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Power Point Project Grading Rubric

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Slide Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation is Presentation has
flows well and flows well. Tools flows well. Some unorganized. Tools no flow. No tools
logically. are used tools are used to are not used in a used.
Presentation correctly. show acceptable relevant manner.
reflects Overall understanding.
extensive use of presentation is
tools in a interesting.
creative way.
Slide Transitions are Smooth Smooth Very few No transitions are
smooth. transitions are transitions are transitions are used.
Transitions used on most used on some used and/or they
enhance the slides. slides distract from the
presentation. presentation.
Pictures, Images are Images are Most images are Images are No images
appropriate. appropriate. appropriate inappropriate.
Clip Art
Layout is Layout is
Background pleasing to the cluttered.
Mechanics No spelling Few spelling Some spelling Some spelling Many spelling and
errors. No errors. Few errors. Some errors. Some or grammar
grammar errors. grammar errors. grammar errors. grammar errors. errors. Text is
Text is in Text is in Text is in Most of text is in copied.
authors’ own authors’ own authors’ own authors’ own
words. words. words. words.
Presentation Well rehearsed. General level of Acceptable level Low level of No rehearsal
No pronunciation rehearsal. Few of rehearsal. rehearsal. indicated. Too
errors or other pronunciation Some Numerous many pronunciation
mistakes. errors or other pronunciation pronunciation errors or other
mistakes. errors or other errors or other mistakes.
mistakes. mistakes.
Content Content is Content is Content is Content is Content is
accurate and all accurate but accurate but questionable. inaccurate.
required some required some required Information is not Information is not
information is information is information is presented in a presented in a
presented in a missing and/or missing and/or logical order, logical order,
logical order. not presented in not presented in making it difficult making it difficult
a logical order, a logical order, to follow. to follow.
but is still making it
generally easy difficult to
to follow. follow.

Name________________________________ Period_____

Subject______________________________ Score_____

Score/Grade: 6 to 7=10 10 to 11=30 14 to 15=50 18 to 20=70 24 to 27=90

8 to 9=20 12 to 13=40 16 to 17=60 21 to 23=80 28 to 30=100

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