam found no alcohoI or drugs.

g. Greene’s body was transported out ofthe State ofLouisiana to conduct an

autopsy, thereby denying the right ofthe family to have a representative observe

h. Denying Green’s family access to video footage ofthe use oflethal force.

44, Doctor Omokhuale, an emergenCy rOOm Physician at Glenwood confirms the O餌cers’

deception and stated as follows:

“upon obtaining more history from different law enforcement personnel [sic],

history seems to be di$ointed and does not add up. Different versIOnS are
present… family states they were told by law enforcement that patient died on
impact with three immediately after motor vehicle accident, but law enforcement
state to me that patient for out ofthe car and was runnlng and invoIved in a fight
and struggle where them where he was tased 3 times・’’

45. The O餌cers/ awareness of the unconstitutional nature oftheir conduct resulted in

persistent attempts to obfuscate the true nature of the conduct that caused Greene’s

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46. The autopsy revealed the true nature ofthe O触cers’conduct, nOting multiple signs of

recent trauma, blunt force i可uries to the head and fa・Ce, facia1 1acerations, facial

abrasions, facial contusions, SCalp lacerations, blunt force irjuries to the extremities, and

al)raSions and con山Sions over the left and right knees.

47. The O綿cers use of lethal force was malicious, unreaSOnable, and excessive.

WRONGFUL DEATH - LA C.C. Art. 2315.2.

48. Plaintiffhereby brings a Wrong餌Death claim pursuant to LA C.C. ArL 2315.2.

49. The actions of the Defendants, Trooper Demoss, Master Trooper Hollingsworth Master

Trooper York, Captain Peters, Lieutenant Clary, Sergeant McElroy’Deputy Sherriff

Harpin, and John Doe Corporations l-3 caused the death ofRonald Greene.

50. Plaintiff claims all available damages under the Louisiana Wrongful Death Statute for

financial contributions and the loss of future services, SuPPOrt, SOCiety, COmfort, affection,

guidance,叫elage, and contribution that the Plaintiff’s decedent’Ronald Greene, WOuld

have rendered but for his traumatic, untimely and umatural death.

5 1. Plaintiff claims damages for payment for all medical expense, funeral expenses, and burial



52. Plaintiff hereby brings a Survival Action under the Louisiana Survival Statute’LA C.C.

A巾. 2315.l.

53. Plaintiffclaims all damages recoverable under the Statute’including but not limited to’

loss ofincome both past and future income potential’aS WeH as’Pain and suffering prlOr

to death, and for emotional distress suffered by Ronald Greene from the initiation ofthe

attack upon him until the ultimate time ofhis death.

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H,Oaper Demoss,脇s初77,Oaper Ho雄略owOrth Mds勧77,OqZ’er ybrk, Ctp鋤n Pete均
Lieutemt C肋y, Sb′gr鋤t M勃切and Dq殺砂脇err娩Hapin

54. The preceding paragraphs are incorporated by ref料ence as though laid out餌Iy herein.

55. Trooper Demoss, Master Trooper Hollingswo血Master Tr∞Per York’Captain Peters’

Lieutenant Clary, Sergeant McElroy, and Deputy She正ff Harpin’s punching, kicking,

beating, uSe Of an Electronic ControI Weapon, Or Other use offorce all ∞ntributing

caused Ronald Greene,s mental anguish, Pain, agOny and untimely death.

56. The actions ofTr∞Per Demoss, Master Trooper Ho11ingswo血Master Trooper York’

Captain Peters, Lieutenant Clary, Sergeant McElroy, and Deputy She正ff Harpin were

intentional, eXCeSSive, and o阜iectively uureasonable.

57. Trooper Demoss, Master Trooper Ho11ingswo血Master Trooper York’Captain Peters’

Lieutenant Clary, Sergeant McElroy, and Deputy Sherriff Harpin were acting under ∞lor


58. Plaint肝seeks a11 available damages, including for the nature and extent of Decedent’s

l叩urleS, Pre-death pain and suifering, emOtional distress, and loss of life and enjoyment

oflife, aS Well as any other damages available under血e law.

WHEREFORE, Plainti揮i demands judgment in their favor, and against Defindants

pursuant to 412 U・S・C. § 1983, in an amount in excess ofOne Million Dollars ($1,OOO,OOO.OO),

including interest’delay danages, COStS Of suit’general and specific danages’including both

survival and wrongful death danages’Punitive and exemplary danages as provided by law’

attomeys, fees under U.S・C. 1985 and 1988’and any other remedies lega11y appropriate.
Case 3:20-cv-00578-TAD-KLH Document 1 Filed 05/06/20 Page 9 of 11 PageID #: 9


7yoaper Demoss, A勿ster丑oaper Holli喝鋤Orth Muster 7ナ0`やer ybrk, C勿寂n Peters,
Lieutemt C初y, Sbrgeant A勿E九`男and Dqr砂Sherr娩Hc#pin

59・ The preceding paragraphs are incorporated by reference as though laid out fully herein.

60. Trooper Demoss, Master Tr∞Per Hollingsworth Master Trooper York’Captain Peters,

Lieutenant Clary, Sergeant McElroy, and Deputy She正ff Harpin’s observed Ronald

Greene being punched, kicked, beaten, and abused with an Electronic ControI Weapon,

Which caused Ronald Greene’s mental anguish, Pain, agOny and untimely death.

6 1. Trooper Demoss, Master Trooper Hollingsworth Master Trooper York’Captain Peters,

Lieutenant Clary, Sergeant McElroy, and Deputy Sherriff Harpin, s knew that Ronald

Greene being punched, kicked, beaten, and abused with an Electronic ControI Weapon,

was un∞nStitutional but failed to intervene despite having the opportunity to do so.

62. Plaintiffseeks danages, including for the nature and extent ofDecedent’s i互iuries, Pre-

death pain and suffering, emOtional distress, and loss oflife and epjoyment oflife, aS

Well as all available damages available under the law.

WHEREFORE, Plaintif龍demands judgment in their favor, and against Defendants

pursuant to 42 U.S・C. § 1983, in an anount in excess ofOne Million Dollars ($1,OOO,OOO.OO),

including interest, delay damages, COStS Of suit, general and spec沌c damages’including both

survival and wrongful death damages, Punitive and exemplary damages as provided by law’

attomeys, fees under U.S.C. 1985 and 1988, and any other remedies legally appropriate.


7}0(per Demoss, A勿ster 7ナoqer Ho妨妙WO励A宛療r 7toaper 】わ帝Ccや幼n Pete均
Lieatenant C楊Iy, SbJgeant McE庇男and D街海砂Sherr娩Hdyin

63. The preceding paragraphs are incorporated by ref料ence as though laid out fully herein.

64. Trooper Demoss, Master Trooper Hollingsworth Master Tr∞Per York, Captain Peters,
Case 3:20-cv-00578-TAD-KLH Document 1 Filed 05/06/20 Page 10 of 11 PageID #: 10

Lieutenant Clary, Sergeant McElroy, and Deputy Sherriff Harpin punched, kicked, beat,

and abused Ronald Greene with an Electronic ControI Weapon, Which caused him

mental anguish, Pain, agOny and untimely death.

65. The actions ofTrooper Demoss, Master Trooper Hollingsworth Master Trooper York’

Captain Peters, Lieutenant Clary, Sergeant McElroy, and Deputy She正ff Harpin were

intentional, harmful, and offensive.

66. Plaint肝seeks damages, including for the nature and extent ofDecedent’s i互uries, Pre-

death pain and suifering, emOtional distress, and loss of life and e垂oyment of life, aS We11

as all available damages available under the law.

WHEREFORE, Plaintifおdemands judgment in their fivor, and against Defindants in

excess ofOne Million Dollars ($1,OOO,OOO.OO), including interest, delay damages, COStS Ofsuit,

general and specific damages’including both survival and wrong餌death damages’Punitive

and exemplary damages as provided by law.


CoipOrate Jbhn Does l-3

67. The preceding paragraphs are incorporated by ref料ence as though laid out餌Iy herein・

68・ John Doe Corporations l-3 are the manufacturer, distributor’marketer’and training

providers ofElectronic ControI Weapons in the LOuisiana State Police Department and

Union Parish Sherri’s Office.

69. John Doe Corporations hold their Electronic ControI Weapons out as a safおool for

Law Enforcement to use.

70. John Doe Corporations were aware ofthat cardiac arrest and death are substantial risks

associated with Electronic ControI Weapons.

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7l・ Nonetheless, John Doe Corporations continued to market and sell Electronic ControI


72. Upon information and belief an Electronic ControI Weapon produced by John Doe

Corporations was used during the lethal assault ofRonald Greene.

73. As a result ofthe assault and defects or inherent dangers ofthe Electronic ControI

Weapons produced by John Doe Corporation, Ronald Greene died from cardiac arrest・

74. Plaintiff seeks damages, including for the nature and extent ofDecedent’s ir申vries, Pre-

death pain and suffering, emOtional distress, and loss oflife and e可oyment oflife, aS Well

as a11 available damages available under the law.

WHEREFORE, Plaint胴e demands judgment in their fivor, and against Defendants in

excess ofOne Million Dollars ($l,OOO,OOO.OO), including interest, delay damages, COStS Ofsuit,

general and specific damages’including both survival and wrongful death damages’Punitive

and exemplary damages as provided by law.

Respect餌Iy Submitted,

Ronald Ha
8211 G○○ BIvd Ste E,

rk V. Maguire, Esquire

Philadelphia, PA 19109
Pro Hac Vice Petition forthcoming
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