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Modern Heroes
If I am going to think a new hero in our present time, I think they are the one who are
not wearing a cape with a superstitious power instead wearing a camouflage attire and
braveness to serve the people and yes, they are our military servants.
In the amidst of crisis that we are facing today ,they are one the primary people who
needed of our country because this is one of their duties to serve the people with all
heart and courage. They quite look scary when they are wearing their duty uniform ,the
composition of their body, the tone of their voice that looks like they never been scared
in any situation that they comethru.
We all know that before they reach their profession there is a lot of survival they have
been experienced, that some of us cannot do, their chosen career takes and came from
brave decision because being a military personnel is not an easy job.
They are the one who awake in the night surveilling the environment .They are the one
who do military service such as during calamities, they are the one who arrange and
initiate the service during disasters, for evacuation, giving relief goods, rescue
someone, thing or anything else.
They are our present heroes everyday ,they can give their life ,they can take the risk to
serve in our country. Even until their last breath. They might kill by the shoot of the gun
or doing bravery acts they don’t mind because that are their promise in our homeland to
serve the nation for peace and security of our nation.
A soldier is the pride of our nation. They defends the honor of their motherland with their
life and blood. They have to rise above they own self to defend the nation. Their
profession brings out the best qualities in them like chivalry, discipline, team sprite,
loyalty and steadfastness. Example, serves as a beacon light to others who are tame
and cowardly. Their life is a source of inspiration to the youth of the nation. They have
no politics in their makeup. They serve the nation to the best of their ability.
The life of soldiers are very tough and full of discipline. They have to be mentally and
physically alert and keep their body in fine shape for any battles that may come up.
Their performance in the theatres of war has been heroic and daring. They are the
finest specimen of humanity who is prepared to given the supreme sacrifice of his life
for the lives of his fellow countrymen. He has to brave the  tyrannies of nature and in
thunder, lightning or rain, extreme hot or cold, in deserts, mountain or seas, day and
night fight continuously for the know of his nation. He has to sacrifice his family life, be
away from his children, only to the save the life of other children.
These days soldiers are involved in many other types of activities. They help civilians in
fighting terrorism, communal violence, fury of floods, building of bridges, crop cutting,
locus fighting, road building etc. the soldiers are truly secular in character and serves
people of all castes, creeds, religions. We should always salute our soldiers.

The life of a soldiers is based on selflessness and sacrifice. They are great benefactor
of the country and their people. We enjoy at our place doing our chorus and the soldier
guards us from an aggression from outside forces. The country goes on her
developmental programme only when there is peace, and peace is brought by the
sincere efforts of a soldier who guards our borders.

When the war breaks out, everybody is called up to do his duty to the nation; as Nelson
said about his country, “ England expects every Englishman to do his duty.” This is true
of all the countries. It was Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri who coined the slogan, “ Jai Jawan,
Jai Kisan” during the war with Pakistan in 1965.

Shastri Ji rightly respected the contribution of the armed forces by giving the slogan to
the nation. Farmer produces our foodstuff and the soldier protects us from both external
and internal strifes.

A soldier is the real friend of the nation. Everyone of us should have proper respect for
him as it is he who writes the  destiny of the country with his blood. How can we forget
the great sacrifices of the solders in the Kargil conflict with Pakistan. How they got every
inch of Indian land back to Indian is all a story of great adventure and heroism.  

A soldier is the watchdog of the nation and is ready to perform any duty with which he
may be entrusted, even at the cost of his life. his life is  very hard and he obeys any
order that may be given to him. Lord Tennyson has summed the life of a soldier in his
most memo0rable and immortal poem. “ The Charge of the Light Bridge”.

In addition ,soldiers are one of the greatest assets of any country. They are the guardians of the
nation and protect its citizens at all costs. Moreover, they are a very selfless lot who put the
interest of the country above their personal interest. A soldier’s job is one of the toughest things
to do in the world. They are supposed to fulfill challenging duties and possess exceptional
qualities to become a great soldier. However, their lives are very tough. Nonetheless, they
always fulfill their duties despite the hardships
A country sleeps peacefully as the soldier performs its duties. The first and foremost duty of a
soldier is to serve their country without any selfish motive. A person usually joins the army out of
love for his motherland and to protect it. Even though they know they will have to face numerous
problems, they still do so for their country.

Furthermore, a soldier safeguard’s the honor of his country. They do not step back in the face of
adversaries instead they give there best. It does not matter if they have to give their life for the
country, they are willing to do so happily. Besides, soldiers also have to be alert at all times. He is
never off duty, whether he is sleeping or on the battlefield, he stays vigilant throughout.
Most importantly, a soldier’s duty is to maintain the peace and harmony of the country. He takes
on the responsibility of ensuring a safe environment for all. In addition to guarding the border,
they are also always there in case of emergencies. They learn how to handle every situation
carefully whether it is a terrorist attack or natural calamity. In other words, the local authorities
need them to bring the situation under control.

Furthermore, armies are the people who protects our country from enemies. They are
courageous enough to fight and face all kinds of dangers and difficulties. A soldier is a
fighter. They love their country and are ever ready to sacrifice their life when needed.

Soldiers are mostly seen dressed in their uniforms, with a helmet and a gun in hand.
Soldiers are healthy, strong and active people.

A soldier may either belong to the army, navy or air force. He has to undergo a tough
training programme to become a soldier.

Soldiers are well trained for any situation they might have to face while protecting the
country. The sole purpose of a soldier is to protect our county from internal and external
enemies and fight for the nation.

The tough training of soldiers makes them even stronger. During the training, they begin
their day early in the morning with exercises for long hours.

They are well trained to use different kinds of weapons that are used during the war
such as guns, missiles, tanks, bombs, etc. They are also trained to fly aircraft, climb
mountains and swim in the high seas. They are taught to survive in the toughest
conditions. A soldier has to be on duty for long hours. He has to live in tents and camps
in extreme weather conditions. He lives away from his family and hardly gets to meet
them once or twice a year.

Most of the time a soldier lives on the borders of our country. It may be jungles,
mountains, near rivers or on the seas.

Sometimes, he has to survive without proper food for days. He is always on duty and

keeps an eye on the enemies.

In times of war, he has to be on duty without break. There are high chances that he
might end up injuring himself badly. Sometimes, a soldier might get bullet injuries, lose
his limbs, or even die.

Nevertheless, he is always a brave man and fights for his country and its people. He is
ready to sacrifice his life for the safety of his motherland.
We lead a protected life without any threat because of the hard work the soldiers put in.
We should always be thankful to our soldiers for protecting our lives. We should respect
them and feel proud of them. A true soldier joins army not just to earn his livelihood but
for the love for his motherland. We must salute their fighting spirit.

A soldier refers to a person who works or serves in the army. His role is to fight for a
nation or a region. A soldier is a person who fights to protect. He is looked upon with a
lot of respecting for putting his/her life in danger to protect the national territories. A
soldier can also be defined as a person who works so hard and diligently toward
the realization of a given cause of action. A soldier possesses many character traits
that give him an edge over others. A soldier portrays high levels of loyalty, integrity,
respect, courage as well as selflessness

The Philippine Army values soldiers that are accountable for their actions. Being
accountable means being dependable; arriving to work and appointments on time,
meeting deadlines, being in the right place at the right time and doing the right thing at the
right time. Morning formation is the most important formation of the day. It is made to get
accountability of everyone and to put out any information that needs to be addressed.
Without having accountability there is no way of knowing where soldiers are or what’s
going on. Not only does accountability matter in formation, but it is also imperative to have
accountability if all of your weapons and sensitive items. What is accountability?
Accountability is the obligation imposed by law or lawful.
It does not look well on them if they can not complete this task. This actually shows that
the soldier can't be depended on when they are needed. This also hurts them when they
are being looked at for promotions or any favorable actions. As a soldier you want to
always make a great impression on your leaders, and not being able to make it on time is
not acceptable to them. It would make things run a lot smoother if everyone was on time
all of the time. If no one was at the right place at the right time, it would set what ever
mission you have back. It also makes a negative impact on your leadership. However, I
also feel that as leaders, they should also realize that things may happen with the
soldiers. Whether its being late to formation, missing an appointment due to some
circumstance, as long as the soldier doesn't make it a habbit then forgiveness should be
granted on that instance. Also you want to use this duty in your personal life. It shows
people that you’re very dependable. This is not only a quality we use as soldiers, but as
civilians as well. Being late is not only unacceptable in the army, but it is unacceptable
anywhere. This should be the easiest task of being a soldier. The army has several ways
to correct this issue if it is a continuous problem.

As of today ,where the pandemic is on its peak our armies are highly needed to protect ,guide
and discipline their fellow citizens. That is their duty and responsibility to serve the
countrymen. Their braveness in their chosen profession make us feel secured and safe during
disasters, calamities and other phenomenon. They are our heroes to save our motherland.

Being a soldier is not easy, in fact, it is one of the most challenging things to do. Their lives are
full of hardships and challenges which no ordinary person can survive. Firstly, they spend a great
deal of time away from their loved ones. It disturbs them emotionally and they do not even get
any holidays. Even in festivals, they are busy safeguarding the nation.

Similarly, soldiers have to undergo rigorous training to become fit to fight battles. It becomes
exhausting and physically challenging, but they still go on. To make it worse, they do not even
get an adequate amount of supply to lead a normal life. Sometimes, the food rationing is low,
the other times they get posted in remote areas without any signal.

Subsequently, they also have to make do in the harshest of weather conditions. It does not
matter if it is scorching hot or chilling cold, they have to be out on the battlefield. Similarly, they
do not even get enough bulletproof equipment which will keep them safe. Thus, we see what a
challenging life our soldiers lead to protect their country.

As I end this, I just want to realize of some ,that the armies our modern heroes. They save,
protect lives. How will be our motherland if they not exist?

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