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Service Reference Manual

UF Series

This Document is concerning to our Gold Units, such as the refrigeration units followed as BR, LR, PR,

the freezers FR and DFR, so as the Ultrafreezers UF.


Read this manual carefully!

Disregard can cause injury and under the badest condition it can lead to death.
Additionally it can also lead to destruction or failure of the device or some parts included.


1 Service Reference Manual

This Document applies to our Gold Units, such as the refrigeration units followed as BR, LR, PR,

the freezers FR and DFR and the Ultrafreezers UF.


Read this manual carefully!

Disregard can cause injury and under the worst conditions it can lead to death.
Additionally it can also lead to destruction or failure of the device or included parts.


All maintenance written in this manual, must be by qualified and certified personnel only.
Disregard will void the warranty.

All documents in this manual are for information purposes only.

B Medical Systems makes no representations or warranties with respect to this manual.
In no event shall B Medical Systems be held liable for any damages, direct or incidential, arising out of or related
to the use of this reference manual.

Most of the units which are integrated in this manual are under Medical Device Directive.
So as all BR, FR, UF units.
When these units are used to support a medical application, it is an accessory to a medical device and is
therefore considered as a medical device in its own right by the regulatory body (e.g. FDA).
2 Service Reference Manual

This symbol indicates a warning.
It is necessary to obey this warning to complete the maintenance
in the correct order.

Concerning the temperatures of the UF or FR units it is commendable
to wear gloves. Very low temperatures can lead to injury, such as

Electrical interruption
In certain situations it is necessary to interrupt the electrical connection.
Ignoring this precaution can possibly lead to injury or death.

Important operating and/or maintenance instructions.
Read the following section carefully.

Potential electrical hazards. Only qualified persons should perform the
maintenance related to this symbol.
Non-qualified persons are not allowed to perform maintenance.
Extreme injury or death may be caused by this maintenance.

Cold Temperatures
All actions indicated by this symbol are common with low temperatures.
Hand or skin contact with cold surfaces can lead to injury such as
3 Service Reference Manual

If you need any further information regarding to our products don`t hesitate to get in contact with our company

For technical support ( Spare parts or documents)

[email protected]

Phone +352 920 731 333

For sales information

[email protected]

Phone +352 920 731 …

Postal Address :

B Medical Systems

17, op der Hei

L-9809 Hosingen

Or contact your local dealer

4 Service Reference Manual

Table of Contents


Contacts 1

Table of contents 2

Overview 6
Installation Guide 7-9
Constructional Features 10-15
Display and Messages 16-18
Diagnostic 19
Adjustments 20
Principle of UF 21-24

Maintenance on Electronics and Electrical Equipment

Advisory 25
Checking the cooling cycle 26-27
Changing the mainboard 28-29
Changing the display 30
Changing the battery 31-32
Replacing the condenser fan motor 33-34
Changing the compressor 1st Stage 35-36
Changing the compressor 2nd Stage 37-38

Maintenance on Hardware
Replacing the door hinges 39-40

Medref 2008 Cheat Sheet 42
Service Checklist 43-44
Process and Instrumentation Diagram 45
Wiring Diagram 46
Menu Structure 47
Software compatibility 48
Parameter description 49-51
List of models by type 52
Parameter Settings 53-54
Temperature curves 55-56
Sketches 57
Spare part drawings 58-71

Maintenance on refrigeration units

Required tools 67
Practical tips 68-74
5 Service Reference Manual

All operations of the Unit can be taken from the users manual as a separate PDF.

Basic technical information is adapted below.

6 Service Reference Manual

UF range available as
UF455G and UF755G
and also as
UF455GG and UF755GG

Temperature : Setpoint -20°C to -82°C

Splitting : +/- 3K
Alarm : Setpoint +/- min 5K
Ambient temperature : +16..+32°C
7 Service Reference Manual

8 Service Reference Manual

Always ensure sufficient air circulation !

A space of 7cm around the device must be maintained

9 Service Reference Manual



· The unit must be set up in a dry well-ventilated place. Avoid direct sunlight or
locating it close to a heat source.
· Ensure that the unit is steady, perfectly level and does not rub against any of
the units next to it.
· Regarding security, the device complies with the climate classes indicated on
the dataplate (according to DIN EN ISO 23953-2, table 3). Ideal function is
given in an ambient temperature of
10-43°C with a relative humidity of 75%

· Air must be allowed to circulate freely all around the

unit as good air circulation is essential for trouble-free
operation. There must always be a gap of at least 70
mm all around the unit. Upright units must always be at
least 30cm away from the ceiling.
· Do not locate the unit below a ceiling fan or near air-
conditioning equipment.

· Several units are fitted with castors. Once the unit is in its
final location, the feet must be unscrewed to immobilize
it and keep it from rolling. Unscrew each foot until it
touches the floor and then screw the lock nut back up.

· The door handle of the model UF755G and GG has

been turned by 90° at the factory to faclitate packaging
and transporting, and should be turned during
installation in accordance with the diagram.

· With the UF755G and GG, the door securing device

must be removed before installation.

· The UF755G model must be fixed to the wall with both

chains to secure them against tipping.
Pulling out loaded drawers can tip the unit!
10 Service Reference Manual

Main characteristics

Doorlever and doorlock

Vacuum valve with

heating element

Regulation Sensor

Display sensor as option

 Vacuum panels in combination with PU foam for best insulation

 Self closing door < 90°
 Vacuum valve for door openings anytime
11 Service Reference Manual

RS485 Connections on Backside

5 to
LINE Mainboard

In combination with the DMN Monitoring Software you can implement every device in a network structure,
provided by B Medical Systems.
An additional VLINX LAN-converter has to be integrated in the network structure.

Example below:
12 Service Reference Manual

Remote Connections on Backside

Remote ALARM
Temperature FUNCTION
Voltage free
Power failure

The remote alarm contacts are adapted to every device of the actual Medical Refrigeration Range
including the Mainboard 2008.

They can be used to forward external signals such as

 Temperature Alarm
 Powerfail Alarm
 Door Openings
if these ports are connected by the customer
13 Service Reference Manual

Temperature sensors

Only 2Wire Class1/3B PT1000 Sensors are used in our actual devices.
One for the Display and one for the regulation.

Temperature/Resistance Chart

Up to 5 Sensors can be connected to the 2008 Mainboard

Each sensor has to be defined by number ( Listing below)

Sensor Type Function Describtion

1 TREG1 Regulation Sensor 1

2 TREG2 Regulation Sensor 2

3 TDIS1 Display Sensor 1

4 TDIS2 Display Sensor 2

5 THEX Sensor Heatexchanger (only UF)

6 TEVS Sensor Evaporator ( only FR)

7 TAMB Ambient Temperature Sensor

14 Service Reference Manual

The Display Sensor is installed in a reference bottle as on the picture below

This is an option for the UF Devices!

The Liquid inside consists of a silicone based oil

15 Service Reference Manual

This mainboard is basic built in our actual Medical Refrigeration product range

As an option an upgraded mainboard with additional ports is available.

Such as mainboard with an 4-20mA port and an additional PT100 port

Basic Mainboard 2008 ( order number 296.9769.03)

in the

Optional Mainboard (4-20mA) ( order number 296.9769.04)

16 Service Reference Manual
17 Service Reference Manual

Display Messages

Status Messages

Appears when an evaporator sensor is connected and activated in the EXTRA menu.
Applies only to FR devices!
Displayed when the regulation sensor is connected and activated.

As above, only for combination devices (Fridge /Freezer).

Displayed when a heat exchanger sensor is connected and activated in the EXTRA
menu. Applies only to UF devices

Displayed on the preset interval. Usually every 6 months for maintenance.

Displayed when the ambient temperature is higher than set.

Displayed when the ambient temperature is lower than set.

Alarm Messages

Displayed when a power failure has occurred

Door open time is exceeded

Displayed when temperature high alarm has occurred

Displayed when temperature low alarm has occurred

Displayed when temperature high alarm 2 has occurred (only for combi devices)

Displayed when temperature low alarm 2 has occurred (only for combi devices)
18 Service Reference Manual

Error Messages

Regulation sensor malfunctioning. The device will operate in “FAILSAFE MODE”

As above, only for combination devices

Display sensor is malfunctioning. The regulation sensor temperature will be displayed

As above, only for combination devices

Heat exchanger sensor is malfunctioning

Evaporator sensor is malfunctioning

Ambient sensor is malfunctioning

Configuration Error – Incorrect model – The unit does not start!

No communication between the display and the main board

Electronic failure. Device stops!

Device runs at predefined ON/OFF cycles

Battery-Status of the device is low or empty

Battery icon will be displayed together with the error message
Battery-Status of the DCU is low or empty
Battery icon will be displayed together with the error message

In the case of a power failure, an internal battery supplies the electronics with power for 48-hours.
The battery will be charged automatically and should be changed every two years as preventative
The “Internal / DCU battery” message is displayed no longer than two minutes after installation
The unit must be switched off and back on so that the change will be detected by the electronics!

Failsafe Mode

The device runs in predefined cycle.

Regulated by parameter DUR and DUS.

DUR= Minimum compressor running time at failure

DUS= Minimum compressor stop time at failure

19 Service Reference Manual

Using Diagnostics

The digital data have to be read

from right to left!
Digital Input:position is BIT0!
BIT0 = door contact
PT1: -14°C BIT1 = do not use
PT1: -12°C
PT1: 14°C BIT2 = Pressostat 1 ( only Typ 1 + 2 )
PT4: 0°C
PT5: 0°C
DI: 00000100
BIT3 = Pressostat 2 ( only Typ 1 )
00000110 OUT LOW:
AL HW: 00000000
AL TEMP: 00000000 BIT0 = do not use
AL MISC: 00000000
AL PT: 00100000 BIT1 = relay 1 – Temperature alarm remote relay
CFGPT: 1101010
BIT2 = relay 3 – Compressor 1
BIT3 = relay 4 – Compressor 2
BIT4 = relay 5 – Indoor fan ( AC / DC )
BIT5 = relay 6 – Defrost heater 1 for type 2 + 8, frame heater for
Type 4
BIT6 = relay 7 – Defrost heater 2
BIT7 = relay 8 – Frame heater for type 1 + 2, Light for type 4.6 + 8
BIT0 = relay 9 – Solenoid valve for type 1 +2, door heater for Type 4
BIT1 = relay 10 – Water inlet valve for type 1,2 + 4, frame heater for
type 6 + 8
BIT2 = relay 11 – not assigned -> always active
BIT3-7 : not used
20 Service Reference Manual

Explaination of Digital Inputs

All digital data such as the bits will change from 0 to 1 if they are activated.

For example:
If a high pressure fault will occur in a UF unit caused by a fault condenser fan, the bit 2 at DI (Digital Input) will
change from 0 to 1 and the mainboard will cut off the compressors of the 1st and 2nd stage.
Shown on Out Low Output as bit 2 and 3.

Before Failure

DI: 00000000

Out Low 00001100

Both compressors are running. Bit 2 + 3 are high.(1)

Pressure switch i slow (0)

After Failure

DI: 00000100

Out Low 00000000

Both compressors stopped. Bit 2 + 3 are low.(0)

Pressure switch BIT 2 is high (1)
21 Service Reference Manual


The DOT Parameter will only modify the Display Value.

The regulation value will remain completely unaffected.
If the DOT Value is increased, the Display value will also

Example below:
Display New Display
Temperature DOT Temperature

+5°C 0 5°C

1 6°C

2 8°C

-2.5 2.5°C

The CAL Parameter will modify the regulation Temperature.

If the CAL Parameter is increased, the inside temperature

will fall.

Example below:
Inner New inner
temperature CAL Temperature

+5°C 0 +5°C

1 +4°C

2 +3°C

-2.5 +7.5°C
22 Service Reference Manual

Principle and function of the UF

To reach inner temperatures of deeper than -80°C we use our patented heat exchanger.

It’s a system of a cascade technology. Therefore, two independent cooling cycles are needed.
1st Stage and 2nd Stage.
The common point of these two cycles is a heat exchanger which is the evaporator of the 1st Stage
and the condenser of the 2nd Stage.
This is required to keep the high pressure of the 2nd Stage under a critical point. A condensing
temperature between -5°C and -32°C is the result.

After starting the device following will happen:

 The 1st Stage starts to run and cools the heat exchanger to-32°C.
 The 2nd Stage starts in fact of parameter 2SON (-32°C)
 The condensing temperature heats up the heat exchanger
 The 2nd Stage stops again when the sensor inside determines a temperature of -5°C so as
parameter 2SOF (-5°C)

Heat Exchanger

Sensor THEX inlet

23 Service Reference Manual


From Evaporator plates

Capillar tube 2 Stage

Filter/drier 2 Stage

Towards Compressor 1 Stage

Towards Compressor 1 Stage

From Compressor 2 Stage

Capillar tube for oil return

24 Service Reference Manual


Liquid Collector

Injection 2 Stage

Capillar tube 1st Stage

25 Service Reference Manual


Top Evaporator
Point of Injection

Side Evaporators

Preinjection ( only UF GG)

26 Service Reference Manual

Maintenance on Electronics and Electrical Equipment.

Ensure that the power plug has been disconnected from the
main supply!
All maintenance in this chapter must be performed without any
27 Service Reference Manual

Checking the cooling cycle

Use a datalogger

At our UF Devices we added special K-probes to measure the temperatures inside the cycle.

They are labelled with following numbers.

0 Pre-Injection Point (Only UF GG Devices)

1 Inlet Top Evaporator
2 Outlet Side Evaporator 1
3 Outlet Side Evaporator 2
4 Heat Exchanger Condenser 2nd Stage IN
5 Heat Exchanger Condenser 2nd Stage OUT

In stable running progress at -82°C you should have following Temperatures:

For Example UF755GG

Probe 0-3
between -90°C and -97°C

Probe 4-5
between -41°C and -47°C

 For verification use listing on next page !

28 Service Reference Manual

Use a manifold

Advisory! Before using a manifold ensure that all hoses are evacuated before
opening the system!

In fact that the system is possibly running below ambient pressure,

it is necessary to follow this advisory.

Otherwise external gas can infect the cooling-cycle and cause the
system to malfunction.

 Connect the manifold with the cooling-system.

 Use the listing below to verify temperature and pressure

Note !
The listing is an example. All values can deflect a little bit.

Cooldown-Cycle UF755GG as Example

HP 1. LP 1. HP LP
Time Stage Stage 2.Stage 2.Stage Display Probe 0Probe 1 Probe 2 Probe 3 Probe 4 Probe 5

08:00 10.0 0.0 7.5 7.5 20.1 -50.0 -50.5 21.1 19.5 -40.0 4.0

08:10 11.0 0.0 26.0 1.3 20.1 -57.0 -60.5 20.6 19.5 -34.2 -5.3

09:00 9.5 -0.2 25.0 1.6 -7.8 -61.3 -63.2 7.9 11.2 -30.0 -9.0

10:00 12.5 -0.2 14.0 0.7 -31.5 -73.3 -75.2 -35.3 -25.2 -32.8 -15.8

11:00 11.5 0.2 9.0 0.1 -53.8 -80.8 -81.8 -62.6 -58.5 -38.5 -36.2

12:00 11.0 0.1 7.5 -0.1 -64.9 -84.2 -84.8 -72.3 -89.3 -41.8 -40.8

13:00 11.0 0.0 6.5 -0.2 -75.0 -87.4 -87.9 -83.1 -91.3 -45.0 -44.3

14:00 10.5 0.0 6.0 -0.3 -81.1 -89.3 -89.8 -97.6 -95.1 -46.8 -46.2

15:00 10.5 0.0 5.8 -0.4 -82.2 -90.5 -90.9 -98.7 -96.0 -47.8 -47.2
29 Service Reference Manual

Changing the mainboard

1. Unplug the device

2. Remove the front cover and the sideplates.

3. Open the Aluminum case in the under compartment by turning out the screws.

4. Separate the electronic from the mainplate by turning out the screws
30 Service Reference Manual

5. Place the new mainboard on top of the old one.

6. Begin transferring wire after wire from the old mainboard to the new one.

7. When finished, remove the old mainboard and attach the new mainboard to the mainplate

Regarding maintenance inside the under compartment, it is recommended to

change the battery at the same time!!

8. Redo all the steps backwards and close the under compartment

9. At next the Mainboard should be installed by model.

10. Replug the device and turn it on using the key.

11. Enter the Menu as shown below.

 Press the Menu-Button

 Hold right arrow for about 3 seconds
 Enter the code 7245
 After confirming by pressing enter, you are in the production menu

12. Define the Device by chosing the correct model from the list.

13. Confirm your choice by pressing « enter » again.

14. Leave the menu.

It may be necessary to change also the display, therefore it is

important to check the Software Version!!!

Device compatibility can be checked on the list in the appendix.

31 Service Reference Manual

Changing the Display

To change the display, proceed as following :

1. Use a flat tool or a screwdriver to lever the display out of the plastic frame.
Disconnect the Interface cable.

Plastic frame


2. Screw out the keys and plug it out.

Key switch

3. Install the Key and the new Display in the same way backwards.

It can be necessary to change also the Mainboard. Therefore it is

important to check the Software Version!!!

Device compatibility can be checked on the list in the appendix.

32 Service Reference Manual

Change The Battery

If the Display shows the message BAT LOW/FAIL, the Battery has to be changed.
In this case proceed as follows:

1. Unplug the device

2. Dismantle the front cover and the sideplates.


3. Open the Aluminum case in the under compartment. by turning out the screws.
33 Service Reference Manual

4. Unplug the Battery and screw off the battery bar.

Battery bar


Fixation points

5. Replace the battery by a new one and mount it using the same procedure in reverse.


Be sure to connect positive and negative terminals as before !!

Verify polarity before connecting the wires !!

34 Service Reference Manual

Replace the Condensing Fan Motor

1. Unplug the Device

2. Disconnect the wiring of the fan motor. Normally it is connected onto the start relay.

Start relay

3. Remove the screws that fix the wirebasket of the the condenser.
35 Service Reference Manual

4. Remove the screws that attach the fanblade to the motor.

5. Remove the screws that attach the wirebasket.

6. Install the new motor following the same steps in reverse orders.

It is recommended to change the motor and the fan blade at

the same time.
36 Service Reference Manual

Change the compressor 1st Stage

1st Stage

2nd Stage
37 Service Reference Manual

1. Unplug the device

2. Remove the side panels from under compartment

3. Use a manifold and a recovery system to empty the refrigerant from the system.
Therefore, you have to use the service valves for high and low pressure.

Make sure that all connected hoses are evacuated before opening the
Refrigeration cycle!!

Servicevalve 1st
Stage Low Pressure

Servicevalve 1st
Stage High Pressure

4. Disconnect the electrical wiring.

5. Braze out the adapted pipes from the compressor under nitrogen atmosphere.

6. Remove the compressor from the mainplate.

7. Mount the new compressor in the same place and orientation as the original unit.

8. Adapt the pipes by brazing them with silver brazing material under nitrogen atmosphere.

9. Use a manifold and a vacuum pump to evacuate the system in the specified order.

10. After complete evacuation, fill the system with the amount of refrigerant specified on the typeplate.

11. Replug the device and ensure that the device is in proper working order.

To ensure the best performance, proceed as in the added

specification. “ Practical Tips” attached in this appendix !
38 Service Reference Manual

Changing the compressor 2nd Stage

1st Stage

2nd Stage
39 Service Reference Manual

1. Unplug the device

2. Remove side panels from under compartment

3. Use a manifold and a recovery ystem to empty all the refrigerant from the system.
Therefore, you have to use the service valves for high and low pressure.

Make sure that all connected hoses are evacuated before opening the
refrigeration cycle !!

For the best performance ensure that

the compressor and also the oil
separator is charged with Reniso SP 46
mineral oil.

Relay Units Some of the elder UF units have been

charged with POE Oil.

Compressor If you are not sure which oil has been

2nd Stage charged, contact the BMS Service
Department for details.


4. Disconnect the electrical wiring and the relay units.

5. Braze out the adapted pipes from the compressor under nitrogen atmosphere.

6. Remove the compressor from the mainplate.

7. Mount the new compressor in the same place and orientation as the original unit.

8. Adapt the pipes by brazing them with silver brazing material under nitrogen atmosphere.

9. Use a manifold and a vacuum pump to evacuate the system in the specified order.

10. After required evacuation, fill the system with the amount of refrigerant specified on the typeplate.

11. Replug the device and ensure that the device is in proper working order.

To ensure the best performance, proceed as in the added

specification. “Practical tips” attached in this appendix !

40 Service Reference Manual

Maintenance on hardware

Replace the door hinges

To replace the door hinges, such as the upper and lower hinge included by the spring bolt proceed as follows.

1. Remove the faceplate of the lower compartment.

2. Open the cover of the electronic box and release the interface cable.
Position shown on the wiring diagram.

3. Remove the interface cable from the connection in the corner of the sub compartment.

4. Next open the door to an angle of about 90°, and lift it out of the hinges.
41 Service Reference Manual

5. Replace the hinges including the spring bolt as shown below

Upper hinge


Lower hinge

6. Mount the new hinges the same way backwards.

7. Ensure that the plastic cones of the spring bolt are twisted to each other.
Therefore, you can use a wrench to twist the cones. Example below

8. Afterwards mount the door back again and reconnect the interface cable.

9. Ensure the door closes securely for proper operation.

42 Service Reference Manual


 Service Checklist
 Process and Instrumentation Diagram
 Wiring Diagram
 Menu Structure
 Software compatibility
 Parameter description
 Listing of models by number
 Parameter Settings
 Temperature curves
 Spare part drawings
 Required tools
43 Service Reference Manual
44 Service Reference Manual

Service Checklist
Device details
Model Version Mainboard
Product Number
Serial Number Version Display
Stored goods
Responsable User

The Servicechecklist is addicted to the reference manual

Occured failures claimed by the customer

Ref. Sightings Yes No Additional marks

1.1 External dammages
1.2 Display OK
1.3 Key ON/OFF available
Key for door available
1.4 Doorgasket intact
Doorgasket free of ice
1.5 Loading the right way
1.6 Icing
Icing vacuum valve
1.7 condenser cleaned
Filter mattress cleaned
1.8 Tubeinsulation in best order


Ref Function analysis Yes No n/a

2.1 Cabinets door
2.2 Internal illumination
2.3 Frameheater activated
2.4 Doorheater activated
2.5 Defrost heater test
2.6 Appendix
Levelling plates
2.7 Condenser Fan normal function
2.8 Evaporator Fan normal function
2.9 Vacuum valve

45 Service Reference Manual

Service Checklist
Ref Function Test Yes No n/a

3.1 Display
3.2 Temperature alarm
3.3 Door opening alarm
3.4 Powerfail-alarm
3.5 Temperature Recorder
3.6 CO2 Backup function


Measurements Current State

4.1 Operating voltage V
4.2 Displayed voltage V
4.3 Display sensor °C
4.4 Regulation Sensor °C
4.5 Temperature shown on Display °C
4.6 Thermoprobe 0 only UF °C
4.7 Thermoprobe 1 only UF °C
4.8 Thermoprobe 2 only UF °C
4.9 Thermoprobe 3 only UF °C
4.10 Thermoprobe 4 only UF °C
4.11 Thermoprobe 5 only UF °C


Parameter settings Current state

5.1 MOD
5.2 BLO
5.3 SET / SET2
5.4 HAL / HAL2
5.5 LAL / LAL2
5.6 CAL / CAL2
5.7 DOT / DOT2


RI Diagram

Executing technician Signature technician Date

User Signature user Date

46 Service Reference Manual

RI Schemata
47 Service Reference Manual

Wiring Diagram

Menu structure Medref 2008

48 Service Reference Manual

Menu Structure
49 Service Reference Manual

Software compatibility

Ensure the compatibility between Mainboard

and Display !!
Disregardin may cause a malfunction!!
50 Service Reference Manual

Parameter description Medref 2008

Setting parameter
MOD Model and type
BLO Block setpoint and alarm values YES/NO
TYP Device type, automatically selected by MOD 1 bis 8 1
SN Serial number of the device 8 digits
SHL Setpoint upper limit SLL +99 0.5K
SHL2 Setpoint upper limit 2 device SLL2..+99 0.5K
SLL Setpoint lower limit "-99..SHL 0.5K
SLL2 Setpoint lower limit 2 device "-99..SHL2 0.5K
PT1 Sensor setting for PT1 0-7 1
PT2 Sensor setting for PT2 0-7 1
PT3 Sensor setting for PT3 0-7 1
PT4 Sensor setting for PT4 0-7 1
PT5 Sensor setting for PT5 0-7 1
MNT Maintenance setting 0…12 1 Monat
C/F Temperature unit C/F
ADR Network address 1… 1
LIT Light: external/ internal/ none EXT/INT/NO
BT2 Second connected battery 0/1 0/1
DBO Display sleep mode after 0-600 1sec
DHT Door heater 0/1 0/1
FHT Frame heater 0/1 0/1

Compressor parameters
COD Minimum stop time compressor 0…5min 1min
COD2 Minimum stop time compressor2 0…5min 1min
CON Difference between the set point for compressor start 0…10 0,1K
CON2 Difference between the set point for compressor2 start 0…10 0,1K
COF Difference between the set point for compressor stop 0…10 0,1K
COF2 Difference between the set point for compressor 2stop 0…10 0,1K
2SON Cut in 2nd stage compressor "-99..+99 1K
2SOF Cut out 2nd stage compressor "-99..+99 1K
DUR Compressor duty cycle run time 0…60 1min
DUR2 Compressor duty cycle run time 2 0…60 1min
DUS Compressor duty cycle stop time 0…60 1min
DUS2 Compressor duty cycle stop time 2 0…60 1min
CFCO Condenser fan continuosly N/Y N/Y
51 Service Reference Manual

Defrost parameters
DDE Defrost cycles per day 0…4 day 1
DTY Defrost type HG/EL
CRT Compressor running time for defrosting 0…24h 1
CTD Cooling before defrost 0…30min 1min
DDD1 Drip preheating time of the heater 1 before defrost 0…30min 1min
DDD2 Drip preheating time of the heater 2 before defrost 0…30min 1min
DCO Compressor ON while draining preheating Y/N
DTI Defrost stop time 0…30min 1min

TDT Temperature coefficient 0…0.5min/°C 0.1min/°C

DST Defrost stop temperature 0…50°C 1K
DTO Defrost time ou 0…30min 1min
DRT Drainage time 0…60min 1min
CDP Drainage time compressor OFF 0…DRT 1min
DT1 defrost time 1 00:00..23:55 5min
DT2 defrost time 2 00:00..23:55 5min
DT3 defrost time 3 00:00..23:55 5min
DT4 defrost time 4 00:00..23:55 5min
FPT Fan pulse time after defrost 0…10s 1sec
FSD Delayed activation of the fan after defrost 0…60min 1min
FST Fan switch-on temperature difference "-50..+50 1K
CTT Precooling difference befroe defrost 0..10K 0.5K

Alarm parameter
PAL Alarm limit of the set point 0…10K 0.5K
PAL2 Alarm limit 2 of the set point 0…10K 0.5K
HAL Temperature high alarm SP+PAL…99.5°C 0.5K
HAL2 Temperature high alarm 2 SP2+PAL2…99.5°C 0.5K
LAL Temperature low alarm "-99.5°C…SP-PAL 0.5K
LAL2 Temperature low alarm 2 "-99.5°C…SP2-PAL2 0.5K
ALD Alarm delay after switching 0…24h 1h
DAD Acoustic door alarm delay 0…180 5sec
ULU Upper limit of ambient temperature 0…60 1K
LLU lower ambient temperature limit 0…20 1K
MUD Mute period of the acoustic signal 0…60min 1min
ROD Remote alarm activation for "door open" 0/1 0/1
VHL Voltage upper limit 1…500V 1V
VLL voltage lower limit 1…500V 1V
VAD Voltage alarm duration 1…600sec 1sec
VAA Voltage alarm activation Y/N /
RVA Remote temperature alarm on voltage alarm Y/N /
VACOF By voltage alarm Compressor of Y/N /
TAC Temperature alarm confirm Y/N /
52 Service Reference Manual

Fan parameter
FCP Compressor fan OFF Y/N
FAT Fan raising temperature "-99…+99°C 1K
FDT Fan Off temperature "-99…+99°C 1K
CFCO Condenser fan compressor OFF Y/N

Valve parameter
VSC Valve stop cycle 1…24h 1
VST Valve stop time 0…30min 1
VDT Valve delay time 0…60s 1

Additional Parameter
TEX Type the 4 ... 20mA input 0…3 1
LEX Lower limit of 4 ... 20mA input -3000…+3000 0.1
HEX Upper limit of 4 ... 20mA input -3000…+3000 0.1
TRA Frequency sensor response per second 3…16 1
TDM Damping factor control sensor 1…500 1
SELMA Temp choice 4 ... 20mA output 0…8 1
T20MA Upper Temperaturlimit 4 ... 20mA output -200…+200°C 1
T4MA Lower Temperaturlimit 4 ... 20mA output -200…+200°C 1

List of Modeltypes by Numbers

Service Reference Manual
54 Service Reference Manual
55 Service Reference Manual
56 Service Reference Manual

Temperature curves for UF755G (Cool down)

Temperature curves for BR ( PR490 as example)

Temperature curves for UF755G (Stable running)

57 Service Reference Manual

Temperature curves for UF755GG (Cool Down)

Temperature curves for UF755GG (Stable running)

58 Service Reference Manual
59 Service Reference Manual

Spare part drawings

60 Service Reference Manual
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Activities on refrigeration units

All activities should be done by certified and trained cooling technicians.

Normally for the best results it is needed to have following tools:

Before charging, the system must be evacuated with a vacuum pump to a pressure of at least 0.05 bar
for minimum 1hour

All Brazing activities have to be done under nitrogen atmosphere inside the tubes.

The quantity of refrigerant should be measured with a scale which can guarantee a precision of 2g.

All devices especially Medical Device Units have to be proofed for a proper operation.
So all devices must be checked for temperature performance.
Therefore you can use a Datalogger for mapping the Temperature curves.
As reference it is obligatory to use the stable running mapping attached in this appendix.
Ensure that the unit works after the intervention in the best way.
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Practical Tips

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Charging the sytem

81 Service Reference Manual

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