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Turno Diciembre Date:___________ Name: ____________________

1) Complete with a personal pronoun

a- George is my friend. ________________________________________
b- The dog is black. ____________________________________________
c- My sisters study English. _____________________________________
d- Marta has breakfast at 9 A.M. ____________________________________
e- Marcos and I play football together. ______________________________
2) Complete with a possessive adjective
a- Jessica is my neighbour. _________ house is near.
b- We have got 2 children. ________ children are in Madrid.
c- He is in America. ________ family is in Portugal.
d- Kate and Gary have a new house. ____________ is big.
e- It´s _________ birthday. I´m 14.
f- You are at work. _______ house is near work.
a- Manuel and Mike ______ in the laboratory.
b- Carla ________ in Paris.
c- You _________ intelligent.
d- The boys _________ intelligent
e- I _______ very happy.
f- Manuel and Mike ________ friends.
4) Write the negative
a- ______________________________________
b- ________________________________________
c- _______________________________________
d- _______________________________________
e- ______________________________________
f- ______________________________________
5) Write Maria´s routine

 Get up at 7 o´clock.
 Have breakfast with her family.
 Brush her teeth at 9 o´clock.
 Study Maths. X
 Go to school at 1 o´clock.
 Go back home at half past six.
 Relax in her bedroom.
 Watch TV in the living room.X
 Go to bed at 12 o´clock.
Turno Diciembre Date:___________ Name: ____________________
6) Countries and nationalities

Countries Nationalities
7) The time

8) Write your routine. Include adverbs of frequency and time expressions.

Turno Diciembre Date:___________ Name: ____________________

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