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Topic: AFCON

And the unsung hero is Dr Lawrence Mulindwa.

With Afcon underway in Egypt and a new wave of love, unity and patriotism swimming on the
Ugandan soil, we might be so quick to forget where the whole story began. When you talk
about Uganda’s football history today you cannot do so without talking about Dr Mulindwa
unless you have a problem because he has not only shown what a true statesman can be but he
has also shown an example of what an effective and transparent leadership can do. He is a
candid portrait of a global leader with high intellectual abilities and extra-ordinary capacity and
vision, which can be seen through his already established projects and achievements. Infact I
am at times surprised about how big an impact one committed man can have on a sector. Dr
Mulindwa has been a true reflection of the Chinese adage that it is better to send three lions
than a thousand sheep. I was really humbled when President Museveni awarded him a medal
at the 54​th independence anniversary in recognition of the work he has done in the sector and
indeed it is the spirit we have to carry on as Ugandans, We shouldn’t wait when people are no
more and then we shower them with ululations of praise of enviable wisdom and greatness as
though we were not with them for all their life time. Most recently, his school St Mary’s
Kitende won the Copa-Coca-cola with a new spring of young talents which was not an accident
,what can I say? Sometime back we were used to that because Kitende dominated the sports
fraternity for more than one and a half decades How many stars have we seen that have been
associated with Dr Mulindwa’s developments both in Vipers and Kitende? For instance Farouq
Miya, Nicholas Wadada, Kezirone Kizito, Hassan Wasswa, Allan Kyambadde, Kizito
Luwagga,Emmanuel Okwi, Tadeo Lwanga, Murushid JJuko and so many others. The St Mary’s
stadium indeed has always been and will continue to be the home of Uganda’s talents.
Dr Mulindwa even after retiring from FUFA has continued to light the candle towards sports
development in this country. An investor who has selflessly devoted enormous resources and
given ample time to see to it that football and sports is taken to a higher level. He currently has
over 200 sports men and women on bursary at St Mary’s Kitende in a bid to promote sports in
the country.
Mulindwa also revolutionalisied Uganda’s football and made cranes a brand to watch,
navigated Uganda’s football hope into the world of sponsors as in who could imagine a local
football club attaining sponsorship to a tune of 700 million Uganda shillings? This and many
others is what has driven people to call him a gift that keeps giving.
Dr Mulindwa also transformed Kitende from a small bushy area without electricity to a big
recognized city and to date if anybody talks about Kitende, one can only get a picture of a big
city and trading centre with a vast number of businesses and schools. Shopping malls and so
many other developments. He is a true reflection of selflessness because how many people do
we see giving away their fortune for the common good? But for us who know and see can
appreciate the fruits of his work.
Indeed, we should be greatful for such a gesture of good will; Uganda needs more Mulindwas’
in every sector to see to it that we move another level.
Gukiina Patrick Musoke
[email protected]
Founding member Writers Association of Uganda.

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