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Крок 2 Загальна лікарська підготовка_2004-2005

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№ ItemText DistrA DistrB DistrC DistrD DistrE
What property to typically obligatory medical General System of control of guarantor of the The medical program is Individual or family
insurance? quality of medical payment of expenses - determined by the membership.
1. services is carried out the commercial contract
by subjects of organizations. страховика and
insurance. insured.
A woman of 34 years old complaints about *Byopsy of the uterus Stear for cytological Colposcopy Laporoscopy Ultrasound
spready bloody discharges from genitals several cervix investigation investigation of the
days before mensis. In anamnesis – pelvis minor
dyathermocoagulation 2 years ago. During the
investigation of the uterus wall in the mirrors a
cianous cysts in the form of pupilla are found out.
For approving the diagnosis the following should
be done:
Name the most informative parameter of average On nosological forms. On branch as a whole. On chambers. On a hospital as a On number of sick-
duration of stay in a hospital: whole. lists beds.
What factors, from specified, influence as much Age -sexual structure Quantity of medical Number of medical A climate-geographical A level of
as possible a level of the general mortality of the of the population and a workers institutions position hospitalization of the
population? condition of an population
What criterion testifies to type of age structure of a ratio of a share of Net factor of Average duration of a Gross - factor of A parameter of a
5. the population in territory? children and persons reproduction. forthcoming life. reproduction. natural increase.
of a pension age.
For comparison of a degree of a variety of weight Coefficient of a Amplitude An average quadratic A mistake of average Factor of
6. of a body of newborns and 7-years children it is variation deviation. determination
the most expedient to use:
What from functions does not belong to functions The guaranteed The guaranteed volume Availability of A continuity of The guaranteed
FMSH? volume of the of the social help corresponding supervision over volume of the medical
7. specialized medical medical and social patients and psychological help
service services to all
The treatment-and-prophylactic help to City treatment-and- The central regional Station of blood Clinics, regional Regional hospital, the
countrymen at different stages is given with rural prophylactic hospital, clinics. transfusion, the hospital. diagnostic center.
sites, regional and regional hospitals, clinics, the establishments, the diagnostic center.
8. diagnostic centers, hospitals at scientific research state specialized
institutes. Name the basic establishments of the centers.
fourth stage of rendering of medical aid to
agricultural population.
Of what from elements of carrying out sanitary the control over A hygienic regulation The account of A choice and The regular control
epidemic supervision has no attitude to observance of of potentially objects and tap{removal} of the over construction and
9. precautionary? sanitary-and-hygienic dangerous factors constructions ground area under reconstruction
norms in construction
What methods does a doctor use when estimating *measuring measuring the chest measuring arterial measuring the the description of the
physiologic development in children and anthropometric data circumference, the form pressure and muscular concentration of biological
10. teenagers? and functional indices, of the head power attention development level
estimating the findings
At estimation of physical development ІІ ІІІ. IV. V. І.
a boy is set, that his mass of body is
less, than М - 2уR on by regional
standards (tables of regression) for lack of
chronic pathology. What group of health does a
boy behave to?
What is the necessary information for estimating * the number of sick the quantity of the quantity of the quantity of persons the number of diseases
the investigation results after having learnt the persons among 100 complications caused persons who were who were not among 100 persons
efficiency of the vaccination against flu in people who were by the vaccination inoculated inoculated who were inoculated
personnel? inoculated against flu against flu and the
and the amount of sick number of diseases
persons among 100 among 100 persons
people who were not who were not
inoculated inoculated against flu,
the total amount of
Who is responsible for medical - diagnostic the head physician, the The head physician The head physician The assistant to the The assistant to the
section of work in a polyclinic? assistant to the head managing branch managing branch, the head physician head physician
physician managing local therapist managing branch, the managing branch
branch local therapist
Name obligatory structurally-functional parts of management subject, components, structure, function, principles, technique, laws, technology,
the control system: management object, communication. management types. management methods. management
block of the scientific mechanisms.
Name component parts of science of theory, technique, principles, approaches, system, process, shots, finances, time, delegation,
management: organization, methods. laws. functions, technology. information. organization of labour.
In the complement of accreditation commissions, medical insurance fire-prevention security tax service services of labour sanitary-epidemiology
in compliance with the legislation, besides the organizations services protection service
organs of management representatives must enter
by the health protection:
Official permission on the right of realization of by a license by a certificate by admittance to work by a diploma by accreditation
medical activity at the observance of the set
requirements and terms, given out to the legal
entity is named:
What brigades of medical first-aid behave to reanimatology. Infectious gerontology. otorhinolaryngology - gastroenterology.
specialized? brigades.
What establishments provide tertiary medical diagnostic and medical medical centers, specialized and multi womanish specialized and multi
aid? centers, dispensaries dispensaries a child's profile establishment consultations, profile hospitals
19. policlinic (regional, central, permanent (district, regional, city)
city) establishments,
policlinic of city.
Purpose of tertiary prophylaxis: rehabilitation of forming of adequate Elimination expressed Activation of public Warning of origin and
patients losing relation of population factors of risk, which funds and influences of possible
possibility complete to the system of health at certain terms can organizations in regard factors of risk of
valuable vital protection result in the origin, to medicine diseases
functions intensification, relapse
of disease
Name kinds of medical aid to the population: Primary, secondary Out-patient - polyclinic, Scheduled, urgent, Hospitalized, Therapeutic, surgical,
and tertiary. fast, stationary and prime. dispensary, in-home, traumatology-
21. sanatorium. preventive. orthopedic, pediatric,
cardiology, the
ophthalmologist., etc.
S., 59 year old male is ill with generalized *proteins : fats : proteins : fats : proteins : fats : proteins : fats : proteins : fats :
arteriosclerosis with blood circulation carbohydrates = 1 : carbohydrates = 1 : carbohydrates = 1 : carbohydrates = 1 : carbohydrates = 1 :
insufficiency. What ratio between the nutrients do 0,5 : 3 1,0 : 4 1,0 : 5 1,3 : 4 2,0 : 3
you consider to advise?
Patient С., 15 year old, consulted his *butter and carrots lard and garlic sunflower oil and margarine and potato cocoas milk and pine
physician with complaints of the night cabbage apples
blindness. Objectively: rised darkness
adaptation time, Bitot’s spots on
conjuctive. Patient’s skin is dry,
desquamatous, folliculitis signs of the face
skin. What foods do you consider should he eat to
prevent this disease?
In the surgical unit of the hospital the purulent *wrong placing of wrong placing of wrong placing of wrong placing of no infringements
surgery department is placed on the 1st floor, purulent surgery thoracic surgery gynecological general surgery
thoracic surgery – on the 2nd floor, general department department department
surgery – on the 3 rd floor and gynecological – on
the 4th. Could you find any infringements in the
department placing?
The worker of battery plant consults physician *high lead content in high sulfuric acid high alkaline content high benzene content in high iron oxide
with complaints of weakness, headache, Status the air of the working content in the air of the in the air of the the air of the working content in the air of
praesens objectivus: paleness, dark line on the zone working zoned working zone zone the working zone
gums, systolic murmur of the heart apex. In
blood: microcytaric anemia, basophilic grainy
RBC, reticulocytosis. Urine analysis: porfirinuria
0,25 mg/l. What conditions of occupational
environment may the disease cause?
On inspection of the laundry of the regional *decrease of humidity decrease of humidity, decrease of humidity, decrease of air decrease of
hospital it’s defined the relative air humidity is and air movement air movement velocity increase of humidity and temperature and air
99\%, air movement velocity -0,6 m/s, air velocity and increase and air temperature temperature and air temperature of air, movement velocity
temperature - 15оС. What way to of air temperature movement velocity increase of air
optimize occupational environment movement velocity
could you advise?
The waste treatment complex is situated 1000 m *sanitary space is not improper waste absence of the improper examining of emergency outlets of
away from the residential area. The area is used properly chlorination vegetations at the the station worker the impure wastes
hygienic,the technology of treatment is proper. waste treatment
They use sanitary space for growing of ray grass. station
27. People living in the nearest households complain
of constant unpleasant smell, plenty of flies.
There is high morbidity of intestinal diseases.
Specify the probable causes of unsatisfactory
epidemiological situation.
The kitchen of the student hostel received fish: *poor quality product high quality product, high quality product, conditionally good adulterated product
the surface is covered with slime, scales are mate, can be used without can be used with product
28. gills have dirty red color and unpleasant smell, limitations limitations
eyes are mate and sunken, muscles are soft.
Assess food quality.
Patient with thyreotoxicisis is in the 2 beds *discomfortable non-effective poor lighting high level of noise all conditions are OK
hospital ward of therapeutic department. The area microclimate ventilation
of the ward is 18 m2, height 3 m,
ventilation rate 2,5 /hr. Air temperature
- 20оС, relative humidity 45\%, air
movement velocity 0,3 m/s, light
coefficient 1/5, noise level 30 dB. Do
hygienic assessment of the conditions:
In the sanitary inspection of labour *silicosis urine stones gallstones olivinosis pulmonary
conditions of miners they found: air hemosiderosis
temperature - 26оС, relative humidity
30. 40\%, dust pollution - 135 mg/m3, silica
content in the dust 45\%. Miners work by the
“dry” technology. What disease can cause
occupational environment conditions?
Name the social - hygienic factor which does not Volume and quality of A level of desease of A way of life of the A degree of A level of sanitary
31. influence requirement of the population for medical aid. the population. population. development of social culture of the
hospitalization: services. population.
The 6 year old girl has the low height. Her *infectious hepatitis low height poor results of the test absence of all measles
growth development is harmonic. She has permanent teeth
premolars and incisives of permanent teeth. This
32. year she has been ill with measles and infectious
hepatitis. She can calculate and read. She's done
Kern-Yiracek's test with 6 scores. Why is the girl
not ready to be admitted at school?
Efficiency of activity of family doctor is general morbidity quantity of the general death rate full strength by shots hospitalized morbidity
33. estimated on the following indexes: population served by a
family doctor
The balance at the market of medical goods is * balance between the balance of prices at the price interaction at the excessive demand of the excess of medical
characterized by: capacity of supply and market of medical market of medical medical goods and services at this certain
demand services services services at their market price
deficient proposition
The estimation of quality and medical aid * Structural, Structural, Processing, The approach to be Preventive, current
effectiveness appears to be realized as such: processing approach organizational and economical and the based on the final and final approach
35. and the one which is operational approach one which is based on result, complex and
based on the final the final results statistical
A student has got the following examination task. * interlayer waters subsoil waters atmosphere waters surface waters springs
The interlayer waters are known to be so much
mineralized that they can’t be used for municipal
water supply with no treatment. In case of soil
36. pollution by waste products and sewage. There is
a danger of subsoil water pollution with
pathogenic microorganisms. Name the source of
water supply to be the best for middle and small
water pipes.
The rational planning of city districts provides its * selitebouns area sport area cultural area traffic area new buildings area
division according to the functional signs into 4
areas:1) industrial are; 2 )suburban are; 3) traffic
area. Name the fourth area:
In order to prevent the environmental pollution in * Mechanical Rechlorination Filtration Irrigation Areas of sewage
the place N, the artificial methods of sewage purification disposal
disposal, biological purification, chlorination and
compulsory laboratory control are planned.
Which one of the main artificial sewage disposal
methods isn’t taken into account?
A Land area for building of medical-preventive * all which are marked Relief of a land Providing of the flow Level of subsoil waters For all which are
39. institutions must meet the requirements which are of the atmospheric marked except C
claimed to the house-building. This concerns to: rainfall
During an exam, while giving the definition of * Pressure, irradiation, Irradiation Atmospheric pressure Atmospheric pressure All are right
''manufacturing microclimate'' a student included ultraviolet radiation and irradiation
the following components to the concept:
40. temperature of the air, moisture of the air, speed
of the air, ultraviolet radiation, atmospheric
pressure the irradiation. Which components
named by student were wrong?
The chief principle of forming the therapeutic * the number of worker’s age personnel length of staff’s composition service range
41. divisions of industrial sections is: workers work according to health
They damaged the container with alpha- *desactivation of the degasation of the respiratory protective protective shields decrees about
radioactive substance (solution) with pollution of premises premises equipment duration of the
the work place surfaces. What preventive working week
measures should be used?
Choose a method of a graphic representation of The linear diagram. The radial diagram. The sector diagram. The figured diagram. Curvilinear.
monthly information about number of the
43. registered cases of acute intestinal infection and
their comparisons to the average monthly values,
obtained for 5 previous years:
The 9 years child with diagnosis “chronic III (a). II I III (b). III (c).
tonsillitis” stands dispanserization control. For 1
year of observation there was one exacerbation of
disease. Physical condition is satisfactory. The
general state is not infringed. Define group of
The child is 6 years old. For one year of I-st. II-d. III (a). III (b). III (c).
observation he has ARD duration 8 days.
Physical worked out satisfactory. Define group of
25 unorganized children in the age 2 -3 year will 50. 20. 40. 100. 200.
be observed on a pediatric district it in the current
year. What scheduled number of initial visitations
will make to this group of children?
On the basis of the application form of parents To conduct service To not accept any To discharge from To notify the chief of To transmit the
and explanatory note from the senior nurse of investigation by results activity. office the senior medical service about official report of chief
reception department the chief of medical service of which to realize the sister. excess by him the of medical service to
sent the official report to the head of hospital administrative order official duties . the chief of a reception
about granting for a money by the senior nurse of according to the department for
hospital the medicines from humanitarian fund revealed acceptance of effective
47. for treatment the child. What should make the circumstances. He measures for
head of hospital in this situation from items of should to inform the elimination henceforth
management? chief of medical similar practice.
service , and in case of
acknowledgement of
the facts inform the
Head of department and a trade-union group have To keep the worker on To discharge from The disability card. A ambulatory medical To shift a solution of
addressed to the head of hospital about dismissal a post with the office the worker with, card. this problem on other
of the senior nurse that works during 17 years. prevention of i.e. to satisfy demands officials or public
The facts of charge were confirmed and dismissal in case of of collective. organizations.
recognized as the main nurse. This nurse lives repeated violation of a
with a daughter (which does not work, she is labor discipline.
divorced) and 9 month grandson. Make a solution
from items of management.
Define the basic registration document at the A card of the personal "The Report on reasons The disability card. A ambulatory medical The inpatient medical.
49. profound study of a morbidity with temporary account of a of a temporary lost card.
lost labor ability at the industrial enterprise: morbidity. labor ability".
Indicate the registration medical The statistical coupon The statistical coupon The statistical coupon It is necessary to fill in The necessary
document for the patient Н., that is necessary to fill in it for registration of final to fill in it is the emergency notice registration form is not
50. 21.02. was addressed to the doctor and it is necessary to diagnoses is not necessary, but a sign on a case of a indicated.
with diagnosis ARVD the first time in deliver on a sign +. necessary. +is not necessary to contagion.
this year: put in.
What kind a method is correct to establish force A method of grade A correlation ratio. The quadrate method The Indirect method A method of
51. of correlation connection between age of men and correlation (Spirman). (Pirson). (Stjudent). graduated correlation
their mortality from a myocardial infarction? (Armler).
Purpose of the second prophylaxis: Removal of the forming of adequate rehabilitation of Activation of public Prevention origins and
expressed factors of relation of population patients losing funds and influences of possible
risk, which at certain to the system of health possibility complete organizations in regard factors of risk of
terms can result in the protection valuable vital to medicine diseases
origin, intensification, functions
relapse of disease
The parameter of infantile mortality for the last Stylar. Linear. Intrastylar. Sector. Radial.
year was - 16,3\%0, in present year - 15,7\%0.
Name a kind of the diagram that can be used for a
graphic representation of it.
The populated area has the water supply from *fluorosis urine stones water-nitrate chronic gastritis syderoachrestic
artesian chink. Lab analyses data: transparence methemoglobinemia anemia
30 cm hardness 5,5 mg eq/l colority
20о nitrates 20
54. mg/l smell 1 score
fluorine 4,0 mg/l taste
1 score
coli-tytre 400 ml What disease
would result water consumption?
Define the observation unit, at study the average The patient with The patient who is Average duration of Delivery times of the The clinical form of
duration of hospitalization of patients with appendectomy. entered in the hospital. patient's stay in a patient. appendicitis.
appendectomy, depending on delivery times in a hospital.
hospital and the clinical form of appendicitis.
What methods of the collecting of the Questioning. Interviewing. Selecting of materials. A method of the Statistical.
information is preferable for study of housing directed selection.
conditions of students of medical HIGH
SCHOOL for a training period?
Name a statistical observation unit for The patient in a Amount of blood-sugar. The analysis of a The patient who has a The patient who was
determination of influence amount of bloodsugar postoperative period. blood. wound surface. discharge on an after-
on the healing of wound's surface in a care.
postoperative period:
The vital capacity of lungs was estimated during *A spirometer The thermometer The anthropometer A tonometer A centimetric tape
medical examination of schoolchildren. What
device is used for measuring of vital capacity of
Estimate the quality of milk: density 1038, the * The lowered quality Of good quality Of poor quality Adulterated Conditionally fit
maintenance of fat 2,8 \%, acidity 18 ( T.
Matusis` Device is used for estimation of * Vitamin C Vitamin B 1 Vitamin B 6 Vitamin B 12 Vitamin A
providing of an organism with:
Milk contains starch. Solution Lugoli has been Dark blue Pink Green Yellow Black
61. added for definition of starch in milk. What
colour will the milk be painted in?
The first-rate wheat bread was brought to the *Of good quality Of poor quality Adulterated Conditionally fit Of the lowered quality
hospital food-block: with humidity of 45 \%,
acidity 3 ( T, porosity of 67 \%. Evaluate the
quality of the bread, please.
The average body length of neonatal boys is 50,9 A coefficient of A sigma. A limit. An amplitude. A coefficient of
cm at a sigma 1,66; and average mass - 3432 at a variation. association.
sigma 5,00. What criteria is correct to compare
degree of variability these signs?
What from indexes behaves to the performance middle number of general morbidity. morbidity with the frequency of primary primary morbidity.
64. indicators of policlinic belong: visits on one habitant temporal loss of output on disability.
for a year. ability to work.
Canned fish “Atlantic hearing” has a paper label * poor quality product, high quality product, conditionally edible False spoiled, can be adulterated, can be
with specification of the enterprise-producer can’t be used can be used w/o product, can be used used after boiling used after boiling
(fish-processing plant in Yalta), name of limitations for meal
the product and others. The surface of
65. the tin is not deformed, the bottom and
cover are significantly convex. Tin is
hermetic. Tin cover is marked by the
stamp: 070190 513234 1Р Assess
quality of product
In order to compare the degree of variety of mean quadratic amplitude; limit; error of middle coefficient of variation
66. length of body of new-born pigeon pair it is most deviation.
expedient to use the criteria of variety:
What from indexes characterizes natural motion natural increase. migratory activity. mean time of pendulum migration. disability.
of population? forthcoming life.
What information is needed for determination of number of the children number of the children such index is not used number of the children number of the children
level of early neonatology mortality: born by living and born dead in practice deceased on the first deceased on the first
deceased during the month of life year of life.
first seven mortality.
The health of population, most, depends on: way of life terms of external economic line-up heredity systems of health
environment protection
People, which do not have complaints, chronic healthy (1-2 group) it is conditional healthy it is potential patients patients practically healthy
diseases in anamnesis, functional rejections and
organic changes in organs and systems, behave to
the group:
Give determination of maintenance of concept sum of cases of the sum of the registered sum of visits of the sum of being ill sum of patients of
71. “morbidity”: first exposed diseases illnesses among the population MPE. persons among the needing treatment.
among the population. population. population.
What group of illnesses leads in the structure of illnesses of the system new formations. illnesses of organs of illnesses of the nervous illnesses of organs of
72. reasons of mortality of population? of circulation of blood. breathing. system and sense- digestion.
Name basic principles of science of management: combination of hierarchical, reliability, leadership, selection of shots, development
particular a branch and operative, reason. responsibility, democratic centralism, according to a plan,
territorial level, competence, plenary specialization and co- unity of the personal
73. scientific character, powers. operation. and collective
economy, system, interests,
delegation. technological,
Name the tasks of head of the department of city control after a consultation of patients distributing of acting calculation of cost of organization of daily
hospital: timeliness and on to the house. patients on the stationary treatment of permanent
74. plenitude of inspection separations. patient. establishment.
and treatment of
They took the sample from 5 tons milk *sell but inform write off for animal technical utilization sell without limitations do product away
batch. In the lab analysis it was customers about milk feeding
defined: fat content 2\%, specific quality
density 1,04 g/cm3, acidity 21оТ,
reductase probe – weak positive. What
way is the product to be used in?
Specific gravity of population which treats From 70 to 80 From 40 to 50 From 50 to 60 From 60 to 70 More them 80
76. oneself in ambulatory-policlinic establishments
makes (in \%):
Periodic medical surveys are carried out for: Periodic inspection of inspectionof the certain Revelation of some D. Directions on E. Revelation and
the certain contingents contingents of workers diseases at early MSEC formations of
77. of workers at reception on the stages contingents for
robot dispensary
Whatever document to the medical worker is certificate about labour book. diploma. military ticket (for passport.
78. required to represent at the reception on work? registration. liable for military
Patient С., 48 years old, participated in the *somato-stochastic somatic effects geterosis genetic gormesis
liquidation of Chernobyl disaster consequences.
He is treated in in-patient department of
79. municipal hospital. His diagnosis: progressing
vegetative insufficiency. What group of
biological effects of ionizing radiation this states
included in such a state?
Girl 9 years old, has an average height and *2nd 1st 3rd 4th 5th
harmonic growth development. She was ill with
acute respiratory infection for five times. Define
group of her health
Mrs. Т., 33 years old works as the *obesity schizophrenia paradontosis common cold uterine fibromyoma
secretary. Her diet contains 150 g of protein
81. (including 100 g of animal), 200 g of fat, 600 g of
carbohydrates. What pathology can effect this
An Odessa inhabitant colected mushrooms in the *poisoning with Death overcooling poisoning with poisoning with fly poisoning with false
forest, fried and ate them. In 12 hours he felt Cap margarine preservants agaric morel
severe abdominal pains, vomiting bloody
diarrhea. In the end of the 1st day of disease
jaundice, hepatomegalia and oliguria developed.
There were convulsions also. He passed on 3rd
day of the disease. What is the cause of the
In the first stage of coli-index *Endo medium Ressek medium Kitta-Tarozzi medium Rappoport medium Bordet medium
assessment of tap water by the
fermentation samples method they
accumulate Е. сoli on glucose-peptonic
83. medium. In one 100 ml bottle and 1 ml
tube indicator changed color and gas
was produced. What differential
diagnostic medium should you use for 2nd
stage of the test?
The qualifying requirements to the family doctor domain by the modern oratorical art ability to conduct the ability to manage domain by the
are included in this case: methods of diagnostics conferences methods of analysis of
and treatment the state of
A girl 9 years old, has an average height and 2nd group 1st group 3rd group 4th group 5th group
harmonic growth development. She was ill with
acute respiratory infection for five times. Define
the group of her health.
In the assessment of microclimate they defined *2,5 (C 1 (C 1,5 (C 2 (C 3 (C
that in 10 cm above the floor air temperature
86. was 17оС, at the 1 m - 19оС, at the 1,5
m - 20оС. What overfall by the vertical
is the maximal admissible?
For controlling of pre-sterilization processing of *Azopiram Phenolphthaleine Benzydine Sodium benzoas Ortholuidine
medical instruments they use some tests:
phenolphthalein, ortholuidine, azopiram,
87. benzydine and sodium benzoas for controlling of
completeness of washing them from blood and
alkaline components of detergents.. What test is
the most sensitive for blood traces and the safest?
Professiogram of assembly shop of the *monotony. power of work, W emotional pressure intellectual intensity. operative memory
automobile plant includes the following elements: volume
conveyer, assembly works with power 15 W/hr,
the number of the operations – 3 per minute.
What is the criterion for work intensity in these
The seiner crew is under action of low *respiratory system . blood liver. gastrointestinal tract cardiovascular system
air temperatures (from -5°С up to
-10°С). What main organs’ diseases can be
prevalent among them?
With daily diet in the organism of 5 years old *4,0 mg/kg of body 1,0 mg/kg of body 2,0 mg/kg of body 3,0 mg/kg of body 4,0 mg/kg of body
90. child (body weight 20 kg) there are 80 mg of weight weight weight weight weight
nitrates income. Define daily dosage of the nitrate
In the thermal workshop of the ship- *heat radiation. convection heat air temperature relative humidity air movement velocity
repairing plant the heat amount is 81
kcal/m3 hr. Air temperature is 28-33°С,
heat radiation – up to 1800 kcal/m2 hr,
relative humidity - 40-60\%, air
movement velocity - 0,5-0,7 m/s. What
occupational hazard can cataract be
caused by?
While school inspecting they defined that third *number of classes of number of lessons per number of lesson per place of music lesson place of the Ukrainian
year form has 26 lessons during a weak; on physical training week day. in the schedule language lesson in the
Tuesday the first is Ukrainian lesson, 2nd - schedule
music, 3 and 4th - physical training, 5 lessons at
a whole. Could you find any infringements in the
Student Н. is estimating the noise rate *Phonovibrometer Analysator of noise Audiotester. Actinometer Piranometer.
93. in the punching workshop. What device spectrum
is he using?
As preventive means they prescribe UV radiation *biodosimeter ermeter ufimeter uviolmeter piranometer
in the photarium for adolescent living in
94. Murmansk region (Russia). What device could be
used to define biological and preventive dosage
of UV radiation?
Mr G. uses untreated feces for fertilizing. He sells *ascaridosis trichinosis shistosomatosis dracunculosis opistorchosis
95. vegetables at the city market. What infestation
can occur among his customers?
The X-ray room of the cardiological center is *3 1 2 4 5
placed on the 2nd floor and has 40 m2 total
square. The operating control panel is behind the
96. shielded screen. The physician’s working place is
2 m from the apparatus. No adjoining wards by
the vertical and horizontal. How many premises
the X-ray room should consist of as minimum
Mrs. Y. lives in polluted area in the zone of *pumpkin paprika vegetable marrow carrot cabbage
severe radioecology. She has own household with
the garden and she doesn’t work. She consult
97. physician about using vegetables from the garden
to rise excretion of the radionuclides. You should
recommend vegetables with the highest fiber
content (more then 1 \%).
In the assessment of microclimate they *2(C 1 (C 1,5 (C 2,5 (C 3 (C
defined that in outer corner at the
height of 1 m the temperature was
18оС, in the middle - 19оС, in inner
corner - 20оС. What overfall by the
horizontal is the maximal admissible?
Worker С. works at the chemical *gas mask hose mask ABA mask cotton facial bandage
enterprise N, producing sulfuric acid for
6 year. It was defined that the content
of sulfuric gas was in two times more
than MAC. What protective equipment
do you advise him to use?
In the well situated at the outskirts of the village *continuous fresh recent old latent
in 60 m from the cattle farm they found nitrogen
100. compounds in concentrations: ammonia - 0,9
mg/l, nitrites -0,1 mg/l, nitrates - 52 mg/l. For
what pollution is this analysis typical?
They conduct a survey on the children health in *ethyl gasoline using using lead-containing porcelain producing cable producing
city of N. It was defined that in 23\% of cases paints battery
101. lead content of blood was higher than 10 mkg/l. producing
What was the principal source of pollution of
urban environment with lead compounds?
They sell portable desks in the market. *right sided scoliosis left-sided scoliosis flat footedness anemia hypermetropia
Desks are made from light wooden.
They heaven’t sharp edges, the cover
has an operated inclination (from 1 to
45о), height of the table 0,8 m, sit
height 0,5 m, distance of the sit is
positive. What disease can be among the
children using the desk for home work?
The classroom in the village school has 30 m2. *20 10 15 25 30
103. How many 5th year pupils could study in this
The section of senior creche group is situated on *infringement of insufficient area of the insufficient area of the wrong content of the wrong placing by the
the first floor of the kindergarten. Section consist principle of group dressing-room dining room section premises floor
of a dressing room (18 m2), a dining room (group isolation
room) (50 m2), bedroom (48 m2), servant room
(14 m2). Section has only one entrance, from the
street and it’s common with middle group. Could
you define any infringements in the internal lay-
The well is located at the village outskirts. It has *80 g 20 g 40 g 60 g 100 g
the stone walls, cover; the common bucket is
absent. The nearest area is not covered. The
square of water mirror is 0,5 m2, depth 20 m.
How many grams of chloric lime containing
25\% of active chlorine is it necessary to use for
well disinfecting if chlorine demand of water is 2
For assessment of epidemiological danger of air *Str. haemoliticus St. aureus Pseudomonas Escherichia coli Clostridia
environment in the exhibition center they conduct aeruginosae
the survey on the air germ pollution. What
microbe is sanitary indicative?
A 66 year old history teacher doesn’t have in his * introduce fish, introduce cereals into introduce fat meat introduce floury introduce all
diet the products having anti sclerotic action. poultry meat, cheese, diet into diet products into diet enumerated products
Correct the teacher’s diet. fruit, vegetables, into into diet
It is necessary to carry out the investigation and *Sandy Stony Loamy Peaty Brackish
to establish the norm of exogenous chemical
substance N content in soil. In order to create
108. experimental conditions it is necessary to use
such type of soil which has maximal filtrative and
minimal sorption and soaking peculiarities. What
type of soil is it necessary to use?
During his holiday in Ukraine a foreigner felt ill * The extract from a Sick-leave; Certificate of patient’s А and В variants С and В variants
with aggravation of gastric ulcere. He sought or patient’s case history; hospitalization;
109. medical advice. He was admited to hospital.
What are the documents for his discharging from
the hospital?
The analysis of population rate of cases is carried * В, С, D variants; The level of incidence; The structure of The dynamics of The registration of
out. It is characterized with the following index: incidence; incidence; incidence.
A 68 year old pensioner has three meals a day * 4 meals a day with 3 meals a day with 4 meals a day with 3 meals a day with 4 meals a day with
with following distribution of energetic value: for even distribution of superiority of energetic superiority of superiority of energetic
superiority of
breakfast 20\%, fro dinner 30\%, fro supper 50\%. energetic value value for breakfast energetic value for value for dinner energetic value for
The diet regime shoved be the following: dinner supper
To determine the sufficient water *Adding of potassium Fitration of the water Addition of acid to the Addition of aluminium Addition of
decontamination, the amount of residual chlorine iodide and starch to sample by up to rosy water sample sulfuric oxide to the manganese peroxide to
which is left after chloration is taken into water samples colour of solution water sample up to the the water sample
consideration. What is the method of qualitative Greese reagent formation of hydroxide
determination of residual chlorine in drinking flakes.
water after its chloration?
Infrared radiation influences the worker of 48 *The length of the Intensity Action’s direction Wave’s amplitude Frequent spectrum
years old in the process of production. The depth wave
of thermical action of the infrared radiation on
The human organism depends upon:
Doctor C, in private talk, told about the venereal *Discipline or Administrative Discipline Dismissal of the doctor Financial
disease of his patient M to his neighbour. What criminal, depending
kind of responsibility is provided by legislation in upon the results
case of breaking the doctor’s secret?
Doctor D, an obstetrician – gynecologist has *Criminal Administrative Discipline Dismissal of the doctor Financial
made back-street abortion. In the result of this responsibility responsibility responsibility responsibility
medical intervention the patient developed some
complications which led to sterility. Criminal
abortion according to active legislation provides
for :
In the workshop of garment factory they *wing anemometer. electrical anemometer kata-thermometer stringed anemometer. membranous
supervise effectiveness of the ventilation system anemometer
and control on the microclimate conditions. What
device can’t be used for determining the air
movement velocity in the section of ventilation
The premises of medical institutions demanding *1 watt capacity per 1 1 watt capacity per 10 1 watt capacity per 0,5 watt capacity per 1 0,5 watt capacity per
117. the rules of sterility, asepsis and antisepsis be m3 m3 100 m3 m3 100 m3
provided with ultraviolet lamp counting:
In the inspection of occupational environment for *relative humidity, operating field lighting carbon dioxide carbon dioxide content, relative humidity,
medical stuff in ther operating room they defined carbon dioxide content rate, air movement content, general air temperature general lighting rate.
air temperature – 20°С, air movement velocity. lighting rate
velocity - 0,15 m/s, relative humidity -
118. 75\%, carbon dioxide content - 0,3\%,
general lightning rate with tube lamps -
400 lx, operating field - 7000 lx. What
indices don’t correspond to the
hygienic standards?
While working a 55 year old man busy in coxo- * Use 100 ml drinks Use drinks and water Use drinks and water Use drinks and water Use drinks and water
chemical industry can’t do without water. How and water every 25-30 10 minutes before before the beginning after break after the beginning of
showed the drinking of this worker regime be minutes. meals of the work the work
The right of establishing the fact and the group *MFEX MCC Doctor The head doctor deputy The head doctor
120. of stable disability (invalidity) belongs: for disability
Statistical investigation is carried out. It’s * analogous mechanical typological serial random
necessary to formulate totality of choices. Which
121. of the enumerated methods is not used for
selecting units of observation into totality of
The doctor established the level of flue illness to *visual intensive extensive correlations non-marked intensity
122. be increased to 30\% in comparison to last year.
What index did he use?
What does a rural hospital consist of? * a hospital or an feldsher-obstetric a regional hospital a hospital, a regional a regional hospital and
outpatient clinic and stations, a regional and female hospital and feldsher- a sanitary-
feldsher-obstetric hospital; dispensary; obstetric stations; epidemiologic station.
A woman of 55 years old has diarrhea, *pellagra psoriasis scurvy beri-beri Swift’s dermatitis
desquamation and skin pigmentation (on the face,
neck, feet and hands), irritability and anxiety. We
know from her anamnesis that her main food is
maize, she rarely eats vegetables and beans and
never eats meat and fish. What is the disease?
The 5 years old child was brought to the *spurge-flax fly agaric green gill Cikuta Aconitis
reception ward with such symptoms as: dryness
of skin and mucosa, short breathing, midriasis,
125. agitation, confused consciousness. They defined
that before hospitalization the child had collected
berries in the forest. What plant caused food
In the country with decentralized water supply *Fluorine Lead Strontium Iodine Arsenium
(shaft wells) they registered elongation of
126. fonticuli healing, poor bones development, teeth
development retardation among infants . They are
typical signs for presence in water of
They are building a 2 storied house in the town. *Lavatory with aerated Chemical lavatory WC Public lavatory Field lavatory
127. Water pipes and canalization are absent. What tank
type of lavatory is the best for these conditions?
Ultra-violet radiation is carried out to prevent in *Degree and index of Multinle of air- Dust content Ozone content Carbon dioxide
hospital infections in the premises of the medical effectiveness exchange content
institutions. What is its health-improvement
action evaluated with?
A 40- year old inhabitant of the city of Kiev *hot climate impact new impressions tourist’s age Impact of flight poor health state of the
arrived in Abidjan (Ivory Coast) in July of 1998. tourist
In an hour after arriving he lost consciousness
after leaving the international airport terminal.
After medical aid he was delivered to
the hospital. His state was
129. characterized with the following signs:
expressed adinamia, severe headache
with nausea, the skin was hyperemied,
wet; body temperature was rised up to
39оС; short breathing, tachicardia. The
tourist has never been to hot climate countries.
What is the cause of syncope?
The worker of the chemical enterprise visited a *chronic mercury chronic lead poisoning chronic gasoline chronic aniline chronic cadmium
health provider with complaints of irritability, poisoning poisoning poisoning poisoning
poor workability, insomnia, headache.
Objectively: arhythmical tremor, asymmetry of
tendous and periostal reflexes, pulse lability,
steady red dermographismus. Signs of excretory
gingivitis. The worker deals with amalgam
producing. What is the disease?
At the market they sell milk brought in *milk was adulterated milk was adulterated by Stale milk milk with suspicious surrogate milk
the churns. Smell and taste of milk are by dilution skimming freshness
usual, color is white with bluish tint,
specific density 1,015 g/cm3, fat
content 2\%. Acidity 15оТ. No
admixtures.Determine milk quality.
During the examination on general hygiene and *it’s caused by it’s caused by high it’s caused by solar it’s caused by action of it’s caused by
social medicine the student said that the mountain decreasing of partial content of carbon radiation effect cold air peculiarities of
132. sickness has been caused by the low content of pressure of the oxygen dioxide perception of the
oxygen in the highlands air. Could you correct his mountain environment
While answering the state examination a student *health officer gives assistant of health dietologist gives final cook gives the customer gives a
of medical faculty said that the sanitary lab final conclusion about officer gives a conclusion conclusion conclusion
133. decides the problem about suitableness of food food quality conclusion
for using. Could you correct your college’s
The worker of “Bios" enterprise producing *to use hermetic to change assortment of to use air conditioning to use individual misemploy her
laundry detergents consults her health provider equipment the production protective equipment
134. with complaints of rash at the opened areas of the
face skin, neck and hands. What prevention is
The group of Ukrainian tourists visited Malaysia. *boiling ozonizing freezing iodination UV irradiation
By WHO statistics this country has a high rate of
morbidity owning to water-borne infections.
What way of water disinfecting should they use?
The germ pollution of operation room after *80\% 20\% 40\% 60\% 99\%
operating was 2500 CFU/m3. They sanitize air
136. with UV-lamps. What percent should germ
pollution be decreased to consider the sanitation
The cadets of military school were brought to the *cream cake sausages fries stuffed paprika Adulterated cognac
infection hospital with acute gastroenteritis after
reception on the graduation day. In vomiting
masses and rest of the products St. aureus and its
enterotoxine were found out by ELISA. What
product have cause food poisoning?
The man with jaundice was brought to the *aflotoxine ergotoxine botulotoxine phasine solanine
hospital. He considered that his state was caused
by roasted peanut. What mycotoxine was found
in peanuts?
С., 38 year old, has general labor *yes, he can no, he can’t he can but by the he can but after he can but after
experience of 15 years, for 10 years he order of Ministry of rehabilitation treatment changing dosimeter
works asa roentgenologist. By Health
dosimeter data he took 40 rem during
these years Can С. work by his
specialty in future?
The anestesiologist gives narcosis to *air pollution with improper occupational high level of noise mental overfatigue compelled working
the patient, he uses a non-reversive anesthetic microclimate pose
contour. Anesthetic is halothane. Air
140. temperature in the operation room is
21°С, humidity 50\%, level of noise 30 dB.
What occupational hazards is the most significant
in these conditions?
The daily diet of a porter contains 110 g of *increase increase quantity of increase quantity of increase fat content decrease quantity of
protein (including 61 g of animal origin), 120 g of carbohydrates content animal protein in the vegetable protein animal protein
141. fat, 400 g of carbohydrates. His losses of energy diet
are about 4000 kcal per day. What ways to
optimize his nutrition could you advise?
Family physician advised for patient to rise *calcium is not sorrel is poor in milk does not content these foods are alimentary correction
vitamin C and calcium supply of the organism by absorbed in the vitamin C calcium allergenic hasn’t any advantages
drinking milk and eating sorrel. What mistake has presence of oxalic acid in comparison with
he done? pharmacological one
Soldier Р,. 19 year old, was brought to *low (norm: 0,7-1,0 low (norm: 2,0-3,0 low (norm: 1,0-1,5 high (norm: 0,1-0,2 normal (norm:
the military hospital with complaints on mg/h.) mg/h.) mg/h) mg/h.) 0,2-0,6 мg/h.)
fatigability, gum bleeding. Objectively:
dryness and paleness of the skin,
acrocyanosis. Interdental spaces of the
gums edematous, gums are loosened,
cyanotic. Folliculitis signs. Vitamin С
excretion with urine: 0,27 mg/hour.
Estimate vitamin C supply of the
soldier organism and specify its
standards for ascorbic acid excretion
with urine
In school №75 they conduct the survey *the child has high the child has high the child has low the child has average the child has low
of the children’s growth. The girl 7 year height, disharmonic height, harmonic height, harmonic height, harmonic height, disharmonic
144. old has height of 133,3 cm (+2,1(), weight development development development development development
29,0 kg (+1,0(), chest volume 60,1 cm (+0,5().
Estimate her growth development
The dockers work at the port in night schift from *3-times meal, total 3-times meal, total 4-times meal, total 5-times meal, total liberated, total calorie
2300 to 700. By heaviness of labour this group of calorie value 3700 calorie value 3200 kcal calorie value 3200 calorie value 5000 kcal value 3000 kcal
workers has hard physical labour. What nutrition kcal kcal
mode will you advise for them?
Wheat flour came to realization in the *poor quality product, flour of high quality, conditionally suitable flour has low humidity, flour has high
trade network. By the documents its not suitable for using can be used w/o for using not suitable for using humidity, not suitable
sort was defined as “extra”. Lab limitations for using
146. analysis data: color: white with
yellowish humidity: 17\% smell: acidous
acidity: 10о taste: acidous glutens:
15\% crunch: no Assess quality of product.
They inspect the pig corps at the abattoir. The *use for technical use for meal w/o use for meal after use for meal after use for animal feeding
flesh surface is light-red, section is some how utilization limitations boiling disinfecting by the contract with
wet, spots at the blotting-paper don’t appear, veterinarian inspection
elasticity is normal. Fat is white with yellowish
tint, solid, in compression it crumbles, marrow is
pink and fills the bone channel completely. The
meat has specific smell of fresh flesh.. In tongue,
diaphragm, intercostals and chewing muscles
there are trichinas. What should they do with
A student has to measure the speed of air motion *Cathethermometre Asman`s psychrometer Hair hygrometer Augustus psychrometer Anemometer
148. in experimental laboratory. What device should
he use?
For training stamina teenager В., 15 *wiping bathing in the water Scotch shower pouring gargling throat with
year old, started to use a cold shower reservoir cool water
(water temperature +6оС) for 20-30
149. minutes. In some days he stopped the procedures
because of acute tonsillitis. What water
procedures will you advise for strengthening
(training stamina) at the beginning?
Tooth decay morbidity among people living in N *water fluorination brush teeth inhalate fluorine eat more vegetables use sylantes
150. is 89\%. They drinks water containing 0,001 mg/l
fluorine. What prevention could you advise?
For providing health care of people living in a *15 km 5 km 10 km 20 km 30 km
new urban district they planned to build a new
hospital for 550 beds, situated at the outskirts.
The furthest buildings will be at 32 km from
hospital. What service radius is the maximum for
the urban hospitals?
They confiscated 20 kg of pork from a *high quality product, high quality product, poor quality product, surrogate Adulterated product
seller at the market. The surface of conditionally suitable suitable w/o limitations not suitable
flesh is bright, consistence is dense, fat
is solid, smell is usual, color is light red,
рН of meat juice - 6,0. they found 2 fins
at 40 cm2. Assess meat quality.
On the 12th April 2000 in Odessa there *requiring medical very favorable favorable severe medical control acute
was variable cloudness and in-and-out control
precipitations, atmospheric pressure -
755 mm of Hg, wind - 8,5 m/s, daily
overfall of temperature -7оС,
atmospheric pressure - 10 mm Hg.
What is the medical type of the
The impairment of vision can occur in children * ensuring the good the time restriction of the quality of a blackboard colour the distribution of
when carrying out different kinds of work. What illumination of a fulfilling work educational books children in the
main hygienic conditions of labour can provide child’s working place classroom
the prophylaxis of these disturbance?
The showing of an age-old tendency among the * heliogenic, high-caloric mixtures heterolocal marriages, city urbanization and specific prophylaxis,
younger sections of population is acceleration. alimentary, social and of children’s nutrition early puberty ecology successes in pediatrics
which groups of hypotheses cause this economic
Which term for the preparation of homework by * 3 hours 1,5 hours 2 hours 3,5 hours 4 hours
156. the pupils of the eighth – eleventh forms will
meet hygienic requirements?
They confiscated 20 kg of pork from a *poor quality product, high quality product, high quality product, surrogate product adulterated product
seller at the market. The surface of not suitable suitable w/o limitations suitable with
flesh is bright, condistence is dense, fat limitations
is solid, smell is usual, color is light red,
рН of meat juice - 6,0. they found 5 fins at 40
cm2. Assess meat quality
The mountain lake is situated out off the *water is suitable for water is suitable only water is suitable after water is not suitable for water can be used after
residential area. The forest is around, shores are drinking for technical purposes boiling using settling
sandy and stony. Water analysis: Smell. taste
1 score ammonia and nitrites no
color colorlessnitrates 40 mg/l transparence
40 cm chlorides 50 mg/l
oxidation ability3 mg О2/l hardness
10 mg eq/l coli-tytre 300 ml
microbic number 65 Could
this water be used for drinking?
A boy 8 year old is under the dispensary *special basic additional preparatory medical
159. supervision because of chronic gastroduodenitis.
What group of physical education has the boy?
Girl 9 years old, has an average height and *2nd group 1 st group 3rd group 4th group 5th group
harmonic growth development. She was ill with
acute respiratory infection for five times. Define
group of her health.
The observation department of maternity house is *department structure of the total amount of beds reception mode of No infringements
situated on the first floor under the delivery room. placement department pregnant women and
In the department there are 10 2-bed wards and 2 women in childbirth
161. – 1-bed ones. The total amount of the beds is 22.
Reception of pregnant women is conducted via
the isolated unit of the reception ward. What
infringements of sanitary rules could you specify?
The worker of a forge shop consults his physician *use antiphones hermetize the eat caviar wear rubber shoes change managers at
about complaints of poor hearing, fatigability, equipment the enterprise
headache. Tonal audiography has been
conducted. There are signs of sensitive surditas
on the audiogram. What prevention could you
In the operating room of the purulent surgery *incerination in dispose to landfills bury at especial bury at the hospital reduce to fragments
department they amputated the shin in the patient special stoves cemeteries territory and dispose to
with gangrene. What way is usual for medical canalization
wastes disposal?
For keeping meat soup with salted cucumbers in *zinc poisoning botulism overeating iron poisoning staphylococcal
the workers canteen they used a zinc-coated intoxication
bucket. In 2-3 hours after eating this soup 5
workers had vomiting. Sick men were
hospitalized. In a day all signs disappeared. What
is the disease?
Student В. Lives in the canalized house *250-300 l 10-15 l 50-100 l 160-200 l 400-500 l
in the flat with complete set of sanitary
165. equipment (WC, bath, shower,
centralized hot water supply). What
volume of water does he use daily?
After eating of raw duck eggs the family with *salmonellosis erysipelas leptospirosis botulism ergotism
signs of gastroenterocolitis was delivered to
hospital t. What disease can be the most
Surgeon В., 36 years old, working at the *2 mSv 20 mSv 10 mSv 5 mSv 1 mSv
thoracic department of the oncological
dispensary. This year he has been subjected to X-
ray scopy for several times (with esophageal
contrasting). What maximum admissible dose is
defined for this professional category?
For preventive purposes the student drinks *potable arsenic boric hydrosulfurous radon
168. mineral waters. What mineral water can be used
for everyday drinking?
For waste treatment they offer chloric lime with *20\% 1\% 5\% 10\% 15\%
5\% content of active chlorine. What content of
active chlorine is admissible for disinfecting at
They brought the patient Т., 32 year *ice-cream ham alcohol drinks Russian salad stuffed cabbage rolls
old, with acute gastroenteritis signs to the
reception ward of the municipal infectious
hospital. He has fallen ill suddenly. Four hours
ago he had a lunch with his girlfriend. He drank
alcohol beverages, ate some ham, Russian salad,
stuffed cabbage-rolls and other foods. He ate ice-
cream with strawberries and rum. From his
girlfriend it’s known that ice-cream was melted
and frozen again. What food caused poisoning?
The artesian chink is situated out off *water-nitrate syderoachrestic anemia talassemia dysentery gastritis
the residential area, the nearest methemoglobinemia
territory is free of pollution and
covered. Water analysis: taste 1
score oxidation ability 0,5
171. mg О2/lcoli-tytre 500 ml smell 0
scores ammonia traces
transparence 40 cm colority
10? microbic number 28 nitrites
traces nitrates 92,0 mg/l What
disease can be caused by drinking this water?

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