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Warning: This system produces a highly flammable liquid.

• Always use the Alembic Pot Still System in a room with adequate ventilation.
• Never leave the Alembic Pot Still system unattended when operating.
• Keep the Alembic Pot Still system away from all sources of ignition, including smoking, sparks,
heat, and open flames.
• Ensure all other equipment near to the Alembic Pot Still system or the alcohol is earthed.
• A fire extinguishing media suitable for alcohol should be kept nearby. This can be water fog, fine
water spray, foam, dry powder, carbon dioxide, sand or dolomite.
• Do not boil dry. In the event the still is boiled dry, reset the cutout button under the base of the still.
In the very unlikely event this cutout fails, a fusible link gives an added protection.

• Shut off all possible sources of ignition.
• Clean up spills immediately using cloth, paper towels or other absorbent materials such as soil,
sand or other inert material.
• Collect, seal and dispose accordingly
• Mop area with excess water.

Important points before getting started................................................................................ 3
Preparing the Alembic Pot Still.................................................................................................. 5
Distilling a Whiskey, Rum or Brandy........................................................................................7
Distilling neutral spirit from a sugar wash..........................................................................11
Distilling using a botanicals basket.........................................................................................13
Water distillation............................................................................................................................15
Essential oils distillation..............................................................................................................16
Trouble shooting guide................................................................................................................ 17
Frequently asked questions.......................................................................................................19

1 2
spirit. Then as the distillation is nearly over the smooth sweet spirit will slowly change into a bitter,
undesirable flavour which is described by some people as ‘wet cardboard’.
This changing flavour profile is what leads us to making what are called ‘cuts’ during the distillation.
IMPORTANT POINTS TO NOTE BEFORE The harsh tasting chemical flavours at the beginning are what are referred to as the ‘heads’, the
smooth, sweet spirit in the middle of the distillation is the ‘hearts’ and the final bitter, low alcohol
GETTING STARTED spirit is referred to as the ‘tails’. The change between these sections gradually occurs and so the real
art of distilling comes into what you let into your final spirit. This is completely influenced by when

• The Copper Dome and Alembic Condenser can also be attached to the Grainfather all grain brewing
you make your cuts which can be a difficult decision to make at the time of distilling.
system. Where “boiler” is mentioned this could be the Grainfather or the T500 Boiler or other boiler Because of this difficulty it is recommended that users collect the heads and tails sections in multiple
that fits. small containers. Then, the transition to the hearts section from the heads can be made later than it
• It is best to use the dome and condenser for best quality results and maximum copper-vapour should be and the containers with the desirable flavours can be blended back into the hearts section
interaction. However you can use the condenser on its own with the boiler. This instruction manual after distillation is complete. The same should be done for the tails section, except in this case the
assumes the use of both pieces together. hearts section should be finished early.
• Temperature probe – if you are used to using the T500 distillation system, you will be used to
needing to control the temperature with your water flow. Please note when using this alembic pot WHY DO MULTIPLE DISTILLATIONS?
still system the temperature reading on the condenser will fluctuate and should not to be controlled For every distillation using a pot still the product becomes increasingly refined. The ethanol purity
like the T500. That probe will mostly be showing you what the temperature is so you can make your increases, and more and more flavours are stripped from the product. For some types of spirit
cuts correctly. such as vodka or gin, referred to as white spirit, this is desired, as a very pure and clean tasting
product is desired. For these spirits generally the more distillations the better and distillers find a
FOR USE WITH THE GRAINFATHER CONNECT ALL IN ONE balance between quality and yield. Traditionally white spirits were made using pot stills and multiple
distillations, but as still technology has developed these spirits are now made using reflux stills that
BREWING SYSTEM can produce triple or even quadruple distilled quality spirit in one run.
The Copper Dome and Alembic Condenser can be attached to the Grainfather to turn it from a
For other spirits, such as whiskeys, rums and brandies, the flavours present in the wash contribute
brewing unit to a distilling unit. The Grainfather Connect Control Box (included with the Grainfather)
significantly to the flavour of the final spirit. Because of this a balance needs to be achieved between
has a ‘Power Control Mode’ where you can specify the power output rather than specifying the target
making a smooth-drinking spirit, and also one which has a nice flavour. Pot stills are a great way
temperature. To enter (or exit) power control mode, hold the heat button for 6 seconds (there is also
of achieving this and two distillations provides the perfect balance between obtaining a smooth-
an option to enter this mode from the mobile device app). Once power control mode is active, the
drinking final product and also one which contains the fantastic flavours present in the wash. The
LCD screen will change to only display the current temperature and power output. You can use the
first of these two distillations is referred to as the stripping run, and the second is called the spirit run.
up/down buttons to change the power output in 5% increments.
You can still produce a brown spirit using a single distillation, the resulting product will be of a lower
The benefit of this for distilling is that you can lower the power output to slow down the speed at
percentage and less refined, but it will carry through more of the flavour of the wash. Brown spirits
which the distilled spirits comes out. This is desirable during the spirit run when you are making
can also be triple distilled, this will lead to a very refined product where a majority of the end-flavour
cuts to separate the heads and tails from the hearts. You should make your cuts at specific output
will come from the aging process, not from the flavour of the wash.
temperatures (or ABV) which changes constantly, but if you slow down how fast the spirit comes out
you have more time to take the measurements and make your cuts at the right time.
Before distilling can take place it is paramount to ensure that fermentation has completely finished.
WHAT ARE CUTS AND WHY DO WE NEED THEM? This can be done by using a hydrometer to check that the specific gravity remains constant for 3
The fermentation process of the yeast converting sugars into ethanol also results in many other days, or if you have achieved the desired final gravity of your recipe. If fermentation is not completely
compounds as by products. These other components are mostly made up of acetaldehyde, esters, finished, there will be unfermented sugars left in the wash and this can lead to excessive frothing of
ethyl acetate, acetal, and a small amount of methanol to name a few. All of these occur in the same the wash inside the boiler. If this gets out of hand the wash can froth up through the condenser and
quantities in the wash as are present in beer. However, these components, called congeners, increase undistilled wash can make its way into your distillate output.
in concentration when they are distilled and can lead to levels which have undesirable tastes or are When fermentation is finished, it is important to clear the wash to be ready for distilling. Yeasts
even harmful. These congeners have different boiling points to that of ethanol so when the wash is release off flavours when they are put under stress, and boiling the wash when there are still
distilled some congeners come out before the majority of the ethanol, and others come out after the significant amounts of yeast present leads to off flavours in the final spirit. To counteract this it is a
ethanol. This causes the flavour profile coming out of the still to change markedly over the course of good idea to clear the wash, and then only transfer the cleared wash without the dead yeast into the
the distillation. Some of these congeners contribute desirable flavours to the distilled spirit; these are boiler. This can be done by syphoning the top of the cleared wash off and not disturbing the yeast
normally the congeners with the boiling point closest to ethanol. Other congeners taste and smell particles at the bottom of the fermenter.
very similar to paint thinners or nail polish remover. There are multiple methods to clearing a wash, the fastest and most effective method is to use Still
Spirits Turbo Clear as per the instructions on the packet. A wash will naturally clear over time as well,
At the beginning of a distillation any methanol present in the wash will be the first to be distilled off, but if you wish to accelerate this process the wash can be chilled to 4°C (39°F) for 24 hours. This will
followed by other lower boiling point congeners. These lower boiling point compounds contribute help the suspended yeast and proteins flocculate together and drop to the bottom of the fermenter.
quite a chemical taste to the spirit, and are mostly responsible for causing ‘hangovers’. Over time Once cleared, transfer the wash to the boiler in preparation for distilling. Add the Still Spirits
these undesirable and harsh flavours will slowly be replaced by much smoother, sweeter tasting
Distilling Conditioner and the ceramic boil enhancers.

3 4

1. Attach the copper condenser arm to the 2. Insert the thermometer
copper dome by removing the nut and O ring probe into the hole at the top of
from the base of the condenser. Sit the condenser the column.
on the dome and screw the nut and O ring back
into the condenser (check the lid isn’t spinning
anymore) to firmly attach the dome to the

Water outlet tube

Water outlet tube to drain

Water inlet
Spirit out tube
Water inlet

Connect to tap

3. Attach the tubing for the water cooling of the 4. Briefly turn on the cooling water
condenser. The thin tube is for the outlet water supply to ensure there are no leaks in the
and connects near the top of the condenser arm system. Check again that the water goes
and takes the water back to the sink. The thicker in at the end where the spirit comes out
tube connects to the water inlet near the tip of the and that the water comes out closest to the
condenser arm, with the other end connecting to top of the lyne arm (at the end near the
the tap. thermometer probe).

5 6

Distilling what is called a brown spirit is typically done in two distillations. The first of which is referred to Grainfather Connect All in One Brewing System on page 3 before continuing.
as the stripping run, and the final run is called the spirit run.
You will need:
STRIPPING RUN • 5 L (1.3 US Gal) glass carbuoy
The stripping run is the easier and rougher of these two runs. Each distillation removes flavours and • An alcoholmeter that reads from 20% ABV to 100% ABV, a 50 ml (1.7 US fl oz)
increases the ethanol percentage of the spirit. The result from a stripping run will have 5-6 times the sample collection tube + thermometer
ethanol concentration and a fifth to a sixth of the volume of the original wash. For the stripping run • Cooling water supply and sink
we will distil the wash, and collect all output in the same container until the output of the distilling • 6 x 150 ml (5 US fl oz) containers for collecting fractions
drops below 20% ABV.
The output from multiple stripping runs can be combined into one spirit run to save time and be able
To perform a stripping run you will need: to collect more graduations of heads/tails for blending. This makes the transitions between heads
• 5 L (1.3 US Gal) glass carbuoy and hearts more clear and is ideal if you want to make a larger amount of the same spirit.
• An Alcoholmeter that reads from 20% ABV to 100% ABV + thermometer Measure your stripping run ethanol content, and if necessary dilute the spirit. Dilute the spirit down
• Still Spirits Distilling Conditioner to 40% ABV by adding water. Diluting the spirit down to 40% ABV is important for the spirit run to be
• Ceramic Boil Enhancers effective and gives a fuller boil. Once diluted add the ceramic boil enhancers. It is not necessary to
• Cooling water supply and sink add distilling conditioner.
Prepare the pot still system identical to how you set it up for the stripping run, and then turn on the
Once the pot still has been prepared, as per the instructions on page 5, transfer wash and add 4 - 5 boiler.
capfuls of distilling conditioner, then turn the boiler on and switch it to boil. The liquid inside will FORESHOTS
begin to heat up and eventually start to boil. When the temperature on the condenser temperature Once the temperature probe reaches 55°C (131°F) turn on the cold tap water. When the distillate
probe reads around 40°C (104°F) it is a good idea to turn on the cold begins to come out, you can collect the foreshots which is the more harmful components of the heads
water tap. and is typically the first 200 ml (6.8 US fl oz). This section contains the most harmful compounds
Adjust the flow through the condenser so that the distillate comes out around 25°C (77°F), this present in the wash and should be discarded. NOTE: the foreshots section is 200 ml (6.8 US fl oz) per
is usually a rate of above 2.5 L/minute. It is very important to ensure the water flow through the stripping run distillate.
condenser is large enough to ensure the output distillate is coming out as a liquid and not a vapour. HEADS
Not only is this ethanol vapour extremely flammable, it will also result in a reduced yield from your After the foreshots is over you will be entering the heads section of distilling. This contains a lot of
run. the lower boiling point components as well as ethanol. Collect these into separate small containers,
For a stripping run collect all of the distillate output in one container until the distillate ABV is 20% and once distilling is complete decide whether they are suitable for the final whiskey or not when
ethanol or the vapour temperature is around 98°C (208°F). The temperature of the distillate has a blending the heads and tails into the hearts section.
large effect on the ethanol reading. Calculators exist online to correct for temperatures effects. Start collecting the heads in separate containers with a volume of around 150 ml (5 US fl oz), putting
Further output can be collected in a separate container and this can be added to a future stripping them to the side once full. Label each filled cup with a number in the order it comes out of the still, eg
run to maximise the yield from future runs. 1 for the first cup, 2 for the second cup and so on. Once the temperature reaches around 83-85°C
Turn off the boiler, disconnect from the power outlet and wait for the contents inside to cool down to (181 – 185°F) the heads section is complete and it is time to start collecting the hearts.
a safe temperature. Then discard the contents inside the boiler. - The volume of these containers varies depending on the volume of liquid for the spirit run and
Clean the boiler, pot still dome and condenser thoroughly with warm soapy water and rinse personal preference. A good guideline is around 150 ml (5 US fl oz)/stripping run. This gives a good
thoroughly. balance between ease of distilling and ability to blend well later on.
SPIRIT RUN Place a larger vessel under the output tube and start collecting all of the hearts in the one vessel. This
The spirit run is the more important of these two runs, and real care needs to be paid to separate the
middle part is good spirit so does not need to be separated into containers. Continue collecting the
different fractions present in the stripping run output. If you haven’t already, it is strongly advised
hearts until the spirit is coming out at around 55% ABV. Once the still temperature reaches 90°C
to read What are Cuts and Why do we Need Them? If using the Grainfather, read For Use with the
(194°F) the heart section is complete and it is time to collect the tails. The hearts collected in the

7 8
middle of the spirit run are the best part of the spirit and will form the base for which to blend it is not all wasted. Alternatively, these feints can be collected from multiple whiskey batches and
with after distilling is complete. when you have enough, doing a spirit run of all feints can lead to a delicious whiskey.
Start collecting the tails in separate containers, putting them to the side once full, just as was AGEING
done when collecting the heads of the spirit. Label each filled cup with a number in the order Dilute your final collected spirits you are happy with down to 50% ABV with filtered or distilled water
it comes out of the still (like for the heads). Once the still temperature is around 93-95°C in a large 5 L (1.3 US Gal) glass jar or demijohn, use an alcoholmeter, hydrometer or refractometer
(199 – 203°F) the tails collection is complete. At this temperature, the good part of the tails has to measure the ABV. There are water calculators online to aid in dilution. Make sure your jar is large
all been collected. It is now time to start collecting the ends of the tails. enough and still has more space as you will be required to add more water to this jar as the ageing
Place a larger vessel under the still and collect the last of the tails in a larger vessel until process progresses.
temperature is around 98°C (208°F) or the output is below 20% ABV, then turn off the boiler and Add some Charred American Oak Infusion spirals to your whiskey as per the instructions on the
disconnect it from the power outlet. spirals and leave it in a cold, dark area for the ageing process.
This last part of the tails is not used in final spirit but can be kept to increase the yield for future The flavour will begin to extract from the spirals instantly, and after 2 weeks this flavour will be
stripping runs. completely extracted. Taste the whiskey periodically during the ageing process, the spirals can be
Wait for the boiler contents to cool to a safe temperature before discarding the contents. Clean removed at any time as to your preferred taste.
the boiler, dome top and condenser thoroughly and rinse well. Leave the spirits to age for 3 weeks in a cool dark place. After 3 weeks dilute spirit with filtered or
distilled water to 47% ABV. After 6 weeks, dilute again with filtered or distilled water to 44% ABV, and
BLENDING after 9 weeks dilute it further to 40% ABV.
What you have collected is the heads, the hearts, the tails, and the final of the tails. The heads - Adding the water slowly during the ageing period gives the whiskey a better, more rounded flavour
and tails are both in multiple separate containers whilst the hearts are in one large container. than adding it all at once.
The reason you have collected the heads and tails in small sample fractions is that not all of the Taste the whiskey periodically during the ageing process and it should be ready after a minimum of
heads and tails will be good to use and mix in with the hearts. Normally the last few cups of the 2 months. The more heads and tails that were included in the blending process typically means the
heads (closest to the hearts), and the first few cups of the tails (closest to the hearts) will be good whiskey will need to age longer.
to add in with the hearts but you will need to taste each sample container and choose what you Drink and enjoy.
want to add into your mix.
By collecting these heads and tails in separate fractions, less emphasis has been placed on when
to make the heads and tails cuts during the distilling.
Work your way through tasting and smelling each of the heads and tails fractions and add each
container you are happy with to your hearts container. You do not necessarily have to add the
entire container.
The heads of the spirit generally adds the harsher flavours to the spirit but contains a large
percentage of ethanol, whereas the tails contains a lot of the flavours but a small percentage of
Add any fraction samples from the heads and tails that you are not happy with to the second
large container with the final part of the tails. This large tails container, called the ‘feints’, is not
necessarily bad but it has not been refined enough yet to use in the final spirit. This should be
saved and can be added to the next stripping run you do with your next batch of whiskey so that

9 10

Distilling from a sugar wash is typically performed to obtain the highest purity and cleanest tasting Clean the boiler, dome and condenser thoroughly with warm soapy water and rinse well.
product possible. The raw flavours of a sugar wash are rarely sought after in the final product, this just If you plan on doing a third distillation, then dilute the stripping run output to 40% ABV and repeat
provides the fastest and cheapest method of producing ethanol. Because of this, reflux stills are the the stripping run.
normal method of producing these spirits. Using a pot still is definitely still possible it just results in a
reduced yield to that of which is possible in a reflux still. SPIRIT RUN
Obtaining a product that can be used for making liqueurs or other flavoursome spirits can be achieved The spirit run is the more important of these two runs, and real care needs to be paid to separate the
using one distillation, although doing a second distillation greatly improves the quality and is worth different fractions present in the stripping run output. If you haven’t already, it is strongly advised to
the sacrifice in yield. If a very clean tasting vodka is required then a third distillation can be performed. read What are Cuts and Why Make Them? If using the Grainfather, read For Use with the Grainfather
Before distilling, follow the steps for Preparing a Wash to Distil and Preparing the Alembic Pot Still on Connect All in One Brewing System on page 3 before continuing.
pages 4 and 5.
If all you wish to do is a single distillation, then skip this stripping run step. You will need:
• A 5 L (1.3 US Gal) Glass Carbuoy
STRIPPING RUN • An alcoholmeter that reads from 20% ABV to 100% ABV, a 50 ml (1.7 US fl oz) sample collection tube +
The first distillation is referred to as a stripping run, and is the least involved of the two (or three) thermometer
distillations. In this step we will collect all of the output from the still in one container until the output • Cooling water supply and sink
ethanol is 20% ABV.
The output from multiple stripping runs can be combined into one spirit run to save time if you are
You will need: planning on producing a lot of spirit. This makes the transitions between heads and hearts more
• A 5 L (1.3 US Gal) glass carboy clear and is ideal if you want to make a larger amount of the same spirit.
• An alcoholmeter that reads from 20% ABV to 100% ABV + thermometer Measure your stripping run ethanol content, and if necessary dilute the spirit. Dilute the spirit down
to 40% ABV by adding water. Diluting the spirit down to 40% ABV is important for the spirit run to be
• Still Spirits Distilling Conditioner
effective and gives a fuller boil. Once diluted add the ceramic boil enhancers. It is not necessary to
• Ceramic Boil Enhancers add distilling conditioner.
• Cooling water supply and sink. Prepare the pot still system identical to how you set it up for the stripping run, and then turn on the
Once the pot still has been prepared, as per the instructions on page 5, transfer wash and add 3 FORESHOTS
capfuls of distilling conditioner, then turn the boiler on so it can boil. The liquid inside will begin to Once the temperature probe reaches 40°C (104°F) turn on the cold tap water. When the distillation
heat up and eventually start to boil. When the temperature on the condenser temperature probe reads begins to come out, you can collect the foreshots which is the more harmful components of the heads
around 40°C (104°F) it is a good idea to turn on the cold water tap. and is typically the first 200 ml (6.8 US fl oz). This section contains the most harmful compounds
Adjust the flow through the condenser so that the distillate comes out around 25°C (77°F), this is present in the wash and should be discarded. NOTE: the foreshots section is 200 ml (6.8 US fl oz) per
usually a rate of above 2.5 L/minute. You can measure water flow by using a measuring vessel (1 L stripping run distillate.
(1 US qt) jug or kitchen cup measurer) and timing how many ml or US fl oz flow into the measuring
vessel per minute. It is very important to ensure the water flow through the condenser is large enough
The next section of distillate is the hearts of the spirit. Place a larger vessel under the output tube and
to ensure the output distillate is coming out as a liquid and not a vapour. Not only is ethanol vapour
start collecting all of the hearts in the one vessel. Continue collecting the hearts until the spirit comes
extremely flammable, it will also result in a reduced yield from your run.
out at 40% ABV and the temperature probe reads 92°C (198°F).
For a stripping run collect all of the distillate output in one container until the distillate ABV is 20%
ethanol or the vapour temperature is around 98°C (208°F). The temperature of the distillate has TAILS
a large effect on the ethanol reading (from alcoholmeter). Calculators exist online to correct for Anything after this can be regarded as tails, and can be discarded or collected with a 1-2 L (1-2 US qt)
temperature effects. container and added to a future stripping run to increase the yield. The tails can be collected down to
Further output can be collected in a separate container and this can be added to a future stripping run 20% ABV.
to maximise the yield from future runs. Turn off the boiler and disconnect it from the power outlet. Wait for the boiler contents to cool
Turn off the boiler, disconnect the boiler from the power outlet and wait for the contents inside to to a safe temperature before discarding the contents. Clean the boiler, dome top and condenser
cool down to a safe temperature. Then discard the contents inside the boiler, this leftover liquid is an thoroughly and rinse well.
excellent fertiliser.

11 12

The popular alcoholic drink gin is pure alcohol flavoured with juniper berries and other botanicals. This can SPIRIT RUN
be made by steeping the juniper berries in pure spirit in a process known as bath-tub gin, or it can be made Turn on the boiler and wait for the contents to heat up. Once the temperature probe reaches 40°C
by vapour infusing the juniper and botanicals flavours into the spirit as it is distilled. This is the method used (104°F) turn on the cold water. Adjust the flow through the condenser so that the distillate comes out
by most high quality gin distilleries. around 25°C (77°F), this is usually a rate of above 2.5 L/minute. Since all of the harmful components
The Still Spirits Botanicals Basket, allows you to vapour infuse any flavours you wish into your spirit’s have been removed in the last spirit run with this spirit it is not necessary to make any heads or tails
vapour as it is being distilled. The different flavours present in the botanicals basket come out at different cuts.
stages of the distillation. Because of this the final step with the botanicals basket should not include any cuts. Place a large vessel under the output tube and start collecting all of the output in one vessel. Continue
collecting until the spirit is coming out at 20% ABV. Anything after this can be regarded as tails, and
To make a gin, follow the instructions for distilling a vodka above first. Then continue with the can be discarded or collected with a 1-2 L (1-2 US qt) container and added to a future stripping run to
following: increase the yield. The tails can be collected down to 10% ABV.
Turn off the cooling water supply. Turn off the boiler and disconnect it from the power source. Wait
You will need: for the boiler contents to cool to a safe temperature before discarding the contents. Clean the boiler,
• 5 L (1.3 US Gal) glass carbuoy
dome top and condenser thoroughly and rinse well.
• An alcoholmeter that reads from 20% ABV to 100% ABV, a 50 ml (1.7 US fl oz) sample collection tube +
• Cooling water supply and sink
• Still Spirits Botanicals Basket or other basket that fits

Measure your stripping run ethanol content, and if necessary dilute the spirit. Dilute the spirit down
to 40% ABV by adding water. Diluting the spirit down to 40% ABV is important for the spirit run to be
effective and gives a fuller boil. Once diluted add the ceramic boil enhancers. It is not necessary to
add distilling conditioner.

1. Attach the copper condenser arm to the copper dome. Instead of using the nut and o-ring, secure
the condenser arm to the dome top using the head of the Still Spirits Botanicals Basket. Screw this
tight, and ensure the dome top cannot rotate relative to the condenser.
2. Insert the thermometer probe into the hole at the top of the column.
3. Attach the tubing for the water cooling of the condenser. The thin tube is for the outlet water and
connects near the top of the condenser arm and takes the water back to the sink. The thicker tube
connects to the water inlet near the tip of the condenser arm, with the other end connecting to
the tap.
4. Briefly turn on the cooling water supply to ensure there are no leaks in the system. Check again
that the water goes in at the end where the spirit comes out and that the water comes out closest to
the top of the lyne arm (the end near the thermometer probe).
5. Fill the base of the botanicals basket with your chosen botanicals, and screw this into the head of
the botanicals basket.
6. Secure the dome top onto the boiler using the clips present.

13 14

As well as all manner of alcoholic beverages, the Alembic Pot Still system can be used for distilling water, and PREPARATION (see page 5)
for essential oil extraction. 1. Attach the copper condenser arm to the copper dome by removing the nut and O-ring from
the base of the condenser. Sit the condenser on the dome and screw the nut and O-ring back into
PREPARATION (see page 5) the condenser (check the lid isn’t spinning anymore) to firmly attach the dome to the condenser.
1. Attach the copper condenser arm to the copper dome by removing the nut and O-ring from 2. Insert the thermometer probe into the hole at the top of the column.
the base of the condenser. Sit the condenser on the dome and screw the nut and O-ring back into 3. Attach the tubing for the water cooling of the condenser. The thin tube is for the outlet water and
the condenser (check the lid isn’t spinning anymore) to firmly attach the dome to the condenser. connects near the top of the condenser arm and takes the water back to the sink. The thicker tube
2. Insert the thermometer probe into the hole at the top of the column. connects to the water inlet near the tip of the condenser arm, with the other end connecting to
3. Attach the tubing for the water cooling of the condenser. The thin tube is for the outlet water and the tap.
connects near the top of the condenser arm and takes the water back to the sink. The thicker tube 4. Briefly turn on the cooling water supply to ensure there are no leaks in the system. Check again
connects to the water inlet near the tip of the condenser arm, with the other end connecting to that the water goes in at the end where the spirit comes out and that the water comes out closest
the tap. to the top of the lyne arm (the end near the thermometer probe).
4. Briefly turn on the cooling water supply to ensure there are no leaks in the system. Check again
that the water goes in at the end where the spirit comes out and that the water comes out closest DISTILLATION
to the top of the lyne arm (the end near the thermometer probe). Plant material can be distilled in water or ethanol (alcohol) solution. Plant will release essential oils
that will be carried by the water or the ethanol vapours into the distillate. If using water, essential oils
DISTILLATION will float at the surface of the hydrosol. If using ethanol, essential oil will be mixed in and the pure oil
Distilling 20 L (5.3 US Gal) of water in the pot still will take about 8-10 hours from start to finish can not be collected, you will get a concentrated essential oils solution instead.
(excluding the heating time) and will produce approximately 18 L (4.8 US Gal) of distilled water. It is
a good idea to ensure your dome top and condenser are thoroughly cleaned from the previous use You will need:
before continuing with the water distillation. • Clean plant material, and enough water to cover them. Each plant material will require different volumes
of water, as an indication, for 1 kg (2.2 lb) of rosemary leaves, add 15 L (4 US Gal) of water. If using
You will need: ethanol solution, use a 40% ABV solution max.
• Large vessel(s) to collect the distilled water (this will need to be as large as the quantity of water initially • 5 L (1.3 US Gal) glass carbuoy
place in the boiler) • 6 x 500 ml (17 US fl oz) containers for collecting fractions
• Cooling water supply and sink • Cooling water supply and a sink

Place the boiler body on a firm, level, bench where the waste can discharge into a drain or sink. Add Collect the distillate in fractions (eg 500 ml (17 fl oz) lots or smaller) so you can monitor quality of
the water to be distilled to your boiler; do not fill beyond the maximum level line on the boiler. the output throughout. The quality will drop of at the end and may become more ‘cooked’. Stop
Place the pot still system onto the boiler; fasten the four clips that hold the lid onto the boiler. Check collecting when the quality drops.
the sealing gasket is sitting firmly on the boiler with no gaps. Collect a maximum distillate of 80% of the volume put in the boiler to make sure it does not boil dry
Connect the power to the boiler. The water will take about 80 minutes to heat up to boiling and cook the plant material.
temperature. If using water, the distillate collected will be mainly hydrosol (water based plant extract) but there
Before the water begins to boil, turn on the cooling water just enough so that the distillate doesn’t will be essential oil with it. The oil will separate out over time and will float on the surface (for nearly
come out as steam but rather in liquid form. all oils, there are a few which are denser than water and will end up on the bottom).
After you have collected 18 L (4.8 US Gal) of water, turn the boiler power off and disconnect from the The oil can then be separated off from the hydrosol by pipette. We recommend to leave the distillate
power outlet. Turn off the cooling water supply. Be careful when discarding the remaining water left settling into a narrow container, as the layer of oil will be thicker.
in the boiler as this will be hot. The hydrosol can also often be used (rose water, lavender water etc).
The distilled water must be filtered through the Still Spirits EZ Filter system or other filter system to Yields of oil are low, a yield of 1-2% is considered good.
ensure any unwanted flavours and aromas from previous washes are removed. Refer to the filter If using ethanol, you won’t be able to separate the oil from the ethanol, and can use the distillate as is
manual for filtering instructions. comes out.

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Alcohol distillate flows • Wash is surge boiling caused • Add ceramic boil enhancers. In extreme cases try
irregularly by hot spot on the base of the adding 1-2 stainless steel pot scrubbers.
integrated boiler. • Trim outlet pipe so that it cannot be below the level of
• Spirit outlet pipe is submerged the collected distillate.
in distillate, causing alternative
pressure and vacuum.

Spirit is coming out cloudy/ • Wash is foaming while boiling • Always ensure your wash is completely fermented
milky/dark and carrying fermentation • Only fill wash to MAX line on inside of boiler.
residues up the column. • Add 4-5 capfuls (for brown spirit washes), or 3 capfuls
• Unfermented sugar in your (for other washes) of Still Spirits Distilling Conditioner.
wash can cause foaming which This stops excessive foaming in the boiler. Add ceramic
eventually made its way up the boil enhancers in your boiler. Re distil the bad spirit.
dome and into the condenser,
bringing the undistilled wash
into the output.

The yield is low • The wash has not fermented out • Ensure that fermentation is finished before beginning
properly so the amount of alcohol distillation.
available is reduced. • Check the lid gasket is sitting evenly inside the lid
• The sugars were not fully before clipping onto the boiler.
dissolved, or the fermentation
temperature was too high or
too low.
• Steam and vapour pressure is
leaking from lid seal.

The boiler has stopped • This is likely due to an electrical • Press the reset stick under the base of the boiler to
heating even though power fault or the boiler overheating. reset the thermostat. If the boiler doesn’t heat up, an
is on The boiler has a thermostat electrician will need to check it out.
cut out switch which will
automatically turn off if the unit
goes above 125°C (257°F). It also
has a protective fuse in case
the thermostat cut-out doesn’t

Small solids are in the • This is most likely due to • No need to fix it, this will not affect the spirit when
distillate outlet collecting too far into the tails. redistilled and this is very unlikely to be in the hearts.
These solids are caused by oils • If present in final spirit, simply filter the spirit through
present in the tails bonding a coffee filter to remove solids.

Spirit is coming out • This is due to not enough cooling • Increase the flow rate through the condenser to ensure
very hot/steam water flowing through the the temperature of outlet spirit is a safe level.

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What is the distilling conditioner? flavours reacts with the copper on the dome and sticks to the copper surface without continuing into
Distilling conditioner is an anti foaming product, made of silicones and is suitable for human the output vessel. This is why copper is superior to other metals for distilling. The still can be washed
consumption. This reduces the chance of foaming in the boiler and promotes optimum with vinegar or another light acid to bring back the polished look, but this is only for cosmetic
distillation conditions. The wash can froth when boiling (this may be due to the presence of reasons.
residual sugar not entirely fermented, or a wash not cleared). Froth can enter the condenser How can I recycle my cooling water?
and then make its way through the output as undistilled liquid. To help prevent foaming we
You can run your cooling water in a closed circuit, provided you have a sufficient amount of water
recommend adding 4-5 capfuls (for brown spirit washes), or 3 capfuls (for other washes) of Still
and ice packs and a pump that provides enough flow. We suggest using a 200 L (53 US Gal) container
Spirits Distilling Conditioner.
(eg a rubbish bin), filled with water, and add 6 x 2 L (2 US qt) bottles filled with water and frozen a few
Why is it important to ensure the distillate comes out as a cool liquid? days ahead. Your cooling water can also be kept in big containers and later reused for your garden.
Ethanol is a very flammable substance, and if the cooling liquid is not running it will come out How much does it cost to run the still?
as a vapour which can be extremely dangerous. Also, temperature changes the alcohol readings
The still uses 2kW/hour (NZ/AU/UK) and 1.5kW/hour (US). You can multiply this by the power rate
of the spirit a great deal. As most alcoholmeters are designed for 20°C (68°F) spirit there will be
paid, by the time the still is operating (5 hours). Add to this the cost of the cooling water, based on the
large inaccuracy in the ethanol percentage which could affect when you are making your cuts.
flow rate used and the cost of raw materials required to produce the wash.
Can the alembic pot still be used as a reflux still?
Is there methanol produced?
The process of redistilling the output through the pot still will improve the spirit quality much
There is methanol present in the final product, but at no greater concentrations than any
like refluxing does, but it will have a reduced yield to that of a reflux still. In order to reflux you
commercially produced spirit. Methanol will be the first liquid distilled off, so as long as the
would need a reflux column.
instructions of discarding the foreshots is followed correctly there is no way for methanol poisoning.
How long can I keep a wash before distilling it?
Why do I need ceramic boil enhancers?
We recommend distilling a wash within one week of clearing. The longer it is left, the more off
The reusable ceramic boil enhancers should be added in the boiler before distilling to avoid surge
flavours may develop cause by autolysis of the dead yeast cells. It is likely to be fine for up to eight
boiling. Stainless steel saddles do the same.
weeks if kept sealed and cool.
Why does the pot still equipment need to be copper?
What’s in the clearing agent and how does it work?
Without a large amount of copper present in the system, sulphur components found in the yeast cells
Still Spirits Turbo Clear is made up of silicic acid (Part A) which charges floating particles and
will make their way into the final spirit, creating off colours and very undesirable flavours. Copper
chitosan (Part B) attracts all particles (with its opposite charges) to eventually make them settle
acts as a catalyst for these sulphur components to react into hydrogen sulphate and when this
on the bottom of the fermenter.
happens these flavours and off colours do not ruin the final spirit.
How hot does the boiler get?
How long is fermentation usually?
The liquid inside the boiler will get as hot as its boiling point, ie 100°C (212°F) for water, 78.2°C
A wash usually takes between 4 and 10 days to ferment depending on the yeast used and the
(173°F) for ethanol. As the wash contains a mix of water and alcohol the temperature the wash
boils at rises as the alcohol is driven off. You will need to boil the wash to convert the alcohol to
How do I know when fermentation is finished?
steam so you can extract the alcohol from the wash.
A few ways:
Can I distil two batches in a row?
1. Measure your SG with a hydrometer, when the SG matches the desired SG for your given recipe
The wash left inside the boiler after the first distillation is boiling hot. If you wish to run the still
and has read that for two consecutive days then fermentation is complete.
again then very carefully remove the very hot lid and add at least 5 L (1.3 US Gal) of cold water to
the spent wash to cool it quickly before emptying. Be very careful of the ethanol vapour present 2. Look for fizziness, bubbles rising to the surface: while it’s fermenting there are lots of bubbles
in the boiler as well. coming to the surface.
3. Check the activity in the airlock.
The inside of my copper dome has lost its shine, why? And what should I do?
After a few distillations, the inside surface of the dome and condenser will lose the polished
copper look and take on a more dull patchy brown. This is natural and expected and no amount
of physical scrubbing will remove this change in colour. During distilling unwanted sulphur

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Alcohol (or ethanol) Fermentation
Most commonly used to describe ethanol, the type of alcohol in wine, beer, spirits and other alcoholic Conversion of carbohydrates (sugars) into alcohol and carbon dioxide by yeast.
beverages. It is a chemical with the formula C2H5OH.
Alcohol Purity The more harmful components of the heads and is typically the first 200 ml (6.8 US fl. oz) per
Alcohol purity describes the strength of the alcohol produced by distillation; it is measured in stripping run of distillate.
percentage of alcohol by volume, or % ABV.
Alcohol Yield The name given to the first portion of distillate collected. They are composed of the lower boiling
Alcohol yield describes the effectiveness of alcohol extraction from the wash. The higher the yield point congeners which have a distinctive ‘fruity’ or ‘nail polish’ smell. These are generally high in
the less alcohol is left behind in the boiler. The purity and yield of the alcohol will vary depending on ethanol content as well.
the type of sugar or grain you ferment, the choice of yeast, how well the wash is cleared and what
distillation system is used.
An alcohol naturally produced during fermentation at a very low level (0.0005%). Its chemical
Alcoholmeter & Hydrometer formula is CH3OH. Effects of methanol ingestions at high levels (0.5% +), may include confusion,
An alcoholmeter is one type of hydrometer. Hydrometers are used to measure the relative density nausea, vomiting, visual problems and abdominal pain which if left untreated can result in stupor,
of a liquid. The lighter the liquid the further down the hydrometer floats. The hydrometer is used coma and in the most severe cases death.
to monitor wash fermentation, it tells how much sugar has been transformed into ethanol (ethanol Problems occur across a broad range of countries, most prominent with common illegal trade where
is lighter than a sugar solution). Alcoholmeters are used to measure the percentage of alcohol in methanol has been added or the alcohol has been produced from unsuitable carbohydrate raw
your spirit. Alcohol is thinner than water so the higher in strength the alcohol is, the further down material.
the alcoholmeter will sink. Take good care of your hydrometer as it is very fragile. Hydrometers By discarding the recommended level of foreshots the final spirit will have a very low percentage of
are usually calibrated at a temperature of 20°C (68°F). Do not immerse your hydrometer in liquids methanol present, it is worth noting that ethanol is used to dislodge methanol in the case of methanol
warmer than 40°C (104°F) or it will melt the wax inside and damage your hydrometer irreversibly. poisoning as human cells will dislodge methanol in preference to ethanol.
Botanicals Spirit
Plant based materials used in distilling to infuse flavour. Also used when producing essential oils. An alcoholic beverage containing at least 20% ABV and with zero added sugar.
Brown Spirit Tails
Whiskey, rum or brandy are regarded as brown spirit. Distilling a brown spirit is typically done in The name given to the last portion of distillate collected when using a pot still. They are composed of
two distillations. The first of which is referred to as the stripping run, and the final run is called the congeners, responsible for burnt ‘off’ flavours.
spirit run.
Congeners This is the fermented liquid consisting of sugar, yeast and other flavours which is the starting liquid
The name given to all compounds in the distillate other than water and ethanol. for the distillation process.
Distillate White Spirit
The concentrated liquid that condenses from a distillation process. Clear or transparent spirit such as gin and vodka.
Distillation Yeasts
Method of separating two or more substances by heating the mixture to a point between the Yeasts are microorganisms that convert sugar to produce alcohol and CO2 along with hundreds of
two substances boiling points. The vapour of the lower boiling point component is captured and trace by-products.
condensed as a liquid output and is more concentrated compared to the original mixture.
This comes in the end of the tails cuts and is not necessarily bad but is not refined enough to use
in you final spirit. Save and collect your feints and add them to your next stripping run so it is not
wasted. Alternatively, feints can be collected from multiple whiskey batches and when you have
enough, doing a spirit run off all feints can lead to a delicious whiskey.

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Version: 8

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