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NAME: Umair Ali

REG NO: L1s17bbam0005



Unilever is a British –Dutch multinational consumer good company, head quarter in London, England. It
product include food , energy drinks, ice cream, tea, cleaning agent , beauty products and personal care
product, unilever is the largest producer of soap in world. At unilever we meet every day nutrition,
hygiene and personal care with brands that help people feel good, look good and get more out of life


Aggregate planning is a marketing activity that does an aggregate plan for production process in advance
6 to 8 months , to give an idea to management as to what quantity of material and other resources are
to be procured and when so that of operation of the organization is kept to the minimum

Unilever aggregate planning:

1) Design of good and services:

The objective of strategic decision is to develop product that suits the organization. Universal
operation management attend to product development issue and challenges. Success is
achieved through continuous innovation to address consumer expectation in unilever marketing
mix the high variety of consumer good create complex set of need for this decision area.

2) Quality Management:
In this strategic decision area operations manager deal with satisfying consumer expectation on
product quality. Unilever approach involves implementing quality standard in operational
processes to satisfy product quality requirement

3) Process and capacity design:

 The objective of operations management in this strategic decision area is to ensure adequate
resources and develop processes to support production. Unilever applies robotics and
automation in most of the production processes under its control. This approach maximizes
operational efficiency and productivity.

4) Location strategy:
Unilever aims to minimize production costs and transport costs of its consumer goods to reach
target markets. The company’s operations managers maintain facility locations that optimize
proximity to labor markets, suppliers, and target consumers
5) Layout design and strategy:
Efficient movement of information and resources is the operations management objective in
this strategic decision area. Efficient flow of information is achieved through computing
technologies and networks in Unilever’s facilities.

6) Job Design and Human Resources.

This strategic decision area of operations management considers the sufficiency of human
resources to support business operations. Operational efforts in this area support Unilever’s
organizational culture of performance.

7) Supply Chain Management

In this strategic decision area, operations managers must ensure that the supply chain supports
business strategies. Unilever’s consumer goods supply chain is extensively automated. The
company’s operations management approach leads to high productivity

8) Inventory Management.
Optimal inventory ordering and holding are the objectives in this strategic decision area of
operations management. Unilever is concerned with maintaining an adequate inventory of
consumer goods to enable the business to respond to changes in the market.

9) Scheduling:
This strategic decision area focuses on short-term and intermediate schedules for resource
utilization. For human resources, Unilever relies on localized operations management to address
needs in local or regional consumer goods markets.

10) Maintenance.
Operations managers aim at high reliability and stability of business processes in this strategic
decision area. Unilever maintains redundancy measures to ensure process capacity when
demand suddenly peaks. Also, the company’s operations management involves a flexible
scheme that allows some degree of organizational movement of personnel within facilities.


So this is how that unilever meet it aggregate plan to achieve it customer satisfaction and
attention. The productivity of unilever operation using no of criteria or measures. With a global
consumer goods and organization and a diversified product mix a wide verity of these measures
are used to support operation management decision. The following are some criteria of unilever
are as follow:
a) Batches shipped
b) Unit produced
C) inquires addressed

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