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D.M. Consunji, Inc. v.

CA (2001)
G.R. No. 1387873
April 20, 2001
 Petitioner: D.M. Consunji, Inc.
o Counsels: Castillo, Laman, Tan, Pantaleon and San Jose Law Offices
 Respondent: Court of Appeals and Maria J. Juego
o Counsel: Manuel Y. Fausto
 May 9, 1991: Maria Juego (Jose's widow) filed a complaint for damages against the
deceased's employer D.M. Consunji, Inc. (RTC Pasig)
o RTC: rendered decision in favor of the widow, ordering defendant to pay the plaintiff
compensatory damages, loss of earnings, moral damages, attornye's fees and costs of
 Court of Appeals: AFFIRMED decision of RTC

 Whether or not the widow is barred from availing death benefits under the Civil Code having
availed damages under the Labor Code
 Argues that the private respondent had previously availbed of the death benefts under the
Labor Code and is therefore precluded from claiming form the deceased employer damages
under the Civil Code.
o Article 173 of the Labor Code: "Extent of liability"
 When the employer avails of the State Insurance fund it shall be inclusive
and in place of all other liabilities of the employer to the employee, he/she or their
dependents or anyone otherwise entitled to receive damages on behalf of the
o Section 5 of the Workmen's Compensation Act: "Exclusive right to compensation"
 Held
o Although SC ruled that recovery of damages under the Worker’s Compensation Act
is a bar to recover under a civil action, the CA ruled that in this case, the widow had a
right to file an ordinary action for civil actions because she was not aware and ignorant
of her rights and courses of action.
o She was not aware of her rights and remedies. Thus, her election to claim from the
Insurance Fund does not waive her claim from the petitioner company.
o The argument that ignorance of the law excuses no one is not applicable in this case
because it is only applicable to mandatory and prohibitory laws.

- REMANDED to the RTC for determination of award.
- REMANDED to the RTC (Pasig) to determine whether the award decreed in its decision is
more than that of the ECC.
- Should the reward be greater than the awarded by the ECC, payments already made to the
private respondent pursuant to the labour code shall be deducted therefrom.
- In all other respects, the decision of the CA is AFFIRMED.

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