Artemisia Annua

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Artemisia annua and its Effects

on Cancer Proliferation
A Major Qualifying Project Report:

submitted to the faculty of the


Department of Biology and Biotechnology

in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

Degree of Bachelor of Science

Advisors: Professor Michael Buckholt, PhD and Professor Jill Rulfs, PhD
Authors: Edward Dring and Sebastian Espinoza

Date: April 26, 2017

Table of Contents
Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................................3
Abstract .............................................................................................................................................4
Iron and Cancer ..............................................................................................................................6
Research on Artemisia princeps .......................................................................................................8
Cancer Cell Lines.............................................................................................................................9
Methods .......................................................................................................................................... 10
Cell Culture................................................................................................................................... 10
Tea Extraction............................................................................................................................... 10
High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) .......................................................................... 10
MTT Assay .................................................................................................................................... 11
Results............................................................................................................................................. 12
High Performance Liquid Chromatography ..................................................................................... 12
MTT Assay .................................................................................................................................... 15
Discussion ........................................................................................................................................ 17
References ....................................................................................................................................... 19
Appendix A....................................................................................................................................... 22

We would like to thank Rebecca German, Whitney Hazard, and Reed Maxim for their
collaboration with us in planning and running experiments, for the additional data they supplied
us, and for their assistance writing this report. We would also like to thank Dr. Pamela Weathers
for providing the Artemisia annua we used in our experiments.

Tea brewed from Artemisia annua is commonly used as an antimalarial, but its effects on cancer
are almost entirely unknown. To test these effects, breast (MCF7) and ovarian (OVCAR-3)
cancer cells were cultured in the presence of tea extract and their growth measured. Results
suggest that the tea promotes proliferation in both cell lines, raising concerns that use of the tea
for malaria treatment may increase cancer risk.

Artemisia annua is a type of wormwood plant used in the treatment of malaria. The plant has
been used in Chinese traditional medicine, where it is known as qinghao, since at least the
second century BC. In this tradition, it was believed to have a cooling and detoxifying effect,
allowing it to effectively counteract the fevers brought on by malaria. Western medicine was
introduced to the plant in the 1970's after the increasing prevalence of drug-resistant Plasmodium
parasites drove the Chinese government to research traditional remedies for the disease (Hsu,

Since it was determined to have anti-malarial properties, the plant has been used primarily as a
source of artemisinin, the major anti-malarial compound in the plant that has also been shown to
have anti-proliferative effects on cancer. However, tea made from the plant is still used as a
common malaria treatment and prevention measure in countries where it grows natively, and
studies have therefore been conducted to test the effectiveness of the tea compared to
artemisinin. Similarly, some tests have been conducted to determine its comparative effects on
cancer based on the beneficial effects seen in the use of artemisinin and other compounds present
in the plant in preventing cancer proliferation (Ko et. al., 2016). In order to expand upon this
fairly limited body of research, we chose to analyze the effects of A. annua extract on the growth
of breast and ovarian cancers.

The major component in Artemisia annua used in malaria treatments is artemisinin. The
artemisinin molecule has an endoperoxide bridge which allows it to interact with iron and form
free radicals, shown in Figure 1 below (Tonmumphean 2001).
Figure 1: Diagram showing the cleavage of the endoperoxide bridge in the artemisinin molecule
(Tonmumphean, 2001).

Free radicals are highly reactive, capable of causing large amounts of damage to cells when
present in high concentrations (National Institute of Health, 2014). This makes artemisinin an
effective antimalarial, as those parasites are abnormally high in iron due to their presence in their
hosts’ blood. It also has potential as a cancer therapy for the same reason; relative to healthy
cells, cancer cells tend to have high concentrations of iron as discussed below. This potential has
been studied extensively both in human cancer in vitro (Singh 2004, Sun 1995) and in rat models
in vivo (Singh 2001), repeatedly demonstrating anti-proliferative effects on many types of
cancers. Human trials have not been conducted due to decreased efficacy compared to current
chemotherapeutic agents, but artemisinin derivatives are being explored for possible increased

Iron and Cancer

There have been a number of studies that have identified various ways in which cancer is linked
to iron in humans. One review of 33 studies on colorectal cancer concluded that higher levels of
dietary or supplementary iron correlated with increased rates of cancer (Nelson 2001), while in a
separate study clinically reduced levels of iron due to repeated phlebotomy were shown to
decrease the risk of cancer (Edgren 2008). Most relevant here, some researchers have discussed
the apparent modification of the tumor environment to be particularly iron-rich, providing
cancers growth benefits from the increased iron compared to more regulated iron levels in
healthy tissues (Torti, 2013). These indicators show that iron is likely to be more highly
concentrated in cancer cells, providing a target for artemisinin to generate free radicals and
damage those cells.

Artemisia annua
Tea produced from Artemisia annua has been a part of Chinese traditional medicine for
thousands of years for the treatment of intermittent fevers, a common symptom of malaria (Hsu
2006). This continues to be a common course of treatment for malaria, particularly in rural areas
of countries where the plant grows naturally and access to purified artemisinin can be difficult
(de Ridder 2008). Use of the tea may provide additional benefits compared to artemisinin alone;
it is possible that other compounds present in the tea also have anti-malarial properties,
increasing efficacy while also reducing the likelihood of resistance developing against
artemisinin (Ferreira 2010). An in vivo study of malaria patients was conducted to analyze the
efficacy of A. annua tea, showing that the tea preparation had equivalent effects to artemisinin in
rapidly eradicating parasites (Mueller 2000).

Based on the observed efficacy of the tea on malaria and the research showing the effectiveness
of artemisinin against cancer, some researchers have shown interest in A. annua tea as a form of
cancer treatment. One study analyzed the effect of both artemisinin and A. annua tea on HeLa
cancer cells and Trypanosoma parasites to determine lethal doses (Efferth 2010). Their results,
generated using two different preparation techniques on seven different A. annua samples,
consistently demonstrated lower IC 50 values by weight for the tea than artemisinin alone in both
the cancer and the parasites.

Another study, however, found that the tea had higher IC 50 values than artemisinin in MCF7
breast cancer cells (Subaru 2014). To further test this, the researchers tested the cytotoxicity of
artemisinin with another major compound in artemisia, 3-caffeoylquinic acid (3CA), and found
that the antagonistic interactions almost completely nullified the effects of artemisinin. From this
they concluded that, while some compounds present in artemisia extract may act synergistically,
the presence of 3CA decreases the overall cytotoxicity to cancer cells.

Research on Artemisia princeps

Research on the effects of Artemisia annua on cancer growth are rare, but some studies have
been performed with a close relative, Artemisia princeps. In one study (Sarath, 2007),
researchers tested the growth of MCF7 cells with two forms of treatment media: an Artemisia
smoke media and an extraction of A. princeps in water. The smoke media was prepared by
burning the leaves of the plant and collecting the smoke in 50ml complete culture medium. The
water extract was prepared by mixing the ashes of the burned leaves with 1.5 liters of boiling
water. MCF7 cells were cultured with either the smoke extract or water extract, and the effects
were measured using MTT and TUNEL assays. The researchers concluded that A. princeps
smoke and water extracts induced apoptosis by disrupting the mitochondrial membrane
potentials. They suggested that these extracts reduces BCL-2, a molecule that protects the cell
from various apoptotic molecules that disrupt mitochondrial membrane potential. When the
smoke was used with doxorubicin, a chemotherapeutic drug, the number of living MCF7 cells
decreased by 50%, suggesting that the smoke can be used with other drugs for synergistic

Another study (Ju, 2012) examined the effects of the plant on HeLa (human cervical cancer),
A5-49 (human lung cancer), T-47D (human breast cancer), and AsPC-1 (human pancreatic
cancer) cells. A. princeps was dried and extracted in 95% ethanol at room temperature for 24
hours and then the ethanol solutions were filtered, evaporated, and freeze-dried into a powder.
This powder was then solubilized in H2 O, extracted with hexane/ethyl acetate, and then
evaporated to acquire a flavonoid-rich fraction (FRAP). The cell lines were then grown with
FRAP or with cisplatin, a chemotherapeutic agent used as a positive control, using the MTT
assay to assess the cell viability and determine IC 50 values. The researchers found lower IC50
values in the cells treated with FRAP than those treated with cisplatin, suggesting that the
flavonoids extracted from Artemisia princeps had strong apoptotic effects on cells. Their data
also suggests that FRAP disrupts the mitochondrial membrane potential by reducing the presence
of BCL-2.
Cancer Cell Lines
Breast cancer is both the second most common cancer in women and the second leading cause of
cancer death in women. Roughly 12% of all women in the US will be diagnosed at some point in
their lives, causing over 40,000 deaths each year. While the mortality rate has been decreasing
every year, the incidence rates have been increasing (DeSantis et. al., 2016). In order to analyze
the effects of A. annua on breast cancer, we used the MCF7 cell line, a well-studied estrogen
receptor-positive breast cancer cell line. The cell line was chosen both because breast cancer is a
common cancer likely to afflict any population, and also because it is a well-characterized model

Ovarian cancer, while not as common as breast cancer, is still contracted by over 21,000 women
in the US each year. Because it is hard to diagnose early, it has a high mortality rate and is the
most lethal gynecological malignancy (Huang, 2010). To determine the effects of A. annua on
ovarian cancer, we used the estrogen-responsive OVCAR-3 cell line. This cell line was chosen
mainly for comparison with MCF7 cells, to observe if the effects of tea extracts were consistent
between multiple cancer models.

Our Project
Both artemisinin and Artemisia annua tea are currently in use as antimalarial treatments, and
both have been studied and shown to be effective in killing the parasites (Mueller 2000).
Artemisinin has also been shown to be effective in treating cancer, leading some researchers to
hypothesize that A. annua tea may have similar effects. This has not been studied as extensively,
however, and the current research is unclear as to how effective the treatment may be. Better
understanding of these effects could potentially lead to the tea being used in new chemotherapy
approaches, or it could reveal the adverse side effects of tea use against malaria and push for
change in cultural practice. We therefore decided to study the effects of both A. annua tea and
artemisinin on cancer growth, using two common preparations of the tea for comparison and two
different cancer cell lines. We hypothesized that A. annua tea would inhibit cancer proliferation
at greater levels than equivalent amounts of artemisinin alone. Our results suggest the opposite,
showing that artemisinin decreases cell proliferation but the tea increases cell proliferation
relative to the untreated controls.

Cell Culture
Both MCF7 and OVCAR-3 cell lines were obtained from the ATCC and cultured according to
the procedures outlined in Hamelers, 2003. Briefly, the cells were cultured in Dulbecco’s
modified Eagle’s medium (Meditech, Inc), which contained 10% fetal bovine serum (Equitech)
for MCF7 cells and 20% fetal bovine serum for OVCAR-3 cells, 100 µg/mL of bovine insulin
(Sigma Aldrich), 100 IU/mL penicillin, 100 µg/mL streptomycin. The cells were incubated at
37°C with 5% CO 2 until they reached approximately 60% confluence, at which point they would
be plated for the MTT assay.

Tea Extraction
Two forms of Artemisia annua tea were prepared, using dried leaves acquired from Dr. Pamela
Weathers, following the protocol outlined in Subaru (2014), with slight modifications. For the
water tea, 5 g of Artemisia leaves were crushed in a pestle and mortar and added to 1 L of water
and boiled for twenty minutes, strained using filter paper, and stored at either 4°C or 20°C. For
the ethanol tea, 1 g of Artemisia annua leaves were crushed in a pestle and mortar and added to
200 mL of 70% ethanol in water, then incubated overnight at room temperature with shaking.
Plant matter was removed using filter paper, and ethanol was allowed to evaporate overnight.
The dry extract was then resuspended in 200 mL of water.

High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)

HPLC was performed on the extracts following the protocol outlined in Lapkin (2009), with
some modifications. Briefly, using an Agilent 1100 Series system HPLC, a C-18 250 x 4.6 mm
column was run under isocratic conditions with a flow rate of 1 mL/min for 20 minutes, using
24% acetonitrile, 0.06% formic acid, 0.016% acetic acid and 75.92% water. This mobile phase
was initially used due to experimental error, rather than the more common 60% acetonitrile/40%
water, but was kept in use because it generated clearer data. Samples of both the water and
ethanol teas were separated, and the artemisinin peak in each was confirmed by spiking the
sample with additional pure artemisinin. Additional runs were performed with either 2.12 µg,
2.82 µg, 3.53 µg, or 4.23 µg of artemisinin to establish a correlation between peak area on the
HPLC chromatogram and the mass of artemisinin added to the column, which was then used to
determine the artemisinin content of both the water and ethanol teas.

MTT Assay
To measure cell proliferation, Promega CellTiter 96 Cell Proliferation Assays (MTT) were
performed following the normal protocol. Briefly, MCF7 and OVCAR-3 cells were plated on a
96-well plate at a concentration of 104 cells/well in 200 µL of normal growth media and
incubated for 24 hours, again at 37°C with 5% CO 2 . The media was then removed and replaced
with 200 µL of experimental media, which was growth media containing 5%, 7.5%, 10%, or
12.5% tea, or growth media containing 100 µg/mL artemisinin, with normal growth media
without tea as a control. Each experimental condition was run in triplicate for each experiment.
After an additional 24 hour incubation, 40 µL of the MTT labelling reagent was then added to
each well and incubated for four hours, after which the absorbance of each well was read at 570
nm using a microplate reader. The data were expressed as percent control relative to cells in
normal growth media and averaged across three trials.

High Performance Liquid Chromatography

Both the water tea and ethanol tea were tested for artemisinin content using the HPLC procedure
given in the methods section. In order to interpret the HPLC data, pure artemisinin was first run
at several different concentrations to establish a curve comparing the concentration of
artemisinin to the HPLC peak area in milli-absorbance units (mAU). An example of the
chromatogram obtained for these HPLC runs is shown below in Figure 2.

HPLC Chromatogram for Pure Artemisinin in Ethanol at 1.5 mM


Peak Height (mAU)


Time (min)

Figure 2: Chromatogram for pure artemisinin in ethanol at 1.5 mM. 10 µL of solution was added
to a C-18 250 x 4.6 mm column run under isocratic conditions with a flow rate of 1 mL/min for
20 minutes, using 24% acetonitrile, 0.06% formic acid, 0.016% acetic acid and 75.92% water, as
described in methods.

The first labeled peak in Figure 2 was determined to be the solvent, ethanol, by running another
HPLC test using only pure ethanol. The second labeled peak was determined to be artemisinin by
varying the concentration of artemisinin relative to ethanol in subsequent trials.
After several different concentrations of pure artemisinin were tested, the chromatogram peak
areas were plotted against mass of artemisinin added to the column to generate a model that
would predict mass of artemisinin given any chromatogram area. This graph is shown in Figure 3


y = 217.25x - 106.41
800 R² = 0.867

Peak Area (mAU)







2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
Mass of Artemisinin Added (ug)

Figure 3: Graph displaying four HPLC results for artemisinin samples at different
concentrations, with a line of best fit.

The four masses of artemisinin tested (2.12 µg, 2.82 µg, 3.53 µg, 4.23 µg) and their respective
peak areas determined by HPLC could be used to determine the mass of artemisinin present in an
unknown solution using the equation shown in Figure 3. The two Artemisia tea extracts were
then tested to determine artemisinin content. A representative chromatogram is shown in Figure
4 below, along with a chromatogram showing the tea extract spiked with artemisinin to
determine the correct peak.
HPLC Chromatogram for Ethanol Tea

Peak Height (mAU)


Time (min)

Figure 4: Chromatogram for Artemisia tea extracted in ethanol. 10 µL of tea was added to a C-
18 250 x 4.6 mm column run under isocratic conditions with a flow rate of 1 mL/min for 20
minutes, using 24% acetonitrile, 0.06% formic acid, 0.016% acetic acid and 75.92% water, as
described in methods.

HPLC Chromatogram for Ethanol Tea Spiked with 0.141 µg of Artemisinin

Peak Height (mAU)


Time (min)
Figure 5: Chromatogram for ethanol tea spiked with 0.141 µg of artemisinin. 10 µL of the
spiked tea was added to a C-18 250 x 4.6 mm column run under isocratic conditions with a flow
rate of 1 mL/min for 20 minutes, using 24% acetonitrile, 0.06% formic acid, 0.016% acetic acid
and 75.92% water, as described in methods.
Both the ethanol and water teas were tested, and confirmation tests in which the teas were spiked
with additional pure artemisinin were performed to correctly identify the artemisinin peak. The
peak area for the ethanol tea, shown in Figure 4, was found to be 52.42 mAU, which corresponds
to 0.731 µg or 259 µM artemisinin in the tea. The peak area for the water tea was found to be
50.11 mAU, corresponding to 0.720 µg or 255 µM artemisinin in the tea.

MTT Assay
Both water and ethanol extracted teas were mixed in media at different concentrations as
described in methods. The concentrations of teas present in media were 5%, 7.5%, 10%, and
12.5%. A negative control of 0% tea in media was run as well. Figure 5 below shows the
normalized data in percent control with standard error bars. An increase in cell proliferation was
shown at all concentrations for both cell lines in both teas, as high as a 70% increase, with no
apparent dose response. However, there is significant error for many of the test conditions.




Percent Control






0% 5% H2O 7.5% H2O 10% H2O 12.5% H2O 5% EtOH 7.5% EtOH 10% EtOH 12.5%
Tea Tea Tea Tea Tea Tea Tea EtOH Tea
Figure 5: Cellular response to various amounts of water tea and ethanol tea in media after
growth for 24 hours. Relative numbers of cells were measured as absorbance 4 hours after
addition of MTT reagent. Samples were run in triplicate for each experiment, with n = 3
individual trials for each condition normalized to the control (normal growth media).

This experiment was also run with pure artemisinin. The pure artemisinin concentration that was
present in the media for this experiment was 100µM of artemisinin in culture media. Figure 6
below shows the normalized data in terms of percent control. The reduction in cell proliferation
was less than 10% for both cell lines, although with only two trials significance cannot be




Percent Control







MCF-7 Ave OVCAR-3 Ave

No Artemisinin 100µM Artemisinin

Figure 6: Cellular response to 100µM artemisinin in culture media after growth for 24 hours.
Relative numbers of cells were measured as absorbance 4 hours after addition of MTT reagent.
Samples were run in triplicate for each experiment, with n = 2 individual trials for each condition
normalized to the control (normal growth media).

The purpose of these experiments was to observe the effects of Artemisia annua extracts in the
form of water tea and ethanol tea on MCF-7 and OVCAR-3 proliferation. Based on the data
presented in Figure 5, both forms of tea promoted proliferation in both cell lines. This result is
surprising, as previous research had indicated that the tea was lethal to cancer cells at lower
concentrations than artemisinin. Our own test of pure artemisinin, shown in Figure 6, supported
the literature and displayed decreased proliferation of both cell lines, suggesting that these results
are not simply due to our particular cell lines, though with only two trials more research would
be needed to confirm this. However, the response shown in both cell lines appeared to be lower
than what would be expected from the literature, as other researchers have determined an IC 50
value of artemisinin to be 9.13 ± 0.07 µM. The methods for our MTT assay are not entirely
analogous to the methods those researchers used to determine the IC 50 , particularly in the fact
that our experiments involved a significantly decreased growth period after the addition of
artemisinin, which may partially explain this discrepancy. Still, this decreased efficacy of
artemisinin on our cell lines may also partially explain our surprising results for tea media.

While one study did report decreased efficacy of tea relative to artemisinin, likely due to
competitive inhibition from other compounds present in the tea, the data still supported the
suggestion of some researchers that A. annua had promise as a chemotherapeutic agent. Our
project refutes this, potentially revealing a serious side effect of A. annua tea usage as an
antimalarial. Given that purified artemisinin and its derivatives have been shown to effectively
treat malaria and decrease cancer risk, use of the drug should certainly be advised over use of the
tea, even in rural areas with much greater access to the plant.

Our HPLC results suggested that the artemisinin content of both the water tea and ethanol tea
was roughly equivalent, at 255 µM and 259 µM respectively. These results may not be accurate,
as the only standard curve that could be generated used masses of artemisinin an order of
magnitude larger than what was found for the tea samples. Future research should replicate these
tests with lower masses of artemisinin corresponding to the amounts in the tea samples to better
determine their concentrations. Additionally, the elution time for artemisinin appeared to vary
between the pure compound and the tea samples. To verify that that the peaks observed in the tea
samples were artemisinin, HPLC tests were performed on tea samples spiked with artemisinin,
confirming that the peak was artemisinin despite eluting more than a minute earlier. This
discrepancy is likely due to some other compound or compounds in the tea interacting with the
artemisinin and causing it to elute earlier, though this should not affect the expected correlation
between peak area and mass of artemisinin. Assuming our calculated concentrations are accurate,
our tea experiments were using significantly lower concentrations of artemisinin in the media
than our pure artemisinin tests – only 32.3 µM even at the highest concentration tested, less than
a third of the pure artemisinin tested. While this low concentration present in the tea media tests
is greater than observed IC 50 values in the literature, our cells seemed to display a decreased
responsiveness to artemisinin even at the much higher value tested, meaning that the amount
present may not have had any significant effect.

The potential difference in artemisinin concentration between the water tea and ethanol tea does
not greatly affect our conclusions, however. Due to the large standard error for each
experimental condition, neither water tea nor ethanol tea could be found to be more potent, nor
could a specific tea concentration be determined to have had the greatest effect on proliferation.
One possible source of the large variance in samples was that the cells were not nutrient starved
before adding the experimental media to force them into the G0 phase. If this was done for every
experiment run, the cells may have grown at more similar rates from experiment to experiment.
Going forward, this technique should be applied to produce more consistent results, and more
trials should be conducted. Additionally, other forms of cancer should be studied to determine if
the same effects can be demonstrated, and in vivo studies of cancer risk with tea consumption
should also be conducted to verify that these results translate to disease outcomes.

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Appendix A

HPLC Chromatograms

Figure 7: Chromatogram for the water tea, obtained as described in methods.

Figure 8: Chromatogram for pure artemisinin in ethanol at 1.5 mM, obtained as described in
Figure 9: Chromatogram for pure artemisinin in ethanol at 1.25 mM, obtained as described in

Figure 9: Chromatogram for pure artemisinin in ethanol at 1 mM, obtained as described in

Figure 10: Chromatogram for pure artemisinin in ethanol at 0.75 mM, obtained as described in

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