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Procedia Computer Science 100 (2016) 724 – 730

Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems / International Conference on Project

MANagement / Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies,
CENTERIS / ProjMAN / HCist 2016, October 5-7, 2016

Leadership Behavior of Project Managers in Sustainable

Construction Projects
Amin Akhavan Tabassi୹୽*, Maria Argyropoulou୽, Kamand M. Roufechaei୹, Rachel
࢟School of Housing, Building and Planning, Universiti Saians Malaysia, 11800-Penang, Malaysia
The Management School, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK


The construction industry has been perceived as dominant in stirring to move societies for sustainable development in an
international framework. As a result of a theoretical perspective, this research extends leadership competencies as hierarchical,
reflective constructs, integrating eight involved components. The analysis was done making use of a sample of 70 project managers
in eco-friendly building projects. The results exhibits that the leadership competencies of project managers as second-order
reflective constructs end up with considerable direct influences on success criteria for sustainable buildings. Furthermore, the
outcomes suggest that the intellectual competence of project managers represents the most considerable factor on sustainable
building accomplishments. On the whole, this research ends by going over the findings, methodological inferences, limitations,
and prospective recommendations for further research.

TheAuthors. Published
Authors. by by
Published Elsevier B.V.B.V.
Elsevier This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of SciKA - Association for Promotion and Dissemination of Scientific Knowledge.
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of CENTERIS 2016
Keywords: leadership competence; project manager; sustainable building construction

1. Introduction

Over the past decades local and international communities have recognized the construction industry, and
particularly the building sector, as vital in encouraging societal change toward sustainable development in a global
context [1, 2]. Chapter 7 of the United Nations Earth Summit Agenda 21, the action blueprint for “promoting

Corresponding author. Tel.: +60-174709240.
E-mail address: [email protected]

1877-0509 © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of CENTERIS 2016
Amin Akhavan Tabassi et al. / Procedia Computer Science 100 (2016) 724 – 730 725

sustainable human settlement development” advocates the promotion of sustainable construction industry activities
and working together to take action towards achieving ‘sustainable human resource development and capacity-
building for human settlement development’. In this regard, it can be said that construction leaders and/or project
managers of sustainable projects may improve sustainable performance by influencing or even transforming
subordinates [3].
The leadership style and the way the project as well as subordinates are managed, can result in improved
productivity and, more important, transform the project towards sustainability. Nevertheless, considering the
construction industry in developing countries like Malaysia, strength in terms of sustainability, has not yet reached an
adequate level. In this county, challenges of sustainable construction and development are not really being dealt with.
Consequently, new research findings will contribute substantially to the country’s construction sector, by offering
insights to the field of leadership style in sustainable construction projects. On the flip side, recent research in
sustainable development in the industry has focused mainly on design concepts for sustainability [2] whereas, limited
research has been conducted into leadership competencies and quality practices of the leaders in sustainable
development of building projects. This lacuna in knowledge motivated this research study that has been designed to
build a model to study the most effective leadership competence in sustainable building construction in order to answer
the following question: Does the leadership style of the leaders affect the achievement in success criteria of the green
building projects?
As a result, a key significance contribution of the study that also distinguishes it from other publications in
sustainable building construction is, the focus on leadership competences of those project managers engaged with
green building projects. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 discusses the pertinent literature
on the constructs of leadership and sustainable construction. Section 3 presents the Success Criteria for Sustainable
Building Projects for the construction of the hypotheses that are tested in this study. Research methodology and data
analysis are described in section 4, followed by the assessment of the structural model (section 5). We discuss our
findings and conclusions in section 6. The paper finishes with a short paragraph on the limitations and future research
directions in section 7.

2. Leadership

The broad concept of leadership can be summarized in three interrelated domains: personal characteristics of the
leader, leadership style and situational theories [4]. In other words, leadership is a dynamic behaviour and a leader’s
role with regard to an ideal style varies with different circumstances and traits. Consequently, no ultimate leadership
behaviour exists [5] and the many ways that leadership has been conceptualized will influence “the relationship among
leaders and followers who intend real changes and outcomes that reflect their shared purposes” [6]. Therefore, dealing
with rapid, complex, and often discontinuous change requires effective leadership. Although the importance of
leadership has been regarded as a success factor for organizations, in regard to project context there have still not been
enough empirical studies on the association between leadership style and project success [7], particularly in the context
of sustainable construction. However, overall project success consists of several dimensions that depend on the
manager’s leadership style [8, 9] and competences [10, 11]. Corresponding to the competence school of leadership,
[11] performed a comprehensive review of current theories and determined fifteen leadership dimensions that can be
grouped under two competences; intellectual (IQ) and managerial (MQ), and a personal characteristic measurement
named emotional and social dimensions (EQ).

2.1. Sustainable construction

Construction and buildings can contribute substantially to the realisation of sustainable development. Research
related to the building industry is focusing on the growing concerns related to the consumption of natural resources
(i.e. water, wood, energy, materials) [12] as well as to the production of substantial amounts of CO2 emissions [13].
Added to that, different types of environmental pollution have been reported during the life cycle of a construction
project [12]. Ignorance of green construction operations is likely to result in serious environmental problems [14]
and, therefore, the building industry should be alert to these risks as well as cautious of sustainable alternatives to
improve its environmental and social footprint [15].
726 Amin Akhavan Tabassi et al. / Procedia Computer Science 100 (2016) 724 – 730

2.2. Sustainable construction and leadership

Although leadership has been acknowledged as a success factor for the performance of organizations, there is
limited research on the relationship between leadership competencies of project managers and especially managers in
the construction industry. These leaders should have the values and skills to promote a positive culture towards
sustainable development. In a rather recent research Hwang and Ng (2013 explored the challenges in ‘green’
construction projects and they identified the knowledge areas and skills that competent project managers should
possess to meet these challenges [16]. Nonetheless, leadership style and competencies of sustainable project managers
need to be further explored for their statistical relationship with project success criteria. This became the focal point
of this paper and motivated the research described in the subsequent paragraphs.

3. Leader competencies and success criteria for sustainable building projects

The Malaysian Institute of Architects formed a Sustainability Committee which was established mainly to develop
the Green Building Index (GBI) and the related section for accreditation and certification of green-rated buildings in
August 2008. The GBI Building Rating tools assess the sustainability of buildings based on six key criteria as
demonstrated in Table 1. Consequently, these specific set of guidelines were employed to measure the success criteria
that project managers attained in their green building projects.

Table 1. Key criteria for evaluating success sustainable building construction used for this study
Success Criteria
Energy Efficiency (EE)
Indoor Environment Quality (EQ)
Sustainable Site Planning & Management (SM)
Materials and Resources (MR)
Water Efficiency (WE)
Innovation (IN)

The above mentioned criteria can motivate developers and building users to consider the environmental quality of
buildings and associated inhabitants via improved site selection, conditions to acquire access to public transportation,
enhanced local community services and connectivity, as well as enhanced infrastructure facilities.

3.1. Hypotheses tested

The literature review revealed the importance of leadership research for sustainable development. In view of the
analysis, the current study targets to explore the impact of intellectual and managerial competencies of the leader on
the success of a sustainable building project. Therefore:

Hypothesis 1: Leader intellectual competence is positively related to the success criteria of the projects.
Hypothesis 2: Leader managerial competence is positively related to the success criteria of the projects.

4. Research methodology and data analysis

For the purpose of data collection, a survey questionnaire was distributed among 70 construction project managers
who had applied for or were certified by the GBI assessment of Malaysia [26]. Three research officers were sent to
companies in different locations in large cities in Malaysia to deliver the questionnaires to the relevant respondents
and to collect them for the purpose of data analysis. 5-point scale questionnaire was used. To assess the hierarchical
hypothesised model, Smart PLS was applied to determine the parameters of the model [25]. PLS places minimal
demands on sample size and residual distributions and in this study, PLS path modelling was used with a path-
weighting scheme for inside approximation [17, 18]. Afterward, nonparametric bootstrapping was applied with 200
Amin Akhavan Tabassi et al. / Procedia Computer Science 100 (2016) 724 – 730 727

replications to obtain the standard estimate errors [17]. To evaluate the higher order latent variable, the method of
repeated indicators was used [19, 20, 21].

4.1. Managerial competence assessment

The study extends prior research by conceptualising the managerial competence as a hierarchical, reflective
construct [22] and examining its relationship with success criteria that assessed project managers’ level of achievement
in their sustainable building projects. It is proposed that the managerial competence, determined by evaluating how
the five extracted attributes identified by [11] including resource management, engaging communication,
empowering, developing and achieving, affect achieved success criteria. However, each dimension of the managerial
competence reflects a unique belief, whereas the set forms a solid foundation for hierarchical managerial competence
modelling in a nomological network. In this hierarchical construct the degree of variance explained was reflected on
its components: resource management (76.9%), engaging communication (88.3%), empowering (19.7%), developing
(82.2%), and achieving (83%, see Table 2). All of the path coefficients from managerial competence to its components
were significant at P <0.01. Here, for the construct of managerial competence the CR and AVE values were 0.941and
0.536, respectively, which are above the cut-off values.
Table 2. Second-Order Managerial Competence and its Association with the First-Order Components
Resource Management Engaging Empowering Developing Achieving
R²=0.769157 R²=0.883001 R²=0.197417 R²=0.821685 R²=0.829843
ȕ=0.8477 ȕ=0.9187 ȕ=0.6584 ȕ=0.8956 ȕ=0.9063
P<0.01 P<0.01 P<0.01 P<0.01 P<0.01

4.2. Intellectual competence assessment

In a similar fashion, the study extended the intellectual competence as a hierarchical, reflective construct [22] and
evaluated its relationship with those success criteria. The intellectual competence of a project manager was also
evaluated. This was identified through the three extracted attributes identified by [11] including critical analysis,
strategic perspective and vision and imagination (see table 3), which affect positively the attained success criteria in
sustainable building projects. Furthermore, each dimension of the intellectual competence also echoes an exclusive
perception; whereas, the specified component features a reliable basis for hierarchical intellectual competence
modelling in a nomological network. In this hierarchical construct the degree of variance explained was reflected on
its components: critical analysis (87.2%), strategic perspective (87.6%), and vision and imagination (65.3%, see Table
2). All the path coefficients from intellectual competence to its components were also significant at P <0.01. For
intellectual competence the CR and AVE values were 0.926 and 0.514, respectively, which are above the cut-off

Table 3. Second-Order Intellectual Competence and its Association with the First-Order Components
Critical Analysis Strategic Vision and
Perspective Imagination
R²=0.872285 R²=0.876312 R²=0.652551
ȕ= 0.9361 ȕ=0.9449 ȕ=0.7962
P<0.01 P<0.01 P<0.01

5. Assessment of the structural model

In Table 4 and Figure 1, the results give a standardised beta of 0.596 from intellectual competence to success
criteria and 0.239 from managerial competence to success criteria. Thus, support could be found for H1 and H2.
However, the total R² for this model was 0.68.
728 Amin Akhavan Tabassi et al. / Procedia Computer Science 100 (2016) 724 – 730

Table 4. Total Effects

Beta Value t-value P-value Standard Error
Intellectual Competenc e -> Critical Analysis 0.9361 61.6492 ******* 0.0152
Intellectual Competence -> Strategic Perspective 0.9449 67.7289 ******* 0.014
Intellectual Competence -> Success Criteria 0.5962 5.0341 ******* 0.1184
Intellectual Competence -> Vision and Imagination 0.7962 14.5999 ******* 0.0545
Managerial Competence -> Achieving 0.9063 40.7708 ******* 0.0222
Managerial Competence -> Developing 0.8956 40.3198 ******* 0.0222
Managerial Competence -> Empowering 0.6584 6.9908 ******* 0.0942
Managerial Competence -> Engaging Communication 0.9187 54.6438 ******* 0.0168
Managerial Competence -> Resource Management 0.8477 24.9433 ******* 0.034
Managerial Competence -> Success Criteria 0.2391 2.178 0.01494 0.1098

Managerial 0.236 (t=2.18)


Competence 0.596 (t=5.03)

Fig. 1. Results of Model Testing

6. Discussion

Eight leadership attributes were assessed and kept by this research to measure the two constructs: intellectual
competence and managerial competence (see table 4). The results of the study show that among all dimensions of
leadership competencies, strategic perspective (ȕ=0.945) is the most significant factor, followed by critical analysis
(ȕ=0.936), engaging communication (ȕ=0.918), achieving (ȕ=0.906), developing (ȕ=0.896), resource management
(ȕ=0.848), vision and imagination (ȕ=0.796) and empowering (ȕ=0.658) in project managers. Our study validates the
findings from [11] as well as those from [23].
Specifically, [24 and 26] argued that the effect of leadership on employee commitment and performance in a
temporary arrangement such as a construction project is not the same as for long term projects. However, they
observed that project managers in projectized organizations with transformational behavior same as that of managers
in functional organizations have a lower impact on motivation and commitment of their followers. This might be
explained by the multiple project leaders and the limited periods of time that they are involved with employees in a
project context while team members in a permanent or a long-lasting environment are engaged with mainly one
manager for a long period of time.
Our findings show that all attributes are essential to sustainable achievement and are relatively significant in
facilitating sustainable building construction. The results also clarify that project managers should possess the
necessary leadership competencies, skills and knowledge to be able to achieve sustainability in building projects.
Aside from that, the essential aspects of leadership that highlighted in the study will contribute strategically to the
transition towards sustainable societies. The ultimate result also provides support for the critical role of project
manager in sustainable development, which prompted the LEED Rating System to involve project management
development tools and techniques into the most up-to-date overhauling of the rating system. In this regard, the study
would like to recommend other green building ratings systems, particularly the GBI of Malaysia, on the way to
improve the current rating system in dealing with building construction by incorporating some points and credits for
Amin Akhavan Tabassi et al. / Procedia Computer Science 100 (2016) 724 – 730 729

leadership as one of the project management competencies that related with increasing functionality and flexibility of
the construction teams in sustainable or green building projects.

7. Limitations and future research directions

The present study has some limitations that offer a perspective for future study. The main limitation is that this
research was performed among project managers in green building projects in Malaysia as a particular context. Adding
to this the rather small sample, caution is warranted for the generalization of the findings. Future studies can test the
strength of the model in other industries or green projects in different countries. Perhaps it could be of research interest
to test the attributes identified in this research along with new ones form the perspective of other stakeholders such as
employees or clients of green projects. This will increase the probability of leading successful projects with respect to


The authors would like to acknowledge Universiti Sains Malaysia for providing the RUI Grant No.
1001/PPBGN/816283 as financial support to conduct the research.


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