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Prepared for:

Chester County Solid Waste Authority

7224 Division Highway
Narvon, Pennsylvania 17555

Form 24, Part VI

Lanchester Landfill
Honey Brook, Pennsylvania

Prepared by:

10220 Old Columbia Road, Suite A

Columbia, Maryland 21046

Geosyntec Project No: ME0584

January 2009
Revised October 2009
Revised October 2010
Form 24, Part VI, Area E PMA
Lanchester Landfill
Construction Quality Assurance Plan


1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Purpose of the Construction Quality Assurance Plan ........................................ 1
1.2 Construction Quality Assurance and Construction Quality Control .................. 1
1.3 Applicable References........................................................................................ 2
1.4 Organization of the Construction Quality Assurance Plan ................................ 2
2. PROJECT PERSONNEL ........................................................................................ 3
2.1 Overview ............................................................................................................ 3
2.2 Owner ................................................................................................................. 3
2.3 Project Manager ................................................................................................. 3
2.4 Engineer ............................................................................................................. 3
2.5 Contractor ........................................................................................................... 3
2.5.1 Overview................................................................................................... 3
2.5.2 Qualifications ............................................................................................ 3
2.6 Geosynthetics Manufacturer .............................................................................. 4
2.6.1 Overview................................................................................................... 4
2.6.2 Qualifications ............................................................................................ 4
2.7 Geosynthetics Installer ....................................................................................... 4
2.7.1 Overview................................................................................................... 4
2.7.2 Qualifications ............................................................................................ 4
2.8 Surveyor ............................................................................................................. 5
2.8.1 Overview................................................................................................... 5
2.8.2 Qualifications ............................................................................................ 5
2.9 CQA Consultant ................................................................................................. 6
2.9.1 Overview................................................................................................... 6
2.9.2 Qualifications for Specific CQA Team Members .................................... 6
2.9.2 CQA Managing Engineer Duties .............................................................. 7
2.9.3 CQA Site Manager Duties ........................................................................ 7
2.9.4 CQA Monitor Duties ................................................................................ 9

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Construction Quality Assurance Plan


2.10 Soils CQA Laboratory ...................................................................................... 10

2.11 Geosynthetics CQA Laboratory ....................................................................... 10
3. PROJECT MEETINGS ......................................................................................... 12
3.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 12
3.2 Progress Meetings ............................................................................................ 13
3.3 Problem or Work Deficiency Meetings ........................................................... 13
4. CQA SURVEYING ............................................................................................... 14
5. DOCUMENTATION ............................................................................................ 15
5.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 15
5.2 Daily Recordkeeping ........................................................................................ 15
5.2.1 Overview................................................................................................. 15
5.2.2 Memorandum of Discussion with Contractor or Installer ...................... 15
5.2.3 Monitoring Logs and Test Data Sheets .................................................. 16
5.2.4 Construction Problem and Solution Data Sheets .................................... 16
5.3 Photographic Documentation ........................................................................... 17
5.4 Design and/or Technical Specifications Changes ............................................ 17
5.5 Progress Reports ............................................................................................... 18
5.6 Final Report ...................................................................................................... 18
6. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROLS ......................................................... 19
6.1 Overview .......................................................................................................... 19
6.2 Preconstruction Qualifying of Material Sources .............................................. 19
6.3 Field Evaluation/Monitoring of Construction Techniques............................... 19
6.4 Deficiencies, Problems, and Repairs ................................................................ 20
7. EARTHWORK ...................................................................................................... 21
7.1 Overview .......................................................................................................... 21
7.2 Soil Requirements by Type .............................................................................. 21
7.2.1 Overview................................................................................................. 21

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7.2.1 Subbase ................................................................................................... 21

7.2.2 Protective Cover ..................................................................................... 22
7.2.3 Structural Fill .......................................................................................... 22
7.2.4 Vegetative Subsoil .................................................................................. 23
7.2.5 Topsoil .................................................................................................... 23
7.3 Pre-Qualification of Material Sources.............................................................. 23
7.4 Material Conformance Testing......................................................................... 24
7.5 Approval of Means and Methods for 50 Percent Slope Construction.............. 24
7.6 CQA Field Evaluation/Monitoring of Construction Techniques ..................... 25
7.7 CQA Field Testing of Earthwork Construction ............................................... 25
7.7.1 Routine Field Testing ............................................................................. 25
7.7.2 Subbase and Low Permeability Soil Testing .......................................... 26
7.7.3 Special Testing........................................................................................ 28
7.8 Deficiencies, Problems, and Repairs ................................................................ 28
8. GEOGRID ............................................................................................................. 30
8.1 Overview .......................................................................................................... 30
8.2 Conformance Testing ....................................................................................... 30
8.3 Field Installation of Geogrid ............................................................................ 31
8.4 CQA Monitoring of Geogrid ............................................................................ 32
9. GEOMEMBRANE ................................................................................................ 34
9.1 Overview .......................................................................................................... 34
9.2 Material Conformance Testing......................................................................... 34
9.3 Geomembrane Storage and Pre-Deployment Preparation................................ 35
9.4 Geomembrane Deployment.............................................................................. 36
9.5 Geomembrane Seaming ................................................................................... 37
9.5.1 Overview................................................................................................. 37
9.5.2 Weather Conditions for Seaming............................................................ 37

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9.5.3 Panel Overlap and Seam Preparation ..................................................... 37

9.5.4 Geomembrane Seaming .......................................................................... 38
9.6 CQA Field Monitoring ..................................................................................... 39
9.6.1 General Field Activities .......................................................................... 39
9.6.2 Non-Destructive Seam Continuity Testing ............................................. 40
9.6.3 Destructive Seam Testing ....................................................................... 40
9.6.4 Repair Procedures for Destructive Seam Failure.................................... 41
9.7 CQA of Defects and Repairs ............................................................................ 42
9.8 Materials in Contact with the Geomembrane ................................................... 43
10. GEOTEXTILE....................................................................................................... 44
10.1 Overview .......................................................................................................... 44
10.2 Conformance Testing ....................................................................................... 44
10.3 Field Installation of Geotextile ......................................................................... 45
10.4 CQA Monitoring of Geotextile ........................................................................ 46
11. GEOSYNTHETIC CLAY LINER ........................................................................ 48
11.1 Overview .......................................................................................................... 48
11.2 Material Conformance Testing......................................................................... 48
11.3 Field Installation of GCL ................................................................................. 49
11.4 CQA of GCL Installation ................................................................................. 50
12. GEOCOMPOSITE ................................................................................................ 52
12.1 Overview .......................................................................................................... 52
12.2 Material Conformance Testing......................................................................... 52
12.3 CQA of Geocomposite Field Installation ......................................................... 53
12.4 CQA of Geocomposite Repair ......................................................................... 54
13. HDPE PIPE AND FITTINGS ............................................................................... 56
13.1 Overview .......................................................................................................... 56
13.2 Material Conformance Testing......................................................................... 56

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13.3 Field Evaluation/Monitoring of Construction Techniques............................... 56

13.4 Field Testing of Work Products ....................................................................... 57
13.5 Deficiencies, Problems, and Repairs ................................................................ 57
14. MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS .............................................. 58
14.1 Overview .......................................................................................................... 58
14.2 Field Evaluation/Monitoring of Construction Techniques............................... 58
14.3 Performance Testing of Work Products ........................................................... 58
14.4 Deficiencies, Problems, and Repairs ................................................................ 58


Table 1: Required Soil Properties

Table 2: Minimum Test Frequencies for Laboratory Soil Evaluation
Table 3: Minimum Field CQA Test Frequencies for Soils
Table 4: Required Geogrid Properties
Table 5: Required Geotextile Properties
Table 6: Required GCL Properties
Table 7: Required Geomembrane Properties
Table 8: Required Geomembrane Seam Properties
Table 9: Required Geocomposite Properties


Figure 1: Lines of Communication

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Construction Quality Assurance Plan


1.1 Purpose of the Construction Quality Assurance Plan

This Construction Quality Assurance Plan (CQA Plan) establishes the construction
quality assurance monitoring and documentation activities that will be implemented
during construction of the liner and final cover systems, and related facilities (erosion
control structures, leachate transmission and landfill gas management systems, access
roads, etc.) associated with the Area E expansion of the Lanchester Landfill, located in
Honey Brook, Pennsylvania (Site). The purpose of the CQA Plan is to provide specific
procedures that will be followed by CQA personnel in order to assure the Owner that
the construction was performed in accordance with the Drawings and Technical
Specifications. This CQA Plan does not address design guidelines, installation
specifications, or selection of soils, geomembrane, and other geosynthetic components.

1.2 Construction Quality Assurance and Construction Quality Control

This CQA Plan is a site-specific document which addresses the following: (i) CQA
personnel responsibilities and authorities; (ii) monitoring and testing activities that will
be performed during construction; and (iii) CQA documentation requirements. In the
context of this document, Construction Quality Assurance and Construction Quality
Control are defined as follows:

 Construction Quality Assurance (CQA) refers to means and actions employed

by the CQA personnel to assure conformity of the construction with the
requirements of the Drawings, Technical Specifications, and CQA Plan. CQA
is provided by a consultant who is independent of the Owner, Contractor,
Manufacturer, and Geosynthetics Installer.

 Construction Quality Control (CQC) refers to those actions taken by the

Contractor, Manufacturers, or Suppliers, including their designated
representatives, to ensure that the materials and workmanship meet the
requirements of the Drawings, Technical Specifications, CQA Plan, and all
components of the Contract Documents.

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Lanchester Landfill
Construction Quality Assurance Plan

1.3 Applicable References

Organizations whose standards are referenced in the CQA Plan and Technical
Specifications include: (i) American Association of State Highway and Transportation
Officials (AASHTO); (ii) American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM); (iii)
Geosynthetic Research Institute (GRI); (iv) Maryland Department of Transportation
(MDOT); (v) Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA); (vi) Plastic Pipe
Institute (PPI); and (vii) American Concrete Institute (ACI).

1.4 Organization of the Construction Quality Assurance Plan

The remainder of the CQA Plan is organized as follows:

 Section 2 describes the personnel associated with the Project;

 Section 3 describes project meetings involved with the CQA;
 Section 4 describes CQA surveying requirements;
 Section 5 describes CQA documentation;
 Section 6 describes CQA for erosion and sediment controls;
 Section 7 describes CQA for earthwork construction;
 Section 8 describes CQA for high-density polyethylene geomembrane;
 Section 9 describes CQA for geotextile;
 Section 10 describes CQA for geosynthetic clay liner;
 Section 11 describes CQA for geocomposite installation;
 Section 12 describes CQA for pipe installation; and
 Section 13 describes CQA for mechanical and electrical systems.

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Construction Quality Assurance Plan


2.1 Overview

The project organization chart depicting the key roles and lines of communication
for the Lanchester Landfill (Project) is presented in Figure 1. The duties and
responsibilities of the CQA individuals identified in Figure 1 are described below.

2.2 Owner

In this CQA Plan and Technical Specifications, the term “Owner” refers
specifically to Chester County Solid Waste Authority (CCSWA).

2.3 Project Manager

The Project Manager is the official representative of the Owner (i.e., Owner’s
Representative) and is responsible for the coordination and management of activities
associated with construction of the Project.

2.4 Engineer

The Engineer is the firm that prepared the Drawings, Technical Specifications, and
CQA Plan for the Project. Geosyntec Consultants (Geosyntec) of Columbia, Maryland,
is the Engineer for the Project.

2.5 Contractor

2.5.1 Overview

The Contractor is responsible for constructing the prescribed design in accordance

with the Drawings and Technical Specifications. The Contractor may retain the
services of specialty subcontractors (e.g., material suppliers, Geosynthetics
Manufacturer, Geomembrane Installer) to perform the work. The Contractor is
ultimately responsible for the quality of the work and its meeting the minimum
requirements of the design and CQA Plan.

2.5.2 Qualifications

The Contractor shall exhibit prior experience in the scope of work that is specific
to the project. The Contractor shall have a demonstrated history of successful

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Construction Quality Assurance Plan

completion of roadway, landfill, and earthwork construction and shall have all
appropriate Federal, State, and local licenses required to perform the work.

2.6 Geosynthetics Manufacturer

2.6.1 Overview

The Geosynthetics Manufacturer is the firm or firms responsible for the production
of geosynthetics (i.e., geomembrane, geosynthetic clay liner, geogrid, etc.) to be used
on this Project and its delivery to the Site.

2.6.2 Qualifications

The Geosynthetics Manufacturer(s) must be able to provide sufficient production

capacity and qualified personnel to meet the project schedule. The Geosynthetics
Manufacturer(s) must be pre-qualified and approved by the Project Manager and
Engineer. The Geosynthetics Manufacturer(s) shall provide a list of ten (10) projects
totaling a minimum of 5,000,000 ft2 of material it has manufactured which is
substantially the same material as required for this project.

2.7 Geosynthetics Installer

2.7.1 Overview

The Geosynthetics Installer is responsible for performing all aspects of the

geosynthetics installation, including field handling, storing, deploying, seaming,
temporarily restraining (against wind), and other aspects of the geomembrane and other
components of the liner system, and shall provide qualified installation personnel, as
outlined in this Section. The Geosynthetics Installer may also be responsible for
anchoring systems. The Geosynthetics Installer may also be responsible for specialized
construction tasks (e.g., field construction of pipe boots, etc.).

2.7.2 Qualifications

The Geosynthetics Installer will be trained and qualified to install the geosynthetics
proposed for this project. The Geosynthetics Installer, in particular, must be approved
and/or licensed by the various Geosynthetics Manufacturer(s) for installation of the
various geosynthetic components. Further, the Geosynthetics Installer must be pre-
qualified and approved by the Project Manager and Engineer. The Geosynthetics
Installer shall provide a list of ten (10) projects totaling a minimum of 5,000,000 ft2 of

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Lanchester Landfill
Construction Quality Assurance Plan

material it has installed which required substantially the same materials as required for
this project. Each project does not require every material, but the total of all the
projects must equal at least 5,000,000 ft2 for each geosynthetic material.

The Geosynthetic Installer shall provide a superintendent to this project who shall
have supervised the installation of a minimum of 2,000,000 ft2 of HDPE geomembrane
on at least five (5) similar projects. The Geosynthetic Installer shall provide at least one
seamer with experience seaming a minimum of 100,000 lineal ft. of HDPE
geomembrane seams using the same type of seaming apparatus to be used at this
project. Seamers with such experience will be designated “master seamers” and shall
provide direct supervision over less experienced seamers. All seaming personnel shall
have been trained in the seaming methods required for the project. No seaming shall
take place without the master seamer being present.

The Geosynthetics Installer shall provide the Project Manager with a list of
proposed seaming personnel and documentation of their experience and qualifications.
Any seaming personnel deemed insufficiently experienced will not be accepted for the
project or invited to pass a seaming test. The Superintendent proposed by the
Geosynthetic Installer shall exhibit good communication skills and shall be approved by
the Project Manager.

2.8 Surveyor

2.8.1 Overview

The Surveyor is responsible for construction layout and producing as-built

documentation (record drawings) for the Project. The Surveyor will typically be a
subcontractor of the Contractor.

2.8.2 Qualifications

The Surveyor must be a registered Land Surveyor in the Commonwealth of

Pennsylvania, independent from the Owner and the Contractor. The Surveyor must
have prior experience preparing as-built topographic surveying.

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Lanchester Landfill
Construction Quality Assurance Plan

2.9 CQA Consultant

2.9.1 Overview

The CQA Consultant is a party, independent from the Owner, the Contractor, the
Manufacturer(s), and the Geosynthetics Installer. The CQA Consultant will be a team
of individuals who are experienced in the provision of CQA services for similar
projects. The CQA team will include the CQA Managing Engineer, a CQA Site
Manager, and the CQA Soils and Geosynthetics Monitor(s). The CQA Managing
Engineer will lead the CQA team. The CQA team may utilize the services of other
qualified individuals to assist with the assignments. Together, the CQA team will
perform several assignments during construction. These assignments will include
performing CQA for earthwork construction, geosynthetics installation, and all other
related components of the Project. The CQA team is responsible for observing and
performing field testing and documentation activities related to the performance of the
various components of the design. Field and laboratory testing are to be performed in
accordance with applicable standards and specifications. The CQA Consultant is also
responsible for issuing a final report to CCSWA after the completion of work for the

2.9.2 Qualifications for Specific CQA Team Members

The CQA team must be experienced in monitoring the construction of the various
components of the Project and must include a qualified engineer licensed as a
Professional Engineer in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

The CQA Managing Engineer shall be a registered Professional Engineer in the

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania with experience in the preparation of CQA forms,
reports and plans. Experience must include completing at least five (5) prior projects
involving CQA oversight of soils and geosynthetics associated with landfill
construction. Specific experience must include the oversight of low-permeability soils,
geomembrane, GCL, geocomposite, HDPE piping, and protective cover placement.

The CQA Site Manager shall provide documentation of field CQA experience with
soils and geosynthetics on at least five (5) projects totaling 1,000,000 ft2 of landfill liner
or final cover system installation. Materials installed must correspond to the materials
required for this project. Each project does not require every material, but experience
with each geosynthetic material must make up a fraction of the 1,000,000 ft2 total.

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Construction Quality Assurance Plan

The CQA Monitor(s) must have received prior CQA training in the particular soil
or geosynthetic material type they are observing and documenting.

2.9.2 CQA Managing Engineer Duties

The CQA Managing Engineer will manage the CQA activities. He will review all
clarifications and changes, which may affect the design and will serve as technical
reviewer of the final report. He will also be directly accessible to the Project Manager,
Engineer, and CQA personnel for technical direction during construction. The CQA
Managing Engineer must provide clear documentation demonstrating construction
experience on at least five previous landfill projects during the past five years.

The responsibilities of the CQA Managing Engineer include:

 becomes familiar with the Drawings, Technical Specifications, and CQA Plan;
 attends the preconstruction meetings, progress meetings, and any resolution
meetings when requested;
 administers the CQA program (i.e., assigns and manages all CQA personnel,
reviews all field reports, and provides engineering review of all CQA-related
 provides quality control of the CQA personnel, including site visits;
 reviews all changes to the Drawings, Technical Specifications, and CQA Plan;
 with assistance from the CQA Site Manager, prepares the final CQA report,
including a review of the as-built record drawings provided by the Surveyor all
changes to the Drawings, Technical Specifications, and CQA Plan; and
 certifies and seals the final CQA report, addressing PADEP review questions
which may arise.

2.9.3 CQA Site Manager Duties

The CQA Site Manager will interact on a frequent basis with all project personnel,
and will have authority over the field CQA monitors. The responsibilities and duties of
the CQA Site Manager include the following:

 becomes familiar with the Drawings, Technical Specifications, and CQA Plan;
 acts as the on-site (resident) representative of the CQA Consultant;

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Construction Quality Assurance Plan

 evaluates conformance of materials and construction with the requirements of

the Drawings and CQA Plan;
 familiarizes the CQA Monitors with the Site and CQA requirements for the
 reports any unresolved deviations from the CQA Plan to the Engineer and/or
Project Manager;
 manages the daily activities of the CQA Monitors;
 attends the CQA-related meetings (e.g., resolution, preconstruction, daily,
 assists the Project Manager in preparing documentation for Requests for
Information (RFI) or other clarifications to the Drawings and/or Technical
 administers the CQA program (i.e., assigns and manages CQA personnel,
reviews field reports, and provides review of CQA-related issues);
 reviews the as-built survey information submitted by the Contractor;
 verifies the calibration and condition of all CQA equipment;
 reviews all CQA Monitors’ daily reports and logs;
 reports to the Project Manager, and logs in his daily reports and relevant
observations reported by the CQA Monitors;
 prepares his own daily and weekly reports;
 oversees the collection and shipping of laboratory test samples;
 reviews and reports results of all laboratory testing;
 periodically checks stockpile or borrow pit sources for variability of the soils,
and ensures that conformance testing is performed;
 reviews the work for the Contractor’s equipment operators, to ensure that care
is taken to protect other portions of the work;
 establishes additional test requirements beyond those required in the CQA Plan,
when necessary;
 reviews all Supplier, Manufacturer, and Installer certifications, when necessary;
 reviews the Geosynthetics Installer’s personnel qualifications for conformance
with those pre-approved for work on-site;

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Construction Quality Assurance Plan

 notes any on-site activities that could result in damage to the geosynthetics;
 designates a senior CQA Monitor to act on his behalf whenever he is absent
from the Site while operations are on-going; and
 prepares the final report with the CQA Managing Engineer.

2.9.4 CQA Monitor Duties

The duties of the CQA Soil Monitor(s) and CQA Geosynthetic Monitor(s) are
assigned by the CQA Site Manager and include monitoring, logging, and/or
documenting associated earthwork construction and geosynthetics installation.

Specific duties to be performed and activities to be monitored by the CQA Soils

Monitor(s) include:

 observing and documentation of soil delivery, stockpiling, and placement;

 observing and documentation of soil moisture content and moisture
conditioning, if required;
 observing and documentation of collection of soil samples for laboratory
 testing the in-situ moisture and density of compacted earthen materials;
 observing and documentation of operations to protect completed areas before
the covering materials are placed;
 examining of the soil surfaces for signs of excessive wetting, desiccation, or
other disturbance prior to placement of any other cover materials; and
 observing and documentation of scarification, rewetting, recompaction, or
proof rolling required to repair deteriorated areas.

The operations to be monitored by the CQA Geosynthetic Monitors include, for all
 observing and documentation of material delivery;
 observing and documentation of material unloading and on-site transport and
 observing and documentation of all geosynthetic placement operations;
 observing and documentation of all joining and/or seaming operations;
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Construction Quality Assurance Plan

 observing and documentation of condition of panels as placed;

 sampling for conformance testing by the Geosynthetics CQA Laboratory;
 marking samples for conformance testing; and
 observing and documentation of repair operations.

2.10 Soils CQA Laboratory

The Soils CQA Laboratory will have experience in the physical testing of soils and
concrete, and be familiar with, and properly equipped to perform the geotechnical
testing required by the CQA Plan. The Soils CQA Laboratory must be certified by the
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO).

2.11 Geosynthetics CQA Laboratory

The Geosynthetics CQA Laboratory will have experience in testing the types of
geosynthetics to be used on the Project, and be familiar with, and properly equipped to
perform the testing required by the CQA Plan. The Geosynthetics CQA Laboratory
must be certified by the Geosynthetic Research Institute (GRI).

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Construction Quality Assurance Plan



Project Manager

CQA Consultant
Geosynthetics CQA Managing Engineer
Contractor Engineer
Installer Site CQA Manger
CQA Monitors

Geosynthetic Soils Geosynthetics

Surveyor CQA CQA
Laboratory Laboratory

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Construction Quality Assurance Plan


3.1 Introduction

Meetings with key project personnel are necessary to assure a high degree of
quality during construction, and promote clear, open channels of communication.
Therefore, preconstruction meetings for the major portions of the construction are
essential for the success of the Project. Preconstruction meetings will be held prior to
all major construction components of the Project including, but not be limited to
mobilization and geosynthetics installation.

The preconstruction meeting should include discussion of the following activities:

 reviewing the responsibilities of each party;
 confirming the lines of authority and communication;
 communicating to all parties any relevant documents;
 reviewing critical design details of the Project;
 addressing any appropriate modifications to the Drawings or Technical
Specifications so that the fulfillment of design or performance standards can be
 establishing an understanding by the parties of the CQA Plan, and CQA and
CQC procedures to be followed during the Project;
 establishing work area security and safety protocol in accordance with the
Owner’s and the Contractor’s health and safety plans;
 describing soil borrow source locations;
 establishing soil stockpiling locations;
 confirming the methods for documenting and reporting, and for distributing
documents and reports;
 confirming acceptance and approval process for task completion prior to
schedule sequence advancement; and
 establishing procedures for processing applications for payment.

Items discussed during the preconstruction meeting will be documented by a

person designated at the beginning of the meeting, and minutes will be transmitted to all
parties within one week of the meeting.

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Lanchester Landfill
Construction Quality Assurance Plan

3.2 Progress Meetings

A progress meeting (via teleconference or at the Site) will be held bi-weekly (or
more frequently as determined by Owner) during construction between select CQA
personnel, the Contractor, and the Project Manager. The CQA Managing Engineer
and/or Engineer will participate in the bi-weekly meetings when appropriate. Current
progress, planned activities for the upcoming week, and any new business or revisions
to the work will be discussed at this meeting. Minutes of the progress meetings will be
recorded by a member of the CQA team and will document in the meeting minutes any
problems, decisions, or questions arising at this meeting. Any matters requiring action
which are raised in this meeting will be reported to the appropriate parties. Minutes of
weekly progress meetings will be distributed to each party present at the meeting and
other designated parties and will be transmitted to all parties within five days of the

Informal daily progress meetings will be held between the CQA Site Manager and
the Contractor prior to the start of work or following the completion of work. The
purpose of these meetings will be to review the previous day’s activities, review the
upcoming day’s activities, and identify any needs or potential construction problems. .

3.3 Problem or Work Deficiency Meetings

Special meetings will be held by the Project Manager when and if problems or
deficiencies are present or judged likely to occur. At a minimum, these meetings will
be attended by the Contractor, the Project Manager, and select CQA personnel. The
purpose of these meetings will be to define and resolve the problem or work deficiency
as follows:
 define and discuss the problem or deficiency;
 review alternative solutions; and
 implement an action plan to resolve the problem or deficiency.

Items discussed during these meetings will be documented by the Project Manager,
and if deemed necessary, minutes will be transmitted to the appropriate parties.

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Construction Quality Assurance Plan


Surveying of lines and grades will be performed during construction to

independently verify and document the as-built condition of the work completed by the
Contractor. The Surveyor will use permanent control monuments at the Site as well as
temporary survey control as needed during construction. The CQA Consultant will
coordinate with the Surveyor’s fieldwork for all aspects of construction, as needed.

The scope of surveying may include, but not necessarily be limited to:

 verifying the horizontal and vertical coordinates of selected construction

control points;
 verifying the grades and elevations of the liner system or final cover system;
 verifying layer thickness, especially of soil components of the liner system or
final cover system;
 verifying information regarding the horizontal alignment and vertical profile of
leachate-collection pipes, leachate transmission piping, site drainage features,
etc.; and
 providing sufficient survey information of interim conditions such that, if
requested by the Project Manager, material quantities can be calculated.

It will be the responsibility of the CQA personnel and the Surveyor to coordinate
the surveying work such that areas are promptly surveyed, interim results are reviewed,
and approval is granted for the Contractor to proceed with subsequent work in the areas.
The CQA Site Manager will report any nonconformance or inconsistencies to the
Project Manager and Contractor promptly to minimize delays in the construction.

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5.1 Introduction

An effective CQA Plan depends largely on recognition of all construction activities

that should be monitored, and on assigning responsibilities for the monitoring of each
activity. This is most effectively accomplished and verified by the documentation of
quality assurance activities. The CQA Consultant will document that the quality
assurance requirements have been addressed and satisfied.

The CQA Site Manager will provide the CQA Managing Engineer and Project
Manager with signed descriptive remarks, data sheets, and logs to verify that the
monitoring activities have been performed. The CQA Site Manager will also maintain
at the job site a complete file of the Drawings, Technical Specifications, CQA Plan,
checklists, test procedures, daily logs, and other pertinent documents.

5.2 Daily Recordkeeping

5.2.1 Overview

Standard reporting procedures will include preparation of a daily CQA report

which, at a minimum, will consist of: (i) field notes; (ii) CQA monitoring logs and
testing data sheets; and (iii) construction problem and solution summary sheets. This
information will be regularly submitted to and reviewed by the CQA Project Manager
and/or Engineer.

5.2.2 Memorandum of Discussion with Contractor or Installer

The CQA Site Manager will prepare a memorandum (i.e., daily field report) each
day, summarizing their discussions with the Contractor and/or Geosynthetics Installer,
and construction operations, as well as CQA activities. Daily field reports will also be
prepared by each member of the CQA Consultant team. At a minimum, the daily field
report will include the following information:

 arrival and departure time of CQA personnel;

 field time charges for all CQA personnel;
 weather conditions (temperature, sky conditions, precipitation, etc.);
 a detailed description of worked performed;
 equipment in each work area, including subcontractors;

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 decisions made regarding acceptance of work, and/or corrective actions to be

implemented for instances of substandard quality;
 delivery of off-site materials received, including quality control documentation;
 receipt of laboratory testing delivered to CQA personnel on-site.

5.2.3 Monitoring Logs and Test Data Sheets

Monitoring logs and test data sheets will be prepared daily when construction
activities involve placement of soils or geosynthetics installation. At a minimum, these
logs and data sheets will include the following information:

 an identifying sheet number for cross referencing and document control;

 date, project name, location, and other identification;
 a reduced-scale site plan or hand sketch showing the approximate location of
work areas and test locations;
 descriptions and locations of on-going construction;
 descriptions and specific locations of areas, or units, of work being tested
and/or observed and documented;
 locations where tests and samples were taken;
 a summary of test results;
 calibrations or recalibrations of test equipment, and actions taken as a result of
 decisions made regarding acceptance of units of work, and/or corrective actions
to be taken in instances of substandard quality; and
 identification of the CQA Site Manager and/or the CQA Monitor(s).

5.2.4 Construction Problem and Solution Data Sheets

Construction problem and solution data sheets describing special construction

situations will be cross-referenced with specific observation logs and testing data sheets,
and must include the following information, when available:

 an identifying sheet number for cross-referencing and document control;

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 a detailed description of the situation or deficiency;

 the location and probable cause of the situation or deficiency;
 how and when the situation or deficiency was found or located;
 documentation of the response to the situation or deficiency;
 final results of any responses;
 any measures taken by the Contractor to prevent a similar situation from
occurring in the future; and
The Project Manager and Engineer will be made aware of any significant recurring
non-conformance with the design requirements. The Project Manager and/or Engineer
will then evaluate the cause of the non-conformance and recommend, if appropriate,
changes in procedures or material requirements. These changes will be submitted to the
Engineer for approval. When this type of evaluation is made, the results will be
documented, and any revision to procedures or materials will be approved by the
Project Manager and Engineer.

A summary of the supporting data sheets, along with final testing results and the
CQA Site Manager’s approval of the work, will be required upon completion of
construction in which the construction situation, deficiency and/or defect was
satisfactorily repaired and completed.

5.3 Photographic Documentation

Photographs will be taken in order to provide a pictorial record of work progress,

problems, and mitigation activities. A photo log will be prepared by the CQA
Consultant and presented to the Project Manager upon completion of the Project. As
appropriate, photographs may be incorporated into daily field logs to cross-reference
observations with testing data and/or construction problems and resolutions.

5.4 Design and/or Technical Specifications Changes

Changes to the design and/or Technical Specifications may be required during

construction. In such cases, the CQA Site Manager will notify the Project Manager and
Engineer. Design and/or Technical Specifications changes will be made only with the
written agreement of the Project Manager and Engineer, and will take the form of an
addendum to the Contract Documents.

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5.5 Progress Reports

If a specific construction project is anticipated to have a very long schedule (i.e.

more than one construction season), or is particularly complicated, at the request of the
Project Manager, the CQA Consultant will prepare monthly summary progress reports.
As a minimum, this report will include the following information:

 the date, project name, location, and other information;

 a summary of work activities during the progress reporting period;
 a summary of construction situations, deficiencies, and/or defects occurring
during the progress reporting period;
 a summary of test results, failures and retests; and
 the signature of the CQA Site Manager and/or CQA Managing Engineer.

5.6 Final Report

At the completion of the work, the CQA Consultant will submit to CCSWA a
signed and sealed final report. The final report will certify: (i) that the work has been
performed in substantial compliance with the Drawings, Technical Specifications, and
CQA Plan; (ii) physical sampling and testing, except as properly authorized, have been
performed at the appropriate frequencies; and (iii) that the summary document provides
the necessary supporting documentation.

At a minimum, this final report will include: (i) a narrative of construction

activities; (ii) observation logs and testing data sheets including sample location plans;
(iii) construction problems and solutions data sheets; (iv) changes from the design and
Technical Specifications; (v) record drawings; (vi) photographic log; and (vii) a
summary statement sealed and signed by a Professional Engineer registered in the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. In addition, a completed PADEP Form 37 will be
signed and sealed by the CQA Managing Engineer.

The record drawings will include scale drawings depicting the location of the
construction and details pertaining to the extent of construction (e.g., depths, plan
dimensions, elevations, soil component thickness, etc.). All surveying and base maps
required for development of the record drawings will be prepared by the Contractor’s
Surveyor. The CQA Consultant will include these record drawings as part of the final

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6.1 Overview

This section of the CQA Plan addresses the CQA program to be implemented with
regard to erosion and sediment controls. The following CQA activities are discussed in
the remainder of this section:

 Preconstruction Qualifying of Material Sources;

 Field Evaluation/Monitoring of Construction Techniques; and
 Deficiencies, Problems, and Repairs.

6.2 Preconstruction Qualifying of Material Sources

Prior to construction, the Project Manager and/or Engineer will examine all of the
suppliers’ certifications to verify that the property values listed on the certifications
meet or exceed project requirements, and that proper and complete documentation has
been provided by the Contractor for the temporary and permanent erosion and
sedimentation materials that will be used at the Site. The Project Manager and/or
Engineer will report any deviations from the above requirements to the Contractor prior
to approving installation of the materials.

6.3 Field Evaluation/Monitoring of Construction Techniques

The CQA Consultant will observe the Contractor’s work activities and will verify
that, prior to initiating work in any given area, temporary erosion and sediment controls,
as required in the Drawings and Technical Specifications have been installed. The
CQA Consultant will routinely verify that the Contractor keeps the site free from
excessive sediment and in as neat a condition as possible. This includes the project
area, haul roads, borrow areas, stockpile areas, and the entrance area to the Site. The
CQA Consultant will verify that the Contractor selects the appropriate erosion and
sediment controls from the Drawings and Technical Specifications.

The CQA Consultant will perform weekly inspections of the Contractor’s

temporary erosion and sediment controls, and will perform an inspection of the controls
within one working day of any rain event exceeding 1 in. The Contractor may
accompany these inspections. Following the inspections, the CQA Consultant will
communicate to the Contractor what temporary erosion and sediment control features
requiring repair or maintenance.

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The CQA Consultant will verify that stockpiles are located as shown on the
Drawings or as approved by the Project Manager, and that the Contractor has installed
and is frequently maintaining all erosion and sedimentation control measures around
these areas, as required in the project documents.

6.4 Deficiencies, Problems, and Repairs

The CQA Consultant will report any deficiencies and noncompliance in the erosion
and sedimentation controls to the Contractor. The extent of the deficiencies will be
evaluated by observations, review of records, or other means deemed appropriate by the
CQA Consultant and/or Project Manager. The Contractor will promptly correct any
deficiency to the satisfaction of the CQA Consultant and Project Manager.

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7.1 Overview

This section of the CQA Plan addresses the CQA program to be implemented with
regard to general earthwork. Earthwork construction consists of placement and
compaction of all soil or aggregate components of the work. The following activities
are discussed in this section:

 Soil Requirements by Type

 Pre-Qualification of Material Sources;
 Material Conformance Testing;
 CQA Field Evaluation/Monitoring of Construction Techniques;
 CQA Field Testing of Work Products; and
 Deficiencies, Problems, and Repairs.

7.2 Soil Requirements by Type

7.2.1 Overview

Conformance field testing (primarily density and moisture content testing) of

placed/compacted The material requirements for the various soil types to be used for
liner or final cover system construction at the Site are described below.

7.2.1 Subbase

Subbase shall consist of a 6-in thick layer of compacted low-permeability soil.

Subbase soils shall consist of natural, relatively homogeneous soils that are free of
debris, foreign objects, rocks, and excess vegetative matter. For the portion of Area E
that lies over the Municipal Site Landfill, the existing clay cap will serve as the subbase.
Specific subbase soil property requirements, including soil classification and particle
size are found in Table 1. In all cases, the completed subbase must exhibit a hydraulic
conductivity equal to or less than 1 x 10-5 cm/sec when tested by in-situ (Shelby tube)
samples tested in the laboratory using the ASTM D-5084 standard method.

Subbase shall be placed in a single loose lift that results in a compacted lift
thickness of 6 in. Tolerance for the thickness of the subbase layer is zero to +0.2 ft.
Compaction shall be performed using a vibratory smooth drum roller or sheepsfoot
compactor, unless other compaction equipment is approved by Engineer. Hand

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compaction of material shall be used in locations where larger compaction is

inappropriate due to limited area. Subbase shall be compacted to at least 95 percent of
the standard Proctor maximum dry density and at a moisture content as determined by
the acceptable moisture-density-hydraulic conductivity window identified in Section 7.3
of this CQA Plan. If necessary, the engineer may consider revising the range of
acceptable moisture contents based on the field and laboratory test results submitted by
pre-qualification testing. At no time will a moisture-density relationship be accepted
which results in a hydraulic conductivity greater than 1 x 10-5 cm/sec.

7.2.2 Protective Cover

Protective cover shall consist of an 18-in thick layer of aggregate meeting the
requirements for AASHTO number 57 stone, restricting the maximum particle size to 1-
inch (Table 1). Protective cover shall be hard, angular, non-carbonate aggregate that is
free of debris, foreign objects, organics, and vegetative matter. Hydraulic conductivity
of the protective cover shall be 1 x 10-2 cm/sec or greater.

Protective cover shall be placed in a single lift using low ground pressure
equipment. Equipment shall not travel over exposed geosynthetics. Low ground
pressure equipment shall track over the surface to spread and compact the protective
cover. Compaction equipment shall not be used. The completed thickness shall be zero
to +0.2 ft of the 18-in minimum.

7.2.3 Structural Fill

Structural fill shall be used to construct the mechanically stabilized earth (MSE)
berm as well as embankments and other purposes as shown on the design drawings.
Structural fill shall consist of natural, relatively homogeneous soils that are free of
debris, foreign objects, oversize rocks, and excess vegetative matter. Specific structural
fill property requirements, including soil classification and particle size are found in
Table 1. Note that due to the specialized nature of structural fill which is placed within
the reinforced zone of the MSE berm, there are different structural fill property
requirements for this type of structural fill.

Structural fill shall be placed in a loose lift that results in a compacted lift thickness
between 6 and 12 in. The completed structural fill surface shall be within ±0.2 ft of the
lines and grades shown on the design drawings. Compaction shall be performed using a
vibratory smooth drum roller unless other compaction equipment is approved by
Engineer. Hand compaction of material shall be used in locations where larger
compaction is inappropriate due to limited area. Structural fill shall be compacted to at
least 95 percent of the maximum dry density and at an acceptable moisture content as
determined by standard Proctor testing (ASTM D-698).

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7.2.4 Vegetative Subsoil

Vegetative subsoil shall be a 15-in thick layer of soil capable of supporting

vegetation. Vegetative subsoil shall consist of natural, relatively homogeneous soils
that are free of debris, foreign objects, oversize rocks, clay clods, or excess vegetative
matter. Specific topsoil property requirements, including soil classification and particle
size are found in Table 1.

Vegetative subsoil shall be placed in a single loose lift using low ground pressure
equipment. Equipment shall not travel over exposed geosynthetics. Equipment shall
track over the surface just enough to eliminate voids in the vegetative subsoil.
Compaction equipment shall not be used. The completed thickness shall be zero to +0.2
ft of the 15-in minimum.

7.2.5 Topsoil

Topsoil shall be a 9-in thick layer of soil capable of promoting the growth of
vegetation. Topsoil shall consist of natural, relatively homogeneous soils that are free
of debris, foreign objects, oversize rocks, clay clods, or excess vegetative matter.
Specific topsoil property requirements, including soil classification and particle size are
found in Table 1.

Topsoil shall be placed in a single loose lift using low ground pressure equipment.
Equipment shall track over the surface just enough to eliminate voids in the topsoil.
Compaction equipment shall not be used. The completed thickness shall be zero to +0.2
ft of the 9-in minimum. Nutrients (including agricultural lime and fertilizer) shall be
added to topsoil as necessary to promote vigorous growth of vegetation.

7.3 Pre-Qualification of Material Sources

Prior to construction with any given soil or aggregate material, test results from the
Contractor for a sample of each material taken from the proposed source will be
submitted. The CQA Site Manager will review the test results with the requirements of
Table 1 in this CQA Plan to ensure that each material meets the project requirements.
Results of the preconstruction tests may be counted toward the conformance testing
frequency requirements, provided the results meet the specified material properties.
The CQA Site Manager may also request that the Contractor provide a sample of each
material for additional testing, if further preconstruction qualification testing is

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For subbase and low-permeability soils, the Contractor shall perform pre-
qualification testing to develop a window of acceptable in-place moisture content and
dry density to meet maximum hydraulic conductivity required in Table 1 of this CQA
Plan. The evaluation of the moisture-density-hydraulic conductivity relationship of the
material shall be based on a minimum of 3 pre-qualification tests in which the hydraulic
conductivity of the subbase and low-permeability soils is determined at varying
moisture and density conditions. The relationship shall be used by the CQA Consultant
during construction.

If a preconstruction qualifying sample fails to meet the project requirements, then

the CQA Site Manager will notify the Contractor. Use of the material will not be
allowed until the material is pre-qualified by further tests. Additional tests, if necessary,
will be performed by the Contractor.

7.4 Material Conformance Testing

During construction, a conformance testing program will be implemented by the

CQA Site Manager and/or CQA Monitors to verify that the physical properties of the
earthwork materials meet the specified material properties. Soil samples will be
obtained for conformance testing from the borrow source, on-site stockpiles, or from
trucks as they unload material in the work area. Conformance sampling and laboratory
testing of soil and aggregate will be performed in accordance with Table 2 in this CQA

If a sample fails a conformance test, then the CQA Site Manager will notify the
Contractor and use of the material represented by that sample will not be allowed.
Additional tests will be performed by the CQA Site Manager as directed by the Project
Manager, or the Contractor will use material from a different source.

7.5 Approval of Means and Methods for 50 Percent Slope Construction

Prior to commencing Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) berm construction,

Contractor shall construct a 2:1 (2 horizontal to 1 vertical) test pad at least 100 ft by 100
ft to demonstrate that the means and methods are adequate. Materials used in the test
pad construction shall pass the required material conformance testing and be approved
by the CCSWA Project Manager and/or Engineer.

The CQA evaluation procedures specified herein shall be used during the
construction of the test pad. After construction is finalized, undisturbed soil samples
shall be collected and tested in the laboratory to verify that the specified soil properties

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were met. Laboratory tests will include, at a minimum, moisture content, density, and
hydraulic conductivity.

The CCSWA Project Manager and/or Engineer will review the means and methods
used in the construction of the test pad, the CQA data collected during test pad
construction, and the laboratory test results conducted on the undisturbed samples.
Conclusions of this review will be used by the CCSWA Project Manager and/or
Engineer to evaluate the appropriateness of the contractor’s proposed means and
methods to construct the MSE berm. MSE berm construction shall only commence
after authorized by the CCSWA Project Manager and/or Engineer.

7.6 CQA Field Evaluation/Monitoring of Construction Techniques

The CQA Consultant will monitor and document the earthwork activities.
Monitoring the construction work for the earthwork materials will include the

 verifying soils are visually consistent with established soil classifications,

particle sizes, and moisture content.
 monitoring the thickness of lifts as loosely placed and after being compacted;
 documenting the type of construction equipment and methods used to place and
compact the material;
 observing the action of the compaction and heavy hauling equipment on the
construction surface (i.e., penetration, pumping, cracking, etc.) to detect
inadequate compaction;
 verifying that proper equipment and methods are used to place soil or aggregate
over geosynthetic components of the liner system or final cover system, and
that wrinkles or excess tensile stresses to underlying geosynthetics are
minimized; and
 verify that only low-ground pressure equipment traverses over lined areas
unless an approved thickness of protective soil is first placed.

7.7 CQA Field Testing of Earthwork Construction

7.7.1 Routine Field Testing

The CQA Consultant will visually observe soils as they are placed, spread and
compacted. Visual observations will include checking for lift thickness, material

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consistency with prequalified soil types, the presence of oversized rocks or deleterious
materials, and other conditions (e.g. excessive rutting or pumping), that would indicate
lack of conformance with required material placement procedures.

Field conformance testing (primarily density and moisture content testing) of

placed/compacted earthwork materials will be performed by the CQA Consultant during
construction to confirm that the requirements of the CQA Plan are met. Conformance
field testing will be performed according to test methods provided in Table 3 of this
CQA Plan. The CQA Consultant will select the test locations. Sampling locations for
field testing will be selected by the CQA Consultant based on a grid system. The
location of routine in-place density tests will be selected randomly within the grid

Moisture/density testing will be performed primarily using a nuclear gauge (in

accordance with ASTM D 3017 and ASTM D 2922). The CQA Consultant will
perform several oven moisture content tests (ASTM D 2216) on any given material at
the outset of construction to evaluate requirements for moisture offsets for the nuclear
gauge. Additional oven moisture tests will be performed during construction if soils are
highly variable or other issues indicate that regular evaluation for moisture correction
may be necessary for accurate nuclear density testing. The CQA Consultant, at its
discretion, will also verify the dry density calibration of the nuclear gauge using
methods such as Sand Cone (ASTM D 1556) and/or Drive Cylinder (ASTM D 2937)
density testing.

The CQA Consultant will be responsible for submitting enough samples to the
Soils CQA Laboratory to meet the minimum testing frequency. It is also the
responsibility of the CQA Consultant to monitor placement and compaction of soil in
the liner system anchor trench. The CQA Consultant will verify that the backfilling and
compaction techniques do not damage the geosynthetics in or near the anchor trench
and that good compaction techniques are used (i.e. soils are placed in multiple lifts, is
not excessively wet or dry, with adequate compactive effort). Moisture and density
testing of the backfill in the anchor trench is not required.

7.7.2 Subbase and Low Permeability Soil Testing

Additional CQA monitoring activities specific to subbase and low permeability

Soils include:

 determining the appropriate moisture-density window which is required for

subbase and low permeability soils to achieve hydraulic conductivity

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 monitoring excavation and proof-rolling activities prior to subbase and low

permeability soils construction to verify a firm surface;
 recording field density and moisture content measurements and test location on
test logs to verify uniform achievement of compaction parameters within the
pre-qualification window described in Section 7.3 of this CQA Plan;
 monitoring the compaction procedures to verify that the final surface is
compacted, smooth, and uniform;
 obtaining undisturbed samples of the subbase and low permeability soils for
laboratory hydraulic conductivity testing (i.e. Shelby tubes);
 monitoring procedures used to protect the finished surface from desiccation or
 documenting weather conditions and verifying that construction proceeds only
during weather conditions that will not cause completed areas to be damaged,
contribute to areas of non-compliance in construction, or impede CQA efforts.

Prior to placing each lift of subbase and low permeability soils, the preceding lift of
compacted soil will be scarified to a depth no greater than 3-in. to promote bonding
between lifts.

Hydraulic conductivity samples will be taken such that the Shelby tube is inserted
into the subbase and low permeability soils normal (i.e., perpendicular) to the plane of
the constructed surface.

Perforations that must be filled will include, but not be limited to, the following:

 nuclear density test probe locations;

 sand cone or drive cylinder test locations; and
 hydraulic conductivity (Shelby tube) sampling locations.

All perforations of the subbase and low permeability soils (e.g. by probe or Shelby
tube) will be backfilled with either subbase and low permeability soils or a sand mixture
containing a minimum of a ten percent bentonite powder. The repair soils will be
compacted in-place with a tamping rod, hammer, or hand tamper, depending on the size
of the perforation.

Acceptance of the subbase and low-permeability soils will be based on the results
of laboratory hydraulic conductivity results from in-situ (Shelby tube) samples.
Subsequent soil or geosynthetic layers may not be placed on subbase or low-

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permeability soils which have not been shown to meet the permeability requirements at
the test frequency shown in Tables 1 through 3 or this CQA Plan.

7.7.3 Special Testing

A special testing frequency will be used at the discretion of the CQA Consultant
when initial testing or visual observations of construction performance indicate a
potential problem. Additional testing for suspected areas will be considered when:

 the compactor rollers slip during compaction operations;

 the lift thickness is greater than specified;
 the material is at a highly variable moisture content;
 dirt-clogged rollers are used to compact the material;
 the materials properties are highly variable;
 the degree of compaction is doubtful; or
 as directed by the CQA Consultant or Project Manager.

During construction, the frequency of testing may also be increased in the

following situations:

 adverse weather conditions;

 breakdown of equipment;
 at the start and finish of grading;
 if the material initially fails to meet compaction requirements; or
 the work area is reduced.

7.8 Deficiencies, Problems, and Repairs

If a deficiency or noncompliance is discovered, then the CQA Consultant will

promptly evaluate the extent and nature of the defect. The extent of the deficient area
will be evaluated by additional tests, observations, a review of records, or other means
deemed appropriate (e.g., proof-rolling by the Contractor).

After defining the extent and nature of a defect, the CQA Consultant will notify the
Contractor, and at times, the Project Manager, to schedule appropriate retests after the
work deficiency is corrected.

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At locations where the field testing indicates densities below the requirements of
the Technical Specifications, the failing area will be reworked. For subbase and low
permeability soils, where the field testing indicates the moisture content is above or
below the requirements, the area will be scarified, moisture-conditioned, and
recompacted. Alternatively, at the CQA Consultant and Owner’s Project Manager’s
option, undisturbed samples of in-place material will be obtained and hydraulic
conductivity testing will be performed as appropriate. Unless specified otherwise, the
density requirements for the subbase and low permeability soils may be waived if the
hydraulic conductivity tests reveal acceptable results.

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8.1 Overview

This section of the CQA Plan addresses the CQA program to be implemented with
regard to installation of the geogrid associated with MSE berm construction. Geogrid
will be supplied and installed by a specialty MSE Berm Installer, under direct contract
with the Contractor.

8.2 Conformance Testing

Conformance sampling of the geogrid will be performed by the CQA Consultant

upon delivery of rolls to the Site, unless otherwise directed by the Project Manager.
The CQA Consultant will obtain samples and forward them to the Geosynthetics CQA
Laboratory for testing to evaluate whether the material meets the requirements of the
Table 4 and the manufacturer’s list of certified properties.

Conformance samples will be taken by the CQA Consultant across the entire width
of the roll and will not include the first 3 ft. of material. Unless otherwise specified,
samples will be 3-ft. long by the roll width. The CQA Consultant will mark the
machine direction on the samples with an arrow and affix a label, tag, or otherwise
mark each sample with the following information:
 date sampled;
 project number;
 lot/batch number and roll number;
 conformance sample number; and
 CQA Consultant personnel identification.

Conformance samples will be taken at a minimum frequency of one sample per

200,000 ft2 with a minimum of one sample per lot. Conformance tests will be
performed in accordance with laboratory test methods presented in Table 4 of this CQA

All conformance test results will be reviewed by the CQA Consultant before
installation of the geogrid. Any nonconformance of the material’s physical properties
will be promptly reported to the Contractor and/or Geosynthetic Installer. The
following procedure will apply whenever a geogrid sample fails a conformance test
performed by the CQA Consultant.

 The Contractor and/or Geogrid Installer will be required to replace all of the
rolls of geogrid within the lot/batch from which the non-conforming sample
was obtained.

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 Alternatively, if the Contractor and/or Geosynthetic Installer, Geogrid

Manufacturer, and the Project Manager all agree, then the CQA Consultant will
obtain additional conformance samples from the closest numerical roll on both
sides of the roll from which the failing sample was obtained. These two
samples must pass the conformance tests specified above. If either of these
samples fails to meet the requirements, then samples will be collected from the
five numerically closest untested rolls on both sides of the failed sample and
tested by the Geosynthetics CQA Laboratory. These ten samples must pass the
above conformance tests. If any of these samples fail, then a sample from
every roll of geogrid from the batch/lot on-site may be conformance tested by
the CQA Consultant for the failing property test.

During conformance testing, the CQA Consultant will also verify that the Geogrid
Manufacturer has identified all rolls of geogrid with the following information:
 name of manufacturer;
 product identification;
 lot number;
 batch number;
 roll number; and
 roll dimensions.

The CQA Consultant will record all of the above information for each roll
delivered to the Site using a Material Inventory Log form for the geogrid.

8.3 Field Installation of Geogrid

Each panel shall be continuous (e.g. without seams) for the entire embedment
length specified. Any holes or tears in a roll of geogrid shall be cut out by removing the
portion of the roll with the damage.

Geogrid shall be deployed so that is lays flat and adjoining geogrid panels butt
against one another. Placement of geogrid around corners, embedded pipes, or other
structures shall conform to the drawings. Care shall be taken to ensure that geogrid is
deployed in the proper orientation to the face of the MSE berm. After deployment,
geogrid shall be restrained from movement by staking or anchoring the geogrid with a
small quantity of soil prior to placing and compacting structural fill. Steel tracked
equipment may not travel directly on the geogrid, but must maintain a minimum 6-in
thickness of overlying soil. Rubber tired equipment may travel directly over the
geogrid at low speeds and without sudden braking or sharp turns. The Geogrid Installer

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shall coordinate deployment of geogrid to minimize the need for incoming hauling
trucks to travel over geogrid.

8.4 CQA Monitoring of Geogrid

The CQA Consultant will monitor geogrid installation. Specific monitoring

activities include, but are not limited to:

 collecting conformance samples of the geogrid at the manufacturing facility or

after delivered to the Site and forwarding the samples to an approved off-site
testing laboratory;
 collecting and reviewing the Geosynthetic Manufacturers’ quality control
(MQC) documentation to verify that the certifications comply with the
requirements of the Technical Specifications;
 tracking inventory of the geogrid rolls delivered to the Site;
 observing geogrid rolls that had been delivered to the Site to observe whether
the materials had been damaged during transportation and, if damaged, marking
damaged locations for repair or replacement;
 observe and document material unloading and on-site transport and storage;
 reviewing and evaluating laboratory CQA conformance test results for the
geogrid to verify that the test results met the requirements of the Technical
 immediately prior to geogrid placement, the subgrade is free of sharp
protrusions or other obstructions that could potentially damage the geogrid;
 a visual examination that the geogrid is deployed with flat, abutting panels to
the specified minimum embedment length, and if necessary, the geogrid is
positioned by hand after being unrolled to obtain proper abutment;
 observe that geogrid is deployed in the proper orientation to the MSE berm
face; and
 the geogrid is not left exposed for longer that the maximum allowable period
(as set forth in the Manufacturer’s recommendations) after placement unless a
longer exposure period is approved by the Engineer.

The CQA Consultant will verify that the Contractor places all soil materials on top
of the geogrid such that:

 the geogrid and underlying materials are not damaged;

 the geogrid does not move out of alignment during placement of soil; and

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 steel tracked equipment does not travel directly on top of the geogrid.

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9.1 Overview

This section of the CQA Plan addresses the CQA program to be implemented with
regard to installation of the high-density polyethylene (HDPE) geomembrane.
Geomembrane will be supplied and installed by a specialty Geosynthetics Installer,
under direct contract with the Contractor.

9.2 Material Conformance Testing

Conformance sampling of the geomembrane may be performed by the CQA

Consultant either at the manufacturing facility or upon delivery of the rolls to the Site,
as requested by the Project Manager. The CQA Consultant will obtain samples and
forward them to the Geosynthetics CQA laboratory for testing to evaluate whether the
material meets the requirements of Table 7 and the Geomembrane Manufacturer’s list
of certified properties.

Conformance samples will be taken by the CQA Consultant across the entire width
of the roll and will not include the first 3 ft. of material. Unless otherwise specified,
samples will be 3-ft. long by the roll width. Samples will be taken at a minimum
frequency of one sample per 200,000 ft2 with a minimum of one sample per lot.
Conformance tests will be performed in accordance with laboratory test methods
presented in Table 7 of this CQA Plan.

The CQA Consultant will mark the machine direction on the samples with an
arrow and affix a label, tag, or otherwise mark each sample with the following
 date sampled;
 project number;
 lot/batch number and roll number;
 conformance sample number; and
 CQA personnel identification.
The CQA Consultant will review all CQA and MQC conformance test results
before approving deployment of the geomembrane. Any nonconformance of the
material’s physical properties will be promptly reported to the Geosynthetic Installer.
The following procedure will apply whenever a geomembrane sample fails a
conformance test performed by the CQA Consultant:

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 The Geosynthetic Installer will be required to replace all of the rolls of

geomembrane within the lot/batch from which the nonconforming sample was
 Alternatively, if the Geosynthetic Installer, Geomembrane Manufacturer, and
the Project Manager all agree, the CQA Consultant will obtain additional
conformance samples from the closest numerical roll on both sides of the roll
from which the failing sample was obtained. These two samples must pass the
conformance test requirements. If either of these samples fails to meet the
requirements, then samples will be collected from the five numerically closest
untested rolls on both sides of the failed sample and tested by the CQA
Consultant. These ten samples must pass the above conformance tests. If any
of these samples fail, then a sample from every roll of geomembrane from the
batch/lot on-site maybe conformance tested by the CQA Consultant for the
failing property test.

During conformance testing, the CQA Consultant will also verify that the
Geomembrane Manufacturer has identified all rolls of geomembrane with the following
 name of manufacturer;
 product identification;
 thickness;
 lot number;
 batch number;
 roll number; and
 roll dimensions.

The CQA Consultant will record the above information for each roll delivered to
the Site using a Material Inventory Log form for the geomembrane.

9.3 Geomembrane Storage and Pre-Deployment Preparation

During storage, the geomembrane shall be protected from excessive heat or cold,
puncture, cutting, or other damaging or deleterious conditions. The geomembrane shall
be stored in accordance with any additional requirements of the Geomembrane

Prior to beginning geomembrane deployment, the Geosynthetics Installer shall

prepare a geomembrane installation panel layout drawing(s). These drawings shall
indicate the geomembrane configuration, dimensions, details, locations of seams, etc.
Field seams shall be differentiated from factory seams (if any) on the drawings. Field

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seams shall be oriented up or down and not across slopes. The panel layout drawings
will be provided to the CQA Consultant to support field conformance activities.

Immediately prior to installation, the Geosynthetics Installer shall provide

certification in writing that the surface on which the geomembrane will be installed is
acceptable. The surface shall be free of stones, litter, organic matter, irregularities,
protrusion, loose soil, and any abrupt changes in grade that could damage the
geomembrane. The certification of acceptance shall be given to the CQA Consultant
prior to commencement of geomembrane installation in the area under consideration.
Special care shall be taken to maintain the prepared subgrade.

9.4 Geomembrane Deployment

Each geomembrane panel deployed in the field must be given an identification

code (number or letter-number). This identification code shall be agreed upon by the
CQA Consultant and Geosynthetics Installer. The field panel identification code shall
be related, through a table or chart, to the original geomembrane rolls delivered to the

Field panels shall be placed one at a time, and each field panel shall be seamed to
adjacent panels the same day that it is placed. Geomembrane shall not be placed when
the ambient temperature is below 32F or above 104F, unless otherwise authorized by
the Engineer. In addition, geomembrane shall not be placed during any precipitation, in
the presence of excessive moisture (e.g., frost, ice, fog, dew), in an area of ponded
water, or in the presence of winds exceeding 20 miles per hour. The method used to
place each field panel shall not scratch or crimp the geomembrane and shall not damage
the supporting soil. Care shall be taken to minimize wrinkles, especially differential
wrinkles between adjacent panels.

Following geomembrane deployment, no vehicular traffic shall be allowed on the

geomembrane. Temporary loads and/or anchors (e.g., sand bags, tires), not likely to
damage the geomembrane, may be placed on the geomembrane to prevent uplift by
wind (in high winds, continuous loading is recommended along panel edges to
minimize the risk of wind flow under the panels).

The anchor trench shall be excavated prior to geomembrane placement as shown

on the Drawings. Slightly rounded corners shall be provided in the trench where the
geomembrane adjoins the trench to avoid sharp bends in the geomembrane. The anchor
trench shall be backfilled and compacted after the geomembrane has been installed in
the trench. Care shall be taken when backfilling the trenches to prevent any damage to
the geomembrane.

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9.5 Geomembrane Seaming

9.5.1 Overview

In general, seams shall be oriented parallel to the line of maximum slope, (i.e.,
oriented down, not across, the slope). In corners and at odd-shaped geometric locations,
the number of field seams shall be minimized. No horizontal seam shall be made within
5 ft. of any toe of the slope, except where approved by the Engineer.

9.5.2 Weather Conditions for Seaming

Seaming shall not be attempted at ambient temperatures below 32F or above

104F or when wind velocity exceeds 20 miles per hour. At ambient temperatures
between 32F and 50F, seaming shall be allowed if the geomembrane is preheated
either by the sun or a hot air device, and if there is no excessive cooling from wind. At
ambient temperatures above 50F, no preheating will be required. In all cases, the
geomembrane shall be dry and protected from excessive wind. If the Geosynthetics
Installer wishes to use methods that allow seaming at ambient temperatures below 32F
or above 104F, then he shall demonstrate that the seam so produced is equivalent to
those produced under normally approved conditions, and that the overall quality of the
geomembrane is not adversely affected.

To minimize geomembrane contraction stresses, seaming should ideally be carried

out in the morning and late evening when the geomembrane is relatively contracted, and
during the middle of the day if overcast conditions prevail. If the geomembrane must
be seamed in the middle of a sunny day, then the Geosynthetics Installer shall ensure
that the panels to be seamed are at the same temperature and that there is sufficient
slack in the geomembrane to prevent the generation of excessive stresses or
trampolining when the geomembrane contracts as cooler temperatures prevail. The
Geosynthetics Installer shall determine the required amount of slack and it should not
be so much so as to cause significant wrinkling of the geomembrane. If trampolining of
the geomembrane is observed, then the Geosynthetics Installer will be required to make
repairs so that the problem is eliminated.

9.5.3 Panel Overlap and Seam Preparation

Geomembrane field panels shall be overlapped a minimum of 3 in. for extrusion

welding and 5 in. for fusion welding. In all cases, sufficient overlap shall be provided
to allow peel tests to be performed on the seam.

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Prior to seaming, the seam area shall be cleaned and made free of moisture, dust,
dirt, debris of any kind, and foreign material. If seam overlap grinding is required, then
the process shall be completed according to the Geomembrane Manufacturer’s
instructions within 20 minutes of the seaming operation and in a manner that does not
damage the geomembrane. The grind depth shall not exceed ten percent of the
geomembrane thickness. Grinding marks shall not appear beyond 0.25 in. of the
extrudate after it is placed. Seams shall be aligned with the fewest possible number of
wrinkles and “fishmouths”.

9.5.4 Geomembrane Seaming

Geomembrane seaming shall extend to the outside edge of panels, including those
panels placed in the anchor trench. If required to provide a firm substrate, then a board,
or similar hard surface, placed directly under the seam overlap may be used to achieve
proper support. Fishmouths or wrinkles at the seam overlaps shall be removed by
cutting the geomembrane along the ridge of the wrinkle. At the end(s) of the cut, cut a
circle in the geomembrane to achieve a flat overlap. The cut shall be seamed as
described in the Section. Any portion where the overlap is inadequate shall then be
patched with an oval or round patch of the same geomembrane that extends a minimum
of 6 in. beyond the cut in all directions.

Approved processes for field seaming are extrusion welding and fusion welding.
Extrusion welding equipment shall be equipped with gauges giving the temperature in
the apparatus. Fusion-welding apparatus shall be automated vehicular-mounted devices
equipped with gauges giving the instantaneous temperatures and pressures of the

Trial seams shall be made prior to production seaming by all seamers and by all
equipment to be used during production seaming. The trial seams shall be made on
fragment pieces of geomembrane to verify that seaming conditions are adequate. Such
trial seams shall be made at the beginning of each seaming period, and at least once
each five hours, for each seaming apparatus used that day. Also, each seamer shall
make at least one trial seam each day. Trial seams shall be made under the same
conditions as actual production field seams. The trial seam sample shall be at least 5-ft.
long by 1-ft. wide (after seaming) with the seam centered lengthwise.

Four adjoining specimens, each 1.0-in. wide, shall be cut from the trial seam
sample by the Geosynthetics Installer. The specimens shall be tested in peel (both
tracks for fusion welds) using an electronic readout field tensiometer, and the specimen
shall fail by film tear bond (FTB) (i.e., failure in the parent material) rather than in the
seam. The Geosynthetics Installer shall test the specimens in the presence of the CQA
Consultant. If a specimen fails to comply with the properties stated in Table 8, then the

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entire operation shall be repeated. If the additional specimen fails to meet these
requirements, then the seaming apparatus or seamer shall not be accepted and shall not
be used for seaming until the deficiencies are corrected and two consecutive successful
trial seams are achieved.

9.6 CQA Field Monitoring

9.6.1 General Field Activities

The CQA Consultant will visually monitor geomembrane installation. Specific

monitoring activities include, but are not limited to:
 review the required submittals to verify that the resin used to manufacture the
geomembrane and the geomembrane itself meet the requirements of Table 7 of
this CQA Plan;
 collecting and reviewing the Geosynthetic Manufacturers’ quality control
(MQC) documentation to verify that the certifications comply with the
requirements of the Technical Specifications;
 tracking inventory of the geomembrane rolls delivered to the Site;
 observing geomembrane rolls that had been delivered to the Site to observe
whether the materials had been damaged during transportation and, if damaged,
marking damaged locations for repair or replacement;
 observe material unloading and on-site transport and storage;
 reviewing and evaluating laboratory CQA conformance test results for the
geomembrane to verify that the test results met the requirements of the Table 7;
 monitoring deployment and installation of geomembrane and marking locations
for replacement or repair;
 monitoring overlapping of adjacent geomembrane panels;
 monitoring geomembrane trial seaming operations and field testing of trial
seams (both fusion and extrusion);
 monitoring geomembrane production seaming operations (both fusion and
 monitoring nondestructive testing (both air pressure and vacuum) of
geomembrane seams and repairs;
 selecting geomembrane destructive seam sample locations, monitoring sample
collection, distributing samples to the Geosynthetics Installer and Owner, and
destructively testing the samples at an approved off-site laboratory to verify
compliance with the requirements of the Technical Specifications and CQA

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 monitoring repairs to portions of the geosynthetics that were observed to have

defects or that failed the criteria for destructive or nondestructive testing;
 observe and document repair operations;
 note on-site activities that could result in damage to the geomembrane; and
 monitoring placement of the geosynthetics in the anchor trench.

9.6.2 Non-Destructive Seam Continuity Testing

The CQA Consultant will visually monitor geomembrane installation. Specific

monitoring activities include Geosynthetics Installer shall nondestructively test all field
seams over their full length using a vacuum test, air pressure test (for double fusion
seams only), or other approved method. Continuity testing shall be carried out as the
seaming work progresses, not at the completion of all field seaming.

Air pressure testing shall be performed on double fusion seams only, and shall be
performed as follows:
a. Pressurize the seam to between 25 and 30 psi, allow two minutes for
pressure to stabilize, and sustain the pressure for not less than 5 minutes.
b. If loss of pressure exceeds 4 psi, or if the pressure does not stabilize, then
locate faulty area and repair.
c. Cut opposite end of air channel from pressure gauge and observe release of
pressure to ensure that the entire channel is not blocked.
d. Remove needle, or other approved pressure feed device, and repair the

9.6.3 Destructive Seam Testing

The CQA Consultant will obtain destructive testing of field seams on samples
collected from selected locations to evaluate seam strength and integrity according to
the requirements for seam strength presented in Table 8. Destructive testing shall be
carried out as the geomembrane installation progresses, not at the completion of all field

Field seam samples shall be collected for destructive testing at a minimum average
frequency of one test location per 500 ft. of seam length. Test locations shall be
determined during seaming, and may be prompted by suspicion of excess
contamination, offset seams, or any other potential cause of imperfect seaming. The
CQA Consultant will be responsible for choosing the locations.

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Samples of the field seams shall be cut with rounded corners by the Geosynthetics
Installer at locations designated by the Geosynthetics CQA Consultant as the seaming
progresses. Passing laboratory test results must be obtained before the field seams are
covered by another material. All holes in the geomembrane resulting from the field
seam sampling shall be immediately repaired in accordance with the repair procedures
described in Section 8.7 of this CQA Plan. The continuity of the new seams in the
repaired areas shall be nondestructively tested according to Section 8.6.2.

The CQA Consultant will obtain destructive seam samples and have them tested
as follows:
a. Two strips, 1-in. wide and 12-in. long with the seam centered parallel to
the width, shall be taken. The strips shall be spaced a clear distance of 42-
in. apart.
b. The two strip samples shall be tested using a field tensiometer for
conformance with the seam requirements in Table 8.
c. If these samples pass the field test, then a laboratory sample shall be taken.
The laboratory sample shall be at least 1-ft. wide by 42-in. long with the
seam centered lengthwise. The sample shall be cut into three parts and one
1.5-foot long portion will be sent to the CQA Consultant laboratory for
testing with the other two portions kept in reserve.

Passing destructive test results shall be achieved prior to placing any material over

9.6.4 Repair Procedures for Destructive Seam Failure

Should a sample fail to meet the seam strength requirements in Table 8 for a
destructive test, whether the test is conducted with the field tensiometer or by the CQA
laboratory, the Geosynthetics Installer’s laboratory, the Geosynthetics Installer shall
have two options, as below.
a. The Geosynthetics Installer can reconstruct the seam (e.g., remove the old
seam and reseam) between two passing destructive test locations. The
welding path of the seaming apparatus shall be tracked (in each direction).
b. The Geosynthetics Installer can trace the welding path to an intermediate
location, a minimum of 10 ft. from the location of the failed test (in each
direction) and take a small sample for an additional field test at each
location. If these additional samples pass the tests, then full laboratory
samples shall be taken. If these laboratory samples pass the tests, then the
seam shall be reconstructed between these locations. If either sample fails,
then the process shall be repeated to establish the zone in which the seam
should be reconstructed. In any case, all acceptable seams must be bounded
by two locations from which samples passing laboratory destructive tests
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have been taken. In cases where the length of reconstructed seam exceeds
250 ft., a destructive sample taken from within the reconstructed zone must
pass destructive testing.

9.7 CQA of Defects and Repairs

All seams and non-seam areas of the geomembrane will be examined by the CQA
Consultant for evidence of defects, holes, blisters, and any sign of contamination by
foreign matter. The surface of the geomembrane shall be clean at the time of
examination. The geomembrane surface shall be swept or washed by the Geosynthetics
Installer if surface contamination inhibits examination.

Each suspect location, both in seam and non-seam areas, shall be nondestructively
tested using the methods described Section 8.6.2 as appropriate. Each location that fails
nondestructive testing shall be marked by the CQA Consultant and repaired by the
Geosynthetics Installer. Work shall not proceed with any materials that will cover the
defective area until the suspect location is repaired and passing nondestructive test are

Any portion of the geomembrane exhibiting a flaw, or failing a destructive or

nondestructive test, shall be repaired by the Geosynthetics Installer. Several repair
procedures are specified below. The final decision as to the appropriate repair
procedure will be determined by the CQA Consultant. The procedures available
a. patching, used to repair large holes, small tears, and contamination by
foreign matter. Patches or caps shall extend at least 6 in. beyond the edge
of the defect, and all corners of holes and patches shall be rounded with a
radius of at least 3 in;
b. abrading and reseaming, used to repair small sections of extruded seams;
c. spot seaming, used to repair pinholes, or other minor, localized flaws;
d. capping, used to repair long lengths of failed seams;
e. removing failed seam and replacing with a strip of new material seamed
into place (used with long lengths of fusion seams) and/or extrusion seams.

Each repair shall be numbered and logged by the CQA Consultant and shall be
nondestructively tested using the methods described in this CQA Plan. Repairs that
pass the nondestructive test shall be taken as an indication of an adequate repair. Failed
tests will require the repair to be redone and retested until a passing test result is
achieved. At the discretion of the CQA Consultant, destructive testing may be required
on large caps.

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9.8 Materials in Contact with the Geomembrane

Equipment shall not be driven directly on the geomembrane. Unless otherwise

allowed by Engineer, all equipment operating on materials overlying the geomembrane
shall comply with the following:

Allowable Equipment Thickness of Overlying

Ground Pressure (psi) Compacted Soil (ft.)
<5 1.0
<10 1.5
<20 2.0
>20 3.0

In heavily trafficked areas such as access ramps, and in areas trafficked by rubber
tire vehicles, the thickness of overlying compacted soil shall be at least 3 ft. Placement
of soils above the geomembrane will not proceed at an ambient temperature below 32F
nor above 104F unless approved by Engineer.

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10.1 Overview

This section of the CQA Plan addresses the CQA program to be implemented with
regard to the installation of the geotextile. The geotextile will be installed by the
specialty Geosynthetics Installer, under direct contract with the Contractor.

10.2 Conformance Testing

Conformance sampling of the geotextile will be performed by the CQA Consultant

upon delivery of rolls to the Site, unless otherwise directed by the Project Manager.
The CQA Consultant will obtain samples and forward them to the Geosynthetics CQA
Laboratory for testing to evaluate whether the material meets the requirements of the
Table 5 and the manufacturer’s list of certified properties.

Conformance samples will be taken by the CQA Consultant across the entire width
of the roll and will not include the first 3 ft. of material. Unless otherwise specified,
samples will be 3-ft. long by the roll width. The CQA Consultant will mark the
machine direction on the samples with an arrow and affix a label, tag, or otherwise
mark each sample with the following information:
 date sampled;
 project number;
 lot/batch number and roll number;
 conformance sample number; and
 CQA Consultant personnel identification.

Conformance samples will be taken at a minimum frequency of one sample per

200,000 ft2 with a minimum of one sample per lot. Conformance tests will be
performed in accordance with laboratory test methods presented in Table 5 of this CQA

All conformance test results will be reviewed by the CQA Consultant before
installation of the geotextile. Any nonconformance of the material’s physical properties
will be promptly reported to the Contractor and/or Geosynthetic Installer. The
following procedure will apply whenever a geotextile sample fails a conformance test
performed by the CQA Consultant.

 The Contractor and/or Geosynthetic Installer will be required to replace all of

the rolls of geotextile within the lot/batch from which the non-conforming
sample was obtained.

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 Alternatively, if the Contractor and/or Geosynthetic Installer, Geotextile

Manufacturer, and the Project Manager all agree, then the CQA Consultant will
obtain additional conformance samples from the closest numerical roll on both
sides of the roll from which the failing sample was obtained. These two
samples must pass the conformance tests specified above. If either of these
samples fails to meet the requirements, then samples will be collected from the
five numerically closest untested rolls on both sides of the failed sample and
tested by the Geosynthetics CQA Laboratory. These ten samples must pass the
above conformance tests. If any of these samples fail, then a sample from
every roll of geotextile from the batch/lot on-site may be conformance tested by
the CQA Consultant for the failing property test.

During conformance testing, the CQA Consultant will also verify that the
Geotextile Manufacturer has identified all rolls of geotextile with the following
 name of manufacturer;
 product identification;
 lot number;
 batch number;
 roll number; and
 roll dimensions.

The CQA Consultant will record all of the above information for each roll
delivered to the Site using a Material Inventory Log form for the geotextile.

10.3 Field Installation of Geotextile

On slopes steeper than 10 horizontal to 1 vertical, geotextile shall be continuous

down the slope; that is, no horizontal seams are allowed. Horizontal seams shall be
considered as any seam having an alignment exceeding 20 degrees from being
perpendicular to the slope contour lines, unless otherwise approved by Engineer. No
horizontal seams shall be allowed within 5 ft. of the top or toe of the slopes.

Adjoining geotextile panels shall be overlapped a minimum of 6 inches and be

continuously sewn (i.e., spot sewing is not allowed) using a “single prayer” seam, with
the stitching a minimum of 1.5 in. from the edge of the geotextile. Stitching shall be
two-thread, double-locked, 7 stitches per inch.

Any holes or tears in the geotextile shall be repaired using a patch made from the
same geotextile. Geotextile patches will be sewn into place no closer than 1 in. from

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any panel edge. Should any tear exceed 50 percent of the width of the roll, that roll
shall be removed and replaced.

10.4 CQA Monitoring of Geotextile

The CQA Consultant will monitor geotextile installation. Specific monitoring

activities include, but are not limited to:

 collecting conformance samples of the geotextile at the manufacturing facility

or after delivered to the Site and forwarding the samples to an approved off-site
testing laboratory;
 collecting and reviewing the Geosynthetic Manufacturers’ quality control
(MQC) documentation to verify that the certifications comply with the
requirements of the Technical Specifications;
 tracking inventory of the geotextile rolls delivered to the Site;
 observing geotextile rolls that had been delivered to the Site to observe whether
the materials had been damaged during transportation and, if damaged, marking
damaged locations for repair or replacement;
 observe and document material unloading and on-site transport and storage;
 reviewing and evaluating laboratory CQA conformance test results for the
geotextile to verify that the test results met the requirements of the Technical
 immediately prior to geotextile placement, the subgrade is free of sharp
protrusions or other obstructions that could potentially damage the geotextile;
 in the presence of wind, the geotextile is weighted with sandbags (or equivalent
ballast weight approved by the CQA Consultant), and that sandbags remain
until replaced with an overlying layer;
 efforts are made to minimize the presence of wrinkles in the geotextile, and if
necessary, the geotextile is positioned by hand after being unrolled to minimize
 a visual examination of the geotextile is performed over the entire surface, after
installation, to verify that no potentially harmful foreign objects, such as
needles or tools, are present; and
 the geotextile is not left exposed for longer that the maximum allowable period
(as set forth in the Manufacturer’s recommendations) after placement unless a
longer exposure period is approved by the Engineer.

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The CQA Consultant will verify that the Contractor places all soil and aggregate
materials on top of the geotextile such that:

 the geotextile and underlying materials are not damaged;

 wrinkles are minimized; and
 excess tensile stresses are not produced in the geotextile.

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11.1 Overview

This section of the CQA Plan addresses the CQA program to be implemented with
regard to the geosynthetic clay liner (GCL). The GCL will be installed by the specialty
Geosynthetics Installer under direct contract with the Contractor.

11.2 Material Conformance Testing

Conformance sampling of the GCL may be performed by the CQA Consultant

either at the manufacturing plant or upon delivery of rolls to the Site, as requested by
the Project Manager. The CQA Consultant will obtain samples and forward them to the
Geosynthetics CQA Laboratory for testing to evaluate whether the material meets the
requirements of Table 6 of this CQA Plan and the manufacturer’s list of certified

Conformance samples will be taken by the CQA Consultant across the entire width
of the roll and will not include the first 3 ft. along the length of the roll. Unless
otherwise specified, samples will be 3-ft. long by the full roll width. The CQA
Consultant will mark the machine direction on the samples with an arrow and affix a
label, tag, or otherwise mark each sample with the following information:

 date sampled;
 project number;
 lot/batch number and roll number;
 conformance sample number; and
 CQA Consultant personnel identification.

Conformance samples will be taken at a minimum frequency of one sample per

200,000 ft2 with a minimum of one sample per lot. Conformance tests will be
performed in accordance with laboratory test methods presented in Table 6 of this CQA
Plan. All conformance test results will be reviewed by the CQA Consultant before
installation of the GCL. Any nonconformance of the material’s physical properties will
be promptly reported to the Geosynthetic Installer. The following procedure will apply
whenever a GCL sample fails a conformance test performed by the CQA Consultant.

 The Geosynthetic Installer will be required to replace all of the rolls of GCL
within the batch from which the sample that is not in conformance with the
specifications was obtained.

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 Alternatively, if the Geosynthetic Installer, GCL Manufacturer and the Project

Manager all agree, then the CQA Consultant will obtain additional
conformance samples from the closest numerical roll on both sides of the roll
from which the failing sample was obtained. These two samples must pass the
conformance tests specified above. If either of these samples fails to meet the
requirements, samples will be collected from the five numerically closest
untested rolls on both sides of the failed sample and tested by the Geosynthetics
CQA Laboratory. These ten samples must pass the above conformance tests.
If any of these samples fail, then a sample from every roll of GCL from the
batch/lot on-site and maybe conformance tested by the CQA Consultant for the
failing property test.

During conformance testing, the CQA Consultant will also verify that the GCL
manufacturer has identified all rolls of GCL with the following information:

 name of manufacturer;
 product identification;
 lot number;
 batch number;
 roll number; and
 roll dimensions.

The CQA Consultant will record all of the above information for each roll
delivered to the Site using a Material Inventory Log form for the GCL.

11.3 Field Installation of GCL

GCL shall be not be allowed to hydrate greater than a moisture content of 30

percent prior to placement of the leachate protective cover layer. GCL shall not be
installed on a saturated subgrade or on standing water. The GCL shall be installed in a
way that prevents hydration prior to completion of construction, including placement of
overlying geosynthetics and soil/aggregate. GCL rolls that have hydrated prior to
placement of leachate collection/protective cover soils shall be removed and replaced.
During placement, care shall be taken not to entrap stones, or moisture under the GCL.
The GCL and vapor barrier shall not be installed during precipitation or other
conditions that may cause hydration of the GCL.

On slopes steeper than 10 horizontal to 1 vertical, GCL and vapor barrier shall be
continuous down the slope; that is, no horizontal seams shall be allowed on the slope,
unless otherwise approved by Engineer. At a minimum, adjoining GCL panels shall be
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overlapped 12 in. along the length and width of the panel. The overlaps shall not be
nailed or stapled to the subgrade.

Any holes or tears in the GCL shall be repaired by placing a GCL patch over the
hole. The patch shall overlap the edges of the hole or tear by 2 ft. in all directions. The
patch shall be secured with a water-based adhesive approved by the GCL Manufacturer.

11.4 CQA of GCL Installation

The CQA Consultant will observe rolls upon delivery and monitor that the GCL
rolls shipped and stored in opaque and watertight wrappings in a location that sheds
precipitation and is protected inundation. The CQA Consultant will monitor that GCL
rolls are handled using a spreader bar, “stinger” bar, or straps provided by the GCL

During installation, the CQA Consultant will verify compliance including but not
be limited to:

 immediately prior to GCL placement, the underlying subgrade is free of

moisture or obstructions that could potentially damage the GCL;
 the GCL is installed with the correct orientation (i.e., with the correct side up);
 efforts are made to keep the GCL placed to minimize the presence of wrinkles
in the GCL, and if necessary, the GCL is positioned by hand after being
unrolled to minimize wrinkles;
 excessive amounts of bentonite do not ravel out along the edges of the GCL;
 care is taken by the Geosynthetic Installer not to entrap stones, soil, dust, or
moisture that could damage the GCL;
 in the presence of wind, the GCL is weighted with sandbags (or equivalent
ballast weight approved by the CQA Consultant), and that sandbags remain
until replaced with the overlying geomembrane;
 a visual examination of the GCL is performed over the entire surface, after
installation, to verify that no potentially harmful foreign objects, such as
needles or tools, are present;
 verify that any holes or tears in the GCL are repaired in accordance with the
CQA Plan, and that care is taken by the Contractor and/or Geosynthetic
Installer to remove any soil or other material, which may have penetrated the
torn GCL;

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 no more GCL is deployed during each day than can be covered by the end of
the day with seamed geomembrane; and
 the geomembrane extends at least 2 ft. beyond the underlying GCL, and the
leading edge of the geomembrane has adequately ballast to avoid wind uplift
and reduce the likelihood of surface water running under the geomembrane and
hydrating the GCL.

The CQA Consultant will verify that the GCL panels are overlapped as required in
Section 10.3. The CQA Consultant will also confirm that the Engineer is made aware
of any end-to-end GCL seams on slopes, and that any special overlapping or connecting
methods required by the Engineer are implemented by the Geosynthetic Installer.

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12.1 Overview

This section of the CQA Plan addresses the CQA program to be implemented with
regard to the geocomposite component of the liner system or final cover system. The
geocomposite will be installed by the specialty Geosynthetics Installer, under direct
contract with the Contractor.

12.2 Material Conformance Testing

Conformance sampling of the geocomposite may be performed by the CQA

Consultant either at the manufacturing plant or upon delivery of rolls to the Site, as
requested by the Project Manager. The CQA Consultant will obtain samples and
forward them to the Geosynthetics CQA Laboratory for testing to evaluate whether the
material meets the requirements of Table 9 and the manufacturer’s list of certified

Conformance samples will be taken by the CQA Consultant across the entire width
of the roll and will not include the first 3 ft along the length of the roll. Unless
otherwise specified, samples will be 3-ft long by the full roll width. The CQA
Consultant will mark the machine direction on the samples with an arrow and affix a
label, tag, or otherwise mark each sample with the following information:

 date sampled;
 project number;
 lot/batch number and roll number;
 conformance sample number; and
 CQA Consultant personnel identification.

Conformance samples will be taken at a minimum frequency of one sample per

200,000 ft2 with a minimum of one sample per lot. Conformance tests will be
performed in accordance with laboratory test methods presented in Table 9 of this CQA
Plan. All conformance test results will be reviewed by the CQA Consultant before
installation of the geocomposite. Any nonconformance of the material’s physical
properties will be promptly reported to the Geosynthetics Installer. The following
procedure will apply whenever a geocomposite sample fails a conformance test
conducted by the Geosynthetics CQA Laboratory.

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 The Geosynthetics Installer will be required to replace all of the rolls of

geocomposite within the batch from which the sample that is not in
conformance with the specifications was obtained.
 Alternatively, if the Geosynthetics Installer, Geocomposite Manufacturer, and
the Project Manager all agree, the CQA Consultant will obtain additional
conformance samples from the closest numerical roll on both sides of the roll
from which the failing sample was obtained. These two samples must pass the
conformance tests specified above. If either of these samples fails to meet the
requirements, samples will be collected from the five numerically closest
untested rolls on both sides of the failed sample and tested by the Geosynthetics
CQA Laboratory. These ten samples must pass the above conformance tests.
If any of these samples fail, a sample from every roll of geocomposite from the
batch/lot on-site maybe conformance tested by the CQA Consultant for the
failing property test.
During conformance testing, the CQA Consultant will also verify that the
Geocomposite Manufacturer has identified all rolls of geocomposite with the following

 name of manufacturer;
 product identification;
 lot number;
 batch number;
 roll number; and
 roll dimensions.

The CQA Consultant will record all of the above information for each roll
delivered to the Site using a Material Inventory Log form for the geocomposite.

12.3 CQA of Geocomposite Field Installation

The CQA Consultant will observe rolls upon delivery and monitor that the GCL
rolls shipped and stored in opaque and watertight wrappings in a location that sheds
precipitation and is protected inundation.

During field deployment, the CQA Consultant will verify compliance with the

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 immediately prior to geocomposite placement, the underlying geomembrane

surface is free of moisture or obstructions that could potentially damage the
 in the presence of wind, the geocomposite is weighted with sandbags (or
equivalent ballast weight approved by the CQA Consultant), and that sandbags
remain until replaced with the overlying protective cover soil layer;
 efforts are made to minimize the presence of wrinkles in the geocomposite, and
if necessary, the geocomposite is positioned by hand after being unrolled to
minimize wrinkles;
 care is taken by the Geosynthetics Installer not to entrap stones, soil, dust, or
moisture that could damage or cause clogging to the geocomposite;
 a visual examination of the geocomposite is carried out over the entire surface,
after installation, to verify that no potentially harmful foreign objects, such as
needles or tools, are present; and
 the geocomposite is not left exposed for longer than 30 days after placement
unless a longer exposure period is approved by the Engineer.

The components of the geocomposite (i.e., geotextile-geonet-geotextile) are not to

be bonded together at the ends and edges of the rolls. Each component will be secured
or seamed to the like component at overlaps. Each geocomposite component shall be
overlapped by at least 4 inches.

The core geonet shall be secured by tying with plastic fasteners, or polymer braid.
Tying devices shall be white or yellow for easy inspection. Metallic devices shall not
be used. Tying shall be every 5 feet along the slope, and every 2 feet on end-to-end

The top layers of overlapped geotextiles shall be continuously sewn (i.e., spot
sewing or thermal bonding is only allowed for repairs) using Stitch Type 401 and a flat
or single “prayer” seam (Federal Seam Type SSa), with the stitching a minimum of 1.5
in. from the edge of the geotextile. Stitching shall have an average of greater than 5
stitches per inch. Where indicated on the drawings, in high stress locations a “J’ type
seam will be required (Federal Seam Type SSn). Polymeric thread, with chemical
resistance properties equal to or exceeding those of the geotextile component, shall be
used for all sewing.

12.4 CQA of Geocomposite Repair

The CQA Consultant will verify that any holes or tears in the geocomposite are

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If the geonet is damaged within the geocomposite, the damaged geocomposite

shall be removed at least 1-ft beyond the limits of the damage. A new piece of
geocomposite shall be installed in the patch and connected in the same manner as
adjacent geocomposite panels described in Section 11.3.

If the geonet is undamaged but the geotextile is damaged, then the CQA
Consultant shall observe the following repair the damaged area is completed:

1. Remove damaged geotextile.

2. Cut patch of new geotextile to provide minimum 12-inch overlap in all
3. Thermally bond geotextile patch to existing geocomposite.
If the edge of a geocomposite panel does not have a geotextile flap available for
sewing, a geotextile patch extending 1-ft beyond the edges of the panel shall be
thermally bonded over the seam.

Any holes or tears in the geocomposite material that extend more than 50 percent
of the width of the roll, then the entire damaged panel shall be removed and replaced.

The CQA Consultant will document deficiencies or noncompliance with the

specified requirements and report them to the Geosynthetics Installer. The extent of
deficiencies will be evaluated by observations, a review of records, or other means
deemed appropriate by the CQA Consultant. The Geosynthetics Installer will correct
the deficiency to the satisfaction of the CQA Consultant. If a CQA Plan criterion
cannot be met, or unusual weather conditions hinder work, then the CQA Consultant
will develop and present to the Project Manager and Engineer suggested alternative
solutions for approval. All retests or subsequent re-evaluations recommended by the
CQA Consultant must verify that the deficiency has been corrected before any
additional work is performed by the Geosynthetics Installer in the area of the

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13.1 Overview

This section of the CQA Plan addresses the CQA program to be implemented with
regard to installation of HDPE pipe and fittings for the leachate collection and
transmissions systems. Items in this section include the HDPE pipe, fittings, and
associated accessories.

13.2 Material Conformance Testing

Material conformance testing of the HDPE pipes will not be required unless
aspects of the prequalifying information are deficient or suspect, or if requested by the
Engineer. If deemed necessary by the Project Manager, the Contractor will remove a
minimum 3-ft long section of pipe and deliver it to the Geosynthetics CQA Laboratory
for testing to evaluate whether the pipe meets the required properties of the Technical
Specifications. The conformance test requirements will be determined at that time by
the CCSWA Project Manager and/or Engineer.

13.3 Field Evaluation/Monitoring of Construction Techniques

The CQA Consultant will verify that the HDPE pipe and fittings are stored on
clean level ground, free of conditions which could damage the pipe; and where
necessary (e.g., due to muddy or sloping ground conditions) the pipe is stored on
wooden sleepers, spaced suitably and of such width as not to allow deformation of the
pipe at the point of contact with the sleeper or between supports.

During construction, the CQA Consultant will verify compliance with the

 the perforated pipe has the proper amount, correct size, and spacing of
perforations, and that the perforations are oriented properly after the pipe is
 handling of the pipe is conducted in such a manner that the pipe is not
 ropes, fabric, or rubber-protected slings and straps are used when handling
 pipe or fittings are not dropped onto rocky or unprepared ground or into
trenches or dragged over sharp objects;
 the subgrade surface is firm and free of debris;
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 crushed aggregate for the leachate collection and transmission systems are
carefully placed under and around the pipe in accordance with the Drawings
and Technical Specifications;
 pipe segments are not brought into position until preceding lengths have been
bedded and secured in its final position;
 pipe sections are properly joined using procedures recommended by the
Manufacturer and/or allowed for in the Technical Specifications;
 joints are stable and in secure condition prior to and after backfilling;
 blocking is not used under the pipe unless pre-approved by the Engineer; and
 placement of backfill over the pipe is conducted in lifts meeting the
requirements of the CQA Plan, and in a manner that will not damage the pipe.

13.4 Field Testing of Work Products

The CQA Consultant will verify that the Contractor has performed the applicable
hydrostatic or low-pressure air testing of the solid HDPE pipes during installation. The
CQA Consultant will monitor the Contractor’s activities associate with all testing
activities and will confirm that the Contractor follows the procedures required in the
specifications. The CQA Consultant will either record the test results or will observe
the Contractor recording the results and review the results upon submittal by the

13.5 Deficiencies, Problems, and Repairs

The CQA Consultant will report any deficiencies or noncompliance in the

construction to the Contractor. The extent of deficiencies will be evaluated by
observations, review of records, or other means deemed appropriate by the CCSWA
Project Manager and Engineer.

The Contractor will correct the deficiency to the satisfaction of the CCSWA
Project Manager and Engineer. All retests or subsequent re-evaluations recommended
must verify that the deficiency has been corrected before any additional work is
performed by the Contractor in the area of the deficiency.

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14.1 Overview

This section of the CQA Plan addresses the CQA program to be implemented with
regard to installation of mechanical and electrical systems for the Project.

14.2 Field Evaluation/Monitoring of Construction Techniques

The CQA Consultant will verify that the mechanical and electrical systems are
installed in accordance with the Drawings and Technical Specifications, and to the
satisfaction of the Project Manager and Engineer.

14.3 Performance Testing of Work Products

The CQA Consultant will verify that the Contractor has performed the applicable
performance and startup tests for the electrical and mechanical systems in accordance to
the Drawings and Technical Specifications. The CQA Consultant will either record the
test results or will observe the Contractor recording the results and review the results
upon submittal by the Contractor.

14.4 Deficiencies, Problems, and Repairs

The CQA Consultant will report any deficiencies or noncompliance in the

construction to the Contractor. The extent of deficiencies will be evaluated by
observations, review of records, or other means deemed appropriate by the Project
Manager and Engineer. The Contractor shall repair any deficiencies or noncompliant
work to the satisfaction of the Project Manager and Engineer.

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-- --
Classification SW, SP, SM SW, SP, SM, D2487
Particle size Maximum in 2 4
Atterberg Limits Maximum PI 10 30
Organic Content Maximum percent 5


USCS Classification -- -- ASTM D2487
Particle size Maximum inch 1 ASTM D422
Atterberg Limits Maximum PI 30 ASTM D4318
Maximum cm/sec 1 x 10-5 ASTM D5084
Organic Content Maximum percent 5 ASTM D2974

(1) Testing performed on in-situ (Shelby tube) samples. The test shall be run at an effective
confining stress of 1,500 psf.

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TABLE 1 (continued)



37.5 mm 25mm 12.5 mm 4.75mm 2.36 75 μm
Product name
1 ½” 1” ½” No. 4 No. 8 No. 200
#57 stone 100 100 25-60 0-10 0-5 0-5


USCS Classification -- -- ASTM D2487
Particle size Maximum inch 1 ASTM D422
40 percent passing
Minimum percent US No. 4 sieve
pH Range -- 5.8 to 7.2
Organic Content Maximum percent 8 ASTM D2974


Sandy loam,
USDA Classification -- -- --
silt loam, loam
Particle size Maximum Inch 1 ASTM D422
75 percent passing
Minimum percent US No. 4 sieve
60 percent passing
Minimum percent US No. 10 sieve
pH Range -- 6.0 to 7.2
Soluble salts Maximum Ppm 500
Organic Content Range percent 5 to 8 ASTM D2974

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1. Structural fill
2. Subbase soil
Grain Size Analysis 3. Low permeability soil 1 per 5,000 yd3
ASTM D 422
(Sieve and Hydrometer) 4. Vegetative subsoil (minimum 1 test per material type and source)
5. Topsoil
6. Protective Cover Soil
1. Structural fill
2. Subbase soil
1 per 5,000 yd3
Moisture Content 3. Low permeability soil ASTM D 2216
(minimum 1 test per material type and source)
4. Vegetative subsoil
5. Topsoil
1. Structural fill
2. Subbase soil 1 per 5,000 yd3
Atterberg Limits ASTM D 4318
3. Low permeability soil (minimum 1 test per material type and source)
4. Vegetative subsoil
1. Structural fill
2. Subbase soil 1 per 5,000 yd3
Standard Proctor ASTM D 698
3. Low permeability soil (minimum 1 test per material type and source)
4. Vegetative subsoil
1. Structural fill
2. Subbase soil
1 per 5,000 yd3
Organic Content 3. Low permeability soil ASTM D 2974
(minimum 1 test per material type and source)
4. Vegetative subsoil
5. Topsoil
1 per 10,000 yd3
1. Subbase soil ASTM D 2434
(minimum 1 test per material type and source)
Hydraulic Conductivity 2. Low permeability soil or
Note: Protective cover frequency is once per
3. Protective cover ASTM D 5084
1 per 5,000 yd3
Agricultural Analyses 1. Topsoil ---
(minimum 1 test per material type and source)

1. Tests to be performed by CQA Consultant on samples of bulk soil samples
collected from soil to be placed. These tests will be performed in addition to
pre-qualification testing.

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1. Structural fill
In-Place Moisture Content
2. Subbase soil ASTM D 3017 1 per 10,000 ft2 per lift
(Nuclear Gauge)
3. Low permeability soil
1. Structural fill
In-Place Dry Density
2. Subbase soil ASTM D 2922 1 per 10,000 ft2 per lift
(Nuclear Gauge)
3. Low permeability soil
1. Structural fill
2. Subbase soil
Soil Component 3. Low permeability soil
--- 1 per acre
Thickness 4. Protective cover
5. Vegetative subsoil
6. Topsoil
1. Structural fill
Moisture Content 3 per material type and source
2. Subbase soil ASTM D 2216
(Field Oven Test) (See note 1)
3. Low permeability soil
In-Place Dry Density 1. Structural fill
ASTM D 2937
(Drive Cylinder Method 2. Subbase soil Discretionary
or D 1556
or Sand Cone) 3. Low permeability soil
1. Structural fill
Test Pit for Layer Bonding 2. Subbase soil --- Discretionary
3. Low permeability soil

1. If field oven moisture tests indicate that a moisture correction is required for
nuclear gauge testing, field oven moisture content shall be performed at a
minimum frequency of one test per week when soils requiring moisture
correction are being placed.

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Facing Geogrid (Biaxial)
Ultimate Tensile Strength Minimum Lb/ft2 1,300 ASTM D 6637
Long-Term Allowable Tensile
Minimum Lb/ft2 500 See Note 2
Interface Friction Angle(3) Minimum Degrees 24 ASTM D 5321
Minimum after 500
Ultra-violet Light Stability Percent 98 ASTM D 4355
hrs exposure
Structural Geogrid I (Uniaxial)
Ultimate Tensile Strength Minimum Lb/ft2 9,000 ASTM D 6637
Long-Term Allowable Tensile 2
Minimum Lb/ft 3,400 See Note 2
Interface Friction Angle (3) Minimum Degrees 24 ASTM D 5321
Structural Geogrid II (Uniaxial)
Ultimate Tensile Strength Minimum Lb/ft2 7,000 ASTM D 6637
Long-Term Allowable Tensile
Minimum Lb/ft2 2,200 See Note 2
Interface Friction Angle(3) Minimum Degrees 24 ASTM D 5321

1. All values represent minimum average roll values (i.e., any roll in a lot should meet or exceed these
2. The minimum long-term allowable tensile strength (TA) of geogrid shall consider the long-term creep and
environmental degradation characteristics of installed geogrid and is defined as follows:

TA = TULT / (RFD * RFID * RFCR) where:

TULT = Ultimate (or yield tensile strength) from wide width tensile strength tests (ASTM D 6637) based on a
minimum average roll value for the product.

RFD = Durability factor dependent upon the susceptibility of the geogrid to attack by chemicals,
microorganisms, thermal oxidation, hydrolysis, and stress cracking. RFD shall be set at 1.1.

RFID = Installation damage factor dependent upon the fill gradation, mass per unit weight and placement
techniques. RFD shall be set at 1.1.

RFCR = Creep reduction factor is the ration of the ultimate strength (TULT) of the geogrid to the creep limit
strength obtained from laboratory creep tests performed by the Geogrid Manufacturer for each product. RFCR
shall be established by creep test data supplied by the Geogrid Manufacturer.

3. Specimens shall be compacted to 95 percent of maximum dry density as determined by standard proctor testing.
The soil/geogrid interface shall be wetted and testing performed at normal stresses of 2,000lb/ft2, 4,000 lb/ft2 and
9,000 lb/ft2.

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Polymer Composition
(polypropylene or Minimum Percent 95 ---
Construction Type --- --- ---
Mass Per Unit Area Minimum oz/yd 8 10 16 ASTM D 5261
Apparent Opening Size Maximum US Sieve O95 ≥ 80 ASTM D 4751
Grab Strength Minimum lb. 200 240 380 ASTM D 4632
Tear Strength Minimum lb. 80 90 140 ASTM D 4533
Puncture Strength Minimum lb. 110 155 230 ASTM D 4833
UV Resistance at 500
Minimum Percent 70 ASTM D 4355

1. All values represent minimum average roll values (i.e., any roll in a lot should meet or
exceed these values).

ME0584/MD10741_Appendix B 64 12.08.31
Form 24, Part VI, Area E PMA
Lanchester Landfill
Construction Quality Assurance Plan

GCL Properties:
Bentonite Content(2) Minimum lb/ft2 0.75 ASTM D 5993
(3) 3 2 -8
Hydraulic Flux Minimum m /m -sec 1 x 10 ASTM D 5887
Bentonite Swell Loss Minimum mL/2 g min 24 ASTM D 5890
Bentonite Fluid Loss Maximum mL 18 ASTM D 5891
Moisture Content (Bentonite) Maximum Percent 15 ASTM D 4643
(4) 2
Internal Shear Strength Minimum lb/ft 400 ASTM D6243
Interface Friction Angle
(between GCL and underlying Minimum Degrees 16 ASTM D 5321

1. All values represent minimum average roll values (i.e., any roll in a lot should meet or exceed
these values).
2. The sodium bentonite component shall be applied at an average concentration of 0.75 lb/ft2 when
measured at a water content of zero percent.
3. Hydraulic flux the GCL shall be measured under an effective confining stress of 5 lb/in2.
4. Testing performed after hydrating the GCL for 24 hours under a normal pressure of 200 lb/ft2.

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Form 24, Part VI, Area E PMA
Lanchester Landfill
Construction Quality Assurance Plan



nominal Mils 60 40 ASTM D 5994
Mils 57 38 ASTM D 5994
Thickness lowest for 8 out
Mils 54 36 ASTM D 5994
of 10 values
Lowest for any
Mils 51 34 ASTM D 5994
of the 10 values
Asperity Height Mils 10 GRI GM 12
ASTM D 792 or
Density minimum g/cc 0.940
ASTM D 1505
Tensile Properties
(each direction)
1. Yield Strength minimum Lb/in. 132 84 ASTM D 6693
2. Break Strength minimum Lb/in. 90 60 ASTM D 6693
3. Yield Elongation minimum % 12 ASTM D 6693
4. Break Elongation minimum % 100 ASTM D 6693

Puncture Resistance minimum Lb. 90 60 ASTM D 4833

ASTM D 1603 or
Carbon Black Content % 2.0 - 3.0
Carbon Black Dispersion N/A None See Note 2 ASTM D 5596
Stress Crack Resistance minimum Hours 400 ASTM D 5397

1. All values represent minimum average roll values (i.e., any roll in a lot should meet or exceed these
2. Carbon black dispersion (only near spherical agglomerates) for 10 different views:
 minimum 9 in Categories 1 or 2; and
 maximum 1 in Category 3.
3. See continuation of Table 7 for interface friction property requirements.

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Form 24, Part VI, Area E PMA
Lanchester Landfill
Construction Quality Assurance Plan




Geomembrane Thickness Mils 60 40
Subbase-geomembrane Degrees 25 24
Interface Friction – Low minimum
Normal Stress Adhesion (psf) 25 0
Subbase-geomembrane Degrees 16
Interface Friction – High minimum na
Normal Stress Adhesion (psf) 0
Geomembrane-GCL Degrees 30
Interface Friction – Low minimum na
Normal Stress (see Note 2) Adhesion (psf) 0
Geomembrane-GCL Degrees 16 ASTM D 5321
Interface Friction – High minimum na See Notes 3 and 4
Normal Stress Adhesion (psf) 0
Degrees 32 24
Geocomposite or Geotextile
Interface Friction – Low
Adhesion (psf) 0 0
Normal Stress
Degrees 32
Geocomposite or Geotextile
minimum na
Interface Friction – High
Adhesion (psf) 0
Normal Stress

3. Interface friction testing shall be performed between each layer of the bottom liner or final cover cross section
using the proposed liner system materials (i.e., low permeability soil, geomembrane, geocomposite, GCL,
geomembrane, geotextile and protective cover). Test specimens with soils shall be compacted to 95 percent of
maximum dry density and within two percent of the optimum moisture content as determined by the standard
Proctor compaction test (ASTM D 698). Soil/geosynthetic interfaces shall be wetted and the test specimen shall
be saturated for 24 hours prior to testing. Base liner testing shall be performed at two sets normal stresses: 150
lb/ft2, 300 lb/ft2, 500 lb/ft2 and 1,500 lb/ft2, 3,500 lb/ft2, and 7,000 lb/ft2. Closure cap testing will be performed
at normal stresses of: 100 lb/ft2, 200 lb/ft2, and 400 lb/ft2.
4. Under normal pressure of 150 lb/ft2, 300 lb/ft2, 500 lb/ft2, GCL used can be non-hydrated. Under normal
pressures of 1,500, 3,500 and 7,000 lb/ft2, the GCL shall be fully- hydrated.

ME0584/MD10741_Appendix B 67 12.08.31
Form 24, Part VI, Area E PMA
Lanchester Landfill
Construction Quality Assurance Plan



Gauge Nominal Mils 60 ASTM D5994
Shear Strength(1) Minimum lb/in 108 ASTM D6392
At yield point
Peel Adhesion Minimum lb/in 90 ASTM D6392
FTB(2) Fusion
Peel Adhesion Minimum lb/in 78 ASTM D6392
FTB(2) Extrusion

1. Also called “Bonded Seam Strength.”
2. In addition to the minimum passing values, passing seams shall not separate more that 10
percent of the width into the weld and shall exhibit the following location of breaks:
 Fusion Welded Seams – BRK, SE1, SE2, and AD-BRK
 Extrusion Welded Seams – SE1, SE2, SE3, BRK1, and BRK2

ME0584/MD10741_Appendix B 68 12.08.31
Form 24, Part VI, Area E PMA
Lanchester Landfill
Construction Quality Assurance Plan



Geonet Component
Polyethylene Content minimum % ---
by weight
Resin Density minimum g/cc 0.935 ASTM D 1505
Carbon Black Content range % 2.0 - 3.0 ASTM D 1603
Melt Index maximum g/10 min 1.0 ASTM D 1238
Thickness minimum mils 200 ASTM D 1777
ASTM D 3776
Weight Per Square Foot minimum Lb/ft2 0.16
(Option C)
Foaming Agents maximum % 0.0 N/A
Geotextile Component
95 polyester or
Polymer Composition minimum % ---
Construction type --- needle-punched ---
Mass Per Unit Area minimum Oz/yd2 8 ASTM D 3776
Apparent Opening Size maximum mm O95  0.21 mm ASTM D 4751
Hydraulic Conductivity minimum gal/min/ft2 95 ASTM D 4491
Grab Strength minimum lb. 200 ASTM D 4632
Tear Strength minimum lb. 80 ASTM D 4533
Puncture Strength minimum lb. 110 ASTM D 4833
UV Resistance at 500 hrs minimum percent 70 ASTM D 4355
Transmissivity minimum gal/ft/min 1  10-1 See Note 3
Peel Strength minimum gm/in 500 ASTM F 904(2)
Interface Shear Strength
Between Geocomposite 24 (final cover)
minimum degrees ASTM D 5321
and Textured 32 (liner)
1. All values represent minimum average roll values (i.e., test results for a samples collected from any
roll in a lot should meet or exceed the values in this table).
2. Minimum of values measured in machine and cross machine directions with 1 in. clamp on Constant
Rate of Extension (CRE) machine.
3. Transmissivity to be measured using water at 68F (20C) with gradients of 0.02 and 0.3, under a
confining pressure of 15,000 lb/sf. The geocomposite shall be placed in the testing device between
the protective cover soil material and the selected and approved textured geomembrane.
Measurements are taken one hour after application of confining pressure.

ME0584/MD10741_Appendix B 69 12.08.31

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